NL GenWeb - Community List

St. Bernard's

Anderson's Cove
Barrisway de Platte
Bay D'Leau Island
Bay du Nord
Bay L'Argent
Birchy Cove
Black Brook
Doctor's Harbour
English Harbour East
Fox Cove
Grand Jervey
Grand John
Grand L'Pierre
Green Point
Harbour Mille
Hare Harbour
Head Fortune Bay
Jack Fountain | Jacques Fontaine
Lake's Beach
Lally Cove
Langue de Cerf
Little Bay East
Little Harbour
Little River
Lobster Cove
Long Harbour
New Harbour
Old Woman's Cove
Pays Cove | Peas Cove
Point Enragee
Poole's Cove
Ryles Barachoix
St. Bernard's
Stone Harbour | Stone's Cove
Tickle Beach
Turnip Cove

We've attempted to include as many towns in the district as possible, however it's inevitable that some communities will be omitted.
St. Bernard's
