NL GenWebNotre Dame Bay Region ~ Fogo / Twillingate DistrictSt. Andrew's Anglican Church, Fogo ~ MinutesSt. Andrew's Anglican Church is located in the village of Fogo. Construction on the new building began in 1915 and was ready for services in July of 1916. The minutes presented below involve the planning of the project. Most of the construction was done by free labor, and the church was fashioned in a style similar to St. Peter's Anglican Church in Twillingate. The main pulpit was presented to the church by Henry Bennett in memory of his wife Elizabeth, and the choir gallery was presented by Gilbert Payne in memory of his mother May. On 11 August 1918, the church was consecrated by Bishop White.The minutes of the new church committee were given to Jim and I by Neville Best for posting on NL GenWeb during our third visit to the Island, July 2000. If you have older photographs of the church then we would be pleased to post them here. The information was transcribed by ARLENE BENNETT and SUE O'NEILL, 2000. While we have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there may be typographical errors. | ![]() St. Andrew's Anglican Church, Fogo by Rex G. Coffin |
Church MinutesFogo,June 5th 1913 A Meeting of the New Church Building Committee was held in the Womens House on the above date at 8 o’clock, the Rector Rev J. O. BRITNELL presiding. There were present Messrs Benj. OAKE, A J SIMMS, Thos SIMMS, W G SIMMS, E E HYDE, John JONES, William OAKE Jr, W. FURZE, A. LODER, Thos HUMPHRIES, C. WOOLRIDGE. The Minutes of last Meeting being read it was proposed by Mr. A J SIMMS and second by Mr. Benj. OAKE that the Minutes be adopted as read. Carried. The Rev. Chairman then explained the object of the Meeting, which was to consider a letter received from Mr. DAWE, and also to make some reply to Mr. BLACKWOODS letter with regard to Mr. DORAN’s claim. Mr. DAWES letter was then read by the Rev. Chairman, in which he offered to build a church according to Plans for 16 thousand dollars. A lengthy discussion then took place and it was finally proposed by Mr. A J SIMMS and second by Mr. W. FURZE that we authorize the Rev. Chairman to reply to Mr DAWE and tell him our financial position, and that we consider such a sum out of our reach at present, also to ask him what amount of work he could do for $10, 000 towards the new church. This motion on being put was carried. Mr. DORAN’s claim then came up and in the absence of Mr. W. EARLE, the Rev. Chairman informed the Meeting of the advice which he Mr. W. EARLE had got while at St. John’s, which was to the effect that we were libel(sic) for at least a part of the money; a long discussion then look place, some of the members not being inclined to pay anything, others to pay a part, it was at length proposed by Mr. E E HYDE and second by the Secty that the Rev Chairman write Mr. BLACKWOOD, stating that the Committee think Mr. DORAN’s charges unreasonable hut are willing to make a compromise to Mr. DORAN for his expenses to Fogo and ask what sum he would be willing to accept, The motion on being put to the Meeting was carried. There being no further business the Meeting closed with prayer. T. JONES Secty John O. BRITNELL, Chairman. Fogo,
A Meeting of the New Church Building Committee was held in the Womens House on the above date at 8 o’clock the Rector Rev. J O BRITNELL presiding. The Minutes of the last meeting being read it was proposed by Mr. W. EARLE and seconded by Mr. Wm H. SIMMS that the minutes be adopted as read. Carried. The Chairman then read a copy of letter which he wrote Mr. DAWE of Bay Roberts and also read reply to his letter which was to the effect that he would come down as soon as possible and talk the matter over with the Committee, he also stated that he thought a considerable amount of work could be done for $10, 000. A letter was then read from Mr. BLACKWOOD in reply to Rev Chairmans letter, in which he Mr BLACKWOOD stated that he is not in a position to accept any compromise. A lengthy discussion then took place over his letter and it was finally proposed by Mr. W. H. SIMMS and seconded by Mr. James JONES that we offer Mr BLACKWOOD the sum of $35.00 against Mr. DORANS claim. This motion on being put was carried. A discussion then took place as to the best way of starting the new church, several members being in favor of procuring material ourselves and employing a Foreman Carpenter. After due consideration it was proposed by Mr. W. EARLE and seconded by Mr. E. LUDLOW that the Secretary write Architect W. BUTLER of St. John’s and ask him for what sum he would give us a detailed specification of the frame of the Church. This motion on being put to the Meeting was carried. There being no further business the meeting closed with prayer. T JONES, Secretary Fogo,
A Meeting of the New Church Building Committee was held in the Womens House on the above date at 8 o’clock the Rector Rev J. O. BRITNELL presiding. There were present Messrs W. EARLE, A. J. SIMMS, A. LODER, John JONES, W G IRISH, T. JONES Secty. The Meeting opened, the Minutes of last Meeting were read and it was proposed by Mr. A J SIMMS and seconded by Mr. A. LODER that the minutes be adopted as read. Carried. The Rev Chairman then explained to the Meeting, his object in calling the Meeting which was to consider a letter which he had received from Mr. BLACKWOOD asking us for the sum of $45.00 as settlement of DORANS claim. A lengthy discussion then took place re this matter and it was at length proposed by Mr. John JONES and seconded by Mr. W G IRISH that we pay Mr. BLACKWOOD this amt. on condition that Mr. DORAN returned the Plan of Belloram Church, This motion on being put was carried. The Rev. Chairman then read a letter that he had received from His Lordship the Bishop re the Marriott request Fund, in which the Bishop stated that in the event of our proposed New Church was finished and out of debt before the end of year 1916 the(y) would grant us 20 pound sterling. There being no further business the Meeting closed with prayer. T. JONES, Secty J.O. BRITNELL, Chairman. Fogo,
A Meeting of the New Church Building Committee was held in the Womens House on the above date at 8 O’clock, the Rector Rev J.O. BRITNELL presiding. There were present Messrs EARLE, W. H. SIMMS, Geo LODER, John JONES, E. LUDLOW, & T. JONES. The Meeting opened and the Minutes of last Meeting being read it was proposed by Mr W. EARLE and seconded by Mr. W H SIMMS that the Minutes be adopted as read. Carried. The Rev. Chairman then read a letter from Mr. BLACKWOOD stating that the plans of Belloram Church were sent forward and asking us to forward the sum of $45.00. The Chairman also informs the Meeting that the Plans has been received by him. The main object of the Meeting was then explained by the Rev. Chairman which was to consider certain points in the adopted plans of the new church which the Synod had objected to which were as follows; (1st) the choir stalls too near the Alter rail, not leaving sufficient room for communicants to kneel between rain and Choir stalls, (2nd) the Font was not in a suitable position. The Plans were then gone through by those present and the points in question discussed and it was at length proposed by Mr. Geo LODER and seconed(sic) by T. JONES that the Plans be returned to Arch. BUTLER and ask him to make the necessary alterations according to the Synod regulations, this motion on being put to the meeting was carried. A letter was then read from Arch. BUTLER stating that the further detailed specifications as to quantity of framing required would cost $40.00. Letter then read from Mr. MARSHALL of Trinity asking for copy of Plans so as to give the necessary information required. The Plans were sent by the Chairman. There being no further business the Meeting closed with prayer. T. JONES, Secty Receipt of money since received. (?) J.O. BRITNELL Fogo,
A Meeting of the Members of the New Church Building Committee was held in the Parish Rectory on the above date the Rector Rev J.O. BRITNELL presiding. There were present Messrs A. LODER, W. G. IRISH, Benj. OAKE, Thos HUMPHRIES, W H SIMMS, John JONES, James JONES, Wm OAKE Jr, A J SIMMS, & T. JONES. The Meeting opened, the Minutes of last Meeting were read and it was proposed by Mr. A J SIMMS and seconded by Mr Wm OAKE that the Minutes be adopted as read. This motion on being put to the Meeting was carried. The Rev Chairman then explained his object in calling the Meeting, which was to consider what further steps could be taken as regards the proposed New Church and also to distribute the Collectors Books for the annual collection. The books were again taken by the same members as last Bookyear with the exception of the book for Eastern Tickle section. A general discussion took place about the Building relative to its cost and after due consideration it was decided to empower the Rev Chairman to write Capt RANDLE of Trinity for information as to cost of the Trinity East Church and if their free labor was included in the estimate of $13, 000 as per information supplied by their foreman. It was then proposed by Mr. W H SIMMS and seconded by Mr James JONESthat the Secty ask Mr Thos HELLINGS of Lions Den to become a member of the New Church Committee and take the Collectors Book for that section. This motion was put to the meeting and carried. It was then proposed by Mr John JONES and seconded by Mr. Wm OAKE that the Secty write Mr. Josiah ROBERTS and Mr. LACEY of Twillingate and ask them what they would charge to come to Fogo and view the site of the New Church and discuss the matter with us, this motion was carried There being no further business the Meeting closed with prayer. T. JONES, Secty John O. BRITNELL, Chairman. Fogo,
A Meeting of the New Church Building Committee was held in the Rectory at 8 o’clock the Rector Rev J.O. BRITNELL presiding. Present Benj. OAKE, Thos SIMMS, Thos HUMPHRIES, A. LODER, Thos HELLINGS, A J SIMMS, John JONES, Jas. JONES, Wm OAKE, WG IRISH, W H SIMMS, Titus JONES. The Minutes of the last Meeting being read it was proposed by Mr W H SIMMS and seconded by Mr WG IRISH that the minutes be adopted as read. Carried. The Rev Chairman then explained object of Meeting, which was to consider letters received from Mr RENDELL of Trinity, Mr. ROBERTS and Mr. LACEY of Twillingate. Mr. RENDELLS letter was then read by the Rev Chairman in which he stated that the total cost of Trinity church would be about $8300. Letters were then read from the Twillingate men in which Mr. LACEY stated he could not come to see us, Mr ROBERTS states he can come for the sum of two dollars per day and expenses. It was then proposed by Mr John JONES and seconded by Mr. Wm OAKE that the Secty write Mr ROBERTS and ask him to come as soon as convenient, we being satisfied to pay his charge and expenses. This motion on being put to the meeting was carried. There being no further business the Meeting closed with prayer. T.JONES, Secty J0 Britnell, Chairman. Fogo,
A Meeting of the New Church Building Committee was held in the Womens House on the above date the Rector Rev J O. BRITNELL presiding. There were present Messrs John JONES, W. EARLE, AJ SIMMS, Wm OAKE, E. LUDLOW, A. LODER, P. COATES, WG IRISH, WH SIMMS, C. WOOLRIDGE, F. PAYNE, Thos HELLINGS, Thos HUMPHRIES, Jas. JONES, Mr. ROBERTS and T. JONES. The meeting being opened it was proposed by Mr W. EARLE and seconded that the minutes be adopted as read. Carried. The Rev Chairman then explained the object of the Meeting, which was to further consider the work of the New Church, by consulting Mr. ROBERTS. After some discussion it was proposed by Mr W. Oake and seconded by Mr. W. EARLE that we commence work on the church in the spring, this motion on being put was carried unanimously. Mr. ROBERTS estimate of the quantity of framing and lumber for the New Building was then presented and read by the Rev Chairman. A general discussion as to the cost of said material then took place, and the Treasurer and Secty made a rough estimate of same to be about $1200.00 (more or less) freighted to Fogo. It was then proposed by Mr. W. EARLE and seconded by Mr. WG IRISH that the Secty write to Messrs FRENCH MANUEL and BROWN asking them at what rate per thousand(?) they would supply the material, freighted to Fogo. All material to be of green lumber and of the best quality, this motion on being put to the meeting was carried. It was then proposed by John JONES and seconded by Mr. WH SIMMS that the Chairman, Treasurer, Mr. E. LUDLOW and Mr. W. OAKE and Secty be appointed as a sub-committee to purchase material when necessary. This motion on being put was carried. There being no further business the meeting closed with prayer. T JONES, Secty J O BRITNELL, Chairman. Fogo,
A meeting of the New Church Building Committee was held in the Womens House on the above date Rector Rev. J.O. BRITNELL presiding. Present Messrs A. LODER, A.J. SMMS, E. LUDLOW, B. OAKE, Thos SIMMS, Wm. OAKE, Thos. HUMPHRIES, Jos. SNOW & Titus JONES. Minutes of last Meeting read it was proposed by Mr. E. LUDLOW and seconded by A.J. SIMMS that the Minutes be adopted as read. Carried. The Rev. Chairman then explained object of Meeting which was to consider whether it was really convenient to take down old church in the Spring and start the new one. He the chairman considering it was not and pointed out that in all probability we would not get the material until our people had all began the fishery and he thought thereby that a lot of the labor would be done by the carpenters under pay, which our people could well do themselves and thereby save a great many dollars. He also stated that he had interviews the Wos. Association about their money towards the exterior of the church, but they refused to allow their money to be spent in this way, as they wished to have it spent in finishing and furnishing the inside. A lengthy discussion then took place, and nearly all present expressed their views some arguing in favor of the Chairmans suggestion and some against. After an interesting debate it was at length proposed by Mr. Benj. OAKE and seconded by A.J. SMMS, that we telegraph Mr. ROBERTS next day and also write him a more fully that we had decided not to begin the actual building of the new church until the Fall, this motion on being put to the meeting was carried. Their[sic] being no further business the Meeting closed with prayer. T. JONES, Secty J.O. BRITNELL, Chairman Fogo,
A Meeting of the New Church Building Committee was held in the Rectory on the above date the Rector presiding. There were present Messrs E. Ludlow, AJ SIMMS, J. SNOW, John JONES, WG IRISH, A. LODER, W. FURZE, Thos HUMPHRIES, Thos SIMMS, EE HYDE, & T. JONES. The Minutes of the last Meeting were read and it was proposed by Mr. E. LUDLOW and seconded by Mr A. LODER that the Minutes be adopted as read. Carried. The Rev Chairman then explained the object of the Meeting which was to consider the replies to the letters written to the several mill owners asking for prices for lumber and framing. The secty then read letters from T. MANUEL & Co, A.E. BROWN, & T & J FRENCH & Sons. A discussion then took place over these letters and prices and it was finally proposed by Mr. WG IRISH and seconded by Mr. Thos SIMMS that we accept T & J FRENCH & Sons offer for framing and P&T Board, according to specifications supplied by him, they to hold all material until authorized by us, when and how to ship it, this motion was carried unamimously. There being no further business the meeting closed with prayer. T. JONES, Secty John O. BRITNELL, Chairman. Fogo A Meeting of the New Church Bldg Committee was held in the Womens House on the above date at 7.30 pm the rector Rev J O BRITNELL presiding. There were present Messrs WH SIMMS, A. LODER, John JONES, AJ, SIMMS, Jas. JONES, C. WOOLRIDGE, Thos HUMPHRIES, Thos SIMMS, Wm, OAKE Jr., WG IRISH and T. JONES. The Minutes of the last Meeting being read it was proposed by AJ SIMMS seconded by Mr Wm OAKE that the Minutes be adopted as read. Carried. The Rev Chairman then explained the object of the Meeting which was to consider a letter received from FRENCH & Sons Gander Bay. The Secty then read two letters received by him from FRENCH & Sons the first being an acknowledgement of the order for framing and lumber for the new church in which he promises to do his best to get the material ordered. The second letter states that he finds it impossible to get more than seven of the 12 pieces 9 x 9 -30 ft long, also that the Gov’t had imposed a royalty of $1.00 per thousand(?) on all lumber cut by unlicensed mills, and that he could not see his way clear to supply our lumber at prices quoted on his specifications, if the law effected this years cut. A general discussion then took place re the timber 30 ft long for the principal pillars and it was at length proposed by Mr. WH SIMMS seconded by Mr. C. WOOLRIDGE that we reply to FRENCH & Sons stating that if he could not get the remaining 5 pieces in one piece to get them in two pieces allowing 4 ft extra for scarfs. This motion was carried. The second part of his letter was then discussed and it was proposed by Mr C. WOOLRIDGE and seconded by Mr Jas. JONES that we write FRENCH & Sons stating that we note his remarks re the Royalty imposed by the Gov’t and that we will consider the matter as soon as you inform us positively that it effects the past winters cut. At the same time we consider your contract previously made. This motion was carried. The matter of getting sand for the concrete work was then considered and it was decided that the Rector would give notice in church when a suitable time came. There being no further business the Meeting closed with prayer. T. JONES, secty John O. BRITNELL, Chairman. Fogo,
A Meeting of the New Church Building Committee was held in the Meek Memorial Hall on the above date, the Rector Rev. J.O. BRITNELL presiding. There were present Messrs Thos SIMMS, Thos HUMPHRIES, WG IRISH, John JONES, James JONES, E. LUDLOW & T. JONES. The Chairman explained object in calling Meeting together which was to reply to letter received from Messrs FRENCH & Sons. Minutes of last meeting being read proposed by WG Irish seconded by Jas JONES that Minutes be adopted as read. Carried. FRENCH & Sons letter then read wherein they asked us if we would be satisfied to meet them ha1fway in the Royalty business. A discussion then next took place and it was at length proposed by Mr. E. LUDLOW and seconded by Mr Jas. JONES that we write FRENCH & Sons stating that we would meet them, and pay an extra 50 (cents?) on the lumber ordered, but that we were trying to get the lumber Royalty free. This motion was carried. The Rev Chairman then said he was going to St. John’s shortly and that he would see the Colonial Secretary about having the lumber Royalty free, this offer the Committee kindly accepted. A discussion then took place about the site, cement and foreman carpenter but all was at length dropped until the Rectors return from attending the Synod. There being no further business the meeting closed with prayer. T. JONES, Secty John O. BRITNELL. Chairman. Fogo,
A Meeting of the New Church Building Committee was held in the Meek Memorial Hall on the above date the Rector Rev. J.O. BRITNELL presiding. Present: Messrs W. EARLE, EE HYDE, Thos HUMPHRIES, John JONES, James JONES, WH SIMMS, B. OAKE, AJ SIMMS, Jos. SNOW, Thos SIMMS. Thos HELLINGS and C. WOOLDRIDGE, T JONES. Minutes of last meeting being read it was proposed by Mr. Jas JONES and seconded by Mr WH SIMMS that the minutes be adopted as read. Carried. The Chairman then explained why he called the Meeting, which was to consider whether it was the opinion of the Committee that we begin the new church this Fall. The Rev Chairman also stated that he had seen the Colonial Secretary while at St. John’s and he the (Colonial Secretary) had promised he would do his best to let us have the lumber and framing all ready ordered free of Royalty. He also stated how he had seen Mr. KING of Bay de Verde and had talked over the matter with him of taking the work of Foreman on the New Church. Mr. KING stated that he would work for 2.00 per day and find himself provided he was engaged all year. The Chairman also stated two other men had been recommended to him, but one was away to Labrador and the other engaged at building in Trinity East. The Bishop informed the Rector that as he was going away to England he could not possibly come to Fogo to lay the Corner Stone but advised us to ask the Govenor[sic] to do so, who was coming to Fogo in September. A discussion took place about a suitable Foreman and it was at length proposed by Mr. C. WOOLRIDGE and seconded Mr. Jas. JONES that we ask Mr. King of Bay de Verde to take the work as Foreman of the Building at $2.00 per day and find himself to be engaged all the year. This motion was carried. It was proposed by Mr. EE HYDE and seconded by Mr. (blank)[sic] that we begin work about the 1st of Sept. This motion was carried. It was proposed by Mr Benj. OAKE and seconded by Mr. James JONES to add Mr. EE HYDE to the sub-committee. This motion was carried. Mr. HYDE then kindly stated he would only be too pleased to help all he could to forward the work. The quantity of of [sic]pine plank which would be wanted for the church was then discussed and the Rectory[sic] was asked to find out from Mr. KING when writing him a rough estimate of quantity required. The Rev. Chairman explained how he had engaged about 6 thousand(?) of pine plank from Mr. JW HODGE. This the Committee approved of. The Rev. Chairman then asked the Committee if they would take over what good lumber they had left from the Rectory at the same figure it cost them, this the Committee kindly assented to do. There being no further business the Meeting closed with prayer. T.Jones, Secty JO BRITNELL, Chairman. Fogo,
A Meeting of the New Church Building Committee was held in the Meek Memorial Hall on the above date the Rector Rev J.O. BRITNELL presiding. Present Messrs W. EARLE, Thos SIMMS, Jas. JONES, Thos HUMPHRIES, WG IRISH, EE HYDE, Jos. SNOW, Thos HELLINGS, John JONES, C. WOOLRIDGE, and T. JONES. The Rev Chairman then addressed the Meeting stating that he had a telegram from the Governor wherein he stated that owing to the war conditions he would not be able to come to Fogo this season to lay the Corner Stone of the New Church. Read a letter from Mr. KING stating he was ready to undertake the work of building the new church and would be here by the 1st of September. Explained the work done by the sub-committee in placing an order for the cement within Messrs BROWRING Bros. He also asked the Committee to consider whether it was advisable to draw the money from the Bank of Montreal and place it in the Savings Bank of Nova Scotia at Fogo, as it was more convenient for our use. It was proposed by Mr. EE HYDE and seconded by Mr. W. EARLE that the money now on deposit in the Savings Bank of Montreal belonging to the New Church Fund be transferred to the Savings Bank of Nova Scotia at Fogo. This motion was carried. It was proposed by Mr. EE HYDE and seconded by Mr. Thos HUMPHRIES that all cheques for payment of material and labor etc be signed by two of three persons, viz. Chairman. Secretary and Treasurer. Carried. The Rev. Chairman then read telegram from Messrs FRENCH & Sons stating the framing for church was ready. A discussion then took place about getting the material to Fogo, the Chairman stating that Mr. H.J. EARLE had consented to the use of his schooner free of charge for the purpose if we could get a crew for her. It was at length left to be discussed at the meeting of the men of the congregation to be held on Thursday night. It was proposed by Mr HYDE and seconded by Mr Thos HUMPHRIES that the Chairman ask the Rev. Canon WHITE to come to Fogo to lay the Corner Stone as soon as convenient. This motion was carried. There being no further business the Meeting closed with prayer. T. JONES, Secty JO BRITNELL, Chairman. Fogo,
Meeting of the New Church Building Committee held in the Meek Memorial Hall on the above date the Rector Rev JO BRITNELL presiding. Present Messrs W. EARLE, Thos SIMRNS, Thos HUMPHRIES, WG IRISH, B. OAKE, AJ SIMMS, Jas. JONES, Jos. SNOW, WH SIMMS, Chas. WOOLRIDGE, T. JONES. Minutes of the last Meeting were being read it was proposed by Mr WG IRISH and seconded by Mr Benj. OAKE that the minutes be adopted as read. Carried. The Rev. Chairman then explained why the he called the Meeting, which was to consult about getting the framing and lumber down from the Mill, stating that it was the opinion of the General Church Meeting that we hire labor to get it down. Also read a letter from Mr. KING stating he would be along on time and asking for a suitable place to board. A general discussion then took place over the freighting of lumber, several members expressing their opinion, and it was at length proposed by Mr. W. EARLE and seconded by Mr. WG IRISH that we wait for a volunteer crew after the fishery is over, and if not sufficient lumber left over from Rectory to begin concrete work we purchase another thousand feet in Fogo. This motion was carried. There being no further business the Meeting closed with prayer. T. JONES, Secty John O. BRITNELL Chairman. Fogo,
A Meeting of the New Church Building Committee was held in the Meek Memorial Hall on the above date the Rector Rev. JO BRITNELL presiding. Present Messrs EE HYDE, Thos SIMMS, Thos. HUMPHRIES, C. WOOLRIDGE, Wm OAKE Jr., WG IRISH, Jas. JONES, E. LUDLOW, Mr. KING, WH SIMMS , AJ SIMMS, Benj. OAKE and T. JONES. Minutes of the last Meeting being read it was Proposed by Mr. C. WOOLRIDGE and seconded by Mr. WH SIMMS that the Minutes be adopted as read. Carried. The Chairman then arose and addressed the Meeting and welcomed Mr. KING in our midst and expressed a wish that his stay would be a pleasant one both to himself and to us; read a letter from Canon WHITE stating he very much regretted he could not come to lay Corner Stone as requested owing to one Curate being ill and another away but wished to thank Committee for the honour conferred upon him in asking him to come. A discussion then took place regarding the No. of men to be employed and Mr. KING was asked how many men he wanted. Mr. KING then arose and first thanked the Committee for their welcome and confidence placed in him, stating he would do his best with the work, and asked for a carpenter and five or six men to work with him. A long discussion then took place in which motions were put and lost and others withdrawn until at length it was decided best not to engage a second carpenter until concrete work was done at least and possibly not till the Spring, as it was the opinion of the Committee that among the men employed suitable and willing men would be found to help do what carpentering was necessary. Proposed by Mr. Benj. OAKE seconded by Mr. WH SIMMS that we engage the men who applied at $1.00 per day and the four boys @ 70 cents day. Carried. Names of men as follows: Mark WILLIS, L. SIBLEY, , Eneas BENNETT, John JONES Jr., Edgar JONES, Chris SIMMS, Walter PAYNE, Phillip TIZARD, Horace HART, John WALBOURNE, Will OAKE Sr., John DOWNER. Boys: Guy SIMMS, Harold COATES, Robert FREEMAN, John WILLIS Jr. Proposed by Mr. WH SIMMS seconded by Mr. C. WOOLRIDGE that every man working on the New church find his own tools except mauls. This motion was carried. The Secty was then authorized to order two mauls from St. John’s. There being no further business the Meeting closed with prayer. T. JONES, Secty JO BRITNELL, Chairman. Fogo,
A Meeting of the New church Building Committee held in the Womens House on the above date the Rector Rev JO BRITNELL presiding. Present Messrs C. WOOLDRIDGE, WH SIMMS, Benj. OAKE, William OAKE Jr., Jos. SNOW, AJ SIMMS, Thos HUMPHRIES, Jas. JONES, Thos. SIMMS, WG IRISH, Ezekiel LUDLOW, EE HYDE & T. JONES. The Minutes of last Meeting being read it was Proposed by Mr. C. WOOLRIDGE, seconded by Mr. E. LUDLOW that the Minutes be adopted as read. Carrried. The Rev Chairman then explained why he called the Meeting, stating that all the sand was used and that the men engaged were now clearing away the stone from the building, which in his opinion was not the work they were engaged to do, and would like for the Committee to consider how we are to get more sand so that the work of building the walls might still go on, as we needed yet over 200 bbls of sand. A general discussion then took place about the sand and the men engaged, and it was at length proposed by Mr. Benj. OAKE seconded by Mr. Thos. SIMMS that we ask the men who were engaged to go for the lumber and framing while we were waiting for sand to be brought along. This motion was carried. Proposed by Mr. Benj. OAKE seconded by Mr. William OAKE that the Committee go around and ask the people to get more sand. This motion was carried. A discussion then took place about the quality of shingles to be used, several members expressed their opinions and it was proposed by Mr. C. WOOLRIDGE seconded by Mr. WG IRISH that we use sawed cedar shingles. Carried. There being no further business the Meeting closed with prayer. Fogo,
A Meeting of the Members of the New Church Building Committee was held in the M M Hall on the above date the Rector Rev JO BRITNELL presiding. Present Messrs Jas. JONES, Wm OAKE Jr., Benj. OAKE, Ezekiel LUDLOW, AJ SIMMS, John JONES, T. HUMPHRIES, T. SIMMS and T. JONES. The Minutes of last Meeting being read it was proposed by Mr. AJ SIMMS seconded by Mr. Benj. OAKE that the Minutes be adopted as read. Carried. The Rev. Chairman then explained why he called the Meeting, owing to considerable dissatisfaction among the men employed at concrete work and also other church people thought the failure of Mr. Llewelyn SIBLEY not going for the lumber with the other men and still retaining his work. Several men wishing to have him discharged he had called the Meeting to deal with the matter. A discussion took place as to how best to deal with Mr. SIBLEY in the best interest of all concerned. It was finally proposed by Mr. Benj. OAKE and seconded by Mr E. LUDLOW that we deduct pay from Mr. SIBLEY for the length of time the lumber is being landed, and in event of he not being satisfied he leave the work. This motion was carried. The Chairman then informed the Meeting that Mr. W. EARLE had resigned as Treasurer owing to leaving Fogo, and thought we should thank him for his past services. It was proposed by Mr. HYDE seconded by Mr. AJ SIMMS that we as a Committee put on record our appreciation of his services while Treasurer of the N.C.B. Com. and ask the Sectv to kindly write Mr. EARLE of the same. This motion was carried. Proposed by Wm OAKE Jr. and seconed[sic] by Mr. Jas. JONES that Mr. HYDE be appointed as Treasurer. This motion was carried. Mr. HYDE kindly consented to take the office of Treasurer. Proposed by Mr. E. LUDLOW seconded by Mr. AJ SIMMS that we pay John WILLIS the sum of $1.00 per day instead of 70 cents per day since last pay day. Carried. There being no further business the Meeting closed with prayer. T. JONES, Secty John BRITNELL, Chairman. Fogo,
A Meeting of the New Church Building Committee was held in the Rectory on the above date the rector Rev JO BRITNELL presiding. Present Messrs Jas JONES, Wm OAKE Jr., John JONES, WG IRISH, Ezekiel LUDLOW, Benj. OAKE, WH SIMMS, Thos HELLINGS, Thos SIMMS, Thos HUMPHRIES, Frank PAYNE and T. JONES. Minutes of the last Meeting being read, it was proposed by Mr. E. LUDLOW seconded by Mr. Benj. OAKE that the Minutes be adopted as read. Carried. The Rev Chairman then explained why he called the Meeting which was to consider two important matters; 1st whether it was advisable in the opinion of the Committee that we take up the Annual Collection for the New Church this season, 2nd as to whether we go ahead with the actual putting up of the frame of the Building this Fall or let the work be over until spring. A discussion then took place on the 1st part viz: the Collection. Several members expressed their opinion stating that it would not be wise to let the collection drop; after due consideration it was pronounced by the Chairman that it was the opinion of the Committee that we start in and take up the Collection and get what we could. The point of shingles was then discussed and as we did not know just where to buy them cheapest it was proposed by Mr. Benj. OAKE seconded by Mr. WG IRISH that the Secretary write to various firms in Canada for the price of shingles, this motion was carried. A letter was then read by the Chairman from Mr. BUGDEN asking for work on the New Church at a $1.20 per day for the winter, in reply to Mr. BUGDENS letter it was proposed by Mr. Wm OAKE Jr. seconded by Mr. Jas. JONES that we give Mr. BUGDEN work on the Building when we were in need of a second man, provided his terms were right. This motion was carried. T. JONES, Secty John BRITNELL, Chairman. Fogo. Feb'y 25th (Thursday). 1915. A Meeting of the New Church Committee was held in the Rectory on the above date Rector Rev JO BRITNELL presiding. Present Messrs Thos HELLINGS, WG IRISH, Jos. SNOW, WH SIMMS, Thos. HUMPHRIES, Jas. JONES, EE HYDE, John JONES, E. LUDLOW, B. OAKE, Thos. SIMMS, C. WOOLRIDGE, T. JONES. Minutes of last Meeting being read proposed by Mr. C. WOOLRIDGE, seconded by Mr. WH SIMMS, minutes be adopted as read. Carried. The Rev. Chairman then explained the object of the Meeting which was to consider the taking down of the old church and removing the church furniture to the S.U.F. Hall. A general discussion then took place about the matter as to time of removal and disposal of material not needed. It was proposed by Mr. Benj. OAKE seconded by Mr. Jos. SNOW that clapboard be taken off and sold at auction in lots of 300 ft. It was also decided that what material was sold from church to be sold only to church people. Proposed by Sect'y seconded by Mr. WH SIMMS that Mr. Thos HUMPHRIES be appointed Foreman in taking down old church. Carried Proposed by Sect'y seconded by Mr. E. LUDLOW that Mr. Thos. SIMMS be appointed Lieutenant on the work. Carried. Messrs HUMPHRIES & SIMMS then promised to do their best with the work. Proposed by Mr. EE HYDE seconded by Mr. WH SIMMS that we start removing on Monday and after that follow on with taking down the church. Carried. The Auditors appointed at previous Meeting to audit a/cts[sic] then made their report and it was proposed by Mr. E. LUDLOW seconded by Mr. C. WOOLRIDGE that the a/cts[sic] for 1914 be passed. Carried. The Rev. Chairman was then asked to give notice on Sunday in church about the taking down of the church and removing to the Hall. The taking down and storing of the Organ was then discussed and the Rev. Chairman being of the opinion that we could take it down with some help from our own men it was decided to make a start as soon as possible. Applications were then read from Messrs Kenneth SIMMS, W.J. WALBOURNE, & John DOWNER for work on the church during the summer. It was decided to leave these applications until a later date. The matter of the insurance on the old church was then discussed and the Sect'y was authorized to write the Agent and try and get the Insurance transferred to the New building. There being no further business the Meeting closed with prayer.
T. JONES, Sect'y, Fogo. April 8th (Thursday) 1915. A Meeting of the New Church Building Committee was held in the Rectory on the above date the Rector Rev. JO BRITNELL presiding. Present Messrs Chas. WOOLRIDGE, Thos HUMPHRIES, Joseph SNOW, WH SIMMS, WG IRISH, EE HYDE, Thos SIMMS, T. JONES.
The Minutes of last Meeting being read it was proposed by Mr. C. WOOLRIDGE seconded by Mr. WH SIMMS that the Minutes be adopted as read. A letter was then read from Mr. Percie JOHNSON about the Insurance, which now became a builders risk instead of a simple church risk, stating that the premium was 1% extra. After due consideration it was proposed by Mr. EE HYDE seconded by Mr. WH SIMMS that we send forward the sum of eight dollars to cover the policy and ask him rate for a separate policy of one thousand dollars from May 1st to Nov 29th. This motion was carried. Proposed by Mr. EE HYDE seconded by Mr. C. WOOLRIDGE that notices be put up in the building prohibiting smoking. This motion was carried. Application read from Mr. Mark WILLIS asking for work at Ninety Cents per day. Application deferred until a later date. Letter from Colonial Secretary and Sub. Collector stating shingles were allowed duty free. The letters were then read from the various Firms giving prices of shingles. After considerable discussion it was proposed by Mr. EE HYDE, seconded by Mr. Thos. SIMMS that we import the shingles from Messrs Stetson Cutler & Co of St. John N.B. This motion was carried. The matter of tarred paper under shingles and sheathing paper under clapboard was then discussed and it was decided that either be used. Paint and oil was then discussed and it was proposed by Mr. C. WOOLRIDGE seconded by Mr. Thos. HUMPHRIES that we import paint, oil and putty. This motion was carried. The finishing piece around the base board was then discussed and it was proposed by Mr. WG IRISH seconded by Mr. WH SIMMS that we do not use this piece. Carried. The glass was then discussed and it was proposed by Mr. EE HYDE seconded by Mr. Thos. HUMPHRIES that we import glass No. 201 from Messrs Ayre & Sons. This motion was carried. A discussion then took place over the various applications for work and at length it was decided to leave the matter until next Meeting. There being no further business the Meeting closed with prayer.
T. JONES, Secty Fogo, April 23rd (Friday) 1915. A Meeting of the New Church Building Committee was held in the Rectory on the above date the Rector Rev. JO BRITNELL presiding. Present Messrs Thos. HUMPHRIES, Jos. SNOW, Thos. SIMMS, Jas. JONES, Chas. WOOLRIDGE, Ezekiel LUDLOW, EE HYDE, John JONES, Mr. KING, T. JONES. The Minutes being read it was proposed by Mr. C. WOOLRIDGE seconded by Mr. Thos. HUMPHRIES that Minutes be adopted as read. Carried. The rev. Chairman then explained the object of the Meeting was to appointment(sic) men to work on the New Church during the coming summer. An application was then read from Mr. John ROBERTS of Twillingate asking for work on the New Building at $1.80 per day and board paid or two dollars per day and pay his own Board. The list of applicants was then laid before the Meeting viz:- Reg BUGDEN, John FIFIELD, Kenneth SIMMS, John WALBOURNE, John DOWNER, Mark WILLIS, John ROBERTS The number of men to be employed was then considered and after due consideration it was proposed by Mr. EE HYDE seconded by Mr. C. WOOLRIDGE that we employ five men beside the Foreman, beginning work on the 3rd May and continuing until the 31st October, provided their work was satisfactory to the Foreman. This motion was carried. A letter was read from Reg BUGDEN stating his pay at $1.70 per day. A discussion on the selection of the men then took place during which Mr. KING asked for work for Hedley Strickland, this request was positively refused by the Committee. It was proposed by Mr. EE HYDE seconded by Mr. Jos. SNOW that we engage Reg BUGDEN & John FIFIELD at one dollar and seventy, Benj. SIMMS at $1.50 and John WALBOURNE and John DOWNER at $1.30 per day often hours. This motion was carried. The Sect'y was then requested to bring samples of board for inside finish from St. John's. As 2 thousand feet of wich(?)[sic] pine board undressed of a Merch. quality was needed by the carpenter for facings etc. it was decided to purchase same as soon as possible at Horwood, and Mr. C. WOOLRIDGE kindly offered to bring the same from Horwood. There being no further business the Meeting closed with prayer.
T. JONES, Sect'y Fogo, April 26th (Monday ) 1915 A Meeting of the New Church Building Committee was held in the Rectory on the above date the Rectory Rev. JO BRITNELL presiding. Present Messrs Thos HUMPHRIES, Benj. OAKE, Joseph SNOW, Thos. HELLINGS, James JONES, E. LUDLOW, WH SIMMS, C. WOOLRIDGE, John JONES, Thos. SIMMS, EE HYDE, WG IRISH, & T. JONES. Meeting being opened with prayer the Minutes were read and upon motion of Mr. C. WOOLRIDGE seconded by Mr. WH SIMMS were adopted. The Sect'y then read letter from Mr. KING the Carpenter wherein he stated he was not satisfied to work with the men we had selected and that only men he himself selected would work with him on the job. Also a letter from him wishing to withdraw his first letter stating he was satisfied to work with the men we selected. A long discussion took place over these two (?)[sic] until at length a motion was made by Mr. EE HYDE seconded by Mr. C. WOOLRIDGE that the following letter be sent Mr. KING in reply. This motion was carried. Dear Mr. King: The New Church Committee met this evening and considered the letters received from you. We regret that you should have thought it necessary to write the first letter as it seemed to be both unnecessary and unreasonable. We should have been sorry to have had to appoint another man in your place, and are glad that you have been moved to withdraw the first letter. We have not the slightest complaint to make against your work, and shall look for you to show the same interest as you have done in the past. There being no further business the Meeting closed with prayer.
T. JONES, Sect'y Fogo, July 3rd (Saturday) 1915. Meeting of the New Church Building Committee held in the Rectory on the above date the Rector presiding. Present EE HYDE, C. WOOLRIDGE, WG IRISH, Thos. HUMPHRIES, T. JONES. Minutes of last Meeting being read it was proposed by Mr. WG IRISH seconded by Mr. C. WOOLRIDGE that Minutes be adopted as read. Carried. The Secty then placed before the Meeting the samples of lumber for inside finish and after due consideration it was proposed by Mr. C. WOOLRIDGE seconded by Mr. T. HUMPHRIES that we purchase #50 in Yellow Pine as supplied by Empire Wood Working Co. and V jointed in soft wood. Carried. Proposed by Mr. C. WOOLRIDGE seconded by Mr. WG IRISH that when we purchase the lumber be left for sub. Committee to decide. Carried. The Secty then laid before the Meeting a statement as to where we stood on the 30th June, showing a balance to our credit on that date after all bills paid of $3300. Proposed by Mr. C. WOOLRIDGE seconded by Mr. WG IRISH that we order creosote shingle stain #346 @ 85 cents Gall. from Martin Cordage Co. Carried. Letter read from Mr. John DOWNER asking if we could give him any better pay. After some little discussion it was proposed by Mr. C. WOOLRIDGE seconded by Mr. WG IRISH that the Secty write Mr. John DOWNER stating that the Committee decided to pay him $1.30 per day as at first agreed. Carried.
There being no further business Meeting closed with prayer. Fogo, September 17, (Friday) 1915. A Meeting of the New Church Building Committee was held on the above date the Rector Rev JO BRITNELL presiding. Present Messrs John JONES, WH SIMMS, C. WOOLRIDGE, Josiah SNOW, Thos HUMPHRIES, Jas. JONES, Benj. OAKE, Ezekiel LUDLOW, & T. JONES. Minutes of last Meeting being read it was proposed by Mr. E. LUDLOW seconded by Mr. WH SIMMS that Minutes be adopted as read. Carried. A statement of the New Church a/ct was then prepared by Treasurer & Secty which showed a balance due the church of $940.00 after all accts to date had been paid and the carpenters labor to Oct 31St. A discussion then took place over the brick for the chimneys and after due consideration it was proposed by Mr. WH SIMMS seconded by Mr. John JONES that we get the brick for the chimneys at cheapest rate. Carried. The Foreman Carpenter Mr. KING had asked for information about facings for doors & windows and after due consideration by the Committee it was decided to follow the Plan & specifications. There being no further business the Meeting closed with prayer.
T. JONES, Secty Fogo Oct. 27th. (Wednesday) 1915 A Meeting of the New Church Building Committee was held in the Rectory on the above date the Rector Rev JO BRITNELL presiding. Present Messrs Benj. OAKE, John JONES, Thos. SIMMS, WH SIMMS, WG IRISH, Thos. HUMPHRIES, Josiah SNOW, Chas. WOOLRIDGE, Jas. JONES & T. JONES. Minutes of the last Meeting being read it was proposed by Mr. C. WOOLRIDGE seconded by Mr. Jas. JONES that Minutes be adopted as read. Carried. The Secretary then made known to the Committee the position in which we stand financially. After paying all debts contracted up to the end of Oct. and making an estimate to cover debts for which we have no Bills we would still have about $650.00 more or less to our credit. The agreement with five of the carpenters engaged on the church having now early expired, a discussion took place as to whether we were in a position to keep them working any longer. The Secty informed the Committee that the Foreman had had positively refused to work any longer with Mr. FIFIELD. After due consideration it was proposed by Mr. Benj. OAKE seconded by Mr. Josiah SNOW that we keep on, Messrs BUGDEN, DOWNER, SIMMS and WALBOURNE for 15 days longer after the end of October at the same rate of pay per hour the number of hours they work per day be left with the Foreman. This motion was carried. An application was then read from Mr. John WALBOURNE asking for pay for 7 days he was sick with pleurisy during the summer. This matter was considered by the Committee and on motion by Mr Benj OAKE seconded by Mr. John JONES that we reply to Mr. WALBOURNE stating that the Committee cannot see their way clear to grant this request. Carried. The Secty then read letter from Horwood Lumber Co stating they would furnish seats for the body of the church for $900. and choir for sixty dollars. A discussion was then had over this offer and the secty was authorized to write for more information as to freight and how they would be shipped. Proposed by Mr. C. WOOLRIDGE seconded by Mr. WG IRISH that we order the glass to finish the east windows. Carried. Proposed by Mr. WH SIMMS seconded by Mr. C. WOOLRIDGE that we add another thousand dollars insurance to the Building. Carried. Proposed by Mr. C. WOOLRIDGE seconded by Mr. Thos SIMMS that no smoking be allowed and Secretary put up sign, in the Building in future. This motion was carried. There being no further business the Meeting closed with prayer.
T. JONES, Sect'y Fogo, Nov. 2nd, 1915. A Meeting of the New Church Committee was held in the Rectory on the above date the Rector presiding. Present Messrs C. WOOLRIDGE, Benj. OAKE, Thos. HUMPHRIES, Thos. SIMMS, Josiah SNOW, WG IRISH, James JONES. T. JONES The Minutes of last Meeting being read it was proposed by Mr. WG IRISH, seconded by Mr. C. WOOLRIDGE that Minutes be adopted after an omission being filled in which was done by Secty as read. This motion was carried. The object of the Meeting was to consider about the building of the chimney caused by John DOWNER refusing to work less than 1.70 cts per day. The Secty read letter from Mr. KING and repeated conversation had with him over the matter. After due consideration it was proposed by Mr. C. WOOLRIDGE seconded by Mr. Benj. OAKE that we pay John DOWNER at the rate of 15 cents per hour and if John WALBOURNE is employed as runner he to get 15 cents per hour also. This motion was carried. A discussion was also had over Mr. KING wanting to take FIFIELD back again on the work, and it was decided that owing to the wrong spirit existing between the two men it was better not to take him back. There being no further business the Meeting closed with prayer.
T. JONES, Fogo, Dec. 8th, 1915. A Meeting of the New Church committee was held in the rectory on the above date the Rector presiding. Present Messrs Jas. JONES, Benj. OAKE, WH SIMMS, WG IRISH, Thos. HUMPHRIES, Thos. SIMMS, Ezekiel LUDLOW, John JONES & T. JONES. Minutes of last Meeting being read it was proposed by Mr. WH SIMMS SECONDED by Mr. Benj. OAKE that minutes be adopted as read. Carried. The Secty then explained why the Meeting was called which was to ask the Committee for permission to use the balance of the shingles to finish the roof of the Meek Memorial Hall. After due consideration in which most of the Members expressed their views on the matter it was at length proposed by Mr. Ezekiel LUDLOW seconded by Mr. WH SIMMS that we allow the balance of shingles and nails which were left from the New Church to be used on the Meek Memorial Hall. This motion was carried. There being no further business the Meeting closed with prayer.
T. JONES, Secty Fogo. Jan'y 14th, 1916. A Meeting of the New Church Building Committee was held in the Rectory on the above date the Rector Rev. J.O. BRITNELL presiding. Present Messrs Thos SIMMS, Josiah SNOW, Thos. HUMPHRIES, WG IRISH, E. LUDLOW, Thos. HELLINGS, Frank PAYNE, WH SIMMS, EE HYDE, T. JONES. Minutes of last Meeting read and adopted on motion by Mr. Ezemkiel LUDLOW seconded by Mr. WG IRISH. The Secretary then read statement showing balance due the church to be about one thousand dollars. A discussion then took place over the seats. Plans and prices being submitted from Messrs Horwood Lumber Co and Empire Wood Working Co Ltd. After due consideration it was proposed by Mr. WG IRISH seconded by Mr. WH SIMMS that we order the seats from Horwood Lumber Co Ltd from a plan drawn by Mr. KING similar to Plan of Empire Wood Working Co. If they will supply same for $960.00 if not to go back to Horwood Lumber Co. own plan with a back to lean instead of upright. Carried. Proposed by Mr. EE HYDE seconded by Mr. Thos HUMPHRIES that the Rev. JO. BRITNELL Chairman and Mr. W.H. SIMMS be appointed Auditors and they kindly consenting to do the work. The motion was carried. There being no further business the Meeting closed with prayer.
T. JONES, Secty Fogo, April 5th, 1916. Meeting of the New Church Building Comm. was held in the Rectory on the above date, the Rector Rev. J.O. BRITNELL presiding. Present Messrs SIMMS, WH SIMMS, WG IRISH, Thos. HUMPHRIES, Josiah SNOW, EE HYDE, Chas. WOOLRIDGE, T. JONES. Minutes of last Meeting being read it was proposed by Mr. WG IRISH seconded by Mr. WH SIMMS that the Minutes be adopted as read. carried. The Secty then made known the statement of the New Church a/ct showing one thousand and eighty dollars to our credit after all accts being paid. This showing as considered very satisfactory. The business of painting the church was then introduced and an interesting and lengthy discussion was had on the matter but as we had no funds to do this work it was decided to go to the congregation for advice and means. Proposed by Mr. WH SIMMS seconded by Mr. Thos HUMPHRIES that we call a Meeting of the men of St. Andrews Congregation to discuss ways and means of painting. This motion was carried. The Secty was then authorized to secure best suitable place to held Meeting on Saturday night. A discussion also took place about selling the seats not in use from the old church and it was left in the hands of the Wardens to make the sale. No further business being forthcoming the Meeting closed with prayer.
T. JONES, Sect'y, Fogo April 10th, 1916. Meeting of the New Church Building Committee held in the Rectory on the above date, the Rector Rev. J.O. BRITNELL presiding. Present Messrs WH SIMMS, Thos. HUMPHRIES, James JONES, Frank PAYNE, Thos SIMMS, E LUDLOW, Thos. HELLINGS, EE HYDE, Benj. OAKE, WJ IRISH, Chas WOOLRIDGE, Josiah SNOW, T. JONES. Minutes of last Meeting being read it was proposed by Mr. C. WOOLRIDGE seconded by James Jones that the Minutes be adopted as read. Carried. The Rev. Chairman then explained the object of the Meeting, which was to consider the best means by which we were to get the work of painting accomplished. After some discussion it was proposed by Mr. WOOLRIDGE seconded by Mr. HELLINGS that the Sect'y telegraph Mr. H.J. EARLE asking him if he could give us the names of reliable painters. Carried. Proposed by EE HYDE seconded by Mr. WH SIMMS that a hearty vote of thanks be accorded the Fishermen's Society for the free use of their Hall for the Meeting on Saturday night. Carried. Proposed by Mr. EE HYDE seconded by Mr. WH SIMMS that we ask the Fishermen's Society for the use of their Hall for another Meeting later on if necessary, of the men of St. Andrews Congregation. Carried. There being no further business the Meeting closed with prayer.
Titus JONES, Secty Fogo, April 13th, 1916. Meeting of the New Church Building Committee held in the Rectory on the above date, the Rector Rev. J.O. BRITNELL presiding. Present Messrs Thos. HUMPHRIES, Benj OAKE, Josiah SNOW, Thos. HELLINGS, Frank PAYNE, Ezekiel LUDLOW, EE. HYDE, WH SIMMS, Chas. WOOLRIDGE, T. JONES. Minutes of last Meeting being read it was proposed by Mr. WOOLRIDGE seconded by Mr. WH SIMMS that the Minutes be adopted as read. Carried. The Sect'y then read telegram from H.J. EARLE giving names of Moses WELMAN and William STEVENSON as reliable painters and one from H. L. Co Ltd offering to do the work of painting on the inside for four hundred dollars. As this latter telegram was considered a fair offer some considerable discussion was held and at length it was proposed by Mr. EE HYDE seconded by Mr. Benj. OAKE that the following telegram be sent to H.L. Co. Ltd. Carried. "Before accepting your terms painting inside church would extend contract to include exterior two coats primed last year and puttied. Telegraph your figure combined work must be done according to specifications. There being no further business the Meeting closed with prayer.
Titus JONES, Fogo April 17th, 1916 Meeting of the New Church Building Committee held in the Rectory on the above date, the rector Rev. JO BRITNELL presiding. Present Messrs. Thos. HUMPHRIES, Josiah SNOW, James JONES, Thos. HELLINGS, Ezekiel LUDLOW, EE HYDE, WH SIMMS, Chas. WOOLRIDGE, T. JONES. Minutes of last Meeting being read it was proposed by Mr. WH SIMMS seconded by Mr. Thomas HELLINGS that the Minutes be adopted as read. Carried. The Sectv then read telegram from Horwood Lumber Co. in reply to one sent after last Meeting which read as follows. "Painter tenders approximately 700 dollars outside and inside not including roof or tower subject to revision after seeing specifications". A general discussion then took place and it was the opinion of the Committee that this figure was a bit too high. It was then proposed by Mr. Charles WOOLRIDGE and seconded by Mr. James JONES that the Secretary write the Horwood Lumber Co by the next mail and also Messrs WELLMAN and STEVENSON and give them all information about the building and the work to be done and also send them the specifications and ask them to telegraph their reply This motion was carried. The Chairman read a letter from Rev. Mr. FIELD of Bay Roberts telling him of Mr. MERCER who painted his church. Mr. MERCER would take the work for two dollars and fifty per day and his passage paid both ways, he finding his own Board. This offer was left standing until we heard from the other men. Secretary read letter from Horwood Lumber Co stating seats were all ready finished and that they would endeavour to send them along as quickly as possible; also expressed their willingness to help us in any way they could. There being no further business the Meeting closed with prayer
T. JONES secty Fogo, May 15th, 1916. Meeting of the New Church Building Committee held in the Rectory on the above date, the Rector Rev. J.O. BRITNELL presiding. Present Messrs John JONES, Thos. HUMPHRIES, Josiah SNOW, James JONES, Thos. SIMMS, E. LUDLOW, WG IRISH, Benj. OAKE, & EE HYDE. The Minutes being read it was proposed by Mr. E. LUDLOW seconded by Mr. Benj. OAKE that Minutes be adopted as read. Chairman read telegram from Secretary T. JONES stating best can do for painting church including everything 920.00. Rush reply. Proposed by Mr. WG IRISH seconded by Mr. Jas. JONES that the Secretary be authorized to accept tender for 920.00 and to send along painters as quickly as possible. Carried. Proposed by Mr. T. Humphries seconded by Mr. T. HELLINGS that Bell be placed on second flat of Tower. Carried.
E.E. HYDE, Acting Secretary, Fogo, June 5th, 1916. A Meeting of the New Church Building Committee held in the Rectory on the above date, the Rector Rev. J.O. Britnell presiding. Present Messrs James JONES, Benj. OAKE, EE HYDE, WH SIMMS, Thos. HELLINGS, Frank PAYNE, Josiah SNOW, Thos HUMPHRIES, Thos SIMMS, C. WOOLRIDGE, John JONES. Minutes of last Meeting being read it was proposed by Mr. WH SIMMS second by Thos. HUMPHRIES minutes be adopted as read. Carried. The Chairman then explained the object of the Meeting which was to consider the distribution of the Pews. After due consideration it was decided to appoint a small sub-committee to do this work, and it was proposed by Mr. Jas. JONES seconded by Mr. Thos. HELLINGS that the Chairman, Ch. Warden, Mr. E.E. HYDE, & Mr. Benj. OAKE be appointed to allocate the seats and then submit their work for the full Committee approval. Carried. A letter was then read from Mr. KING stating he was leaving on the Prospero for home. As the work was not yet finished this caused some little annoyance to the com. and after due consideration it was proposed by Mr. Benj. OAKE seconded by Mr. WH SIMMS that we write a letter of appreciation to Mr. KING about his work, and would very much like for him to hold on and finish his work, and that we would do our best for him when the work was completed. Carried. There being no further business the Meeting closed with prayer.
T. JONES, Secty Fogo, July 20th. 1916. A Meeting of the New Church Building Committee held in the Rectory on the above date, the Rector Rev. J.O. BRITNELL presiding. Present Messrs Thos. HUMPHRIES, Jos. SNOW, C. WOOLRIDGE, Thos. SIMMS, Thos. HELLINGS, EE HYDE, Jas JONES, Benj. OAKE, WH SIMMS, WG IRISH, Frank PAYNE, E. LUDLOW, T. JONES. Minutes of last Meeting being read it was proposed by Mr. WH SIMMS seconded by Mr. C. WOOLRIDGE, that the Minutes be adopted as read. Carried. The Secty then read a statement of the church a/cts showing a balance against us of about $103.00. A discussion then took place over Mr. KING and the bonus promised him. After some consideration it was proposed by the Secretary and seconded by Mr. Thos. HUMPHRIES that we send Mr. KING a cheque for $25.00 and a letter of recommendation and thanks for his work. This motion was carried. The work of the sub-committee re the allocation of the seats was then presented to the Committee and after it was examined, it was proposed by Mr. C. WOOLRIDGE seconded by Mr. Jas. JONES that we adopt the Plan of the sub-committee for the disposal of the seats. Carried. Proposed by Mr. EE HYDE seconded by Mr. SIMMS that the Rector and Mr. WH SIMMS be appointed Auditors. Carried. There being no further business the Meeting closed with prayer.
T. JONES, Secty Fogo, October 12th, 1916. A Meeting of the New Church Building Committee held in the Rectory on the above date, the Rector Rev. J.O. BRITNELL presiding. Present Messrs Thomas SIMMS, Thomas HUMPHRIES, Josiah SNOW, James JONES, C. WOOLRIDGE, Benj. OAKE, WH SIMMS, T. JONES. Minutes of last Meeting being read it was proposed by Mr. E. LUDLOW seconded by Mr. WH SIMMS, that the Minutes be adopted as read. This motion was carried. The Sect'y then informed the Meeting that we had about $95.00 left to our credit. The Chairman then explained why the Meeting was called which was to consider the business of Heating the church. After some consideration it was thought best to call a meeting of the Congregation as it was thought we did not have sufficient funds to cover the cost. Proposed by Mr. WH SIMMS seconded by Mr. Josiah SNOW that a Meeting of the men of the Congregation be called for Monday night October 16th to discuss the matter of Heating the Church. This motion was carried. There being no further business the Meeting closed with prayer.
Titus JONES, Secty Fogo, December 5th, 1916. Meeting of the New Church Building Committee held in the Meek Memorial Hall on the above date, the Rector presiding. Present Messrs EE HYDE, Thos HUMPHRIES, Thos. SIMMS, WH SIMMS, C. WOOLRIDGE, WG IRISH, J. SNOW, T. JONES The Minutes of last Meeting being read it was proposed by Mr. C. WOOLRIDGE seconded by Mr. WH SIMMS that the Minutes be adopted as read. Carried. The Secretary then read letters from Sutherland & Thompson and from McClary Manufacturing Co and also laid before the Committee a plan from the McClary people in relation to the Furnaces for the church. The McClary people claim we shall need two furnaces to heat the church. After due consideration it was proposed by Mr. HYDE seconded by Mr. IRISH that we order by Telegraph Message one Furnace with necessary Face Plates and Gratings from the McClary Manufacturing Co. This motion was carried. There being no further business the Meeting closed with prayer.
T. JONES, Secty, Fogo, September 8th. 1917 A Meeting of the New Church Building Committee was held in the Meek Memorial Hall on the above date, the Rector Rev. J.O. BRITNELL presiding. Present Messrs Thos. SIMMS, Thos. HUMPHRIES, Benj. OAKE, WH SIMMS, WG IRISH, Gilbert PAYNE, Chas. WOOLRIDGE, Ezekiel LUDLOW, T. JONES. The Meeting opened and the Minutes being read it was proposed by Mr. WH SIMMS seconded by Mr. Thos. SIMMS that the Minutes be adopted as read. Carried. The Chairman then stated the object of the Meeting was to consider the installing of the Furnace. The Secty then informed the Meeting that the Furnace had taken all our funds. It was then decided unanimously that we take up a collection on the next Sunday the Rector was at home in aid of this object and that notice of collection be given out in church on Sunday previous. After due consideration it was proposed by Mr. Benj. OAKE seconded by Mr. Thos. HUMPHRIES that we write to Mr. Alfred RANDLE and ask him if he would undertake the work of installing Furnace and at what price. This motion was carried. Proposed by Mr. Thos. HUMPHRIES seconded by Mr. Benj. OAKE that we authorize the Secretary to purchase the iron(?). This motion was carried. There being no further business the Meeting closed with prayer.
T. JONES, Secty Fogo. Sept. 24th, 1917. A Meeting of the New Church Building Committee was held in the Meek Memorial Hall on Friday Sept 24th at 8pm. There were present Messrs T. HUMPHRIES, T. SIMMS, G. PAYNE, B. OAKE, C. WOOLRIDGE, E. LUDLOLW[sic], WH SIMMS, J. SNOW, J.JONES. The Secty being absent no Minutes were read. The Meeting opened with prayer. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. A. RANDELL stating that he could not undertake work of installing Furnace with close of Navigation The Meeting then considered what steps to take in the matter. It was proposed by E. LUDLOW seconded by J. JONES that the Chairman write Mr. T. BUTLER and ask him if he would be willing to undertake the work. This was carried. The Meeting then closed with prayer. (No Signatures) Fogo, Sept 27th, 1917. A Meeting of the N.C.B.C. was held in the Meek M. Hall on Thursday Sept 27 at 8pm. There were present Messrs T. HUMPHRIES, T. SIMMS, WH SIMMS, B. OAKE, C. WOOLRIDGE, J. SNOW, G. PAYNE, John JONES, E. LUDLOW The Meeting opened with prayer. The Chairman then stated he had communicated with Mr. T. Butler about installing the new Furnace & Mr. BUTLER had expressed a wish to meet the Committee. The Chairman had given him permission to do so. Mr. BUTLER stated he was able to do the work provided the funnelling did not need to be made by proper Tradesman. This would need to be done if required to be airtight. Before knowing this he would want to see Hodges Furnace at Twillingate. A few other questions were made & answered. Mr. BUTLER then withdrew. After discussion it was proposed by Mr. C. WOOLRIDGE and seconded by Mr. B. OAKE "If after Mr. Butler has been to Twillingate & seen the furnace he finds that he is able to install the furnace & make the piping the Committee will engage him to do the work provided his terms were satisfactory". (No Signatures - Looks like Rev. John Britnell's writing.) Fogo, October 26, 1917. A Meeting of the New Church Building Committee was held in the M. M. Hall on the evening of the above date, the Rev. JO BRITNELL presiding. Present Messrs WH SIMMS, G. PAYNE, T. HUMPHRIES, E. LUDLOW, C. WOOLRIDGE, & T. JONES. Minutes of Meeting Sept 8th being read it was proposed by Mr. WH SIMMS seconded by Mr. C. WOOLRIDGE minutes be adopted as read. Carried. Proposed by Mr. E. LUDLOW seconded by Mr. C. WOOLRIDGE that Minutes of Meeting of date Sept 27th be adopted as read. Carried. Proposed by Mr. E. LUDLOW seconded by Mr WH SIMMS that Minutes of Meeting Sept 24th be adopted as read. Carried. A discussion then took place over the Furnace and cost of installing same, also a letter from Mr. Thos BUTLER stating he could do the work and his charge for same would be 20 cents per hour for installing and for making pipes (but not elbows and turns) would be $35.00. After due consideration (it being realized that we did not have sufficient funds to undertake the work) it was proposed by Mr. C. WOOLRIDGE seconded by Mr. WH SIMMS that the Rector give notice on Sunday of a Meeting of the Men of the Congregation to be held in the S.U.F. Hall on Monday night. This motion was carried. After a question being asked and answered by Mr. WOOLRIDGE re the sale of the Womens House the Meeting closed with prayer.
T. JONES, Secty Fogo, October 30th, 1917. A Meeting of the N.C.B.C. was held in the M.M. Hall on the evening of the above date, the Rector Rev. JO BRITNELL presiding. Present Messrs T. SIMMS, T. HUMPHRIES, G. PAYNE, WH SIMMS, C. WOOLRIDGE, WG IRISH, T. JONES. Minutes of last Meeting being read it was proposed by Mr. C.WOOLRIDGE seconded by Mr. G. PAYNE the Minutes be adopted as read. Carried. The Chairman then made a few remarks re the Meeting held of the Men of the Congregation, stating it was adopted at that Meeting that the Collectors be asked to go around and take up a collection in aid of the Furnace. It was proposed by Mr. WH SIMMS seconded by Mr. WOOLRIDGE that the Collectors of the Committee go around and take up the collection. Carried. After a lengthy discussion about the installing of the furnace it was proposed by Mr. C. WOOLRIDGE seconded by Mr. Thos. HUMPHRIES that the Secretary write to Twillingate to Mr. B. ROBERTS and Mr. Silas FACEY for information about the Furnace. There being no further business the Meeting closed with prayer.
Titus JONES, Secty Fogo, Jan'y22nd. 1918 A Meeting of the New Church Building Committee was held in Rectory on the evening of the above date, the Rector presiding. The Meeting opened with prayer. Present Messrs Benj. OAKE, John JONES, Thomas SIMMS, Thomas HELLINGS, WH SIMMS, Gilbert PAYNE, Frank PAYNE, Chas.WOOLRIDGE, Josiah SNOW, Thos. HUMPHRIES, EE HYDE, T. JONES. Minutes of the last Meeting read and adopted on motion of Mr. WH SIMMS seconded by Mr. C. WOOLRIDGE. The collection for the year in the different wards was then read showing $142.25 collected and 68.80 from the Church Collection. The balance of $55.32 had to be taken from St. Andrews Church a/ct to pay for the Sheet Iron. As all our money was spent and the a/cts closed for the year Mr. E.E. HYDE proposed and the Secretary seconded that the Chairman and Mr. Gilbert PAYNE audit both the Secretarys and Treasurers a/cts. Carried. A discussion then took place over the installing of the Furnace and the Chairman gave us some information which he brought from Seldom, stating Mr. Alfred RANDLE would do the work if he were asked. It was decided to lay the business before the Annual Church Meeting. There being no further business the Meeting closed with prayer.
T. JONES, Secty Fogo, Feb'y8th, 1918. A Meeting of the New Church Building Committee held in the Rectory on the evening of the above date, the Rector presiding. The Meeting opened with prayer. There were present Messrs WH SIMMS, Benj. OAKE, Gilbert PAYNE, Chas. WOOLRIDGE, Frank PAYNE, Thos. HELLINGS, Josiah SNOW, EE. HYDE, Thos. HUMPHRIES, Thos. SIMMS, & T. JONES The Minutes of last Meeting read and adopted on motion of Mr. Gilbert PAYNE seconded by Mr. WH SIMMS. The Chairman stated the Meeting was called to further discuss the installing of the Furnace. Mr. EE HYDE proposed and Mr. Thos. HELLINGS seconded that we engage Mr. Alfred RANDELL at 1.50 per day and Board to install the Furnace. Carried. Proposed by Mr. WH SIMMS that the Secretary telgraph Mr. RANDELL tomorrow. Seconded by Mr. Thos. HUMPHRIES. Carried. It was then decided to announce in church on Sunday the need of free labor to help on the work when Mr. RANDELL arrives. There being no further business the Meeting closed with prayer.
T. JONES, Secty Fogo, March 21st, 1918. A Meeting of the New Church Committee held in the Rectory on the evening of the above date, the Rector Rev. J.O. BRITNELL presiding. There were present Messrs Thos. HUMPHRIES, WG IRISH, G. PAYNE, Josiah SNOW, E. LUDLOW, T. JONES. Minutes of last Meeting being read it was proposed by Mr. LUDLOW seconded by Mr. Thos. HUMPHRIES that the Minutes be adopted as read. Carried. The a/cts being read for the cost of the installing of the Furnace it was proposed by Mr. Thos. HUMPHRIES seconded by Mr. Gilbert PAYNE that the a/cts be paid. This motion was carried. There being a balance in our hands of $74.30 it was proposed by Mr. W.G. IRISH seconded by Mr. Josiah SNOW that this balance be handed over to the St. Andrews General Church Fund. This was carried. Our work as a Committee being finished it was decided that we disband, and the Meeting closed with prayer.
T. JONES, Secty The above Minutes were adopted on motion of Mr. E. LUDLOW seconded by Mr. Thos. HUMPHRIES and carried.
T. JONES, Sect'y.
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