NL GenWeb Census Data

West Coast ~ 1921 Census

Bay of Islands District - Chimney Cove

Note, the age denotes age of last birthday. It was read, recorded and transcribed by CYRIL DUBOURDIEU, February 1999. While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors.
PAYNE; SamuelMHeadM1881Jan40Chimney Cove, BOI
PAYNE; DianeFwifeM1889Sept32Asprey? Beach, BOI
PAYNE; John AMsonS1909Oct12Crabbs, BOI
PAYNE; JosephMsonS1912Aug9Chimney Cove, BOI
PAYNE; WilsonMsonS1917Oct4"
PAYNE; EliMsonS1920Oct10m"

PAYNE; MathewMheadM1843Jan78Bonne Bay
PAYNE; SelinaFwifeM1845Jan76"
GILLAGAN; JamesMnephS1907Apr14Chimney Cove
PAYNE; GerardMsonS1885Apr36"
PAYNE; DianeFdauS1895June26Trout River, B Bay
PAYNE; Mary RFdauS1911Oct10Chimney Cove
PAYNE; Selena?FdauS1913Dec8"
PAYNE; Febie MFdauS1916Nov5"
PAYNE; DoraFdauS1918Nov3"
PAYNE; SamuelMsonS1920Nov1"

PAYNE; John AMHeadM1865April 56Chimney Cove
PAYNE; RoseannaFwifeM1876Nov45"
PAYNE; Onolo?MsonS1898Jan23"
PAYNE; EdmondMsonS*1921Oct20"
PAYNE; AugustinMsonS1904May17"
PAYNE; AmmiFdauS1908Mar13"
PAYNE; WinifredFdauS1915Mar6"

PAYNE; AlbertMHeadM1897Apr24Chimney Cove
PAYNE; WinifredFwifeM1902Dec19"
PAYNE; HaroldMsonS1920Apr1"

GILLIGAN; SamuelMHeadM1870Aug51Chimney Cove
GILLIGAN; SelenaFwifeM1875July46"
GILLIGAN; NormanMsonS1897Mar24"
GILLIGAN; ThomasMsonS1898June23"
GILLIGAN; ClaraFdauS1901June20"
GILLIGAN; GertieFA.dauS1915June6"

BUTLER; JohnMHeadW1883Mar38Trout River
BUTLER; John MMsonS1905June16Chimney Cove
BUTLER; Marthag?FdauS1907Apr14"
BUTLER; NewmanMsonS1915Oct6"
BUTLER; WalterMsonS1917July4"
BUTLER; ArthurMsonS*1921Dec8m"

BUFFETT; PeterMHeadM1861Sept52Channel? NF
BUFFETT; SelenaFwifeM1883Mar38"
BUFFETT; RobertMsonS1902Oct19Chimney Cove
BUFFETT; EdwardMsonS1903Nov18"
BUFFETT; MaudFdauS1905Sept16"
BUFFETT; JohnMsonS1906Oct15"
BUFFETT; HenryMsonS1911Nov10"
BUFFETT; FredrickMsonS1912Dec9"
BUFFETT; AnnieFsonS1913July8"

WELLS; WilliamMHeadM1883Nov38Rose Blanche
WELLS; Jane LFwifeM1865Mar56Trout River
WELLS; SarahFdauS1900June21Chimney Cove
WELLS; FredrickMsonS1906July15"
WELLS; Elice?FdauS1909Dec12"

BUTLER; NormanMHeadM1894July27Chimney Cove
BUTLER; GladysFwifeM1893Dec28Johns Beach, BOI
BUTLER; AlfredaFdauS1915Mar6Trout River
BUTLER; WalterMrelativeS1888Oct33"

BUFFETT; EdMHeadM1883Mar38Channel, NF

WELLS; JamesMHeadM1885June36Channel, NF
WELLS; AliceFwifeM1885June36Chimney Cove
WELLS; IsabellaFdauS1903Sept18"
WELLS; John RMsonS1905Nov16"
WELLS; StephenMsonS1908Dec13"
WELLS; JessieFdauS1909July12"
WELLS; BerthaFdauS1912Nov9"
WELLS; BenjaminMsonS1915Apr6"
WELLS; WilliamMsonS1917Apr4"
WELLS; AliceFdauS1920Aug1"

BUTLER; BenjaminMHeadM1881Sept40Chimney Cove
BUTLER; EthelFwifeM1889Oct32Bay of Islands
BUTLER; JamesMsonS1914Nov7Curling
BUTLER; OliveFdauS1915Nov6Chimney Cove
BUTLER; BessieFdauS1916Mar5"

ROBINSON; JosephineFHeadW1856Mar65Rose Blanch
ROBINSON; Geo.MsonS1898Mar23"
ROBINSON; JohnMsonS1902June19Chimney Cove

Name in CensusDescription of ErrorMy Name
PAYNE Payne; Edmond should be Payne; Edward
Payne; ondo? Should be Payne; Alonzo
Payne; Agustin should be Payne; Agustus
Gordon Payne
BUTLER The family of Benjamin Butler lists the son as James Butler but it should be Bertram James Butler. Beth Goosney
GILLINGHAM All of the surnames Gilligan and one surname Gillagan, James should read Gillingham. I know this as all of these Gillinghams living in Chimmey Cove are my relatives. Paul J. Gillingham
PAYNE Under Payne, John A and wife Payne, Roseanna: George William son born 1899 should be included. Also Amni Payne should read Annie Payne. Gerald Payne
PAYNE Under John A. Payne; son Augustus Payne was born April 17, 1901 not May 17, 1904. I know this because he was my Grandfather. Trudy Bursey-Reynolds

© Cyril DuBourdieu and NL GenWeb

Bay of Islands District