NL GenWeb

Trinity Bay Region ~ Trinity North District

1936 Newfoundland Directory

Trinity East

It was transcribed by TOM HYNES, September 1999. While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible there may be typographical errors.
Bailey Archfshrmn
Bailey Geofshrmn
Bailey Hughfshrmn
Bannister Ernestcarp
Bannister Geocarp
Bannister Patkcarp
Brown Chasfshrmn
Brown Geofshrmn
Brown Hughfshrmn
Brown Jamesfshrmn
Brown Normanfshrmn
Connolly Chasfshrmn
Connolly Johnfshrmn
Connolly Peter agt Nfld Rly
Connolly Ronaldfshrmn
Cook Edfshrmn
Cook Johnfshrmn
Dewling Ronaldfshrmn
Evelley Colinfshrmn
Evelley Fredkfshrmn
Evelley Hugh Lfshrmn
Evelley Jamesfshrmn
Evelley Normanfshrmn
Evelley Miss Violettchr
Evelley Silasfshrmn
Fifield Alfredfshrmn
Fifield Arthurfshrmn
Fifield Augustusfshrmn
Fifield Geo Hfshrmn
Fifield Johnfshrmn
Fifield Levifshrmn
Fifield Orlandofshrmn
Fowlow Aaronfshrmn
Fowlow Albertfshrmn
Fowlow Bertramfshrmn
Fowlow Chasfshrmn
Fowlow Donaldfshrmn
Fowlow Geofshrmn
Fowlow Harry Jgenl dlr
Fowlow Hazenfshrmn
Fowlow James Gfshrmn
Fowlow James Wfshrmn
Fowlow Johnfshrmn
Fowlow John Jfshrmn
Fowlow Josephfshrmn
Fowlow Kennethfshrmn
Fowlow Levifshrmn
Fowlow Lewisfshrmn
Fowlow Markfshrmn
Fowlow Martinfshrmn
Fowlow Maxfshrmn
Fowlow Peterfshrmn
Fowlow Philipfshrmn
Fowlow Richardfshrmn
Fowlow Robtfshrmn
Fowlow Miss S Atel opr
Fowlow Wmfshrmn
Fowlow Wm Thosfshrmn
Goldsworthy Henry Gfshrmn
Goldsworthy Markfshrmn
Hogart Ericfshrmn
Hogart Harveyfshrmn
Hogart Lesliefshrmn
Hogart Richardfshrmn
Hogart Wm mail clk
Hogart Wmfshrmn
Holland Rev F B DC of E
Janes Chasfshrmn
Jones Ericfshrmn
Jones Frankfshrmn
Jones Geofshrmn
Jones Howard cooper
Jones Israelfshrmn
Jones James cooper
Jones James cooper
Jones John cooper
Jones Jonas & Sonsgenl dlrs
Jones Jonasgenl dlr
Jones Levi cooper
Jones Orlandofshrmn
Jones Peter cooper
Jones Pierce cooper
Jones Richard cooper
Jones Richard cooper
Jones Robtcarp
Jones Robtfshrmn
Jones Uriah cooper
Jones Walterfshrmn
Jones Warrenfshrmn
Jones Wm cooper and genl dlr
Laite James cooper
Laite Lewis cooper
Laite Reubencarp
Laite Richard cooper
Lawlor Martinfshrmn
Lawlor Stanleyfshrmn
Miller Robtfshrmn
Miller Willisfshrmn
Mills Miss Louisepostmistress
Peckham Geofshrmn
Peckman Wmfshrmn
Peddle Martinfshrmn
Pottle Walterfshrmn
Quinlan Robtfshrmn
Ryan Johnfshrmn
Shelley Frankfshrmn
Shelley Johnfshrmn
Tholeman Chasfshrmn
Tholeman Johnfshrmn
Tholeman Martinfshrmn
Tholeman Wmfshrmn
Watts Arthur cooper
Watts James cooper
Watts Wm cooper

Name in RecordDescription of error / additional informationMy Name

© Tom Hynes & NL GenWeb
Trinity North District