NL GenWeb

Trinity Bay Region ~ Trinity South District

1935 Census


In the following file, the dwelling and family number wasn't reset at the start of each community but continued through a group of communities. The handwriting in this community was more difficult to read than for some other communities. The leading two numbers for each family are dwelling number (DW#) and family number (FA#) Individual records are Name, Relationship to head of household, Sex, Marital status, Age at last birthday, and Place of Birth if different from Newfoundland (or notes in square brackets). Everything is as recorded in the census, square brackets [ ] indicate my comments. Question marks indicate that I couldn't decipher what was written. A few entries had lines through them but it's impossible to know from the microfilm if those were in the original or done subsequently. It was read, recorded and transcribed by BRUCE ANDREWS, 2001. While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible,there may be errors.
DW#FA#NameRelationSexStatusAgeBirth Place
4552BARNES, CharlesHeadMMarried59

BARNES, AnnieWifeFMarried56

BARNES, AlvinaDaughterFSingle22

BARNES, WinnieGranddaughterFSingle2 mos
4653BARNES, EliasHeadMMarried55

BARNES, LavinaWifeFMarried46

BARNES, RalphSonMSingle22

BARNES, AnnieDaughterFSingle16

BARNES, GordonSonMSingle12
4754BARNES, GeorgeHeadMWidowed64

BARNES, JohnHeadMMarried37

BARNES, SarahWifeFMarried34
4855RODGERS, JohnHeadMMarried25

RODGERS, FloraWifeFMarried17

RODGERS, Mary AnnGrandmotherFMarried80

RODGERS, DavidHeadMMarried45

RODGERS, SarahWifeFMarried29

RODGERS, Alice JaneDaughterFSingle7

RODGERS, NinaDaughterFSingle3

RODGERS, GordonSonMSingle1

RODGERS, Annie MayDaughterFSingle1 mo
4956RODGERS, StephenHeadMMarried51

RODGERS, SarahWifeFMarried50

RODGERS, MarthaDaughterFSingle22

RODGERS, ClaraDaughterFSingle19

RODGERS, EvaDaughterFSingle16

RODGERS, Amelia JaneDaughterFSingle12
5057RODGERS, Stephen SrHeadMMarried71

RODGERS, Mary AnnWifeFMarried61

RODGERS, WilliamSonMSingle25

RODGERS, LeslieSonMSingle15
5158RODGERS, PleamonHeadMMarried35

RODGERS, JessieWifeFMarried34

RODGERS, Stanley GeorgeSonMSingle9

RODGERS, CharlesSonMSingle7

RODGERS, NelsonSonMSingle2

Name in RecordDescription of error / additional informationMy Name

© Bruce Andrews and NL GenWeb
Trinity South District