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Newspaper Records

Notre Dame Bay Region

Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser

Place of publication: Twillingate
Dates of publication: June 24, 1880-Jan. 31, 1953.
Suspended publication: Jan. 16-Feb. 15, 1947.
Frequency: Weekly.
Title varies: Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser, June 24, 1880-Aug. 10. 1912.
Twillingate Sun, Oct. 19, 1912-Jan. 31, 1953.
Editor and proprietor:
Jabez P. Thompson, June 24, 1880-1895.
George Roberts, 1895 (56)-1910.
William B. Temple, 1910-1921.
Stewart Roberts, 1921-Jan. 9, 1947.
Ernest G. Clarke, Feb. 22, 1947-Jan. 31, 1953.
MUN 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889, 1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Microfilm
PANL [1928-1930, 1934-1935, 1938,1953] Microfilm
PRL 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889,1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Original and microfilm.
Description: The Twillingate Sun printed local and foreign news, legislative proceedings, serial fiction and advertisements. It claimed to be politically independent in 1886, but supported the Whiteway and the Liberals, especially in the fall election of 1894. In 1929, it supported Squires and in 1948 was neutral on Confederation. The Sun ceased publication due to financial reasons in 1953.

The records were transcribed by GEORGE WHITE, RON ST. CROIX, and WANDA BOONE. While we have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there may be typographical errors. If you should find any errors or have other records to contribute, please contact the Twillingate Sun transcription project co-ordinator GEORGE WHITE

July 7, 1883 Woman Burned One of the most appalling calamities that can befall a member of the human race occurred at Durrell's Arm, on Friday night last, when by the bursting of a kerosene lamp, Mrs. George JENKINS was horribly burned from her waist to the crown of her head. The painful circumstance seems to be somewhat as follows: Mr. George JENKINS and his father were engaged until a late hour of night, making a trawl. This completed, the two men with Mrs JENKINS, wife of the son, lay on the floor to take a few hours rest before morning dawned; and being quite fatigued they were in a short time, soundly sleeping. Unfortunately, they left a large lamp lighted on the table in close proximity to which lay Mrs. JENKINS. It is conjectured, that, the wind coming through a broken pane of glass, in the window near the table caused the lamp to explode, and its dreadful contents covered the breast of the poor woman sleeping underneath. When aroused from their sleep the body of Mrs. JENKINS was enveloped in a flame and before the father and the husband had scarcely time to attempt to suppress it, Mrs. JENKINS, quite panic stricken and finding herself suffocating with the oil and fire, ran for the door which incident increased the woman's already intense suffering, for in the excitement that prevailed and in their efforts to stop her, Mrs. JENKINS stumbled, causing a contusion to her left elbow; and it was not until they reached the house of a sister in law, some thrity yards distant, that the flames were suppressed. By this time the clothing which covered the poor woman's body was burned to a cinder and her breast, mouth, face, back and arms were actually baked. Dr. STAFFORD was promptly in attendance and dressed the wounds of the unfortunate woman; since which time she has been doing very well and the doctor now enterains every hope of her recovery.
July 7, 1883 Mary SHARRIN By the arrival of a craft from Leading Tickles we have received information of an accident, which occurred at South West Arm, New Bay, on Saturday last, whereby Widow Mary SHARRIN lost her life. From what we have ascertained it appears, that Mrs. SHARRIN, who was residing in the house of her son, came in during the afternoon of the above day and hastily untying her bonnet string, was heard to say it was very warm. This incident however, occasioned no apprehension for her safety on the part of her daughter in law, who was in the house at the time. Mrs. SHARRIN then went out again and not long after, two children passing the wharf near by, saw her body floating in the water. They immediately made the fact known to some of the women of the neighborhood - the fishermen were absent at the time - who immediately flocked in the direction of the wharf where the body was, but which by this time was beyond their reach, and having to go some distance for a boat, some time elapsed before it was recovered. When taken out of the water life was extinct, but the body was still floating. While nothing certain is known of the exact circumstances that sealed the poor woman's fate, it is surmised that whilst she was proceeding down the wharf she fainted and fell over into the water and was drowned. The body bore no marks of a blow received in falling, and the water around the wharf was shallow at the time, so it is not unlikely that in this way the unfortunate woman lost her life. Her remains were conveyed to Leading Tickles for internment on Monday last. She was aged 78 years.
July 7, 1883 Deaths On Sunday last of erysipelas, Mr. John BRETT, aged 46 yrs.
July 7, 1883 Deaths At St. John's on June 20th, in his eightieth yr, Robert John PARSONS, editor of the Patriot, and for upwards of forty years a representitive of the people in the House of Assembly and at one time Speaker of that body.

July 14, 1883 Death Last issue it was our painful duty to report a sad accident which occurred at Durrell's Arm, whereby Mrs Geo. JENKINS, was terribly burned by the explosion of a kerosene lamp. Yesterday death terminated the intense sufferings of the unfortunate woman.
July 14, 1883 Death There died on yesterday evening at the poor asylum of this city, a woman named Johanna HANLON, who had reached the extraordinary age of 105 years, exactly as long and a half as the scriptural term alloted in the life of man. The deceased was a native of Bay-de-Verde. Up to a few hours before her death she had all her faculties about her, her appetite was good, her limbs strong, her memory quick, her eyesight unimpaired and she was free from ache or pain. Her memory is said to have been a history of the last century. She has a son an inmate of the Poor Asylum aged 78 yrs.

July 20, 1883 Deaths At Lobster Harbor, Twillingate South Island, on the 15th, Thomas, son of Mr. Ambrose SMITH, aged 16 yrs.
July 20, 1883 Deaths At Kettle Cove on the 13th Mr. Robert HOPKINS, aged 55 yrs.

July 27, 1883 Fire We are sorry to learn that the dwelling house of J. B. BLANDFORD, Esq., Magistrate, at Little Bay, was entirely destroyed by fire on the night of Wednesday, 18th. A friend has kindly handed us the following particulars: As far as can be ascertained, the fire was first noticed by Constable NOWLAN, when upon a forcible entrance being made, the flames were discovered issuing from the upper landing. All efforts were used to extinguish the fire but without avail, and in a short time it had gained such complete mastery, that the greatest difficulty was experienced in trying to save a few articles of furniture from the lower room of the building. No cause as yet can be given for its origin.
July 27, 1883 Married At Fortune Harbor by the Rev. Father FLYNN, Mr. Wm GILLISPIE to Miss Mary POWER both of Fortune Harbor.
July 27, 1883 Notice All persons having any claim upon the estate of deceased Mrs PLOMER are hereby requested to present same, duly attested, to undersigned for discharge thereof. And any one indebted to the said estate will please forthwith to account with Martin STONE, sole executor to the estate of deceased Louise PLOMER, Fogo, July 9, 1883.

August 3 1883 Birth On July 16th, at the Methodist Parsonage, Western Bay, the wife of Rev. T.W. ATKINSON of a daughter.
August 3 1883 Death July 30th, of diphtheria, Stanly Herbert, aged 3 years; and on August 1st, Lucy Jane, aged 5 years, children of Widow MARTIN, Durrell’s Arm.
August 3 1883 Death On July 28th, Laura, infant daughter of Sergt. N. PATTEN, aged 2 ½ months.
August 3 1883 Death At St. John’s on 21st ult., Ellen, daughter of Mr. John CANTWELL, Tizzard’s Harbor, Green Bay, and beloved wife (of) Mr. Thomas DALTON, aged 28 years.
August 3 1883 Shipping News Port of Twillingate. Entered: July 30 – “J. Savard,” MENARD, Montreal, provisions, E. Duder. July 31 – “Annie Stuart,” H. GALT, St. John’s, salt, W. Waterman & Co. August 2 – “Doris,” WELLS, Bristol, coal and brick, 27 days, Owen & Earle. Cleared: July 21 – “Minnie,” ROW, Lisbon, fish, E. Duder. August 2 – “Belted Will,” GODFREY, Naples, fish, Owen & Earle. Up to date two vessels laden with dry codfish have left this port for foreign markets. The “Minnie,” from the firm of E. Duder, Esq., cleared for Lisbon on the 21st ult., and the “Belted Will,” from Messrs. Owen & Earle, for Naples on the 2nd inst. The HMS “Foam” one of the vessels engaged in the protection of the fisheries, came into port yesterday. She left again this morning.
August 3 1883
"Vessels Entered at the Twillingate Customs House to Clear for the Labrador and French Shore Fishery for the Summer of 1883.
August 3 1883 Diphtheria There is at present in this community, some cases of diphtheria, two of which have proved fatal. The victims were the children of Widow MARTIN of Durrell’s Arm, who has a third suffering from the same malady, but who, we are glad to say, is at present showing signs of improvement. We think it would be prudent for our people to take all possible precautions to prevent the spread of this disease. There are parts of this town contiguous to dwelling houses, which are in anything but a good sanitary condition, and as it is evident that thorough cleanliness is a powerful means for the warding off of disease, people should therefore have their yards and premises kept in a wholesome condition.
August 3 1883 Arrivals From the North The schr. “Alpine,” YATES – Master, belonging to New Bay Head, arrived here from French Shore on Monday last, (second trip) with 250 qtls. of fish. The Schr. “Susannah,” KENDALLl – Master, arrived here from same place on Tuesday last, with 300 qtls. We also learn of the arrival at Tizzard’s Harbor, during the week, of the schr. “Pretorous,” from Cape Norman with a full cargo.
August 3 1883 Passengers The Plover made her appearance on Thursday morning bringing hither mails and passengers. She proceeds to Battle Harbor and may be looked for here on Tuesday evening. Annexed is a list of passengers: - Old Perlican – Mr. CHRISTIAN and Son; Mrs. PINCOCK. Trinity - Rev. Mr. FREEMAN; Mrs. FREEMAN; Mr. A. WATKINS; Mr. BREMMER. King’s Cove – Mr. FENELON. Bonavista – Rev. Mr. BRAYLEY; Mrs. BRAYLEY; Rev. Mr. CAROLAN; Mr. NOEL; Mrs. PRATT. Catalina – Mrs. DUDER, Miss PITTS. Greenspond – Messrs. DEAN, COFFIN, DAVISON. Fogo – Mr. E. DUDER and Son; Miss EARLE; Mrs. and Miss FURNEAU; Miss and Master ROUSE; Mr. GIBB; Mr. BLAIN; Mr. GOWEN; Miss CARTER. Twillingate – Rev. J. HEWITT; J.W. OWEN; Mr. STONEMAN; Mrs. STONEMAN. Little Bay – Mrs. THOMPSON; Mrs. TILLY; Miss HARRIS. Salmon River – Rev. D. BEATON. St. Anthony – Mr. CURTIS. Battle Harbor – Rev. W. PILOT.
August 3 1883 Newfoundlanders Abroad We are pleased to notice that Miss M. TOBIN, daughter of J.B. TOBIN, Esq., of this town, who is attending Mount St. Vincent Academy, Halifax, was awarded a Gold Medal at the recent examination with that Institution. The following paragraph of the report was published in the Halifax “Chronicle” of the 9th ult.: - “Gold Medal of Kennedy Burns, M.P. Bathurst, N.B. awarded to the best student – Miss M. TOBIN, Newfoundland.”
August 3 1883 Personals J.W. OWEN, Esq., of the firm of Messrs. Owen & Earle, arrived here by last steamer. Mr. OWEN has been on a trip to the Old Country.
August 3 1883 Squid Squid is now plentiful in this neighborhood and our fishermen had a good spurt of fishing yesterday.

August 10 1883 Birth At the Cottage, Tilt Cove, on the 1st inst., the wife of Mr. L.N. GILL of a son.
August 10 1883 Marriage On Sunday, August 5th, at the Church of St. Nicholas, Leading Tickles, by the Rev. George CRANE, Mr. Nathaniel NOSEWORTHY of Leading Tickles, to Mrs. Phoebe RUSSELL of Twillingate.
August 10 1883 Marriage At Little Bay Mine, on the 28 ult., by the Rev. J. LISTER, Mr. George OXFORD to Mrs. Jane JAMES, both of Little Bay Island.
August 10 1883 Shipping News. Port of Twillingate Entered – Aug 8; “Rosa Meek,” PECK, St. John’s ballast, E. Duder. Cleared – Aug 4; “Little Willie,” ROSKRUGE, Leghorn, Fish, E. Duder. “Constance,” PEARCE, Lisbon, fish, W. Waterman & Co. “J. Savard,” MENARD, Glace Bay, ballast, Owen & Earle. “Devon,” WHITE, Lisbon, fish, W.W. Waterman & Co. “Laura Emma,” PHELPS, Lisbon, fish, E. Duder.
August 10 1883 Shipping News. Port of Bett’s Cove Entered - July 30; “S.S. Benevolent,” THOMPSON, 790 tons register, 10 days from Liverpool ballast. July 31; “S.S. Alphonso,” THOMAS 855 tons, 10 days from Cardiff, cargo of general merchandise. Cleared – July 28; “Topaz,” GIBBS, 196 tons register, for Liverpool with 320 tons of copper regulus. Aug 4; “Heroine,” WILKINS, Lisbon with 2000 qtls. dry merchantable codfish. Aug 6; “S.S. Benevolent,” THOMPSON, for Liverpool with 1440 tons of copper ore.
August 10 1883 Labrador Fishery Report The coastal steamer “Plover,” Capt. BLANDFORD, arrived here on Wednesday night last, bringing news from the Labrador coast. Not having secured a copy of the official report, we cannot lay before our readers as full an account of the fishery on that coast as we would wish. From what we have been able to gather, the fishery along the Labrador coast from Nain to Cape Harrison, has been on the whole, fair. A large number of craft are reported well fished. At some harbors, traps and hook-and-line men have done well, but others have not been so fortunate as one could wish. Seines have been unsuccessful. Above Cape Harrison the fishery is very poor. We here give a report we have received of a few harbors: - Nain, July 29 – fish and caplin but no schooners. July 30th – Cape Harrigan, Hopedale and Winsor Harbor, fish and caplin. Upper Turnavik – boats 130 to 140 qtls.; traps 400 to 450 qtls. Inner Turnavick – boats 100 to 120 qtls.; traps 400 to 500 qtls. Ailick – boats 80 to 100 qtls.; traps 900 qtls. Mannock’s Island – boats 90 to 100 qtls.; traps 100 qtls. Long Tickle – boats 50 to 80 qtls.; traps nil.
August 10 1883 Local Fishery News The fishery around this neighborhood the past week has been fair. The bait being used is squid. Dry Codfish – Since last issue, there have cleared from the Twillingate Custom House, four cargoes of dry codfish for foreign markets. The Weather – For some time past the weather has been exceptionally pleasant. On Thursday, however, we were visited with a thunderstorm accompanied with heavy rain. The schr. “Star of the West,” Thomas WELLS, Master, arrived at Back Harbor on Saturday lst, with 350 qtls. The Star of the West secured her fish at the Straits.
August 10 1883 Personals The Rev. W. PILOT, B.D., Inspector of Church of England Day Schools, is at present in town, the guest of Rev. R. TEMPLE, R.D. Mr. PILOT will preach morning and evening at St. Peter’s on Sunday next, and Mr. TEMPLE will preach at St. Andrew’s in the morning and assist at St. Peter’s in the evening. The Rev. J. EMBREE, Chairman, Bonavista District, proceeded North by last “Plover” for the object of engaging, for a short time, in Mission work on the Labrador Coast. The Right Rev. Dr. MacDONALD, Bishop of Harbor Grace, was a passenger on board the “Plover,” bound South. His Lordship is returning home after completing his first Pastoral visit to the Northern portion of his Diocese. The Rev. Mr. JENNINGS and Mrs. JENNINGS, who had been spending a time with their friends at Moreton’s Harbor, left here by last “Plover” for their home a Lower Island Cove.
August 10 1883 Drowning at Harbor Grace A poor lad (writes a New Harbor correspondent to the Harbor Grace Standard) by name HIGDON, was drowned a fortnight ago early in the morning, off the stage head. He is supposed to have been looking after a trout net his father made for him the previous night.
August 10 1883 House Fire From the Evening Mercury of the 18th ult., we learn that a fire broke out at Old Perlican in a house owned and occupied by James BARNES; and sad to relate, one of his children, a little boy three years old, was burnt to death. At the time the fire occurred, the father of the child was on the fishing grounds, and the mother out working about a fish flake. Three children, a girl and two little boys, being left in the house by themselves. It is supposed that one of the children got hold of some matches and set fire to something in the room, which frightened the child so much that he crawled under the bed, where he was suffocated. The other children rushed out and gave the alarm, when the neighbors gathered around, and by strenuous efforts extinguished the flames, saving the house from being utterly destroyed.
August 10 1883 Lumber Business Mr. HALL, one of the largest lumber manufacturers in the world, and one of Canada’s leading merchants, arrived here on Thursday by the S.S. “Polino.” He brought a party of explorers with him who departed in the Polino, for the purpose of being landed in the Bay of Islands where, should the explorers reports prove favorable, he proposes to establish a large lumber manufacturing business. The initiation of the scheme depends upon the terms upon which the Government will be able to make grants of land; and it is to be hoped that nothing will be left undone to assist in the establishment of an enterprise so well calculated to develop a portion of this country. Mr. HALL has also an idea of exploring the Exploits River. He has been looking at our Dry Dock, and says that in all his vast experience he has never seen finer timber used in such work – an opinion of great value because of his knowledge of the subject. – Mercury.

August 17 1883 Advertisement Business Card. Thaddeus SCOTT, M.D. (Harvard University, 1860, U.S.) Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New Brunswick. Twillingate, Notre Dame Bay. When not called away, can be found at Surgery, after Office Hours on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Office Hours from 9 to 11 a.m. daily, Sunday’s excepted. Note: - Office hours will be strictly observed. A Ledger will be opened for yearly patients.
August 17 1883 Death At Durrell’s Arm, on Saturday last of Diphtheria, Willis, eldest son of Widow MARTIN, aged 14 years.
August 17 1883 Death At Musgrave Terrace, St. John’s, on the 7th inst., Lillian Isabel, twin daughter of Smith McKAY, Esq., aged 7 months.
August 17 1883 Ship News Port of Twillingate. Entered. August 12 – “Grace,” BALL, Ipswich, brick, E. Duder. August 13 – “Elizabeth McLea,” LAMZED, Bristol, general cargo, Owen & Earle.
August 17 1883 Advertisement Wanted. 70 good lumber and mill men. Highest wages will be paid to experienced workmen. Apply to J.W. PHILLIPS, Point Limington Saw Mills, New Bay.
August 17 1883 Advertisement Church, School and other books for sale at E.B. COLBOURNE’s, next to the Post Office. Edwin B. COLBOURNE begs to announce that he is preparing to add to his other stock, a supply of Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, and various others, also a stock of School necessaries, at the lowest prices. One consignment is already received and open.
August 17 1883 Marriage At Holy Trinity Church, Milton, near Gravesend, Kent, England, by the Rev. Canon J. SCARTH, the Rev. Charles W. HOLLANDS, Missionary at Bonne Bay, eldest son of Mr. W.H.J. HOLLANDS, of Gravesend, to Emily Hannah, youngest daughter of Mr. J. BURLES, of Gravesend.
August 17 1883 Marriage On the 26th ult., at the residence of Mr. Robert L. CHANCEY, St. John’s, by the Rev. W. W. PERCIVAL, Mr. Allan HUDSON, of Grand Bank to Miss Sarah DAVIS, of that city.
August 17 1883 Marriage At St. Thomas’s Church, LaPoile, on the 21st ult., by the Rev. John CUNNINGHAM, Incumbent of Burgeo, the Rev. Edwin WEARY, S.P.G.M., Battle Harbor, Labrador, youngest son of the late Capt. Philip WEARY of Jersey to Elizabeth Agnes, youngest daughter of Francis A. REID, Esq., Sub-Collector of H.M. Customs at LaPoile, Nfld.
August 17 1883 Marriage On the 2nd inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, Military Road, St. John’s, by the Rev. W.W. PERCIVAL, J.P. THOMPSON, H.H.A., editor of this paper, to Sarah A., eldest daughter of W.T. SALTER, Esq., Chief Clerk of Light-house and Public Works Department, St. John’s.
August 17 1883 Marriage On the 6th inst., at Hopefield Villa, St. John’s the residence of the bride’s father, by the Rev. W.W. PERCIVALl, Mr. James Ashton SCOTT, to Ada Louisa, daughter of Mr. Charles HUTCHINGS.
August 17 1883 Probable Loss of A French Fishing Vessel Intelligence has been received (says the Telegram) per “Plover” from the French Shore, which can hardly help leading to the belief that another terrible marine disaster has recently occurred. It seems that a French fishing vessel, the name of which our correspondent has omitted, sailed from Croque on the 24th of June last, with a crew of twenty two men, bound to the Banks on a fishing expedition, and has not been heard of since. The ship’s papers and the Captain’s hat were picked up at Duggan’s Cove, about forty miles from Conche, and the general opinion there, seems to be that the vessel and all hands must have been lost somewhere in that neighborhood.
August 17 1883 Labrador Fishery The following vessels have arrived form the Northern fishery since last issue. “H.W.B.,” 200 qtls; “Rose of Sharon” 500 qtls; “Isabel” 700 qtls; “Guerella” 600 qtls
August 17 1883 Passengers The coastal steamer Plover, Capt. BLANDFORD, arrived here on Thursday morning last, bringing thither mails and passengers. The Plover may be looked for here on Tuesday evening next, en route to St. John’s. Subjoined is a list of her passengers: - Bay de Verde – Mr. BURT, Mr. and Miss READER, Mr. R. NORMAN. Trinity – Miss PAYNE, Miss JOHNSON, Mrs. GABRIEL, Mrs. J. JOY, Miss CONNOR. Catalina – Mr. McCORMACK. Bonavista – Miss J. GENT. Greenspond – Mr. and Mrs. SYME, Mr. BARTLETT. Fogo – Rev. Father BROWN, Mrs. ROUSE, Master ROLLS, Master ALCOCK, Messrs. MORRIS and J. ROBERTSON. Twillingate – Rev. Mr. JOHNSON, Dr. STIRLING, Mr. and Mrs. THOMPSON, Mr. J.W. OWEN, Miss NURSE, Miss CARTER, Miss SALTOR, Miss STUCKLESS. Moreton’s Harbor – Mr. J. OSMOND. Leading Tickles – Miss HOPKINS. Little Bay Islands – Mr. CARROL. Little Bay – Rev. Mr. FITZPATRICK, Mr. McDONALD, Mrs. WALSH, Miss ALYWARD. Tilt Cove – Mr. WEBSTER. St. Anthony – Mr. LeMESURIEUR. Salmon River – Mr. TROTMAN.
August 17 1883 Accident On The Labrador By the arrival of the last Labrador mail, we learn that at Chimney Tickle, on the 7th July, a young man named George PIKE was seriously and fatally injured by the falling of a block from the masthead of the schooner “George McKean.” He died seven days after, and was buried at the above harbor. The unfortunate young man was a son of Mr. Edward PIKE of Mosquito. He was about 17 years of age. H.G. Standard.
August 17 1883 Drowning at Lance Au Loup The body of a man named James BOLGER (says the Newfoundlander), was brought out here from Lance-au-Loop by the “Plover” on her last trip. He had been out fishing in his boat. When endeavoring to haul in the grapple that was falling into the water, he tumbled over, and notwithstanding the efforts of a companion in the boat with him, the poor fellow was drowned. BOLGER belonged to this place and was a man of excellent character. He leaves a mother, wife and two children. His two brothers met their deaths by drowning.
August 17 1883 Greenland Seal Fishery The S.S. “Eagle,” Capt. A. JACKMAN, belonging to Messrs. Bowring Bros., returned from the Greenland Seal-fishery on the morning of the 9th inst., with 120 tons of oil and 3500 old hood sealskins. – Times, Aug. 11.
August 17 1883 Fire at Topsail On the night of the 20th ult., there occurred at Topsail a serious fire, by which a stable, with all its contents, including a horse belonging to George GEAR, Esq., worth &80, and some valuable harness &c, was entirely consumed. But, saddest of all, the accident was the cause of the sudden death of Mrs. SQUIRES (the owner of the stable) owing to the fright which she received. We are told in the account published by the Telegram that “the old lady on arising from her bed and gazing through the window upon the lurid scene before her, fell to the floor in an unconscious state, from which she never recovered. Indeed it is stated that death took place almost immediately.” – Standard.
August 17 1883
Click here to view "Vessels Entered at the Customs House Fogo, to clear for Labrador and French Shore Fisheries, Summer of 1883.

August 24 1883 Shipping News “Young Builder,” Capt. Andrew R….., arrived here from White Bay on Wednesday, where she has been trading for J. B. Tobin, Esq., J.P., for the past few weeks. The Young Builder brought back a cargo of fish, &c., and left for St. John’s on Friday morning.
August 24 1883 Marriage On the 21st. ult., at St. Jude’s Church, South Kensington, by the Rev. A. Lempriere FOULKES, M.A., and the Rev. Clement DAVIS, M.A., assisted by the Rev. C. McANNALLY, M.A.; James ALEXANDER, Esq., M.D., of Paignton, Devon and formerly of Tilt Cove, Nfld., to Mabel Blanche, only daughter of Charles PRIDHAM, Esq., F.R.C.S.E., of 62, Hogarth Road, E. Kensington, England.
August 24 1883 Advertisement Any persons having any claim upon the Estate of deceased Mrs. PLOMER are hereby requested to present the same duly attested, to the undersigned for discharge thereof. And any one indebted to the said estate will please forthwith to account with. Martin STONE Sole Executor of the Estate of deceased, Louise PLOMER. Fogo, July 9, 1883.
August 24 1883 Advertisement For Sale at Friday’s Bay – Gillard’s Room. For further particulars apply at the office of this paper.
August 24 1883 Report of Labrador Fishery (Part 1) The coastal steamer “Plover,” Capt. S. BLANDFORD, arrived here from Labrador on Wednesday evening last, en route for St. John’s, having proceeded as far as Battle Harbor, where she connects with the steamer “Hercules” that is engaged in the mail service on the Northern part of the coast. The reports from the various places, so far North as the Hercules had been, indicate that the catch in most places is fairly successful for such an early date. There are many settlements beyond where the Hercules goes that have not yet been heard from, and as a large number of floating craft resort to those extreme Northern parts of the Labrador, it is to be hoped that the next mail will bring us cheering intelligence of their operations. From the following report that has been kindly furnished us by a friend, it will be seen that the herring fishery in the Straits is commencing, and that the prospects for a good catch in some harbours, is encouraging. After the arrival of the next steamer, we may be able to give an opinion as to the probable result of the Labrador fishery, which it is to be hoped will be a remunerated one to all concerned:
August 24 1883 Report of Labrador Fishery (Part 2) Winsor Harbor – Traps, 500 to 600 qtls; boats, 110 to 150. East Turnavick – Traps 150 to 400; boats 110 to 170. West Turnavick – Traps 200 to 400; boats 100 to 140. Hack – 300; boats 80 to 120. Strawberry – Traps 300. Maanocks Island – Traps 300; boats 80 to 120. Long Tickle – Traps 300; boats 80 to 100. Rogers Hr. – Traps 300. Adinavic – Traps 300 to 400; boats104. ……..el Island – Traps 400 to 600; boats ..0 to 100. Tickle – Traps 200 to 400; boats 70 to 100. Cape Harrison – Traps 300 to 500; boats 60 to 70. Sloop Cove – boats 70 to 90. Slay Tickle – Traps 300 to 400. Halton – Traps 200 to 400; boats 70 to 80. Emily Hr. – Traps 200 to 800; boats 70 to 110. Brig Harbor – Traps 200 – 800; boats 70. White Bears – Traps 200 to 300; boats 80 to 100. Indian Hr. – Traps 200 to 300l; boats 70 to 100. Tub Island – Traps 100 to 150; boats 150 to 170. Packs Harbor – Traps 200 to 400; boats 150 to 160. Independent – Traps 200 to 400; boats 150 to 160. Long Island – Traps 300 to 600; boats 170 to 220. – Traps 200 to 500; boats 130 to 200. Indian Tickle Traps 200 to 300, boats 75 to 80. Domino – Traps 200 to 400; boats 80 to 100. Batreaux – Traps 200 to 400; boats 70 to 120. Punch Bowl – Traps 350; boats 100 to 120. Seal Island – boats 60 to 70. Bolsters Rock – boats 40 to 60.
August 24 1883 Report of Labrador Fishery (Part 3) Venison Island – Traps 100 to 200; boats 70 to 90. Tub Harbor – Traps 50 to 100; boats …. to 100. ……d Island – Traps 100 to 150; boats … to 60. Square Island – Traps 100 to 150; boats 20 to 30. S.ram.ny – Traps 100 to 300; boats 30 to 40. Ship Harbor – boats 20 to 25. Occasional Hr. – boats 20 to 25. F…ing Ship Hr. – Traps 100 to 150; boats 30 to 50. Francis Hr. Bight – 100 to 150; boats 20 to 30. Little Harbor – Traps 100 to 500; boats 20 to 40. Murray’s Hr. – Traps 100 to ….; boats 20 to 30. Battle Hr. – Traps 200 to 400; boats 30 to 50. Spear Hr. – Traps 100 to 300; boats 20 to 30. Salmon River – Seines 300 to 500; traps 500; boats 70. Blanc Sablon – Seines 300 to 600; boats 70 to 90; fish scarce; no herring. Forteau – Seines 500; traps 200; herring plenty. Red Bay – Traps 100; boats 25 to 30; herring plenty. Chatteau – Traps 150 to 200; boats 30 to 40; good sign of herring. Henley – Traps 150; boats 30 to 25; no herring. Chimney Tickle – Traps 100 to 250; herring scarce. Cape Charles – Traps 300 to 400; boats 40 to 50. Assizes Harbor – Traps 200 to 250; herring scarce.
August 24 1883 Death on Board the “Plover.” We regret to have to record the death of Capt. RORKE, son of the Hon. J. RORKE of Carbonear, which took place on board the steamer Plover on Wednesday morning last. Capt. RORKE was in command of a vessel on the Labrador. Feeling unwell for some time past, and as no medical assistance could be rendered where he was, he left the vessel and was returning home in the Plover when he died. We have previously pointed to the necessity of having medical assistance on the Labrador, during the summer season, and this unfortunate circumstance is another loud appeal for the appointment of a medical practitioner on that shore, about which we shall have more to say in another paper.
August 24 1883 Reading Room At Little Bay Our correspondent “Verdant,” in another column, informs us that a reading room has recently been established at Little Bay. This is certainly a step in the right direction, and one, which we believe will be appreciated by all who may be ambitious to improve intellectual culture. All praise is due to the promoters of this laudable undertaking at Little Bay, and we trust that their example, will be imitated by aspirants for knowledge in other places as well.
August 24 1883 Whales Visible The Keeper of Long Point Light-house, Mr. S. Roberts, informs us that for some time past a good many whales could be seen in various parts of the bay from that lofty summit. If intelligence to the effect that whales were so plentiful in our bay could have been speedily transmitted to the Metropolis, a steamer might have been fitted out with the hope of capturing some of those valuable sea monsters.
August 24 1883 Personals We omitted last week to note the return, per “Plover,” of Wm. STERLING, Esq., M.D., who has been on a tour to Canada and the United States for the past few months. We welcome him back and are pleased to see him looking so well after his trip.
August 24 1883 Discovery of a Human Skeleton We are indebted to a worthy Little Bay Island correspondent, under date of August 22nd, for the following interesting news item: - “At Ward’s Harbor, on Saturday, Aug 12th., a boy named Lemuel BURTON, incidentally discovered bones which seemed like those of a human being. Upon closer examination, he found the skeleton of a man in a perfect form, and upon lifting the skull a three quarter ball dropped out. The ball was flattened about one third by the concussion, and blood marks were visible upon the same. The skeleton was lying exposed near the beach in the harbor, not more than seven feet from high water mark, so that it is a great wonder it was not observed before, while it is impossible for it to have washed ashore. No man is known to have been missing among them, within the recollection of the present generation, and the only satisfactory conclusion at which we can arrive, is that it is that of an Indian who was shot in one of their frequent quarrels with white men, and left exposed to the place where the frightful tragedy occurred. Great mystery surrounds the whole thing however, and conjecture is in vain.”

August 31 1883 Birth On the 22nd inst., at the Rectory, Heart’s Content, the wife of the Rev. Charles Ernest SMITH, of a son.
August 31 1883 Marriage In St. Andrew’s Church, Fogo, on July 27th, by the Rev. C. MEEK, Mr. James COOMBS to Miss Olivia WATERMAN, both of Fogo.
August 31 1883 Marriage At the same place, by the same, on August 20th., Mr. George Alfred ELLIOTT, to Miss Alice OSMOND, both of Shoal Bay, near Fogo.
August 31 1883 Death At New Bay on the 13th Aug, Mr. Thos. RICHARDS aged 78 years.
August 31 1883 Death At Musgrave Terrace St. John’s, August 17th, Florence May, twin daughter of Smith McKAY, aged 17 months.
August 31 1883 Shipping News Port of Twillingate. Entered; Aug 23rd – “Sunbeam,” WOOLGER, ballast, E. Duder. Aug 24 – “Maud,” FOWLER, salt, W. Waterman & Co. Aug 31 – (“Dantulin.” ?), McKENZIE, cattle &c. Cleared; Aug 25th – “Doris,” WELLS, Lisbon, fish, Owen & Earle. Aug 25th – “Rosa Meek,” PECK, Lisbon, fish, E. Duder.
August 31 1883 Advertisement “Sign Of The Circular Saw.” J.H. Martin & Co., General Hardware Importers, Beg to inform their Outport friends that they will have a stock for the Fall Trade. 250 Iron Bedsteads – All sizes Patterns and Prices. 100 Fowling and Ducking Guns, Muskets, Powder, Shot, Caps, etc. Nails, Window Glass, Sashes, Paints, Oils, Putty. Locks, Latches, Bolts and everything suitable for House Building. Hatchets, Axes, and Tools of every description, Spades, Shovels, Pickaxes. Bakepots, Boilers, Kettles, Circular Saws and Files. Table and other Cutlery. Tar’d Paper and Roofing Pitch, and a general assortment of English and American Hardware. Outport People will do well to call and examine our well selected Stock. J.H. Martin & Co., 143 Water Street, St. John’s.
August 31 1883 Strange Occurrence (To the Editor of the Evening Mercury.) Dear Sir: - Permit me through the medium of your widely circulated and interesting paper, to draw attention to a strange circumstance which happened at Mutton Bay, Labrador, on the 9th of July. On the above date there were fifteen quintals of fish hauled in a seine and put in cod bags, which were then moored in nine fathoms of water, where they remained for four days. At the end of that time they were taken up, and strange to say, the fish were found to be frozen solid, so much so that it was almost impossible to split them. The weather at the time was remarkably fine, and I do not know how to account for such a remarkable circumstance. No one whom I have spoken to on the matter ever heard of anything like it happening before. Perhaps some of your many readers may throw a little light on the subject, and satisfy Yours truly, W.M., Mutton Bay, Labrador, July 9th, 1883.
August 31 1883 Driven to Sea on a Pan of Ice (Part 1) Twelve Days Battling with the Storm King. A friend has kindly favoured us with the following interesting extract taken from a letter received by him per S.S. “Plover” from the Labrador: - “On the twenty-fifth of April, two Eskimaux, named respectively Markus and Daniel, left their homes early in the morning as was their wont, when the ice was in and the weather fine, to hunt for seals. They started from the islands off Hopedale, accompanied by their dogs, and having a cometick and bayak with them. As the day advanced, a strong gale of wind sprung up, blowing the ice off the shore, and taking them with it far away on the cold, pitiless sea, out of sight of land and house, which they never expected to see again. For twelve weary nights, without rest or shelter, they drifted about on the broad face of the deep, being driven hither and thither, North and South, East and West, by the chilly gales. During the greater part of that time, the weather they encountered was terrible to endure. At times the frost was severe enough to freeze the marrow in their hones; at other times the hail and sleet would beat down on their unsheltered forms with merciless severity. It is utterly impossible to give the slightest idea of their sufferings.
August 31 1883 Driven to Sea on a Pan of Ice (Part 2) Often they felt as if they would like to lie down and die, but their time had not come, for the Great Spirit was hovering near and would not let them thus perish at the hands of the Storm King. The only food they had were seals of which they saw vast numbers, both harps and hoods, and were able to kill sufficient for themselves and dogs. One of them caught a snowy white fox alive, but speedily put an end to the poor animal’s existence. On the twelfth day the 7th of May, their hearts beat with joy as they espied Eyclick Cape, a point of land situated about forty miles from their homes. With some difficulty they reached it and managed to get ashore, when they were received with great rejoicing by the people, all of whom had heard of their being carried away on the ice, and had given them up for lost. The pan of ice on which they floated away was a very small one. They would not walk about on it for fear of wearing out their boots. How they managed to live, floating for twelve days and nights on a piece of ice is a miracle.” Evening Mercury.
August 31 1883 Fishery News Arrivals From Labrador. There have been a few arrivals from Labrador within the last week or ten days. The schr. “Summerset,” Joseph STUCKLESS, Master, returned on Saturday last, bringing back 800 qtls. The others are fairly fished also. Fishery operations around our shores have not been attended with much success of late. Some days when the weather has been favorable for containing on the grounds, a few boats have secured from half to one qtl per day. At other times it has been much scarcer.
August 31 1883 Body Found The body of Richard BURTON, of Durrell’s Arm, who was knocked over board by the main boom of a craft, while going to the bay in the month of May, was discovered at Burnt Cove, Friday’s Bay, on Wednesday. It was washed ashore by the sea and when found was in a mutilated condition.
August 31 1883 Rev. Mr. McKAY We are pleased to note the return per “Plover” of the Rev. Mr. McKAY, Pastor of the Congregational Church, who has been to St. John’s the past few weeks, supplying for the Rev. Mr. BEATON, who was on a Missionary tour to Labrador. It is pleasing to know that Mr. McKAY met with so many generously disposed friends in the Metropolis who were willing to assist our Congregational friends here in their praiseworthy undertakings, as the following item from a late number of the Evening Telegram will show: - “The Rev. Mr. McKAY of Twillingate desires to express his very sincere and heartfelt thanks to the friends in this city, for their liberal contributions towards the erection of a School house and the purchase of an organ to be used in connection with his Missionary labours at that place. He says the liberality of the gentlemen upon whom he called, far exceeded his most sanguine expectations.
August 31 1883 Passengers The coastal steamer Plover, Capt. BLANDFORD, arrived here on Thursday morning. After the usual detention, she left for the other ports of call further North, proceeding as far as Battle Harbor, for the Labrador mails. Annexed is the list of passengers from St. John’s: - Old Perlican – Miss BARTLETT. Trinity – Misses MURPHY and THOMPSON and Mrs. WELAR. Catalina – Rev. Mr. BROWNING. Fogo – Miss TORRIVALL, Mrs. WHELON and daughter, Mr. SALTER. Twillingate – Rev. Mr. McKAY, Mrs. HEWITT, Miss RADFORD. Exploits – Rev. A. HILL and Mr. PHILLIPS. Leading Tickles – Mr. G.H. PEARCE. Little Bay Island – Messrs. GREEN and FAIR. Little Bay – Rev. Mr. VICARS and Messrs. HADDON and BAILEY. Nippers Harbor – Mrs. MILLEY. Tilt Cove – Messrs. AVERY and PHILLIPS. Coachman’s Cove – Rev. Mr. HOPPER. Chimney Tickle – Mr. HUSSEY. Battle Harbor – Mrs. POLLARD. From Twillingate – Miss MANUEL for Exploits. Miss BLANDFORD, Little Bay Island. Mr. BERTEAU, Little Bay. Rev. Mr. ABRAHAM, Mrs. EMBREE and Mrs. J. OSMOND, Bett’s Cove. Trinity to Tilt Cove – Rev. Walter SMITH. Greenspond to Twillingate – Mr. W. BAIRD.
August 31 1883 Accident on Waterford Bridge Road Last night an accident, that had all the elements of being serious, occurred on the Waterford Bride Road, at the top of the hill near Mr. McNOTT’s gate. A hack carriage, with a freight of women and children, was coming towards town at a furious rate. Another vehicle, proceeding in the same direction, driven on the proper side of the road and in the drain as near as the hack-man or boy (hobble-de-hoy, neither man nor boy) in is rapid career. On the other side were some cows going homewards, and one of these unfortunate animals was knocked down. She lay helpless for a time, but afterwards got up and walked home. A pool of blood on the road testified to severe injuries. The collision between cow and carriage broke a shaft, and for a while the occupants of the carriage were in considerable danger, the horse naturally enough, becoming somewhat unmanageable. Prompt assistance placed the passengers in safety. That there were no serious results was not owing to the driver’s skill or care, but was only an instance of a fortunate escape. It is to be hoped that those drivers will have the necessity of doing their work steadily, impressed upon them by further action of their Worships of the Police Court, in the direction taken recently in fining two baker jehu’s for careless driving. The Carmen employed on the dock, going home from their work, often drive furiously and to the great risk of the lieges. - Mercury, Aug 23.
August 31 1883 Visit By The Prince of Wales Her Majesty’s Corvette, “Canada,” Capt. DURRANT, arrived here on Sunday evening last from Halifax after a three days passage. Prince George, second son of His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales, is midshipman on board the Canada. The Young Prince’s arrival will recall to many, memories the occasion of the landing here three and twenty years ago of his father, the Prince of Wales from on board HMS “Hero,” His Royal Highness being then a lad of nineteen. He remained here about three days, and his visit elicited every possible demonstration of loyalty and honour. It was in every way a true gala time, people of all ranks and classes from the Governor to the humblest citizens, joining in the cordial tributes rendered to the heir of the Throne. When it was lately announced that we were to be honored with a visit from Prince George, the idea obtained that some public manifestation of the devoted attachment of our people to Her Majesty and her Royal family would be appropriate; and were they really deemed so, they would assuredly be offered with universal enthusiasm. But this – doubtless for wise and judicious reasons – is not to be on the present occasion. The young Prince being on board the Canada for his educational purposes, it is considered well that he should not be the recipient of those public distinctions which would be due to his princely rank, and that he should be treated like any other of his fellow midshipmen. This has been the rule observed elsewhere in his regard, and it will of course be duly recognized here. Prince George completed his eighteenth year on 3rd June last. He entered the Navy with his older brother in 1876 and both became midshipmen in 1880. They made a two years cruise round the world in the Bacchante, after which Prince Victor chose the military profession. Prince George continuing in the Navy. – Nfldr. Aug. 24.
August 31 1883 Prince George visits Railway Terminus On Wednesday morning, Prince George, with Captain DURANT and HIGGINS, and several others of the “Canada,” and “Foam,” with a large party of ladies and gentlemen of St. John’s, availed themselves of the invitation of Mr. BOND, president of the Railway Co. to have an excursion to the Railway Terminus. The day was very fine, and at the appointed hour of starting, 10 ½ o’clock, His Royal Highness, with the Officers and the other excursionists, mustered at the station. There was some excitement aboard when it was known that the Prince was going, and a good many people assembled at Fort William to have a look at Royalty, evincing a reasonable degree of curiosity. Everything favoring the trip, it was one of enjoyment to all who shared in it, the strangers particularly, who evinced lively interest and pleasure as they viewed the pretty pictures and scenery along the line. The magnificent view of Conception Bay was exceedingly admired, and the impression with regard to the country and the line of Railway was eminently favorable. Arrived at the journey’s end the party partook of luncheon, ordered by Mr. BOND, and prepared by Messrs. LASH; after which Prince George, by way of rendering the occasion the more memorable, drove a spike marking the fifty miles extent of the Railway. At Davenport Station the party disembarked and Sir Wm. WHITEWAY proposed the health of Her Majesty and Prince George, which, needless to say, were drunk with enthusiastic loyalty. After which all re-entered the train and returned to town, arriving about half-past six o’clock, and voting the excursion a most agreeable one in all its incidents and associations. Ibid. Aug 21.

September 7 1883 Advertisement For Sale. At Farmer’s Arm, A Dwelling House, Land, and interest in Store, Stage, &c. apply to Abraham EARLE.
September 7 1883 Advertisement For Sale. A room and premises, at Jenkin’s Cove, belonging to Wm. CURTIS. The above includes a house, garden, meadow, land, &c. It is a desirable place to settle on and will be disposed of reasonable. For particulars apply to W. LETHBRIDGE, Esq., Twillingate. September 7th.
September 7 1883 Deaths At Labrador Two corpses were conveyed South by last “Plover.” One was that of Mr. HUNT, of Conception Bay, who died at Henley Harbor, and other was Capt. Stephen WHELAN of Conception Bay. He was going with a load of salt in a large boat at night, with two men, when sad to relate, the three of them met with a watery grave off Scrammy. The body of Capt. WHELAN was discovered, but the others could not be found up to the time the steamer left the Labrador.
September 7 1883 Shipwrecked Crew Among the passengers for St. John’s on Wednesday last, were fourteen shipwrecked men from the barque “Dronnengan” which was lost near St. Modest between Lance-au-Loup and Red Bay, on the 13th ult. She sailed from Sharpness, England for Quebec, with a cargo of coal and iron, and ran ashore in a dense fog in locality named.
September 7 1883 Vessels Wrecked The past week there have been strong breezes of wind West and Northwest, which have made the water very rough in the vicinity of Crow Head. With few exceptions, all the fishing boats there were hauled up. Two however, that were allowed to remain afloat, belonging to Wm. DOVE, and John MUGFORD, were driven from their moorings and broken to pieces on Tuesday morning last. Each of the boats contained a little fishing gear, which was also lost.
September 7 1883 Personals Rev. J. EMBREE, chairman of the Bonavista District, returned from Battle Harbor per last “Plover,” having been on a Missionary tour to Gross Water Bay and other parts of the shore for the past few weeks.
September 7 1883 Arrivals From Labrador The following craft have returned from Labrador the past week with good catches: - Success, Fawn, Mallard, Five Brothers, Minnie Gray, L.P., Pond, Loyalty and Porcupine.
September 7 1883 Passengers The following passengers went South per Plover on Wednesday last: - For St. John’s – Miss JOY and Master JOY from Salmon River. Mr. Co….ly from Cape Charles. Capt. Mag… from Lance au Loupe. Capt. PENNY from Red Bay. Mr. Dun.. from Battle Harbor. Mrs. FRENCH from Griquet. Mrs. READER from Conche. Messrs. DUGGAN, BOYLE, HAYWARD and Misses KELLIGREWS and BOYEL from Tilt Cove. Messrs MANUEL and ANDREWS from Exploits. Rev. W.J. JOHNSON, B.A. from Twillingate. 80 in steerage. Miss DIAMOND from Nipper’s Harbor to Catalina. For Twillingate: - Rev. J. EMBREE from Battle Harbor. Mrs. EMBREE from Tilt Cove. Messrs. LOCKYER and HUDSON from Criquet. Mrs. (Rotland ?); child, Mrs. ROLAND and Mrs. COLBOURNE from Tilt Cove. Mrs. M. OSMOND and Mrs. J. OSMOND from Bett’s Cove.

September 14 1883 H.M. Revenue Cruiser From information received per schooner “Ka…..o,” which arrived here from Labrador on Wednesday last, we learn that H.M. Revenue Cruiser, with F.C. Berteau, Esq., Sub-collector for Labrador on board, was at Indian Harbor, wind bound, on the 6th of Sept. The cruiser was bound for Cartwright; all are reported well.
September 14 1883 Fishery At Labrador Private advices from Indian Harbor, Labrador, up to date of the 6th inst., inform us that the fishery hitherto as a whole, has been rather above average. From Indian Harbor it has been good, nearly equal as far as one house is concerned (the principal one) to their best shipment. Long Island and Grady, from Grady South rather poor, ….ite and average voyage. It is said that large quantities of fish have been caught as far up Hamilton Inlet as Rigolet, and there was no difficulty in jigging from three to six qtls. per day.
September 14 1883 Death on Board “Plover.” We learn that one of the passengers for the North per Plover, died suddenly on Wednesday last. We understand that the man’s name was JARVIS, and that he was going to Labrador, where he had been engaged in business. His remains, it is said, were taken ashore at Greenspond and interred.
September 14 1883 Drowned At Labrador The schooner “Wild Rover,” John ROBERTS Master, returned from Labrador on Friday last, bringing the remains of Mr. John PRIDE of Wild Cove, who was drowned at Labrador the past summer. They had just arrived at their destination and commenced fishing when the unfortunate circumstance occurred. The deceased was a young man and had only been married a few months. He therefore leaves a sorrowing wife and aged widow mother to lament their loss, besides many other relatives and friends, to whom we extend our sympathy.
September 14 1883 Return of Rev. R. Temple The Rev. R. TEMPLE, R.D., who has been performing Ministerial duties in White Bay the past few weeks, returned on Tuesday in the Mission yacht “Snowdrop.” His visits to the various parts of the Bay were much appreciated by his flock and will doubtless result in lasting good. We have been favored with the following notes concerning his travels which are of interest: - “I reached home on Tuesday night about 10 o’clock having been absent a great part of the summer. I first landed two young men as Readers of Catechists in White Bay; this was on my first voyage. I next visited the Cape Shore and Little Bay. I then sailed again for White Bay, and visited nearly all places from Englee round, including the Horse Islands, calling at Tilt Cove on the way home. The distance sailed by the Snowdrop has been altogether about 670 miles; not bad for a thing like her. During that time, besides my twice returning home, first to receive my wife after her absence, and then for the School Treat, I have preached in various places 32 times, received in the Church 19 children, and celebrated the Lord’s Supper 6 times; once at Tilt Cove, once at Little Bay, twice in the Church at Western Cove, White Bay, once at River Head, and lastly to my own companions and one solitary communicant in the Snowdrop’s cabin at the Horse Islands. We have had calms, and also strong winds. We beat on Monday into Tilt Cove with five reefs; but all our ups and downs have been made smooth for us by Providential care, and by the certainty that we were blessed and blessing. Our exertions have certainly been appreciated, for our people have shown it by their voluntary offerings. Certain well meaning friends, had attempted to persuade many White Bay people, that the Church Clergy only looked after the loaves and fishes. Therefore we ask for nothing, but received abundantly.”
September 14 1883 Advertisement Small quantities of fresh beef are to be sold by Mr. James HODDER, Coastal Wharf.
September 14 1883 Drowning Last night a young man named John FOOTE belonging to Oderin, was drowned, by falling overboard from the schooner “Stella,” lying at Messrs. J. & W. Stewart’s wharf, and owned by Mr. Philip POWER of Oderin. As far as we could father, the circumstances of the case are these: - The deceased had been on shore with some friends during the evening and came on board the schooner at nine o’clock last night. After remaining on deck a short time chatting and laughing, the rest of the crew went below, with the intention of turning in for the night. About two hours afterwards, one of them, William SENIOR, heard a splash, and running to the side of the vessel, saw a man in the water, partly on his back. He immediately picked up an oar and reached it to the drowning man, but all to no purpose, as the unfortunate one sank without making an effort to clutch it. The crew of the schooner and the watchman on the premises, were searching all night for the body, but it was not recovered till after daylight this morning, when it was found and conveyed to the morgue. The deceased was only twenty six years old, unmarried and bore an estimable character.
September 14 1883 Drowning A short time ago it was our sad duty to publish information of the death by drowning of a young man named FOOTE at the wharf of Messrs. J. and W. Stewart. Today unfortunately we have to record another death from the same cause, happening in this instance at one of Messrs. Harvey & Co’s wharves. A man named John Thomas WALSH, belonging to St. Mary’s, and son of the much respected Postmaster of that place, arrived here on Friday last in the “Silver Spring,” Ashburn Master. Saturday night at about eleven o’clock, he came on board the schooner, and gave a felt hat to one of the crew, at the same time saying that he was going up town and would be back in a short time. The watchman saw him passing off the wharf, but he was not seen afterwards, notwithstanding that search was made for him all yesterday. This morning about nine o’clock, John KIELLY, one of the crew of the Silver Spring, happened to look over the stern of the schooner, when he beheld the body of a man lying on the bottom. It was immediately recovered, recognized as that of the missing man, and conveyed to the Morgue. The deceased was only twenty three years of age. – Mercury, Sept 10th.
September 14 1883 Shipping News The steamer “Plover,” is expected here from the North on Tuesday evening, should the weather be favorable. The steamer “Curlew,” arrived from the South and the Westward on Tuesday last, with mails and passengers.
September 14 1883 Fishing News Late Harbor Breton dates report the return there of several fishing craft from Labrador and the Gulf, all of them having exhausted their stocks of salt. The Eastern shore boats generally had brought fair trips; on the other hand the punt fisherman in Fortune Bay have done badly. Bait had been and still was, scarce all along the shore thereabout. In a heavy gale on the 20th, ult., a boat belonging to Mr. FUDGE of Belloram, was lost at Deadman’s Cove – the crew saving their lives with greatest difficulty. At Burin not much was done in the Fishery in August. The craft that were fishing at the Straits had returned, and in most cases had done well. Many people had done a little by baiting, French, American, and Colonial Bankers.
September 14 1883 Fatal Accidents Two fatal accidents are reported from Burin. A lad of seventeen named DEAN belonging to Burin Bay was drowned on the 23rd ult. Another of the name of Stephen COLLINS was killed on board the fishing craft of James HOLLETT of Great Burin, while fishing at Cape St. Mary’s on the 30th. ult., having been struck by the winch handle, while raising anchor during the gale of that day. – Newfoundlander.
September 14 1883 Death At Musgrave Harbor, on Sunday, August 26th, of convulsions, Willie AVERY, only son of R.C. and Jessie L. RUSSELL, aged 3 years and 10 months. ”This lovely bud, so young and fair; Called home by early doom; Just came to show how sweet a flower; In Paradise could bloom.”
September 14 1883 Loss of the S.S. “Canima.” The tug-boat “Cabot,” which was dispatched to the scene of the wrecked steamer Canima on Thursday evening, returned to port about 10 o’clock last night, bringing on the passengers and some few packages of luggage saved from the ill-fated ship before she went down. We are now made acquainted of the circumstances attending the accident, together with some particulars of the voyage, until the time the steamer came to grief. The Canima sailed from Halifax on Tuesday evening, and had a capital run off to 2 o’clock on Thursday morning, when she struck what is known as the Gull Island Rock, in Placentia Bay. The suddenness of the shock, to use the words on one of the passengers, seemed for a moment, to paralyze the energies of all on board; but it was only for a moment. Then those who were below rushed on deck, and the wildest excitement prevailed. Indeed so great was the confusion, we are told, that nearly an hour was allowed to elapse before a boat could be got over the sinking ship’s side. All this time she remained with her broadside to the Island, and her horse-pipes gradually approaching the surface of the water – the vessel was settling down by the head, and her disappearance altogether could only be regarded as a matter of a few minutes. At length Captain FARQUAR gave orders for a line to be landed, and immediately a Nova Scotia seaman named ELISON swam to the rock, followed by one of the gallant KAVANAGHS, a native of Newfoundland. A ‘bridge’ was then constructed by means of a hawser, &c., and the passengers and crew were landed without further mishap. They remained on the rock destitute of everything like meat or drink, until between 1 and 2 p.m., when a boat belonging to St. Mary’s Bay hove in sight, and in answer to a signal, hauled up alongside, took the shipwrecked people off, and conveyed them to Trepassey. As we have already stated, the mail by the Canima, together with the cargo, is a total loss. – Telegram, Sept. 8.

September 21 1883 Loss of the Schooner “Flora.” Esteemed correspondents form Bett’s Cove, under date of the 17th inst., furnish us with the following particulars of a wreck which occurred near Cape John. Schooner Flora, MORRIS, Master, of Trinity, on her way from Labrador, was struck by a squall off the Gull Island, Cape John, at midnight on the 14th inst., carrying away both spars and jib-boom, also causing the vessel to leak considerably. The crew at once went to the pumps, but finding they could not gain on the leak, took to the boats, wind blowing hard from the Westward at the time. After twelve hour’s hard rowing, they reached this place, nothing saved but clothes and bedding. One female was amongst the crew. Cargo consisted of 500 qtls. dry fish, besides traps, seines, and other fishing gear. It doubtless is a great loss for the poor men. They are now in care of our worthy Magistrate and will be forwarded to their homes by “Plover” tomorrow. The Flora was 64 tons register, owned by Henry Morris and Bros., and supplied by E. Duder, St. John’s.
September 21 1883 Shipment of Copper Ore We are also informed by our correspondent, that the steamer “Tinto” cleared from the port of Bett’s Cove for Liverpool on the 15th inst. with a cargo of copper ore. Part of the Tinto’s outward cargo from Cardiff, mostly sugar for mining company, was very much damaged. The same correspondent likewise informs us that fish is very scarce on that shore at present.
September 21 1883 Passengers On Wednesday morning last, the coastal steamer Plover called here en route for St. John’s having made her usual visits to the respective ports of call, as far North as Battle Harbor. A large number of passengers were being conveyed South, some of the names of whom will be found in the subjoined list: - From Salmon River – Mrs. WHITLEY and family, Mr. (Mabor ?). Battle Harbor – Capt. John TIZZARD; Messrs. COADY and (Best ?). Lance-au-Loup – Rev. Father WALKER. St. Anthony – Messrs BLAKE and LONG. Coachman’s Cove – Rev. Father GORE. Tilt Cove – Mr. PITMAN and Mrs. TOMS. Bett’s Cove – Mr. St. JOHN. Nipper’s Harbor – Mrs. MILLER. Little Bay Mines – Miss CAMPBELL and Mr. RICHARDS. From Little Bay Island – Hon. Capt. CLEARY. 160 in steerage. From St. Anthony to Twillingate – Messrs. Geo. HODDER and LINFIELD. From Little Bay Island – Misses LUSCOMB, BLANDFORD and MARTIN.
September 21 1883 Arrival of Circuit Steamer The steamer “Leopard,” engaged in conveying the Judge and suite for the performance of the business of the Supreme Court on Circuit, arrived here on Wednesday night last. The following were in attendance: Judge PINSENT, DCL; Sheriff BEMISTER; D. MORRISON, Esq, Acting Clerk; A.C. HAYWARD, Esq., L.C. (Crown Officer); J. O’MARA, H.H. CARTER, J.R. McNEILY, Barristers; Mr. Geo. LeMESSURIEUR, Solicitor and Mr. John BURKE, Crier.
September 21 1883 Death We regret to learn of the death of L.W. EMERSON, Esq., of Harbor Grace, Clerk and Registrar of the Supreme Court, who died at St. George’s Bay on the 11th inst. Mr. EMERSON, though being unwell, left St. John’s in the “Leopard” to accompany the Judge in the discharge of the duties of his office on the Southern and Northern circuits. After proceeding as far as St. George’s Bay, he was taken so bad that it was deemed advisable to land him there, where he died in a few days. His body was conveyed to St. John’s in the steamer “Curlew.” For twenty years, Mr. EMERSON occupied the position of Clerk and Registrar, was a most faithful and efficient public officer, and was highly esteemed both in public and social life. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved in the unexpected shock that has thus come upon them.
September 21 1883 Correction The name of the man referred to last week as having died on board the “Plover,” was Daniel JAUVERIN and not JARVIS as reported.
September 21 1883 Supreme Court On Circuit (Part 1) The Supreme Court On Circuit was opened here on Tuesday last, His Lordship, Mr. Justice PINSENT, D.C.L., presiding. The docket was called, which contained but few cases; and they, principally, of a trivial character, the only one of a serious kind being that of a female by the name of VERGE, who was charged with perjury, and against whom the Grand Jury afterwards brought a true bill. It is a cause for congratulation that in so populous a district as this, there are so few cases during the year that require the interposition of a Judge or Jury, which shows unmistakably, the law-abiding tendency of our people. After the Grand Jury of which J.W. Owen, Esq., was chosen Foreman had been sworn, His Lordship addressed them in his usual pleasing and eloquent style, the substance of which we publish in the law reports in another column. He spoke of the changes that had been made in the Proclamation for holding the Supreme Court on Circuit, one of which provided for an extension of the time for its sittings until a week later in the season; and another was that of including Little Bay in the list of Circuit towns, ……n is an important addition to those previously included in this district.
September 21 1883 Supreme Court On Circuit (Part 2) This alteration in the former programme for conducting the business of the Northern Circuit, will doubtless be looked upon as very advantageous to the public. By extending the time a week later, more of our people are likely to be returned from Labrador, and should any of them be compelled to seek for litigation, they will thereby have an opportunity for doing so. The including of the important mining settlement of Little Bay for the holding of Court, will prove a great convenience to all who may need the administration of justice in that part of the district. By this means, there will be a great saving of time to parties who may be personally interested in Court transactions, as considerable delay has been entailed in the past by parties and prisoners having been obliged to come here to attend Court. These changes, we understand, have been effected on the representation to the Government of Judge PINSENT, and we believe that the public will feel grateful to him for evincing so deep an interest in them, by studying their convenience for the administration of law. This is the second time in his capacity of Judge that his Lordship has been pleased to visit our district, concerning which he entertains such a high opinion for its future welfare. We are proud to welcome him here, and hope that he may be long spared to occupy the important position, which his exceptional ability and experience so fitly qualify him to fill.
September 21 1883 Supreme Court On Circuit (Part 3) Griquet, Sept. 13th, 1883. Having concluded the Southern Circuit, at Flowers Cove, His Lordship Mr. Justice PINSENT, DCL, for the first time in the history of the administration of justice in this district, opened the Court at Griquet. There being no convenient place available on shore, the Judge was obliged to open the Court on the quarter-deck of the Circuit steamer, which he did in presence of a considerable number of the public, who had repaired on board immediately upon the arrival of the steamer. The Court was constituted as follows: - Hon. Mr. Justice PINSENT, DCL, presiding Judge; Donald MORRISON, Esq., acting clerk, vice Lewis W. W EMERSON who had died during the Southern Circuit; James CARTER, Esq., acting Sheriff in the absence of Mr. BEMISTER not yet arrived; Michael O’MARA Esq., acting Crown officer; Mr. John BURKE Crier, and Messrs. H.H. CARTER and J.R. McNEILY, Barristers. The Judge addressed the public upon the opening of the Supreme Court in their settlement for the first time and complimented them upon the absence of crime and litigation. In answer to questions by some of the inhabitants, he explained to them their position as to rights of property by possession and under grant, pointing out particularly the distinctions between holding by possession and obtaining a grant, encumbered by the conditions imposed by the Crown in grants of land situate on the so-called “French Shore.” There being no complaints, the Court rose, and next morning proceeded to St. Anthony, expecting to meet Mr. SAINT, the Magistrate, but Mr. SAINT had left the day before to meet the Court at Griquet and we consequently missed him.
September 21 1883 Supreme Court On Circuit (Part 4) Little Bay, Sept. 15th, 1883. The Court opened at 12 o’clock noon. The Judge stated that in consequence of the death of Mr. EMERSON during the Southern Circuit, he had appointed Mr. MORRISON to act as Clerk of the Court. The Docket was called, containing 33 cases – 8 of which were ready for trial; 4 not served; 20 settled, and 1 to be tried at 9 o’clock. Court adjourned till Monday at 9 o’clock. Monday, Sept 17th, 1883. The Court opened at 9 o’clock, a.m. John RICHARDS vs. George SIMMS. Mr. McNEILY for Plaintiff; Defendant not present. Judgment for Plaintiff, $75.32. John RICHARDS vs. Francis BUDGELL. Mr. McNEILY for Plaintiff; Defendant in person. Judgment by confession for Plaintiff for $70.74. John RICHARDS vs. William WHELAN. Mr. McNEILY for Plaintiff; Defendant not present. Judgment for Plaintiff for $97.37. John THORPE vs. James FURY and sons. Mr. HAYWARD, QC for Plaintiff; Mr. O’MARA for Defendant. This case was partly heard and was ordered to be concluded at St. John’s on 17th Nov. next. The Grand Jury was then called and 22 answered their names as follows: - Charles O.B. REDDIN, Foreman; John MURPHY; John FOLEY; John FINLAY; John STEWART; George CLEARY; Jeremiah DONAHUE; Robert MALCOLM; James MULLOWNEY; Joseph (Huestis ?); George (Quiumby ?); Alfred HILSTEIN; James JAMESON; Charles SAGE; William GRANT; James FLEMING; Patrick CURRAN; Josiah CLARK; Edwin DOWNEY; William BRIAN; Elias ROBERTS; Thomas COLBOURNE.
September 21 1883 Supreme Court On Circuit (Part 5) The Judge addressed the Grand Jury, complimenting them on their full attention upon the first visit to the Court, and explained to them the most important of the acts of last session of the Legislature. He also addressed them upon other matters of local interest and sent to them a Bill of Indictment against James CONWAY for indecent assault. The Grand Jury retired and brought in a true bill against James CONWAY and the following Presentment: To the Honorable Judge PINSENT, D.C.L. May it Please your Lordship, - The Grand Jury, in response to the very eloquent address with which your Lordship was pleased to entertain us, beg top state that they are fully alive to the importance of this community being included in the Northern Circuit of the Supreme Court, and that they and the whole population are deeply indebted to your Lordship for your representation to the Government to have this effected. We agree with your Lordship that it is edifying to find the small number of criminal cases brought before the Police Court. This fact speaks well for the efficiency of the Magistrate and Police Force. We regret that drunkenness prevails to such an extent in this community, and are of the same opinion as your Lordship that it is owing to the illicit sale of intoxicating liquors, which is carried on to a large extent in open defiance of the law. Your Lordship has promised to use your influence to have a Post Office Saving’s Bank established here. We are of opinion that this is a most necessary institution in a community like this where so much mail is in circulation.
September 21 1883 Supreme Court On Circuit (Part 6) We have no doubt that before the next visit of the Court, the new Court House will be completed and trust that it will meet all the requirements for the proper administration of Justice. We agree with your Lordship as to the usefulness of the Acts passed by the Legislature last session, and which your Lordship read for instruction, namely the act to “Encourage ship-building” and the Act to “Prevent the destruction of bait.” For self and fellow jurors, C. O’Brien REDDIN, Foreman. Little Bay, Sept. 17, 1883. In the matter of the petition of James WALSH, praying to be declared insolvent, Mr. McNEILY for Petitioner. The Petitioner is sworn and examined, and declared insolvent. John O’TOOLE vs. George SKINNER; Plaintiff in person; Defendant not present. Judgment for the Plaintiff for $28. In the matter of the petition of Francis BUDGELL praying to be declared insolvent. Mr. McNEILY for Petitioner. The petitioner is sworn and examined and declared insolvent. John RICHARDS appointed Trustee. Patrick JUDGE vs. Robert BUTLER. Mr. O’MARA for Plaintiff; Mr. HAYWARD for Defendant. This was an action for the wrongful taking of a bultow by the defendant, which the plaintiff claimed as his property. After a careful hearing, the weight of evidence appeared to be in favor of the defendant being the owner of the bultow, accordingly delivered in his favor. The prisoner, James CONWAY, charged with an indecent assault upon Rebecca SAYERS, is arraigned and pleads guilty. Mr. O’MARA addressed the Court on behalf of the prisoner after which the Judge sentenced him to a fine of $60 and to find two sureties to keep the peace for 12 months, or in default, to four months imprisonment with hard labor in the gaol at Fogo. The prisoner paid the fine and entered into recognizance with two sureties to keep the peace for 12 months. There being no further business the Court rose. The steamer left Little Bay 4:30 p.m., immediately after the Court rose, and arrived at Twillingate at 11 o’clock same night.
September 21 1883 Supreme Court On Circuit (Part 7) Circuit Court at Twillingate. Sept. 18, 1883. The Court opened at 11 o’clock. Mr. HAYWARD (Crown Officer) stated that there would be an Indictment to send to Grand Jury, whereupon the Judge directed the Sheriff to summon the Grand Jury for 11 o’clock tomorrow. The Docket was then called; 7 cases settled; 4 not served; 2 for trial. Richard WRAY vs Constable BURT. Appeal from the decision of Mr. BARTEAU, Set down for hearing tomorrow at 10 o’clock. Court adjourned to 10 o’clock tomorrow.
September 21 1883 Supreme Court On Circuit (Part 8) Circuit Court at Twillingate. September 19, 1883: Court opened at 10 o’clock, A.M. Thomas RIDEOUT vs. Thomas AVERY. Plaintiff in person; Defendant not present. Action for amount of a cheque of defendant presented at Bank and refused payment. Judgment for Plaintiff for $128. John REDDICK vs. William HURLEY. Plaintiff in person; Defendant not present. Action for amount of account furnished. Judgment for Plaintiff for $71.79. Grand Jury called; 18 present; 1 absent; 4 not served, and the following are sworn: - John W. OWEN, Foreman; Charles MURSELL, sr.; Thomas LINFIELD; John ROBERTS; Peter SAMWAYS; Elias PEYTON; Simon YOUNG; John LUTHER; Philip WELLS; Titus MANUEL; Absalom PURCHASE; Francis ROBERTS; William BAIRD; John MOORES; Thomas ASHBURN; Samuel NEWMAN; Henry HARBIN; Amos BLACKLER. Mr. Justice PINSENT, in charging the Grand Jury, referred to the changes in the Proclamation first, that making the setting in Twillingate a week later than heretofore, the greater convenience of litigation, and that including Little Bay in the Circuit towns, as much of the litigation hitherto disposed of in Twillingate has arisen there of late years and parties and witnesses had been compelled to come to Twillingate. His Lordship spoke of the prosperity of this district, its natural capabilities in all respects, its industrial features, and energetic population.
September 21 1883 Supreme Court On Circuit (Part 9) The Judge next referred to the old Court House, which he termed “a good riddance of bad rubbish,” long condemned by Judges and Juries. He trusted the new building would be such as would be suitable in every way for the purposes for which it was intended, and a credit to this important place, and in keeping with the other public works in Twillingate, which reflected so much credit upon local administration. He said he should have submitted the question of a suitable site for the new Court House to the Grand Jury upon this occasion, but he had been informed since his arrival that the question had been set to rest by retaining the old site, and adding to it by purchase. His Lordship then referred to the acts of the Legislature affecting the Fisheries and Shipbuilding and other subjects; and concluded by sending to the Jury a Bill of Indictment against a female for perjury, said to have been committed in the course of an ……iation enquiry before the Magistrate. Richard WREY vs. Constable BURT– Appeal. This was an appeal from ……by the Magistrate for a breach by the appellant of the 12 sections of the License Act, for exhibiting a signboard after his license had expired. Mr. Carter and Mr. McNeily are heard for the Appellant and the Appellant is sworn and examined, C.A.V. In the matter of the estate of Aaron MOORES late of Twillingate, deceased. Mr. Hayward moved for an administration to John ANSTEY and Amelia his wife (widow of deceased.) Court grants administration to Amelia ANSTEY and orders that sufficient security be give by her husband and two other sureties. Grand Jury came into Court with a true Bill against Charlotte Ann VERGE for perjury. The Crown Officer states that on account of the person being unfit to appear, he will not proceed further with the prosecution during the present term. Court adjourned until tomorrow at 10 o’clock.
September 21 1883 Supreme Court On Circuit (Part 10) Circuit Court at Twillingate. Sept. 20th, 1883. Joseph STRONG vs. Stephen LEDORE, Mr. McNeily for Plaintiff; Defendant not present. Action for amount of account furnished. Judgment for Plaintiff $68.03. Andrew C. HYNES vs. Joseph HEWLETT. Mr. LeMESSURIER for Plaintiff; Defendant not present. Action for amount of account furnished; Judgment for Plaintiff for $42.10. Edwin DUDER vs. Samuel KEARLEY. Mr. Hayward for Plaintiff; Mr. McNeily for Defendant. Action to recover possession of land situated on North side of Gut Arm, Herring Neck. Neither party being ready, the case is postponed until next term. Richard WREY vs. Constable BURT – Appeal – The Judge delivers judgment as follows: - This is an appeal under the License Acts from a decision of the Stipendiary Magistrate. It appears that the appellant’s Retail License expired on the 5th of January last. At the time, a petition for a poll under the Local Option Act, had been presented and a Proclamation had been issued for the holding of a Poll on the 29th January. On the evening of the 5th, Constable BURT (the respondent) observing that WREY’s sign board remained up, enquired of him why he had not taken it down, as his license had expired. To this WREY replied to the effect that if he took it down, people would suppose the hotel was closed, but that he would take out the words “licensed to sell ales, wines and spirituous liquors.”
September 21 1883 Supreme Court On Circuit (Part 11) The next day was Old Christmas Day, a holiday, and moreover Appellant says the day was too stormy to get to work at the sign board, the day after that was Sunday. On Monday he took out the objectionable words by nailing cloth over them, leaving nothing on the sign board but “Richard WREY, Northern Hotel.” After this on Monday, Appellant was served with a summons for breach of the 12th section of the License Act, 1875. He was fined five dollars and costs. This is a trifling case for appeal, but the appellant states he does not come before this Curt for the sake of the amount, but on principle. He says that he applied to the Magistrate regarding the removal of his license, and was told that nothing could be said or done about it until the Poll should have been taken on the 29th January; and that he took that as a permission to leave the sign as it was until the result of the Poll should be known. The poll resulted in the extension of the Local Option Act. In other words, in prohibition of the public sale by retail of spirituous and malt liquors. The section in question, prohibiting the exhibition of signs or emblems, intimating that intoxicants are for sale, imposes the penalty upon o person “knowingly or willfully offending.”
September 21 1883 Supreme Court On Circuit (Part 12) Appellant’s Counsel contend that their client neither knowingly nor willfully offended under the circumstances of the case. That he was under the impression he had the Magistrates tacit permission, and had he so told the Constable; that in saying he would remove the words from the sign he meant that he would do so when such permission was withdrawn; and that hearing he was to be prosecuted, he lost no time in taking out the illegal words; that in any case he did so within a reasonable time of the Constable’s call upon him. The Magistrate admits he would have renewed appellants license if the Local Option Act had not come into force. His worship also admits that he was unaware until his attention was drawn to it today, of his power to grant an interim license until the taking of the polls; and that he considers appellant understood his license was to be renewed if the Polls had not resulted as they did. In these appeals the Supreme Court makes it a rule not to disturb the decision of the Magistrates, unless there has been some error in law, or unless there is no reasonable evidence in fact to sustain a conviction. On the whole case, I am of opinion that the evidence is insufficient, reasonably and fairly, to sustain a charge against the appellant of having “knowingly or willfully broken the law,” and I reverse the decision of the Magistrate.

September 28 1883 Smith McKAY, Esq. Smith McKAY, Esq., one of the representatives for this district, came here per “Plover.” Mr. McKAY has lately been appointed Chairman of the Board of Works, in which capacity he has been acting for the past few months. Having assumed the duties of the office, he now comes before his constituents for their approbation, and for a renewal of the confidence reposed in him last fall, which he believes they are ready to extend him. Mr. McKAY is too widely and favourably known throughout the district to need any commendation from us, and we therefore refrain from speaking of the many sterling qualities which are so characteristic of him.
September 28 1883 Passengers The Coastal Steamer Plover, Capt. BLANDFORD, arrived here shortly before noon on Thursday, bringing hither mails and passengers. The Plover experienced a continuance of strong Westerly winds, which made her arrival here a little later than usual. Subjoined is a list of passengers: - Old Perlican – Mrs. MARCH, (2), Mrs. MACK, Mrs. BENSON, Mr. STRONG, Mrs. COOPER, Miss GUILLFORD. Trinity – Rev. Messrs. PILOT, NURSE and KIRBY, Miss HAYNES. Catalina – Miss RENDALL, Mr. McCORMACK, Mrs. SNELGROVE, and Mr. Isaac WORTH Bonavista – Miss ALEXANDER and Miss MARTIN. Fogo – Miss HADDON. Twillingate – Miss ROONEY, Mr. W. LETHBRIDGE, Mr. T. HODGE, Mr. S. McKAY, Mr. J. PERCY, Mr. McGOWN, Mr. WEBBER. Exploits – Mr. LEWIS. Little Bay – Mr. LAWSON, Mr. WALKER, Mr. CURTIS, and Miss BENSON. Little Bay Islands – Mr. ELLIS, Mrs. ELLIS. Lance-au-Loup – Mr. MITCHELL. Conche – Miss BROWN.
September 28 1883 Drowning A private correspondent from Fogo informs us of the death by drowning of two young fellows from Indian Islands, on the evening of Tuesday, the 18th inst. He says that they were romping on the deck of the boat while beating into Oliver’s Cove, near Tilton Harbor, and accidentally fell overboard, and were drowned before assistance could reach them. The names of the unfortunate fellows were Albert WAINWRIGHT and Samuel COBBS.[Having some limited knowledge of the area, and Indian Islands in Particular, I do not think those two men were residents of Indian Islands. They might be residents of Fogo or some other town on Fogo Island. GW.]
September 28 1883 Fatal Accident An accident attended with fatal consequences occurred at Quidi Vidi, near St. John’s on Monday last. It appears that a man by the name of Abraham SNOW was bitten by a dog on the above day; he procured a gun, which he loaded for the purpose of destroying the animal, but which when fired, burst, completely severing his left arm from the body, and considerably mutilating his left side. Death was instantaneous. It is surmised that the gun was loaded previous to poor Snow charging it, which resulted in such a very painful termination.
September 28 1883 Shipping News The schr. Mary Parker, Capt. CARTER arrived from St. John’s to the firm of E. Duder, Esq., on Tuesday last, with a general cargo.
September 28 1883 Distance Between Towns The following are the places called on by the steamer Leopard while on Southern and Northern Circuits, and distance between each place: - St. John’s to Placentia 140 miles; Placentia to Burin 51; Burin to St. Pierre 42; St. Pierre to Harbor Breton 44; Harbor Breton to Burgeo 87; Burgeo to Channel 41; Channel to Codroy 23; Codroy to Bay St. George 58; Bay St. George to Bay of Islands 109; Bay of Islands to Bonne Bay 50; Bonne Bay to Flower Cove 120; Flower Cove to Griquet 64; Griquet to St. Anthony 14; St. Anthony to Little Bay 108; Little Bay to Twillingate 40; Twillingate to Fogo 20; Fogo to Greenspond 62; Greenspond to Bonavista 30; Bonavista to Catalina 14; Catalina to Trinity 19; Trinity to St. John’s 57; Total: 1213 miles.
September 28 1883 Loss of the S.S. Zembra Loss of the S.S. Zembra, with nearly 11,000 qtls of Fish. – A telegram was received by Messrs. Job Brothers & Co. last evening apprizing them of the total loss of the steamer Zembra somewhere on the coast of Portugal. This ship was chartered by the above named firm and sailed from Salmon River on the 8th inst. with 10,762 quintals of dry codfish for the port of Leghorn. Details of the disaster have not yet been received. The loss of this large cargo of fish is no doubt regarded by Messrs. Job Brothers & Co. as a very serious one. Had it not been for this accident, the Zembra would have been the very first to market there this season, and her fish would, consequently, have realized a big price. But such mishaps will occur in spite of the utmost vigilance. The Zembra was 585 tons register, and belonged to Messrs. J. Glynn & Sons of Liverpool. Telegram.
September 28 1883 Birth At St. John’s on the 19th isn’t. the wife of J.H. BOONE, Esq., of a son.
September 28 1883 Marriage In the George St. Methodist Church, on Sept. 19th, by the Rev. T.H. JAMES, Alexander McDOUGALL to Miss Mary Hannah AYRE, only daughter of Hon. C.P. AYRE.
September 28 1883 Appointments Appointments. His Honor the Administrator of the Government in Council has been pleased to appoint Smith McKAY to be Chairman of the Board of Works; and William H. THOMPSON, Harbor Grace and Robert H. TAYLOR, Bay Roberts to be Justices of the Peace for the Northern District. His Honor the Administrator in Council has been pleased to appoint Messrs. Samuel HUMPHRIES, James REID, Frederick WILTSHIRE, Heart’s Delight; John JERRETT, Shoal Harbor; Noah CHISLETT, Island Cove to be a Board of Road Commissioners for Heart’s Delight; and Mr. Henry PIERCEY, Scilly Cove to be a member of the Scilly Cove Road Board in place of Mr. Alfred PARROTT, resigned; and Rev. James BROWN to be a member of the Tilton Harbor Road Board. – Gazette.
September 28 1883 Loss of Boats News was received in town yesterday of the loss of a boat belonging to James DAVIS of Fox Harbor, with a crew of five men, while fishing on the Cape St. Mary’s grounds in the gale of Aug. 30th. Two other boats from Red Island are also reported lost with all hands in the same gale. Their spars have been picked up along the shore. – Mercury, Sept 12th.
September 28 1883 Fuss Between British and French Fishermen Recent intelligence from the (…unreadable …) refers to a collision between some of our fishermen and certain Frenchmen engaged in the fishery. It appears that late in July a schooner called the “Comet,” AYLWARD, Master, and three other schooners, all belonging to King’s Cove, after some fishing at Quirpon, went to Cape Onion to follow up the fishery, an abundance of fish having been reported at the latter place. They had hardly begun their work there when a Frenchman, who was styled Captain of the Room ordered them to desist. This they refused to do, whereupon the French Captain cut their lines and took possession of their sails and oars. When he came to the Comet, Captain AYLWARD got exasperated and struck him some hard blows over the head with a gaff or stick. Other Frenchmen then came on to help their Captain, when AYLWARD got some blows in return and his boat and gear were taken from him. The Frenchmen next went on board all the schooners, and took away their sails leaving them to shift for themselves in this helpless condition. After a day or two the sails were returned to all the schooners except the Comet, and they were obliged forthwith to quit the port. A French war cruiser arriving meanwhile, the Officer in command, having examined into the case of the Comet, ordered that her sails should be given back and that she also should leave the place, which orders were of course obeyed. This is in substance, we believe a correct statement of facts, and it shows very forcibly the need of a prompt settlement of the question of respective rights of fishery. The British fishermen AYLWARD appears to have been quite right in fishing where he did, as it is not pretended that he was interfering with the fishing operations of the French. The Frenchmen would however very probably assume to determine what constituted interference, and thus dispose of the matter by an arbitrary dictum. Hence the difficulty and the liability to such fracas as that which has lately occurred. It is surely high time, and more than high time, for an international arrangement that would forever terminate the present unfortunate state of affairs so fraught with the elements of trouble and disaster. – St. John’s Newfoundlander.
September 28 1883

October 5, 1883 Shipping News HMS “Foam”, bound to St. John’s, put into port on Tuesday last. Several schooners have returned form their second fishing trip to the French Shore, with scanty fares, during the week
October 5, 1883 Local Fishing News Fishing at Crow Head during the week, when boats were able to get out to the grounds, has been very fair for this season of the year.
October 5, 1883 Personals J. BOONE, Esq., Barrister at Law and MHA for the District of white Bay, who had been visiting his constituents, returned to St. John’s by last “Plover.”
October 5, 1883 Passengers The Coastal Steamer Plover, Capt. BLANDFORD, en route to St. John’s, arrived here on Wednesday night last. The Plover met with very rough weather on her Northern trip which considerably detained her. In consequence of the thick fog which prevailed on Wednesday night, she was compelled to lay off this harbor for upwards of two hours before she could make the Light, and come into port. She remained in port until early next morning when she took her departure. Appended is a list of passengers: - For St. John’s – Salmon River – Mr. WHITLEY and 2 sons, Mr. BURKE and family, Mrs. WALKER and family, Mr. DUNN and family, Capt. JOY and 2 children, Mr. CROSSMAN. Red Bay – Miss KNIGHT, Miss MARSHALL – Mr. BOONE, Mr. BALFOUR, Miss DROVER. …?... Cove – Mr. DONNELLY, Miss COLEMAN, – Miss WALKER, Master FLYNN, Miss GILL, Mr. HERBERT, Mr. NOBLE, Mr. ROBERTS. Leading Tickles – Mr. J.W. PHILLIPS. Twillingate – Mr. and Mrs. WILLIAMS, Miss SALTER, Mr. McGOWN. For Twillingate – From Little Bay – Mr. BLANDFORD, Miss ROBERTS. Tilt Cove – Miss COLBOURNE. Bett’s Cove – Mrs. LEAR, Mrs. BRETT, Mrs. WINSOR, Mrs. DAVIS. Little Bay Island – Mrs. STRONG, Mrs. LINFIELD. Griquet – Mr. LEDREW.
October 5, 1883 Birth At Little Bay Islands, on the 12th ult., the wife of Mr. A.C. HYNES, of a son.
October 5, 1883 Birth At Fortune Harbor, on Aug 12th, the wife of Mr. Thomas LANNEN of a daughter.
October 5, 1883 Birth At same place on 17th Aug, the wife of Mr. Dennis Da…co of a daughter.
October 5, 1883 Birth At same place on the 26th of Aug, the wife of Capt. James BYRNE of a daughter.
October 5, 1883 Birth At same place on the 30th of Aug, the wife of Mr. Luke ROBERTS of a son.
October 5, 1883 Birth At same place on Sept 8th, the wife of Capt. James LANNEN of a son.
October 5, 1883 Marriage At St. Joseph’s Church, Fortune Harbor, on Aug. 24th, by the Rev. S. FLYNN, Mr. John WALKER, youngest son of Mr. Joseph WALKER, to Ellen, eldest daughter of Mr. James LIVRE, both of Fortune Harbor.
October 5, 1883 Marriage At Fortune Harbor on the 28th Aug., Mr. Elward WISEMAN, to Ellen, third daughter of Mr. William CARROL.
October 5, 1883 Marriage At the same place, Sept. 10th., Mr. James GILLISPIE, to Annie, youngest daughter of Mr. Thomas QUIRK.
October 5, 1883 Death At Herring Neck, on Oct 1st, Susanna, the beloved wife of Mr. J. Samuel BATT and daughter of Thomas STUCKY, (deceased) and Martha STUCKEY of Herring Neck; aged 35 years. – (St. John’s papers please copy.) “Now I rest for ever viewing, Mercy poured in streams of blood; Precious drops, my soul bedewing, Plead and claim my peace with God.”
October 5, 1883 Death At Little Bay, July 5th, Mr. John HAMILTON, in the 55th year of his age. Deceased was a native of Brigus, but from his youth resided in Sydney, C.B., from which place he came to Little Bay four years ago. He leaves a wife and family to mourn the loss of a kind husband and an affectionate father. He was deeply regretted by a large circle of friends at Little Bay.
October 5, 1883 Death At Fortune Harbor on the 28th inst., Jane SWEENEY in the 65th year of her age. The deceased was a native of Change Islands but has been residing at Fortune Harbor for a number of years.
October 5, 1883 Advertisement For Sale. The schr. “Arthur,” 19 ½ tons; two summers running; and well found in new gear. For further particulars apply to John PURCHASE, Back Harbor, Twillingate.

October 12, 1883 Salvation Army Captain Fined At Worcester on Monday. Alfred Osborn, …?... of the Worcester Salvation Army, was summoned for causing an obstruction on Little Park Street. A woman had gone on her knees before the house of Mrs. BALLINGER of the Park Tavern Inn, to pray, and OSBORNE preached to about 300 people. He was fined …?..., and, refusing to pay, was sent for a month’s hard labour to prison.
October 12, 1883 Movements of the Fishing Fleets The Grand Bank fleet continue to arrive, some of them with broken fares, on account of the storms. The George fleet are meeting with good success, and an improvement is reported in the mackerel prospect. We notice …?... fishing arrivals since our last issue, bringing a total of 2,253,000 lbs. cod fish; 50,850 lbs. halibut and 3,384 brls mackerel. Other receipts, 1 bbl fish oil and 1,500 lbs. hake. For the corresponding week of last year the receipts were 1,585,000 lbs. codfish, 221,055 lbs. halibut, 4,225 brls mackerel, 2.950 qtls mixed fish and 35 ….ke oil. Last week the receipts were 2,425,000 lbs codfish, 91,750 lbs. halibut, 2.355 bbls mackerel, 45,000 lbs. hake, 1,500 qtls, cured hake, and 10 bbls. fish oil. For the fourth week in sucession, the codfish receipts at this port have exceeded two million pounds, and unusual occurrence and for the past ten weeks the average weekly receipts have been 1,999,300 bls. the Grand Bank fleet continue to bring in large fares as a rule, although a few vessels come home with broken fares on account of the rough weather in August. Halibut have been in light receipt the past week, and price have ruled high. Mackerel have been in good receipt. We notice 71 fishing arrivals since our last issue having a total of 2,190,001 lbs. cod fish, 134,650 lbs. halibut, 5,805 bbls. mackerel. Other receipts 68 bbls. herring; 35 bbls. shad; 60 qtls. cured codfish and 2000 lbs. Pollock. For the corresponding week of last year the receipts were 932,000 lbs. codfish; 47,700 lbs. halibut; 1,490 bbls. mackerel and 1,950 qtls mixed fish. Last week the receipts were 2,253,000 lbs. codfish; 59,850 lbs. halibut; 3382 bbls. mackerel, 1,500 lbs. hake and 1 bbl. fish oil. – Cape Ann Advertiser.
October 12, 1883 Birth At St. John’s on the 5th. inst., the wife of Mr. Robt. MUNDY of a daughter.
October 12, 1883 Marriage In St. Andrews Chruch, Fogo on Sept. 20, by the Rev. C. MEEK, Mr. Henry TORRAVILLE of Fogo, to Miss Emily COMBDEN of Wild Cove, Seldom Come By.
October 12, 1883 Marriage By the same in the Church of St. John the Evangelist, Barr’d Islands on Oct. 1st. Mr. Abraham CULL of Shoal Bay, to Miss Eliza WELLS of Joe Batt’s Arm.
October 12, 1883 Marriage At the same time and place, by the same, Mr. Stephen WELLS to Miss Elizabeth Sarah FREAKE both of Joe Batt’s Arm.
October 12, 1883 Marriage At the Congregational Parsonage, St. John’s on the 1st inst., by the Rev D. BEATON, Mr. George SPENCER of Twillingate to Miss Mary Jane FRY of Brigus.
October 12, 1883 Marriage At St. Andrew’s Manse, St. John’s on the 3rd inst., by the Rev. L.G. MacNEILL, M.A., Mr. Archibald M. RADFORD, to Jane eldest daughter of Capt. Chas. FIELD of St. John’s.
October 12, 1883 Marriage At St. Pierre, Miquelon on the 18th inst., at St. Paul’s Church, by the Rev. Wm. TEMPLE, J.H. ICELY, Esq., of the FCTU to Miss J. Elizabeth eldest daughter of W.F. McLAUGHLIN, Esq., Merchant.
October 12, 1883 Advertisement Teacher Wanted immediately after the New Year, will be hired for Salt harbor, Herring Neck, a young single man of good character; holding either second or third Grade, and able to act as Lay Reader. Salary £50 (and fees). Apply to the Chairman, Church of England Board, Twillingate.
October 12, 1883 A Terrible Affray (Part 1) One man Killed – Another Wounded. At 10.40 on Saturday evening last, word was received at St. John’s to the effect that Levi KING, of Broad Cove had been dangerously wounded, and George SQIRES of Broad Cove, seriously hurt. Inspector CARTY at once collected a squad of mounted and foot Police and started along the Topsail Road for Horse Cove, where Michael WHALEN, who was said to have committed the assault, resided. Arrived there, the prisoner’s wife was asked for admittance, and upon its being refused, the door was forced open and the prisoner was found upon a bed in the house. He was at once arrested. Search was made for the instrument with which the crime was committed, and a jack-knife having an open blade and marked with blood, was found lying beside the prisoner’s pipe. This was secured, and the prisoner was brought to town and incarcerated. Soon after Inspector CARTY left for Horse Cove, Judge PROWSE accompanied by Head Constable SULLIVAN and a squad of Police, started for Broad Cove to examine into the assault, and to take the depositions of the wounded parties. When the Judge arrived at KING’s house he found that KING was dead, and immediately proceeded to the house of Richard SQUIRES, the father of the wounded man.
October 12, 1883 A Terrible Affray (Part 2) Doctors were sent for at once, and Drs. SHEA and HOWLEY came out, examined SQUIRES’ wounds and held a post-mortem examination on the deceased, KING. In the meantime depositions were taken by Judge PROWSE from SQUIRES and Mrs. KING, the wife of the deceased. From the most authentic sources we gather the following particulars of the unhappy affray: - The deceased KING and SQUIRES were employed during the past season with Capt. JOY in the Straits of Belle Isle, and returned on Saturday morning last. In the afternoon they left St. John’s for their homes in Broad Cove, SQUIRES going with WHELAN and his wife in a cart. On their way, SQUIRES and WHELAN had a wordy battle and the former left the cart, and proceeded on foot, overtaking the deceased, with Stephen SQUIRES and Richard TUCKER, at the junction of Broad and Portugal Cove roads. On the Broad Cove road, SQUIRES, KING and WHELAND had several rows, but no blows were struck. When just before KING’s house, the prisoner attempted to pull deceased from his cart, but did not succeed, and KING went into his door and embraced his wife. WHELAN brought his own cart opposite KINGs gate and called out to KING and SQUIRES, the latter having followed KING to his house , that he could fight either of them.
October 12, 1883 A Terrible Affray (Part 3) KING seemingly accepting the challenge, went out to the gate and exchanged blows with WHELAN, hitting at him once with a hatchet handle which he snatched from WHELAN’s cart, and then running into his own house, SQUIRES attempting to prevent WHELAN from following him, but did not succeed in preventing WHELAN from striking KING near the door. It was at this moment that SQUIRES and KING were probably stabbed as the latter staggered into his house, leaving blood marks on the hallway and floor, and expiring four or five minutes afterwards. KING’s wife followed him into the house and caught him as he staggered across the floor. The deceased exclaimed, “I am gone, I am killed.” and was not conscious afterward. Two wounds had been inflicted upon him, the mortal one in the lower part of the stomach on the left side, and evidently caused by a sharp instrument. SQUIRES was wounded in the side with a similar instrument and now lies in the Hospital, where it is expected he will recover. All the parties had been drinking liquor, but none of them were drunk. The crime may be counted as one of the black list daily arising from intemperance. Great credit is due the Police for their handling of this affair. Quietness, expedition and thoroughness are highly desirable qualities, and the possession of them by our Police force causes the city and its vicinity to be famed for its good order. The examination preliminary to a commitment for trial is now proceeding before Judge PROWSE, and will probably occupy the whole week. – Mercury.
October 12, 1883 Crew Safe On Monday, the 3rd day of September, the schooner “George C. Harris,” HARRIS, Master, of Grand Bank, was anchored on the Grand Banks seventy miles East of the Virgin Rocks. Two of the crew left the schooner in a dory to take in their trawls. Owing to a dense fog, they lost sight of their vessel and went astray. The following morning Captain HARRIS weighed anchor to search for his mIssing men, but did not succeed in finding them, the weather at the time being very stormy. On the following Saturday they were picked up by an English vessel bound from Belfast to Miramichi, having been six days without water. One man was so exhausted that he cut his fingers to suck the blood. They speak very highly of the kindness shown them by the English Captain and his wife, whose names they do no know; neither do they know the name of the brig. They were afterwards transferred to a French banker bound to St. Pierre where they were landed on the 18th ult.
October 12, 1883 Advertisement Dr. BURNS of St. John’s, would announce that his assistant, Mr.K. LANGILLl, Dentist, will visit Twillingate professionally in a few weeks. – Ad.
October 12, 1883 Shipping News The “Maggie,” a new vessel lately purchased for the firm of E. Duder, Esq., left Fogo for a foreign market a few days ago with 5,000 qtls of fish.
October 12, 1883 Loss of Vessel on the Labrador. We (Standard) learn of the loss of one vessel, the “Cryus,” which on the night of the 25th ult., was driven ashore at Chimney Tickle during the prevalence of a violent storm of Southerly wind. She became a total wreck. The Cyrus belonged to Messrs. Jolin Munn & Co.
October 12, 1883 Passengers The coastal steamer Plover, Capt. BLANDFORD, bringing hither mails and passengers, made her appearance here between 3 and 4 o’clock yesterday morning. Subjoined is a list of passengers: - Bay-de-Verde – Miss CRITCH, Dr. GODDARD, Dr. BURNS, Messrs. BARTER, WOODS, MARCH, CHAVSHESLEYAN. Catalina – Mrs. FORBES and two children, Mrs. CONNORS. Greenspond – Mr. BROWN. Fogo – Mrs. ARCHIBALD and LARACY and Mrs. FRENCH. Twillingate – Mr. BOYLE, Miss RICE, Miss OSMOND, Mrs. FRENCH. Exploits – Mrs. STRATTON. Nipper’s Harbor – Messrs. HERBERT and NOBLE. King’s Cove to Twillingate – Rev. T.R. NURSE, Master HART. Fogo to Twillingate – Mr. and Mrs. THOMPSON. Twillingate to Little Bay – Mr. J.B. BLANDFORD.
October 12, 1883 Cases of Assault at Fogo (Part 1) Two or three cases of assault have lately been tried before the Stipendiary Magistrate at Fogo, James FITZGERALD Esq. One was that of James MORGAN, who was charged with an assault upon Cornelius WHITEWAY of Musgrave Harbor, whose schooner “Newfoundland” was then loading with fish for St. John’s. In his deposition before the Magistrate on the 8th inst., the Complainant said: - “I was keeping tally of the fish going on board of my vessel for St. John’s on Mr. DUDER’s wharf about half past twelve o’clock, when James MORGAN, aged ..?.. years, a shareholder, came and asked me for money. I refused to give him any as he was drunk. He then left the wharf and went down into the hold of the vessel. I heard him making a noise with the people who were stowing the cargo. I told him to be quiet or I should go for the Policeman. He then began to rear and curse me and got up out of the hold of the vessel and followed me upon the wharf. I told him to go on board, but he came close up to me in a threatening manner swearing and cursing. I pushed him away and then went up to look for the Police, and to make a complaint. He then followed me and overtook me near Mr. Peter PICKOTS and raised his hands over my head in a violent and threatening manner. I pushed him away again. He then took up a stone about the size of a man’ hand and threw it at me with all his might. The stone struck me on the back of my head, just under my hat, and cut and bruised my head. He then came up to me again to assault me. I caught him again and pushed him away.” The evidence of a witness, Mr. John HODDNOTT, fully corroborated the statement made by the Complainant, and MORGAN was fined $20 for his improper conduct.
October 12, 1883 Cases of Assault at Fogo (Part 2) Another case tried before the Magistrate was that of Joseph WATERMAN, against a fisherman named George HILLINGS of Lion’s Den. From the evidence it appeared that Joseph WATERMAN was going from his work between five and six o’clock. HILLINGS came out of a shop nearby, making use of very unbecoming language. WATERMAN told him quietly not to be swearing. HILLINGS however, being under the influence of liquor, did not regard his kindly advice, but thereupon assaulted him without any provocation, pushing him off the street and striking him a heavy blow on the mouth. HILLINGS was fined $6 and costs.
October 12, 1883 The Railway During the past week the work of railway construction in the neighborhood of the Riverhead of this town has been prosecuted with much vigor, under the energetic management of Mr. PEIRSON, Contractor. Over two hundred and thirty men are now actively employed, and the work in their hands is making rapid progress. Not less than one mile and a quarter of new road has been partly constructed and in the course of a short time will be ready for grading. Much credit is due to Mr. PEIRSON for the very energetic manner in which the work has been entered upon. The five mile section in the neighborhood of Tilton will, we learn, be commenced on Monday. – H.G. Standard.

October 19, 1883 Marriage At St. Peter’s Church, Twillingate on Sept. 21st by Rev. R. TEMPLE, R.D., George COMPTON to Elizabeth LANE, both of Englee.
October 19, 1883 Marriage On Oct. 15th, by the same, Thomas CASSELL of Harbor Deep to Louisa HANCOCK of Englee.
October 19, 1883 Marriage On Oct. 16th., by the same, John FILLIER to Lydia HOPKINS both of Englee.
October 19, 1883 Shipping News Port of Twillingate. Entered: Oct. 13 – “Jane Rennie,” MUDGE, Cadez, salt, E. Duder. Cleared: Oct 18 – “Lord March,” MORRAT, Gibralter, fish, E. Duder. The schooners Mary Parker, Flamingo, Contrast and Outstrip, the first laden with oil and the three latter with fish, left port for St. John’s during the week. The schr. “H.W.B,” Thomas YOUNG, Master, arrived here from the French Shore on Wednesday morning last. She reports plenty of frost and snow on that coast.
October 19, 1883 Nomination Day Smith McKAY, Esq., who was returned last fall as one of the members for this district by such an overwhelming majority, having been appointed Chairman of the Board of Works, has come to the district for re-election. In accordance with a Proclamation from His Honor the Administrator of the Government, Monday next, 22nd inst., is the day appointed for nomination, when he will probably be re-elected by acclamation as there is not likely to be opposition.
October 19, 1883 Inspection of Schools Dr. MILLIGAN, Superintendent of Methodist Day schools, came here per last “Plover” from the South. On Thursday, the 11th, inst., he inspected the Durrell’s Arm School, under the care of Mr. DAVIS, and on the following day the Northside school, taught by Mr. W.T. ROBERTS. He expressed himself pleased with the general proficiency of the pupils in attendance.
October 19, 1883 Appointments His Honor, the Administrator of the Government in Council, has been pleased to make the following appointments to Methodist Boards of Education: - Rev. Charles LYNCH, Flat Islands to be a member of the Burin Education Board in the place of the Rev. Samuel SNOWDEN – left the district. Rev. J.B.J. SMITH, Sound Island Education Board in the place of Rev. SNOWDEN – left the district.

October 26, 1883 Railway Operations at Harbor Grace. On Monday last the schooner “Kate” arrived here from St. John’s with a load of railway iron besides a quantity of material for bridging purposes. On Monday next, we understand it is the intention of Mr. PIERSON, Contractor to commence laying rails on the line in the vicinity North of Otterbury – large numbers of these as well as of sleepers have been conveyed in and deposited along the road that in now ready to receive them.
October 26, 1883 Birth On Wednesday morning, the 23rd. inst., the wife of Mr. W.J. SCOTT, of a son.
October 26, 1883 Birth At Bonavista on Monday, 8th. inst., the wife of Mr. C. CURTIS, Teacher of the Methodist East End School, of a son.
October 26, 1883 Birth At the same place on Wednesday, 10th. inst., the wife of Mr. A. VINCENT, Teacher of the Central School, of a daughter.
October 26, 1883 Birth At St. John’s on Oct. 19th, Mrs. McCOWEN, of a son.
October 26, 1883 Marriage On the 29th inst., at St. Peter’s Church, by Rev. R. TEMPLE, R.D., Mr. Abraham HURLEY to Miss Mary Ann REDDICK both of Herring Neck.
October 26, 1883 Marriage At Little Harbor on the 22nd Oct. By Rev. F.R. DUFFILL, Mr. Edward ANSTEY to Miss Lavinia OXFORD both of Purcell’s Harbor.
October 26, 1883 Marriage At the same place on the same day by the same, Mr. Peter ANSTEY to Miss R…… JAMES, both of Purcell’s Harbor.
October 26, 1883 Marriage At the same place on the same day by the same, Mr. Joseph MARCH to Miss Joanna ANSTEY both of Purcell’s Harbor.
October 26, 1883 Marriage On 10th inst., at St. Thomas’ Church, St. John’s by the Rev. A.C. WOOD, M.A. Rector, Mr. M.G. WINTER youngest son of James WINTER, Esq., H.M. Customs, to Alice ….gusta, youngest daughter of R. W. LILLY, Esq., Clerk of the Peace.
October 26, 1883 Marriage At the Methodist Parsonage, Fogo, on the 17th inst., by the Rev. J. HILL, Mr. James PENNEY, of Seldom-Come-By, to Miss Jessie GINN of Fogo.
October 26, 1883 Marriage On the 1st instant at Christ Church, Sorel, Canada by the Lord Bishop of Montreal, Robert James, son of Captain R. NELSON of Sorel to Julia Caroline second daughter of the Rev. C.J. (Machin ?) Minister of the Parish and late of the Cathedral Church of St. John the Baptist, St. John’s, Newfoundland.
October 26, 1883 Death At New (Barnet ?), England on Sept. 1st aged 89 years, Edmond STORY of the General Post Office, London; only brother of the Rev. G.P. STORY, Catalina.
October 26, 1883 Death At Brookholm, Ont. Canada on September 19, George CRANE aged 41 years son of George and Margaret CRANE formerly of Upper Island Cove, Newfoundland.
October 26, 1883 Death At St. John’s on Tuesday afternoon 16th inst., after a very brief illness, Maria Knight, youngest daughter of the late Lionel CHACEY, beloved wife of Mr. J.E. BENJAMIN of Nova Scotia.
October 26, 1883 Loss of Another Steamer A telegram from Placentia dated Oct. 15., states: “….. on last Sunday evening, the S.S. “Polynesia,” of New Castle, ran ashore during a dense fog, at Point (Breme ?) Cape St. Mary’s and became a total wreck. The Polynesia was a vessel of 725 tons and was lumber laden and bound from Montreal to Liverpool. The crew were saved. – H.G. Standard.
October 26, 1883 Advertisement John Martin, Manufacturer of Boots & Shoes, 141 Water Street, St. John’s, Newfoundland.
October 26, 1883 Passengers The coastal steamer Plover, Capt. BLANDFORD, with mails and passengers, arrived here on Thursday forenoon. Owing to the heavy sea that prevailed on Tuesday, the Plover was compelled to lay in Bay-de-Verde harbor all night. She proceeds as far North as Little Harbor, Labrador and may be looked for here on her return about Wednesday. Subjoined is a list of passengers:- Old Perlican – Mrs. MOREY, E. O’NEILY. Trinity – Miss BOER, Mr. BENT, Mr. WATKINS. Catalina – Mr. PENNY. Fogo – Mr. ARNOTT, Mr. FITZGERALD, Mr. ELLIOTT, Mr. BRETT. Twillingate – Rev. Mr. EMBREE. Exploits – Mr. J. MANUEL, Mr. G. MANUEL. Little Bay Island – Mr. J. STRONG, Mr. GREEN. Little Bay – Miss LEWIS, Mr. LANGILL. Tilt Cove – Mr. St. GEORGE, Mrs. FENNESSEY, Mr. TOMS, Mrs. TOMS.
October 26, 1883 Serious Accident On the arrival of the “Plover” on Thursday last, Mrs. EMBREE left home in a carriage to meet the Rev. Mr. EMBREE, who was returning from St. John’s. (whither he had been for the purpose of attending a committee meeting in connection with the Methodist Church). During the absence of Mrs. EMBREE, the servant went to the back yard for a few moments, leaving the children alone. In the meantime, a little girl about four years old, approached the stove and held her pinafore to the fire, the fringe quickly caught and almost instantly the little creature was enveloped in flames. The servant was soon on the spot but was powerless to render any assistance towards suppressing the blaze. Fortunately, however, the Rev. Mr. DUFFILL was in the study at the time and hearing the screeches from the little one, was speedily to the rescue and with some difficulty, succeeded in extinguishing the fire. If it had not been but for his timely assistance fatal consequences would no doubt have attended the painful circumstances. As it is, the little one was much disfigured; the hands and face being a good deal burnt. Dr. STAFFORD, who resides near by, was promptly in attendance and applied the necessary remedies for the relief of the unfortunate little sufferer. She is still in a painful condition, but it is hoped that skilful care and attention will restore her to soundness in a few weeks. We tender Mr. and Mrs. EMBREE our deepest sympathy in this, their hour of domestic affliction.
October 26, 1883 French Outrage Capt. John EASTMAN, in a communication to the Evening Mercury, under date Burnt Island, Sept. 27, 1883, furnished that paper with an account of another of those outrages, which are frequently made on our people by the French, whilst engaged in the fisheries. It is a great injustice for our fishermen to have to submit to such unfair treatment as that referred to, and we hope that steps will be immediately taken to prevent such an occurred such in the future, and that will ensure for our fishermen that liberty and protection which they ought to have. The Captain’s remark are as follows:-- “I sailed on the 15th of August last for the herring fishery, taking trawls to catch food if no herring could be found. I went into St. John’s Island, and finding plenty cod, but no herring, set my trawls. After a few days, a French Man-of-War arrived and all the English vessels were ordered to leave, but they felt plucky and refused to go. Short’s Island, being a wild harbor, and unsafe in the fall, we moved at a later date to St. John’s Island Harbor, a little further Westward. Here, on the first day of September, we were again visited by the French Man-of-War and our fish were thrown away, the French brandishing their swords and other weapons in a manner that alarmed us. My loss, by lost fish and cut trawls, amounted to one hundred pounds. The law says that if we split fish outside of a harbor, we will be fined $50-0. What are we to do then if within a harbor, the French destroy our fish. There should be something done to prevent the French from having the best part of our fishery. It is pretty hard that we should be driven off our own country by the French. We can’t charter our vessels, and if we drop anchor and do nothing we must starve. I hope that some steps will be taken to protect us from the French. Let them take away their swords, guns and bayonets, and we are …?... for them.”
October 26, 1883 The Potato Crop For the past couple of weeks our people in this and various other localities have been busily employed “digging” their potatoes and putting them securely in cellar before the cold weather sets in. The crop this season in some places is not so abundant as last year, which is attributed to the long continuance of dry weather during the summer. The hay crop also suffered considerably from the same cause.
October 26, 1883 Mr. McKAY Returned By Acclimation Monday last being Nomination Day, appointed by Proclamation for the election of a member for this district, Smith McKAY Esq., who was lately appointed Chairman of the Board of Works, was put in nomination at the Court room, being proposed by R.D. HODGE, Esq., J.P., and seconded by Mr. Benjamin ROSSITER. As there was no other candidate, Mr. McKAY was declared re-elected after the usual time for receiving candidates had expired. Mr. McKAY is a tried representative, and as in the past, we believe that the district will still find in him one who is ever ready to foster and promote its best interests. He left here per “Plover” to visit Little Bay and other parts of the district.
October 26, 1883 The Yacht “Jenny.” A Fortune Harbor correspondent, writhing under date Oct. 19th, 1883, says: - “Captain John NORMORE, in the yacht Jenny (about 18 feet long, and 5 feet broad) arrived here on the 19th inst. Capt. NORMORE left Seldom-Come-By on the 14th inst. and after a run of four days arrived at Northern Harbor, Ship Run. He left there on the following morning. In the evening, whilst the little boat was gliding along by Fortune Harbor, the wind blowing a strong breeze from S.S.W., a squall struck her, carrying away the mainsail. The Captain then decided to go into Fortune Harbor, but the wind being ahead, and the boat disabled, she began to drift and but for the timely assistance of a fishing boat, would have been driven to sea. Captain John NORMORE is a man between forty-five and fifty years. He is a native of Cann Island, Seldom-Come-Bye, which latter place he had laboured hard for many years. For the last five years he has been a resident of Hall’s Bay. It is something extraordinary for a man of his age to complete a journey of over eighty miles in such a gig. Captain NORMORE says live stock – three hens and one goat – are the only animals that comfort his loneliness. The people of Fortune Harbor behaved well, in every respect, toward the brave Captain. He is now in port and will leave as soon as a suitable time offers."
October 26, 1883 Court Case We (Our Century) understand that the Esquimaux Ephriam, who is at present undergoing a life-long sentence in the penitentiary for the murder of his brother-in-law, will be indicted during the ensuing term of the Supreme Court on the charge of murdering his wife. It will be remembered that on being convicted on the former charge he was sentenced to be hanged, but through the clemency of Her Majesty the Queen, that sentence was commuted to that of imprisonment for life.
October 26, 1883 Death On the afternoon of Wednesday last, the remains of the unfortunate man KING (who was killed on Broad Cove Road on the evening of the 6th), were consigned to mother earth in the Church of England burial ground at Broad Cove, in the presence of very many brethren of the L.O.A. of which the poor fellow was a member; the burial service of the Church being read by the Rev. E. BOTWOOD, P.D. of Avalon. - Times, Oct 13.
October 26, 1883 Founder At Harbor Grace Island At about 10 o’clock on Monday evening last, the inmates of Harbor Grace Island Light House were much alarmed by suddenly feeling the building shake and tremble. On examination it was ascertained that the alarm had been caused by a large quantity of the North side of the cliff upon which the building rests, having given way and come foundering to the bottom. The lighthouse is only 23 ½ feet from the edge of the Island and the late founder has taken away the material for may feet in the direction of the foundation of the building; so that it is now resting upon a very insecure basis. It is believed that another founder wild have the effect of undermining the structure and bringing it down. It is to be hoped that the authorities will take measures to have the lighthouse removed without delay to a more secure place. – H.G. Standard.
October 26, 1883 Train Wrecking On Sunday night when the train from Holyrood was about half a mile from the Ropewalk, a sudden shock was felt by those on board, and a stop was made to ascertain the cause. It was discovered that a plank, thirteen and a half inches wide and two thick, had been placed across the track, and a lot of stones placed upon it to keep it in position. The cowcatcher of the engine had struck the stones scattering then right ad left, but had passed over the plank, which was broken in three pieces by the wheels of the engine. A special party were on board the train, at the time, consisting of several of our leading merchants, among whom were the Hon. A.W. HARVEY, Mr. H.J. STABB, Mr. A. SMITH and Mr. GOODRIDGE. On the same night, stones were placed on the track near Indian Pond Beach, and a train carting laborers, came very near having a serious accident. – Mercury, Oct 22.
October 26, 1883 The S.S. “Proteus.” The Government, we are informed, have resolved to hold a Marine Court of Enquiry into the loss of the above named vessel. In doing this they have been actuated by a desire to investigate, and if possible to refute the reports made by Captain WILDE, Lieutenant GARLINGTON and Artificer MORITZ, which have done so much to blacken the fair name of our seamen. The decision will be welcomed by our people generally and affords another proof of the care, which our paternal and progressive Government, exercises over the fortunes of the people. We shall endeavour to keep the public informed from day to day of the result of the Court’s enquiries. – Ibid.
October 26, 1883 The Loss of the S.S. “Canima.” The Marine Court of Enquiry resumed its sitting on Monday the 15th inst., at 4 p.m., and having submitted certain questions to the Master, Capt. FARQUHAR, and heard his replies, proceeded to deliberate with closed doors. About 6:30, the Captain was re-admitted and the Court stated, through the President, that they were of the opinion that after St. Mary’s light was sighted on an E. by N. bearing, the ship should have been hauled up to a N.E. by S. or S. E. by S. course to allow for the strong current, then setting to the N.E. Instead of allowing for the current, which had set the ship 12 miles in 7 ½ hours, courses were steered which eventually wrecked her at St. Shotts. They held further that when a fishing boat was sighted and the course altered, according to the evidence of Captain and Mate – which was not supported by the helmsman’s evidence – cast of the lead should have been taken, which would have at once apprised him of his position. And accordingly the President Judge Conroy, stated in open Court that they had unanimously decided to suspend the certificate of Capt. FARQUHAR for 12 months from this date. We understand the Court did not disturb the Certificate of the Chief Officer, Mr. VIGUS, who was on the bridge when the wreck occurred, as it was the Captain’s watch and the latter was in charge and from ………….. directed the courses.
November 3, 1883 Marriage On Oct. 20th, at the Methodist Parsonage, Exploits, by Rev A HILL, Mr. Daniel BALL of Exploits, to Mary LANGDON of Exploits Bay.
November 3, 1883 Marriage On Oct 24th, by the same, Mr. Levi MILLEY of Exploits, to Elizabeth Emma CLARKE, of Scissors Cove.
November 3, 1883 Marriage On Oct 24th, by the same, Mr. Jabez BURSEY of Lower Island Cove, to Amelia RIDOUT of Exploits.
November 3, 1883 Marriage At St. Mary's Church, South Side, St. John's on the 20th of Oct. by the Rev T R NURSE, Mr. Albert STRONG, to Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. James BUSSEY.
November 3, 1883 Marriage On Oct. 17th at the brides residence, Western Bay by the Rev T. W. ATKINSON, Mr. Job MANUEL of Exploits to Miss Sarah Emma BUTT, Western Bay.
November 3, 1883 Marriage On Aug. 30th, at St. Stephen's Church, Greenspond, by Rev. W. HOW, Joseph Highmore, youngest son of the late Mr. Benjamin EDGAR, to Martha, daughter of Mr. Aubrey G. CROCKER, both of Greenspond.
November 3, 1883 Died Suddenly, this morning, Mr John STUCKLESS, aged 74 yrs.
November 3, 1883 Sudden Death Mr. John STUCKLESS, an old and respected inhabitant of this place died very suddenly this morning. Mr. STUCKLESS, we understand, had been suffering for some time from an internal ailment, but which did not prevent him from pursuing his daily occupation. This morning he arose as usual and went out to attend to some customary duties about his premises; he shortly after returned and just entered the house, when he fainted and fell to the floor. He was immediately taken up and conveyed to bed, where he expired in a few minutes. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved relatives and friends.
November 3, 1883 Prisoners Latest intelligence from the Westward - The Curlew, from the Western mail ports, arrived here at an early hour this moring. Three prisoners, the charges of whom will be disposed of in the Supreme Court at its coming term, arrived by her. Two of them are the HOLLETTS, of Burin - father & son - the latter a principal in the killing of MAYO, as already reported. The third prisoner is accused of having deserted his wife and children and was arrested by Constable GRANT, in the Bay of Islands, and brought here by that officer.
November 3, 1883 Inkpen's Schooner Lost It appears that traces have been found, indicating to a certainty, that INKPEN's (of Burin), schooner, which was commanded at the time by by a son of the owner, was lost with all onboard. The discovery of a boat with bottom upward, and containing the remains of two men, leads to that unfortunate conclusion. - Evening Telegram, Oct. 18.
November 3, 1883 Whale Fishery The steamer Wolf, belonging to Messrs. Walter GRIEVE & Co., and commanded by Capt. BURNETT, arrived from the Davis Straits whale fishery between 1 and 12 o'clock this morning, after a most unsuccessful voyage. The Wolf left here for the far North on the 21st of May and reached the fishing grounds in due time and without mishap. But the prospects were bad, so bad indeed that the crew didn't kill a solitary fish. One dead whale was picked up, from which 13 tons of oil and half ton of bone were obtained and those two items constitute the entire fare. Indication has been received of the Esquimaux being homeward bound from the same fishery, with the equavilent of 16 tons of oil. The steamer received a squezzing from two heavy pans of ice but got clear without suffering any material damage. Capt. BURNETT's report is similar to that of the SS Resolute, copied by us a short time since from the Dundee Advertiser. Several vessels were seen, but none of them well fished. - Ibid.
November 3, 1883 For Sale A Room & Premises at Jenkins Cove, belonging to Wm. CURTIS. The above includes a house, garden, meadow, land &c. It is a desirable place to settle on and will be disposed of reasonably.
November 3, 1883 Local & General M. K. LANGILL, Dentist, is now on a professional visit to Twillingate, and may be consulted for two weeks at Mr. Titus MANUEL's (near the Town Hall).
November 3, 1883 Galvanized Buckets The Scientific American says that galvanized iron pails for drinking water should not be used. The zinc coating is readily acted upon by water, forming a poisonus oxide of zinc.
November 3, 1883 Immigration The number of immigrants that arrived in Canada in the first nine months of this year was 91,779 against 76,378 in the corresponding period in 1882. An increase of 15,401. The total immigration last year was 115,000 so that the gain to the population of Canada in 1883 by imigration will approximate 150,000 souls, or about five times what it was half a dozen years ago.
November 3, 1883 Wharf Damaged On Sunday morning about two o'clock as the SS Coban was leaving Messrs Harvey & Cos wharf for Montreal, she came in contact with the head of the pier on which the freight shed is built, and in which was stowed a quantity of flour and butter, causing it to give away and precipitate the butter into the water. About 700 firkins were floating around the wharves, and men were employed in boats all yesterday picking it up. The wind blowing at the time caused the wreckage to float up the harbor and it was recovered with the exception of a few firkins. Had the wind been blowing out, it is probable that it would have been carried to sea. The damage done to the wharf and shed is considerable, but will be repaired in a short time.
November 3, 1883 A Fine Craft Messrs W.H. MOORE & Co's schooners, the Annie C. and Golden Rule, arrived from Bonne Bay recently with full cargoes of fish. The Annie C is the new vessel built in Newfoundland last winter by Mr. George MOFFAT, and to say she is a superior vessel does not even do her justice. Captain SHEPPARD and her owner are highly pleased with her.
November 3, 1883 Road Board His Honor the Administrator of the Government, in Council, has been pleased to appoint Messrs Eliel DROVER, Archibald DROVER, James YOUNG, Israel SMITH, Nathaniel BARRETT, to be a Board of Road Commissioners for Upper Island Cove; Messrs Samuel GILLESPIE, Michael BRYAN, Michael BYRNE, Waldron's Cove, Richard HAMILTON, Matthew GLAVEEN, David LYVER, Waldron's Cove, to be a Board of Road Commissioners for Fortune Harbour; and Adolphus YATES, Jacob MANUEL, David SPENCER, Edward BOONE, and John MORES, to be a Board of Road Commissioners for New Bay. His Honor the Administrator of the Government in Council, has been pleased to appoint Messrs James BISHOP, Edward COLLINS, and George MILLER to be a Board of Road Commissionors for Flat Island. Rev. John J. WALSH, Messrs Henry SLANEY, Alphonzo Sr., Emmanuel PIKE and Thomas BECK, to be a Board of Road Commissioners for St. Lawrence; Messrs John EDWARDS, Joseph CONNORS, Peter CONNORS, Martin STRANG and Patrick TARRANT, to be a Board of Road Commissionors for Lawn. The Rev. William BORN, to be a member of the Trepassy Road Board; Mr. John DIVINE, to be a member of the King's Cove Road Board and Mr William TAYLOR, to be a member of the Moreton's Harbor Road Board, in room of Thomas LUCAS left the district.

November 9, 1883 Serious Accident At about nine o'clock this morning and while a number of laborers were employed putting coal on board the SS. Bear from a shed on W Grieve & Co's premises, South Side, a mass of the coal which had been undermined, fell, bursting out the ends of the shed, and burying five men beneath it. The greatest excitement at once prevailed and frantic efforts were made to rescue the imprisoned men. In half an hour they were rescued, and it was then found that James WALSH, an old man, was dead. Wm GUEST, South Side, and George RYAN, Riverhead, severely injured, MENCHON and VOT, only slightly hurt. GUEST is not expected to live. MENCHON has had several narrow escapes in his life time. Some years ago he was the sole survivor of a bait skiff lost at Petty Harbor. Last year while fishing, his boat was cut down by BISHOP's craft and he saved his life by catching part of the anchor chain. In this case his life, and the lives of his surviving companions, were saved by the fact that the end of the store was covered with the coal, fell over, and was partly sustained, by some oil casks. Father RYAN, Drs SHEA, SMITH and HARVEY were in attendance soon after the accident. This accident calls for a prompt and serious enquiry and we trust those in authority will order one, Blame, we think justly attaches to some parties, and the lives of our laborors are too precious to be trifled with.
November 9, 1883 Marriage On the 5th at St. Peter's Church by Rev R. TEMPLE, R D , Mr. Thos. LUSCOMBE, to Mrs JANE WHELLOR, both of Loon Bay.
November 9, 1883 Marriage On Nov 3rd, at St. Paul's Church, Trinity, by Rev Henry JOHNSON, James, son of Mr. Thos. LAVENDER, to Anne, daughter of Mr. John CLIFFORD, both of Trinity, Trinity Bay.
November 9, 1883 Marriage On Nov 5th, at the same place, by the same, Mr. William STONE of Old Bonaventure, to Sarah, daughter of Mr. Stephen CLARKE of Cuckold's Cove
November 9, 1883 Marriage On Nov 6th, at the same by the same, William, son of Mr. Thos. LANGDONE of Thoroughfare, to Emily, daughter of Mr. James CLARKE of Cuckold's Cove
November 9, 1883 Marriage On the 27th inst., at the Parsonage, Gower St., St. John's, by the Rev WW PERCIVAL, Mr. Benjamin W MOORES, of New Bay, to Miss Mary H. BROWN of Catalina.
November 9, 1883 Marriage On the 27th Oct., at St. Thomas' Church, St. John's, by the Rev A C F Wood, MLA, assisted by Rev. H. DUNFIELD, Francis Cyrus BERTEAU, Esq., H.M.C., eldest son of Francis BERTEAU, Esq, Stipendiary Magistrate, Twillingate, to Margaret Alice IRWIN, youngest daughter of the late Capt. W. F. COEN, H.M. Army.
November 9, 1883 Marriage On the 26th inst, at St. Thomas' church, St. John's , by the Rev. A.C.F. WOOD, M.A., Mr. Wm. BRIGHT, printer, to Isabella, eldest daughter of Mr. John THISTLE.
November 9, 1883 Marriage On the 23rd inst. At the residence of the bride's father, St. John's by the Rev L.G. MacNEIL, MA. Mr. Jas Charles CARTER, to Miss Jeanie Deans, second daughter of W.D. MORISON, Esq.
November 9, 1883 Deaths On Sunday morning last, of consumption, JONATHAN JACOBS, aged 14 yrs. On Thursday last the remains of deceased were laid to rest in the Curch of England Cemetery, whither they were followed by the members of the Band of Hope, of which deceased was a member.
November 9, 1883 Deaths On Oct. 30th, Eliza Mary, youngest daughter of the late Thomas GUY , aged 9 yrs.
November 9, 1883 Deaths At St. John's, on the 1st inst, after a long and painful illness, Edward S. KNIGHT, aged 69 yrs.
November 9, 1883 Deaths At St. John's, on Nov. 3rd, after a long and painful illness, Sibyl, relict of the late Dr. Milledge OAKES, aged 27 yrs.
November 9, 1883 Deaths At St. John's on Oct 30th, after a short illness, Mr. Micheal AYLWARD, a native of Broad Cove, Bonavista Bay, aged 88 yrs.
November 9, 1883 Disaster near Trepassy Loss of Capt. BOWDEN and all but two of his crew: We have been favoured by Messrs Walter GRIEVE & Co. with the following telegram: "Trepassy, Oct 31st, 1883. The June Hunter, from Pernambuco to St. John's, wrecked at Sheep's Cove, a quarter of a mile from Trepassey Harbor, and went to pieces in a half an hour. The sole survivors are Angus ROW and Alexander GOWNEY. None of the bodies have yet been picked up." This dreadfull disaster exhibits the absolute necissity of having a good light house placed on Powell's Head. It ... The shocking calamity occurred at 7pm when the gale was at its height. - Telegram
November 9, 1883 Shipwreck A telegram to Messrs. W. GRIEVE & Co. from Trepassey, today, states that since yesterday the bodies of the Captain, the Mate, and the Steward of the ill fated Jane Hunter have been recovered, and will be forwarded on here via craft which will sail at an early day.

November 16, 1883 Marriages On Satarday, the 11th inst., by the Rev. J. EMBREE, Mr. Thomas EARLE, of Farmer's Arm, to Miss Agnes AUSTEY of Purcell's Harbor.
November 16, 1883 Marriages At Ward's Harbour, on the 23rd Sept., by the Rev. J. LISTER, Mr. John BURTON, to Mrs Sarah Jane BURTON, both of Wards Harbour.
November 16, 1883 Marriages At Little Bay Islands, on the 5th ult., by the same, Mr. William GAETY, to Miss Louisa JAMES, both of Little Bay.
November 16, 1883 Marriages At Little Bay Islands, on the 23rd ult, by the same Mr. Arthur Gearge HULL, to Miss Eliza Elizabeth TRAVERSE, both of Little Bay Islands.
November 16, 1883 Marriages At Wards Harbor, on the 25th ult., by the same, Mr Jonas COLE, to Miss Mary Ann HAWKINS, both of Wards Harbor.
November 16, 1883 Marriages At Triton Island, on the 3rd inst., by the same Mr. William HENSTRIDGE, of Triton, to Miss Martha ROBERTS of Seal Bay Head.
November 16, 1883 Marriages At Lushes Bight, on the 6th inst., by the same, Mr. Eli PARSONS of Lushes Bight to Miss Johanna HEATH of Wards Harbour.
November 16, 1883 Marriages At the same time and place, by the same , Mr. Samuel PARSONS of Lushes Bight, to Miss Susannah CLARKE, of Twillingate.
November 16, 1883 Marriages On Oct 27th, at the Methodist Parsonage Exploits, by Rev A HILL, Mr. George FRAMPTON, to Providence MILLEY, both of Exploits.
November 16, 1883 Marriages On Oct. 31st, by the same, at the Methodist Church, Exploits, Mr Thomas BURT, to Fanny ANSTEY of Sampson Island.
November 16, 1883 Marriages On Oct 31st, by the same, in the same place, Mr. Abraham ANSTEY of Green Island Cove, to Mary Ann WELLS of Twillingate.
November 16, 1883 Marriages On Nov 8th, by the same, Mr. Solomon MANUEL of Kite Cove, to Sarah PARSONS of Exploits.
November 16, 1883 Deaths Drowned at Crow Head, on the 14th inst., Mr William HAMILTON, aged 26 yrs.
November 16, 1883 Deaths On the 15th inst., after a painful illness, Mr. Samuel CODDENER, a native of Torbay, aged 24 yrs.
November 16, 1883 Deaths At Loo Bay, on the 13th inst., Mr. Thomas MANUEL, a native and for many years a resident of Twillingate, aged 72 yrs.
November 16, 1883 Railway Work Railway work during the past week has again been considerably retarded by the inclemency of the weather. Had it not been for this untoward circumstance, the result of this week's labors would have been a very gratifying one. As it is however, we have to report some progress in the work of railway construction effected at this end of the line. Many of the contract men having finished their respective sections of road in the vicinity of Riverhead, have with their gangs of laborers, removed to the neighborhood of Tilton and the New Harbor Road and both of which places, the work of gravelling is now being vigorously prosecuted. About a mile and a quarter of rails have also been laid and the bridge work has been vigorously pushed ahead during the past few days. The large stone plastered wall at the brook flowing into Riverhead is now fast approaching completion and will soon be ready to receive the ends of the bridge which is to span that ravine. It is to be hoped that the weather throughout the entire course of the coming week will be extreamely favorable for railway operations.
November 16, 1883 Wind Storm During the severe wind storm that prevailed on Thursday, a large new house belonging to Mr. Jas. HODDER, near the coastal wharf, that was in course of erection was lifted from its foundation, and blown ten or twelve feet. A sudden flaw of wind struck the building with terrific violence which went under it and caused its removal. The house has been shaken and a good deal of damage has been done to window sashes &c. Mr. Thomas YOUNG was working in the building at the time, but fortunately sustained no injury.
November 16, 1883 Drowning A man drowned by the upsetting of a Boat. A melancholy accident occurred at Crow Head on Wed last by which William HAMILTON found a watery grave, and his brother, Uriah HAMILITON, narrowly escaped the same untimely end. It appears that the two men had launched a punt for the purpose of boarding their large boat, whch was moored off in the Cove. They had just stepped on board the punt, when sea upset her and both of them were participated into the angry surf. The deceased was married and leaves a wife & child to mourn their loss.
November 16, 1883 Inquiry A Marine Court of Inquiry, composed of Judge COCROY, Pres , P. EMERSON, Q.C. and Capt's ROBINSON, R.N., DAY and BAXTER, sat in the court house yesterday to inquire into the loss of the SS Palmerin in Placentia Bay on the 13th instant. The master and first mate of the Palmerin were present and delivered their certificates, both masters, to the Court. The Hon Solicitor General appeared as Council for the master, and informed the Court that his client had asked for the inquiry. Two able seamen of the Palmerin's crew GEORGE SKINNER and ALFRED JOHNSON, were examined under oath, the former having been the helmsman, the latter the lookout at the time of the wreck. The Chief Engineer, William MUNTA, the Chief Officer, Edward G. BOWLES, and the Captain, Lewis ANDERSON, were also examined. The Court, being of opinion that the ship was stranded and lost through the negligence of the Master and Mate in not taking soundings or doing anything to acertain the position of the ship, suspended both of their Certificates, but recommended that a mate's Certificate should be granted to the fist officer. - Mercury
November 16, 1883 Appointed His Honor the Administrator of the Government, in Council has been pleased to appoint Rev, George J. BOND B.A. to be a member of the Methodist Board of Education for St. John's; also Mr. Thomas PEYTON to be a member of the Church of England Board of Bducation for Twillingate, in place of Mr. LEWIS left the District; and Mr. Frederick James TWEEDLE, of Burnt Island, to be a member of the Church of England Board of Education for LaPoile. His Honor the Administrator, in Council, has also been pleased to appoint Rev. R. BRENNAN, Messrs. Wm. PHORAN, Patrick MURPHY, Jr. Barnaby HUNT, John RIELLY, James HOLAHAN, and Alexander BURKE, to be Board of Road Commissioniers for Little PLacentia; Rev. Charles O'NEIL, to be a member of the Oderin Road Board; Mr. James KEOUGH, in the place of Mr. Felix McCARTHY, resigned to be a member of the Carbonear Road Board and Mr John FERRY, of Bloomfield, to be a member of the Musgrave Town Road Board, in the place of Mr. Gideon WAY, left the District.
November 16, 1883 Accident The schooner "Young Builder" Mr. Andrew ROBERTS, Master, arrived here from St. John's on Saturday last. On the day previous whilst going into Pinchard's Island the Young Builder ran on a rock, considerably damaging her keel; and it was found necessary to take out part of her cargo before she could be got off.
November 16, 1883 Smuggling A stout lady passenger on the steamer State of Indiana was considerably reduced in flesh after the Custom House Inspectors had unrolled sixty yards of silk from her body.
November 16, 1883 Passengers The coastal steamer, "Plover" Capt. BLANDFORD arrived here from Battle Harbor en route to St. John's on Tuesday evening last. The following were passengers by her: Battle Harbor - Mr. BENDALL, Mr. HALL, Betts Cove - Mr. GARLAND, Mr. STEWART, Mrs. INMAN. Little Bay - Mr. SMYTH, Mr. SINNOTT, Mr. RYAN, Mr. PIPPY, Mr. WYLIE. Little Bay Islands - Mr. STRONG, Mr. STEWARD, Mr. MURCELL, Mr. DELANEY. Twillingate - Mr. J. NURSE, Mr. T. FRENCH, Miss MORRIS; 30 in steerage.
November 16, 1883 New Wharf We are happy to be able to say that Twillingate can now pride itself on having the finest coastal wharf in the colony, which is a credit to the place and to all who have been identified with its construction from its inception. During the winter the material required for its extension was procured from the Bay, and being landed on the spot, the work was commenced so soon in the summer as it was possible to obtain laborers, which there was difficulty in doing, as they were not willing to suspend their fishery operations, the prospect of a large season's catch being very bright. The work, however, was undertaken by Mr. Francis ROBERTS, whose practical experience was of great service in the performance thereof. It was completed last week and now we can congratulate ourselves on having an excellent and substantially built wharf for the accommodation of the public which will prove a great boon.

November 23, 1883 Governmental Member returned to serve for the General Assembly of this Island for the District of Twillingate and Fogo, Smith MCKAY,Esq. His Honor the Administrator has been pleased to recognize, provisionally, Mr. R. St. MUNN, as Vice-Consul at Harbor Grace, for the Kingdom of Portugal; also to recognize, provisionally, Mr. Thomas C. DUDER, as Vice-Consul at Fogo, for the Kingdom of Portugal.
November 23, 1883 "Bonnie Lass" (Part 1) The schr, Bonnie Lass, Daniel HOGAN, master,left Harbor Grace on Wed evening last bound for Bridgewater, N.S. with some ballast and about two hundred barrels of herring on board. All went well until Thursday at midnight when a strong gale from W.S.W carried away her foresail, jib, stay sail, and fore-stay sail, leaving only her mainsail. A storm trisail was bent in the place of the foresail, and on Friday morning all sail was set for the land, the wind being about North, and a heavy sea running. At 11 a.m. the winds veered to E.S.E. and the schooner's head was turned due North, trying to clear what was supposed to be Cape St. Francis. Soon after eleven, the snow commenced, the weather being bad, but the vessel still travelling North, until 8 o'clock. She was supposed to have passed the Cape and entered Conception Bay. At 8 the vessel tacked and double-reefed the mainsail, expecting to beat to and fro in the center of the bay. At 10 the schooner wore and reached North at 11, wore and went South, and at 12 headed North again. The main-sail was hauled down and she lay too under the staysail, which was soon lost, after which the storm trisail was bent for a foresail.
November 23, 1883 "Bonnie Lass" (Part 2) She so remained until 3:30, all hands on deck. At about that time land was seen on the lee bow about half a mile distant, the weather still being bad. The mainsail and staysail were immediately set, and a desperate attempt made to escape. Fred RYAN held the wheel and John SULLIVAN, and Jeremiah HOGAN went into the fore rigging. Through the thick flying snow they caught glimpses of land, soon of breakers on the weather bow about half a mile distant, the weather still being bad. Then the twinkling lights of a house were seen and SULLIVAN sang out to RYAN to put up the helm. This was done and in a few moments more the vessel struck upon the rocks off Pouch Cove. John SULLIVAN, Jeremiah HOGAN and Morris LABEY threw themselves into the water and were swept to the shore, upon which they were dragged in a terribly exhaused condition by friendly hands. In a few minutes the schooner broke in two and Captain Daniel HOGAN, John LEARY, mate and Morris LABY went with her. The survivors desire to extend their heartfelt thanks to Mr. Edward BALDWIN, his wife and family, of Pouch Cove, for their thoughtful kindness displayed in care for those thrown so unceremoniously upon their bounty. The bodies of Captain HOGAN and his two men were recovered about twelve o'clock today, two miles from the shore. The Capt had a slight cut on his head. The other bodies were not scratched.
November 23, 1883 Man Lost The Brig Blanche, Capt. HARVEY, arrived here from Sydney last evening after one of the stormiest passages ever experienced by her master, the sea breaking over her several times and the deck never being clear of water. On Monday night while the crew where reefing the foretop-gallant sail, one of them fell from the mast into the sea, and was drowned. It is supposed that he struck the rail while falling, as he was not observed to make any motion while in the water. His name was Joseph CAHILL, and he was a native of St. John's. He was 28 years old and leaves a wife and two childred.
November 23, 1883 Book Available History of Newfoundland - A few copies of this valuable work have been received and can be obtained at this office. Price $2.50
November 23, 1883 Herring We understand that a short time since a small quantity of herring was secured in nets in the vicinity of Herring Neck.
November 23, 1883 Schooner Lost We learn that the schooner "Minnie" belonging to Mr. James PARSONS, Lushes Bight was driven from her anchorage and became a total wreck during the gale of the 15th.
November 23, 1883 Mails The coastal steamer Plover, Capt. BLANDFORD, arrived here with mails and passengers early on Thur morning last. Mails for the south per her will close at 4:30 today.
November 23, 1883 Bird shooting During the past few weeks, whenever the weather has been favorable, large numbers of sea birds, chiefly turrs, have been killed around this neighborhood. One day we understand as many as a hundred were killed by Uriah HAMLIN of Crow Head. At a season of the year when fresh meats are so scarce the periodical visits of these feathery creatures put a luxury within the reach of many which they would not otherwise enjoy. As numerous accidents have occured from time to time by the bursting of guns, great precaution should be exercised by our people in the use of them.
November 23, 1883 Body Recovered The eighth and last body of the crew of the ill-fated "Jane Hunter" was picked up this morning at Trepassey and strange to say, the Southwester he had on when the vessel was lost, was still clinging to his head after fourteen days knocking about by wind and wave.
November 23, 1883 Birth At Lion's Den, Fogo on Nov 15th, the wife of Mr. Edward DWYER, of a son.
November 23, 1883 Marriage At St. Thomas' Church St. John's by the Rev. A. C. WOOD, M.A, Mr. George PEARCE, Notre Dame Bay, to Amelia Joanna, eldest daughter of the late J.S. LOCKYER, J.P., Greenspond.
November 23, 1883 Deaths At Loin's Den, Fogo Nov 15th, after a few hours illness, Mary Green daughter of Mr. William GREEN, Tilton Harbor, and wife of Mr. Edward DWYER, aged 29 yrs.
November 23, 1883 Deaths At St. John's, on Sunday, 18th inst., Mary, only child of Robert and Laura AITKEN, aged 5 mons.
November 23, 1883 Deaths At St. John's on Nov 15, after a brief illness, Lavenia, the beloved wife of Patrick HOGAN, and daughter of Mr. John CANTWELL, Tizzards' Harbor, aged 35 yrs.
November 23, 1883 Deaths At St. John's on Nov 15, after a short illness, the beloved wife of John McLEOD, and eldest daughter of John and Mary ENNES in the 23rd year of her age.

November 30, 1883 Marriage On Tuesday evening last Miss E.L. RICE, eldest daughter of R.P. RICE, Esq,,M.H. A., for this district, was united in holy wedlock to Mr. Jno. TEMPLETON, late of Scotland. The marriage ceremony was performed shortly after seven o'clock, by Rev. R. TEMPLE,R.D., in St. Peter's Church, where a large number had assembled on the interesting occasion. A dinner was given by the father of the bride, of which the bridal party were invited to partake soon after returning to the residence. A very agreeable time was thus spent, various toasts for the bride and groom having been proposed and responded to. The newly wedded pair have our best wishes for future happiness.
November 30, 1883 Sharks In the sealing season of 1882-3 Messrs Job HAMLIN & Sons of Crow Head, caught 143 sharks in sealing nets.
November 30, 1883 Jury Exemption Lewis COHEN, a Hebrew gentleman, has been exempted from serving on a coroner's jury on the ground of being the lineal descendant of Aaron, the High Priest.
November 30, 1883 Minnie is Ok The schooner Minnie of Lushe's Bight and owned by Mr. James PARSONS, reported lost in our last issue, is we are glad to say, only damaged, and can be made perfectly seaworthy again with some repairs. We understand that the Surveyors of the Terra Nova Club go by next Plover to hold a survey on the schooner.
November 30, 1883 Turr Killing In a paragraph on "bird shooting" last week we stated that as many as one hundred birds had been killed one day by Uriah HAMLIN of Crow Head. We were not correctly informed as to the name, and find since that the lucky man was George HAMLIN, who one day not very long since killed 230 birds, which is a large number to "knock down" in one day.
November 30, 1883 Passengers The coastal steamer Plover, Capt. BLANDFORD, arrived here en route to St. John's on Tuesday last. She had on board a large quanity of dry codfish which was shipped at Griquet. The following is a list of passengers up to this port. Criquet - Mr. CROCKER, Mr. REID, Mr. AVERY, - Tilt Cove- Mr.GILL, Mr. BOYLE, MISS GARLAND. Betts Cove- Mr. RICHARDS. Little Bay - Mr. TAVENER, Mr. BENSON, Mr. LAMB, Mr. NEWEL, Mr. BURRIDGE, Mr. BURRIDGE, Mr. JANES, Mr. MCLEAN, Mr. NEWHOOK, Miss CRANE. Little Bay Islands - Mr. STRONG, Mr. SHORT, Mr. HEARTH, Mr. PARSONS, Mr. PADDICK, Mr. WISEMAN,Mr. CAMPBELL, Mr. BLACKLER. Twillingate - Mr. LANGILL, Mr. WATERMAN, Mr. TAVENER, Mrs. CANTWELL; 20 in steerage. Twillingate to Fogo - Mr. T. HODGE, Mr. S. ROBERTS.
November 30, 1883 Drowned By the arrival of a craft from Shoe Cove we have received intelligence of a sad drowning casuality which occurred at Fleur-de-Lis a short time since. Three men named respectively - Geo LEWIS, Thomas CANNON, and Robert NOFTY - were engaged in towing a vessel (belonging to Mr. David NORRIS and bound for Hauling Point, White Bay,) out of Fleur-de-Lis harbour, after which it is stated the men went gunning, and must have accidentaily upset their boat as nothing further was heard of them until their boat was found bottom up. Two of the unfortunate men, Lewis and Cannons were married; Noftly was unmarried.
November 30, 1883 Marriage On Nov. 27th, at St. Peter's Church, by the Rev. TEMPLE, R.D., Mr John TEMPLETON, to Elizabeth the eldest daughter of R.P. RICE, Esq., MHA.
November 30, 1883 Marriage At St. Andrew's Church, on Nov 28th, by the same Mr. William JENKIN'S of Durrell's Arm, to Anna, daughter of Mr. William VERGE, of Jenkin's Cove Twillingate.
November 30, 1883 Story A good story comes from the suite of the King of Greece. A valuable dog belonging to one of the gentlemen fell overboard from a steamer. The Capt. refused to stop for anything short of a drowning man. "Then you shall stop for me," exclaimed the gentleman, and he leaped overboard after the dog. The Captain had to stop, and both master and dog were saved.

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