NL GenWeb

Trinity Bay Region ~ Trinity South

1904 Directory

The information in this Directory was read, recorded and transcribed by DEBBIE GEROW. While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible,there may be errors.
Hants Harbour
Adey Samuel, fisherman

Adey William, fisherman

Adey Samuel of Samuel, fisherman

Critch Frederick, fisherman

Critch Elias, fisherman

Critch Edgar, fisherman

Critch Moses and Azariah, fisherman

Critch Azariah, fisherman

Critch Elias, fisherman

Critch Eleazer, fisherman

Critch George, fisherman

Ellis James, fisherman

Ellis Samuel, fisherman

Ellis Hezekiah, fisherman

Ellis Jacob, fisherman

Ellis John, fisherman

Ellis Jacob of Jas, fisherman

Ellis Jas of John, fisherman

Evans Samuel, fisherman

Green Archibald, fisherman

Green Charles, fisherman

Green Eleazer, fisherman

Green John T, fisherman

Green Simeon, fisherman

Green John P, fisherman

Green Eli, fisherman

Green William, fisherman

Green John, fisherman

Green Enoch, fisherman

Green Samuel, fisherman

Gulliford Samuel, fisherman

Gulliford Joseph, fisherman

Gulliford Samuel of William, fisherman

Gulliford Ellis, fisherman

Gulliford Ezra, fisherman

Gulliford Charles, fisherman

Gulliford Ingraham, fisherman

Gulliford Edgar, fisherman

Gulliford Ernest, fisherman

Hart Robert, fisherman

Hopkins Simeon, fisherman

Hopkins Martin, fisherman

Hopkins James, fisherman

Harris William, fisherman

Janes James, sawmill

Janes James, general dealer

Janes Caleb, fisherman

Janes Charles, fisherman

Janes Harrison, fisherman

Janes Charles P, fisherman

Janes John, fisherman

King Philip, fisherman

King Joshua, fisherman

King John, fisherman

Loder Samuel, fisherman

Loder George, fisherman

Loder Archibald, fisherman

Loder Allan, fisherman

Maldment Joseph, fisherman

Maldment George, fisherman

Maldment Henry, fisherman

Maldment Albert, fisherman

Merchant William, blacksmith

Short Samuel, general dealer

Short Absalom, fisherman

Short Malcolm, clerk

Short Frederick, fisherman

Short George, fisherman

Short James, fisherman

Short Samuel of Jno G, fisherman

Short William, fisherman

Short Caleb, fisherman

Short Joseph, fisherman

Sheehan Jno of Tim, fisherman

Sheehan Jno of Jno, general dealer

Sheehan James, fisherman

Smith Rose, widow Philip

Smith William, fisherman

Smith Albert, fisherman

Snook Ezekiel, fisherman

Sealey Thomas G, general dealer

Soper William, fisherman

Soper John, fisherman

Soper Joseph, fisherman

Stickland William, fisherman

Stickland Willis, fisherman

Stickland George, fisherman

Stickland Obadiah, fisherman

Stickland Solomon, fisherman

Stickland Aaron, fisherman

Target Archibald, tinsmith

Thomas William, fisherman

Thomas William H, fisherman

Thomas Lorenzo, fisherman

Thomas Joseph, fisherman

Travers Herbert, fisherman

Travers Jabez, fisherman

Tuck Aubrey, fisherman

Name in RecordDescription of error / additional informationMy Name

© Debbie Gerow & NL GenWeb
Trinity South District