NLGenWeb 1894 McAlpines DirectoryAvalon South Region - St. John's DistrictSt. John's City - CABBREVIATIONS USED: adv - advertisement; bds - boards; cor - corner; do - same place or same street; dept - department; h - house; n - near; opp - opposite; r - rear; rev - reverend; wid - widow; n - north; s - south; e - east; w - west.
The information was transcribed by SUE O'NEILL ~ January 2002 from a copy of the original document. While I have tried to be as careful as possible, there could be errors.
NAME | OCCUPATION | ADDRESS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CALDWELL, Elias | carpenter | h 10 Stewart Avenue
CADWELL, James | moulder | h 168 LeMarchant Road
| CADWELL, James | seaman | h 8 Sheehan
| CADWELL, John | mouler | h 10 Stuart Avenue
| CAEN, George | accountant CB | h 52 Alendale Road
| CAFÉ, Jacob | laborer | h South Side, e
| CAHILL, James | laborer | h 60 Mullock
| CAHILL, John | laborer | h Spencer
| CAHILL, John | shoemaker | h 20 Springdale
| CAHILL, Michael | laborer | h 5 Gorman's lane
| CAHILL, Michael | laborer | h 50 King's Road
| CAHILL, Peter | wheelwright | h King's Road
| CAHILL, Thomas | cabman | h 5 Damerill's Lane
| CAHILL, Thomas | R R section | h 6 Plymouth Road
| CAHNING[sic], John | cabman | h 26 Plank
| CAHNING[sic], John | shoemaker | h 26 Plank
| CAHNING[sic], Lewis | cabman | h 26 Plank
| CAIN, Sylvester | carter | h 9 Barnes Place , off Barnes Road.
| CAIN, Thomas | storekeeper | h 9 Barnes Place , off Barnes Road.
| CAIRNS, Mrs. Thomas | millner | 305 Water, h do
| CAKE, Richard | laborer | h 37 New Lane
| CALLAHAN, Cornelius | boatman customs | h 6 Battery Road
| CALLAHAN, Glass & Co. | Furniture dealers, cabinet makers, Etc. | cor Duckworth and Gower
| CALLAHAN, Jeremiah | master mariner | h 63 George
| CALLAHAN, John | h 404 Water
| CALLAHAN, John | of Callahan Glass &Co. | h 93 Balsam
| CALLAHAN, John C | salesman | h Duckworth, e
| CALLAHAN, Nicholas | laboreer | h 167 New Gower
| CALLAHAN, Richard | tinsmith | h 404 Water
| CALLAHAN, Rodger | grocer | 404 Water, h, do
| CALLAHAN, Rodger | hardware & tinware, 384 & 386 Water | h 282 New Gower
| CALLAHAN, William | laborer | h 169 New Gower
| CALLANAN, Catherine | wid, Michael | h, Duckworth, e
| CALLANAN, James J. | Provisions and Groceries, 160-162 Water, w | h do
| CALLANAN, James P. | accountant | h 160-162 Water, w
| CALLANAN, John T. | clerk | h 160-162 Water , w
| CALLANAN, John | clerk | bds Duckworth , e
| CALLANAN, Richard J | baker | bds Duckworth , e
| CALDER, John | moulder | h 1 Sudbury
| CALVERT, James A. | Custom Tailor, Water | h Queen's Road
| CALVERT, John | farmer | h New Town Road
| CALVERT, John, jr. | clerk | h New Town Road
| CALWELL, Stewart | patten maker | h 16 prescott
| CAMERON, Angus | coppersmith | h 4 Forest Road
| CAMERON, Colin | salesman | h 3 Stephens
| CAMPBELL, Archibald | of Campbell Lumber Co. | h Freshwater Road
| CAMPBELL, Bernard | blacksmith | bds 72 Lime
| CAMPBELL, Colin | h 42 Freshwater Road
| CAMPBELL, Colin R. | of Campbell & Smith | h Circular Road
| CAMPBELL, Daniel | laborer | h 12 Convent Square
| CAMPBELL, Mrs. David | saleswoman | h Gower
| CAMPBELL, James | clerk postoffice | bds Prescott
| CAMPBELL, Jane | wid William | h Cook
| CAMPBELL LUMBER Co. | W.B. Smith manager | Springdale
| CAMPBELL, Mary | wid Neil | h Circular Road
| CAMPBELL & SMITH | Commission and Wholesale Merchants | Water, e
| CAMPBELL William | butcher, 350 Water | h do
| CAMPBELL, William | clerk | h Circular Road
| CAMPBELL, William | clerk post office | h 12 Convent Square
| CAMPBELL, William | Hardware and Builders' Supplies, 434 Water, w and Duckworth, e | h Freshwater Road
| CANDOW, Walter | shoemaker | h 18 Barter's Hill
| CANDOW, David | R R machinist | h 12 Plymouth Road
| CANE, David | laborer | h 4 Pleasant
| CANE, Richard | seaman | h 4 Pleasant
| CANES, John | fisherman | h 3 College Square
| CANES, Thomas | shoemaker | bds 3 College Square
| CANNING, Alfred E | clerk | h Quidi Vidi Road
| CANNINGS, Andrew | laborer | h 126 Pleasant
| CANNING, Emma | C E Orphanage | Military Road
| CANNING, Frank | purser Virginia Lake | h 64 New Gower
| CANNING, John | accountant | bds Cochrane
| CANNING, Louisa | wid William | h Quidi Vidi Road
| CANNING, Mary | C E Orphanage | Military Road
| CANNING, Samuel | accountant | h Cochrane
| CANNING, William | seaman | h 126 Pleasant
| CANTWELL, Mrs. John | h 62 Water, w
| CANTWELL, Joseph | drug clerk | bds 68 Lime
| CANTWELL, Mary Ann | variety | Henry h do
| CANTWELL, Michael | Block House | Signal Hill
| CANTWELL, Patrick | shoemaker | h Water
| CANTWELL, Redmond | cooper | h Livingstone
| CANTWELL, Thomas | laborer | h 55 Limes
| CARBURY, Catherine | variety | Fleming h do
| CARBURY, Edward | cooper | h Holloway
| |