NL GenWeb

1921 Census

Notre Dame Bay Region ~ Notre Dame Bay West / Exploits District

Mason Cove

Many thanks go out to the internet pioneers who began the former Notre Dame Bay Genealogy Project and thus online NF geneaology; Glynn Hewlett, Tonya Colbourne, Karen Ruedisueli, Sidney Young, George White, Freeman Fry, Patricia Holwell and John Holwell. Through their efforts and contributions of time, the NDB 1921 Census data was collected, transcribed and posted to the web for the benefit of all people researching their NF roots.

The 1921 Census is a handwritten document. Its entries are usually grouped by families and communities. The physical quality of the pages and the clarity of the handwriting sometimes made transcription difficult and interpretive. In structure however, the present format resembles the original as closely as possible and maintains the original groupings and non-alphabetic order.

The information for this community was transcribed by GLYNN HEWLETT ~ February 18, 1997. While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there may be typographical errors.

Last Name First Name Living in
Position Date Born Place Born Religion Occup Related to
HODDNOTTAlfredMasons CoveHEADJun 1865ExploitsSalvation ArmyFisherman

HODDNOTTSalinaMasons CoveWifeDec 1865Lushes BightSalvation Army
Married to Alfred Hoddnott, Masons Cv
HODDNOTTEffieMasons CoveDaughterNov 1897ExploitsSalvation Army
Daughter of Alfred Hoddnott, Masons Cv
HODDNOTTMableMasons CoveDaughterJul 1902ExploitsSalvation Army
Daughter of Alfred Hoddnott, Masons Cv
HODDNOTTGarlandMasons CoveSonDec 1905Masons CoveSalvation Army
Son of Alfred Hoddnott, Masons Cv

HODDNOTTThosMasons CoveHEADMay 1862ExploitsSalvation ArmyFisherman

HODDNOTTDeboraMasons CoveWifeAug 1873ExploitsSalvation Army
Married to Thos Hoddnott, Masons Cv
HODDNOTTHettieMasons CoveDaughterFeb 1902Salt PondSalvation Army
Daughter of Thos Hoddnott, Masons Cv
HODDNOTTLouisMasons CoveSonJan 1904Salt PondSalvation Army
Son of Thos Hoddnott, Masons Cv
HODDNOTTAnnieMasons CoveDaughterJul 1908ExploitsSalvation Army
Daughter of Thos Hoddnott, Masons Cv
HODDNOTTAlbertMasons CoveSonJan 1911Salt PondSalvation Army
Son of Thos Hoddnott, Masons Cv
HODDNOTTHectorMasons CoveSonApr 1914Salt PondSalvation Army
Son of Thos Hoddnott, Masons Cv
HODDNOTTWillieMasons CoveSonAug 1918Salt PondSalvation Army
Son of Thos Hoddnott, Masons Cv

FOSSJohnMasons CoveHEADAug 1861Tilt CoveMethodistLumbering

FOSSRhodaMasons CoveWifeMar 1864Comfort CoveMethodist
Married to John Foss, Masons Cv
FOSSWilliamMasons CoveSonJan 1895Comfort CoveMethodist
Son of John Foss, Masons Cv
FOSSAmbroseMasons CoveSonOct 1901Comfort CoveMethodist
Son of John Foss, Masons Cv
FOSSSamuelMasons CoveSonJan 1904Comfort CoveMethodist
Son of John Foss, Masons Cv
FOSSThosMasons CoveSonOct 1892Comfort CoveMethodistLumberingSon of John Foss, Comfort Cvmarried
FOSSBerthaMasons CoveDaughter In LawOct 1894Comfort CoveMethodist
DIL of John Foss, Masons Cvmarried
FOSSHettieMasons CoveGrand DaughterMar 1914Norris ArmMethodist
Grand Daughter of John Foss, Masons Cv
FOSSJosephMasons CoveSonMar 1916Norris ArmMethodist
Son of John Foss, Masons Cv
FOSSChesleyMasons CoveSonNov 1918Masons CoveMethodist
Son of John Foss, Masons Cv

HODDNOTTHenryMasons CoveHEADNov 1869ExploitsMethodistFisherman

HODDNOTTEmmaMasons CoveWifeMar 1870Haywards CoveMethodist
Married to Henry Hoddnott, Masons Cv
HODDNOTTDavidMasons CoveSonJul 1904Masons CoveMethodist
Son of Henry Hoddnott, Masons Cv
HODDNOTTIsaacMasons CoveSonDec 1906Masons CoveMethodist
Son of Henry Hoddnott, Masons Cv
HODDNOTTGeorgeMasons CoveSonOct 1914Masons CoveMethodist
Son of Henry Hoddnott, Masons Cv

STRIDEAndrewMasons CoveHEADDec 1872ExploitsSalvation ArmyFisherman

STRIDEMaryMasons CoveWifeMar 1875ExploitsSalvation Army
Married to Andrew Stride, Masons Cv
STRIDEMadalineMasons CoveDaughterJan 1902ExploitsSalvation Army
Daughter of Andrew Stride, Masons Cv
STRIDEDukeMasons CoveSonJul 1907Masons CoveSalvation Army
Son of Andrew Stride, Masons Cv
STRIDEGilbertMasons CoveSonMar 1921Masons CoveSalvation Army
Son of Andrew Stride, Masons Cv

STRIDESaulMasons CoveHEADOct 1870ExploitsSalvation ArmyFisherman

STRIDEFannieMasons CoveWifeJan 1875ExploitsSalvation Army
Married to Saul Stride, Masons Cv
STRIDEJaneMasons CoveDaughterSep1905Masons CoveSalvation Army
Daughter of Saul Stride, Masons Cv
FOSSJosephMasons CoveSon in LawOct 1897Comfort CoveSalvation Army
Son in Law of Saul Stride, Masons Cvmarried
FOSSMatildaMasons CoveDaughterMar 1905Masons CoveSalvation Army
Daughter of Saul Stride, Masons Cvmarried

PARDYJohnMasons CoveHEADMar 1899Little Burnt BaySalvation ArmyFisherman

PARDYSusanaMasons CoveWifeSep1901Salt PondSalvation Army
Married to John Pardy, Masons Cv
PARDYDinaMasons CoveDaughterMar 1908Salt PondSalvation Army
Daughter of John Pardy, Masons Cv

HODDNOTTDanielMasons CoveHEADApr 1864ExploitsSalvation ArmyFisherman

HODDNOTTJanetMasons CoveWifeJun 1892Horse Islands

Married to Daniel Hoddnott, Masons Cv
HODDNOTTTheophlusMasons CoveSonSep1898ExploitsSalvation ArmyFishermanSon of Daniel Hoddnott, Masons Cv
HODDNOTTLillyMasons CoveDaughterOct 1903Masons CoveSalvation Army
Daughter of Daniel Hoddnott, Masons Cv
HODDNOTTJuliaMasons CoveDaughterJul 1907Masons CoveSalvation Army
Daughter of Daniel Hoddnott, Masons Cv
LeDREWBeatriceMasons CoveStep DaughterJan 1906GlenwoodSalvation Army
Step Daughter of Daniel Hoddnott, Masons Cv
HODDNOTT?Masons CoveSonFeb 1915Masons CoveSalvation Army
Son of Daniel Hoddnott, Masons Cv1st name looks like Aubrey
HODDNOTTMarjorieMasons CoveDaughterAug 1915Masons CoveSalvation Army
Daughter of Daniel Hoddnott, Masons Cv

Name in RecordDescription of error or additionMy Name

© Glynn Hewlett & NL GenWeb
Notre Dame Bay West / Exploits District