NL GenWebTrinity Bay Region ~ Trinity North District1894 DirectoryShip CoveThe information in this Directory was read, recorded and transcribed by DEBBIE GEROW, 1999. While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible there may be errors. |
Surname | Occupation |
Bailey Absalom, | fisherman |
Bailey John, | fisherman |
Bailey John, | fisherman |
Bailey Thomas, | fisherman |
Bailey Peter, | fisherman |
Bailey Absalom, | fisherman |
Bailey Benjamin, | fisherman |
Bailey Isaac, | fisherman |
Bailey William, | fisherman |
Bailey Joseph, | fisherman |
Bailey John, | fisherman |
Bailey William, | fisherman |
Barber John, | fisherman |
Banister John, | planter |
Banister John, | fisherman |
Banister John, | fisherman |
Banister Charles, | fisherman |
Banister Herber, | planter |
Banister Richard, | planter |
Brennick Joseph, | fisherman |
Brennick Francis, | fisherman |
Brennick William, | fisherman |
Christopher John, | fisherman |
Christopher Charles, | fisherman |
Cook Richard, | fisherman |
Cook John, | fisherman |
Cook Daniel, | fisherman |
Guppy George, | fisherman |
Hanlan Patrick, | planter |
Hanlan Michael, | planter |
Johnson Noah, | planter |
Lander Arthur, | fisherman |
Lander William Charles, | fisherman |
Ploughman Joseph, | planter |
Ploughman William, | planter |
Ploughman Joseph, | planter |
Ploughman Alexander, | planter |
Ploughman Mark, | fisherman |
Ploughman John, | fisherman |
Ploughman Hezekiah, | fisherman |
Ryan Jeremiah, | fisherman |
Ryan William, | fisherman |
Ryan Thomas, | fisherman |
Ryan Eli, | fisherman |
Ryan John, | fisherman |
Ryan Edward, | fisherman |
Ryan William, | fisherman |
Rendell Isaac Robert, | fisherman |
Rendell John, | fisherman |
Rendell William, | fisherman |
Rendell John, | fisherman |
Rendell Isaac, | fisherman |
Rendell Robert, | fisherman |
Rendell Abraham, | planter |
Rendell John, | planter |
Rendell Robert, | planter |
Rendell Henry James, | fisherman |
Rendell Richard, | fisherman |
Rendell Adam, | fisherman |
Rendell Peter, | fisherman |
Rex George, | fisherman |
Rex William, | fisherman |
Rex John, | fisherman |
Rex George, | fisherman |
Vivian Eli, | planter |
White William, | planter |
E R R A T A | ||
Name in Record | Description of error / additional information | My Name |
© Debbie Gerow & NL GenWeb
Trinity North District