This is the last will and Testament of me Charles Coombs of Piccaine Hermitage Bay in the island of Newfoundland.
I give and bequeath to my sister Jane Lake of Fortune in the District of Burin the sum of eight Hundred Dollars: to her grandson, son of Charles and Bessie Lake who was called after me, Charles Coombs Lake the sum of One Hundred Dollars: to Edward Coombs William Coombs and Abraham Coombs my nephews each the sum of one Hundred Dollars: to Thomas Coombs, my nephew, the sum of one Hundred and Twenty Dollars: to William Kendell my godson now of Fortune in the District of Burin the sum of Fifty Dollars: to Thomas Eugram my nephew with whom I spent the later years of my life, the sum of one Hundred and Fifty Dollars: To Sarah McDonald who attended to me in my old age the sum of one Hundred and Fifty Dollars, and the residue I wish to be paid to the credit of the Church of Saint Saviour at Hermitage after my debts, funeral expenses and liabilities have been paid. My clothing and personal effects I wish to be divided amongst Edward, Thomas, William and Abraham Coombs, sons of my late brother Edward Coombs, my nephews above mentioned. And I appoint the Reverend George H. Bishop now of Hermitage, Hermitage Bay in the District of Fortune Bay to be sole executors of this my will In witness whereof I the said Charles Coombs have to this my last will and Testament set my hand and seal this Twenty-fifth day of May in the year of our Lord one Thousand nine Hundred and six Charles his x mark Coombs. (LS) Signed and sealed by the Testator and acknowledged by him to be his last will and Testament in the presence of us present at the same time, who at his request and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses hereunto. Phebe Ellen Coombs Elvina Effie Coombs. George H. Bishop missionary.
Certified correct,
D. M. Browning
(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Feb. 4/11
Feb 6/11
to Rev.
H. Bishop
at $1998.74