NL GenWeb

Historical Information

West Coast - Cod Roy


This little letter was taken from the Newfoundlander, St John's in 1878. Thanks to my cousin Sandy for giving me this information. It looks like one or two names are spelled wrong such as McArter but it was copied as written.  ~ Cyril
Dear Sir,

We the undersigned inhabitants of Cod Roy and the Rivers, would embrace this the most auspicious occasion which promises the benifits of law and order in a community heretofore excluded from such marks of civilization, and progress - take this opportunity of welcoming you among us - having left your home , family, and land of your birth to become the judicial representitive for this portion of England's most ancient colony. We remain your obedient servants:

T.A. Goode
James s Hutchings
John Ball
William McLellan
Isreal Collier
Joshua Gallop
James Moore
Isaac Moore
James Harding
Thomas Sears
John Collier
John Frank
Michael Merbid
John Hilliard
Michael Keating
William Moore
Peter Murphy
John Anthony
Julian Brusar
Simon Dunne
James Downey
Donald Gillis
Thomas Downey
Edward Gale
Joseph Gale
George Dunne
Melaware Blanchard
William Ryan
Aros McAnnon
Allan McArter
Alex McIsaac
Alex Gillis
Jacob MaIsaac
Michael Gillis
Paul Hall
Louis McArthur
John McNeil
F.B. Braithwaite
James Keating
John Gillis
John Evans
William Evans
William Ellis
John McDonald
Benjamin Gallop
Charles Moore
John Galpin
William Galpin
James Mugford
Prosper Musso
John Candle
James Gale
Thomas Collier
John Dalong
Danial Jennings
James Murphy
Jule Keino
Joseph Brusar
Michael Downey
William Ryan
Andrew Gillis
James Gale
John Gale
Thomas Gale
Mesmany Anquin
James Ryan
Dennis Ryan
Angus McArter
Angus McIsaac
Angus McIsaac
Donald McIsaac
John McLean
Danial McLean
John McNeil
John McGivan
Hugh Gillis
John Keating

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