NL GenWeb Census Data

Bay of Islands - McAlpine's 1898

Sprucey Point

Dicks, Philip jr. ;  fisherman 
Harris, Wm. ;  seaman 
Knight, Thos. ;  fisherman 
Knight, Marriott;  fisherman 
Knight, Jas. ;  fisherman 
Knight, Ernest;  fisherman 
March, Levi;  stipendiary magistrate 
Messeau, Chas. ;  fisherman 
Noseworthy, Wm. ;  fisherman 
Noseworthy, Absalom;  fisherman 
Read, Alex;  tel. operator 
Saunders, Geo. ;  teacher 
Wells, Jas. sr. ;  fisherman 
Wells, John;  fisherman 
Wells, Thomas;  fisherman 
Wells, Absolom;  fisherman 

© Laverne Cormier & NL GenWeb

Bay of Islands District