NLGenWeb Cemetery Inscriptions

Notre Dame Bay ~ Exploits District

Norris Arm North - New United Church Cemetery

Headstone inscriptions were collected and compiled by PAULINE HOLLETT, 1999. While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors.
On the property of the Millers, there is a headstone that reads:

To the Memory of Susannah Wooldridge
Beloved wife of Thomas
Died June 11, 1913 aged 33 years 4 months.

O husband dear no trouble take
But love my children for my sake
Ten long years I dwelt with you
Before my glass was run 
But now I'm going to dwell with Christ
My joys are just begun.

The story around town is that there are at least 6 of her 
children buried there as well, but there are no headstones 
for them to be found there.

© 1999 Pauline Hollett and NL GenWeb