NLGenWeb 1898 McAlpines Directory

Avalon South Region - St. John's District

St. John's City - N

ABBREVIATIONS USED: adv - advertisement; bds - boards; cor - corner; do - same place or same street; dept - department; h - house; n - near; opp - opposite; r - rear; rev - reverend; wid - widow; n - north; s - south; e - east; w - west.

The information was transcribed by Jennifer Wilkinson. While I have tried to be as careful as possible, there could be errors.

NAGLE Thomas laborer h 40 Hutchings
NANGLE Miss Bridget varieties, 216 Gower h do
NANGLE Ellen, wid Thomas F   h 1 Balsam
NANGLE Frank carpenter, wines & spirits, 172 Duckworth h do
NANGLE James M carpenter h 216 Gower
NANGLE John carpenter h 100 Queen's Road
NANGLE Patk carpenter h 90 Queen's Road
NASH A E asst mngr Bk Montreal h 41 Queen's Road
NASH Thos wheelwright h 15 Pleasant
NASH Thos J wheelwright h 15 Adelaide, h 15 Pleasant
NEAL Geo baker h 27 Barnes Road
NEAL Geo Commission Merchant, 3 and 7 Beck's Cove and 339 Duckworth h 37 Henry
NEARY Nicholas police-fireman h Fort Townsend
NEIL Andrew cooper h Southside
NEIL John laborer bds 352 Duckworth
NEIL Martin laborer h 234 New Gower
NEIL Patk butcher h 68 Bannerman
NEIL Peter farmer bds 20 Quidi Vidi Road
NEIL Wm laborer h 2 Leslie
NEILIGAN Jas shoemaker bds 78 Casey
NEILSON Patk seaman h 48 Cabot
NEILSON Peter mariner h 38 Hayward Ave
NELDER John weighmaster h 113 Waldegrave
NELDER John Joseph   h 22 Bambrick
NELDER Robt fireman h 22 Bambrick
NELDER Wm teamster bds 140 Water, w
NEVILLE Denis farmer bds Spring Mt Cottage, Blackmarsh Road
NEVILLE Jas farmer h Springfield Cottage, Topsail Road
NEVILLE John carman bds Spring Mt Cottage, Blackmarsh Road
NEVILLE Jos blacksmith bds Spring Mt Cottage, Blackmarsh Road
NEVILLE Mary, wid Thos   h Springfield Cottage, Topsail Road
NEVILLE Michael shoemaker h 15 Flemming
NEVILLE Patk farmer bds Spring Mt Cottage, Blackmarsh Road
NEVILLE Peter farmer bds Springfield Cottage, Topsail Road
NEVILLE Peter farmer bds Spring Mt Cottage, Blackmarsh Road
NEWBERY Fredk fisherman h 58 Young
NEWELL Anna, wid Philip   h 24 Prospect
NEWELL Elijah shoemaker h 40 Spencer
NEWELL Emma, wid Isaac   h 14 Nunnery Hill
NEWELL Henry clerk bds 40 Spencer
NEWELL Jas laborer bds 14 Nunnery Hill
NEWELL John clerk h 24 Prospect
NEWELL John laborer bds 14 Nunnery Hill
NFLD BREWERY LTD J H Freeman, mgr Mechanic Bldg, Water, e
NFLD CYCLING CLUB   Henry, Victoria Hall
NFLD FURNITURE AND MOULDING CO E F Harvey, manager Brewery Lane
NEWFOUNDLAND TOBACCO WORKS Harvey & Co, proprietors Water
NEUGENT Peter stonecutter h 11 Cabot
NEWHOOK Albert police sergeant bds Fort Townsend
NEWHOOK John shoemaker h 100 Duckworth
NEWHOOK Jonas carpenter h 16 Belvidere
NEWHOOK Wm carpenter bds 100 Duckworth
NEWMAN John mail clerk h 11 Murray
NEWMAN Jos carpenter h 22 Carter's Hill
NEWMAN Jos S clerk bds 22 Carter's Hill
NEWMAN Rev J T mehodist h 117 Hamilton
NEWPORT Thos baker h 4 Lime
NEWS, THE DAILY AND WEEKLY Hon. J.A. Robinson, Proprietor Duckworth
NEYLE Elizabeth, wid Patk   h 40 Wickford
NEYLE Richard Hardware and Fishing Tackle, Exchange Bldg, Water h Newtown Villa, Gower
NICHOLL Archibald cooper h 11 Charlton
NICHOLL Charles mail clerk, Nfld ry h 11 Flavin
NICHOLL Chas master mariner h 13 Hamilton
NICHOLL George clerk h 54 Springdale
NICHOLL Henry T storekeeper h 11 Flavin
NICHOLL James boiler maker bds 20 Gilbert
NICHOLL James printer h 84 Mullock
NICHOLL John A C tinsmith h 38 Mullock
NICHOLL Joseph cooper h 11 Charlton
NICHOLL J W F S A Principal of St John's School of Art, 17 Prescott h do
NICHOLL Nicholas carpenter h 54 Gilbert
NICHOLL Sarah, wid Albert   h 54 Gilbert
NICHOLL Thos carpenter h 22 Codner's Lane
NICHOLAS George T baker h 38 Mullock
NICHOLAS James fisherman h 35 Buchanan
NICHOLAS Thos H joiner h 38 Mullock
NICHOLS Edward joiner h 35 William
NICHOLS Edward   bds 35 William
NICHOLS Jake hair dresser h 16 Duckworth
NICHOLS Wm carpenter bds 72 Bannerman
NICKERSON Frederick seaman h 33 Prince
NICKERSON George clerk h 33 Prince
NICKERSON Michael laborer h 33 Prince
NIPPARD Joseph seaman h 9 Deady's Lane
NISBETT Kobt master mariner h 51 Patrick
NIXON Chas seaman h 94 Hamilton
NIXON George harness maker h 94 Hamilton
NIXON Henry carpenter h South Side
NIXON Henry jr fisherman bds South Side
NIXON Miss Laura clerk bds 90 Hamilton
NIXON Wm seaman h South Side
NOAH Joseph clerk h 73 George
NOEL Elizabeth, wid Stewart   h 39 John
NOEL Edward wood worker bds 12 Young
NOEL John laborer h 31 Prince
NOEL John A P O clerk bds 205 New Gower
NOEL Robert laborer h 31 Adelaide
NOEL Thomas clerk bds 279 New Gower
NOEL Stanley fireman h 12 Young
NOEL Wm surveyor h Springdale Terrace, New Gower
NOFTALL Ester, wid John   h 146 LeMarchant Road
NOFTALL Frederick laborer bds 31 Carter's Hill
NOFTALL Henry store keeper h 28 Carter's Hill
NOFTALL James fisherman h 53 Cabot
NOFTALL John laborer bds 31 Carter's Hill
NOFTALL John laborer bds 146 LeMarchant Road
NOFTALL Reuben laborer h 47 Flower Hill
NOFTALL Sarah, wid Wm   h 31 Carter's Hill
NOFTALL Wm accountant h 24 Boncloddy
NOFTALL Wm laborer h 45 Cabot
NOFTAL Wm laborer bds 31 Carter's Hill
NOLAN Jeremiah laborer h 49 Moore
NOLAN John teamster bds Sudbury
NOONAN Miss Ellen   h 7 Carter's Hill
NOONAN Edward clerk 4 Knight
NOONAN Garland clerk bds Torbay Rd
NOONAN Jas L   h Torbay Rd
NOONAN J L jr mgr Groceries' Depart, Bowring's h 32 Gower
NORBURY Augustus shoemaker h Pilot's Hill
NORBURY Charlotte, wid Chas   h 32, off Pilot's Hill
NORBURY Lilian tailoress bds 32, off Pilot's Hill
NORCOTT Abraham laborer h Ropewalk Range
NORCOTT John shoemaker bds 33 Goodview
NORCOTT Michael laborer h 33 Goodview
NORCOTT Thos laborer bds Ropewalk Range
NORMAN Elizabeth, wid Geo R   h 95 Bond
NORMAN John teamster h 2 Lion's Square
NORMAN Thos carpenter h 9 Barter's Hill
NORMAN Wm laborer h 24 Goodview
NORMORE Henry laborer h 3 College Square
NORRIS Edw M J   bds 41 Hayward Ave
NORRIS Elizabeth, wid Thos   h 22 Flower Hill
NORRIS Jas messenger bds 41 Hayward Ave
NORRIS James J tinsmith h 41 Hayward Ave
NORRIS Johannah, wid Edward   h 21 New Gower
NORRIS Miss May clerk bds 21 New Gower
NORRIS Michael laborer h King's Bridge Road
NORRIS Samuel laborer bds King's Bridge Road
NORRIS Rev T J C B bds St Bonaventure College
NORRIS Wm moulder h Hamilton Ave
NORTH Henry boilermaker h 21 Hamilton
NORTHALL John foundry worker h Hamilton Ave
NORTHFIELD Alfred jeweller h 3 King's Road
NOSEWORTHY Alexander carpenter h 3 Murray
NOSEWORTHY Ambrose laborer h 31 Flemming
NOSEWORTHY Chas fisherman h 70 Brazil's Square
NOSEWORTHY Edward seaman h 64 Cabot
NOSEWORTHY George laborer h 43 LeMarchant Road
NOSEWORTHY George mason h 43 Brazil's Square
NOSEWORTHY Henry seaman bds 43 Brazil's Square
NOSEWORTHY James cooper h 202 Pleasant
NOSEWORTHY Jane, wid Thos   h 25 Young
NOSEWORTHY Jonathan mason h 86 Lime
NOSEWORTHY Jonathan owner oil wells h 27 Colonial
NOSEWORTHY Josiah cabinet maker bds Goodview
NOSEWORTHY Levi master mariner h Hamilton Ave
NOSEWORTHY Mary, wid Philip   h 39 Goodview
NOSEWORTHY Matthew printer h 3 Murray
NOSEWORTHY Roland soap manufacturer bds 27 Colonial
NOSEWORTHY Samuel laborer h 37 Alexander
NOSEWORTHY Samuel laborer h 36 Goodview
NOSEWORTHY Samuel printer bds Hamilton Ave
NOSEWORTHY Thomas fisherman h 51 Moore
NOSEWORTHY Thos seaman h 88 Lime
NOSEWORTHY Wm accountant h 4 Cabot
NOSEWORTHY Wm carpenter bds 116 Casey
NOSEWORTHY Wm laborer h 51 Cabot
NOSEWORTHY Wm laborer h 29 Halloway
NOSEWORTHY Wm laborer h Southside
NOSEWORTHY Wm machinist h 51 Cabot
NOSEWORTHY Wm mason h 79 Harris, cor McFarlane's Lane
NOWLAN James laborer h 64 Livingstone
NOWLAN John farmer h 389 Waterford Bridge Road
NOWLAN John jr carman bds 389 Waterford Bridge Road
NOWLAN Michael moulder h 111 Hamilton
NOWLAN Michael shoemaker h 2 Pleasant
NOWLAN Nichls farmer bds Summerville Cottage, Waterford Bridge Road
NOWLAN Wm laborer h 64 Livingstone
NUGENT John constable bds W E Fire Hall
NUGENT John shoemaker h 41 Bambrick
NUGENT Martin farmer h 34 William
NUGENT Richard laborer h 41 Bambrick
NUGENT Wm baggage master Nfld ry h Belvedere
NUGENT Wm brakesman bds 34 William
NURSE Charles, of C & J Nurse   h 129 Gower
NURSE C & J plumbers and gasfitters 129 Gower
NURSE Miss Hannah grocer, 7 Long's Hill h do
NURSE John, of C & J Nurse   bds 80 Queen's Road
NURSE Mary, wid Thomas   h 80 Queen's Road
NURSE Mary, wid John   h 84 Queen's Road
NURSE Thomas   h 345 Duckworth
NURSE Mrs Thomas stationary, etc, 345 Duckworth h do

NameDescription of ErrorMy Name

©  Jennifer Wilkinson & NL GenWeb