NL GenWeb

West Coast Region ~ Bay St. George District

1935 Census

Town of George's Lake

Microfilm M-8050 - Book 9
M-married; S-single; W-widow. It was read, recorded and transcribed by LAVERNE (PERRIER) CORMIER, November 1999. While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there may be typographical errors.
Name Relation Status Age
Bishop, HarveyHeadM29
Bishop, LeviniaWifeM23
Bishop, HarveySonS2
Bishop, NormaDauS1

Young, HenryHeadM25 (?)
Young, MaryWifeM33 or 35
Young, HenrySonS6
Young, StellaDauS3 or 5
Young, DonaldSonS-

Bishop, EdwardHeadM6-
Bishop, Emma L.WifeM5-
Bishop, MaryDauM3-
Bishop, ArthurSonS2-
Bishop, EmmaDauS1-
Bishop, WilfredSonS1-
Bishop, EdwardSonS--

White, Edward M.HeadM4-
White, CatherineWifeM3-
White, MichaelSonS-
White, John EdwardSonS6
White, EdwardSonS3
White, HarveySonS1

Colombe, LouisHeadM33
Colombe, LucyWifeM27
Colombe, SusyDauS7
Colombe, GenevieveDauS6

Name in RecordDescription of error or additionMy Name

© Laverne (Perrier) Cormier & NL GenWeb
Bay St. George District