NFGenWeb Newspaper Records

Notre Dame Bay Region

Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser

Place of publication: Twillingate
Dates of publication: June 24, 1880-Jan. 31, 1953.
Suspended publication: Jan. 16-Feb. 15, 1947.
Frequency: Weekly.

Title varies:
Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser, June 24, 1880-Aug. 10. 1912.
Twillingate Sun, Oct. 19, 1912-Jan. 31, 1953.

Editor and proprietor:
Jabez P. Thompson, June 24, 1880-1895.
George Roberts, 1895 (56)-1910.
William B. Temple, 1910-1921.
Stewart Roberts, 1921-Jan. 9, 1947.
Ernest G. Clarke, Feb. 22, 1947-Jan. 31, 1953.

The Twillingate Sun printed local and foreign news, legislative proceedings, serial fiction and advertisements. It claimed to be politically independent in 1886, but supported the Whiteway and the Liberals, especially in the fall election of 1894. In 1929, it supported Squires and in 1948 was neutral on Confederation. The Sun ceased publication due to financial reasons in 1953.

MUN 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889, 1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Microfilm
PANL [1928-1930, 1934-1935, 1938, 1953] Microfilm
PRL 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889, 1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Original and microfilm.

The records were transcribed by JANE ANNE MACKINNON
While we have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors. If you should find any errors or have other records to contribute, then please contact the Twillingate Sun transcription project co-ordinator, GEORGE WHITE

    There is nothing on the microfilm for 1922 prior to January 21. 

January 21, 1922 Death At Robin's Cove at about noon on Wednesday Mr. Joseph STICKLAND passed peacefully away, after a painful ordeal of which we made mention in last weeks issue. Blood poison crept in and hastened his end. He was about 63 years of age, as he claimed to be about 3 years old at the time of the great haul of seals in 1862. Everyone who knew Mr. STICKLAND knew him to be an industrious obedient servant, always marking time when duty called, and was cheerful to all with whom he had to do. We know he was not faultless and like all earthly mortals who attend to the lower callings of life, had to stem rugged pathways to acquire a livelihood. He was twice married, the last time to Mrs. Silas LEGGE of the Arm, who predeceased him some years. There is one brother John, now at Botwood. He was buried on Friday by Adjt. MARSH of the Salvation Army at the Congregational Cemetery. The Sun extends sympathy to all who mourn.
January 21, 1922 Personals Mr and Mrs. John PHILLIPS have moved to Mrs. John WHITES, having hired some rooms for the winter months. Capt. and crew of Schr. Utowana arrived by last trip of Prospero. Lloyd George was 59 years old yesterday. (the 17th). Mr. A. H. HODGE arrived by Prospero from St. John’s on Sunday night. Mr. Charles SIMMS left again by same boat for Exploits. Mr. Thomas MUTFORD who was South in the Schr. Herbert Warren, arrived here also on the Prospero. Miss JENKINS of Exploits, who went in the Wild Cove Hospital last Autumn, is on the road to recovery. She wishes to thank through the Sun, all the kind friends who visited her during Christmas, and also Mrs. ELLIOTT for her kind treatment since going in the hospital. Capts. Jas. GILLETT, Thackery ROBERTS, Bennett YOUNG and Mate John BUTCHER, with part crews of S. S. Clyde and Home, also arrived on Prospero, Sunday.
January 21, 1922 Advertisement John COOK, Sailmaker, All orders entrusted to us attended to with care and despatch. Twillingate, Nfld.
January 21, 1922 Birth Born: On Jan 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex. HODDER, a daughter.
January 21, 1922 Mail Deadlines Postmaster PHILLIPS wishes us to ask the public of Twillingate, especially the mercantile people, to kindly have all mail matter in the Post Office by 5 o’clock on Tuesday of each week, as delay in this matter holds up the couriers till a late hour. The mail, he says, is to be sealed by six o’clock, and it takes an hour from time of closing the wicket.
January 21, 1922 Looks Good for Bell Island Not for some time past has there been such a stir on Bell Island as during the past two weeks, and those who are in the know forecast big doings very shortly, with every indication that the mines will be reopening. This belief is given credence from the fact that within the past two weeks, the Companies winter supply of coal amounting to 20,000 tons has been landed. This amount would be sufficient when running full time, and was brought to the Island in the following steamers: The Kamarouske, 7000 tons, Lingan, 7000 tons, and the Hochelaga, 5000 tons. These steamers took away return cargoes of ore, the Kamarouske taking her cargo to Emden, Germany and the others returning to Sydney. The Hochelaga is now at the Island, and will also be discharging 2000 tons of coal at Heart’s Content. In order to handle these large ships, over 130 men from Portugal Cove and Conception Bay were given employment, which under conditions was a big boon. The landing of the winters coal supplies is a healthy sign, and the people of Conception Bay especially, and the Country in general, will be eagerly waiting further developments, and it is hoped operations will soon be resumed after such a long spurt of inactivity. – Trade Review.
January 21, 1922 Ariel News Major COTTON and Capt. BENNETT have at last made a successful flight, and made gook time from Botwood to St. John’s. These gentlemen have won the admiration and praise of the earthly spuatters [sic], as in the midst of stormy weather and engine trouble including some accidents, they still fight on till they achieve success. We give in the Telegraphic column the account of flight, and we hope they will have good luck in future. The Martinsyde aeroplane with Major COTTON and Captain BENNETT on board, arrived at St. John’s at five minutes past one today, having left Botwood twelve minutes after eleven. It passed Port Blandford at noon and Whitbourne at 12:50. Speed maintained was 90 miles an hour, and would have been greater but for losing oil. Aeroplane made good landing on ice on Quidi Vidi on flat skids, and will go into hangar which has been erected there. The aeroplane did last 33 miles of trip from Botwood at rate of 200 miles per hour. She will return to Botwood in about ten days.
January 21, 1922 Herring Fishery The Herring fishery on the West Coast has been good and an account in the Trade Review says the barrels are well bound and all shipments have gone forward in splendid condition. The total catch around Bay of Islands is estimated at 40,000 barrels, and good returns are looked for, especially in American markets. Mr. O. HODDER is operating a saw mill here and is manufacturing barrel heading. He has people making barrels and is also having them iron bound. Mr. Saul WHITE has a crew operating the mill at Path End. No doubt if people bound their barrels with iron hoop at top and bottom, it would be a whole lot better as herring can be better preserved.
January 21, 1922 Store Hours The merchants of Twillingate have agreed to close their stores for the winter whole holidays, beginning on Thursday, Jan. 26th, and ending on April 27th. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday will be observed as the holiday instead of Thursday in that week.
January 21, 1922 Advertisement For Sale: A Mare, 7 years old; weight about 6 hundred. Apply to Samuel PARDY, Little Hr.
January 21, 1922 Advertisement Notice: The Shareholders Meeting of the Notre Dame Mutual Insurance Club, Limited will be held at Twillingate, Thursday, February 9th, 1922. All Shareholders are requested to attend. H. C. ROBERTS, Secy.
January 21, 1922 Advertisement For Sale: One large Davenport sofa bed, drop arms and reversible seat; made in Sweden; beautifully sprung, recently repaired, needs top covering. Apply Mrs. C. M. MANUEL, Twillingate.
January 21, 1922 Advertisement The Undersigned wishes to inform all Schooner owners that he is prepared to make and repair Sails. Our aim is to give satisfaction as regards workmanship and prices. Sail-loft situated near Earle Sons & Co’s wharf. Signed, Lewis CLARKE, Twillingate.
January 21, 1922 Advertisement An accident policy pays you $5 a week and upwards, also Doctor’s bills, Hospital expenses and other benefits if you meet with an accident. It costs about $5 per year. For full particulars apply to S. G. MOORS, Care Hodge Bros., Twillingate.

January 28, 1922 Road Conditions The Road Board is only skimming the banks of snow this time, as ample funds are invisible so it is said. WELL! WELL! And such a big income from the sale of medicines at Dr. Controller’s at St. John’s, yet our horses has to plunge through on beam ends.
January 28, 1922 Advertisement Fleece Lined Underwear: We offer the following; Ladies Fleece lined shirts and pants. $2.20 Garment now $1.76; $2.00 garment now $1.58; $1.75 Garment now $1.40; $1.10 Garment now $ .84. Corset covers $1.75 now $1.38. Childs and misses shirts and pants, $.75 Garment now $.58. Other prices according to sizes. Also Ladies and Misses Bloomers. Arthur MANUEL.
January 28, 1922 Advertisement "Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore exiting between H. C. and Edward ROBERTS, under the name of C. & E ROBERTS, is this first day of January 1922, dissolved by mutual consent. Signed: H. C. ROBERTS and Edward ROBERTS. The business will be continued at Twillingate by Edward ROBERTS, who is authorized to settle the affairs of the said firm. Signed, E. ROBERTS."
January 28, 1922 Storms and Mail Delays On Wednesday, 25th inst., we had what may be termed a blizzard, and it lasted the whole day and till late in the night. On Tuesday the thermometer registered 10 below zero, and 12 at Long Point. The ice packed in and we think, unless a sea breaks it up, that the Prospero will have a poor chance of getting clear, as the ice must have rafted to a considerable degree in the bay, as the wind was Northerly. Banks of snow are high in places, while on the higher levels the ground is clear. Whether the storm reached far inland we cannot say, as the Express that should have left on Tuesday, did not get away from St. John’s until Friday, and maybe if the road is blocked, we may be visited from the air with mails. Messrs. GREENHAM must have had a hard trip, as the road is now hard to travel over.
January 28, 1922 S. U. F. Election of Office for 1922 St. Peters Lodge No 12. The following officers were elected: Bro. Frederick LUTHER, W. M., Bro. George YOUNG, Chief Officer. Bro. Geo. BAGGS, Second Officer. Bro. Keywood YOUNG, Qur. Master. Bro. Fredk. HILLIER, Look Out. Bro. P. M. Alfred MANUEL, Purser. Bro. Harlan RIDEOUT, Secy. Visiting Committee: Bros. Robert BRETT, Lewis YOUNG, Philip CHURHILL, Obadiah BRIDGER, Allan YOUNG, P.M. Lewis PURCHASE. Trustees. Bro. P. M. Arthur COLBOURNE, Bro. P. M. Arthur MANUEL. Finance Committee: Bro. Jacob MOORS. Past Master William HOUSE. Investigating Committee: Bros. P. M. Lewis PURCHASE, Alfred YOUNG, Robert BRETT, Lewis YOUNG, Harlan RIDEOUT. Signed, Harlan RIDEOUT, Secy.
January 28, 1922 Advertisement We are offering at reduced prices: Ladies Felt Hats, Velvet and Plush Tams, Ladies Fleece Lined Underwear, Ladies and Gents Wool Scarfs, Child's, Misses' and Women's Winter Coats, Wool Gloves and Cuffs, Assortment of Flannelette, Blay and Fleece Calico. Wm. ASHBOURNE.
January 28, 1922 Shipping Hazards The S. S. Prospero Capt. John FIELD after leaving Springdale last week, met heavy ice off Little Bay Islands and became jammed. She however managed to get out on Saturday. She reached the Ships run and sheltered under Exploits ____. This piece of bungling done by ___ Minister of Shipping who it is _________ ordered the ship to Spring-_____ ____________ herring is another ex-_______________________ compency, and ignor________ ding the nautical laws. _________________ has done good work ___________ during the blizzards and gales of the past year, and should not be treated in such an unmanly way, but should be allowed the using of his sound judgement as other have had in the past. Its an insult to all on board the busy steamer, and this is not the first time that czardomism has been predominant, when seafaring men have been doing it better than the best.
January 28, 1922 Error We are sorry that we stated in last issue that Mr. STICKLAND was buried on Friday. In speaking to Adjt. MARSH at about noon, although being rough, he claimed that the funeral would have to be, as conditions were such (as far as he could gather) that the remains should not lay over for Saturday, and as we went to press early that afternoon it can be understood how the error was apparently made.
January 28, 1922 A Case for Prohibition Mr. Editor, Dear Sir, The Good Book says, Why should a man die before his time? Now Sir, I believe that Joseph STICKLAND is gone before his time. If that be the case, somebody is responsible, I suppose we shall never know who that somebody is, as Joe died like all true soldiers die. Now Mr. Editor, I didn’t think a few years ago, when the Prohibition Campaign was on, that you would get enough liquor to make you sneeze, according to the statements of the leaders. I suppose, Sir, it was some miraculous being that gave him, or sold him this liquor. Sure it can’t be none of our so called gentlemen in Twillingate, who’s taken upon themselves great obligations in society. It’s rumoured that some that sell the liquor make one dollar and fifty cents profit on one bottle. Now, sir, the man that does not regard the laws of his land, is regarded as a very low man by those that try to keep it. Some of our leaders that fought so well in the campaign, seem to be growing cold. I suppose they have some friends that sell the trash. General FOCH wouldn’t drink any wine out of respect for prohibition. It is said that our Government imports it to swell the revenue. If that be the case, it’s blood money, so we are not so far advanced as the Jews that sold the Master. They had enough respect for their law not to put blood money in the treasury. This country seems to be gone so far that no live man is able to bring her back, and as there is some that believes in spiritualism, and the only chance for these that believe in spiritualism is to get them to call up Cabot and begin again. Yours truly, Prohibitionist.
January 28, 1922 Joseph STRICKLAND On Saturday last, the remains of the late Joseph STICKLAND was laid beneath the sod, by Adjt. MARSH, of the Salvation Army. A goodly number of people attended the services, both at the Barracks and at the graveside. The Adjt. delivered a very able and eloquent address from the words found in Ecclesiastes, “He that breaketh the edge, shall be bitten by the serpent.” He referred us back to the days of 1915, when Newfoundland voted in Prohibition and made its laws, which he claimed was the edge which we were to keep inside of, as if we broke the edge and fell over the precipice we surely would be bitten by the serpent. He visited Mr. STICKLAND while lying in his lamented condition on more than one occasion, and the deceased admitted that he was under the influence of liquor when the accident occurred, and therefore had been bitten after breaking the edge. Honourable in his confession, penitent in his humility, he at last claimed to have made it right with his Creator, through the influence and prayers of his spiritual adviser. The note was struck in order when the Adj. brought us face to face with our duties as a people including the duties of the legality, the duties of the press, as well as the pulpit and platform, in seeing to it that no repetition should occur in this particular, and to probe the sore and let the matter out. It is rightly demanded, and although hard obstacles will have to be mounted, yet right must prevail. The remains were laid in the cemetery at Platter’s Head, and all were sorry and lamented with the whole population of Twillingate the losing of a citizen in such an unwarranted manner.
January 28, 1922 Advertisement "“I Feel Good To My Finger Tips” – NEAL. He can do twice as much work and never feels fagged out like he used to declares St. John man. Stomach troubles which began in France are completely ended – eats anything on table. I'm able to as much work in one day now as I used to do in two days and I feel fine all the time, thanks to “Tanlac” said Charles NEAL, 31 Meadow St., St. John. “I came home from overseas with my stomach so upset, every thing I ate caused me distress afterwards. My back hurt me so I could hardly get around, and I lost my strength and energy, until finally I got to the place where I was all in. “Tanlac has benefited me in every way. In fact, I’m feeling like a new man. I eat three big meals a day, my stomach is in perfect conditions and I sleep all night long without a break. All that miserable feeling has gone out of my back and I feel good to my fingertips. Tanlac was certainly what I needed.” Tanlac is sold in Twillingate by Earle Sons & Co., and by leading druggists everywhere."
January 28, 1922 Shipwrecks Captain and crew of Rose in which is total wreck at the Azores, are returning via England. Schr. Optimist, coming from Mediterranean has been abandoned and crew are being taken to Antwerp.
January 28, 1922 Airship Scouting Seal Herds Sealing owners today asked Government to pay something towards expenses of airship scouting by Major COTTON this spring. It is said that the airplane will do some scouting over the ice fields, though no arrangements has been concluded with sealing powers. Narrows of St. John’s is blocked with slob ice.
January 28, 1922 Sir Ernest SHACKLETON Dead Sir Ernest SHACKLETON, Antarctic explorer, died on board the Quest on Jan. 5th off Gritvicken station from angina pretoris. Professor GRAVEL will continue the expedition. SHACKLETON had set sail on his 200 ton ship from England last September.
January 28, 1922 Death of Mrs Guy "Pilley’s Island, Jan. 8th, 1922. (Editor Twillingate Sun). Dear Sir, Please allow me space in your esteemed paper to record the death of a much respected citizeness in the person of Ida, beloved wife of Amaziah GUY, who changed mortality for immortality on Dec. 18th 1921 at the age of 50 years and 7 months. Mrs. GUY’s last days were days of severe suffering, but she bore it patiently. She leaves to mourn their sad loss a husband, three daughters – Nellie, widow of the late John ANSTEY, of Pilley’s Island, Mrs. Robert YOUNG, of Wild Bight, and Flossie at home, also one little son (Camie) at home. Her mother (Mrs. SMITH) and one brother reside at Topsail, one sister Mrs. COOK, at St. John’s, and two sisters, Mrs. PRIDE and Mrs. SCEVIOUR in Canada. Mrs. GUY was a much loved person and a faithful worker in the Meth. Church which she represented, being President of the Ladies Aid for the past nineteen years, Superintendent of the Sunday School for six years; also Vice President of the Epworth League. She will be sadly missed in these departments of the Church and her place will be hard to fill. Her funeral was conducted by Rev’s CURTIS and LACEY and a large concourse of friends followed the remains to the cemetery, among whom were the officers, teachers and scholars of the Sunday School, who preceded the casket, which was laden with floral wreaths, testifying to the esteem in which she was held. Mrs. GUY was also President of the W.P.A. from the time of its formation until work ceased. She was never known to refuse in any way where help was necessary, and her many friends among whom she labored with pleasure, feel their loss severely. The sympathy of the community at large goes out to the sorrow-stricken husband and family in their time of bereavement. Bye and bye, We shall read life’s lesson’s better. We shall learn them one by one, In the city of the ransomed, When the toils of life are done. We shall learn about the crosses, Yes, the loneliness and tears, We shall learn from God the meaning Of the trials which filled the years. Thanking you for space, Mr. Editor, and with best wishes for a prosperous 1922. I am, yours sincerely, ONE WHO LOVED TO WORK WITH HER."
January 28, 1922 Man lost Overboard Mr. ASHBOURNE received a message from Gibraltar on Wednesday saying that the Cecil Jr. had arrived there. The Little Stephano was the first to arrive, having reached there on Monday. These vessels left here together on Sunday, Jan. 8th, and had a good run across. Mr. ASHBOURNE received a message from Mr. Stephen LOVERIDGE at St. John’s, that Capt. BERG of the Schr Cecil Jr., reports they came in contact with ice and lost a man, FARRELL, belonging to Fogo, on the way across.
January 28, 1922 Birth Born: On Thursday, Feby 2nd, to Mr and Mrs H. C. ROBERTS, a son.
January 28, 1922 Advertisement Wanted: A reliable general servant, to leave for Toronto soon. Apply to Wm. ASHBOURNE.
January 28, 1922 Advertisement Sale of Work: There will be a Sale of Work and Tea in the Arm Academy on Wednesday, February 8th. Tea consisting of meat and potatoes, cakes, pies, etc; tea, 50 cents. Doors open 5:30 pm Admission 5 cents. L. WHEELER, Sec.
January 28, 1922 Personals Mr. Hedley BRETT, Rev. G. L. MERCER, and Mr. Sandy KNIGHT arrived on a visit from Morton's Harbour on Wednesday. Mr. Dunley ANSTEY who has had another attack of bowel trouble, left for St. John’s this week to enter the General Hospital. A number of young ladies around town are on invitation, marshalling to reinforce the Dorcas Society, which, owing to the passing of many of the old members, has not been in full operation for quite a while, although the remaining members have been doing a little in their Society Room for charitable purposes. Mr. Stanley NEWMAN writes that he has had one operation, and the Doctors at St. Luke’s Hospital in New York, took out a bit of diseased bone; he expects to undergo another operation before long. Rev. M. K. GARDNER left for Morton's Harbour yesterday to hold services on Sunday. There is no trace of Henry POOL, who strayed from working party at Maher's Siding.
January 28, 1922 Closed Season for Beaver Owing to a large number of beaver having been killed during the season 1921, it is understood from Department Marine and Fisheries that the spring season for beaver will be closed, when it will therefore be illegal to kill beaver.
January 28, 1922 Air Trip to Bell Island Major COTTON made trip in airplane to Bell Island, Conception Bay, yesterday dropping bundles of papers there, the trip taking only twenty minutes from the time of leaving to the return.
January 28, 1922 Men Gassed Several men in garage of Silverlock and Cullen were made unconscious by escaping gases in trying out new motor car in small room. They recovered after being dragged out.
January 28, 1922 Letter to the Editor (Part 1) Editor Twillingate Sun. Sir: - Reading the leading article in Saturday's issue of your paper, I was surprised to find in the third paragraph the following words, namely; - “Well, in the first place the Magistrate is very reluctant and making sure steps before forging ahead, on account as most people are aware that in 1917 he was not sustained by the Government when trying to enforce the Prohibition law while at Greenspond, instead, the professedly teetotal men in authority, sustained and encouraged, by the attitude they took in the breaking the people's rights and privileges.” I have come to the conclusion Sir, that you really did not consider what you were writing, but with regard to my action in this town, I must ask that you withdraw the words without any reservation whatever, in the very next issue of your paper. In my position as Magistrate I am not called upon to be a public prosecutor, neither is it my duty to go around gathering evidence leading up to convictions, - that is the plain duty of the Police Constable. But if you Sir, or any other citizen of this town, have a complaint to make against those who violate the Prohibitive laws of this Colony, I would say this, come to my office and you shall be heard. I must also say Sir, that in the event of your publishing a statement of this kind again, I cannot promise to merely ask you to withdraw. Yours truly, I. J. MIFFLIN, Stipendiary Magistrate, Magistrate’s Office, February 1, 1922.
January 28, 1922 Letter to the Editor (Part 2) "[The above letter calls for a withdrawal of our statement made in our editorial Column of last issue, and we therefore agree to the demand. What we should have said was the Magistrate must certainly get just complaint with evidence before making a move, and cannot work on hearsay and gossip. The way we wrote (which was haphazard) was giving the inference that the Magistrate was backward in taking up violation of the Prohibition law. Through misunderstanding, we thought that the Flat Island affair in 1917 had an effect on the backing up of the law, which of course as the Magistrate claims, makes no difference to him. However as we want to cast no reflection on the Magistrate here, we, as we say above, withdraw the first clause of the quoted paragraph. We will also voluntarily withdraw the clause mentioned in last issue where we say “are not we all to blame for allowing the selling and buying go on.” We should have left out the Magistrate, and we did not mean to include him as we meant that any one in Twillingate, can if proofs can be given, make complaint to the authorities. – Ed.]"

    There is nothing on the Microfilm between January 28, and February 11, 1922. GW

February 11, 1922 First Flight by a Lady Major COTTON and Capt. BENNETT, the flying men, have been giving a few treats to some city folk including representatives of the newspaper. Miss Marguerite BENNETT, sister of Capt. BENNETT, was the first woman to sail the air in an aeroplane in St. John’s. The ship has visited Bell Island and other points dropping mail.
February 11, 1922 Salmon Tag Mr. Norman BARNES is in possession of a silver pin ticket, which he took from the fin of a salmon he caught at Ragged Point on July 12th, last year. The salmon measured 3 feet in length and weighed 25 pounds. The number on the ticket is A 2123, and it is supposed that those pins are attached to the young salmon at the hatchery by the Canadian Fishery Experts, or officials in the Fisheries department, who experiment for scientific purposes. We would suggest to the winner of this ticket that he communicate with some Marine and Fisheries Department.
February 11, 1922 Herring Fishery at Belloram Mr. G. B. NOTT writes from Belloram and seems to be enjoying life there. He says the firm has 4 schooners at the Bank fishery, and 3 vessels to go forward with fish to market. They are also loading there, outside vessels with frozen herring to be shipped to the States and Halifax. The herring fishery there he claims is a great help, and the price is 75cts per 100 large from the net. One other vessel has arrived at Boston with frozen herring.
February 11, 1922 Seal Fishery Opening Date An old seal killer of Twillingate wants to know why the sealing steamers are to sail on March 5th, and claims if killing is to take place earlier than the 13th, the voyage will be a useless one, even if a great number of seals are panned and hoisted on board, as only a small amount of fat, and small skins of no value also, are a result of early destruction. We can only explain that perhaps, as the ships were a long time getting North last spring, that they are given a better chance, as ships are small compared with former year’s, and yet may be they will not be allowed to kill till the proper time. Nothing official has been given yet but we hope that all can benefit by the seal fishery.
February 11, 1922 Death Died: On Feby 5th, at Farmers Arm, Roy Freeman, darling child of Mr. and Mrs. Harlan RIDEOUT, aged 3 months. “He shall gather the lambs in his arms, and carry them in his bosom.”
February 11, 1922 Advertisement Bargain in Steel Hoops. I offer in lots to suit purchaser, any portion of twenty tons Steel Herring Barrel hoops, nosed, punched, splayed, ready to be riveted and put on barrel for only 4 cents per pound. Hoops are one-sixteenth inch think, two inches wide, fifty-eight inches long and weighing about two pounds each. Apply: Obadiah HODDER, Sleepy Cove or Coastal Wharf.
February 11, 1922 Wedding at Fogo (Part 1) Dear Mr. Editor, An article appeared in the Sun some time ago re the old time Christmas, but as the saying goes Christmas is so far away as ever, but as the season comes around, we will again be favoured with the usual visit from Santa Claus, but time has worn the old time merriment and enjoyment out of Christmas altogether, but as far as a jolly good time goes, nothing will ever beat that popular wedding, which took place here on the 12th between Mr. James COOMBES, and Miss Eliza SMITH both of Fogo. Mr. A. J. SIMMS and Miss Bessie COOMBS, Mr. J. GARD and Miss Mabel OAKE, Mr. J. BINGNAIL and Miss Dorothy OAKE, were in attendance. The old time bang, bang of firearms and fog alarms could be heard all around the settlement, a large number of friends were invited, and numerous presents were showered on the much respected couple, one of the best being a splendid Oil Stove to keep John Frost from doing any damage during the winter months. After partaking of a splendid tea, ___ and all enjoyed themselves to the full, with games and dancing, until the small hours of the morning. Ladies from all sides the next day, could be seen going and coming, enjoying themselves, and wishing Mr and Mrs. COOMBES, much happiness in their future years. On the 2nd night the Bride and Bridegroom looked their best when the grown ups danced to the favourite music of 30 years (Pop goes the weasel, the girl I left behind me,) and other favourite tunes, which must have given the younger folks cold put, but one and all certainly had a jolly good time, Mr. Fred SIMMS and the bride, favoured the party with the old time Heel and Toe Polka, which was always the bride's favourite dance.
February 11, 1922 Wedding at Fogo (Part 2) A splendid tea was served by the ladies and Auld Lang Syne was sung with a thrill, and so ended the 2nd night of enjoyment, which gave everyone an appetite for a snore under the blankets, thinking they had seen the last of that memorial event, but on the 19th inst. a surprise party, gave the happy couple the time of their life, when they entered the house, and presented them with a splendid roll of painted canvas. Mr. Arthur J. SIMMS presented the canvas and gave a very appropriate address for the occasion, which brought forth general applause. The bride then expressed her deep gratitude for the good wishes and kind feeling shown to her and Mr. COOMBES at their wedding feast. The floor was again cleared for action, and dancing and games were then indulged in until 3 am, when the bugle sounded and the party again sang Auld Lang Syne, wishing Mr and Mrs. COOMBS many years of happiness, returned to their homes, with a lasting memory of the jolliest time even was known in the settlement. We must also congratulate Mr and Mrs. COOMBS on their choice of selecting Mr. A. J. SIMMS as their best man. One could not but admire the way Mr. SIMMS brought the whole thing through, during the three nights of enjoyment, without a hitch, which we are sure is without precedent at a wedding of that sort in bygone days. On the third night of enjoyment, an invitation was extended to Mr and Mrs. H. EARLE, also to the Bank Manager, Mr. CHISLETT, and his assistant, which they readily accepted, and we are sure gave the finishing touch to the last and best night of enjoyment at the happy couple’s wedding. Mr. Editor, I am sure we all enjoyed ourselves, and are more than compensated for the old time Christmas, wishing Mr and Mrs. COOMBS many years of happiness, and leaving them in the care of an ever kind Providence. I am yours as ever, ONE WHO WAS THERE. Fogo, January 21st, 1922.
February 11, 1922 Advertisement For Sale: A Foresail, practically new, once used on a schooner about 31 tons, going at a bargain. Apply to George HORWOOD, Morton’s Harbour.
February 11, 1922 Man Lost Overboard A message from Liverpool, N. S. reports loss of Thomas THORNE of Conception Bay from Schr. Teazer.
February 11, 1922 Air Mail Newspapers were successfully dropped from Major COTTON’s airplane on Petty Hr., also on board Glencoe in the ice off Cape Spear yesterday.
February 11, 1922 Crew is Safe The crew of the Optimist are on board a tanker bound to Antwerp.
February 11, 1922 Bell Island Labour Agreement Dominion Coal Co. will accept Gillen award of wages if men do so by Feb. 15th.
February 11, 1922 Funding for National War Memorial Father NANGLE has undertaken to put forth extensive and immediate efforts to complete fund for national war memorial to the fallen.
February 11, 1922 Fires reported A big blaze on Sunday morning did one hundred thousand dollars damage on Water St., gutting the Cabot Building, where many offices are, Dougald MUNN'S building, R. E. INNES & Co., and ROPER and THOMPSON. A fire in the Botwood Meat and Produce Co., caused total destruction and loss of fourteen thousand dollars.
February 11, 1922 Fishing News Fish reported plentiful near Rose Blanche and Channel.
February 11, 1922 Shipping News Schr. Ida Zeinck from Lisbon to Nfld. is at Lunenburg. Bessie A. from Newport News to Nfld. is abandoned. Schr. Felix, with cargo of fish, is ashore at Oporto. Report that Gaspe was abandoned is confirmed and crew are at Bermuda.
February 11, 1922 Personals Mr. George SLADE of the Arm left last week for the hospital at St. John’s for an operation. Miss Maggie YOUNG, who was to the Hospital in St. John’s, arrived on Monday evening and is feeling well. Mr. Bennett YOUNG went for her to Lewisporte, Sunday. The late Mrs. Amaziah GUY who died at Pelley’s Island in January last was a niece of Mr. Benjamin SMITH of Wild Cove. She also had other relatives here.
February 11, 1922 Advertisement To Our Friends. You will be pleased to hear we have taken over the Business of C. & E. ROBERTS. We ask you to co-operate with us in building up a Good Sound Business. This business in future will be managed by Mr. Edward ROBERTS. E. ROBERTS & Co.
February 11, 1922 Hockey Scores Fieldians won over St. Bons in hockey last night.
February 11, 1922 Death James MUNROE, head of Cordage Co., died yesterday, aged 83. (dated the 7th)
February 11, 1922 Death Capt. Solomon JACOBS, veteran fish killer, has died at his home in Gloucester. He was born in England seventy years ago.
February 11, 1922 Death Once more the messenger of death has stolen into the home of Mr and Mrs. George FRENCH and robbed them of their dearly loved and only daughter, Jane Osmond, at the early age of 15 [could be 13] years. For the past two years Jeanie had been confined to the house with tuberculosis, and although the good parents were untiring in their devotional care, and regardless of medical attendance, she slowly faded. And on Wednesday morning, Jan. 25th, without a moan or a sigh, she passed peacefully away to the Eternal throne. Janie was always a bright intelligent girl, and through the two years of confinement was never known to murmur or complain, but always contenting herself with useful and fancy work, and many and lovely are the works left behind in the home of the dear busy fingers. On Friday, Jan. 27th, the Interment took place, and in spite of inclemency of the weather, a goodly number attended the Church service, when Rev. G. L. MERCER gave a very comforting address for the Master's Words “I have come to bind up the broken hearted.” She leaves to mourn, a father, mother and one brother, and a large number of the relatives and friends by whom she will be greatly missed. In a world of pain and grief, Lord thou would’st no longer leave her; To Thy pasture rich and fair, Lovingly you did’st receive her. V.C.J. Morton’s Harbor. Feb. 7th, 1922.
February 11, 1922 Death "Another aged resident of Twillingate passed peacefully away on Wednesday morning, in the person of Mrs. Eliza MANUEL, at the age of 81. Mrs. MANUEL was one of those who bore the burden in the heat of day, in a cheery and optimistic manner, and was industrious in her domestic affairs. She has, during her last years, suffered intensely with rheumatism, and lastly, was troubled with heart failure, but up till time of death, was able to get about the house with assistance by her son Mr. Alfred MANUEL, with whom she spent her last years. Mrs. MANUEL leaves to mourn, two sons, Alfred and Arthur, her daughter Mrs. SALDE died some years ago. She also left a number of grandchildren and many relatives. A brother and sister predeceased her only a few months ago. Burial services took place at the Anglican Church and Cemetery, by the Rev. M. K. GARDNER. To the bereaved the Sun extends sympathy in the loss of such a popular resident from our midst."
February 11, 1922 S.U.F. Anniversary at Herring Neck Editor, Twillingate Sun, Dear Sir, Candlemas day Feb. 2nd is the date annually chosen by the S. U. F. for their anniversary, and last Thursday proved everything that could be desired. The Brethren met in their Hall at one pm, the W. M. Bro. Claude HOLWELL, Jr., called the Lodge to order, and after the regular routine of business, the Brethren formed into procession and proceeded to the Methodist Church, where they were given a very interesting address by the Rev. Gilbert TURTLE, taking for his text St. Mark first Chapter and the Seventeenth verse; “Jesus said unto them, come ye after me and I will make you to become fishers of men.” After leaving the Church the Society winded their way round the harbour, arriving back to the Hall at 5:30 pm, all feeling a bit hungry after a long walk, but the wives and friends of the brethren had spread out before us a very delicious repast, which every member did ample justice to. After tea were finished, the younger members and their partners went to the under flat, and enjoyed themselves with dancing and other games. Yes, and some of the older ones tripped the light fantastic as well. At midnight the committee informed all present that a lunch was ready, which nearly everyone partook of the second feed. Bro. Alfred HUSSEY was with us, having arrived from Seldom the day before. Dr. WOOD arrived during the day to attend some of his patients, and we extended an invitation to the genial Dr. for the evening. Everyone was pleased to see Dr. WOOD, he being an old friend, having resided with us for a while. Well done S. U. F., No. 16, keep up the good old custom. One of the Members.
February 11, 1922 Gardiner No. 78, SUF Another branch of the S. U. F. Lodge has been opened at North Sydney called Gardiner No. 78. The Lodge at South Sydney was organized at Whitney Pier in which Mr. Cecil RIDEOUT of Back Harbor was a delegate from Newfoundland, the home of the order. Gardiner No. 78 was warranted by Grand Master CURNEW and master KINGSBURY (another of our Twillingaters) and Bros. MIFFLEN and BREEN of Maple Lodge, accompanied by thirty officers and members of the organization, went over and the work of organizing, and the election of officers was proceeded with. Gardiner Lodge derived its name from the fact that the Society was originally founded by Rev. George GARDINER, and his grandson Charles F. GARDINER, in 1873 at Hearts Content. Rev. GARDINER was an English Clergyman and Doctor.
February 11, 1922 Death "There passed away on Feb 1st George, youngest son of Mrs and the late Frederick BATH, who died at French Beach at the age of 18 years. He leaves to mourn a mother and 3 brothers and 3 sisters. The sympathy of the friends goes out to the sorrowing mother and brothers and sisters in their sad bereavement. One precious to our hears has gone, The voice we loved is still. The place made vacant in our home Can never more be filled, Our father in his wisdom called The boon his love had given, And though on earth the body lies, The soul is safe in heaven."
February 11, 1922 No Pulp Wood on the Island An item in last weeks Telegram in reference to the relieving of the destitution in Twillingate says that in Twillingate Proper, no pulpwood is being cut. Well, we cannot cut any on these two Islands unless an eruption from the clifts quarried by the ballest men, should severe a few stallicons from their native birthplace.
February 11, 1922 Advertisement Notice: Until further notice anyone wishing to see the undersigned re Insurance matters or otherwise, will please call at the Club Room, near Earle Sons & Co., 10 am to 5 pm. H.C. ROBERTS.
February 11, 1922 In Praise of Sir Robert Bond Boyd’s Cove, Jan. 27th. Editor, Twillingate Sun. Dear Sir, I was very pleased to read in your paper a letter written by the Right Hon. Sir Robert BOND. It must have gladdened the hearts and minds of the readers to see the scratch of his pen once more; that noble hero that did so much good for his people and his country in the short period of eight years. When he took the reins of power it was in a state of bankruptcy and he had to pledge his own money to raise a small loan to commence with. He started in to build up the country and raise the people, and he did so with rapid strides. No country could prosper more in so short time and with such a small loan. Isn’t it strange how he raised this country and people so fast. When the others got power, instead of building up they turns on the people and their country and runs them down below zero in spite of all the money that is earned, and all the loans, and all the revenue piled up by taxation. In Sir Robert BOND’s time of Prime Minister there was none of that, no big wages earned, still he was able to run the Government of the country and not tax the people as they are now. Sir Robert studied the interest of his country and his people. He made no false promises like the rest. He raised up the fishermen and made them independent by allowing the things used by the fishermen to come into the country duty free. But now taxation is so high that it is impossible for the fishermen to make a living. Yours truly, FISHERMAN.

    There is nothing on the Microfilm between February 11, and February 25, 1922. GW

February 25, 1922 Death Mr. William FROUD, who has been sick and blind for the past three or four years, perished on Wednesday morning about three o’clock. It seems that the FROUD family has been in poor circumstances the few months, although not much outcry was made, but upon the visitation of friends with the Constable, they found a poor spectacle. Last year an immense amount of food and clothing was sent them and it seems funny that clothes and bedding should be done away with in a short time. Why a family who knew their father and husband to pass out in so low and hard a manner passes comprehension. They seemed to have left all responsibility to a generous public. Funeral was on Friday, Adjt. MARSH administering the burial rites. Mr. FROUD was 70 years of age.
February 25, 1922 Note of Thanks The bereaved family of the late Jane Osmond FRENCH, desire to thank the many friends who were so kind to them and Janie during the two years of her confinement. Also those far and near who sent messages of sympathy and wreaths to adorn casket for Interment.
February 25, 1922 Road Board The Twillingate Road Board was elected yesterday. Not much change in temperature.
February 25, 1922 Advertisement For Sale: All the Land and Waterside and everything now being built on the said land owned by S. JANES, Back Harbour, Twillingate. For further particulars apply to Edward STUCKLESS.
February 25, 1922 Advertisement Notice: For sale a large stock of Rabbits. Prices reasonable. Frederick WALL, Comfort Cove.
February 25, 1922 Advertisement Notice: Any person found tampering with, or trespassing on, the stranded vessel “ARICEEN” will be prosecuted according to law. Wm. ASHBOURNE.
February 25, 1922 Advertisement Free “Hooch” A sparkling stimulant, full of Wit and Humor. Free copy will be sent upon receipt of your name with address complete. Write to G. MITCHELL, 397 Pearl St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
February 25, 1922 Mrs. Jane COOK Mrs. Jane COOK reached her 86th year on Wednesday last, and is still smart and in her usual high spirits.
February 25, 1922 Mr. Samuel PAYNE Mr. Samuel PAYNE, Sr., has been ill this winter with internal trouble. He is upwards of 88 years.
February 25, 1922 Air Mail St. John’s, Feb. 23rd. Major COTTON contemplates flying to Botwood tomorrow weather permitting, we are sending Twillingate mails. This is the best we can do. Next week COTTON might give you a letter mail from Botwood. W.W. HALFYARD (The above telegram was received from Mr. C. WHITE, D. S., who seems wide awake to out especial wants and wishes. Congrats.)
February 25, 1922 Death "At Sleepy Cove on Sunday evening, Mrs. Martha ELLIOTT, widow of the late Joseph ELLIOTT, passed away under the valley of death after an illness of a few months duration. She was 84 years of age, and suffered in her last years with rheumatism, yet she was always cheerful and enjoyed the comforts of home life. Old age brought a failing memory and at times had to be closely watched. Mrs. ELLIOTT leaves two sisters, Mrs. KING in Canada, Mrs. John DOVE at Lower Head, and one brother, Mr. Isaac MUTFORD at Crow Head. Two daughters, Mrs. H. J. PRESTON, Wild Cove and Mrs. John MILLS at Sleepy Cove with whom she spent her last years. She also leaves two grandchildren. The Sun joins in sympathy to the bereaved family and relatives."
February 25, 1922 Death There passed away at Exploits on Feb 16th, Elizabeth, beloved wife of Allan MANUEL, daughter of Nathaniel JENKINS, after an illness of a year of consumption. She leaves to mourn a husband, one daughter, a father and mother, three sisters, five brothers, who - Long for the touch of a vanished hand, And the sound of a voice that is still.
February 25, 1922 Shipping News Mr. ASHBOURNE received a message on Monday that the Little Stephano had arrived at Naples, Sunday 19th inst. Schr. Grace and Ruby supposed to be coming to Nfld. for herring cargo in December, has been captured off Boston with a cargo of contraband liquors valued at 150 thousand dollars. Captain said the liquor was consigned to St. John, N. B. The Sagona reports having given necessary stores of water to Schr. Olive Moore. The General Allenby, which arrived at Lamaline with salt and grounded, has been refloated. Crew of the Lowell and Parks, which left here in December for Hr. Buffett, reached Barbados yesterday after rowing 20 miles in boat after vessel had been abandoned.
February 25, 1922 Note of Thanks The bereaved family of the late Mrs. Joseph ELLIOTT wish to thank all the kind friends who visited and performed acts of kindness during her illness; also those who in any way assisted in the preparation of the funeral, etc. Signed, Mrs. John MILLS, Mrs. James PRESTON.
February 25, 1922 Marriage Married: On 18th inst. by Rev. J. A. WILKINSON, Miss Delilah BARNES, of Summerford, to Mr. Arthur HAMLYN of Crow Head.
February 25, 1922 Ariel Flights Ariel Flights are now a every day occurrence. Flight yesterday to Bay Roberts, Harbour Grace taking the mails and passengers, returning she brought mail and passengers. Trip occupied ninety minutes. Plane returns to Botwood today. Twillingate may expect a visit very near future.
February 25, 1922 News From St. John's City is passing through a raging epidemic of Carnivals, Plays, Picture show, Concert, Dinners, Hockey matches and other sports unsurpassed in recent years. Consumption Nfld. fish is lately rapidly increasing in the foreign markets. St. John’s stocks are low. Belle Island reports winds West heavy close packed local ice moving Eastward. Winds during January and February mostly West to North, local ice only no seals. Hon. W. F. COAKER left by S. S. Sachem this morning. He will attend to some business at New York in connection with Scotch herring and will leave in March for Brazil, returning about the end of April. Mr. C. BRYANT is expected to join him at New York.
February 25, 1922 Four Men Drowned In being conveyed from abandoned schr. J. N. Rafuse, owned by J. T. MOULTON, of Burgeo, to Norwegian steamer Terriev, Capt. Geo. HARVEY, the Mate and Cook of the schr. were drowned, also the First Officer of the steamer.
February 25, 1922 Death Hugh BAIRD of James Baird Ltd. Is dead in England.
February 25, 1922 Death Samson FOSS, 68, perished in storm of Friday at Rose Blanche. (dated 22nd)
February 25, 1922 Sale of HMS Briton H.M.S. Briton has been put up for sale with all fittings by British Admiralty. For reasons of economy the Admiralty has decided to disband all naval training stations throughout the Dominions.
February 25, 1922 Mr. ROBERTS "…lived to enjoy life at 90 years of age. He was taken sick some weeks ago and thoughts were entertained that his end was near, but he has somewhat recuperated and is now able to get about the house. The following extract from the diary of the late Mr. Joseph PEARCE, says: “Feb Saturday 18th, 1832. Wind S.S.W., S. and S. mild moderate and calm, attended with snow. Capt. BADCOCK and Mr. MOSS from the branch firm at Morton’s Harbor. Mrs. John ROBERTS delivered of a boy.” We extend congratulations to Mr. ROBERTS, and hope that he may still enjoy the health which he was so long privileged, as we understand he was very seldom laid aside through sickness. He has seen many changes, and like most old folk, was industrious in many of Newfoundland’s avocations. [the first part of this item was missing]"
February 25, 1922 Destructive Fire at Botwood News of a destructive fire at Botwood involving a property loss of $14,000 conveyed in the following message received yesterday by the Assistant Collector of Customs from Sub Collector Thomas ANTLE of Botwood. – “Refrigerating plant, shop and ice house, owned by the Botwood Meat and Produce Company, with all its contents, were destroyed by fire today. The origin of the blaze is unknown.” A somewhat similar message was received by Mr. Thos. SOPER. It is understood that the Company’s books were sent to St. John’s by last express to be audited. The loss is estimated at $14,000, on which about $10,000 insurance was carried by the Companies for whom Messrs. BISHOP & Sons, A. E. HICKMAN & Co., and Percie JOHNSON are agents. It is not known if the plant will be rebuilt. – Telegram
February 25, 1922 Mr. Thomas YOUNG Mr. Thomas YOUNG from Bridgeport, arrived here on Saturday to have one of his toes amputated. He was frostbitten while working in the lumber woods. Dr. WOOD performed the operation.
February 25, 1922 Marriage Married: On Saturday, Feb. 18th, by the Rev. A. J. WILKINSON, Mrs. Fredk GUY to Mr. Garfield HAMLYN, of Crow Head.
February 25, 1922 Flour Mill for Shoal Harbor Flour Mill to be Started: Mr. R. H. PALMER, a Newfoundlander now residing in Canada where he has been long connected with a firm that buys, grinds, and sells grain, is now making preparations for the erection of a Flour Mill in Newfoundland, capable of taking 50,000 bushels of grain at the elevator. The proposed building will be constructed of steel and concrete, and will have a grinding capacity of 1,000 barrels of flour per day. The location will be at “Man Point” Shoal Harbour, T. B. and a large cooper’s shop will be an adjunct to the plant, in which all the barrels will be made. It is estimated that the plant will cost $500,000 and when in full running order, will employ 500 men. Mr. PALMER has been residing in Canada 18 years, and has practical details of this business, the possibilities of which he has seen for many years; but it is only now that he sees his way open to put his ideas into effect. – Trade Review.
February 25, 1922 Seal Fishery It is stated now that the Viking will prosecute the Seal fishery as usual in the Gulf.

March 4, 1922 Coal at Morley's Cove Deposits of Coal at Morley’s Cove, Trinity Bay, show a surface thickness of six feet, and apparently broadens as it descends, is the report of a new seam. Developing operations will be conducted during the winter, and when spring opens, it is expected that several cargoes will be loaded at the shipping point, owned by the company, for local consumption. The above is taken from the Telegram of Feb 16th, and shows if the report is true, that coal exists in many points in Newfoundland. Then why are the long looked for industrial centres not developed? Are shares being sold just to enrich the pockets of the promoters and the rich properties be left covered up? People want labour and we hope the Morley’s Cove project will continue, and show an example to the many claimants. We want the Humber Project, and the quicker the better, but the country cannot stand any additional burden and the project chould be abused out of existence by those who only see through personal financial spectacles. Industry is needed and as Mr. ENGLISH says seal oil, cod oil and seal skins can be manufactured in this country, thereby holding labour and holding profits made by foreigners. Leather is costing high money to our people, and soaps, as well as leather could be manufactured right here in Newfoundland with longer strides toward wealth and employment.
March 4, 1922 Bought a Printing Plant Mr. J.D.S. BARRETT formerly of this town and at one time on the Sun Staff, has purchased the printing plant at Colman, Alberta, from Mr. V. C. CUNNING, so says the Baltimore Enterprize. We wish him success in his new field.
March 4, 1922 Auto on the Harbour Ice Mr. Frank STUCKLESS and Mr. Ned WHITE were spinning around on the harbour ice yesterday in motor car. The snow was a little too deep for good riding.
March 4, 1922 Another Fire At Norris Arm the unoccupied premises of the East End Cash Store and also a winter stock of provisions, were destroyed by fire on Thursday night, Feb. 23rd. The store was owned by Mr. L. A BASHA and only partly insured. The Phoenix Fire Insurance Co., however, carried $4000 on the premises.
March 4, 1922 Advertisement Partridge Berries, 30 cents Gallon. E. ROBERTS & Co.
March 4, 1922 Sealing Vessels If They Go: The following compose the sealing fleet for 1922 and their captains: Bowring Bros. – Terra Nova, Capt. A. KEAN; Eagle, Capt, E. BISHOP; Ranger, Capt. W. KEAN. Job Bros. & Co. – Viking, Capt. Wm BARTLETT; Neptune, Capt. G. BARBOUR; Thetis, Capt. Wm. WINSOR. Jas. Baird Ltd. – Diana, Capt. John PARSONS. Baine Johnson & Co. – Seal, Capt. Jacob KEAN. Reid Nfld. Co. – Sagona, Capt. Job KNEE.
March 4, 1922 Thief’s Heavy Sentence: Twelve Month’s Hard Labour for BAGG – Money Recovered. Sentence of twelve months with hard labour, was passed on the man BAGG, convicted of the larceny of over $870 from BUTT’s store at Badger. This was the accused’s second offence. All the money has been recovered. BAGG had been working on the Badger Road and has lately been living in the settlement with his wife. He recently entered the store of B.W. BUTT and took all the money from the till. Finding the safe open, he cleaned this out also. Detective Constable LEE was sent to investigate and immediately suspected BAGG. A search of the man’s house did not reveal anything. It was found later that the stolen money had been secreted in a snow bank. Later, BAGG, to lull suspicion, applied to the relieving Officer for a passage for himself and his wife to St. John’s. Detective LEE was notified and proceeded to town before them. He arrested BAGG and his wife at Waterford Bridge. A search revealed that BAGG had $64 on his person, while the woman had $805 hidden in a rag, wrapped round her body. In passing sentence, the Judge said it was very evident that the robbery had been premeditated. – Telegram.
March 4, 1922 Mail Flights Major COTTON in airplane went to Botwood in two hours yesterday. Temperature was ten below zero. Trips to St. Anthony carrying mails and to fly over ice, to obtain knowledge of seals, will be undertaken in a day or two.
March 4, 1922 Rabbit Season Extended Season for snaring rabbits has been extended to March 31st, 1922.
March 4, 1922 Sealers May not Go Because engineers refuse to go to seal fishery unless they are given increased wages, sealing owners have cancelled the supplying of ships and stopped trains bringing in men. The owners say last year showed a loss and there is little prospects of any better result this year. There is no change in the sealing situation. Engineers now want to have the option of choosing how to be paid when ships return from ice but owners want decision now.
March 4, 1922 Moving Houses Another house was launched on Tuesday at the arm from the land of Mr. George COOPER. It was bought by Mr. Thomas LEGGE.
March 4, 1922 Walking Feet are the world’s greatest common carriers. Yes, Mr. DAWE walked up from Herring Neck last week for a rest.
March 4, 1922 Cold Weather The thermometer registered as low as 18 below zero during Feb. March is expected to be a little more lenient.
March 4, 1922 Personals Mr. Stanley HARBIN arrived from St. John’s via Lewisporte on Wednesday. Folks are complaining of the condition of Church Hill Well. Why not some snow be cleared away and perhaps save someone from falling in. Messrs. John TAYLOR and Wm JENNINGS were in town last week from Morton’s Harbour. Rev. MERCER of Morton’s Hr was in town yesterday.
March 4, 1922 Death Died: On Feby 28th, at Farmers Arm, Willis BULGIN of consumption aged 21 years.
March 4, 1922 Mine Conveyor In reference to the Endless Chain Tramway, of which we referred to last week as being in connection with the Gull Pond mine, it is proposed for the old mine at Little Bay, to extend out to the waterside about a quarter of a mile.
March 4, 1922 Radio Wireless Message Received from Germany: At a late hour last night wireless messages were picked up from the high powered Wireless Station at Naun, Germany, by the new Wireless and Electrical Engineering College at the C.L.B. Armoury. In an interview this morning, Mr. SOUTHGATE stated that their wireless aerial, which towers above everything in the city, was only erected on Saturday and that the message from Germany was not picked up on their commercial receiving set, which is only designed for short wave lengths, but by means of an assembly of coils of wire and condensers assembled by himself as an experiment. These signals being detected by a small electric light bulb called a “Vacuum Tube.” As soon as the supersensitive receiving set, which is on its way from New York arrives, Mr. SOUTHGATE states that they should be able to receive musical concerts from the larger Canadian and American cities. We hope that the motto of the College “A wireless set in every town, village and island in Newfoundland” will soon be realized; thereby enabling the boys in our outports to keep in touch with the city, irrespective of atmospheric conditions. - Telegram
March 4, 1922 Crew Returns Safely Crew of the Rose M. abandoned off the Azores have arrived at St. John’s.
March 4, 1922 Birth Born: On Wednesday last, Feby 22nd to Mr and Mrs. Arthur LOVERIDGE, a son.

March 11, 1922 Personals Miss A. M. GEDGE, teacher, and Miss Nellie BURT, arrived on Friday evening last from Tizzard’s Hr. to spend the weekend, returning again on Sunday. Mr. Robert BOYDE was here from Tizzard’s Hr. on a visit on Friday last. He says work is progressing on his new vessel, her deck frame is being put in position. Mr. John COOK went up to Tizzard’s Harbor last week to see to work on her sails. Mr. Alfred LINFIELD and his son were here from Loon Bay on Wednesday. Mr. Thomas JACOBS arrived from St. John’s via Lewisporte on Wednesday. He arrived from Toronto last week where he has been spending the winter with friends and relations. Mr. J. W. SMALL of Morton’s Hr. paid us a visit this week.
March 11, 1922 Sealing News Mr. John ELLIOTT, South Side captured 2 seals on Tuesday. Some hundreds of bedlamer seals were seen off here on Tuesday last. Now that the wind is N. N. E. we hope a good haul will be possible. As the Engineers refuse to take terms offered by sealing owners, the latter will in most cases try to obtain other men in order to prosecute the sealfishery. Engineers want to take their choice of either post wages and men’s share, or on percentage after the ships come in, but the owners want them to decide now. There will be 1355 men engaged in the sealing industry this year. Much good is crippled when parties on both sides of industry – employer and employee – strike for a certain wage; such was the case of the sealing engineer strike. However the ships were all to sail – or steam – with a new crowd of brake movers, and will we hope gain bumper trips. Indications are good for a good land gathering! “so mote it be.”
March 11, 1922 Court Hearing The hearing of Alex SANSOME, merchant of Saltons, Friday’s Bay as to his petition for insolvency is being held before Magistrate MIFFLEN here.
March 11, 1922 Advertisement For Sale: That splendid Motor Boat, last owned by Paul SLADE, suitable for French Shore or Belle Island fishery. Built by that master builder Adam CHALK and in first class condition. Also 1 new copper fastened boat, 1 new hand line, new stove, new oil tank, capacity 100 gallons; Will be sold at a sacrifice. For further particulars apply to C. WHITE, Notary Public.
March 11, 1922 Firewood Much wood hauling has been done of late and, yet some are not a bit industrious, and would rather enjoy the comforts of the chimney corner.
March 11, 1922 Death of Captain Sol JACOBS (Part 1) “Sol” JACOBS, with smiling face, made and lost 3 fortunes. Twillingate’s Thrifty Son of Toil. Gloucester, Feb 8 – The death of Capt. Solomon JACOBS removes probably the best known master fisherman who has trod the deck of a fishing boat in half a century. He was internationally known. For years he held the undisputed title of Mackerel King, being the highliner for many seasons. He was born in Twillingate, Newfoundland, 75 years ago, and came to this city about 1870. He engaged in the fisheries, and immediately demonstrated those qualities of energy and ambition which made his name an outstanding one in the fishing business. He first engaged in the George's handline fishery and, in the Schr. E. L Rowe, brought in the largest fares ever landed up to the time at this port. Mackerel seining had just come into vogue and was being successfully pursued, and he turned his attention to that branch of the business, and at once became the leader, making annually the highline stocks. His great rival of those days – from 1876 to 1887 – was Capt Eben LEWIS, who came from Boothbay, Me. It was a race for the blue ribbon honors of landing the first fare of Mackerel in new York at the beginning of the Spring fishing, the news of which was as eagerly awaited in this city as that of any major sporting event.
March 11, 1922 Death of Captain Sol JACOBS (Part 2) In 1888, after a series of poor years in the Mackerel fishery, Capt. JACOBS resolved to try his fortunes in the Pacific, from which place, reports had come of banks teeming with halibut and other fish. In the Spring of that year he set sail with two crews in his schooners, the Mollie Adams and the Edward E. Webster, for a trip around Cape Horn, into the Pacific and up into the Halibut grounds off the Canadian coast. It was the first time the 49ers had departed that such a crew of Argonauts had sailed from this port, and thousands of people were on the wharves to wish them good luck and see them off. The navigator and commander of the Webster was Capt. John HARRIS. Capt. JACOBS arrived, after some minor mishaps of carrying away a topmast, etc., and entered into the Halibut fishery. He caught an abundance of fish, but, like all trail blazers, came up against many unforeseen obstacles, the chief of which in his case, was the lack of transportation facilities to the Eastern markets. This has since been remedied with refrigerator cars, and a profitable industry developed of which Capt. JACOBS was the originator and pioneer.
March 11, 1922 Death of Captain Sol JACOBS (Part 3) The Halibut venture proving unprofitable, he turned his attention to sealing on the Prybiloff (or Pryblloff) and other rookeries. His activities there got him into trouble with the Russian and Canadian Governments, the result being that he was apprehended and detained in a jail in British Columbia for some time. After a few years in the Northwestern waters, having lost every dollar of fortune which he had accumulated, Capt. JACOBS came back to Gloucester, leaving his vessels in the Pacific. He conceived the idea of fishing for Mackerel in the waters off the Irish Coast, and built the schooner Ethel B. Jacobs and set sail for that Coast. He was the first and last – to attempt the trip. His venture immediately aroused the deep opposition of the fishermen of Skibbereen, Dingale and other Irish localities, who resented the presence of the intruder, more especially since the use of the American purse seine was regarded as most destructive to the fishery, and responsible for the decline of the American Mackerel interest. The Irish mackerel fishery was then getting on its feet under the active interest of an English Countess, who furnished these fishermen with boats. English coastguard ships watched Capt. JACOBS closely to see that he did not infringe on the three mile limit law. In a few weeks after his arrival, a violent gale arose, during which his schooner was cast on shore. The crew was saved, but the vessel’s bones bleached on the Irish Coast. The experiment was never revived and the specter of American competition was removed from the Irish. However, it worked well for them and attention was called to their business. Prior to this their catch had been marketed fresh in England. Gloucester men seeking Mackerel for their business, sent over instructors to teach the fishermen how to split and salt the Mackerel for the American market, and a profitable business was developed with this country. Congressmen ultimately removed the duty on these Irish Mackerel.
March 11, 1922 Death of Captain Sol JACOBS (Part 4) Nothing daunted, Capt. JACOBS returned to Gloucester and gave orders for a fishing schooner which was the last word in fishermen, the schooner Helen Gould, named after Jay GOULD’s daughter. It was built in 1900. She was the first fishing craft to have a gasoline auxiliary engine installed, another instance of Capt. JACOBS’ foresight and pioneering spirit, an example which has been generally followed. When she went to New York on her maiden voyage in the southern mackerel fishery, Capt. JACOBS held a reception on board at which Miss GOULD and others were the central figures. The experiment proved a success, but in the Fall of the year, while in the harbour of Sydney, C. B., in some manner, fire communicated with the gasoline tank, and the schooner was burned to the water’s edge, the crew barely escaping with their lives. In the winter of 1877, Capt. JACOBS was one of the chief participants in the Fortune Bay, N.F. riots, so-called. The Gloucester fishermen had, since the Civil War, procured large amounts of frozen and salted herring from the Newfoundland fishermen. In 1873 the treaty of Washington, afterward abrogated, came in force between Great Britain and the United States, designed to allay the friction which existed between the American and Canadian fishermen. Conceiving the treaty to grant them the privileges of taking herring as well as other fish, the Gloucester fleet set sail in the early Winter for Fortune Bay and proceeded to seine a supply of herring. Dismayed at the lost of their livelihood from their old-time friends, the natives rallied in force and drove off the Americans, cutting the ropes of their seines and allowing the fish to escape, Capt. JACOBS resisted successfully three attempts to capture his seine, overawing the crowd by a display of revolvers, but eventually his seine was rushed and tripped and the fishery broken up.
March 11, 1922 Death of Captain Sol JACOBS (Part 5) Capt. JACOBS during the past 15 years has been engaged in the fisheries off and on, and has been also a pilot, keeping up his interest to the last. He tried to enlist in the Naval Reserve during the war, but was barred by age. In politics he was a Republican and one of the district delegates to a National conventions in the early 90’s. He was on delegations which went to Washington in connection with fisher matters and met many men of National consequence in their day. “Sol” JACOBS, as he was known from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and from Labrador to Cuba, wherever fishermen foregather, was accounted the Napoleon of his business. In breadth of vision, in scaling the insurmountable Alps, in his march on the uncharted seas, in his hazard of new fortunes for fish, in his day he was conceded the kingpin of all. Gloucester may not see his like for years. He made and lost three fortunes with a smiling face. Mere money making was nothing to him. He spent it prodigally on his friends and was charitable to a fault. His was the joy of doing big things in his way, of attempting projects none others had undertaken, and of being the “high-liner" in his business. And he got there from the start. And it was not all bull-headed luck, as witness the following incident. In the Fall of the early 80’s, during a poor mackerel season, signs of fish were seen in Boston Bay. Many of the fleet were in that locality. On the morning of one fine day a big school of mackerel appeared on the surface. Mackerel, as well as being game, are unusually intelligent, as fish go. Immediately they were pursued and surrounded.
March 11, 1922 Death of Captain Sol JACOBS (Part 6) A seine is “pursed” or closed from the bottom by ropes and during that process fish may escape at the bottom before the hole is closed. These fish knew the trick. All day long, one crew after another surrounded them, only to have the fish appear tantalizingly outside the twine when it was half pursed. It was the disheartening water-haul in every instance. Toward nightfall Capt. JACOBS appeared on the scene, his vessel coming in from the Eastward. He appeared as the fleet by common consent, gave up the chase as a bad job. After all got through, Sol got busy. With the whole fleet as a gallery, the men clambered over the side into the seine boat. Not a few in the gallery were ready to give Capt. Sol the quiet laugh. Mackerel are taken by throwing the seines in a semicircle ahead of the fish, and when the school swims forward into the seine it is closed and pursed. This had been the method pursued during the afternoon. Capt. JACOBS, however had noticed the fish dove at a certain point in the seine, and he determined on other tactics. Instead of making the net in the customary manner he almost reversed the process. Accordingly, when the fish struck the wall of twine they dove as per formula only to find that their hole of egress had been cut off at that point. Frightened, they lost their heads and became confused, just as the witty Sol had reckoned. They came to the surface inside the seine, “boiling” Capt. JACOBS and crew worked like beavers on the purse lines, closing the seine from the bottom, while the bewildered mackerel, seeking exit by the same route as before, become more confused, until the purse rings were in sight and the fish were secure. That night Capt. Sol’s crew bailed 200 barrels of big fish on deck, and next morning was at T. Wharf, where high prices were secured.
March 11, 1922 Fogo Notes Fogo, 27th 1922, Dear Mr. Editor: John Frost is certainly busy around these days, I notice its been 14 and 15 below zero, right through the past week, which accounts for nearly all the wells in the community going dry. The outside ice moved off a bit yesterday, but it’s in tight again now. There are four men on Gappy Island, but no reports of seals, and five men on Gappy Island killed 150 ducks a few days ago. Capt. A. PAYNE captured quite a few birds at Cape Fogo. The S. U. F. District Grand Lodge held their annual session here this winter, the usual Elections of Officers took place, and resulted in the following being elected and re-elected: District Grand Master Bro. Gilbert PAYNE, re-elected; D. G. Sec Bro. Ezekiel LUDLOW, re-elected; D.G. First Officer Bro. Martin PECKFORD, re-elected; D. G. Seed, Officer Bro. Malcolm SIMMS, re-elected; D. G. Quar Master Bro Alfred RENDELL, re-elected; D. G. Lookout Bro. George SMART, re-elected; D. G. Purser Bro. Theadore PECKFORD, re-elected. The Lodge being again reinstated, general business was then taken up, important subjects brought forward and discussed until a late hour, when the meeting adjourned, to meet on the following day at 2 pm. D. G. Master then called the meeting to order for business, and after 3 hours of very interesting discussion the meeting closed for tea, after which the members with their respective partners, enjoyed themselves to the full with games and dancing and a jolly good spread, and after a song or two from Bros. C. WILLIS and M. SIMMS and a short address from Mr. John FREAK, the party dispersed with the Thermometer 17 below zero. The members and delegates of ordinary Lodges will long remember that frosty night spent in the S.U. F. Hall at Fogo, trying to keep themselves warm, dancing. The L. O. A. held their parade on the 23rd saluted the King at the Court House, after Devine Service in St. Andrew’s Church, around the harbour on ice and back to the hall, where the ladies had a splendid tea prepared, after tea dancing and games were enjoyed until the morning. Thanking you for space Mr. Editor, I am yours as ever. WATCHER.
March 11, 1922 Air Mails Major COTTON continued flying from St. Anthony yesterday and reached Battle Hr. at 5 o’clock with mails. Major COTTON flew from Battle Hr. to Cartwright yesterday afternoon. The Martynside Airplane has been making some widespread ventures, going and landing safely at Cartwright after leaving St. Anthony and Battle Hr. Inquiry was made Thursday from the Hangar at Botwood re conditions for landing on ice here. Major COTTON has secured a little subsidy from the Postal Department, paid out of the proceeds of the Halifax air stamps, which amounted to $3000. The ministry of posts cannot consider a permanent arial mail service as the cost would be too great.
March 11, 1922 Death A message from Selan, Ill. Notes that Mrs. Della KING and of St. John’s, Nfld., is dead aged 104 years.
March 11, 1922 Death A sad accident occurred at St. Bon's College early this morning when Robert COMERFORD, of Heart's Content, attending school there, tripped on stairs, hitting his head so severely that he did not regain consciousness, dying at 8 this morning.
March 11, 1922 Shipwreck According to reports of S. S. Esthera, a steamer which attempted to reach the S. S. Grontoff before the latter went down, the wireless man of Grontoff jested with death; among the sentences were: “Stewards are making sandwiches for lifeboats. Looks as if we are going on a picnic.” Last message was: “Sinking fast, boats smashed; sorry we can’t wait for you, pressing business elsewhere.” Grontoff had crew of thirty.
March 11, 1922 New Newspaper A new publication cropped up in St. John’s last week and is named “Saturday Night.” It is owned by the Saturday Night Publishing Co., and claims to be independent of political, denominational or social ties. We received a copy with the compliments of T. J. FORAN for which we return thanks. It is a four page paper and fairly newsy.
March 11, 1922 Laying Cable Mr. J. C. ANDREWS writes us from Halifax, N. S., the home of the Cable Steamer “Edouard Jeromee” of which he is Chief Officer, and says he has been all winter engaged in cable repair work at Cape Hatteras laying a 50 mile cable in 2 miles (deep) of water out in the Gulf Stream and he says they had very warm weather. They are now engaged at Cape Race and will likely visit St. John’s occasionally.
March 11, 1922 Advertisement For Sale: Dwelling house, Land, etc, Property of W. B. TEMPLE. For particulars apply to Arthur MANUEL.
March 11, 1922 Birth Born: At St. John’s on the 6th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. Stephen LOVERIDGE, a daughter.
March 11, 1922 Death Died: On South Side on the 6th inst. of Pneumonia, John YOUNG aged 42 years. He leaves a wife and two children.

March 18, 1922 Plane Lands in the Harbor On Saturday evening last at about 5 o’clock, Twillingate people were assured by telegraph that an airship was heading for here, on the way from Botwood. We get by the St. John’s papers that the ship was the Westland, and manned by Bennett BUTLER and a mechanic. She brought a letter mail and landed for a few minutes near Mr. ASHBOURNE’s lower premises. Mr. ASHBOURNE and others spoke to the pilot, but conversation was difficult as the motor was running neutral, and many people congregating, the plane left in a hurry, as she was to land at Morton’s Hr. and Exploits. She got to Botwood at 6:10 pm.
March 18, 1922 Note of Thanks We are thankful to Mr. Garland ROGERS, at Cambridge, Mass., Mr. Edgar SWEETLAND at Botwood, also Mr. Robert LINFIELD here, for clippings all from the American papers, giving the account in different form, of the late Capt. Solomon JACOBS.
March 18, 1922 Winter Grown Potatoes Mr. Archibald ROBERTS, of Bluff Head Cove, tried an experiment last autumn, by sowing potato seed in hot beds kept in a store. Recently he examined and found quite a showing, and egg size potatoes were a reality. We were handed some and when boiled were equally as good as those grown in summer season.
March 18, 1922 Personals Seal killers have been doing good work and upwards of 60 bedlamers were landed the past few days. Mr. R. RASMUSSEN, who has been sailing in a Danish vessel from Copenhagen (of which he is a native) which is now freighting on this side for 5 months, arrived here on Tuesday last in company with Mr. Thomas JACOBS, to visit Mr and Mrs. Thomas DALLEY of the Arm, with whom he stayed some years ago, while on a voyage here. Quite a few visited Morton’s Hr. last week from here, and were held over by a blizzard until Saturday. Mr. A. H. HODGE with Mr. W. PEYTON, drove to Lewisporte and were also detained by the storm of Friday last. They arrived safely on Saturday evening. Rev. G. L. MERCER was here last week and lectured to the Loyalty Lodge members on Tuesday night when the Social was held for the Jubilee members. We are informed the Mr. John CLARK was not present and Mr. George GUY – who is absent from Newfoundland – is also a member of fifty years standing. Mr. Andrew ROBERTS, Jr., was at Change Islands last week selling some wreck gear for N.D.M.I. Club. Mr. A. COLBOURNE made a trip to Fogo also last week. Mr. John ANTSEY arrived from Lewisporte on Monday last, with his son Dunley, who has been to St. John’s for treatment, which was successful. Rev. Dr. FENNICK and Mr. A. E. SOPER, with Rev. COOPER of Campbellton, arrived here on Tuesday on a missionary campaign. Mr. Frank LOCKYER came out by Tuesday’s express, enroute to his home at Herring Neck. Mrs. Solomon ROBERTS of Change Islands had a fall last week and was laid up for a few days. Messrs. Andrew ROBERTS, and Bennett YOUNG arrived with freight from Lewisporte on Wednesday. Mr. James SMITH of the Arm has reached his 92nd year.
March 18, 1922 Baking Contest CONTEST: I certify that this loaf is baked by coal, wood, gas, or electric (mark which) from WINDSOR PATENT… No entrance fee is charged, 8 prizes amounting to $50 in all. Competition will be judged by Miss Alice E. FURNEAU, D.S.T., at Bay Roberts on March 30th. Express or mail your loaf to Frank HOWELL, Bay Roberts or to Harvey & Co, St. John’s. The “Windsor Patent” Bread Baking Competition, which is now an annual affair, will be held on the 30th of the present month at Bay Roberts. Last year over 350 loaves were exhibited, the prize winners being Mrs. John POWELL and Mrs. Will CAMERON of Carbonear, Mrs. B. COOPER of Heart's Content. This year $50.00 in gold will be given for the best 8 loaves exhibited, and it must be stipulated whether the bread is baked from coal or wood, gas or electric stoves as there are separate prizes for each grade. The exhibit will be judged by the Teacher of Domestic Sciences, Miss Alice E. FURNEAUX, and the only stipulation is that the bread must be baked from “Windsor Patent” flour. No entrance fee is charged, and all loaves should be addressed to Mr. Frank HOWELL, Bay Roberts, or to Harvey & Co. Ltd, St. John’s. After the exhibition is over all the bread will be distributed amongst the poor and needy.
March 18, 1922 Death of Sol JACOBS (Part 1) "King of Mackerel fleet Drops Dead. Capt. Solomon JACOBS, 74, is found lifeless by wife in cellar of Gloucester home. Another Account Gloucester, Feb. 7th. Capt. Solomon JACOBS, long known as “King of the Mackerel Fleet,” and probably the most famous master mariner of Gloucester in the last 35 years, dropped dead tonight in the cellar of his home, 150 Prospect St. He was 74 years old. Capt. JACOBS has gone down the cellar to attend to the furnace and when he did not return, his wife who went down to investigate found him dead on the cellar floor. Born in Twillingate, Newfoundland, 74 years ago, Capt. JACOBS had been identified most of his life with this port. He was a member of the Master Mariners’ Association and of the Masonic fraternity. He leaves and wife, a son and two daughters. Before coming to Gloucester, Capt. JACOBS had sailed to all parts of the world, where his ability was recognized by shipmasters with whom he sailed, giving him early promotion to an officer’s billet. Returning from a voyage to the East Indies he came to this port about 50 years ago to visit a friend, and the following year was given charge of one of Gloucester’s clipper schooners. "
March 18, 1922 Death of Sol JACOBS (Part 2) Capt. JACOBS made a record which no other fisherman from this port ever attained. His fame became almost worldwide. Starting out in the cod fisheries in the schooner Samuel R. Lang, he made one of the greatest records ever established in that fishery up to that time. He soon occupied a place by himself and became recognized as the “King” of the industry, a distinction which he held for over 40 years. Capt. JACOBS was the first to introduce the gasoline auxiliary into fishing schooners in the schooner Helen Miller Gould. He was the first man from Gloucester to build and equip a steamer for the fisheries. While his venturings into other parts of the world led to his discovery of wonderful halibut grounds in the Southern Pacific, Capt. JACOBS devoted most of his life to the pursuit of the mackerel, creating fear at one period among the fishermen of the Irish coast that he would drive them out of business. For many years he was the first member of the mackerel fleet to get out of port in the early Spring.
March 18, 1922 Letter to the Editor (Part 1) "Dear Mr. Editor, Poor old Joe STRICKLAND. I can’t help thinking about him tonight as I read your account of his funeral in your last issue to hand. Poor fellow, he was a bit fond of his drop, but it seems such a pity that through apparent carelessness after a life of very severe toil, he should come to his end by such a sad fate – apparently burnt to death. You are on the right track in your attack against “prohibition” as it is administered in the Ancient Colony at present. It was an open secret long before I left you, that before a Doctor reached home with his monthly stock it was already prematurely disposed of, or bargained for. Some time ago, a party in Twillingate needed alcohol for a sick relative in serious state of collapse. Not a Doctor could supply a drop, and yet they were supposed to be keeping it for “medical purposes.” Just imagine what a commentary on the state of affairs that had grown up under a so-called prohibition. And yet I could name a half dozen men who were never without liquor – except at the times when they ran out between one shipment and another, and who maintained a friendliness with both medical men, for no other purpose than to get all the booze they wanted. I could have named some of them – I felt like doing so once or twice before I left – but they were not altogether to blame, it was the system under which they obtained the stuff. I, like many others, voted at the time for a prohibition that would prohibit. "
March 18, 1922 Letter to the Editor (Part 2) Unfortunately we obtained a brand that was as full of holes as a colander. Now, cursing Prohibition may be a pleasant enough recreation, an easy way of shifting ones own moral responsibility, as you so well put it; but it is a well known truism that people cannot be made virtuous by act of Parliament. It is not sufficient to pass a law and then to idly sit by and watch it work. You can do that with a clock or a gas engine, but when it comes to dealing with the ramifications of human affairs, something else has got to happen too. Have you even read that eternal vigilance is the price of freedom – whether from foes in human shape or only “spirits.” If the people of Newfoundland want a prohibition that does prohibit, they themselves must help to make it prohibit, and not expect that the law unaided will achieve it. You have a law against larceny – stealing if you prefer; yet thousands of men and women in Newfoundland are honest not because of the law – for there are times and times when they might safely steal without fear of ever being apprehended – but because they believe it is wrong to steal. When you can get the majority of people of Newfoundland to believe that it is wrong to booze, then you will secure a prohibition that prohibits. Until they, or unless they are ready to accept such a principle prohibition will continue to be the farce it is. W.B. TEMPLE
March 18, 1922 Advertisement For Sale: That splendid Motor Boat, last owned by Paul SLADE, suitable for French Shore or Belle Island fishery. Built by that master builder Adam CHALK, and in first class condition. Also 1 new copper fastened boat, 1 new hand line, new stove, new oil tank, capacity 100 gallons. Will be sold at a sacrifice. For further particulars apply to C. WHITE, Notary Public.
March 18, 1922 Ministry of Air Abolished Fitting Up For Tender. The Government, after some deliberation, has definitely decided that it will not maintain an air service on its own account, and accordingly the air ship material now stored at Botwood has been put up for tender. The outfit consists of two complete airships, a gas plant and all necessary adjuncts. This outfit was presented to the Government by the British Air Ministry, and was a part of the huge stores left after the war, and which had been distributed amongst all the colonies. – Telegram.
March 18, 1922 Notes From Morton’s Harbour (Part 1) The annual anniversary of the L. O. Association took place on Thursday March 9th. A large procession paraded to the Meth. Church where a noteworthy sermon was rendered by Rev. G. L. MERCER. They then returned to their Hall where a splendid repast was in waiting. In the evening, an Impromptu concert was staged, of which the leading features were two antagonistic sexual recitations by (Rev.) Mrs. MERCER and Mr. Chesley KNIGHT. After the concert the young people indulged in games until a late hour. On March 11th, the first Aerial Mail was landed here by Capt. BENNETT. As far as we can judge, the plane made splendid landing at about five o’clock, and five minutes later a large crowd witnessed as good a get-away. Congratulation to the dexterous aeroplanist. On Sunday morning at the Meth. Church we were favoured with the Rev. Dr. FENWICK as preacher, who gave a simple yet deep and impressive sermon, for the most part, on the subject of “Loyalty.” In the evening the Annual Missionary meetings was held. The speakers were Rev. Dr. FENWICK, Mr. Albert SOPER of St. John’s and Rev. COOPER of Campbellton. I am not in a position to pass any comment on the addresses of these able lecturers who appear to be enthused to the fullest extent on the subject of “Missions” - suffice to say they were fully appreciated by the large audience.
March 18, 1922 Notes From Morton’s Harbour (Part 2) A surprise Birthday Party took place at Briegeporte on Mar. 13th when the grandchildren of Mrs. Emily SMALL unexpectedly called on her. Although it was not possible for all her grandchildren to attend, yet a goodly number was present, and with the co-operation of Mr. and Mrs. Paul SMALL, a jolly time was had. Mrs. SMALL who is the wife of the late Samuel SMALL, was formerly a MOORS of Twillingate, and although 86 years old, is enjoying good health. We take this opportunity of wishing Mrs. SMALL many years of happy life. It might also be worth while to note that the first Aerial Mail landed here, contained a letter for the old lady, from her daughter in Boston. Some of the men of this vicinity are at present making preparations for the construction of a breakwater which is to be built in the spring. Congratulations to the men who are looking out to our needs. But, while we fully appreciate having money voted to break the water, yet, money to break the snow along the roads would also be very acceptable.
March 18, 1922 News by Telegraph Evening Herald plant has been purchased by Nfld. Publishers who will issue shortly a paper taking the place of the Daily Star. 11th – At the opening of the House on Tuesday the King’s colours, silk flag presented to Newfoundland by British War Office, will be lodged in the Legislative Council. Shipwrecked crews of Optimist and Erien Lake have arrived at St. John, N. B., Geo. FORSEY of latter died from exposure and was buried at sea. Terra Nova on Thursday night, was 33 miles E.S.E. Bonavista Cape, Ranger on Friday 10 miles N.E., Viking harboured St. Pierre owing to storm, Neptune 25 miles N.E. of Funks, Thetis 20 miles, all making good progress. 13th – Major COTTON flew yesterday from Cartwright to St. John’s in 7 hours with stops of two hours altogether at Botwood, and St. Anthony, bringing some furs and mails. 14th – The Neptune reported last night all ships in sight except Seal and Ranger, Diana reports striking a few young harps. Neptune’s position was 30 miles North by West of Funks. The Legislature opens today at 3 o’clock address in reply will be moved by R. HIBBS and J. CHESSEMAN in Lower House, and M. P. GIBBS and J. MURPHY in Upper House Resolution of condolence on death of Capt. J. LEWIS will be moved by Sir R. A. SQUIRTES, Prime Minister, Sir M. P. CASHIN in the Lower House and Hon. M.G. WINTER and Sir P. McGRATH in Upper House. Absent from the House are Hons. W. F. COAKER, S. J. FOOTE from Government and Sir J. C. CROSBIE and M. S. SULLIVAN from Opposition. Miners of Nova Scotia by overwhelming vote rejected wage agreement arrived at by conference of their officers and Steel Corporation. Last night sealing messages reported Eagle with 4,000 panned; Diana with 4,000, but other ships have more, reporting seal small and very scattered. Viking is 20 miles M. E. St. Paul’s having difficulty in getting through ice. All crews well. 16th – Catch so far is Diana, 7,000; Eagle 4,000; Sagona 3,000; Viking 2,000; Thetis, Neptune, Terra Nova 1,500 each. (yours very truly, Wm. HOUSE)
March 18, 1922 Note of Thanks The Church of England Womens Association of St. Peter’s wish to thank all those who sent donations of cake etc., or who helped in any way with their social on Shrove Tuesday. C.F. BLACKLER, Secty.
March 18, 1922 Sealing News Hodge Brothers received the following message from Fogo on Thursday: Both Airplanes here today. COTTON located main patch, brought in white coat. BENNETT flew over steamers killing in small patch. – HYDE.
March 18, 1922 Advertisement Lost: A pair skin cuffs, somewhere between Brass’s Hr. and Church Hill. Owner please leave same with Mr. Frederick RIDOUT, Back Harbor.
March 18, 1922 Advertisement For Sale: Schr. Beulah about 45 tons in first class condition. 1 motor boat with 8 h.p. Engine, 6 cod traps. The above can be seen in Twillingate. G. J. CARTER.
March 18, 1922 Notes from Bridgeport: On the 13th inst. a very enjoyable evening was spent at the home of P. P. and Mrs. SMALL, when a number of Mrs. Samuel SMALL’s grandchildren gave a surprise party on the anniversary of her eighty sixth birthday. Mrs. SMALL is enjoying good health and quite smart and took active part in the amusement of the evening, both in song and story, and entertained the party until a late hour. On Saturday by aireal mail to Morton’s Hr. the old lady received a letter from her daughter Mrs. RIDOUT of Boston; something new in her experience of 86 years. Mrs. SMALL was a Miss MOORS of Twillingate.
March 18, 1922 Death Died: On 15th inst. at Farmers Arm, Mr. George REID of cancer, at the age of 75 years.
March 18, 1922 Death Died: On 17th, also of the Arm, Mr. Samuel ROGERS, of consumption. Age 25 years.

March 25, 1922 Winter Potatoes Anyone wishing to acquire knowledge respecting the winter growth of potatoes, Mr. Archibald ROBERTS says can have the same by writing him, sending fifty cents.
March 25, 1922 Air Mail The giant bird Westland was here again on Monday and landed mails and took back a small bag to Botwood. The airplane had to descend at Charles Brook in the evening, we suppose owing to engine trouble.
March 25, 1922 Court Case A case occupied the court here on Wednesday when Dr. LeDREW and Mr. James MORGAN were heard in connection with an agreement by the latter, to sell a quantity of hay to the Doctor. For not complying with the arrangement MR. MORGAN was asked to pay $20. and costs.
March 25, 1922 Birth Born: On March 19th, to Mr and Mrs. Adolphus PRICE, a son.
March 25, 1922 Death Died: At North Side, on Friday, Maxwell Young, infant son of Mr and Mrs. Pearce BOYDE, aged 5 months.
March 25, 1922 Ever Industrious (Part 1) A lengthy article in the Evening Telegram of the 4th inst. gives another bit of history of the late Capt. Solomon JACOBS. This was copied from the ‘Sunday Leader’ and we give some interesting facts contained therein. They are as follows: “Capt. JACOBS who died at his home in Gloucester, Mass., on February 7th last, was born in Twillingate, Newfoundland, his parents being Simon and Mary Anna (ROBERTS) JACOBS. He early showed a disposition to follow the sea and at the age of 17 went across to England as one of the crew of a ship. At 18 he came to New York in the ship Gen Berry of Thomston, having shipped in England. He went back in the “Western Hemisphere’ the biggest ship in the country at the time. Soon he was Second Mate of the ship J. S. Winslow, which sailed out of Portland.” “In the schooner Sabine he stocked $18,000, in the Moses Adams his average was $14,000. In the next vessel, the first he owned, the Sarah M. Jacobs, which he commanded in 1878, he stocked $19,000. Her successor was the schooner Edward E. Webster, and for four summers he pursued the mackerel without a letup. The first summer she was new, for about six months in the mackerel fishery he stocked $20,000, the next year, in 1882, $39,700, the $1005.00 each of 18 men. Other record breaking years followed in succession, the figures being $36,013.83, $29,000, $29,000, and $29,500. On the passage for the Pacific Coast one of his vessels the Webster, was dismasted in a gale and had to put into Montevideo, where it cost $5,000 for repairs. He however reached the Pacific, but the upshot of his halibut and sealing venture proved a failure, and he lost his fortune of $60,000.
March 25, 1922 Ever Industrious (Part 2) Today hundreds of thousands of pounds of Pacific halibut are shipped to all parts of the East as the result of this $60,000 experiment. Capt. JACOBS then returned to Gloucester and in 1891 began at the foot of the ladder. His old time luck had not forsaken him and in 1898 his stock in the mackerel fishery was $31,300, the crew’s share being $703.30 each, the Cook making $1720. for his years work. He was pursued and captured by the British in the Pacific, and his vessel and cargo of fur seals were confiscated and the Captain thrown into prison. He successfully evaded capture by the Canadian fisheries agents in the North Atlantic, and escaped by boldly putting to sea with officers, landing them upon the French territory at St. Pierre, innumerable other ways he distinguished himself. For cod, halibut, mackerel, herring, snappers and all other varieties of fish, from Iceland to the beginning of the ice zone in the Antarctic, up to placid Pacific to its Northernmost waters, catching cod and halibut and fur seals in the Okhotsk sea and Japanese grounds, hardly a stretch of water had not been cleft by the prow of his adventurous craft. Capt. JACOBS was twice married, his first wife, whom he married on Feb. 25, 1875, being Miss Elizabeth L. McCABE of Halifax, who lived but a short time, and Nov. 1, 1877, he married Miss Sarah M. McQUARRIE, who survives him.” It is said in another article from the News that he sued King George for $236,000 for detention of his vessel on the Irish Coast of 1899. Capt. Edward WHITE of the Arm was two years fishing with Capt. JACOBS and was in the Fortune Bay affray, when engaged in seining.
March 25, 1922 Death "On Monday, March 6th at eight thirty A.M. there passed away one who was greatly well liked by all around him in the person of John Roberts, son of William and Rosannah YOUNG, at the age of 42. He was a sufferer of asthma all his life time but about two months ago he became worse and was confined to his bed for about six weeks. Deceased was of a mild disposition and had a cheery smile for everyone. He bore his sufferings with patience. He leaves to mourn their sad loss a wife and two children, a father, mother, one brother and two sisters. He had asked us well we know We should cry O spare this blow, Yes with streaming tears, should pray, Lord we love him let him stay. But the Lord doth naught amiss, And since He hath ordered this, We have naught to do but still Rest in silence on His will."
March 25, 1922 Telegraphic News 18th – Latest sealing news given. Total catch up to date as 43,000. Diana has tail shaft broken and is helpless. COTTON in airplane claims has located enough seals to load all ships, but ship owners not disposed to pay his price for information, and nothing being done. Practically all ships on front jammed, or in heavy ice. Viking in Gulf has 3,000. 20th – Air mails for points on Labrador coast will be leaving about end of present month. Letters should be at General Post Office soon as possible. Landsmen at Catalina took 200 seals Saturday; patch of 1000 reported one mile off that place. 21st – Last nights message from sealers indicate total catch now near seventy thousand. Ice still reported very heavy and ships unable to get around. General position ships given from twenty to thirty miles East and Northeast of Cape Bonavista. Sealing steamers today came to a decision to pay COTTON ten cents a seal for what ships get from his information; price formerly asked by him was forty cents seal. COTTON claims he can direct steamers to main patch. Westland airplane reported missing last night on way from Exploits to Botwood, is safe. Plane was forced to land at Charles’ Brook. St. John, N.B., says crew of Newfoundland schr. Valoya lost on way from Cadiz to St. John’s arrived there on way home. 22nd – Last night’s message from the sealing fleet give the total catch to date as seventy-three thousand seals. Ice still very heavy. Seals have to be towed many miles to ships. Seal reports she is on her way to COTTON’s patch. Viking in Gulf reports for fifteen thousand. 23rd – Last night’s sealing news total nearly 80 thousand; Terra Nova, 15,000, Viking, 13,000, Thetis, 13,000, Eagle, 11,000, Neptune, 9,000, Diana and Sagona 7,000 each. Viking reports good prospects of load this week. Most of steamers now on way to COTTON’s patch. St. John’s schr., J. D. Miller, arrived at Halifax from Brazil and reports William RICE killed by falling block. RICE belonged to Cape Broyle.
March 25, 1922 Personals Hodge Brothers team went up to Lewisporte again on Monday for freight in care of Messrs Wm. PEYTON and Fredk. LUNNEN and returned on Tuesday. Mr. Wm. ASHBOURNE left here on Tuesday enroute to Toronto. Mr. Saul WHITE drove him to Lewisporte. Mr. Elias YOUNG took up Rev. Dr. FENWICK and Mr. SOPER to Lewisporte on Friday last. Mr. Joseph CHINN was in town last Monday bringing news of the death of his wife who died sometime during the night. Mr. HARVEY from Friday's Bay was operated on at Wild Cove Hospital on Monday for the removal of frostbitten toe. Dr. WOOD attended the case with the Constable. Miss Mary WHITE who has been visiting Herring Neck, arrived home on Tuesday with Mr. Elijah GREENHAM.
March 25, 1922 Note of Thanks The wife and family of John Roberts YOUNG wish to thank all who in nay way helped them during the illness and death of deceased.
March 25, 1922 Death Mrs. Alfred DEAN died at Sydney last week. She was a sister of Mrs. Maria FIFIELD.
March 25, 1922 Death There passed away at the Arm on March 17th after an illness of five months, Samuel, one of the youngest children of Mr and Mrs James ROGERS at the age of 27 years. He leaves to mourn a wife, one little girl, father and mother, three brothers, George and Walter at home, Garland at Cambridge, U.S.A. Also four sisters, Mrs. Harry WEIR, at Cambridge, U.S.A., Mrs. John PRIMMER, Mrs. George DALLEY, Mrs. Obadiah JENKINS at home.

    There is nothing on the Microfilm between March 25, and April 29, 1922. GW

April 29, 1922 Cow Goes Through Shoal Tickle Shoal Tickle must be getting a high road for dumb animals, a cow travelled all the way through on Tuesday.
April 29, 1922 No Mail at the Gull Island Mr. Ephraim WHALEN, Light-keeper at Cape John Gull Island, writes that they have been more than three months without a mail. His letter was dated March 27th and he says that quite a lot of old harps and bedlamers were seen around the Island during the second week in March, but owing to the Easterly winds, no young ones were seen, and with the off shore winds later everything was driven well to sea.
April 29, 1922 Sealing News The motorboat F. P. U. Capt. Dugald WHITE, discharged her seals at Job's Premises at St. John’s last week. The total turnout was 156 ½ seals averaging 52 lbs. The crew of 18 men shared $80 each. The F.P.U. left Port Union on Wednesday 22nd of March and struck the seals 10 miles East by South of Green Island. The first days catch was 300, and in the following two days she was loaded. Another trip to locate old seals was planned should weather conditions permit.
April 29, 1922 Small Paper Owing to the Foreman, Mr. A. LUNNEN being detained at home with an abscess in the hand, and having other pressing matters to attend to, we are unable to issue a full paper this week.
April 29, 1922 Rev. Reg. WHITE Rev. Reginald WHITE who is at Sackville has received his Theological Degree and won $20 prize in Religious Education. Congratulations.
April 29, 1922 Personals Constable TULK went to Loon Bay last week in company with Mr. Harry MANUEL. He arrived again yesterday. Mr. Paul MOORES, Operator, has been in with quinsy since Monday. Mr. Malcolm SIMMS from Herring Neck, is here relieving at the office.
April 29, 1922 Birth Born: On the 25th inst., to Rev. J. A. and Mrs. WILKINSON, a daughter.
April 29, 1922 Advertisement For Sale: One 3 H.P. Hubbard Engine, two guns, carpenter tools and other effects. Apply to Dorothy NEWMAN.
April 29, 1922 Advertisement Tanlac Was a Blessing To Her She Says – Little St. John’s woman pours out gratitude to Master Medicine for restoring her to enjoyment of splendid health. It is simply beyond the power of words to express the joy and gratitude I feel for the wonderful way my health has been restored, said Mrs. Nora CHAPMAN, 26 Pleasant St., St. John’s, Nfld. My ill health dates back to the shock I received from the Halifax explosion. My nerves were completely shattered and my health was never the same afterwards. When I had recovered from the shock sufficiently to travel, I came back here to St. John’s, thinking the change would do me good, but it was not until I started taking Tanlac that I began to recover. I am just delighted at the way Tanlac has benefited me. I feel stronger and better than in years and I think that it is a blessing that such a grand medicine is in the reach of all those who suffer as I did. Tanlac is sold by Earle Sons & Co. and all good druggists.
April 29, 1922 Telegraphic Sealing News 21st – Terra Nova arrived from the seal fishery yesterday hailing for 22,000 seals, the weight of over 30,000. Neptune arrived yesterday morning hailing for 20,000 the weight of 27,000 and reports Seal got 700 old on second trip and prospects good for ships now out. Airplane returned to Botwood yesterday afternoon from Battle Harbour, after an absence of nine hours bring back mails. 26th – Thetis reported jammed last night in vicinity of Grey Islands Seal wirelessed position 15 miles E. by S. Grey Islands, got stuck in Thetis wake Monday evening, still jammed. The Seal has 1,000 on board.
April 29, 1922 Lobster in Good Demand The Nova Scotian lobster fishery so far has been a failure, and the outlook for the fishery in Newfoundland is very bright. It seems all the 1921 catch is cleared off long ago and numerous orders are coming in from England and the United States and cannot be filled. It is believed that the opening price of new lobsters will be in the vicinity of $25.00 a case.
April 29, 1922 Advertisement Squashberries 25 cts gallon, Local Jam 28 cts glass, Turnips 3 cts lb. At Hodge Brothers.
April 29, 1922 Death "On Sunday evening last, there passed peacefully away Mrs. Jemima BRIDGER, wife of MR. John BRIDGER, at Cat Cove, of catarrh of the throat. She was 88 years of age, yet up to time of death was able to get about the house, although suffering somewhat through blindness. Mrs. BRIDGER was a sister of Mr. Samuel INDER who now resides at Botwood. She leaves two sons, Alfred and George, and one daughter, Mrs. Theo INGS all living here. She leaves also to mourn 15 grandchildren. Funeral was on Wednesday at Church of England. Rev. M.K. GARDNER administering the burial rites. The SUN extends sympathy to all who are bereft."
April 29, 1922 Schooner Repaired Schr. M. P. Cashin was launched last week from the shore, South Side. She has been repaired and some plank and part of a keel put in and she was got off over the ice by the aid of hand winches. She is one the Wm ASHBOURNE’s vessels and was repaired by the Insurance Club, and the work accomplished by Mr. Thomas ROBERTS and others.
April 29, 1922 Advertisement Will any of the relatives of William J. CHANT, formerly of Twillingate, parents Johnathan and Louisa CHANT, and sister by name RYDOCK, please communicate with Mrs. Wm. CHANT, Kingman, Arizona, U.S.A.

    There is nothing on the Microfilm between April 29, and May 13, 1922. GW

May 13, 1922 Advertisement For Sale: A pony, 4 years old. Also a slide and winter harness. Selling at a bargain. Apply to Sydney MITCHELL.
May 13, 1922 Advertisement For Sale: one 7 h.p. Hubbard Engine with or without the boat, 1 motorboat, 1 trapboat, 1 new fishing punt, 2 cod traps and gear, and lots of other fishing property. For further particulars apply to James PURCHASE & Son, Back Harbour.
May 13, 1922 Entertainment Sandy Point – A successful entertainment was held in the schoolroom here on the night of April 25th, by the pupils of the High School, with the assistance and supervision of the Principal, Mr. J. V. TEMPLE and Miss M. BUTLER, assistant teacher. Rev. E. A. BUTLER acted as chairman, and also sang during the evening a song, called “Anchored.” Mrs. BUTLER accompanied him on the piano lent from the Rectory. The children sang several choruses, with Miss BUTLER as accompanist, interspersed with recitations and dialogues. Mr. TEMPLE exhibited some club swinging and gave a comic song in character, which was most enthusiastically received and had a hearty encore. Mrs. J.V. TEMPLE accompanied. The last item on the programme was the Maypole, as exhibited several years back in the old St. Peter’s School, and may be remembered by some of the young people who took part in it, if any of them are in Twillingate now. Sixteen girls dressed in white marched in and out around the gaily decked pole, holding coloured strings which they twisted and untwisted around it with music. A few remarks from the chairman and Mr. TEMPLE followed by the National Anthem, concluded the affair, which appeared to be enjoyed by all present. A dance with refreshments and ice cream was held after the concert in the L.O.A. Hall, for the young people. – Com.
May 13, 1922 Death of John FORSEY Dear Sir, Will you grant me space through the columns of your paper to record the death of one of our dear comrades in the person of John FORSEY, who departed this life for a better in the early age of 23 years and 7 months. He was ailing for a long time from pleurisy in the left side, and shortly before he died, it turned to that dreadful disease consumption. He left to mourn his sad loss a father, mother, two sisters and a large number of friends and relatives. His parents are heart broken for their only son they loved so well. He was laid to rest April 3rd in the C. of E. Cemetery, the service being conducted by the teacher Mr. P. NORRIS. The Golden Gates are open wide, A gentle voice says come; Angels from the other side Welcome our loved one home. God bless his heart broken parents, His loving sister too; And may they meet their loved one, In the land beyond the blue. Yours truly, Elijah MARSH, Winter House Cove, via Leading Tickles, April 8th, 1922.
May 13, 1922 Personals Mr. SERRICK, School Inspector, was in town this week on inspector tour. Messrs. Geo. BLANDFORD and Edward LINFIELD left by motorboat Wednesday for Lewisporte enroute to St. John’s on business. Mr. Joseph WHITE took them along. Messrs. Darrell, Maxwell and Geo. ANSTEY left also enroute to Toronto. Capt. and crew of Schr. Ida M. Clarke also left for the city as also did part crew of Schr. Grace. Some men from Western Head were up to Lewisporte this week in motorboat and brought back freight for E. Roberts & Co. here, and others. We are pleased to learn that Mrs. WILKINSON is again on the road to recovery. She suffered somewhat from influenza, and last week was very ill. Mr. Stephen JANES was in town on Monday with a crew for salt and barrels as herring was then plentiful at Samson's Island. Mr. Titus PERRY and crew were also here same day for salt, etc., from same place.
May 13, 1922 Sealing News Mr. Geo. NEWMAN and Mr. Pearce POWELL, secured two seals last week; one a young harp and the other a three year old bedlamer. Others around did well, amongst them the constable with Mr. Geo. HODDER who arrested and handcuffed a young harp on Saturday.
May 13, 1922 Working in the USA Mr. C. D. MAYNE writes that up to the present he has managed to get along O.K. He is employed with a large firm at Franklin, Mass., he says hundreds are out of work even in that town. He does not know how long his job will hold out as the last comers are the first laid off, and business is very slack, and then some firms are laying off hands. His firm commenced last week and there are 6 clerks to be laid off before his turn comes; that is, two in the office where he is working, and four in the retail department, he says; “We have been advised and have permission to quit immediately if we can get another situation before our turn comes, there are only two mills running on full time here now, the other 7 are running from 3 to 5 days, or as they say 24 to 40 hours. The regular time is 48 hours viz from ¼ past seven to 5 p.m. for the first 3 days and from ¼ past seven to 11:30 am on Saturdays.” Mr. MAYNE says he is not in love with the States and there are at present more men looking for work than can get it.
May 13, 1922 Telegraphic News May 5th – S.S. Ranger shot 1000 old seals yesterday, and the Thetis 500. Seal arrived at Wesleyville last night hailing for 1700 and will go to Hr. Grace. The total catch accounts for 124,675 seals. Lambert BURKE of Tilting, fell overboard while gunning in boat and was drowned yesterday. 8th – The Martin Royal Stores hardware shop on Water St., was completely gutted and contents burnt by fire, which was discovered at 6 p.m. Sunday. Fire was under control at 9 p.m. Cause of fire is not known, though it may have started in a closet under stairs. Loss is put down at 150 thousand with insurance 110 thousand. Offices in building to the West were slightly damaged by water but Board of Trade building to the East escaped any damage. Kings Cove reports three houses belonging to HODDER, Blackhead Bay, were burnt on Saturday night, nothing being saved. 9th – Winifred Lee, 900 qtls., Admiral Dewey, 1000, and Lillian Richards, 1100 have arrived at Grand Bank from the Banks. Newspapers today tell of proposed industry at Port Saunders and Hawkes Bay by Aerial Survey Co. cutting pitprops and erecting mill. A motorboat of 22 tons has been purchased and will sail for there soon. S.S. Thetis and Ranger are working homeward. Ranger has 4000 old and bedlamers. Total catch will be about 125,500 or 24,000 more than last season, with one steamer less.
May 13, 1922 Hospital News The Hospital Committee of the Twillingate Memorial Hospital met this week to consider a communication from Doctors GRENFELL and PARSONS and received plans for water line, sewerage etc, on the site at South Side. Dr. GRENFELL has been given another large donation of $25,000, and is in sight of $10,000 through the influence of Dr. PARSONS. These amounts are coming from a large Association in the U.S.A. Dr. GRENFELL has secured $6000 worth of Radium, the world wide remedy for external cancerous growth and will be in the position to grant an allowance for Twillingate Hospital. Work on the site for the laying out of the necessary pipes etc., will begin on Monday in charge of Mr. Benjamin ROBERTS.
May 13, 1922 Advertisement PICKED UP A sum of money, owner can have same by proving loss and paying cost of advertisment. Apply to C. WHITE, Twillingate.
May 13, 1922 Death Died: On Wednesday 9th, inst., Mrs. Jane BULGIN at the age of 84 years.
May 13, 1922 Death Died: At Little Harbour, on 6th inst., Mr. Abram KEEFE at the age of __ years.
May 13, 1922 Fishery Supplies Guarantee Fogo and Twillingate Districts. Fogo: Fisherman’s Union Trading Co. - $11,500.00, $1500.00. Fred J. SCOTT - $1,000.00, $500.00. Levi PERRY - $1,000.00, $300.00. Tobias W. ABBOTT - $1,000.00, $nil. For totals of - $14,500.00, $2,300.00. No accounts have been furnished from any source in Fogo District. Against the name Tobias W. ABBOTT, are the words, “Guarantee to be cancelled.” Just how a guarantee given last summer is to be cancelled ten months later, is not clear. Fogo advances have been repaid at the rate of slightly under 16 cents in the dollar. Twillingate: Wm. ASHBOURNE - $8,000.00, $nil. Jas. M. JACKMAN - $2,500.00, $nil. Fisherman’s Union Trading Co. - $17,500.00, $nil. STRONG and MURSELL - $12,000.00, $nil. Thomas FRENCH - $1,200.00 $nil. R. GILLETT - $1,800.00 $nil. C. & E. ROBERTS - $1,500.00, $nil. Otto OSMOND - $2,700.00, $107.41. S. J. BLACKLER - $1,200.00 $nil. Paul SMALL - $334.00, $nil. Alex. SANSOM - $1,200.00, $nil. Joseph KNIGHT - $200.00, $100.00 For Totals of $50,134.00, $207.41. No accounts had been furnished by William ASHBOURNE, the Fisherman’s Union Trading Company, C & E ROBERTS and Alex SAMSON, or for more than half the amounts advanced. Against the S. J. BLACKLER’s amount is the mysterious assertion “Guarantee to be cancelled,” whatever that may mean. Returns outstanding $469.28 are attached to the $1,800 advanced to R. GILLETT. Twillingate District had returned up to April 11th, less than ½ of one cent for every $100 advanced. - Daily News.
May 13, 1922 The Murder at St. John’s Wo Fen KING who killed his countrymen, is now progressing at the Hospital as is also Hong WING, his wounded victim. The murderer purchased the revolver on Wednesday, previous to the day of the action, and the shooting was premeditated, is the opinion of the authorities. A statement was obtained from Wo Fen KING at the Hospital. Kim LEE acted as interpreter. Efforts to obtain an outline of its contents from the authorities have proved a failure. It is said an ancient Chinese superstition may give proof that murder was wilful.
May 13, 1922 Advertisement Beefs and Porks, Quality the Best. Sinclair’s Hawkeye Hambutt, Sinclair’s Cedar Family Pork, Sinclair’s Short Cut Clear Pork, and Sinclair’s Spare Ribs in Barrels. Hutwelker’s Heavy New York Flanks, Hutwelker’s Special Sun Brand Beef, Hutwelker’s Special Moon; Hutwelker’s Star Beef and Beef Cuttings. For prices and information either cable or telephone our Manager Thos. B. CLIFT, Tel, 513, St. John’s Nfld., P.O. Box 1353.

May 20, 1922 Keyhole in Knob An ingenious lock, which has been patented, has the keyhole in the knob or handle of the door. The mechanism of the lock is so constructed, that a person on the inside of the door can, by turning the knob in one direction, lock the door so that it cannot be opened, even by a key on the outside. By turning the knob in the opposite direction the door is locked, but can be opened on the outside by the use of a key designed to fit the lock.
May 20, 1922 Notes from Port Albert Death has visited the home of Mr and Mrs. Alec MERCER and has taken one of their darling children, Sadie Pearl, at the early age of 1 year and eight months. In her short stay here on earth she was a little sufferer, but he who takes the lambs in his arms and carries them in his bosom, has taken her where she will suffer no more. She is gone to join the angel band. May the father and mother in their lonely hours at eventide say, “Lord thy will be done.” Beckoning hands of a little one see, Baby voice calling, O mother for thee, Rosy cheek’d darling the light of the home, Taken so early, beckoning come. Our teacher Miss PENNY has been very sick, for the past month, but through good attendance and loving hands, and one who can heal the sick, she has been restored to health again and will soon be able to perform her duties and join her pupils again. On Easter Sunday an anniversary was held by the Sunday school, being the second one for the year. The children under the training of Miss PENNY, recited, sang and went through their exercises better than the best. It was an enjoyable time by all who attended. Much praise is due Miss Penny for the interest she has taken in the children while here, and no doubt it will be said of her when she leaves us, she has done what she could, and there will always be a warm spot in the hearts of the children of Port Albert for her.
May 20, 1922 Twillingate Road Board The members of the Twillingate Road Board as given in the Royal Gazette: Messrs. Edward WHITE, George PARDY, Frank SMITH, Martin PHILLIPS, John GILLARD, Sr., Edward SMITH, Alfred MUDFORD, Wm. CHURCHILL, Wm. HOUSE, Levi YOUNG, Mark RIDEOUT, Thomas ROBERTS, Sr., Henry SPENCER.
May 20, 1922 COLLECTION – (Part 1) On Behalf of British & Foreign Bible Society. South Side - Per. T.G. W. ASHBOURNE: Wm. ASHBOURNE $3.00. Charles WHITE $2.50. George BLANDFORD $2.00. James PRIMMER $2.00. T.G.W. ASHBOURNE $2.00. Arthur YOUNG $1.00. Total $12.50. Per G. S. FRENCH: I.S. LeDREW $2.00. Mr. & Mrs. BUTCHER $1.00. J. W. MINTY $1.00. Mollie WILKINSON $1.00. Allie WILKINSON $1.00. Mrs. Dr. WOOD $1.00. Maggie YOUNG $1.00. Mrs. J. A. YOUNG $1.00. Clifford YOUNG $ .60. H. COLBOURNE $ .50. Mrs. J. HODDER $.50. J. HODDER $ .50. Mrs. A. HODDER $ .50. Andrew HULL $ .50. Mr. HAYWARD $ .50. T. JACOBS $ .50. Frank LINFIELD $ .50. W. T. MARSH $ .50. S. PHILLIPS $ .50. R. RICE $ .50. Mrs. J. STOCKLEY $ .50. Mrs. E. WHEELOR $ .50. E. WHEELOR $ .50. Walter J. YOUNG $ .50. Mrs. Sidney YOUNG $ .50. Muriel YOUNG $ .50. Oswald A. ELLIOTT $ .25. Florence M. GRIMES $ .25. Mrs. J. GUY $ .25. James YOUNG $ .25. Vincent YOUNG $ .25. G. S. FRENCH $ .20. Mrs. T. GUY $ .20. Mrs. B. HODDER $ .20. Violet HAMLYN $ .20. Mrs. E. MINTY $ .20. Mrs. John OSMOND $ .15. T. COOPER $ .10. Mrs. G. VATCHER $ .10. Annie WHITE $ .10. Florence YOUNG $ .10. Kate YOUNG $ .10. Total $21.00.
May 20, 1922 COLLECTION – (Part 2) Farmers Arm - Per S.E. WHITEWAY: A.G. ASHBOURNE $2.50. E. WHITEWAY $1.00. Hettie CHURCHILL $.50. Wm. CHURCHILL $ .50. Mrs. Robt COOPER $ .50. John POND $ .50. Isaac POND $ .50. David WHELLOR $ .50. BOYCE WHELLOR $ .50. Isaac YOUNG $ .50. A.J. GILLETT $ .40. Peter CLARKE $.35. Wm. G. BULGIN $.30. Mrs. THOMAS $.30. Arthur BULGIN $.25. Bennett BULGIN $.25. Matthew BULGIN $.25. James CHURCHILL $.25. Mrs. Wm. EARLE $.25. Wm. OAKE $.20. George POND $.25. Joseph BULGIN, Sr. $.20. Fred CLARKE $.20. Wm. POND $.20. Phillip POND $.20. Dorothy PENNELL $.20. Edgar ROBERTS $.20. Mrs. Peter REID $.20. George INGS $.10. Mrs. Maria ROBERTS $.10. Total $12.20. Durrell’s Arm - Per D. CURTIS: D. CURTIS $1.15. John MINTY $1.00. Mrs. J. BURTON $.50. S. HICKS $.50. J. HORWOOD $.50. Orpah MINTY $.50. Mrs. John MINTY $.50. Mrs. John SMITH $.50. Mrs. WHITE $.50. Mrs. J. GEDGE $.25. Mrs. J. BURT $.20. J. HICKS $.20. Fred WATERMAN $.20. Total $6.50. North Side - Per Wm HARNETT: Arthur COLBOURNE $1.00. A.H. HODGE $1.00. C.L. HODGE $1.00. Edgar HODDER $1.00. E.J. LINFIELD $1.00. Robert PRIMMER $1.00. Andrew PEARCE $1.00. Frank ROBERTS $1.00. Samuel STRANGEMORE $1.00. Wm. HARNETT $.65. John COOK $.50. Mabel HODDER $.50. Dorothy NEWMAN $.50. George NEWMAN $.50. Annie NEWMAN $.50. John PHILLIPS $.50. S.M. SIMMS $.50. Mary WHITE $.50. Samuel WILLAR $.50. Thomas RICE $.25. Vesta HODDER $.20. Frederick LUNNEN $.20. Henry NEWMAN $.20. Total $15.00.
May 20, 1922 COLLECTION – (Part 3) Per Jacob MOORES: F. DAVIS $1.00. Silas FACEY $1.00. Stanley HARBIN $1.00. Wm. HARBIN $1.00. Jacob MOORES $1.00. Arthur MANUEL $1.00. Paul MOORES $1.00. Minnie ROBERTS $1.00. Andrew ROBERTS $1.00. Samuel STUCKLESS $1.00. George BAGGS $.50. Alfred FIFIELD $.50. George GARD $.50. P.A. HARBIN $.50. Frederick HOUSE $.50. A.E. MANUEL $.50. John PIPPY $.50. Alfred PRESTON $.50. H.C. ROBERTS $.50. Bennett STUCKLESS $.50. Edward STUCKLESS $.50. Con TULK $.50. George YOUNG $.50. Wilfred YOUNG $.50. Bennett YOUNG $.50. Wm. YOUNG $.40. Total $17.90. Back Harbour - Per James ANSTEY: M.A. BLACKLER $1.00. S.G. MOORS $1.00. J. A. S. PEYTON $.50. Wm. PEYTON $. 50. Mark SPENCER $.50. Robert SIMMS $.50. John RICE $.40. Elias BLACKLER $.30. Levi CLARKE $.30. C.F. BLACKLER $.25. Ed BLACKLER $.25. Mrs. FOX $.25. Lewis PURCHASE $.25. Genneta RIDEOUT $.25. Martin RIDEOUT $.25. Mildred TIZZARD $.25. James ANSTEY$.20. Frank ANSTEY $.20. Annie ANSTEY $.20. Robert ANSTEY $.20. Mrs. Arch ANSTEY $.20. Harold BAIRD $.20. C. BAIRD $.20. James BLACKLER $.20. Belle BLACKLER $.20. Laura BLACKLER $.20. John CLARKE $.20. Lewis CLARKE $.20. Winnie GREENHAM $.20. Theo. LUTHER $.20. Mark LUTHER $.20. Esau MURRAY $.20. Bennett PRICE $.20. Adolphus PRICE $.20. John RIDOUT $.20. Henry SPENCER $.20. James SPENCER $.20. James BLACKLER, Jr. $.15. Walter ANSTEY $.10. Dunley ANSTEY $.10. Vera BAIRD $.10. Audrey BLACKLER $.10. George MURRAY$.10. John PRICE $.10. Mark RIDOUT $.10. Mrs. Susan WATKINS $.10. Ewart BAIRD $.05. Austin BAIRD $.05. Total $12.00. To be continued.
May 20, 1922 Telegraphic News May 12th — Mr. DORRITY, Supt. River driving, warns against coming to Badger or elsewhere in A.N.D. Co.’s operations, as it is impossible at present to increase number of workmen. Men can always obtain reliable information through telegraph systems from A.N.D. Co. No one should take speculative chances of obtaining work. Only qualified drivers who can produce authorized evidence of engagement can be accepted. Thetis brought the key of the seal fishery this morning hailing for six thousand old. Capt. WINSOR reports having seen more seals than ever in his experience, but ice and weather conditions were poor. 13th – The Ranger’s second trip turned out 3981 seals and men shared $30.54. Thos. JUDGE, Supt. Grand Falls, died there suddenly yesterday. A brother and sister of Thomas BRIEN, Topsail Road, have been arrested for manslaughter. S.S. Thetis turned out 5435 old seals. Total voyage is 126,031. 15th – The men in Thetis share $29.63 for second trip. 16th – There was no train to Carbonear this morning and no Express went out one o’clock. If this course is carried out, it will mean that the Gov’t will have to take over Railway and run it, in order to serve the public. What developments will take place are not known today. In his speech yesterday as showing that no money was due the Reid Co., the Prime Minister stated the Reid Nfld. Co still owes the Railway Commission over half a million dollars. 17th – Major COTTON says that employment for 150 men at Hawke's Bay, cutting pit props and pulpwood, will be found. Today finds the whole railway service suspended, bay boats practically at rest, and Kyle stopped. Reid’s engineers and round house staff refuse to work while cheques for wages are not forthcoming. It is reported that Reids now ask for compromise. Generally speaking, the Government is being backed for its firm stand, as it is felt that a show down in the railway matters should no longer be delayed. No further developments are expected today.
May 20, 1922 Death There passed peacefully away at Farmer's Arm on may 8th, Jane wife of the late James BULGIN who died on May 3rd, 1909. She went to live with her daughter Mrs. Alfred LEGGE, about 12 years ago. During that time she was able to get around and do her work as well as could be expected, but as years came on, old age crept in, and with it brought sickness, and memory began to fade, and as years rolled by she gradually grew worse, until she became a little troublesome, and in her sickly condition, she was compelled to leave her daughter’s home about 6 months ago, and go and live with her son Abram, where she passed away after being confined to her bed only for about seven hours, at the age of 84 years. She leaves behind to mourn their loss, four brothers and one sister, three sons: Frederick at Toronto, Abram and W. T. at home, and four daughters, Mrs. Wm. WELLS at New York, Mrs. Richard PRIMMER and Mrs. Alfred LEGGE at home. Also twenty grand children and fifteen great grand children.
May 20, 1922 Sealing News Our men at Crow Head made a good days work on Monday landing about eighty seals. Other parties got many this week, and altogether, there must have been near 200 seals taken. The ice is very heavy and with the N. E. Winds of late, the Bay is filled North and East. On Wednesday, many seals were seen on the ice off Long Point, and some estimated 300 seals in the patch about 2 miles distant. While the fat is at a low price, yet many have profited by the seal meat that has been their lot to share of late. Much of the meat is being salted down for further consumption. Maybe if more of the carcases that go to the bottom of the sea were brought home by the sealing steamers, and were salted in barrels, it would benefit a whole lot in these times of anxiety, and when it’s a hard problem to know what to get to keep the table going at this time of the year. It could be sold reasonably cheap and would help the earning of the seal ships.
May 20, 1922 Advertisement For sale: One first class motorboat 24 feet long, with sails, ets., equipped with engine. For particulars apply to Fred SIMMS, Fogo.
May 20, 1922 Personals Mr. Samuel WHEELER has moved his stock from the store belonging to H.C. ROBERTS this week and opened up Mr. Elias ANSTEY’s store near Post Office. Many seals were taken by seal nets this week, some men hauling 20 and 30 for a fleet of nets. Some men have been engaged the past few days, fixing up the roads that became washed out with the sea, during the big gale of last fall. Other matters along the road are also being attended to. Herring has been hauled this week. Mr. Josiah WARR hauled 40 brls at Purcell's Hr., and Mr. Joseph STUCKLESS hauled about 16 brls at Wild Cove. Mr. Joseph A. YOUNG is resparing his Schr. the Carrie Annie. The S. S. Clyde reached as far as Change Islands on Monday and is now detained there owing to the ice blockade. Chief Officer BUTCHER and others left last week to take up their work on the S.S. Clyde. The Bay was somewhat clear last week and Capt. Ambrose PAYNE and Capt. PECKFORD in their Schrs. passed North on Friday to Belle Isle for the fishery. Some of their crew went by motors the previous week to secure the berths.
May 20, 1922 Old times - 1835 Old Times – From the Late Joseph PEARCE’s Diary - May 1835, 9th. Wind N.N.W. and N.W., with snow. A skirt of ice drove in the Bay covered with old seals. Several hauled and many killed in skiff. Self and brother and crew went out, but too late, as ice came in too fast. Killed one seal and three hounds. Norman’s schr. nearly drove on Higgin’s Island. General muster owing to the seals. Many skiffs hard up in the ice in Bight, crews left them and the seals in them. Two vessels in the Bay standing to the Eastward. 10th. Wind N.W., smart breeze and fine weather. Went on Smith’s lookout and saw a schr. standing to the Northward, and a great lot of seals on the ice off Back Harbour Gull Island and off Western Head. Mr. LYTE with his brother, and John CANTWELL went off and hauled 50 seals to B.H. Gull Island. Simon YOUNG and Brother hauled 22 and other fold hauled some. Norman’s crew landed on Front Hr. Gull Island 283 old seals. A schr. seen standing to the South.
May 20, 1922 Advertisement For Sale: The schooner “Sea Lark” 35 tons and in good condition. Going at a bargain. Apply to Frank ROBERTS.
May 20, 1922 Advertisement For Sale: At Hall's Bay North Side, fourteen acres of Land, about two cleared, with Herring factory and small Dwelling House, also wharf situated about to miles from bottom of Bay. The best part of bay to catch Herring. Will be sold cheap. For particulars apply to SUN Office.

May 27, 1922 Birth Born: On the 15th, to Mr and Mrs. Norman ANSTEY, a son.
May 27, 1922 Death Mr. Pearce BOYD received a message from Toronto on Thursday conveying the death of his brother, Mr. George BOYD, on May 24th. He will be remembered by many of his old friends here.
May 27, 1922 Telegraphic News May 25th – All railway services are running as result of Government’s action in guaranteeing wages of Reid employees. Mrs. DEVALERA has given birth to twin sons.
May 27, 1922 Collection (Part 1) Collection On Behalf of British & Foreign Bible Society (Concluded) Wild Cove - Per Dorothy ELLIOTT: Benjamin ROBERTS $1.00. Emily FRENCH $.50. Jonas ELLIOTT $.25. Mrs. Bennett GUY $.25. One in sympathy $.25. Mrs. Thos. ROBERTS, Sr. $.20. Mrs. Joseph ROBERTS $.20. Obadiah ROBERTS $.25. Mrs. Thos. ROBERTS $.10. Maxwell G. ROBERTS $.05. Total $3.05. Crow Head - Per John MILLS: Wm. FREEMAN $1.00. Bernice ROBERTS $1.00. Mark ANDREWS $.50. Louise CHIPMAN $.50. John DOVE $.50. Mrs. J. DOVE $.50. Fred ELLIOTT $.50. Bessie MILLS $.25. Edward SHARPE $.25. Total $5.00. Little Harbour - Per Lucy WHITE: Lucy WHITE $1.00. Mr and Mrs. Peter ANSTEY $.50. Mrs. HICKS $.50. Willie PARDY $.25. Mrs. Samuel ROBERTS $.25. Mrs. Oliver WATT $.20. Drusilla ANSTEY $.20. Mr and Mrs. B. ANSTEY $.20. Claude COLBOURNE $.20. Uriah HALLETT $.20. Mrs. George KEEFE $.20. Mrs. John PARDY $.20. Mrs. STUCKLESS $.20. Mr and Mrs Mark WARR $.20. Mrs. Joseph WARR $.20. John H. SMITH $.15. Wm. ANSTEY $.10. Mrs. Philip ANSTEY $.10. Mrs. Andrew ANSTEY $.10. Mrs. John EVELEIGH $.10. Mrs. Samuel KEEFE $.10. Mrs. Wesley KEEFE $.10. Mrs. Robert KEEFE $.10. John KEEFE $.10. Mrs. Abram KEEFE $.10. George Nelson KEEFE $.10. Bramwell John KEEFE $.10. Stephen PARDY $.10. Mrs. Samuel PARDY $.10. Wm. POOLE $.10. P. RICE $.10. Ettie RICE $.10. Violet SMITH $.10. Nellie SMITH $.10. Mrs. Edgar WARR $.10. Grace POOLE $.05. Mrs. John H. SMITH $.05. Total $6.65.
May 27, 1922 Collection (Part 2) Hart’s Cove and Jenkin’s Cove - Per H. V. BRIFFETT: Edgar HAWKINS $1.00. W.T. SKINNER $1.00. S. SKINNER $1.00. Edward SMITH $1.00. Stephen HAWKINS $.50. WM. HAWKINS $.50. Josiah HAWKINS $.50. Blanche JACOBS $.50. James MORGAN $.50. A.J. PARSONS $.50. Arthur BURTON $.30. Alfred LINFIELD $.25. Mabel LINFIELD $.25. Adolphus PELLEY $.25. Caleb SMITH $.25. James ADEY $.20. Mrs. Abel BURTON $.20. H.V. B.$.20. Mrs. E. JACOBS $.20. Alma PARSONS $.20. Mark MOORS $.20. Mrs. Arthur ROBERTS $.20. Mrs. Robert STOCKLEY $.20. Mrs. Wm. ROBERTS $.12. Edna BURTON $.10. Mrs. Eli BURTON $.10. Mrs. Wm. LOYTE $.10. Mrs. Harry STOCKLEY $.10. Mrs. Adolphus VERGE $.10. Mrs. Samuel PELLEY $.05. Peter PELLEY $.05. Total $10.62. French Beach - Per Loretta ANSTEY: Loretta ANSTEY $.70. N. JENKINS $.50. Ted JENKINS $.50. Mrs. A. MAIDMENT $.25. George SLADE $.25. Lydia DALLEY $.20. Thomas DALLEY $.20. Mrs. Stanley HELLIER $.20. Mrs. Peter JENKINS $.20. Peter JENKINS $.20. Gordon JENKINS $.20. Mrs. John PRIMMER $.20. Mrs. John SIMMONS $.20. Baxter ROGERS $.15. Arthur ADAMS $.10. Mark DALLEY $.10. James DALLEY $.10. Mrs. Eli EARLE $.10. Joseph HELLIER $.10. Fred JENKINS $.10. Ernest JENKINS $.10. Mrs. Elias JENKINS $.10. Walter ROGERS $.10. George SIMMONS $.10. Gladys RODGERS $.05. S. STUCKLESS $.05. Total $5.25. Bluff Head Cove - Per Hettie CHURCHILL: Archibald ROBERTS $.25. Sydney BAGGS $.20. Edward BAGGS $.20. Mrs. Claude ROBERTS $.20. Clemmie ROBERTS $.20. Mrs. Arch ROBERTS $.20. Mrs. John HULL, Sr. $.10. Flossie HULL $.10. Flora ROBERTS $.10. Mrs. John ROBERTS $.10. Minnie ROBERTS $ .10. Total $1.75. Manuel’s Cove - Per Annie BORDON: Annie BORDON $.20. Ivy BORDEN $.05. Harold BORDEN $.05. Hettie BORDEN $.02. Elmo P. BORDEN $.02. Total $.34. TOTAL: $129.76. A.G. ASHBOURNE, Treasurer.
May 27, 1922 Doctor LeDREW's Letter (Part 1) Dr. LeDREW Writes: Editor of Twillingate Sun, Dear Sir, Though a few issues of your paper have gone out since you expressed your opinion and brief but assertive Editorial note re the death of Joseph STRICKLAND, I would like just here, to set you thinking right about the sad tragedy of the man’s death, and also those of your readers who not being familiar with the facts of the case, might have drawn erroneous conclusions from your Editorial note. You say, “That it seemed to you that delay and neglect were the cause of the man’s death.” This is not correct and certainly a very faulty translation of the real facts of the case, and I must endeavour to set forth a few facts regarding the affair for your consideration. Nothing whatever was delayed or neglected in the treatment and management of the case, I attended. “Joe” along with a female attendant, and he was given the usual medical attendance required in such a case. To the unbiased reader nothing could be more plain than the fact that some of the evidence given in the case was made up to serve a PURPOSE, and that purpose was to cover up the real cause of the tragedy, but I have no hesitation in affirming definitely, that Liquor was the instrument that caused the man’s death. Put the saddle on the right horse this time, Mr. Editor, blame the liquor.
May 27, 1922 Doctor LeDREW's Letter (Part 2) I have proof of this that I have not given out, but you can accept it from me as bona fide and without reserve, that Liquor was the real agent in the case. When called to see “Joe,” Constable TULK was there and he knows the patient was persistently entreated to allow us to move him from his filthy quarters where he was doubled up in a short bed, to Wild Cove Hospital, and told that he would have a better chance for his life there, he refused point blank all advices and finally said “He would rather die in his own house, than go to Wild Cove Hospital.” These are his precise words. The next thing was to do what could be done for him where he was, and get some attendant to wait on him. Constable suggested Mrs. FIFIELD, and I advised him to try to get her which he did. I gave Mrs. FIFIELD full instructions what to do in my absence, and I have sufficient reason to believe that she carried out these instructions. Meanwhile I advised the Health Officer of the case, and was using his work to get the patient to St. John’s Hospital and with the Relieving Officer’s assistance, arrangements were made to put Joe on the steamer when she called here, but he became worse before the steamer arrived. From the time I was called, till his death, the patient received all the medical attendance that was necessary. No person in this community heard me say Joe’s chances were “good” for living, to those inquiring I said, “He had a poor chance for his life where he was, he would have a better chance in a hospital,” and I did my utmost to get him there. I.S. LeDREW. Twillingate, May 25th, 1922.
May 27, 1922 Personals Mr. George BLANDFORD arrived from the City on Friday via Lewisporte and Summerford. Mr. CROWTHER representing White Clothing Co. arrived by the Prospero. Mr. Henry HARBIN arrived also by same boat from St. John’s. Mr. W. H. ROBERTS leaves by Prospero for Wales Gulch where he will be engaged teaching in the S. A. Primary School. Mr. Edward LINFIELD arrived from the city this week. The Magistrate and Constable leaves for Exploits and Loon Bay by Prospero. Mr. Gordon ROBERTS also goes to Springdale. Mr. SEVIOUR arrived from Exploits by motorboat on Tuesday, landing at Wild Cove. He came to take home Miss JACOBS who has been all winter in the Hospital. The S. S. Clyde arrived on Wednesday from Change Islands after the ice had slacked off this side of the Bay. Mr. Alfred COLBOURNE, who spent the winter at the city arrived by her.
May 27, 1922 Loss of Mr. TARRANT We read of the arrival of the Cecil Jr., with a cargo of salt to Capt. A. KEAN at St. John’s. We presume an inquiry will be held in reference to the loss of seamen TARRENT of Fogo, while leaving this coast last fall. It is reported that the man left the ship, while in the ice, in quest of a seal that the cook had shot, and while out, the ship passed on, with full sail with no sign of waiting. Surely it seems a funny act on the part of the Captain, who might have ordered all canvas down until the man came aboard safely.
May 27, 1922 Herring Fishery Herring struck again last week and eighty barrels were hauled by Mr. Ed STUCKLESS and brothers, who landed them on North Side. Messrs. ANSTEY of Back Harbour landed 60 or 70 barrels on Monday.
May 27, 1922 Advertisement For Sale: Household Estate situated at William ANSTEY’s, Purcells Harbour, Twillingate. Bed steads, chairs, tables, sideboards, commodes, also one ¾ inch gun. All going at a reasonable price. For further particulars apply to William M. PARDY, P.M., Little Harbour.
May 27, 1922 New St. John's Newspaper “Public Opinion” another St. John’s newspaper which made its first flight on May 1st or thereabouts. The first copy we received is dated May 15th, and is the third edition. Its Editor is Mr. Arthur ENGLISH, who was once occupied on the Advocate Staff, but his writings seem to be opposed to the present regime. However, Mr. ENGLISH is an able writer, as many articles of interest has appeared during the past winter in the dailies, and we wish him success in his new enterprise.
May 27, 1922 Will Employ About 18 Traps. Capt. WHITELEY Prepares for Straits Fishery – Is hopeful over Outlook But Outfitting is Rather High. Captain WHITELEY is now making preparations for the Strait's fishery, and will proceed to Bonne Esperance via Bay of Islands on the 25th inst., so as to arrive at the fishing station about the last of May and be ready for fishing the first week of June. Captain WHITELEY will have about 18 traps, and will employ 70 men at the fishery. Mr. GRANT will employ about 300 men, including a staff of Coopers, who will introduce an economic innovation by making the fish casks required, on the premises. Capt. WHITELEY is quite hopeful over the outlook, but says that he had hoped that commodities all round would have been cheaper. Two large items of outfit are higher than they were last year, viz flour and salt. Gasoline also is much higher than is justifiable, at 52 cents per gallon, when it can be bought in Halifax for 32 cents. Salt is $2.20 as against $2.00 last year, and flour is so far about $1.00 dearer per barrel. Captain WHITELEY will begin fishing with the hook and line with caplin bait, and as soon as the trap time comes he will put his 18 to 20 traps in the water. When the trapping season is over his men will take up the hook and line fishing again. – Trade Review.
May 27, 1922 Empire Day Wednesday being Empire Day flags were flying all around, the day being cold and foggy in the morning, but cleared in the afternoon. In the evening, an entertainment by the children was held in the Parish Hall, a social in the Superior School, a basket party in the Arm Academy, and last but not least a few quadrilles in the Club Room, till the wee hours of the morning.
May 27, 1922 Shipping News The S. S. Prospero arrived on Thursday after a few days delay at Herring Neck owing to the ice. She brought some freight and took a few packages for Treaty Shore.

June 3, 1922 Taxes Reduced The Government has decided to reduce taxes as follows to help the fishery – 25 cents and 5 cents surtaxes are taken off kerosene, gasoline, rubber boots and oil clothes, also 10 cents off fish exported in local bottoms, and 10 cents off the tax in foreign bottoms. Heretofore local bottoms were 20 cents and foreign bottoms 40 cents, per quintal of fish carried to market. This will mean a great help in the fishery operations. – Trade Review.
June 3, 1922 Shipping News Schooner Utowana Capt. Edward ROBERTS arrived with freight from St. John’s on Thursday. Schr. LaBerge Capt. Abel SAUNDERS came also with freight on Friday. The schr. Violet Carrie was refloated a while ago and is being overhauled by Mr. James PHILLIPS. Schr. Elmo Gorden Capt. Wm. WATERMAN, arrived from the Bay yesterday with sticks for the proposed breakwater. Two steamers went in the Bay on Wednesday on way to Botwood. There were three in St. John’s last week awaiting a time. The S.S. Clyde has made several attempts to get out of the Run but the ice blockade is up in the vicinity of Comfort Cove. Our mail men left again for mails and it is several weeks since Twillingate, or surrounding settlements were blessed with foreign mail matter. The aeroplane would now be of some benefit as far as mail goes, even if she could not bring a few hundred barrels of flour. S.S. Clyde Capt. Job KNEE, arrived in port yesterday morning for first time, ice conditions looking better. Capt. KNEE is again on the bridge and looks in the best of health, as does all officers and crew. Most of the old hands have taken up the work. She brought a large mail and a few packages freight.
June 3, 1922 Telegraphic News May 26th – The Chinamen who shot three other countrymen on May 3rd was charged with murder at the police court this morning, being remanded for 8 days, then the preliminary trial will commence. The agreement for temporary operation of railway service continues until June 12th. May 27th – Miss Mary BOWDITCH, of Boston University is to act as secretary to Dr. GREENFELL on Labrador this year, Dr. GRENFELL having in preparation, two books on Labrador and its people. [Transcribers Note: Dr.’s name typed as printed.] A presentation to Archbishop ROCHE on the occasion of his sacerdotal silver jubilee, will be made on June 25th. May 29th – The founder and proprietor of Evening Telegram, W. J. HERDER, died yesterday 73 years old. Heart trouble after attack of pneumonia was cause of death. Robinsons reports good salmon fishing at Barachoix Brook all lower pools being full of salmon and trout. May 31st – F.P.U. coaster reports passing nearly 100 icebergs between Green Island and Baccalieu. Portia sails on Labrador service June 9th calling at Conception Bay ports. Hr. Breton reports schr Ornate lost a man, Albert MILES, of Jersey Hr., Poin, drowned from overloaded dory on may 24th. Morey’s trap Trinity reported fifteen quintals yesterday.
June 3, 1922 City’s Latest. St. John’s, June 2nd (Special to Sun) - Only a few party members greeted arrival of Minister of Fisheries on his return to his native land by Rosalind yesterday. Was afterward motored through Water Street, when his former day prophecy that grass would grow, appears to be about realized to hundreds of disappointed fishermen now looking in vain for supplies. Granting ice blockade, Twillingate should have been sending and receiving mails. Wake up you Postmaster and Representatives! Capt. JONES takes Magistracy on the Labrador this season, while SANSOM retains his position at Agriculture. Truly your happy trio are making good from the Chest. Correspondent.
June 3, 1922 Death Mrs. Thomas ROBERTS received a message from Toronto conveying the death of her sister Mrs. George ROBERTS, on May 11th. She will be remembered by many of her old friends here. Mrs. ROBERTS was a daughter of the late Joseph GUY. She has been ailing for a long while, suffering from heart trouble. She leaves a husband and many sons and one daughter, who are living in Canada. Mr. John GUY of Wild Cove is a brother. The SUN extends sympathy to all the bereaved.
June 3, 1922 Men Wanted at Hawke's Bay A message to magistrate MIFFLEN last week from Major COTTON says 800 men are needed to go to Port Saunders and Hawke’s Bay for contract work on pit props and pulp wood cutting.
June 3, 1922 Birth Born: On 18th inst., to Mr and Mrs. Arthur GILLARD, a son.
June 3, 1922 Marriage Married: On the 15th inst., by Rev. J. A. WILKINSON, Mr. Martin RIDOUT of Back Hr. to Miss Lucy YOUNG of South Side.
June 3, 1922 Twenty Years Ago There was no talk of prohibition. Religious strife was unknown. Bill COAKER was taming gulls on Dunnage Island. Dick SQUIRES was attending the Grammar School at Harbour Grace. Ned MORRIS was only Ned MORRIS. Rum was five cents a glass. Strikes were unheard of. Water Street was a fairly decent place to put an hour in, after dark. There was no dabbling in stocks. You could play cards all night for a two cent anti, and borrow enough in the morning to get a drink, even if you lost 50 cents. Low necks and short sleeves were just coming into fashion. You could get a bottle of Bavarian beer on Sundays. Life was worth looking after in this old town of ours. - Saturday Night, May 20th.
June 3, 1922 Death There passed peacefully away at Manuel's Cove on Sunday morning, May 22nd, wife of Mr. John GLASEN, daughter of Mr and Mrs. James WEAKELY of the Arm, just in the bloom of life, leaving to mourn husband, mother and father, two sisters and one brother. She is gone to be with Jesus, she is gone to the great beyond. She is gone but not forgotten Though her face we see no more, But we hope to meet up yonder, On that resurrection morn.
June 3, 1922 Personals Mrs. Stephen LOVERIDGE and children, and Mrs. LUNNEN, arrived by Clyde and will reside for the summer in the house owned by Mr. W. B. TEMPLE. Mr. Samuel MINTY also came by same boat from Lewisporte. Rev. R. WHITE came via Morton’s Harbour from Bridgeporte, Thursday, having left the Clyde there. He is from Sackville. Mrs. Ed. ROBERTS came from St. John’s by the schr. Utowana on Thursday. Miss Thursa ANDREWS is confined to her bed owing to weakness of the heart. Mr. Pearce BOYDE is ill with Beri-beri and has to stay indoors for a while. Mr. A. J. PEARCE is also laid up with a slight cold. Capt. Frank ROBERTS left for St. John’s last week. Mr. Alex. HODDER left for U. S. A. on Wednesday in company with the mail couriers. Mr. SEVIOUR and Miss JACOBS left for Exploits yesterday by motorboat after a long wait for ice to move off. Mr. Henry NEWMAN is very low at present suffering from heart disease and blood poisoning.
June 3, 1922 Advertisement WANTED: A housekeeper middle aged woman preferred. Apply Alfred E. MANUEL.

June 10, 1922 Advertisement Notice: In the S. A. Hall June the 11th services will be conducted by Staff Capt. R. TILLEY the young peoples Secretary of the S. A. Army in Nfld.
June 10, 1922 Note of Thanks The widow of the late Henry NEWMAN, his daughter and sons, wish to thank all those who sent wreaths, and notes of sympathy and all those who in any way helped to lighten the burden in their time of bereavement.
June 10, 1922 Telegraphic News June 2nd A disastrous fire at Woody Point, Bonne Bay, last night destroyed whole business section, eight dwelling houses, and all Government property. All supplies of food are gone. Premises gone are supposed to include S. TAYLOR, R. A. GARCIN, D. COHEN, BUTT Bros., Bank Nova Scotia, John HOLLIHAN, PREBBLE Bros., J. HALIBURTON, and Government property includes Custom House, Court House, Telegraph Office. June 3rd Danger seems to have passed in connection with forest fires at Bishop’s Falls and Bay of Islands. The dwelling houses destroyed at Bonne Bay are owned by JACKMAN, HOLLIHAN, JENKINS, PREBBLE, REID and ROBERTS. An estimate puts damage at 150 thousand dollars, with about 120 thousand dollars insurance carried. La ROSE and property is wiped out in addition to those already mentioned. June 5th. Two flags belonging to Royal Nfld. Fencibles, a century old, were hung in museum on Saturday. They were obtained from St. Belade’s Church, by the Government through efforts of Historical Society. Two little daughters to Thomas CHAFE, of Petty Hr., were drowned there yesterday, aged 8 and 6 years old. Latest from Bonne Bay says 58 buildings were burnt, including 9 dwellings. All lobster fishery supplies were destroyed. June 7th. Capt. Richard QUIRK, born in Nfld. 1868, has retired after [?] years. [Transcribers note: I think it is “30” years, however, it is difficult to read as there is a slight ink smear over the first number.] A prisoner, Kitchener EDWARDS, who escaped from penitentiary on Monday is still at large. June 8th. Miss Beatrice PRESTON, of Twillingate, is among graduates of Montreal General Hospital. June 8th. Portia leaves St. John’s on Tuesday calling at Western Bay, Bay Roberts, Brigus, Hr. Main, Trinity, Catalina, Wesleyville, T’wgate, Quirpon, and usual ports as far North as Domino, conditions permitting. S.S. Ranger leaves St. John’s Wednesday next, calling at Hr. Main, Brigus, Bay Roberts, Spaniard’s Bay, Hr. Grace, Carbonear, Western Bay, Trinity, Catalina, Wesleyville, Twillingate and usual Labrador ports, going as far North as Holton, conditions permitting.
June 10, 1922 Financial District Meeting: The Ministers of the Methodist Church of this District arrived this week by S.S. Prospero and S. S. Clyde, and will hold sessions each week day. Sunday the 11th will be District Sunday and the pulpits will be occupied by some of the Brethren. At North Side Church, Rev. BURSEY will take the morning service, and Rev. C. CURTIS the evening services. A Sunday School Rally Service will be held at 2:30 p.m. On the South Side, Rev. L. BLUNDEN will preach at 11 am, and Rev. W. H. DOTSHON takes the evenings service, a Rally service in the Marshall Hall will also be held at 2:30 pm.
June 10, 1922 Shipping News Hodge Bros. shipped a few casks of fish by Prospero. Schr. Earl Gray arrived from St. John’s with salt, etc., for Wm. ASHBOURNE on Tuesday evening. Schr. Ida M. Clarke, Capt. A.J. GILLETT, with general cargo arrived on Wednesday morning. Schr. Union C., Capt. CARROLL, arrived from Fortune Harbour on Monday for supplies from Earle Sons and Co. here. S. S. Prospero arrived from North on Tuesday evening and reports no ice along the Shore except at Griquet, where it was then about two miles off. Caplin struck at Springdale and seals were numerous. Mr. Geo. CLARKE came by here on a visit. Most of the Methodist Ministers came also for the Annual Financial Assembly and are being looked after by kind friends. Mr. Stephen LOVERIDGE sent along his household furniture, and small lots arrived by four schooners this week.
June 10, 1922 Reunion of Old Friends Mrs. (Rev. Canon) TEMPLE, now living at the Rectory, Sandy Point, is a guest with Magistrate and Mrs. SCOTT, where she meets an associate in Church work, Mrs. PEYTON, mother of Mrs. SCOTT. Mrs. TEMPLE arrived as an English bride and began wedded life in the remote mission of White Bay, subsequently for quarter of a century filling with her Revered husband a large place in all useful avenues of Church and philanthropic efforts. Nearly 40 years ago Mr and Mrs. SCOTT were united in St. Peter’s Church, Twillingate, Rev. R. TEMPLE being then the respected Rector. In a few days the visitor returns to St. George’s and Mrs. PEYTON will be on the way home after 7 months stay here. – Western Star, May 31st.
June 10, 1922 Personals Mr. J. A. S. PEYTON was to Morton’s Hr. on Tuesday arriving by Prospero. Mr. George BAGGS who has been transferred from the Bank, here left for home by the Prospero. Miss Mamie ROBERTS arrived from Sackville College on Monday. Messrs. Andrew and H. C. ROBERTS took her down in motorboat from Lewisporte. Nurse PAGE enroute to St. Anthony, also came by same boat and is staying at Mr. Robert PRIMMER'S awaiting a chance North. Mrs. Wm. HUGHES arrived from Morton’s Hr. by motorboat on Thursday. Mr. HARNETT, C. of E. Teacher, went to Seldom this week. Mr. DAWE came on a visit last week from Herring Neck and returned again. Messrs. Thomas and Obadiah WHEELER of Farmer's Arm have up to now about 200 barrels of herring on their premises. We congratulate Miss Beatrice PRESTON on her success in passing examination in her medical course at Montreal last week. Dr. PARSONS arrived by motorboat on Thursday from Lewisporte.
June 10, 1922 Marriage Married: On the 1st, by Rev. J. A. WILKINSON, Mr. Harold SHARP of Crow Head, to Miss E. BROWN of Bluff Head Cove.
June 10, 1922 Donation to Hospital Fund N.D. Memorial Hosp’tl – Stephen HODDER, Lewisporte $1.00 – Arthur MANUEL, Fin. Sec.
June 10, 1922 Death On the 3rd inst. Mrs. Henry STUCKLESS of Tickle Point departed this life after a lengthy sickness from consumption. Mrs. STUCKLESS was a Miss DALLEY and was for years with Mrs. Jonathan BURT, living then under Churchill. She was a good housekeeper and a kind and affectionate mother. She was 36 years of age. She leaves a husband and two small children. To the bereaved families the Sun extends sympathy.
June 10, 1922 Death The passing of W. J. HERDER, Esq., Proprietor of the Evening Telegram, created no little comment in all the newspapers throughout the country. He fell asleep on Sunday, May 28th, after a short illness, and leaves a widow, four sons and three daughters. Two other sons Arthur and Hubert gave their lives for their country during the Great War. The late Mr. HERDER was rightly termed “The grand old man of Journalism” and has for close on half a century, taken the keenest interest in Journalistic work which has had a vitalizing effect upon the public opinion; and whilst he sought no prominent place, yet his influence was felt throughout the length and breadth of our island. Three of his sons are now on the Telegram staff, they are Messrs. William, Agustus, and Ralph, while the other son James is now studying at Picton Academy. We join with other Journals in offering sincere sympathy of the press of Newfoundland to the family, in the hour of bereavement.
June 10, 1922 Death A message received by Mr and Mrs. Alfred NEWMAN on Thursday informs them of the death of their son Stanley who died at New York. He has been at St. Luke’s Hospital all winter and had an operation, and all seems to have been done without reservation, so the patient might be cured.
June 10, 1922 Death Mr. Henry NEWMAN, who passed away last Saturday was 70 years of age. He was fairly well up till a week ago, although at times troubled with heart failure. He was latterly employed at Hodge Bros. premises here, and was always known to be of a cherry and optimistic mood, and as in former years while enduring hardships at sea, always looked on the bright side of life. He leaves a widow, three sons, Herbert at Toronto, George living on North Side, and Pearce, who has up 'till the present been at Angle Brook, B.B., employed with the Terra Nova Sulphite Co., also one daughter Mrs. Frank LOVERIDGE at Grand Falls.

    There is nothing on the Microfilm between June 10 and July 1, 1922. GW

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