NL GenWeb
Trinity Bay Region ~ Upper Trinity North District
Hatchet Cove - Old Methodist Cemetery
Hatchet Cove is a small fishing community just South of Random Island in
Trinity Bay, Newfoundland. It was first settled around the 1850's. The
community, though small, has families who are typically one of two
religions - Anglican or United Church of Canada. There are four small
cemeteries found within this community. Attached is a diagram of the community with the cemeteries marked with an X.
The NEW UNITED CHURCH cemetery is located in the center
of the community, towards the western side of the hill. It is well cared
for and most of the graves have headstones that are in excellent to good
condition. The traditional family plots appear to be maintained.
The headstones were read, recorded and transcribed by
FRANK KING, May 1999. While I have endeavored to be as correct as
humanly possible, there may be typographical errors. |