NL GenWeb

Journal of the House of Assembly
Wolf Killing Act 1863
The following is an extract of a detailed financial statement on the returns from the Wolf Killing Act, as published in the 1864 edition of the bound Journal of the House of Assembly (JHA) proceedings for the previous year ending in 1863. The list details the date of payment, the name of license holder and the amount paid in British pounds (£) to each hunter for wolf pelts sold for the previous year. A bounty on the culling of Newfoundland wolves was legislated by the NL Legislate Assembly in 1839 to aid in the extirpation of this rare subspecies perceived then as a potential threat to NL settler safety, livelihood and subsistence. Note that the title of this act was later changed from Bounty on the Destruction of Wolves (1848-9), Wolves Bounty (1850) to Wolf Killing Act (around 1859). For further information on the now extinct Newfoundland Wolf (Canis lupus beothucus) and this legislative act the reader is directed to the PANL website article titled "The Newfoundland Wolf" ( Submitted by an anonymous researcher.

Financial Secretary Office


Detailed Statement of Expenditures, under Wolf Killing Act, for the year Ending 31st December, 1863.


May 1 - To amount paid Peter Jeddore, (2) No. 59 £10 0 0

- " Noel Jeddore 59 £ 5 0 0
23 - " Joseph White 66 £ 5 0 0
July 4
" Francis Honore 121 £ 5 0 0

- " Samuel Gauding 121 £ 5 0 0

- " Thomas Macdonald 121 £ 5 0 0
31 - " James R. Knight 129 £ 5 0 0
Sep 20 - " Thomas Downing 141 £ 5 0 0

£ 45 0 0

JHA (Journal of the House of Assembly)
PANL J 125 K3
4th Session of the 8th G. A.

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