NLGenWeb 1894 McAlpines DirectoryAvalon South Region - St. John's DistrictSt. John's City - OABBREVIATIONS USED: adv - advertisement; bds - boards; cor - corner; do - same place or same street; dept - department; h - house; n - near; opp - opposite; r - rear; rev - reverend; wid - widow; n - north; s - south; e - east; w - west.
The information was transcribed by SUE O'NEILL ~ January 2002 from a copy of the original document. While I have tried to be as careful as possible, there could be errors.
NAME | OCCUPATION | ADDRESS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
OAK, Rebecca | wid Austin | h 46 Quidi Vidi
OAKLEY, James | seaman | h 2 Prince
| OAKLEY, William E | salesman | bds 11 Queen's
| O'BRIEN, Charles | cooper | h 27 Waldegrave
| O'BRIEN, Dennis | shoemaker | h Freshwater Road
| O'BRIEN, Edward | carpenter | h 11 Bond
| O'BRIEN, Edward | seaman | h 22 Brazil's Square
| O'BRIEN, Elizabeth, wid Timothy | grocer, Harvey Road | h do
| O'BRIEN, Harry | seaman | h 19 Flower Hill
| O'BRIEN, James | cooper | h 16 Finn's Lane
| O'BRIEN, James | grocer, 45 Job's | h do
| O'BRIEN, John | cooper | bds 42 Bannerman
| O'BRIEN, Joseph | policeman | h Spencer
| O'BRIEN, Mrs Mary Anne | h 8 Springdale
| O'BRIEN, Rev. Patrick | Roman Catholic | h 28 Patrick
| O'BRIEN, Richard | Fruit Dealer, Etc, Duckworth | h do, opp Queen's Wharf
| O'BRIEN, Sir Terence N, K C M G | Governor, Commander in Chief and Vice Admiral over the Island and its dependencies | Gov't House, M'ltry Rd
| O'BRIEN, Thomas | carpenter | h 33 Job's
| O'BRIEN, Thomas | storekeeper | h 42 Bannerman
| O'BRIEN, Thomas jr | engineer | bds Bannerman
| O'BRIEN, William | laborer | h 28 Bannerman
| O'BRIEN, William | salesman | h 31 Barnes Road
| O'BRIEN, William | sergeant constabulary | h Barnes' Road
| O'BRIEN, William | wharfinger | h 28 Colonial
| O'BRIEN, William P | accountant | h 124 Barnes' Road
| O'CONNOR, Andrew | manufacturers' agent | h 103 Signal Hill Road
| O'CONNOR, John T | journalist | h 42 King's Road
| O'CONNOR, William | laborer | h 128 George
| O'DEA, John V | Commission Merchant and Broker, Merchants Block, Water, e | h Military Road
| O'DEADY, John | baker | h 351 Duckworth
| O'DEADY, Miss Margaret | baker, 126 New Gower | h do
| O'DEADY, Patrick | cabinet maker | bds 351 Duckworth
| O'DEADY, William | baker | bds 351 Duckworth
| O'DONALD, Thomas | seaman | h 228 New Gower
| O'DONNELL, Fanny | wid John F | h Freshwater Road
| O'DONNELL, James C | accountant | h Freshwater Road
| O'DRISCOLL, Patrick C | Com Merchant and Autioneer, Exchange Buildings, Water, e | h 1 Queen's
| O'DWYER, John | laborer | h Spencer
| O'DWYER, John | Oke Farm | h O'Dwyer's Field
| O'DWYER, John L | Commission Merchant, Beck's Cove | h Park Row, Rennie's Mill Road
| O'DWYER, Michael | laborer | h Spencer
| O'DWYER, R | wheelwright | bds Spencer
| O'DWYER, Richard | poor commissioner | h 33 Military Road
| O'FARRELL, Maurice | storekeeper | h 49 George
| O'FARRELL, William | constable | Fort Townshend
| O'FLAHERTY, Elizabeth | wid James | 71 Military Road
| O'FLAHERTY, John | accountant | h 64 Le Marchant Road
| O'FLAHERTY, Michael | farmer | h 17 New Gower
| O'GRADY, Jeremiah | painter | h 99 George
| O'GRADY, Patrick | laborer | h 3 Hunt's Lane
| O'GRADY, William | apprentice | h Hunt's Lane
| OHMAN, N | Watchmaker, Engraver, Optician and P O Stamp Dealer, 12 Adelaide | h 4 Brazil's Sq
| OKE, | seaman | h 33 George
| OKE, Edward | painter | h 121 Quidi Vidi Road
| OKE, John C | Carriage Builder, Prescott cor Duckworth | h do
| OKE, John L | storekeeper | h Bell
| OKE, William C | carriage builder | h 114 Quidi Vidi Road
| OKE, William R | carriage builder | h Forest Lane
| O'KEEFE, Charles | salesman | h 20 Fleming
| O'KEEFE, James | clerk | bds 20 Fleming
| O'KEEFE, John | laborer | h 29 Fleming
| O'KEEFE, John, jr | carpenter | bds 20 Fleming
| O'KEEFE, Michael | clerk | bds 20 Fleming
| O'KEEFE, Patrick J | carpenter | h 185 New Gower
| O'KEEFE, Peter | carman | h Fleming
| O'KEEFE, Thomas | cooper and variety, 412 1/2 water | h 412 1/2 Water
| OLDRIDGE, Ann, wid Henry | wines and spirits, Water, e | h do
| OLDRIDGE, Richard | laborer | h Water, e
| O'LEARY, Patrick J | salesman | bds 4 Holdsworth
| OLIVER, Edward | bricklayer | bds Boncloddy
| OLIVER, Francis | laborer | h Boncloddy
| OLIVER, George T | printer | h Long's Hill
| OLIVER, James | seaman | h Goodview
| OLIVER, John | seaman | h 83 New Gower
| OLIVER, Peter | carman | h 16 Boncloddy
| OLIVER, Peter | laborer | h 36 Bannerman
| OLIVER, Thomas | carpenter | h Boncloddy
| OLIVER, William | laborer | h 48 Cabot
| OLLERHEAD, S | laborer | bds 9 James
| OLLERHEAD, Charles | laborer | h 9 James
| OLLERHEAD, Harrison | salesman | h Spencer
| OLLERHEAD, Thomas H | salesman | h 1 Spencer
| OLSEN, Charles | seaman | h Signal Hill Road
| OLSEN, Christopher | seaman | bds 184 New Gower
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