NL GenWeb
West Coast Region ~ Bay St. George District
Les Delaney
Source: Microfilm # N31067 (National Archive)
A series of articles published in the L'Evangeline (Newspaper) , Monton, N.B.
"Les Acadiennes de Terre-Neuve"
by Thomas W. Leblanc published 25 Mar 1948
Les Delaney (Delaney excerpt)
Joseph Delaney est a Margaree, fils de Michael Delaney, natif de Tipperary,
Ireland et de Marguerite Ryan de Margaree. Il perdit sa mere trois jours apres
sa naissance et fut eleve par une femme qu'il appelait grand'mere Betsy, qui
parlait couramment le francais. A l'age de ningt-cinq ans, Joseph Delaney
epousa Suzanne Delaney, fille de Raphael Aucoin de Margaree. La meme annee,
1847, il vint s'etablir a St-Georges avec deux de ses beau-freres. Amedee
Aucoin et Cecime Leblanc. Joseph Delaney etait a l'emploi d'armateurs de Sandy
Point sait comme captitaine soit comme pilete de "traders" sur la cote de
Terre-Neuve et du Labrador durant les mois d'ete. A l'automne, il s'en allait
en foret avec deux de ses amis Micmac, Louis et Andre Teesh Gabriel et quelque
mois plus tard, revenait charge fe fourrures de renards, castors, loutres, etc.
Delaney maitrisa da langue micmac de ses deux compagnons unisi que leur rude
metier. Il est mort a age de 77 ans, et son epouse a 72 ans. Leurs neuf enfants,
quatre fils et cinq filles, sont morts a des ages tres avances, sauf Joseph
Delaney, qui est encore vivant a l'age de 84 ans. Tous les enfants de Joseph
Delaney ont epouse des personnes d'orgine acadienne au francaise et ont
toujpurs parle le francais.
(Translation by Leo Doucet)
Joseph Delaney from Margaree, was the son of Michael Delaney, native of Tipperary,
Ireland and of Marguerite Ryan from Margaree. He lost his mother three days after
his birth and was raised by a woman whom he called Grandmother Betsy, who usually
spoke French. At age twenty-five, Joesph Delaney married Suzanne Aucoin, daughter
of Raphaël Aucoin from Margaree. The same year, 1847, he established himself in
St. George’s with two of his brothers-in-laws, Amédée Aucoin and Cécime LeBlanc.
Joseph Delaney was known to the ship-owners of Sandy Point as captain who piloted
“traders” off the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador during the summer months. In
the autumn, he from went away in the forest with two of his Micmac friends, Louis
and André Teesh Gabriel and a few months later, returned laden with furs of foxes,
beavers, otters, etc. Delaney learned the intriguing language of his companions.
He died at 77 years of age and his wife at 72 years of age. Their nine children,
four sons and five girls, died at very advanced ages, except for Joseph Delaney,
who is still alive at 84 years of age. All the children of Joseph Delaney married
people of Acadian origin or other Frenchwomen and always spoke French.
The Article was written by Thomas Leblanc of St. George's
in 1948 and published in the l'Evangeline Newspaper of New Brunswick.
It was transcribed by Laverne (Perrier) Cormier
and posted to the Internet in September 1998 by Stephen Baker .
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Bay St. George District