NL GenWeb Census Data

Bay of Islands - McAlpine's 1898

Benoit Cove

Batt, Samuel;  fisherman 
Clarke, Samuel;  fisherman 
Dormidy, Edw. ;  fisherman 
Elbridge, Em. ;  fisherman 
Evett, John S. ;  merchant and ship owner 
Gallant, Fredk. ;  fisherman 
Gallant, Joseph;  fisherman 
Gallant, Marcellus;  fisherman 
Gallant, Patrick;  fisherman 
Hellier, Jos. ;  fisherman 
Hellier, Geo. ;  fisherman 
Hellier, Richd. ;  fisherman 
Jeans, Chas. ;  fisherman 
Mitchell, Jas. ;  fisherman 
Mitchell, Henry;  accountant 
Mitchell, Thos. ;  fisherman 
Mitchell, Arch;  fisherman 
Mitchell, Jerry;  fisherman 
Stickley, Albert;  fisherman 
Sheppard, George;  fisherman 
Sheppard, James;  fisherman 
Sheehan, Michael;  fisherman 
Thistle, Wm. ;  fisherman 
Thistle, Patrick;  fisherman 
White, Wm. ;  fisherman 
Wells, Eugene;  fisherman 
Weyson, Job. ;  fisherman 

© Laverne Cormier & NL GenWeb

Bay of Islands District