NL GenWeb Newspaper Records

Notre Dame Bay Region

Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser

July 1894 - December 1894

Place of publication: Twillingate
Dates of publication: June 24, 1880-Jan. 31, 1953.
Suspended publication: Jan. 16-Feb. 15, 1947.
Frequency: Weekly.

Title varies:

Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser, June 24, 1880-Aug. 10. 1912.
Twillingate Sun, Oct. 19, 1912-Jan. 31, 1953.

Editor and proprietor:

Jabez P. Thompson, June 24, 1880-1895.
George Roberts, 1895 (56)-1910.
William B. Temple, 1910-1921.
Stewart Roberts, 1921-Jan. 9, 1947.
Ernest G. Clarke, Feb. 22, 1947-Jan. 31, 1953.

The Twillingate Sun printed local and foreign news, legislative proceedings, serial fiction and advertisements. It claimed to be politically independent in 1886, but supported the Whiteway and the Liberals, especially in the fall election of 1894. In 1929, it supported Squires and in 1948 was neutral on Confederation. The Sun ceased publication due to financial reasons in 1953.


MUN 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889, 1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Microfilm
PANL [1928-1930, 1934-1935, 1938, 1953] Microfilm
PRL 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889, 1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Original and microfilm.

The records were transcribed by RON ST. CROIX, formatted by GEORGE WHITE starting in August 2002. While we have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors.

July 7, 1894PoliticsFalse Statements. Some of the Tories who lately returned from St. John's have falsely reported that Sir William WHITEWAY has gone to England and that he was summoned there by the Imperial authorities. It is scarcely necessary for us to say that such a statement is a gross and deliberate falsehood, as any one of common sense must know. Sir William WHITEWAY, or any other Premier, is in no respect amenable to the Imperial government for his political actions in this colony. The people are the only real tribunal that he need fear, and when an opportunity offers, there is no question but they will endorse his policy more so than ever in the past, and return his party to power with sweeping majorities. It is true that the Courts of our land may decide against him, but it is even possible for prejudice to permeate the highest earthly tribunals in existence, and more eminent interpreters of law than those who administer law and justice in our land may take an entirely different view of the statute under which these election cases have been tried, and just as correctly, come to the conclusion that the decisions given have been wrong, taking into consideration all the circumstances surrounding the election, and the custom that has prevailed regarding the expenditure of public monies for more than fifty years. But as we have said, the report of the People's Leader being summoned to England is a pure fabrication of the Tories. It is by falsehood and deception that they have hedged into power, and they are going to try to hold on by the same unmanly and unprincipled course of action, but they are not likely to succeed as the electorate of the colony are not going to be imposed on the this unpatriotic manner.
July 7, 1894A Noble-Hearted PriestBy advices from Coachman's Cove, as well as from information furnished by the shipwrecked people themselves, we are placed in possession of pretty well all the details regarding the loss of the ill-fated schooner "Rose", while on her way to Labrador. Most of those details have already appeared in these columns; but there is one circumstance connected with the unfortunate affair which deserves special mention. We refer to the self-sacrificing conduct of the noble-hearted Roman Catholic priest of Coachman's Cove - the Rev. Father SHEAN. As soon as the survivors reached port and he became acquainted with the disaster, the Reverend gentleman hastened to their relief. He found them in the deepest distress, and some of them with no covering beyond their scanty night-clothes. His big generous heart was touched and the tears ran down his cheeks at the sight of so much human suffering. But he did not stop here: with a bag across his shoulders he proceeded from house to house, among his hospitable people, getting a coat here, a dress there, and some other article somewhere else, until the bag was filled, when he returned to the sufferers, placed the contents at their disposal and continued his labor of love, not resting till all that could possibly be done for them was accomplished. In this pre-eminently selfish age, such actions as these shine across the pathway of life like bright rays of sunlight after a dark and stormy night. We are proud to find among the outlying settlements of the colony, men of Father SHEAN's goodness of soul; and we may be sure that our pride is not lessened anything by the fact that he is a native Newfoundlander - a Newfoundlander "to the manor born". - Evening Telegram, July 3.
July 7, 1894CaplinThere has been an abundance of caplin in some of the coves this week and many barrels have been taken for manure.
July 7, 1894Shipping NewsThe coastal steamer "Grand Lake", Capt. DELANEY, comes North this trip. She did not leave St. John's until Thursday evening, and may be looked for here some time this evening. Her trip extends as far as Griquet this time. The next trip of the Northern coastal steamer will extend as far as Red Bay, Labrador to connect with the mail steamer "Windsor Lake", which was to have left St. John's on the 2nd inst. For the coast, going as far as Hopedale and Fanny's Harbor the first trip. (The "Grand Lake" left Seldom-Come-By, 10.30 this morning and will be expected here about five or six o'clock this evening.) The "Jubilee", Stephen NEWMAN, master, left for St. John's on Thursday morning with a cargo or seal oil for the firm of J.B. TOBIN. The "Terra Nova" arrived from St. John's Thursday afternoon. Late local papers were received by her, extracts from which will be found in other columns. The "Mary Parker," Capt. CARTER, belonging to E. DUDER, left for St. John's last Saturday evening with a cargo of oil and returned on Thursday, bringing a load of merchandise. She made the round trip in five days.
July 7, 1894CodfishCodfish have been exceedingly scarce around our shores the past week, and scarcely anything at all has been done. The prospect has not been worse for many years.
July 7, 1894DiphtheriaDiphtheria has been prevalent at Leading Tickles for some time past, and Dr. SCOTT has been visiting that locality to give medical treatment to the afflicted ones. Mr. James NOSEWORTHY at Thimble Tickles (a place near by) we are sorry so say, lost five children from this disease.
July 7, 1894New S.A. YachtA new yacht built at Robert's Arm the past winter by Mr. Francis WARR for the Salvation Army, arrived here from that place last Saturday evening. This little craft is called the "Salvationist." She is a handsome model, sloop rigged, about thirty tons, and is intended for evangelistic work on the Labrador for which she appears to be admirably adapted. This, no doubt, is a step in the right direction on the part of the Salvation Army.
July 7, 1894Exploration PartyTABOR and LLOYD Exploring Party. The TABOR and LLOYD exploration party sailed for Labrador in the s.s. "Swallow" this morning. They go as far as Nain on the Labrador coast. The members of the party are; TABOR and LLOYD leaders; MURPHY, manager of the drills; REGADD, seaman; WHELAN, pilot; and RENDELL, chief engineer. The party were photographed in a group. There was a general hand-shaking. good byes and good luck to you. - Daily News, June 30.
July 7, 1894Shipping NewsPort of Twillingate. Entered. July 2 - "My Lady", LARSON, Cadiz, 160 tons, salt - OWEN & EARLE; July 3 - "Percy," HUXHAM, Cadiz, 196 tons salt - E. DUDER. Cleared. June 30 "Nikita," K….ES, St. John's, ballast - Captain; July 5 - "Western Lass," BARTLETT, Harbor Grace, ballast - Captain.
July 7, 1894BirthOn the 27th ult., the wife of Mr. Archibald BARRETT, a son.
July 7, 1894MarriedAt St. John's on the 27th ult., by the Rev. Dr. HARVEY, William H. THOMPSON, Esq., of Harbor Grace, to Clara Maria SCOTT, eldest daughter of Robert SCOTT, Esq., of Fogo.
July 7, 1894DiedAt Thimble Tickle, Leading Tickles, of diphtheria, the following children of James NOSEWORTHY: On June 7, Albert, aged 1… years; June 11, Charlotte, aged 3 years; June 17, James, aged 9 years; June 20th, Elijah, aged 12 years; June 24th, Henry, aged 7 years.
July 7, 1894DiedAt St. John's on the 26th ult., Jessie […… looks like RHYMA ] Holmes, beloved wife of Ernest G. MARTIN.

July 14, 1894Little Bay Closed (Part 1)"Mining Operations Suspended at Little Bay." "Need for Public Works." It is with much regret that we learn of the closing down of Little Bay mine. The vigorous operations that have been carried on there have given remunerative employment to hundreds of our people, and the suspension of work will be a severe loss, not alone to the place, but to the district and the country in general. It is over a year since operations were considerably curtailed, and it was hoped all along that a fresh impetus would again be given to the mining industry there, but we are sorry to find that such hopes have been blighted, as instructions were received to the effect that operations are to be entirely suspended for the present. A considerable quantity of ore has been taken out the past winter and spring, and it cannot be altogether owing to the scarcity of copper ore that such an action has been taken on the part of the owners, as we learn, of late the mine is looking better than for some time past.
July 14, 1894Little Bay Closed (Part 2)But as it is quite deep, and other expensive machinery would be required shortly for raising the ore to the surface, the low price of copper just now may not warrant the proprietors in making the large additional expenditure necessary for carrying on operations, and this may be one of the chief reasons why they have ceased. But it is hoped that it is not for very long. At any rate it is a sad blow for Little Bay as there are many families there who were solely depending on the employment which the working of this mine gave, and now that this forum is closed, they know not where to look for support. Seeing that so many of our people have thus been unexpectedly thrown out of work, it is only right and proper that the Government (of which Mr. GOODRIDGE is now Premier and has the power), should come to their assistance in this emergency, and we trust that no time will be lost in dealing with this important matter. There is that road from Hall's Bay to Exploits, to connect with the railway, which was started last year by the WHITEWAY government, and on which a large number of men could be employed.
July 14, 1894Little Bay Closed (Part 3)This will be found to be a most valuable road, notwithstanding what has been said to the contrary by opponents of the WHITEWAY party. It was used last winter as the mail route for that part of the district, and the short time that the mails were received from St. John's alone, shows its value. The money for such work is already provided, as there is upwards of forty thousand dollars of the amount raised by the WHITEWAY government still unexpended, and if the GOODRIDGE party include such expenditures on public works as bribery under the Election Act, they need not be afraid that such a mean, cowardly and unmanly advantage will be taken of them by the Whitewayites, in thus providing our Little Bay people, or others, with labor on this road, out of the balance remaining over for railway connecting roads. Therefore we trust that prompt action will be taken on their behalf.
July 14, 1894Death"Death of Mr. R.G. STORY." The sad intelligence was received here on Saturday last of the death of the Rev. G.P. STORY, ex-president of the Methodist Conference. He had been residing at Whitbourne the past year and was in tolerably good health until a little over a month since, when he was taken very ill, and was removed to St. John's about a fortnight before his death. Mr. STORY was a Guardian and Chaplain of the Methodist Home before the buildings were destroyed by fire in 1892, and was re-appointed to that position by the Conference which closed at St. John's last week. Last year, the honor was conferred upon him of being elected as President of the Conference, and worthily filled that important office. In his demise, the Methodist Church has lost a true and valiant worker and one that is likely to be greatly missed in the execution of plans for the furtherance of the various agencies in connection with the Methodist denomination in this colony. Though he may be personally unknown to many of our readers in these parts, we dare say his name is familiar to hundreds, particularly to the Methodist people, as he was editor of the Methodist Monthly Greeting, which finds its way into many of their homes. We tender our sympathy to the sorrowing wife and family in their bereavement.
July 14, 1894Escapade"Yesterday's Escapade at SHEA's". There was an amusing escapade on SHEA's wharf yesterday. Messrs. MARSHALL & RODGERS, who have refused payment of duty on goods under the present Tory regime, concluded yesterday to get up a few cases of stock, very much called for by customers. To avoid Tory red-tapeism, they paid duty on those distinct cases, and procured a permit. Mr. RODGERS proceeded to SHEA's wharf with a carman and had those cases put on the car, and, before he had time to take the permit from his pocket, tidewaiters, who had 'till then been in other parts, came hastily along and began throwing off the load without any painstaking or questions. Meanwhile, Mr. SHEA came down and spoke in vehement terms of pains and penalties. Mr. RODGERS gave a happy side smile at the fili-busters; then added: "Look here, George, you have notified us to take away our goods. Now I have come down with a car and you cry out against it. See here, I want to know what time will suit you for me to come down with a few dozen cars, and take the lot away. Will half-past two do?" "Oh! It is no use in your coming down like that," replied Mr. SHEA, "I will have the doors closed." and away he skipped. Then the permit was produced, accompanied with the imperative order: "Load up that car again," and the tide-waiters had to do so. Meanwhile, some Customs officials ran to the Colonial Building to report a riot on for 2.30; while Mr. SHEA rang up the telephone and related to Fort Townsend and other places, particulars of the scenes that were to be. Policemen were marched down, and other necessary precautions against "another riot" were taken. The poor Tories were on a string, and suffered enough mental worry to cause serious prostration, while Mr. RODGERS, like a good citizen, went his way laughing - Telegram, July 4.
July 14, 1894Draft of Stations (Part 1)"Methodist Conference". Final Draft of Stations. George S. MILLIGAN, L.L.D., President. A.D. MORTON, M.A., Secretary. I - St. John's District 1. St. John's (Gower Street) A.D. MORTON, M.A. 2. St. John's West, H.P. COWPERTHWAITE, M.A.; J.J. BLYTHE, James DOVE, Supernumary; George S. MILLIGAN, L.L.D., Superintendant of Education by permission of Conference. 3. St. John's East, John PRATT, Geo. P. STORY, Governor and Chaplin of Home. 4. Pouch Cove, H.C. HATCHER, B.D. 5. Topsail, A. HILL. 6. Brigus, W.T.D. DUNN. 7. Cupids, S. MATTHEWS, C.W. FOLLETT. 8. Bay Roberts, etc., F.G. WILLEY. 9. Whitbourne and Railway Mission, John REAY. 10. Flower's Cove, Supply. 11. St. Anthony, Charles SQUIRES. 12. Red Bay, Akyroyd STONEY. 13. Hamilton Inlet. Supply. 14. Chapel Arm, under superindendance of J. REAY. 15. Sound Island, T.E. ROBERTS. 16. Labrador, summer months, C.W. FOLLETT, J.J. DURRANT, left without appointment at his own request. Students attending Sackville University: J.E. PETERS, C. FLEMINGTON, W. PATTERSON, W.B. AMBROSE, A.N. ANTLE, Herbert CLEGG, George STONEY. Wm. SEALEY attending Victoria University by permission of Conference. A.C. SKINNER attending Boston University by permission of Conference.
July 14, 1894Draft of Stations (Part 2)II - Carbonear District: 17. Carbonear, James NURSE, G.E. HEAL. 18. Harbor Grace, William SWANN. 19. Freshwater, Jesse HAYFIELD. 20. Blackhead, Samuel SNOWDEN. 21. Western Bay, William KENDALL. 22. Lower Island Cove, Wm. R. TRATT. 23. Old Perlican, R. FREEMAN. 24. Hant's Harbor, James WILSON. 25. Heart's Content, J. PINCOCK. 26. Green's Harbor, W.J. BARTLETT. 27. Shoal Harbor, John PYE. 28. Northern Bight, Jas. SMITH, B.A. 29. Britannia Cove, F.G. DRAKE. W.SWANN, Chairman; W.KENDALL, Fin. Secy. III - Bonavista District: 30. Bonavista, T.W. ATKINSON. 31. Bird Island Cove, A.A. HOLMES. 32. Catalina, Mark FENWICK. 33. Trinity, Edgar TAYLOR. 34. Musgrave Town, W.H. DATCHON. 35. Glover Town, Wm. J. LUSCOMBE. 36. Greenspond, Charles LEACH. 37. Wesleyville, Jabez HILL. 38. Musgrave Harbor, T.B. DARBY, B.A. 39. Indian Islands, etc., H.J. INDOE, B.A. 40. Fogo, J.J. WHEATLEY. 41. Herring Neck, William HARRIS. 42. Twillingate, .. Curtis, B.A.; W.W. EDMUNSON. 43. Morton's Harbor, S.J. RUSSELL. 44. Exploits, Henry SCOTT. 45. Laurence, etc., Selby JEFFERSON. 46. Little Bay Islands, etc., Wm. J. HUTCHESON; Edgar JONES. 47. Little Bay, Wm. H. BROWNING. 48. Nipper's Harbor, etc., J.C. SEDEY; Edwin MOORE. 49. White Bay, James OPIE. Wm. REX left without appointment at his own request. Jabez HILL, Chairman. Mark FENWICK, Fin. Secy.
July 14, 1894Draft of Stations (Part 3)IV - Burin District: 50. Burin, T.H. JAMES. 51. Spoon Cove, Charles HOWSE. 52. Flat Islands. A.E. ROWSON. 53. St. Pierre, One wanted. 54. Fortune, George PAINE. 55. Grand Bank, G.C. FRAZER. 56. Garnish, etc., R.K. PECK. 57. Burgeo, Supply. 58. Petites, Eugene FORSEY. 59. Channel, J.T. NEWMAN. 60. St. George's Bay, Jas. J. KELLY. 61. Bay of Islands, etc., R.M.B. 62. Bonne Bay, J.C.B. PECK. 63. French Shore, Supply. T.H. JAMES, Chairman; J.T. NEWMAN Fin. Secy. The following resolution was adopted: -- "That on behalf of the young men ordained on Monday night, July 2nd, the best thanks of the Conference be presented to the Rev. Dr. CARMAN, D.D. General Superintendent, for his very able, earnest and impressive charge delivered on that occasion, and that the same be published in the 'Greeting' ."
July 14, 1894Schooners Collide"A Collision". A schooner called the "Mary Jane", Archelaus TAYLOR, master, of Harbor Grace, while beating into St. Anthony Harbor one day last week, was run into by the schooner "Blanche", Thos. LANE, of Ragged Harbor, Trinity Bay, and in a few minutes the Mary Jane went to the bottom, the crew, seven in all, barely having time to jump on the other craft and get clear before going down. It was blowing a stiff breeze at the time and the Mary Jane had just tacked to clear a craft at anchor, and to avoid the land, and the Blanche, it is said, was going across the harbor, and might easily have avoided a collision. She struck about amidships, cutting the side in about twenty-two inches, and was immediately proceeding on her way, without stopping to see what damage had been done, or whether the craft would "sink or swim". The Mary Jane was going to the Labrador fishing and the loss is a severe one to all concerned.
July 14, 1894Shipping NewsThe "Terra Nova" touched here yesterday from Indian Arm with a cargo of lumber for St. John's. The schooner "A.G. Heisler," Capt. McKINNON, arrived from Sydney this morning with a cargo of coal for Harvey & Co. The coastal steamer "Grand Lake", arrived here Thursday morning going South. She reports a little being done with the fish about St. Anthony and other places along the coast. The "Jubilee", Stephen NEWMAN, master, returned from St. John's last evening, bringing back a cargo of provisions, &c., for the firm of J.B. TOBIN. She left there eight o'clock the previous morning and had a nice run home. The "Victoria", James NEWMAN, master, arrived from White Bay Thursday night, having gone there some time ago on a trading trip for Mr. WATERMAN. She brought back about 400 seals in casks and a quantity of seal skins. The fishery prospects in some parts of White Bay are very fair. The "Ocean Traveller" and "Notre Dame", belonging to Mr. R. QUIRK Fortune Harbor, left here for Labrador this week, one on Wednesday and the other on Thursday. The "Star of the Sea," Maurice CARROL, master, of same place, also sailed on Thursday for Labrador. The steam launch "Lance," belonging to Messrs. Job Brothers, St. John's, employed this year on the Bay to connect with the train at Norris' Arm, made her first visit here on Saturday evening last. Mr. John DALTON is in charge, who no doubt is well acquainted with the route the little steamer has to take. The Lance is much the same size as the "Matilda," but for political reasons the GOODRIDGE party preferred going to St. John's for a steamer to perform the bay service this season. The route is different from last year, but whether it will prove as satisfactory to the general public remains to be seen.
July 14, 1894WeatherIt has been splendid growing weather of late and crops are looking well.
July 14, 1894Labrador FleetAll the Labrador fleet have taken their departure. We trust that favorable winds and weather will accompany them and that success will attend their efforts.
July 14, 1894The FisheryThere is little or no improvement in the fishery around here the past week. A few boats got as much as a quintal one or two days but on the whole it is very scarce. All around this part of the shore it is much the same. At North West Arm, Green Bay, the early part of the week some boats did very well, getting from two to three quintals per day.
July 14, 1894DeathMr. Thomas BUCKLEY, of St. John's, died very suddenly of heart disease at Comfort Cove on the 3rd inst. Dr. STAFFORD left here in the "Fleta" to attend him but before he reached the place, death had done its fatal work. His body was conveyed to St. John's per "Grand Lake".
July 14, 1894DeathWe are sorry to learn of the death of J.C. DUDER, Esq., Sub-Collector of Little Bay, which took place on the 6th inst. He was in his 78th year, and although attaining this ripe age, he appeared to be quite smart and active until within a few months of his death. For nearly twenty years he has filled the office of Sub-Collector, first at Bett's Cove and then at Little Bay and was a most efficient officer. He bore his illness patiently and entered calmly into rest at an advanced age. To his sorrowing wife and family we tender our sympathy - under the trying ordeal through which they have thus been called to pass.
July 14, 1894DeathWe learn that Mr. John FRAMPTON, of Exploits, passed peacefully away on the 7th inst., at the advanced age of 70 years. He was one of the old standards, and for some years held the post of ferryman, and sexton in the Methodist church, which positions he filled satisfactorily. His funeral took place on Sunday last and was largely attended by relatives and friends, the ceremony being performed by the Lay Reader, Mr. Simon MANUEL, in the absence of Rev. Wm. SCOTT, who was attending Conference. For many years, Mr. FRAMPTON was a member of the Methodist Society, and was a well meaning man and consistent Christian. His end was peace. We sympathise with the bereaved family in their bereavement.
July 14, 1894BirthOn the 9th inst., the wife of Mr. Charles BISHOP, of a son.
July 14, 1894DiedAt Little Bay on the 6th inst., J.C. DUDER, Esq., Sub-Collector, in his 78th year.
July 14, 1894DiedAt Exploits on the 7th inst., Mr. John FRAMPTON, aged 70 years.
July 14, 1894Shipping NewsPort of Twillingate. Entered: July 9 - "Emulator:, KENDERICK, Turk's Island, 254 tons salt - E. DUDER. Cleared: July 11 - "Galatea," CROSS, St. John's, oil and skins - E. DUDER. July 12 - "Pe..y", Hux…, Sydney, ballast, Captain.

July 21, 1894Absence of Dean"A Well Merited Rest". The rural Dean for Notre Dame Bay, Rev. R. TEMPLE, left here by the little steamer "Lance" on Monday last for Tilt Cove to take passage by the steamer "Austerlitz" for England, which was to sail for there on Thursday. Mr. TEMPLE left somewhat unexpectedly. He has a sister in a low state of health suffering from the insidious disease, consumption, and after a twenty years' absence, he felt that he would like to see her once more in the flesh, and as this favorable opportunity offered of getting to the Mother Country so quickly, by this copper steamer going direct, he decided to go by her. The Rev. gentleman is a most indefatigable worker, and for upwards off seventeen years he has labored incessantly for the spiritual good of the Church people here, as well as for the social and moral welfare of the community generally, and after so many years of constant toil, he is certainly entitled to a few week's rest, such as will be afforded by the trip on which he has just started. It will doubtless invigorate and better fit him on his return to re-enter upon the arduous duties devolving upon him in this parish. He expects to be absent about six weeks. We wish him a pleasant voyage across the Atlantic and a safe return to his family and Church flock, when the time comes for his journey homeward.
July 21, 1894New Church"Laying Corner Stone Gower Street Church." The corner stone of the new Gower St. Methodist Church, St. John's was laid on the 5th inst., in the presence of a large concourse of people. The ceremony was a very imposing one. A platform was erected for the occasion on which, our contemporary, the Royal Gazette tells us, "were representatives from the city choirs and several prominent ladies and gentlemen, as well as the members of the Quarterly Board, and Board of Trustees, and the ministers then attending Conference. Appropriate hymns were sung, and the Scripture read, and excellent addresses were delivered by Drs. CARMAN, WITHROW, MILLIGAN and DOVE, and also by the Hon, J.J. ROGERSON. J.E. PETERS, Esq., read the parchment and list of papers, coins, etc., which were placed under the stone, and R.K. BISHOP, Esq., presented the trowel to the General Suberindendent, Dr. CARMAN, who, before the vast assemblage, solemnly declared the stone to be well and truly laid in the name of the father, Son and Holy Ghost."
July 21, 1894Visiting Bishop"Bishop BRENNAN's Visit North". His Lordship Bishop BRENNAN was a passenger North on the "Grand Lake" last time, making the round trip, the steamer going as far as Griquet. He landed at nearly all the ports of call and was much pleased with the receptions received. When the steamer was here, both going to and returning from the North, his Lordship was the guest of Mrs. TOBIN. A Little Bay telegraphic correspondent to the Evening Herald of the 9th inst., referring to His Lordship's visit says:- "The Grand Lake, having on board His Lordship Bishop BRENNAN, arrived at 2 p.m. yesterday. His Lordships visit being unexpected, was an agreeable surprise to his co-religionists on this Northern part of the island. Great was their regret that they had not been apprised of his coming, so that they might have prepared for him a right regal reception,. However, their welcome was none the less warm. At Pilley's Island the Bishop offered the holy sacrifice of the Mass, and preached a magnificent and most instructive sermon from the gospel of the day, taking as his text, "Thou render an account of thy stewardship." The little school chapel was packed with hardy miners and their families, and the crew and some passengers of the Grand Lake. Bishop BRENNAN continued his pleasure trip North, and thus far is very highly pleased with the scenery, etc., on this side of our island home." Bishop BRENNAN seemed to be greatly delighted with his tour North as we gather from the Evening Telegram of Monday last:-- "His Lordship Bishop BRENNAN, who has just returned from his round trip North on the Grand Lake, expresses himself well pleased with it. The scenery was most picturesque to the eye, while there was magnificent grandeur even in the towering barren rocks. He landed at all ports of call, and has warm expressions regarding the whole-souled, kindly disposition of the people."
July 21, 1894Death"Death of Promising Young Man at Herring Neck." Dear Mr. Editor, I shall be much obliged if you will insert the following words in your valuable paper. Philip Bennet BLANDFORD. On the 30th of June, P.B. BLANDFORD passed from Herring Neck to be "forever with the Lord". The call to leave the earthly tabernacle was not unexpected by him, neither did it find him unready. All the time he was wanting to enjoy more of the blessing of the Lord that maketh rich, and addeth no sorrow with it. His testimony was "I am going home to die no more". The day before he died his sister asked him if he could not get to sleep. he said, "I shall soon be asleep in Jesus, blessed sleep". His death is keenly felt by his father and mother, who for may years have been partners in his joys and sorrows, and by the family. His end was peace. Yours sincerely, J.R. STONEY. Herring Neck, July 18th.
July 21, 1894Transatlantic Cable"Arrival of The Cable Ships". The cable ships, having on board the 1894 cable, arrived in Heart's Content - the "Scotia" on Friday, the "Britannia" on Monday. The coal tender, the "Loughrigg Holme," also arrived on Monday morning. The Scotia is commanded by Capt. W.R. CATO; is 2,931 tons register; 368 feet long; 47 feet beam, and draws aft 28 feet. Her passengers and crew are numbered 130. She was built in 1879 by Messrs. THOMPSON & Co., Sunderland, and was in Heart's Content before - in 1880. Early on Monday morning, when about 60 miles off, in a dense fog, this steamer struck an iceberg, receiving considerable damages to her bow. She was going about 3 miles per hour at the time and struck the berg on a slant. Had her speed been fast, the result would have been disastrous in the extreme. One of the crew, a man aged 36 years, died from the shock of the vessel striking. He had been ill before, and was weakened. The shock affected and stopped the action of the heart. The Britannia, Captain KENNEDY, is a smaller vessel - about 900 tons. The Loughrigg Hoome is a coal-tender, about 1100 tons. The vessels are owned by the Cable Maintenance & Construction Co., (Ltd.), London. The steamers were expected to leave Heart's Content to-day on their trip to lay down the 1700 miles of cable necessary to connect both sides of the Atlantic. - H.G. Standard, July 9.
July 21, 1894The Courts"Sir Terence on the Witness Stand". Governor O'BRIEN appeared in Court this forenoon, in obedience to a summons, and gave his evidence in re the Placentia case. He was examined by Mr. EMERSON, Q.C., who elicited from him some important information. In to-morrow's Telegram we shall have something to remark about Sir Terence's evidence. Suffice it to say, for the present, that His Excellency seemed irritable and inclined to show "a little temper" during the examination. - Telegram, July 13.
July 21, 1894Cow For SaleA good milch cow is offered for sale. Intending purchasers to apply at the South Side Parsonage, on or before Wednesday next. J. HILL.
July 21, 1894FarmingGrass has grown very well this season and in one or two fields around here, mowing has commenced. The crop this year is likely to be large.
July 21, 1894AppointmentMr. Willis DUDER of Little Bay, has been appointed Sub-Collector for that port in place of his late father, whose death was announced in last week's Sun.
July 21, 1894MiningThe smelting works at Tilt Cove are in full swing and are very successful under the new manager, and mining operations there are prosecuted most vigorously.
July 21, 1894FisheriesSalmon have not been plentiful around our shores this summer and those who usually fit out for this fishery have done poorly. Some of the lobster packers are doing well.
July 21, 1894The FisheryWe learn that two or three fishing craft have returned to Change Islands from the Northward with good fares. A few Southern craft have been seen passing our harbor bound home, apparently well fished. The "Jubilee", Stephen NEWMAN, master, left for White Bay yesterday morning on a trading venture for the firm of J.B. TOBIN. Reports from some parts of that Bay say that pretty good fishing has been done, though in other places it has been very poor. The fishery around our shores has been as bad this week as it has been at all, and that is bad enough, as many fishermen could not get sufficient to eat some days. The outlook is gloomy in the extreme, but it is hoped an improvement will soon take place. One of Mr. OSMONDs fishing craft returned to Morton's Harbor from the French Shore the early part of the week with about one hundred and twenty quintals cod fish. We learn that another schooner belonging to Expolits came back having done fairly. These are the first arrivals of any account so far this season.
July 21, 1894The Fishery"Squids in Portugal Cove." Portugal Cove men were very fortunate this morning with squids. Boats with an average of two men each, jigged from a thousand to twelve hundred. Fish would not be caught by them, however. It is vexing to know that the ground is covered with fish but that they won't bite. Later on they may. - Telegram, July 16.
July 21, 1894Bay SteamerThe Bay steamer "Lance" did not arrive here from Norris'' Arm, this week until early Sunday, the train not arriving there at the usual time, Saturday morning. She went as far as Fogo, which is her terminus on the Southern route, calling at Herring Neck and Change Islands, and returned here two o'clock Monday afternoon or her way around the bay. The Lance's route is changed, and instead of going direct to Shoe Cove from here, she goes inland and touches at the various ports of call, and coming as the Matilda did last season, which will be more accommodating to the public.
July 21, 1894PassengersThe coastal steamer "Grand Lake", Capt. DELANEY, left St. John's on Tuesday morning and arrived here at 2 p.m. Thursday, visiting the usual intermediate ports of call. She had a good deal of freight and a large number of passengers. Several of the Ministers returning to their circuits were among the passengers including Rev. S. RUSSEL and wife for Morton's Harbor, Rev. C. WEED and wife, Rev. H. SCOTT and wife for Exploits, Rev. W. HUTCHINSON and wife for Little Bay Island, Rev. W. BROWNING and wife for Little Bay, Mrs. CORNER and child for Twillingate. The Grand Lake makes her first trip to Battle harbor to connect with the Labrador steamer and may not be expected back returning South before Wednesday or Thursday, next.
July 21, 1894Shipping NewsPort of Twillingate. Entered: July 14 - A.G. Heisler, McKINNON, Sydney, 166 tons coals - R.D. HODGE. Cleared: July 13 - My Lady, RIDER, Sydney, Ballast - J.W. OWEN.
July 21, 1894BirthOn the 14th inst., at St. Mary's Parsonage, Herring Neck, the wife of the Rev. G.S. CHAMBERLAIN, S.P.G.M. & L.M.P., of a son.
July 21, 1894MarriedOn the 15th inst., at St. Peter's Church, by the Rev. R. Temple, R.D., Mr, George ROBERTS, to Miss Eleanor PEYTON.
July 21, 1894For SaleAt Jackson's Cove in the best part of the Harbor. A small piece of ground with water side, and a house partly finished. For further particulars apply to L. NEWHOOK, Jackson's Cove.

July 28, 1894Politics (Part 1)"Judgement in Trinity Case". We understand that the judgement in the Trinity case was given on Wednesday last, resulting in the unseating and disqualifying of Sir. W.V. WHITEWAY and Mr. BOND, and the unseating merely of Mr. WATSON. The charges preferred against all the members petitioned against were somewhat similar, and as the judgement in the previous cases were adverse to the WHITEWAY party, we did not expect anything different in the Trinity case, as it appeared to be a foregone conclusion on the part of the conspirators, that the leaders especially should be "killed out" politically, that is if the unprincipled Tory faction, (to which his Excellency the Governor seems to be pandering), can have their way. It is evident that they are succeeding in their malicious designs for the present, but it cannot continue may months. As soon as the people have an opportunity of doing so at the polls they will show the unscrupulous politicians, who have wrenched the government from the WHITEWAY party, in the most mean and cowardly manner that ever any body of men could get control of political power, that they,
July 28, 1894Politics (Part 2)(the free and independent electors of this colony), are not going to be treated in such a shameful way, as they have been by the Tory faction, who have deprived them of the representatives of their own choice, because they were instrumental in getting a few paltry dollars expended in some of the small localities, on roads or some other useful public work. The very thing they have charged the members of the WHITEWAY party with, the GOODRIDGE-MORINE government are now doing themselves, that of expending public monies without any Legislative authority, and his Excellency the Governor, sanctions such illegal acts, on the part of the acting Executive Government by which he is now surrounded. Truly, Newfoundlander's are a poor down-trodden people, and the serfs in Russia could not be treated much worse. But never mind, there is a day of reckoning coming, and, notwithstanding the villainous attempts from the highest officials in the land to some of the meanest of them, to crush Sir William WHITEWAY and his Party of Progress out of existence, the vast majority of the people are with him, and when an appeal is made to the country, the result of the polls will more than show that Sir William is the most popular political leader we have ever had, and one of whom the fishermen and working classes of the country may well feel proud.
July 28, 1894Personal (Part 1)"Anonymous Letters." It is greatly regretted that there should exist amongst us, persons evil-minded enough, to indulge in the writing of anonymous letters to private individuals, and by such a course, attack them as it were with a dagger in the dark, and thus attempt to secretly assail the private reputations of those, against whom they may happen to entertain personal spite or animosity. It is a course that is to be deprecated, and we can hardly think that any one, with a spark of honor or principle, would adopt such a plan to give vent to their spleen against the parties aimed at. It is mean and cowardly in the extreme, particularly when it touches the secrecy of the home, and attempts to destroy that harmony which a happy wedlock should ever create. If a person has anything to say to one with whom he or she may be at variance, why not face them in a straightforward and manly way, instead of sending anonymous letters?
July 28, 1894Personal (Part 2) It is the means too, almost invariably, of having the wrong persons suspected, and very often those who are entirely innocent are blamed, and we are sorry to have to publish a letter in today's Sun from Mrs. Andrew LINFIELD, positively denying the insinuations that have been currently reported, respecting the suspicion that has been put on her, of having written or sent letters recently received by Mrs. HILL. It is quite evident, however, that Mrs. L. had nothing to do with such a diabolical action, and for one to be accused falsely, is as bad as for the person who may be the recipient of such dastardly effusions. We are not aware that either Mr. or Mrs. HILL did anything while here, to merit such treatment from anyone, and we deeply deplore that spirit that has thus been manifested by the parties in the letters referred to, and while it may be enjoyed by them and be entirely confined to one or two individuals, we believe that the community as a whole, most strongly resents such a dastardly way of retaliating for a supposed wrong, or feeling of enmity that may be entertained for one another, because of any misunderstanding existing between them, and for the sake of the parties thus affected and the community at large, we are extremely sorry that such a mode of ventilating spleen should have been resorted to.
July 28, 1894Personal (Part 3)"Wrongly Suspected". (To the Editor Twillingate Sun) Dear Sir: - Permit me through the columns of your valuable paper, to deny emphatically, and to clear myself of a very mean, low, and disreputable thing that I was suspected of doing a short time ago. It appears that the Rev. Mr. or Mrs. HILL, I don't know which of the two, received some anonymous letters whilst in Twillingate, and between them, they suspected me of writing them, for what cause he would not satisfy me, but I simply say here sir, that I firmly believe it was for no other purpose but to malign, and to destroy my reputation, as that gentleman says those letters were very debased, and not fit to read. I take it as a gross insult. I will tell him my time is more profitably occupied. My husband and family, and business are of more importance to me than the affairs of private individuals. Yours respectfully, E.P. LINFIELD. Twillingate, July 26th, 1894.
July 28, 1894Bay Steamers (Part 1)Bay Steamer "Lance". (To the Editor, Twillingate Sun) Dear Sir :- A word or two relating to the SS Lance, our Bay steamer. We were pleased to take a short trip by her a few days age, and the travelling public will agree with me in acknowledging the great convenience such a boat is, on such an important bay as ours. And we must thank the WHITEWAY Government for their kind consideration of our rights in this respect, for to them the credit is due. Some of our Tilt Cove friends gave the pioneer boat the name of baitskiff. To the owners of that boat belong the credit of supplying bait at a low figure and there was no extra charge if you needed bait four times a day instead of two. We notice under a change of government a clean sheet, and you learn as you enter the saloon, that for every mile you travel under sixty miles you are to pay 4cts. per mile, and 3cts. per mile for sixty or over. From Twillingate to North West Arm is about forty-eight miles and would cost $1.92. You can hardly do it without taking four meals, two dinners, a tea, and a breakfast, costing you $1.00 making the total cost $2.92. The "Virginia Lake" or "Grand Lake" with first class accommodation in every particular, will take you to Little Bay or Nipper's Harbor for $2.00.
July 28, 1894Bay Steamers (Part 2)By the latter, business men and well-to-do people generally travel. By the former the poor class. We look upon the charge for fare and passage to be far too high, and it meets with general dissatisfaction in this Bay. It is hoped a change in this particular can be made. It is a wonder the hero of the bait-skiff letter of Tilt Cove, who made himself so prominent last year, is not more interested in Bay steam this year. I dare say he thinks to himself, "I had just as well be quiet for no one will regard me now, for the one is a near picture of the other". We found Capt. DALTON very kind and obliging, and consider him fully fitted for the post committed to his trust, and we feel assured he will give general satisfaction. The chief engineer and steward are very accommodating, and they are men who will make many friends before this season ends. The steward is a professional man and sets his table to the very best advantage. We predict for him fair complexion, if he has to cook for an average of six passengers beside the crew. We take exception to the mail man, and consider it an insult to this district to place a witness against Messrs. WOODS and MOORES in that office. We say such men ought to be compensated from the private purses of the petitioners. Yours truly, Observer. Little Bay, July 24th.
July 28, 1894Steamer Problems"Letter from 'Voter', Pilley's Island". (To the Editor Twillingate Sun) Dear Sir :- Will you please find space in the columns of the valued Sun for the following: Last Fall when Mr. GOODRIDGE was here, in a speech he made remarks to the effect that the steamer "Matilda" was a farce, and that it was one way in which the WHITEWAY Government was wasting the people's money, and we now find this year, not the Matilda of course, but a boat of much inferior accommodation. But she is all right, as she belongs to one of the Tory clique. How came it to be a waste of money last year if it is not so this year? Also, we find, this year, there are two men on the "Lance" doing the same work that young Mr. SCOTT did last year. We also find, sir, that this year the passage money is almost double as much as it was last year in the Matilda. In the Lance we find it is four cents per mile; twenty cents for breakfast, thirty cents for dinner, twenty for your tea. We will allow her 39 miles for a day's work, that will cost passengers $1.90 per day, which, I believe, Mr. Editor, will cost more than it will in the coastal steamer "Grand Lake." And what do you think, Mr. Editor, she intended doing at first all the summer? Why, going straight to Tilt Cove, not calling in any of the localities between Exploits and there until her return from the North; thus, we would judge from this, sir, that Tilt Cove was one of the Tories best markets. Does Mr. GOODRIDGE think the working men of Green Bay are so dull that they can't reason for themselves, but they are not to be fooled by lengthy speeches with nothing in them. Should he again try this district he will find men who can both reason and recollect. Yours truly, Voter. Pilley's Island, July 23rd.
July 28, 1894Jottings From Little Bay.The fishery, this side of the bay and around, remains unchanged. At Shoe Cove a little has been done, boats there averaging about ten qtls.; the best trap and seine together, 60 qtls. Round Harbor averaged three qtls per man, Burying Place about the same; Nipper's Harbor and other places around about one qtl. per man. Tilt Cove, that of late has been looking dull, is brightening up. The new process of smelting lately introduced is thus far very successful. New smelting works are in course of erection near the mine, and when completed it is calculated about 6000 ton or ore per month will be smelted. A large skiff belonging to Mr. James NORRIS, of Three Arms, while beating in Little Bay Bight yesterday, upset by a heavy squall of wind. There were two men and a boy in it at the time, but they all managed to get on the bottom of the skiff and remained there till rescued by Mr. FINLAY, and brought safely to shore. The names of the men were WEBBER and BOWERS, and the boy is a son of Mr. NORRIS. About sixteen men left here this morning to travel to the railway via Hall's Bay line, where they are to be engaged in work to which they are well used, namely, breaking rock.
July 28, 1894Jottings From Little Bay.They were glad to hear the good news of work. Mr. GOODRIDGE and several of his merchant friends were present at Norris' Arm on Saturday last. It appears the secret bribers have commenced to lay their plans for the bye-election. They went to the end of the line. We wonder if they intend to run a branch line to Hall's Bay the summer. Mr. KNIGHT used to, previous to last election, make his name as conspicuous as possible by having it stamped on the outside of every paper. Recently he prints his name on the end of the paper and decently folds up that end so that his name may be hidden. Is it himself he is ashamed of, or is it the paper to which his name is affixed, that rag the Daily News? A steamer is expected here in a day or two to load with copper ore. A few men are working preparing tracks for shipping. The once flourishing settlement of Little Bay has a black pall thrown over its activity and death will soon take place. Crops here are looking very good. Politics are quiet, but red hot heat can be attained at the shortest notice, for the fire is smouldering that must obliterate the Knight as well as some of two sided pages. July 24th, 1894.
July 28, 1894FisheriesLobsters have been fairly plentiful around our shores this summer and packers are doing a pretty good business. Some shipments of dry fish have been made. The price opens at $3.40 (seventeen shillings) which is lower than that given, the past three or four years for Shore fish.
July 28, 1894IcebergsA large number of icebergs have been seen around our coast all this season. The early part of the week, upwards of one hundred and twenty were visible from Long Point Light House.
July 28, 1894PassengersThe bay steamer "Lance" arrived here from Norris Arm early last Saturday evening. Mr. And Mrs. DUFF and child and Mr. T. HODGE were passengers having come through by train to Norris Arm. The following took passage here by the "Grand Lake": -- Mrs. HARRIS and two children for Herring Neck; Rev. J. HILL Mrs. HILL, four children and girl for Wesleyville, Mrs. P. SAMWAYS and Mrs. Wm. HARBIN for St. John's.
July 28, 1894Shipping NewsThe "Mary Parker", Capt. CARTER, arrived from St. John's on Wednesday, having first called at Herring Neck to land part of her cargo. She made rather a longer trip than usual having been several days out from St. John's. The "Donny", Robert LINFIELD, master, returned from St. John's Thursday afternoon, and the "Maud," Samuel SHORT, master, arrived later, on her way to Little Bay Island. The Bonny's cargo was principally provisions and merchandise for the firm of J.B. TOBIN.
July 28, 1894FarewellLadies of the Dorcas Society gave a farewell sociable on Thursday evening at the residence of Mrs. BAIRD, in honor of Mrs. HILL on the eve of her departure from this community. Mrs. HILL was president of the Society for over two years, and this mark of esteem was given as an appreciation by the members for the valuable services rendered during her connection therewith.
July 28, 1894The FisheryThe fishing schooner "William Paterson", Archibald BLANDFORD master, arrived at Herring Neck from the Straits of Belle Isle on Thursday night last, with about four hundred barrels of fish, which was of a very good quality. The fishery has been very poor indeed and the majority of craft in quest of fish, did not get near half a catch. Many secured very little, and seeing the prospect was so poor, they proceeded to the Northern part of the Labrador, where we trust they will be more successful. The William Patterson sailed from St. John's. She landed her fish at Herring Neck to be cured and has left again for Labrador.
July 28, 1894The FisheryThe coastal steamer "Grand Lake", Capt. DELANEY, called here going South on Wednesday last, having made her first trip to Battle Harbor to connect with the Labrador mail steamer. The fishery reports are of a very meagre character, as little or nothing had been done owing to the great jam of ice upon the coast, the more Northern part particularly. In consequence of this, the Windsor Lake could not get North of Cape Harrigan. In some parts of the Straits, the fishery prospects are reported to be good, but generally speaking, the outlook is not the brightest. But there is very little dependence to be placed in reports of the first or second trips, and it is hoped that later on there will be a decided improvement.
July 28, 1894Rev. J. HILL"Departure of Rev. J. HILL." The three year term of the Rev. J. HILL, (Chairman of the Bonavista District) having expired in accordance with the itinerant wheels of Methodism, he took passage by the "Grand Lake" on Wednesday last, accompanied by his wife and children, for Wesleyville. During his term on this circuit, the debt on the Church property, amounting to something like one thousand dollars, has been entirely wiped out, and at present the churches on each side of the harbor are free from debt, while both have been renovated and newly painted inside and out in the meantime. The debt on the Church at Little Harbor has also been greatly reduced, in addition to what has also been done towards its completion inside, which shows that the affairs of the church have been well looked after during his three years of ministry on this circuit. Educational matters have also been carefully watched, and at the last meeting of the School Board, a vote of thanks was tendered him, for the efficient services bestowed and the interest taken, in the extension of educational facilities, as evidenced from his desire to inaugurate a superior school, which building is now in course of erection. We trust that success may attend his labors on this new circuit to which he has been appointed.
July 28, 1894Arrival of French ShipThe French admiral ship "Naiade", arrived here at 6.20 last evening. She steamed slowly up the harbor, and when swung to her anchor, unfurled the British flag at the mainmast head and saluted it with twenty-one guns. As the last gun fired, the flag was hauled down very slowly. When down to the half, H.M.S. "Cleopatra" fired the first gun in an equal number in response, and as she did so, a blue jacket at the masthead set free, as if by magic, the tri-colour of France and on went the salutation. Vast numbers of citizens ran from numerous places to points of vantage to take the full of their eyes and ears of the scene and events. The Naiade is a frigate, wood constructed, ship rigged, and painted with old time white ports. She was built at Toulon, 1881, has 3,695 tons displacement, 246 feet length, 46.3 breadth, 21 feet draught of water, 2,800 indicated horse power, 530 tons coal capacity, 1 screw, 1 funnel, 13 knots speed, a balcony, shaded at top, running around her stern, high up and has large door windows opening to her upper and lower saloons, and has also electric dynamos, charging two electric search lights, which shed their brilliant rays last night along the water, the foreshore and hill sides. She has too, a band capable of discoursing musical treats. Its rendition of God save the Queen last evening was worthy of the keenest critics refined ears. -- Telegram, July 17.
July 28, 1894Ship NewsPort of Twillingate. Entered: July 23 - "Primrose", BRAY, Cadiz, 162 tons salt - R.D. HODGE. July 26 - "Nikita", KANDES, St. John's, ballast - J.W. OWEN. Cleared: June 21 - "A.G. Heisler", McKINNON Sydney, ballast - Captain. June 24 - "Emulator", KENDRICK, St. John's, 80 tons oil, 2 tierce salmon, 15 seal skins - E. DUDER.

August 4, 1894Ship Collision"For the Far North - The First Misfortune." The Red Cross Line steamer "Miranda," which left St. John's on Sunday week last, bound for Labrador and Greenland, returned on Tuesday morning. At 8 a.m., on the morning of the 17th inst., in a dense fog, when about 10 miles North of Belle Isle, she collided end on with a heavy iceberg. What the result would have been had she not been going "dead slow," 'tis not ;pleasant to consider - the danger to the ship and the passengers lives would have been great indeed. As it was, the steamer's hawse-pipes were carried away, and five of the bow-plates, fortunately above the water-line, were much injured. So serious was the damage that it was deemed wise to put the steamer into Cape Charles, Labrador, where temporary repairs were affected, and she thereafter returned to St. John's, where the needed repairs are being done. Most of her passengers were left down on the coast, hunting, fishing, etc. The party on board the Miranda consisted of 52 persons, composed mostly of students from Zule and Havard Colleges. The primary object the Expedition (which was under the guidance of Dr. COOK) had in view was, if at all possible, to reach Peary's headquarters at Bowdin Bay. The disaster to the Miranda was very unfortunate, inasmuch as it has interfered badly with the intentions of the party - one of which was for a party from Kansas University to land at Rigoulette, in order to survey the famous Great Falls at Labrador. This was but one of the objects had in view by the intrepid explorers. - H.G. Standard, July 27.
August 4, 1894Ship Services"S.S. Lance". (To the Editor Twillingate Sun) Permit me, through the medium of your valuable and widely circulated paper, to ventilate a real grievance which is inflicted upon the community of this important and thriving settlement by reason of its being precluded from the manifest advantages which would accrue to it by its being made a port of call, both ingoing and returning, by the Bay steamer "Lance," which, under the command of so skilful a hand as Capt. DALTON, is doing excellent work, and is such a great boon to the general public in the districts of Fogo and Twillingate. Under the present arrangement the steamer calls here only once every round trip, viz. upon the return from Fogo to the North. For this service we are thankful; but we regard it only as an instalment of our rights. and not the whole, consequently we shall continue to agitate till the defect is remedied. When it is borne in mind that Change Islands lies directly in the track of Fogo, that it has a resident population of nearly 1100, that three large commercial establishments are flourishing there, and has a large number of planters and fishermen, second to none in the colony for their industry and uniting energy in their daily vocation, my contention is but emphasised, that the Government would only be doing an act of simple justice in taking measures to immediately secure for them the very fullest advantages and convenience which are to be derived from the present steam service. Our requisition we respectfully submit to the authorities, and which, we trust, you will readily give in the benefit of your able advocacy, is, that the Lance may call every trip, both going and returning, at Change Islands. By kindly inserting the above remarks in the next issue of the Sun you will confer a favor upon Your very faithfully, Tobias MacSTINGER. Change Islands, August 1st.
August 4, 1894Market Notes (Part 1)(From the Trade Review, July 21). FISH: Fish, Large merchantable, Per Quintal, $4.00. Fish, Small merchantable, $3,40. Fish, Large Maderia, $3.60. Fish, Small Maderia, $3.00. Fish, Large West India, $3.20. Fish, Small West India, $2.60. Haddock, $2.40. Cod Oil, per ton, $68. Salmon, No1, large, per tierce, $16. Herring, per barrel, good Shore, $2. Herring, Labrador, None. Herring (very small), $2. Lobsters, per case, No1, flats, $7 to $7.50. PROVISIONS: Flour, per barrel, sup. Ex. 3.80 to 5.00. Flour, per barrel, extra, 3.30 to 3.80. Flour, per barrel, supers, 3.00 to 3.40. Pork, per barrel, mess, 16.50 to 17.50. Pork, per barrel, family mess, 17.50 to 16.00. Pork, ex prime, 15.50 to 19.50. Butter, per lb., Canadian, .21 to .26. Oleo, per lb. .13 to .23. Salt, per hhd. 1.40 to 1.60. Molasses. Per gallon. .38 to .40. Sugar, light brown, per cwt. 7.10 to 7.59. Sugar, granulated, per cwt. 8.75 to 9.50. Sugar, loaf, per cwt. 10.00 to 10.50. Cornmeal, per barrel, 3.10 to 3.20. Oatmeal, per barrel, 4.90 to 5.00. Bread, per bag, No. 1, 3.60 to 3.80. Bread, per bag, No. 2, 3.20 to 3.46. Beef, per barrel, 10.50 to 13.50. Kerosene oil, per gallon, .18. Hay, per ton, 18.00 to 20.00.
August 4, 1894Market Notes (Part 2)Fodder, 12.00 to 13.00. Peas, per barrel, round, 3.50 to 3.60. Peas, per half-brl, round, 1.90 to 2.00. Peas, per barrel, split, 4.60 to 5.00. Peas, per half-brl, split, 2.40 to 2.60. Oats, per bushel, .70. Bran, per cwt. 1.30 to 1.50. Cattle-feed, 100 lb sacks, 1.60 to 1.80. Potatoes, per barrel, $2. Cheese, per lb, .16 to .17. Ham, per lb., Canadian, .15 to .20. Ham, per lb., Belfast, .23 to .25. Ham, per lb., Lipton's, .23. Bacon, per lb. .18 to .25. Eggs, per dozen. .10 to .12. Turnips, per barrel, $1.80 to $2.00. Berries, partridge and whorts, .10 to .15. Onions, per barrel, $3. to $3.50. Coal, per ton, North Sydney, $5.50. Coal, per ton, South Sydney, $5.30. Victoria, per ton, $5. Little, Glace Bay, $5. Raisins, per box, $2.50 to $3. Currants, per cwt. $7 to $7.50. Leather, grain, per lb. .35 to .40. Leather, sole, per lb. .20 to .25. Leather, harness, per lb. .32 to .35. Leather, split, per lb, .20. Hemlock, board, No. 1. $16. Spruce board, No. 1. $20. Spruce plank, joisting, studding, scantling, $22. 1-in. P.& T., spruce flooring, $24. 1 1/4 in. P.& T. spruce flooring, $25. 1 1/2 in. P.& T spruce flooring, $25. Pine board (clear), $30 to $40. Hardwood plank, $30 to $40. Laths, $1.50 to $2. The above quotations are wholesale.
August 4, 1894MiningThe sylvan solitude of Belle Isle, in Conception Bay, is soon to be broken in upon, by a company who are going to open an iron mine over there. For some years past prospectors have been busy on the Island, and the samples shown, have induced a company to take hold of some claims. The specimens show a good paying percentage of iron, and we are informed that work will begin almost immediately. The company will not manufacture the iron on the Island at present, it being their intention to ship the crude ore to Nova Scotia. The mine ought to give a large amount of employment to the Belle Islanders. -- Trade Review.
August 4, 1894Religious"Parting Address." To the Rev. R.W. FREEMAN and Mrs. FREEMAN from the People of Blackhead, Conception Bay. Blackhead, July 23rd, 1894. To the Rev. R.W. FREEMAN, -- Beloved and Dear Sir,- As the time has now come for you to leave this Circuit for another field of labour, we should feel recreant to our duty, if we were to let you leave us without some token of regard for the indefatigable manner in which you have laboured amongst us the past three years. Yours, indeed, has been a labour of love, and it has always been your joy to see the Circuit prosper spiritually and financially. We unitedly rejoice with you at the present prosperity. Your interest in the Sunday as well as the day schools will not soon be forgotten by teachers and scholars. Please accept this purse as a token of our esteem and regard. And, now, as you are leaving for another field of labour, we bid you good-bye, praying that the Divine blessing may follow you and Mrs. FREEMAN, and that the Great Head of the Church may bless your labors in the future as in the past. Signed on behalf of the congregation, John C. MOORES, Peter DIAMOND, Thos. B. LeGROW, Geo. E. MOORES, Jos. KING, Andrew VATCHER, Fred. LeGROW, Wm. BRENNAN, Jacob KING, John LACEY, W.W. KING, Richard MOORES, Jessie LACEY, Jos. THISTLE, Matthew LeGROW, sr.
August 4, 1894Religious"Mr. FREEMAN's Reply." Blackhead, July 25th, 1894. Dearly Beloved Friends,- I thank you very much for the address and purse of gold you presented me with today. It was not necessary that I should be the recipient of either one or the other, for proof of your regard for Mrs. FREEMAN and myself. I am glad that my labours have been so much appreciated by you during the past three years. You truly say it has been a labour of love. The prosperity of the Church in its various departments, has been my aim; and whilst I have not realized all I desired and prayed for, yet I am devoutly thankful for what has been accomplished, both spiritually and temporally. The flourishing Sabbath and day schools, as well as the healthy financial condition of the Circuit, give ground to hope for a bright future. I pray that the blessing of the Great Head of the Church may ever rest upon you as a people, and that every worker and member may be endowed with "power from on high". Again thanking you for the tangible proof of your regard, I am, yours in the bonds of Christian love, R.W. FREEMAN.
August 4, 1894Religious"To Mrs FREEMAN." Blackhead, July 23, '94. Dear Mrs. FREEMAN. It is a matter of general regret that your stay amongst us is so short. Never did three years glide away so quickly. Both you and Mr. FREEMAN have endeared yourselves to us by your labours and devoted Christian characters. It is with no fulsome praise that we speak when we refer to your great work as our organist, and we cannot but contrast the singing of today to what it was three years ago. And we are sure you valuable service in the department of the Church will long be held in grateful remembrance. You will also be missed in the Sunday school, where you have laboured so faithfully and earnestly to extend the Redeemer's Kingdom. Please accept the accompanying token of our affection, and be assured that our prayers will follow you to your new field of toil, where we hope you may be permitted to gather much fruit for the Heavenly Kingdom; and as you will not be far away, we hope to see you often. Wishing you and yours every blessing for both worlds, we are, Dear Mrs. FREEMAN, yours affectionately: Mabel J. LeGROW, Celia MOORES, Harriet HUDSON, Hester A. MOORES, Dorcas LeGROW Mary J. LeGROW, Miriam P. MOORES, Jane DIAMOND, Maria LeGROW, Mary A. LeGROW, Sarah BRENNAN, Hetty JANES, and others.
August 4, 1894Religious"Mrs. FREEMAN's Reply." Blackhead, July 23, '94. My Dear Friends,- The presentation of your living address and purse was both a surprise and joy to me. I was not aware that I had done anything to merit at your hands such a marked proof of your good will. It is a matter of thankfulness that any effort I have made for the good of the cause has now your approval. The esteem in which Mr. FREEMAN is held, as well as myself, has been felt all through those three happy years spent amongst you. I do pray that by the way of the Mercy Seat, blessings abundant may ever rest upon you and yours. I should be glad to see any of you at any time in my new home where the same welcome will be given you as I know I shall have from yourselves. Good-bye and may God bless till we meet again. Yours very affectionately, Sarah L. FREEMAN.
August 4, 1894The FisheryThere has been very good fishing at the Grey Island the last few weeks, and boats there have done fine work. The schooner "Outstrip," Abraham Knight, arrived at Morton's Harbor from the North last week w9ith something over 300 barrels codfish. There has been no improvement in the fishery around our shores the past couple of weeks and the average catch to date is the lowest for the past twelve or fourteen years. The "Jubilee", Stephen NEWMAN, master, arrived from White Bay on Thursday, bringing back a quantity of salmon to the firm of J.B. TOBIN. The fishery reports along that coast are not very bright. Capt. Samuel SAUNDERS arrived at Change Islands from Belle Isle on Monday last with a full load of codfish. The gallant captain reports three other Change Islands' schooners loaded there and fish extraordinarily abundant.
August 4, 1894CricketThe cricket match played Thursday at Back Harbor between the "Reds" and "Blues" of the Wanderers Cricket Club, terminated in a magnificent victory for the former, beating the latter by an inning and tree runs.
August 4, 1894Ship ArrivalThe coastal steamer "Grand Lake," Capt. DELANEY, which left St. John's Tuesday, arrived here Thursday morning. She had a large quantity of freight on board and about fifty tons of coal for the "Windsor Lake". Her trip this time extends to Battle Harbor and she may be expected returning South Wednesday or Thursday next.
August 4, 1894Court Decision"A Gross Judicial Blunder." The Decision in the Trinity Election Case. "This judgement does not in any degree reflect on the honesty, morality or integrity of the respondents." -- Judge LITTLE, in the Trinity election case. What a gross judicial blunder! Fancy a judge pronouncing sentence to the utmost extent of the law, in a case of alleged "bribery and corruption," and then coolly and deliberately saying: "This judgement does not in any degree reflect on the honesty, morality or integrity of the respondents." Nevertheless, this is exactly what Mr. Justice LITTLE said yesterday, in delivering his judgement in the Trinity election case. Can anything more absurd and inconsistent be imagined? Sir William WHITEWAY and Mr. BOND are in one breath declared guilty of "bribery and corruption," and in the very next breath we are told by the learned Judge that "THIS FACT DOES NOT IN ANY DEGREE REFLECT UPON THEIR HONESTY, MORALITY OR INTEGRITY." Truly, we may now ask: "Where are we and whither tending?" We have no desire to show the slightest disrespect for His Lordship's judicial consistency; but, really, it is very difficult to be as respectful as we could wish in the presence of such a conflicting decision as the one in question. next thing, we shall hear of a judge sending a prisoner to the penitentiary, and saying to the wardens, there is nothing against the honesty, morality or integrity of that man; but, all the same, he must to go prison. "Away with him! Crucify him! The Tory faction hate him, and their thirst for vengeance must be appeased." -- Telegram, July 26.
August 4, 1894DrowningA sad accident occurred at Vernon River Bridge, P.E.I., recently. A little girl, only one year and seven months old, daughter of C.B. ROSS, painter, fell head first into a creamer barrel filled with water, and life was extinct before the little one was found.
August 4, 1894BirthOn the 1st inst., at Too Good Arm, Herring Neck, the wife of Mr. Abraham HURLEY of a daughter.
August 4, 1894Ship NewsPort of Twillingate. Cleared: July 31 - "Primrose", BRAY, King's Cove, ballast - Captain.

August 11, 1894FisherySome of our fishermen who secured squids this week, did better with fish than they had any time before, this season. Two boats arrived from the French Shore this week, one having about one hundred and eighty and the other seventy barrels. It appears that lobster packers on the Northwest Coast are doing fairly well, some of them securing as many as two thousand a day. The schooner "Hunter," George PARSONS master, arrived from the Straits of Belle Isle Wednesday, with about two hundred and forty barrels of fish. We learn by intelligence from Peter's River that the fishery there has been most successful, so far. One man of that place has over three thousand quintals of fish ashore, and several of the others have also done well. The coastal steamer "Grand Lake," Captain DELANEY, called here Tuesday morning, going South. She was as far North as Battle Harbor, and the fishery reports received by her are not very encouraging. On some parts of the coast the fishermen are doing a little, and in other places it is almost a failure.
August 11, 1894Schooner ArrivalThe English schooner "St. Clair," Captain SINCLAIR, arrived from Cadiz, via St. John's Wednesday, with a cargo of salt for the firm of E. DUDER.
August 11, 1894PassengersThe following took passage by the "Grand Lake" for St. John's: - Four Christian Brothers, Mr. R.D. HODGE, Mr. T. HODGE, Mrs. LETHBRIDGE, Mrs. CORNER and child. The steam launch "Lance" arrived from Norris' Arm last Saturday afternoon. The Rev. L. CURTIS, wife, two children and servant were passengers, having come through by train to Norris' Arm.
August 11, 1894Trading NewsThe "Victoria," James NEWMAN, master, arrived from a trading trip Tuesday afternoon, bringing back about one hundred and fifty quintals of cod fish, thirty tierce of salmon, and five hundred rabbit skins.
August 11, 1894MedicalA report of the work of the Labrador Deep Sea Medical Mission for 1893 shows that during the season the three doctors, GRENFELL, BOBARDT and CURWEN, who were in charge, respectively, of the Battle Harbor hospital, the hospital ship "Albert", and the steamer "Princess May", treated 37 in patients and 2,493 out patients. Of these 798 were surgical, seventeen being performed under chloroform.
August 11, 1894Forest FireA forest fire, supposed to be between the head of Hall's Bay and White Bay, has been raging the past week, and, without a doubt, has wrought great destruction among the timber in that vicinity. Too much care cannot be exercised by all who go to the woods, either for business or pleasure, and it should be borne in mind that heavy penalties are attached to the breaking of the laws in reference to forest fires.
August 11, 1894Schooner WreckedA schooner called the "Princess Alice," Capt. PIKE, of Burin, while beating up the North Side of the Straits of Belle Isle on the 30th of July, struck the sunken rock Soldier and became a total wreck. The Princess Alice was a fishing craft, and had about a hundred and fifty barrels of fish on board at the time, and nearly everything was lost. The crew of six men and two boys were conveyed to St. John's by the "Grand Lake," Thursday last. This is a very unfortunate circumstance, depriving them as it does of the summer's voyage.
August 11, 1894Parting Address"Parting Address to Mrs. E. HILL." Twillingate, July 24th, 1894. Dear Mrs. HILL: -- We, the members of the Twillingate Dorcas Society, regret that you are on the eve of leaving us, as we shall greatly miss your valuable services in connection with the Society. Not only as President but also as a good worker, your services have been appreciated by all, and we shall be very glad to know that in your new home, you will still be a co-worker with us in this great service. That the Divine Spirit may watch over you and family is our earnest prayer. Signed on behalf of the members of the Dorcas Society: K. BAIRD, S. NEWMAN, A. PEYTON, M. COOK, E. HODDER, E. ROSSITER, M.A. PRIDE, L. COLBOURNE, E. HUGHES.
August 11, 1894Reply to Address"Mrs. HILL's Reply." To the Members of the Twillingate Dorcas Society. My Dear Friends: - I need hardly say that the address you presented me with on the eve of my departure was a great surprise to me, and is far too appreciative of my humble efforts as a member of your noble Society. Nevertheless, your address touched a tender cord in my heart, to learn that my weak endeavour to assist you in this good work of clothing the poor and destitute was not forgotten by you. It has always been a pleasure for me to meet with you to help on this good object. May we never forget the words of Christ, "In as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it unto Me." Thanking you for your kind wishes to myself and family. Wishing you success in your laudable work. E. HILL.
August 11, 1894The Fishery"Returned from the Westward." The SS. "Virginia Lake," Captain TAYLOR, arrived here at 5.40 o'clock last evening from the Westward. She reports several Fortune Bay schooners coming from the Mecatinas loaded with fish, and bringing good all round reports from that particular place. Lobsters are still plentiful on the Northwest coast, but not on this side. Several bankers have arrived at Grand Bank after their caplin baiting, with an average catch of 450 quintals on it. Fish is still abundant at Trepassey and salt very badly wanted, the stock being all used up. Nothing worth speaking of has been done at Cape Boyle the past few days. There are a few foreign fishing schooners there. The steamer brought about 1,000 boxes lobsters, a few barrels fish and a trifle of other freight. -- Telegram August 2.
August 11, 1894Accidental Death (Part 1)"Death on the Track." Yesterday, when we announced that a special train was to run from Holyrood with cattle, driven there from the vicinity of the wrecked "Texas," there was no anticipation of fatal results to any person, as there have been to one poor woman, to whom death came with awful promptitude in an hour when she least expected it. No. 10 engine, drawing three cars of freight, 32 head of cattle, left Holyrood at 2.05 yesterday afternoon for St. John's, with Robert CANDOW, driver; John DUNN, fireman; John BROPHY, conductor also doing "brake" duty, and George MERCER, brakeman. All these men are smart at their work, tried and true, ready to instantly act on sight and sound. Manuels, the scene of the sad accident, was readied at about 2.50. Running for Manuels on an up-grade and a curve precluded long range of sight. Here, too, is a down-grade, which has necessarily to be run somewhat freely to raise a more advanced up-grade. The "stand" was opened to view and quickly arrived at, and just from the line of it was seen, ahead on the track, about 300 yards distant, a woman, later recognised as Mrs. Fanny NOSEWORTHY, of Long Pond, near Villa Nova, aged 67 years, and having no family, husband alive. She was walking with the train. The driver blew for brakes, a quick whistle, and there was an immediate application, the engine being meanwhile reversed.
August 11, 1894Accidental Death (Part 2) The woman turned and saw the engine, but continued to walk on, probably to locate a favorable place to step clear. Then a danger signal was blown, followed by a second one. The woman looked around a second time, and started to step off; but, alas! too late! She went to the right hand side, had one foot over the rail, and, then, nervous and terrified, she hesitated, and that moment's hesitation proved fatal. One came the locomotive toward her, in spite of every effort to stop it. The cow-catcher lifted her from her feet, and, as she suddenly inclined back, her head struck the signal pole in the buffer, breaking it by force of contact, her death-stricken face meanwhile, being thrown back and upturned to the horrified driver, leaving an impression on his mind that will not soon be effaced. It was only for an instant; the cow-catcher did its work - the woman was flung over the embankment, a distance of ten feet. The train was brought up some three cars length further on, and the men ran back. They could not then do much, and they had to be away. They then had to run on time, because the regular train, also running on time, would be along ere ten minutes.
August 11, 1894Accidental Death (Part 3)They, therefore, had to leave the woman to the kind care of the people of the place, and go on, only stopping at Topsail to report by telegraph to St. John's station the melancholy occurrence. Women took up the inanimate form, life's spark flickering within, and brought it to the house of Joseph MORGAN, where every attention was given it, but only with the effect of restoring sufficient consciousness to enable the injured woman to say, "let me lie down." Soon afterwards life became extinct. No time was lost by Captain NOBLE in doing his part; he had Dr. RENDELL summoned, and also called Constable LONG, of Topsail, who was in town; and directly the regular train arrived, at 4 p.m., he sent them off on a special at full speed to the scene, his own son, Mr. A.S. NOBLE, in charge. They arrived at 4.45, but too late, death having occurred nearly half an hour previously. They returned at 6 o'clock. The woman sustained no very great external injuries. There were a few slight scratches on the back of the head, and death is believed to have resulted from concussion of the brain. It may be added that Capt. NOBLE had a suitable coffin made by undertaker WHITE, which he sent out to Manuels by the regular morning train. In this coffin the remains will be interred. -- Evening Telegram, July 28.
August 11, 1894DiedAt Leading Tickles, July 24th, the beloved wife of Mr. John WHELAN, aged 68 years; she leaves a husband, 3 sons and 2 daughters to mourn their sad loss.
August 11, 1894Ship NewsPort of Twillingate. Entered: Aug 8 - "Samuel Moss", MABLY, Fogo, part cargo salt - R.D. HODGE. Aug 8 - "St. Clair", SINCLAIR, St. John's, 160 tons salt - E. DUDER. Aug 10 - "My Lady", RIDER, Sydney via Fogo, part cargo coals - J.W. OWEN. Cleared: Aug. 10 - "Nikita', KANDES, Bristol, cargo seal oil and skins - J.W. OWEN.

August 18, 1894Traitor (Part 1)(From the Evening Telegram) "A TRAITOR!" The Gafney From Holyrood. In last night's issue we briefly noticed the contemptible conduct of Mr. WOODFORD, one of the members elected by the people of Harbor Main last November to support the WHITEWAY or Liberal Party. When, on Wednesday evening, the rumor spread throughout the town, that this individual had turned traitor and joined the detested MORINE-GOODRIDGE faction, many people were unwilling to believe it. Although it was known by the members of the WHITEWAY Party that Mr. WOODFORD had been in communication with Mr. Moses MONROE, as far back as November last, and had secretly been (imbibing ?) the traitor principles from the Liberal renegade, Mr. W.J.S. DONNELLY, still we also were loathe to believe that there was a man in the ranks of the Liberals so depraved, so lost to all sense of shame and honor as to betray those with whom he has been allied for four years, and who are to-day undergoing the most violent persecutions at the hands of those to whom he has sold himself. Not many days ago we met this individual, who shall be hereafter known as WOODFORD THE TRAITOR FROM HARBOR MAIN, or the Gafney of Holyrood, at a meeting of the Liberal Party.
August 18, 1894Traitor (Part 2)He sat at the table of Sir William WHITEWAY, the veteran leader of that party; he entered into their discussions, he participated in their confidences, he subscribed to their policy, and he pledged unwavering loyalty to Sir William and his Party. Like his prototype Judas, he sat at the table with his best friend, and then went out and betrayed him to violent and relentless enemies. He accepted the confidence of his colleagues and then passed out and sold them. He obtained a seat in the Legislature, pledged by his constituents of Harbor Main district to uphold and stand by the Liberal Party and Sir William WHITEWAY, and he deliberately sacrificed their interests for the position of Financial Secretary, and a salary of sixteen hundred dollars per year. Well, the MORINE-GOODRIDGE faction are welcome to such an addition to their ranks. The WHITEWAY party are well rid of such trash, and it is peculiarly fitting that traitors should herd with traitors. This GAFNEY FROM HOLYROOD not only owes his seat in the Legislature to the prestige of the Whiteway Party, but he actually obtained the sum of FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS from Sir William WHITEWAY, with which to canvas the district last fall. He is today, under obligation to several members of the WHITEWAY Party, who endorsed notes on the banks for him, (which are still outstanding), and tided him over difficulties.
August 18, 1894Traitor (Part 3)A fitting companion truly is Mr. William WOODFORD for the arch ingrate and traitor, Alfred B. MORINE. It is humiliating to find, that there is in this country a native, capable of PROSTITUTING HIMSELF TO A PARTY OF THE MOST UNPRINCIPLED LOT OF POLITICIANS THAT EVER CURSED ANY LAND. No doubt Mr. WOODFORD is under the impression that he has acted well towards himself. Time will tell, however, whether he has or not. A traitor invariably meets his deserts, and as sure as there is a retributive justice abroad in the world, so sure will Mr. WOODFORD's crime not go unpunished. All honorable men will despise him, his present associates, even vile as they are, will hardly trust him when they now learn the truth of his depravity. The understanding is that Mr. WOODFORD will not go back to his constituents for re-election, but will be rewarded with a permanencey after the party, he has sold himself to, are done with him; and provided they are in a position to carry out their promises. But even a magistracy may be abolished, and it is well that Mr. WOODFORD should know it. "……Thou art a traitor! False to thy gods, thy brothers and thy father; Conspirant, 'gainst the liberties of thy country; And from the extremist upward of thy head, To the descent and dust beneath thy feet, A MOST TOAD-SPOTTED TRAITOR"
August 18, 1894Politics (Part 1)"A Mean Spirit of Revenge." The Dismissal of Assembly Doorkeepers and Messengers. During the past day or two, sufficient evidence has come to light to warrant us in saying that it was a mean and unworthy spirit of revenge and nothing else, that prompted the Tory Government to dismiss the doorkeepers and messengers of the House of Assemble - Messrs. WALSH, MUNDY, DEADY, KNIGHT and LONG. These men did nothing in the general election last fall to deserve the harshest treatment they have received at the hands of Messrs. GOODRIDGE, MORINE & Co. They were courteous, willing and faithful in the discharge of their duties - so much so that we challenge the Government to bring a single well-sustained charge against them. If they openly expressed their sympathy for the WHITEWAY party, what of that? Is it not a fact that other public officials in much more prominent positions were loud-mouthed in their support of the Tory Party? We could name half a dozen or more employees of the Customs department, who even went so far as to render themselves offensive to people who had business there, by making partisan and personal remarks about the political situation. The pusillanimous Messrs. MORINE, GOODRIDGE & Co., hadn't the courage to remove from office any prominent official, for the simple reason that they feared the latter's influence in the approaching by-elections.
August 18, 1894Politics (Part 2)They singled out poor WALSH, DEADY, KNIGHT, MUNDY and LONG, believing that these unassuming citizens could do them no political injury. but we can tell those Tory persecutors of the weak, and panderers to the strong, that the sovereign people will resent their injustice to WALSH, DEADY, KNIGHT, MUNDY and LONG, and that the electors will emphasise their resentment, too, in November next. Humble and all as those subordinates are, they would scorn to be as untruthful and deceptive, as are the vindictive faction by whom they have been thus deprived of the wherewithal to support themselves and families. But let the persecutors beware! The day of retribution is at hand. The dismissed officials will make their influence felt in the coming struggle. Their fellow-countrymen will sympathise with them, and enable them too, to teach even Messrs. GOODRIDGE, MORINE & Co. the lesson that no one, no matter how unpretentious he may be, ought to be mistreated by those in authority. Not a man among the dismissed officials, but has done more for the colony than any member of the Tory faction. What has Mr. GOODRIDGE ever done to increase the wealth of the country? What has Mr. MORINE ever done for Newfoundland, that he should be foisted into the Colonial Secretary's Office over the head of our talented and self-sacrificing fellow-countryman, Mr. BOND?
August 18, 1894Politics (Part 3)By exorbitant charges on his fishery supplies, Mr. GOODRIDGE has amassed wealth, while many a much better man at heart is to-day obliged, by mercantile oppression, to earn a miserable existence by culling fish on Mr. GOODRIDGE's premises. The men who have been dismissed from the situations they occupied in connection with the Assembly, earned those positions by hard and honest toil. Some of them are tradesmen, others fishermen. While they prosecuted their callings as such, they helped to enrich the country by the fruit of their toil. How much has Mr. Alfred B. MORINE, the present Acting Colonial Secretary, contributed to the wealth of the colony? Why, not a solitary cent! Ever since the well-deserved-inhospitality of his native province, flung him upon our shores, he has been a drone in the hive of industry here, and a barnacle upon the Ship of State, retarding her progress and doing his best to strand her upon the shoals of bankruptcy and Confederation! Newfoundlanders, what is your duty in this emergency? We once more appeal to you who are to the manor born, to rally round the banner of Liberation and Progress! The weal or woe of dear old Fatherland depends upon the issue of the by-elections. In this emergency Terra Nova expects every one of her sons to do his duty. Now then, let your watchword be: "NEWFOUNDLAND FOR NEWFOUNDLANDERS, AND DOWN WITH TORY DESPOTISM." -- Evening Telegram, August 9.
August 18, 1894WOODFORD The TraitorA Candid Statement From Harbor Main. (Special to The Evening Telegram) Conception Harbor, Aug. 6. it is reported here that WOODFORD, the arch traitor, has stated that the leading men of Harbor Main district approve of his political treachery. This we declare a downright falsehood, intentionally made by "Gafney" to give a tint of justification to his dastardly conduct. We defy him to name even one man, who can command more than his own individual influence in this district, that has approved of his perditious action, or concurred with him in his traitorous conduct. Did the KENNEDY's, St. John's, WADES, HEARNS, COLES, BURKES, COSTELLOS, ROCHES, TILLEYS, CHURCHILLS, BRIENS, LEWISES, or the hundreds of other well-known and loyal Liberals, concur with him in his treachery? No! no!! He was bought with the glitter of office and they will show to the world how they detest, abhor him. Harbor Main district will show, when the time comes, that traitors and purchased turn coats, will not be tolerated. He is detested by all honorable men, and we blush with shame to think that he can claim our district as his birthplace; but the nation of greatest patriots gave birth to the most faithless sons and despicable traitors. Ireland produced CAREY and Harbor Main his prototype, who betrayed his compatriots and abandoned them in their death struggle for liberty. Away with him! Away with the spy and traitor, Gafney WOODFORD, the embodiment of all that is dishonorable whose name henceforth will be a byword and a reproach.
August 18, 1894New Lighthouse"Baccalieu Lighthouse." The erection of the lighthouse at Baccalieu, near Herring Neck, has commenced, and several men from here and Herring Neck, have gone to the island to engage in the work. As the fishery has been so very bad and many are in want of employment, we don't see why a much larger number of men from Herring Neck especially, should not be employed at this work. Perhaps Messrs. GOODRIDGE and KNIGHT, at whose instance the choice and limited number have been employed, may be able to explain to the satisfaction of the public generally. The money for the erection of this lighthouse was provided by the WHITEWAY government during the session of 1893, but it is the Goodridge-Morine party that have the expending of it, and Messrs. Goodridge and Knight are responsible for how the work is proceeding.
August 18, 1894Drowning"A Newfoundland Sailor Drowned." He Sank While Bathing at Sydney. We learn through Captain Robert FRASER of the SS. "Coban", that a Newfoundlander named Arch. OSMOND, who had been attached to the SS "Louisburg", has been very recently drowned at Sydney. He had been swimming from the International pier, took cramps and sank, and in the presence of witnesses unable to rescue him. -- Evening Telegram. The above young man was about 21 years of age and son of Mr. Abraham OSMOND Tizzards Harbor, and we sympathise with the parents and family in the sad loss thus sustained.
August 18, 1894Politics"Sir William WHITEWAY Returns to the City in Excellent Humor for the Coming Fight." Sir William WHITEWAY, the ever popular Leader of the Liberal Party, returned to this city by the afternoon train, after a most enjoyable fishing trip out on the N.N. and W. railway line. He is in excellent trim for the by elections, and promises to give the Tory faction a greater thrashing this fall than they got in 1889, and in 1893. The Liberal Party are already actively preparing for the coming campaign. In a few days more, we shall be in a position to take the field, fully equipped for the fight. Candidates are ready for nomination, the "sinews of war" are available, and the people are warmly with us. Tory persecutors, "look out for squalls." The day of retribution is at hand! -- Evening Telegram, August 7.
August 18, 1894Bank AppointmentsC.S. PINSENT, Esq., has been appointed manager of the Union Bank, in the place of the late J. GOLDIE, Esq. W.H. CROWDY, Esq., takes Mr. PINSENT's place. W.W. WATSON, Esq., fills the position of receiving teller. Mr. PETERS becomes accountant, his place being filled by R. DONNELLY, and Mr. C. BAYLY joins the Bank staff as junior clerk. -- Royal Gazette, August 7.
August 18, 1894Shipping NewsThe "Gipsy," J.W. OSMOND, master, arrived from St. John's Wednesday afternoon. We are indebted to Mr. OSMOND for late local papers. The English vessel, "Clementine," Capt. BALL, arrived from Glasgow last Saturday with a cargo of coal and brick to the firm of E. DUDER. She had a tedious passage, being thirty-seven days left port. The schooner "Jeanie," J.W. ROBERTS, master, called here Monday on her way to Labrador. She has coals and provisions and is bound as far North as Rama with supplies to the missionaries laboring on that distant part of the coast.
August 18, 1894BequestWe learn that the will of Jane Anthony EAMES of Concord, admitted to probate on Friday, July 20th, 1894, contains a bequest of $1,000 to the Right Rev. Llewellyn JONES, Bishop of Newfoundland and Bermuda.
August 18, 1894Child AbuseThe steamer "Fleta" left here on Tuesday morning for Burnt Bay, having on board F. BERTEAU, Esq., JP., and Sergeant PATTEN. The Magistrate is gone there to investigate an alleged case of ill-treatment to a child who died at Burnt Bay some time age, which has recently been brought under his notice.
August 18, 1894Forest FireDuring the week a forest fire was raging some distance away, said to be at Muddy Hole on the Straight Shore, and we learn that several houses there were destroyed. Fortunately the heavy rain fall of Thursday will probably put an end to it. It is to be regretted that almost every summer so much of our valuable timber land is devastated by forest fires.
August 18, 1894ReligiousThe Rev. G.S. CHAMBERLAIN, Incumbent of Herring Neck Parish, officiated in St. Peter's Church last Sunday, morning and evening. His discourses on both occasions were deep, forcible and practicable, and appeared to be much appreciated by the large congregations. In the afternoon he conducted the Flower Service in St. Andrew's Church, which was of a most interesting character and very largely attended.
August 18, 1894The FisheryThe fishery around our shores has been better the past week than it has this season. Tuesday and Wednesday some boats at Crow head got from a half to one quintal, but it was so stormy Thursday and yesterday that the fishing grounds could not be reached. Let us hope that the recent change in the weather will bring about an improvement in the fishery in this Bay generally. We learn that there has also been a slight alteration for the better about Fogo within the last week or ten days.
August 18, 1894Ship ArrivalThe schooner "Spring Bird," Alex. NOLE, master, belonging to Mr. H.B. SPENCE, arrived here from Flowers Cove Thursday evening, bound to Harbor Grace with oil and skins. She left Flowers Cove on Monday last and on Wednesday night when off the Grey Islands, experienced very heavy weather, which burst her foresail and staysail, carried away flying jib, jib stay and taffrail, and broke in part of bulwarks. The fishery at Flowers Cove is said to be the worst for many years.
August 18, 1894Schooner has Rough TripThe schooner "Terra Nova," which left here for St. John's on the 6th inst with a load of lumber from Indian Arm, and the misfortune of getting on a rock while going through Stag Harbor Run. It was very moderate weather and it is probable she was dragged on the rock by the tide. Fortunately the "Flamingo", Capt. SCEVIOUR was near at the time and he and his crew rendered assistance in getting the Terra Nova afloat. She had a big deck load of lumber which had to be removed, and a raft was made by the side of the schooner for the purpose. The tide was low when the vessel grounded and when it rose and the deck lightened of its burden, with the help of Mr. SCEVIOUR and his crew the Terra Nova was floated off and no damage was caused, as, fortunately, the water was very smooth all the while. The lumber was again put on deck and the craft proceeded on her course and reached ST. JOHN's the early part of this week.
August 18, 1894Deaths in House FireA house belonging to Mr. William CURNEW, was destroyed by fire at St. Carls, (French Shore), on the 14th July and three small children were consumed in the flames.
August 18, 1894Arson"Big Fire At Pilley's Island." The Work of an Incendiary. (Special to the Daily News) Little Bay, Aug. 11. On last Wednesday night, the business premises of the Notre Dame Trading Company, Pilley's Island, consisting of shop, dwelling and two stores, totally destroyed by fire. Loss estimated at twenty thousand dollars. The fire originated in the fish store, where some rinds were stored, and was the act of an incendiary. A man named George RAINES, of Sandy Cove Islands, is under arrest, charged with the crime. It appears that he confessed to Mr. STRONG, of the trading company, and Constable BISHOP at the time of arrest, that he did the deed, and, further, how he did it, by breaking a pane of glass in the store window, and throwing a lighted match in amongst the rinds. A Magisterial inquiry was held to-day. RAINES committed for trial. He admitted he had no spleen against Mr. STRONG or the Trading Company. He said the deed was suggested by another person named SNOW, who was indebted to STRONG. A warrant was issued for SNOW's arrest. The wind was high at the time of the fire, and carried flankers down on the Mining company's premises and set fire to the woods in vicinity, which, fortunately, was quickly seen and extinguished. For a time the undenominational school house stood in great danger, and no doubt, not withstanding the strenuous efforts put forth to save it, would have been consumed but for a timely change of the wind, a most fortunate change for the inhabitants of that thriving settlement, for had the school house which is built on the height overlooking the village taken fire flankers would be driven in all directions, causing probably the destruction of the whole place, and possibly worse - the loss of life.
August 18, 1894DiedDrowned, on the 8th of July, at the Straits of Belle Isle, George GRIMES, of herring Neck, aged 26 years.
August 18, 1894DiedOn the 3rd inst., at "Florence Glove". Rosina Emeline, aged 44 years, wife of Henry GOODRIDGE, Esq.
August 18, 1894DiedOn the 5th inst., at St. John's, in the 81st year of his age, David SCLATER, Esq., a native of Saltcoats, Ayrshire, Scotland.

August 25, 1894Politics"Yet Another Outrage". Perpetrated by Tory faction - Dismissal of Mr. Charles WEBBER (Editor Evening Telegram) Dear Sir,-- Please allow me space in your valuable and widely circulated paper to give publicity to another outrage perpetrated by the Tory faction, viz. the dismissal of Mr. Chas. WEBBER from the coxwainship of the Revenue Boat of this town. Mr. WEBBER has been in the service for thirty years, having entered in November, 1864, and during that time he has performed his duties faithfully and to the satisfaction of his superiors, and the public as well. In fact, I challenge anyone to point to a single instance of laxity of duty on his part. He is now 62 years of age and, after spending the best years of his life in the service, is removed to satisfy the spleen of a few individuals here. But, perhaps, he was dismissed for seizing the smuggled sugar and rum from the store of a certain firm a few years since? Or the four tubs of butter from a certain Captain? I will speak plainer if necessary the next time I write. And to further increase the outrage, he is supplanted by one Valentine WEBBER, who was Captain out of MUNN's employ for a number of years, and of course did sundry "favors" for the firm, who, in return, got him the appointment in the boat. He is now rewarded for his "hole and corner" politics last fall, by being made coxswain. If it was necessary to remove Charles WEBBER, why was not William JONES, Patrick SCANLAN or William TITFORD given the job? All these, especially the two former, have been in the service three times the length of time that Valentine WEBBER has. But no, this person must be rewarded for his underhand dealings last fall, when he was out till late at night talking on the quiet to a few. But I can tell the "clique" that Charles WEBBER has more friends than they are aware of, and will not tamely submit to this outrage. Thanking you for space, I am, etc., Justice. Harbor Grace, August 14, 1894.
August 25, 1894AppointmentRev. Mark FENWICK Appointed. We understand that the Rev. Mark FENWICK, now stationed at Catalina, has been appointed Superindendent and Chaplain of the new Home in connection with the Methodist College here. Mr. FENWICK will make a worthy successor of the late Rev. G.P. STORY, and we congratulate him on his appointment. It is an unmistakable evidence of the confidence and high esteem in which he is held by the Methodist people of Newfoundland. Evening Telegram.
August 25, 1894PetitionLetter From Mr. P. MOORES. New Bay August 13. (To the Editor Twillingate Sun) Dear Sir, -- Will you kindly publish in your excellent paper the enclosed petition. As its veracity has been doubted I feel obliged to ask you to publish it. We can assure the Board that the men whose names are to that petition, are prepared to stand by them and will not submit until a meeting is called and matters settled, and one or two men nominated to represent them on the Board. If this is not granted then they will petition the proper authorities to form a Board here, and demand their share of the educational grant. Thanking you, dear Mr. Editor, for space, I remain, yours sincerely, P. MOORS. PETITION. New Bay, May 22. To Rev. H. SCOTT, Chairman of M.B. of Education, Exploits, and Members of said Board. Rev Sir and Gentlemen, We, the undersigned fathers and guardians, of children, New Bay, humbly showeth:-- That whereas a movement is on foot to put Mr. P. MOORS out of his occupation as day school teacher, and as we the undersigned, have no fault to find with said Master, and as the Chairman, the Rev. H. SCOTT, refused to call a meeting as requested, but instead, without giving any previous notice, sent a boy around to collect names for a new teacher, we humbly ask you still to employ our present teacher, or otherwise to withhold your decision until the Chairman comes again, and call a meeting of all the fathers and guardians, and let him bring their decision before you, and then you can govern yourselves accordingly. We remain yours respectfully, Arthur YATES, Kenneth YATES, Adolphus YATES, Thomas CLARK, John SANGER, Alexander SANGER, William WHITE, Gideon COX, Abraham RICHARDS, William DICKS, Edward BOONE, Charles CHURCHILL, F.B. MOORES, Albert YATES, Peter CLARK, Robert FAGON, Thomas BOONE, George WHITE, Jacob MANUEL, John BOONE, Thomas YATES, Ephraim WALL, Benjamin BILLINGS, Joseph BUDGEL.
August 25, 1894AdvertisementEmbrace the Opportunity to Get Your PHOTOGRAPHS. Mrs. E.M. Tucker, Tickle Point, Twillingate, has just secured the assistance of Mr. G.J. CHAUNCEY of Toronto, Canada, for one month, and is now prepared to take Photographs in all the most Modern Styles. Enlargements, Copying, etc. Out-door work a speciality - Landscapes, Buildings, Animals, Schools, etc. Groups of any number. All new instruments just imported. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dull weather just as good as fine.
August 25, 1894DrapersNew Draper's Assistants. There came by the SS "Moruca" five new draper's assistants: Messrs. RICHARDS and PENNOCH for C. MacPHERSON and Messrs. BAIRD, FERGUSON and FALCONER for AYER & Sons. Well done, Tories! You are the boys to give smart young Newfoundlanders a chance to live. -- Evening Telegram.
August 25, 1894MasonsThe corner stone of the new Masonic Temple, St. John's, was laid at high noon on Thursday by the Provincial Grand Master, Hon. Sir. W.V. WHITEWAY, K.C.M.G.
August 25, 1894The FisheryA private correspondent from Change Islands, writing under date of 18th inst., informs is that the fishery up to that date had been a complete failure, but on the 17th boats secured from one to two quintals each, and hopes are entertained for a fair Fall's catch.
August 25, 1894World's FairWe were not astonished to learn that Ayer's was the Sarsaparilla admitted at the World's Fair. It proved to our minds that the directors of the Columbian Exposition were true to their determination to render ample justice to every manufacture worthy of representation and encouragement.
August 25, 1894PassengersThe following passengers came from the Bay by the "Grand Lake" on Thursday evening: Mrs. STAFFORD and sons, Mrs. TAVERNER, Mrs. John PURCHASE, Mrs. COLBOURNE, Mrs. BAIRD, Misses TUCK and ANTLE. Embarked here for St. John's: Messrs. D.J. GEENE and J. KENT, and Miss WHITE for Greenspond.
August 25, 1894Sheep DestroyedSeveral valuable sheep have been destroyed by dogs this week. Yesterday morning Mr. Samuel CHAPPELL, of Kettel Cove lost three by those veracious animals. They are going at large without being clogged or muzzled which is entirely contrary to law and it is really too bad that the owners of sheep, who are industrious people and doing their best to earn a living, should have to suffer such losses which to them are so severe.
August 25, 1894FisheryOn Thursday evening the coastal steamer "Grand Lake," Capt. DELANEY, arrived from Chapeau where she connected with the Labrador steamer "Windsor Lake". She had a large number of passengers going South from the various ports of call touched at. The fishery reports from the coast are not at all encouraging and the voyage all along the coast is not likely to be an average one. The ice on the most Northern parts of the coast had not cleared away up to the early part of the present month, when many of the floating craft had little or no fish under salt.
August 25, 1894AdvertisementIt will be seen from a card which appears in another column that a splendid opportunity is afforded the public for one month of procuring first class photographs, Mrs. TUCKER having secured the assistance of an excellent professional in the art, in the person of Mr. G. CHANUNCEY, who has lately arrived here from Canada. He is fully conversant with all the most modern improvements, and with the latest appliances, can produce really good work, so that a rare opportunity will be given our people of obtaining photographs of themselves and families. Outside work will be made a speciality.
August 25, 1894The FisheryFishery Arrivals at Change Islands. The following craft had arrived at Change Islands from the North up to the 18th inst.: From Belle Isle. Harmony, Master Walter PORTER, 500 brls. Beulah, Master Thomas GINN, 780 brls. Fadel, Master Frank GINN, 540 brls. Sea Bride, Master Samuel SAUNDERS, 450 brls. From Labrador. Bessie Elliot, Master Joseph ELLIOTT, 100 brls. Lily of the West, Master Geo. ELLIOTT, 200 brls. Slipper, Master Ben TORROVILLE, 160 brls.
August 25, 1894BirthAt Gander Bay, on May 30th, the wife of W.H. CROWELL, of a daughter.
August 25, 1894Shipping NewsCleared: Aug 21 - St. Clair, SINCLAIR, Sydney, ballast - E. DUDER. Aug 24 - Samuel Moss, MABLY , Fogo, Seal oil and skins - R.D. HODGE.
August 25, 1894DiedAt Change Islands on the 26th ult. of consumption, William TAYLOR, aged 23 years
August 25, 1894DiedOn the 11th inst., Peter, beloved child of William and Rose YOUNG, aged 2 years and 3 months.
August 25, 1894AdvertisementNorris' Arm Hotel. Mrs. J. McCLOUDY begs to intimate to the travelling public that she is prepared to furnish board and lodging to persons arriving at Norris' Arm to meet the train or Bay steamer. Meals furnished at all hours. Terms reasonable.

September 1, 1894By-Election (Part 1)"Burgeo Bye-Election". The nomination of candidates for the district of Burgeo and LaPoile takes place to-day and polling on the 11th instant, according to a Proclamation issued a short time since. The way in which this election has been sprung on the district is another potent evidence of the cowardly and undignified action of the Tory government, which is trying to run political affairs in a most high-handed and unpatriotic manner. Taking the districts in the routine in which their members for the respective ones were set aside by the conspiracy combined to hurl the WHITEWAY party from power, and to cast its leader into political oblivion, St. John's East and West, after Bay-de-Verde, should have been the first districts in which the bye-elections ought to have been held; but instead of that we find them passing over the capital of the Island, that has been disenfranchised for some months, as well as other important districts, and springing the election on Burgeo and LaPoile at the shortest possible notice. The Tories perfected their plans for the campaign in secret, allowed the coastal steamer to sail for the West coast with all their documents, plans, and instructions to their supporters, and the next day after the steamer leaves, when there is no other regular of direct way of reaching the district, the proclamation is made public.
September 1, 1894By-Election (Part 2)This is certainly done with the intention of preventing the WHITEWAY party from taking advantage of the coastal steamer going West, which is mean, contemptible in the extreme, and yet we find his Excellency the Governor a party to such cowardice and high-handed procedure. What unprejudiced and impartial mind, therefore, cannot but be persuaded that his Excellency is a strong partisan, as his attitude towards the Mercantile or Tory clique all through seem clearly to indicate? And we regret to find that one for whom our people generally hitherto entertained such a high regard, should lend himself to the unprincipled and questionable actions of the unscrupulous advisers by which he is surrounded at the Council Board. However, notwithstanding the intricacies of the Tories now controlling public affairs, it is to be hoped that the intelligence and good sense of the electorate of Burgeo and LaPoile will stand firm to the Liberal cause and show these usurpers now in power, that they have no faith in the pretension to progress which the Tories would have the people believe they intend to carry out - a policy which they have stolen from Sir William WHITEWAY with the hope of deceiving the electors of the colony.
September 1, 1894Accident"Accident at Baccalieu." The foreman in the erection of the Baccalieu lighthouse, Mr. STOWE, met with a serious accident on Thursday morning. He was working about the wall plate over the second floor and getting down from where he was at work, stepped on a piece of board, which gave way and he fell below on the next floor, a distance altogether of ten or twelve feet, causing two bones of one of his legs to be broken in a couple of places. Being a heavy man, the fall was the more severe, and the leg was badly fractured. Mr. STOWE was immediately taken to Herring Neck and Dr. STAFFORD sent for, who at once proceeded there to attend to the case. But before treating it, the Dr. considered it best that he should come here, so that he would be near to give him all the medical attention that was necessary. So Mr. STOWE was brought on by a crew Thursday night and taken to Mrs. WHELLORS, South Side, where the bones were set and everything necessary to ensure the recovery of the leg attended to, and we are glad to learn that it is now doing well.
September 1, 1894The FisheryThe fishery around our shore the past week or ten days has been poor, and the hope of there being anything like an average voyage this season is now out of the question.
September 1, 1894Shipping NewsThe coastal steamer did not leave St. John's for the North until half-past one on Thursday, and will be due here this evening. We understand the "Virginia Lake" comes North this trip. The "Five Brothers" owned by Messrs. E.& A.. ROBERTS, returned from a trading trip Saturday night last, having been to Shoe Cove and as far North as Goose Cove, and brought back about five hundred quintals of fish.
September 1, 1894SchoolsMr. BARNES who is assisting the Rev. Dr. W. PILOT, in inspecting the Church of England schools North, this season, came here on Tuesday and the two following days inspected the Church schools. he was much pleased with the creditable way in which the pupils acquitted themselves, particularly those of St. Peter's school under tuition of Mr. S. C. THOMPSON.
September 1, 1894SynodIn his address at the opening of the eleventh biennial session of Diocesan Synod, the Lord Bishop announced that he had created a deanery in Placentia Bay, and had appointed the Rev. J. HEWITT, Rural Dean; the Rev. H. JOHNSON, he had appointed Rural dean of the vacant post in Trinity Bay; and, in token of his regard and appreciation of the co-operation of Rev. E. BOTWOOD, his commissary, he had determined to revive the office of Archdeacon in his person. He hoped it would be one step more towards the more complete organisation and efficiency of our institutions.
September 1, 1894The FisheryThe "Victoria," James NEWMAN, master, engaged in trading and collecting for Mr. W. WATERMAN, arrived from Grey Islands yesterday with over four hundred quintals of fish. The fishery at Grey Islands and Canada Bay has been very good this season and up to a few days ago, fair work was being done. On about half of the so-called French Shore the season's operations have been successful, but on the remainder part very little has been done. In White Bay the voyage is a very bad one indeed. The Victoria left Shoe Cove Thursday morning and there of late, the fishery is greatly improved and good work is being done. The "Carrie Kane," Capt. WHITE, belonging to the firm of E.DUDER, arrived from Griquet on Tuesday evening with a load of fish, having been North on a collecting trip. She reports fish to have been plentiful of late, along that part of the coast, but bait very scarce. When a supply could be obtained good catches were made.
September 1, 1894BirthOn the 27th ult., the wife of Mr. E. BARNES, of a son.
September 1, 1894DiedAt Tizzard's Harbor, on the 29th ult., George FORWARD, aged 64 years.
September 1, 1894DiedAt St. John's on the 18th ult., Thomas D. SCANLEN, aged 58 years.
September 1, 1894AdvertisementTO Merchants, Shopkeepers, Planters. The subscriber wishes to inform the public that he is prepared to book orders for any quantity of BIRCH and SPRUCE FIREWOOD cut at his premises "Coakerville", Dildo Run, at cheapest rates. For particulars apply to W.F. COAKER, Herring Neck.
September 1, 1894NoticeNEWFOUNDLAND LIGHTS. [No. 2, 1894] TO MARINERS. Harbor Grace Island Conception Bay. Latitude 47 42' 45' North, Longitude 54 08' 11" West. In accordance with No. 1, 1894, the optical apparatus exhibited on this island has been removed. In its place A Trotter-Lindberg Apparatus of the 4th order has been installed, and is now in operation. It is occulating, worked by the heat of the lamp, and shows red and white alternately, in quick succession. Normally it makes seven revolutions per minute, four flashes in each revolution. No alteration has been made to the square wood House from the centre of which the lantern rises. The sides of the house are white - roof red. (By Order) Geo. W. MEWS, Secretary. Board of Works' Office, St. John's, July 19th, 1894.
September 1, 1894NoticeAny person or persons found trespassing on my premises (known as "Coakerville") Dildo run, will be prosecuted, W.F. COAKER.

September 8, 1894Fishermen (Part 1)"The Truck System". What fishermen and Sharemen are Required to Sign. We have been shown the shipping papers which MUNN & Co., of Harbor Grace, and C.& A.. DAWE, of Bay Roberts, require their Sharemen and fishermen to sign this session. It is well known that the law demands that any balance coming to any fisherman, or any contract, shall be paid him in cash. Section 5 of the Master's and Servant's Act sets forth that "on the performance of such agreement, or contract, on the part of the servant, the balance of wages due thereon shall be paid in lawful current money of this colony to the person entitled thereto, any contract or agreement to the contrary notwithstanding." No words could be clearer. Their meaning must present itself fully to the dullest understanding; and yet these firms have the audacity to print in bold type on their shipping papers the condition that the balance shall be payable HALF IN GOOD AND HALF IN CASH. This is but another sign of the attempt of the Merchant's Party, all along the line, to get power into their own hands, so as to crush out the independence of the fisherman.
September 8, 1894Fishermen (Part 2)Of course the latter must sign any shipping paper put before him, no matter how he may dislike its contents. We learn of cases where men who would not go for less than $100 last season, had to take $75 this year. The Labrador men will further be charged 25 cents a quintal as freight money and $8 as berth money. Moreover, nine men of a crew, instead of getting half the fish caught by seine, will only get one-twentieth each of it, the remaining share being, by a certain fiction, given to the craft and called "a dead share." To crown all, DAWE's shipping paper adds, that C.&A. DAWE are to have the fish at the current price paid in Bay Roberts. We mention these items as signs of the times, and we ask the people to give careful consideration to them. We know that those shipping papers, so far as they refuse cash in payment of wages, are illegal and not worth the paper they are written on. But the merchants say if the law is against them, they will repeal it at the next session of the House. The amendment they intend making in the Act is to strike out the words "any contract or agreement to the contrary notwithstanding". With these words omitted, the only safeguard of the fisherman will disappear. -- Evening Telegram, Aug. 27.
September 8, 1894Insurance "Personal". We beg leave to call attention to the advertisement of the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York, which is said to be the oldest, largest and strongest financial company in the world. Mr. E.J. SHELDON, a special agent of the Company, is at present in our town and probably will call on the Merchants and others desirous of making an investment with this splendid Company. As will be seen by referring to their advertisement in to-day's paper, the company issue all forms of contracts, suitable to all classes. The security offered by this company is of the best character. All persons wishing a safe investment could not do better than to take a Policy in "the Grand Old Mutual." Mr. SHELDON remains only a few days. Mr. John J. MURPHY of Harbor Grace, the local agent for the company at that place, accompanies Mr. SHELDON, and we are pleased to welcome them to our town, and trust that their visit will be one of both pleasure and profit.
September 8, 1894Politics"Victory Certain." (Special to the Evening Telegram) Channel, Aug 30. The WHITEWAY candidate held a meeting at Cape Ray last night and was enthusiastically received. Another meeting has been announced by him to be held at Channel to-night. Victory is certain all along the line. "Everything Propitious." (Special to the Evening Telegram) Channel, Aug 30. Everything looks propitious for the Liberal cause. Mr. EMERSON, the WHITEWAY candidate, is conducting the campaign with scurrility, without malice, without falsehood and without rum, and the WHITEWAY supporters here are confident of a big victory.
September 8, 1894Ship NewsPort of Twillingate. Cleared. Sept (5?) - "Clementine", BALL, Lisbon, 3,200 qtls. shore codfish - E.DUDER.
September 8, 1894Politics"Twillingate Only Two Representatives." At present the district of Twillingate has only two representatives, Mr. GOODRIDGE and the Editor of the Sun. Mr. KNIGHT having accepted a departmental office, his seat in the Legislature has consequently been rendered vacant. He will therefore have to come before the constituents for re-election, and with the scheming that has already been going on with the Tories, it is possible that an election may be sprung on the district at any moment. Hence we would caution our supporters to be on their guard and be prepared for any emergency. Mr. FOOTE will again be the standard bearer for the WHITEWAY party in our district and we would urge all our people throughout the district to rally around him and support the Workingman's Party.
September 8, 1894Shipping NewsThe "Clementine", Capt. BALL, sailed for Lisbon on Thursday with a cargo of shore fish for the firm of E.DUDER. The weather has been so boisterous ever since the Virginia Lake left here for the other Northern ports of call that she may not be expected here returning South before this evening or to-morrow. The Bay steamer "Lance" was detained at Fogo Monday and Tuesday by the heavy sea, and did not get here going North until Wednesday morning. Owing to this delay she cannot be expected so early to-day, if at all. The "Georgie" from Montreal, put into port Saturday evening bound to Botwoodville for lumber She had been to Fogo previously and landed part cargo of provisions, &c., for R. SCOTT, Esq. The Georgie remained in port until Wednesday.
September 8, 1894Shipping NewsThe "Five Brothers", belonging to Messrs. E.& A. ROBERTS started for White Bay on Wednesday on a trading venture. The "Maggie Briggs," belonging to R. SCOTT Esq., Fogo, arrived on Saturday last with a load of provisions, &c., for his branch establishment here. The "Merimac," WALSH, master, belonging to Mr. RYAN, King's Cove, came here Wednesday bound North on a trading trip and has been weather bound ever since. The schooner "Dart," belonging to Trinity, put into port yesterday morning on her way home from Farm Yards, Labrador. She hails for seven hundred quintals of fish. H.M.S. "Buzzard" came in port Thursday afternoon from Canada Bay on her way South. She left again yesterday morning but the weather was so rough outside the ship came back, and remained until to-day.
September 8, 1894Pork The St. John's Trade Review of Aug. 25th informs us that pork has advanced in price one dollar per barrel since last issue, a week previous.
September 8, 1894PoliticsWe have received private information from St. John's up to yesterday's date to the effect that the prospects for the WHITEWAY candidate in Burgeo and LaPoile are most encouraging.
September 8, 1894PassengersThe "Virginia Lake", Capt. TAYLOR, came North this trip and arrived last Saturday night. She had quite a large number of passengers leaving St. John's. Miss Janet STIRLING, Rev. W. EDMUNSON and Mr. Samuel ROBERTS were passengers for here.
September 8, 1894Man Lost OverboardThe "Cactus," LODGE, master, which put into port Sunday on her way to Botwoodville for lumber, lost a man overboard on the night of Aug. 18th., when sailing down Clode Sound with a cargo of lumber bound to St. John's. He was putting a guy on the mainsail when main sheet caught his legs and tripped him over the side of the vessel. A boat was lowered in a few minutes, but it was too late to save him as the man sank when he fell in the water and was not seen afterwards.
September 8, 1894AdvertisementFOR SALE. Two Litters Pure Bred Young Pigs, ready for delivery 25th September -- Price $3.00 each. Apply to J.T. CROUCHER, Fogo.
September 8, 1894AdvertisementFOR SALE. At Jackson's Cove in the best part of the Harbor. A Small Piece of Ground with water side, and a House partly finished. For further particulars apply to L. NEWHOOK, Jackson's Cove.

September 15, 1894DeathWe are sorry to have to report that the "Sunbeam" arrived from Labrador this morning bringing home the dead body of the master, Mr. William FOX, who died on Thursday morning last. He was not in good health before leaving here, but he survived until two or three days ago. This is the second corpse brought home this season, the other being that of George YOUNG, only son of Mr. Stephen YOUNG. We deeply sympathize with the relatives under their sore bereavements.
September 15, 1894Price of Fish"Only $2.50 a Quintal ! What an Injustice to the Fishermen of the Colony! On Tuesday last we briefly referred to the gross injustice, our hardy toilers of the sea are compelled to suffer at the hands of their taskmasters, the heartless Tory merchants. Our remarks on that occasion had reference to the starvation price paid for Labrador fish, and the privation and suffering certain to ensue from Tory cupidity in this direction. Yesterday we took occasion to further inquire into this matter, with the result that all our previous statements are confirmed and a good deal more light is let in upon the subject. It now transpires that the Tory politico-mercantile faction, in reducing the price of Labrador fish to the miserable amount of $2.50 (twelve shillings and sixpence) per quintal, are actuated solely by a desire to once more drag the fishermen of Newfoundland down to a state of utter dependence, if not absolute slavery. There is nothing to justify their conduct. The demand for our fish in the foreign market is just as great to-day as ever it was, and there is no falling off in price. On the contrary, our staple products are readily taken wherever offered. What further evidence of the Tory fish merchant's cupidity do we need than the fact that Labrador fish, for which he pays only $2.50 a quintal, fetches $4.00 in Halifax; and this, too, with little or no cullage, while here in St. John's at least one-third of the poor man's fish is thrown out at the culling board and afterwards bought in for less than quarter its actual value? Out upon such inhumanity! Those unprincipled, grasping Tories are scarcely in power when they resume their tyrannical attitude towards the poor fishermen, to whom they really owe all they possess, and grind him and his family down to the very verge of destitution. But, never mind ! The day of retribution begins to dawn. Nemesis is on the track of the Tory faction, and their reign of oppression will speedily come to an ignoble close! -- Telegram, Sept 8.
September 15, 1894BirthAt Tilt Cove, August 25th, the wife of Mr. Peter WINSOR, of a daughter.
September 15, 1894DiedAt Labrador, on August 26th, after a short illness, George, only son of Mr. Stephen YOUNG, aged 20 years -- "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord."
September 15, 1894DiedOff Venison Island, Labrador, Thursday morning on the 18th inst., William FOX, aged 38 years.
September 15, 1894Shipping NewsPort of Twillingate. Entered: Sept. 11 - "Donna Maria," LeMARQUOND, St. John's, salt and provisions - E.DUDER. Sept. 12 - "Doris", PUTT, Cadiz, via St. John's. 148 tons salt - E.DUDER.
September 15, 1894PassengersThe following is a list of the passengers that were on board the "Virginia Lake" when leaving St. John's for Northern ports -- Western Bay, Mr. Wm. KENNEDY. Old Perlican, Mr. Jas KENT, Mr. E. DAY, Mr. Wm. GREEN, Mrs. E. MARCH, Miss DONNELLY. Trinity, Mrs. HART and infant. Catalina, Mr. J.Jos..on, Miss SNELGROVE. Bonavista, Rev. FOSTER. Pools Island, Mr. J. HADDON, Mrs. BENSON. Fogo, Miss PORTER. Herring Neck, Rev. G.S. CHAMBERLAIN. Twillingate, Miss OSMOND, Miss RABBITS, Miss L. NEWMAN. Fortune Harbor, Miss LANNEN. Pilleys Island, Mr. H.A. WILTSHIRE, Miss WISEMAN.
September 15, 1894Politics"Insult at Fortune Harbor" "What about that wharf at Fortune Harbor, Green Bay, now being built with WHITEWAY money, and two glasses of liquor per day served to the men? At the old game again." -- Daily News. We find the above paragraph in the Daily News of August the 24th, and we have no hesitation in saying that it is a downright insult to the people of Fortune Harbor. We are at a loss to know what wharf our contemporary alludes to, for we are not aware that there is either public or coastal wharf in course of erection there, which Messrs. GOODRIDGE and KNIGHT are fully aware of, and yet they allow one of their paid organs to make such a statement as the above, which is most insinuating and insulting to the residents of that important community. Certain it is that no public wharf is being built with "WHITEWAY" money, inferring that money had been voted by the WHITEWAY administration for the purpose of securing the vote of electors there which is false, and a base and malicious misrepresentation; and the impression conveyed, of two glasses of liquor per day being served out to the men for labor is a grave reflection on the people of that locality. It may be true that some private individual of Fortune Harbor is building a wharf with money that was made under the prosperous administration of the WHITEWAY government during the years it was in power, which in one sense might be termed "Whiteway money," but Messrs GOODRIDGE and KNIGHT would hardly be charitably disposed enough to give the leader so much credit, and this was by no means intended, and it is characteristic of them to cast such slurs upon those whom they know are opposed to them politically. However, the intelligence of that old and respected community will know how to deal with such vile aspersions on their reputation when the proper time arrives.
September 15, 1894Politics"Twillingate By-Election. Mr. FOOTE, Popular Whiteway Candidate". Mr. KNIGHT having accepted a departmental office arrived here by the "Lance" on Sunday morning to prepare for his election. Under ordinary circumstances we might not be inclined to raise any opposition to a candidate when coming before the people for confirmation in accepting office, but when we find the mean and dastardly methods adopted by the Tories to wrench the reins of government from Sir William WHITEWAY, and to set aside the people's representatives, we feel it our bounden duty in the interest of the country at large to oppose such candidates, and therefore call upon the electors of this district to support Mr. FOOTE who will appear to them at the approaching by-election, in support of the policy inaugurated by Sir William WHITEWAY.
September 15, 1894Politics"The Election at Burgeo." The returns for the by-election in the district of Burego and LaPoile were received here yesterday, which show that the Tory candidate in that district has been elected by a small majority of 78, the totals for each one being, MOTT, 640; EMERSON, 562. When we consider the extreme pressure that was brought to bear by the government in favor of Mr. MOTT's election, and the fact of his being so well known throughout the district, having contested two previous elections there, and Mr. EMERSON, personally, being a perfect stranger in the district, it is not at all surprising that the Tory candidate has been successful, considering too, the frightful trickery and dishonorableness practiced by the Goodridge-Morine party in springing the election so suddenly and unexpectedly on the district. It is no proof either of the unpopularity of the Whiteway party, as a Whiteway supporter has not been returned there for the two previous elections. Mr. MURRAY posed as an INDEPENDENT, being elected twice on that ticket, and belonged to NO political party, therefore the loss of that seat to the Liberals is no evidence whatever that the great majority of the electors of the country are not with the People's Leader.
September 15, 1894Politics"Fogo Election". The by-election in the district of Fogo takes place shortly, Nomination day being next Saturday, the 22nd inst., and Polling day on Tuesday the 2nd of October. Mr. T.C. DUDER, who has accepted a departmental office under the Goodridge-Morine Government, goes to the district for re-election and he is likely to be opposed by a popular Local candidate for the Whiteway party, whose chances of success are of a very hopeful character. It is hoped that the electors of that independent district will display considerable enthusiasm on this election context, in favor of the candidate of the Workingman's Party, and show to the country that they fully appreciate Sir William WHITEWAY's policy which he has been carrying out for the benefit of the masses, through almost insurmountable difficulties.
September 15, 1894DiedOn the 8th inst., the Ven. Archdeacon FORRISTAL, aged 74 years. The Ven Archdeacon was born in Montcoign, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland, and received his early training in the Co. Waterford. In 1844 he was ordained Deacon, and if spared, would have completed his fiftieth year in the service of his Divine Master.
September 15, 1894Shipwreck"Loss of the 'Daisy' ". The schooner Daisy, belonging to John McCORMICK of Coachmen's Cove, was lost at Black Island Cove, East end Straits Belle Isle, on the 3rd inst. There was a heavy breeze of wind and a big sea at the time, and the craft was driven ashore and became a total wreck. At the time Mr. McCORMICK had 100 brls. of fish, and this, with all the fishing gear and all in the craft, went to the bottom of the sea, which is a great loss to him. A signal of distress was hoisted, which was seen by a craft returning from Labrador, which turned out to be the "Souris Light," Capt. George BARBOR, of Pool's Island, who bore down where the shipwrecked crew were, and took them on board and landed them safely there on Monday night. Capt. BARBOR treated them nobly and did everything in his power to make them comfortable, and Mr. McCORMICK desires through the medium of the Twillingate Sun, to publicly thank him for the great kindness shown towards him and his crew while on board the Souris Light.
September 15, 1894PhotographsViews of the Methodist and Church of England Sabbath School groups are for sale at Mrs. TUCKERS's Studio, Tickle Point, at Thirty-Five cents each.
September 15, 1894New SchoolThe work on the Methodist Superior School, in course of erection, is being quickly pushed forward, and it is expected that it will be well nigh completed by the end of the year.
September 15, 1894FishingThere has been a good deal of fish on the grounds at Change Islands and Fogo the past week or two, and when the weather has been suitable for getting out, boats have done very well, catching from one to two quintals per day.
September 15, 1894Supreme CourtAccording to Proclamation, the Supreme Court on Northern Circuit is to be held here next week, the days set down being from Wednesday the 19th inst., until Friday the 21st. At Fogo the Court will be held on Monday the 24th inst.
September 15, 1894Return of ClergyThe Rev. R. TEMPLE intended to leave England for home on Monday last, the 10th inst, and not the early part of the previous week as was incorrectly stated in our last issue. We trust that he will have a pleasant voyage across the Atlantic.
September 15, 1894Arrivals from LabradorThe first arrival around here from Labrador was the schooner "Mary Marsh", Job WATKINS, master, which arrived at Purcill's Harbor early on Monday morning with 250 quintals of fish. Thursday evening and yesterday, several other craft came back, some bringing fairly good fares, others have done poorly. On the whole the voyage is not going to be a good one The following are the arrivals: -- Hyacinth, Edward WHITE, 650. Larkspur, S. MAIDMENT, 600. Mallard, John ROBERTS, 400. Best Girl, J. HAWKINS, 400. Bessie Purchase, J. PURCHASE, 400. Lottie, Wm. ROBERTS, 330. Abib, John MINTY, 300. Experiment, W. WATERMAN, 290. Liberty, Joseph YOUNG, 280. Mary Marsh, Job WATKINS, 250. Silverdale, David WHELLOR, 250. Minnie Gray, Wm. MITCHARD, 250. Exe, Jacob MOORES, 200. J.S.O., Philip FREEMAN, 200. Lily of the West, J. PHILLIPS, 150. Dorothy, Samuel YOUNG, 150. Rose of Sharon, F. HOUSE, 150. Minnie Ha Ha, George GUY, 150. Manitoba, Philip YOUNG, 140. Six Brothers, Jas. YOUNG, 130. Resolute, Robert YOUNG, 120. J.C. Rose, George MINTY, 100. Lady Blackler, D. BLACKLER, 100. Erminie, Archibald WHITE, 100.

September 29, 1894Letter of Thanks"Mr. TAVERNER Thanks Picnic Party" Little Bay , Sept. 20, 1984 Mr. Editor,-- Please tender my sincere gratitude and good wished to Messrs. W. LIND, Jas. THOMPSON, J. LAMB, P. BURKE, J.P. THOMPSON, B.T. BOYLES, J. ROACH, W. WALKER, the ladies and residue of the general Picnic party, for the honor conferred upon me by their valuable presentation, which will be duly appreciated. I am also pleased to congratulate them upon the general success, and true enjoyment, that attended their festival. I sincerely hope that ere long, Divine Providence may again bestow benign favors upon the community. That mining operations may be resumed, affluence may abound, and that each member of the general Picnic party, may long live to enjoy many such social gatherings. I am glad also to thank the several subsequent denominational gatherings for their kind invitations extended to myself and family, and congratulate them upon the very favorable weather for each festivity and their vary pleasant enjoyment of the same. Such gatherings would tend to help cope with the monotony that pervades our community at the present crisis, also conducive to health and shewing good faith in silver lining of the cloud that is so dark and lowering at present, through the unusual bad voyage, and general depression of trade. Thanking you for time and insertion, Mr. Editor, I am, Ladies and Gentlemen, Yours very respectfully, J.H. TAVERNER.
September 29, 1894Politics"No Public Wharf Building" (To the Editor Twillingate Sun) Dear Sir: -- In looking over your valuable paper I noticed a clipping taken from the Daily News in reference to a wharf being built at Fortune harbor with WHITEWAY money and rum. Now, sir, I can tell the Daily News informant, that it is a deliberate falsehood, as there is no wharf being built at Fortune Harbor with either money or rum owned by the government. But, sir, much to the credit of our enterprising supplier, Capt. John LANNEN, who is building a wharf for the convenience of his business, and thereby giving a number of men employment during this dull season. If this is the way the Goodridge-Morine government are trying to make capital out of such enterprise by one of our suppliers, it is high time for them to throw up the sponge! Their doom is already sealed and as regards KNIGHT's chances in the coming election, he will be left as obscure as his name foreshadows. We don't require a cask of rum here to influence us as how to vote, as the Goodridge-Morine party sent here last spring by the informant of the Daily News to try and catch the people's votes. No, sir, we intend to vote for WHITEWAY and Progress. As a word of advice to the informant of the Daily News: It may be better for him to attend to his business and when he gets another cask he need not reserve it as he did the last one. A Resident. Fortune Herald, Sept. 20.
September 29, 1894Death In our notice of the death of Mr. BERTEAU's son last week, the wrong name was given. "Frederick" should have been printed instead of "Francis."
September 29, 1894Shipping NewsThe "Bonny", on her way from St. Anthony to Harbor Grace with a load of fish and oil, touched here Wednesday afternoon and left again Thursday morning.
September 29, 1894Odd CatchA novel catch was taken at Herring Neck the other day by Mr. John WARREN who had a herring net set for the purpose of catching herring. One morning when his son went to haul, it the first thing that came to the bow of the boat was on old dog harp seal.
September 29, 1894Change of ClergyThe Rev. Mr. SNOW will leave by "Portia" (next week) for his new charge - Campbelltown, N.B. Mr. SNOW has been in charge of Spaniards Bay for the past year or so, and previous to that time was stationed in Green Bay, and during his charge of these places has shown energy in his work. In leaving for a new field of labor he will be followed by the best wishes of his parishioners and friends. -- Harbor Grace Standard.
September 29, 1894Pickled TroutThe schooner "Jeanie," J.W. ROBERTS, master, from Labrador, put into port on Wednesday last. This craft left here on the 15th of August, having on board provisions, coals, &c., for the Moravian Missionaries at Hebron and Rama, Labrador. She has been there and discharged, and is now returning to St. John's. The Jeanie has about three hundred quintals of dry fish and three hundred barrels of pickled trout which were taken on board at Hookak.
September 29, 1894Arrivals from LabradorThe following schooners arrived from Labrador this week: J.M. Lacey, James PHILLIPS, 300. Fawn, Albert SPENCER, 230. Speedy, Arch. BULGIN, 220. Endurance, J. CHURCHILL, 200. Rovers Bride, M. ELLIOTT, 150. Brisk, Job LUTHER, 120. Rosalie, James ANSTEY, 100. Olivette, John ROBERTS, 100.
September 29, 1894AdvertisementSilas FACEY, tinsmith and Sheet-Iron Worker, North Side, Twillingate, Wishes to inform his numerous patrons that he can supply them with some of the best Kitchen and Parlour Stoves, Boilers, Bakepots, Frying Pans, and Enamelled Ware of different kinds. Also a large assortment of TINWARE, at wholesale and retail. A large stock always on hand, selling at the most reasonable rates. Orders for the making of Lobster Caps, or any other article, will be immediately attended to.
September 29, 1894AdvertisementWanted. Newfoundland Postage Stamps (used). Highest cash prices given. Apply to P.J. NASH, St. John's.
September 29, 1894BirthsAt Fortune Harbor, on Aug 2nd, the wife of Mr. Patrick CARROLL, of a daughter.
September 29, 1894BirthsAt the same place, on the 1st inst., the wife of Mr. James DAY, of a son.
September 29, 1894BirthsAt the same place on the 8th inst, the wife of Mr. Samuel WISEMAN, of a daughter.
September 29, 1894BirthsAt the same place on the 11th inst, the wife of Mr. Francis LIVER, of a daughter.
September 29, 1894BirthsAt the same place on the 17th inst, the wife of Mr. Edward WISEMAN of a son.
September 29, 1894MarriedAt Fortune Harbor, by the Rev. W. TARRAHAN, Mr Owen BUDGEL, of flurry's Bight, to Miss Sarah Jane NIPPER, of Fogo
September 29, 1894Ship NewsPort of Twillingate. Entered: Sept. 24 - "Grace", CHADDOR, St. John's, provisions and salt, - E.DUDER. Cleared: Sept 24 "Lucie", GAUTESEN, Fogo, 1057 qtls. shore fish, 26 tierce salmon, - J.W. OWEN.

October 6, 1894Fishermen/Politics"Fishermen Prepare For War !" Lies and sophistries will not win. We put hard plain facts before you. You know the truth of what we write. Rise men, or be forever slaves. We give you the prices paid under the WHITEWAY Government and the prices paid under the GOODRIDGE or mercantile Tory Government. This is no Herald lie. this is no Daily News lie. These are September prices in 1893 and 1894: -- WHITEWAY - 1893: Labrador, $2.80. Large Merchantable, $4.50. Large Maderia, $4.00. Large West Indies, $3.50. Small Merchantable, $3.60. Small Mederia, $3.20. Small West Indies, $2.80. Cod Oil (the tun), $76. GOODERIDGE - 1894: Labrador, $2.50. Large Merchantable, $4.00. Large Maderia, $3.60. Large West Indies, $3.20. Small Merchantable, $3.40. Small Mederia, $2.50. Small West Indies, $2.60. Cod Oil (the tun), $68. We have give you the figures paid by the shippers to you for local produce in 1893 and 1894. Can any fishermen deny those figures? Are they not the prices paid you last fall, and the prices paid you this year? MONROE and GOODRIDGE will make painful efforts to deny these facts. They have MORINE, MORRISON and CARTY retained to tell political lies that they dare not utter themselves. Fishermen are you aware that a "solid ring" has been entered into by the twelve merchants who ship off every quintal caught in the colony? Are you aware that the smaller fry of merchants, such as MONROE and AYRE, who never ship a quintal themselves, are into this "ring"? Are you aware that MONROE and AYRE a... the smaller fry of the ring can get on an average fifty cents, or two shillings and sixpence a quintal more from the twelve shipping merchants, for the fish that you sell them, than you can? We have indubiable testimony of two planters, who have been credited on their accounts with 20 cents a quintal more than the current price. The "ring" by its own cupidity has been broken. They undertook too much and they failed. In secret among their own planters, they are outbidding each other and the planter laughs in his sleeve at them and gets his "advance price or rise." Fishermen! there was never a time in the colony when fish stood as high in foreign markets. We know of a cargo of fish shipped from Labrador at $2.50 a quintal, sold for 22s 6d. stg. in England, or in other figures $3.40. This happened quite recently too. Do you notice how eager they are this year to buy your fish. They say: "Its only worth $3.40 a quintal if you can get a better price, why get it, but if not come back, and I'll buy." MONROE may say this to you. "Take the fish out of your cart or out of your boat, walk down the street, sell it to Walter B. G....e, the shipper for $4." This is what it is to be in the "ring".
October 6, 1894DiedAt Harry's Harbor, on July 21st, Mr. John DOREY, aged 77 years and 8 months. "It is hard to part with dear ones. Whom we've known and loved so long, But if we are true and faithful, We will join that happy throng; We'll be welcome home to Glory When our pilgrimage is o'er, By the loved ones gone before us Safe at home forever more.

October 20, 1894Election Victory"Grand Victory For Whiteway Party" Mr. FOOTE elected With Overwhelming Majority. The by-election in this district was decided at the polls on Tuesday last and resulted in a glorious victory for Mr. FOOTE, the candidate for the Liberal Party. The "Ingraham," with the ballot boxes arrived Thursday night, but it was not until late this evening that the count was concluded which showed the following result: FOOTE - 1704 ; KNIGHT - 1129. Majority for FOOTE - 575.
October 20, 1894PoliticsPolling Day In Trinity. The bye-election in the district of Trinity is to be decided at the polls on Tuesday next the 23rd inst. The Whiteway standard-bearers are Messrs. JOHNSON, HORWOOD and GUSHUE, the Tories being Messrs. BREMNER, McPHERSON and MONROE. Three or four steamers have been employed by the Tory or Mercantile party and the district throughout is flooded with political heelers from St. John's who are scattered in every direction for the purpose of disseminating the views of the party, which they are handsomely paid to uphold. Not content alone with sending their agents and hangers-on merely, some of the mercantile gentlemen themselves have also gone to the district, threatening, no doubt, to bring the bag and barrel influence to bear against the poor unfortunate fishermen, who may not have sufficient food to tide themselves and families over the approaching winter. But Trinity has long stood by Sir William and the Workingmen's party, and notwithstanding the tremendous influences which are at work to defeat him, and the trickery and dishonorable means to which his opponents are resorting, let us hope that the intelligent electors of that important district will stand firm to the principles of the People's Leader, in whom they have reposed such implicit confidence for over twenty years, and elect Messrs. JOHNSON, HORWOOD and GUSHUE, as standard-bearers of his banner of progress which he has unfurled to the breeze for so many years past.
October 20, 1894GraveyardsStrolls Through Graveyards. How impressive it is to wander thoughtfully through the resting places of the dead. In doing so we come across many curiously interesting epitaphs; below are found some collected by the writer. From a stone in the churchyard of Tongnor, Statfordshire, the following was culled: "In memory of Wm. BILLINGS, who was born in a cornfield at Fairfield Head, in this Parish in 1679. At the age of 23 years he enlisted in His Majesty's service, under Sir George RORKE and was at the taking of the fortress of Gibralter in 1704. He afterward served under the Duke of Marlborough at the ever-memorable battle of Ramillies, fought on the 23rd May, 1706, where he was wounded by a musket shot in the thigh. Afterwards returned to his native country, and, with manly courage defended his Sovereign's rights at the rebellion of 1715 and 1745. He died within the space of 150 yards of the place where he was born, and was interred here the 30th of January 1791aged 112 years "Billeted by death I quartered here remain; When the trumpet sounds I'll rise and march again." At Cheadle, in the same county, George WOOD was buried at the root of a yew tree of his own planting. His tomb bears the unique epitaph: In sixteen hundred and ninety three, George WOOD, of Cheadle, set up this tree, Which was alive, but now he's dead, Up to this stone here lies his head. Be sure you have account to give, When you are dead, how you did live. In South Wales, the following were found in Pendine Parish Churchyard: " A pale consumption gave the fatal blow, The stroke was certain, but the effect was slow; With wasting frame, death found me long opprest, Pity'd my sighs, and kindly gave me rest." Over a Captain in the Tanghane Parish churchyard, is the following: "Tho' Borea's blasts and Neptunes waves Have tossed me to and fro, Yet I at last, by God's decree, Do harbor here below. Where at an anchor I do ride With many of our fleet, Once more again I must set sail My Saviour Christ to meet." And over a departed wife at Kedwelly, the following: "Farewell, good neighbour, void of strife, Farewell, good, loving, prudent wife, Farewell, good Christian, in her days. Farewell, good friend, deserving praise." Also in same graveyard: "No root, nor branch, nor youth, nor age, Can death's last enemy assuage; The rest is sweet, the day draws nigh, Go, reader, go, prepare to die." Also: "thus, then, it is we all must tread The gloomy regions of the dead: Neither bloom of youth, nor age can save Our mortal bodies from the grave."
October 20, 1894Shipping NewsThe schooner "Dorothy", Samuel YOUNG, master, arrived from St. John's this afternoon, bringing a full load of freight for J.B. TOBIN, F. LINFIELD and E.& A. ROBERTS. The coastal steamer "Virginia Lake", Capt. TAYLOR arrived from the North this evening. This is supposed to be her last trip to Labrador coast this year, and if so her terminus for the remainder of the season will be Griquet. She is not likely to leave St. John's again before Thursday next.
October 20, 1894Election The election now taking place in Trinity Bay will be about the keenest ever known there and the Tory party are bound to win it; trickery and dishonorable means can prevail.
October 20, 1894FisheryNearly ever since the return of our Labrador craft, the weather has been very unfavorable for fish making and large quantities are still in piles. This has been a fairly good fish day, and it is hoped that a more favorable change will set in and enable the voyage, which has been so much worse than for several years past, to be cleared off before too late in the season.
October 20, 1894ElectioneeringThe little steamer "Matilda," Capt. John SCOTT, left Fogo on Tuesday evening for Trinity Bay, being employed by the Whiteway party for electioneering purposes. This is the only steamer they could procure while their opponents have all that were available which they can well do at the public expense, and we should think that the electors of that district are not blind to the fact.
October 20, 1894AdvertisementSTANDARD MARBLE WORKS. 257 New Gower Street, St. John's, Nfld. I invite the public to inspect my large and very excellent stock of Headstones, Monuments, Tombs, Mantelpieces, &c., At rates sufficiently reasonable to defy competition. I guarantee solid stock and best of workmanship. Outport orders solicited. Designs cheerfully furnished by letter or otherwise. Designs can be seen at the Twillingate Sun Office. James MacINTYRE.
October 20, 1894BirthOn the 14th inst., the wife of Mr. Frederick NEWMAN, of a son.
October 20, 1894BirthAt Little Bay, on the 28th September, the wife of Mr. Wm. GARLAND, of a daughter.
October 20, 1894AdvertisementFOR SALE. At the mill premises, Indian Arm. 300 M No 1. Fir Shingles, at lowest prices for cash. Also 10 M. Refuse Lumber, 10 M. Matched board, cheap. Apply at the mill to J.K. KINSMAN.
October 20, 1894AdvertisementFOR SALE. A Large Horse, suitable for limbering during winter. Will be sold cheap. Apply to John GILLARD, Gillard's Cove. or at the Sun Office.
October 20, 1894AdvertisementWANTED, A General Servant. For information apply at the Sun Office. Oct. 12.

November 10, 1894Roads (Part 1)"New Road Boards". Taking advantage of the temporary power which has been usurped by the Goodridge-Morine Government, they have decided to show their revenge on all who may have differed from them on party lines and have appointed new Road Boards in pretty well all the localities throughout the district where they had reason to suspect that the great majority of the members entertained an independent spirit and voted for the Whiteway party last Fall or at the recent by-election. In a good many other districts such changes were made in the early part of the year, but as a by-election was pending in this district, it was not deemed judicious to make any such alterations and hence it was allowed to remain over until the election had taken place, as they were afraid the displacement of the former members beforehand would work against them. This shows the mean and cowardly spirit that actuates the Tories - such a spirit of cowardice as has been exemplified by the mercantile clique of St. John's, ever since they first set themselves at work to wrench the reins of government from Sir W.V. WHITEWAY, after the general elections last Fall, when his party were returned to power by such and overwhelming majority.
November 10, 1894Roads (Part 2)It was the intention of Messrs. GOODRIDGE and KNIGHT all along, to have the said boards changed, and to unseat those who they believed were not politically in favor of the mercantile party, and why did they not carry out their malicious design before, instead of acting in so cringing a spirit? But this of course would not suit their own selfish purposes, and in place of the new appointments being made and the road grants being expended at the proper time, they wait until the by-election is over and the frost and snow come along, before the necessary road work can be done. With the exception of slight repairs to bridges, or really dangerous places that required immediate attention, nothing has been done to our roads since last Fall, and with the freshets in the Spring, and the large amount of traffic over our principal thoroughfares, they evidence the want of some attention, and the necessary improvements should have been made long since, without being driven off so late in the season, when the money cannot be expended to the same advantage. In the appointment of new boards, considerable vindictiveness has been displayed, in as much as many of those who have been displaced, were in no degree strong partisans, and took no prominent part in politics, either on one side of the other.
November 10, 1894Roads (Part 3)In some places such members as they believed were in sympathy with the Tories, have been appointed to the new boards while all others have been casheered. With one exception, that of Mr. Elias PEYTON, all new members have been appointed to the Road Board here. As regards its personnel, we leave the intelligence of our people to judge as to their fitness or otherwise, as compared with their predecessors. Suffice it to say that the majority of the members of the late Board, were men of intelligence, spirit and independence, and in no measure under influences that are obnoxious and in opposition to the will of the great majority of our people, not mere sycophants for others, as it is feared is the case with most of the newly appointed members. Road affairs were well attended to by those in charge the last four years, and we venture to assert that the grants were never more economically and judiciously expended, and with the limited amounts at the disposal of the board, considerable improvements were made.
November 10, 1894Roads (Part 4)The first year, after the general election of 1889, there was little or no money to expend on the roads, because as a result of the misrule by the Thorbourn - Winter Government, more than the whole local grant of thirteen hundred dollars was expended in relief during that winter, and nearly every year from one to two hundred dollars have gone in like manner, so that with the many roads and bridges that have to be kept in repair, the board did the work in a most creditable manner. For our own part we believe it would be a great deal better if the people had the electing of their own Road Board, and as there is an Act on the Statue Book to enable them to do so, we don't know why it has not been taken advantage of before this. It does not seen right that whatever political party may be in power, the choice of selecting persons as members of Road Boards should rest with representatives supporting that party, or with a few of their particular friends, and while we admit that the Local Road Act may not be applicable for the smaller localities, yet in places such as Twillingate, we see no reason whatever why it should not be put into operation, and let us hope that the public will bestir themselves in this matter.
November 10, 1894Road Boards (Part 1)Road Board Appointments. The following are the new Road Boards for the various localities in this district, as published by authority in the royal Gazette of Oct. 30th:-- Mr. W.H. MIDDLETON to be an additional member of Road Board from Button Hole Cove to Nipper's Harbor, inclusive, District of Twillingate. Messrs. Frederick MARTIN, Azarilla MILLS, A.GOUDIE, Levi SHINER, Samuel BLACKLER, and George STARK, to be a Road Board from Nipper's harbor to Middle Arm, inclusive. Messrs. Henry KNIGHT, Jeremiah UPWARD, John EVANS, James R. BATSTONE, and William STRONG, to be a Road Board from Jackson's Cove to Western Arm, inclusive. Messrs. Henry STRONG, John BATSTONE, and Frederick STRONG, to be a Road Board for Three Arms. Messrs. Abraham ROBERTS, and R. YOUNG to be a Road Board for Wild Bight. Messrs. R.D. WALSH, John DELANEY, Patrick BURKE, Patrick FINLAY, David LOADER, Thomas LAMB, and Joseph JEANS to be a Road Board for Little Bay Mines, Little Ward's Harbor and Hall's Bay Head. Messrs. Joseph SAUNDERS, John JONES, and Eli SAUNDERS to be a Road Board for Hall's Bay Head to Benson's. Messrs. Frank CURTIS, Job WELLS, George MILLEY, Henry HUGHES, E.W. ROBERTS, Andrew HYNES and P. SUTTON to be a Road Board for Pilley's Island. Messrs. Matthew GLAVEEN, Samuel GILLISPIE, Edward GILLISPIE, John ROBERTS, Michael QUIRK, James MILLS, and John WALKER to be a Road Board from Fortune Harbor to Waldron's Cove.
November 10, 1894Road Boards (Part 2)Messrs. Harry BURT, J.P., John W. ATIKEN, Eli JURE, James HANCOCK, and Thomas ANTLE to be a Road Board for Botwoodville. Messrs. Solomon LeDREW, William WOOLRIDGE, Charles LeDREW, and Isaac DEAN to be a Road Board for Burnt Arm. Messrs. Mark OSMOND, William TAYLOR, Charles BRETT, Joseph TAYLOR Joseph B. OSMOND, Emanuel SMALL and Elijah JENNINGS to be a Road Board for Morton's Harbor and Western Head. Messrs. Joseph OSMOND, Thomas FRENCH, and William BURT, to be a Road Board for Tizzard's Harbor. Messrs Andrew LINFIELD, James HODDER, Reuben BLACKMORE, William FREEMAN, James PHILLIPS, William YEATES, William WATERMAN, James JENKINS, John CHURCHILL, Albert SPENCER, George GILLETT, John ANSTEY, William ROBERTS, and E. PEYTON to be a Road Board for Twillingate Islands. Messrs. F. MILES, Esau BLANDFORD, J. CARD, John PHILPOTT, W.J. RICHARDS, Thos. WOODFORD, James BURTON, (of Moses), and Henry DALLEY, (of Thos.), to be a Road Board for Herring Neck. Messrs. George MERCER, Levi FREAKE, John CLARE, Ambrose KANE, and William MERCER, to be a Road Board for Boyd's Cove. Messrs. Thomas DAY, and David BARRETT, to be a Road Board for Beaver Cove, East and West.
November 10, 1894Elections"The Decisive Day." As our readers are aware this is polling day for the by-elections in the districts of St. John's East and West, Placentia and St. Mary's and Burin, and the fate of the two political parties will be decided by four o'clock this afternoon. The contests will be keen and if the Whiteway or Liberal party should fail to get a majority of the seats to be contested, it would not at all be surprising, considering the wonderful odds against them, and the mean and dishonorable actions on the part of the Tory clique with which they have to contend. We have had many specimens of their utter lack of principle and what they would attempt if possible to foil their opponents, but we have heard of few worse, than that related in the Evening Telegram, of Monday last, and which has also been confirmed by private advices. Our contemporary says: "On Saturday evening, as soon as it became known that the SS "Windsor Lake" was about to start for Placentia and Burin districts with reinforcements for the patriotic Whitewayites, the Tory faction set themselves to prevent her from sailing, if possible. A hasty consultation was held by GOODRIDGE, MONROE and MORISON, the result being that Lloyd's surveyor was ordered on board, with instructions to overhaul the ship. Mr. WHEATLEY, however, refused to be a party to the trick. Knowing that the ship was seaworthy he allowed her to proceed to sea without any detention. Can there be anything more contemptible than the conduct of the Tory faction?"
November 10, 1894Death"Death of Mrs. COLBOURNE." The wife of our respected Post Master, Josiah COLBOURNE, Esq., JP., passed peacefully into rest on Thursday afternoon last, after a lingering and painful illness. For some years she had been a great sufferer, and very seldom had the pleasure of even being able to get out on Sunday to attend a church Service, although residing so near. But notwithstanding her infirmity, and the distressing pain she often had to endure, she bore it most patiently all through her illness and exemplified the true meekness and Christian spirit, so necessary to sustain and cheer the sufferer in times of affliction. The deceased was mother of a large family, whose affections were entwined around her heart, which was always sympathetic and tender, and whose fondness and regard they will every remember and cherish. She has a large circle of relatives and friends, and her death will be deeply mourned by many. To the bereaved and sorrowing family we tender sincere sympathy in this sore dispensation of God's Providence.
November 10, 1894Death (Part 1)"In Memoriam." Within the past few days death has taken from us one who, in a worldly sense, might ill be spared. The almost sudden departure of Mrs. W. CUNNINGHAM at Tilt Cove, has thrown upon the "Copper Town" a deep gloom. The deceased lady was the second daughter of the late P.H. SORSOLEIL. She was born in 1857 and was married in '76 to William CUNNINGHAM, son of the late Rector of Burgeo, now Collector of Customs at Tilt Cove and JP. In 1880 she came with her husband to Green Bay, where she continued to reside until her death on Oct. 5th, 1894, at the comparatively early age of thirty seven. Her first feeling of sickness came on Wednesday, Sept. 26th and, for a while no danger was apprehended. But ere long a fever set in and she began to grow steadily worse. From manager to pit-man, all vied in their efforts to alleviate her suffering. During the few last days of her illness the steam whistles were silenced and nothing was left undone which might tend to lessen the general din of the "works." Yet the ebb of life was not to be checked by any human means. On the morning of Friday, Oct. 5th, she lapsed into unconsciousness, when it became apparent that the end was not far. She was sustained to the close, by the Blessed Sacrament of the Church, and at 5 p.m. her spirit fled. Requiescat in Pace. The funeral had been appointed for Sunday afternoon, and was probably one of the most fully attended that Tilt Cove has yet seen.
November 10, 1894Death (Part 2)Besides the officers of the staff, many of the grateful poor flocked to pay this last tribute of respect. The beautiful service of the Church of England was performed by the Rev. Arthur PITTMAN, priest in charge of the Mission, and the Hymns used were A. & M., 290, 230 and 400. Upon the coffin was a plain cross of white geraniums, with wreaths fixed by living hands. It was placed in a vault that, on the preceding day, had been built to receive it, by a volunteer party of the English masons. Subsequently the bodies of four of her children, who had been buried elsewhere in the Cemetery, were exhumed and laid beside that of their mother. Mrs. CUNNINGHAM was a true woman, who, naturally clever, used her talents to the benefit of others. Her hospitality was noted. The stranger never sought her doors in vain. A thorough Church-woman, she led the van in all parish matters and was one, on whom her Clergyman ever found ready and able help. But her noblest work lay among the poor, by whom she was surrounded. Oft had her aiding hand led the poor poverty-stricken widow and orphan to rise from the depths of misery. Many a fallen one had been urged to a renewed struggle by the encouragement and sympathy of her kindly voice. She taught them to regard her as a friend, and so she won their confidence and love. We can only hope that another may be found who will take such a lively interest in these unfortunates, and have the welfare of others so truly at heart. Her death has cast a shadow not merely on the mining region, but over the greater part of the whole Bay. Conception Bay, Oct. 23, 1894.
November 10, 1894StormA severe wind storm was experienced at Bonavista on Monday last. Several craft were driven ashore and became total wrecks. One or two of them were loaded with provisions and goods, a great deal of which was lost or damaged. One of the craft with cargo was uninsured.
November 10, 1894AccidentA man was badly injured at Botwoodville the other day being kicked in the face by one of the horses.
November 10, 1894Drowning at Norris ArmWe learn that a man named Charles HEATER was drowned at Norris' Arm on Friday night. His body was found next day and it is supposed he fell over the scow, around which there was about eight feet of water, and in falling struck his face against something as there was a mark on it. The deceased belonged to Herring Neck, but for some time past has been living at Botwoodville. He was married and leaves a wife and one child.
November 10, 1894Ship ArrivalThe coastal steamer "Virginia Lake', Captain TAYLOR, arrived Thursday night. Having encountered a tremendous breeze the previous day, kept her a little late in arriving. She had a good deal of freight for here, after the landing of which and the taking on board of a lot more, she proceeded to the other ports of call North. The Virginia Lake goes as far as Griquet and may be expected back Monday or Tuesday. Mr. A. LINFIELD was passenger from St. John's. Mrs. WHEATLEY, Messrs. S. BAIRD and J.T. CROUCHER from Fogo. Mrs. LETHBRIDGE and Capt. STEWART took passage for Little Bay.
November 10, 1894Note of Thanks"Kindness to a Clergyman Acknowledged." We were sorry to learn of the illness of the Rev. Mr. WOODS, of Exploits, the indefatigable Incumbent for that parish, and we hope that ere this, he has recovered from his severe attack. When Mr. George FOOTE, of Exploits, went to Botwoodville for Dr. CORNAGE a week or two since, Mr. REID kindly gave his steamer and the men working for the railway, (although it was Sunday and they were off work), when they heard it was for the Clergyman, volunteered to coal the steamer so that the Dr. could start immediately, and in the name of the Church people of Exploits, Mr. FOOTE desires us to thank Mr. REID and all the working men, who so promptly and generously gave their assistance on the occasion referred to.
November 10, 1894Roads (Part 1)"Main Line Grants For Twillingate District." The following are the grants for Main Lines of roads in our district, as voted during the last session of the Legislature and to be expended in 1894: -- On the road from Shoe Cove to LaScie, one hundred dollars. On the road from Tilt Cove to Round Harbor, seventy-five dollars. On the road from Round Harbor to Snooks Arm, seventy-five dollars. On the road from Snook's Arm to Bett's Cove, fifty dollars. On the road from Bett's Cove to Rouge Harbor, ninety dollars. On the road from Rouge Harbor to North West Arm, sixty-five dollars. On the road from Little Bay Mines towards Indian Brook, five hundred dollars. On the road from Jackson's Arm to King's Cove, one hundred dollrs. On the road from Jackson's Cove to Birchy Cove and Colchester, sixty-five dollars. On the road from Southern Harbor, Little Bay Island to Sullian's Cove, fifty dollars. On the road from Lushe's Bight to Ward's Harbor, half to be extended from Lushe's Bight and half from Ward's Harbor, one hundred dollars. On the road from Fortune Harbor to Cotterell's Cove, half to be expended from Fortune Harbor and half from Cotterell's Cove, one hundred dollars.
November 10, 1894Roads (Part 2)On the road from New Bay Head to Fortune, fifty dollars. On the road from Exploit's to Sergent's Cove, forty dollars. On the road from Black Island Tickle to Kier's Cove, fifty-seven dollars. On the road from Morton's Harbor to Chance harbor, sixty dollars. On the road from Morton's Harbor to Western Head, one hundred and fifteen dollars. On the road from Tizzard's Harbor to Carter's Cove, one hundred dollars. On the road from Tizzard's Harbor to Morton's Harbor, half to be expended from Tizzard's Harbor and half from Morton's Harbor, one hundred dollars. On the road from Jenkin's Cove to French Beach, fifty dollars. On the Rink road, leading from the Congregational Church to Bluff Head Cove, one hundred dollars. On the road from Twillingate to Bluff Head, fifty dollars. On the road from Gillards Cove, round Kettle Cove, connecting Purcell's Harbor, two hundred and fifty dollars. On the road across the Marsh, between Little Harbor and Purcell's Harbor, fifty dollars. On the road from Little harbor to Jone's Cove, thirty dollars. On the road from Durrell's Arm to Cawjack's Cove, thirty dollars. On the road from Twillingate to Little harbor, one hundred dollars. On the road from Twillingate to Long Point, fifty dollars.
November 10, 1894DiedOn the 8th inst., after a lingering illness, born with Christian resignation to the Divine will, Susan, wife of Josiah COLBOURNE, Esq., J.P. aged 62 years. -- "Forever with the Lord."

November 24, 1894Marriage"In Cupid's Silken Bonds." Marriage of Miss Jessie PATERSON and Mr. Harry D. REID. About the time this reaches you, the third daughter of our respected townsman, John PATERSON, Esq., J.P., will have become Mrs. H.D. REID. The marriage takes place at the residence of the bride's father at 2.30 p.m. to-day. After luncheon Mr. and Mrs. REID will leave by special train for St. John's en route to Montreal, where, I understand, most of the winter will be spent. In the intercourse of daily life, it is by acts of watchful kindness and cheerful words, prompted by the outcome of an affable disposition that some people peculiarly weave about them, a net work of affection, which can never be destroyed. Miss PATERSON was one of these. She has gained, in a singular degree, the esteem and appreciation of a large number of friends and while those in her native town reflect with pleasure upon the event of today, they cannot but regret the loss of such a popular and genial companion. The undemonstrative wedding is characteristic of Mr. REID, whose business ability connects him with some of the foremost railway contractors of the world; and his gentlemanly manner in this country generally. On the departure of the bride and bridegroom from Harbor Grace, we wish them, in the truest sense of the word, the bestowal of Heaven's choicest blessing, with the bonds of today. -- Com. Evening Telegram. Harbor Grace, Nov. 14, '94.
November 24, 1894Drowning"Fisherman Drowned." The Gloucester fishing schooner "Sarah E. Lee," Capt. WOOLARD, arrived at North Sydney yesterday morning with her flag at half mast, for the loss of one of her crew; a young man named Edward TAYLOR, who was drowned on Monday while attending trawls. Three of the dories had reached the schooner deeply laden with fish, and Capt. WOOLARD was just rebuking the men for overloading the frail crafts when another dory was observed, about a quarter of a mile from the vessel, with oar up as a sign of distress. Several of the men at once put off to render assistance, and on reaching the dory found her bottom up and one man clinging to it. His mate held on for a time, but before assistance reached him he lost his hold, and another poor fisherman was added to the number of those who have met a watery grave in the prosecution of their perilous calling. TAYLOR was a native of Carbonear, Nfld., where he leaves a widowed mother, who will mourn his sad death. Only a short time before leaving on the present trip, he sent his mother a cheque for $50. The deceased was 29 years old and had been sailing out of Gloucester for 7 or 8 years. -- N. Sydney Herald. Oct. 25.
November 24, 1894Ship NewsThe coastal steamer "Virginia Lake," Capt. TAYLOR, arrived last evening on her way North. She left St. John's Tuesday and had it very rough coming North. After the usual detention, she started for other ports of call, going as far North as Griquet, and may be looked for returning South Tuesday or Wednesday next.
November 24, 1894AdvertisementFOR SALE. Household Furniture. R. DUFF begs to inform the public of Twillingate, and vicinity, that he is now offering by private sale, all his Furniture and Household Effects, including the following: 1 Handsome Organ, 1 Walnut parlor Suite in Brown Leather Consisting of 1 Settee, 1 Easy Chair, 1 Patent Rocker, 4 other chairs. 1 Oval Center Table, 1 Fancy Table, 1 What-Not, 1 Fretwork Mantle Bracket, 1 Set Brass Fire Irons, 4 Bedroom Suites, 1 Dining Table, 1 Writing Table, 1 Couch, 1 Easy Chair, 4 Dining Chairs, 1 Child's Bentwood High chair, 1 Brass and Iron Bedstead, 2 Iron Bedsteadds, 1 Folding Crib with Hair Mattrass, 1 Cradle, 1 Dressing Table, 1 Wash-stand, 2 Bedroom Setts, 4 Kitchen Chairs, 1 Kitchen Table, 1 Victoria Cooking Stove, 1 Dining Room Stove, 1 Coal Vase, 1 Lamp, 4 other Lamps, 1 White Sewing Machine, 1 Perambulator, Curtain Poles and Rings, Linoleums, Carpets, Stair Rods, &c. Twillingate, Nov. 17, 1894
November 24, 1894Storm (Part 1)"Heavy Storm". One of the severest storms - attended with wreckage to shipping and property - that has visited our shores for many years was experienced on Monday night and Tuesday. The early part of Monday night the wind blew heavily from the South, but afterwards veered to the West and West North West, and during Tuesday it increased to nearly a hurricane, accompanied with frost and snow showers which made it almost impossible for those whose business compelled them, to endure it. There has not been such destruction to shipping for a long time. Craft that were securely moored away for the winter, with others that were in the harbors just on the eve of leaving for the Bays for firewood, or having lately returned therefrom, were alike driven ashore by the violence of the wind and sea, which raged with terrific force for several hours. At Back Harbor, four were driven ashore, namely, the Brisk, Victoria, J.S.O. and Betsy Purchase, all of which either broke their chains or dragged their anchors. In some cases one's chain and anchor got tangled with the other, and this helped to drag one another to destruction. The three first named are total wrecks.
November 24, 1894Storm (Part 2)The Gladys which was lying at Back Harbor at the time, was in danger of being broken to pieces by the Victoria which was drifting upon her, and with the hope of preventing her from being a total wreck, her chains were slipped and she was allowed to drive ashore, by which means this fine schooner was saved from entire wreckage. In our Harbor the storm did not act with such fierceness, and the schooner Azalea was the only one driven ashore. She was anchored off Mr. HODGE's premises, and drove in the beach near Mr. Simon YOUNG's, South Side, and is a total wreck. In the Arms, five went ashore, namely, Olivette, Regent, Waterlily, Larkspur and Gasperau, but they have all since been floated off, without having sustained any very serious damage, except the Olivette, which is said to be a total wreck. At Ragged point the Ermine was driven ashore but not very badly injured, but the Volunteer, at Bluff Head Cove, became a total wreck. The Mary Marsh and Paragon at Burnt Cove, Friday's Bay, were more fortunate and went ashore without being much damaged. These are the reports of the wrecked craft around these islands that have reached us. At Bluff Head Cove and other places stages were swept away, and flakes, fences, &c., were blown down. The loss on all sides is very considerable and it will be a long time before those affected thereby will recover from the loss, caused by the destructive storm of Tuesday last.
November 24, 1894AdvertisementFor Sale. 1 Horse four years old, 1 Carriage (double seat), 1 Winter Sleigh, 1 Set Carriage Harness (new), 1 Set Cart Harness, 1 Cart, Wheels and Dray, 1 Catamaran, All in good condition, Also one Sewing Machine. At Bluff Head Cove, One Field, containing about four acres, under cultivation, splendid meadow land, with store on it, all under fence, and waterside attached. The above will be sold on most reasonable terms. Apply to Samuel ROBERTS, Long Point.
November 24, 1894Election Returns"Correct Returns." It was reported here last week that the Whiteway candidate for St. George's Bay was elected, but it subsequently transpired that the report was incorrect. We can afford to let the Tories have St. George's Bay and still have a splendid majority. They did not win this seat by fair means, but by altering the polling booths to suit their own candidate, and by other questionable actions on their part. However, let them have it, the Workingman's Party is quite strong enough, with all the other districts in their favor. In last week's paper St. George's was included with the winning side, but the following is now the correct standing of the two political parties: St. John's East, Whiteway 2, Tory 1. St. John's West, Whiteway 3, Tory 0. Harbor Main, Whiteway 1, Tory 1. Port De Grave, Whiteway 0, Tory 1. Harbor Grace, Whiteway 1, Tory 2. Carbonear, Whiteway 1, Tory 0. Baie De Verde, Whiteway 1, Tory 1. Trinity, Whiteway 3, Tory 0. Bonavista, Whiteway 0, Tory 3. Fogo, Whiteway 0, Tory 1. Twillingate, Whiteway 2, Tory 1. St. Barbe, Whiteway 1, Tory 0. Bay St. George, Whiteway 0, Tory 1. Burgeo, Whiteway 0, Tory 1. Fortune Bay, Whiteway 0, Tory 1. Fortune Bay, Whiteway 0, Tory 1. Burin, Whiteway 2, Tory 0. Placentia & St. Mary's, Whiteway 3, Tory 0. Ferryland, Whiteway 2, Tory 0. Total: Whiteway 22, Tory 14.
November 24, 1894AdvertisementNOTICE. For sale by private treaty, certain MACHINERY and Mining Stores, at Little Bay Mines. Under Cost Prices. Inspection invited. For full particulars apply to J.R. STEWART, Little Bay Mine. Nov. 10, 1894. 3in.
November 24, 1894The Election (Part 1)"Amply Vindicated". St. John's, Brilliant Triumph. The tide of victory which, since the result of the Twillingate election was made known, on the 20th ultimo, has been sweeping onward in increasing volume, carrying away every obstacle before it - meeting with not a single check - was magnified last night by the tributes of St. John's East and West. The electors of this loyal old Liberal district outshone in generosity, even the splendid testimonials which Trinity and Burin have laid at the feet of the leader of the Workingmen. Their courage, attested in many a hard-fought political fight, rose to the height of the occasion, and met the issue which has been lying dormant since the advent of Responsible Government, but which was never really placed before the country till promulgated in the recent appeals of our Liberal leaders. The weight of the statesmen, the dauntlessness and the pluck in facing and overcoming oppressive conditions, gave to Newfoundland a platform which her sons had been long looking for in vain, but which was formulated by the Liberal Party in 1889. How faithfully that platform has interpreted the popular wish, is shewn by the extraordinary unanimity with which the fishermen, mechanics, laborers and business men in the city and outports alike, have rallied around the banners of the Liberal leaders.
November 24, 1894The Election (Part 2)Never has there been such an overwhelming appeal for the settlement, of what the people declare are burning grievances; and the present hearty response to the call of duty by our brave Newfoundlanders, is a guarantee, that under Sir William WHITEWAY, in whom the colony has once again so singally declared it reposes implicit confidence, they will be carefully examined and satisfactorily settled. Last night, after the declaration of the poll in St. John's East and West, the immense multitude present, drew their new representatives through the public thoroughfares, amidst every demonstration of rejoicing. Halting at intervals, the members elect, addressed the people, returning thanks for the distinguished honor bestowed upon them. Loud acclaims of cheer after cheer greet each in turn. Thus both the reputation of the Whiteway Party and the credit of the colony have been amply vindicated. The Tory faction obtained control of public affairs for a brief season, by the most infamous trickery and deception every practised. It was a foul conspiracy on the part of a few unprincipled and sordid supplying merchants, to seize upon the management of the country's monetary institutions, reduce fishermen once more to a state of slavery, and govern the colony, not in the interest of the masses, but for the benefit of a small clique whose chief characteristics are ambition, ignorance and cupidity.
November 24, 1894The Election (Part 3)To work out their rascally plot against the people, they hired the venal services of "the greatest scoundrel that ever entered the Narrows:" and, with this individual as their pliant instrument, they proceeded to trample the Constitution under foot, disfranchise the districts, collect revenue contrary to law, order the horse-police to ride down those who endeavored to legally release their goods from the bond-stores, and commit other gross outrages upon our citizens. More than that, they even kept a ship of war in port, with guns loaded and otherwise in readiness, to fire upon the people on the smallest possible pretext. No such outrage was ever before committed in a British colony under constitutional government. Nevertheless, the people bore all with unparalleled patience and forbearance. They said: "This condition of things cannot last. The Tory faction, the source of all this trouble, will have to appeal to the disfranchised constituencies ere long, and then we shall pour upon them our indignation, and do it too, through the legitimate instrumentality of the Ballot-Box." Free men of Twillingate, Trinity, St. John's and Burin! You have nobly acquitted yourselves in the present great emergency. You have flung back in the face of Terra Nova's vile traducers, the slander that her patriotic statesmen, are "tainted by the stain of bribery and corruption;" and we, as an independent and fearless exponent of public opinion, thank you with all our heart, on our own behalf and on behalf of the country whose sentiment we voice, for the great and glorious victory achieved by you on this occasion. -- Evening Telegram.
November 24, 1894Ship ArrivalThe English schooner, "Doris," Capt. PUTT, arrived here from Sydney (via St. John's) on Sunday last, with a cargo of coal for the firm of E.Duder.
November 24, 1894The "Lance"The Lance arrived at Purcill's Harbor Wednesday afternoon and the mails were conveyed from there, it being too rough for the little steamer to land at Shoal Tickle or come around Long Point to get in the harbor.
November 24, 1894Election Mr. James C. TESSIER in St. John's West election in 1893, polled 1962 and his son George in the late by-election, who took his father's place, polled 1961.
November 24, 1894RoadsRepairs to roads and bridges have been going on the last week or ten days, but the weather of late has been very unfavorable for such work. It is a great pity that it was not commenced earlier in the season.
November 24, 1894HerringHerring have been rather plentiful about Main Tickle, and other parts our shores the past few weeks, and when the weather would permit good catches were secured. They were said to be of a fair quality.
November 24, 1894Ship ArrivalThe English vessel "Lord Devon," Capt. SWIFT arrived here from Catalina the early part of the week to load with fish from the firm of E.Duder. She was in Durrel's Arm during the late storm but did not sustain any damage.
November 24, 1894The Election"Right For Once." A disgusted Tory, upon hearing this morning the Placentia returns, said: "It is just as well for us to go outside the Narrows with a hayfork and try to deep the tide out with it, as expect to keep the Whiteway Party from power." Right, for once ! -- Telegram.
November 24, 1894VenisonFor a few weeks venison has been plentiful in our market, and has been selling as cheap as five cents per lb.. Quite a number of our people this Fall have visited the hunting grounds, and being most successful have been able to put in a good winter's stock, which is a great thing for them.
November 24, 1894Thanksgiving DayThe Lord Bishop of Newfoundland has appointed the 27th Sunday after Trinity (to-morrow) as Thanksgiving Day, and recommends that the thank-offerings on that day, be devoted to the Home and Foreign Mission Fund. The services in St. Peter's church to-morrow will therefore be of a special character.
November 24, 1894Steam Tug "Favourite"The steam tug "Favourite", which left here for St .John's on the morning of Saturday the 3rd inst, met with a terribly rough passage. That Day she reached Seldom-Come-By, which place she left at 7 o'clock Monday morning and did not arrive at St. John's until Friday night. One of our city contemporaries says that, "such a gale of wind and sea it was never the experience of Captain GREEN, or any one on board the tug to pass through. They gave themselves up more than once, as sea after sea broke on board. Bonavista Bay is a dangerous place in smooth water, but on Monday, the sea broke in 17 fathoms. If the Favourite had not been such a good sea boat, not a soul on board would have survived. The re-action after arriving safely at Greenspond, placed all on board 'hors-de-combat' for 24 hours."
November 24, 1894Lumber TradeThe lumbering trade was never more booming than at the present time. Since the railway has penetrated into the North the business has been steadily on the increase, and new mills are started whenever good timber regions are reached. Whitbourne, Suley's Brook, Botwoodville, Exploits and Gambo mills, have been kept constantly going all the summer. It is safe to predict that this valuable industry will increase a hundredfold when the railway reaches the well timbered regions of the Humber next summer. In the meantime legislation ought to be rigidly enforced to preserve our forests from total destruction by forest fires, and to prevent wanton destruction of young trees. -- Trade Review.

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