NL GenWeb1921 CensusNorthern Peninsula Region ~ St. Barbe North DistrictDoctor's BrookIt was transcribed, proofread and corrected by Frank Fitzpatrick. While I have tried to be as careful as possible, there may be errors. |
Location | Surname | Given Name | Relation | Gender | Marital Status | Age | Birth Year |
Birth Month |
Birthplace | Doctor's Brook | Galliott | John | Head | m | m | 40 | 1881 | Feb | Mutton Bay |
Doctor's Brook | Galliott | Isabella | Wife | f | m | 36 | 1885 | Mar | Bonne Bay |
Doctor's Brook | Galliott | Elizabeth | Dau | f | s | 10 | 1910 | Sep | Bonne Bay |
Doctor's Brook | Galliott | Henry | Son | m | s | 8 | 1913 | Mar | Bonne Bay |
Doctor's Brook | Galliott | Thomas | Son | m | s | 6 | 1915 | Feb | Bonne Bay |
Doctor's Brook | Galliott | John | Son | m | s | 4 | 1916 | Dec | Bonne Bay |
Doctor's Brook | Galliott | Walter | Son | m | s | 2 | 1919 | Apr | Doctor's Brook |
E R R A T A | ||
Name in Record | Description of error / additional information | My Name |
© Frank Fitzpatrick and NL GenWeb