NL GenWeb

West Coast Region ~ Bay St. George District

1935 Census

Town of St. George's

Microfilm M-8050 - Book 9 - Page 125-147 M-married; S-single; W-widow; It was read, recorded and transcribed by Norine Mack, April 1999. While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there may be typographical errors.
Name Relation Status Age
McLean, Anndaus19
McLean, Otissons15
McLean, Cartersons13
McLean, Delphisons11

Fillatre, Geraldheadm34
Fillatre, Laurawifem20
Fillatre, Rosedaus2 mos.
#Jennings, Georgiaboarderm50
#crossed out - notation "See Table A"

Ryan, Matthewheadm62
Ryan, Clarawifem52
White, Mariea/daus5
Kennedy, Madelinedomestics27
Tulk, Benjaminboarderw77

Carter, Cornelius E.headm55
Carter, Ida M.wifem43
Carter, Edithdaus12
Carter, Fredericksons10

Hindaijan, Edward St. George'sheadm77
Hindaijan, E. Marywifem64
Hindaijan, Kathleendaus19

Benoit, Jamesheadm64
Benoit, Margaretwifem73
Benoit, Francisa/sons15
Kennedy, Gladysgrdau

Renouf, Maryheadw42
Renouf, Kathleendau
Renouf, Lucydau

Mercer, Jamesheads28
Mercer, Marymotherw61

Connolly, Margaretheadw54
Connolly, Teresadaus19
Connolly, Doris_s13

Hynes, Augustiusheadm22
Hynes, Ivywifem22
Hynes, Orenadaus7 mos.
Connolly, Gordonstepsons2

Burchell, Williamheadw69
Burchell, Georgesons15
Burchell, Etheldaus9

Benoit, John E.headm55
Benoit, Elizabethwifem44
Benoit, Columbinedaus24
Benoit, Robertsons22
Benoit, Rolandsons18
Benoit, Austinsons16
Benoit, Stanleysons15
Benoit, Recinicusdaus13
Benoit, Florencedaus11
Benoit, Almadaus9
Benoit, Winnifreddaus7
Benoit, Lauradaus4
Benoit, Olivedaus3

Swyer, James Pheadm52
Swyer, Josephinewifem40
Swyer, Roysons15

Vincent, Hazelheadm23
Vincent, Chestersons2

Vincent, Mary Fheadw58
Vincent, Augustinesons26
Vincent, Ralphsons28
Vincent, Madgedaus8
Vincent, Marian_s3

Benoit, Williamheadm45
Benoit, Margaretwifem39
Benoit, Dorothydaus18
Benoit, Georgesons16
Benoit, Gordonsons12
Benoit, Geraldinedaus10
Benoit, Augustinesons8
Benoit, Leosons6

Joe, Johnheadm47
Joe, Idadaus13
Joe, Leosons10
Joe, Marjoriedaus7
Joe, Eileendaus1

Fillatre, John Fheadm67
Fillatre, Laurawifem59
Fillatre, Cyrilsons26
Fillatre, Maxfieldsons21
Fillatre, Samuelsons17

LeRoux, Williamheadm30
LeRoux, Catherinewifem28
LeRoux, Davidsons2
LeRoux, Teresadaus1

LeRoux, Ralphheadm33
LeRoux, Elizabethwifem23
LeRoux, Raymondsons4 mos.
Young, Ralphad/sons11

Kendall, Arthurheadm68
Kendall, Juliawifem65
Kendall, Albertsons29
Kendall, Charlesgrsons14

Benoit, Haywoodheadm25
Benoit, Gertrudewifem21
Benoit, Harold Jsons13
Benoit, Edwardsons2
Benoit, Almadaus1 mo.

Benoit, Edward Mheadm55
Benoit, Marywifem55
Benoit, Herbertsonw27
Benoit, Matthewsons22
Benoit, Ernestsons24
Benoit, Bridgetdaus20
Benoit, Bartholemewsons17
Benoit, Nolansons14
Benoit, Marjoriedaus11

Pilgrim, Williamheadw62
Pilgrim, Harrissons28

Ryan, Michaelheadm76
Ryan, Philomenawifem60

Ryan, Wilfredheadm44
Ryan, Rosewifem39
Ryan, Davidsons21
Ryan, Gracedaus15
Ryan, Josephinedaus13
Ryan, Teresadaus12
Ryan, Marydaus10
Ryan, Mildreddaus8
Ryan, Wilfred Jsons6
Ryan, Jamessons3
Ryan, Raymondsons1

Benoit, Frankheadm48
Benoit, Vinniewifem49
Benoit, Arthursons25
Benoit, Thomassons22
Benoit, Marcsons20
Benoit, Wallacesons18

Benoit, Johnheadm44
Young, Rufusboarders19
Joe, Williamboarders15

Oliver, Peterheadm32
Oliver, Clarawifem42
Oliver, Earla/sons6
Renouf, Margareta/daus19

Young, Williamheadm36
Young, Annwifem37
Young, Idadaus14
Young, Robertsons12
Young, Percysons10
Young, Franksons5
Young, Melvinsons2

MacDonnell, Stella Pheadw39
MacDonnell, James Rsons11

O'Reilly, Maryheadw63
O'Reilly, Leo Jsons32
O'Reilly, Annedaus28
O'Reilly, Desmond Jsons27
O'Reilly, Marydaus26
O'Reilly, Aloysius Jsons24
Muise, Lucydomestics16

Radford, Arthurheadm55
Radford, Florencewifem46
Radford, Ritadaus23
Radford, Georgesons16
Radford, Timothysons15
Radford, Emilydaus13
Radford, Margaretdaus5

Delaney, Josephsonm72
Delaney, Lucywifem72
Gallant, Michaelgrsons7

Sullivan, Williamheadm55
Sullivan, Orpah Mwifem49
Sullivan, Davidsons28
Sullivan, William Tsons25
Sullivan, Bernardsons22
Sullivan, Margaretdaus20
Sullivan, Nathansons13
Sullivan, Jeannie Gdaus11
Sullivan, Ernestsons8

Young, Arthurheadm35
Young, Margaretwifem30
Young, Sarahdaus4
Young, Lawrencesons1

Linthorne, Archibaldheadm52
Linthorne, Emmawifem48
Linthorne, Charlessons27
Linthorne, Haroldsons21
Linthorne, Chesleysons18
Linthorne, Samuelsons16
Linthorne, Idadaus14
Linthorne, Joandaus3

Harview, Henryheadm64
Harview, Catherinewifem63
Harview, Lawrencesons26

Harview, Williamheadm28
Harview, Catherinewifem20
Harview, Jamessons1
Harview, Mariedaus1 mo.

Young, Andrewheadm38
Young, Bridgetwifem37
Young, Cavelldaus16
Young, Dorothydaus14
Young, Alphonsussons12
Young, Lukesons11
Young, Kathleendaus7
Young, Lorettodaus6

Blanchard, Williamheadm77
Blanchard, Elizabethwifem46
Blanchard, Josephsons26
Blanchard, Marydaus22
Blanchard, Petersons21
Blanchard, Johnsons19
Blanchard, Michaelsons18
Blanchard, Patricksons13
Blanchard, Thomassons11

Blanchard, Josephheadm50
Blanchard, Marywifem44
Blanchard, Edwardsons22
Blanchard, Annedaus19
Blanchard, Kathleendaus16
Young, Ronalda/sons8

Blanchard, Anthonyheadm78
Blanchard, Rosewifem73
Blanchard, Marydaus43
Blanchard, Timothysons3_
Blanchard, Jamessons32

Blanchard, Johnheadm30
Blanchard, Ritawifem23
Blanchard, Raymondsons2
Blanchard, Lorettodaus7 mos.

Cammie, Georgeheadm76
Cammie, Florawifem74

Cammie, Williamheadw49
Cammie, Franksons23
Cammie, Bernardsons20
Cammie, Alicedaus13

Coulter, William Bheadm49
Coulter, Avis Mwifem39
Coulter, Mariedaus19

Delaney, Joseph Pheadm50
Delaney, Catherinewifem50
Benoit, Fredericknephews10

Benoit, Peter H.headm75
Benoit, Laurencewm74

MacDonnell, Margaretheadw76
MacDonnell, Margaret Mdaus36
MacDonnell, Stephensons34

Blanchard, Magloireheadm77 or 78
Blanchard, Susanwifem79
Medore, Narcissuslodgers29

Delaney, Frederickheadm75
Delaney, Harrietwifem75

Delaney, Josephheadm39
Delaney, Lillian Jwifem33
Delaney, Fredericksons8
Delaney, Vernadaus7
Delaney, Annedaus5
Delaney, Maxinedaus4

Young, Patrickheadm68
Young, Adelaidewifem75
Young, Josepha/sons26

Stevens, Patrickheadm44
Stevens, Marywifem48
Stevens, Adelaidedaus20
Stevens, Dunphysons18
Young, Mary_m25
Young, Beatrice-_s4

Young, Thomasheadm74
Young, Marcelinewifem84

Perrier, Josephheadm26?
Perrier, Florencewifem32?
Perrier, Ruthdaus4
Perrier, Edwardsons3

Perrier, Charlesheadm48
Perrier, Marywifem39
Perrier, Corneiliussons22

Perrier, Johnheadm20
Perrier, Margaretwifem22
Perrier, Williamsons2
Perrier, Geraldsons1

Perrier, Pascalheadm58
Perrier, Marydaus28
Perrier, Dougaldgrsons7
Perrier, Albertgrsons5

Perrier, Anthonyheadm53
Perrier, Janewifem46
Perrier, Johnsons20
Perrier, Wilfredsons18
Perrier, Deliadaus16
Perrier, Evelyndaus12

Oliver, Johnheadm54
Oliver, Veronicawifem53
Oliver, Johnsons20
Oliver, Davidsons18
Oliver, Susandaus16
Oliver, Beatricedaus10

Muise, Henryheadm34
Muise, Lillianwifem33
Muise, Rosedaus11
Muise, Henrysons10
Muise, Dorisdaus9
Muise, Williamsons7
Muise, Leonsons6
Muise, Fredericksons4
Muise, Annedaus2
Muise, Gladysdaus1

Sheppard, Anneheadw48
Sheppard, Alexandersons24
Sheppard, Mosessons20
Muise, Kathleendaus17

Muise, Benjaminheadm46
Muise, Constancewifem39
Muise, Statiadaus11
Muise, Margaretdaus6
Cornack, John Jbr/laws20

Muise, Jamesheadm55
Muise, Angela Jwifem56
Muise, Josephsonm31
Muise, Elizabethdaus26
Muise, Johnsons23
Muise, Rodericksons20
Muise, Agnesdaus19
Muise, Mosessons17
Muise, Florencedaus15

Muise, Johnheadm49
Muise, Marywifem45
Muise, Waltersons19
Muise, Jessiedaus18
Muise, Petersons15
Muise, Victorsons13
Muise, Elizabethdaus10
Muise, Evelyndaus9
Muise, Teresadaus7
Muise, Olivinedaus6
Muise, Josephinedaus5
Muise, Augustinesons3
Blanchard, Gordongrsons1

Muise, Mosesheadm39
Muise, Adawifem26
Muise, Gertiedaus10
Muise, Hughsons8
Muise, Edwardsons5
Muise, Reginadaus4
Muise, Sarahdaus2
Muise, Dorothydaus11 mos.

Renouf, Peterheadm42
Renouf, Jessicawifem39
Renouf, Mosessons14
Renouf, Williamsons13
Renouf, Jamessons10
Renouf, Petersons8
Renouf, Percysons4
Renouf, Kathleendaus3
Renouf, Leosons1 mo.

Oliver, Josephheadm44
Oliver, H. Josephinewifem43
Oliver, Marjoriedaus14
Oliver, Leo Msons1

Ledbeater, Maryheadw50
Ledbeater, Fredericsons20
Perrier, Benjaminlodgers50

Ryan, Margaretheadw78

White, Frederickheadm_
White, Evelynwifem_
White, Rossa/sons16

White, Catherineheadw75
White, Robertsons34
Alexander, Lucydomestics18

Alexander, Peterheadm82
Alexander, Bridgetwifem66

Alexander, Jamesheadm38
Alexander, Teresawifem31
Alexander, Odile M.daus6
Alexander, Davidsons5
Alexander, Benedictsons9 mos.
O'Quinn, Lillianad/daus6
Cormick, Marydomestics20

Ryan, Johnheadm64
Ryan, Mary J.wifem58
Grandy, Johnad/sons12

White, Thomasheads53
White, Williamfatherm87
White, Elizabethmotherm82

White, Lawrenceheadm49
White, Marywifem34
White, Samuelsons21
White, Austensons19
White, Mildreddaus18
White, Hildadaus16
Bennett, Almaad/daus8

Swyers, Josephheadm39
Swyers, Josephinewifem38
Swyers, Corneliussons15
Swyers, Marjoriedaus12
Swyers, Roseanndaus10
Swyers, Haroldsons_
Swyers, Geraldinedaus_

*Morrisay, Johnheadm50
*Morrisay, Annewifem50
*Morrisay, Marydaus21
*Morrisay, Gertrudedaus17
*Morrisay, Geraldsons15
*Morrisay, Adeledaus13
*Morrisay, Johnsons11
*Morrisay, Waltersons7
*Meade, Noraauntw89
*Young, George@

@ this name was crossed out; the rest of the entry is illegible
*The notation {Court House and Gaol } appeared across the second column, immediately after the names.

Benoit, Albertheadm44
Benoit, Marywifem37
Benoit, Raymondad/sons7
Benoit, Monicaad/daus7

Young, Johnheadm64
Young, Sarahwifem58
Young, Evelyndaus19
Young, Augustinesons17

Hynes, Frederickheadm59
Hynes, Marywifem62
Hynes, Normansons39
@Hynes, Waltersons24
Hynes, Marksons16
@ This entry was crossed out.

Leleone, Frankheadm26
Leleone, Evawifem24
Leleone, Claytonsons1
Leleone, Donaldsons1 mo.

Power, Primoheadm53
Power, Laurawifem50
Power, Josephsons27
Power, Thomassons2_
Power, Margaretdaus2_
Power, Mariedaus__
Power, Dorothydaus18
Power, Redmondsons17
Power, Michaelsons15
Power, Louissons13
Power, Leosons10

The following entry appeared below the last line on p 137. The entry would have been between Power, Marie and Power, Dorothy. I have moved it to keep the Power family intact.

Young, Maud___

These entries appeared after Power, Leo.
McFatridge, Edwardheadm26
McFatridge, Gracewifem20
McFatridge, Brendadaus1

LeRoux, Ralph E.headm50
LeRoux, Etta N.wifem45
LeRoux, Adadaus20
LeRoux, Gordonsons15
LeRoux, Leonadaus12
LeRoux, Walter E.brom69

Halbot, Johnheadm51
Halbot, Clarawifem43
Halbot, Teresadaus22
Halbot, Augustinesons19
Halbot, Eileendaus17
Halbot, Rosedaus15
Halbot, Johnsons11

Blanchard, Joseph E.headm61
Blanchard, Marywifem44

#O'Brien, W P

#Entry crossed out - notation says "See Table A"

Dunn, John B.headm51
Dunn, Clarawifem50
Dunn, J. Bernardsons23
Dunn, Kevinsons18
Dunn, Sheiladaus17
Bates, Margaret Mnieces9

Butler, M Josephheadm_
Butler, Gladyswifem_
Butler, Jamessons_
Butler, Mauddaus18
Butler, Geraldsons16
Butler, Williamsons14
Butler, Ronaldsons10
Butler, Teresadaus7
Butler, Maureendaus4

Gaultois, Joseph Aheadm57
Gaultois, Rosewifem48
Gaultois, Annedaus30
Gaultois, Francissons24
Gaultois, Georgesons21
Gaultois, Michaelsons20
Gaultois, Josephinedaus18
Gaultois, Leodaus16
Gaultois, Mariedaus14
Gaultois, Dallisdaus11
Gaultois, Haroldsons9
Gaultois, Marguerite Cdaus6
Gaultois, Teresa Hdaus3

Renouf, Most Rev. H. T.heads63
Gresne, rev. Robert Jpriests28
Meehan, Margarethousekeeperw62
Griffin, Clara Adomestics25

Sister M. DeSalesheads50
Sister M. Terencenuns69
Sister M. Ignatiusnuns38
Sister Margaret Marynuns47
Sister Philomenanuns36
Sister Oliveranuns33
Sister __izaganuns32
Sister Angelanuns25
Sister Je_ne_nuns22
Caines, Lillian_s21
Caines, Madelienedomestics24

Ozon, Louis Jheadm38
Ozon, Beatricewifem32
Ozon, Lauradaus11
Ozon, Edwardsons9
Ozon, Josephsons7
Ozon, Robertsons5

McLellan, Dougaldheadm50
McLellan, Franceswifem45

Hayes, Augustine Dheadm34
Hayes, L. Marywifem29
Hayes, James R.fatherw71
Cormier, Annedomestics19

White, Hubertheadm62
White, Catherinewifem53
White, Michaelsons23
White, Bernardsons19
White, Patricksons16
White, Marydaus14
White, Rodericksons11

White, Bartholemewheadm29
White, Christinawifem24
White, Patricksons6
White, Gerardsons4
White, Teresadaus2

White, Frankheadm57
White, Adelewifem50
White, Annedaus29
White, J. Francisa/sons20

Worrell, Eldon G.headm30
Worrell, Eva E.wifem29

McLellan, John A.headm66
McLellan, Catherinewifem64

_D_y, Archibaldboarders42

Gallant, Susanheadw38
Gallant, Waltersons16
Gallant, Reginadaus4
Gallant, Ronaldsons2

Delaney, Johnheadm51
Delaney, Emily Awifem61
Muise, Maryboarders27

Kent, William Rboarderm29
Kent, Aves _boarderm30
Gillis, Eleanorboarder_48

Pynn, Selbyheadm64
Pynn, Annewifem66
Pynn, Gordonsons28

Gorman, Stephenheadw63
Gorman, Bridgetdaus30
Gorman, Thomassons26

Hudson, Georgeheadm58
Hudson, Juliawifem52
Hudson, Charlessons25

Delaney, W. Albertheadm41
Delaney, Margaretwifem55
Miller, Gustave Ca/sons16

Benoit, Louisheadm41
Benoit, Agneswifem39
Benoit, Williamsons15
Benoit, Dorothydaus14
Benoit, Louissons_
Benoit, Cecilsons7
Benoit, Claytonsons6
Benoit, Violadaus4
Benoit, Kevinsons2
Benoit, Terencesons1 mo.

Bethune, Roderickheads31

Hall, Johnheadm64
Hall, Catherinewifem52
Hall, Elizabethdaus26
Hall, Madeleinedaus24
Hall, Kathleendaus22
Hall, Anthonysons20
Hall, Margaretdaus16
Hall, Donaldsons12
Hall, Paulsons10
Hall, Michaelsons7

England, Georgeheadw67
England, Nelsonsons27

Pieroway, Georgeheadm47
Pieroway, Edith Mwifem41
Pieroway, Kennethsons20
Pieroway, Polonadau214
Pieroway, Georgesons11
Pieroway, Morgansons9
Pieroway, Maydaus7
Pieroway, Marydaus6

Pieroway, Johnheadw80

Butt, Samuel Hheadm52
Butt, Mary Ewifem43
Butt, Cavelldaus8
Butt, Phylisdaus6
Butt, Shirleydaus1

Butt, Alfredheadm61
Butt, Maudwifem63
Butt, Dudleysons29
Butt, Hedleysons27
Butt, Charlessons22

Butt, Hilliardheadw55
Butt, Reathadaus27
Butt, Edgarsons19
Butt, Audreydaus12

Hudson, Al_d_headm64
Hudson, Miriamwifem64
Hudson, Jamessons31
Hudson, Miriam E.daus26

LeRoux, Peterheadm56
LeRoux, Irenewifem57
LeRoux, Petersons14
LeRoux, Selmadaus12

Hudson, Jamesheadm59
Hudson, Annewifem55
*Hudson, Everittsons21
Hudson, Veradaus20
Hudson, Andrewsons17
*this entry was crossed out - no notation

Tulk, A. MacDonaldheadm36
Tulk, Hazelwifem37
Tulk, Junedaus5
Tulk, Patriciadaus3

Garland, Nehemiahheadm68
Garland, Susanahwifem59
Garland, Charlessons46

Garland, Jamesheadm44
Garland, Mary E.wifem35
Garland, Janedaus14
Garland, Alicedaus12
Garland, Myrtledaus10
Garland, Bessiedaus8
Garland, P. Garfieldsons7
Garland, H. Georgesons2
Garland, Ivy M.daus6 mos.

Butt, Normanheadm54
Garland, Florencewifem37
Symonds, Gordons/sons11
Symonds, Malcolmsons2

Butt, Frederickheadm44
Butt, Adeliawifem44
Butt, Wilbertsons18
Butt, Hildadaus16
Butt, Thelmadaus15
Butt, Maxwellsons13
Butt, Jeandaus11
Butt, Raysons9
Butt, Altonsons5
Butt, Junedaus4
Butt, Earlsons3

Butt, Samuelheadm75
Butt, Emilywifem47
Dunford, Thomass/sons13

Goodyear, Williamheadm65
Goodyear, Sarahwifem67
Goodyear, A. Mauddaus31

Pieroway, Josephheadm54
Pieroway, Elizabethwifem49
Pieroway, Charlessons27
Pieroway, Geraldsons25
Pieroway, Wallacesons23
Pieroway, Percysons18
Pieroway, Fredadaus16
Pieroway, Edwinsons14
Pieroway, Inadaus10

Dennis, Philipheadm6_
Dennis, Ellawifem50
Dennis, Marjoriedaus20
Dennis, Winnifreddaus17

Morris, Arnoldheads46
Morris, Louisamotherw89

Goodyear, Isaac Cheadm49
Goodyear, Adeliawifem55
Goodyear, Gracedaus21
Goodyear, Charlessons20
Goodyear, Arnoldsons18
Goodyear, Hazeldaus14

Morris, Haroldheadm48
Morris, Christinawifem48
Morris, Lesliesons19
Morris, Raymondsons16
Morris, Almadaus12
Morris, Myrtledaus9

Morris, Frederickheadm52
Morris, Georginawifem40
Morris, Arthursons14
Morris, Charlessons4

LeRoux, E. Warrenheadm61
LeRoux, Sarah Louisawifem56
LeRoux, Fredericksons18

Morris, Percyheadm51
Morris, Jessie M wifem47
Morris, Robert Psons8
Hann, Mary Am/laww85
Brown, Georgeboarder_65

Morris, Thomasheadm57
Morris, Martha Awifem54
Morris, Cecilsons24
Morris, Howardsons21
Morris, Bertramsons19
Morris, Rodericksons17

Swyer, Edwardheadm31
Swyer, Mildredwifem28
Swyer, Waltersons9
Swyer, Sadiedaus7
Swyer, Eldonsons3

Dawe, Ernestheadm34
Dawe, Marjoriewifem26
Dawe, Noreendaus6
Dawe, Allansons5
Dawe, Phylisdaus4
Dawe, Mariondaus3
Dawe, Patiencemotherw74

Pieroway, Lawsonheadm49
Pieroway, I Clarawifem46
Pieroway, Mary Pdaus23

Sheppard, Charlesheadm57
Sheppard, Annewifem57
Sheppard, Augustinesons27
Sheppard, Eliassons26
Sheppard, Cyrilsons24
Sheppard, Raymondsons23
Sheppard, Margaretdaus18
Sheppard, Henrysons15
Sheppard, Charlotttedaus14

Sheppard, Walterheadm29
Sheppard, Genevievewifem_
Sheppard, Eileendaus_
Sheppard, Teresadaus_

Sheppard, Josephheadm_
Sheppard, Philomenawifem_
Sheppard, Jamessons26
Sheppard, Francissons23
Sheppard, Edwardsons20
Sheppard, Agnesdaus17
Shannon, Josephgrsons7

Sheppard, Hilliardheadm28
Sheppard, Almawifem20
Sheppard, Audreydaus7 mos.

Falle, Samuelheadw66
Falle, Mary Js/motherw79

Holmes, Rev. Albertheadm36
Holmes, Nettawifem30
Holmes, Douglassons1

Benoit, Thomasheadm67
Benoit, Annewifem58
Benoit, Stephensons24
Benoit, Jamessons20
Paul, Josephlodgers47

Muise, Alexanderheadm52
Muise, Marywifem47
Muise, Ralphsons20
Muise, Lucydaus17
Muise, Corneliussons13
Muise, Violetdaus7

Note: The following entries were in a different handwriting than the rest of the census; blanks are indicated; it was very difficult to read.
Joung, Mosesblanks4
White, Odellblanks23
McLellan, Reginablanks22
Pieroway, Johnhead_28
Brown, Wm. Hblank_35
MacDonald, Jamesblank__
L_yley, Wm.Blank__

Name in RecordDescription of error or additionMy Name

© Norine Mack & NL GenWeb
Bay St. George District