NL GenWeb

Trinity Bay Region ~ Trinity South

1800-1801 Census

Grates Cove

"A Return of the Number of Houses, Inhabitants, Fishings Rooms, Rents of Rooms etc. etc. in the District of Trinity, Newfland in the Winter of 1800 and 1801 with the Number of Servants, Boats, etc. employed in the Fishery in the Summer 1800 and the Totals of Wages given"

H - Number of Houses; R - No. of Fishing Rooms; Sta - Married or Single; Me - Men; Wo - Women; Ch - Children; Ser - Servants & Dieters; Pr - Protestants; RC - Roman Catholics; SL - No of Servants in the Fisheries Last Season; B - No. of Boats in..
Annual Rent; Totals of Religons; Total of Wages; Number of Bankers
The census information was transcribed by STEPHEN BAKER, March 2000. While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, the handwriting was difficult to translate thus there may be errors.
H R Occupier Proprietor Sta Me Wo Ch Boy Grl Ser Pr RC SL B
11Step. HeadStep. HeadM1132127--1
1-Geo LewisDo M11312-5---
11Jas BallickJas BullickM1211-15--1
11Hen? MartinH? MartinM1164218--1
11Jos MartinJos MartinM12532110--1
11J. SnelgroveJno SnelgroveM12642-?--1
11H? NormoreH?. NormoreM114311?6--1
1-Jno Hoskins & BarberJohn HoskinsS3-----3--1
11Geo. Cooper & SonGeo. CooperM23642213-11
11Jno JanesJno JanesM116331?--1
11Jno BlundenLydia RixonM11743110--1
11Jno DoudgJ. Eayan?M12422126-1
11D. BrowderD. BrowdersM1266--18-1
1-E. BurrageE. BurrageS-1321--4--
1-P & Jas MurphyP & Jas MurphyS2------2-1
1-Jno WestwoodJno WestwoodS1-----1---
1-Jno Janes SenrJno Janes SenrM11----2---
11Mar? Geary?Jno Janes JunrM11532-16-1
1-Robt. RoseRt. RoseM11541-7---
1-Thos NorrisThos NorrisS1------1--

Name in RecordDescription of error / additional informationMy Name

© Stephen Baker & NL GenWeb
Trinity South District