NL GenWeb

Notre Dame Bay Region ~ Fogo / Twillingate District

Green Cove - Old United Church Cemetery (partial)

The headstones were read, recorded and transcribed by AMALIE LEWIS TUFFIN, July 1999. While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there may be typographical errors.
William James Kearley

died October 27, 1972 87 years, 2 months

Elizabeth Smart

died September 8, 1953 73 also in memory of her father and mother

Joseph Richmond

who was perished on November 6, 1914 23

George Richmond a dear husband born November 21, 1902 died December 12, 1965

John Hurley
1884 1957

Joseph Hurley

died July 8, 1940 53 years

Amelia Hurley a loving mother
November 12, 1932 80 years, 6 mos

Solomon Loder

May 24, 1937 30

Gifford Cutler

died 1980

Elijah Loader

Victor Stuckey

died October 4, 1927 27
Nina(?) [Stuckey] also his beloved wife
died January 29, 1928 24

Herbert Tuffin

died October 19, 1967 74

Charles Russell

died April 4, 1958 79 years and 6 mos

Malcolm Randolph son of John and Eliza Richmond
October 14, 1941 35

John [Gillett] beloved husband of Janet Gillett
died May 24, 1971 77 years

Henry Stuckey

died August 18, 1952 87 years
Charlotte Jane also his wife
died June 4, 1942 68

Maxwell [Richmond] beloved husband of Minnie Richmond
died May 13, 1962 59

Cicely [Hurley] beloved wife of George Hurley
died February 8, 1959 76 years 6 months

George Hurley beloved husband of Cicely Hurley
died December 31, 1940 64

Philip Bennett Hurley beloved son of George and Cicely Hurley
died June 20, 1934 26 years, 3 months

Thomas W. Richmond

died November 10, 1954 84
Emily ]Richmond] also his wife
died September 12, 1945

Hilda Minnie Hurley

died September 20, 1970 85

Eleazar Hurley beloved husband of Hilda Minnie Hurley
died January 31, 1956 77

John Charles Richmond
1877 1960

Eliza Jane [Richmond] beloved wife of John Charles Richmond 1881 1969

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© 2000 Amalie Lewis Tuffin and NL GenWeb
Fogo / Twillingate District