Transcribed by Susan Day, provided by Debbie Gerow. While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors
Will of James Day |
Susan Day transcribed this from the Registry of Deeds at the Confederation Building in Oct,
Will viewed at the Registry of Deeds Northern District Volume 15, Page 55 James DAY In the Name of God Amen I James DAY of Old Perlican Planter being aged and feeble in body but perfect in memory and soundness of mind knowing that it appointed unto all men once to die to hereby declare this to be my last Will and Testament First I recommend my body unto God and to the discretion of my dear children John DAY William DAY and James DAY whom I also constitute my executors to receive Christian Burial being assured I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God. Secondly As to my worldly estate wherewith God has been pleased to bless me I give and bequeath to my beloved son John DAY that part of my lands bounded East and West by the two Branches of Admirals Brook and one half the Fishing Room and ____?_____ Gun together with that quantity of Sheep that remain after my demise And I give and bequeath to my beloved son William DAY three fourths of the remaining half of my Fishing Room to be as far as the boundaries admit the same part he now occupies and that part of my land situated on the Eastern side of Eastern branch of Admirals brook And I give and bequeath unto my beloved son James Day the remaining part of my Fishing Room in consideration that a landing be afforded him to carry on the Fishing should that part of the Fishing Room that may fall to his portion be destitute of a correment landing and also one fourth part of the land ___?____ of Admirals Brook Thirdly I give and bequeath unto my beloved son William Day the Garden back commonly called back the Hill Garden Fourthly In consideration of the good will and esteem I owe my beloved Grand sonWilliam James DAY I give and bequeath unto him the Dweling House I now occupy and a Feather Bed Fifthly I bequeath unto John DAY a large chest and a Clothes Box and what articles the clothes box contain after my demise Sixthly I also Willeth that these my effects Fishing Room Garden and Meadows shall never be sold or in anyway be exchanged out of the daysfamily that is from John Days William Days and James Days respective families but be theirs and their heirs forever through the ___? __ __ . There unto I have set my hand and seal this Twenty fourth day of June one thousand eight hundred and fifty seven James DAY Signed Sealed and delivered in our presence John his Mark Greene William Christian. I hereby Certify that the executor of the Will of James Day of which the foregoing is a true and correct Copy appears by the Afforesaid endorsed therein to have been proved by by __?__ Christian __?____ witness thereto before Richard Rawhina Commissioner of Affidavits on the twelfth day of October one thousand eight hundred and fifty eight was deposited in my hand on the Twenty fifth day of the same month and is hereby actually Registered by me this day in due course _?__ under my hand this twelfth day of December one thousand eight hundred and fifty eight A.D. 1858 Susan Day, Newfoundland |
© Susan Day, Debbie Gerow & NL GenWeb