NL GenWeb

Notre Dame Bay Region ~ Fogo / Twillingate District

Historical Information

1770 Letter to Captain De La Rue

Letter from Twillingate, dated June 30, 1770, transcribed and contributed by Milton Anstey. The following letter, addressed to Captain Pierre Jean De La Rue, and signed by twenty-five of the fishing captains and townsmen of Twillingate, was intended as a petition requesting Captain De La Rue to cease his fishing activities on Sundays

Twillingate, 30th. June 1770

Capt. De La Rue

Sir, The preceding fishing season, the fishing admirals; together with the residents of this place; ordered that no boat either English or French should go out on the fishing grounds, or ledges, in order to catch fish on the Sabbath or Lords Day to which you was pleased to pay due obedience. But last Sunday to our surprise your boats went out on the fishing ground; to fish &c., without the least regard or distinction to ye day. And as it is a thing in particular so contrary to the command of the Almighty Power; the laws and customs of our country in general, we cannot with indifference behold the same without thinking it a crime of the highest nature not to remark the same to you. And at the same time petition your forbearance of the forbidding and evil practice in future; so entirely contrary to the Almighty's Commands, the laws and customs of our nation. In whose country you are & to whose laws &c., you ought to be obedient to. And in consequence of the same; let us all hope that God's Blessing may attend & be sufficient with our lawful endeavours; the remaining six days in the week. And in the same let peace and tranquility reign amongst you and us.

Who are, Sir, Your Most Obedient Servants

John Slade,    John Pearce,    Robert Guy,    Luke Lock,    Hezekiah Guy,    Thomas Riggs,    Andrew Riggs,    Charles Anstey,    Edward Forward,    Alexander Humber,    James Skimington,    William Jenkins,    Moses Cheater,    Lawrence Smith,    For Perkins & Coghlan - B. Bradhy(?),    John Hooper,    John Moors,    James Mory,    William Borden or Burden(?),    Stephen Green,    John Cottell,    James Stuckless,    Edward King,    Christopher Ayers,    Jeffrey Tizzard.

© Milton Anstey & NL GenWeb