NL GenWeb

Notre Dame Bay - Twillingate District

Links to articles written by Dr. Melvin Baker, MUN Archivist

Below are links to articles written by Dr. Melvin Baker, Memorial University's Archivist. These articles relate to the Fishermen's Protective Union, which was formed in Herring Neck on new World Island in 1908. Dr. Baker has graciously given us permission to link to his work. The district coordinator recommends that you peruse Dr. Baker's home page which includes many additional articles on items of historical interest to Newfoundland researchers.

Please Note: These are external links. To return to the NL GenWeb site, you must click on the back button of your browser

1. The Rise of the Fishermen's Protective Union, The First World War and the National Government, 1909-1919, Dr. Melvin Baker (c) 1994

2. Select Bibliography - Sir William Coaker, the Fishermen's Protective Union, and the Port Union/Catalina Area, Dr. Melvin Baker (c) 1998

© Amalie Lewis Tuffin & NL GenWeb

Twillingate District