NL GenWeb

Notre Dame Bay Region ~ Fogo / Twillingate District

New World Island Area

Herring Neck

Old St. Mary's / Salvation Army

Old St. Mary's Church

Click on link in entry to view headstone photographs A very overgrown and boggy cemetery, with many headstones in pieces on the ground. Luckily, those of my great-great and great-great-great grandparents are still mostly legible. In Loving Memory of John Reddick born at Dorchester, England who fell asleep November 7, 1910 aged 90 years and 10 months. In Loving Memory of Miriam Kearley, beloved wife of the late Joseph Kearley, died March 26th 1837 aged 92 years. In Loving Memory of Joseph Kearley who died March 23rd, 1905, aged 67 (?) years. In Memory of William Sealey died May 28, 1922 aged 36 (86?) years. In Loving Memory of Janet Louise, daughter of the late James and Jane Reddick died July 13, 1903 aged 22 years. Olive Florence Mitchell 1909-1967. Erected by Alfred Hussey in loving memory of his beloved wife Lilian Jane who died October 11, 1917 aged 34 years. Sacred to the Memory of Samuel Rice who was drowned at Cape Mugford Labrador August 28, 1878 aged 22 years. Jane Reddick who departed this life May 7th 1884 aged 28 years. Second daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Blandford. In Memory of Elizabeth Jane Woodfod [balance illegible]. In Loving Memory of John Woodford died May 12th 1930 aged 67 years. In Memory of Solomon, son of Henry and Sarah Collins died December 23rd ??. In Loving Memory of Thomas, beloved husband of Rachel batt, died March 20, 1904. In Loving Memory of Mother, Jane Philpott, who died March 20, 193? in her 90th year. In Memory of our dear mother Emma, beloved wife of John Philpott, who died Octoebr 27, 1914 aged 84 years. Sacred to the Memory of Mary Ann Warren who died May 1906 aged 64 years. In Loving Memory of John, beloved husband of Emma Philpott, who diedMarch 9th 1914, aged 82 years. Sacred to the Memory of Alfred Philpott beloved husband of Jane Philpott who died April 27, 1881. Sacred to the Memory of Miriam Philpott, who died 28 March 1880 aged 11 years; also Flora Victoria Philpott died 12 April 1880 aged 3 years, children of Alfred and Jane Philpott. In Memory of Charles Philpott who died March 10, 1871 aged 60 years. In Loving Memory of Emma, beloved wife of George Florence, who departed this life September 3rd 1893 aged 64 years. In Memory of Fanny, the beloved wife of Richard Philpott who died June 2nd 1872 aged 62 years. In Memory of Richard Philpott who died November 30, 1884 aged 76 years. In Memory of Solomon Warren drowned August 26th 1878 aged 19 years. In Memory of Charlotte died January 9, 1862 aged 6 years and 5 mos. [name illegible but with Philpott graves]. In Memory of Charlotte, daughter of James and Sarah Bath April 9th 1843 aged 2 years; also William [balance illegible]

Salvation Army

This is the most overgrown of all of the cemeteries I have been too on New World Island. That makes it very overgrown! It is located on Route 340-37 in Herring Neck, near Merritt's Harbour. In Loving Memory of Peter Miles, beloved husband of Janet, died February 27, 1978, aged 89 years. In Loving Memory of Janet Miles, beloved wife of Peter, died July 4, 1981 aged 93 years.
In Loving Memory of Howard, darling child of Peter and Janet H. Miles,
who fell asleep in Jesus December 31st 1923, aged 3 1/2 years Warren - In Memory of Carrie Jane 1908-1985. In Loving Memory of Minnie Oxford, who died April 22nd, 1943 aged 73 years; also her beloved husband Thomas Oxford who died November 28th 1947 aged 81 years. In Memory of Millicent Winnie, daughter of Thomas and Minnie Oxford, who fell asleep June 8, 1919 aged 14 years. In Loving Memory of Isabella, beloved wife of Henry Ocfod, died July 4th 1974 aged 85 years. In Loving Memory of Arthur Warren, died July 1945 age 55 years. In Loving Memory of Lucy, beloved wife of Albert Warren died November 29, 1941 in her 74th year. In Loving Memory of Albert Warren died April 20th 1944 aged 80 years. In Loving Memory of Dorothy Warren [Arthur's wife from placement and design of stones] died August 1970 age 68 years. In Loving Memory of William, beloved husband of Emma Simmons, died march 14, 1913 aged 75 years; also his beloved son [balance buried underground]. In Loving Memory of Lavinia Reddick, beloved wife of the late Samuel Reddick, died February 21, 1968 aged 93 years. In Memory Mrs. Winnifred Jones age 76 died August 4th, 1971. Sacred to the Memory of William Kearley died November 14th, 1917 aged 44 years. Erected by his wife Dinah. In Loving Memory of Margaret Warren, died August 20 1934 aged 30 years.

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Fogo / Twillingate District