October 15, 2023
Early Newfoundland will probate details. 1600-1800. Includes some notable Newfoundland surnames such as Adams, Knight, Porter, Osmond, Marshall, Bishop
October 2, 2023
Additional notes for partial extract of the April, 1725, Examination of James Stammers
September 27, 2023
Old Roman Catholic Cemetery , Shoal Brook, Bonne Bay
May 17, 2023
Will of John Pelley of Christchurch, Southampton; Fogo Planter, October 17, 1737
Admon of Thomas Bishop, intestate, of Fogo, Newfoundland. March 9, 1753
April 18, 2023
1760’s Transition of a Jersey Fishery from Newfoundland to Jersey Island, Arichat, Isle Madam; and Paspébiac, Chaleur Bay
March 2, 2023
Master Edward Payne, born Gloucestershire. Servant to John Barker founder of Bristol's Hope
February 13, 2023
Collection of Newfoundland Obituaries 1979 to 1998, contributed by John Crane. Listed by surname, not in order of date
January 2, 2023
HCA 1/55 1721-1725. Examinations of pirates and other criminals. Folios 135v-136r.
Partial extract of April 1725 Examination of Mariner James Stammers, aged 19 - Carbonear district