NLGenWeb Wills

Trinity Bay Region ~ Trinity North District

Catalina - Will of John Snelgrove (1844)
This will was read, recorded and transcribed by CHAZ STRONG, May 1999. While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors.

Will of Issac Snelgrove of Catalina, 1859
Newfoundland Wills: Vol. 1, Fol. 447, Prob. 1844
In re John Snelgrove deceased. In the name of God Amen. This is to certify that I John Snelgrove of Catalina in the District of Trinity Newfoundland being in ill health but of sound mind and memory do hereby make my last will and testament and to carry the same into effect I appoint Isaac Snelgrove, Jno Mifflen and Frederick Hiscock the executors of the same.

1. I request that all my lawful debts shall be duly paid out of my effects after my decease.

2. I request that my house and land transfer'd unto me by my father situated in Catalina is to become the possession of my wife and children whilst my wife remains unmarried, but if she should marry the house and land aforesaid is to become the property of my children to possess the same when they come to the age of 21 years.

3. I request that the sum of One hundred pounds which is deposited in my house, and that sum of money in possession of Messes. McBride & Kerr, Merchants, in Saint John's and my part of the schr Earl Gray, and whatever of my effects that can be realised into money, is to be gathered together into one sum of money, and deposited into the house of Messrs. Exts Robt Slade, Merchants, Catalina, out of which sum my executors are to pay the annual sum of fifteen pounds to my wife for the maintenance of herself and children and trusting that my executors will faithfully perform the conditions of this my last will and testament I hereunto affix my hand and seal this sixteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty four. The foregoing is my last will and testament.

John Snelgrove his mark X (LS)

Signed in the presence of witnesses, viz.
Isaac Snelgrove his mark X.
Jno Tough.

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