1 Oct.1890 | George Robert Pope, age 27, fisherman, s/o William Pope of Locks Cove | Mary Susannah Pike, age 28, d/o Bathol Pike of Fogo | Wittn: Matthias Hawkins and Allan Peckford |
12 Nov. 1890 | John Robert Brown, fisherman, s/o James Brown | Isabella Blake, d/o Solomon Blake, both of Barr'd Island | Wittn: Matthias Hawkins and Dinah Brown |
18 Nov.1890 | John Blake, and Jane Cull, both of Barr'd Island |
| Wittn: John Reid and Rosanna Drammond |
18 Nov.1890 | Eli Read of Barr'd Island and Tamar Croucher of Fogo |
| Wittn: Eli Cull and Annie Croucher |
18 Nov.1890 | Thomas Martin Brown of Joe Batts Arm | Martha Ann Primmer of Barr'd Island | Wittn: George Thomas and Dinah Brown |
10 Jan.1891 | Thomas Samuel Willis, fisherman, s/o Barney Willis | Julia Waterman, d/o Joseph Waterman, both of Fogo | Wittn: James Payne and Joseph Peckford |
9 Feb.1891 | John Randall, fisherman, s/o William Randall of Fogo | Julia Ann LeDrew, d/o Richard LeDrew of Change Island | Wittn: Matthias Hawkins and George Randall |
7 June 1891 | John Robert Gill, age 27, fisherman, s/o John Gill | Margaret Wetham, age 24, widow, d/o William Sheppard, both of Fogo | Wittn: George Tizzard and Emma Thornton |
22 Sept.1891 | Walter Scott Gynn, age 26, fisherman and Emily Maria Brown, both of Fogo |
| Wittn: Andrew Loder and Eliza Ginn |
22 Nov. 1891 | Archibald Brown and Dianna Brown, both of Joe Batt's Arm |
| Wittn: William Brown and Mary Brown |
30 Jan.1892 | John Primmer of Barr'd Island | Caroline Waterman of Fogo | Wittn: Isaac Primmer and Sarah Cull |
28 May 1892 | Albert Stevenson, age 26, clerk, s/o John Charles Stevenson | Emma Moore Layman, age 20, d/o Thomas Layman, both of Fogo | Wittn. Henry J.Lina and Loretta Layman |
28 Jul.1892 | Alfred Barnes, age 23, fisherman | Emma Jane Purchase, age 23, both of Fogo | Wittn:George Witham, Philip Tizzard, and Sarah Ann Wetham |
9 Mar.1893 | Phillip Perry, age 43, widower, storekeeper | Margaret Torraville, age 31, both of Fogo | Wittn: John G. Lucas and Emily Torraville |
11 Sept.1893 | Samuel George S. Colton, age 37, widower of St. John's, s/o John Colton | Emma Oake, age 35, d/o Charles Oake of Fogo | Wittn: Thomas M. Anthony and Jane Oven |
25 Oct.1893 | Samuel Ford, age 24, s/o Jacob Ford | Mary Brown, age 18, d/o James Brown | Wittn: Joseph J. Brown, Lizzie Brown, and Laura Jane Ford |
26 Oct.1893 | Aaron Freke, age 25, fisherman of Joe Batts Arm | Sarah Ann Coffin, age 19, d/o Samuel Coffin of Joe Batts Arm | Wittn: Ambrose Coffin and Caroline Coffin |
31 Oct. 1893 | Charles Mercer, age 28, fisherman, s/o J. Mercer of Joe Batts Arm | Annabella Hancock, age 22, d/o Joseph Hancock of Barr'd Island | Wittn: P. Hancock, Aaron Coffin, Elizabeth Freke, and Alexander Coffin |
1 Nov. 1893 | Alfred Edward Spencer, age 23, fisherman of Tilt Cove | Bertha Ann Rowe, age 22, d/o Martin Rowe of Seldom Come By | Wittn: Mark Harnet, Jessie M. Rowe, William Rowe, and Lillie M. Newell |
21 Nov.1893 | Ananias Shelly, age 22, fisherman | Kezia Whalen, age 21, both of Ladle Cove | Wittn: James ?, Clara Heath, Enos Chalk and George Angee |
24 Nov.1893 | John Gillingham, age 25, fisherman, s/o George Gillingham of Gander Bay | Lydia Gillingham, age 20, d/o Benjamin Gillingham of Gander Bay | Wittn: John Blandford, Julia Downer and Lydia Pomeroy |
11 Dec.1893 | Benjamin Finnemore, age 30, fisherman of Fogo | Johanna Ladner Pomeroy, age 23, d/o Joseph Pomeroy of Barr'd Island | Wittn: James Brown, Sarah Pomeroy, Walter Pomeroy, and Jemimah Pomeroy |
13 Dec. 1893 | Hubert Joel Freake, age 21, fisherman | Phoebe Ann Paten, age 19, d/o Thomas Paten, both of Barr'd Island | Wittn: Herman Paten, Stephen Freke, Sarah Miller, Susannah Freke, Absalom ?, and Sarah Ann Cumberland |
9 June 1894 | Richard Faulkner, age 22, fisherman of ladle Cove | Margaret Susanna Wellon, age 18, d/o John Wellon of Ladle Cove | Wittn: Robert Chalk and Clara Heath |
4 Dec. 1894 | Joshua Cumberland, age 20, fisherman, s/o William Cumberland | Tamar Reade, age 24, widow, both of Barr'd Island | Wittn: John Blackey and Amelia Jane Cumberland |
4 Dec.1894 | Henry Blake, age 23, fisherman, s/o Nathaniel Blake | Caroline Freke, age 22, d/o George Freke, both of Barr'd Island | Wittn: Israel Godwin, Johnannah Goden, John Goden and Jane Wells |
15 Dec.1894 | Solomon Blake, age 30, fisherman | Emily Mary Gillingham, age 21, both of Barr'd Island | Wittn: John Brett, Mary Ford, Francis Blake, and Jane Ford |
3 Nov.1895 | Samuel Newman, age 28, fisherman of Boyds Cove | Mary Grace Peyton, age 20, of Exploits | Wittn: Samuel Freake and Aquila Newman |
5 Dec.1895 | John Waterman, age 35, fisherman, widower | Melissa Oake, age 26 both of Fogo | Wittn: Hamilton Oake and Benjamin Oake |
9 Dec.1895 | Francis George Blake, age 24, fisherman | Jane Tarrant, age 23, both of Barr'd Island | Wittn: Samuel Ford and William Blake |
22 Jul.1896 | Levi Perry, age 37, clerk, s/o William Perry | Mary Bartlett Newell, age 22, d/o P. Newell, both of Seldom Come By | Wittn: Titus Linfield, Ernest E. Hyde, Adelade Perry |
19 Jan. 1897 | Arthur Normore, age 25, fisherman, s/o Robert Normore of Sldom Come By | Anna Nippard, age 21, d/o Martin Nippard of Seldom Come By | Wittn: Samuel Pike and John Nichol |
8 Apr.1897 | Isaac Kates, age 34, fisherman, s/o Charles Kates | Eliza Cull, age 22, d/o John Cull, both of Shoal Bay | Wittn: John Kates and Maurice Cull |
16 Dec.1897 | Robert Russell, age 24, fisherman, s/o Samuel Russell, formerly of Cann Island | Eva Nippard, age 22, d/o Martin Nippard of Little Seldom Come By | Wittn: Arthur Normore and Ishmael Hart |
11 Feb.1898 | Josiah Brown,age 34, fisherman, s/o Jacob Brown, of Joe Batts Arm | Clara Keats, age 21, d/o Charles Keats, of Barr'd Island | Wittn: Mary Brown and Samuel Brown |
2 June 1898 | Eleazor Brown, age 23, fisherman s/o James Brown of Joe Batt's Arm | Emily Ann Peddle, age 23, widow d/o Frederick Humphries of Northern Arm, Exploits | Wittn: Matthias Hawkins and Thomas Humphries |
12 Sept. 1898 | George Cheater, age 24, fisherman, s/o Obediah Cheater | Sarah Payne, age 25, d/o Nicholas Payne, both of Barr'd Island | Wittn: William Shave |
26 Oct.1898 | Josiah Oake, age 23, fisherman, son of Ham Oake | Elizabeth Mary Leyte, age 23, d/o Thomas Leyte, both of Fogo | Wittn: Josiah Waterman and Julia A. Leate |
26 Nov.1898 | Levi Blake, age 29, fisherman, s/o Zachariah Blake | Charlotte LeDrew, age 26, d/o Noah LeDrew, both of Barr'd Island | Wittn: John Finnimore, Edward Downton, Emma Godden |
30 Nov.1898 | Zebedee Ford, age 25, fisherman, s/o Jacob Ford of Island Harbour | Maria Bailey, age 19, s/o James Bailey of Island Harbour | Wittn: George Fookes and Ellen Bailey |
6 Dec.1898 | Jacob Read, age 36, widower, fisherman, s/o Richard Read | Susanna Quinlan, age 21 d/o John Quinlan, both of Barr'd Island | Wittn: Edward Downton, Josiah Cull and Lousia Compton |
27 Sept.1899 | Arthur Winsor Pomeroy, age 26, fisherman, s/o Joseph Pomeroy of Fogo | Phebe Barnes, age 22, d/o Thomas Barnes of Beavertown | Wittn: James A. Pope and Susannah Pope |
24 Oct. 1899 | Arthur Wellon, age 21, fisherman, s/o George Wellon of Ladle Cove | Mary Blandford, age 20, d/o Thomas Blandford of Fogo | Wittn: Israel Downer and Fanny Miles |
8 Nov.1899 | Ephrain Freake, age 27, fisherman, s/o John Freake | Esther Ford, age 18, d/o Jacob Ford, both of Joe Batts Arm | Wittn: John Decker and Betsy Freake |
5 Dec.1899 | George Hewitt, age 24, fisherman, s/o George Hewitt | Mary Ann Nippard, age 21, d/o Henry Nippard, both of Fogo | Wittn: Emily Brown, Eleazor Brown and M. Oake |
14 Dec.1899 | Elias Coles, age 28, fisherman, s/o William Coles | Phebe Hart, age 17, d/o George Hart, both of Hare Bay | Wittn: Richard Nippard and Ruth J. Cull |
21 Dec.1899 | Robert James Blake, age 23, fisherman, s/o Nathaniel Blake | Emma Godden, age 20, d/o Simon Godden, both of Barr'd Island | Wittn: Joseph Mew and Betsy Godden |
9 Apr.1900 | John Witcher, s/o George Robert Witcher | Ruth Cull, age 23, d/o George Cull, both of Barr'd Island | Wittn: Elijah Cull and Amelia Cull |
7-May-00 | Stephen Freake, age 25, fisherman, s/o Samuel Freake | Betsy Freake, age 22, d/o John Freake, both of Joe Batts Arm | Wittn: Eli Freake and Louisa Freake |
27 Aug.1900 | Thomas W. Peckford, age 28, s/o Thomas Peckford of Gander Bay | Lucy Paine, age 22, d/o John Paine of Fogo | Wittn: Ham Oake and Mary Oake |
6 Oct.1900 | Uriah Hewitt, age 26, fisherman, s/o Reuben Hewitt | Mary Cumberland, age 23, d/o William Cumberland, both of Barr'd Island | Wittn: Eliza Hewitt and John Cumberland |
19 Oct.1900 | James Nippard, age 29, fisherman, s/o John Nippard | Lucy Jane Coles, age 21, d/o Eli Coles, both of Hare Bay | Wittn: Martin Waterman and Fanny Coles |
24 Oct.1900 | James Heath, age 25, fisherman, s/o George Heath | Clara Nippard, age 20, d/o James Nippard, both of Hare Bay | Wittn: Mary Jane Cole and George M. Nippard |
31 Oct.1900 | Eli?? Hewitt, age 22, fisherman, s/o Geroge Hewitt | Martha Brett, age 21, d/o Hezekiah Brett, both of Barr'd Island | Wittn: Lavinia Brett and Arthur Brown |
14 Nov.1900 | Edward Downton, age 27, s/o Joseph Downton of Barr'd Island | Lousia Compton, age 19, d/o Daniel Compton of Barr's island | Wittn: Fanny Comden and Stephen Godden |
12 Dec.1900 | Thomas Osborn, age 34, fisherman, s/o James Osborn of Fogo | Sarah Jane Cull, age 19, d/o Henry Cull of Shoal Bay | Wittn: Joseph Cull and Mary Jane Osborn |
19 Dec.1900 | Wilfred William Leyte, age 27, fisherman, s/o Frederick Leyte of Locks Cove | Julia Ann Pilley, age 25, d/o Edwin Pilley of Eastern Tickle | Wittn: Thomas Leate and Suzy Leate |
22 Dec.1900 | James Hewitt, age 21, fisherman, s/o James Hewitt | Eliza Jacobs, age 19, d/o Henry Jacobs, both of Barr'd Island | Wittn: William Jacobs and Mary Ann Jacobs |