NL GenWeb

West Coast Region ~ Bay St. George District


Les Longuepee

Source: Microfilm # N31067 (National Archive)
A series of articles published in the L'Evangeline (Newspaper)
Monton, N.B.

"Les Acadiennes de Terre-Neuve"
by Thomas W. Leblanc published : 15 April 1948


Paul Longuepee, mariee a un Decosta, traversa a Terre-Neuve dans une chaloupe sans pont. Il avait pour equipage sa femme, deux enfants, Marie-Anne et Louis, qui etait infirme. Paul Longuepee s'installa a Flat Bay, ou sa soeur etait mariee a Germain Leblanc. Marie-Anne Longuepee a epouse Pierre Benoit de Flat Bay, pres de St-Georges et est devenue grandmere et arriere grandmere d'une centaine de Benoit de Flat Bay et ailleurs. Louis Longuepee est mort tres jeune. La date precise de l'arrivee de Paul Longuepee a Terre-Neuve est incertaine, mais c'est probablement vers 1850. Il venait de Mabou ou Port Hood, Cap-Breton.

(Translation by Leo Doucet)

Paul Longuépée, married to a Decosta, crossed over to Newfoundland in a launch without bridge. He had as crew members his wife, two children, Marie-Anne and Louis, who was crippled. Paul Longuépée settled in Flat Bay, where his sister was married to Germain LeBlanc. Marie-Anne Longuépée married Pierre Benoit from Flat Bay, close to St. George’s and became grandmother and great grandmother to one hundred Benoit from Flat Bay and elsewhere. Louis Longuépée died very young. The precise date of the arrival of Paul Longuépée in Newfoundland is unknown, but it was probably about 1850. He came from Mabou, near Port Hood, Cape Breton.

The Article was written by Thomas Leblanc of St. George's in 1948 and published in the l'Evangeline Newspaper of New Brunswick. It was transcribed by Laverne (Perrier) Cormier and posted to the Internet in September 1998 by Stephen Baker.

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Bay St. George District