NLGenWeb 1894 McAlpines Directory

Avalon South Region - St. John's District

St. John's City - O

ABBREVIATIONS USED: adv - advertisement; bds - boards; cor - corner; do - same place or same street; dept - department; h - house; n - near; opp - opposite; r - rear; rev - reverend; wid - widow; n - north; s - south; e - east; w - west.

The information was transcribed by SUE O'NEILL ~ January 2002 from a copy of the original document. While I have tried to be as careful as possible, there could be errors.

OAK, Rebeccawid Austinh 46 Quidi Vidi
OAKLEY, Jamesseamanh 2 Prince
OAKLEY, William Esalesmanbds 11 Queen's
O'BRIEN, Charlescooperh 27 Waldegrave
O'BRIEN, Dennisshoemakerh Freshwater Road
O'BRIEN, Edwardcarpenterh 11 Bond
O'BRIEN, Edwardseamanh 22 Brazil's Square
O'BRIEN, Elizabeth, wid Timothygrocer, Harvey Roadh do
O'BRIEN, Harryseamanh 19 Flower Hill
O'BRIEN, Jamescooperh 16 Finn's Lane
O'BRIEN, Jamesgrocer, 45 Job'sh do
O'BRIEN, Johncooperbds 42 Bannerman
O'BRIEN, Josephpolicemanh Spencer
O'BRIEN, Mrs Mary Anne
h 8 Springdale
O'BRIEN, Rev. PatrickRoman Catholich 28 Patrick
O'BRIEN, RichardFruit Dealer, Etc, Duckworthh do, opp Queen's Wharf
O'BRIEN, Sir Terence N, K C M GGovernor, Commander in Chief and Vice Admiral over the Island and its dependenciesGov't House, M'ltry Rd
O'BRIEN, Thomascarpenterh 33 Job's
O'BRIEN, Thomasstorekeeperh 42 Bannerman
O'BRIEN, Thomas jrengineerbds Bannerman
O'BRIEN, Williamlaborerh 28 Bannerman
O'BRIEN, Williamsalesmanh 31 Barnes Road
O'BRIEN, Williamsergeant constabularyh Barnes' Road
O'BRIEN, Williamwharfingerh 28 Colonial
O'BRIEN, William Paccountanth 124 Barnes' Road
O'CONNOR, Andrewmanufacturers' agenth 103 Signal Hill Road
O'CONNOR, John Tjournalisth 42 King's Road
O'CONNOR, Williamlaborerh 128 George
O'DEA, John VCommission Merchant and Broker, Merchants Block, Water, eh Military Road
O'DEADY, Johnbakerh 351 Duckworth
O'DEADY, Miss Margaretbaker, 126 New Gowerh do
O'DEADY, Patrickcabinet makerbds 351 Duckworth
O'DEADY, Williambakerbds 351 Duckworth
O'DONALD, Thomasseamanh 228 New Gower
O'DONNELL, Fannywid John Fh Freshwater Road
O'DONNELL, James Caccountanth Freshwater Road
O'DRISCOLL, Patrick CCom Merchant and Autioneer, Exchange Buildings, Water, eh 1 Queen's
O'DWYER, Johnlaborerh Spencer
O'DWYER, JohnOke Farmh O'Dwyer's Field
O'DWYER, John LCommission Merchant, Beck's Coveh Park Row, Rennie's Mill Road
O'DWYER, Michaellaborerh Spencer
O'DWYER, Rwheelwrightbds Spencer
O'DWYER, Richardpoor commissionerh 33 Military Road
O'FARRELL, Mauricestorekeeperh 49 George
O'FARRELL, WilliamconstableFort Townshend
O'FLAHERTY, Elizabethwid James71 Military Road
O'FLAHERTY, Johnaccountanth 64 Le Marchant Road
O'FLAHERTY, Michaelfarmerh 17 New Gower
O'GRADY, Jeremiahpainterh 99 George
O'GRADY, Patricklaborerh 3 Hunt's Lane
O'GRADY, Williamapprenticeh Hunt's Lane
OHMAN, NWatchmaker, Engraver, Optician and P O Stamp Dealer, 12 Adelaideh 4 Brazil's Sq
OKE,seamanh 33 George
OKE, Edwardpainterh 121 Quidi Vidi Road
OKE, John CCarriage Builder, Prescott cor Duckworthh do
OKE, John Lstorekeeperh Bell
OKE, William Ccarriage builderh 114 Quidi Vidi Road
OKE, William Rcarriage builderh Forest Lane
O'KEEFE, Charlessalesmanh 20 Fleming
O'KEEFE, Jamesclerkbds 20 Fleming
O'KEEFE, Johnlaborerh 29 Fleming
O'KEEFE, John, jrcarpenterbds 20 Fleming
O'KEEFE, Michaelclerkbds 20 Fleming
O'KEEFE, Patrick Jcarpenterh 185 New Gower
O'KEEFE, Petercarmanh Fleming
O'KEEFE, Thomascooper and variety, 412 1/2 waterh 412 1/2 Water
OLDRIDGE, Ann, wid Henrywines and spirits, Water, eh do
OLDRIDGE, Richardlaborerh Water, e
O'LEARY, Patrick Jsalesmanbds 4 Holdsworth
OLIVER, Edwardbricklayerbds Boncloddy
OLIVER, Francislaborerh Boncloddy
OLIVER, George Tprinterh Long's Hill
OLIVER, Jamesseamanh Goodview
OLIVER, Johnseamanh 83 New Gower
OLIVER, Petercarmanh 16 Boncloddy
OLIVER, Peterlaborerh 36 Bannerman
OLIVER, Thomascarpenterh Boncloddy
OLIVER, Williamlaborerh 48 Cabot
OLLERHEAD, Slaborerbds 9 James
OLLERHEAD, Charleslaborerh 9 James
OLLERHEAD, Harrisonsalesmanh Spencer
OLLERHEAD, Thomas Hsalesmanh 1 Spencer
OLSEN, Charlesseamanh Signal Hill Road
OLSEN, Christopherseamanbds 184 New Gower
OLSEN, Henrymaster marinerh Bell
O'MARA'S DRUG STOREDrugs, Chemical, etc., Water, e
O'MARA, Jamesshoemakerbds Duggan's Lane
O'MARA, Johnfishermanh Duggan's Lane
O'MARA, Mrs Johnof O'Mara's drug storeh 2 Queen's Road
O'MARA, M Jof Devine & O'Mara, job printersDuckworth
O'MARA, Marywid Davidh 43 Fleming
O'MARA, Patrickbricklayerbds Duggan
O'MARA, Patrickwatchmanh Job's
O'MARA, Thomasshipwrighth Harvey Road
O'MEARA, Williammasonh 6 Duggan
O'NEIL, Andrewcarpenterh 21 Stephen's
O'NEIL, Arthurlaborerh 39 Cabot
O'NEIL, Arthurtruckmanbds Pennywell Road
O'NEIL, Mrs Arthur
h Le Marchant Road
O'NEILL, Charles, Henry R
Palace, Military Road
O'NEIL, Chrisropher[sic]laborerh 236 New Gower
O'NEILL, Constantinelaborerh 6 Dammerill's Lane
O'NEIL, Edwardcooperh 18 brazil's Square
O'NEILL, Ellenwid Williamh 23 Fleming
O'NEIL, Jamescabmanh 8 Spencer
O'NEIL, Jamescarmanh 108 Pleasant
O'NEIL, Jamescooper, 5 Cuddihy'sh 22 Barter's Hill
O'NEIL, Jamescooperh 273 Water, w
O'NEILL, Jamesshoemakerbds 23 Fleming
O'NEIL, Jamesstorekeeperh 2 Power
O'NEIL, Jamestruckmanh Pennywell Road
O'NEIL, James jrtruckmanbds Pennywell Road
O'NEIL, Jeremiahcooperh 18 Waldegrave
O'NEILL, Jeremiahlaborerbds 23 Fleming
O'NEIL, Johncooper, Brazil's Squareh Brazil's Square
O'NEIL, John Jcooperh 273 Water, w
O'NEIL, Martinlaborerbds 234 New Gower
O'NEIL, Michaelshopkeeper and cooper, 273 Water, wh do
O'NEIL, Mosescarmanh 64 Barter's Hill
O'NEIL, Patrickcooperh 108 Pleasant
O'NEIL, PJtailoring and hairdressing, Water, w off Merchant's Blockh do
O'NEIL, Petercarmanbds 20 Quidi Vidi Road
O'NEIL, Thomas wines and spirits, Water, eh do
O'NEIL, Thomas Haccountantbds 170 Water
O'NEIL, Williambaker, 153 New Gowerh do
O'NEIL, Williamcabmanh Holloway
O'REGAN, Corneliusshoemakerh 11 Princess
O'REGAN, John butcher, Water, eh do
O'REILLY, Albert Wof A W & R P O'Reillyh 170 Water, w
O'REILLY, A W & R Pgrocers, wines and spirits170 Water, w
O'REILLY, Georgemerchanth 44 Colonial
O'REILLY, Rev J, D DRoman Catholic PalaceMilitary Road
O'REILLY, Josephhead constableFort Townshend
O'REILLY, J Jgrocer, 290 Waterh do
O'REILLY, Richard Pof A W & R P O'Reillyh 170 Water, w
ORNER, Jacob Cwatchmakerbds 382 Water
O'ROURKE, Michaelfishermanh 13 Bates
O'ROURKE, Williamcooperh 25 Angel Place
OSBORNE, Johnseamanh 11 Duggan's
OSBORNE, Thomasfishermanbds 11 Duggan's
OSMOND, Albertcarpenterh 4 Stewart Avenue
OSMOND, Arthurengineerbds Stewart Avenue
OSMOND, Agustuamachinistbds 4 Stewart Avenue
OSMOND, Jamestinsmithh 6 Stewart Avenue
OSMOND, Samuelcarpenterh Hayward Avenue
O'TOOLE, Jamesclerkh Bannerman
O'TOOLE, Jameslaborerh 257 Water, w
O'TOOLE, Johnlaborerbds Mundy Pond Road
O'TOOLE, Johnseamanh 25 Thomas
O'TOOLE, Marywid Bernardbds 12 Duckworth
O'TOOLE, Michaelfishermanh Brazil's Square
O'TOOLE, Michaelsalesmanh Cookstown Road
O'TOOLE, Michaelstorekeeperbds Mundy Pond Road
O'TOOLE, Patricklaborerbds 257 Water, w
O'TOOLE, Thomaslaborerh Mundy Pond Road
O'TOOLE, Williamlaborerh 25 Thomas
OTTERSON, Peterseamanh 26 Stephen
OUTERBRIDGE, JosephHarvey & Coh King's Bridge Road
OWENS, Williamgardnerh Hamilton
OXLEY, John Jsign writerh King's Road

NameDescription of ErrorMy Name

© Sue O'Neill & NL GenWeb