NL GenWeb Newspaper RecordsNotre Dame Bay RegionTwillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser1891 July - DecemberPlace of publication: TwillingateDates of publication: June 24, 1880-Jan. 31, 1953. Suspended publication: Jan. 16-Feb. 15, 1947. Frequency: Weekly.
Title varies:
Editor and proprietor:
Holdings: The records were transcribed by SHERRY JONES, BEVERLY WARFORD & RON ST. CROIX. While we have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors. |
July 4, 1891 | Arrivals From the Fishery | We are pleased to be able to report the arrivals during the week of several other fishing vessels, in addition to those named in last paper, all of whom have come back with pretty good fares for the short time being away. Indeed some of the craft have done remarkably well, which is great encouragement to the hardy toilers who compose the crews of these fishing schooners. Not to be gone longer than from three to four weeks and to meet with such a measure of success is most encouraging. Nearly all the vessels that left early for the Northward did pretty well, and it is the first time for several years that the fish have been so plentiful on the upper part of the coast as it appears to be this season. The “MEDWAY”, William JENKINS, master, that arrived in the Arm on Wednesday with 235qtls., secured her fish at Hooping Harbor, as did also some other craft that arrived since then. For a time fish was plentiful, and all the craft fishing in the neighborhood did fairly well. But of late the ice blockage interfered with the fishery operations and very little could be done. The following are the arrivals this week: - “SIX BROTHERS”, Jas. YOUNG 300. “MINNIE GRAY”, W. MITCHARD 250. “MEDWAY”, Wm. JENKINS 230. “FIVE BROTHERS”, R. YOUNG 180. “LILY OF THE WEST”, J. PHILLIPS 140. “MINNIE HA HA”, G. GUY 130. “MANITOBA”, P. YOUNG 120. “H. W. B.”, R. BLACKMORE 100. “EXPERIMENT”, J. HAWKINS 70. “MYRA”, G. LYOTE 20. The “J. M. LACEY”, James PHILLIPS, master, is reported to have been at Hooping Harbor with 240 qtls., but is not yet come. These craft have come back to land their fish and to refit for the Labrador. Some of them are ready to start and are awaiting favorable winds: others will be prepared to leave in two or three days. We hope that one and all will be equally fortunate in returning at the end of the fishing season with bumper trips. |
July 4, 1891 | Crown vs. James FOLLETT (Part 1) | Jury Brings in a Verdict of Manslaughter. As announced in last issue, the case of the Crown vs. James FOLLETT, charged with the murder of his brother, terminated on the 17th ult., when the jury brought in a verdict of “Manslaughter”. The following synopsis of Judge PINSENT’s address to the jury is taken from the Evening Herald of the 18th: - Mr. Justice PINSENT then charged the jury. He said that the prisoner James FOLLETT was charged with homicide in the highest degree, viz: murder, and in reply to that charge he said that he was not guilty, and the issue which the jury had to try was whether he was guilty or not guilty, upon their oaths and upon the evidence and under the law. The jury was a remarkably youthful looking jury; several of them must be inexperienced in their duties and some of them probably quite new and had never exercised them before. These had entered upon their duties on a solemn occasion, and under circumstances of the most harrowing and distressing character. The occasion was one well qualified to impress, not only upon youthful juries, but upon all juries, a grave sense of their responsibilities as such and of the important nature of their office. Just setting out - as some of them practically were, upon the troubled sea of life with probably a long career of public service before them, which might affect, for weal or woe, the society in which their lot might be cast - we solemnly charged them to reflect upon the great gravity and importance of the functions upon which they had so recently entered, and upon the duty of discharging them according to law, and consistently with their sworn pledges, made under the sanction of the law, and of the just fulfillment of which they had called God to witness. He then proceeded to describe what the charge was. He said that the crime was murder where a person of sound memory and discretion, in other words, a sane person unlawfully killed another human being with malice aforethought, expressed or implied. |
July 4, 1891 | Crown vs. James FOLLETT (Part 2) | The law presumed every homicide to be murder until the contrary appeared, and the prosecution was not bound to prove malice or any facts or circumstances except the killing, from which the jury might presume it, and it was for the accused to give evidence of such facts and circumstances as might prove that the homicide was excusable or justifiable or that it amounted to manslaughter only. There had been some reflections with regard to the manner in which the prosecution was conducted, particularly before it came into Court. These remarks were too severe. The learned judge then reviewed the evidence. The defense, he said, was conducted with most remarkable adroitness, shrewdness and prudence. The jury had heard the prisoner’s statement, which could be taken as evidence, as it was quite consistent with the evidence of the witnesses. He then commented upon Sir J. S. WINTER’s address and upon the evidence, pointing out the law by which the jury should be guided in considering them. If a man killed his wife, he said, under great aggravating circumstances, the crime of murder would be reducible to manslaughter, but this case was one where the aggravation proceeded from the wife, but where the consequences were visited upon a third person. He then laid down the law relating to insanity and provocation. Abandonment to unrestrained passion was not insanity nor was the dogged determination to commit an offence and take all the consequences of the act. There should be a degree of mental disturbance, destroying the will. Here there seemed to have been a strong expression and action of the will and a set purpose and pre-determination. The inward satisfaction with his own acts, as being just, right and defensible from his own moral point of view, would not acquit the prisoner from criminal responsibility. |
July 4, 1891 | Crown vs. James FOLLETT (Part 3) | His Lordship quoted from text books upon these points, and concluded by saying that the jury were bound to find that the accused had committed the deed with which he was charged, and they should then consider how far criminal it was. The Court could not accept an entire acquittal, and it would be against their oaths for the jury to offer one. He left three issues to the jury, (1) whether he was guilty of murder, (2) whether he was guilty of manslaughter, (3) whether he was insane when the act was committed. The jury might recommend the prisoner to mercy.The Court was about to pronounce sentence upon the prisoner when Sir J. S. WINTER, Q.C., on his behalf, rose and said that he would like, if it were convenient, and no difficulty stood in the way, to submit, by affidavit, some matters which might affect the sentence by way of mitigation. The matter he would urge would be to the same effect as that he had addressed to the jury and which they had, to some extent, taken into consideration in their verdict. He asked the Court to consider the misery, the trouble and the sufferings the prisoner had already undergone. As far as the evidence showed, he hitherto had borne a good character for industry and good conduct. He had been a good husband, father and neighbour and had, up to the commission of this unfortunate offence, led a blameless life. He would ask their Lordships to take into consideration the condition of the man’s family, his young children, helpless and deprived of his support as well as of the care and affection which they ought to have from their mother, who had been unfaithful to her duties. She had already threatened to leave her home and children. He would ask the Court to consider the exceptional provocation and suffering undergone by the prisoner, and while vindicating the law, temper justice with mercy as far as they consistently could. Mr. Justice PINSENT said that having heard Sir James, if he desired time to communicate with Grand Beach, they would postpone the sentence till the July post-terminals. Sir James said he would like their Lordships to do so, and the sentence was postponed till July. The Court then rose for the term. |
July 4, 1891 | Drowning at Botwoodville. | A sad case of drowning occurred at Botwoodville, Exploit’s Bay, on Sunday. At eleven o’clock P.M., Edward HANDCOCK, watchman in the employ of the Exploit’s Bay Lumbering Company, was taking one of his accustomed rounds over the premises, and evidently walked over the wharf and was drowned. The night was dark and although the unfortunate man had a lantern containing a light he could not have realized his close proximity to the water before he was precipitated therein. The supposition is that he must have kept the lantern too high and did not discern that he was so close to the edge of the wharf. A man residing a short distance away, who was walking outside his house at the time, suffering from a toothache, fancied he heard a splash in the water, and not seeing the light of the lantern, suspected that something serious had happened, and he walked over the premises to the head of the wharf, and not seeing the watchman he at once made an alarm to some of the company’s employees, who lived close by. They immediately set out in search of the missing man and it was not long before some trace of his untimely end was discovered, the lantern having been found floating on the water close by the head of the wharf. Search was made for the body and at one o’clock, just two hours form the time the poor fellow started to make his rounds, it was found on the bottom almost directly down from where the lantern was picked up on the surface. The wharf all around is planked and it would be impossible for him to get any hold with hope of rescuing himself, but the conjecture is that the unfortunate man must have sunk almost immediately, as the person who heard the water splashing did not perceive the least cry or moan after he had fallen into it. HANDCOCK was a married man with four or five children, and belonged to Exploit’s Bay. He was steady, industrious, and had been in the employ of the company ever since the mill works have been in operation, and was much liked by his employers, who are sorry for his sudden and unexpected demise. |
July 4, 1891 | Billiard Tournament | "Little Bay Mines, June 14th, 1891. (To the Editor of the Twillingate Sun). Dear Sir, An interesting billiard tournament has just been finished in the Little Bay billiard club rooms for a handsome billiard cue, presented by our esteemed friend Mr. Patrick J. BURKE, who is always foremost in anything like amusement. At the present time there are over forty members in the Little Bay billiard club, and constantly adding to the number, and amongst them some very fine players who are equal, if not superior, to any in St. John’s. The room is well stocked with all the local and some of the principal papers of the world, and is great credit to the president, Mr. Joseph MCKINNON, and Secretary, Mr. R. D. WALSH. The score is as follows, some members not playing on account of inexperience :- SPOT. John H. FENLEY 150. John A. KEATING 150. Herald BURKE 150. Robert GATES 150. John SELVEY 150. John KEEFE 96. Michael SUTTON 121. William VEALE 150. James MACKEY 97. William WALSH 150. James SHEPPARD 150. Thomas HAYES 128. James FOLEY 150. Philip BREEN 78. Thomas STEWART 150. TOTAl: 2018. PLAYING: R.D. WALSH 149. P.J. BURKE 111. John MURPHY 144. J. MCKINNON 123. Wm. ARMSTRONG 124. R. J. MCGRATH 150. P. J. BOYLE 150. John HEAD 133. Dr. L. JOSEPH 150. C. O. BREDDIN 147. P. J. LEAREY 117. Peter CHAIR 150. Edward DELANEY 80 Michael LOATHER 150. Michael GLADNEY 123. TOTAL: 1978 Thus leaving a large majority for SPOT. The winning side then played game and game a side until the game was finished when it was found that J. Agustus KEATING was the lucky winner of the handsome cue. Mr. D. JACKMAN, tinsmith here, having presented him with a case for the cue with a lock and key attached. Next month there is a match arranged between the Little Bay and Terra Nova clubs, to play a billiard match for a costly set of billiard balls to arrive by next boat from London. Thanking you for space in your popular paper, I remain, yours, etc., Carom." |
July 4, 1891 | Fishery | There have been several fishing craft in port nearly all the week waiting for a favorable wind to proceed North. It is to be hoped that fair wind and weather will soon liberate them and take them to their destinations. |
July 4, 1891 | Rev. A. PITTMAN | The Rev. A. PITTMAN, Incumbent of Little Bay and Tilt Cove parish, is spending a few days in town, having arrived per last “CONSCRIPT”. We are pleased to welcome him back for a short time, as no doubt his many friends likewise are. He will preach in St. Peter’s Church, we understand, tomorrow. |
July 4, 1891 | Constable BURT | Constable BURT of Tilt Cove spent a few days among his friends here last week and returned per “CONSCRIPT”. Mr. BURT was stationed here for some years, and performed his duties most satisfactorily. Last fall he was transferred to Tilt Cove, where he now resides. He is a most efficient officer and the peace of the community is likely to be vigilantly looked after by him. |
July 4, 1891 | Suicide | When the “CONSCRIPT” was at St. Anthony a few days ago, it was reported that a man named John CROCKER had drowned himself by jumping over the wharf on Saturday night. It appears that he had had a lot of trouble in his family, his wife and two or three children having died recently, which caused him to become despondent and make away with his life in the manner described. |
July 4, 1891 | La Grippe | La Grippe is said to have many victims in some of the Harbors along the so-called French Shore. In some places nearly all the people were suffering from an attack. In one locality about four miles from St. Anthony, one woman died and there could not be found a sufficient number of men in the place well enough to take her to the grave, and some had to go from St. Anthony for that purpose. A good deal of poverty exists along the coast, which makes sickness feel much harder on the unfortunate people thus circumstanced. |
July 4, 1891 | Coastal Steamer | The coastal steamer “CONSCRIPT”, Capt. WALSH, got back Wednesday en route for St. John’s, having experienced a very trying time since going North, owing to fog and ice. There was a great body of ice on the coast, which prevented the steamer from reaching her terminus - Griquet - and it was with some difficulty, even, that she succeeded in getting as far as St. Anthony. A good deal of ice was encountered getting back, and in order to get clear of it the “CONSCRIPT” had to steer some twenty miles S. E. Grey Islands. Owing to the dense fog, she did not leave here until after daylight Thursday morning. Messrs. OWEN and PERCY were passengers by her for St. John’s. |
July 4, 1891 | Diphtheria | Within the past few days there have been a few fresh cases of diphtheria, and two or three deaths have taken place. The cases have been confined to a couple of families, and except these, we have not heard of any other outbreak of the disease. It seems to linger around a long time, a new case occasionally breaking out, but at this season of the year and with the kind of weather experienced of late, it is almost a wonder that there are not more cases; for the stench in many parts of the community, arising from caplin put on the ground and allowed to remain uncovered is frightful, and must certainly tend to accelerate the spread of disease. Such a practice is unlawful and should not be tolerated. |
July 4, 1891 | Shipping News | The English barque “RESCUE”, Capt. TOWNSLEY, arrived Wednesday from Cadiz with a cargo of salt to Messrs. OWEN & EARLE. The “RESCUE” was thirty-eight days out and experienced a very stormy passage. The captain says that during his long experience of the sea this was about the roughest voyage that ever he made. On the second of June, a few days after leaving Cadiz, and while still sailing in European waters, a heavy breeze set in, with barometer down as low as 29.40. The water was very rough and it was found necessary to heave the vessel to for a while. The jib boom and some of the head gear were washed away, but beyond this no serious damage was done during the tedious and boisterous passage across the Atlantic. |
July 4, 1891 | Personal | J. W. OWEN, Esq., took passage per “CONSCRIPT” for St. John’s, intending to embark by the next Allan steamer for England. We wish him a pleasant voyage across the Atlantic and a safe return. |
July 4, 1891 | Shipping News | A number of craft were in Seldom-Come-By on Monday waiting a time South, among them being the “GYPSY” and “MARY PARKER”. The former had splendid run of twenty-two hours to St. John’s from there and arrived on Wednesday morning. |
July 4, 1891 | Death | Mrs. BURKE, for some time past an old and respected resident of Little Bay and mother of Mr. P. J. BURKE, died at Little Bay on Sunday last after a few weeks illness. Her remains were conveyed to Fogo per “CONSCRIPT” for interment having spent the greatest part of her life in that locality. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved family in their sorrow. |
July 4, 1891 | The Fishery | There has been very little improvement in the fishery around our shores the past week or ten days. But for the greater part of the time it has been so thick and foggy, with strong breezes blowing in and rough water, that it has been a great risk to venture off the land, and consequently there has hardly been a fair trial. About New Bay and different other parts of the bay there has been pretty good fishing and the prospect of an average voyage in these localities is hopeful. |
July 4, 1891 | Methodist Ministry | By a telegram received by Mr. W. J. SCOTT from Rev. T. D. DUNN, we learn that the first draft of ministers’ stations for 1891 remains unaltered. The appointments to this Circuit are Revs. Jabez HILL and J. K. KELLY, the Rev. R. W. FREEMAN removing to the Blackhead circuit. Rev. Mr. DUNN is appointed superintendent of Bay Roberts, Spaniard’s Bay and Port de Grave circuit, with a young minister to arrive from England as colleague. The Rev. Wm. HARRIS, who is so favorably known by the Methodist people here, succeeds Mr. DUNN at Wesleyville. |
July 4, 1891 | Botwoodville | First Clearance from Botwoodville. The brig “HAMLET”, Capt. H. KILLINGSTON, was cleared from Botwoodville, Exploits Bay, by the Preventive Officer, on the 26th June, for London, England, with a cargo of deal. This is the first shipment made this season by the Exploits Bay Lumbering Company, and the first clearance that has been given by the newly appointed officer, for Botwoodville, Mr. E. B. COLBOURNE. No doubt the appointment of such an official there will prove a great convenience to the Lumbering Company doing business, and who expect to have foreign vessels arriving and departing from there during the year. |
July 4, 1891 | Death | On the 28th of June ult., of diphtheria, William John, eldest son of Leander and Frances Jane HILL, aged 6 years. |
July 4, 1891 | Shipping News | Port of Twillingate. Entered. July1 - ‘RESCUE”, TOWNSLEY, Cadiz, 192 Tons, Salt - OWEN & EARLE. |
July 11, 1891 | CENSUS (Part 1) | "Whereas it has been provided that a Census and Return of the population of this colony, as required by Title 20, Chapter 73, of the Consolidated Statutes, should be taken during the present year, I, the Governor, do therefore, by these presents, appoint the following Stipendiary and Honorary Justices and other persons for the purpose of examining and revising the Returns of the persons appointed for taking the said Census, in each of the several Districts, in accordance with the provisions of the said Chapter:- FOR ST. JOHN’S: D. W. PROWSE, Esq., Q.C., and J.G. CONROY, Esq., Q.C. FOR HARBOR GRACE: T.R. BENNETT, Esq., J.P. FOR CARBONEAR: James HIPPISLEY, Esq., J.P. FOR BAY DE VERDE: (Upper Division), Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 James HIPPISLEY, Esq., J.P. FOR BAY DE VERDE: (Lower Division), Sections 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 William CARISTIAN, Esq., J.P., and George TUFF, Esq., J.P. FOR BRIGUS AND PORT-DE-GRAVE: John WILCOX, Esq., J.P. FOR HARBOR MAIN: Thomas P. O’DONNEL, Esq., J.P. FOR TRINITY BAY: (South Division), Sections 1 and 2 Francis PERRY, Esq., J.P. FOR TRINITY BAY: (West Division), Sections 4 and 5 James GARDNER, Esq. FOR TRINITY BAY: (North Division), Sections 6, 7, 8, 9, G. H. COLE, Esq., J.P. FOR TRINITY BAY: (East Division), Sections 10, 11, 12 Thomas MCCORMACK, Esq., J.P. Simon AVERY, Esq., J.P. John MIFFLEN, Esq., J.P. FOR TRINITY BAY: (Whitbourne Division), Section 3 Richard MACDONNELL, Esq., J.P. " |
July 11, 1891 | CENSUS (Part 2) | FOR BONAVISTA BAY: (South and West Division), Sections 1, 2, 3, 4 Thomas W, STARR, Esq., J.P. FOR BONAVISTA BAY: (North Division), Sections 5,6,7 Richard P. RICE, Esq., J.P. FOR FOGO: Samuel BAIRD, Esq., J.P. FOR TWILLINGATE: (South Division), Sections 1, 2, 3, 4 Francis BERTEAU, Esq., J.P. FOR TWILLINGATE: (North Division), Section 5 John P. BLANDFORD, Esq., J.P. and John DUDER, Esq., J.P. FOR ST. BARBE: (Bonne Bay Division), Sections 4, 5, Dr. SOMERVILLE, Esq., J.P. FOR ST. BARBE: (White Bay Division), Section 1, 2, 3 Daniel DUGGAN, Esq., J.P. and Azariah ALCOCK, Esq., J.P. FOR ST. GEORGE’S: (St. George’s Bay Division), Sections 1, 2, 3, 4 M. E. DWYER, Esq., J.P. FOR ST. GEORGE’S: (Bay of Islands Division), Section 5 George R. LILLY, Esq., J.P. FOR BURGEO AND LA POILE: (Channel Division), Sections 3 and 4 Robert T. SQUARRY, Esq., J.P. FOR BURGEO AND LA POILE: (Burgeo Division), Sections 1 and 2 Dr. HUNT, J.P. FOR FORTUNE BAY: Phillip HUBERT, Esq., J.P. FOR BURIN: (Burin Division), Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 George BISHOP, Esq., J.P. FOR BURIN: (Grand Bank Division), Sections 7, 8 George SIMMS, Esq., J.P. FOR PLACENTIA AND ST. MARY’S: (Placentia Division), Sections 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Thomas O’REILLY, Esq., J.P. John P. BRADSHAW, Esq., J.P. William PHORAN, Esq., J.P. FOR PLACENTIA AND ST. MARY’S: (St. Mary’s Division), Sections 1, 2, 3 James HARNEY, Esq., J.P. FOR FERRYLAND: John RYAN, Esq., J.P. FOR LABRADOR: E. R. BURGESS, Esq., J.P. |
July 11, 1891 | SUPREME COURT | The Speaker of the Assembly, Mr. Emerson, Q.C., arrived from England by the “NOVA SCOTIAN”. Owing to his absence from the colony, Mr. EMERSON was prevented last year from attending the Supreme Court on the Northern Circuit where he is so favorably known as a leading lawyer. We have much pleasure, however, in announcing that the learned gentleman will travel with the circuit this year, when those of his friends and patrons who require his advice and assistance in the management of their legal business will be enabled to consult him on his arrival at Little Bay, Twillingate, Fogo, and the other Circuit towns. Mr. Justice LITTLE will probably be presiding Judge on Northern Circuit this year. |
July 11, 1891 | HMS PARTRIDGE | H.M.S. “PARTRIDGE”, bound North on the fishery protection service, came into port last evening. This is a fine ship of seven hundred and fifty-five tons, twelve hundred horsepower, and has triple expansion engines. She is nearly new, being only about three years old. Her crew consists of seventy-five men all told, and she carries six four-inch breech-loading guns and two four-inch Nordenfelt, and is thoroughly equipped with all modern naval improvements. An exhibition of the excellent electric dynamos searching lights, which this warship possesses, was given while in port last night, to the admiration of many spectators. She left early this morning. |
July 11, 1891 | SHIPPING NEWS | The English vessel “GALATEA”, Capt. WILKINS, arrived from Glace Bay yesterday with a cargo of coals for the firm of E. DUDER, Esq. |
July 11, 1891 | MANSLAUGHTER | FOLLETT, against whom the jury found a verdict of “Manslaughter”, has been sentenced by Judge PINSENT to seven years imprisonment with hard labor. |
July 11, 1891 | CENSUS | The census enumerators here have been actively engaged in this district the past few weeks, and are quickly getting through their work in the respective divisions. |
July 11, 1891 | SHIPPING NEWS | The winds being favorable this week, nearly all the Labrador fishing craft have left for the coast. We wish them every success in their search for the treasures of the sea. On Monday evening nearly one hundred sail of Southern fishing craft put into port, the wind outside not being fair for them to proceed Northward. They left the next morning. The English schooner “GUIDING STAR”, Capt. MACKLEY, arrived Saturday evening last from Cadiz with a cargo of salt to J.B. TOBIN, Esq. The captain reports very stormy weather during the whole passage. |
July 11, 1891 | GAME LAWS VIOLATIONS | Several persons were summoned before the Stipendiary Magistrate on Thursday last, charged with having killed caribou at Hooping Harbor a few weeks ago, in contravention of the Game Laws Act. Three of them were found guilty, and fined $25 each, and costs. |
July 11, 1891 | THE CURLEW | We understand that the steamer “CURLEW” is to perform the mail and passenger service on the Labrador this summer, and that she leaves St. John’s for the coast about the 15th, calling at Harbor Grace and here en route. |
July 11, 1891 | ST. PETER'S CHURCH | The Rev. A. PITTMAN, incumbent of Little Bay and Tilt Cove, preached in St. Peter’s Church last Sunday, morning and evening. The services were largely attended and discourses on both occasions were edifying and full of interest. |
July 11, 1891 | THE FISHERY | The fishery around our shores has been anything but good within the past week; some days fishermen cannot get enough to eat. Two or three days, some of the traps at Little Harbor got from two to three quintals, and this is about the best that has been done. At Fogo the fishery is wretchedly poor. |
July 11, 1891 | DEATH | Intelligence of the death of Mr. George LUSCOMB, father of Mrs. Richard NEWMAN, was received here from St. John’s yesterday. For many years he was an official member of the Methodist Church of that city and greatly respected by all who knew him. We tender our sympathy to the bereaved family. |
July 11, 1891 | PERSONAL | Mr. STERLING, of the Financial Secretary’s Department, arrived per “CONSCRIPT” from St. John’s on Thursday morning last, and is the guest of Rev. R. TEMPLE, R.D. Mr. STERLING has just recovered from a severe attack of pleurisy, and has come on a short trip for the benefit of his health. We welcome him here and trust that the change will do him good. |
July 11, 1891 | DEATH | It is our painful duty today to announce the death of the wife of the Rev. S. J. ANDREWS, which sad event took place 27th June at White Bay. She had just been able to get about after her confinement, when she complained of feeling unwell, and continued so for two days, but no serious results were anticipated, consequently her husband did not realize her approaching dissolution until an hour before her death. The rev. gentleman is here now with the remains of his beloved wife, waiting for a chance to convey them to St. John’s for interment. We extend to him our heartfelt sympathy in this hour of his sad bereavement. |
July 11, 1891 | PASSENGERS | "The coastal steamer “CONSCRIPT”, Capt. WALSH, arrived between six and seven o’clock Thursday morning having experienced splendid weather all the way along. There were a larger number of passengers than usual on leaving St. John’s as the clerical gentlemen who had been in the city attending Synod and Conference returned by her for their appointed homes. The steamer goes as far as Griquet and may be expected back early Monday should the weather prove favorable. Appended is the list of passengers: Old Perlican - Mr. T. PITTMAN, Miss MOREY. Catalina - Revs. HOLT, TAYLOR and CRAGG. Trinity - Rev. G. LUMSDEN, Mr. D.C. WEBBER, M.H.A., Mr. A. PARSONS, Miss M. MARSHALL, Master A. MARSHALL King’s Cove - Mr. J. COWAN, Mr. SULLIVAN. Salvage - Rev. Hy SCOTT, Father BATCOCK, Mr. HOUSE. Bonavista - Mr. WHITE. Greenspond - Revs. J. PARKINS, H. PATTERSON, Mr. GODDEN, Mr. S. CHAFE. Fogo - Revs. S. JEFFERSON, M. WHITE, Miss M. DUDER, Miss HODGE. Herring Neck - Rev. C. Len?h? Twillingate - Revs. R.W. FREEMAN, J.K. KELLY, W. HARRIS and R. TEMPLE, R.D., Mr. W.R. STIRLING, Misses S.B. TAYLOR, M.A. BLACKLER, L. PEYTON. Morton’s Harbor - Miss HEAL. Exploits - Rev. G.C. FRAZER and wife, Rev. S.J. RUSSELL, Miss SNOW and Miss MANUEL. Fortune Harbor - Rev. J. HUTCHINGS, Mr. COOK. Pilley’s Island - Miss L. MUNDY. Little Bay Islands - Rev. W. REX. Little Bay - Rev. J.E. MANNING, Mr. J. BOYD, Mr. C.W. STEPHENS, Mrs. BURKE, Mrs. BRIEN, Misses BURKE, ALLEN and QUINBY. Tilt Cove - Rev. E. PETERS, Messrs. TRIGGER, BRALEY, DELGADO, Dr. STRAPP. Mrs. A. BAILEY, Miss COWAN. Coachman’s Cove - Miss LEDREW, Miss ANDREWS. 16 in steerage. From Greenspond to Twillingate - Messrs. R.P. RICE and P. ANSTEY. From Fogo to Twillingate - Mrs. A. LINFIELD and Miss HODGE. From Twillingate to Little Bay - Rev. A. PITTMAN." |
July 11, 1891 | CRAFT SUNK BY STEAMER | While a small craft belonging to Northern Bay was coming in with a load of caplin on Wednesday evening she was struck and sunk by the steamer “FALCON”, going outbound to Sydney. Three passengers and three men, including the owner, named JOHNSON, were saved. |
July 11, 1891 | PRISONER FOLLETT SENTENCED | FOLLETT was sentenced by Judge PINSENT, on WEDNESDAY, to seven years hard labor. |
July 11, 1891 | PERSONAL | Doctor FRAZER and bride arrived per “CARTHAGINIAN” on Wednesday. |
July 11, 1891 | ICE REPORT | The steamer “CREMONA”, of Quebec, passed through the Straits of Belle Isle, being the first for the season. She met no ice. |
July 11, 1891 | LABRADOR REPORT | July 6 - Dr. FISET, recently sent by the Quebec government to visit Labrador, reports that la grippe is terribly malignant there, and that typhoid fever has also appeared. |
July 11, 1891 | FISHERMEN RESCUED | July 10 - Halifax vessel, “IRON QUEEN”, rescued two Newfoundland fishermen, OLSEN and BROWN who had been adrift five days in an open boat. |
July 11, 1891 | BORN | At Herring Neck, on the 21st ult., the wife of Stephen STUCKEY of a daughter. |
July 11, 1891 | BORN | At the same place, on the 27th ult., the wife of Timothy WOODFORD of a son. |
July 11, 1891 | MARRIED | On June 13th, at the Methodist Parsonage, Twillingate, by the Rev. R.W. FREEMAN, Mr. Charles WHITE, School Teacher, Twillingate, to Mrs. Mariana MOORS, School Teacher of Little Harbor. |
July 11, 1891 | MARRIED | On the 11th ult., at St. Mary’s Church, Herring Neck, by the Rev. S. CHAMBERLAIN, Incumbent, Mr. John BARNES, to Miss Annie BATT. |
July 11, 1891 | MARRIED | On the 21st ult., at the same place, and by the same, Mr. Archibald MILES to Phoebe JAMES. |
July 11, 1891 | MARRIED | At the residence of the bride’s father, Harbor Grace, on the 25th ult., by the Rev. E. MCNAB, Agnes, eldest daughter of John PATERSON, Esq., J.P. to J.A. CLIFT, Solicitor, son of Theodore CLIFT, Esq., of St. John’s. |
July 11, 1891 | MARRIED | On July 1st, at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. M. HARVEY, L.L.D.,F.R.S., F.R.G.S., St. John’s, assisted by Rev. Geo. PATTERSON, D.D., F.R.G.S., Rev. William GRAHAM, Minister of St. Andrew’s Church, to Alison Susanna Victoria, eldest daughter of Sir Robert THORBURN, K.C.M.G., St. John’s, N.F. |
July 11, 1891 | DEATH | On the 18th ult., at Change Islands after a short illness, Patience, relief of the late John JEANS. |
July 11, 1891 | DEATH | Drooped and died at Morton's Harbor, July 8th, after 12 days illness, Emily Selina, youngest daughter of Samuel and Emily SMALL, aged 15 years and 6 months. “Asleep in Jesus” |
July 11, 1891 | DEATH | At Little Bay, on Sunday, 28 ult., Margaret relict of the late Myles BURKE, and daughter of the late Patrick RYAN, Logy Bay. |
July 11, 1891 | DEATH | At St. John’s on Tuesday last, July 7th, after a short illness, in the 73rd year of his age, Mr. George LUSCOMB, a native of Plymouth, England, and for many years a respected resident of St. John’s. “There is a shadow dark and gloomy, Hanging o’er our home today, There is weeping for our dear one, Who has passed from earth away. May we try to follow ever, In the holy path he trod, That at death we may be ready, As he was to meet our God.” |
July 11, 1891 | SHIPPING NEWS | Port of Twillingate.- Entered: July 4 - “GUIDING STAR”, MACKLEY, Cadiz, 150 tons salt - J.B. TOBIN. July 10 - “GALATEA”, WILKINS, Glace Bay, 213 tons coal - E. DUDER. July 11 - “CYRIL”, COOPER, St. John’s, Salt and Provisions - E. DUDER. |
July 18, 1891 | Rev. R.W. FREEMAN (Part 1) | A deputation of the Methodist congregation, consisting of Messrs. Chas. MAYNE, C. WHITE, George ROBERTS and J.P. THOMPSON, waited on the Superintendent Minister of this circuit for the past three years, - Rev. R.W. FREEMAN, - on Thursday evening last, and presented him with an address and purse, as a mark of good will, and in recognition of the valuable services which he has rendered during the term of his ministry in this community. Mr. FREEMAN has been a most zealous and energetic pastor, and during his ministerial sojourn here has done much to advance the interests of the Church of God, and for that branch of it for which he has been laboring. His sermons have always been of an edifying and stirring character, and being delivered with much force and pathos, could scarcely fail to interest and benefit his hearers who from time to time composed the congregation to which he administered the Word of Life. |
July 18, 1891 | Rev. R.W. FREEMAN (Part 2) | The church property has been greatly enhanced during Mr. FREEMAN’s labors on the circuit, which is an evidence of the assiduous manner in which he has toiled. The debt on the North side church has been largely reduced, and it has been newly shingled and painted. The one on the south side has been much improved, and when the interior has been completed, which will be in week or two, it will compare favorably with any other outport church in the Methodist connection. The Church at Little Harbor has been pushed to an advanced stage of completion, and there has been progress made in other directions, all of which point to the energy displayed by the Superintendent of the circuit, and is an evidence of the readiness on the part of the people to respond so liberally to the appeals that have been made to them during the depressing times, and of their readiness to co-operate with their Pastor in the extension of Church work. Mr. And Mrs. FREEMAN leave per next “CONSCRIPT” for their new home, Blackhead, Conception Bay, and will take with them the best wishes of the community generally for future prosperity. That is a large and important circuit and we trust that his labors there for God’s cause may be crowned with much success. |
July 18, 1891 | Minister Allocations (Part 1) | List of Stations for the Year 1891-2. St. John’s District. 1. St. John’s (Gower St.) – Humphrey P. COPPERTHWAITE, M.A. 2. St. John’s (West) – A.D. MORTON, M.A., M.J. HUTCHESON, G.S. MILLIGAN, L.L.D., Supt. of Education, by permission of Conference, James DOVE, Super’y. 3. St. John’s (East) – Frederick R. DUFFILL, Geo. P. STORY, Chaplain and Guardian of Children’s Home, Secretary of Conference. 4. Pouch Cove – Solomon MATTHEWS. 5. Topsail – John REAY. 6. Brigus – John PRATT. 7. Cupids – James PINCOCK. 8. Bay Roberts, Port-de-Grave and Spaniard’s Bay – W.T.D. DUNN, Chas. FLEMINGTON and an Agent. 9. Flower’s Cove – An Agent. 10. St. Anthony – One to be sent. 11. Red Bay – John C. SIDEY. 12. Hamilton Inlet – Selby JEFFERSON. 13. Chapel Arm and Railway Mission – One to be sent. James DOVE, Chairman, A.D. MORTON, M.A., Financial Sec’y. |
July 18, 1891 | Minister Allocations (Part 2) | Carbonear District: 14 Carbonear – T.H. JAMES, one to be sent, John S. PEACH, Super’y. 15 Harbor Grace – George PAINE. 16 Freshwater – Anthony HILL. 17 Blackhead – R.W. FREEMAN. 18 Western Bay – Henry C. HATCHER. 19 Lower Island Cove – Jesse HEYFIELD. 20 Old Perlican – Samuel SNOWDEN. 21 Hant’s Harbor – Francis G. WILLEY. 22 Heart’s Content – T.W. ATKINSON. 23 Green’s Harbor – William KENDALL. 24 Random North – William H. BROWNING. 25 Random South – S.J. DURRANT. 26 Britannia Cove – S.J. HULL. Thomas H. JAMES, Chairman, Thomas W. ATKINSON, Financial Secr’y. |
July 18, 1891 | Minister Allocations (Part 3) | Bonavista District: 27 Bonavista – James NURSE, President of the Conference. 28 Bird Island Cove --- Samuel J. RUSSELL. 29 Catalina --- Edgar TAYLOR. 30 Trinity --- Herbert HOOPER. 31 Musgrave Town---Henry SCOTT. 32 Glover Town --- W. PATTERSON who shall spend three months on the Labrador. 33 Greenspond --- Joseph PARKINS. 34 Wesleyville---William HARRIS. 35 Indian Islands and Seldom-Come-By --- One to be sent. 36 Musgrave Harbor --- A.A. HOLMES. 37 Fogo---Henry ABRAHAM. 38 Herring Neck --- Charles LENCH. 39 Twillingate---Jabez HILL, James K. KELLEY. 40 Moreton’s Harbor---W.R. TRATT. 41 Exploits---Geo. C. FRAZER. 42 Laurenceton and Marshville --- Henry WHITMORE. 43 Little Bay Islands --- William REX. 44 Little Bay --- James LUMSDEN. 45 Nipper’s Harbor and Tilt Cove --- Mark FENWICK, J.E. PETERS. James NURSE, Chairman, Jabez HILL, Financial Secretary. |
July 18, 1891 | Minister Allocations (Part 4) | Burin District: 46 Burin --- Wm. SWANN, W. H. DOTCHER. 47 Flat Island --- W.J. BARTLETT. 48 Sound Island --- W.B. AMBROSE. 49 St. Pierre --- One wanted. 50 Fortune --- James WILSON. 51 Grand Bank ---Levi CURTIS, B.A. 52 Garnish --- William SCEELEY. 53 Burgeo --- An Agent. 54 Petites --- One to be sent. 55 Channel --- John J. WHEATLEY. 56 St. George’s Bay and Bay of Island --- John T. NEWMAN, As Agent. 57 Bonne Bay --- John PYE. 58 French Shore --- An Agent. William SWANN, Chairman, John T. Newman, Financial Secretary. Students permitted to attend Sackville:- Thomas B. DARBY, A. Royd STONEY, Henry J. INDOE, James SMITH, A. C. SKINNER, and Jabez MOORES. |
July 18, 1891 | Steamer Report | The coastal steamer “CONSCRIPT”, Captain WALSH, returned en route for St. John’s on Monday morning, having been as far as Griquet. She reports the fishery on that part of the coast as poor of late. The Labrador steamer “CURLEW”, Captain A. KEAN, called here early this morning en route for the coast, to take on board the Medical officer, Dr. SCOTT. The “CURLEW” brought a mail, for which accommodation to the public the Government and postal authorities desire our thanks. |
July 18, 1891 | Drowning | A very sad accident occurred at South West Arm, New Bay, on Monday the 16th inst., when two daughters of Mr. Joseph BAGGS, of that place, fell over the wharf and were drowned. Their bodies were subsequently recovered. One of them was fourteen years of age and the other was eight. |
July 18, 1891 | Church News | The Rev, Wm. HARRIS preached in the North Side Church last Sunday morning, and on the South Side in the evening, delivering earnest and practical discourses on each occasion. Mr. HARRIS and wife left per “CONSCRIPT” for Greenspond en route for Wesleyville, his newly appointed circuit, where we wish him every success in his Ministry. Mr. STERLING, who is on a visit here for the benefit of his health, is a Lay-Reader of the Church of England, and officiated in St. Peter’s Church last Sunday morning, on which occasion we understand, he treated his hearers to a practical and pathetic discourse which appeared to be well received. Although his voice is not very strong, owing to illness, he could be heard distinctly all over the large edifice and the service throughout was excellent. |
July 18, 1891 | Marriage | On June 6th, at No 32 Olive Avenue, Toronto, the residence of the bride’s father, by the Methodist Clergyman, Wm. Geo., son of Thomas PEYTON, ESQ., M.H.A., to Lily, daughter of Mr. James LINFIELD, formerly of Twillingate. The bride was the recipient of many presents from friends, which speaks well for her short residence in a strange city. |
July 18, 1891 | Death | On July 5th, Elizabeth Martha, infant child of Job and Julia Anna WATKINS, aged one year and fifteen months. |
July 18, 1891 | Clergyman drowned | Intelligence of a melancholy boat-accident at Harbor Breton was received this morning by telegraph to Colonel FAWCETT, to whom we are indebted for the information. It is that the Rev. Mr. HOW, Clergyman of the Church of England at Harbor Breton, was drowned yesterday by the upsetting of the boat in which together with his little daughter and his boatman – CHAPMAN – he was returning from Jersey Harbor to Harbor Breton, and his daughter and CHAPMAN shared the same fate. The body of the last-mentioned was recovered, but down to the period of our information, the efforts to recover those of the Rev. Mr. HOW and his little girl had proved unavailing. Jersey Harbor is about a mile and a half from Harbor Breton and the probability is, that it was after holding services in the former place in the evening, and while returning under sail, when there was a strong breeze blowing, the dreadful disaster occurred. The event will awaken strong grief in the Church of England circles where the deceased clergyman had made the impression of a vigorous and intelligent personality, and will long leave a shadow of gloom over the scene of the distressing occurrence. We cannot but add our conviction that in those settlements where outport Clergymen have to traverse wide spaces of water where the sea may, in an hour, become rough and stormy, they should have their safety ensured by being provided with good capacious skiffs, manned by at least two fishermen, and fitted to weather sudden gusts of wind and dangerous surfs. There’s scarcely a season but what we hear of the lives of Clergymen, traveling in exposed situations, being more or less seriously imperiled, and that they escape so frequently is nothing less than providential. – Evening Telegram, July 13th. |
July 18, 1891 | Lives Lost in Bacalieu Tickle | By the arrival of the schooner “BONAVISTA”, Captain Thomas VERGE, from Bonavista to this port, intelligence has been received here of a dreadful tragedy of the sea, which happened in Bacalieu Tickle on Wednesday night. Captain VERGE heard the news as he was coming through Bacalieu Tickle, from the keeper of the Bacalieu lighthouse, who was rowing across the Tickle at the time, conveying the two survivors of the disaster. He learned from the keeper, that the lost vessel was the “PUBNICO BELLE”, Captain BUTT, of Western Bay, who was bound here from Goose Bay with a cargo of wharf posts. She ran ashore on the Southern Head of Bacalieu, on Wednesday night, in the early part of which a rain storm set in, followed by a heavy breeze of wind. In the dense gloom the lighthouse could not be seen and the schooner, by some unfortunate mishap, which is not explained, either by misstaying or being supposed to be around the Head was cast ashore. In the raging storm the vessel became a total wreck, and of a crew of nine men, seven, terrible to relate, perished in the sea. These are the bare facts which were hastily gathered from the keeper by Captain VERGE. The telegraph was not communicated with evidently by the two survivors, but in a few days we shall probably know further particulars of the dire disaster. – Evening Telegram, July 11th. |
July 25, 1891 | Sunday School Report | Last Sunday afternoon an open-air service in connection with the South Side Methodist Sunday School was held on the Parsonage grounds, the Church not being used for worship while the inside was being renovated. A large crowd was present, and the greater number was accommodated with seats, provided for the occasion. The meeting was presided over by Rev. R.W. FREEMAN, who, after three or four items on the programme has been disposed of, delivered an excellent and suitable address to the scholars, urging upon them the necessity of receiving into their hearts principles of religion which would prove of incalculable benefit to them in after years. Short addresses were also given be Messrs. THOMPSON and J. DAVIS, teacher of the Arm school. The latter, who is leaving Twillingate, referred to his several years connection with the school, and to the pleasure which he always realized in being identified with Sunday school work. By the removal of Mr. DAVIS to another sphere of labor, the South Side school will lose a most valuable and cheerful helper.A review of the quarter’s lessons was conducted by the Superintendent, Mr. John MINTY, and the manner in which the scholars acquitted themselves reflected the highest credit on them and all connected with the school. The recitations were well rendered; music and singing excellent, the organ being presided over by Miss Jessie HODDER. Before the proceedings closed an address was presented to Mrs. FREEMAN from the 1st Class girls, which she has had charge of while being here, with a small souvenir as a token of their love and attachment to her as a faithful and devoted teacher. The address was beautifully worded and was read in a clear and distinctive tone by Dulcie MOORS. Mr. FREEMAN replied in a touching manner on behalf of the worthy recipient. The singing of the doxology and the pronouncement of the benediction brought this very interesting Sunday school service to a close. |
July 25, 1891 | Death | On July 19th, Matthias, son of Samuel ANSTEY, aged 24 years. |
July 25, 1891 | Death | At Change Islands, July 14th, Mr. Joseph COVEYDUCK, aged 40 years. |
July 25, 1891 | Death | At St. John’s on the 18th inst., of diphtheria, after a brief illness, Dr. Phillip T. HUBERT, a native of Harbor Breton, and only son of P. HUBERT, Esq., of that place. |
July 25, 1891 | Shipping News | "Port of Twillingate: July 20 – “Guiding Star”, MACKLEY, North Sydney, ballast –J. B. TOBIN “Rescue”, TOWNSLEY, South Bar, Sydney – Captain." |
July 25, 1891 | Local News | Rev. R. TEMPLE, R.D., has gone to Moreton’s and Tizzard’s Harbors on a pastoral visit. Squids have made their appearance and have been obtained in small quantities by fishermen in various localities during the week. The weather of late has been very favorable for vegetation and rapid growth has taken place in the cereals and various other root crops. The “GUIDING STAR”, Captain MACKLEY, was cleared for North Sydney on the 20th inst. By J.B. TOBIN, Esq., for a cargo of that favorite coals and may be looked for here about the middle of next month when those wanting a supply for present or winter use will be able to get all they require at the lowest possible price. |
July 25, 1891 | New Minister | We have pleasure in welcoming to the community the newly appointed Superintendent Minister of Twillingate circuit, the Rev. J. HILL, and family, who arrived per “CONSCRIPT” on Thursday. He commences his ministerial duties here tomorrow, (Sunday) preaching in the South Side Church in the morning, and on the North Side in the evening, at the usual hours. |
July 25, 1891 | Fishing Report | Two or three small fishing craft returned to Change Islands from the Straits the early part of the week having been fortunate in getting good trips. One of them was the “TRIAL”, LEDREW, master, with 200 quintals, to the firm of E. DUDER, having secured her catch in the vicinity of Henley Harbor. The fishery in the Straits is reported good. The fishery with traps the past two or three weeks has been pretty fair, and altogether the voyage with many of the trap fisherman, is turning out well. There is far more fish ashore now than there has been at a corresponding date for the last four or five years. But those fishermen depending solely on the hook and line have fared even worse than previous years, so far. There was fish in the bay, but it appeared glutted and would not take bait. It may be that with squid bait there will be an improvement with the hook-and-lines. |
July 25, 1891 | Teacher Leaving | One of the Methodist day school teachers of this place, Mr. John DAVIS, leaves by this steamer for St. John’s en route for Grand Bank, where he has been invited to take charge of a school that will yield him a much larger salary than he has hitherto been receiving. Mr. DAVIS has been teaching in the Arm school for the past nine years and has taken great pains in raising it to a standard, second to few elementary schools in the colony. He is most efficient and possessing qualifications essential in imparting knowledge, he has proved a very successful teacher, and it is to be regretted that the Board here cannot afford to give him an equal salary so as to retain the services of so valuable a teacher. Mr. DAVIS understands vocal and instrumental music and in this particular he has done much to elevate the tone of society around him, and will be greatly missed, particularly by the choir of the South Side Methodist Church, in which he has taken such a warm and lively interest. In taking his departure from us we unite with many of his friends in wishing him a bright and prosperous future. |
August 15, 1891 | Cricket Match | On Wednesday, the 12th inst., a Cricket match was played between the boys of the “Thistle” (South Side) and Snowdrop” (North Side) Cricket Elevens. The “thistle’s” having won the toss, went in first. At the end of the game the the score stood as follows: - THISTLES - 1st Innings, W. HUDSON, put out, 3. W. FRENCH, c MANUEL, 14. A Mitchard, b Lunnen, 12. W. Hitchcock, c Newman, 4. M. Hawkins, b Lunnen, 2. F. Churchill, b Tobin, 0. F. Hodder, c Newman, 1. H. Churchill, b Lunnen, 0. J. Churchill, b Lunnen, 0. W. Earle, b Lunnen, 0. J. Butcher, not out, 0. Byes, etc. 10. TOTAL 46. 2nd Innings: M. Hawkins, b Young, 0. J. Churchill, b Young, 2. H Churchill, run out, 1. W. Hitchcock, b Lunnen 3. W. French, c Manuel, 21. A. Mitchard, b Lunnen, 10. J. Butcher, b Lunnen, 3. W. Earle, run out, 2. F. Hodder, c Lunnen, 0. H. Churchill, put out, 6. W. Hudson, not out, 15. Byes, etc. 19. TOTAL, 82. 1st Innings, 46. 2nd Innings, 82. TOTAL 128. SNOWDROPS: 1st Innings, A. Lunnen, c Mitchard, 16. B. Tobin, c Butcher, 0. M. Cook, b French. 3. G. Young, run out, 4. F. Newman, c F. Churchill, 4. E. Manual, b French, 5. J. Greene, c Mitchard, 5. J. Colbourne, b H. Churchill, 0. G. Newman, c Mitchard, 0. W. Temple, b H. Churchill, 0. W. Manuel, not out, 6. Byes, etc. 8. TOTAL, 50. 2nd Innings: B. Tobin, c French, 3. W. Manuel, b French, 1. M. Cook, b Mitchard, 15. F. Newman, b French, 0. A. Lunnen, b Mitchard, 7. G. Young, b French, 20. E. Manuel, c Churchill, 4. J. Greene, c French, 1. G. Newman, c Mitchard, 0. W. Temple, b French, 1. J. Colbourne, not out, 5. Byes, etc. 2. TOTAL, 60. 1st Innings, 50. 2nd Innings, 60. TOTAL, 110. The total score of the “Thistles” was 128, of the “Snowdrops” 110, giving the former the victory by 18 runs, which considering the advantage that the size and age of the North Side boys gave them, must be considered a good success. Both bowling and batting were good on all sides; and, in short, it was a well played , well contested match. May the youthful opponents play many more such! |
August 15, 1891 | Appointed | His Excellency the Governor in Council has been pleased to appoint Francis C. BERTEAU, Esq., to be first clerk in the Colonial Secretary’s Office, in place of G. W. B. CARTER, Esq., deceased; Edward PILOT, Esq., to be Clerk in the same office. |
August 15, 1891 | New Brick Factory Opened in Trinity Bay | Mr. L. Gower MACKAY showed us yesterday a specimen brick, turned out at the new brickworks lately started in the bottom of Trinity Bay. The brick is seven-and-a –half inches long, three-and-a-half inches wide, and two-and-three quarter inches thick.This is a very convenient form, but in making the guage, it can be changed larger or smaller. Two cargoes of the brick (40,000) have arrived in town, brought by the schooners ARGOSY and FLASH for the Municipal Council. The works are now in full blast, and as the local article is just as good and cheap, there should, hereafter, be no necessity to send abroad for brick. Colonist, July 30. |
August 15, 1891 | Doctor Stewart PIKE | It is stated that Dr. Stewart PIKE will succeed the late Dr. HUBERT as Physician to the Board of Health. Colonist. |
August 15, 1891 | Advertisement | Bear in mind the “Sale of Furniture” at Mr. PERCY’s residence (foot of Church Hill). No reasonable offer refused. |
August 15, 1891 | Breach of License Act | A breach of the License Act has been recently committed at Tilt Cove, for which the defendant was fined fifty dollars before L.M. GIL, Esq., |
August 15, 1891 | Passengers | The coastal steamer “Conscript bound South came into port on Friday morning, early. Her reports from the Labrador were of a very cheering character. Annexed is a list of her passengers: - From Battle Harbor to St. John’s—Rev. H.A. MICHOLSON, J. JACKMAN, E. ROBINSON. From Battle Harbor to Harbor Grace - G. BADCOCK, W. SMITH, E.W. PIKE, Capt. PIKE. From Blanc Sablon to St. John’s - Right Rev. Lord BISHOP of Quebec, E. GRANT, J. Davis. From Tilt Cove to St. John’s — A. ADAMS, W. WINSOR, Constable BURT, E. W. PINSENT. From Tilt Cove to Nipper’s Harbor — Dr. FREEBAIRN, Rev. J. PETERS, Miss TILLEY. From Nipper’s Harbor to Twillingate — Mrs. BLACKLER, Miss SHAVE. From Little Bay to Fortune Harbor — Mr. BYRNE, Mr. HOWSON, R. HAMILTON. From Little Bay to Exploits — Miss MAYNE. From Little Bay to Twillingate — E. DUDER, J. FOOTE, E. BOYDE, Lieutenant PYN (S.A.). From Little Bay to Fogo — Mrs. FARELL. From Pilley’s Island to Twillingate — Miss E. WARR. From Pilley’s Island to Herring Neck — Mrs. ROUSELL. From Twillingate to Herring Neck — Mr. S. COLBOURNE, wife and two children. From Twillingate to St. John’s — Seargent PATTEN and wife. From Twillingate to Harbor Grace — Major SCOTT and wife (S.A.). |
August 22, 1891 | Stealing from Mr. Hodge | Fogo. Saturday morning Mr. HODGE discovered that a large quantity of goods had been stolen from his shop. Monday, a lad discovered them in a large blanket bag, under an old punt. He was rewarded by Mr. HODGE, four dollars. The celebrated BREEN was taken by Sergeant LACEY, but he was so clever that he got away form the Officer and outran him home. He remained in the neighbourhood till Wednesday evening. But although he showed himself on the hills, and would permit the Officer to talk with him, yet he was so agile, the Sergeant was no match for him. On Wednesday he gave himself up to the Magistrate. He says he is innocent. The goods stolen amounted to about seventy dollars. It appears that he secreted himself in the shop during the day, and at his leisure made a huge bag, neatly sewed, out of blankets. He will be detained in prison till the Supreme Court arrives. Doubtless he is guilty, but there is much sympathy shown, as the poor fellow seems to have some unconquerable disposition towards stealing, a kind of kleptomania. He needs some place of confinement where he will be under masters. Flogging or any similar punishment will in this case, be useless. He is not fit to be at large. |
August 22, 1891 | Fishery | Very little has been done by fishermen around this locality the last couple of weeks. The season’s catch thus far is very short, still there is slight improvement on last year. It is possible that the fall fishing may pull up a little. In some parts at the head of the Bay, the fishery has been good this summer. On the Cape Shore there has been a fair lot of salmon caught by those who are fitted out for that fishery, but very little had been done with codfish in many of the harbors and coves. At Shoe Cove however, there had been fair fishing, and on the first coming of the squids, about a fortnight since, there was a bright prospect for a good Fall fishery. One seine there owned by Mr. George NOSEWORTHY had done well, having secured 100 quintals for five men since trapping was over. The fishery at the Wadhams is turning out good this season. Up to the time the steamer FALCON was there with the Inspector of Lighthouses, the early part of this week, boats had 100 quintals each, that is for two men. Fish were plentiful on the ground and fishermen were daily increasing their catch. |
August 22, 1891 | Inspection of Lighthouses | The steamer FALCON, Capt. MURPHY, arrived here on Wednesday morning having on board the Inspector of Lighthouses, Mr. NEVILLE, and his assistant, Mr. WHITE. Mr. NEVILLE is making his biennial visit to the lighthouses on the Northern part of the coast. He inspected the institution on Long Point and found everything in a most satisfactory condition. The steamer left at noon for Cape St. John, Gull Island, which is the extreme Northern point on which a lighthouse, under the control of the Newfoundland Government, is located. The FALCON is bound to Glace Bay for a cargo of coal and came Northabouts, thence going through the Straits of Belle Isle, in order to afford the Inspector of Lighthouses an opportunity of visiting the institutions under his supervision on this part of the coast. By this means the cost will be considerably less than if a steamer were specially employed for the service. |
August 22, 1891 | Shipping News | The STELLA MORRIS arrived on Sunday for Mr. HODGE with a thousand barrels of fish. J. G. LUCAS, Esq., of Fogo, has gone for a six week tour to the Westward. R. SCOTT, Esq., has gone to St. John’s in the MAGGIE BRIGGS with load of dry fish and lobsters. The HIRAM PERRY with the excursion party, left for Little Bay noon to-day. We wish them a safe return to their homes. The coastal steamer CONSCRIPT, Capt. WALSH, arrived between four and five o’clock Thursday morning. She had a large number of passengers going North. Several making the round trip to Battle Harbor. The CLEMENTINE, Capt. BALL, sailed for Lisbon this week with a cargo of fish for E. DUDER, Esq. This is the second cargo cleared by that firm this season for a foreign market. The WILLIE, Capt. TOMS, also left this week for Lisbon, with a cargo for Messrs. OWEN & EARLE. Port of Twillingate. Entered: Aug. 22 — MAYFLOWER, DINGLE, St. John’s, salt and provisions — E. DUDER. Cleared: Aug. 11 — LITTLE SECRET, COUCH, Fogo, 90 tons coal — R. SCOTT; Aug 17 - WILLIE, TOMS, Lisbon, 2560 qtls shore codfish — Owen & Earle; Aug. 19 — CLEMENTINE, BALL, Lisbon, 3200 qtls shore codfish — E. DUDER. |
August 22, 1891 | Drowning | A few weeks since, a drowning accident occurred at Horse Islands. A young man named Henry TOMS, son of Mr. Wm. TOMS, was casting caplin. There was a sea running at the time and it is supposed that in the act of throwing out the net, the boat capsized. The young man was 26 years of age. His remains were conveyed to Shoe Cove on July 18th and interred in the cemetery there. |
August 22, 1891 | Born | At Ashton Cottage, Tilt Cove, August 14th, the wife of Dr. FREEBAIRN, of a daughter. |
August 22, 1891 | Marriage | At St. Luke's Church, Little Bay, on July 30th, by the Rev. A. PITTMAN, Mr. James A. SHEPPARD to Miss Martha Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. Joseph COLBOURNE, both of Little Bay. |
August 22, 1891 | Marriage | At the same Church and by the same Clergyman, on the 31st July, Mr. John Thomas MOORS to Miss Julia, daughter of Mr. Robert HAGGETT, Master of the steamer HIRAM PERRY, both of Little Bay. |
August 22, 1891 | Marriage | At Pilley’s Island by the same Clergyman on the 5th inst., Charles SWENSEN of Gottenborg, Sweden to Miss Rhoda, daughter of Mr. George OSMOND of Little Bay. |
August 29, 1891 | Shipment of Coal | The English vessel GUIDING STAR, Capt. MACKLEY, arrived from Sydney on Thursday morning with a cargo of coal to J.B. TOBIN, Esq. A good opportunity is thereby offered of securing a winter’s stock at a low rate. |
August 29, 1891 | Arrivals for Labrador | We are pleased to welcome the return of a number of our Labrador fleet who have come back with full fares. Others are reported well fished and on their way home. It is evident that the catch this year will be above average. The following are the arrivals in this port: - SIX BROTHERS, James YOUNG, 850 brls.; MALLARD, John ROBERTS, 800; FIVE BROTHERS, Robert YOUNG, 600; VOLUNTEER, Elias DALLY, 600; ROSE of SHARON, Frederick HOUSE, 600. Fortune Harbor, August 25 — First arrivals from the far North today, TORPEDO and VILLAGE BRIDE, both fully loaded; report many of the Green Bay fleet well fished. The TORPEDO got her fare at Dog Island and the VILLAGE BRIDE at King's Bay. August 28th — STAR of the EAST arrived today loaded; got their fare at Kidlipip Bay. So it appears from all reports that our Green Bay fleet will be fairly successful this season, as there are good accounts from nearly all of them. A good many are reported well fished, others on their way home, some are making their fish on the Labrador. |
August 29, 1891 | Marriage | On July 18th, at St. Nicholas’s Church, Leading Tickles by the Rev. P. G. SNOW, Incumbent, Mr. Isaac WILLAR to Mrs, Susanna COOPER. |
August 29, 1891 | Marriage | On July 19th, at the same place, and by the same, Mr. John Chas. NOSEWORTHY to Margaret Clara COOPER. |
August 29, 1891 | Marriage | On August 112th, at Botwoodville, by the same, Mr. Henry James HANCOCK to Miss Susanna SEYMOUR. |
August 29, 1891 | Death | On Wednesday last, Earnest, youngest son of Phillip and Ester YOUNG, aged 7 years. |
August 29, 1891 | Shipping News | Port of Twillingate. Aug 27 — GUIDING STAR, MACKLEY, North Sydney, 160 tons coal — J.B. TOBIN. |
[September 5, 1891 to November 14, 1891 Transcribed by Ron St Croix in 2004. GW.] | ||
September 5 1891 | Shipping News | The “Bonny” arrived from St. John’s yesterday morning with a full freight, partly provisions, &c., for R.D. Hodge, Esq. The steam launch, “Matilda” belonging to R. SCOTT, Esq., came from Fogo on Thursday evening bringing provisions &c., for his branch establishment here. The annual treat in connection with the Church of England Sunday Schools was held on Wednesday last. It was a beautiful sunshiny day and the day’s programme was carried out without the least hitch. The codfishery in the vicinity of Fogo Island, has greatly improved within the last five of six weeks, and up to date, it is very gratifying to learn that the catch is much better than it has been up to a corresponding date for the past four or five years. The “Conscript's” freight going North this trip consisted principally of coal, having on board a large quantity, of which she intended discharging at Battle Harbour for the Labrador steamer “Curlew”. This may detain the steamer North a few hours longer than usual. The “Conscript” got here between eight and nine o’clock Thursday morning and after the usual detention, started for the other ports of call North. She had on board a large number of passengers on leaving St. John’s. The Conscript may be expected back Wednesday evening or Thursday morning. The number of vessels insured in the Twillingate Mutual Insurance Club for 1891 is 297, as may be seen from the list published on our [fourth?] page. 166 of this number being owned or directly connected with the extensive mercantile firm of E. Duder, Esq. The most of these craft are new and well equipped, and all, with very few exceptions, are engaged in the prosecution of the fisheries. The losses of vessels in connection with this insurance scheme have been comparatively few during the years that it has been established, making is easy for insurers. |
September 5 1891 | More Arrivals From Labrador | Since last week’s reports, there have been several other arrivals from the Labrador in this neighborhood, with good fares. Among them are the following: - [Ship/Master/ # of Crew/ # of Barrels] “Dorothy”; Samuel YOUNG; 9; 900. “General Booth”; Jacob MOORS; 5; 300. “Erebus”; Thomas VATCHER; 7; 250. “Minnie Ha Ha!”; George GUY; 8; 550. “Manitoba”; Phillip YOUNG; 7; 550. “Blooming Queen”; John PRIDE; 9; 750. “Lottie”; William ROBERTS; 14; 1471. “Annie Roberts”; Isaac POND; 9; 700. “Medway”; W. JENKINS; 7; 500. “Bianca”; W. SNOW; 9; 740. “Silverdale”; David WHEELER; 12; 1304. “Volunteer”; E. DALLY; 8; 600. “Water Lily”; John HELLIER; 9; 600. “Abib”; John HELLIER; 9; 600. “…”; James ROBERTS; 5; 300. “St. Patrick”; Samuel PENNEL; 6; 460. |
September 5 1891 | Advertisement | The D&L Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, and the Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda. No other Emulsion is so easy to take. It does not separate nor spoil. It is always sweet as cream. The most sensitive stomach can retain it. Cures – Scrofulous and Wasting Diseases, Chronic Cough, Loss of Appetite, Mental and Nervous Prostration, General Debility, &C. Beware of all imitations. Ask for “The D&L” Emulsion and refuse all others. Price 50c and $1 per bottle. |
September 5 1891 | Another Tragedy on Quidi Vidi Lake | The distressing news of the death, by drowning, of Mr. POWELL reached town after one o’clock this afternoon from Quidi Vidi Lake. The facts are these: He went boating in the yacht “Spitfire,” and, after a while, and on reaching the side of the lake near Pleasantville, beached the craft, and, with the aid of Mr. Peter ROUTLEDGE, bailed her free from water. In the strong wind reaching almost to the height of a gale, the yacht had careened so sharply on her side as to take in water. After they had freed her, Mr. ROUTLEDGE begged, in the most solemn way, the young man who is only about twenty one years of age, not to again venture out in such a heavy breeze and so high a disturbance of the water, saying “I don’t want to see anything happen to you.” Nevertheless, Mr. POWELL did push out the yacht and had only reached across the lake to Power’s Point, which is in the locality of the racing buoys, when the yacht upset and Mr. POWELL was thrown into the water. He did not climb up on the boat’s bottom, for the boat appears to have sunk; or at all event there was no sight of her immediately after the accident, but swam for the shore. He did not make for the nearest point of safety, but was swimming as it were, down the length of the lake. Mr. ROUTLEDGE thinks that, had he struck out for the nearest part of the shore, he would have been saved. On the melancholy circumstance being telephoned to town, a detachment of Police, accompanied by Mr. George M. JOHNSON, set out for the scene of the tragedy to recover the body. The deceased was tutor to the family of Sir William WHITEWAY, and though known to be disposed to follow his own will and wished, was yet a person of gentlemanly manners and may excellent qualities of head and heart, and very much esteemed. – Telegram Aug 20. |
September 5 1891 | Sale of Work | A Sale Of Work Will take place in the fall, for the purpose of raising funds to renovate, and furnish the South Side Methodist Church. Donations of money, plain or fancy articles of any kind, will be thankfully received by the following who form the Committee: - Mrs. Andrew LINFIELD; Mrs. Thomas LINFIELD; Mrs. Alfred LINFIELD; Mrs. Titus JENKINS; Mrs. Samuel YATES; Mrs. Rachel PARSONS; Mrs. Sarah ROBERTS; Mrs. Mary [KNELL?]; Mr. John DAVIS; Mr. John ROBERTS; Miss MINTY; Miss HODDER; Miss Lizzie SMITH; Miss Anne SMITH; Miss CHURCHILL; Miss R. GILLETT; Miss Olive (V…..?); Mr. John MINTY; Mr. John LINFIELD. Mrs. Jabez HILL, President. |
September 5 1891 | Bazaar | The ladies of St. Andrew’s Church, Twillingate propose holding a Bazaar during the Fall of 1891, in order to pay off a small amount still outstanding against the Church. Any contributions of money or Articles for sale will be thankfully received. Stall holders and managing Committee: Mrs. HITCHCOCK; Miss ASHBOURNE; Miss SNOW; Miss MAIDMENT; Miss TEMPLE. The Incumbent. Secretary. |
September 5 1891 | A Trip to Botwoodville | On Aug 24th, the Rev. P.G. SNOW accompanied by his wife and Misses NOBEL and BURSELL, left Exploits for Botwoodville, a distance of 30 miles up the Exploits River, in a small schooner owned by Thomas WINSOR, Esq. The day was all that could be desired, wind favouable, a beautiful clear sky, and at 10.45a.m., the little schooner with flags flying and commanded by Mr. Fred SEVIOUR, was making her way out the harbor. The run up this really beautiful river, was enjoyed by all on board, the ladies remaining on deck all the time admiring the magnificent scenery. Botwoodville was reached at 3.30p.m. On nearing the wharf, the whistle from the Mill sounded a welcome, and soon the little party were on shore, and given a hearty welcome by Messrs. SMYTH, HALL, GELLIBRAND and also Mr. Charles PINSENT, son of Sir Robert PINSENT who was staying at the Mill for a short time. Soon after our arrival we were shown through this excellent Mill, which at the time was in splendid working order, sawing at the rate of 650 logs per day. Then we went through the yard and viewed the immense piles of lumber. The tea bell was soon heard ringing, and it was not long before we were all seated around the table doing justice to a bountiful repast provided by our kind friends. After tea, target-shooting was proposed by Mr. GELLIBRAND, and although is was rather late in the day for such sport, yet some excellent shots were made by Messrs. GELLIBRAND and HALL. Next morning was wet and disagreeable, but notwithstanding the state of the weather, the two young ladies were at work at 7.30 a.m. and managed to make two excellent sketches of the Mill houses and Mill yard with its immense piles of lumber. About 10a.m. the weather cleared up and at 11.30 a.m. we wished our kind friends good-bye and embarked. The whistle sounded a farewell and soon the little schooner with the wind and tide in her favour and flags fluttering gaily in the breeze, was ploughing her way home again. Exploits was reached at 4.15 p.m. and all disembarked having enjoyed the trip immensely. One of the Party. |
September 5 1891 | Two Men Drowned | Plenty of Fish on the Outer Banks. The brigantine “Blanche”, Capt. Robert PALFREY, brings good news from the Flemish Cap and Outer Banks. The Captain states that on the 25th instant, while making in for this port, at 4.00 p.m., in latitude 47 N., longitude 44.45 W., he spoke with the fishing schooner “Pet”, of Carbonear, with 390 quintals of the staple article on board. Her Master reported fish plentiful but weather bad. About four miles Northward of the Pet, Capt. PALFREY observed an American with ensign half-mast high. Two men belonging to her crew were drowned that morning through the sinking of a dory while hauling their trawls. The Officers of the Blanche saw eighteen schooners in all at anchor on the Flemish Cap. Evening Telegram of Monday last. |
September 5 1891 | Personals | The Rev. R. TEMPLE, Rural Dean, took passage per last “Conscritpt” for Tilt Cove, being on a visit to parts of the deanery under his charge. |
September 12 1891 | Birth | On the 7th. ult., at Fortune Harbor, the wife of Mr. Edward SHANAHAN of a son. |
September 12 1891 | Birth | On the 25th. ult., at the same place, the wife of Mr. Jno. SHEA of a daughter. |
September 12 1891 | Shipping News | Port of Twillingate. ENTERED: Sept 7 – “Eugeine”, CARON, Montreal via Fogo, provisions &c. Owen & Earle. Sept 7 – “Marie Elmire,” MENARD, Montreal, provisions &c. E. Duder. CLEARED: Sept 9 “Eugeine”, CARON, Cow Bay, Ballast - Captain. “Marie Elmire,” MENARD, St. John’s, 600 Brls Flour – Captain. Sept 10 – “Guiding Star”, MACKLEY, Lisbon 2800 qtls Shore codfish – J.B. Tobin. Sept 11 – “Mayflower,” DINGLE, Lisbon, 3,400 qtls Shore codfish – E. Duder. The “Gipsy” returned from St. John’s yesterday morning with a full freight, partly provisions etc., for J.B. TOBIN, Esq. The Rural Dean (Rev. R. TEMPLE), who was on a visit to Tilt Cove and other parishes under his jurisdiction, returned per “Conscript” on Thursday morning last. Two cargoes of provisions arrived here direct from market the early part of this week, namely the “Marie Elmire” to the firm of E. Duder, Esq., and the “Eugenie” to Messrs. Owen & Earle. The English vessel “Mayflower,” Capt. DINGLE, with 3,400 qtls. of merchantable shore codfish, for E. Duder, Esq., was cleared from the customs yesterday, for Lisbon. This is the third cargo from that firm this season. The English schooner “Guiding Star,” Captain MACKLEY, was loaded by J.B. Tobin, Esq., on Wednesday forenoon. She took 2800 qtls Shore fish and left for Lisbon early yesterday morning, Captain MACKLEY made many friends for the time he was in port and we, with them, wish him a safe and prosperous voyage. The weather the past fortnight has been somewhat favorable for curing fish, and those who came back early, have the greater part of their voyage almost ready for shipment. It is to be hoped that a continuance of fine weather will prevail, which will enable the season’s catch to be in the market at an early date. The schooner “B 4 U”, James DWYER, Master, belonging to P. ROGERSON, St. John’s, was lost at Cape Lewis, Labrador, on the 28th August, with 75 qtls of fish; also the “General Grant,” George HERALD, Master, which was lost on the 3rd Sept., at Flower’s Ledge, near Flower’s Cove, Strait of Belle Isle, with 500 qtls of fish. She was owned by G. GRANT, Bonne Bay. |
September 12 1891 | Gun Accident | One of the crew of the “Rosalie”, James ANSTEY, Master, which arrived at Back Harbor on Sunday evening last, with 610 qtls., met with a serious accident two or three days before getting back. Robert ANSTEY, brother of the Master of the craft, was firing at a Curlew in the vicinity of Domino on the previous Friday, when the gun burst, split open his left hand fair in the centre. It appeared as if part of the stock flew back striking the hand and causing the sever wound inflicted. Fortunately there was a favorable breeze of wind and the craft was not long coming home after the accident occurred. As soon as possible on arriving, Dr. STAFFORD was in attendance and under this skilful management it is thought at present, that the patient will not lose any part of his hand, which will be a marvelous escape under the circumstances. |
September 12 1891 | Passengers | The coastal steamer “Constript”, Capt. WALSH, bound South, came into port early Thursday morning. The following is a list of her passengers:-- Geo. PATTERSON; G.H. HUTCHINGS; Mrs. WHITELEY; Mrs. SIDEY; Rev. R. BROWN; S. O’BRIEN (2); Mrs. DELGADO; Mrs. T. MARTIN; Mr. J.C. THOMPSON; Mrs. THOMPSON; Mrs. MACKENZIE and 3 children; J. HADDON; Miss Emma PHILLIPS; Mrs. TAYLOR; A.E. MANUEL; J. BARRETT; Mrs. ATKINS; Miss ATTKINS; Mrs. PEYTON; Miss NOBLE; John SNOW; Joseph SNOW; William SNOW; Rev. R. TEMPLE; T. HART; Mrs. DIEM; Mrs. E. BLACKMORE; Mr. J. BOWERS; 40 in steerage. From Twillingate to Fogo: - Mr. R.P. RICE; Mrs. K. BAIRD. From Twillingate to Greenspond: - Mrs. M.E. MANUEL. From Twillingate to St. John’s: - Mr. J.N. PERCEY, wife, two children and servant; Messrs. J. GIBBS; J.P. THOMPSON MHA; H. PARSONS; Masters F. BERTEAU, G. BERTEAU, B. TOBIN; Miss PRIDE. |
September 12 1891 | Marriage | Married, on August 26, by the Rev. R. WALSH, Mr. John HEAD of Joe Batt’s Arm, to Elizabeth, third daughter of the late William and Mary Ann QUIRK. The bride was suitably arrayed for the occasion and was accompanied by a large number of relations. the bride’s maids were Miss Johannah QUIRK and Miss Margaret SWENEY. The best men on the occasion were Messrs. John HAMILTON and Richard BUDGILE. |
September 12 1891 | Marriage | It appears as if the young ladies of Fortune Harbor have a particular way of their own of captivating strangers who came among them about a month ago. Michael HEAD was joined in holy wedlock to Carrie BYRNE, third daughter of Michael and the late Mary BYRNE of Waldron’s Cove. The day after, they left in the “Conscript,” to spend the honeymoon on Fogo Island. |
September 12 1891 | Marriage | On August 12th, by Rev. W. TERAHAN, Mr. Benjamin PAUL of Exploits River to Miss Eliza STUCKLESS of Canada Bay. Mr. PAUL is a very fine specimen of the Micmac tribe, a most successful hunter, and appears to be a most energetic fellow. His wife is quite a lively person, and may be said to be handsome. She was entirely captivated by Mr. PAUL about a month or two ago at Hall’s Bay. It may be said to be love at first sight. – Com. |
September 12 1891 | A Strange Case Of Lunacy | From Plate Cove, Bonavista Bay, a correspondent writes under a recent date: “One of the strangest cases of Lunacy I ever heard or read of, is a resident of this village, and I think, she (it is a female) will be sent on to the asylum by the “Conscript.” The victim is a girl about eighteen to twenty years of age, and was born and reared here, being the daughter of honest and hard-working people. There was nothing wrong with the girl until sometime about May last, when she suddenly disappeared from her home. The whole village turned out to look for her, but she was not found for five days. When discovered, her clothes were nearly torn from her person, and she was almost faint from exhaustion. When brought home, she could give no account of herself, beyond that she was in the woods. About the end of a month she again disappeared, and this time was not found for nine days; also in the woods. After this, the friends of the girl watched her closely, but despite their precaution, she got away for the third time, and it was 17 days before she was found. This time she was worn to a skeleton, and her boots and stockings completely gone. She could give no explanation beyond that she was in the woods and lived on berries. It is hoped that the treatment of Dr. MCKENZIE will bring the poor girl round all right. – Colonist. |
September 12 1891 | Labrador Arrivals | Since last weeks reports there have been several arrivals from the Labrador, being very well fished. Appended is the list: - [Ship/Master/ # of Crew/ # of Barrels] “Brisk”; Job LUTHER; 9; 700. “Betsy Purchase”; James PURCHASE; 8; 700. “J.S.O.”; Phillip FREEMAN; 9; 600. “Rosalie”; James ANSTY; 8; 610. “Fortuna”; Daniel BLACKLER; 7; 500. “Sunbeam”; William FOX; 7; 500. “Lily of the West”; John PHILLIPS; 8; 730. “J.M. Lacey”; James PHILLIPS; 6; 350. “Endurance”; James HODDER; 8; 650. “Rovers Bride”; Matthew ELLIOT; 9; 600. “Experiment”; Josiah HAWKINS; 8; 530. “Fawn”; Albert SPENCER; 9; 750. “Liberty”; Joseph YOUNG; 6; 500. “Myra”; George LEYTE; 7; 600. “H.W.B.”; Reuben BLACKMORE; 5; 250. |
September 12 1891 | Halls Bay Line | Work on the Hall’s Bay line is progressing rapidly, the fine weather being taken advantage of. At present there are forty-eight miles of road from the Junction, over which thirty-seven miles of track have been laid. There are over eight hundred men employed, and they are laying on an average of a half a mile of track each day. A gentleman who has recently been over the road, and who has considerable knowledge of railways, speaks in the highest terms of the line and its equipment, everything in his opinion being first class. The men have apparently become satisfied, for they were all working away quite content. They get along very well with Mr. REID who is foreman of construction. – Colonist. |
September 12 1891 | Appointment | Rev. G.H. FIELD, who arrived here by the “Nova Scotian” on Wednesday, has been appointed to the mission of Burgeo – Rev. H. CUNNINGHAM having left the diocese for Nova Scotia. Mr. FIELD is a graduate of the Theological College in this city, and had charge of the mission of Flower’s Cove and Harbor Breton, being the immediate predecessor of the late Rev. William HOWE, who was drowned at the latter place a short time ago. Mr. FIELD, who is a young man, is spoken of as an earnest and zealous Minister. – Colonist. |
September 12 1891 | A New Enterprise in Notre Dame Bay (Part 1) | We are pleased to learn that a new occupation for our people – the manufacture of pulp – will shortly be commenced in Notre Dame Bay. Several gentleman in that important district have formed themselves into a company, and arranged to carry on the work vigorously the coming fall and winter. The necessary capital has been subscribed here and in England, and a profitable industry, affording much employment to many of the inhabitants, is pretty certain. Of course the Government will take care that no obstacles are thrown in the way by avaricious land grabbers, and will give the Company all reasonable encouragement. They ask no subsidy of drawback. All they want from the Government is a limited tract of primeval forest, with undisputed possession of the same for a certain term of years. This, we are positive, they will obtain without much difficulty; and if their efforts prove successful – which is more than probable – other companies will speedily follow their example. The value of wood pulp has so greatly increased during the past few years that, no matter how vast the supply may be, it is not at all likely to exhaust the demand. So that our Notre Dame Bay friends have before them, a bright outlook, at the commencement of their manufacturing career. |
September 12 1891 | A New Enterprise in Notre Dame Bay (Part 2) | Wood pulp is now extensively used as a composition for moldings and decorative purposes in private and public buildings. In the manipulation of this composition, beautiful effect can be obtained, by mixing it in the various aniline colors – strong or tinted – or those known as metallic colors. Bronze powders of various colors may also be used with pleasing results. By the use of this material, all the better qualities of fine-grained wood are obtained, without any of the drawbacks of shrinkage or expanding on account of atmospheric conditions. As giving an inkling of the magnitude of the general consumption of wood pulp, it is stated that for a single edition of a prominent daily paper, 17 tons of blank paper was recently required. This was the product of 67 cords of poplar. In 22 hours from the time of felling the trees, it had been turned into printed papers. The process is thus divided with respect to a test case - chopping 1 ½ cords of wood, 3 hours; manufacturing into pulp, 12 hours; transporting to printing office, 1 hour and 20 minutes; wetting paper preparatory to printing, 30 minutes; printing 10,000 copies, 10 minutes. This shows the rapidity with which raw material may be turned into a finished article. When it is considered that the foregoing figures refer to only one paper in one city, and that almost every newspaper is printed from material consisting largely, and often almost wholly, of wood pulp, which is also used in the production of nearly all common and medium grades of paper for almost all uses, the magnitude of the consumption of wood in pulp making becomes apparent. – Telegram. |
September 19 1891 | Shipping News | The American schooner “Novelty,” Capt. CAMPBELL, arrived from Sydney on Tuesday, to R.D. Hodge, Esq., with a cargo of coals. We are requested to state that a meeting of the Crosby Lodge, (No. 30) L.O.A., will be held in the Hall on Wednesday next at half-past seven. The Rev. G.W. SIDDALL, Pastor of the Congregational Church, St. John’s, arrived per “Volunteer, and will preach in the Congregational Church to-morrow (Sunday) morning and evening at the usual hours. A meeting of the Trustees is to be held on Monday evening at eight o’clock. The schooner “Lassie,” DOWNER, Master, owned by R. SCOTT, Esq., Fogo, returned from Labrador to that port on Tuesday evening last with a full cargo of fish. The Lassie had a deck load of oil and salmon to the value of six or eight hundred dollars, on leaving the coast, but having experienced very heavy weather, had to throw all the produce overboard, together with two boats in order to save the ship and their lives, which at one time appeared to be in imminent danger. Port of Twillingate. Entered: Sept 15 – “Novelty,” CAMPBELL, Sydney, 160 tons coal – R.D. Hodge. |
September 19 1891 | “Volunteer” Comes North | It was discovered when the “Conscript” was half loaded on Monday that there was something wrong with her propeller, which would necessitate her being docked for repairs before going to sea, and it was then decided that the “Volunteer,” Capt. P. DELANEY, should take her place and perform the Northern service this trip. This mishap caused several hours delay in leaving and the Volunteer did not get away until between two and three o’clock Wednesday morning. Leaving St. John’s, she had a full cargo of freight and a large number of passengers. As Captain DELANEY commands the Volunteer on the West Coast, he seldom comes on the Northern route, but when he does, he navigates his ship with the greatest speed and punctuality along the dangerous rocks and creeks, as though he were regularly performing the service. He makes himself most affable and accommodating to passengers, and is a general favorite of all who take passage with him, as well as the Officers, who are also very obliging. It is the first time that Capt. DELANEY has been on this part of the Coast, and we extend to him a hearty welcome. |
September 19 1891 | Passengers | Passengers per Volunteer for Northern ports: - Bay de Verde – Mrs. E. MARCH and child; Mrs. O’NEIL; Miss E. MARCH; Miss DONALLY. Trinity – Mrs. LAURASON; Miss SCARLET; Miss J. HALLADY; Mr. J. MCGRATH. Catalina – Mrs. MCGREGOR. Bonavista – Dr. SMITH; Miss S. SKIFFINGTON; Miss CHAMBERS. Salvage – Mr. A. JANES. Greenspond – Rev. W. PILOT, BD; Rev. Mr. AMOUR; Miss AMOUR; Mr. S. OAKLEY; Miss L. OAKLEY; Mr. and Mrs. A. JOSEPH; Miss C. EDGAR; Miss E. GODDEN; MR. J. COWAN and son. FOGO – MR. R. DAWE; TWILLINGATE – Rev. S.W. SIDDALL; Miss A. TUCKER; Messrs. J.W. OWEN and J.P. THOMPSON. Exploits – Mr. R. QUIRK. Little Bay Island – Mr. MURCELL; Miss L. CHOWN; Miss BESSIE ENGLISH. Little Bay – Rev. E. MCNAB. Tilt Cove – MR. J. RENDELL. Battle Harbor – Mr. H. W. COTTER; Mr. TAYLOR. Trinity To Herring Neck – Mr. DAY. Greenspond To Twillingate – Mrs. T. MANUEL. Fogo To Twillingate – Mrs. W.M. BAIRD and Mrs. J. FRENCH. |
September 19 1891 | Birth | On the 14th inst., the wife of Mr. R. AITKIN. of a son. |
September 19 1891 | Shipwreck and Loss of Life at Cat Harbor | The result of Tuesday night's storm was not limited to the harrowing scene chronicled above, which has cast a gloom over the community, but was most tragic and disastrous in its consequences on other parts of the coast, particularly in the vicinity of Cat Harbor, near Cape Freels. Sad to relate the schooner “Pearcie,” John Cull KANE, Master, was lost with all hands, the crew consisting of six or seven, nearly all related. This craft belonged to the firm of Messrs. J. & W. Stewart, had done well to the Labrador, and after landing the summer’s catch, had gone off to the Funks fishing. Returning from there, she was overtaken in the storm, and met with the sad fate related. The craft and crew belonged to Pound Cove, about eight or ten miles from Greenspond. The schooner “Amason,” James NOBLE, Master, belonging to Fair Island, some nine miles from Greenspond, was also lost and three of the crew, namely James NOBLE, Master, CUTLER and WICKS. Another craft called the “Royal Blue,” was lost but the crew was saved. |
September 19 1891 | A Zealous Missionary | The Rev. T.P. QUINTON was a passenger by the “Conscript” yesterday for Harbor Grace, the birthplace of the Rev. gentleman. For the past four years Mr. QUINTON has resided and toiled unceasingly in the desolate and inhospitable Mission of Sandwich Bay, Labrador. In fact and interesting history could be written of the work and experience of this noble, self-sacrificing man. Though of a naturally robust constitution and happy disposition, the hardships which he has gone through during these years, have told upon him, and while not in ….. health, he is clearly not as hale and vigorous as of yore. The Rev. gentleman will now take a well - earned rest, when he will probably take charge of some other Mission in the Diocese, where he will no longer be debarred from participation in the comforts of civilized life, which do not exist in the barren region of Sandwich Bay. - Trinity Record. |
September 19 1891 | Loss of the Schooner “Blossom” | The schooner “Blossom,” 30 tons, Joseph MARSH, Master, with six of her crew, was lost about 12 o’clock on Tuesday night the 15th instant. She left White’s Arm, French Shore, on Tuesday morning with a light breeze N.E., and all went well until 8 p.m., when the wind increased to a strong gale. Then all canvas having been taken off, and while running under bare poles, land was seen just before 12. It was attempted to hoist canvas to weather the point, but this did not succeed, and she struck in Gull Island Cove, Exploits, 3 miles above Black Island. On striking the cliff, the jibboom and bowsprit were carried away, and one man lost. The schooner bounded off again, when another man and the girl were also lost. Another man jumped, and the next sea carried him ashore; he got up on the cliff where he could see the skipper and two men on deck. About 15 minutes later, a heave sea broke over the vessel and smashed her up, carrying away the last three men, nothing was seen of them afterwards. There are some houses at the back of the cliff a quarter of a mile distant. The survivor remained on the cliff until 8 next morning when some men came, but could not get near him for sea. These men at last got a rope to him, which he made fast around his body, and watching his chance, jumped into the sea and was hauled about twenty fathoms through the water, and was saved. The survivor’s name is Joseph INGS. The names of those lost are: - Joseph MARSH, James WITT, George GIDGE, Obadiah VINING, Arthur LANGDOWN, Priscilla LANGDOWN. This account, simple as it is, speaks volumes. While hundreds of other schooners, deeply laden, are returned in safety and thankfulness, from making one of the best Labrador voyages known for many years, this accident happens and throws a gloom upon the community. Every schooner lost tells the rest what might have been their case, but for the mercy of Providence; and what may be their case even yet, should it be so ordained. We are thus the more ready to sympathize with the friends of those who are suddenly taken away in this awful manner and “pray for those at sea.” |
September 19 1891 | Conflagration at Pelley’s Island (Part 1) | Yesterday, early in the afternoon, part of the Island, called Norway, was discovered to be on fire, a high wind prevailing at the time. The fire was observed a little before 3 o’clock, just as the afternoon shift was going to work. They were sent right away, so were the men that were leaving work, and in a very short time, every men on the Island was present, and also some women. After all the belongings of the people were saved that could possible be, preparations were made to make a fire break, to prevent the fire from spreading or working windward, which it was rapidly doing. All the axes and shovels in the settlement were produced, and the Manager and Officers and all the men, commenced to cut a trench a couple of feet wide, and as the fire worked towards the edge of the trench, hands were stationed with water. Some women took an active part, amongst the rest, and foremost I understand, was the Manager’s lady, wielding an axe most dexterously all the afternoon. The men worked with a will until about 7 o’clock. They were then ordered to crib, as the fire was nearly subdued and the settlement considered out of danger. The night shift was ordered on watch and was engaged all night at different parts, where the burnt embers were likely to take root again. |
September 19 1891 | Conflagration at Pelley’s Island (Part 2) | All danger supposed to be passed, the men were ordered to their homes about sunrise. At 12 o’clock to-day, the wind veered to N.E., and the village again appeared to be in danger, all hands were called on again, and continued until 7 o’clock. At present it is calm but God only knows what tomorrow will bring forth. If the wind prevails from the South, it is feared the whole settlement will be swept. There is not much damage done yet; four families are left without a home. Two of those saved their belongings, the other two lost the greater part of their possessions. One poor fellow was only two days living in his house when the fire took place. Those who have witnessed a fire need no description, and those who have not can imagine, better than I can describe the scene. It was both awful and terrific at times; when the wind would lull, the flames would run to the tops of the highest trees almost instantly; then a strong gust of wind would convey it to tops of other trees, and in about two hours it ran down the whole length of the Island. Pilley’s Island appears to be a prosperous mining settlement at present. There is a great rush of business, no one idle here, work for all who need it. Mr. BOWEN, the Manager, appears to take a great interest in his people by endeavoring to improve their condition in every respect. Yours in haste, Richard M. HAMILTON. Pilley’s Island, Sept. 8, 1891. |
September 19 1891 | Fire at Tilt Cove Mine | A large fire broke out in Tilt Cove on the 9th inst., and the works on the surface of East mine were destroyed, including two engines, two Stone Breakers, a boiler, &c. The fire originated in a sample room by the upsetting of a lamp. |
September 26 1891 | Supreme Court on Northern Circuit (Part 1) | The steamer “Fiona,” Capt. HISCOCK, with the Judge and suite attending Supreme Court on Northern Circuit, arrived on Thursday morning, having been prevented from getting here the day previous (the date fixed by Proclamation for opening Court) in consequence of stormy weather. His Honor, Mr. Justice LITTLE, is the presiding Judge, and was accompanied by Sheriff CARTER and the following legal gentlemen: - Sir James WINTER, Messrs. A.O. HAYWARD, Q.C., G.H. EMERSON, P.J. SCOTT, W.H. HORWOOD, D.M. BROWNING, M.W. FURLONG, A.L. BERTEAU and Charles H. EMERSON. Mr. Joseph P. CARTY, Clerk, and Wm. BURKE, Crier. Two or three of the legal gentleman left the Court here, and returned to St. John’s by the “Volunteer.” Some of the legal profession were attending Court on Northern Circuit for the first time, and we were pleased to welcome then here. The court opened shortly after ten o’clock Thursday morning. Mr. Justice LITTLE requested the docket to be called. |
September 26 1891 | Supreme Court on Northern Circuit (Part 2) | It contained but a very limited number of civil cases to be heard before Court. The only ones being writs for debts of some years standing. His Lordship briefly addressed the Court and said that as there was no case of a criminal nature to be tried, he did not consider it necessary that the Grand Jury should be summoned, particularly as the day was so fine and suitable for attending to the cure of fish, and for the shipment of the same, and that having to attend Court would interfere with their operations. He congratulated the community on the immunity from crime during the past year, which reflected greatly on the law abiding character of the people. Court was held Thursday and Friday, the greater part of the time being occupied in hearing cases that had been transferred from Little Bay and Conche. The business having been disposed of, the Court rose about half-past five last evening to sit on Friday today. Before the Court rose, his Lordship also referred to the freedom from crime in Little Bay district, and it is indeed a matter for the proudest reflection that in such an extensive community as Notre Dame Bay includes, containing such a large population, there was no criminal case to engage the attention of the Court either at Little Bay or here, and it is to be hoped that such a peaceable and happy condition of society will long continue. |
September 26 1891 | Appeal to the Public | We understand that an appeal is being made to the public on behalf of the survivor of the ill-fated schooner “Blossom,” and for those who have been left destitute by the loss of the breadwinners so suddenly and unexpectedly taken from them. Joseph INGS is the only one of the crew that was saved, and having lost everything he is in a much worse condition than when he started for the fishery in the early part of the season. He received advances from the supplying Merchant before starting on the voyage, and as the craft with her four hundred quintals of fish, and everything else in her, have been a total loss, INGS is entirely destitute of anything for the support of himself and family during the winter. The Master of the craft, which belonged to the firm of E. Duder, left a wife and two small children quite unprovided for, and therefore it seems only right and proper that under the painful and distressing circumstances surrounding the case of the unfortunate sufferers, that something should be done to alleviate the distress that has so unexpectedly overtaken them. The sad catastrophy cast a gloom over the community, and appeared to evoke much sympathy. Let us hope then, that it will take a practical form, and that the appeal on behalf of the survivor and bereaved ones, will meet with a most liberal response form a charitable public. |
September 26 1891 | Disaster of the Deep (Part 1) | Loss of the Barque “Camilia.” The melancholy intelligence of the reported loss of the “Camilia” went through the city today, and from the information obtainable, it would appear that the sad news is but too true. The effect of the intelligence is that the whole of her crew is supposed to have gone down with the ship. The place where the Camilia is gone down is supposed to be at Scatterie, near Sydney, for it was on the shore at that place that three bodies and a life buoy bearing the ship’s name, were picked up. The Camilia belonged to Messrs. P. & L. TESSIER, of this port, and was commanded by Capt. Richard HARVEY, one of the bravest and most daring of all our Newfoundland seamen. The vessel left here about the first of June last, fish laden, for Brazil, where she arrived in safety. After having discharged her cargo, she left Bahia the first week in August, bound for Sydney, at which place she was to have taken a cargo of cod for St. John’s. It is supposed that she must have reached the Cape Breton Shore during the late gale, and was lost at that time. The first intimation of anything being wrong, was received by Messrs. P. & L. Tessier yesterday, from London in a message to the firm’s agent. Messrs. Tessier kept the matter quiet, awaiting further confirmation, which was received from Sydney later in the evening. |
September 26 1891 | Disaster of the Deep (Part 2) | Here are the two messages for which we have to thank Messrs. TESSIER: “London, G.B., 10th Sept. It is posted at Lloyd’s here and sent from Halifax, that three bodies, a quantity of wreckage, and a life buoy marked Camilia, St. John’s, N.F., has been washed ashore at Scatterie.” The second message reads: “Sydney, 10th Sept. The Camilia is reported lost at Scatterie with all hands.” These two messages almost place the loss beyond a matter of doubt. There is the greatest sympathy felt in town for the friends of Captain HARVEY and crew, nearly all of whom belong to St. John’s. What adds to the sorrowful aspect of the case is that Captain HARVEY’S wife and child were onboard the ship with him. It is said she was mainly induced to go on the trip, from the fact that the Captain was not in very good health when he sailed. She took one of the children along with her. Most of the crew were married men, some leaving large families. Herewith we give the names of the Captain and crew onboard the Camilia. Richard HARVEY, Captain, fifty-one years old, a native of St. John’s; Arthur COLTON, Mate, aged thirty three, a native of Glasgow, Scotland, married; Richard DOYLE, Boatswain, aged thirty six, a native of St. John’s, married; Richard RICE, Steward, aged twenty nine, a native of Twillingate, Norte Dame Bay, Newfoundland, married; Richard SHECHAN, Able Seaman, aged thirty five, a native of St. John’s, Newfoundland; James BREWIN Able Seaman, aged forty, a native of St. John’s, Newfoundland; John KURGAN, Able Seaman, a native of Tors Cove, Ferryland, Newfoundland. – Daily Colonist, Sept 11. |
September 26 1891 | Sad and Fatal Accident | Three Fine Young Fishermen Drowned. From Great St. Lawrence we get particulars of a sad and fatal accident, which occurred there on Tuesday last. Writing under date of the 3rd instant, our special correspondent says: - “One of the most unfortunate disasters we have had to lament for a long time, happened here two days ago. It was caused by the capsizing of a dory in the harbor. The boat was manned by three fine young fishermen, named, respectively, John CARPENTER of Keels, Bonavista Bay; Henry DUFFITT of Smith’s Sound, Trinity Bay, and William SUTTON also of the latter place. The bodies were recovered shortly after the accident, and, having received careful attention at the hands of the kind-hearted people who had charge of them, were interred in the Church of England cemetery.” – Evening Telegram, Sept 7. |
September 26 1891 | Personals | The “Fiona,” with Judge and suite, left for Fogo early this morning. The weather has been cold of late, and there was a light frost one or two nights this week. We are requested to state that a meeting of the S.U.F. will be held in the Hall on Monday evening next. So far we have heard of very little disease in the potatoes this year, and the crop all around, is likely to be a large one. The “Jubilee” returned from White Bay on Thursday evening, where she had been trading for J.B. Tobin, Esq., bringing back a full load of sea produce. The Rev. S.W. SIDDALL preached in the Congregational Church last Sunday morning and evening and the discourses on both occasions, we learn, were excellent and apparently much appreciated by the congregation. The Stipendiary Magistrate gives notice in another column, that a revision of No. 1, 2 and 3 sections of the Census returns for the Electoral District of Twillingate, will take place at the Court House on Monday, the 5th of October, and following days. The coastal steamer “Volunteer,” returning South, called here early yesterday morning. She had a large number of passengers from the North, including the following, who embarked here: Sir James WINTER, Rev. W.W. SIDDALL, Mr. RENDELL and Mr. M. FURLONG. |
September 26 1891 | Shipping News | The schooner “Maggie,” John STUCKLESS, Master, and the “Minnie F.,” Samuel FOX, Master, arrived from Labrador Monday night, the former with 300 and the latter 205 qtls. This is the last of the fleet that sailed from here. All, with the exception of the ill fated schooner “Blossom,” having returned with bumper trips and without any loss of life. |
September 26 1891 | Jottings From New Bay | A New Bay correspondent, writing under date of 15th inst., sends us the following news items, relative to fishery arrivals and other matters: - Our Labrador fleet is getting home and with good fares. Mr. Eph. WELL’S boat came home August 16th with 40 per man, Mr. George WHITE being Master. Mr. David SPENCER came home Sept 3rd with about 60 barrels, being gone only a month. Sep 6th, Mr. A. YATES came with a full load, and on the 11th, Mr. T. MANUAL came, having about 500 barrels. On the 12th, Mr. BAGGS passed up with a full load. The catch at home is not so very bad, the average being at least 15 quintals per man. The lobster packers have done well, i.e., those working on small scale. Mr. John MOORS packed more than 100 cases. Mr. PHILLIPS has not done as well, his expense is greater. There has been a good crop of hay and the gardens are good on the whole. I heard Mr. HOUSE say he had wheat growing splendidly, and would soon be ripe; he sowed a little just to see if it would grow and ripen. On the whole, times look pleasant and encouraging, for which we thank a kind Providence. We have two mines working in the Southern Arm, one by Messrs. Hutchings & Cook, and one by Little Bay Company. If these turn out good it will be a good thing for the bay. P.S. – Since writing enclosed letter we have another arrival from Labrador: Mr. James MOORS came yesterday with 800 barrels, and reports Mr. Gid. COX with salt used, and on his way home by this time. No deaths nor losses, for which we have cause to be thankful. September 17. |
[There is nothing on the Microfilm between September 26 and October 10, 1891. GW.] | ||
October 10 1891 | Shipping News | Port of Twillingate. ENTERED: Oct 5 - Soverign,” FLEET, St. John’s, Provisions, E. Duder; Oct 5 – “Pioneer,” HAMILTON, Fogo, Ballast – Captain; Cleared: Oct 5 – “Rescue,” TOWNSLEY, Lisbon, 3500 qtls Labrador codfish, Owen & Earle; Oct 6 – “Novelty,” CAMPBELL, Lunenburg, 2000 qtls Labrador codfish, R.D. Hodge. Two cargoes of fish left port this week for foreign markets. The “Rescue,” Capt. TOWNSLEY, sailed for Lisbon with 3500 qtls. Labrador fish for Messrs. Owen & Earle, and the “Novelty,’ Capt. CAMBELL, for Lunnenburg, N.S., with 2000 qtls. for R.D. Hodge, Esq. Last week the “Welsh Bell,” Capt. DAVIS, sailed for Gibraltar with 3300 qtls for the firm of E. Duder, Esq. |
October 10 1891 | Advertisement | Wild Cherry Bitters. The Old Remedy for: Weak Digestion, Loss of Appetite, Billiousness &c. Sold by all the Druggists. Price 20cts and 50cts per bottle. Prepared by C.C. Richards & Co., Yarmouth, N.S. T.W. CRAGG, 180 Duckworth St., St. John’s, Sole Agent. September 5. |
October 10 1891 | Death | At St. John’s, on the 30th ult., after a short illness, William D. HALLEY, aged 55 years. |
October 10 1891 | Death | At the same place on the 24th ult., James GLESSON, Merchant, Water St., aged 78 years. |
October 10 1891 | Local and General News (Part 1) | General Booth was lately visiting South Africa and is now in Australia. H.M.S. “Partridge,” from the North, came into port yesterday morning and remained until this morning, when she left for St. John’s. The value of books imported last year was $25,323, which as the Daily Colonist remarks, is a healthy sign that education is making some progress. We are requested to state that a special meeting of the Dorcas Society will be held at the usual time and place next Wednesday evening, when all the members are expected to attend. Subscriptions are being made in St. John’s, in aid of the widows and orphans of the crew of the barque “Camelia” who have been left destitute by the drowning of their bread winners, in that tragic marine disaster. Four Jersey heifers were recently imported by the St. John’s Board of Agriculture, which are said to be handsome animals by those who have seen them. Their cost is about $900 including freight, which was $55 each. The Arm Methodist Day School was reopened on Monday last, after being closed for a few weeks, during which time the interior was newly painted. The school is in charge of Mr. W.G. SMITH, a teacher holding a first grade certificate. |
October 10 1891 | Local and General News (Part 2) | The Hon. J.J. ROGERSON left St. John’s by the Allan “Caspian,” as a delegate to attend the Methodist Conference at Washington, which was to have opened Wednesday last, the 7th inst. Mr. ROGERSON is the only representative from Newfoundland. On Monday last, when there was but little wind and water smooth, some boats about Crow Head did pretty well with fish, one boat having got nearly a quintal. Since then it has been rather stormy and it has not been possible to get to the fishing grounds. The steamer “Miranda,” put into port last Saturday evening bound to Pilley’s Island to load with iron pyrites for New York, and it is said that the “Bonavista” was seen passing along outside the Harbor, on Tuesday morning, going to Botwoodville for a cargo of lumber, en route for Montreal. The “J.C. Ross,” John LOCK, Master, returned from the so-called French Shore on Wednesday night, having been away on a second trip to the fisheries. This time he got about ten quintals per man and one hundred barrels of herring. The weather on the coast has been very stormy the past few weeks. The remains of Captain HARVEY, wife and child, were brought to St. John’s in the steamer “Falcon” returning from Sydney with a cargo of coal, and were laid to rest in the General Protestant Cemetery. All the bodies of the ill-fated barque “Camelia” have also been recovered, and a movement is on foot in the city to have them brought to their friends in St. John’s for interment. |
October 10 1891 | Appointment | His Excellency the Governor in Council has been pleased to appoint Rev. Adam CURRIE to be a member of the Church of England Board of Education for Bay of Islands in place of Rev. F.W. COLEY, left the district. Rev. F.W. COLEY to be a member of the Church of England Board of Education for Carbonear in place of the Rev. T.W. CLIFT, left the island. Messrs. Moses BURTON, Frank MILES and Joseph KEARLEY to be members of the Church of England Board of Education for Herring Neck. Mr. James ROWSELL to be a member of the Gander Bay Road Board in place of Mr. John BURSEY, resigned. |
October 10 1891 | Killed By a Bullet | A serious gunning accident occurred at Croque on the 20th ult. On the day previous, three of the crew of HMS “Patridge, were landed there for the purpose of going in the country deer hunting. They took with them James MOORS, residing at Croque, and proceeded in the country some ten or twelve miles. The next morning, as they were preparing breakfast, a deer happened to be passing at a distance from them, and the men took their guns to pursue it. MOORS took the lead, and when in a position as he thought to make a good shot, fired. One of the man-of-war men was just behind him, and though not firing at the deer, his gun accidentally went off, sending the bullet into the lower part of MOOR’S left side, and cut through his right side above the elbow, causing death in a few moments. The men left everything behind them, and started to carry the unfortunate fellow to his home, which was reached in the evening. MOORS was a married man, and leaves a wife and two children. |
October 10 1891 | The HARVEY's Funeral | Funeral Obsequies of Captain and Mrs. HARVEY and son, of schr. “Camelia.” The funeral of Captain and Mrs. HARVEY and their son Alexander, aged twelve, took place at eleven o’clock from Messrs. O’BRYNE’S wharf, and was a most impressive and melancholy spectacle. The bodies of husband and wife united in life, not separated in death, lay side by side on the chief hearse, and were followed by the remains of their son in a second hearse. The pallbearers of Captain and Mrs. HARVEY were: Captains DAVIS, PIKE, CROSS, FACEY, GREEN and BAXTER, and the pallbearers of their son were composed of members of the George Street fife and drum corps. The chief mourners were Mr. William HARVEY, Robert FRENCH, Charles NORBURY, the Masters NORBURY, Messrs Peter and Charles TESSIER and employees of the firm, followed by a long cortege of citizens. The Masonic fraternity wearing their regatta preceded the funeral cars, and at the grave sang a solemn ode or Hymn. The Rev. A.D. MORTON read the burial service, and the bodies were lowered to their last resting place in the midst of a solemn hush and deep felt expression of regret. – Evening Telegram, Sept. 22. |
October 10 1891 | A Gallant Rescue | In the very height of last night’s storm, a deed of daring was performed by the Captain and crew of Pilot Boat No. 1, which places their names high up on the list of heroes. About 9 o’clock word came to town that a boat containing two men was outside, in danger of being dashed to pieces on the rocks. If prompt assistance was not rendered their destruction was certain. Without a thought of the danger to their own lives, John GALLASHAW, sr., Captain, S. RYAN, R. VINCOMBE, John EAGAN and Peter HANNEN manned their boat, and at once put off to the rescue. At this time the wind was blowing furiously and a heavy sea running. Despite these facts, the brave fellows dashed forward on their errand of mercy. That their return was anxiously looked for, it is needless to say. But after a brief absence they arrived, bringing the boat and its thankful occupants safe to land. They were found in the bottom of Hay Cove, and were in a most dangerous position. The gallant crew who effected the rescue, deserve all honor for their daring act. – Evening Herald, Sept 24. |
October 17 1891 | Birth | At the Rectory, Little Bay, October 7th, the wife of the Rev. A. PITTMAN of a daughter. |
October 17 1891 | Marriage | Married. On Sept. 27th, at All Saint’s Church, Exploits, by the Rev. P.G. SNOW, Incumbent, Mr. James STUCKLESS to Miss Abigail Susanna CANNINGS. |
October 17 1891 | Marriage | At the same time, and by the same, Mr. John HEAD to Miss Mary CANNINGS. |
October 17 1891 | Advertisement | For Sale. At Tizzard’s Harbor, Grass Meadow, containing 2 acres, One Potato Garden containing ½ acre and Waterside premises, the property of the late Nicholas CANTWELL. Apply to Mrs. M.A. CANTWELL, Administratrix. Twillingate, Oct 17. |
October 17 1891 | Accident on board ship | While the “Volunteer” was in port last week, returning South, a young man named John WILLAR, seventeen years old, belonging to Lower Island Cove, fell into the hold and was very much injured. Dr. SCOTT was in attendance, and up to date we learn he is doing well. |
October 17 1891 | Prospecting | Mr. R. HARVEY who returned to St. John’s by last “Volunteer,” has been prospecting at Burton’s Pond, and has discovered rich deposits of copper of which he has specimens. We hope it will lead to a large amount of labor for our people. It is near the water, easily worked and will pay well to work it. |
October 17 1891 | Passengers on The “Volunteer.” | The coastal steamer Volunteer, Capt. DELANEY, on her way North, arrived here last night. She had a large quantity of freight for this port, which detained her several hours. The following is a list of her passengers: Harbor Grace – Mr. G. WEBBER; Mr. J. MURPHY. Bay de Verde – Rev. F. SINART; Mr. M. MARCH; Mrs. ROSS; Mrs. S. MARCH. Catalina – Rev. J. NURSE; Mr. S. DAWDEN; Mr. ROPER. Trinity – Mrs. COLES; Miss WHITE; Miss SKELTON; Miss D. BLANDFORD. King’s Cove – Mr. J. CHALOTU; Salvage – Mr. J. MURPHY. Greenspond – Miss MILLER. Fogo – Miss OWING. Twillingate – Mr. R.S. ROBERTS; Mrs. PATTEN; Miss M. SMITH. Exploits – Mr. H. MARTIN. Pilley’s Island – Mr. STEEL. Little Bay – Mr. W. WALSH; Mrs. McLEAN. Nipper’s Harbor – Mr. R. HARVEY. Tilt Cove – Mr. ANTLE and wife; Mrs. T.M. MARTIN; Mrs. LUDLOW. LaScie – Mr. D. DUGGAN. From Fogo to Twillingate – Mr. S. BAIRD and wife; Mrs. CROUCHER. From Twillingate to Exploits – Mr. J. MANUEL. To Little Bay – Mr. A.H. BARRETT; Mrs. ROLF. To Tilt Cove – Dr. T. SCOTT and wife; Mr. P. WINDSOR and wife. |
October 17 1891 | Marine Disasters on Labrador | Very severe storms were experienced on the Labrador Coast from the 28th of September to the 1st and 2nd of October, which resulted in the loss of a large number of craft. It was not so much the effect of the high wind and sea that did the damage, as the extraordinary high tides that prevailed. The oldest person residing on the Coast never remembered the tides to have been so high before. In some harbors it rose to such a height that nearly everything on shore was swept away, and many lost severely. Upwards of twenty vessels and small craft were total wrecks, the most of which are as follows: - Brigt. “Sneezer,” J.J. HEANESY, Master; schr. “Nymph,” McCORMICK, Master. Lost at DeGrat, Cape Bauld, French Shore, on Sept 30; brig “Maud,” 129 tons, W.A. FOWLER, Master. Lost at Black Island; “Swallow” 79 tons, Robert RIED, Master. This was a Halifax trader and was lost at Domino; “Bella B.,” 40 tons, Edward JOYCE, Master. Lost at Dark Tickles, October 1; “Fox” 64 tons, Patrick WALSH, Master. Lost at Iron Bound Island, September 29; “Sir J. Glover,” 39 tons, Jacob MORGAN, Master. Lost at Tinker Harbor, September 30; “Alice,” 51 tons, John KENNEDY, Master. Lost September 30; “Advance,” 44 tons, Samuel [remainder unreadable.] |
October 24 1891 | Marriage | Married. On the 14th inst., at the Church of St. James, Apostle and Martyr, Change Islands, by the Rev. G.S. CHAMBERLAIN, Incumbent, Frederick CAVE to Eunice CUNNINGHAM. |
October 24 1891 | Death | On the 11th inst., at Pike’s Arm, John ANTLE, age 44 years. |
October 24 1891 | Death | On the 15th inst., At Pike’s Arm, Charlotte, wife of William WATTS aged 52 years. |
October 24 1891 | Death | On the 2nd inst., of heart disease, John A. BAIRD, eldest son of the late David BAIRD aged 41 years. |
October 24 1891 | Shipping News | Port of Twillingate. Cleared: Oct 20 “Pioneer,” HAMILTON, Lunenberg, 200 qtls Labrador fish, Harvey & Co. Oct 21 “StoneHouse,” SALT, Lisbon, 2300 qtls Labrador fish, E. Duder. The steamer “Nova Scotian.” arrived early yesterday morning after a rough experience. Among the passengers, we noticed Wm. CLAPP, Esq., who has been in England during the past 3 months. Mr. CLAPP looks remarkably well after his long holiday. During his absence, his place at St. Thomas’ Church organ, has been ably filled by Master Herbert STIRLING – who by the way, is a pupil of Prof. PETERS. We congratulate both teacher and pupil, and bespeak for young STIRLING a successful career as Organist and Musician. – Colonist. |
October 24 1891 | The S.S. “Neptune” | The S.S. Neptune, Captain BLANDFORD, arrived from the Straits of Belle Isle at 8 o’clock last evening. She brought up the crews of those engaged in fishing operations there the past summer, numbering over four hundred persons in all. Her news budget is a small one, containing nothing of any importance, except that the herring fishery is a failure and that during the gale of the 15th a high tide prevailed, which caused much damage to property, but no lives are reported lost. Messrs. Penny Bros. of Conception Bay, suffered much during the storm; some of their boats were lost with all their gear and most of the damage that has been done, was caused by the tide. It was during this time that the S.S. “Ryvingen” was driven ashore. She reports bad weather all the time. – Evening Herald, October 6. |
October 24 1891 | Death | Died. Last evening an old and respected resident of Harbor Grace passed away to his eternal rest, Mark PARSONS, Esq., at the patriarchal age of eighty years. For many years the deceased was one of the foremost business men of that town, and his death will be universally regretted by all classes. He was the father of James PARSONS, Esq., of the firm of J. & W. Pitts. Herald, Oct 9. |
October 24 1891 | Local and General News | The Revenue Cruiser “Rose,” Capt. STEVENSON, came into port early this morning bound South. The person who lost a pin last Sunday, can have the same by calling at this office and proving property. We are pleased to welcome to our town Samuel BAIRD, Esq., Stipendiary Magistrate for Fogo, who is on a visit here for a short time. Rev. Dr. MILLIGAN, Superintendant of Methodist day schools arrived here on Saturday last from Fogo and visited the various schools during the past week. E.R. BURGESS, Esq., MHA for this district, is in town having arrived by the Revenue Cruiser, and will probably spend a short time visiting his constituents. We extend to him a hearty welcome. The steamer “Curlew,” Capt. A. KANE, came into port early yesterday morning from Labrador bound South. We learn she is taking fifteen hundred quintals of fish for J.B. Tobin, Esq., also two thousand quintals for the firm of E. Duder. A purse containing one hundred guineas and a farewell address, have been presented to the Rev. Ambrose HEYGATE, MA, on his departure from this parish. – Evening Telegram, Sept 30. We understand that Sir James S. WINTER very much enjoyed his recent trip to the Northward. He was pleased with the improved condition of things in Notre Dame Bay, and today seems prouder than ever in his native land. – Ibid, Oct 8. |
October 24 1891 | Cabbage | The imports of cabbage will be large this fall, owing to the partial failure of the local crop. Some of our farmers tell us that the yield here will not be much more than half that of last season. – Ibid, Oct. 3. |
October 24 1891 | Body Found | The Body of a Man Found Floating on the Water. (Special to the Evening Telegram) Oderin, Last Evening. The schooner “Mystical Rose,” of Ship Harbor, SPARROW, Master, landed here yesterday the body of a man found floating in the water. There was a purse containing seventy Francs in the clothing, and a receipt which runs thus: “Rcca du Boulin, J.M., dated St. Pierre le 1a Mai, 1891.” signed P.P.R.L.L. Vincim L. BURTON. Also a book with the names, Hubert, Louis, Hubert, Joseph, Marie and others. The body was interred in the Catholic Cemetery. – Oct 8. |
October 24 1891 | Loss of the “Camellia” (Part 1) | Some Particulars of the Sad Affair. (Editor, “Evening Telegram.”) Dear Sir, - The following items, in re the loss of the Camellia, may be of interest to some of your readers: - The vessel ran on what is known as Tin Cove Head, a point of land running out to sea, with perpendicular cliff and reef of jagged rocks between the point and the shore. She was evidently driven with great force on the point, and it is supposed that she went to pieces within an hour after she struck. There was no chance whatever of the poor souls on board saving their lives, and the bodies of eight men, a woman and a little boy, were found on the shore next morning. The bodies were cared for after such a manner as circumstances would permit. That of No. 1 was clothed, but the sea had torn nearly every particle of clothing from the others. Some clothing was picked up on the shore; so the men washed the bodies, put the clothing on them, made coffins out of pieces of the wreck, and then wrapped them in canvas and buried them. The vessel was so badly broken that several of the boards for the coffins had to be scarfed in order to make them long enough. |
October 24 1891 | Loss of the “Camellia” (Part 2) | We suppose that the body of No. 1 is that of the Captain, and that the woman and the little boy are his wife and child. These three are buried in the same grave. To date the bodies of eight men have been found. We understand that there were ten men on board; but we are not sure; if so, and the other two are not found, I will get a description of the other five and forward it if necessary, so that friends may identify them. I did not see the bodies, but the men who picked them up say that No.’s 2 and 3 were enough alike to be brothers. The woman was evidently in bed when the vessel struck; her body was found entangled in some floating rigging, with nothing on but a night dress. No jewellery of any kind has yet been picked up, but if any should wash on shore it will be handed to the Lighthouse Keeper, and kept by him 'till sent for by friends. We all feel very sad indeed over the terrible disaster in our midst, and whilst we extend to friends of the bereaved, the assurance of our deepest sympathy, we are prepared to undertake the removal of the bodies of the Captain, his wife and child, if they can be identified, and give them Christian burial in our own Churchyard in Cow Bay. We will do the same for any of the others, but it would be difficult to identify them now, as they are buried in separate graves. |
October 24 1891 | Loss of the “Camellia” (Part 3) | If my suggestion in re the removal of bodies meets with the approval of friends, I shall be please to correspond with them on the subject. I will personally superintend the removal, and use the Burial Service of the Church of England. This seems to be all that I could do under the circumstances, but I am prepared to do anything within my power to show my deep sympathy for the bereaved, and to lessen if possible, the sad circumstances attendant upon the disaster. I append the description of five of the bodies, and remain dear sir, Very Sincerely yours, William LOCKYEAR, Priest, Church of England. The Rectory, Cow Bay, Sept 14, 1891. Description of the Bodies as given by the men who found and buried them: No. 1 – Stout Man, 50 or 55 years of age, bald on top of head, including forehead, rather light hair and short full beard tinged with grey, woman’s head tattooed on inside of arm. No. 2 – Man about 30 years of age, about 5 feet 8 inches in height, slender frame, thin black hair, reddish moustache, mole on right jaw and one on left cheek-bone, and a scar on right shoulder. No. 3 – Man about 35 years of age; about 5 feet 8 inches, larger than No 2, dark hair, sandy moustache, American emblem tattooed on inside of left arm (Eagle and banner with the word “Freedom” on it.) No. 4 – Woman about 40 years of age. No 5 – A boy about 12 years of age; light hair, right hand tied up, sore wart on back of it. |
{There is nothing on the Microfilm between October 24 and November 7, 1891. GW.] | ||
November 7 1891 | Additional Postal Facilities for Little Bay | Within the past few weeks, a second Post Office has been provided for Little Bay, and is established near the Loading Wharf, which will prove a great convenience to the people residing in that part of the community. The population of Little Bay is now over 2000 and the largest majority reside in the Loading Wharf section, a great many of them living two and three miles from the Post Office in the Bight, where the Coastal Steamer lands the mails. Provision is made for a Courier to take the mails from the Post Office in the Bight, to the one at the Loading Wharf, as soon as possible after the arrival of the steamer, and this will greatly facilitate the delivery of mail matter in both places, and avoid such a crush as usually took place in the one office, by having to serve to many people. The amount of postal business in Little Bay is very large, and there is not another Post Office in the Colony, outside of St. John’s, where the number of money orders and registered letters pass through. The Post Master General is fully alive to the importance of extending postal facilities in the Colony, and through his efficiency and adaptability for the important position, marvelous improvements have taken place during his tenor in office. The great necessity for the office in question, having been brought to his attention by the representatives of the District, and with the consent of the Government, who are most zealous to make such advantages of easy access to the public, the Post Master General has had the office opened, and it is in charge of Mr. Wm. GARLAND, who is likely to give the public every satisfaction. |
November 7 1891 | Statement of Dorcas Society, T’Gate | Contributions and Finances for 1891. From A. Friend $3.30; J. BYRNE $4; Miss TAYLOR $1; R.S. ROBERTS $1; Samuel ROBERTS $1; Constable T. GREEN 50c; Frederick LINFIELD $1; Andrew LINFIELD $1; Thomas FORD $4; A. GREY $1.50; Wm. NEWMAN $1; Wm. LETHBRIDGE jr. $4; R.D. HODGE $4; W.J. SCOTT $1; J.N. PERRY $1; R. NEWMAN $2; George ROBERTS $1.50; J. AITKIN $1; J.B. TOBIN $4; James HODDER (C. Wharf) $1; E. ROBERTS $1; Alfred WELLS 50c; A. Poor Man 50c; O. MANUEL $1; E. SWEETLAND 40c; T. YOUNG 50c; .. CURTIS $1; E. HODDER 50c; G. PEPPER 50c; Rev. FREEMAN $1.50; Collected by Miss MAYNE $4.47; Robert YOUNG 50c; Government Grant $100. Total $150.97. Contributions received viz.: in Cash including G. Grant $113.17. Received in Goods $37.80. Total: $150.97. |
November 7 1891 | Local News | The Church of England bazaar held in the Hall on Tuesday and Wednesday last, was quite a success. There have been one or two delightful days this week for handling fish, which have proved very valuable to shippers. Small quantities of herring have been taken in nets around our shores the past week, but on the whole they have been very scarce this Fall up to date. The schooner “Tamarack” sailed for St. John’s yesterday morning. Mr. Edward HUTCHINGS and family took passage by her, enroute for Canada, where they intend making a future home for themselves. The next regular meeting of the Dorcas Society will be held on Wednesday at the usual time and place. Election of officers for the ensuing year will take place and a full attendance of members is requested. |
November 7 1891 | The Coastal Boats | The steamer Curlew, Capt. KEAN, is expected here from Sydney next week. She brings a cargo of North Sydney coal for J.B. Tobin, Esq., which we learn, will be disposed of cheaply from the ship’s side. The Curlew will load again with fish for Halifax. The Volunteer arrived Sunday afternoon en route for other Northern ports. She goes as far as Battle Harbor being the last trip there this season. The Volunteer had a good deal of freight after the landing of which, and having the mails on board, she proceeded on her route. This Sunday traffic by the Coastal Steamers is a great reflection on our Christian civilization and should not be tolerated. |
November 7 1891 | Diphtheria | A new case of diphtheria seems to be appearing in the community every now and again, though it is of a milder type than formerly. At present there are a couple of cases at Back Harbor. If it were possible to prevent the intermixing of families for a time, with other families that have been visited with the disease, there would be hope of stamping it out of existence, but so long as this is not done, it is almost sure to spread, for pretty well every case that has broken out is traceable to this cause. |
November 7 1891 | “Seven Brothers” Lost | The schooner called the “Seven Brothers” was lost on Monday night at Little Northern Harbor. She belonged to Josiah MANUEL, Esq., of Exploits, and was run by the Messrs. LIVER Brothers of Fortune Harbor, who were very successful at the Labrador Fishery this season. They were in the Bay for firewood and were returning with a full load when the accident happened. She mistayed and went ashore, the crew being saved. The craft was 49 tons and was insured in the Twillingate Mutual Insurance Club for $1000. |
November 7 1891 | New Bay Items | The following news paragraphs have been received from a new Bay correspondent under date of Nov. 4th: - Some of the men from here and S.W. Arm went in deer hunting a little while ago and killed twenty-one. Seven men went together. They had to leave most of their venison in the woods till ponds get frozen over, when they can run it out on the ice. Old Mr. SEAMOUR, who a few years ago had one of his legs taken off at the Hospital, St. John’s, and who has been living at S.W. Arm since, has been making a collection. I hear that he went to Exploits and got very little there, but people here did well for him, giving him flour, bread, molasses. I believe he got as much as a bag of bread, half barrel of flour and more, five gallons molasses, four barrels of potatoes, and quite a stock of partly worn clothes. Mr. SEAMOUR is not able to get about to work, as he formerly did. We hear he was an industrious man before losing his leg. He has a large family, most of whom could earn if there was anything for them to do, but there is no chance, as I believe work at the mill is pretty well done at S.W. Arm. A great many bull-birds and a few turrs have been taken in the bay of late. Fish is all made and the greater part of it gone to market. We hear that Messrs. COOK & HUTCHINGS are going to work their mine on a small scale during the winter. We hope it may turn out good. The loss of the schooner “Blossom”, Mr. Joseph MARSH, was felt here greatly, as he was well and favourably known in this Bay, and beloved by everyone who knew him. To his sorrowing friends we would like to tender our warmest sympathies. Lobsters have been scarce this fall, but of late, some who put their traps in deep water got good hauls. |
November 14 1891 | Herring Neck Sale of Work | On the evenings of Monday and Tuesday (Nov. 2nd and 3rd) a Sale of Work was held in the School House at Herring Neck in aid of the Women’s Furnishing Fund for the new church in that settlement. Notwithstanding the fact that many people were unavoidably absent for home at the time, and very little outside help was rendered in the way of contributions to the sale, $155 were realized, reflecting very great credit upon Mrs. CHAMBERLAIN and the other ladies who associated with her for their indomitable energy and perseverance in obtaining so satisfactory a result. |
November 14 1891 | Appointments | By Authority. Recent Appointments. His Excellency the Governor in Council, has been pleased to appoint the following gentlemen to be Commissioners under the Industrial Exhibition Act, 54th Victoria, Cap. 10: - Hon. James S. PITTS and James MURRAY, MHA; J. HALLERNAN, MHA; Lawrence GERIN, MHA; James MONROE; Charles TESSIER; John ANGEL; John McNEIL; Thomas MITCHELL and John, Esqs.; Mr. Peter O’REILLY to be Inspector of Weights and Measures for Placentia and Cape Shore including Branch. Messrs. Wm. LANNING (Leading Tickles) and Frederick L. FURLONG (St. John’s), to be surveyors of lumber. Messrs. Patrick BURKE; Joseph McKINNEN; Thomas CONWAY and William PHORAN to be members of the Roman Catholic Board of Education for Little Bay, N.D. Bay. Messrs. Charles TULK and John HOLLETT to be members (additional) of the Harbor Buffett Road Board. Messrs. Thomas STUCKEY and Joseph KERLEY to be members of the Herring Neck Road Board in place of Messrs. Joseph STUCKEY resigned. and Solomon COLBOURNE, left the place. Mr. William HANNEM to be a member of the Leading Tickles Road Board in place of Mr. Thomas SILK, left the place. Mr. Eli JURE to be a member of the Road Board for Botwoodville. Messrs. John MATTHEWS jr.; Henry CLEMENT; John CAINS; Frederick SUMMERTON and William TAYLOR to be a Road Board for Burgeo. Mr. Eldred GOSSE to be a member of the Petites Road Board in place of Mr. James M. ARNOLD, left the place. – Royal Gazette, Oct 20. |
November 14 1891 | Booming Agriculture | If there is any money in farming in this country, Mr. G.A. RENDELL is going to have it, for he is honest, hardworking, and leaves no stone unturned to work his land for all it is worth. He is a happy combination of the modern tiller of the soil, who combines the best theoretical knowledge gleaned from magazines, with a knowledge of the capabilities of the soil, seasons’ crop, etc. His farm, at Logy Bay, is one of the best conducted in the country; and in addition to this, he now works the farm in Notre Dame Bay belonging to Mr. MUTCH. The crop he has turned out this season, warrants him in opening a regular commission account with Messrs. Clift, Wood & Co., in this city, for the sale of produce. Hitherto, any outport produce which arrived here, was sold at the wharves from schooners. The articles were very rarely advertised, and sold so slowly that there appeared to be very little money in the business. Thus it happened, that while the commission merchants were advertising and selling whole cargoes of Canadian produce, the local article remained at the wharf – very few people in town knowing of its presence. Mr. RENDELL has been the first to recognize that if local produce is ever to take the place of the foreign article, it must be put on the same footing and be sold through the same channels. A small consignment of potatoes has arrived from Notre Dame Bay and can be seen at Messrs. Clift, Wood & Co.’s. They are the finest seen at the place for years. |
November 14 1891 | Shipping News | The “Mary Parker,” Capt. CARTER, arrived from St. John’s on Tuesday and left for there again on Thursday morning, discharging and taking in a full cargo in the meantime. The coastal steamer “Volunteer,” left St. John’s this morning and will be due here on Monday. It is said that she makes a short trip this time, and will only go as far as Tilt Cove. The “Sisters,” Capt. William RICHARDS, returned from St. John’s to Herring Neck on Thursday evening, bringing a cargo of provisions &c., for the firm of E. Duder. The Sisters made the trip in nine or ten days which is very good work for this season of the year. The coastal steamer “Volunteer,” Capt. DELANEY, returning to St. John’s, arrived in port Sunday having a good many passengers for the metropolis. She went to Battle Harbor being the last trip there for this season. The weather on the Labrador coast of late is reported to have been cold and stormy. The Volunteer remained in port until early Monday morning. Port of Twillingate. Entered: Nov 9 – “Wild Daisy,” STEBBINS, Runcorn, 130 tons salt – Owen & Earle. |
November 14 1891 | Marriage | Last evening the Marriage Ceremony was celebrated in St. Peter’s Church by the Rev. R. TEMPLE, R.D., when Mr. [William ?] BLACKLER was united in holy wedlock to Miss Louisa PURCHASE, eldest daughter of Mr. John PURCHASE of Back Harbor. Mr. BLACKLER, who is a son of Mr. James BLACKLER of Back Harbor, has recently started business at Pelly’s Island, where he is well liked. The newly wedded couple leave per “Volunteer” for their future home, and we wish them every prosperity during their married life. |
November 14 1891 | Miss Mary Roberta CHAMBERLAIN | The Board of Examiners, Rev. W. PILOT, B.D.; Rev. Ambrose HEYGATE, M.A; and J.W. MARRIOTT, Esq., recently granted a Third Grade Certificate to Miss Mary Roberta CHAMBERLAIN, who most satisfactorily passed the various examinations required by the Education Act. This young lady, who is a daughter of the Rev. G.S. CHAMBERLAIN, Incumbent of Herring Neck parish, is pursuing her studies in the Church of England Academy, St. John’s and is making considerable progress as is evident from her being the recipient of so tangible a mark of proficiency, for the comparatively short period that she has been a pupil of the institution. |
November 14 1891 | Death | Mr. Henry DALLEY of Pike’s Arm, Herring Neck, passed peaceably to rest on the night of the 5th inst., after nearly four months illness, which he bore with calm submission to God’s will. For a good many years he had laid aside the active concerns and business of life, and had been living on the income which his invested capital brought him. He was well known in this community, having resided here for several years shortly before his death, and was one of the older race of which very few now survive. His remains were interred in Green Cove cemetery on Thursday afternoon last, the funeral obsequies having been performed by the incumbent Rev. G.S. CHAMBERLAIN, who on the occasion, preached a very forcible and appropriate discourse from the words: “Lord, Jesus, receive my spirit,” Acts vii c., 59v. |
November 14 1891 | Birth | Birth. At Back Harbor on the 8th inst., the wife of Mr. James ANSTEY of a son. |
November 14 1891 | Birth | On the 9th inst., at Codex Cove, Change Islands, the wife of Mr. John PARSONS of a daughter. |
November 14 1891 | Marriage | Married. On Nov. 9th at St. Thomas’ Church, Moreton’s Harbor by Rev. R. TEMPLE, Mr. Thomas Henry PENNY to Miss Matilda Jane HILL. |
November 14 1891 | Marriage | On Nov. 13th at St. Peter’s Church, Twillingate by the same; William, youngest son of Mr. James BLACKLER of Back Harbor, to Louise, eldest daughter of Mr. John PURCHASE of the same place. |
November 14 1891 | Marriage | On the 2nd inst., at St. Mary the Virgin, Herring Neck by the Rev. G.S. CHAMBERLAIN, Incumbent, Elijah LODRE to Hannah STUCKEY. |
November 14 1891 | Marriage | On the 5th inst., at St. James, Apostle, Martyr, Change Islands by the same; Thomas MORGAN to Miss HAWKINS. |
November 14 1891 | Death | Died. On the 5th inst., at Pike’s Arm, Herring Neck, Henry DALLY, Esq., aged 73 years. |
Nov 21, 1891 | Fogo news | Plenty of venison here at 5 cents a pound. It is supposed that over 200 deer have been slaughtered lately at Gander Bay whilst they have been crossing the ponds. The bazaar held for "Meek Memorial Hall" was very successful, $280 was cleared. The happy event concluded with a capital dance which was prolonged to an early hour. Rev. Mr. WHITE is expected from Bonavista next boat with his bride. The court Census Revision sat on November 2nd. There will be a slight increase in the District of Fogo. At Western Arm, Strait Shore, the diphtheria is very bad, 16 cases and 4 deaths. Dr. MALCOLM is visiting the place regularly in Mr. EARLE's steamer. Miss ROSS, late teacher in Little Bay, has returned to Fogo, as governess to Mr. EARLE's family. The wire has been down for weeks. No news has reached Fogo respecting the deer trials. Possibly the learned triplet of judges knew not what to do in the matter. Most of the fish here has been successfully shipped off, and the coming winter will not be as bad as last for poverty. Mr. T. LUCAS has established a photography establishment here, and is meeting with good success. |
Nov 21, 1891 | Church News | "The Dawn of Day" - We are highly pleased with the current number of this interesting little magazine, and must congratulate the editors on their good taste and ability as displayed in its contents. In addition to a full compliment of Church news, we have an excellent article on "Our Orphanage" by the Rev. H. DUNFIELD, "Historical Sketches of the Church of England in Newfoundland" by the Rev. Wm. PILOT. B.D., a charming piece of blank verse entitled, "A Great Deliverer", two or three exceedingly appropriate stories, with eight illustrations and a large variety of other valuable reading matter. "The Dawn of Day" deserves to be liberally supported. Evening Telegram, Nov. 3. |
Nov 21, 1891 | Labrador | Well Done, Mr. BURGESS - The appointment of Mr. BURGESS, M.H.A., as sub-collector at Labrador the past summer, has proved a very judicious one. In addition to the fact that the service has been satisfactorily performed, Mr. BURGESS has gathered in the largest revenue ever collected on that coast. A popular policy is all the better for having competent men to carry it into effect. - Evening Telegram, Nov 6. |
Nov 21, 1891 | Fish news | The Evening Telegram of the 7th inst., says that squids have been extraordinary plentiful in Torbay the past week, and large catches of fish were taken on that bait by the fishermen of the Flat Rock ledges. |
Nov 21, 1891 | Thanksgiving Day | We learn from the Diocesan Magazine for November, that tomorrow, Sunday the 22nd inst., being the last Sunday after Trinity, has been appointed by His Lordship the Bishop, to be "observed throughout the Diocese as a Day of Thanksgiving to Almighty God for the mercies of the year and drawing to its close. The Bishop recommends that, where practicable, the Holy Communion should be celebrated on that day, and the thank offerings of the congregations be devoted to the Clergy Widows and Orphans' Fund." |
Nov 21, 1891 | Remarkably Large Codfish | It has lately been said by some of our local theorists that the codfishing industry here is on the decrease. We, however, with the tenacity of Newfoundlanders, have always maintained that the fish were on our shores from time immemorial; that they have been there the past summer and that they are there now. Any one visiting the fish market at Steer's Cove this morning might well be surprised. Two men named LEWIS and MARTIN secured three and a half quintals yesterday; and amongst the number was one weighing sixty-seven pounds. One of our occasional reporters espied the exhibit, and did what no novice would do, of course, he walked over to a Spaniard's Bay planter, remarking: - "Come down in this Cove, captain. I want to show you something." They went and that independent planter told us that he never saw such a fish in his life. They were all sizes, but three fourths of them would be more than sufficient to prove that the codfish have not deserted the Banks and shores of Newfoundland, although others may think it to their advantage to make it appear so. Other fishermen also got good catches. We shall return to the subject. - Evening Telegram - Nov. 6. |
Nov 21, 1891 | Confirmation | On Sunday afternoon last the festival of "All Saints", the Lord Bishop of Newfoundland administered the rite of confirmation to 45 candidates, 17 male and 28 females, in St. Mary's church. The sacred edifice was full to overflowing. The Sunday Schools and Bible classes with the officers, parents, and friends of the children and many others of the parishioners being present. The Revd. J.S. THOMPSON, Senior Curate of the Cathedral, acted as Bishop's Chaplain, and the Rector, assisted by the Rev. G. H. BOLT, Incumbent of Lamaline, presented the candidates. The Address of his Lordship, after the Imposition of Hands, was remarkable for its eloquence and loving earnestness, and was listened to from first to last with, the most profound attention by all present. - Evening Herald. |
Nov 21, 1891 | The Pioneer Mine (Part 1) | Dear Mr. Editor - Tilt Cove is without question, the leading mine of Newfoundland, as well as the leading mine of Notre Dame Bay. The late Mr. C.F. BENNETT was the pioneer of mining enterprise in Newfoundland. For some time he stood in the minority of one, as a believer in the existence of minerals in the island. To the late Mr. Smith MACKAY, however, belongs the honor of discovering the first considerable deposit of copper ore. In 1858 Mr. MACKAY arrived at a little fishing hamlet, called Tilt Cove, containing ten or fifteen huts. His keen, acute eye soon detected in one of the cliffs, signs of copper ore. It was not however, until 1864, in connection with Mr. BENNETT, that he commenced mining operations, which have gone on ever since, with more or less activity, upon the deposits then discovered, and which as yet, show no signs of exhaustion. In passing, I may just here remark that these two gentlemen above named, have gone to their reward. Only one principal person of that old staff is now living, Leander N. GILL, Esq., J.P. who had evinced great energy and sagacity, as Manager of Tilt Cove Copper Mine, under C.F. BENNETT & Co., by displaying his ability and showing himself worthy of the honorable position entrusted to him; also, by being popular with both officers and men, even down to the present time, and making considerable improvements by developing mineral resources, thereby accumulating a fortune for the company. Mr. GILL now resides at Tilt Cove, and is highly respected by all. His name will never be forgotten by the inhabitants of Tilt Cove. He is now carrying on a very extensive and successful commercial business; also acting in the capacity of honorary Magistrate for Tilt Cove, and of late it is quite evident that he has discharged the functions of his office in a most impartial, discreet and judicious manner, which go to prove that he is well worthy of the confidence placed in him by the government. |
Nov 21, 1891 | The Pioneer Mine (Part 2) | Tilt Cove copper mine has lately passed into the hands of another company, viz : (Cape Copper Company). W.R. Toms, Esq., Manager succeeded Mr. HARVEY about three years ago. We know but little about Mr. HARVEY, only that he did not serve out his full term. As above stated Mr. TOMS resumed the management of Tilt Cove mine about three years ago, and he has proved himself worthy of the confidence which the company has placed in him. He is a gentleman of great energy, sagacity and economy. It requires a very shrewd and economical Manager to keep such an enterprise afloat. Between five and six hundred men are working here at present. When pay day comes it requires some dollars to satisfy them; and no less than $14,000 were paid out in wages alone, in July last, 1891, besides the amount paid for material for mining purposes. There have been five or six engines in full swing (working night and day); one stone-breaker, breaking 100 tons of ore each day, eight or ten trammers tramming out 200 tons of calcite ore each day for the smelting works, two smelting works smelting between forty and fifty tons of metal each day; also a crushing-mill for mixing mortar, which is being used for various purposes. The Company expect to ship or export six or seven cargoes of ore this season. Operations at Tilt Cove are carried on in a thorough manner. An iron tramway connects the mouth of the mine with the harbor, a fine wharf about one hundred feet in length is built for the accommodation of shipping, and there are two smelting houses costing thousands of dollars; these are skilfully worked under the management of Mr. Van WILLEY. It is to be deplored that such an industry should be obstructed in any way, although operations are being carried on more extensively at present than at any period previously. We could mention many objects of interest that come under our notice, if we thought it proper. But there is one more we wish to mention, that is the little trouble the croaker in the notch of the cliff is causing by preventing, or rather trying to hinder, the company from carrying their plans into effect which would prove to be beneficial to all concerned. Thanking your for space in your much esteemed paper. I remain, truly yours, A Visitor. |
Nov 21, 1891 | Sealing Steamer | Another steamer called the Labrador will be added to the steam sealing fleet the coming spring. She arrived at St. John's from Cardiff on the 5th inst., and is owned by the Newfoundland Sealing Company. |
Nov 21, 1891 | Fire at St. John's | The door and sash factory of Messrs. HERDER and HAILERAN, St. John's, situated near the railway depot, was totally destroyed by fire on the night of the 2nd inst. The loss amounted to $20,000. The property was only partially covered by insurance. |
Nov 21, 1891 | Steamer | The steamer Curlew was dispatched from here on Monday night for Battle Harbor to bring away a number of fishermen that had been left on the coast. She returned Thursday night and is now discharging cargo and will afterwards take in fish for Halifax. |
Nov 21, 1891 | Court news | Several cases for breach of the License Laws have recently been before the Police Court, St. John's, when heavy penalties have been inflicted on the parties found guilty of violating the law. On the 7th inst., a West end liquor dealer was fined fifty dollars by Judge Prowse for selling intoxicating spirits to a minor. |
Nov 21, 1891 | Church/school news | The Rev. Mr. PECK, a new pastor for the Congregational Church, lately from England, arrived here per Volunteer on Monday last. He enters upon his public ministry in this community for the first time tomorrow (Sunday) preaching morning and evening at the usual hours. In extending to him a welcome to our town, we hope that his labours here will be abundantly successful. Miss ? CARNEIL, a new teacher for the Congregational day school also came here the same time, whom we likewise welcome to the community. |
Nov 21, 1891 | Passengers | Passengers per Volunteer for the North: - Bay-de-Verde - Miss BENSON, Trinity - Mr. R.S. BREMNER. Fogo - Miss FRENCH. Twillingate - Rev. Mr. PECK, Mr. J. CURTIS and wife, Miss CARNELL, Messrs. A. LINFIELD, S. MAIDMENT and A.W. SCOTT. Exploits - Mr. R. MANUEL. Fortune Harbor - Mr. R. QUIRK. Pilley's Island - Mr. A. SIMMS. Little Bay - Mr. George LANGMEAD, Mr. John WALSH, Miss J. CURTIS, Tilt Cove - Dr. FREEBAIRN and wife, Mr. GILL, Mr. J. SKAPLEN, Miss RYAN, Miss MAGGIN, Asper MEMIE. From Twillingate to Morton's Harbor - Miss F. LUNNEN. Exploits - Mr. Samuel PAYNE, Pilley's Island - Mr. William BLACKLER, Mr. J. FRENCH, wife and child. Little Bay - Miss J. SLADE. Tilt Cove - Mrs. Wm. BLACKLER |
Nov 21, 1891 | Marriage | On Tuesday evening last the marriage of Mr. Edward ROBERTS (son of Capt. Andrew ROBERTS) to Janet C., eldest daughter of Mr. John CURTIS, was celebrated. The ceremony was performed in the North Side Methodist Church by the Rev. J. HILL, Superintendent of the circuit. The bride who was attired in white with a wreath of orange blossoms and veil, looked very nice. Leaving the church the wedding party took a short drive and then returned to the residence of the bride's father where the wedding was kept up. A sumptuous repast was provided and the wedding company, including a few invited guests, were soon seated at the well spread table partaking of the good things bountifully provided for the occasion. A very enjoyable time was afterwards spent by the company in singing and amusements of different kinds, and all dispersed at a reasonable time, before which, however, sentiments of congratulations and of good will for future happiness were expressed by a number of guests for the newly wedded pair. They were the recipients of a large variety of presents which is an evidence of the esteem in which they are held by their friends. The young married couple have our best wishes for future prosperity and happiness. |
Nov 21, 1891 | Married | On Nov 2nd by the Rev. J. Hill, Mr. Stephen JENKINS, to Susan KING, both of Durrell's Arm. |
Nov 21, 1891 | Married | On Nov 3rd by the same, Mr. Thomas LODER, to Sarah GILLOTT, both of Farmer's Arm. |
Nov 21, 1891 | Married | On Nov 6th, by the same, Mr. James HICKS, Burt's Cove to Susanna WARR, of Little Harbor. |
Nov 21, 1891 | Married | On Nov 17th, by the same, Mr. Edward ROBERTS to Janet, eldest daughter of Mr. John CURTIS, both of Twillingate. |
Nov 21, 1891 | Married | On Nov 18th, by the same, Mr. Thomas DALLEY of Durrell's Arm, to Louisa WHITE of Bluff Head. |
Nov 21, 1891 | Married | On Thursday evening last, in St. Peter's Church, by the Rev. R. TEMPLE, R.D. Mr. Elias BLACKLER of Back Harbor to Miss Mary Eliza MUDFORD of Crow Head. |
Nov 21, 1891 | Married | On Nov. 2nd, at the West End Methodist Parsonage, St. John's, by the Rev. A.D. MORTON, Frederick SEABRIGHT, to Mary Jane PERRY, both of Exploits. |
Nov 21, 1891 | Married | At Fortune Harbor, Notre Dame Bay, on the 4th instant, by the Rev. Richard WALSH, P.P., Mr. David ROBERTS to Susanna, daughter of Mr. Stephen MACLOUGHLAN, of the above named place. |
Nov 21, 1891 | Married | On the 28th October, at St. Mary's Church, by the Rev. Edward BOTWOOD, Rector, assisted by the Rev. Walter R. SMITH, Incumbent of Portugal Cove, Mr. Edwin Albert ELLIS, to Isabel Lucretia, only daughter of the late Dr. FINDLATER, of Fogo. |
Nov 21, 1891 | Married | At Christ Church, Bonavista, on the 11th inst., by the Rev. A.E.C. BAYLEY, R.D., assisted by Rev. J.J. WHITE, Incumbent, Harbor Grace South, Rev. Wm. Charles WHITE, of Fogo to Miss Frederica Thorne BAYLEY of Bonavista. |
Nov 21, 1891 | Died | At Lushes Bight, on the 13th inst, after a tedious illness, Andrew, youngest son of the late Mr. James PARSONS, aged 22 years. |
Nov 21, 1891 | Died | At Little Bay, Nov 1st, after a short illness, James Joseph, youngest son of the late Patrick HEWLETT, of Petty Harbor, aged 22 years; the deceased was well known and respected by a large circle of acquaintances both at Petty Harbor and Little Bay. R.I.P. |
Nov 21, 1891 | Died | At Harbor Grace on the 4th inst., Henry A. CLIFT, Barrister-at-Law, son of the late James CLIFT, Esq. |
Nov 21, 1891 | Died | At St. John's, on 3rd inst., Alice MCMURDO, aged 20 years, eldest daughter of John and Mary MCNEIL. |
Nov 21, 1891 | Ship News | Port of Twillingate - Entered: Nov 16 - Curlew, KEAN, North Sydney, 180 tons coal - J.B. TOBIN, 46 tons coals - R.D. HODGE |
Nov 21, 1891 | Schooner | The schooner Mallard got back from St. John's on Thursday night bringing a cargo of provisions, &c. for Messrs. OWEN & EARLE. |
Nov 21, 1891 | Steamer | The steamer Curlew arrived from North Sydney on Sunday night last, bringing 180 tons of coals for J.B. TOBIN, Esq., and 16 tons for R.D. HODGE, Esq. |
Nov 21, 1891 | Weather | The snow which fell some time ago has entirely disappeared and the past couple of days have been dry and hard and beautiful for handling fish. |
Nov 21, 1891 | Coastal Steamer | The coastal steamer Volunteer, Capt. DELANEY arrived here Monday evening en route for Northern ports of call. She goes as far as Griquet and is expected today returning South. |
Nov 28, 1891 | Disaster (Part 1) | Loss of the Coastal Steamer "Volunteer" - The community was surprised on Monday morning last when the intelligence was dashed over the wire of the loss of the coastal steamer Volunteer, Captain DELANEY, which for the past two or three trips has been performing the Northern Mail and passenger service, instead of the Conscript, which at the option of the owners, had been put on the Western route. The Volunteer was going as far as Griquet, which was to be the terminus for that trip, and was at Englee on Thursday forenoon, when the accident happened. The weather was beautiful and fine at the time, and the water comparatively smooth, but it appears that the disaster arose through a misunderstanding between the Captain and the engineer. The ship was only a short distance from the shore, and directly the anchor was up, the Captain, who had been on the bridge all the time, gave the usual signal to the engineer for full speed astern. The ship moved slowly ahead and at first the captain thought that it was the weight caused by the anchor coming up, but she soon started more rapidly, and the captain seeing it must have been a mistake of the engineer, immediately repeated the order to go astern, instead of which the ship went ahead more quickly, and in a very few moments she was on the rocks and in a stranded condition. The water was falling and she went with such speed that there was no hope whatever of her getting off, although every possible attempt was made to do so. |
Nov 28, 1891 | Disaster (Part 2) | A hole was knocked in her bottom as she went ashore and it was not long before the water was up to the engines and the fires had to be extinguished. During that evening and night a heavy swell hove in and the vessel was pounding on the rocks, tearing away part of the keel and doing considerable other damage to the hull, and eventually she rolled over on her side and entirely filled with water, becoming a total loss. The water made so quickly after the ship first struck that there was little time to save anything and nearly all went down with the ship. It is clear that the disaster occurred through no misconduct on the part of the captain, with whom we sympathise in the misfortune that has happened him. The Volunteer was comparatively a new boat, as our readers know, this being only the fourth season that she has been engaged in the mail and passenger service, for which she was expressly constructed, and was excellently adapted for the work so far as accommodation for the travelling public was concerned, and it is a great pity that her existence should have terminated so speedily, which for the next few months will cause some inconvenience to the public. She was insured, but whether to the full value we cannot say. The steamer Curlew, Captain KEAN, was here at the time loading with fish for Halifax, and she was ordered to proceed North to rescue the shipwrecked crew, and to take the mails and passengers at the usual ports of call coming back. She left Monday afternoon going direct to Griquet, thence to Englee, and the other ports returning, and arrived Thursday morning en route for St. John's. |
Nov 28, 1891 | Northern Coastal Service | It is not known here yet what steamer will perform the Northern coastal service for the remainder of the season, but it is certain that the Conscript , which is the regular Northern mail steamer, should be the one. If the Curlew is to be employed at all, it should be on the West coast, because the trade there is not so great as it is North, particularly this time of the year. Besides, they enjoy far superior travelling advantages on that part of the coast, having the railway daily running to Placentia and steamer regularly plying on the bay. In the condition the Curlew is at present she is not fit for a passenger boat for either North or West, and it is a disgrace that even, she should have been engaged in the Labrador service with the wretched accommodation that there is on board of her for passengers. There are only a few weeks now before navigation closes, and unless a suitable steamer is put on the route so as to facilitate freight and passenger traffic, the consequences are likely to be very serious to the Northern districts. We sincerely hope the Government will duly consider the importance of the situation and act accordingly. |
Nov 28, 1891 | French Shore Question | Bay St. George Troubles - The Grand Jury, in a presentment on the cases arising out of the incidents in St. George's Bay, state that French officers prevented the people of the coast from selling bait to American fishermen, who offered $1.25 per barrel. Boats containing bait were driven from the side of American fishing vessels and compelled to sell their supplies, at forty cents per barrel, to the French vessels. The Grand Jury asked the Judge, Sir R. J. PINSENT, whether the French were justified in the course they were taking. His reply was, that the subjects of the United States had certain treaty rights to fish on the coast and the British subjects had a right to sell bait to them; consequently, the French were wrong in prohibiting the sale. Sir Robert added that the French had no right, under the treaties, to establish lobster factories on the coast, whereas the British had a right to establish factories, so long as they did not interfere with French codfishing. He urged a loyal submission to the modus ?vivendi, and expressed his confidence that the Imperial Government would redress the grievances of the Newfoundlanders in time - London Times. |
Nov 28, 1891 | Marriage | Marriage of Rev. Wm. Chas. WHITE and Miss Fredrica T. BAYLEY - An event which excited much interest took place in the old town of Bonavista on Wednesday morning last, namely, the marriage of the Rev. Wm. Charles WHITE, Incumbent of Fogo, and Miss Frederick Thorne BAYLEY, daughter of the Rev. A.E.C. BAYLEY, R.D., who, assisted by the Rev. J.J. WHITE, brother of the bridegroom, performed the marriage service. The wedding was a quiet one, none but the immediate friends of the interested parties being present. The wedding breakfast was partaken of at the residence of the bride's father, after which the bridal party started for this town, arriving about 7:30pm, at the residence of Dr. WHITE, father of the bridegroom. The happy couple left town today overland for King's Cove, where they will join the steamer enroute to their new home at Fogo. The Record joins with numerous friends of the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. WHITE in wishing them many years of health and happiness. Trinity Record, Nov 11. |
Nov 28, 1891 | Marble Quarry | Mr. BARTLETT, of Brigus, in conjunction with some gentlemen in town, is the owner of a marble quarry in White Bay, the quality of the stone of which, is perhaps, better than any ever discovered on this side of the Atlantic. Owing to the peculiarities of the mining laws and French Shore complications, Mr. BARTLETT cannot work the quarry at present, but some specimens which he has brought to town with him are beautiful in the extreme. Mr. Thomas GREEN, a stone cutter in this town at present, but who has worked in the States for some time, says that MR. BARTLETT's marble far surpasses the best Tennessee marble in beauty of color, fineness of grain, or smoothness of surface. He has seen nothing like the marble from Mr. BARTLETT's find. Mr. BARTLETT brought two large specimens from the deposit this summer, which he will have placed over the grave of a dead relative. - Daily Colonist. |
Nov 28, 1891 | Methodist News | A sale of work in connection with the South Side Methodist church is to be held about the 15th of December. |
Nov 28, 1891 | Diphtheria | There have been two deaths from diphtheria here this week, and a few other cases are still in the community. |
Nov 28, 1891 | Shipping News | The English vessel Wild Daisy, Capt. STEBBINS, sailed for Lisbon on Monday last with a cargo of fish for Messrs. OWEN & EARLE. |
Nov 28, 1891 | Improvement | The Court House has recently been thoroughly painted both inside and outside. It looks well and presents a most creditable appearance. |
Nov 28, 1891 | Shipping News | There were two arrivals yesterday to the firm of Messrs. OWEN & EARLE, the G.C. Gradwell, Capt. TOWNSLEY, from Cadiz, via Fogo, with salt, and the Primrose, Capt. TREW, from Bristol, England, with a general cargo. |
Nov 28, 1891 | Cemetery Damage | The Church of England cemetery gate has been considerably damaged lately, believed to have been done by a cow trying to force it open with her horns. Some of these animals have been doing damage to fencing, &c., in other directions this fall. |
Nov 28, 1891 | Mining News | Another "find" of copper was recently made by Mr. George HODDER on Tickle Point. One day last week a blast was made in a part of the cliff and a considerable quantity of rock was excavated, which appeared to contain a good percentage of copper. |
Nov 28, 1891 | Steamer | The steamer Miranda was at Pelley's Island loading with iron pyrites when the Curlew called there Wednesday night. Leaving Pelley's Island the Miranda was going back to St. John's and some passengers that were on board Curlew, decided to take passage by her. |
Nov 28, 1891 | Drowning | A drowning accident occurred at Pelley's Island on the 8th. One of the workmen, named Richard REDMAN, while returning home alone, between twelve and one o'clock at night, fell through the ice while crossing the pond and was drowned. His body was discovered the next day. The depth of water where he fell in was about ten feet. The deceased was 25 years of age. He belonged to Harbor Main and was a steady, industrious man. |
Nov 28, 1891 | Died | On the 26th inst., of diphtheria, Jane Mary, youngest daughter of Joseph and Hannah HARBIN, aged 3 years. "One more little voice was wanting, To fill the choir above, So Jesus took our Janie, Dear object of our love." |
Nov 28, 1891 | Died | Drowned at Pelley's Island, on Nov. 8th, Mr. Richard REDMAN, of Harbor Main, aged 25 years. |
Nov 28, 1891 | Ship news | Port of Twillingate - Entered - Nov 27 - G.C. Cradwell, TOWNSLEY, Cadiz via Fogo, part cargo salt - Owen & EARLE. Nov 27th - Primrose, TREW, Bristol, General cargo - Owen & EARLE. Cleared - Nov 23 - Wild Daisy, STEBBINS, Lisbon, 3390 qtls Labrador fish - Owen & EARLE |
Nov 28, 1891 | Married | At Exploits, on the 18th inst., by the Rev. G.C. FRASER, Mr. Samuel PAYNE, of Twillingate to Lavenia, daughter of Mr. Jonathan MANUEL, of Exploits. |
Nov 28, 1891 | Married | At Fortune Harbor, on Nov. 10th by the Rev. Richard WALSH, P.P., Mr. Peter LEHEY of Black Island, to Miss Mary Bridget THISTLE, of Carbonear. |
Nov 28, 1891 | Married | At the same place on Nov. 18th, by the same, Mr. Thomas O'DAY to Miss Agnes SWENEY, third daughter of John and Sarah SWENEY. |
Nov 28, 1891 | Married | At the same place, on the same day, by the same Mr. James LYVER, at Waldron's Cove, to Miss Catherine HARTREY, of King's Cove. |
Dec 5, 1891 | Drowning | A most melancholy accident occurred on Saturday morning last, when two men named John BROWN , of Bluff Head Cove, and Rueben ELLIOTT, of Ragged Point, were drowned by the upsetting of their boat while returning to their homes from Trump Island, Friday's Bay. For some time past a crew of three, consisting of George HELLIER and the two unfortunate men named, had been in Friday's Bay herring catching, having gone there in a good size boat; and it was usual for two of them to return home on Saturday to spend Sunday with their families, the other remaining to take care of the boat. There was a very heavy breeze of Northerly wind on Saturday morning, and no one would have dreamt of their attempting to cross the Bight in a small boat, but it may be that the breeze did not appear so fierce in that part of the bay as it really was, and being anxious to reach their homes, BROWN and ELLIOTT ventured to leave Trump Island, with the painful consequences that we have stated. They had a small sail up and were just of Manuel's Cove when a squall capsized the boat and the poor fellows were never seen afterwards. The accident happened only a few fathoms from the land and was witnessed by persons residing beyond Manuels Cove. The boat and paddles drove ashore and were picked up late in the day, also a cap belonging to one of the occupants. At first it was not known who the unfortunate men were, but the boat was said to belong to Brown and as he was one of the crew at Friday's Bay in quest of herring, it was surmised to have been some of them who had been returning home. But it was not known which until late in the evening when a crew proceeded to where the three men had been herring catching to find out who had left, and it proved to be John BROWN and Reuben ELLIOTT, who started for Bluff Head between eleven and twelve o'clock that morning. The both of them were married men, each leaving four helpless children unprovided for. The bereaved who have been so suddenly deprived of their bread winners, are deserving of much sympathy from a charitable public, which we trust in many instances, will partake of really practical nature. Reuben ELLIOTT, it may be remembered by our readers here, was the one who with Wm. BARNES, was driven off in the Spring of 1889 while out seal hunting, and would have perished there on the ice with the comrade, had they not been rescued by Capt. KNEE, in the steamer Falcon, who took them on board in a most exhausted condition, gave them the best of treatment and landed them in St. John's. |
Dec 5, 1891 | Mail Delivery | In order that the Northern districts should not suffer for lack of mail communication, in consequence of the loss of the coastal steamer Volunteer, the steamer D.P. Ingraham, Capt. CROSS, was despatched from St. John's early on Saturday morning last with mails and passengers and reached here Monday night, visiting the usual ports of call coming along. She went as far as Tilt Cove and returned going South yesterday morning. Passengers per D.P. Ingraham - Old Perlican - Mr. R. MOREY, Mrs. S. HOWARD, Miss J. BENSON, Miss D. CRAM. Trinity - Mr. LUCAS. Fogo - Mr. A. CLEGG, Messrs. T. SCOTT, G.H. PAYNE, SAVERN. Twillingate - Miss MINTY Exploits - Mr. T. WINDSOR, Pelley's Island - Rev. E. MOORE; Little Bay Islands - Mr. Geo. CLAREY. Tilt Cove to Twillingate - Mrs. SCOTT, Mr. W. SCOTT, Little Bay to Twillingate - Mr. A. WHYTE. From Twillingate to St. John's Messrs. LETHBRIDGE and T. FRENCH |
Dec 5, 1891 | Mr. Lethbridge's Departure | W. LETHBRIDGE, Esq. took passage per D.P. Ingraham for St. John's to connect with the next Allan steamer for England, where he intends residing permanently in future. For upwards of twenty five years Mr. LETHBRIDGE has conducted the extensive mercantile business of E. DUDER's branch trade in this bay, and has now made up his mind to spend the remainder of his years in the mother country, where he was last winter, his family having gone there with him about a year since. Mr. L. possesses shrewd business prolifities and was very successful during his long connection with the time honored firm with which he was associated. He was very well liked both by planters and employees, and many will be sorry for his retirement from business here and his removal from the town, and country. We wish him a pleasant journey across the Atlantic, and every future happiness. His son, Mr. W.H. LETHBRIDGE, succeeds him in the management of the business here and we trust that prosperity, similar to that which characterised his father's long business career, will continue to be enjoyed by the firm, and especially that branch of it which is under his management. |
Dec 5, 1891 | Promotion | Captain Richard PIKE, Jr., who has been so long first officer of the Volunteer, has accepted the offer to command the new steamer belonging to Messrs. PICKFORD & BLACK, of Halifax (sister ship of the Harlaw), which will be put on the route between Halifax and Placentia, calling at Sydney and intermediate ports on the Newfoundland coast. A few days since we announced that Captain PIKE would take charge of the Curlew, the old coastal boat; as a matter of fact, Messrs. Harvey & Co. offered her to Captain PIKE, but had previously accepted the offer of Messrs. PICKFORD & BLACK, and , of course, could not go in the Curlew. Captain PIKE will start for Halifax in a few days, where he will make his future home. He will start on the route about the first of the year, and we wish him success. Daily Colonist Nov 18. |
Dec 5, 1891 | Factory | Herder & Halleran's Factory - Messrs. HERDER & HALLERAN have begun in earnest to rebuild their factory on Ordnance Street. The building will cover the same ground as before, but will be one storey lower. The work will be pushed ahead rapidly, so that the owners think they will have their business in full swing again by the end of the year. Some of the machinery was picked out among the debris, but it will require a good deal of repairing before it will be of use again. ........ |
Dec 5, 1891 | Accident | A serious accident on the railway line - We learn that on Wednesday last, about 11 o'clock in the morning, while a number of men were in a big cut on the railway line, some 7 or 8 miles from Shoal Harbor, Trinity Bay, a serious accident occurred, in which three men were injured - one fatally. Several of the men were engaged filling in a hole with dynamite for a blast, when it is supposed the cap burst, as the blast went off, driving pieces of rock, &c., in every direction. The three injured ones are: W.D. REID, eldest son of Mr. REID, who is expected to make a speedy recovery. SAUNDERS, a young man, a Canadian, and head boss of blasting, who died about 10 or 12 hours afterwards, having had his eyes blown out and an arm amputated by the Doctor. The other, as far as we can learn, was named SOPER, of Carbonear. He was taken to the hospital at St. John's. The clothes of all three were torn to pieces. |
Dec 5, 1891 | Fishing News | Labrador fish at $4.40 - The Evening Telegram's Gaspe agent, C. SUTTON LE BOUTILLIER, Esq., writing that journal under date of the 10th ult., says: - "The high prices quoted in my previous advices have continued to prevail. A large quantity of Labrador fish has been bought here lately at $4.40 per quintal. Competition has been very keen throughout the season, and fishermen have been fortunate enough to dispose a fair catch at remunerative prices. Herring, mackerel, and salmon, have sold well, and the smelt fishery is abundant, large quantities being shipped to New York. - Evening Telegram. Nov ?? |
Dec 5, 1891 | Church of England News | Rev. W. PILOT, B.D., F.R.G.S., Received Degree of "Doctor of Divinity" - It is with much pleasure that we learn that an honor, by no means frequently given to those of us who live in the outer ring of "Greater Britain" has been conferred upon a gentleman who has spent the larger portion of his life in Newfoundland, has made the colony his home, and who is well and favourably known to all of us. His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury has conferred upon the Rev. William PILOT, B.D., R.R.G.S., Superintendent of Church of England Schools, the degree of "Doctor of Divinity". We congratulate Mr. PILOT upon being singled out by the Primate of all England as the recipient of so well-deserved an honor - Evening Telegram (We unite with our contemporaries in extending congratulations to the Rev. gentleman on the distinguishing title that has been conferred upon him by so high a dignitary of Great Britain - Ed. Sun.) |
Dec 5, 1891 | Subscriptions | We are thankful to our subscribers who have already favored us with their subscriptions and shall be glad, if others will do so at an early date. |
Dec 5, 1891 | Guest | The Rev. S. O' Flynn, P.P., of Little Bay, spent a few days in town last week, and was a guest of J.B. TOBIN, Esq., J.P. He took passage per S.S. Ingraham for Little Bay. |
Dec 5, 1891 | Botwoodville | Five or six large cargoes of deal and other kinds of lumber have been exported from Botwoodville the past season, as may be seen from the shipping intelligence of that place appearing in today's paper. The last steamer from there took over a million feet. |
Dec 5, 1891 | Dentist | Dr. LECHR, Surgeon Dentist (who has located in Harbor Grace) wishes to intimate to the public that he is prepared to practice all branches of dentistry. He has very nice rooms fitted up next door to Messrs. Munn & Bros. Premises on Water Street. - Adv. |
Dec 5, 1891 | Accident | We learn that a sad accident occurred on board of a steamer called the Tiber as she was steaming out of Little Bay for Pelley's Island on the 24th ult. One of the crew named Hermenegilde PAQUET, of Quebec, fell down in the hold and was killed instantly. The body was landed at Little Bay and interred there. |
Dec 5, 1891 | Supreme Court | The Fall Term of the Supreme Court opened at St. John's on the 20th ult. His Lordship, Sir F.F.T. CARTER, in addressing the Grand Jury, said that there were only two indictments that were of a serious nature, namely, one for "Manslaughter" and the other for "Arson". In both cases the Grand Jury brought in a true bill. |
Dec 5, 1891 | Schooner | The English schooner Primrose, Capt. TREW, which arrived here last Friday, from Bristol to Messrs. Owen & EARLE, experienced a very stormy passage. She was 73 days on the voyage and had to put into St. John's, short of water. She met with a succession of gales and head winds all the month of October and was driven back from long. W.25, to long. 17 W., winds varying from N.W. to S.W. She lost part of her starboard bulwarks, but with this exception, was nothing the worse for her long and boisterous passing. |
Dec 5, 1891 | Steamer | The steamer Falcon, Capt. MURPHY, was dispatched from St. John's, to the scene of the wreck of the steamer Volunteer, on the 25th ult., in the interest of the underwriters. The Evening Herald says: "Mr. Peter SAUNDERS and his staff of workmen, including four divers, also went down by her, taking with them a large quantity of contents and all necessary appliances for carrying on the work of salvage. Everything possible will be done to float the sunken ship, and, if the weather continues fine, the supposition is that it will be accomplished easily." |
Dec 12, 1891 | Capt. WALSH Highly Complimented | The high estimation in which Capt. WALSH, of the coastal steamer Conscript is held by the public travelling on the Western route, is amply manifested from the appended address, presented him on his last trip from that coast, which together with his reply thereto, we transcribe from the columns of the Evening Telegram of the 3rd inst. Many of our Northern people who have frequently taken passage in the good ship Conscript under Capt. WALSH's command, can likewise add their testimony to the high merit attributed to the Captain, as well as the courtesy of the officers and crew always shown towards passengers. We are pleased to note this compliment paid to Capt. WALSH, and are glad to welcome him on the Northern route again after the temporary removal of the Conscript without any wish or desire on the part of the Northern people, who are quite satisfied with the manner in which the coastal service is performed by her competent commander. - Address: To Captain S. WALSH: Dear Sir, - We, the undersigned, feel that we are unable to quit the good vessel Conscript without giving expression to the very strong feeling of appreciation for the admirable manner in which you have brought your steamer along, night and day, which possesses as; and to testify to the unvarying attention and kindness extended to the passengers by both officers and crew under your command. That you may long continue in your honorable command, and be left to us on this route occasionally and particularly for the remainder of the year, is the sincere wish of your true friends: W. HARRIS, Alan GOODRIDGE, G.R. FORSEY, T.N. NEVILLE, G. BUFFETT, E. HIRST, Lieut. HAMPDEN, Dr. Wm. HOGAN, Capt. CAMPBELL, C. CHAFE, Lieut. MERCER, F.B. NANGLE, Capt. BISHOP. E. LAKE, THOS. KEECH, G. SNOOK, L. CLARK, Constable SHEPPARD, Jos. WILLIS, Lieut. NEWMAN, CLEMENT, Lieut. J. LEEWARD, T. RUMSEY, T. MANGLE, J. ROSS, H. FEWER, J. RYAN, J. FEWER, Glovannini, P.J. BURKE, D. CURKE, W. BURKE, M. MARSHALL, A. BURGESS. Reply - Gentlemen, I must own that the address you have just presented me with has taken me by surprise. I have ever looked upon it as a duty to be courteous and to promote the happiness of the passengers on the ship. I thank you for your good wishes, and hope that, as time goes by, our further acquaintance will tend to strengthen rather than diminish the ties of friendship so pleasantly evidenced in your address. Believe me to be, Yours truly, S. WALSH, Conscript, Dec 5, 1891 |
Dec 12, 1891 | Census | Census returns for Harbor Grace and vicinity - A statement of the census returns for 1891 which appears in the Harbor Grace Standard of the 1st inst., shows the following figures for the respective denominations: - Harbor Grace - C. of E. 2,642; C. of R. 2,480; Methodist 1,088; Presbyterians 156, Salvationist 97, Congregationalists 6. Spaniards Bay - C. of E. 1,055, C. o. R. 287, Methodists 86. Upper Island Cove - C. of E. 789, C. of R. 80, Bishop's Cove - C. of E., 304, Co. of R. 1, Methodists 9, Tilton - C. of E. 299, C. of R. 70, Methodist 11, Bryant's Cove - C. of E. 252, C. of R. 122, Spoon Cove - C. of E. 71, Co of R. 28. Making the total number of Church of England, 5, 412; Church of Rome 3, 059; Methodist 1,194, Presbyterians 156, Salvationists 97, Congregationalists 6, which shows a decrease of 335, Church of England; 334 Church of Rome; 199 Methodists; 33 Presbyterians; and an increase of 2 Congregationalists and 97 Salvationists. |
Dec 12, 1891 | Fogo news | Two Methodist ministers arrived from England by the last steamer. One is to reside at Pilley's Islands, the other at Seldom Come By. The wire is up at last after a terrible delay and inconvenience to the people. Such an example of dilatoriness has seldom been manifest. How alarmingly passive the people are. We hope now the line is up we shall sometimes hear from Tilt Cove and Little Bay about the steamer's homeward movements. We generally know of her arrival by her whistle. We only ask for our privileges and rights from the operators North. Thus the public suffer great inconvenience and spend watching nights in vain. There is an increase of 436 in the population of the Fogo District. It is reported that there is a decrease in the numbers of Roman Catholics and Church of England people, but a large increase of Methodists. Owing to the new Act, "Means of Egress from Churches, &c.", the Church of England here is having two new large doors made in compliance with the new law. If the law can be carried out, the carpenters will be quite busy for a time. |
Dec 12, 1891 | New Church | On Thursday last, the work of laying the foundation of the contemplated new Church was commenced. There was a good muster of the men of St. Paul's congregation, who armed with picks and shovels, &c., were seen working with a will. On Friday the work was again resumed and the foundation is now practically laid. A large quantity of lumber which was purchased some time ago for the new building was at the same time placed on the grounds. Rev. W. WEAVER and Dr. WHITE directed operations. It is purposed to remove the old Church in April next, and no doubt the work of construction will then be carried on vigorously. - Trinity Record, Nov. 28. |
Dec 12, 1891 | Bonaventure Head | A loud, rumbling sound, resembling thunder, was heard in this neighbourhood early on Friday morning. It transpired some time afterwards that the noise was produced by a founder, which occurred at that time at Bonaventure Head. A large portion of this promontory tumbled into the sea with a roar and a crash, which could be heard for some miles around. There was also a huge fissure made in the remaining portion of the Head, which goes to show that there must have been quite a disturbance in that quarter, and it is very evident that the days of Bonaventure Head are numbered. - Ibid. |
Dec 12, 1891 | New Exhibition Building | From a later date of the Daily Colonist, we learn that the site for the proposed Exhibition building has been decided on by the committee. That journal says: - "The exhibition building committee have definitely decided on placing the site of the proposed building in Bannerman Park between the residence of James E. KENT, Esq., and the Colonial building, and fronting on Military Road. Of course this is contingent in getting the permission of the City Council (to whom the ground belongs), but as individual members of the Council have informally expressed their willingness to give the ground, it is safe to infer they will not back down from that position in Council convened. The matter will be discussed at the next meeting of City Council." |
Dec 12, 1891 | Tribute to Governor MCCOWAN | We have great pleasure in giving place to the subjoined article from the columns of the St. John's Times of the 2nd inst., which contains a very high tribute to the efficiency of the respected governor of the Penitentiary, J.R. MCCOWAN, Esq., who ever since his appointment to the position in 1878, has displayed marked ability in the management of this most important office. We re-echo the sentiments of our contemporary, and congratulate our esteemed friend on the encomiums that have been so deservedly bestowed upon him: "The Penitentiary" - "perhaps no public Institution in this country presents a more favorable record than does the Penitentiary of this city, under the able governorship of J.R. MCCOWAN, Esq. Previous to Mr. MCCOWAN's taking charge of the Institution, it was a continual drag upon the exchequer of this country. Prisoners were placed therein, fed according to prison rules, but made no return for the outlay given for their support and maintenance. Since Mr. MCCOWAN was appointed, he has utilised whatever experience or ability possessed by those prisoners, and has instituted the broom-making and mat-making industry, in connection with the department, and so successful have been his efforts, that the respected governor has been congratulated by his Honor Chief Justice CARTER in his address to the Grand Jury, and the pleasing statement made by Sir Frederic that over four thousand dollars have been placed to the credit of the Penitentiary. This shows that we have a competent and reliable official in charge of that department. Mr. MCCCOWAN appears to be a general favourite in this community. he has the entire confidence of the authorities - the full support of the press - the esteem of all well-disposed persons, and at the same time, never has it been known that he has, in any way, subjected a prisoner under his care to any other restrictions than those outlined by law. He is courteous to visitors. In his private capacity, he is affable and unblemished. In his public capacity, as an official, he is firm and consistent. We are proud to record the tribute of the Chief Justice to this deserving and respected official, and trust that the energetic governor of the Penitentiary will follow up the good work already begun, and institute another department wherein criminals will be employed in making seines, herring seines, etc., and wherein the female culprits will be employed in spinning wool, knitting, etc., which will eventually add handsomely to the returns of the Institution." |
Dec 12, 1891 | Church news | His Lordship Dr. POWER administered the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Cathedral yesterday afternoon. Beside him there were present Rev. D. O'BRIEN, Rev. J.S. SCOTT, Rev. C.H. O'NEIL and the Christian Brothers. There were 353 children confirmed - 189 boys and 164 girls. After the ceremony His Lordship preached a short and appropriate discourse to the children, on the additional moral strength given them by the Holy Sacrament of Confirmation. - Daily Colonist. |
Dec 12, 1891 | Another Harbour Gracian Lost | The British Columbia sealing schooner Mascotte has been given up for lost, nothing having been heard of her since the summer. She had orders to return to port at the end of October, but up to last reports, she had not arrived in Victoria. By her loss another young Harbor Gracian has found a watery grave. His name is John COLE, son of Mr. John COLE, aged 19 years. The family left here some three years ago for Halifax and subsequently moved on to British Columbia. - G.G. Standard |
Dec 12, 1891 | Married | In St. Peter's Church on Thursday evening last, by the Rev. R. TEMPLE, R.D., Mr. George FIFIELD of this place, to Miss Sophia FIFIELD of Trinity. |
Dec 12, 1891 | Married | On Nov. 12th, at the Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Herring Neck, by the Rev. G.S. CHAMBERLAIN, Arthur SCAMMELL, of Change Islands to Althea JONES, of Fogo. |
Dec 12, 1891 | Married | On the 3rd inst., at the same place and by the same, John HOLWELL to Rebecca SEELEY. |
Dec 12, 1891 | Married | On October 17th, at Lushes Bight by Rev. Wm. REX, William CARAVAN to Sarah Jane ROBERTS. |
Dec 12, 1891 | Married | On October 29th, at Little Bay Island, by the same, Elisha HUSTINGS to Elizabeth FUDGE. |
Dec 12, 1891 | Married | At Whitbourne, on the 23rd ult., by the Rev. Mr. DUNN, James H. LOUGHLIN, of Flat Island, Placentia Bay, to Mary, second daughter of Frederick THISTLE, of Boot Harbor, Hall's Bay. |
Dec 12, 1891 | Died | At Back Harbor, on the 9th inst., after a lingering illness, Sarah, relict of the late George WARR, Jr., aged 27 years. |
Dec 12, 1891 | Died | At Herring Neck, on the 4th inst., after a brief illness, and deservedly regretted by a numerous circle of friends, Mr. Darius REDDICK, aged 41 years. |
Dec 12, 1891 | Died | At Tizzard's Harbor, on the 4th inst., after a tedious illness, Mr. John CLOTHIER, aged 39 years. |
Dec 12, 1891 | Died | At Little Bay Island, on October 31st, Mr. Thomas ANSTEY, aged 20 years and 2 months. |
Dec 12, 1891 | Ship News | Port of Twillingate - Entered - Dec 7 --- Cardigan, MARTIN, King's Cove, ballast - Harvey & Co., Dec 7---Osprey, RAKE, St. John's , ballast - Harvey & Co., Dec 11 - Arthur, TOWNSLEY, via. Fogo, part cargo salt , Owen & EARLE. Cleared - Dec 8 ---- Primrose, TREW, Fogo, general cargo - Owen & EARLE; Dec 10 --- Cardigan, MARTIN, Halifax, 2570 qtls Labrador codfish - Harvey & Co., Dec 11 --- Osprey, RAKE, Halifax, 2765 qtls Labrador codfish - Harvey & Co. |
Dec 12, 1891 | Passengers | Passengers per Conscript for the North: - Bay-de-Verde - Mr. P. SNELGROVE, Mr. GARLAND, Mrs. RYAN, Miss RYAN, Miss MANSFIELD, Miss GREENE. Trinity - Mr. R. ROWE, Mr. RYAN, Mr. J. MCGRATH, Mrs. S. HOGEN, Mrs. DOROTHY. Catalina - Mr. KEHOE, Miss J. LIND. Greenspond - Rev. Mr. AMOR, Capt. KANE, Mr. J.L. HODDER, Mr. KANE, Mr. EDGAR and wife. Fogo - Mr. T. DIVINE, Miss F. MANUEL. Herring Neck - Miss S. DAVIS. Twillingate - Mrs. WILCOX and five children. Morton's Harbor - Mr. J. OSMOND, Exploits - Miss A. FRAZER, Botwoodville - Mr. R. NEILSON, Little Bay - Messrs. J. LAUIB, J. H. TAVERNER, P. BURKE, J. BOYD, B. BOYLES, Nipper's Harbor - Mrs. J. BOWERS, Englee - Mrs. A. DOOLEY, St. Anthony - Mr. REED, Mr. J. MOORE, Miss S. HUDSON |
Dec 12, 1891 | For Sale | At Tizzard's Harbor - Two grass meadows, containing 2 acres; one potato garden, containing 1/2 acre and waterside premises, the property of the late Nicholas CANTWELL. Apply to Mrs. M.A. CANTWELL, Administratrix, Twillingate, Oct 17. |
Dec 12, 1891 | The mails per Conscript close nine o'clock tonight. | |
Dec 12, 1891 | Drowning | Search has been made for the bodies of BROWN and ELLIOTT, who were drowned returning from Friday's Bay on the 1st inst., but this far all attempts to recover them have proved futile. |
Dec 12, 1891 | Fish | Two cargoes of Labrador fish were cleared from the Customs here this week for Halifax by Messrs. Harvey & Co., St. John's, one the Cardigan, of King's Cove, which took 2,510 qtls., and the other the Osprey, of St. John's, taking 2,765 qtls. |
Dec 12, 1891 | Death | The death of Darius REDDICK, of Herring Neck, took place somewhat suddenly last week. He was son of Mr. John REDDICK, and was respected by all who knew him. For some years he had been master of their own schooner, the Bear, and has been pretty successful at the fisheries. The bereaved have our sympathy. |
Dec 12, 1891 | Harbor Grace Cathedral | Work on the Harbor Grace Cathedral is progressing rapidly, and the workmen have taken advantage of the continuance of the fine weather to begin covering in part of the roof. A few days since His Lordship Dr. MACDONALD made a house to house call on the members of his flock in Harbor Grace realising thereby the sum of five hundred dollars towards the building fund. Altogether the building is farther advanced than could have been hoped by the most sanguine Harbor Gracian. This, in a measure, is due to kind friends, but mostly to the untiring energy and zeal of Dr. MACDONALD. - Daily Colonist |
Dec 19, 1891 | Seals | Two seals were captured in nets at Crow Head on Wednesday last, a hood and a bedlamer. Several others have also been caught this season by crews in other places around this neighbourhood. |
Dec 19, 1891 | Arrival | The Silverdale arrived from St. John's on Monday morning bringing a general cargo for the firm of E. DUDER. She was several days getting along, in consequence of stormy weather and adverse winds. |
Dec 19, 1891 | Mining News | A number of our friends who have been working at the mines returned per Conscript on Tuesday evening and we are pleased to welcome them back after a few months absence from the community. |
Dec 19, 1891 | Departure | The Stipendiary Magistrate, F. BERTEAU, Esq., and his two daughters took passage for St. John's per last Conscript. Mr. BERTEAU has a four months leave of absence from the government, and intends making a tour to Canada and the United Sates during the winter, visiting Virginia and other parts, and will be accompanied by his youngest daughter. We wish them a pleasant journey. |
Dec 19, 1891 | Harbor Gracians | It is with pleasure we record the fact that yet another title of honor has lately been conferred on our esteemed young townsman - the Rev. Dr. THOMSPON, now laboring in the Master's Vineyard at Aylmer, Ontario. He has been elected a member of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. We congratulate Dr. THOMPSON and his friends on the mark of appreciation of the scholarship of our old townsman. - Harbor Grace Standard |
Dec 19, 1891 | Steamer | The coastal steamer Conscript, Capt. WALSH, returning to St. John's, called here Tuesday evening. While North, very stormy weather was experienced. On Saturday it blew violently, and the steamer was in Griquet all day with two anchors out. At other times the weather was very rough. The Conscript did not leave port until early Wednesday morning. The following took passage here for St. John's -- Mr. BERTEAU, Misses, BERTEAU (2), Miss Carrie TEMPLE, Miss POWER, Capt. PENNY, S.A., Lieut. PYNN, S.A., Messrs. J.B. TOBIN, R.D. HODGE, Dr. SCOTT, W. SCOTT. From ports North -- Messrs. J. MANUEL, D. SCOTT, J. MOORS, Robert BOYD, Wm. SAVILLE, J.R. GELLIBRAND, McINTOSH, Miss HOLDEN, Lieut. ENGLAND (S.A.); 70 in steerage. |
Dec 19, 1891 | Married | On Dec 5th, at the Methodist Parsonage, by the Rev. Jabez HILL, Mr. James Alfred POPE, of Fogo to Miss Susanna MITCHARD, of South Side. |
Dec 19, 1891 | Married | On Dec. 12th, at the same place, by the same, Mr. Frederick Wm. PHILLIPS, of South Side to Miss Maria E. WHITE, of Ragged Point. |
Dec 19, 1891 | Married | On Dec. 13th, at the North Side Methodist Church, by the same. Mr. Joseph GIDGE, of Durrel's Arm, to Miss Martha MANUEL, of North Side. |
Dec 19, 1891 | Married | On Dec. 16th, at the Methodist Parsonage, by the same, Mr. Elijah WITT, of Kettle Cove, to Mary A. KING, of Friday's Bay. |
Dec 19, 1891 | Married | On Nov. 19th, at the Church of St. Nicholas, Leading Tickles, by the Rev. P.G. SNOW, Incumbent of the Mission of Exploits, Mr. Thomas HANCOCK, to Miss Elizabeth HART. |
Dec 19, 1891 | Married | On Nov. 20th, at the same place, by the same, Mr. John HANNAM, to Miss Jane MARSH. |
Dec 19, 1891 | Married | On Nov. 21st, at the same place, by the same, Mr. Joseph HAGGETT, to Miss Matilda HANNAM. |
Dec 19, 1891 | Married | On Nov. 25th, at Cottle's Cove, by the same. Mr. John Thomas BOONE, to Miss ELLEN PARDY. |
Dec 19, 1891 | Married | On Dec. 12th, at the Church of All Saints, Exploits, Burnt Island, by the same, Mr. Solomon SNELGROVE, to Miss Harriet TURNER. |
Dec 19, 1891 | Ship news | Port of Little Bay - Entered --- May 28 - S.S. Lief Ereckson, 1551 tons, Baltimore, ballast; May 30 - S.S. Falcon, 311 tons, Cow Bay, cargo coal, June 24 - S.S. Tiber, 1131 tons, Cow Bay, cargo coal: June 26 - Finlaggon, 99, Greenock, general cargo; July 3 - S.S. Arecuna, 1061 tons, New York, cargo coke; July 22 - S.S. Blakemoor, 1096 tons, Cape Breton, coal and coke; Aug 6 - S.S. Arecuna, 1061 tons, Philadelphia, cargo coke; Aug 21 - Rescue, 132 tons, Sydney, coal; Sept 9 - S.S. Coila, 161 tons, Cow Bay, coal; Oct 1 - S.S. Salamanea, 883 tons, Cow Bay, coal and coke; Oct 5 - ?Sord Duflies, 140 tons, Greenock, general cargo; Oct 13 - S.S. Salamanca, 883 tons, Cow Bay, coal, cattle and feed; Oct 29 - Salamanea, 853 tons, Cow Bay; Nov 13 - S.S. Coban, 689 tons, Grace Bay, coal; Nov 14 - S.S. Nether Holme, 1285 tons, Green, general cargo, Nov 18 - S.S. Tiber, 1134 tons, Montreal, provisions. Cleared May 19 - S.S. Vanguard, 3311 tons, Swansea, cargo ingots copper; June 1 - S.S. Lief Erickson, 1551 tons, New York, suppurate iron, June 3 - S.S Falcon, 311 tons, Glace Bay - ballast (? remainder of article missing) |
Dec 26, 1891 | Robbery | A daring robbery was committed in the office of R.D. HODGE, Esq., one night about three weeks since, when the safe was opened and about two hundred dollars were stolen therefrom, but thus far no clue to the miscreant has been discovered. It was evidently done by someone acquainted with the "ropes" of the office, as the keys were taken from a secreted part impossible to be known by a stranger, by which means the villainous deed was perpetrated. |
Dec 26, 1891 | Schooner | The Maggie Briggs, Isaac BOONE, master, arrived in port Sunday noon from the North side of the bay. She left Little Bay Saturday afternoon, and put into Dark Tickle that night, just as the snow storm set in, where she left the next morning for Twillingate. When part way across the bay, her rudder gave out and she had to be steered by the mainsail. There was a heavy breeze of wind at the time, which , however, was fair, and fortunately the Maggie reached here safely. The necessary repairs were effected next morning, and she left for Fogo. |
Dec 26, 1891 | Fogo News | On Saturday, 19th inst., Eli READE, of Barr'd Island, went into the woods to set some rabbit snares. In the evening some snow storms came on, and although he managed to get within 3 miles of his home he perished. Up till this date, 23rd, his body has not been found in spite of most diligent searching. Strange to say, his wife's father, year before last, was lost in the same manner and near the same place. He was 30 years of age and was only married a few weeks ago. There is a good deal of sickness at Change Islands and one case of diphtheria. The delay of the steamer is most provoking. Mr. HODGE and Mr. SCOTT are expected by her. |
Dec 26, 1891 | Died | On the 17th inst., Elizabeth, infant and only child of Joseph and Mary Ann HOUSE. |
Dec 26, 1891 | Died | At Wild Cove on the 15 inst., Mr. Samuel KEEFE, aged 60 years. |
Dec 26, 1891 | Died | At Little Bay, on the 10th inst after a short illness, Fanny, beloved wife of Wm LUSH, aged 25 years; she leaves a mother, 2 brothers, 2 sisters and a circle of friends to mourn their sad loss - R.I.P. |
Dec 26, 1891 | Died | At Fogo, on the 13th inst., Mark MILLER, aged 25 years; he leaves an aged father, and brothers and sisters, to mourn their sad loss. |
Dec 26, 1891 | Died | At. St. John's, on the 5th inst., Mary Cecilia, the only and well-beloved child of Mary BOWERS, aged 9 years 8 months. |
Dec 26, 1891 | Ship news | Port of Twillingate - Cleared - Dec 22 - Arthur, TOWNSLEY, Oporto, 1448 qtls shore codfish, 763 qtls Straits codfish, 519 qtls Labrador codfish, Owen & Earle; Dec 24 - G.C. Gradwell, TOWNSLEY, Bristol, 111 tons, 3 hogsheads, 12 gallons cod oil, 11 tons, 3 hogsheads, 55 gallons seal oil, 816 seal skins, 92 cow and calf skins, 12 cases rabbit skins, 2 horse skins, 80 barrels herring, 68 cases lobster, etc., etc., - Owen & EARLE |
Dec 26, 1891 | Lunatic Asylum | Physicians throughout the Colony will please note that patients are no longer admitted to the Lunatic Asylum with the old forms issued by the Board of Works. New blank forms of "Medical Certificate" and "Statement" with instructions may be obtained on application at the office of the Attending Physician and Board of Works. The statement, may be sworn to before a Justice of the Peace, Magistrate, or any other person empowered to take Affidavits. Cathedral Hill. |
Dec 26, 1891 | Death | The calamitous accident by which the only child, Mary Cecilia, of our contemporary, Mr. P.R. BOWERS, of the Colonist, lost her life from the effects of her garments taking fire, has evoked a great deal of sympathy for the stricken father and mother. The following facts, communicated to us, explain the melancholy occurrence. The little girl, who was in her tenth year, went down-stairs in her night garments and stockings at eight in the morning of Saturday last to examine her skates in childish fashion; for that afternoon she intentioned having an outing with some of her young companions on a nearby lake. She had previously been downstairs and had taken up a cup of tea to her mother's bedroom at which time the servant ascended with her to the same apartment. The little girl then went down-stairs for the purpose mentioned, and was cleaning her skates by the hall stove, in which a strong fire of anthracite was burning. Suddenly all three in the room above heard a piercing shriek. The girl and Mrs. BOWERS rushed down and the former seizing a mat wrapped it around the burning garments of the child. Instinctively, Mr. BOWERS, fearing fire, snatched a blanked from the bed and hastily seizing the child from the servant and discarding the mat, enveloped the little one in the blankets extinguishing the fire. The poor child's body was terribly burnt from the tops of her stockings to her hair and she suffered dreadfully. It is supposed that, as the child stood before the stove cleaning the skates, the skirt of her garment was drawn in the draught-hole or damper in the base of the stove and was instantly set in a flame. Mr. BOWERS immediately went for Doctors KERGAN and HARVEY, and they did what they could to relieve the child's sufferings, but their skill was of no avail to save her life, and about eight that evening she expired. The funeral takes place at 9 a.m. tomorrow. The little one was confirmed yesterday week and being an only child, the parents' grief is heartrending. We sympathise deeply with our contemporary in his severe affliction. - Evening Telegram, Dec. 7 (We sincerely sympathise with our contemporary, Mr. BOWERS, editor of the Colonist, and his lady, in the sad loss thus sustained, and under such painful circumstances. - Ed. Sun.) |
Dec 26, 1891 | Fish Required at Malaga | Within the last two years there has been a considerably increased demand for British Labrador codfish; and if our fishermen in Newfoundland (says the British Consul at Malaga) would be more careful in the curing of the shore fish, they would easily succeed in securing many of the shipping orders which are now sent to Norway. It is expected that the inquiry for British codfish will be unusually important during the early months of the coming season. - Daily Colonist, Dec 17. |
Dec 26, 1891 | Steamer | An old acquaintance under a new name - The steamer Diane, 275 tons (formerly the Hector), Capt. H. BARTLETT, arrived at 7 a.m., to Messrs. Job Brothers, from Dundee, coal-laden. She has been rebuilt from stem to stern, from keel to deck, her timbers and planking being of oak, her sheathing of greenheart. She has also been fitted with a new boiler, machinery and engine, excepting the cylinders only, and is to all intents a new vessel. The work was done by W. Stephen & Co., Dundee, The vessel maintained an average speed of eight and a half knots on the passage out which was accomplished in fourteen days. - Evening Telegram, Dec 12. |
Dec 26, 1891 | Church | Yesterday being Xmas Day, Divine Services were held at the usual hours in respective churches of this town. |
Dec 26, 1891 | Steamer | The steamer, Matilda, owned by R. SCOTT, Esq., Fogo, arrived from there Thursday morning and returned before noon same day. |
Dec 26, 1891 | Appreciation | We are indebted to Mr. Stephen NEWMAN, master of the Jubilee, for a bundle of late St. John's papers, interesting extracts from which will be found in our columns to-day. |
Dec 26, 1891 | Steamer | The steamer Swallow belonging to Messrs. Owen & EARLE, arrived from Fogo Wednesday evening bringing five prisoners, who had been convicted before Samuel BAIRD, Esq., Stipendiary Magistrate, and sentenced to one month imprisonment for violating the Game Law Act last Spring. |
Dec 26, 1891 | Schooners | The schooners Jubilee, Stephen NEWMAN, master, and Stanley, Stephen HARBIN, master, returned from St. John's on Tuesday afternoon, the former bringing a general cargo for J.B. TOBIN, Esq., and the latter having a cargo, partly for here and for Tilt Cove. These two craft left St. John's on Friday and had a favorable time back for the season of the year. |
Dec 26, 1891 | Departure | The English vessel Arthur, Capt. TOWNSLEY, sailed for Oporto on Wednesday with a cargo of codfish for the firm of Messrs. Owen & Earle. The barque, G.G. GRADWELL, Capt. TOWNSLEY, also sailed to-day for Bristol, with a cargo of oil, seal skins, and other produce for the same firm. These will be the last departures from here for foreign ports this season. |
Dec 26, 1891 | Fire | Mr. Edwin COLBOURNE's dwelling house was very near being destroyed by fire on Saturday last. A little fellow was playing with matches up stairs and made a fire for amusement, which, if it had not been discovered, in a few moments longer, would have totally destroyed the building. As it was a good deal of clothing was burnt and a considerable lot damage done to that part of the house. |
E R R A T A | ||
Name in Record | Description of Error | My Name |