NL GenWeb

Trinity Bay Region ~ Trinity South

McAlpine's Directory 1898

Hants Harbour

Transcribed by Debbie Gerow. While I have tried to be as careful as possible, there may be errors.

Bursey Simeon, fisherman

Critch John, fisherman

Critch Azariah, fisherman

Critch Moses, fisherman

Critch Elias (Jas), fisherman

Critch Elias (Moses), fisherman

Critch Elijah, fisherman

Critch Geo, fisherman

Champion Wm, fisherman

Cashman Jas, fisherman

Day Samuel, fisherman

Eddy Samuel (Saml), fisherman

Eddy Samuel (Martin), fisherman

Eddy Wm, fisherman

Eddy John, fisherman

Evans Jos, fisherman

Evans Samuel, fisherman

Ellis Jas, fisherman

Ellis Jacob, fisherman

Ellis Wm, fisherman

Ellis John, fisherman

Ellis Hezakiah, fisherman

Ellis Samuel, fisherman

Ellis Simeon, fisherman

Ellis Hezekiah, fisherman

Ellis Jacob, fisherman

Francis Henry, fisherman

Francis Aaron, fisherman

Gooby John, fisherman

Green John F, fisherman

Green Geo (John), fisherman

Green Eleazer, fisherman

Green Simeon (Wm), fisherman

Green Geo Wm, fisherman

Green Simeon (Jas), fisherman

Green John P, fisherman

Green Enoch, fisherman

Green Samuel, fisherman

Green Wm, fisherman

Green John (Saml), fisherman

Green Eli, fisherman

Gulliver Samuel (Jos), fisherman

Gulliver Alber E, fisherman

Gulliver John, fisherman

Gulliver Joseph, fisherman

Gulliver Samuel (Wm), fisherman

Gulliver Jas J, fisherman

Gulliver Chas, fisherman

Gulliver Edgar, fisherman

Gulliver Ezra, fisherman

Gulliver Jas (Wm), fisherman

Hannon Jas, fisherman

Husson Martin, fisherman

Husson John, fisherman

Hopkins Martin, fisherman

Hopkins Simeon, fisherman

Hart Robt, fisherman

Hart Wm J, fisherman

Janes Stephen, fisherman

Janes Chas (Jas), fisherman

Janes Jas, trader

Janes Caleb, fisherman

Janes Chas P, fisherman

Janes John, fisherman

King Josiah, fisherman

King Philip, fisherman

King Geo, fisherman

King Jos, fisherman

King John, fisherman

Kendall Reb Wm, methodist

Loder Wm, fisherman

Loder Geo, fisherman

Loder Samuel, fisherman

Loder Allen, fisherman

Loder Archibald, fisherman

Loder Silas, fisherman

Maidman, Heber, fisherman

Maidman Jos, fisherman

Maidman Geo, fisherman

Maidman Wm H, fisherman

Maidman Albert, fisherman

Maidman Ezra, fisherman

Maidman Samuel, fisherman

Mitchel Jas, fisherman

Mitchel Corbet, fisherman

Merchant Wm, blacksmith

Piercy Esau, cooper

Piercy Jas, fisherman

Pelly Timothy, fisherman

Pelly Frederick, fisherman

Pelly Geo (Aaron), fisherman

Pelly Solomon, fisherman

Pelly Rich (Timothy), fisherman

Pelly Richd (John), fisherman

Pelly Alfred, fisherman

Pelly Barjelia, fisherman

Pelly Wm J, fisherman

Pelly Jas, fisherman

Pelly Enoch, fisherman

Pelly John, fisherman

Pelly Richd (John), fisherman

Pelly Geo (John), fisherman

Price Wm, fisherman

Price John (Noah), fisherman

Price Benj, fisherman

Price Levi, fisherman

Price Ephraim, fisherman

Price John (John), fisherman

Price Albert, fisherman

Peppy Reuben, teacher

Pauley Jos, fisherman

Pauley Ephraim, fisherman

Pool Samuel, fisherman

Pool Esau, fisherman

Pool Stephen, fisherman

Price Jos, fisherman

Price Reuben, fisherman

Reid John, fisherman

Smith Philip, fisherman

Smith Wm, fisherman

Smith Albert, fisherman

Sheehan John, genl dealer

Short Samuel, fisherman

Short Joshua C, fisherman

Short Fredk, fisherman

Short Jas, fisherman

Short Geo, fisherman

Short Wm, fisherman

Short Moses, fisherman

Short Israel, fisherman

Short Joseph, fisherman

Short Caleb, fisherman

Short Anthony, fisherman

Short Nicholas, fisherman

Short Nicholas (Nicholas), fisherman

Short Absalom, fisherman

Short Samuel, fisherman

Short Malcombe, genl dealer

Suley Thos G, farmer

Stickland Wm, fisherman

Stickland Geo, fisherman

Stickland Willis, fisherman

Stickland Aaron, fisherman

Stickland Obadiah, fisheramn

Stickland Solomon, fisherman

Soper John, fisherman

Soper Jos W, fisherman

Soper John (Wm), fisherman

Soper Wm, fisherman

Soper John (Thos), fisherman

Soper Samuel, fisherman

Snook Ezekiel, fisherman

Tuck Jas, fisherman

Tuck Aubrey, fisherman

Tuck Peter, fisherman

Tuck Joshua, fisherman

Tuck Stephen, fisherman

Tuck Chas, fisherman

Tuck Jas, fisherman

Tuck Chas (Joshua), fisherman

Tuck Moses, fisherman

Tuck Geo, fisherman

Tilly Solomon, fisherman

Target Wm, tinsmith

Target Archibald, tinsmith

Travers Heber, fisherman

Travers Jabez, fisherman

Travers John, fisherman

Thomas John, fisherman

Thomas Reuben, fisherman

Name in RecordDescription of error / additional informationMy Name

© Debbie Gerow & NL GenWeb
Trinity South District