NLGenWeb Directory Data

St. John's - Hutchinson's Directory 1864-1865


It was read, recorded and transcribed by SUE O'NEILL. While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors.


O'BRIEN, Christopherfisherman
O'Brien, Laurence & Co.merchants
O'BRIEN, Mauriceliquors
O'BRIEN, Sylvestercooper
O'BRIEN, Thomasbutcher
O'BRINE, Timothyliquors
O'BRYNE, Mrs. Bridgetliquors
O'CONNELL, Johntailor
O'CONNELL, Patrickbutcher
O'CONNOR, Michaelgroceries and liquors
O'CONNOR, Patrickbarrack sergeant
O'CONNOR, Patrickmason
O'CONNOR, Patrickprinter
O'CONOR, Johnhardware
O'DONNELL, Cornelius
O'DONNELL, Corneliuslaborer
O'DONNELL, Edwardfisherman
O'DONNELL, Jamesbookkeeper
O'DONNELL, Johnbutcher
O'DONNELL, Johnfisherman
O'DONNELL, Josephcooper
O'DONNELL, Patrickbarkeeper
O'DONNELL, Patrickclerk
O'DONNELL, Patrickclerk
O'DONNELL, Rev. Jeremiah
O'DONNELL, Rev. Richarddirector St. Bonaventure college
O'DONNELL, Thomasliquors
O'DONNELL, Williamblockmaker
O'DONNELL, Williamtailor
O'DWYER, Richardmerchant
O'FLAHERTY, Edwardbaker
O'FLAVIN, Davidlaborer
O'GRADY, Williamcarpenter and builder
OKE, Robertinspector of light houses
O'KEEFE, Andrewliquors
O'KEEFE, Michaelshoemaker
OLDRIDGE, Henryliquors
O'LEARY, Matthewbaker
OLIVER, Johnfisherman
OLIVER, Johnseaman
O'MARA, Dennisshoemaker
O'MARA, Johngrocer
O'MARA, Michael J.barrister &c
O'MARA, Patrickclock repairer
O'MARA, Robert D.agent
O'MARA, Thomasliquors
ONDRAY, Jamesfisherman
ONDRAY, Marceliawid Samuel
O'NEILL, Catherinewid James
O'NEILL, Danielliquors
O'NEILL, Jamestrader
O'NEILL, Thomasliquors
ORGUN, Jamesfisherman
Orphan Asylum School
OSBORNE, Marywid Alexander
O'SULLIVAN, Mrs. Dennisgroceries
O'TOOLE, James tailor
OUTERBRIDGE, Josephbookkeeper
OWENS, Patrickstorekeeper

©  Sue O'Neill & NL GenWeb