NL GenWeb

West Coast ~ Bay St. George

Lovell's Directory 1871

Sandy Point

The chief settlement in the St. George's Bay. The place is built on a low flat and, mountains at the back. The herring fishery is carried on here to a large extent, and forms the principle occupation of the people. The fishing is carried on by nets only, seines being prohibited by general consent. Distance from Cape Ray 65 miles by boat. Population 405.

Name Occupation
Banfield, Williamfisherman
Bennett, M.W.fisherman
Cathen, Johnfisherman
Chrim, Johnfisherman
Cronin, Jamesfisherman
Day, Francisfisherman
Dennis, Williamfisherman
Duval, Charlesfisherman
Garnier, Constantplanter
Gillis, Rev. Donald R.Catholic
Halbot, Modestefisherman
Hoare, Philipfisherman
Hynes, Henryfisherman
Le Basque, Peterfisherman
Le Filatre, Samuelfisherman
Le Grandais, Josephtrader
Leroux, Edward D.fisherman
Leroux, Peterfisherman
Lind, Rev. HenryCh of England
McDonald, Hectorfisherman
McFatridge, Jamestrader
McKay, Samueltrader
McLean, Danielfisherman
Metservey, Alexander Jun.planter
Metservey, Alexander Sen.fisherman
Metservey, Benjaminfisherman
Metservey, Charlesplanter
Metservey, George Sen.fisherman
Metservey, Philipfisherman
Metservey, Philipfisherman
Metservey, Samuelfisherman
Metservey, William Sen.planter
Morris, Johnfisherman
Ozong, Johnfisherman
Parsons, Johnfisherman
Parsons, John II.fisherman
Parsons, William Jun.fisherman
Perrier, Dominickfisherman
Perrier, Simonfisherman
Pierway, Georgefisherman
Pierway, Philipfisherman
Renouf, Isaacfisherman
Renouf, John Jun. trader
Renouf, John Sen.fisherman
Renouf, Philipfisherman
Reydo, Eugenefisherman
Ryan, Jamesfisherman
Sears, Rev. Thomas, R. Catholic
Shaw, Jamesfisherman
Shaw, Thomasplanter
Shaw, Williamplanter
Swiers, Williamfisherman
Thomas, Johntrader
Vincent, Johnfisherman
Vincent, Samuelfisherman
Vincent, Williamfisherman
Young, Georgefisherman
Young, Josephfisherman

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Bay St. George District