NLGenWeb 1894 McAlpines Directory

Avalon South Region - St. John's District

St. John's City - C

ABBREVIATIONS USED: adv - advertisement; bds - boards; cor - corner; do - same place or same street; dept - department; h - house; n - near; opp - opposite; r - rear; rev - reverend; wid - widow; n - north; s - south; e - east; w - west.

The information was transcribed by SUE O'NEILL ~ January 2002 from a copy of the original document. While I have tried to be as careful as possible, there could be errors. 

CALDWELL, Eliascarpenterh 10 Stewart Avenue
CADWELL, Jamesmoulderh 168 LeMarchant Road
CADWELL, Jamesseamanh 8 Sheehan
CADWELL, Johnmoulerh 10 Stuart Avenue
CAEN, Georgeaccountant CBh 52 Alendale Road
CAFÉ, Jacoblaborerh South Side, e
CAHILL, Jameslaborerh 60 Mullock
CAHILL, Johnlaborerh Spencer
CAHILL, Johnshoemakerh 20 Springdale
CAHILL, Michaellaborerh 5 Gorman's lane
CAHILL, Michaellaborerh 50 King's Road
CAHILL, Peterwheelwrighth King's Road
CAHILL, Thomascabmanh 5 Damerill's Lane
CAHILL, ThomasR R sectionh 6 Plymouth Road
CAHNING[sic], Johncabmanh 26 Plank
CAHNING[sic], Johnshoemakerh 26 Plank
CAHNING[sic], Lewiscabmanh 26 Plank
CAIN, Sylvestercarterh 9 Barnes Place , off Barnes Road.
CAIN, Thomasstorekeeperh 9 Barnes Place , off Barnes Road.
CAIRNS, Mrs. Thomasmillner305 Water, h do
CAKE, Richardlaborerh 37 New Lane
CALLAHAN, Corneliusboatman customsh 6 Battery Road
CALLAHAN, Glass & Co.Furniture dealers, cabinet makers, Etc.cor Duckworth and Gower
CALLAHAN, Jeremiahmaster marinerh 63 George
h 404 Water
CALLAHAN, Johnof Callahan Glass &Co.h 93 Balsam
CALLAHAN, John Csalesmanh Duckworth, e
CALLAHAN, Nicholaslaboreerh 167 New Gower
CALLAHAN, Richardtinsmithh 404 Water
CALLAHAN, Rodgergrocer404 Water, h, do
CALLAHAN, Rodgerhardware & tinware, 384 & 386 Waterh 282 New Gower
CALLAHAN, Williamlaborerh 169 New Gower
CALLANAN, Catherinewid, Michaelh, Duckworth, e
CALLANAN, James J.Provisions and Groceries, 160-162 Water, wh do
CALLANAN, James P.accountanth 160-162 Water, w
CALLANAN, John T.clerkh 160-162 Water , w
CALLANAN, Johnclerkbds Duckworth , e
CALLANAN, Richard Jbakerbds Duckworth , e
CALDER, Johnmoulderh 1 Sudbury
CALVERT, James A.Custom Tailor, Waterh Queen's Road
CALVERT, Johnfarmerh New Town Road
CALVERT, John, jr.clerkh New Town Road
CALWELL, Stewartpatten makerh 16 prescott
CAMERON, Anguscoppersmithh 4 Forest Road
CAMERON, Colinsalesmanh 3 Stephens
CAMPBELL, Archibaldof Campbell Lumber Co.h Freshwater Road
CAMPBELL, Bernardblacksmithbds 72 Lime
h 42 Freshwater Road
CAMPBELL, Colin R.of Campbell & Smithh Circular Road
CAMPBELL, Daniellaborerh 12 Convent Square
CAMPBELL, Mrs. Davidsaleswomanh Gower
CAMPBELL, James clerk postofficebds Prescott
CAMPBELL, Jane wid Williamh Cook
CAMPBELL LUMBER Co.W.B. Smith managerSpringdale
CAMPBELL, Marywid Neilh Circular Road
CAMPBELL & SMITHCommission and Wholesale MerchantsWater, e
CAMPBELL Williambutcher, 350 Waterh do
CAMPBELL, Williamclerkh Circular Road
CAMPBELL, Williamclerk post officeh 12 Convent Square
CAMPBELL, WilliamHardware and Builders' Supplies, 434 Water, w and Duckworth, eh Freshwater Road
CANDOW, Waltershoemakerh 18 Barter's Hill
CANDOW, DavidR R machinisth 12 Plymouth Road
CANE, Davidlaborerh 4 Pleasant
CANE, Richardseamanh 4 Pleasant
CANES, Johnfishermanh 3 College Square
CANES, Thomasshoemakerbds 3 College Square
CANNING, Alfred Eclerkh Quidi Vidi Road
CANNINGS, Andrewlaborerh 126 Pleasant
CANNING, EmmaC E OrphanageMilitary Road
CANNING, Frankpurser Virginia Lakeh 64 New Gower
CANNING, Johnaccountantbds Cochrane
CANNING, Louisawid Williamh Quidi Vidi Road
CANNING, MaryC E OrphanageMilitary Road
CANNING, Samuelaccountanth Cochrane
CANNING, Williamseamanh 126 Pleasant
h 62 Water, w
CANTWELL, Josephdrug clerkbds 68 Lime
CANTWELL, Mary AnnvarietyHenry h do
CANTWELL, MichaelBlock HouseSignal Hill
CANTWELL, Patrickshoemakerh Water
CANTWELL, Redmond cooperh Livingstone
CANTWELL, Thomaslaborerh 55 Limes
CARBURY, CatherinevarietyFleming h do
CARBURY, Edward cooperh Holloway
CARBURY, ELadies' Emporium, millinery and dressmaker, 13 Queen h do
CARBURY, Michaelcooperh Holloway
CARBURY, Morrisshoemakerh 29 Princess
CARBURY, Williamlaborerh 6 Fleming
CAREW, Alexandersalesman
CAREW, JohnFireman
CAREW, Johnundertaker, 10 Carewh do
CAREW, Michaelsalemanbds Cook
CAREW, Thomassalesmanh Castle
CAREY, Davidlaborerh Murphy Square
CAREY, Elizabethwid Johnh 265 Gower
CAREY, Johnfiremanh 7 Simmes
CAREY, Johnlaborerh 36 Barnes Road
CAREY, Johnseamanh 44 Wickford
CAREY, Josephlaborerh 17 Bambricks
CAREY, Josephfishermanh Coady's Lane
CAREY, Stephenfishermanh 11 Carter's Hill
CAREY, Thomasbookkeeperh Prospect
CARBERRY, Richardcarpenterh South Side, e
CARLISLE, Johnbricklayerbds Gower
CARLISLE, W.A.piano agent11 Adelaide, bds City Hotel
CARLSON, William Fpainterh South side ,w
CARLYLE, Charles CCanadian Land & RR Agent, Merchants Block, Water, ebds 114 Quidi Vidi Road
CARMICHAEL, James Asalesmanh 18 Belvidere
CARMICHAEL, James Bbookkeeperh 62 Patrick
CARNELL, Charles Williamblacksmithh 93 Quidi Vidi Road
CARNELL, Edwardclerkh 16 Cochrane
CARNELL, Elizabeth Jwid Richardh 13 William
CARNELL, Elizabeth Rwid John Carriage Factory, Duckworth, eh Cochrane
CARNELL, Georgepainterh Spencer
CARNELL, Hughclerk h 16 Cochrane
CARNELL, Jamesbakerh 43 Signal Hill Road
CARNELL, Johncarpenterbds 79 Quidi Vidi Road
CARNELL, Johnclerkh King's Bridge Road
CARNELL, Johnporterbds 6 Convent Square
CARNELL, Marywid Jamesgrocer 220 1/2 New Gower, h do
CARNELL, Thomascarriage builder & undertaker, 116, 118 Georgeh 6 Carnell
CARNELL, Thomasclerkbds 43 Signal Hill Road
CARNELL, WilliamRoad inspectorh 79 Quidi Vidi Road
CARNEW, Isaaccarpenterh 36 Lime
CARNEW, Johnseamanh Cabot
CARNEY, Edwardcarmanh 36 Plank
CARR, Williamfishermanh 36 Cuddihey
CARRIGAN, James seamanh 62 Porter's Hill
CARRIGAN, Peterlaborerh 37 Pleasant
CARRIGAN, Thomaslaborerh 12 Pope's
CARROLL, Bridgetwid Thomas, grocerYork, h do
CARROLL, Catherinewid Patrick, dressmaker h 12 Hutchings
CARROLL, Danielcarverh 89 Patrick
h Cochrane
CARROLL, Francislaborerh Holloway
CARROLL, Jamesseamanh Livingstone
CARROLL, Johannahwid Thomas, grocerh Gower
CARROLL, Johnmasonbds 146 New Gower
CARROLL, Johnpackerh 10 Barter's Hill
CARROLL, Johnseamanh 86 Patrick
CARROLL, Marygrocer200 New Gower h do
CARROLL, Michaelgardenerh 91 Monkstown Road
CARROLL, Michaelsalesmanh Beach, Duckworth
CARROLL, Michaelseamanbds 10 Berennan's Lane
CARROLL, Nicholasfishermanh 14 Duggan
CARROLL, Patricklaborerbds Hollaway
CARROLL, Richardcooperh Signal Hill Road
CARROLL, Thomaslaborerbds Hollaway
CARROLL, WilliamcarpenterLong's Hill
CARROLL, William Jclerk Registry officeh Cochrane
CARSON, Edwardcarpenterh Young
CARSON, Elizabethwid Georgebds Young
CARSON, Williamcarpennerbds Pilots' Hill
CARSON, William jr.carpenterbds Pilots' Hill
CARTER, Edwardblacksmithh 20 Foyles Town
CARTER, Edward Fliquors30 New Gower, h do
CARTER, Edwinblacksmithbds 20 Duckworth
CARTER, Edwin Saccountanth Hilsborough, King's Bridge Road
CARTER, Frederickclerkh King's Bridge Road
CARTER, Sir Frederickchief justiceh King's Bridge Road
CARTER, Georgesea captainh Young
CARTER, George Jaccountanth 77 Rennie's Mill Road
CARTER, Henry Dchief cashier commercial bankh 11 Maxse
CARTER, HughBarrister & Solicitor, Beck's Coveh Quidividi Road
CARTER, Hugh cooperbds Balsom
CARTER, Jamesgovernor's orderlyMilitary Road
CARTER, Jamessheriff Southern Districth barnes Road
CARTER, John cooperh 20 Duckworth
CARTER, Johnlaborerh Signal Hill Road
CARTER, JCof W. D. Morrison & coh 125 Hamilton
CARTER, Missvariety48 Water, h do
CARTER, Robertsupt Mercantile Marineh King's Bridge Road
CARTER, William cooperh 20 Duckworth
CARTER, Williamlaborerh Signal Hill Road
CARTY, George Tstudent at lawh Cockrane
CARTY, Joseph Passistant clerk supreme courth Cockrane
CARTY, Michael Hbarrister & solicitor, Duckworthh Cockrane
CARTY, PaulJ Ph Cockrane
CASE, Samuelcarpenterh Gilbert
CASE, Samuelassistant storekeeperh 55 Carter's Hill
CASEY, Catherinewid Patrickh 28 Thomas
CASEY, Martinwatchmanh South Side, w
CASEY, Marywid Johnh Casey
CASEY, Michaellaborerh 22 Thomas
CASEY, Michaeltinsmithh South Side W
CASEY, Patrickbutcher38 Water w, h do
CASEY, Peterlaborerh 22 Thomas
CASH, Edwardcarmanbds 57 Monkstown Road
CASH, Francislaborerh 57 Monkstown Road
CASH, Jamestobacconist etc398 water h do
CASTELLE, HenrybakerDuckworth e, h do
CAUL, Jamesshoecutterh Flower Hill
CAUL, Johnfishermanh Sheehan Shute
CAUL, Michaelporterh Bond
CAULDER, Johnmoulderbds Sudbury
CAVANAGH, Corneliusmachinisth 36 Hutchings
CAVANAGH, Edwardlaborerh 27 Cuddihey
CAVANAGH, Johnwatchmanh 10 Hamilton
CAVANAGH, Michaellaborerbds 30 Wickford
CAVANAGH, Simonlaborerh 42 Wickford
CAVE, Josephcarpenterh 163 New Gower
CAVE, Robertsea captainh 25 John
CAVE, Thomasboiler makerh 11 Batrer's Hill
CHAFE, Alfredbookkeeperh Long's Hill
CHAFE, Benjaminlaborerh South Side e
CHAFE, Davidfishermanh 55 Colonial
CHAFE, David Mcarriage builder & undertaker, 124 Georgeh 19 Princess
CHAFE, Frederickblacksmithh 19 Princess
CHAFE, Frederickcoachmanh 15 Maxse
CHAFE, Harrietwid Georgeh 109 Hamilton
CHAFE, Herbert Bsalesmanh 109 Hamilton
CHAFE, Jacob cooperh 138 Casey
CHAFE, Josephlaborerh 62 Mulloch
CHAFE, Levi Gsalesmanh 58 Springdale
CHAFE, Louisagrocer55 Colonial, h do
CHAFE, Philiptruckmanh Field
CHAFE, Samuellaborerh Gower
CHAFE, Thomaslaborerh 45 William
CHAFE, Williamfishermanh 47 Cabot
CHAFE, Williamtemperance saloon390 water h do
CHAFE, William Fshoemakerh South Side , e
CHALKER, Jamesplastererbds Parade
CHALLANGE, Johnshoemakerh Plank Road
CHANCEY, Herbert L.accountanth 90 Fresh Water Road
CHANCEY, Lionel Tsub-sheriffh 7 Monkstown Road
CHANCEY, Lloydhairdresserh 10 Cook
CHANCEY, Robert Jstorekeeperh 90 Fresh Water Road
CHANCEY, Sidneyclerkh 90 Fresh Water Road
CHANCEY, Williamsalesmanh 10 Cook
CHANCEY, Willisboilermakerh 40 Alexander
CHANNING, Jamesdruggisth Gower, e
CHAPLIN, Edwintailorh 7 Knight
CHAPLIN, James Aclerkbds 7 Knight
CHAPLIN, John Fclerkh 10 Plymouth Road
CHAPLIN, Mark sr.tailorh 7 Knight
CHAPLIN, Mark sr.merchant tailor, Water, eh Rennie's Mill Road
CHAPLIN, Samuel Mtailorh 7 Knight
CHAPMAN, Edwardhardware managerh 122 LeMarchant Road
CHAPMAN, J Eaccountanth Le Marchant Road
CHAPMAN, Johngrocer40 Barnes Road, h do
CHAPMAN, Rob Ksalesmanh 122 LeMarchant Road
CHAPPELL, Renwick RImporter of Builders' Requisites, Prescotth do
CHARLES, Thomasfruit & confectionery, Duckworthh do
CHASTY, Johncooperh 36 Adelaide
CHANCY, Marywid Patrickh Gower
CHUKS, Georgelaborerh 37 Barter's Hill
CHIDLEY, Josephlaborerh 72 McFarlene's Lane
CHIDLEY, Josephshoemakerh 32 Casey's
CHIDLEY, Thomaslaborerh 72 McFarlene's Lane
CHIDLEY, Thomasapp. shoemakerh McFarlane"s Lane
CHIPMAN, Joshuasailmakerbds 26 George
CHISHOLM, J.F.stationer bookseller and Fancy Goods, Waterh, do
CHISLET, Georgeship carpenterh 17 Flower Hill
CHISLET, Nicholasship carpenterh 28 Flower hill
CHORANS, Patricklaborerh 24 John
CHOWN, Albert Eclerkbds 31King's Bridge Road
CHOWN, Francis Haccountanth 31 King's Bridge Road
CHOWN, Newman Wcarpenterbds 31King's Bridge Road
CHRISTIAN, Alexsalesmanbds 86 Pleasant
CHRISTIAN, Alfredsalesmanbds 86 Pleasant
CHRISTIAN, Archibaldsalesmanh 86 Pleasant
CHRISTIAN, Georgesalesmanh 156 Le Marchant Road
CHRISTIAN, Jamesclerkh 156 Le Marchant Road
CHRISTMAS, Georgeplastererh Bully
CHRISTOPHER, Ellenwid Thomash 5 College Square
CHRISTOPHER, Emmawid Johnbds Wood
CHRISTOPHER, Garrettprinterh McDougall
CHRISTOPHER, Jamesapp shoemakerh 109 New Gower
CHRISTOPHER, Johncarpenterh 20 Stephen
CHRISTOPHER, Johnlaborerh Wood
CHRISTOPHER, Johnprinterbds 40 Colonial
CHRISTOPHER, Martinengineer Lunatic Asylumh 109 New Gower
CHRISTOPHER, Patrickmaster marinerh Queen's Road
CHRISTOPHER, Williamlaborerh 40 Colonial
CHUDLEY, Thomaslaborerh 24 Lime
CHURCHILL, Ambroseengineerh 37 John
CHURCHILL, Augustusbookkeeperh 37 John
CHURCHILL, Caincarpenterh Duckworth
CHURCHILL, Miss Emeline
h Field
CHURCHILL, Georgelaborerh23 Barron
CHURCHILL, Richardbutcher h King's Road
CHURCHILL, Solomonlaborerh 58 Larkin's Square
CITY HOTELMrs. George Walsh proprietorDuckworth
CLANCEY, Bridgetwid Dennish Prospect
CLANCEY, Johnlaborerbds Prospect
CLANCEY, Richardbookkeeperh 53 Job
CLANCEY, Thomassanitary inspectorh 60 George
CLANCEY, Williamlaborerh Prospect
CLAPP, Gilbert
h Cochrane
CLAPP, Johnlaborerbds Cochrane
CLAPP, William Mbarrister & solicitor, Blackwood's Building, Duckworthh Cochrane
CLARE, Annewid Jonathanbds 27 Casey
CLARE, Annwid Michaelbds 34 Codner
CLARE, Johnlaborerh 200 Water, w
CLARE, Lawrencelaborerh 200 Water, w
CLARK, Ambroseblacksmithh Gower
CLARKE, Auberylaborerh 4 Sebastin
CLARKE, Benjaminlaborerh South Side, e
CLARKE, Edwinmasonh 26 William
CLARK, Ellenwid NoahBoncloddy
CLARKE, Emmawid Williamh 6 Knight
CLARKE, Franciscarpenterbds Long Hill
CLARKE, Georgeclerkbds 6 Knight
CLARK, George WbakerGower, h do
CLARKE, Jameslaborerh Young
CLARKE, Jamesporterh 16 Boncloddy
CLARKE, Johncarpenterh 21 Hamilton
CLARK, Johnclerk P.O.h 59 Springdale
CLARK, Johnforemanh 180 Pleasant
CLARK, John cooperh 56 Larkin's Square
CLARKE, Johnseamanh Long's Hill
CLARKE, Johntruckmanh Spencer
CLARKE, Josephcarterbds Circular Road
CLARK, Moses H.tidewater, customsh Gower, e
CLARK, Patrickgrocer188 New Gower, h do
CLARKE, Patricklaborerh 29 Bambrick
CLARKE, Patricklaborer218 1/2 Water, w
CLARK, Patrickstevedoreh 29 Bambrick
CLARK, Robertlaborer h 38 Thomas
CLARK, Robertrestaurant, 9 Adelaideh do
CLARK, Williamtinsmithh Boncloddy
CLARK, Williamupholstererbds Gower
CLARK, William G.salesmanh 6 Knight
CLARKE, Wilsonclerkh Gower, e
CLATENEY, Danielclerkh Pilots' Hill
CLATENEY, Johnfishermanh Battery Road
CLATENEY, Patrickfishermanh Pilot Hill
CLEAR, Johnseamanh 34 Codner
CLEARY, Ellenwid Thomash Queens Road
CLEARY, Jameslaborerh Cochrane
CLEARY, Johnlaborerh Hollaway
CLEARY, Johnlaborerh 29 Patrick
CLEARY, Johnlaw student, official reporterh 31 Monkstown Road
CLEARY, Nicholaslaborerh Cochrane
CLEARY, Peterlaborerh 42 Barnes Road
CLEARY, Hon Philip MLC
h 31 Monkstown Road
CLEARY, Philip J jraccountanth Monkstown Road
CLEARY, Stephendoorkeeper H.A. h Bannerman
CLEARY, coopercarpenterh King's Road
CLEARY, cooperlaborerbds Queen's Road
CLEATNEY, Daniel Jstorekeeperh Pilot Hill, e
CLEMENTS, Elizabethwid Williamh Hunt's Lane
CLEMENTS, Richardlaborerbds 2 Hunt's Lane
CLEMENTS, Williamlaborerh 2 Hunt's Lane
CLEMENTS, Mrs. William
h 2 Hunt's Lane , Water, e
CLIFFORD, Jamescarpenterh Cook
CLIFFORD, Mrs. James
h Long's Hill
CLIFFORD, Martinlaborerh Bully
CLIFFORD, Thomascoachmanbds Long Pond Road
CLIFT, Charles N.of Clift, Wood & co.h "Clifton" Rennie's Mill Road
CLIFT, James Augustusbarrister & solicitor, Duckworthh 10 Maxse
CLIFT, Thomas Bof Clifts, Wood & co.bds "Clifton" Rennie's Mill Road
CLIFT, Wood & Co.Ship Brokers & general Commission MerchantWater e
CLINTON, Johnseamanh 83 Casey's
CLOONEY, Jamescooperbds 89 New Gower
CLOONEY, Johnfarmerh Quidividi Road
CLOONEY, Johnshoemakerbds 89 New Gower
CLOONEY, Martinfarmerh White Hills
CLOONEY, Patrickcooperh 89 New Gower
CLOONEY, Thomaslaborerh 10 Catherine
CLOUSTON, Johntinsmithh 48 Duckworth, e
CLOUSTON, Thomastinsmithh 48 Duckworth, e
CLOUSTON, Walter Jmanager Oil clothing Co., Mf'rs Agent, Water, eh 106 Pleasant
CLOUSTON, Wm. Jstove, tinwarewater e, h do
CLOWE, Marmadukeaccountanth 17 Maxse
CLUB-CITY, Water, East and West end
COADY, Andrewseamanh 42 Thomas
COADY, Frankshoemakerh Dunford
COADY, Jameswharf-masterh 217 New Gower
COADY, Johnlaborerh 20 Lime
COADY, Johnwines and spirits, Water, eh Pennywell Road
COADY, John & ThomasgrocersHarvey Road
COADY, Josephseamanbds Barnes Road
COADY, Miss Maryvarieties,Queen's Road, h do
COADY, Mary Annwid Stephenh Colonial
COADY, Matthewshoemakerh 23 Parade
COADY, Michaelseamanh Signal Hill Road
COADY, Nicholasboots & shoes96 New Gower, h do
COADY, Nicholasseamanh 217 1/2 New Gower
COADY, Norahwid Michaelh 24 McFarlan's Lane
COADY, Patrickshoemakerh 14 Chappel, e
COADY, Richardseamanh 14 Buchanan
COADY, Thomaslaborerh 82 Casey
COADY, Thomaswines & spirits, Waterh Pennywell Road
COADY, Walterlaborerh 39 Bambrick
COADY, Williamblacksmithbds Duckworth, 3
COADY, Williammasonh 54 Cabot
COADY, Williamseamanh 261 Water, w
COADY, William Hlaborerh 20 Simms
COAKER & GOUGHCarpenters & Contractors24 William
COAKER, John Jof Coaker & Goughh 15 William
COAKER, Williamfishermanh South Side, e
COAKER, Williamwatchmakerbds South Side, e
COCKLAN, Johnmail carrierh Allendale Road
COCKLAN, Missgrocer23 Water ,w,h do
COCHRANE, Jamesprinterh Field
COCHRANE, Patricklaborerh John, off Springdale
COCHRANE, Philipphotographerh Livingstone
COCHRANE, Williamlaborerh Field
COCKSHOTT, Williamacting sergeant constabularyFort Townshend
CODGE, Georgeseamanh Battery Road
CODNER, Johnlaborerh 6 Brennam's lane
CODNER, Williamshoemakerh 18 Wickford
COFFEY, Dennisbutcherh King's Road
COFFEY, Jeremiahseamanh 3 James
COFFEY, Johnseamanh 26 Carter's Hill
COFFEY, Josephplumberbds King's Road
COFFEY, Michaelseamanh Yorke
COFFIN, Augustusschool teacherh Cook
COFFIN, Charles watchmakerbds 40 Bannerman
COFFIN, George Bengineerbds 40 Bannerman
COFFIN, Henrycarpenterh 82 Barnes Road
COFFIN, Johnsalesmanh 25 Parade
COFFIN, Marthawid Johnh Parade
COFFIN, Thomasgauger customersh 40 Bannerman
COHEN, GeorgeCommerical Bank h Allandale Road
COHN, Julius Jof Michaels & Co.h 382 Water
COLBERT, Mauricetailorh 12 McKay
COLE, AndrewbakerCookstown , h do
COLE, Catherinewid Patrickh 82 Casey
COLE, Georgetinsmithbds 21 James
COLE, Jameslaborerh 11 Lime
COLE, Jamesseamanh 16 John
COLE, James Jlaborerbds 11 Lime
COLE, Johncarriage builder & undertakerh 26 Dunford
COLE, Marywid Williamh 16 John
COLE, Philiplaborerh Dunford
COLE, Robertfarmerh King's Bridge Road
COLE, Samuellaborerh 21 James
COLE, Solomoncoachmanh 12 Wickford
COLE, Theresawid Johnh 14 Catherine
COLE, Uriahcoachmanh Dunford
COLE, Williamshoemakerh Henry
COLEMAN, Edwardshoemakerh 49 Carter's Hill
COLEMAN, Georgeshoemakerh 3 Carew
COLEMAN, Jamesapprentice shoemakerh Carter's Hill
COLEMAN, Johncarpenterh 40 Fleming
COLEMAN, Sarahwid Patrick, stationer 99 New Gowerh do
COLFORD, Jamesshoemakerh 8 Duggan
COLFORD, Miss MargaretBoarding House95 New Gower
COLFIELD, Thomasplastererbds 192 New Gower
COLLETT, Marywid Jamesh 142 Hamilton
COLLETT, Robertlaborerh 142 Hamilton
COLLIER, FrederickpainterCollier's Lane
COLLIER, Johnpainterh Victoria
COLLIER, Nicholascarriage builderh 2 Collier's Lane
COLLIER, Samuel Gcarriage builder, 8 Waldegraveh 109 Pleasant
COLLINGWOOD, Williamassistant store keeperh 124 Military Road
COLLINS, Ameliawid Johnh 46 Springdale
COLLINS, Annwid Patrickh 16 Thoms
COLLINS, Arthur Hsalesmanh 85 Monkstown Road
COLLINS, Charles pensionerh Pennywell Road
COLLINS, Charles truckmanh Pennywell Road
COLLINS, Ellenwid Michaelh 18 Brien
COLLINS, Jamespiloth Bannerman
COLLINS, Jamesstorekeeperh 18 John
COLLINS, James JNotary Public Estate Broker, 248 Duckworthh do
COLLINS, Jameswines and spirits, Water, eh do
COLLINS, James Jsalesmanbds 4 Holdsworth
COLLINS, James R.surveyorh Prescott
COLLINS, Jeremiahlaborerh 18 McFarlane's Lane
COLLINS, Johncarpenterbds 7 Mullock
COLLINS, Johnlaborerh 16 Thomas
COLLINS, Josephlaborerh 36 Barter's Hill
COLLINS, Josephschool teacherh Parade
COLLINS, Josephlaborerh Holloway
COLLINS, Martincarpenterh Battery Road
COLLINS, Martinpedlerh 116 Casey
COLLINS, Michaelsea captainh 23 Mullock
COLLINS, Michaelclerkbds 23 Mullock
COLLINS, Patrickbakerh Queen's Road
COLLINS, Patrick Jclerk bds 23 Mullock
COLLINS, Richardbarber, Duckworthbds 7 Mullock
COLLINS, Rosewid Peterh 20 Convent Square
COLLINS, Sarahwid Williamh 7 Mullock
COLLINS, Terence Acarpenterbds 15 Bannerman
COLLINS, Terence Raccountanth 15 Bannerman
COLLINS, Theresawid Williamh 18 John
COLLINS, Thomascarpenterh 18 John
COLLINS, Thomascarpenterh 166 Pleasant
COLLINS, Williamcabmanbds Queen Road
COLLINS, Williamlaborerh 43 Water , w
COLLINS, Williampensionerh Pennywell Road
COLLINS, Williamseamanh 130 George
COLLINS, Williamsergeant ConstabularyFort Townshend
COLLINS, William Mclerkh 23 Mullock
COLLINS, William Tprinterbds 15 Bannerman
COLLIS, Georgelaborerh 16 Hayward Avenue
COLLIS, Henry Ggrocer, 89 Military Roadh do
COLLIS, Sarahwid Jamesbds16 Hayward Avenue
COLONIAL BLDG, Military Road

COLONIAL CORDAGE CO M. Monroe, President, J.H. Monroe, ManagerMundy's Pond Road
COLTAS, Milesstovefitterh 72 Patrick
COLTAS, JosephlaborerMundy's Pond Road
COLTON, Edwardstorekeeperh Bond
COLTON, Ethelbertclerk customsh South Side,w
COLQUHOUN, Alexanderseamanh 31 Cabott
COLWELL, Louisawid Edwardh Prescott
COLYER, Frederick H.Dry goods and groceries, etc., 237-239 Water, wh do
COMERFORD, Michaelclerkh Gower
COMERFORD, Richardcooperh 58 Cabot
COMERFORD, Richard Boperator Am Tel Co.h 58 Cabot
COMFORT, Johnlaborerh 13 Barnes Road
COMFORT, John jr.laborerh 13 Barnes Road
COMMERCIAL BANK OF NFLD.Henry Cooke, managerDuckworth e
CONDON, Ellenwid Kyrenh 10 Cabot
CONDON, Jamesmaster marinerh Dick's Square
CONDON, Johnshoemakerh Prescott
CONDON, Johnwood machinistbds 10 Cabot
CONDON, Maryhospital laundressh Quidividi Road
CONFEDERATION LIFE ASS'NDuckworth, M. Browning, agent at St. John's, L.S. Brownikng, general agt for Newfoundland
CONDON, Jamessea captainh Dick's Square
CONDON, Samuelshipwrighth 4 James
CONNELL, Patrickbutcherh Victoria
CONNELLY, Johnsalesmanh 70 McFarlane's Lane
CONNELLY, Margaretwid Jamesh 46 George
CONNELLY, Mrs. Michael
h 232 Water, w
CONNELLY, Marywid Edwardh 166 Pleasant
CONNELLY, Marywid Edward, grocer, Gowerh do
CONNELLY, Michaelbutcher Military Road, h do
CONNELLY, Michaelfiremanh Wood
CONNELLY, Williamlaborerh 19 Patrick
CONNORS, Frank Jharness & saddlery, 400 Waterbds 4 Holdsworth
CONNOR, Jamesfishermanbds 47 Wickford
CONNORS, Johncooperh 7 Brazil's Square
CONNORS, Johnlaborerh 28 Duggan's
CONNORS, Johnlaborerh 47 Wickford
CONNORS, Johnof Michael & John Connorsh Water ,e
CONNORS, Johnbutcher h Water ,e
CONNORS, Marywid Bartholomewh Hayward Avenue
CONNORS, MChemist & Druggist, 358 Waterbds Water, e
CONNORS, Michaelclerk P.O.h 160 New Gower
CONNORS, Michaellaborerh 5 Job's
CONNORS, Michaellaborerh 4 Pleasent
CONNORS, Michael and Johnbutchers h Water ,e
CONNORS, Michaelof Michael and John Connorsh Water, e
CONNORS, Michaelprinterh 28 McDougall
CONNORS, Michaelseamanbds 47 Wickford
CONNORS, Owenseamanh 5 Holdsworth
CONNROS[sic], Patrickbutcher, 402 Waterh do
CONNORS, Stephenseamanh 26 Pleasant
CONNORS, Thomas Proad masterh 100 Forest Road
CONNORS, Timothywines & spitits, 374 Waterh do
CONSTANTINE, Jameslaborerh 40 Phosen
CONSTANTINE, Johnlaborerh 23 Flower Hill
CONSTANTINE, Peterbakerh Queen's Road
CONSTANTINE, Philipseamanh 23 Flower Hill
CONSTANTINE, Williamfishermanh 18 1/2 Casey Lane
CONWAY, Charles Williamplastererh 58 King's Bridge
CONWAY, Dennisplastererh 11 William
CONWAY, Dennisplastererh 17 Monkstown Road
CONWAY, Georgeplastererbds 47 Hayward Avenue
CONWAY, Jamescarpenterh Queen's Road
CONWAY, Johnplastererh 76 Patrick
CONWAY, Johnplastererbds 47 Hayward Avenue
CONWAY, Mary Anngrocer17 Monkstown Road, h do
CONWAY, Thomas
h Queen's Road
CONWAY, Thomasplastererh 47 Hayward Avenue
COOK, Annewid Jamesh Cuddihey's
COOK, Charles Jcooperh 1265 Water, w
COOK, Miss Ednaschool teacherbds 47 New Gower
COOK, Elizawid Nicholas41 Moore
COOKE, Georgebartenderbds 243 Water
COOKE, Georgecarpenterh 20 1/2 Hayward Avenue
COOK, Georgecooper177 New Gower, h 175 do
COOKE, GeorgefarmerLogy Bay Road
COOKE, Georgeplumberbds 8 Bannerman
COOKE, George Ecooperh South Side e
COOKE, HenryfarmerLogy Bay Road
COOKE, HenryManager Commercial Bank, h bank Building, Duckworth
COOK, Jamescarpenterbds 31 Wickford
COOK, Jamesfishermanh Bannerman
COOK, Jameslaborerh 11 Bannerman
COOK, James Hcooperbds South Side , e
COOK, Johnlaborerh South Side e
COOKE, John Alaborerh, South Side , E
COOKE, John Rcarpenterh 8 Bannerman
COOK, Josephfishermanh South Side e
COOK, Josephlaborerh South Side e
COOK, Joseph Tcooperh 265 Water, w
COOK, Lucy Awid Johnh 28 Joy Place
COOK, Philipseamanbds 21 Wickford
COOK, Richardlaborerh 31 Wickford
COOKE, Robert Hsalesmanh 8 Bannerman
COOK, Rowlandcollector customsbds 47 New Gower
COOK, Taskermanager Jas Pennock, Waterh do
COOK, ThomasfarmerWhite Hills
COOK, Williambutcher, Water, eh do
COOKE, Williamlaborerh South Side e
COOK, William Hfishermanh South Side
COOK, William Jcooperh South Side, e
COOKSLEY, Williamdock masterh Dock Premises, Long Bridge
COOMBS, Charleslaborerh Signal Hill Road
COONAN, Annwid Patrick, grocer Duckworth, eh do
COONAN, Jamesgrocer, 63 Gowerh do
COONAN, Patricklaborerbds 63 Gower
COONAN, Williamlaborerbds 63 Gower
COONEY, Edwardlaborerh 14 Hagarty's Lane
COONEY, Jamescooperh 107 Pleasant
COONEY, Marywid Peterbds 9 Damerills Lane
COONEY, Michael J
h 13 Hutchings
COOPER, Cathrine [sic]wid Henry
COOPER, CharlesgrocerSpencer, h do
COOPER, Edwardphotographerh 242 New Gowen
COOPER, Eliazarporterh Spencer
COOPER, Eliseamanh Spencer
COOPER, Francisseamanh 4 Stephen's
COOPER, Jamescarpenterh Scott
COOPER, Jamescooperh Field
COOPER, Jamesseamanh Spencer
COOPER, Johnlaborerh Field
COOPER, Peterseamanh 26 Barter's Hill
COOPER, Thomasseamanh Spencer
CORBETT, Johannahwid Josephh Holloway
CORBETT, Williamwines & spirits 6 LeMarchant Road
CORBIN, Johnapprentice boiler makerh Hick's Lane off Prescott
CORCORAN, Johnmasonbds 34 Cabot
CORCORAN, Philipaccountanth Balsam
CORCORAN, Sarahwid Timothy, variety, Kings Roadh do
CORCORAN, Thomaslaborerh 126 Barnes Road
CORCORAN, Thomasseamanbds 132 New Gower
CORCORAN, Williamcarpenterh 52 George
CORCORAN, Williamlaborerh 34 Cabot
CORCORAN, Williamlaborerh Le Marchant Road
CORMACK, Jamesfirst clerk customsh New Gower
CORMICK [sic], Marklaborerh South Side, w
CORMACK, Nicholastinsmithh 23 Princess
CORMACK, Richardpensionerh Military Road
CORMACK, Johnagent queen's insurance co., Hollowayh Gower
CORNER, Arthur Hsalesmanh Prescott
CORNICK, Annwid Ruebenh 8 William
CORNICK, Frederickmasonh 12 William
CORNICK, Frederick storekeeperh Gower
CORNICK, Henry Jcarpenterh William
CORNICK, Johnmoulderh 148 Pleasant
CORNICK, Thomaslighthouse keeperh 150 Pleasant
CORNICK, Thomasmachinisth 148 Pleasant
CORNICK, Williamaccountant C F Co.bds 79 Alma Place , Springdale
CORNICK, Williamengineerh 8 Williams
CARRIGAN, Patrickfishermanh 21 Flower Hill
COSE, Samuellaborerh 55 Carter's Hill
COSH, Edwardcarpenterh 1 St. John's Place, off Brien
COSH, Sarahwid Jonathanh 7 Carew
COSTELLO, Anastasiawid Patrickbds 7 Gorman's Lane
COSTELLO, Jamesfiremanh Merry Meeting Road
COSTELLO, Josephlaborerh 41 Prince
COSTELLO, Martinship carpenterh 12 Brennan's Lane
COSTELLO, Michaellaborerh 40 Quidividi Road
COSTELLO, Richardcarpenterh 26 Wickford
COSTELLO, WilliamgrocerGower, h do
COSTELLO, William Pshoemakerh 87 Hamilton
COSTIGAN, Mary Awid Mauriceh 8 Duggan
COSTIGAN, Patrickcooperh 154 New Gower
COSTIGAN, Patrickmaster marinerh 274 James
COSTIGAN, Richard Jterra nova wood manufacturing co.h 63 New Gower
COTTER, Johndrug clerkh Duckworth, e
COTTER, Patrick
h Duckworth , e
COTTER, Thomasfishermanh 24 Lime
COUCH, Caleb Csea captainh 24 Hutchings
COUGHLIN, Jameslaborerh 16 Stephen
COUGHLIN, Mauricelaborerh 29 Adelaide
COUGHLIN, Williamengineerh Fort Townsend
COUGHLIN, Williamfarmerh Allindale Road
COUGHLIN, Wm. sergeant ConstabularyFort Townshend
COULTAS, Elizabethwid Josephh 5 Hamilton
COULTAS, Mileslaborerh 72 Patrick
COULTON, Marywid Arthurh 25 Barter's Hill
COURTENEY, Edwinboss rope walkh 147 Pleasant
COURTENEY, Henrydruggest assistanceh 147 Pleasant
COURTENEY, Johnconstableh Long's Hill
COURTENEY, Mrs Richardbutcher418 Water, h do
COURTENEY, WilliambutcherGower, h do
COURTENEY, William TChemist & Druggist, 423 Water, wh 147 Pleasant
COUSENS, Jameswarfingerh Dick's Square
COUSENS, James Hout door agenth Dick's Square
COUSENS, Nicholas Lmaster cooperh South Side, w
COUSENS, Robert Hcooperbds Dick's Square
COUSENS, Thomascooper cooper
COVE, Robertcarmanh 334 Water, w
COVE, SamuellaborerH 40 Larkin's Square
COVEYDUCK, Robert Slaborerh 49 Pleasant
COVEYDUCK, Johntailorbds 7 George
COVEYCOCK, Theolaborerh Goodwin
COWAN, Henry Eaccountanth 357 Water
COWAN, Johngeneral agenth 357 Water
COWAN, Robert Acooperh 13 Brazil's Square
COWNEY, Charlessalesmanbds 11 Queen
COWPERTHWAITE, Rev H PMethodisth 112 Hamilton
COWPERTHWAITE, W Mstudenth 112 Hamilton
COX, Danielaccountantbds Gower
COX, Jamespostal clerkh Dick's Square
COX, Johnlaborerh 21 Mullock
COX, Sydneyseamanbds 3 Plymouth Road
COX, Williamwines and spirits, Duckworthh do
COX, ZGrocer and Provision, 347 Waterh 19 Hamilton
COYEL, Egbertcooperh South Side,w
COYEL, Thomascooperh South Side,w
CRANE, Fenwickbookkeeperh Prescott
CRANE, Johncooperh 22 Lime
CRANE, Miss Maryseamstressh 38 Codner
CRAM, Raymond Wsalesmanh Theatre Hill
CRAMFORD, Williamengineerh Bell
CRANIFORD, Edwardcooperh 11 Duggan
CRANIFORD, Henrylaborerh South Side e
CRANIFORD, Josephcooperh 25 Goodwin
CRANIFORD, Nicholaslaborerh South Side, e
CRAWFORD, Johnlaborerh Pleasant
h 12 Hagarty's Lane
CREIGHTON, Michaelrooferbds 47 New Gower
CRICKARD, Thomasshoemakerh 30 Hutchings
CRIMP, Robertstorekeeperh Long's Hill
CRIMP, Williamlaborerh Long's Hill
CRITCH, Ambrosefishermanh 39 Moore
CRITCH, Charleslaborerh Field
CRITCH, Jamescarpenterh Quidi Vidi Road
CRITCH, Johncooperbds 39 Moore
CRITCH, Josephlaborerh South Side e
CRITCH, Richardlaborerh17 Brennan's Lane
CROCKER, Alexanderlaborerh 112 Casey
CROCKER, Archibaldaccountantbds 68 Hamilton
CROCKER, Aubrytraderh 47 Hamilton
CROCKER, Francisshoemaker h Carter's Hill
CROCKER, Hebertailorbds Hamilton
CROCKER, Jamescarpenterh Gower
CROCKER, Richardtraderh 47 Hamilton
CROCKER, Williamcarrage builderh 68 Hamilton
CROCKER, William Ssalesmanh Henry
CROCKWELL, Jameslaborerbds Young
CROCKWELL, Mary Janetailoressbds 1 College Square
CROKE, Edwardfiremanh 20 Hutchings
CROKE, Elizabethtailoressh Wood
CROKE, Henrycarpenterh 3 Mullock
CROKE, Josephlaborerh Wood
CROKE, Lawrence cooperh 8 Pleasant
CROKE, Thomasclerkh Wood
CROKE, Thomaslaborerh 9 Wood
CRONAN, Margaretwid Thomas Jh 107 Hamilton
CROOK, Rev. EdmundSt. Patrick's R.C. Churchh 28 Patrick
CROSBIE, Geo Gproprietor Central HotelWater
CROSBIE, Geo. jr.of W &G CrosbieCentral Hotel, Water
CROSBIE, Walterof W & G Crosbiebds Central Hotel
CROSBIE, W & GplastererCentral Hotel
CROSS, Franksalesmanh Kirk
CROSS, RonaldconstableFort Townshend
CROSS, William Gmaster marnerfor Edwin Duder
CROSS, William Hmaster marinerh r Gower, off Church Hill
CROSSMAN, Robertengineerh Harvey Road
CROSSMAN, Thomasengineerh Prescott
CROSSMAN, Williamengineerh 16 Waldegrave
CROTTY, Danielcarpenterh Battery Road
CROTTY, Jamesclerk h Signal Hill Road
CROTTY, James Pclerkh cor Cochrane and Water
CROTTY, Miss Mary Anngrocer, Water, eh do
CROTTY, Patricklaborerbds 139 George
CROTTY, Philipclerkh Cochrane
CROTTY, Thomaslaborerh Munday's [sic] Pond Road
CROTTY, WilliamgrocerSignal Hill Road, h do
CROTTY, Williamstorekeeperh 3 Duckworth
CROTTY, William jr.clerkbds 3 Duckworth
CROUCHER, Alfredfishermanh 2 Stephen
CROW, Elizabethwid Williamh 16 Simms
CROWDELL, James Jclerk h 126 New Gower
CROWDY, Charles Pledger keeper C Bh Forest Road
CROWDEY, Jeremiahmoulderh 132 Water
CROWDY, Juliawid Dr. Charlesh 2 Forest Road
CROWDY, Williamseamanh 132 Water w
CROWDY, William Hpaying teller Union Bankh 358 Water
CROWDEY, Jane Wid Williamcooperh 36 Bannerman
CROWN LANDS OFFICETemperance Hall, Victoria
CRUTCH, Elizabethwid Thomash 12 Codner
CRUTE, Georgevariety412 Water, h do
CUDDIHY, Catherinewid Michaelh 11 Cuddihy
CUDDIHY, Mrs. James
h south side, Riverhead
CUDDIHY, Johnmasonh 33 Flower Hill
CUDDIHY, Marywid Patrickh 55 New Gower
CUDDIHY, Michael Sseamanbds 55 New GoweR
CUDDIHY, Thomaslaborerh 134 George
CUDDIHY, Thomaslaborerh South Side, Riverhead
CUDDIHY, Williamcarpenterh 24 Bannerman
CULLEN, Johncooperh 18 Gorman's lane
CULLEN, Johnlaborerh Flavin
CULLEN, Johnlaborerh Queen's Road
CULLEN, Patrickmoulderh 337 Water, w
CULLEN, Mrs Michaelgrocer, 44 Colonialh do
CULLEN, Thomaswharfingerh Southside, e
CULLEN, William
h 348 Water
CULLEN, Williamlaborerh 21 James
CULLITEN, Miss Ellengrocer15 Rossitter's Lane
CULLETON, Jamesbakerh King's Road
CULLETON, Jamesmessengerh Long's Hill
CULLETON, Jamesseamanh 35 George
CULLETON, Johnlaborerbds 7 Simms
CULLETON, Sarahwid Davidbds 49 Lime
CULLETON, Williamcooperh Gower
CULLETON, Williamcullerh Lion's Square
CULLETON, Williamlaborerh 7 Simms
CULLETON, Williamsalesmanh Long's Hill
CULLINGMORE, Johnseamanh Scott
CUMMERFORD, Johncullerh Barnes Place
CUMMINGS, Donaldboiler makerbds Gower
CUMMINGS, Georgecarpenterh Gilbert
CUMMINGS, Henry Tcarpenterh Cabot
h 120 Military Road
CUMMINGS, Johnlaborerh 2 Richmond , off Leslie
CUMMINGS, Johnsea captainh Cochrane
CUMMINGS, JohntidewaterCustoms
CUMMINGS, Johngrocer, Military Roadh do
CUNNINGHAM, Edwardcarpenterh Long's Hill
CUNNINGHAM, Edwardseamanh Yorke
CUNNINGHAM, Ellenwid Michaelh 35 Cabot
CUNNINGHAM, Johnfiremanh 6 Wickford
CUNNINGHAM, Johnshoemakerh 84 Hamilton
CUNNINGHAM, Mrs. Johnwasherwomanh 257 Water, w
CUNNINGHAM, Patricklaborerh 37 Flower Hill
CUNNINGHAM, Williambookbinderbds 114 Quidividi Road
CURBIE, Stephenfishermanh Flemming
CURRAN, Jameslaborerh 10 Wickford
CURRAN, Johnclothier, Water, eh do
CURRAN, JohnB & Co. Auctioneers and commission Merchants3 Beck's Cove
CURRAN, John Bof John B Curran & Coh 187 Pleasant
CURRAN, Patricklaborerh Goodview
CURRAN, Thomaslaborerh 11 Stephen
CURRAN, Thomasship and general blacksmith, 2 Holdsworthh 164 New Gower
CURRIE, D Cregistar of shippingh 8 Cook
CURRY, Johnclerkh Cathedral
CURRY, Mosesshoemakerh 30 Duggan
CURTIN, Catherinewid Johnbds Colonial
CURTIN, Danielfishermanh King's Road
CURTIN, Daniel Jr.laborerbds King's Road
CURTIN, Johndrug clerk h Colonial
CURTIN, JohnRR baggage masterh 1 Carew
CURTIS, Archibaldlaborerh 17 Princess
CURTIS, Jamesapp machinisth 180 Water, w
CURTINS, Johnengineerh 180 Water, w
CURTIS, Mrs. John
h 337 Water, w
CURTIS, Miss Marygrocer, 3 Adelaideh do
CURTIS, Williamlaborerh Field
CURTIS, Williamlaborerh 2 Richmond
Water, e
CUTTLER, Absolemseamanbds 24 Mullock

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