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Notre Dame Bay

Historical Information

From The Twillingate Sun, October 24, 1885:


Twillingate, Oct. 14th, 1885


Dear Sir, - Having proven a worthy Representative for our district
the past three years, we the undersigned electors, request that you will
again offer as a Candidate for our district at the approaching
elections, as a supporter of the Protestant Party or Reform Government.
We have every confidence in your Protestant principles, and being a
Local Man, we believe that you will tale a lively interest in our Local
requirements, as well as in all measures affecting the general good of
the colony.
If you will comply with our wishes and allow yourself to be put in
nomination, we pledge ourselves to do all in our power to secure your

We remain, Dear Sir, yours truly,

Thomas Adams,
Thomas Admans,
Andrew Anstey,
Samuel Anstey,
Henry Anstey,
Thomas Ashburn,
John Bates,
Luke Bromley,
Samuel Bromley,
James Bromley,
Robert Brown,
Joseph Bulgen,
Adam Bulgen,
Samuel Bulgen,
William Burton,
Alfred Burton,
Joseph Burton,
Philip Churchill,
John Churchill,
Jonah Clark,
Richard Clark,
William Clark,
Samuel Cooper,
James Cooper,
Robert Dalley,
James Dalley,
John Dowling,
Abraham Earl,
George Earl,
James Elyer,
Joseph Elyer,
James Frost,
James Fudge,
John Gidge Jr.,
John Gidge,
William Gillot,
George Gillott,
Martin Gillott,
Ambrose Hallitt,
James Harwood,
John Hawkens,
Henry Hawkins,
Archibald Hicks,
William Hudder,
Peter Jenkins,
Andrew Jenkins,
John Jenkins,
Andrew Jenkins,
Jacob Jenkins,
Henry Jenkins,
Elias Jenkins,
Titus Jenkins,
Reuben Jenkins,
Samuel Keefe,
Matthew Legg,
George Legg,
Thomas Linfield,
George Lings,
James Luces,
George Lush.
Samuel Maidment,
James Margen,
William Marsh,
James Minty,
John Minty,
John Oxford,
John Pardy,
James Pardy,
Benjamin Parsons,
Charles Pilley,
John Pilley,
Stephen Pilley,
Samuel Pinnell,
William Pond Sr.,
George Pond Sr.,
Adam Pond Sr.,
Adam Pond,
Joseph Reads,
William Rice,
George Rice,
Archibald Rice,
Thomas Rogers,
John Rogers,
James Rose,
William Rose,
Robert Smith,
George Smith,
George Snow,
Joseph Stuckless,
Uriah Stuckless,
James Troak,
John Troak,
Abraham ulgen,
George Verge,
Thomas Verge,
Matthew Verge,
James Vian,
John Vian,
John W. Roberts,
Mark Warr,
Solomon Warr,
William Waterman,
John Waterman,
Samuel Watkins,
Frank Wear,
Mark Whellor,


electors of Farmer's Arm,. Durrell's Arm, Jenkins Cove, Little Harbour
and Purcell's Harbour.

Gentlemen, -
It affords me much pleasure to be in receipt of the Requisition from
you asking me to again offer as a Candidate for the suffrages of the
electors of this District in the coming elections.
I dearly appreciate this manifestation of the confidence you have in
me, and I am happy to comply with your wishes and allow myself to be
nominated as a Candidate for the district.
Thanking you sincerely for the assurance of your support in the
ensuing elections,

I have the honor to be Gentlemen,
Your obedient Servant,

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