NL GenWeb Wills

Transcribed by C. HAYNES from microfilm reels at LDS Center. While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there may be typographical errors

Petition of Richard Fennell - Estate of Thomas Casey
To the Honourable the Supreme Court of Newfoundland or to one of the Honourable the Judges thereof.

The Petition of Richard Fennell of St. John’s Shopkeeper.

  Respectfully Sheweth as follows:-

1.  That Thomas Casey late of Conche in the Northern district Fisherman deceased died there on or about the Twelfth day of June A.D. 1899 without a will leaving him surviving his widow Theresa Casey and the following brothers and sister, namely, Michael Casey, Charles Casey, Patrick Casey, William Casey and Ellen Dower, wife of      Dower. 

2.  The said deceased at the time of his death was possessed of property within the jurisdiction of your Honourable Court of the probable value of $800.00.

3.  Annexed hereto marked “A” is the written consent of the next of kin of said deceased that administration to his said estate be granted to your petitioner.

4.  No probate or Letters of Administration to the estate of said deceased have been previously applied for or granted to any other person.

 Your petitioner therefore prays that Letters of Administration to the estate of said deceased may be granted to him.

 And as in duty bound be will ever pray etc.

 Dated at St. John’s this 3rd day of November A.D. 1899.

      R. Fennell

Note: The husband of Ellen is illegible because the ink bled.

©2003 C. HAYNES and NL GenWeb