NL GenWeb Newspaper Records

Notre Dame Bay Region

Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser

July 1892 - December 1892

Place of publication: Twillingate
Dates of publication: June 24, 1880-Jan. 31, 1953.
Suspended publication: Jan. 16-Feb. 15, 1947.
Frequency: Weekly.

Title varies:

Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser, June 24, 1880-Aug. 10. 1912.
Twillingate Sun, Oct. 19, 1912-Jan. 31, 1953.

Editor and proprietor:

Jabez P. Thompson, June 24, 1880-1895.
George Roberts, 1895 (56)-1910.
William B. Temple, 1910-1921.
Stewart Roberts, 1921-Jan. 9, 1947.
Ernest G. Clarke, Feb. 22, 1947-Jan. 31, 1953.

The Twillingate Sun printed local and foreign news, legislative proceedings, serial fiction and advertisements. It claimed to be politically independent in 1886, but supported the Whiteway and the Liberals, especially in the fall election of 1894. In 1929, it supported Squires and in 1948 was neutral on Confederation. The Sun ceased publication due to financial reasons in 1953.


MUN 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889, 1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Microfilm
PANL [1928-1930, 1934-1935, 1938, 1953] Microfilm
PRL 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889, 1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Original and microfilm.

The records were transcribed by RON ST. CROIX, GEORGE WHITE, PAULETTE ANTHONY & VALERIE WHALEN, formatted by GEORGE WHITE i. While we have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors.

July 2, 1892 Arrivals From The Fishery. A number of craft have returned from White Bay during the week, some of them having done very well with fish. It is said salmon have been more plentiful there of late than formerly. The following are amongst the arrivals: “Lily of the West,” John PHILLIPS – 318; “J.M. Lacey,” James PHILLIPS – 220; “Blooming Queen,” S. YATES – 220; “Minnie Ha Ha,” G. GUY – 200; “Manitoba,” P. YOUNG – 120; “Peninsula,” W. WHITE – 100; “Six Brothers,” J. YOUNG – 96; “Erebus,” T. VATCHER – 90; “Hunter,” Levi YOUNG – 20; “H.W.B.,” R. BLACKMORE – 9. The Harry Mathers, John GARLAND, Master, of St. John’s, (supplied by Messrs. Job Bros. & Co.), arrived at Herring Neck on Monday last, with 120 quintals fish which she got at Hooping Harbor. Mr. GARLAND got his trap considerably damaged, caused by an unusually high tide and ground swell, which prevailed there. He went to Herring Neck to land his catch, and repair his trap before going on the more Northern part of the Coast, and expected to be ready to start again today.
July 2, 1892 Marriage Married. At St. John’s on June 14th, at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. F.R. DUFFIL, Mr. Arthur MEWS, to Mabel, second daughter of Hon. H.J.B. WOODS, H.M. Surveyor General.
July 2, 1892 Marriage At the same place on the 14th ult., by Rev. A.D. MORTON, Richard SAMUELS to Sarah Jane OKE, both of Exploits.
July 2, 1892 Marriage At Heart’s Content on the 19th ult., by the Rev. H.C.H. JOHNSON, Henry J., of Fogo, eldest son of Henry LIND of Little Bay, to Julia, only daughter of Capt. E. LEGGE.
July 2, 1892 Death Died. At Ragged Point, on the 31st ult., Harriett J., beloved wife of William WHITE, aged 30 years.
July 2, 1892 Shipping News Port of Twillingate. Entered: June 30 – “Devon,” WHITE, Cadiz via St. John’s, 150 tons salt and provisions, J. Tobin. July 1 – “Sunbeam,” WOOLGER, Sydney, Coal, E. Duder. The Mary Parker arrived from St. John’s via Herring Neck Tuesday evening and was off again Thursday morning. The Five Brothers, J.W. ROBERTS, Master, with a cargo of lumber from Indian Arm Mill, called here en route for St. John’s Wednesday afternoon and left early the next morning. Mr. G.G. WILLIAM taking passage by her. The English vessel Devon, Capt. WHITE, arrived from Lisbon via St. John’s on Thursday morning, with a cargo of salt and provisions for J.B. Tobin, Esq. She left St. John’s on Tuesday and had rather a nice time along. As we have stated before, the name of the new Coastal Steamer being built, is to be the “Grand Lake” and the names of the two boats now running will be changed. The “Conscript” will hereafter be called the “Virginia Lake” and the “Curlew” the “Windsor Lake.” The “Fleta” arrived Wednesday afternoon from White Bay, with the “Minnie Ha Ha” in tow. This craft has been successful with the fish, since meeting with an accident, as was reported in previous papers, and secured about two hundred barrels. She will be repaired as speedily as possible, and will be ready to start for Labrador in a week or ten days.
July 2, 1892 Public Notice Complaints having been made from time to time of boats, paddles, &c. belonging to private parties, being taken away or stolen from the place where they have been moored in the harbor. Notice is hereby given that offenders in such cases will be prosecuted according to law. F. BERTEAU, Stipendiary Magistrate. July 2, 1892.
July 2, 1892 Rev. J.K. Kelly Leaves The Rev. J.K. KELLY, the junior Methodist Minister for this circuit, takes his departure from here, per return of Coastal Steamer “Virginia Lake” to St. John’s. On coming to this colony, Mr. KELLY was sent by the Conference to Twillingate, and for three years he has labored amongst the people with much acceptance. It is not usual for a young Minister, on probation, to be allowed to remain more than two years on a circuit, but such was his case, the Conference having appointed him the third year to the circuit, which may be taken as an evidence of the confidence reposed in him. He is a zealous and faithful toiler in the Lord’s Vineyard, and is greatly beloved by all who know him. This year the Conference allowed him the privilege of attending Sackville for a year or two, when he will have further opportunity of improving the marked ability, which, as a young Preacher, he has so singularly displayed during his term of ministry with us. Leaving here, Mr. KELLY goes to Bonne Bay, via St. John’s, to supply that circuit for a few weeks. Thence he will proceed to Halifax to be ready for the opening of college, the early part of September. We join with his many friends in wishing him a happy and prosperous future.
July 2, 1892 Annual Methodist Conference (Part 1) The annual conference was held at Grand Bank this year …….. A good many of the ministers are changing this year …. and we are …. now able to furnish the list complete: List of Stations for the year 1892-93. J.W. ATKINSON, President. A.D. MORTON, Secretary. St. John’s District: 1. St. John’s (Gower St.) – Humphrey P. COWPERTHWAITE, M.A. 2. St. John’s (West) – A.D. MORTON, M.A., Secretary of Conference, M.J. HUTCHESON, G.S. MILLIGAN, L.L.D., Supt. of Education by permission of Conference, James DOVE Super’v. 3. St. John’s (East) – John PRATT, Geo. P. STORY, Chaplain and Guardian of Children’s Home. 4. Pouch Cove – Solomon MATTHEWS. 5. Topsail – John REAY. 6. Brigus – W.T.D. DUNN. 7. Cupids – James PINCOCK and William STRATTON. 8. Bay Roberts and Whitborne – F.G. WILEY; A supply.
July 2, 1892 Annual Methodist Conference (Part 2) 9. Flower’s Cove – A supply. 10. St. Anthony – One to be sent. 11. Red Bay – John C. SIDEY. 12. Hamilton Inlet – Selby JEFFERSON. 13. Chapel Arm, &c. – A supply. Labrador (Summer Months) – G. STONEY. Students attending Sackville – James SMITH, H. INDOE, J.E. PETERS, J.K. KELLY. F.R. DUFFID left without an appointment at his own request. James DOVE, Chairman; A.D. MORTON, M.A. Financial Secretary. Carbonear District: 14. Carbonear – T.H. JAMES; Geo. STONEY. 15. Harbor Grace – George PAINE. 16. Freshwater – Anthony HILL. 17. Blackhead – R.W. FREEMAN. 18. Western Bay – Henry C. HATCHER. 19. Lower Island Cove – Jessie HAYFIELD. 20. Old Perlican – Samuel SNOWDEN. 21. Hant’s Harbor – James WILSON. 22. Heart’s Content – T.W. ATKINSON, President of Conference. 23. Green’s Harbor – William KENDALL. 24. Random North – John PYE. 25. Random South – One to be sent. 26. Britannia Cove – Wm. SEELEY. Thomas W. ATKINSON, Chairman; William KENDALL, Financial Secretary.
July 2, 1892 Annual Methodist Conference (Part 3) Bonavista District: 27. Bonavista – James NURSE. 28. Bird Island Cove – Samuel J. RUSSELL. 29. Catalina – Mark FENWICK. 30. Trinity – Herbert HOOPER. 31. Musgrave Town – Henry SCOTT. 32. Glover Town – One to be sent. 33. Greenspond – C. LENCH. 34. Wesleyville – William HARRIS. 35. Musgrave Harbor – A.A. HOLMES. 36. Indian Islands and Seldom Come By – Herbert CLEGG. 37. Fogo – J.J. WHEATLEY. 38. Herring Neck – Akroyd STONEY. 39. Twillingate – Jabez HILL, One to be sent. 40. Moreton’s Harbor – W.R. TRATT. 41. Exploits – Geo. C. FRASER. 42. Laurenceton, &c – Edwin MOORE. 43. Little Bay Islands – W. REX. 44. Little Bay – William H. BROWNING. 45. Nipper’s Harbor and Tilt Cove – Chas. FLEMMINGTON and one to be sent.
July 2, 1892 Annual Methodist Conference (Part 4) 46. White Bay – A.N. ANTLE. James LUMSDEN, Henry ABRAHAM left without appointments at their own request. James NURSE, Chairman; Jabez HILL, Financial Secretary. Burin District: 47. Burin – W. SWANN. 48. Spoon Cove – W.H. DOTCHOR. 49. Flat Island – W.J. BARTLETT. 50. Sound Island – W.E. AMBROSE. 51. St. Pierre – One wanted. 52. Fortune – John T. NEWMAN. 53.Grand Bank – Levi CURTIS, B.A. 54. Fortune Bay – C.W. FOLLETT. 55. Burgeo – A supply. 56. Petites – Wm. PATTERSON. 57. Channel – J.J. DURANT. 58. St. George’s Bay – T.B. DARBY. 59. Bonne Bay – One to be sent. 60. French Shore – A supply. William SWANN, Chairmanp John T. NEWMAN, Financial Secretary.
July 2, 1892 Passengers The Northern Coastal Steamer, with a new name, Virginia Lake, and under her old Commander and Officers, arrived in port at two o’clock Thursday morning. She got along something earlier than usual, considering too, that another port of call – Pool’s Island – has recently been added to her work. It is to be hoped that this promptitude under a new name, will prove an augury for the future. Appended is the list of passengers: Bay de Verde – Capt. BAILEY, Mrs. GARLAND and child, Miss SMITH. Catalina – Mr. J. CORMACK. Trinity – Mr. LAURENSON, Mr. B TAYLOR, Mrs. BREMNER, Miss M. MARTIN, Master G. MARTIN. King’s Cove – Mr. ABRAHAM, Mrs. MURPHY. Bonavista – Miss R. ROWE. Greenspond – Mr. G. EDGAR, Miss PARKS, Miss LOW, Miss SQUIRES. Pool’s Island – Rev. W. HARRIS. Fogo – Mr. PETLEY, Miss DEADY. Twillingate – Rev. J. HILL, Mrs. CARNESS and child, Miss HAMILTON. Exploits – Rev. G. FRAZER, Mr. CROSBIE, Miss PARNELL, Miss WINDSOR. Little Bay – Mr. A. JOSEPH. Nipper’s Harbor – Rev M. FENWICK, Rev. Mr. ANTLE, Mr. J.C. TILLEY, Mr. J.W. KNIGHT. Tilt Cove – Mr. MOORE, wife and child, Mr. L. WINSOR, wife and four children, Messrs. G. WINSOR, BOWMAN and BURTON, St. Anthony – Rev. Mr. STONEY, Mr. MOON. From Greenspond to Twillingate – Mr. R. P. RICE.

July 9, 1892 Monday Nights Breeze (Part 1) Schooner “Eda” Loses A Man. It is something unusual at this season of the year for such a severe wind storm to be experienced on the Coast as was felt on Monday night last. A moderate breeze of North and North East wind set in, between eight and nine o’clock, but by midnight it had increased to great violence. Fortunately it did not prevail very long, for if it had, it is difficult to say to what extent the damage to our fishing fleet might have been. As it was, some of them that left for the North in the early part of the day, experienced a most trying time, and the oldest planters in the area say they never experienced a more critical time at sea, even late in the Fall.
July 9, 1892 Monday Nights Breeze (Part 2) Several had their canvas torn and blown away. The “Rose of Sharon”, F. HOUSE, Master, who previously had to return to repair damage to his vessel caused by ice, had to turn back the second time, part of her canvas being blown away. The “Sir John Franklin,” Elijah MILES, Master, of Herring Neck, was towed in there by the “Fleta,” having lost her mainsail and staysail, and others of the craft also sustained like damage. But the most serious accident of all was that of the loss of a man overboard from the schooner “Eda,” Thomas BLANDFORD, Master, of Herring Neck. He was one of the crew, and was a son of Mr. John WHITE of the same place.
July 9, 1892 Monday Nights Breeze (Part 3) The craft was North of Cape John, and finding it impossible to face the storm, and part of her sails being torn, she bore up for the side of the bay. The sails were all tied down, and she was running along under bare poles. This man, and another of the crew, were standing near the side of the craft, when all at once a sea struck her and she gave a tremendous lurch, instantly knocking WHITE over, into the roaring elements, and he never could be seen afterwards. The man that was standing by him had a very narrow escape, and he barely saved himself by grasping hold of the side of the vessel, which the other unfortunate fellow failed to do. This painful accident in starting on the summer’s voyage, tends to throw a damper over those with whom he was associated in the prosecution of the voyage, and we regret to have to record such a painful incident.
July 9, 1892 Petroleum Found (Part 1) Petroleum Found at Different Places in Bonne Bay. “Unmistakable Indications of an Oil Region of Many Miles.” The above is the heading of a special dispatch to the St. John’s Evening Telegram of the 23rd ult., from Bonne Bay, and the correspondent to that paper asserts unmistakably, that a discovery of petroleum has been made in that region, which has created quite a sensation there. This certainly is a most novel discovery for this colony, and should it prove all that it is pronounced to be, it will be the means of a valuable source of wealth to the West Coast. It is said that there are indications of an oil region for several miles, and when once discovered, there is no telling to how great an extent the petroleum may prevail. Here is what the Evening Telegram correspondent, under date of June 23rd says, respecting the new finds:
July 9, 1892 Petroleum Found (Part 2) “Petroleum has been taken from three different places surrounding Parsons’ Pond, contiguous to Bonne Bay, indicating an oil region of many miles in extent. Several gallons have been collected for inspection, and are now here, to be shipped to parties interested, in New York, by the S.S. Harlow via Halifax. The celebrated Dr. J.R. MCLEAN, the eye and ear Specialist, who I see by the public press, intends visiting St. John’s about the 15 proximo, and who is now here, has been on the spot, exploring with another person named G. PIPPY, a native of Harbor Grace, but for some time a resident in the Dominion, and your correspondent can assure you that he has seen several gallons of the crude oil in their possession, which is said to be of an exceedingly good quality, thus showing that Newfoundland contains as much, if not more, wealth in the bowels of the earth, than has been gleaned from the sea. The above discovery has caused some excitement here.”
July 9, 1892 Fire at St. John's About Two Hundred Houses Burn. News was received here last evening to the effect that a terrible fire was raging in St. John’s yesterday. The Methodist College, Masonic Hall, and about two hundred dwelling houses, have been burnt. The Court House was burning at eight o’clock. The origin of the fire is said to be unknown. This is the greatest calamity that has visited the city since 1816. Further Particulars; Church of England Cathedral; 2 Methodist Churches; St. Patrick’s Hall; and other Principal Buildings Destroyed. The following particulars of the principal buildings destroyed were received this morning: Church of England Cathedral, Scotch Kirk, two Methodist Churches, Methodist College, Masonic Hall, Star of the Sea Hall, St. Patrick’s Hall, Total Abstinence Hall, Atlantic Hotel, and all the town from Beck’s Cove to Maggotty Cove, including Water, Gower, and Duckworth Streets, to Military Road – all burnt clean. Telegraph Office burnt; doing business from Railway Station. This includes more than three parts the distance of the city, and embraces all the principal mercantile and other business establishments, which is a terrible loss.
July 9, 1892 Local News The Coastal Steamer left Greenspond at half past twelve today. Fish has been scarce around our shores the past week or ten days. Some traps did a little, but hook and liners very poor. The weather the past week or ten days, has been warm and very favorable for the growth of vegetation. The crops are looking well, particularly hay, which promises to be a large one this season.
July 9, 1892 Forest Fire at Shoal Harbor A forest fire was raging near Shoal Harbor, Trinity Bay, last week. Several dwelling houses, with their contents, were destroyed, and some families were rendered entirely destitute as a consequence.
July 9, 1892 Shipping News The Bonny, going South, arrived from Indian Arm with a cargo of lumber on Monday evening, and left next morning for St. John’s. The coastal steamer Virginia Lake left St. John’s for Northern ports yesterday morning, and may be expected here early tomorrow. The schooner Glad Tidings, bound North, put into port last Friday, and left the following day. She is a small craft that has been engaged by the Salvation Army for the purpose of doing mission work on the Labrador Coast during the summer months. The zeal which inspires them in this particular, is commendable. The Virginia Lake, Capt. WALSH, returning to St. John’s, called here early Monday morning. She had been as far as Griquet, and reports a clearance of ice so far as she had been. In some places the fishery is said to be very fair.

    [There is nothing on my microfilm between July 9 and July 30, 1892. GW.]

July 30, 1892 Shipping News "The steamer “Hercules,” called here Sunday evening, on her way to Botwoodville for a load of lumber. The steam launch “Matilda” came here from Fogo on Saturday evening, and started for there early on Monday morning. The “J.C. Rose,” John LOCKE, Master, arrived from the French Shore Wednesday morning, with about two hundred and seventy barrels of fish. The schooner “Five Brothers,” bound for St. John’s with a cargo of lumber from Indian Arm, put into port on Friday, and left again on Monday. The schooner Gladys, owned by J.B. TOBIN, Esq., returned from a trading and collecting trip on Friday last, having brought back a fine load of codfish, &c. The Gladys' collection was made on the Cape Shore and at LaScie, and we learn from Mr. E. ROBERTS, who was in charge of the business, that the fishery there this season is very fair, traps having about two hundred quintals, and hook and line men thirty quintals, which is good for so early a date, as there is plenty of time yet to add greatly to the voyage. "
July 30, 1892 Fishery News At Morton’s Harbor the fishery has been fair this season. We learn that about Cottel’s Island and Comfort Cove the catch to date has been small, average not being more than from six to eight quintals. The lobster fishery in the two last mentioned places has also been poor.
July 30, 1892 Thunder & Lightning Storm A thunder and lightning storm, accompanied with a little rain, passed over this place on Sunday last. It was not felt to any extent here, but it seems to have been very severe some distance off. Just before dark, the lightning was very vivid. At Wild Cove, near Morton’s Harbor, we learn from persons who witnessed them, that showers of hail stones fell, the size of large garden peas. Since Sunday, a good deal of rain has fallen, which was very much needed for the gardens, as everything was being parched with the drought.
July 30, 1892 St. John’s In Flames! (Part 1) (From the Harbor Grace Standard) Two-Thirds of the City Reduced To Ashes! Loss $20,000,000 Worth of Property. (By An Eye Witness.) It will doubtless fall to the duty of the historian, in the early years of the coming century, to have to record one of the direst calamities within living memory, that has befallen a civilized people and city. The event may be said to be without parallel, not even excepting perhaps the sad disaster that overtook the great and wealthy city of Chicago. Taking into consideration the comparative size, population and wealth of the perspective cities, the awful visitation which has so suddenly lighted on St. John’s, far exceeds in severity, the extent of destruction that fell on the Golden city of the West.
July 30, 1892 St. John’s In Flames! (Part 2) As future historians will largely have to depend for facts and figures on the current literature of the day, it is well to place on record some of the circumstances as they occurred, and some of the painful scenes that were witnessed during the progress of the conflagration, ere memory fails, and the whirligig of time has drawn off the mind to other subjects of passing interest, or to politics. So vast however, was the area, and so [ can’t read], after a few hours were the various scenes of destruction of habitation and property, that many, seeking their preservation in one locality, were utterly ignorant of the welfare or loss, which friends suffered in other parts of the town.
July 30, 1892 St. John’s In Flames! (Part 3) To undertake a description that will adequately convey an idea of the awful grandeur of the scene and its subsequent destruction, fairly baffles the mind and pen. Neither the vivid imagination of the poet nor the cool genius of the philosopher can do it justice. All that can be attempted therefore, will be to narrate cause and effect: the origin, progress and final triumph of the element, that in the space of a few hours, laid in ruins two thirds of the prosperous city of 30,000 inhabitants. On Friday, July 8th, an alarm of fire rang out, and the Fire Company proceeded to the West of the city, for the purpose of checking a forest fire that was approaching dangerously near the suburbs.
July 30, 1892 St. John’s In Flames! (Part 4) About 5 p.m., another alarm was sounded of a fire in Ward No. 4. People were standing in groups in the open doorways of houses in Prescott Street, King’s Road, Gower Street and vicinity, anxiously awaiting the news as to the location of the fire, yet little dreaming that within an hour, the whole neighborhood would be in imminent danger, and they themselves would be making the most strenuous exertions, to save their life and property. The fire seems to have started from a stable occupied by a Mr. Jas. BRINE at the corner of LeMarchant Road. It is usual, at half-past four daily, to milk the cows, and little doubt remains, that a spark from a match or a pipe, ignited some of the hay in the stable.
July 30, 1892 St. John’s In Flames! (Part 5) A furious breeze of wind had been blowing all day from the Northward, causing eddies of dust to fly and whirl through the streets. The stable and house adjoining, were quickly in flames, which almost immediately spread to a small grog shop. On the speedy arrival of the Firemen, every effort was made to subdue the flames, which under ordinary circumstances, would have been successful. Plenty of help was afforded, and a house in the back was torn down. A fair supply of water was obtainable, though at the East end of the city, the water had been cut off, pursuant to notice in the daily papers, for the purpose of relaying some water pipes at Rawlin’s Cross. How far the Municipal Council are to blame in this matter, is yet to be ascertained.
July 30, 1892 St. John’s In Flames! (Part 6) But, notwithstanding the brave efforts of the Firemen, the excessively strong wind carried the burning embers high over the buildings, on to the roofs of adjacent houses, and the area of the fire at once became considerably extended. The destructive element now rapidly descended the hill, continually widening as it progressed. Three leading avenues now fed the flames, till at 6 o’clock, the fire had fought its way down to the foot of Long’s Hill and Carter’s Hill, and soon Campbell’s building stores were a sheet of vivid flame. Not less than 40 houses were burning fiercely, and the air was loaded with sparks and half burnt shingles. So far, the fire was contained to a space forming an equilateral triangle, having the West of Long’s Hill for one side, and the Engine House for its angle, Carter’s Hill for the other side, and Gower Street and Playhouse Hill for its base.
July 30, 1892 St. John’s In Flames! (Part 7) The feeling that the town was endangered, now became widespread. People were to be seen in every direction, wheeling or carrying articles of furniture, and running to deposit them in some secure place but in vain. As fast as they moved them to a distant building or open space, the fire had reached or even gone beyond it, and very few effects escaped the flames. There was no safety to the Southward, but quantities of bedding and articles of furniture, were piled within the iron railings of St. Patrick’s Hall, and some within the Church of England Cathederal itself. At one juncture, the sheets of flame rushed forward to the South of Gower Street, and ignited the Orange hall. The range of houses on the West, and the Cathedral Sunday School on the East, were soon ablaze, and the long range of wooden dwellings on Cathedral Hill, led the fire down to Duckworth Street, making a new base for the triangle of fire.
July 30, 1892 St. John’s In Flames! (Part 8) In the vicinity of the Court House are situated most of the lawyers offices. Great exertions were made to secure legal documents, though not in all cases successfully. Had the conflagration been confined to this limit, although it would doubtless have extended to the Court House and Water Street, the loss, though very severe, would not have been irreparable. Five hundred houses would have succumbed, and the destruction would have extended from Clift’s Cove on one side, and McBride’s Hill on the other. The large open space of the Cathedral Church yard made a splendid firebreak, and the fire might have been fought and finally conquered at O’Dwyer’s Cove. All the main public buildings would have escaped, and the Scotch Kirk, the Banks, Customs House and, above all, that magnificent pile of architecture, the glory of North America, a lasting witness of the genius of Gilbert SCOTT, and a monument of the devotion of good Bishop FIELD, would have continued to raise its noble head for generations to come.
July 30, 1892 St. John’s In Flames! (Part 9) But a new element of danger presented itself. On the new Eastern side of Long’s Hill, in a broad enclosed space, high up on the residue of the Parade Ground, stood three large wooden structures. One was the new Methodist College, on which a large sum of money had been expended, and in the large and beautifully finished hall of which was placed the costly organ, the magnificent gift of a highly successful and no less charitable merchant, to the tones of which thousands had listened with sweet delight. This building was a prominent feature of the wooden architecture of St. John’s, and was highly prized by the denomination that had erected it. Close by it, stood the handsome residence known as the Manse, and but a little removed Eastward, was the splendid building, with its lantern tower and spacious hall and interior, the Masonic Temple. The basement of this modern pile was used as the General Protestant Academy.
July 30, 1892 St. John’s In Flames! (Part 10) This with the Methodist College nearby, were twin schools of learning, from which so much was anticipated in the education and urbanity of a section of St. John’s citizens. Doubtless from some flying embers, of which the air was full, the roof of the Methodist College was discovered to be on fire. Whether the aid of the Firemen was unavailing, or whether the minds of bystanders were too much awed and paralyzed to attempt to extinguish it, no effort seems to have been made to do so. To this the ruin of the whole East end, is to be traced. What provision or water supply under ordinary circumstances was provided, I do not know; doubtless it was quite sufficient. The Manse and the Masonic Temple were quickly alight, and the already grand spectacle of flames were dominated by the mighty forces of fire, which shot up dozens of yards into the air, from the triple blazing mass. Language is almost too weak to describe the scene. Consternation reigned around, a panic at once seized the entire neighborhood as a perfect rain of fire poured down the hill Southward and Westward. (To be Continued.)
July 30, 1892 Death At Pelley's Island on Sunday, the 24th. Inst., Sarah, beloved wife of H.M. HERBERT Esq., and eldest daughter of Mr. Martin STONE of Fogo, aged 40 years.

August 6 1892 Killed By Lightening When the “Virginia Lake” went South last week, she had on board the dead bodies of two men, who had been killed by lightening at Labrador, during a storm that prevailed on the Coast a few weeks ago. A crew of four, were out attending to a trap, when the thunder and lightning storm was raging, and it was so severe, that they left their trap, and rowed in under a cliff, as they hoped for shelter, and to await the abatement of the storm. But sad to relate, the lightning appeared to be more intense, and it was not many minutes before two of the unfortunate men were struck dead by its keen flashes, and left lifeless by the side of their companions. It is very seldom that we hear of such fatal accidents happening in this country from lightning.
August 6 1892 Donations of Relief Mr. F.J. BARNES, agent for Messrs. C.C. Richards & Co., Yarmouth, manufacturers of Minard’s Liniment, received a letter from them today, advising him of their having shipped 9 half chests of tea, valued at $110.73, by the S.S. “Havana,” towards our Relief Fund, notwithstanding the Company are great losers by the fire, their heavy stocks in the city being uninsured. The millers of the country, to whom special appeal on behalf of the Newfoundland sufferers had been made, are responding in a ready and generous fashion, says a Toronto dispatch to the Halifax Echo. In view of this colony’s recent exclusion of Canadian flour, the conduct of the millers is truly generous. The Halifax newspapers publish long lists of contributors for the relief of St. John’s – too long for us to copy now. - St. John’s Morning Dispatch, July 22.
August 6 1892 Special Session of the Legislature We understand that the Legislature has been summoned to meet for the dispatch of business on Thursday next, the 11th inst. It is something very unusual for the Legislature to be called together twice in one year, but since the destruction of so great a part of the city by the late fire, important questions have arisen affecting the public interests, which call for immediate action on the part of the Legislature. Among others that may be presented, we dare say, the land question will rank foremost, and just at the present time, much enthusiasm appears to be manifested on the part of the public of St. John’s, on this very important subject. Public meetings have been held of late, in connection therewith, and a league formed to take the matter up in right earnest. As we said before, a great deal of the land is held by absentee landlords, residing principally in Great Britain, and the rents now charged on Water Street properties, are in most cases exorbitant. We learn that Messrs. Bowring & Bros. are charged 6,000 dollars a year; Ayre & Sons 4,000 dollars; G. Knowling 2,400 dollars, and other firms, very heavy fees annually. It is right, if possible, that the Legislature should take the question up and deal with it in a fair and equitable manner, which no doubt will be the case, when it is brought forward for discussion.

August 13 1892 Advertisement Dr. A.B. LEHR, Dentist, of Hr. Grace, will visit Twillingate by first steamer in September, and will be pleased to receive a call from all those requiring his services. He will remain for two weeks, prepared to practice all branches of Dentistry.
August 13 1892 Marriage Married. On the 27th inst., at Cochrane Street Methodist Church, St. John’s, by the Rev. H.P. COWPERTHWAITE, M.A., JOSEPH, third son of J.E.P. PETERS, Esq., to Belle, youngest daughter of the late Edward SMITH.
August 13 1892 Death Died. On the 5th inst., on board the S.S. “Virginia Lake,” at Twillingate, William John EATON, of Poole, Dorset, England, of heart disease. Deeply regretted by a large circle of friends; aged 44 years.
August 13 1892 Shipping News (Part 1) Port of Twillingate. Entered: Aug 8 – “Guiding Star,” MACKLEY, St. John’s, provisions, J.B. Tobin. Aug 9 – “Marie Elmire,” MENARD, Montreal via Fogo, provisions, Owen & Earle. Aug 10 – “Lord Devon,” SERATT, St. John’s, 17 tons salt, E. Duder, Aug 13 – “RTK,” PATEY, Sydney, 134 tons coals, R. Scott. Cleared: Aug 12 – “Marie Elmire,” Sydney, ballast. The English schooner “Guiding Star,” Captain MACKLEY, came from St. John’s on Sunday evening last, with a full cargo of provisions for J.B. Tobin, Esq. The English vessel “Galatea” which went to Morton’s Harbor last week to discharge salt, was towed back here by the “Fleta” on Thursday evening.
August 13 1892 Shipping News (Part 2) The “Five Brothers” returned from St. John’s on Monday night. She left for Tilt Cove on Wednesday, and thence she goes to Indian Arm again, to load with lumber for St. John’s. The S.S. Hercules called here on Tuesday evening from St. John’s, and after an hour’s delay, proceeded to Botwoodville, whence she will load with lumber at the mill of the Exploits Wood Co. Limited. The distinguished traveler Ernest BENSON, Esq., of Quebec, N.R. NEILSON, Esq., Botwoodville, and W.B. WEST, Esq., St. John’s, were among the passengers for Botwoodville. Mr. GOODRIDGE landed here on his way to Nipper’s Harbor. This makes the third trip for the Hercules. She was expected to leave for St. John’s yesterday.
August 13 1892 Shipping News (Part 3) The coastal steamer “Virginia Lake,” called here last evening, having made her second trip as far as Battle Harbor. We regret to learn that the fishery news received by her is of a most discouraging nature. The Labrador steamer could not get further North than Cape Harrigan owing to ice, and many of the floating craft have not yet got beyond that point. The fishery all along the Coast is worse than it has been for some years. It was early when the Labrador steamer was North, and it may be that as the ice clears away, the fish will strike in. It is to be hoped that next mail, more cheering news will be received.
August 13 1892 Death of Mr. EATON (Part 1) The sudden death of Mr. EATON on board the coastal steamer “Virginia Lake” on Friday night last, shortly after arriving in port, was a surprise to everyone. He had been to St. John’s and was returning home. When leaving St. John’s, he appeared to be quite robust and strong. He went on shore for the last time at Harbor Grace, and after leaving that port, he retired to his berth, and did not leave it until removed thereform in the embrace of death. The deceased had been complaining on the passage, but no one entertained the least thought of it being of a serious nature, and no alarm was made. Had the skill of a Medical Practitioner been obtained for him in some of the intermediate ports, the probability is that he would be alive today.
August 13 1892 Death of Mr. EATON (Part 2) Not taking any food for two or three days, and the drinking of a large quantity of ice water, while the system was in a weak and feverish condition, unquestionably hastened his death. Directly the steamer arrived here, medical aid was sought, but it was too late. In a few moments after arriving, the flickering lamp of life expired. Mr. EATON was only 44 years old. He was a native of Poole, England, and had resided in this country some twenty-four years, nearly the whole of which time he has been living in Nipper’s Harbor, and connected with the firm of Messrs. Waterman & Co. For several years before coming to this country, Mr. EATON was in Mr. WATERMAN’S employ, so that altogether, he was over thirty years identified with the trade. He was a very kind-hearted, genial kind of man, and was much liked and esteemed, not only in the locality where he lived, but wherever he was known. We extend to his wife and friends our heartfelt sympathy, in their sore bereavement.
August 13 1892 Jottings From Bonavista Bay (Part 1) During the past week, the weather has been dull with some rain nearly every day. The fishery along the shore is up to date, much the same as last year, say an average of ten quintals per man, traps from sixty to one hundred quintals, but the traps vary considerably; some few fished on the South shore, say Amherst and Middle Coves, have not thirty quintals, whilst others fished at King’s Cove and Keels can be put down for one hundred quintals. The salmon fishery is a total failure. The ketch “Cyril,” of Falmouth, Capt. COOPER, (which loaded at Twillingate last year) left this harbor a few days since for Batteau, Labrador, there to load first cargo Labrador fish. The schooner “Origin,” of Jersey, also sailed on the 1st inst., for Emily Harbor, Labrador, to load first cargo there. The Norwegian ketches “Ophir” and “Finn” are now at anchor here, the first named loads shore fish, and the Finn proceeds to Labrador to load there.
August 13 1892 Jottings From Bonavista Bay (Part 2) We are expecting to arrive daily, the vessels Coulant, Rambler, Turnen and Hjrlief, to load cargoes fish; all these vessels are for the firm of Ryan & Co., who are yearly extending their ramifications. The calamity befallen St. John’s will never be forgotten, and, all small fires such as have occurred in this locality, appear very insignificant, but the losses, some hard-working, industrious people have sustained at Seal Cove, in this Bay, will not be exceeded by any person at St. John’s (speaking comparatively). All the able-bodied men belonging to Seal Cove are at the Labrador, and the female portion of the community had to do all the fighting with the fire (forest) for over a week, and have replaced all their effects in their homes, considering that the danger was over, but sad to relate, after all their hard labor, the fire swept down on them, making nearly a clean sweep of everything, houses, stores, &c.
August 13 1892 Jottings From Bonavista Bay (Part 3) "The following are the names of the sufferers, some of whom have lost their all: James QUINLON – dwelling house and contents. Widow Robert PRINCE – dwelling house and contents. Christopher PRINCE – dwelling house and contents. Levi PRINCE - dwelling house and contents. John PRINCE – barn, mill, outhouses, stores and contents. George PRINCE – all stores and contents and wharf. Samson WHITE - dwelling house and contents. Robert WHITE - dwelling house and contents. William WHITE – two dwelling houses and contents (one unfinished). John WHELLOR – outhouses and gardens. Nearly all crops in gardens are destroyed, and some live stock. King’s Cove was threatened by forest fires at four different points simultaneously, for over a week, and it was only by the greatest watchfulness, and exertion of the good people, that the harbor was saved from total destruction. Nearly all the green woods in this neighborhood are destroyed, and the country presents a most forlorn aspect. A promising boy named Clement DEVINE was accidentally drowned here on the 27th ult. "
August 13 1892 Mr. John DAVIS Visits Mr. John DAVIS, late Teacher of the Arm School, and now Principal of the High School at Grand Bank, was here during the week, spending a few days. He has lately been on a trip to the United States, enjoying his summer holidays, and came to see his old friends, before returning to Grand Bank to resume his duties. Mr. D. was a favourite with many, and his friends were pleased to see him here. He left for St. John’s per “Virginia Lake,” last evening.
August 13 1892 Destroyed By Fire We are sorry to learn that the saw mill at Hall’s Bay, owned by Messrs. CURTIS and CLARKE, was destroyed by fire on Monday last. It is said that the conflagration was caused by the over heating of the furnace. This will prove a serious loss to the owners, at this particular junction, when the demand for lumber promises to be good.
August 13 1892 Thunderstorm at Catalina By private advices, we learn that the thunder storm of the 21st June was felt with much severity at Green Island, Catalina. The thunder and lightning were very heavy, and accompanied by strong wind and showers of hail stones. The hail stones were as large as peas, and in the space of five minutes, the ground was covered with them. The lightning played some peculiar freaks – it struck several pans which were hanging in the pantry of the lighthouse keeper’s dwelling, making holes through them, and leaving burnt marks on the wall. – Royal Gazette, July 20.

August 20 1892 Shipping News Port of Twillingate; Entered: Aug 20 – “Maggie,” PERCEY, St. John’s, provisions, E. Duder. Cleared: Aug 15 – “RTK,” PATEY, Fogo, Coals, R. Scott. Aug 18 – “Galatea,” CROSS, Lisbon, 3000 qtl shore fish, E. Duder. The schooner “Minnie F.,” Charles BISHOP, Master, arrived from the Labrador yesterday morning with 250 barrels fish. The brigantine “Galatea,” Capt. CROSS, sailed this morning for Lisbon from the firm of E. Duder, with 3000 qtls of shore fish. The barquentine “Maggie,” Capt. PERCEY, arrived from St. John’s this morning, to the firm of E. Duder with provisions. The schooner “Precursor,” William SMALL, Master, arrived at Morton’s Harbor on Monday last from the Labrador, with about 600 barrels fish. The “Five Brothers,” on her way to St. John’s with a load of lumber from Indian Arm, put into port Thursday evening, and left again this morning.
August 20 1892 Telegraphic News (Special to the Sun) St. John’s, August 19. A bill for widening and improving the streets in the burnt part of the city, passed the committee stage yesterday. The land and tenure bill is under consideration; it proposes to extend the leases to ninety-nine years, and provides that the lessee shall be compensated for any improvements made on the land, providing he vacates the premises within a shorter period. The Legislature will probably close on Tuesday or Wednesday next. Several builders have arrived from Halifax, and contracts for the erection of some large brick and stone buildings have been made, and vigorous operations will soon begin. The relief committee have contracted for building fifty tenement houses, and others will shortly be arranged for. It is thought that by the time the cold weather comes, most people will be provided with suitable houses. A good many temporary buildings have been erected in various parts of the burnt city, and business is beginning to assume a lively aspect.
August 20 1892 More Relief Goods The steamer “Newfoundland” arrived at St. John’s from Montreal on Friday with relief goods, the value of her cargo being estimated at $25,000. She was generously placed by the Allan Company, at the disposal of the Montreal Committee free of charge. – H.G. Standard, Aug 9.
August 20 1892 Passengers The coastal steamer “Virginia Lake,” Capt. WALSH, reached this port yesterday bound North. Annexed is a list of her passengers: - Harbor Grace – Mr. BREEN, Miss TAYLOR. Bay-de-Verde – Miss MEWS, Master L. MEWS. Catalina – Mr. J. LOW, Miss ANGEL, Miss STOWE. Salvage – Mr. POWELL, Miss MULLONY. Bonavista – Mr. HOGAN. Greenspond – Mr. BRYANT. Fogo – Mr. J.C. EARLE, Mrs. and Miss BRODERICK. Twillingate – Mr. George ANTHONY, Mr. Joe JOY. Fortune Harbor – Miss Maggie PARSONS. Pilley’s Island – Miss R. VETT. Little Bay – Mr. J. DALY. Flower’s Cove – Mr. S.J. MOSHER. From Twillingate to Pilley’s Island – Capt. BISHOP, Lieut. BARTLETT, Lieut. JENNINGS, (S.A.). Nipper’s Harbor – Miss SHAVE. Tilt Cove – Rev. R. TEMPLE.
August 20 1892 A Man Killed And Two Wounded News of a sad calamity has been received by the Labrador mail. On the 1st July, the Mission ship “Gleaner” reached Hopedale from London, with the stock of necessaries for the Missionaries. The arrival of the ship is always looked out for, and her approach heralded with general rejoicing – discharge of guns, etc. On the day named, the Gleaner came into port; and the natives were firing salutes. One swivel, owing to some irregularity in loading, did not go off, and an Esquimaux proceeded to see the cause. The gun then exploded, and with bad results; the poor Indian had both his hands carried away, and his face and chest terribly mutilated and bruised. A Nova Scotian present was badly wounded, and a lad belonging to King’s Cove was also injured. The Esquimaux was picked up, and was in a pitiable state. He was not dead but his recovery was next to impossible.
August 20 1892 Exploits Bay, (Part 1) Destitute of Education. It has recently been our privilege to visit the beautiful bay of Exploits, as well as the other picturesque places referred to above, also Loo Bay, and we were much pleased with the hum of business which was apparent, particularly at Botwoodville and Indian Arm, where the saw mills were in full swing, converting into boards and deals and other products, the large logs of the forest. At Loo Bay, too, a saw mill is in operation, but on a much smaller scale than the other two mentioned. The people who have gone to settle in these bays have been most industrious since living there, as is evident from the splendid fields of potatoes and other crops that were in full bloom during our visit. But in our travels from place to place, there was one great drawback, which we regretted to observe, and that was the lack of Education.
August 20 1892 Exploits Bay, (Part 2) In neither of the places named, as well as other parts visited, was there a school in operation, and to think of the many bright intelligent looking children growing up into manhood, and womanhood, in total ignorance, and in a sense as destitute of real knowledge as heathen, is a state of things which is greatly to be deplored in this enlightened age. In one or two places school has been kept, at times, for three or four, or perhaps six months of the year, but the other places are entirely destitute of any educational advantages. A large amount of money is voted every year by the legislature for educational purposes, but it seems to be swallowed up by schools in two or three of the principal settlements, and then every other place must do without them. In Exploits Bay there are several growing settlements, all deprived of education.
August 20 1892 Exploits Bay, (Part 3) It is true that a school was opened at Northern Arm (the only place in the bay) for a few months the past year. There is Kellick Island, Botwoodville, Peter’s Arm, Burnt Arm, Kite Cove and other minor localities, where there has never been a School Teacher. Then again there is Burnt Bay, a thriving settlement, with a population between two and three hundred, who are as industrious a lot of people as will be found in any part of the colony. There is no school there, although we believe there was one open for three or four months during the winter, which was certainly better than nothing, and why it is not kept open all the year round in the same manner, we fail to understand. It is a great advantage, even if the children can only learn to read and write, and if duly qualified teachers cannot be secured, surely some steps should be taken on the part of those who have the management of educational affairs, to put within the reach of the people, the privilege of obtaining at least the mere elementary branches of learning.
August 20 1892 Exploits Bay, (Part 4) Then again here is Indian Arm, which is the center of a large lumbering business. There are a good many families here for the comparatively short time lumbering operations have been carried on, and they too, are destitute of education, as well as Loon Bay and other places that might be named. It is really too bad that there should be such an utter absence of educational facilities in those places, and we direct attention to the important subject now, with the hope that some effort may be directed by those who have the management of such affairs, towards supplying the legitimate demands of the people in respect to education. We shall have more to say on this subject another time.
August 20 1892 List of Contributors (Part 1) Leading Tickles, July 17th, 1892. (To the Editor of Twillingate Sun). Dear Sir: - I desire to tender thanks through your valuable paper, to the kind friends who have so liberally subscribed to the fund we have in hand, for the purpose of erecting a Free Protestant Church at Leading Tickles, so that the Gospel of Christ may have free course, and be glorified in the midst of us. Our prayer is “Lord, hasten the day when the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our God, and of His Son Jesus Christ, when He shall reign from the rivers to the end of the earth.” Enclose is a list of subscribers. Yours truly, William LANNING. Collected at Pilley’s Island by Mr. Wm. REAINS:
August 20 1892 List of Contributors (Part 2) Wm. REAINS 50c; Geo. PADDIE $1; J.T. PADDIE 20c; John PARSONS $1; Edward SLADE $1; Joseph FUDGE 20c; Thomas ROBERTS 40c; John ROBERTS 40c; Daniel RIDOUT 20c; Nathaniel PADDIE 50c; Absolm POND 20c; Elias YOUNG 70c; Miss F. WISEMAN 20c; Samuel ANTHONY 50c; A.C. HAINES 50c; D. BARNES 50c; Miss E. MILLER 50c; Samuel HOWELL 50c; Geo. LOCK 20c; Joseph HARRIS 35c; John COLBOURNE 50c; Edward SMITH 20c; John WHELLOR 20c; F. MEEK 50c; Wm. WHEELOR $1. Total $11.95. Little Bay Islands. James STRONG, Esq. $1; Mrs. Jacob MOORS 25c; John MOORS $1.50; Wm. MOORS $1; Mrs. Wm. MOORES 60c; James MOORS $1.75; Jacob MANUEL $1; Adolphus YATES $1; Wm. COX 50c; James PEARCE $1. Total: $11.90. Grand Total: $23.85.
August 20 1892 The Salvation Army (Part 1) Searching Examination. A number of insinuations having been made against General BOOTH’S administration of the Salvation Army funds. A number of gentlemen in London selected Mr. Arnold WHITE to make searching examinations into his methods and management, especially with reference to these adverse criticisms. In the Fortnightly Review for July, Mr. WHITE makes his report. He finds that the funds of the Army, though nominally in the control of General BOOTH, all pass through the firm of Knox, Burbidge, Cropper & Co., and no one can draw a shilling without an order, and the whole account kept by the most scrupulously competent book-keepers.
August 20 1892 The Salvation Army (Part 2) The conclusion of Mr. WHITE is, that the affairs of the Army are more carefully managed than a savings bank or the London Joint Stock Bank. He also adds: - 1. The General BOOTH and his family are honest to the core. 2. That they barely take enough for food to keep body and soul together. 3. That one and all, for the good of others, are working themselves almost to death. 4. That so far from making a good thing out of the Army, they either work for nothing or for a bare pittance. 5. That General BOOTH himself, is of independent means, and has given thousands of pounds to the Army; that two of his sons in law have abandoned good position to work in the Army, and that his son is working for one-twentieth of his cash value.
August 20 1892 Birth On the 14th Inst., at Herring Neck, the wife of Constable BENJAMIN of a son.
August 20 1892 The Salvation Army (Part 3) 6. That the funds laid out by General BOOTH on the Radleigh Colony have, on the whole, been well and wisely spent, with the exception of four houses, costing in all £1,400, which should be let or sold, if the Army is to maintain its high standard of ascetic self denial. 7. That the capital laid out on the colony is intact, if it has not increased in value. 8. The money is urgently needed in order to fulfill the original programme, and that, if supplied by the public, it will be well spent. – Despatch.

August 27 1892 Letter to the Editor Twillingate, Aug. 26th, 1892. Dear Sir: - Having just returned from the North, I observed an omission in the Leader of last week’s Sun, which needs remark. You speak of the lamentable want of Education in the upper Bays, and it is but too true. However, perhaps you are not aware that the Church of England Board of Twillingate have, for the past three years, kept up a small school in Loo Bay, until (by removal) the number of Church families became too small to allow of its continuance. Please insert this in your next, that our Board may have such credit as it deserves. Yours Very Truly, Robert TEMPLE.
August 27 1892 Telegraphic News St. John’s, Aug 26. A Severe storm was experienced along the Southern Shore early last Monday morning. Four men belonging to St. Mary’s, while endeavoring to save property, were drowned, the stage having been swept away under them, and a large quantity of property being lost. A young man named SULLIVAN was killed on the Hall’s Bay line on Monday. The heavy rainfall the previous day caused a wash-out near a bridge, and when the train was coming in at full speed from Clode Sound, it was not seen by the driver till close by, and the car went through. All were saved by jumping except one, the others were slightly injured.
August 27 1892 Advertisement For Sale. Desirable Property in Gander Bay. By private bargain or otherwise, all that Waterside Room, including Dwelling House, Stores, Stable, &c., belonging to the Estate of the late John BURSEY, and situated on the North side of the River, nearly opposite Salt Island, being the deepest waterside in Gander Bay, and suitable for Mercantile, Sawmill or other business premises. If not sold by private bargain, will be by Public Auction, on the premises of the subscriber, on Monday 31st Oct. next. Robert SCOTT, Executor of the Will of the late John BURSEY.
August 27 1892 Notice to Debtors and Creditors All persons having claims on the Estate of the late John BURSEY, Planter of Gander Bay, are requested to send in their account, properly vouched; and all persons indebted to said John BURSEY are requested to make immediate payment to: Robert SCOTT, Executor of the Will of the late John BURSEY.
August 27 1892 Birth On the 20th inst., the wife of Dr. STAFFORD of a daughter.
August 27 1892 Birth At Back Harbor on the 25th. inst., the wife of Mr. Joshua FRENCH of a daughter.
August 27 1892 Shipping News Port of Twillingate. Entered: Aug 21 – S.S. “Polino,” LACHANCE, Montreal, via St. John’s and Fogo, provisions, E. Duder. Cleared: Aug 23 – “Lord Devon,” SERIFT, St. John’s, cargo fish and oil. E. Duder. Aug 25 – S.S. “Polino,” LACHANCE, Pilley’s Island, inward cargo. Captain.
August 27 1892 General and Local News The schooner “H.W.B.,” Reuben BLACKMORE, Master, arrived here from the Labrador on Saturday last, having about 250 barrels of codfish. We are pleased to learn that there has been an improvement in the fishery around our shores the past week or ten days. Boats have been getting from a half quintal to three and a half per day. It is said that Mr. WILLS late Clerk of Works, who has been examining the remains of the C of E Cathedral, reports that the Cathedral can be restored to old time beauty for $80,000. An earnest and probably successful attempt, will be made to raise the sum. The coastal steamer “Virginia Lake,” en route to St. John’s, arrived here Thursday evening and remained about the usual time. We learn she had quite a large number of passengers. The fishery news is encouraging all along the Labrador coast, some of the traps ranging from three to eight hundred barrels. The Labrador steamer “Lady Glover,” reached as far as Nain last trip, not being hindered by ice. The steamer Polino,” on her way North, called in here on Wednesday evening with a quantity of provisions, for the firms of F. Duder and R. Scott, Esqrs., and left again the following morning.
August 27 1892 The St. John’s Fire According to the latest and correct accounts, the following are the statistics of those burnt out in the fire: No. of houses -1527; No. of families - 2100; No. of individuals -10,600; No. of lodgers and servants – 800; Now resident in the Park: families – 210; persons – 1120; Now resident near Railway Depot : families – 35; persons – 156; Now resident near Quidi Vidi: families – 38; persons – 147. Being under direct care of the Relief Committee: families – 313; persons – 1,442.
August 27 1892 Fire Relief Donations The citizens of Harbor Grace have testified their sympathy with their brethren, the fire sufferers of the Metropolis, by contributing fourteen hundred dollars towards the fund set on foot for their assistance. The Morning Despatch of Wednesday thus makes allusion to the matter: It says: “Notwithstanding the decline in its resources during past years, and the severe loss sustained by it in the destruction of its noble Cathedral last year, Harbor Grace comes to our assistance with the magnificent subscription of $1,400. All honor to the Bay Metropolis and its citizens.” It hath done what it could. – H.G. Standard, Aug 5.
August 27 1892 Little Bay Mine (Part 1) It is with sincere regret that we learn of the intention of the Nfld. Consolidated Mining Co. to suspend mining operations at Little Bay, at the end of the present month. For the last ten or twelve years, operations have been vigourously carried on, and thousands of dollars have been circulated there from month to month, the good effects of which have been felt, not only in Little Bay, but in trade in many other parts of the Colony as well. .... The following extracts from a private letter received from Little Bay last mail, will be read with intrest by many: "There are but few leaving as yet, those who have left have either got work at Tilt Cove of Pelley's Island. Some have gone fishing with intention of returning in the fall. Quite a large number will remain here and trust to their land, lumbering, fishing, or other employment.
August 27 1892 Little Bay Mine (Part 2) None of the business men appear to have any intention of leaving. I do not think the closure will last long; there is too much material on the surface that will lose by exposure to the atmosphere by crumbling to dust and leaching. The loss would be more than cost of labor to handle it. South West Arm is improving a little. Little Bay at any rate, will remain a large settlement. Several families are coming from Grey Islands to settle here, some of which are of a prosperous and industrial type. They are purchasing ground, ready to settle on this fall. The fishery, potatoes, and general gardening, has improved some this year. The season has been too hot for hay crop, and not good for cabbage, but on the whole, there will be good returns. The Court House is being much enlarged, a much needed want supplied."

September 3, 1892 Coppers Recovered from the Fire Mr. Bryan MITCHELL, a well-known Grocer on Water Street, had previously to the fire, anticipated that copper coins would be at a premium, and was therefore laying by a hoard, in a tin box underneath his counter. He had saved between forty and fifty dollars worth, which on the night of the fire, were buried beneath the ruins of the shop. Yesterday, he went to dig for his coppers, and discovered them in a heap just in the place he supposed they were. He went home to tea last evening, like a veritable “Hans in Luck” carrying his coppers in a battered tin pot. It is a remarkable fact that while the coins in many safes were literally welded together, Mr. MITCHELL’S coppers in an ordinary tin box, were merely discolored. – Royal Gazette, July 30.
September 3, 1892 Death On the 1st inst., Arthur Rowland, youngest child of George and Agnes ROBERTS.
September 3, 1892 Shipping News (Part 1) Port of Twillingate. Cleared: Aug 29 – “Guiding Star,” MACKLEY, St. John’s, 2900 qtls shore codfish, 25 tierce salmon, J.B. Tobin. Sept 1 – “Sunbeam,” TREMBETH, Fogo 1507 qtls. shore codfish, 21 tierce salmon, Owen & Earle. Arrivals: The “Manitoba,” Phillip YOUNG, Master, arrived from Labrador Thursday morning with 600 quintals fish. The schooner “Modus Vivandi,” Matthew DALTON, Master, arrived from St. John’s on Thursday evening with provisions, &c., to R.D. Hodge, Esq. The schooner “St. John,” Phillip WELLS, Master, bound to St. John’s with a cargo of lumber, called there Thursday evening, and left again yesterday morning.
September 3, 1892 Shipping News (Part 2) The schooner “Kitty Clyde,” RANDELL, Master, put into port on Tuesday afternoon from Gross Water Bay, Labrador, having about 600 brls. of fish. The “Winifred,” Joseph KERLEY Master, arrived at Herring Neck yesterday from Labrador, with 600 quintals of fish. Were are proud to hear of his success, as well as other who have recently returned with good trips. The English schooner “Guiding Star,” Capt. MACKLEY, was cleared at the Custom House by J.B. TOBIN, Esq., on Monday last, the 29th of August, with twenty-nine hundred (2900) quintals prime merchantable shore fish, and thirty-five tierces salmon. The fishery along the most of the places between here and Bonavista has been very good of late, and fair averages will be secured by our fishermen. Whenever the weather is favorable for the boats to get to the fishing grounds, they bring back from one to three quintals per day.
September 3, 1892 Dentist Dr. LEHR, Dentist, whose card has appeared in our columns the past two or three weeks, arrived here per “Virginia Lake last night, and will be found at the residence of Mrs. MANUEL. We would recommend those requiring his professional services, to call early as his visit will be limited to a few days. He brings with him a good reputation, and patrons may rely on satisfaction being guaranteed in all cases. We welcome him to our town, and trust his visit will prove profitable.
September 3, 1892 Passengers (Part 1) The coastal steamer “Virginia Lake,” Capt. WALSH, arrived in port last night between nine and ten o’clock. She did not leave St. John’s until Wednesday, and was detained a couple of hours after the usual hour for sailing, waiting for the mail per Allan steamer, which arrived the same morning. It was very foggy Wednesday night and the steamer was compelled to remain in Western Bay, which made her late in arriving here. The Virginia Lake makes her fourth trip to Battle Harbor, and may not be looker for returning South, before Thursday or Friday next. Passengers per Virginia Lake for the North: -
September 3, 1892 Passengers (Part 2) Harbor Grace – Mr. DROVER. Old Perlican – Rev. J.V. DONNELLY, Mrs. O’NEIL and three children, Misses KENT (2), Master KENT. Trinity – Miss MEWS, Mr. and Mrs. WEBBER, J. CARROLL, Mr. WHITE. Catalina – Messrs. B. SNELGROVE, W. MARSHALL. Greenspond – Miss DEMING. Fogo – Constable BURT. Twillingate – Miss STERLING, Misses. TOBIN (3), J.P. THOMPSON. Pelley’s Island – Mr. Geo. CLARKE. Little Bay Island – Mrs. S. PARSON. Exploits – Miss F. CURTIS. Tilt Cove – Miss RIDOUT, Messrs A. ADAMS, A. SNOW, Col. J.N. YOUNG. Intermediate Ports: from Harbor Grace – Rev. M. FINN for Bonavista; Rev. Mr. SHEARS, King’s Cove; Mr. PEPPEY, Herring Neck, Dr. LEHR, Twillingate, Mr. SCULLY, Little Bay. From Trinity, Mr. PRITCHER for Battle Harbor. From Greenspond, Miss DAVIS for Herring Neck, Mr. RICE, Twillingate. From King’s Cove, Mr. J.S. LUCAS for Fogo.
September 3, 1892 Appointments (Part 1) His Excellency the Administrator has been pleased to appoint W.R. THOMS Esq., Tilt Cove, to be a Justice of the Peace for the Northern District, Com. C.H. COCHRANE, HMS Pelican, to be a Justice of the Peace for The Island of Newfoundland and its Dependencies, whilst engaged in the protection of the Fisheries. His Excellency the Administrator of the Government in Council, has been pleased to appoint Samuel Baird Esq., JP., to be Stipendiary Magistrate at Fogo, Messrs. Simon CULL, Reuben CULL, Edward CONNORS, Stephen COOPER, and William PHILPOTT, to be Road Board for Comfort Cove and Cottell's Island, Dist. of Twillingate.
September 3, 1892 Appointments (Part 2) Messrs Abner LACEY, Eli JURE, Thomas ANTLE, Elias BURT and James HANCOCK, to be Road Board for Botwoodville and Kellick Island, Exploit's Bay, Dist. of Twillingate, with jurisdiction extending from Northern Brook (West) to Peter's Point, inclusive. Messrs William WOOLRIDGE, James ELLSWORTH, John GILL, Charles FOOT, Isaac DEAN, Eli BUTLER and John ELLIOTT, to be Road Board for Burnt Arm, Exploits Bay, Dist of Twillingate, with jurisdiction extending from Indian Point to Kane's Point, both inclusive. Messrs John CURTIS, Samuel MANUEL, Thomas JANES, James HILLIER, and Joseph HILL to be Road Board for Indian Arm, Dist of Twillingate. Secretary's Office, Aug 26th., 1892.
September 3, 1892 Sad Casualty on Hall’s Bay Line (Part 1) The train which plies on the line from Shoal harbor to Placentia Junction, left the former place on Monday last, having on board the driver – Mr. HUGHES; the fireman – David SULLIVAN; the mailman – Mr. GUSHUE, and Mr. James REID; all riding in the locomotive. The line appeared to be in its usual condition, although the heavy rain on Saturday night and Sunday had washed parts of the bed away in places. The Engineer feared that some washouts had resulted from the rain, and was careful going over the track. When nearing a culvert, some 33 miles from Placentia Junction, extra care was taken, as it was apprehended that if any washout was on the road, this locality was the most likely place for it to occur. And there was a washout, one far greater than the worst fears could imagine. Just before reaching the spot, brakes were whistled for and the speed of the train was partially checked.
September 3, 1892 Sad Casualty on Hall’s Bay Line (Part 2) A curve in the road partly hid the danger, and thus the fatal spot was approached. The Engineer got but a glimpse of what was ahead and shouted for all to jump – which he did, and also the Mailman - Mr. REID, ran along the tender and on to the car, escaping with his life, but was badly injured. The Fireman – David SULLIVAN – either got caught before he could make his way out of the room in the locomotive, or else remained too long to escape. The locomotive broke through the track (which had been washed out by the water that could not force its way through the culvert) and brought the tender after it; the tender telescoping the locomotive and crushing poor SULLIVAN to death. The steam, fire and water must have been terrible – the unfortunate man’s remains, besides being badly crushed, were burnt to pieces. The other had fortunately escaped; GUSHUE having a narrow escape from drowning. – H.G. Standard, August 26.

    [There is nothing on my microfilm between September 3 and September 17, 1892. GW.]

September 17, 1892 Education in Exploits Bay (Part 1) Letter from Rev. S.J. RUSSELL. Bird Island Cove, Bonavista, Sept. 9, 1892. To the Editor, Twillingate Sun. Dear Sir: - It is very gratifying to find that someone is at last taking up the cause of education in the neighborhood of Exploits Bay, and that someone is no less a personage than yourself. One looks confidently forward now, to catch a glimpse of the first move towards a better condition of things, and that not very far in the future. I was glad to learn by your leader of August 20th, that you had been into the Bay, and seen and heard for yourself the condition of affairs. I am sorry to be so late with an answer to that article, but owing to some irregularity in our mail service, the papers but very recently came to hand. There are two or three statements in the article referred to, by which I notice you have been slightly misinformed. At Kite Cove, or Laurenceton, as the name now is, during my residence of two years, there was a school open, under a duly qualified female teacher, the whole time.
September 17, 1892 Education in Exploits Bay (Part 2) Previous to those years, there had been at least two Masters, one of whom is now at Mount Allison University. This is one of those places where compulsory education will alone affect a change, for I am bound to confess that, while they had the advantages of school, only a few availed themselves of it. At Northern Arm, it was arranged to have a school open the whole time, under a certificated Mistress. There was a good deal of misfortune attending this place, however. In the fire of 1890, the school house, for which the people had struggled on so nobly, was burned. This was in part remedied by the loan of a house belonging to Mr. Luke MANUEL, and the school prospered in it for a time, when the Teacher was taken sick, and after a lingering illness, died. The people here have always manifested a desire for education, and the result was their school was always full. Kellick Island, Botwoodville and Peter’s Arm may be called one place, or a any rate, one school house will serve the whole place. We made an effort to get a school house built here, and succeeded in getting up the rough portion of a building which I presume is finished before this. Mr. NEILSON, of the Exploits Wood Company, very kindly gave us the lumber for this building, and was desirous to see it finished and a school opened.
September 17, 1892 Education in Exploits Bay (Part 3) At Burnt Bay, a school has been open for six months in each year, during the past six or seven years, perhaps longer. It would be a grand thing for these people if there could be a certificated Teacher continually, for they are very desirous to give their children as good an education as possible to their station, and have always availed themselves of their slight advantage to the utmost. At Loon Bay a school house has been built, and is no doubt, by this time, fit to open. There has been a little school opened for some time by one of the women of the place, under the direction of the Rev. Mr. TEMPLE, Twillingate. This place certainly needs looking after, and a Teacher obtained by some means or other. The great trouble in each of these little places is, that the Legislative grant according to population, is not sufficient to keep a Teacher, and even though someone might be found capable of teaching in each place, yet Section 55 of the Education Act of 1847, prevents the arrangement lasting longer than six months. I would not presume to advise the Board concerned, in their action for the future. I simply state these few facts to show that they have not been entirely passive on this important subject, in the past. I hope you will continue to bring this matter to the front, for these places are destined to become important centers, and it is important that every educational facility be looked after. I am faithfully yours, Samuel J. RUSSELL.
September 17, 1892 Schooner Capsizes (Part 1) The Schooner “Maggie Foote.” Capsizes off Cape Race – All Hands are Supposed to be Drowned. There has lately been another marine casualty which brings great affliction to families in Grand Bank – the capsizing of the schooner Maggie Foote, owned by Foote Brothers of that place, and the apparent loss of all who had been on board of her. She left here at noon on Saturday, August 20th, for Grand Bank, with 130 barrels of flour and shop goods on board. The next heard of her, was the report about a week afterwards, of a schooner arriving at Burin – the “Beacon Light,” TIBBO, Master, owned by James VIGUS. The crew of this schooner – Charles PARDY, Master of the schooner “Pointer,” informs us – reported having seen the Maggie Foote upset, about twenty miles off Cape Race, and that they ran up near her, cut a hole in the bottom, and took out about fifty barrels of flour. They saw no signs of the crew.
September 17, 1892 Schooner Capsizes (Part 2) Those who sailed in the Maggie Foote were: - Morgan RIGGS, Master, of Grand Bank, leaving a wife and two children. George FOOTE of Grand Bank, five months married. George BUFFETT of Jersey Harbor, aged about twenty. Sylvester SHEA of English Harbor, about the same age. Clarence FOOTE of Grand Bank, aged about eighteen. He studied in the Wesleyan College up to the last vacation, when he proceeded home, and hearing of the conflagration, came on to see the destruction done. It was his intention, when he arrived home, to take passage by a schooner – which sailed a week or so after the capsizing – for New Brunswick, to enter Sackville College. It is thought that the schooner, as scudding before the wind on Monday, August 22nd, and that the storm came so heavy, that it was found necessary to bring her to the wind, and that in doing so, she turned over. - Evening Telegram, Sept. 6.
September 17, 1892 Death Yesterday morning, there passed away one, for whom much deep and heartfelt regret is felt by scores of families in this community. We refer to Mrs. John WOODS, whose death occurred at the family residence, Monk’s Town Road, at half-past 7 o’clock. She had attained the ripe age of 81 and was passing the evening of life amid many happy surroundings. Mrs. WOODS enjoyed excellent health, for one of more than four score years, and retired apparently as well as usual on Saturday night. She awoke about 7 next morning, feeling unwell and, on attempting to rise, became partially unconscious. The family gathered quickly around her and, in less than half an hour, without a sob or sigh or quiver of pain, she entered the undiscovered country, from whose bourn no traveler returns. It was not until the arrival of the Doctor that the family knew she was dead. It may truly be said that hers was an amiable and loving life, crowned with a painless death. To her venerable and universally esteemed partner along life’s journey, to the Hon. H.J.B. WOODS, and to the other members of the family, we tender our deep sympathy in this hour of their deep sorrow – especially to the first named, whose bereavement, after sixty years of married life, must be very severe indeed. – Evening Telegram, Sept 5.
September 17, 1892 Local and General News The weather the past few weeks has been most delightful and very favorable for hay making and curing fish. Last week the lives of two valuable cows were sacrificed, having been driven into a pond on South Island by dogs, which contrary to law, are allowed to roam at large, night and day without being clogged or muzzled. The new coastal steamer Grand Lake, arrived in St. John’s last Sunday, and has since started on the Western route. We are pleased to note the return of J.W. OWEN, Esq., per Virginia Lake, who has recently been on a visit to the Old Country. The Supreme Court on Northern Circuit was to be held at Conche on Thursday last, the 15th inst. According to proclamation, court is to be held here from Friday the 23rd to Monday the 26th inst., but if there is not much business to be transacted in the intermediate places, it is possible that the Court maybe here a day or two earlier. The “Hunter,” PARSONS, Master, and the “Gladys,” LACEY, Master, left for St. John’s on Monday morning last, with cargoes dry fish from J.B. TOBIN, Esq., and arrived there on Monday before leaving of the “Virginia Lake.”
September 17, 1892 Advertisement Woods Hardware. 13 New Gower St., (foot of Play-house Hill, West of Callahan & Glass.) Goods just received ex. “Nova Scotian.” –And 300 Rolls – Roofing Felt. Ex. “Caconna.” Other shipments daily expected.
September 17, 1892 Marriage At Pilley’s Island on the 15th inst., by the Rev. A. PITTMAN; Mr. Frank Wm. MEEK, only son of the late Rev. Christopher MEEK, to Miss Phoebe Mary ATKINS, third daughter of Mr. George ATKINS, of Little Bay.
September 17, 1892 Shipping News Port of Twillingate. Entered: Sept. 20 – “Elmo,” FOOTE, Sydney, 135 tons coals, R.D. Hodge. Sept. 19 – “Rap,” ERIKSON, Fogo, part of inward cargo, Owen & Earle. Sept. 22 – “Spinway,” RICHARDS, Lisbon, 2700 qtls. shore fish, E. Duder. The schooner Bonny returned from St. John’s Thursday morning, and left yesterday for Indian Arm to load again with lumber for same place. The “Fiona” with Judge and suite, left St. John’s on Tuesday for the purpose of holding Supreme Court on Circuit in the Northern districts.
September 17, 1892 Advertisement The Chance of a Life-Time. Now or Never! Now is your time to get a good watch or anything in the jewellery line. If you have any Watches or Jewellery needing Repairs, you can have it thoroughly repaired and promptly done at reasonable cost by experienced workman. J.T. LAMB’S, Little Bay. N.B. – This offer is made for three months only.
September 17, 1892 Passengers The coastal steamer Virginia Lake, Capt. WALSH, arrived yesterday afternoon, going North. The trip terminates at Battle Harbor this time, so that she will not be back before Thursday or Friday. Appended is the list of passengers: Harbor Grace – Mr. R. ALLAN, Mr. HORWOOD. Bay de Verde – Mr. Thos. DAY, Mr. J. KENT, Mrs. OLSON, Miss R. DONNELLY, Miss M. KELLY, Miss POWELL. Western Bay – Mr. H. PARSONS, Mr. F. MACK, Mrs. HANN and child. Catalina – Mrs. CRAGG, Miss CRAGG. Trinity – Mrs. H. H. STAIRS, Miss S. STAIRS. Bonavista – Mrs. O’DEA and child, Rev. F. G. DRAKE. Salvage – Mr. A. JEANS. Greenspond – Dr. SKELTON, Miss EDGAR, Mrs. TEMPLETON. Fogo – Miss L. PENNY. Twillingate – Mr. J.W. OWEN, Mr. T. PEYTON. Battle Harbor – Mr. L. DICKS.
September 17, 1892 Vessels From Labrador Fishery The Labrador vessels are returning home, some of them with good trips, others having done very poorly. The following are among the arrivals during the week: - “Orion,” Edward WHITE, 1400; “Dorothy,” Samuel YOUNG, 660; “Resolute,” Robert YOUNG, 600; “Endurance,” James CHURCHILL, 500; “Betsy Purchase,” James PURCHASE, 500; “Myra,” George LOYTE, 500; “Liberty,” Joseph YOUNG, 500; “Experiment,” Josiah HAWKINS, 500; “Fortuna,” Daniel BLACKLER, 350; “Rose of Sharon,” Fred HOUSE, 250; “Lottie,” Isaac CHURCHILL, 80; “Lily of the West,” John PHILLIPS, 80. Arrived at Herring Neck – “Sparkling Glance,” T. STRONG, 120; “Nautiles,” F. MILES, 650; “Lady Blandford,” Esau BLANDFORD, 650; “Royal Arch,” Esau FARTHING, 300; “Flora,” PHILPOT, 500; “Louisa,” J. HOLWELL, 150; “Welcome Home,” BATS, 100.

September 24, 1892 Birth At Pilley’s Island, on the 25th September, the wife of Mr. W. BLACKLER of a son.
September 24, 1892 Marriage At St. John’s on the 15th ult., by the father of the Bride, assisted by Rev. A. D. MORTON, M.A., the Rev. William Henry ADAM’S of St. Ola, Ontario, to Mary Bertha, daughter of Rev. James DOVE, Chairman of the St. John’s district.
September 24, 1892 Shipping News Port of Twillingate. Entered: Sept. 27 – “Doris,” ROACH, St. John’s, ballast, E. Duder. Sept. 29 – “Elmo,” FOOTE, St. John’s, ballast, Captain.
September 24, 1892 Fishery Arrivals At Exploits The following schooners arrived at Exploits harbor on the 21st inst., and we are glad to learn that they have been so successful: Hyacinth, John MILLEY, Master, 1100 qtls; Family Trial, Eleazer MANUEL, Master, 560; Pansy, George LUFF, Master, 400. The Olinda, George SEVIOUR, Master, was reported coming with 650 qtls. It is said that these craft have not done better for many years. Another report says that Mr. Jonathan MANUEL arrived there last week with a poor fare, only 140 brls. for nine men. Mr. DALTON arrived 1st Sept. with nearly a full load, and has it cured. Messrs. TUCKER, BROWN and SISSON of Kite Cove, and Mr. ANTLE of Northern Arm, are all home with good trips, and others are said to be on their way with medium catches.
September 24, 1892 Trinity Correspondence (Part 1) August 31st, 1892. Dear Mr. Editor: - Now that our “Record” has eliminated pro tem into “The Royal Gazette “ and we are left without the dignity of a local press, we are increasingly glad to catch the rays of your Northern Illuminator. Perhaps too, as you are seldom troubled with any graceless curves of my humble pen, a line or two might not be unwelcome. Socially we are moving along at about the uniform rate. Our little town undergoes no great shocks nor revolutions; like most of our colonial settlements, the forces of custom, habit and usage, held our people pretty fast in their clutches, and the wise man’s words “There is nothing new under the sun” are true in an almost literal sense in these borders. We were favoured on St. Stephen’s Day with some most enlivening strains from our Orange Society Brass Band, and dared to entertain the hope that memories of Old England would be repeatedly refreshed by such musical performances in our streets, but alas, since that honoured May, we express the hope that these gentlemen will break the silence of Xmas Eve with an outburst of “Christmas Awake,” etc.
September 24, 1892 Trinity Correspondence (Part 2) As regards recreations in the form of sports, we lack organization very much, and consequently there is some measure of loafing and idling among our young men at the street corners, which otherwise might be avoided. A cricket club, largely of a juvenile character, is about the only pretension we can boast of in this line. A kite flying club, bicycle or tricycle club, and a reading room, might be very well sustained by the boys and gentlemen, and La Crosse and tennis circles by the ladies. Our respected Merchant, R. BREMNER, Esq., with Mrs. BREMNER, has been spending a few weeks in the world’s metropolis, and looks all the better for his seafaring if not for his sightseeing. We keep up our reputation for the reception of visitors; representatives of Government, territorial and clerical department, have all graced our noble harbor with their presence during the summer. The cloud cast over our district by the Trinity Bay disaster, is less gloomy than at first, and the poor troubled survivors are slightly regaining their spirits, though the gray hairs of some will go down with sorrow to the grave. Thankful to say that through the kindness of colonists generally, as well as the public outside Terra Nova, their temporal necessities are mercifully cared for, and for this we can’t be too thankful. What the winter may bring forth, in catering to the intellectual tastes of our residents, I don’t know.
September 24, 1892 Trinity Correspondence (Part 3) Nothing would please us more than a course of lectures on popular subjects, delivered by the Clergy, and certain of the Laity of each denomination. Such, we think, would both unify and edify. The humble little Methodist school-house witnessed one such lecture last winter on Eccentric Men, and the Church at English Harbor another, on “Amusements, Innocent and Injurious,” but these two efforts stood severely alone. It is to be hoped that whatever is done in this line, or that of public entertainments, will be more evenly distributed through the winter than was the case last year. The second Flower Service is projected for Monday, Sept. 5th, to be held in the Methodist Church. Most of our fishermen who have gone to the Labrador, are reported as having done well, but the shoremen have done very badly. Religiously, a few things might be of interest. The new Church of England building, considering the small staff of builders, rises in fair proportion. It is erected on the old site, but by no means on the old plan, bidding fair to become quite a modern structure. It is to be hoped that after the fishery is over, the people will have a mind to work, so that our Anglican friends will be ale to exchange their present incommodious quarters, for the more spacious Cathedral. Meanwhile, our busy bees are storing honey in the form of money, by working away in connection with a Sewing Circle, having as their object the reduction of our huge debt.
September 24, 1892 Trinity Correspondence (Part 4) Whether there be in this neighborhood “a submerged tenth” or not, may be a matter of opinion, but certain it is that a very large number of our fellow towns people, attend no place of worship. To meet the spiritual needs of these in some faint measure, we have, during the summer held several open air services, and, although these have not been largely attended, we have had the pleasure of seeing some present, whom we knew were habitual neglectors of the House of God. The old chariot of the Salvation Army does not roll along yet, although a store is being fitted up as a barracks. If they come we wish them well, but hope they will be judicious in their methods, and will advocate a permanent, practical and pure religion. The even floor of our educational life has been broken by the startling event of the capture, by Hymns, of our respected Teacher Miss LUCAS, now Mrs. CHRISTIAN. She has filled the post for twenty years, and deserves to end it by an honorable marriage. The school is now being supplied by two male students from the now consumed college, but we need a third grade female at once. The most recent event here is the death of Mrs. GODDEN, the wife of Rev. J. GODDEN, of Trinity East. This, however, is a welcome release from thirty years of suffering. Trusting Mr. Editor, I have not trespassed too much on your valuable space. I am Sincerely Yours, H. HOOPER.
September 24, 1892 Notes from Salt Pond, Pelley’s Island (Part 1) Sept. 20th, 1892. To the Editor, Twillingate Sun. Dear Mr. Editor: - Permit me through the medium of your esteemed journal, to say a few words relative to things in general at Salt Pond, which, I trust, may be of interest to many of its readers. You are doubtless aware that Salt Pond, Pelley’s Island, is a mining settlement. At this season, large quantities of ore are shipped, consequently, steamers are coming and going constantly. Quite a number of tourists visit the place during the summer, making it appear very lively. There is a reading room here, having some hundreds of volumes of very interesting matter, where the young ladies and gentlemen spend the evenings very pleasantly. On Thursday evening, the 15th inst., a very happy occurrence took place here, - to wit, the marriage of Mr. Frank MEEK, an Officer of the Company, and Miss Phoebe ATKINS, of Little Bay. At an early hour, flags were seen flying from many private dwellings, and the Company’s flagstaff. At noon the steamer “Tiber” arrived from Little Bay, having on board the Rev. Mr. PITTMAN, who came to perform the ceremony.
September 24, 1892 Notes from Salt Pond, Pelley’s Island (Part 2) During the afternoon, a delegation from the Officers of the Company, awaited upon Mr. Meek, to make a presentation as a token of respect and good will for his future happiness; the delegation consisting of Mr. Selby DOW, Accountant, and Mr. W.H. PEARCE, General Time-keeper, and the presentation took the form of an address and a very substantial purse. Long before the time appointed (7:30 p.m.), for the service to commence, people were seen wending their way to the Church, hence when the bridal party arrived, the spacious building was filled to its utmost capacity. Precisely at 7:30, the bridegroom and groomsman, Mr. F.C. BOWEN, walked up the aisle and walked in front of the altar, where they were soon joined by the bride, accompanied by Mr. Geo. LANGMEAD, who acted in the capacity of father-giver, and bridesmaids, Miss C. ATKINS and Miss J. HOWSON. The service throughout was very impressive. Miss E. HERBERT presided at the organ and at the close played the Wedding March. The ceremony being over, the bridal party and guests repaired to the residence of Captains McCUISH and MADDICKS, where a most enjoyable evening was spent.
September 24, 1892 Notes from Salt Pond, Pelley’s Island (Part 3) On the arrival of the S.S. “Virginia Lake,” the bride and bridegroom left for Little Bay, but subsequently decided to make the round trip, landing at Little Bay on their return. The address and Mr. MEEK’S reply reads as follows: - Your fellow Officers and friends at Pelley’s Island desire, on this the eve of your marriage, to offer for your acceptance the accompanying purse, as a slight token of their esteem, and to express their good will toward you. That marriage life to you and yours may be characterized by peace and happiness, is the sincere wish of yours very truly: - Capt. D. MCCUISH, W.C. DICK, John COLBOURNE, Wm. GREEN, Thomas SILK, Wm. P. STONE, John MADDICKS, Capt. OWEN, S.S. Petunia, James LINDASY, Chief Engineer, H.M. HERBERT, Selby A. DOW, A.H. BEATLY, W.H. PEARCE, John POWER, Joseph THOMSON, Arthur HUTCHCROFT. Pelley’s Island, September 15, 1892. Messrs. H.M. HEBERT, S. DOW & Co’y. My Dear Sir: I desire to convey to you, through this medium, my most sincere thanks for the good wishes and purse, which you have this afternoon sent to me. Whilst I believe the best of good will has always existed amongst us as fellow officers, I was most agreeably surprised at such a decided exhibition of it. Again thanking you for your good wishes for both the present and future. I am Dear Sirs, Yours very truly, Frank W. MEEK.
September 24, 1892 New Ministers Three Young men for the Methodist Conference arrived in St. John’s per last Allan steamer from England. One of them, the Rev. Mr. DRAKE, is to be the assistant Minister for this circuit. He came as far as Bonavista by last Virginia Lake, and remains there a fortnight, to supply for the Rev. Mr. NURSE, who is gone as a delegate to England, to attend a conference, that is to be held there this month. Another – the Rev. Mr. BLYTHE, is for Tilt Cove Mission, and went there by last coastal steamer to enter upon his work.
September 24, 1892 Shipping News The “Elmo,” Capt. FOOTE, arrived from Sydney on Tuesday last with a cargo of coal for R.D. Hodge, Esq. The schooner “Hunter,” George PARSONS, Master, arrived from St. John’s last night with a cargo of provisions for J.B. Tobin, Esq. A large steamer of 1255 tons, called the “Rydalhome,” arrived at Botwoodville from Great Britain on Saturday. She brought a quantity of merchandise and will load with deal for Liverpool. The Spinaway, Capt. RICHARDS, sailed for Lisbon yesterday morning with 2700 quintals of cod fish, from the firm of E. Duder. The coastal steamer Virginia Lake, Capt. WALSH, called here on Thursday afternoon returning to St. John’s, getting back a few hours sooner than she was expected, the weather having been so exceptionally fine all the time. She made her usual trip to Battle Harbor, but the fishery news by her is very little different from previous reports. The herring fishery is said to be very poor.
September 24, 1892 The Jubilee Trip Several craft returned from Labrador on Tuesday; the “Brisk,” Mr. Job LUTHER, Master, of Back Harbor being one of the number. He was fortunate in securing 450 quintals, which is very good indeed considering the large number of fishing craft that have done so poorly this season. This year was Mr. LUTHER’S Jubilee trip, he having been to the Labrador fifty summers successively, which is more than can be said by many of the veteran planters or fishermen now prosecuting the fisheries. Some may have been fifty years going to the Labrador, but it would be difficult to find many who have gone annually, and never missed a summer for that period, either by reason of illness or other causes. For a greater part of the time, he has been Master of a schooner, and has generally been fortunate in bringing home at least, saving trips. Although nearing three score and ten years, he is as smart and active as the great majority of young men who are in their teens. We have much pleasure in congratulating him on attaining this jubilee, and of the success that has crowned his long fishery career.
September 24, 1892 Death The schooner “Abib,” Mr. John MINTY, Master, returned from the Labrador on Monday night last, bringing the remains of his brother, Matthew MINTY, who died the early part of September, just as they were homeward bound. He did not feel very well before leaving in the summer, but thinking probably that it might wear off, he persisted in engaging in the voyage. Stormy weather, however, was experienced shortly after leaving, and this no doubt tended to develop the insidious disease, which slowly but surely resulted in his dissolution after a few weeks illness. He could not work all the summer, but at the same time, he was unwilling to leave the vessel and return home. His remains were interred in the South Side Methodist cemetery yesterday afternoon, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. J. HILL, who preached a very appropriate sermon on the occasion, taking as his text 1st verse of the 38th chapter of Isiah. The deceased was 34 years old, and leaves a widow and two children to mourn the loss of a kind and affectionate husband and father, as well as a large circle of relatives. To the bereaved we tender our sympathy.
September 24, 1892 Notes From New Bay Our New Bay Correspondent, writing under 21st. Inst., furnishes us with an account of a very singular insect, which was seen in the woods around there during the months of July and August, as will be seen from the subjoined paragraph from his letter: - "Since I wrote to you last, the schooner Amelia, James MOORS Master, came home on the 18th. with 550 quintals, David SPENCER on the 10th., with little more than 30 quintals, and Geo. WHITE on the same day with 15 quintals." [This is all we have of this article. GW]

October 1, 1892 Birth At Pilley's Island on the 25th. Of September, the wife of Mr. W. BLACKLER of a son.
October 1, 1892 Marriage At St. John's on the 15th Ult., by the father of the bride, assisted by Rev. A.D. MORTON, MA., the Rev. William Henry ADAMS of St. Ola, Ontario, to Mary Bertha, daughter of Rev. James DOVE, Chairman of the St. John's District.
October 1, 1892 Shipping News Port of Twillingate. Entered: Sept 27 - Doris Roach, St. John's, ballast - E. Duder. Cleared: Sept 29 - Elmo, FOOTE, St. John's, ballast - Captain. The Mallard, owned by Owen and Earle, arrived from the Labrador on Tuesday last, with 530 barrels fish. The Jubilee, Stephen NEWMAN Master, arrived early yesterday morning from the French Shore with 1100 quintals codfish to J.B. Tobin Esq. The schooners Mary Parker and Gladys, Thomas LACEY Master, arrived here Monday at noon, having left St. John's on Friday together, and arrived here at the same time.
October 1, 1892 Supreme Court on Circuit There was an appeal in the case of EVERY vs. Sergeant PETTEN for breach of License Acts in selling without license, an intoxicant distilled from Juniper, but the Court dismissed the appeal and upheld the decision of the Magistrate.
October 1, 1892 Address to Sir Robert J. PINSENT (Part 1) We the undersigned, on behalf of the inhabitants of Tilt Cove, have much pleasure in expressing to your Lordship, our gratification at your Lordship's visit, to hold Court in this place for the first time, and tender your Lordship a hearty welcome. In respect of the matters which we desire to bring to your Lordship's notice, assured that you will use your influence to assist in carrying out our views, we especially draw your attention to the following. The great want of a public building in this place suitable for a Court House, Post, Telegraph and Custom's Office, the want of a Post Office being a matter of great inconvenience, as the public to the extent of hundreds, have to wait on mail days, rain or shine, outside the door, to secure their mail, and the present building being entirely inadequate to our want.
October 1, 1892 Address to Sir Robert J. PINSENT (Part 2) We would also wish to draw your Lordship's attention to the alleged ownership of the property in the Cove, claimed by the WINSOR family, it being the only place for the inhabitants to get in or out from Tilt Cove. We would wish to have your Lordship's opinion as to whether or not they (the WINSORS) can legally prevent people from landing wood etc., on the beach, and from passing to and fro on their legitimate business, or whether if they have the right to act as they do, the right of way can be secured for us, by compelling the WINSORS to accept reasonable compensation. Signed on behalf of the inhabitants of Tilt Cove, Wm. R. TOMMS, J.R. HOPKINS, T.M. MARTIN, Francis J. WILLIAMS, M.M. BLACKMORE, Thos. GRAHAM, J.M. JACKMAN, W.F. MARTIN, R.J. FREEBAIRN, MB., CM., Eli TILLEY. The Judge in reply, said he was strongly impressed with the necessity for a suitable public building, and would take an early opportunity of urging the matter with the Government. As to the alleged right of way, it should be inquired into, and the Crown Officer instructed to protect the rights of the Public.
October 1, 1892 Along The Railway Quite a number of wild geese are killed daily at Clode Sound and neighborhood. One of Surveyor WHITE's men made a capital day of it recently. At South West Brook, along the railway, at the fall about four miles up, some splendid speckled beauties were taken a short time ago, weighing four pounds. All the rivers in that locality, vis., Middle Brook, Salmon Brook, and North West Brook, are teeming with salmon and trout. ..... Mr. Josiah STONE is building a splendid homestead near the Railway Depot, and Mr. Francis STARE has also taken a large quantity of land in the neighborhood, and intends erecting a comfortable dwelling house. There are over 2500 men employed on railway work, Hall's Bay Line, and one and all speak very highly of their kind treatment by Messr's REID. ... Surveyor WHITE and staff, completed their survey of land along the railway, a distance of 10 miles. The owners of mills will receive sixteen lots each. .... The land near Pitt's Pond is reportedly of a superior quality. A road is badly wanted between the railway track and Goose Bay. This is a most important and rising settlement. The best way would be to run the road from Shoal Harbor via George's Brook across to Goose Bay, keeping the present mail route. - Times, Sept 17.
October 1, 1892 Gillard's Cove Ferry For the remainder of the season, the ferry running between Gillard's Cove and Tizzard's Harbor will leave Gillard's Cove at half past three o'clock in the afternoon, and the morning ferry at the usual time, seven o'clock.

    [Although the following page is clearly dated "October 5, 1892, I suspect this is a mistake, and the page is actually part of October 8, 1892. GW.]

October 5, 1892 Shipping News (Part 1) The coastal steamer “Virginia Lake,” Capt. WALSH, arrived from the North last Sunday night, en route for St. John’s. The weather was exceedingly stormy, which detained her several days after the usual time for arriving. The Labrador steamer “Winsor Lake,” was kept in Battle Harbor several days, owing to stormy weather. The Virginia Lake met her, just after leaving Red Bay. Although it had been exceedingly stormy, very little damage was caused to property on the Labrador. Nearly all the fishermen had left the coast or were preparing to do so, when the steamer came along. The Virginia Lake had a large number of passengers going South.
October 5, 1892 Shipping News (Part 2) The “Fawn,” A. SPENCER, Master, The Endurance, James CHURCHILL, Master, belonging here, and the “Sisters,” Wm. RICHARDS, Master, of Herring Neck, reached Seldom-Come-Bye last Saturday in the midst of the storm. The “Mary Parker” got as far as the Southern end of Change Islands and arrived here yesterday afternoon. The “Betsy Purchase” and “Five Brothers” arrived from St. John’s last Saturday morning. Two or three craft returning from Labrador were in port this week, among them being the “Portree,” Capt. WINSOR of Carbonear. The “Flamingo,” Capt. James SEVIOUR, put into port on Thursday, bound to St. John’s with a cargo of lumber from Point Lemington mill, New Bay. The “Silver Dale” is loaded with fish for E. Duder, Esq., and is awaiting a time for St. John’s. The “Sunrise,” Jonathan BURT, Master, sailed for St. John’s yesterday morning, with a cargo of fish for J.B. Tobin, Esq. The coastal steamer, “Virginia Lake,” is reported to leave St. John’s today. If so she may be expected here on Monday. The Norwegian vessel “Gefion,” Capt. STRANGE, cleared for Lisbon on Monday last with a cargo of fish for Messrs. Owen & Earle.
October 5, 1892 Loss of the Schooner Emeril The community was shocked on Monday evening, by the thrilling intelligence received by telegram from Seldom-Come-By, of the loss of the above schooner and all her crew, at or near Cann Island, in the storm of Saturday last. The Emeril left here on the 2nd of October for St. John’s, with a cargo of fish for J.B. Tobin, Esq., and was returning home when the sad catastrophe happened. She left St. John’s the early part of the week, but had to put back in consequence of heavy weather, and was again homeward bound, when overtaken in the fearful storm which prevailed on Saturday. No particulars have yet been received of the painful disaster. But as there was a very strong South and Southeast wind and rain, particularly towards evening, accompanied by a tremendous sea and very thick fog, making it impossible to see land, even if within a few furlongs from it, it seems that the unfortunate craft met her fate on a part of Cann Island, while endeavoring to make Seldom-come-bye for shelter, as did other craft belonging here, that were out during the same storm. The craft was owned by Mr. TOBIN, but for some years has been nominally the property of the GATES, of Tizzard’s Harbor. The crew comprised four men and a boy, namely: Robert PERCY of Back Harbor (who went as Master and Pilot, none of the others ever having been to St. John’s before); John GATES and James GATES of Tizzard’s Harbor; Wm. WHITE – the little fellow we believe, was a son of one of the Gates’ who had a son lost a few years ago. The event is a melancholy one and casts a gloom over the communities where the unfortunate men resided. To the bereaved and sorrow-stricken families we tender sincere sympathy.
October 5, 1892 Marriage "(To the Editor of the Twillingate Sun) Dear Sir: - On the 24th inst., when the twilight had dropped her curtains amid the showers of heaven, could be seen wending their way to the Episcopal Church, a band of witnesses of the solemnization of the legal union between Mr. Elias SMITH, Miner and Miss Susannah KING, domestic attendant to J.M. JACKMAN, Esq., for the past three years. Notwithstanding the unpleasantness of the evening, a goodly number had assembled to bear testimony to the leading to the Altar, one of Green Bay’s fairest daughters. That appropriate hymn The Voice that Breathed o’er Eden, pealed forth with sublime strains, as the happy throng walked up the aisle, the bride leaning on the arm of Mr. JACKMAN who was to be the giver. The ceremony was most impressive, performed by the Rev. Arthur PITTMAN, Incumbent of the Parish. Miss CHAMBERLAIN conducting the organ, rendering commendable service on the occasion. After the bond had been sealed, the party, accompanied by the bride and groom to the home of the latter, being subject en route to deafening volleys of musketry, the vibrations of which were excessive, in consequence of the surrounding hills. The marriage feast was the next to characterize the event. God’s blessing being asked, prominent residents were conspicuous doing ample justice to the elaborate spread ….. I am yours &c. In Loco Parentis, Tilt Cove, Oct 27, 1892."

October 8, 1892 Advertisement Silas FACEY, Tinsmith and Sheet-iron Worker. Situated on the North Side, Twillingate. Tinware and Stove Piping always on hand at wholesale and retail, at very low prices. Repairs done at shortest notice.
October 8, 1892 A Case of Attempted Suicide At 5:30 o'clock, yesterday morning, a young woman belonging to Brigus, about 26 years of age, attempted suicide by drowning. She left her boarding house on New Gower Street, unknown to the inmates, went down in Monroe's Cove, and jumped over the breastwork. As she was going, a man named MEMORY, who happened to be near, and who had retired a little when he saw her coming, caught her, but could not retain his hold. Another man named CHURCHILL, who also happened to be near, and Monroe's Watchman, John BREEN, came to the rescue. CHURCHILL jumped into the water after the woman, and aided by the others, hauled her out. "Isn't it an awfull thing to do, to try and drown yourself like that?" said BREEN. To which she replied, "It would not have made much difference if I had drowned." and added, "It would have been better if I had drowned." The men took her to the watch house, where she disrobed and dried herself, and afterwards at 7:30, walked to the boarding house. She only came over from Brigus last Thursday. Sergeant Joseph O'BRIEN gave his attention to the case today, and it has come out that that the young woman has evinced a melencholy disposition for some time. Dr. TAIT attended her and gave permission for her entry into the Lunatic Asylum. She goes this evening. The poor creature is not accountable for her act. - The Telegram, Oct 6.
October 8, 1892 Shipping News (Part 1) Port of Twillingate. Cleared:- Oct. 7 – “Doris,” ROACH, Lisbon, 3100 qtls. Labrador codfish, E. Duder. The schooner Bonny, Robert LINFIELD, arrived here last night from St. John’s, having left there Thursday morning. Extracts from late St. John’s papers, received by her, will be found in today’s paper. The coastal steamer Virginia Lake, which was due here on Thursday last, has not yet put in an appearance. It is thought she must have been detained by the Labrador steamer. The schooner Five Brothers, on her way to St. John’s with a cargo of lumber, put into port Wednesday evening and left again yesterday morning.
October 8, 1892 Death Died on the 4th inst., Agnes Bennett, beloved wife of Mr. George ROBERTS and youngest daughter of Samuel and Mary Ann ROBERTS, Long Point, aged 27 years.
October 8, 1892 A Chance For The Boys Numbers of small boys are employed cleaning bricks from the ruined buildings. Boys from 9 to 12 years of age are making …. 50 to 70 cts per day cleaning ….. bricks at 10cts per 100.
October 8, 1892 Advertisement Found. A valuable article, the property of some young lady, was picked up on Thursday last near the premises of J.B. Tobin, Esq. The owner can have the same by calling at Mr. Edward FRENCH’S, Morton’s Harbor.
October 8, 1892 Arrival of Mr. Drake In a previous issue we referred to the arrival of Rev. F.G. DRAKE from England, who was supplying at Bonavista for a fortnight for Rev. J. NURSE, Chairman of district, he being in Canada on Church work. Mr. DRAKE arrived on last steamer, and we learn made a very favorable impression in the services on North and South Side Sunday last. We welcome him to this town and trust that his stay in our midst will be a pleasant and profitable one to Minister and people.
October 8, 1892 Two Dead Bodies Picked Up John DOODY, of St. Mary’s Bay, reports having picked up a dead man, in an entirely nude condition, at Colinet Island on Saturday, the 24th of September last. The man was entirely unknown and his person bore no marks by which his identity could be discovered. He was supposed to be one of the persons who had been lost in the previous gale. He was decently interred. Another dead man was picked up the following Wednesday in St. Mary’s Bay, who was clothed when found, but could not be identified. He was also decently interred.
October 8, 1892 Death “The Memory of the Just is Blessed.” At noon on Tuesday last, after a lingering illness borne with Christian grace, there passed peacefully from the turmoil of this life into eternal rest, Agnes Bennett, wife of Mr. George ROBERTS, and youngest daughter of Mr. Samuel ROBERTS of Long Point Light House, at the early age of 27 years. Deceased was well and deservedly esteemed by all who knew her, gentleness, and quiet demeanor being distinguishing traits of character. For some years, dating from the ministry of Rev. T.W. ATKINSON, she cheerfully presided at the Church organ, and many remember the long three mile walks from Long Point, often through inclement weather, undertaken so that her post of duty might be filled, and on one occasion, she was the recipient of a suitable address and souvenir from members of the congregation, who wished to record their appreciations of gratuitous service rendered the Church. Her funeral took place Friday and was largely attended, the service being held in the North Side Church. The organ was suitably draped in black, with a floral wreath bearing the word “Hope” across the center, surmounting the drapery. Rev. J. HILL preached a suitable discourse from the text taken from Isaiah xvxiii c. 17 v., “Thine eyes shall behold the land that is very far off.” The hymns used were those beginning: “The morning flowers,” “I know that my Redeemer lives,” “Earth with its dark and dreadful ills.” As the cortege left the sacred edifice, the Dead March was impressively rendered, and at the concluding service at the grave, the hymn “My Jesus I love Thee,” copies of which had been printed for distribution, was sung by request of deceased.
October 8, 1892 Vocal Concert (Part 1) A vocal and instrumental concert was given in the Court House at Twillingate on the 28th September of this present year. Every available space was occupied by an audience any community may well be proud of. Unfortunately, many persons were refused admittance for want of room. The entertainment was opened by John W. OWEN, Esq., apologizing for keeping the audience waiting a short time, through the unavoidable absence of one of the artists (who put in an appearance during the apology) and after a few pleasing remarks relative to the conception of the concert, announced that it would begin with an instrumental duet by the Misses TOBIN. Programme: Part First: Instrumental Duet, Caprice – Misses TOBIN. Solo and Chorus “Homeward Bound” – Messrs. FIFIELD, COOK and ANSTEY. Solo “Via Dolorosa”- Twillingate STIRLING. Cornet Solo – Master B. TOBIN. Solo “The Boatswain’s Story” – Dr. STAFFORD. Instrumental Duet, Waltz – Misses TOBIN. Solo “She wore a Wreath of Roses,” – Twillingate STIRLING. Solo “Daddy,” Dr. STIRLING.
October 8, 1892 Vocal Concert (Part 2) Part Second: Minstrel Son’s and Conundrums – Twillingate Darkey Troupe. Pie Auction Sale. Refreshments for All. “God Save the Queen.” The hall was tastefully decorated with flags, ferns and flowers, and an agreeable light radiated from lamp-aliers and other ornamental lamps. From the commencement to the close of the entertainment, everything went on in good style, and was thoroughly enjoyed by all present. The Misses TOBIN acquitted themselves as accomplished pianists. Miss F. FREEMAN’S sweet song from a voice so clear and pure, shows that Twillingate has a fair share of vocal talent. The Doctor was in good voice and sang well, in fact all acquitted themselves in good style. The Twillingate Darkey Minstrels was quite a novelty. The sale of pies by auction was another, and last but not least was the sociable of tea, cake, &c., being enjoyed by all that were present, and great praise and thanks is due to those who made the pies or open tarts, also to all who assisted in the entertainment.
October 8, 1892 Reception for Captain Delaney A splendid reception was given Capt. DELANEY of the S.S. “Grand Lake” by the residents of Burin, when he arrived at that port on Saturday, September 24th. The people, to show their appreciation and good will towards the Captain, had resolved upon presenting him with an address, and giving him a good salute on entry. The public wharf was decorated by a festoon of flags stretched across. Flags were also displayed on the hilltops, the Catholic Association’s Hall, Masonic Hall, Priest’s house and places of business. When the Grand Lake entered the harbor, and passing by the premises of Mr. John PAUL, the genial Captain got a salute from Mr. PAUL’S cannon. On approaching the Public Wharf, he was again saluted by another cannon and by musketry, which were repeatedly loaded and fired. When the steamer was hauled in to the wharf, Mr. William PAYNE, who being JP, was appointed in the absence of the Magistrate to read the testimonial, went on board and presented it. The Captain, from the Bridge in reply, made a very significant and pleasing speech. The testimonial was signed by most all the principal people of Burin. The reception accorded Captain DELANEY is all the more marked, as it is the first real reception given by the people of Burin. To the repeated salutes from cannon and musketry, the Captain, when entering and leaving, saluted by blowing the whistle and dipping the flags. All creeds and classes joined heartily in giving the welcome. The reception would have been given on the first arrival of the new steamer, but the people were not fully prepared, and moreover, it being Sunday, the use of firearms was prohibited. Captain DELANEY the people of Burin believe, is as popular a Captain as there is in any passenger ship afloat. – Evening Telegram.

October 15, 1892 New Mineral Find (Part 1) A new discovery of mineral ore, which apparently proves to be a valuable deposit of lead and silver, has recently been discovered at Welsh’s Cove, Nipper’s Harbor by Mr. R. HARVEY of St. John’s, on property held under mineral lease by that gentleman. The vein visible is thirteen inches wide. A shaft seven by ten feet has lately been sunk three fathoms, and the further down the shaft goes, the better the vein appears to be, both as regards size and quality. The ground all round is thoroughly mineralized, and indications of the mineral are exceedingly good. Veins can be traced running along the side of the hill for forty feet, and the probability is that a large deposit of this mineral lies hidden in the bowels of the earth in that locality. Mr. HARVEY, with a limited number of men employed for a short time, has succeeded in excavating fifteen barrels of rich ore from this new find, which promises to be most valuable.
October 15, 1892 New Mineral Find (Part 2) It is the same kind of mineral as has been taken from Noble’s Head, Nipper’s Harbor, and which was also found inside the hill three hundred feet high, about two hundred yards from the harbor. If this new find should lead to anything, which from the favorable indications there is every reason to believe will be the case, it would be a grand thing for Nipper’s Harbor and the Cape Shore generally. We have great pleasure in congratulating Mr. HARVEY on his success in making the discovery, and hope that his energy and perseverance in mining affairs will be amply rewarded, by his being able to induce Capitalists to take hold of the property, and develop the valuable deposits of mineral ore, which evidently lie buried beneath the earth’s surface in the locality to which we have referred, and which we have lately had the privilege of visiting.
October 15, 1892 Mining Suspended at Little Bay (Part 1) It is to be regretted that for the present at least, mining operations are suspended at Little Bay, and as a result, a large number of Miners and others have had to go elsewhere in search of work. The smelting works are still running, and employment is likely to be given to a limited number of men for a few weeks longer, but it is feared that after that, there will be an entire cessation of work for the winter, in connection with the Little Bay mine, and thereby a great loss will be sustained, not only by those living in the community, but by hundreds outside, many of whom almost supported themselves and families during the winter by procuring timber, &c., and scores of others found a ready market for all kinds of produce that might be taken there. Many of the workmen who found lucrative employment, will be put to their wits end in order to tide themselves and families over the long winter that is approaching. But it is to be hoped that some door will be opened, by which their necessities will be provided for, and poverty warded off. The mine is being kept free from water, and it is the opinion of some that in the course of time, operations will be resumed, though on a more limited scale than formerly. The reason for the closing of this mine cannot altogether be attributed to the scarceness of copper ore, as it is the opinion of some experienced miners that it still possesses large deposits of ore.
October 15, 1892 Mining Suspended at Little Bay (Part 2) The mine is now down some fifteen or sixteen hundred feet, but new machinery would be required to bring the ore to the surface from a greater depth, and as the price of copper is very low, the company may not feel warranted in making the large expenditure, that would necessarily be required, in order to operate the mine at a much greater depth. With the poor outlook therefore, that is presented, and the mine being already greatly indebted to the principal shareholders, the Company have decided to suspend operations, but it is hoped that when the pending litigation is settled, a new impetus will be given to mining in Little Bay by those into whose hands the valuable property may ultimately fall. Some persons are inclined to the opinion, that if the mineral lands were thrown open to the public, and properties said to include valuable deposits of copper could be worked, there would be an abundance of copper ore to keep Little Bay going for many years. But a great deal of land is held under mineral lease by individuals, who will neither do anything towards developing them themselves, nor allow Capitalists to do so, without expecting from them most exorbitant terms, which naturally deter speculators from having anything to do with them. So that this ‘dog in the manger’ kind of action, is killing out our mining industry. It is high time for the Legislature to step in and put an end to it.
October 15, 1892 Note From Rowsell's Island Rowsell’s Island, Leading Tickles, October 4, 1892. Dear Sir: - Permit me through the columns of the Sun, to lay before your readers a few short sketches concerning the above named place, and its fisheries of this season, now nearly to a close. As regards the shore fishermen around here the past summer, some of them have done pretty fair, whilst there are others who have done very little. The season’s catch duly rates from twelve to twenty-five quintals a boat. Of these fishermen, some are very well provided for the winter, but there are others who will come rather short. But we are trusting there will be some better employment for our people during the long winter months, such as country and wood work, which the most of the inhabitants around here are very well used to, and which they take an interest in. The lobster catch this season has also been of a very low stamp, all around our Bay. I hear that the catch of each factory is from forty and upwards of ninety cases, being very poor for those factories which supply so many. I am also thankful that all of our fishing fleet have arrived home safe and sound. Some have done very well, while others have come rather light. The following are the schooners, Masters and their catches: - “Patience,” Thomas ROWSELL, 630 brls.; “Emma,” George BURT, 550; “Phoenix,” Albert ROWSELL, 220; “Hilda,” Noah CHIPPETT, 220; “Isabella,” Joseph HAGGETT, 70. I remain, dear sir, yours truly, Observer.
October 15, 1892 Collision On The Banks The banking schooner “Effie M.,” owned by Mr. Edwin DUDER, Patrick CROCKER, Master, arrived here yesterday in a damaged condition. The Master reports that at 11 o’clock on Tuesday last, while at anchor about seventeen miles West of the Virgin Rocks, dressing fish on deck, the ship “Argento,” of New York, Capt. BARTLETT, from Greenland, mineral laden, bound to Philadelphia, came in broadside on them. When she was near, Captain CROCKER fearing danger, rang his bell, and had to do so a second time before he noticed any stir on board the ship. Her helm was then changed to bring her head to the wind, and when coming round to it, her head gear carried away the cut-water and barrack-head of the Effie M., and the yards directly afterwards, carried away her masts, below the hounds. Five of the Effie M.’s crew jumped on board of the ship, fearing the sinking of their schooner, but soon afterwards returned. The Argento stood by the Effie M. for three hours, and having seen that there was no danger of sinking, she continued her voyage, while the Effie M. was prepared to sail for St. John’s and arrived as stated. She has about thirty quintals of fish for one day’s fishing. – Ibid.
October 15, 1892 45,000 Lbs Boneless Codfish Messrs. J. Munn & Co., of Harbor Grace, shipped by Saturday’s train, for here, forty-five thousand pounds of boneless codfish, put up in small cases, and will ship another lot by tomorrow’s train, the whole of which will be sent from this city by the S.S. “Bonavista.” The industrial pursuits of Harbor Grace are evidencing their advancement. – Ibid.
October 15, 1892 Shipping News (Part 1) The steamer “Hercules” called here last evening bound to Botwoodville for a cargo of lumber. The “Mary Parker” returned from St. John’s yesterday afternoon. Late local papers have been received by her, from which extracts will be found in our column today. The steamer “Portia” was at Pilley’s Island the early part of the week, loading with iron pyrites for New York via St. John’s. The coastal steamer “Virginia Lake” is reported to leave St. John’s today for Northern ports of call, and may be expected here some time Monday. She goes as far as Battle Harbor, which will be the last trip to that terminus for this season. The coastal steamer Virginia Lake, Capt. WALSH, was much later than usual in getting back from the North last trip, and did not arrive before Sunday afternoon last. She was at Battle Harbor two or three days, waiting for the arrival of the “Winsor Lake,” which had to go to Nain that trip, and was detained overtime owing to foggy weather.
October 15, 1892 Shipping News (Part 2) The Virginia Lake had a large number of passengers going South, mostly from the Labrador. The revenue cruiser Argonaut, Capt. LUTHER, from the Labrador, called here early Wednesday morning, returning to St. John’s, having on board Mr. BURGESS, the Collector of Customs for that Coast. The customs receipts for this season exceed last year’s, which was the largest ever taken for any one year, which goes to prove that Mr. B. is a most competent and efficient Officer, and fills the responsible position with much satisfaction. Mr. R. DUFF, of Carbonear, of W. Duff, Esq., Merchant of that town, who had been attending the shipping of herring on Labrador the past few weeks, was too late for the coastal steamer leaving Battle Harbor, and was taking passage South by the Argonaut.
October 15, 1892 Personals The Misses STIRLING, who have been spending a few weeks in their home, took passage per last “Virginia Lake” for St. John’s en route for Paris. We wish them a pleasant and safe passage across the Atlantic.
October 15, 1892 Encourage Native Industry Mr. CURRIE is here with a cargo of slate from Random Sound, Trinity Bay. Mr. CURRIE’S work will commend itself, and it is to be hoped that every effort will be made to encourage native industry. – Evening Telegram.
October 15, 1892 Fish Making Weather The weather of late has not been very favorable for curing fish, and some of our fishermen who were late in returning form Labrador, have yet a good deal in hands. The last day or two however, has been more suitable, and it is to be hoped that a continuance of fine weather will enable speedy shipments of the season’s voyage.
October 15, 1892 The Tilt Cove Mine Mining operations have been actively carried on at Tilt Cove the past summer, and are still being prosecuted most vigorously. Last month the output of ore from the mine was nearly six thousand tons, which was about the largest month’s work ever done there. Large steamers have been frequently running to Tilt Cove from Great Britain all the summer, with cargoes of coal, coke and other mining supplies, and taking back loads of copper ore. This week the steamer “Parado” and a large barque, finished loading and another large steamer, which arrived from England last week, had to go to Snook’s Arm to await her turn to discharge and take in cargo. Two or three other steamers are expected to arrive there before the season closes.

October 22, 1892 Birth At 151 Park Avenue, Montreal, PQ, Canada on Sept 20th, the wife of Mr. J. Norman PERCY of a daughter.
October 22, 1892 Birth At Change Islands on Sept 25, the wife of Mr. William BLAKE of a son.
October 22, 1892 Marriage At Change Islands on the 10th inst., at the Church of Saint Margaret, Virgin and Martyr, by the Rev. G.S. CHAMBERLAIN, incumbent, Mr. George FOOKES to Miss Elizabeth CLENCH.
October 22, 1892 Death At Back Harbor on the 18th inst., of consumption, Philip, son of the late Mr. John PRIDE, aged 21 years.
October 22, 1892 Death At Durrel’s Arm on the 19th inst., of consumption, Philip son of Mr. James FIFIELD, aged 21 years.
October 22, 1892 Death At Change Islands on the 13th inst., Edmund, infant son of William and Thurza BLAKE.
October 22, 1892 Shipping News Port of Twillingate. Entered:- Oct 11, “Charles Napier,” BRAY, Runcorn, 100 tons salt, Owen & Earle. Cleared:- Oct 10, “Lady Bertha,” ADAMS, Gibraltar, 3000 qtls Labrador fish, E. Duder. The coastal steamer Virginia Lake, Capt. WALSH, left St. John’s on Saturday, and arrived here Tuesday morning, calling at intermediate ports. She was longer than usual getting along owing to stormy weather. The steamer goes as far as Battle Harbor again this trip and if the weather continues as bad as it has been the past few days, it is difficult to say when she will be back. The “Charles Napier,” Capt. BRAY, arrived from Runcorn on the 14th inst., with a cargo of salt to Messrs. Owen & Earle. The steamer “Miranda” bound to Pilley’s Island, put into port last evening during a dense fog, and left again this morning.
October 22, 1892 The “Kite” & Peary Party The S.S. Kite, Capt. PIKE, returned from Philadelphia this morning. The steamer was quite a curiosity at that place. The first Sunday after her arrival there with the PEARY party, she was visited by about ten thousand people, and every day of her stay by a great many others. A reception was tendered the PEARY party to which Captain PIKE was invited, but did not attend, having left for this port the night it was given. – Telegram, Oct 8.
October 22, 1892 Tea-Meeting and Entertainment at Crow Head … the friends at Crow Head and Wild Cove on Thursday night …. a successful fete was held in their school house, the commendable object being the raising of funds in order to add to the Sunday School Library. ….. A very nice tea was spread in the tastily decorated room and was keenly enjoyed by those who surrounded the festive board. At 7 o’clock the secretary of the school, Mr. Edward BRETT, was called to the chair ….. Mr. ANSTEY presided at the organ, and a very nice programme was rendered the children showing the result of their training by the apt way they recited and sang. Mr. SCOTT, a former superintendent, was present and assisted by address, &c., and Mr. R. DOVE, the present superintendent of school gave the closing address. Thanks are due the following who provided tea: - Mrs. R. DOVE and Mrs. John SHARP; Mrs. Jas. PRESTON Sr. & Jr.; Mrs. Albert SPENCER and Mrs. Josiah ROBERTS; Mrs. George ROBERTS and Mrs. Isaac MUDFORD; also all who helped in the noble work of placing good books in the hands of the children. The handsome amount of over eighteen dollars was realized. Well done Crow Head M.S. School. One Who Was There.
October 22, 1892 Church Institute At Herring Neck Pike’s Arm, Oct. 4, 1892. (To the Editor Twillingate Sun) Dear Sir: - You will be pleased to hear that the young men of Pike’s Arm have succeeded in forming a Church Institute, and in connection therewith, have regular meeting nights for debate. Our last debate was “Will the Sealing Bill of 1892 benefit Green Bay?” After a discussion of one and a half hour’s, the vote was taken, resulting greatly in favor of the affirmative side, there being 17 for and 3 against. I for one was much struck with the interest taken by those young men in their discussion. Our next debate will be on “Cod Traps – are they a benefit or an injury to this country.” Our officers are: - President, Rev. G. S. CHAMBERLAIN; Vice-President, W.F. COAKER; Treasurer, Robert DALLY. We have arranged for several newspapers, and will keep such books and papers in our rooms as will tend to instruct our young men. Yours, Correspondent.
October 22, 1892 Note of Thanks Mrs. David DOVE, of Sullian’s Cove, whose family have lately recovered from typhoid fever, desires, through the columns of the Sun, to thank the neighbors and friends for the many kindnesses extended to the family during their severe and protracted illness, and is very grateful for all the many bounties received during the several weeks that the house was quarantined. The children attacked with this lingering and weakening malady, were very low at one time, but through the skill and attention of the medical attendant, Dr. STAFFORD, they pulled through all right, and are now restored to usual health and vigor.
October 22, 1892 “Carrie Kane” Loses a Man Overboard Fogo, October 14th, 1892. A very melancholy and fatal accident occurred during the passage home of the Carrie Kane of Fogo, Edwin WHITE, Master, from the Labrador. On the 20th September when the schooner was off Long Tickle, Black Duck Bay, and blowing a strong breeze from the WNW, while reefing the mainsail, William SNOW of Fogo, one of the crew on board, by some mischance which cannot be accounted for, fell from the taffrail, where he was last seen, and sank before assistance could reach him from a boat, which was instantly lowered with all speed, and every possible effort made to save him. He may probably have been stunned by the fall, for it could not be seen that he made any effort or struggle for life. He was about thirty-five years of age, and leaves a wife and three children to mourn his untimely end, and to whom we tender our deepest sympathy. The accident occurred about nine o’clock in the morning. – Com.
October 22, 1892 Magistrate Visiting We are pleased to see our old friend the Stipendiary Magistrate for Fogo, S. BAIRD, Esq., here spending a few days, having arrived per “Virginia Lake” on Tuesday. He is most attentive and diligent to the affairs of his office and makes a very efficient official.
October 22, 1892 Salt Water Birds Turs and other salt water birds have been around our shore of late, though not in very large numbers. Some gunners, however, who ventured off in boats during the late stormy weather, succeeded in knocking down and securing a good many turs.

October 29, 1892 Advertisement For Sale. At Ship Cove, Herring Neck, A splendid Premises, consisting of Wharf, Store, Dwelling House, Gardens, Outhouses, &c. The above is well adapted for carrying on business and will be sold at a low price. For particulars apply to the owner, Jonathan BURT, Ship Cove, Herring Neck.
October 29, 1892 Shipping News Port of Twillingate. Entered – Oct 29 “Pearl, LOWER, St. John’s, Ballast, E. Duder. Cleared – Oct 31 “Gefion,” STANGE, Lisbon, 3000 qtls Labrador fish, Owen & Earle. The steamer Miranda was lately at Pilley’s Island for iron pyrites and was seen passing outside our harbor on Thursday morning, returning to St. John’s en route for Halifax and New York. There was a very high tide on Saturday morning, higher than has been remembered by many for some years, which, accompanied by little sea, caused some damage to premises along the water’s side in various directions. The S.S. Vanguard had the shell of her new boiler put in place today by the employees of Messrs. Jas. ANGEL & Co. It is fourteen feet in diameter and ten feet deep, and is composed of six plates. The riveting will begin tomorrow, after which the tubes, etc., will be placed in position. – Evening Herald, Oct 6. The coastal steamer Virginia Lake is making a long trip North this time, and up to our going to press, there is no report of her making her appearance. Excepting yesterday, the weather nearly ever since she left here, has been thick and foggy which no doubt is the cause of her long detention. However, it is a terrible delay in the transit of our mails, which now have been lying in the Post Office a week or more, waiting to be dispatched. It certainly is a great inconvenience to business men.
October 29, 1892 Dr. Milligan Inspecting Schools The Rev. Dr. MILLIGAN, superintendent of Methodist day schools, came North per last “Virginia Lake” and landed at Exploits for the purpose of visiting and inspecting the schools under his jurisdiction in these parts. Notwithstanding the very disagreeable weather of late, he succeeded in working his way from Exploits, visiting Morton’s Harbor and Tizzard’s Harbor schools, and arrived here on Tuesday evening. The Methodist schools now in operation, have been visited by the Doctor the past few days, and the various examinations by which the scholars of the respective schools were tested, were pretty satisfactorily gone through, and showed that the teachers in charge were fully alive to the importance of the work in which they are engaged. The pupils were encouraged to persevere in their studies, by words of sympathy from the learned Doctor, who is an indefatigable worker in the cause of education, and takes a deep interest in its advancement in the colony. This is Dr. MILLIGAN’S second visit North this season. Early in the summer he spent several weeks visiting and inspecting the schools farther North, and worked as far South as Pilley’s Island, when business of importance called him to St. John’s, and he took passage per steamer thence direct.
October 29, 1892 Steam Pile Driver The St. John’s Times says that Messrs. ANGEL (Foundry) have constructed a new steam pile driver, which is being placed in position at Messrs. J. & W. PITTS premises in Hoylestown. We consider that it will prove to be a great improvement upon all previous drivers – and will do the work of three ordinary ones.
October 29, 1892 Marriage At Change Island on the 20th. Inst., at the Church of St. Margaret, Virgin and Martyr, by the Rev. G.S. CHAMBERLAIN, Mr. Nathaniel POWELL Miss Priscilla LeDREW.
October 29, 1892 Marriage At Green's Cove on the 20th inst., in the School Chapel, by the same, Mr. Thomas CUTLER to Miss Dinah LODRE
October 29, 1892 Death Died at Change Islands on the 16th inst., Mr. George PORTER aged 40 years.
October 29, 1892 Death At the same place, on the 23rd. Inst., Mr. Henry PORTER, aged 63 years.

November 5, 1892 Shipping News Port of Twillingate. Entered: October 29 - Pearl, LOWER, St. John's, Ballast - E. Duder. Cleared: Oct 31, Gefion, STRANGE, Lisbon, 3000 qtls. Labrador Fish - Owen & Earle.
November 5, 1892 Advertisement For Sale by Public Auction at Dominion Point: The firm of WINSOR & LEWIS dissolving partnership, and having balance of stock in goods on hand, they offer the same at Public Auction at Dominion Point, Exploits Bay, on the [unreadable] November next, at reduced prices, unless previously disposed of. H. BURT, Auctioneer.
November 5, 1892 Advertisement For Sale: A ladies Side Saddle, almost new. For particulars apply at this office. Sept 15th., 1892.

November 12, 1892 Loss of the Emeril (Part 1) Respecting the loss of the schooner Emeril, of Tizzard’s Harbor, and the whole of her crew, near Cann Island on the evening of the 29th ult., while returning from St. John’s, which sad event was chronicled in last week’s Sun, very little further than was then reported is known, As neither of the crew survives to tell the sad tale, and real facts of the terrible disaster will ever remain shrouded in mystery. It is the opinion of some of our people however, who happened to be caught in the same storm, and who visited Seldom-Come-By early in the evening, that the Emeril met her fate on the Brandies, a shoal of rocks to the Eastward of Cann Island. This craft with others, was running under foresail and jib. One or two of these that got into Seldom-Come-By, found it necessary to hoist their mainsail instantly on making Cann Island light, so as to enable them to steer clear of the Brandies, as the wind veered a little ahead towards evening, causing the craft while running under light canvas, to drop to leeward.
November 12, 1892 Loss of the Emeril (Part 2) But as the crew of the Emeril was small, it is surmised that after making the light, and finding themselves in a dangerous predicament, they were unable to get the mainsail on the craft in time to clear the breakers, and escape the fearful doom which consequently awaited them. The craft was broken to pieces before the next morning, and the wreck drove to the main land near Seldom-Come-By. Several articles were picked up, among them being the timepiece, which stopped at seven o’clock, which must have been about the time in the evening that they were lost. It was said at first that a boy was in the craft with them, but this was incorrect. There were only four men altogether, which would appear to be too light a crew for such a trip so late in the season, when stormy weather must naturally be expected. All the men were married; William WHITE of Ragged Point being a widower. The other three, namely Robert PERCY of Back Harbor; John and James GATES of Tizzard’s Harbor, leave wives and two and three children each, to mourn their irreparable loss.
November 12, 1892 Death At Farmer’s Arm last night, Carrie, youngest daughter of Mr. Thomas ASHBOURNE, aged 9 years.
November 12, 1892 Death Died. At Morton’s Harbor on the 4th inst., Mr. Thomas TAYLOR, and old and respectable inhabitant of that place, aged 89 years.
November 12, 1892 Shipping News Port of Twillingate. Entered:: Nov. 7 – “Edwin,” ELLIS, St. John’s, ballast, E. Duder. Nov. 9 – “Smauel Moss,” MABLY, St. John’s, provisions, J.B. Tobin, Cleared:: Nov. 10 – “Pearl,” LOWER, Gibraltar, 3500 qtls, Labrador codfish, E. Duder.
November 12, 1892 Market Notes (Part 1) Fish: Large merchantable, per quintal - $4.40; Small merchantable, per quintal $3.60; Large Maderia, per quintal $4.00; Small Maderia, per quintal $3.20; West India, per quintal $2.60; Labrador, per quintal $2.70; Straits & Labrador Shore (cured) $2.80 to $3.20; Haddock, per quintal $2.40; Cod Oil per ton $70.60 to $72.00; Salmon, No. 1, large per tierce $16.00 to $17.00; Herring per barrel, good shore $2.40 to $3.00; Herring, Labrador – None; Herring, very small $3.00 to 4.00; Lobsters, per case, No. 1, flats $8.00 to $8.50. The above quotations are wholesale. The Trade Review, Oct 31. Provisions: Flour, per brl. sup. ex. and ex. $4.00 to $5.40; Flour, per brl. supers $3.60 to $4.20; Pork, per barrel, mess $15.50 to $16.50; Pork, per barrel, family mess $20.00 to $21.00; Butter, per pound, Canadian $0.21 to $0.24; Oleo, per pound $0.12 to $0.19; Salt, per hhd. $1.20; Molasses, per gallon $0.40 to $0.46; Sugar, light brown per cwt. $7.30 to $7.50; Sugar, granulated, per cwt. $9.00 to $9.50; Sugar loaf, per cwt. $10.50; Cornmeal, per barrel $3.40 to $3.60; Oatmeal, per barrel $4.80 to $5.20; Bread, per bag, No. 1 $4.20; Bread, per bag, No. 2 $3.80; Beef, per barrel $9.00 to $11.50;
November 12, 1892 Market Notes (Part 2) Kerosene oil, per gallon $0.18 to $0.19; Hay, per ton $19.00 to $22.00; Fodder $12.00 to $13.00; Peas, per barrel, round $3.50 to $3.70; Peas, per half barrel, round $2.00; Peas, per barrel, split $5.50; Peas, per half barrel, split $3.00; Oats, per bushel $0.55 to $0.60; Bran, per cwt. $1.60 to $1.80; Cattle feed, 100 lb sacks $1.60 to $1.80; Apples, per barrel $4.00 to $4.50; Cabbage, per dozen $0.60 to $1.00; Potatoes, per barrel $1.00 to $1.30; Carrots, per barrel $2.40; Parsnips, per barrel $2.80; Celery, per barrel $3.00; Beet, per barrel $2.00 to $2.40; Cheese, per lb $0.13 to $0.14; Ham, per lb., Canadian $0.2 to $0.20; Ham, per lb., Belfast $0.23 to $0.25; Bacon, per lb. $0.18 to $0.25; Eggs, per dozen $0.18; Turnips, per barrel $1.20 to $1.40; Berries, Partridge and whorts $0.10 to $0.15; Onions, per barrel $3.50 to $4.00; Coal, per ton, North Sydney $5.00; Coal, per ton, South Sydney $4.00; Victoria, per ton $4.50; Little Glace Bay $4.40; Raisins, per box $2.20 to $2.40; Currants, per cwt. $8.50 to $9.00; Leather, grain, per lb. $0.40 to $0.42; Leather, sole, per lb $0.20 to $0.25; Leather, harness per lb. $0.35; Leather, split per lb $0.27 to $0.30. The above quotations are wholesale. The Trade Review, Oct 31.
November 12, 1892 Market Notes (Part 3) Lumber: Spruce plank, extra No. 1, 2 in. $24 per m.; Studding, 3x4 and 3x5 $20 per m.; Spruce board, No. 1 extra $20 per m.; Spruce board, No. 2, extra $14 to $18; Pine board $18; Hemlock board, No. 1 $16.60; 1 in. No. 1 P.&T. flooring $24 to $26; 1 ½ in. No. 1 P.& T. Flooring $24 to $26; 2 in. P. & t. Flooring $$24 to $26; Hardwood plank $20 to $25; Shingles, cedar, No. 1 $3.50 per m.; Shingles, pine, No. 1 $2.25 per m.; Shingles, spruce, No. 1 $2 per m.; Laths $2.50. The above quotations are wholesale. The Trade Review, Oct 31.
November 12, 1892 Local News A slight fall of snow on Thursday night made the surrounding hills present quite a wintry appearance the next morning. His lordship Bishop JONES, who has been absent from the country for sometime, arrived at St. John’s from Halifax by the last Allan steamer. A new newspaper to be called the Newfoundland Weekly News, is to be published at Carbonear shortly, which will be edited by Mr. M.J. HAWKER of that town. There seems to be a good deal of fish around our shores of late and whenever the weather has been favorable, some of the boats that ventured on the grounds did pretty well. If the weather had been suitable, the probability is that there would have been a good fall fishery. During the past two or three weeks, a good many planters have been here in their schooners from various parts of the district, transacting their fall business. The unsettle weather has greatly retarded their progress, but after a few days now, nearly all will be ready to start for their homes.
November 12, 1892 Burin Election The election of a member for Burin district takes place today. Sir James WINTER received largely signed requisitions from different parts of the district, and in compliance therewith, is offering an opponent to the present Government. We have not heard for certain, whether there is to be a contest, but it is reported that Mr. Joseph BOYD, a former member for Trinity district, is in the field a government supporter. The probability is that Sir James will be elected.

November 19, 1892 Advertisement Thaddeus SCOTT, M.D., M.C. (Physician and Surgeon.) of Harvard Med. College., USA. Certified Med. & Surgical Practitioner of New Brunswick, Canada. Office (old Stand) Main Street, North, Twillingate.
November 19, 1892 Shipping News (Part 1) Port of Twillingate Cleared: - Nov…. “Samuel Moss,” MABLE, Lisbon, 4000 qtls Labrador codfish, P&L Tessier. Nov …. “Edwin,” ELLIS, Gibraltar, 3200 qtls Labrador cofish, E. Duder. Port of Botwoodville. Entered: - May 18, “Atlanta” ANDERSEN, Tonsbert, ballast, Exploits Wood Co. June 21, “Emma,” ANDERSEN, London, 103 packages merchandise, Exploits Wood Co. Aug 10, “Atlanta,” ANDERSEN, London, ballast, Exploits Wood Co. Sept. 17, “S.S. Rydal Holme,” BROWN, Mary Port, 190 packages merchandise, Exploits Wood Co. Oct. 3, “Pacific,” ERIKSEN, Pictou, ballast, Exploits Wood Co. Oct. 17, “S.S. Tiber,” DELISLE, Montreal via St. John’s, general cargo, Exploits Wood Co. Oct 28, “S.S. Trafalgar,” COLLINSON, Sydney, ballast, Exploits Wood Co. Port of Botwoodville. Cleared: - June 5, “Atlanta,” ANDERSEN, London, 21,352 pieces pine lumber, Exploits Wood Co. July 13, “Emma, ANDERSEN, Liverpool, 28,292 pieces pine lumber, Exploits Wood Co. Aug. 25, “Atlanta,” ANDERSEN, Bristol, 8,913 pieces 3 in. deals, Exploits Wood Co.
November 19, 1892 Shipping News (Part 2) Sept. 28, “S.S. Rydal Holme,” BROWN, London 28,440 pieces pine lumber and 42,664 pieces 3 in. deals, Exploits Wood Co. Oct. 19, “S.S. Tiber,” DELISLE, Cow Bay, ballast, Exploits Wood Co. Oct 21, “Pacific,” ERIKSEN, Fleetwood, 3,249 pieces, pine boards and 14,103 Pieces 3 in deals, Exploits Wood Co. Nov. 8, “S.S. Trafalgar,” COLLISON, Glasgow 50,193 pieces ine board, and 27,750 pieces 3 in. deals, Exploits Wood Co. Cleared for Local Market: - June 23, “On Dit,” 11,069 ft. Exploits Wood Co. June 29, “Lizzie,” 68,985 ft. Exploits Wood Co. July 5, “Pet,” 62,355 ft. Exploits Wood Co. July 21, “Spanker,” 35,830 ft. Exploits Wood Co. July 22, “Lizzie,” 74,081 ft. Exploits Wood Co. July 23, “Modus Vivendi,” 65,800 ft. Exploits Wood Co. July 27, “S.S. Hercules,” 78,854 ft. Exploits Wood Co. July 28, “Maud,” 69,204, ft. Exploits Wood Co. July 28, W.H. Raymond, 56,281 ft. Exploits Wood Co. Aug. 2, “S.S. Hercules,” 81,825 ft. Exploits Wood Co. Aug. 11, “S.S. Hercules,” 76,232 ft. Exploits Wood Co. Aug 16, “Modus Vivendi,” 66,221 ft. Exploits Wood Co.
November 19, 1892 Shipping News (Part 3) Aug. 16, “Ohio,” 38,548 ft. Exploits Wood Co. Aug. 27, “S.S. Hercules,” 94,657 ft. Exploits Wood Co. Aug 30, “Spanker,” 36,664, ft. Exploits Wood Co. Sept. 1, “St. John,” 30.072, ft. Exploits Wood Co. Sept. 8, “Can’t Help It,” 39,837 ft. Exploits Wood Co. Sept. 9, “Modus Vivendi,” 66,259 ft. Exploits Wood Co. Sept. 21, “S.S. Hercules,” 84,328 ft. Exploits Wood Co. Sept. 23, “Agnes,” 11,006 ft. Exploits Wood Co. Sept. 24, “Vandvul,” 44,704 ft. Exploits Wood Co. Oct. 4, “Modus Vivendi,” 66,254, ft. Exploits Wood Co. Oct. 4, “S.S. Hercules,” 85,545, ft. Exploits Wood Co. Oct. 8, “Geranium,” 33,400 ft. Exploits Wood Co. Oct. 13,”Zero,” 50,286 ft. Exploits Wood Co. Oct. 13, “Marguerite,” 40,479, ft. Exploits Wood Co. Oct. 15, “Jeanie,” 77,302, ft. Exploits Wood Co. Oct. 20, “S.S. Hercules,” 85,079, ft. Exploits Wood Co. Oct. 21, “Hyacinth,” 60,708, ft. Exploits Wood Co. Oct. 24, “Saint John,” 37,853, ft. Exploits Wood Co. Nov. 5, “Notre Dame,” 29,299, ft. Exploits Wood Co. Nov. 5, “Modus Vivendi,” 54,408, ft. Exploits Wood Co. Nov. 9, “Annie,” 33,48, ft. Exploits Wood Co. Nov. 10, “Sweet Briar,” 30,696, ft. Exploits Wood Co.
November 19, 1892 Shipping News (Part 4) The “Lady Blandford,” Capt. Esau BLANDFORD, arrived at Herring Neck from St. John’s on Thursday night. The coastal steamer “Virginia Lake,” Capt. WALSH, arrived here between seven and eight o’clock last Sunday evening, returning South. Messrs. Andrew ROBERTS, sr., John CURTIS, C. EMERSON and W.G. SMITH took passage by her for St. John’s. The “Edwin,” Capt. ELLIS, cleared for Gibraltar on the 16th inst., with 3,200 Labrador codfish for the firm of E. DUDER, Esq., and the “Samuel Moss,” Capt. MABLY for Lisbon on the same day, with 4000 qtls. Labrador codfish for Messrs. P. & L. TESSIER. Several craft that have been on their way from St. John’s for some time past, have arrived during the week. We are happy to say that the Lily of the West, John PHILLIPS, concerning whose safety some anxiety was entertained, arrived Thursday night, having been for five weeks making the trip to St. John’s owing to the stormy weather which prevailed in the meantime.
November 19, 1892 Rebuilding at St. John's (Part 1) A Good Investment. – Messrs. MARSHALL & RODGER have purchased a lot of land on the South side of Water Street, on which Mr. S.O. STEELE’S dry goods store stood before the fire. The land is bounded on the East by the lot on which Mr. SCOTT’s grocery store used to stand - by the way. Mr. SCOTT has also purchased this property - and on the West by Fox’s archway. The lot has a seventy feet frontage and extends back about eighty feet. The new street-line will bring out the front of this property about fifteen feet. The whole of this land belonged to the TASKER estate, and was purchased by Messrs. BAINE, Johnston & Co., after the fire, and resold to the gentlemen named above. Messrs. Marshall & Rodger paid ten thousand dollars for their lot. Messrs. T. McMURDO & Co. are well on the road to completion with their new store, on the old site. They were the first to begin a permanent place in the new district, and will be finished first.
November 19, 1892 Rebuilding at St. John's (Part 2) Merchant’s block is going up, and will be finished by early spring. Messrs. AYRE & Sons have closed with their landlords, and will begin at once to rebuild. Mr. Mark CHAPLIN is going to build on the site formerly occupied by Chisholm’s book store; W.H. Mare, Son & Co. are going to have their offices on second flat of this building. It is on the cards that a local Joint Stock Company are negotiating for the land near where Tasker Terrance stood, for the purpose of erecting a mammoth theatre to be fitted with all modern improvements. The City Club are negotiating with Mr. John W. FORAN for the upper flat of the building in course of erection on Duckworth Street, near the Seaman’s Home. Messrs. HARVEY & Co. are pushing their new building ahead rapidly; Mr. Fred CORNICK, of the firm, is overseeing the work of construction on the premises. – Trade Review, October 17.
November 19, 1892 Rapid Growth of Botwoodville. (Part 1) Lumbering Business Booming. It will be seen by the shipping list appearing in another column today, that there has been a very large exportation of lumber from Botwoodville, Exploits Bay, the past season. A number of large steamers have been there from Great Britain, and they have taken away immense cargoes of deals and other kinds of lumber, which have been manufactured there from the huge logs of the forest. The cargo of one of these large steamers called the “Rydal Holme,” consisted of 28,440 pieces pine lumber, and 42,664 pieces of three inch deal, making in all 1,500,071 feet. One or two other steamers also took away over one million feet each, which will give some faint idea of the extensive lumbering operations that have been carried on in Botwoodville the past season. But in addition to this, the local market has been largely supplied by the Exploits Wood Co., and altogether, up to date, about thirty-four cargoes have gone to St. John’s and other parts of the colony, since the opening of navigation in the spring. We understand that a good deal of lumber still remains on hand, but it is probable that before navigation closes, a large quantity of it will have been disposed of and freighted to other parts of the colony.
November 19, 1892 Rapid Growth of Botwoodville. (Part 2) Preparations are being made for even more extensive operations for another year. This winter over three hundred men will be employed in the country, cutting logs and getting them ready for floating them out the rivers on the opening of spring. It can readily be seen that the company contemplates even a larger output of lumber another season, which means more employment for a large number of people. Botwoodville is an exceedingly busy lumbering center, and is being rapidly built up. When we had the pleasure of visiting it two or three months since, the Company were building a large shop and office, which we learn have since been completed. Another wharf 300 feet long and 125 feet wide, was in course of erection which has also been finished, and one or two large dwelling houses are now being erected, in addition to other improvements that are being made in and around that locality. We are pleased to hear of these improvements in that important section of Exploits Bay, and while the Company have such an efficient and energetic manager as Mr. NEILSON certainly is, the business can scarcely fail to prosper. He is zealous, not only of the Company’s interest, but likewise manifests a deep concern for the welfare of the workmen under his supervision.
November 19, 1892 Fogo News (Part 1) At the Police Office on Friday, the 11th inst. Thomas WILLIS was convicted on his own confession, of presenting a counterfeit credit note for $3.50 at the shop of Messrs. Owen & Earle, for the purpose of obtaining goods to that amount. Mr. Earle attended in person to prosecute, and the Magistrate, S. BAIRD, Esq., after stating the complaint to the prisoner, asked him if he was satisfied to have the case summarily disposed of and tried by him, or whether he would prefer having a jury and be tried at the Supreme Court. Prisoner replied he would prefer being tried by the Magistrate, and added, that he would acknowledge having committed the offence. The Magistrate in passing judgment, alluded to the fact that the prisoner could not plead poverty or distress as an excuse for his dishonesty, and considering all the circumstances, he adjudged the prisoner to pay a fine of twenty dollars, including costs, or two months imprisonment in Twillingate jail. A cruel and inhuman outrage was committed at Joe Batt’s Arm last week by some person or persons at present unknown.
November 19, 1892 Fogo News (Part 2) A fine milch cow, and property of John JACOBS of the harbor, had wandered away in the woods, and the owner postponed a search for her at night, thinking she would return as usual of her own accord. On the next morning she was found bleeding and dreadfully wounded, with a deep gash apparently inflicted by a hatchet or axe. The owner complained to the Magistrate of the outrage the same day, but could give no information that might lead to the detection of the guilty parties. It is to be hoped that the brute who committed this dastardly outrage, may soon be made amenable to justice. We regret to have to record the death of Mr. Samuel WELLS of Back Harbor, Twillingate at this port on Sunday morning last 13th inst. We understand the deceased had been complaining of a disordered stomach for some time past, and in the morning stated, he was brought ashore from the schooner to obtain the Doctor’s attendance and advice, and was lodged with Mrs. RATFORD, but unhappily all means of relieving him failed, and in about one hour from being brought ashore, he breathed his last. The deceased suffered greatly the night previous to his death, but we believe was fully conscious during the time. He leaves a large family to whom we tender our sincere sympathy.
November 19, 1892 Marriage Tilt Cove, Nov 11. (To the Editor Twillingate Sun). Dear Sir: - Permit me, through the columns, to say a few words about an interesting event, which occurred here on the evening of the 10th. At 8 o’clock, Christ Church was filled to witness the marriage of Mr. John ANTLE, one of Terra Nova’s stateliest sons, to Miss Annie BOON, companion to the daughter of W.R. TOMS, Esq., J.P., the respected Manager of the mine. The fair bride, who is acknowledged by all to be the bell of Tilt Cove, was attired in ruby velvet and wore a veil, and a wreath of daisies, the gift of her sister. The four bridesmaids were suitable attired for the occasion The bridegroom and groomsmen wore beautiful bouquet kindly presented by Mr. CUNNINGHAM. The Manager, owing to a slight indisposition, was unable, as had been his intention, to give away the bride, in consequence of which, his place was filled by Mr. Samuel BOON, brother of the bride. The ceremony, which was most impressive, was conducted by the Rev. Arthur PITTMAN. Mr. COTLIN presided at the organ in a most able and efficient manner. After the ceremony, the bridal party proceeded, together with a number of guests, to Hawthorn Villa, the residence of the bridegroom’s father, where a most magnificent supper was awaiting them. The festivities were kept up until a late hour. The young couple have the best wishes of the community. I am, dear Mr. Editor, Yours truly, Improvisatore.
November 19, 1892 Winter Work A large number of families from here, as well as from the surrounding localities, are taking up their winter quarters in the various bays, where our people will be employed in shipbuilding, lumbering, &c. It is a grand thing that such opportunities are presented of earning something during the long winter towards supporting their families, particularly those who have been unfortunate at the fisheries the past summer.
November 19, 1892 Illness There have been two or three cases of typhoid fever at Herring Neck of late. We learn that the recent outbreak of diphtheria at Fortune Harbor has been confined to one or two families. Three deaths have taken place there from the disease, one of them being Mrs. FOLEY, leaving behind her a husband and several small children. Fr. SCOTT visited Fortune Harbor and prescribed medical treatment to those afflicted with the disease. We learn from the Rev. G.S. CHAMBERLAIN, who has lately been visiting Change Islands, that diphtheria is again prevalent in that community. Mrs. John TAYLOR and three children died there from the dreadful disease.
November 19, 1892 Death Mr. Samuel WELLS of Back Harbor, died somewhat suddenly at Fogo on Sunday morning last. He left here the Monday before on the “Minnie F.”, being one of the crew, a small craft belonging to Mr. James HODDER, and was only taken sick the night before he died. The craft returned on Thursday bringing the remains of deceased, which were interred in the Church of England Cemetery yesterday afternoon. Mr. WELLS was a widower but leaves several children to mourn the loss of a kind and affectionate father.
November 19, 1892 Notice A small sum of money was picked up several days ago at Crow Head, by Mrs. PHILPOT of that place. The owner may have the same by applying to her.
November 19, 1892 Local News A cargo of turnips, carrots and other vegetables was selling here the early part of the week. The produce was from Mr. MUTCH’S farm, Ragged Harbor, and of a very good quality. Herrings have been very scarce in Friday’s Bay this season, and up to date, very few barrels have been caught. They have not appeared to be at all plentiful along this part of the coast this Fall.
November 19, 1892 Marriage Married. On the 12th inst., at Iceville, Tilt Cove, by the Rev. R.M. SHEAN, Mr. J. O’ROURKE of Conception Bay, to Miss Alice GORDON of Fleur de Lys.
November 19, 1892 Marriage Married. On the 15th inst., at the Church of St. Margaret Virgin and Martyr, Change Islands by the Rev. G.S. CHAMBERLAIN, incumbent, and MSPO, David HOFFE to Ethelina, relict of the late Joseph COVEYDUCK.
November 19, 1892 Death Carrie ASHBOURNE, whose death was announced last week’s Sun, was 8 years and 8 months old. She was sick with inflammation and was four or five weeks confined to bed, suffering a good deal of pain much of the time, and passed calmly away on the night of Friday the 11th inst. She was the youngest daughter of Mr. Thomas ASHBOURNE, and was a very smart, intelligent little girl for her age, being a favorite of her schoolmates and all acquainted with her.

November 26, 1892 Marriage Married. On the 17th. inst., at the Church of St. Margaret the Virgin and Martyr, Herring Neck, by the Rev. G.S. CHAMBERLAIN, Incumbent, Mr. Thomas WARREN to Miss Edith KING.
November 26, 1892 Incendiarism In The West End About 10:30 last night, and attempt was made to set fire to the business premises occupied by Mr. C. PITMAN in the West end of the city. There can be no question that an incendiary was at work with malicious purpose here. The Carpenters who did some repairs to the building last evening, left it unfinished. There was no clapboard on the outside, and the shaving lying along on the floor of the inside department, could be seen through the openings of the rough board, from the avenue leading to STEWART’s wharf, and it was from this position that the shavings were ignited. The kerosene oil stand was close by where the fire was discovered, and there can be no doubt that if the fire had reached this before discovery, another big blaze would have been the result. Some well directed attempt should be made to find out the guilty party, in order that he might receive some proper treatment by the rigorous hand of the law, and that others entertaining thoughts of conflagrations and plunder, might be deterred from executing their malicious intentions. The fire was discovered and extinguished by a clerk in the employ of Messrs. J. & W. Stewart.
November 26, 1892 Marriage On the 10th. inst., by the Rev. Jabez HILL, Mr. Geo. SPENCER, North Side, to Miss Mary Jane SMITH of Wild Cove.
November 26, 1892 Marriage On the 15th. inst., by the same, Mr. Isaac BENDALL, South Side, to Miss Rosanna GILLARD of Gillard’s Cove.
November 26, 1892 Marriage On the 23rd. inst., by the same, Mr. George BROMLET to Miss Thirsa GILLETT, both of Farmer’s Arm.
November 26, 1892 Marriage On the 24th. inst., by the same, Mr. Ambrose Wm. BUTT, Carter’s Cove to Miss Mary Ann BURT of Burnt Cove, Friday’s Bay.
November 26, 1892 Marriage On the 16th. inst., at the Methodist Church, Herring Neck, by the Rev. S. STONEY, Mr. Isaac HURLEY to Miss Bessie TAYLOR, both of that place.
November 26, 1892 Marriage On the same day at the same place by the same, Mr. Theodore RICE to Miss Abigail RICHMOND, both of that place.
November 26, 1892 Marriage On the same day, at the same place by the same, Mr. David GRIMES to Miss Emma CAREY, both of that place.
November 26, 1892 Death Died Suddenly, at Gillard’s Cove on Thursday night, Elizabeth, beloved wife of Mr. John GILLARD, aged 54 years.
November 26, 1892 Shipping News The “Charles Napier,” Capt. BRAY, sailed for Lisbon on Thursday morning, with a cargo of shore and Labrador codfish for the firm of Messrs. Owen & Earle. The “Mary Parker,” Capt. CARTER, arrived from St. John’s last Sunday afternoon, and is now loaded and awaiting a time back, which will probably be the last trip for the season. The S.S. Winsor Lake is now moored in the municipal basin. Her ballast has been discharged and she is now being stripped of her sheathing to the waters edge preparatory to entering the dock for a thorough repair. – Evening Herald, Nov. 16. The S.S. Mastiff is expected to leave for Swain’s Island in a fortnight’s time. She will lay up there and prosecute the Northern seal fishery under Capt. Jacob WINDSOR of that place. Capt. S. HAWKINS goes in her as Sailing Master. – Evening Herald. The coastal steamer Virginia Lake called here Sunday afternoon going North. When leaving here, it was thought that she would have been back, returning to St. John’s, before today, but the weather being foggy and stormy nearly all the week, there was no report of her being in the Bay up to this morning. The trip this time extends to Griquet as usual.
November 26, 1892 A Valuable Find One of the workmen while engaged last week on the Harvey Street extension at St. John’s, loosened a piece of earth with his pick axe and, turning it over, discovered three English sovereigns, genuine but somewhat discolored. Much time did not elapse before he had invested his “find” in a brand new suit of clothes. – H.G. Standard.
November 26, 1892 Sad Accident at Catalina A Catalina correspondent to the Trinity Record says that a very sad accident, which has thrown a feeling of gloom over the whole community, occurred here on Thursday morning last (Nov 3). Capt. Wm. LODGE was at the mainmast head, engaged in sending down the maintopmast, when the head of the mainmast, (which was sprung, but not supposed to be so bad) broke short off, precipitating the unfortunate man to the deck. He fell across the rail, breaking his thigh, and receiving such severe and internal injuries, as precluded any possible hopes of recovery. He was carefully conveyed to the residence of B. SNELGROVE, Esq., and Dr. MacKAY was promptly in attendance. Dr. FORBES of Bonavista was telegraphed for, and also arrived on the scene as soon as possible. But surgical skill, or the most careful and kindly attention, were of no avail, and after lying in an unconscious state until Friday 11p.m., the poor man breathed his last. Capt. LODGE was one of our most popular and successful banking skippers, and has been from his earliest days, one of the most trusted employed, both at sea and ashore, of the firm of B. Snelgrove & Sons.
November 26, 1892 New Coastal Premises The Coastal Company have, it is stated, concluded arrangements for the taking over of the premises known as Brookings, where their headquarters will, for the future, be established. A fine pier will be built for the accommodation of the steamers, the requisite storage, offices, etc., will be provided, and Messrs. Alex. HARVEY & Co’s bakery will be re-established on the same site, it having been resolved to abandon the former locality. The bakery store there, which escaped Sunday’s fire, will be turned into a tobacco factory, and extension of forty feet being made to render it sufficiently large for the requirements. Brookings premises are a very eligible situation for the above service, being considerably nearer business centers than the former location, and by having two entrances thereto, which are proposed, the present [?] another to the public cove just [?] the place, the maximum facilities will be afforded for the handling of freight. Work is now being commenced at the removal of the debris, …… which being concluded, the construction of the pier and buildings will be begun. – Evening Herald.

December 3, 1892 New Bay Items We are indebted to our New Bay correspondent under date of the 23rd ult., for the following news items: Capt. JENNINGS and Lieut. CLARKE came here by last steamer, but as far as we can see, their services are not required here, only to cause division; they are from the Salvation Army. The schooner, Aberica [name not clear] left for St. John’s the 15th., the weather being so unfavourable for fish making, they were delayed a long time past what they expected.
December 3, 1892 The Miracles of Railroads On Saturday, a mail was dispatched from Gambo by the Hall’s Bay railroad, early in the morning, and was delivered at the General Post Office in St. John’s, at half-past three o’clock of the same day. The distance from St. John’s to Whitbourne is 57 miles; from Whitbourne to Gambo 145 and a half miles; or 202 and a half miles in 11 hours, including stoppages! Think of this dumb messenger, rushing through the wilds of a country where the foot of white man has left no mark: where the wild deer and sly renard have been in full possession during all the centuries of the past! Now, the screech of the steam whistle startles the denizons of the forest, causing the fleet deer to throw back his antlers in alarm, on finding his territory invaded by a competitor, that passed him like the wind. The old belief was that a railroad could not be operated in Newfoundland; that passengers would not risk their lives on board; that the only freight passing by train would be a few tubs of blue berries and barrels of eggs! Such ideas have been exploded long ago. Who now would be content to have the Harbor Grace railroad shut off? Nor can it be shown, that ought but decided benefits, would result from an extension of the railroad across the country. Men only stultify humanity who argue in opposition. On the first of December, Bonavista and Trinity Bays will be served with weekly and bi-weekly mails by the Hall’s Bay railroad, which boon will extend to Tilt Cove, during the winter. Success to railroads! – Evening Telegram.
December 3, 1892 Death A few evenings ago at Wolfville, Everett BROWN, aged 14 years, son of John L. BROWN, Blacksmith, was noticed by his mother to leave the sitting room and go into the kitchen. Later, his mother heard a slight noise, but paid no attention to it. Her son not returning, she repaired to the kitchen, and there found him strangled. He had wound himself around in the washstand roller. A Doctor was called, but could not restore life. – H.G. Standard, Nov.16.
December 3, 1892 Death Our community has been startled lately by several rather sudden visitations of the stern hand of death. We regret to record the demise of one of the leading men of South Island. On Thursday, Mr. And Mrs. Thos. ASHBOURN drove to North Side on business, and at their usual time, retired to rest. About 11 o’clock, Mr. ASHBOURN, (who last year had been very ill but recovered sufficiently to prosecute the Labrador voyage as usual, and since his return has been in fairly good health,) complained of being ill. At once, Medical and other aid was at hand, but in less than two hours, the end had come, and to-day we mourn with the friends in the loss of a useful citizen, kind husband and indulgent father. Deceased was a prominent member of L.O.A. and S.U.F. We extend our sympathy to xxxxxx [word unclear] in this severe visitation of Providence.
December 3, 1892 Letter to the Editor Tilt Cove, Nov 23rd, 1892 (To the Editor of the Twillingate Sun.) Dear Sir, Will you kindly allow me to correct, through the medium of your valuable paper, an error in your issue of the 19th inst, which occurred in the letter from your effusive and facetious correspondent “Improvisatore”, with reference to the wedding of Miss A. BOONE and Mr. J. ANTLE. Said correspondent states that the bride was companion to the daughter of W.R. TOMS, Esq., J.P. What your correspondent doubtless intended to say, was that the bride was for some time, domestic servant to W.R. TOMS, Esq., J.P. Is the above a printers error, or ignorance on the part of your able correspondent? Trusting you will find space for inserting this, I remain, Yours very truly, Omega.
December 3, 1892 New First Clerk of the Post Office We understand that Mr. A.W. MARTIN has been appointed First Clerk of the General Post Office, in the room of the late Mr. John FREEMAN, whose demise took place a few weeks since. Mr. MARTIN is a comparatively young man, of excellent qualifications for any position of trust and responsibility, and we are confident, the public will find in him a courteous and obliging official. He is well and favorably known in connection with Church and temperance work, and very popular with all classes in the West End of the city. We congratulate Mr. MARTIN on his appointment. – Evening Telegram
December 3, 1892 Local and General News The Lord Chancellor uses 4 cwt. of sealing wax every month for the Great Seal, of which he alone is custodian. The schooner Sunrise, Jonathan BURT Master, left here on Thursday for St. John’s, with a load of codfish for J.R. TOBIN, Esq. Mechanics and laborers from every district in the Island, are now in St. John’s, and few of them but have received employment. Gower Street will be one of the finest in the city when thoroughly built up. Standing at the English Cathedral, one has an unbroken view as far as the cross, near the Railway depot. Should the buildings yet to erected on it, be of the same size and quality as those already in course of completion, they will lend greatly to the health and beauty of the locality. – Daily Tribune.
December 3, 1892 Shipping News The Flamingo, James SEVIOUR Master, left St. John’s on Thursday 24th ult., and was out in the gale, but succeeded in getting up to Gander Bay until the storm abated, and reached Twillingate on Monday morning. The coastal steamer Virginia Lake, reached this port about eleven o’clock on Sunday night returning South, and remained the usual time. Several passengers embarked here, among the number were J.B. TOBIN, Esq., Miss TOBIN, Messrs. W.J. WELLS and J.P. THOMPSON. During the gale on Friday the 25th ult., we learn two schooners were slightly damaged. The Hunter, Levi YOUNG Master, went ashore. The Manitoba, Phillip YOUNG Master, broke her chains, and drifted some distance from the place she was moored. The Princess May, lying at the wharf of E. DUDER, Esq., had to be let clear, and run to Shoal Tickle for shelter.
December 3, 1892 Death The late Mrs. GILLARD, who died suddenly last week at Bluff Head, was buried at Old House Cove Cemetery on Monday afternoon. An appropriate sermon, was preached by the Rev. G. DRAKE, to a large congregation, the text being taken from Matthew 24th c. 44iii v. There were many friends who followed deceased to her last resting place. We sympathize with those who are bereaved by their loss.
December 3, 1892 Nova Scotia Apples The Nova Scotia shippers of apples, to England this season, are not satisfied with the returns. The English sales did not net the sales at Halifax and other places. This is not to be wondered at, as the English market ought to be pretty well glutted. Besides the Nova Scotia shipments, upwards of 106,000 barrels have already been shipped to England from Montreal. Then there were a few hundred thousand barrels shipped from United States ports to England.
December 3, 1892 Marriage Marriage On the 14th ult at Christ Church, Tilt Cove by the Rev. A. PITTMAN, Rector, Mr. Joshua HIBBS, to Miss Susanna PROWL.
December 3, 1892 Marriage On the same day by the same, in the School Chapel at Round Harbor, Mr. Eli COLLINS to Miss Lilia Sarah PEARCE.
December 3, 1892 Marriage On the 17th ult., in Christ Church, Tilt Cove by the same, Mr Francis THOMAS to Miss Lavinia Elizabeth PORTER.
December 3, 1892 Marriage At New Bay, by the Rev. Mr. FRASER, Mr. Frederick B. MOORS to Miss Phoebe Maria MOORS, third daughter of Mr. Isaac STUCKLESS.
December 3, 1892 Death Died Suddenly, at Farmer’s Arm, on Thursday night, Mr. Thomas ASHBOURNE, aged 51 years.

Dec 10, 1892Testimonial to Mr. W.G. SMITH. (Pt. 1)On Leaving Twillingate. Mr. W. G. SMITH late teacher of the Arm Methodist School, came here per "Virginia Lake" on Tuesday last, prior to his leaving for his new sphere of duty in Wesleyville, where he goes by return steamer, to the charge of an important school which the intelligent residents of that "rising" place are desirous of establishing in their midst. Mr. SMITH is a first grade teacher and came here a little more that a year since to take charge of the Arm school. He appeared to be very well liked as a teacher and had the good will of all classes of the community. He took considerable interest in the advancement of the pupils under his tuition, and the fact that he had a much larger attendance, than ever was on register under any previous teacher, is an evidence of the appreciation in which his services were held by the people. We understand that Mr. SMITH, in addition to other subjects, is an excellent teacher of Navigation, and as this is a branch of study which many of our young men are desirous of acquiring during the winter months, his removal is the more to be regretted. The following address was presented to him yesterday, which testifies to the esteem in which Mr. SMITH was held. We join with his many friends in wishing him every success in the future.
Dec 10, 1892Testimonial to Mr. W.G. SMITH. (Pt. 2)Address: (Twillingate, Dec 1802) Mr. W. G. SMITH, Dear Sir, - We, the undersigned, having heard that you are about to leave our community for a new sphere of labor, beg to express our deep regret, that circumstances have arisen, which brought about this result. You were welcomed here on coming from College as a first grade teacher, and the growth of the school under your charge speaks for itself. You are to be congratulated on having made many warm friends of all classes during your stay, which unfortunately has been abruptly terminated. We trust however, our loss will be your gain, and wishing you every success and Heaven's blessing wherever your lot may be cast in the future, We subscribe ourselves, Yours faithfully, (This address was numerously signed by influential citizens of all denominations on both sides of the harbor, which space prevents publishing in full, and not wishing to make individual distinctions, all are omitted.) Reply: Twillingate, Dec. 10th. My Dear Friends: - Your kind address has struck a chord in my nature, so that the vibration will never cease. My efforts since I came among you, have been directed for the establishment of manly, and kind feeling between us, that we might be held together by the strong bond of union and sympathy. The noble tribute of kindness which you have shown me during my sojourn among you, amply rewards me for my labours. I deeply regret my leaving you, but the force of circumstances which you all know, has made it a necessity. I can truly say that in leaving Twillingate I am leaving Home. Trusting that a kind Providence will be over you with benign feelings, and that I may continue to have your good will, I am yours, ever faithfully, W.G. SMITH.
Dec 10, 1892Dangerous Sliding(To the Editor of the Twillingate Sun.) Dear Sir, - Will you kindly allow me space in your valuable paper to call attention to a practice which is, I fear, becoming dangerously prevalent in our midst. For the past few evenings Church Hill has been the scene of a certain amusement, which was doubtless most enjoyable to the participators, but might have proved fatal to pedestrians. I allude to the dangerous practice of Sliding. Now, Mr. Editor, in all fairness to the delinquents, ought this be allowed to continue? The people of Back Harbor and Wild Cove must pass Church Hill when returning from Front Harbour, but after the scenes witnessed this week, I fear they do so at the risk of their lives. If boys were the sole offenders in this respect, one would feel inclined to be more lenient, but when members of the fair sex violate the law, what can we expect from the younger portion of the community. In conclusion I trust that when in future these young ladies are at a loss for a fashionable amusement, their originality will invent a pastime equally pleasant, but less dangerous to the lives of our citizens. Thanking you for space I am, dear Mr. Editor, Yours very truly, A Member of the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals - and Human Beings. Twillingate, Dec. 9.
Dec 10, 1892Disaster ReliefReport of the Trinity Bay Relief Committee to the Governor. Sir: - The Committee appointed by your Excellency to collect and distribute the Fund subscribed for the relief of the sufferers, by the disaster of February 27th, 1892, in Trinity Bay, Newfoundland, beg to report - That the total of the subscriptions received by the Committee and acknowledged through the public press, amounted to the magnificent sum of $8203. After careful inquiry made into the circumstances of the survivors, and the families of the men who were lost, the Committee took steps for the relief of their immediate needs, expending at once the sum of $435. This provided for the pressing wants of the seventeen families who had suffered by the disaster. The Committee then proceeded further to procure exact statistical information as to the number of widows and orphans left by those who perished as also of the ages and sexes of the latter. They found that there were eleven widows; and twenty-one orphan children under the age of fourteen years - nine boys and twelve girls. Besides these, there were five families which had lost the help of young men, and were in need of aid. Two men were also seriously injured by frost. One young woman, twenty-four years of age, an imbecile, who had lost her father; and two aged men - one with wife living, who had lost their bread winners. The Committee have drawn up a scheme providing first for the orphan children until they shall respectfully reach the age of fourteen years. Next for the widows, providing for them an allowance for varying terms, ranging from three to seven years, according to their needs. The rest of the sufferers are also included in the scheme as their circumstances seemed to the committee to require. Several amounts have been paid also to those who rendered assistance at the time such as seemed equitable on enquiry.
Dec 10, 1892The Rev. P.G. Snow RelocatesThe Rev. P.G. SNOW. Removes from Exploits Mission. The Rev. P.G. SNOW, who for the past three or four years has been labouring on Exploits Mission with much acceptance to the flock under his care, has recently been advanced by the Lord Bishop of Newfoundland to the charge of Spaniards Bay mission, and the Rev. gentleman went to St. John's by the last steamer going South, en route for his new field of labor. The Rev. Mr. SNOW is a zealous and devoted clergyman, and while on Exploits mission endeared himself to the hearts of his people, who very much regret his removal from them. We wish him every success on his new mission. Referring to the Rev. gentlemen's transfer, the Evening Telegram of the 1st inst., says: "The Rev. P.G. SNOW of St. John's East, Church of England clergyman, who had been in charge of Exploits, Notre Dame Bay, has been advanced by the Lord Bishop to the charge of Spaniard's Bay, Conception Bay. The charge at Exploits embraces something over eight hundred persons, scattered over a circuit of one hundred and eighty-nine miles. which necessitates much hard travelling. For a zealous clergyman, such as the Rev. Mr. SNOW, Spaniard's Bay is a more compact mission, but it has a larger number of church people, nearly fifteen hundred. The reverend gentleman in question came passenger by the s.s. Virginia Lake from his late mission and will proceed with all haste to his new one. The regret expressed by the good people of Exploits at the loss and absence of him, shall have to be balanced by his presence and gain to the good people of Spaniard's Bay. Thus far this clergyman has fought a good fight in many senses; he is winning distinction, and he is fully worthy of every particle of the great respect shewn him. Many of the church people here in St. John's are anxious to hear him preach, but now that he is so very busy about establishing himself in his new home, it would, perhaps, be unreasonable to ask him. We shall hear him by-and-by; meanwhile, we tender him congratulations."
Dec 10, 1892PassengersThe coastal steamer "Virginia Lake," Capt. WALSH, left St. John's Saturday morning and arrived here Tuesday evening. Thick, foggy weather prevented her from getting along as early as usual. The steamer goes to Griquet this trip and may be looked for, returning South, Monday or Tuesday. Annexed is the list of passengers:- Old Perlican - Mr. Eli MARCH, Mrs MOREY. Trinity - Miss HUSSEY, Miss MERCER, Miss WISEMAN, Mr. D.C. WEBBER. Catalina - Miss HART, Mrs. WALSH, Miss WHITE, Mr. McCORMACK, Mrs. COLERIDGE. Kings Cove - L. MOSS. Greenspond - Mrs. ELGAR, Miss SQUIRES, Mr. F. WHITE. Seldom Come By - Mr. PHILLIPS. Herring Neck - Messrs. BLANDFORD and W. COAKER. Twillingate - Messrs. THOMPSON, W.G. SMITH, Henry PIPPY. Moreton's Harbor - Miss OSMOND. Pilleys Island - Messrs. A. SIMMS, W. BLACKLER, W. ROBERTS. Little Bay - Messrs. J. LAMB, J.C. THOMPSON, P. BURKE, ANSTY, Jas. WALSH. Griquet - Mr. ALCOCK. 36 steerage for different ports. From Trinity to Little Bay - Mr. R. CURRIE. From Kings Cove to Tilt Cove - Mr. J. T. COFFIN. From Fogo to Twillingate - Mr. W. BAIRD. From Herring Neck to Twillingate - Mr. J. LOCKYER.
Dec 10, 1892ShippingThe steamer "Matilda," belonging to R. SCOTT, Esq., Fogo, came here from Little Bay on Wednesday, and left for Fogo early yesterday morning. The "Jubilee," Stephen NEWMAN, master, arrived from the White Bay on Wednesday night. She was engaged trading and collecting for J.B. TOBIN, Esq., and brought back a cargo of fish, &c., and left for St.John's this morning. The schooner "Tamarack," Capt. J. HISCOTT, left for St. John's this morning with a load of fish for E. DUDER, Esq. The "Mary Parker", Capt. CARTER, left Herring Neck for St. John's on Monday last. She will not come North again this season. The schooner "Orion", Edward WHITE, master, and the "St. John," Philip WELLS, each loaded with fish, left for St. John's on Monday morning. The "Virginia Lake" will probably make two more trips North before navigation closes.
Dec 10, 1892WeatherThe weather has been dry and hard the past week, and there is just enough snow down to make good sleighing. There has been no severe frost yet.
Dec 10, 1892Damage to ShipsThe schooners that were driven ashore in the late gale, namely the "Manitoba" and "Hunter", were both very seriously damaged and not slightly, as inaccurately reported in last paper. The Manitoba had part of her keel carried away and sustained other serious damages, and the Hunter is likely to become a total wreck.
Dec 10, 1892FuneralThe funeral of the late Mr. Thomas ASHBOURNE took place on Sunday afternoon last and was one of the largest ever witnessed in the community. The Orange and United Fishermen societies, of which he was a worthy member, attended in procession, and crowds of persons from all parts, which shows the great respect in which the deceased was held. His remains were interred in the Church of England cemetery, connected with St. Andrew's Church, the ceremonies being performed by the Rev. R. TEMPLE, R.D., who preached a very suitable and impressive discourse on the occasion.
Dec 10, 1892Court CaseInformation having been given to Constable Burt of Fogo that John Hynes, of that place, sold intoxicating liquors, contrary to the spirit of the Local Option Act which is in operation, he proceeded to prosecute Hynes, who was summoned before the Stipendiary Magistrate (S. Baird, Esq.,) on the charge made against him. The case was to be tried on Tuesday last, but in the meantime the accused acknowledged his guilt, and when he appeared before the court, all that the magistrate had to do was to pronounce sentence, and for the unlawful selling of spirituous liquors he was fined twenty dollars and costs. The Magistrate warned him, as well as all others, against the illicit sale of liquors, and gave them to understand that he would not deal so leniently with the guilty parties, in the event of another breach of the Local Option Act coming before him.

December 17, 1892Letter To The Editor"Santa Claus" Advice. (To the Editor of the Twillingate Sun). Dear Sir. -- I am a man of few words, and not given to letter writing for newspapers, but I feel there are some busy-bodies in this place who need a little advice and for them this letter is written. Now, sir, the busiest of these busy-bodies is the chap who wrote that piece called "Dangerous Sliding," and put it in the Sun last Saturday. It is a queer thing if these maids can't go a merry making without meddlesome folks finding fault with them. My advice to that gentleman is. - not to be so free with his pen and his long words; for I know him sir, and as sure as he tries his little tricks again, he will hear from me. And since advice is so cheap, I say to those maids, - enjoy yourselves while you can; and that you may have plenty of snow and frost for your sliding, and a very merry Christmas, is the wish of your old friend, Santa Claus. Twillingate, Dec. 16, 1892.
December 17, 1892Accident With a HorseA Horse Goes Away on a Stampede. "One Man Gets His Two Legs Broken - Another Sustains Slighter Injuries. About 3 o'clock this afternoon a serious accident occurred on Barnes' Road. Mr. John HENNEBURY, coachman, with Mr. J.H. MARTIN, was driving the horse, yoked to a cart, down there; a man named STANSBURY being with him at the time. The horse went away on a stampede. STANBURY [Note different spelling, but this is exactly as printed - gw.] was thrown off in the mud, had his hands scratched, and received other slight injuries. HENNEBURY held on 'till the car collided with a telephone pole, near Mr. GILLARD's residence. He was then thrown to the ground. The shaft of the cart broke and the harness having burst, the horse scampered away with it towards Hoylestown, where the driver lives, and was not stopped 'till it neared the Railway Depot. Mr. HENNEBURY was meanwhile attended to, and it was unfortunately found, that his two legs were broken between the ankles and knees. He was picked up and soon afterwards driven to the hospital, and a couple of doctors were summoned to give him their attention. - Evening Telegram, November 28.
December 17, 1892AdvertisementA steam saw shingle mill is advertised in our columns, for sale, by Mr. B.J. BOYLE, of Little Bay, which might prove a profitable investment for capitalists.
December 17, 1892AdvertisementThe property of the late Mr. Simon SMALL of Tizzard's Harbor, (consisting of dwelling house, store, water side premises, &c.) is offered for sale in our advertising columns, which would probably make a good investment for any young man starting in life.
December 17, 1892Christmas SaleWe understand that the ladies of Little Bay Island intend holding a Xmas Tree on Dec. 24th, and a Sale of Work, Tea and Concert on the 26th., on behalf of furnishing the Methodist Parsonage of that place. No doubt they would be glad to receive all the outside help that could be given them.
December 17, 1892Ship DeparturesThe schooner "Dorothy," Samuel YOUNG, master, left for St. John's on Monday morning with a cargo of fish for J.B. TOBIN, Esq. She had a splendid time and made the run in twenty-four hours. The "Six Brothers", James YOUNG, master, left for St. John's on Tuesday, also the "Endurance," J. CHURCHILL, master, and both had a fine run there.
December 17, 1892PassengersThe coastal steamer "Virginia Lake", Capt. WALSH arrived here Tuesday evening going to St. John's, having a large number of passengers and nearly a full freight. The Weather had been foggy in White Bay which detained the steamer longer than otherwise. She remained here until the next morning and then left for other ports of call south. The following took passage here for the Metropolis: Mrs. TOBIN, Rev. Mr. ANDREWS, Messrs. John CURTIS, Andres LINFIELD, Andrew ROBERTS ,jr., and Edward ROBERTS. For Pools Island - Mrs. W.G. SMITH, Fogo - Mr. C. D. MAYNE.
December 17, 1892DeathsThe hand of death has been busy in our community the past few weeks, and old and young alike have had to succumb to its decree. On Thursday afternoon there were two funerals in St. Peter's Church at the same time. Mrs. Hannah COLBOURNE, an old and respected resident of this place, who, after a few weeks illness, calmly entered into rest on Monday night, at the advanced age of 72 years, and her remains were interred in the Church of England Cemetery on the afternoon referred to, deeply regretted by a large circle of relatives and friends. The other was that of Mary Anna INDER, a young woman in her 21st year, and only daughter of Mr. Samuel INDER. She had been sick of consumption for some months, and died on Monday morning. A suitable address was given on the occasion by Rev. R. TEMPLE, R.D., who performed the funeral rites. To those bereaved we tender sincere sympathy.
December 17, 1892Correction to Marriage NoticesIn the marriage notices in our issue of the 3rd. inst., the name "Miss Phoebe Maria MOORES" should have read "Miss Phoebe Maria STUCKLESS", the mistake being made by our correspondent.
Dec. 17, 1892Little Bay IslandFor some time past, the Methodist friends of Little Bay Island have been making an effort to introduce instrumental singing into their services, and we are pleased to learn that on Sunday last, Dec. 11th, a $90 Mason & Hamlin organ was opened in the above church, the pastor, (Rev. W. REX) preaching on the occasion from Psalm C.L. The collection was $5.04. We understand that $58 has been collected by Miss F. WISEMAN towards paying for the instrument and $7.90 by Miss CHOWN in Little Bay, leaving about $20 for them to raise. This is very good for the Methodist people of Little Bay Island who are to be congratulated on the introduction of so valuable an auxiliary to the singing in their public religious services.
Dec. 17, 1892Hall's BayThe steamer Hercules called here Sunday afternoon last en route for Hall’s Bay and Botwoodville, Exploits Bay. She had on board a boiler and machinery for a saw mill for Mr. George CLARKE whose property it will be remembered was destroyed by fire there a few months ago. After landing her freight for Hall’s Bay the Hercules started for Botwoodville for lumber but could not get any further than Sandy Point, as the bay from that up was frozen over and she could not venture to Botwoodville for fear of being jammed in the bay by ice. The steamer was in port again on Thursday evening returning to St. John’s and Mr. W. H. L th ridge [LETHBRIDGE?] took passage by her.
Dec. 17, 1892Fortune HarborCapt. J. LANNEN, of Fortune Harbor, Green Bay, is now in this city, with his schr. Westville, which he is fitting out and getting ready for next season’s seal fishery. This is a new departure for Capt. LANNEN, and we wish him every success, the more so as the vessel in which he will make his quest is one which has always been associated with good luck for her owners. Capt. BRAGG, of the Ranger formerly owned and “went to the ice” in the Westville, and his successful trips therein, speedily assured him promotion to a steamer. Evening Herald Nov. 26.
Dec. 17, 1892PlacentiaMr. John W. FORAN, who recently bought the Silver Cliff Mine at Placentia, is very sanguine of the future success of the place. There are a few men working there at present, but it is anticipated to put on hundreds in the spring. The mine contains silver, lead, and slight tracings of gold. There is a fine specimen of ore, from the mine, on exhibition at the museum. It is worth seeing. Trade Review.
Dec. 17, 1892Seldom Come ByCapt. Jonathan BRETT, of the schr. Souris Light, has been selected to take command of Messrs. P. & I. TESSIER'S sealer Walrus at the ice, and she will sail, it is thought probable, from Seldom-Come-By. Capt. BRETT is an old sealer, and has demonstrated his ability by several schooner loads of seals brought in of late years. The owners have therefore shown commendable judgement in his selection, and we have no doubt he will get his share of the season’s catch. -Evening Herald.
Dec. 17, 1892St. John'sMr. Mark CHAPLIN is having a new brick building for his tailoring business erected on Young’s estate, Water Street, east of Clift’s cove. It will be a basement and three storeys high. Mr. S. GARRETT is the contractor. “Long Live the King.” - Evening Telegram.
Dec. 17, 1892New Bay"Our New Bay correspondent says that there has been good work done on the roads there the past Fall and that the money has been well spent. He further says: For the past two weeks people have been suffering from severe colds, especially children, consequently school time has been broken a great deal. A few families have moved in the bay to try and earn a little. On the whole the summer was not so good as last, but it has been fair; a little better home, but not nearly as good on the Labrador. "
Dec. 17, 1892Swain's IslandThe sealing steamer Mastiff will be in command of Capt. Jacob WINSOR of Swains Island, the coming Spring. He went to Harbor Grace a short time since to take charge, and arrived at Pool’s Island with the ship a week or ten days since, where she will lay up until the time arrives to prosecute the sealing voyage. Capt. WINSOR has been sailing in a steamer to the ice before but this will be his first Spring in command and we trust that the good luck which has followed his name in the past will be his lot the coming Spring.
Dec. 17, 1892Royal Scarlet"The Installation of officers of the Royal Scarlet Chapter, Edward 7th, No. 3, for another year took place at the annual meeting on Wednesday evening last, Dec. 14th, when the following Companions were chosen officers for the ensuing year. Com. GEO. GUARD W. C. in Command. “ J. LUNNEN Ex. C. in Command. “ THOS YOUNG, Scribe. “ PHILIP POND, Sir Herald Knight-at-Arms. “ JACOB MOORS, Inner Herald. “ CHAS. NEWMAN, Outer Herald. “ J. P. THOMSON, Chap "
Dec. 17, 1892L.O.A."The following are the officers for “Crosby” Lodge, No. 30, for the ensuing year, who were installed and elected at the annual meeting held Wednesday, December 7th: Bro. W. HUGES, W.M. “ E. SWEETLAND D.M. “ T. YOUNG Chap. “ C. D. MAYNE R.S. “ J. COLBOURNE Treasurer. “ J. LUNNEN F.S. “ T. MANUEL Lecturer. “ NOAH WHEELOR, Dis. Cer. “ JACOB MOORS Inside Tyler. “ JOSEPH FIFIELD Outside Tyler. INVESTIGATING COMMITTEE: - Bros. Geo. GUARD, Titus MANUEL, Thos. YOUNG, C. D. MAYNE, Wm. ASHBOURNE. TRUSTEES: - Bros. C. D. MAYNE, Titus MANUEL. FINANCE COMMITTEE: - Bros. Geo. GUARD, Geo. NOTT. SICK COMMITTEE: - Jenkin’s Cove - Ros. Isaac POND, Adam POND. Durrell’s Arm: - Peter JENKINS, Edwar INGS. South Side - Charles WHITE, A. SPENCER. Back Harbor - Thos. PURCHASE, Jas. PURCHASE. Purcell’s Harbor - John ANSTEY, Wm. MARSH "
Dec. 17, 1892BirthAt Fogo, on the 4th inst., the wife of Rev. C. WHITE of a son.
Dec. 17, 1892MarriageAt Pilley's Island, on Oct. 31st, by the Rev. W. REX, Mr. William WARD to Miss Lenora EARL.
Dec. 17, 1892MarriageAt Dark Tickle, on Nov. 1st, by the same, Mr. John FUDGE to Louisa PURCHASE.
Dec. 17, 1892MarriageAt the same place, on Nov. 2nd, by the same, Mr. Isaac FUDGE to Miss Emily SNOW.
Dec. 17, 1892MarriageAt Ward's Harbor, on Nov. 7th, by the same, Mr. Elias CROUCHER to Hager, youngest daughter of George PADDICK.
Dec. 17, 1892MarriageAt the same place and date, by the same, Mr. James HEATH to Miss Mary HEMLETT. [This is not a typo on my part, the name was printed as Hemlett, perhaps it should be HEWLETT].
Dec. 17, 1892MarriageAt Lushes Bight, on Nov. 12th, by the same, Mr. James COLBORN to Miss Ann Eliza CARAVAN.
Dec. 17, 1892Marriage"At Little Bay Islands, on Nov. 24th, by the same, Mr. Andrew John MORRIS to Miss Lavania Jane LOCKE. "
Dec. 17, 1892MarriageAt Lushes Bight, on Dec. 2nd, by the same, Mr. Robert SLADE to Miss Elizabeth Mary SLADE.

December 24, 1892ChristmasThe most item honored and festive season of the year is again with us, and we take pleasure in once more wishing the readers of the Sun a very happy Christmas. The wheels of time are ever on the move, and since last anniversary their revolutions have brought numerous changes to many homes, and some who were then bright and gleeful have passed away, and there is a vacancy around the family board, which causes feelings of sorrow in many hearts. But while this is so, there clusters around the Nativity, much that should call forth joy and gratitude at this season of the year, when our minds are more especially directed to this grand theme of the Divine Mystery of the Incarnation. One writer has said that "Around this auspicious event, even heathen tradition clusters. Among the most striking, - and as a church was built to commemorate the alleged incident, - the seemingly best authenticated, is that, when the Roman Emperor Augustus consulted the sibyl whether he should assume divine honors, a vision of a virgin holding a child above an altar, arose before him, and a voice cried, "This is the altar of the living God." As the highest expression of glad devotion is song, the beneficent mystery, upon which Christianity is founded, has been celebrated in spiritual song from the earliest times, as we learn from allusions in the f...he.... As the world was then Roman, these earlier days of praise were in the Latin tongue." In every Christian country the advent of this joyous festival is hailed with delight and is celebrated according to the usage or customs of the respective countries. With many it is a time for rejoicing and merriment, and its celebration is of the most jovial kind, while with others it partakes more of a solemn and religious character. Christmas is said to be preeminently the children's feast. A writer tells us that even before the days of heathen Rome, this season of the year was set apart for the festival of the children.
December 24, 1892ChristmasAt this season of the year there is naturally a warmer feeling in the heart, for the poor and suffering. Let us therefore not be unmindful of their claims on our charity and may the true Christmas spirit pervade the hearts of Christians people, so that our of their abundance the sufferings of many of the poor and afflicted may be alleviated and made glad as a result of the permeating influence of Him whose birth we commemorate, and who came to bring "peace on earth and good will toward men." Writing on Christmas, an eminent author has said: -"Glory to God and peace among men is the burden of the song of all Christendom to-day. Whenever a church is decked with evergreens, whether the palm groves of the East or the pine forests of the West contribute the wreathed legend, the one device that will not be omitted is 'Gloria in Excelsis.' The merry peal ringing from thousands of church steeples is the same song set to music. It is the song of all ages. Long before the quavering voices of one generation have gone down into silence, the strain has been taken up by the voices of the children of a younger and, let us hope, a better, more hopeful, more faithful generation; and who can doubt, that this sweet fragment of the songs above, will be sung Christmas after Christmas, until once more it blends the music of heaven and earth and finds its fitting echoes."
December 24, 1892Correction It seems that in referring to the Arm Methodist school, during Mr. SMITH's charge of it, in our issue of the 10th inst., we inadvertently made a misstatement in saying that the school had a larger attendance during his time than previously. We have been informed since, that in 1887 and 1891, under the former teacher, Mr. J. DAVIS, the attendance had been larger, 150 and 162 respectively, while last winter it was only 130. We have been asked to make this correction, in justice to other teachers, which we are happy to do.
December 24, 1892Letter of ThanksThanks! A Thousand Thanks! To the Editor of the Twillingate Sun. Dear Sir, - We, the maids, desire through your valuable and much read paper, to thank our dear kind friend and champion, Santa Claus, who came so bravely to our rescue on the occasion of our being attacked by the author of "Dangerous Sliding," signing himself with an endless non de plume. We would strongly advise this verbose old pedant, to apply vigorously, some lubricating preparation to his stiffened limbs, and then purchase a catamaran. He would then, we are certain, after coursing down Church Hill a few times, have more sympathy with the fashionable amusement of the fair sex, or if that gentleman, the above mentioned, (of the stiffened limbs) thinks the expense too great, let him send his address to the maids. He would in all probability find himself the happy possessor of a catamaran on Xmas morning. Again thanking "Santa Claus" and wishing him a very merry Xmas we are, dear Mr. Editor, Yours lovingly, The Maids.
December 24, 1892Letter to the EditorArithmetical Question. (To the Editor of the Twillingate Sun.) Dear Sir:- In the past, some of the valuable space of your paper has been devoted to Educational matters, will you give space to the accompanying question for solution by some of the intelligent readers of your issue, and by so doing will oblige the writer and assist others. Question: - At my father's death a monthly installment of $10 has two years and one month to run, what sums must be paid at once to reduce it to six months, money being one-half percent. per month? Student. Heart's Content Dec. 11.
December 24, 1892First Overland MailWe understand that the first overland mail for the North will leave St. John's on the 2nd of January, and will be brought as far as Gambo by train.
December 24, 1892Ship ArrivalsThe "Silver Dale," David WHEELER, master, which has been on her way from St. John's for some time, arrived here from Herring Neck yesterday morning. The "Lily of the West," John PHILLIPS, master, came in from the bay yesterday morning with a cargo of firewood. The "Minnie" and the "Abib" also arrived from the bay yesterday with firewood.
December 24, 1892Ship MovementsThe coastal steamer "Virginia Lake," left St. John's Tuesday morning for Northern ports of call, but has had a tedious time getting along. She arrived at Fogo, at seven o'clock last evening.
December 24, 1892The WeatherThe weather has been quite severe the past week and real winter like. Snow keeps off, but there is just enough to make pretty good sleighing around the harbor.
December 24, 1892BirthOn the 12 inst., the wife of Mr F.B. COLBOURNE, of a daughter.
December 24, 1892MarriedOn Nov 27 at the Methodist Parsonage, by the Rev. Jabez HILL, Mr. Elias YOUNG to Miss Sarah MEHANEY both of South Side.
December 24, 1892MarriedOn Nov 28th, in the South Side Methodist Church, by the same, Mr. Wm. G. GILLETT of Farmer's Arm to Miss Susan YOUNG of South Side.
December 24, 1892MarriedOn Nov. 30th in the Little Harbor Church, by the same, Mr George RICE of Fridays Bay, to Miss Henrietta COFFIN of Roberts Arm.
December 24, 1892MarriedOn Dec 11th, in the North Side Methodist Church by the same, Mr. Samuel SHEPPARD of Wild Cove to Miss Priscilla SHARP of Crow Head.

December 31, 1892School ExamsThis School, under the able management of Mr. S.C. THOMPSON, has done good work during the past year. An examination was held the week before Xmas in all subjects; that upon Scripture being conducted by the Chairman of the Board, who expressed himself much pleased with the answers given to his questions. The following is the list of subjects, with the names of the pupils who were best in each. A prize was offered by the Chairman to that pupil who attained highest marks in the greatest number of subjects. This prize was won by Miss Louisa PEARCE, of Back Harbor. The others in Standard VI were: Best in Scripture (Book of Genesis) - Harry PURCHASE. Best in Geography - Frank DOVE. Best in Grammar - Herbert PURCHASE. Best in Newfoundland and English History - Sarah PATTEN. Best in Arithmetic - Olivia BLACKMORE. Best in Mensuration and Drawing - Edgar PEYTON. Best in Euclid - W.B. TEMPLE. Best in Algebra - Mabel BLACKMORE. Best in Navigation - Frank FOX. In Standard V: Best in all was Frank CURTIS. Second,- Laura FOX. In Standard IV: Best in all was Harold THOMPSON. Second,- Annie LYTE. It is hoped that a more public examination may be arranged for at Easter, so as to give parents and others an opportunity of seeing for themselves, Mr. THOMPSON's excellent system. He gains the love of the children as well as having the power of imparting to them, instruction in all necessary branches of education. And it is a great satisfaction to have him at Twillingate a second year. Possibly the results hereafter, may encourage him to make a yet longer residence amongst us. We wish him success in his important work, and consider that the Church of England Board were wise in their attempt to establish such a school.
December 31, 1892New Bay ItemsOur New Bay correspondent furnishes us with the following news items: - On the 3rd and 4th December, a great rush of water came out in the N.E. Arm, where Mr. CHURCHILL has a small sawmill erected, flowing into the dwelling house, driving its occupants to seek shelter in their barn, and it stood about two feet deep in the mill-house. It is supposed that one of the dams inside burst and the water came out with terrible force. Fortunately the outside dam proved good, if that had given was it must have swept every thing before it. Diphtheria broke out in Mr. Jacob MANUEL's family a little while ago, but though he has a large family, all are getting better. As soon as he knew it was diphtheria he would not allow any one in, and he would not go nearer any one outside than was really necessary, so it is likely to contain itself there and not spread any further.
December 31, 1892DeathMr. Wm. SHARON of S.W. Arm, who has been ill for some time, died on Sunday, 18th.
December 31, 1892Concert at Northwest Arm.Concert At North West Arm. Dec. 23rd. 1892 (To the Editor of the Twillingate Sun) Dear Sir, - Kindly allow me space in your columns to say a few words about an interesting event which occurred here on the 23rd. At a quarter past six o'clock, the schoolroom was filled to overflowing. The meeting opened by singing the hymn "Saviour like a Shepherd lead us," several solos and recitations followed, after a speech from the chariman, Mr. J. JENNINGS. A dialogue, "The Force of Imagination," was acted by four young ladies, and thoroughly appreciated by the peoople, but the crowning part was the drilling of the school children by their teacher Miss F. MANUEL. They were all dressed in blue and white uniforms, and went through their exercises with a correctness which showed that some time was spent in the training of them. A song "Nellie Gray", sung by Miss MANUEL, gained special attention, as did also a recitation by Master George MILLS, entitled, "The Little Light". A pathetic recitation, "The Burden Bearer" was beautifully said by Miss E. MILLS. A duet followed: - "The Handwriting," and the meeting closed by singing "God Save the Queen." The school was prettily decorated with flags and evergreen, and altogether, formed a pleasant picture. Trusting I have not taken up too much space. I am, dear Sir, Tulus.
December 31, 1892SS Concert (Part 1)The Tea and Entertainment in connection with South Side and Bluff Head Methodist Sunday schools, which was held on Wednesday evening last, was a decided success. Tea took place in the schoolroom between five and six o'clock and an excellent spread was supplied by the ladies who presided at the tables. All appeared to enjoy the good things provided for the occasion and did ample justice to them. The room was necely decorated for the occasion, and being filled with an interesting audience it presented an imposing appearance. The Entertainment, which was given in the Church, was interesting. The Rev. Jabez HILL (Superintendent Minister) presided and opened with Hymn 856 in the Methodist Hymn book, after which the Rev. F.G. DRAKE offered up prayer. Mr. H. PIPPY (newly appointed Secretary) then read the Report of the last year. Several of the scholars showed talent in their recitations and dialogues. The musical part rendered by an efficient choir under the direction of Mrs. Andrew LINFIELD, who presided at the Organ, was also well given and appreciated. A vote of thanks to the Choir and those who took part in the Entertainment was proposed by Mr. John MINTY sr., seconded by Mr. Charles WATIE, and carried unanimously. The following is the programme of the entertainment: -
December 31, 1892SS Concert (Part 2)Song - "Hark! there comes a whisper" - by the Choir. Recitations - "Words of Welcome"- Lizzie A. FROST; "Boy's Rights" - Norman GUY. Dialogue - "The Earth" - Emma LEGGE and Bessie HILL. Song - "Beyond" - The Choir. Recitations - "The Good Child" - Lillie BULGIN; "The Honest Boy" - Andre LEGGE. "A Little Hero" - Janet MINTY. Dialogue - "The Foolish Habit" - Kate DALLEY and Lillie A. FROST. Song - "For You and For Me" - Choir. Recitations - "Indifference" - Susie GILLETT; "Not So Easy" - Kate DALLEY. Dialogue - "The new Sunday School Scholar" - four girls. Hymn - 820. Christmas Exercise - by fourteen girls and three boys. Recitations - "Nobody Else" - Rose MINTY; "Guilty or not guilty" - Lillie MOORES. Song - "The Handwriting on the Wall" - Choir. Recitation - "The Widow's Child" - Susie EARL. Solo - "Have Courage to say No!" - Rev. F.G. DRAKE. Recitation - "Give us this day our daily Bread" - Sarah LAMBERT. Dialogue - "Health and Sickness". Recitation - "The Curfew must not ring tonight". Song - "Peace, perfect peace" - Choir. Recitations - "Little People" - Dulcie MOORES; "The Orphans" - Miriam HILL; "The Last Hymn" - Carrie MINTY; "For You" - Edward BULGIN. Song - "Let The Saviour In" - Choir. Recitation - "The Book of the New Year" - Betsy LEGGE. Dialogue - "The Auction" - by eight persons. Song - "God be with you" - Choir.
December 31, 1892Illness - Capt. WALSHWe are sorry to learn of the illness of Capt. S. WALSH, commander of the coastal steamer "Virginia Lake." He was seized with a paralytic stroke on Wednesday night which left one side apparently lifeless. He was very poorly from the effects, but it is to be hoped that the attack will prove to be only light, and that he will soon be able to resume his arduous duties, and navigate the coastal steamer along the rugged and dangerous coast, which he has so carefully and skillfully done in the past. The second officer, Mr. DRAKE, was in command of the Virginia Lake returning to St. John's.
December 31, 1892DeathReferring to the demise of the late Mrs. COLBOURNE, an esteemed writer in a private letter to our address says: "In the death of Mrs. COLBOURNE we notice another of the old land-marks removed to another and we trust a better world. We were greatly grieved when we heard the news, and the family have our sincere sympathy. She was a good wife and mother, and had many difficulties to contend with in the rearing of a large and respectable family, during her long widowhood. She was one of those of whom it may be truly said: "She hath done what she could ".
December 31, 1892PassengersThe steamer "Hercules," Capt. CHRISTOPHER, arrived from St. John's Thursday evening with freight and passengers. The greater quantity of her cargo was for Pelley's Island, but she also had a quantity for Little Bay Island and Little Bay. The new manager for Pelley's Island (Mr. BEATTY) and his lady, Sergeant WELLS, Messrs. Geo. STEWART, James STRONG and B.J. BOYLES, were among the passengers by the Hercules. She intends to make another trip North should navigation not close in the meantime.
December 31, 1892Ship MovementsThe coastal steamer "Virginia Lake", will come North another trip this season if not prevented by ice, and will probably leave St. John's Wednesday or Thursday next. The "Stella Morris" from Fogo, bound to Tilt Cove, put into port on Thursday and is still awaiting a time thither.
December 31, 1892FireMessrs. STRONG's premises at Pelley's Island were destroyed by fire the early part of the week. There was some insurance on the property but it is said that their loss is considerable.
December 31, 1892Ship DeparturesThe "Silver Dale," left for St. John's on Tuesday with a load of fish for E. DUDER, Esq., the "Jeanie" on Wednesday, and the "St. John" on Thursday, both taking cargoes of fish for R.D. HODGE, Esq.
December 31, 1892Schooner TowedThe schooner "Tamarack" was towed to Pearce's Harbor on Thursday by the steamer "Fleta", where she will lay up until the time arrives for prosecuting the seal fishery. Capt. James YOUNG will take charge of her and we hope that he will have a bumper crop.
December 31, 1892Ship ArrivalThe "Gladys" arrived from St. John's on Saturday last and the "St. John" and "Tamarack" on Sunday. The "Jubilee" and "Orion" got back on Thursday night. Some of these craft have been a long time on the passage but we are proud to know that all have got back safe.
December 31, 1892J.B. TOBINWe are glad to learn that J.B. TOBIN, Esq., who left here for St. John's some time ago with a bad foot has not been really sick as has been currently reported, but that he is in general good health, and we learn that the sore foot, from which he has been suffering is gradually improving.
December 31, 1892PassengersThe coastal steamer "Virginia Lake" arrived from St. John's last Saturday morning. After the usual detention she proceeded to the other ports of call, going as far as Griquet and returned en route for St. John's yesterday morning. She had a large number of passengers and the following joined her here: - Miss Minnie TOBIN, Miss Gertie TOBIN, Messrs. R.D. HODGE, W. ASHBOURNE, A. WHITE, F. BERTEAU and Geo. ALLAN.
December 31, 1892Capt. John LANNENThe "Westville," Capt. John LANNEN, of Fortune Harbor, arrived here on Wednesday with a cargo of firewood. Leaving Fortune Harbor, he was bound to Tilt Cove, but the wind was adverse and he ran here, where the cargo was readily disposed of. Mr. LANNEN intends prosecuting the seal fisher in this schooner the coming spring, and we trust that abundant success will crown his enterprising efforts.
December 31, 1892Chamber of CommerceAt the annual meeting of the Chamber of Commerce, the following gentlemen were elected for the ensuing year: President, Sir Robert THORBURN; Vice-Presidents, E.R. BOWRING, Esq., W.B. GRIEVE, Esq., Secretary, J. GOODFELLOW, Esq., T.R. SMITH, Esq., A.F. GOODRIDGE, Esq., Hon. J.S. PITTS, W.C. JOB, Esq., E.J. DUDER, Esq., P.G. TESSIER, Esq., R.H. PROWSE, Esq., A.S. RENDELL, Esq., Hon. A.W. Harvey. - St. John's Times.
December 31, 1892Ship SinksA small craft belonging to the firm of E. DUDER, was lost in Fogo harbor on the 19th inst. She was going from Change Islands with 300 qtls of fish, to put on board the "Carrie Kane". When going through the Tickle the wheel chain broke and she struck a rock, causing a hole in her bottom. The water poured in and before she could reach the wharf they had to run for a small island in the harbor where she sank. It was blowing hard at the time and our informant says it was touch and go with the men saving themselves.
December 31, 1892MarriedOn Christmas Day, at the home of the Bride's father, by the Rev. Jabez HILL, Mr. Wm. ASHBOURNE to Miss Lucy Goodison LINFIELD.
December 31, 1892MarriedOn the same day in the North Side Methodist Church, by the same, Mr. Richard GLEASON of South Side to Miss Emily GREENHAM of Manuel's Cove.
December 31, 1892MarriedAt Tientsin, North China, on Tuesday, Oct. 25th, 1892, by Rev. C.A. Stanley, Rev. J.B. THOMPSON, B.D., to Miss T.D. [Effie ? Difficult to read.] HEWETT.

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