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Newspaper Records

Notre Dame Bay Region

Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser

January 1889 - April 1889

Place of publication: Twillingate
Dates of publication: June 24, 1880-Jan. 31, 1953.
Suspended publication: Jan. 16-Feb. 15, 1947.
Frequency: Weekly.
Title varies: Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser, June 24, 1880-Aug. 10. 1912.
Twillingate Sun, Oct. 19, 1912-Jan. 31, 1953.
Editor and proprietor:
Jabez P. Thompson, June 24, 1880-1895.
George Roberts, 1895 (56)-1910.
William B. Temple, 1910-1921.
Stewart Roberts, 1921-Jan. 9, 1947.
Ernest G. Clarke, Feb. 22, 1947-Jan. 31, 1953.
MUN 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889, 1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Microfilm
PANL [1928-1930, 1934-1935, 1938,1953] Microfilm
PRL 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889,1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Original and microfilm.
Description: The Twillingate Sun printed local and foreign news, legislative proceedings, serial fiction and advertisements. It claimed to be politically independent in 1886, but supported the Whiteway and the Liberals, especially in the fall election of 1894. In 1929, it supported Squires and in 1948 was neutral on Confederation. The Sun ceased publication due to financial reasons in 1953.

Transcribed by RON GALE, CHANTAL COULEN, GEORGINA HUSSEY, GEORGE WHITE & GLENDA QUINN. While we have endeavored to be as correct as possible, there may be errors.
Jan. 5, 1889 Advertisement Notre Dame Jewellery Store - John LAMB, Watchmaker and Jeweller, Little Bay Mines. In thanking my many Friends for their past patronage, would beg a continuance of the same, having had fifteen years experience in the above lines, eight of which have been spent in Green Bay, so I now feel confident to give my customers every satisfaction. Having procured a first class workman from Sweden as my assistant, I can now guarantee satisfaction as good if not better than can be procured in any other part of the Island. Be good enough to call and give me a trial, and then you will be the best judges. Work of all kinds done in first class style, and executed with neatness and dispatch. I would advise my many friends not to have their Clocks or Watches tampered with by jobbers or inexperienced workman, as it would be the means of saving much expense. Pianos tuned. Accordions and Concertinas neatly repaired, also jewellery repaired and ready for order. N.B.- If your watches or clocks cannot be repaired in L. Bay it is useless to try elsewhere.
Jan. 5, 1889Advertisement W.H. HORWOOD Barrister-at-Law, Solicitor &c. Address: Home Industries Society Hall, Duckworth Street, St. John's
Jan. 5, 1889A Note of ThanksDear Mr. Editor - The Committee of the Methodist Bazaar, desire through the medium of your valuable paper, to thank the managing committee for the use of the Hall; also, all the Societies using the same, for giving up their respective nights of meeting (without any charge) for the purpose of holding the Bazaar. The Committee take this opportunity of thanking you, Mr. Editor, for printing, and other help rendered in our behalf. And to all who in any way contributed to the success of our sale, we wish a Happy New Year. In behalf of Committee, S. S. FREEMAN, President. Twillingate, Jan 1st, 1889.
Jan. 5, 1889Cruelty to AnimalsDear Sir - Allow me to call attention of the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, (if not yet organised) to the shameful sight which met the gaze of those who visited the steamer Conscript on her arrival this afternoon. A fine black horse, which had been shipped from St. John's, in a box on deck, exposed to the frost and dashing spray, had at length been overcome and lay perishing on the deck and probably ere this, is dead. We would suggest that next trip, the shipper of the poor animal should be lashed to the foremast, and let take his chances at this inclement season, on a trip from St. John's to Little Bay. However, we protest against such inhumanity as shipping animals on deck in winter season, as was the case the last two trips of Conscript. Yours etc, Humanity.
Jan. 5, 1889Items from Southern CorrespondentLarge numbers of people from this neighbourhood have been leaving their homes for Canada and the States. A few weeks ago sixty men left Carbonear in a single morning.
Jan. 5, 1889Items from Southern CorrespondentHeart's Content recently held a public meeting to advocate extension of the railway system from Carbonear to that town. The three members for Trinity Bay were present.
Jan. 5, 1889Items from Southern CorrespondentThe construction of the Placentia Railroad is rapidly approaching completion. The work is spoken of very highly.
Jan. 5, 1889Items from Southern CorrespondentThe guardians of the public peace here, have been busily employed lately in making raids on the shebeens. At Harbor Grace, I was informed that last week, £70 was collected in fines. So strictly is the law carried out that persons entering any of the suspected shops are arrested and put on oath as to the purpose for which said shops were visited. An amusing incident recently occurred in connection with those raids. A policeman entered a shebeen and found a number of persons drinking. A panic ensued, and there was a general stampede. The transgressor of the law, on being brought before the magistrate, pleaded that he was merely entertaining a few friends. The Judge duly remarked he thought it a strange way to entertain friends, when the said friends tried to hide themselves and their drinking utensils away, on the approach of a constable. It is needless to say such a flimsy excuse was proved inadmissible. At Carbonear also, energetic measures are being taken to stamp out the evil. One woman who refuses to pay the fine very properly imposed, has had a barrel of sugar and chest of tea seized, which might be sold by auction. It is a scandal to us as an enlightened community, that while we build our churches, with all their means and appliances for the encouragement of virtue, we permit men and women to open their shebeen for the encouragement of vice.
Jan. 5, 1889Missionary Meeting (Part 1)We have just concluded a most successful series of meetings in connection with the Missionary Society of the Methodist Church. The meetings were characterised by large congregations, a spirit of deep interest and enthusiasm, and increasing liberality. At the Financial District Meeting held in September, Revs. S. MATTHEWS (Heart's Content), E. TAYLOR (Hant's Harbour), H. SCOTT (Green's Harbor) and the writer, were appointed as the Deputation for Heart's Content, Scilly Cove, and Hant's Harbor Missionary Meetings. The first meeting was held at the famous little Cable town on Monday evening, November 26. The beautiful night drew together an audience which completely filled the neat little Church, which is too small for present accommodation. Steps are being taken however to enlarge it, and to build a much needed basement for Sabbath school purposes, plans for which have been kindly furnished by Mr. DICKINSON, one of the leading members of the Anglo-American T. Co's staff. One pleasing and noticeable feature in our meeting was the number of Episcopalians present. We could wish that such a spirit of unanimity were more generally manifested.
Jan. 5, 1889Missionary Meeting (Part 2)B. PENNER, Esq., J.P., presided. As through unforeseen circumstances, Revs. Messrs., TAYLOR and SCOTT failed to put in an appearance, the resident Minister and your correspondent, with A.A. THOMPSON, Esq., a brother of the esteemed editor of the Sun, were the only speakers. Mr. THOMPSON, in an eloquent speech, described this not only as the age of great discoveries but also as the Golden-age of 'missions'. We were much pleased with the really good congregational singing led by Mrs. EARLE, the accomplished organist. To our mind a service with cold and lifeless singing is sadly marred. The collection taken up on the occasion was a good one, and will not be behind last year. On the following day, (Tuesday) we had a drive of six miles to Scilly Cove, passing en route the pretty little village of New Perlican. The weather was most unpropitious, but this did not prevent a large congregation from well filling the Church at the night meeting. Here also the Church has become too small for the people and efforts are being made towards enlargement. The settlement is of fair size as the last Census gives the number of inhabitants as 759. Judging from the immense flakes scattered about, the fishery must at one time have been carried on to a large extent.
Jan. 5, 1889Missionary Meeting (Part 3)On Wednesday evening, Nov. 23, a very successful meeting was held at Hant's Harbor, when addresses were delivered by the Chairman, Mr. PIPPY and the deputation; Revs S. MATTHEWS and J.W. VICKERS. At Hant's Harbor, where we had a good and commodious mission house and a large Church which is well attended, poverty is sadly prevalent among the people. Our Missionary anniversary in Carbonear circuit was a most successful one; and we are hoping our receipts, notwithstanding the destitution in our midst, will be equal to, if not in advance of last year. On Sunday, December 2nd, special sermons were preached in our North Side Church as follows: in the morning by Rev. James PINCOCK of Western Bay, who preached a thoroughly earnest, evangelical and practical discourse from the words "Go, and do likewise." The preacher forcibly contrasted the beautiful nature of Christian service, with the formality and hypocrisy of the Priests and Levites, showing that the imperative duty of the Church was to imitate the example of Christ, the centre of all good, by [illegible] to raise fallen humanity, and so evangelise the world. At night, Rev George PAINE of Cupids preached from the text: "Thy will be done." The sermon, which occupied an hour in its delivery, is spoken of as a masterly and eloquent one.
Jan. 5, 1889Missionary Meeting (Part 4)Sermons were also preached at Harbor Grace. Our first meeting in this part of the Bay was held at Freshwater, on Monday evening December 3rd. There was a good audience present though the weather was inclement. Rev. John GOODISON, Chairman of the District, who will be well remembered by many in the Northern metropolis, presided. The annual report, which showed a gratifying increase, was read by the Pastor, Rev. Jabez HILL. Addresses were also delivered by Revs. J. PINCOCK, J.W. VICKERS, G. PAINE, and T.H. JAMES (Harbor Grace). A highly successful meeting was held in the Methodist Church Harbor Grace on Tuesday night. One feature of its success was the large and deeply interested congregation present. The speakers though many, (there were six besides the Chairman) confined their remarks to the short space of fifteen minutes and the speeches, interspersed by our grand old Missionary hymns, led by Miss APSEY, the talented organist and the choir, tended to keep up the enthusiasm of the audience, which never flagged from commencement to close. The venerable Father PEACH opened the meeting with prayer.
Jan. 5, 1889Missionary Meeting (Part 5)R.S. MUNN, Esq., J.P., who, though a Presbyterian, is a liberal supporter of our mission fund, presided and proved himself a model chairman, not only by his speech, which though terse, was full of interesting information and thoroughly practical, but by the impressive and really beautiful way in which he gave out the hymns. In addition to the speakers of the previous evening, we had a capital speech from the Rev R.W. THOMPSON, (Presbyterian minister) an Irishman. The speech was witty and eloquent. Sheriff BEMISTER who also made a few remarks, referred to the interesting fact that a hundred years ago the first Methodist Church in Newfoundland was built on Stretton's Hill, Harbor Grace. We hope to commemorate the Centenary shortly. The meeting at Carbonear on Wednesday evening, like its predecessor, was graphically set forth in its various aspects by the various speakers. On the platform we had three veterans who have done good and useful service in their day and generation -- Rev. J.S. PEACH, the Hon John RORKE, for twenty years the highly respected M.H.A. for this District, and J.L. MCNEIL, Esq., our deservedly esteemed Stipendiary Magistrate. The Hon. Mr. RORKE who presided, is over eighty years of age. He aptly referred to the encouraging fact that the nations of Europe were coalescing to put down slavery.
Jan. 5, 1889Accumulation of LumberOttawa Nov 22 - It is calculated that there is now piled in the yards of the Chaudiere 100,000,000 feet of lumber, and what to do with it is the question which is troubling lumbermen and the export firms to whom it belongs. All summer ocean freight rates have been so high, that the export firms have not made any large shipments, either of English deals, or board lumber for South America or Australia. This lumber, usually shipped shortly after it is sawn, is therefore filling the yards here to overflowing. Unless the large quantity is shipped before spring, there will not be much room to spare, to pile the first portion of next spring's cut, which accumulates in the yard about May, when the summer shipping is to take it away.
Jan. 5, 1889Newfoundland ConnectionA short time ago we were favoured with a copy of the Indianapolis Journal, in which we noticed the following item which is likely to be of interest to many of our readers, as the talented artist referred to, is married to a Twillingate lady, daughter of the much respected Dr. STIRLING, whose name also figures among the list of those who have a display at the exhibition. The Mrs. HARRISON referred to, is wife of the President of the United States. It is pleasing to find such a tribute paid to the artistic ability displayed as the paragraph contains: Mr. Paul POTSKI is giving an exhibition of the art work by himself and pupils at his studio No 437 North Mississippi Street for three days, beginning yesterday. The work consists of china and watercolor painting and [illegible] beautiful designs are used both in the form of the china and the decoration. Among those who have a display are Mrs. Benj. HARRISON, Mrs. [illegible], Mrs. D.W. COLLIN, Mrs. E. L. MCKEE, Mrs. WILSON, Miss Loia PEIRCE, Miss Louise [illegible], Miss Pearl [illegible], Miss Mary ATKINS, Miss FISHER, Miss RUSSELL and Mr. and Mrs. POTSKI. No description would give an adequate idea of the beauty of the painting. No word could describe the beauty of the smoothness of the finish, the perfection coloring, the exquisite shading and the unique designs and great variety. The collection of [illegible] in water colors are gems in themselves. A large number of visitors were present yesterday, notwithstanding the true London weather, and were more than repaid. The exhibition is open each day from 9 in the morning till 4 o'clock in the afternoon.
Jan. 5, 1889MarriedOn December 12 at St. Peter's Church, by Rev. R. TEMPLE, Mr. Daniel BLACKLER to Miss Fanny COLBOURNE, both of Twillingate. The services were partly choral, as the bride had been a member of the choir.
Jan. 5, 1889MarriedOn December 15, at the Methodist Church, Morton's Harbor, by the Rev J HEYFIELD, Mr Theophilus TAYLOR of Morton's Harbor to Miss Jane GUY of Twillingate.
Jan. 5, 1889MarriedOn December 19, by the same, Mr James LOCKE to Miss Emily Ann TAYLOR, both of Morton's Harbor.
Jan. 5, 1889MarriedOn December 19, at the Methodist Parsonage, by the same, Mr Edward WHITE of Wales Gulch, to Miss Susan NEWMAN of Morton's Harbor.
Jan. 5, 1889MarriedOn December 22 at the schoolhouse, Western Head, by the same, Mr. Kenneth JONES to Miss Hannah TAYLOR of Morton's Harbor.
Jan. 5, 1889MarriedAt the same time and place, also Mr. Andrew RIDOUT to Miss Emily Jane FLIGHT of Morton's.
Jan. 5, 1889MarriedAt the Methodist Church Morton's Harbor, December 24th, by the same, Mr Ambrose JENNINGS to Miss Mathilda TAYLOR of Morton's Harbor.
Jan. 5, 1889MarriedOn Nov. 15th at the Methodist Church, Change Islands, by Rev. W. REX, Mr. Joseph EDWARDS to Miss Patience BLAKE.
Jan. 5, 1889MarriedOn Nov. 15th at the same place by the same, Mr. John TAYLOR to Miss Naomi CARD.
Jan. 5, 1889MarriedOn Nov. 27th at the same place by the same, Mr. Abiah PURCHASE to Miss Alerd Drusilla WELLS.
Jan. 5, 1889MarriedOn December 20 at Herring Neck, by Rev. W. REX, Mr. Robert HYNES to Miss Miriam OXFORD.
Jan. 5, 1889MarriedOn December 20th at Merrits Harbor by the same, Mr Samuel CARD to Miss Mary POWELL.
Jan. 5, 1889MarriedBy the Rev. A.C. SKINNER, at the Western Arm, Rocky Bay, on the evening of the 15th November, Mr. Eli SHEPHARD of Indian Islands to Miss Amelia ABBOTT, of Musgrave Harbor. [Note: Rocky Bay is now known as Carmanville - George White]
Jan. 5, 1889MarriedAt the same place on the evening 24th Nov. Mr Charles HICKS of Western Arm to Miss Elizabeth Ann WILLIAMS, of Manuels.
Jan. 5, 1889MarriedAt Indian Islands, on the evening of 28th Nov., Mr. Noah PERRY to Miss Elizabeth COISH, both of same place.
Jan. 5, 1889MarriedAt same place, on same evening, Mr. Edward SKINNER to Miss Martha COISH
Jan. 5, 1889MarriedAt same place, on the evening of 28th Nov., Mr. Caleb COISH to Miss Mary Ann HODDINOTTT.
Jan. 5, 1889MarriedAt Seldom-Come-By, on the evening of 6th December, Mr. Henry Thomas HOLMES to Miss Cora Susanne, youngest daughter of Mr. Henry PENNEY, both of Seldom-Come-By.
Jan. 5, 1889MarriedAt Western Arm, Rocky Bay, on the evening of 18th Dec., Mr Alfred HICKS to Miss Tryphonia Lydia, Eldest daughter of George and Eliza Jane CARNELL, both of Western Arm.
Jan. 5, 1889DiedOn November 25th, after a short illness, Samuel LACEY, (TAYLOR) a native of Blandford, Dorset, England, aged 88 years, 70 of which he spent in this country. The deceased removed to Exploits about three months ago to reside with his daughter. His remains will be brought to Twillingate some time through the winter for interment as it was one of his last requests.
Jan. 5, 1889AdvertisementWalter CLOUSTON, Manufacturer of Superior Single and Double Oil Clothing, Factory, Barne's Road, St. John's Newfoundland. All goods made from good, plain calico, and finished with three coats of oil. Orders will receive special attention. Write for prices, terms and discount.
Jan. 5, 1889Union Bank of NewfoundlandNotice is hereby given that a Dividend of 6%, upon the paid up Capital Stock of this Institution, has been declared for the half year ending November 30th, 1888, payable at the Banking House, in this city on and after Saturday next, 8th inst. Transfer Books closed from the 3rd to the 8th, both days inclusive. (By orders of the Board), James GOLDIE, Manager. St. John's Dec 1888.

Jan. 12, 1889Board of Works Office (Part 1)While at St. John's a short time since, we observed that some changes had been made in the Board of Works office. Mr. KELLY who for the past few years, occupied a prominent position, and was much respected by all, had been removed, having been appointed Secretary of the Municipal Council; and the business of the office is now conducted by W.R. STIRLING, Esq., whose appointment as Secretary of the Board was lately confirmed, and by his assistant Mr. T. MORRIS, both of whom are most worthy and efficient officials. From disinterested parties who have had occasion to visit the office lately, we have been pleased to learn of the satisfaction that is now found in the transaction of business. Mr. STIRLING is an excellent book-keeper, and having occupied a position as such in some of the leading mercantile firms of the colony. His thorough acquaintance with the country's affairs adds greatly to his efficiency in discharging the duties of his office, while Mr. MORRIS is a young man who for many years has been connected with the department, and has worked himself up to the position he now occupies, and we venture to assert that a more deserving official, or one more attentive to the duties of his office, is not to be found in the government.
Jan. 12, 1889Board of Works Office (Part 2)Of course the business of the office, so far as the town of St. John's is concerned, is somewhat curtailed by the formation of the Municipal Council, but the number of officials is one less, which gives the present staff equally as much to do; and when it is considered that the accounts of all the public works throughout the colony have to pass through the office, it shows that the officials must be fully alive to their business in according such satisfaction to the public. But one secret is a proper system adopted for the performance of work. The office hours are from 10 A.M., to 4 P.M., and between these hours one or other of the officials is always to be found at his post. Hence, if outport people are in St. John's, and no other time would suit them, they can go to the office between one and two o'clock to transact any business required, which would often prove a great advantage and saving of time to them. Thus, with the respected Chairman at the head and efficient officers mentioned, every satisfaction is now given to that department, and we hope that such a pleasing state of things may long continue.
Jan. 12, 1889Church Meeting TwillingateThe teachers and choir of St. Peter's Church, with a few invited friends, spent a very pleasant evening on Thursday last. It was a sort of winter picnic, at which the teachers provided the tea, for themselves and their chosen guests. After tea, a fine new magic lantern (which Mr. TEMPLE procured for the use of the school illustrating lectures, &c.,) was exhibited. But as very few slides came with the lantern, several more amusing ones were kindly lent by Mr. R. GILLINGHAM for the occasion. The rest of the evening was occupied in various favourite games, and the attractions of a Bagatelle Board, Music, &c. When ten o'clock came, and it was evident that some of the elders were thinking of home, the Incumbent addressed a few words to the company before they parted. He reminded them that the work of Sunday school teaching is a great labor, when regularly continued, as in their case; and since the children's annual summer treat gave rather additional labour to them than amusement, he thought it only right to give them an opportunity of meeting for harmless enjoyment, by themselves, in winter. He thanked them for their help, and praised their regularity. To the choir also he addressed a few remarks, reminding them that he and the congregation expected that they too would be regular and punctual in what they undertook to perform, that what was worth doing at all was worth doing well; especially acts done for so Holy a purpose. Rev. T. NURSE, who was happily able to be present, being somewhat stronger than hitherto, added a few words on behalf of the visitors, thanking the teachers for their invitation, and speaking of the blessings of Sunday school work. Then the evening concluded with the National Anthem, as usual, which reminded the party that the Christmas holidays were once more over, and the New Year's labours about to begin in earnest. May the good unity of feeling which such gatherings show, continue and increase among the congregation of St. Peter's, Twillingate.
Jan. 12, 1889A Christmas Tree at Fogo (Part 1)(To the Editor of the Twillingate Sun) Dear Sir - A Christmas Tree was held in the new Roman Catholic school room at Fogo on Wednesday and Thursday of last week, for the purpose of raising funds to complete the building. The Tree was opened by James FITZGERALD, Esq., Stipendiary Magistrate, at 6 o'clock, p.m. He complimented the Roman Catholics for their efforts in erecting so handsome a building for the future education of the young; the ladies for the zeal and energy manifested, in so tastefully decorating the school room for the occasion; and hoped the good folks of Fogo liberally patronize the Christmas Tree on behalf of the cause aimed at. It is needless to say that the stalls were well stocked, and ornamented, and that Mrs. FITZGERALD, Mrs. BUTT and Miss BRICE (teacher) had a lively time in waiting on their numerous customers. The refreshment table, fairly creaking under its load, and well provided with all the luxuries of the festive season, was attended by the Miss FITGERALDs and Miss DEADY of Joe Batt's Arm, whose duties were none the less active, nor better performed, by any of their lady friends opposite. The Tree closed on Thursday night, having sold off everything, a most gratifying result, and the amount realized was far beyond the most sanguine expectations.
Jan. 12, 1889A Christmas Tree at Fogo (Part 2)The Rev. Father WALKER, from Tilton Harbor, who was present at the opening, and during the time the Tree was open, closed the business with a short address, in which he congratulated the Roman Catholics of Fogo on the success of the Tree, and thanked the people of all denominations for their liberal patronage, and united efforts in a good cause; complimented them on their peaceful associations, and hoped that the present spirit of peace and harmony, would be long continued to the welfare of our citizens. In the same school room, on Friday and Saturday nights, an entertainment of dialogues and recitations was given by the school children of Tilton Harbor, (the proceeds of which were for appropriation as above) songs by the Rev. Father WALKER, Mr. John SARGENT, (teacher of Tilton Harbor) and Mr. John SCOTT of Fogo. The children acted their parts beautifully, exhibiting great talent and tact, and were a credit to themselves, their harbour, and their teacher. Their performances called forth from the audience frequently, loud and prolonged cheers, clearly demonstrating that they fully appreciated that form of amusement. Mr. FURZE of Fogo closed the performances by exhibitions of the magic lantern, in which he clearly and distinctly pointed out the peculiarities and beauties of each figure, and was well rewarded by continual outbursts of applause. Thanking you, Mr. Editor, for space in your widely circulated journal, I remain yours &c., PEABODY. Jan 3rd.
Jan. 12, 1889Which is the Greater Evil? (Part 1)Some time ago, the principal inhabitants of Little Bay, viewing with sorrow the terrible results of the liquor-traffic, appealed to the Magistrate to have the only license in the place taken away. The request was so general that he complied. Of course there were other houses secretly - except to their customers - doing a little trade in the same commodity. We have now had a fair opportunity of testing what was considered a questionable action. It is a dangerous thing to attempt to deprive the people, or any portion of the people, or even an individual, of his liberty even in so small a matter as of buying liquor. Hence when the license was taken away it was virtually said, "We will not allow you men of Little Bay, to have what you so much desire." Now this bold attack on the liberties of others could only be supported and be permissible by this one argument: We have a right to protest and have removed that which is directly productive of danger and harm and injustice to others. Simply because a few influential persons advocate temperance, they have no right to take me from my glass. Because I take too much and become an object of pity and my family brought to poverty, even this is no ground why they should take away my liberty.
Jan. 12, 1889Which is the Greater Evil? (Part 2)They may plead and remonstrate with me but no more can they rightly do. To take away the liberty of a citizen is touching the apple of the eye of a British subject. It is well for some zealous temperance advocates to remember this. Moreover if the temperance party be in the majority they have no right, simply because of that, to ride rough shod over the views and liberties of others. For although they may triumph for a time, their victory may not be abiding. There may be retaliation. We must ever treat with respect the views of others; if our views are right and theirs are wrong, try and lead them to the light. This is true victory. At Little Bay we had a just cause, however, and if we took away liberty it was because they had trampled long on our rights, and were continuing to do the very same. A drunken man is not answerable to his actions. When we had the licensed house here men were around it day and night -- a horrible sight, a fitting advertisement for the place. Who was safe from insult, from danger with the hellish crew? Some of them would go to work at the mines with powder and machinery under their control, doing work where great care was necessary less the loss of life might be great. Men have been found drunk at their post.
Jan. 12, 1889Which is the Greater Evil? (Part 3)Drunken parties have disturbed the peace of the neighborhood at mid-night and in a word, the issue of the licensed house has been the dread and annoyance of the place. Therefore the friends of temperance, and the principal people of the place, felt they had a right to have the license taken away, simply because their rights as citizens were taken away, and because they suffered harm. It was not done out of any ill will. Much was also hoped by this to detect the parties who sold it secretly and who helped to bring disgrace upon the licensed house. The results has been as follows: It is now a rare thing to see a man intoxicated. Men are far more regular at their work. Many families are much better off. There is no collection of riotous men. In fact Little Bay is a changed place, it is most quiet and peaceable. This we must say is chiefly due to the excellent Manager, who by example, kindness and warning, has done his utmost to make his men sober. He is worth here more than the whole of the constabulary force. As he has done so much, he has we fear, encouraged the police in their lethargy and their criminal neglect will be shown. There were several places selling liquor when the license house was running, and once or twice the police hunted up these parties, showing they can do it if they will. But owing to their neglect, these places have multiplied most rapidly.
Jan. 12, 1889Which is the Greater Evil? (Part 4)Doubtless it is difficult to ferret them out and bring convicted evidences, and perhaps always these officers have not been sustained as they should have been. But here is a fact that now in the Bight, there are at least seven houses, and throughout the mines, not less than twenty selling liquor on the sly. Yet with this startling fact it is also true, that men drink so quietly and secretly, that it is seldom you see a drunken man. But this will not last; unless something is soon done, these houses will continue to increase and greater boldness will be given to both buyer and seller, and that end of the place will be worse than the beginning. We trust therefore that our Court House friends, who of late have had such easy times of it, will be on the alert, and show that they are not only ornaments of the place, but useful officers, as at times they have shown themselves. But for this neglect, on their part, the doing away with the license has been a great improvement to the place, and if this neglect is rectified it will continue so to be. In fact the blessings resulting from the shutting up of that house, no one could fully estimate, and we advise all other places to do the same and then keep the police up to their work. Little Bay.
Jan. 12, 1889Shipping NewsThe Conscript left King's Cove at half-past eight this morning coming North. The Allan steamer Caspian arrived at St. John's from Halifax on Thursday morning and the Conscript left yesterday morning for the North. She may be expected here Sunday morning. The schooner Mallard, with provisions, &c., arrived from St. John's to Messrs. OWEN & EARLE on Thursday last, having called at Fogo en route to load part of her cargo. This will be the last sailing arrival from St. John's for this season. The steamer Plover arrived from St. John's on Thursday, bringing a considerable quantity of freight and the crews of the schooners which left for St. John's a short time ago. The Plover didn't proceed further North, but returned to St. John's on leaving here. The Conscript returning South called here on Monday morning. W. LETHBRIDGE, Esq., J.P., took passage by her for St. John's en route for England. We wish him a pleasant trip.
Jan. 12, 1889Dorcas Society MeetingThere will be a meeting of the Dorcas Society in the Court House on Monday evening next, when a full attendance is desired.
Jan. 12, 1889Methodist Missionary MeetingsWe are requested to say that the Missionary Meetings in connection with the Methodist Church on this town will (D.V.) be held on the 12th and 13th of Feb..
Jan. 12, 1889Lodge MeetingCompanions of the Royal Scarlet Chapter, No 3, Edward 7 are requested to meet in the hall on Monday next, 14th inst., for election and installation of officers. Chapter will open at the close of St. Peter's Lodge, S.U.F.
Jan. 12, 1889Murder at Saint PierreA special dispatch from St. John's informs us of a frightful murder that has lately been committed at St. Pierre, the unfortunate subject being an old fisherman named Francois COUPARD, who is said to have been brutally murdered by one OLIVER on the night of December 30th. Shocking Murder at St. Pierre. St. John's, January 10, (Special to the Sun.) The Allan steamer Caspian arrived from Halifax last night, and mail go by Conscript to-morrow. A frightful murder is reported from St. Pierre. Francois COUPARD, a fisherman aged 61 years, who occupied a hut on Dog Island, with his dory-mate OLIVER, had frequent quarrels together. On the night of 30th December, the neighbors heard great noises, and in the morning they made a declaration to the police, who went to COUPARD's but saw nothing suspicious, with the exception of windows broken. The hut was empty, and it was thought that COUPARD had gone fishing. At 2 P.M., two friends of COUPARD's went to the hut, to look for boats which they had left in his care, and on lifting sails spread in the corner, they found the dead body of the old fisherman entirely naked. The body was cut up in the most horrible manner. Suspicion pointed to OLIVER who had disappeared with COUPARD's dory. On Sunday he was seen drinking freely with a man named NEEL. It was found that these two men, asked boarders at Madame RUELLARD's, where NEEL was staying, for help to launch a dory. They intended to leave for the coast of Newfoundland, but weather being stormy, they were forced to return and were taken prisoners. On being confronted with the corpse they confessed all.
Jan. 12, 1889WeatherFor the past week or ten days the weather has been delightful for the season of the year, and more favorable for navigation than could possibly be expected for so late in the season. A few weeks of such would tend much to shorten our winter, and prove a blessing to poor people who may be provided with limited fuel supply and scanty food and clothing.
Jan. 12, 1889Important!Having in my travels through the States the past two years, become acquainted with several rising Capitalists, and intending in a few weeks again to visit New York and other cities West and South, where I shall through the winter, meet some of the same gentlemen, who would I believe, be pleased to negotiate terms for mining interest in Newfoundland. I therefore give notice to any persons having mining claims, that I will undertake to offer for sale, or in any other way they may consider best suited to their interest such as they may have, and in a position to dispose of in this mark. Information may be had -- Specimens and all necessary papers left and agreements entered, into the office of James R. KNIGHT, Commission Merchant, Water St., St. John's. Joseph STRONG.

Jan. 19, 1889Light House on Penguin Island (Part 1)We understand that a petition is being signed by electors of this district, for presentation to the Legislature, on the subject of the erection of a Light-House on the Northern Penguin Island. Petitions of a similar character have been forwarded to previous sessions of Legislature, bearing on the same matter, but they were never effectual in accomplishing the desired object, and no more was known of them than the fact they were ordered to lie on the table, and a report to that effect appearing in public print. It is to be hoped, however, that this petition will receive more consideration from the hands of our legislators, and that practical steps be taken for the erection of the long solicited Light-House, on this dangerous part of the coast, to which reference has been made. The subject has been repeatedly referred to in our columns, and the necessity for its establishment clearly pointed out. The islands are so exceedingly low, that it is difficult to discern them on dark nights or in thick foggy weather, until being too close to them to make a retreat.
Jan. 19, 1889Light House on Penguin Island (Part 2)Already various craft have been lost there within the past few years, and in some instances the crews had most hair-breadth escapes; though we doubt not, if some of our "hardy toilers of the sea" had meet with a watery grave in that vicinity, steps would ere this have been taken for the erection of the light-house in question. There is a large amount of money paid out for public improvements, one way and another, but the share which the extern districts receive it is very limited indeed, and we think that there should be no hesitancy whatever on the part of the Government in complying with the prayers of petitioners from our district on this subject. But then it must be remembered that this boon would not alone be conferred on the people of the North, but would also be participated in by nearly all our sea-going population; for there are hundreds of vessels from all parts of the colony, especially the smaller ones, that would hail with joy the erection of a light on the Penguin Islands.
Jan. 19, 1889Light House on Penguin Island (Part 3)Frequently, when going South, craft have been put into Seldom-come-by, when passing along towards night, and thereby delayed perhaps, for days, whereas, if there had been a light there they could have proceeded on their journey, and been to their destination ever so much sooner. The cost for its erection need not be very great, as it would not require so powerful a light as some that are erected on other parts of the coast. There was an amount to credit of the district, four or give years ago for the erection of a harbor light. If it is still standing over, we cannot see why it could not be augument by another small vote, and appropriated to the erection of the light referred to. However, we would urge the importance of the measure to the notice of our representatives and the government, who seem inclined to foster the interest of the colony, and hope that ere the ensuing session of the Legislature terminates, it will be decided to place a light on the Penguin Islands. For the information of persons coming here from the surrounding localities, open at the mercantile offices to receive signatures for the above mentioned petition.
Jan. 19, 1889Church of England School Fogo (Part 1)(To the Editor of the Sun) Dear Sir - Permit me to announce the celebration at Fogo, of the Church of England Sunday School treat, in the S.U.F, Lodge Hall, on the 27th nit., combined with participation of day scholars, and presentation of prizes to successful competitors in the examination of latter a few days previously. The children's meeting in the Memorial School-room, was conducted to the Church by Miss ROSS, Teacher, with other assistants, where their exuberant spirits being toned down by a short Church Service, they proceeded to the aforesaid Lodge Hall, and were there gladdened by the brilliant appearance of the spacious hall, well lighted by splendid chandeliers, and fitted with tables for seating 160 children, the scene rendered appetising by the grand display of plum cake, and steaming tea. The teachers in charge of the tables discoursing a hearty welcome, "commencing with holy gladness" &c., and grace being offered by Rev. Mr. SADDINGTON to the accompaniment of harmonium by Mr. EARLE, the attack on good viands provided, soon commenced followed by a speedy emptying of plates, and continuous refilling of same, until the laughing and chatting showed the regalement to be over, and the teachers left at liberty to take their share of enjoyment on platform table, from good things kindly provided by Mrs. EARLE.
Jan. 19, 1889Church of England School Fogo (Part 2)Rev. Clergyman and Superintendent of Sunday School, joining in the same with them. Tables now removed for clear space, a general romp takes place in the body of the Hall, which permitted for half an hour, scrambling goes on for sweets and nuts, generously provided by Miss HODGE and Mr. EARLE, and distributed by Rev. Clergyman and teachers. Order being at length restored, and admittance given to friends and parents of children, the better part of entertainment commences by prefatory and suitable address from Rev. Mr. SADDINGTON, and followed by considerable number of recitations by children interspersed with songs and music by Clergyman, Mr. EARLE, and Miss ROSS, the whole of which concluded with a nice little play by elder scholars. Second part of programme viz: distribution of prizes now ushered in by congratulatory [illegible] successful recipients, with words of [illegible] to others not so fortunate, [illegible] greater diligence in the future. At the close of [illegible] children are reminded to whose benevolence they are indebted, principally for the nice presents of books, &c. provided for them. The National Anthem being [illegible] sung, a parting gift of cake and apples, concludes the very pleasing and highly successful entertainment. I remain dear sir, Yours Truly, An Observer.
Jan. 19, 1889Winter notes from St. John's (Part 1)(To the Editor of the Twillingate Sun) Dear Sir - I am trying in the best way I know to send you a few notes of the chief facts surrounding our daily life in the capital. In doing so I must keep myself to what would be of interest to your readers. Not knowing much about the tastes and requirements of your reading constituency, I shall no doubt be found many time at sea when I myself would be expecting that I was hugging the shore. Our Christmas passed quietly and happily. Its chief characteristic was an almost complete absence of drunkenness throug out the city. The practice of joy guns, like its erstwhile companions the 'fools', and trailing the yule log, has almost totally gone out. Mr. FORAN's ball, which was advertised as a grand opening for the City Hall Rink, was for many reasons a failure. While you folks down North have been having snow storms, we are in the full enjoyment of October weather. Cattle are still afield, ploughing is going, and mud is a foot deep on our streets. The New Year's callers were rather numerous and the receiving ladies had all they required in the matter of congratulations upon their appearance, spiced with admiring compliments as to the beauty and taste of their decorations. How oblivious time is of all things.
Jan. 19, 1889Winter notes from St. John's (Part 2)After the Bonavista election came the SILLAR's tragedy, and that too in turn was swallowed up by the arrest of the Captain and Mate of an English schooner, for the alleged murder of a seaman named HOOKEY, who was buried on the high seas. During the Christmas time, one could not help thinking amid all the rejoicing around him, how many elements there were of cruel poverty and speechless horror. What was this blessed time of joy, to the man arrested for the murder of poor Archie SILLARS? What was it to his faithful wife who, with a Spartan heroism during his illness from poisoning, bore up. Poor thing! When the police took him away, the father of her children, she collapsed. All was borne bravely, but his departure. I often think that when a man leads a fairly moral life and does his best to get through this provoking world properly, and in the blindness of a passionate hour some wild deed is done, that outside of the security of society demanding a victim as a warning to the cowardly criminal class, the man who commits the deed himself is more an object of pity than of censure. Great and inscrutable God, it is alas too true, that when a child is brought into the world, we cannot tell whether it will be a murderer, a clergyman, a thief or a saint. Innate disposition and not training, is the largest half of character.
Jan. 19, 1889Winter notes from St. John's (Part 3)Few of us recognise the terrible responsibilities of marriage in bringing into existence that strange animal man with that wonderful thinking piece on his shoulders. All through the Christmas season there were general indications of plenty. Meat, mutton and poultry were in abundance, and sold at prices within reach of the poorest. Skating has the edge upon it of a long postponed pleasure and the youth-hood and maiden-hood of our city are anxiously awaiting the approach of our friend, Jack Frost. A lot of season tickets for skaters have been sold at, gent's $6.50, ladies $4.50. No doubt holders would now drop them at a liberal discount. Skating, of all winter amusements, is the best. For public balls, one has to make an elaborate toilet - more particularly the ladies, and there is more manners, conventionality and stiffness in the relations, than at the rink. At the rink it is all different. There is no programme of dances and engagements. Everything is as whim directs. Conversation is easier, the pulse beats quick, the music excites, and one cannot help letting out to it, in time and with the most graceful motion. Good humor and a faint flush of excitement puts everyone to their best. In fact, it is more difficult to restrain chattiness than otherwise. I am not much in politics, but I will endeavour to give you the common gossip of that important item in newspaperdom.
Jan. 19, 1889Winter notes from St. John's (Part 4)Mr. BOND, the incorruptible commoner, has gone into rigid training for the sessional work. He will be well prepared for the House. Mr. MORINE, it seems, from the talk around the Athenaeum, the Court House, and other centres of political chat, has become utterly discredited since Mr. BOND's revelations. The friends and foes of Sir WILLIAM all declare that Mr. MORINE is no longer worthy of confidence or respect. He is out with all parties apparently. A number of respectable persons, who were prepared to hear the terms have lost faith in the present scheme owing to the means resorted to by those putting it forward. Sir WILLIAM was over to Harbor Grace last week visiting a Masonic Lodge. His reception was almost an ovation throughout the Bay. In my next letter I shall refer to the Hearts Content Railway scheme, to President GOBLET's announcement concerning lobster factories on French Shore, and also the tax on Newfoundland codfish going into the Brazilian markets, matters of burning importance to the people of Newfoundland. Yours faithfully, Metropolitan. St. John's, Jan 9.
Jan. 19, 1889Saint Andrew's Lodge - FogoMade to Grand Lodge, S.U.F. by Fogo St. Andrew's Lodge, No 11, for year 1888. Officers for ensuing year: Rev. C. SADDINGTON, W. M., George TARIVILLE 1st Officer, Thomas SIMS 2nd Do., Henry JONES Quarter Master, Phillip COATES Look Out, Horatio LAYMAN Purser, Martin STONE Secretary, Wm SIMS Chaplain. Paid up members: 85. Six months in arrears: 37. Total: 122. Degree R:10. Degree W: 34. Degree B: 78. Joined by certificate: 0. Rejected: 0. Expelled: 1. Deceased: 2. Sick: 10. INCOME: Balance frm 1887: $33.75 Collected 1888: 185.17. Total: $218.92. Expenditure: Working expenses: 105.02. Sickness and deaths: 75.13. Funds In Bank: 171.30. With Purser: 38.77. Total: $210.07 Value of Hall: $2400. Full number of muster roll, or admissions into St. Andrew's Lodge, S.U.F., Fogo, since 1874: 335. -M.S.
Jan. 19, 1889Newfoundland PriestFrom a copy of the "Cumberland Leader" received this mail, we learn that at an examination lately held by the Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia, the Rev.A. WATKINS, curate of St. George's Church, Parrsboro, acquitted himself creditable, heading list of candidates with a good percentage. On Sunday 23rd, ult, he was advanced to the order of the priesthood. We beg to congratulate the Rev. gentlemen, who is a Newfoundlander, on his advancement.
Jan. 19, 1889Supreme CourtA special term of the Supreme Court for the trial of murder cases will be opened at St. John's on the 28th inst.
Jan. 19, 1889WeatherThe weather is now mild and the coast appears to be clear of ice, and there is nothing to prevent a steamer from making a trip North if the Government were so disposed to favor the Northern districts with this boon.
Jan. 19, 1889Juror's ListA public notice from the Stipendiary Magistrate, which appears in another column, intimates that the revision of the list of Grand and Petty Jurors will be held in Court House on the 29th inst., "and shall continue from time until the 12th day of February next."
Jan. 19, 1889Shipping NewsThe coastal steamer Conscript made her last trip, for the season, the past week, arriving here going North on Sunday morning, and returned on Tuesday. She delayed twelve hours at Little Bay, during which time she took a quantity of copper, and on leaving took a return mail so that the steamer did not call there returning. During the winter months the Conscript is to be engaged in the mail service between St. John's and Halifax. The Sarmation with weekly mail from Liverpool arrived today, twelve days out.
Jan. 19, 1889The Telegram, Christmas EditionWe omitted in previous papers to acknowledge the receipt of a Christmas Number of the Evening Telegram for which we are indebted to the enterprising publishers. It fully sustains the reputation of former years and is a real gem of artistic skill and talent displayed throughout its pages. It is a credit to the country as well as to the energetic publishers, and we beg to congratulate them on being able to furnish the public with so valuable a souvenir that can be transmitted to almost any part of the globe.
Jan. 19, 1889From Little BayLittle Bay has been very quiet this Festive season. One man was insulted and hurt by some "rough men". One man, the chief of the company, was heavily fined. Unless the Police are more energetic the number of houses selling liquor on the sly will amount to the alarming number of thirty. It seems that those officers of late are utterly unconcerned about these violations of law. The Church of England had a splendid Christmas tree on January 11, and realized a considerable sum. The Methodist Children had on December 27, a great treat in the evening. The school House was decorated and every child belonging to the school received a suitable gift. Mr. John CURTIS is building a handsome schooner at Mill Island between 40 and 50 tons. Mr. BENSON is also building one at Harry's Harbor about 65 tons. Two female Salvation Army officers are now in Little Bay. Meetings are still held in Mr. Josiah CLARKE's and Mr. Thomas RICE's house, as no barracks or house has yet been secured.
Jan. 19, 1889BirthAt Bonavista, on January 2nd, the wife of Dr. R.E. FORBES, of a daughter.
Jan. 19, 1889MarriedOn January 9th, at the residence of the bride's father St John's, by the Rev. G. BOYD, Captain Henry B. BARTLETT of Brigus, to Ella, second daughter of G.G. CROSBIE Esq. of St. John's.
Jan. 19, 1889MarriedOn New Year's Eve, at the residence of the bride's mother, St. John's, by the Rev. T. H. JAMES, Arthur H. CORNER of Leicestershire, England to Hannah, second daughter of the late W.T. SALTER, Esq.
Jan. 19, 1889MarriedOh Jan. 5, at Wolfe Cove, Halls Bay, by the Rev. H. ABRAHAM, Mr. James INDER to Miss Mary Ann PETERS.
Jan. 19, 1889DeathsPeacefully on the 15th inst, after a lingering illness, Elizabeth, beloved wife of Mr. Henry HARBIN, aged 60 years; much regretted by a large circle of relatives and friends.
Jan. 19, 1889DeathsAt St. John's on January 1st, Nina beloved wife of William W. WATSON, aged 28 years.

Jan. 26, 1889The Road Between Shoe Cove and La SaieAttention is directed by our correspondent "A St. Barbian" to the disgraceful condition of the road between Shoe Cove and La Saie, to which reference was made in our columns some time back. This road connects the two electoral districts -- Twillingate and St. Barbe -- and considering its importance and the hardships which the fishermen experience (to say nothing of other passers over it) in having to travel the highway with turns of bait on their backs, the wonder is that so many years should have been allowed to slip by without steps being taken to construct some kind of a road across that neck of land, by which the hardships of our sturdy fishermen would be somewhat relieved in seeking to earn a livelihood for themselves and families. The expenditure required to accomplish this public improvement would not be very great, and when we consider that much larger amounts are very often expended in less worthy and more insignificant objects, we cannot conceive how there would be any hesitation on the part of any government in making provision for the carrying on of the work, when once the necessity for such a benefit is so clearly pointed out. But there may be a good deal of force in what our correspondent says with respect to the representatives; for when they are not personally acquainted with various localities requiring improvements, and do not realize the great inconveniences which are experienced from the grievances to which the people are subjected, it cannot be expected that they would take the same interest in them, as one residing in the district, and who is thoroughly conversant with the local requirements of the respective settlements throughout the district. As we have said, this road connects the two districts, and the expense of its construction should be borne by both, which would be inconsiderable for the two, and now that attention is being called to it, it is hoped that ere long we shall hear of a good road being constructed along the highway in question.
Jan. 26, 1889Shoe Cove RoadShoe Cove Road - To the Editor of the Twillingate Sun. Dear Sir - Please allow me space in your valuable paper just to make a few remarks with regard to the above named road. Road I cannot call it, just speaking it should be called an unpassable cow path. It is the only principal highway connecting the district of St. Barbe, with that of Twillingate, and which road is of the most benefit to the public of each District, especially to our "hardy toilers of the deep," the fishermen, who have to bring the bait to catch their fish with, from one district to the other, and I presume that if it was left to other parties to pay the revenue, very scanty it would be. But here are our fishermen paying revenue all their life time, yet have not a foot path to walk, except only what was made by nature's hands. There are other parts of Newfoundland of but very little account, and they have got not roads but streets to connect one place with the other. I may say it is impossible to walk this road in wet weather, much more to have a load of squids from 60 to 70 lbs. weight to carry in the bargain, day and night. But why have other places got roads and conveniences? Because they have got men to look out for their interest, which, Mr. Editor I am sorry to say we have not. I believe something like $200 has been given to St. Barbe side since we have been represented, which amount did not go much more than half a mile. I cannot see why we people of St. Barbe cannot get a main grant like other Districts. Are we worthy or are we not of obtaining many of our roads, bridges, etc. Where has all our revenue gone, which we and our forefathers have paid this last century back, since the so called French Shore was inhabited. I presume it is supposed, that the old revenue was not paid to English or Newfoundland Government, but to the French Government. This was never the case; the settlers on the so called French Shore always paid revenue to our Government, and I ask where is that revenue of ours justly ours too? Thanking you Mr. Editor, for the space in your valuable paper, and hoping that through its columns you will kindly assist us in this hour of need. I am dear Sir, Yours truly, A St. Barbian.
Jan. 26, 1889Tea and Entertainment (Part 1)Tuesday evening last, was the occasion of a very happy gathering in St. Andrew's school-room, South Side. It consisted of a tea and entertainment, as a precursor, we understand, to a Bazaar which the ladies contemplate holding next Fall, "for the purposes of [illegible] and otherwise furnishing St. Andrew's Church;" and if the efforts of the ladies are so successful all through, (which no doubt they will be) as this first attempt towards accomplishing the noble object in view, the ladies will, we imagine, feel themselves amply rewarded for the self-denying efforts which will be necessary on their part, to carry to completion the task which they so cheerfully and willingly undertook. We are sorry that we are unable to be present, but we learn that the building was well filled. The tea was got up in fine style, and the tables being abundantly supplied with good things, presented many attractions, calculated to please the appetite, which appeared to be greatly enjoyed by all present. After tea, the room was cleared and about half-past seven the entertainment was began by the Chairman, (Rev. R. TEMPLE, R.D.,) introducing the following programme, and who, in doing so, made a few well chosen and appropriate remarks, and expressed the pleasure it afforded him in being present that evening:
Jan. 26, 1889Tea and Entertainment (Part 2)Programme. Chairman's Address - Rev. R. TEMPLE; Glee, "The bells of St. Michael's Tower" - Choir; Recitation 'Wet and Dry' - Mr. John TEMPLETON; Song 'Katie's Letter' - Miss LETHBRIDGE; Dialogue 'The witch is in the cream'; Duet 'Dolly Hopkins and Tommy Thompkins' - Mrs. HITCHCOCK and Mr. G. BLANDFORD; Glee 'Ye Shepard tell me' - Choir; Song 'Five o'clock in the morning' - Miss A. ASHBOURNE; Recitation 'The gluttonous duck' - Miss L. ASHBOURNE; Song Mrs. BLANDFORD and Mrs. HITCHCOCK; Recitation - Mr. TEMPLETON; Dialogue 'Matrimonial Advertisement'; Song - Dr. STAFFORD; Reading - Rev. R. TEMPLE; Song 'Delay' - Miss A. ASHBOURNE; Glee 'Forth to the Battle' - Choir; Recitation - Mr. J. TEMPLETON; Dialogue 'Train to Mauro'; 'God save the Queen'. The various pieces were very well rendered, especially the solos and the part songs. The dialogues were also disposed of with great credit to the performers. The piano used for the purpose was kindly lent by W. LETHBRIDGE, Esq., J.P.
Jan. 26, 1889A Letter from Green Bay (Part 1)Mr. Editor - As we have entered upon A.D., 1889, we must fervently hope that it may prove a more profitable one than the past. So far as the Shore and Labrador cod fishery is concerned, it is supposed that the fishing fleet of Green Bay brought back poorer fares the past summer than they ever did before, as hitherto they ranked among the foremost, which we hope to see again in the near future. In looking, over occurrences and events in connection with this important district, say for the past 25 or 30 years, how much one is surprised to find that we are so far behind our Southern and Western neighbors. It is true that we are in possession of many benefits and privileges which were not available 25 years ago. But do we progress with the times like our neighors referred to? No, Mr. Editor, by no means. In all parts of importance over the Island, from Greenspond to Burin, they have weekly communication with the Capital, and nearly all semi or tri-weekly, while this important district has to submit to fortnightly communication as usual. We had the same twenty-five years ago and have it still, with no prospect of a change for the better. Such a state of things is not much like progressing with the times. This is only one of the many things which require due consideration from every resident of the district. Some may say when they see this in the Twillingate Sun, which I hope sir you will find space for, "How is this evil to be remedied"?
Jan. 26, 1889A Letter from Green Bay (Part 2)In answer to such a question I say, the best and only remedy is to select and return resident members, and in so doing, you will return the best advocates for the interest of the district. Any non-resident member will not, nor cannot have the same interest in any district as a resident member. In my opinion, sir, until such a course is pursued, our friends South and West will be far in advance of us. Our present members, Mr. Editor, appear to be more engaged in benefiting other districts than that for which they were returned. It is true that they put in an appearance once in a while, but what good or benefit the district received from them I fail to see. We find them assisting to squander our money on the Placentia railway, and also in hiring a steamer for Placentia Bay and another for Bonavista and Trinity Bays, but not a word about Green Bay. Would resident members act so? I should say not by any means. There are many other grievances of which we have just reason to complain, but space does not permit. I trust the readers of the Twillingate Sun will weigh those matters carefully and impartially, as it is through no spirit of malice, I write, but fair play is a jewel, and as all are taxed alike, so also should all receive equal benefits.
Jan. 26, 1889A Letter from Green Bay (Part 3)Supposed now for argument sake, we say the steamer Plover had not been plying between here and St. John's, what would have been the condition of things the past Fall? Both the Conscript and her contemporary, were fully engaged for three months, so you see it is very evident a second steamer is required on this Coast, and I should say the people would do well to send a petition to the legislature this session, to get an additional subsidy for some other steamer to run to this district, which would give us weekly communication, and also facility to persons engaged in mercantile pursuits. We find by the papers that people of Placentia Bay are boasting that they can leave St. John's in the morning and be to their homes at Oderin the same night, by railway and steamer. We have nothing like that to boast of, although our money goes to pay a great portion of the expense. It is time, sir, that the people of this district should be up and doing. We find now and always shall, that non-resident members are useless in advocating the interest of any district; their own interest is always attended to more so than that of their constituents. This, Mr. Editor, as you are aware, is the third district of Newfoundland, in point of revenue, and yet we are placed on a part with the pauperised district of St. Barbe, a district that the Government is supporting seven-eighths of the population the last for or five or six years. Such negligence on the part of representatives should not be overlooked, Yours Truly, Green Bay Man.
Jan. 26, 1889The Newfoundland Fishermen(Part 1)By Howard JACK, C.E. - During the time spent last autumn in a short visit to Notre Dame Bay in the Island of Newfoundland, it was my good fortune to make the acquaintance of the Rev. Father O'FLYNN, Parish Priest of Little Bay, from whom I received a great deal of kindness and in whose society I spent many pleasant hours. He is not only a man of learning but also one who is every ready to attend to the demands made upon him by his flock, and in a far off parish in Newfoundland these are not few. I had been brought into contact with some of the shore fishermen in this part of Newfoundland, and had an opportunity given me of ascertaining the extreme poverty in which they lived, owing, as I learned from others as well as themselves, to the fact that codfish, once so abundant on those coasts, had within late years become so scarce that the people engaged in this pursuit could with difficulty, sustain themselves, and that many of them for this reason were frequently in the most extreme want. In the course of my conversation with Father O'FLYNN, read to him from my note book a description of the state in which I found some of these poor people. After listening attentively to the reading he said "that is the condition of half of my flock." To give me an idea of the state of agriculture in that part of Newfoundland in which he lived, Father O'FLYNN gave me the following figures for the year 1884, for the electoral district of Twilllingate:
Jan. 26, 1889The Newfoundland Fishermen(Part 2)14,058 persons, 3005 sheep, 106 horses, 290 milch cows, 1219 head of cattle exclusive of milch cows, 3093 swine, 850 goats. The hay grown in the district was 977 tons; wheat and barley 5 bushels; oats 3 bushels; potatoes 22,498 bbls; turnips 348 bbls; and of other crops 3 bbls. In order to show what might be done, even in Newfoundland in farming, by fishermen when placed in proper positions, Father O'FLYNN referred to Fortune Harbor, where he had been stationed for a number of years. The population of this place when he resided there was 240, and according to the census, there were there at the time 128 sheep, 5 horses, 32 milch cows, and 180 head of cattle, 123 swine and 30 goats. There were produced in 1884, 76 tons of hay, 3 bushels of oats, 764 bbls of potatoes, 19 bbls of turnips. This settlement, Father O'FLYNN said, was not to be regarded as a farming one, each family cultivating but about four or five acres. At present, he said, there are about 50 families engaged in fishing. The only difference between them and others, is that they cultivate more land, their homes are, he says, in general neat and tidy, and the people on the whole comfortable and contented with their lot. Father O'FLYNN's opinion, with regard to the amelioration of the condition of the poor fishermen of Notre Dame bay and the outside islands, to the valley lands of Indian Brook and the Exploits, and to the heads of the bays where there is more soil.
Jan. 26, 1889The Newfoundland Fishermen(Part 3)This would largely remedy existing evils, and can best be done by opening up of the industries which will gather labor around them. He further said that when once the fisherman has acquired the habit of constant labor, the transfer of his family would be easy. He suggests in furtherance of this, that the government of Newfoundland should appoint a commission of wise and disinterested men, well versed in the trades of manufactures suited to the country, to inquire into this matter, but that those persons so to be appointed, should not be politicians nor connected in any way with the present staple of the country. He thinks also that if the majority of the fishermen were even now transferred to the heads of the bays were the best lands are, they could continue in the Labrador and outside fisheries, under less difficulties than they now have to contend with, especially in the matter of fuel. As regards the district of Conception Bay, with which he is well acquainted, and as an instance of what labor some of the fishermen of Newfoundland have to undergo in order to supply themselves with fuel, he tells me that there these who have dogs use them for the purpose of drawing wood, going 15 miles to where it is, that it occupies two dogs and a man from 20, to 22 hours in drawing home one sled load which will keep a house in firewood for three or four days, and that the fishermen's winter work there, and in many other places in the Peninsula of Avalon, consists in getting his winter wood. -- St. John N.B Sun.
Jan. 26, 1889MailThe first overland mail for the South closed at our Post Office on Tuesday evening and left early the following morning. The first mail for Halifax by the steamer Conscript will be despatched from the General Post Office St. John's on the 4th of February. The overland mail for the Northern districts left St. John's on Tuesday morning last, and may be expected here about the 2nd or 4th of February.
Jan. 26, 1889Almanac of Newfoundland for 1889A few copies of the "Year Book and Almanac of Newfoundland for 1889" may be obtained at the office of F. BERTEAU, Esq, price 35 cents.
Jan. 26, 1889Seal FisheryThe sealing steamer Wolf, is now lying up at Greenspond, whence she will prosecute the seal fishery the coming spring, and will be in command of Capt. Abraham KEAN. A few seals were captured in nets last week at Back Harbor. A good many, chiefly old harps and bedlamers, were seen at Lower Head this week, but we have not heard of any being taken. Large numbers of sharks have been around this season, which together with the ice, have made it almost impossible to keep nets in the water any length of time.
Jan. 26, 1889Local and GeneralThe finder of a black cloud [? This is transcribed exactly as printed! Gw.] which was dropped last evening between the Sun office and the Methodist Church would much oblige by returning it to the owner, Mrs. Joseph MOORS, or leaving it at the Sun office.
Jan. 26, 1889Fisherman's Anniversary CelebrationWe understand that the Fisherman's Anniversary has been postponed from Saturday Feb. 2nd, to the following Monday, the 4th. The members of the Brass Band will have charge of the entertainment and a good programme may be expected. Price of tickets for tea and entertainment, 30 cents; admission to entertainment only, 15 cents.
Jan. 26, 1889Plover SoldThis Evening Telegram of the 5th inst says: "It is stated on good authority that the steamer Plover has been sold to parties in New York. Her future occupation will be in the fruit trade of the Southern States. She realized a good price to her owner, Mr. Daniel CONDON."
Jan. 26, 1889Lodge MembersThe election of officers by S. Peter's Lodge, S.U.F., took place in their Lodge room on the 7th inst., when the following were chosen for the ensuing year: Allan FINDLATER, W.M.; Robert RYALL, Chief Officer; Wm. SNOW, 2nd Officer; Wm. CHURCHILL, Quarter Officer; James GILLETT, Purser; John LUNNEN, Secy.; Rev. R. TEMPLE, Chaplain; Theodore LUTHER, Look-out. Committees: Finance - Thos YOUNG, John WHITE; Investigating - Titus MANUEL, John PURCHASE, Philip FREEMAN, Thos. ASHBURNE, Job LUTHER, James BLACKLER, John ANDREWS. Sick Committee - John ANDREWS, Samual HAMLIN, Phillip FREEMAN, Samuel ANSTEY, Mark BRETT, Phillip YOUNG, Noah WHELLOR, Frederick NEWMAN, Joseph HARBIN, James JENKINS, Wm SNOW. Trustees - Rev. R. TEMPLE, Titus MANUEL. Managing Committee: Reuben BLACKMORE, John PURCHASE, Thos YOUNG. [Submitted by] John LUNNEN, Secretary.
Jan. 26, 1889HerringPlacentia, Jan 7. - The first cargo of frozen herring from this Bay for the season left here yesterday in the Grover Cleveland for Boston -- shipped by Mr. Edward SINNOTT. The rest of the fleet, about fifteen vessels, are from one-half to three-quarters loaded. Herring are very plentiful, but the weather continues mild and its hard to freeze them. Only one shipment is yet reported from Fortune Bay. Herring are said to be unusually scarce there. -- Special to Evening Telegram
Jan. 26, 1889New Governor for JamaicaWe learn from late mail papers that Sir Henry Blake has been appointed Governor of Jamaica. During his short stay in this colony, His Excellency made numerous friends, who no doubt, feel pleased at his appointment to the Governorship of so important a dependency of the British Crown. -- St. John's Times.
Jan. 26, 1889DeathsOn the 24th inst. Mary, relict of the late Mr. James MANUEL, aged 78 years.
Jan. 26, 1889DeathsAt Battrick's Island on the 19th inst, after a lingering illness, Lea wife of Mr. John CLARKE, aged 47 years.
Jan. 26, 1889For SalePremises for Sale at Little Bay - The subscriber offers for sale his property at Little Bay opposite the Loading Wharf, consisting of Shop, Store, Wharf, Dwelling and Out Houses, and a large quantity of land, about four acres of which are under cultivation. This premises is admirably adopted for the business of the Colony, being conveniently situated for the mines as for the fisheries. Will sell or lease with privilege of purchasing. For further particulars apply to C. O'BREDDIN. Little Bay Mine, or at the Sun office.

Feb. 2, 1889Patriotic Club (Part 1)The Secretary's Report -- Twillingate Jan. 26 1889. To the President and Members of The Patriotic Club, Twillingate. Mr. President and Gentlemen, Your Secretary begs to submit to our notice the second Annual Report of the Club for the year 1888, briefly stating what has been done in the past year toward accomplishing the work for which the Club was organized -- taking a short and hasty view of our present position -- and shadowing forth the prospects and hopes we entertain as to our future. Looking at our efforts in connection with the Legislature, we have no great reason to congratulate ourselves on our success, believing as we do, that our petitions did not meet with the attention they deserved, but we feel that we have still less reason for despondency or discouragement, for we know our action was intended for the public good, and we also feel assured that truth will always prevail in the end. "'Tis not in mortals to command success. But we'll do more, my brothers -- we'll deserve it." Let the blame for our failure rest on the shoulders of those who caused that failure; we have nothing to do with the failure except to learn a lesson, and try again and again if necessary, and treasure the fact in our memory for future action. With regard to our present position as a Representative Club, I see no reason to despair or complain. Our meetings have always been harmonious and interesting, and we are encouraged in our work by knowing that we are working not only for ourselves and the Societies we represent, but that we are actuated by the most disinterested feelings for the welfare and prosperity of our common country.
Feb. 2, 1889Patriotic Club (Part 2)I know of no better method of accomplishing this end, than by our periodical meetings for the discussion of topics of general interest. Here we have various opinions freely discussed, our local and political wants and requirements openly expressed and made known, and thus it follows that we are in a better position to decide on what is best and most advantageous. I consider that such Clubs ought to be established in every outport in the colony, and if such was the case, I have no hesitation in saying that rapid improvement would follow. But what should I say as to our future? the mysterious future. I believe it will be generally admitted that the fisherman is the back-bone and life's blood of the country, and but for him and his labor, the land (under its present state) would be depopulated. His exertions and labor support all. What then is his position today? In eight cases ought of ten, his life is only one long struggle to exist. To exist for what purpose? Merely that he may continue to help and build up the fortunes of those who are called his suppliers. For example, take the last twenty years. Has the fisherman's position or his prospects improved or been benefited one iota during that time, and consider that twenty years form more than half the average life of man. All other lands are going ahead more or less -- at any rate we can hear of none that are standing still or going back. But has Newfoundland advanced during that time? Has the toiling fisherman added to his income? Has be been more prosperous in his calling? Alas! no. He has not even the prospective pleasure of looking forward to improvement, for his calling is an uncertain one, and does not in a great measure depend upon his individual efforts. If he gets a fair voyage well and good -- he can carry on or exist for another year, but if the voyage fails where is he?
Feb. 2, 1889Patriotic Club (Part 3)Let the returns of the poor expenditure answer. Hundreds of thousands of dollars have been added to the debt of the colony during that time and what have we to show for it. Taxation has increased, while thousands of our best and youngest men and women are leaving the land of their birth, seeking that employment and support in other more fortunate lands that is denied, or cannot be found for them, or does not exist in their own. The principal emigration has been to that very Dominion which we refuse to ally ourselves with, and whose growth and progress in all the essentials of true prosperity is something wonderful. Compare her progress with ours during the time I have named, and we must hide our diminished heads. Do not these facts speak to us trumpet-tongued, and point out what I contend to be the only permanent remedy that can restore vitality and prosperity to our suffering land, namely a union with Canada on fair and honorable terms. This is a subject well worth the most serious consideration or our members, and I leave the matter in their hands, with the hope that it may be so considered, fairly, honestly, and without prejudices. In conclusion, I would respectfully impress upon the members, the necessity of attending our stated meetings more regularly during the year, and trusting that the new year may prove one of unalloyed happiness and prosperity to each and all the Societies we represent, and wishing all our members a very happy New Year, I remain, gentlemen, Yours respectfully, Samuel BAIRD, Secretary, P.C. The following are the officers of the Patriotic Club for the ensuing year: John PURCHASE, President; John ELLIOTT, Vice President; Chas MAYNE, Treasurer; Samuel BAIRD, Secretary.
Feb. 2, 1889From an occasional correspondent.Mr. Editor, Dear Sir -- While sitting in my room this afternoon, I fell into a deep reverie and Fogo in all its beauty appeared to my brain, time 3 p.m. Looking in the direction of the hall belonging to the S.U.F., it seemed to me that there were a goodly number of men assembled together. Who are they and what were they doing? Why, Mr. Editor, they were the Society of United Fishermen forming in procession, preparatory to taking their usual walk around in the Harbor. It seemed to me that they left the Hall, proceeded on their shanky ponies to the main road going Western to River Head, down the North Side, across the Harbor on ice, landed at the premised of E. DUDER, Esq., up the South Side to the Hall, where there were already and awaiting, tables loaded with all the good things mentionable, such as beef, potatoes, puddings, tarts, jellies, custards, fruit, &c.; but it seemed to me, there were strangers in that social gather. Ah! Ah! I see who they are now: my friends A.R., A.F., J. R., and two or three others, and sure there is a dance about to commence. Aye: what gentlemen is that coming forward? Certainly I have seen that face before (can't remember it though). Oh my! Oh my! What beautiful damsels, dressed in their gorgeous apparel to attract the attention of the gentlemen. I think I know one, two, three, four, yea more but -- Lo! Where am I? Gone out to see a sight. Something that rose tonight. The New Moon! February 1.
Feb. 2, 1889S.U.F., Fogo.The Society of United Fishermen, Fogo, celebrated their Anniversary on Thursday last. The weather was delightful and the celebration was equal if not superior to any that have been previously held.
Feb. 2, 1889Bazaar, GreenspondThe sum of six hundred and forty dollars was realized at a bazaar held in the parish hall, Greenspond, on the last days in December, in connection with the Church of England, the Rev. E. WEARY being the Incumbent.
Feb. 2, 1889MailA very heavy South mail arrived at Shoal Harbor last Saturday at 12:15 p.m. It left there on Monday morning with six team of dogs, and reached Gambo on Thursday at 2 p.m., leaving there daylight yesterday morning. The mail may be expected here Monday evening or Tuesday.
Feb. 2, 1889OrphanageSome time ago we noticed that the Women's Missionary Society, Central Board, Toronto, of which Mrs. Dr. WILLIAMS is president, had proposed a grant of $50 per annum for each child, towards supporting the Methodist orphanage St. John's, which institution was established during the past year. This noble effort should influence the Methodist friends in the Northern parts to contribute liberally toward the Mission fund.
Feb. 2, 1889Narrow Escape From DrowningAlthough the ice has not been very strong connecting the surrounding settlements, many venture have been made over it, and several persons have fallen through and very narrowly escaped drowning. One instance, particularly, was that of Mr. Jacob KEEFE and his son Abraham, of Burn Cove, Friday's Bay, on Tuesday morning last. They were on their way to Morton's Harbor, with dogs and slide, and fell through near Samson's Island. They were in the water some considerable time and were at length rescued with great difficulty, both being nearly exhausted. Some of the dogs perished in the water. The men reached Mr. SAMSON's where they received a warming and refreshments.
Feb. 2, 1889S.U.F. Anniversary CelebrationThe Society of United Fishermen will hold their Anniversary on Monday next, weather permitting. The entertainment will commence at 7:30 admission to which will be fifteen cents. Mrs. STAFFORD will preside at the organ, and the programme to which the audience will be treated we have favored with, and is as follows: Programme -- Address, Chairman Mr. A. FINDLATER; Quartette, "There's a sigh in my heart"; Reading, Mr. S. BAIRD; Dialogue, "Witches in the cream"; Song, Mr. W. TOBIN; Recitation, "The perplexed wife," Miss Laura ASHBOURNE; Reading, Mr. J. PURCHASE; Song, '"Dashing white Sergeant," Miss SNOW. Dialogue, "Aunt Betsey's nurse"; Recitation, Mr. J.N. PERCY; Song, "Crocodile," Miss A. ASHBOURNE; Overture, Band; Reading, Mr. T. YOUNG; Song, Dr. STAFFORD; Dialogue, "The widow's mistake."; Recitation, Master A. ASHBOURNE; Reading, Mr. S. BAIRD; Dialogue, "Scandal"; Duet, "Fairy Dreams," Mrs. HITCHBOCK and Miss ASHBOURNE; Recitation, "Me and Jim" Miss SNOW; Song, Mr. W. TOBIN; Dialogue "A know nothing customer"; Song, Dr. STAFFORD; God save the Queen.
Feb. 2, 1889Deer Hunter Shot(Special to the Sun.) Beaver Cove. February 1st. Three men belonging to Northern Bight, Trinity Bay, were deer shooting and were surrounded by a company of deer. Reuben MARTIN altered his position unknown to the others. One man fired and missed the deer. The bullet hit MARTIN above the knees, passing through both legs but breaking no bones; the wounded man is doing well.
Feb. 2, 1889St. John's NewsSt. John's, Jan. 30. The new bait protection steamer Fiona arrived here from Falmouth last night. The special term of the Supreme Court for the trial of SPARKS and RIGLY, Captain and Mate of the schooner Clara, for the death of a seaman Charles HOOKEY through ill treatment, takes place to-day. The Grand Jury previously brought in bill for manslaughter against both. The Jury also brought in a true bill for wilful murder against Wm. PARNELL, which is to be tried after the first mentioned. Weather is still mild; no snow, ice or frost. Farmers are ploughing. Dr. CROUDY and Mr. P. EMERSON are seriously ill. Diphtheria is rather prevalent. One case of small pox was discovered on Sunday.
Feb. 2, 1889A Canadian Children's PaperHitherto we have been accustomed to expect children's papers to come from the United States. We have now to welcome one, however, printed in our own country; and if it keeps up to the standard of the sample before us, the imported article will have to devise some measure of "retaliation" or get out. It is well printed on toned columns, is beautifully illustrated and carefully edited, and the stories and other reading matter, while of the highest order, are just the kind to attract and delight our boys and girls. All this provided semi-monthly for only fifty cents a year. The proposal is to distribute it in the school clubs -- it could not be supplied at the price under any other plan. The kind co-operation of teachers will thus be absolutely necessary to success. Samples are sent to all teachers; but if any have not received a copy to date, a post card to the Publishers, Grip Publishing Co., Toronto, will secure it. Ask your children if they have seen it.

February 9, 1889EntertainmentItems from a Southern Correspondent; Professor BUELL before leaving Newfoundland gave an exhibition of his magnificent views in St. Patrick’s Hall, Carbonear. The scenes exhibited by the oxyhydrogen light embraced the Rocky Mountains, British Columbia, the North West and Riel’s Rebellion, the Maritime Provinces, and about a hundred local views including a very fine one of the Northern Metropolis. On the evening of New Year’s Day Rev. J GOODISON delivered a lecture on “Love, Courtship, and Marriage
February 9, 1889False ReportThe report of the finding of the bodies of the missing women belonging to Victoria Village proved to be untrue.
February 9, 1889Shipping NewsThe brigantine, Cledda Belle, Capt. DONNELLY, belonging to the Hon. J. RORKE, sailed for the Mediterranean with a full cargo of fish on the 5th, January. On Thursday the 10th of January, the brigantine Kate, Capt. PARSONS, also belonging to Mr. RORKE, arrived from Cadiz with a cargo of salt. She was 47 days on the passage and experienced very rough weather. The fine banking schooner Argonaut, Capt. TUCKER, belonging to Messrs. DUFF & BALMER arrived from Boston a few days previous.
February 9, 1889WeatherThe weather in this neighborhood has been remarkably fine and mild, being more like that of September. There is no snow to be seen. The weather has been lovely and mild up to date, with the exception of a few severe days, and the coast has been pretty free from ice. There has been no ice barrier to prevent a steamer from making regular trips here and we cannot see why it should not have been so, as long as navigation would admit.
February 9, 1889EntertainmentA Clerical meeting of the Deanery of Conception Bay took place at Carbonear on the 15th ult. An able sermon was preached at night in St. James’ Church by Rev. C.E. SMITH, B.A., of Heart’s Content from the text “Thy Kingdom Come.” On the same night in the North Side Methodist School-room, the second lecture for the season, under the auspices of the Avalon Club, was delivered by A.B. MORINE, Esq., M.H.A. - subject - Confederation. J.A. ROBINSON, Esq., President of the Club presided. For two hours and a half the lecturer spoke ably and eloquently, Mr. MORINE was accompanied by his colleague for Bonavista, Donald MORRISON. Esq. The Club is hoping to secure a lecturer to speak on Anti-Confederation. The Avalon Club held its annual service in behalf of the Reading Room on January 22.
February 9, 1889Masonic Mutual Life Insurance The Directors of the St. John’s Masonic Mutual Life Insurance Association beg to present their statement of affairs for the year 1888.The Directors have to report six members added to the death-roll for the past year. Five calls only have been made, viz; for Bros. G.A. SCOTT, H. GEMMEL , C. MENZIES, Geo. BURSELL, and Wm. THORBURN. The Association has added to the roll during the past year eight members, and the Directors feel glad to state that this mode of insurance is duly appreciated, as it affords the cheapest and most convenient method of Life Insurance. The Treasurer’s account has been audited by Bros. J. COWAN and Jas. JARDINE, and is now presented, showing a balance to the credit of Reserve Fund of 662 dollars, and to the credit of general account 928 dollars and 50 cents, being an increase on the whole of 214 dollars and 77 cents after paying all current expenses for the year. Not withstanding the calls on the Association being one of the largest since its formation, The Directors are pleased to state that this Report shows its financial standing the best on record. The Directors urge on the Brethren (uninsured) the advisability of giving this mode of Insurance their earliest consideration as they deem it a Masonic Duty of every Brother to become a member thereof. The Directors would be pleased to see a number of members attend the annual meeting and offer suggestions as will aid the interests of all concerned. In accordance with Bye Law 3 the following Directors retire (but are eligible for reelection) viz., Bros. P.G.TESSLEY, Wm. BOLT, J.L. DUCHEMIN, and Jos. WILSON. Respectfully submitted, J.L. DUCHEMIN, President. F.G. CORNICE, Treasurer Jos. WILSON, Secretary. January 15th, 1889.
February 9, 1889DeathOur obituary column today contains the death of an old and much respected resident, Mrs. Mary NEWMAN, beloved mother of Mr. Richard NEWMAN. She was in her 89th year, and though far advanced in life, was, until within the last eighteen months, comparatively hale, and in the enjoyment of all her physical powers, especially her sight, and could read without the use of glasses until shortly before her death. The deceased was seized with an attack of sickness nearly two years ago, and for the past eighteen months was confined to bed. Being an exemplary Christian for many years, she did not fear approaching dissolution when the time came, and the months of suffering were borne by her very patiently, with calm submission to the will of God; and all through her affliction she gave unmistakable evidences of possessing those graces which should ever adorn the Christian character, and which shine most lustrously when exemplified in the furnace of affliction. Her remains were laid to rest in the Church of England cemetery yesterday afternoon, the funeral being largely attended, and to the sorrowing family and relatives we tender deepest sympathy.
February 9, 1889AdvertisementPREMISES FOR SALE AT LITTLE BAY: The subscriber offers for sale his property at Little Bay opposite the Loading Wharf consisting of: SHOP, STORE, WHARF, DWELLING AND OUT HOUSES, AND A LARGE QUANTITY OF LAND, about four acres of which are under cultivation. This premises is admirably adapted for the business of the colony being conveniently situated for the mines and for the fisheries. Will sell or lease with the privilege of purchasing. For further particulars apply to: C. O’B REDDIN, Little Bay Mine.
February 9, 1889PamphletThis mail we received a copy of “A Summary Account of the Wild Berries and other Edible Fruits of Newfoundland and Labrador,” by the Rev. A.C. WAGHORNE.
February 9, 1889Society of United FishermenCandelmas Day falling on Saturday this year, the Society of United Fishermen kept their Anniversary on Monday last, February 4th. A special Service was held at the Church. The singing was remarkably hearty and we were pleased to see that the Rev. T. NURSE was able to read the lessons.
February 9, 1889MarriageAt the Methodist school house, Western Head, Morton’s Harbor, on the 7th ult., by the Rev. John HEYFIELD, Mr. Joseph FUDGE of Whale Gulch, to Miss Naomi BUDGEL of Exploits.
February 9, 1889DeathOn Feb. 5th, after a protracted illness, borne with Christian resignation to God’s will, aged 80 years, Mary, relict of the late Mr. Richard NEWMAN, Sr. of Dorsetshire, England. “For ever with the Lord.”
February 9, 1889DeathAt Morton’s Harbor on the 9th ult., Emily Jane, beloved wife of Mr. Mark TAYLOR. “Asleep in Jesus” “To die is gain”
February 9, 1889Murder SentenceThe murderers NEIL and OLIVER, who killed COUPARD at Dog Island, St. Pierre, were sentenced on Feb. 7th. NEIL to be guillotined there in the public square, and OLIVER to ten years at the Galleys. Both received their sentences with stolid indifference.
February 9, 1889DeathMr. Prescott EMERSON was buried in St. John’s on Tuesday, Feb. 5, aged 48 years.
February 9, 1889Small PoxSmall pox is in St. John’s; one death has taken place from it and there are two new cases in the same house. There are three cases at Harbor Grace. The government is taking every precaution to prevent its spreading. Messrs. J. MUNN & Co.’s brig William arrived at Harbor Grace five days ago and reported having buried a man during the voyage. No Notice was taken of it until yesterday, when three of the crew were taken down with small pox. Harbor Gracians are terribly excited today over matters. The crew were paid off and let loose amongst town folks. Drug stores are blockaded for camphor today.
February 9, 1889SentencedCaptain SPARKES and Mate RIGBY have been sentenced to five years penal servitude at St. John’s for manslaughter of HOOKEY. PARNELL’s case is postponed until the spring term.
February 9, 1889DeathA funeral sermon will be preached at St. Peter’s Church, by the incumbent, on Sunday Evening next, with reference to the deaths of the late Mrs. NEWMAN and Mrs. MANUEL.
February 9, 1889MailThe overland mail from the South, arrived on Tuesday evening, and the couriers left with the return mail early yesterday morning, this being the second that has been dispatched from our post-office this season.
February 9, 1889HerringFresh Herring gave been plentiful in Friday’s Bay of late, and a good many have been caught by those with seines in the water. It is a great pity a business by which employment might be given to needy persons cannot be carried on in preparing this fish in some form or other for market.
February 9, 1889DiphtheriaDiphtheria is very prevalent in St. John’s.

February 16, 1889Banking FleetNew Additions to our Banking Fleet: Mr. John MURPHY, of Gambo, has added another vessel to the banking fleet. This is the second which arrived here for him during the month. They were both built at Gambo during the last season, by Mr. McKAY, and are the same size - 80 tons. One is called the “ St. Bernard,” the other the “St. Paul.” They are for sale, and can be seen at the wharf of Hon. M. MONROE. They are well built, being copper-fastened and full-timbered. They can be sold much cheaper than the Nova Scotia banker of equal size, and being equal, if not superior to the Canadian or Massachusetts vessel, there can be no need to go out of Newfoundland by banking men intending to invest.
February 16, 1889Fisherman’s and Seaman’s HomeWe are told the number of beds occupied during the year in the Fisherman’s and Seaman’s Home, St. John’s was 7200, the greatest number at any one time being 95.
February 16, 1889Lobster FisheryThe Daily Colonist tells us that the lobster fishery shows an increase of 60 percent for 1888. The figures are $207,009 for 1887 and $330,000 for 1888. Still is capable of expansion.
February 16, 1889AdvertisementA few copies of the Rev. A.C. WAGHORNE’s pamphlet, containing “A Summary account of the Wild Berries and other Edible Fruits of Newfoundland and Labrador,” are for sale at the SUN office; price 10 and 15 cents.
February 16, 1889Frozen HerringCargoes of frozen herring have been shipped the past winter from Placentia to the United States’ markets. These ventures have been fairly successful and it is thought the “western fishermen are crossing the threshold of a new industry.”
February 16, 1889Schooner SoldThe Evening Telegram says that “ the well-known schooner, the Minot Light, owned by Mr. Henry MOORES of St. Anthony, has been purchases by Messrs. P. & L.TESSIER, the consideration it is stated being five hundred and sixty pounds. Though twenty years old, she is of American build, being constructed of white oak, and is therefore a good vessel for thirty years to come.”
February 16, 1889Thank-offeringsThe New Year Thank-offerings for the St. John’s East End circuit, towards reducing the debt on Cochrane Street Church, amounted to the handsome sum of twelve hundred dollars, and it was expected, when all the offerings were received, that the total sum would not be less then sixteen hundred dollars. This speaks much for the large spirit of liberality which prevails among the Methodist friends of the Metropolis.
February 16, 1889DeathAt Renews on Jan. 13th, Wilson Bendshaw, aged 28 years, Barrister and Attorney-at-law, youngest son of late William KELIGREW, Esq.

February 23, 1889MarriageAt the Methodist parsonage, Military Road, St. John’s, on the 2nd inst., by the Rev. J. PARKINS, Mr. George SAMWAYS, to Cornelia, third daughter of the late W.T. SALTER.
February 23, 1889Letter from Wesleyville, BBThe Church at New Town is finished on outside. Our services are well attended, especially by young men who flock to all the meetings and appear to take a deep interest in all that goes on. We held our first regular meeting of the Band of Hope recently; 102 members are enrolled. Six sealing steamers are lying up here, and one at Greenspond waiting to leave for the ice. We expect to raise $1000 cash for all church purposes on this circuit, in addition to a lot of free labor on the churches which we hope to finish during the year. I enclose list of 17 weddings to date and expect to make up the score before the District meeting; when we will be pleased to visit our old circuit, Twillingate, once more.
February 23, 1889Marriage The Following Marriages are all by the Rev. W.T.D. DUNN: On Nov. 30, in the Parsonage, Wesleyville, Mr. Wm. WEST of Seal Cove, to Miss Patience HANN of Wesleyville.
February 23, 1889Marriage On Dec. 12, in the Methodist Church, Wesleyville, Mr. John THORN of Wesleyville, to Miss Ellen GAULINE of Freshwater Bay.
February 23, 1889Marriage On Dec. 13, in the Methodist Church, Cape Freels Island, Mr. Job VINCENT of Cape Freels Island; to Miss Mary Ann SHEPHERD of Poole’s Island.
February 23, 1889Marriage On Dec. 15, in the Methodist Church, Cape Freels, Mr. William GUDGER of Windmill Bight, to Miss Joanna EASON of Musgrave Harbor.
February 23, 1889Marriage On Dec. 17, in the Methodist Church, Wesleyville, Mr. Zacchaeus STURGE of Flower’s Island, to Miss Dinah WHITE of Greenspond.
February 23, 1889Marriage On Dec. 18, in the Methodist Church, Wesleyville, Mr. Charles [surname omitted] of Wesleyville, to Mrs. Jane JEANS of Poole's Island.
February 23, 1889Marriage On Dec. 19, In the Methodist Church, Wesleyville, Mr. Joseph TILLER, to Miss Livinia MULLETT, both of Swain’s Island.
February 23, 1889Marriage At the same time and place, Mr. Absalom GALTON of Noreton’s Cove to Miss Rosanna CUTLER of Fair Island.
February 23, 1889Marriage At the same time and place, Mr. Kenneth CARTER of Wesleyville, to Miss Julia Jane GAULINE of Freshwater Bay.
February 23, 1889Marriage On Dec. 21, in the Parsonage, Wesleyville, Mr. William COLLINS of New Town, to Miss Martha BEST of Noreton’s Cove.
February 23, 1889Marriage On Dec. 25, in the Methodist Church, Wesleyville, Mr. John COLLINS of New Town, to Miss Julia PAYNE of Wesleyville.
February 23, 1889Marriage On Dec. 26, at the same place, Mr. Henry COOK of Fox Cove, to Miss Matilda ROBERTS of New Town.
February 23, 1889Marriage At the same time and place, Mr. Josiah HOWELL of New Town, to Miss Jessie Louisa GARRET of Fox Cove.
February 23, 1889Marriage At the same time and place, Mr. Edward HOWELL of Fox Cove, to Lucy CROSS of Greenspond.
February 23, 1889Marriage At the same time and place, Mr. Tobias HOWELL of New Town, to Miss Jane CROSS of Greenspond.
February 23, 1889Marriage On Jan. 1st, in the Parsonage, Wesleyville, Mr. Samuel TEMPLEMAN, to Miss Elizabeth Garrett, both of Fox Cove.
February 23, 1889Marriage On Jan. 23, at the residence of the bridegroom's brother-in-law, Capt A. KEAN, M.H.A. of Noreton’s Cove, Mr. Frederick YETMAN of Noreton’s Cove, to Miss Elizabeth MOORE of Safe Harbor.
February 23, 1889Bazaar Notice The LADIES of St. Andrew’s Church, Twillingate, intend holding a Bazaar, next Fall, for the purpose of raising money to seat, paint, and otherwise finish the interior of the Church. Contributions in Money, or useful and fancy articles will be thankfully received by the following ladies: Mrs. T. ASHBOURNE, Mrs. HITCHOCK, Mrs. Jas. JENKINS, Mrs. G. BLANDFORD, MRS. LETHBRIDGE, MRS. JAS. SLADE.
February 23, 1889MailThe mail from the South arrived Monday evening and a return one left early yesterday morning. A mail from the Bay was received on Tuesday evening, which is the first that has come this season by the outside route. The couriers started on Tuesday morning with the mail for Fogo and intermediate places and was as far as Change Islands yesterday. As the ice has not been bearable, there has been no communication between this and Fogo since the last steamer, and this is the first mail from here since then.
February 23, 1889Death by FireA sad calamity took place at Heart’s Delight, Trinity Bay, on the 17th ult. A house belonging to one Edward LEGGE was destroyed by fire and two of his children were burnt to death. All his winter’s supplies were consumed in the flames and the unfortunate man, who we are told is in a bad state of health, was left entirely destitute.
February 23, 1889Narrow Escape from DrowningA very narrow escape from drowning occurred at Purcells Harbor last Saturday morning, the particulars of the case being something like this. David GINN who had been gunning happened to see a seal just outside the point which he was fortunate in killing, but while in the act of getting it on board, the boat capsized and the occupant was precipitated in the water. He managed to get on the bottom, but the boat being very light would not bear up and it capsized over and over again and the unfortunate man was struggling in the water for some time, and though within sight of persons on shore, felt that he would perish in the water. When he thought there was no hope of being rescued he managed to tie the painter of the boat around him, so his body might be easily recovered. But providentially, Mr. .EVELY took a gun and left his house to look for birds, and when he brought the point open, he saw the drowning man, and immediately got a boat and crew and went to his rescue. Mr. GINN, who had then been in the water nearly thirty minutes, was in an almost exhausted condition, and in a minute or two longer he would doubtless have been drowned. His hands and fingers were all drawn up with the frost and cold where he had been holding fast to the boat and this week he has been confined to his bed for the most of the time, suffering from the effect of the accident. However, it is a providential thing for his wife and family, that he was seen in time and rescued from a watery grave.
February 23, 1889Rhubarb in JanuaryThe Daily Colonist of the 23rd ult, says: “Mr. FORAN is our authority for saying that the guests of the Atlantic Hotel enjoyed, yesterday, a Newfoundland Rhubarb pie. The vegetable was grown by Mr. J.T. Neville, at Rae Island farm and tastes as succulent and nutritious as if pulled in June. The stalks are quite large and can be seen under their glass covers by visitors to Mr. NEVILLE’s place on the Waterford-Bridge road. Fresh rhubarb in Newfoundland in January! What will our friends across the water say to this? Those friends who have always looked upon Newfoundland as being covered in ice and snow three fourths of the year will certainly be surprised.”
February 23, 1889Band of Hope Meeting A public Band of Hope Meeting was held in the Methodist Church,Herring Neck, on February 19th. There were twenty members present. PROGRAMME: Reading: “The man who hasn’t given himself a chance". J. FARTHING. Recitation: “Thoughts of a drunkard’s wife.” Lucy WARREN. Duet and chorus: “Sing we merrily.” Mr. and Mrs. REX. Recitation: “The Reformed Crew.” Jane FARTHING. Recitation: “Where do you live?” D. COOK. Duet and Chorus: “I love the cause.” L. ALLEN and M.A. MURCELL. Address: T. HAYTER. Recitation: “Poor Bessie.” Laura WARREN. Reading: “A True heart.” Mrs. REX. Recitation: “The two glasses.” R. TAYLOR. Recitation; ”The Mother’s song.” S. SIMMONS. Instrumental: Mrs. REX. Recitation: “The price of drink.” M.A. HAYTER. Recitation: “Say did it take you very long?” S. WHITE. Recitation: “Poor Mary’s story.” L. FELTHAM. Recitation: “The brandy bottle.” J. RICE. Address: Mr. REX. Recitation: “A small word.” M.A. MURCELL. Recitation: “Fallen.” L. ALLEN.
February 23, 1889Barcelona Exhibition1888Awards made to Newfoundland Exhibitors At the Barcelona Exhibition1888 Colonial Museum - Fish in Spirits & stuffed seals - Silver Medal - Minerals. - Bronze Medal Nfld Consolidated Copper Mining Co.- Examples of process smelting; Copper from crude ore to copper in ingots - Silver Medal C. S. FOWLER - Argentiferous Lead - Honorable Mention. JOB Bros. & Co - Fish Guano - Silver Medal - Cod Oil - Bronze Medal - Seal Oil - Gold Medal - Codfish & Pickled Salmon - Silver Medal A. GOODRIDGE & Sons -Cod Oil - Bronze Medal - Codfish - Silver Medal - Cod Liver Oil - Gold Medal P & L TESSIER -Cod Oil - Bronze Medal - Seal Oil - Gold Medal - Cod Liver Oil - Gold Medal. - Codfish - Gold Medal J & W STEWART - Cod Oil - Bronze Medal - Seal Oil - Gold Medal. - Cod Liver Oil - Gold Medal - Codfish - Silver Medal BOWRING Bros. - Seal Oil - Gold Medal. - Cod Liver Oil - Gold Medal - Codfish & Lobsters in tin - Gold Medal BAINE JOHNSON & Co. - Codfish & Pickled Salmon -Gold Medal M. MONROE - Cod Liver Oil - Gold Medal - Codfish, Salmon & Lobsters in tins and pickled herring - Silver Medal J. MUNN & Co. - Cod Oil - Bronze Medal - Seal Oil - Gold Medal C. DICKS - Porpoise Oil - Silver Medal James BAIRD - Lobster, Salmon, and Herrings in tins - Silver Medal WEST & RENDELL - Lobsters in tin - Silver Medal E. F. TREADWELL - Lobsters in tins - Gold Medal James MURRAY - Pickled Herring - Silver Medal St. John’s Tanning Co.- Tanned Seal Skins - Silver Medal Colonial Cordage Co.- Cordage, Lines, and Twines - Gold Medal F. W. GOLDER - Patent Buoys and Anchor - Gold Medal S. H. PARSONS - Photographs Descriptive of Nfld Scenery - Silver Medal Jno LIULBERG - Bavarian Beer - Gold Medal George GADEN - Ginger Ale - Gold Medal.
February 23, 1889Supreme Court (Part 1)Prisoners Sentenced to Five Years with Hard Labor. St. John’s Feb. 2, 1889 The court met today at 11 o’clock. The prisoners STARK and RIGBY were present to receive sentence. Mr. GREENE, Q.C., on their behalf asked the Court to temper their sentence with mercy. He read two affidavits, one of Mr. T.R. SMITH, the other of Capt. GREENE, testifying to the character of Capt. STARK. He also read some certificates which were found among the Captain’s papers, which showed that his character had been that of an honest, upright man. Two letters were also read from the owners of the vessels expressing surprise and disbelief at the charges against the Capt. and offering him a position whenever he was free to accept it. MR. GREENE also produced a letter written by the Captain’s wife which he said would not be read to the Court. It was simply a record of the most abject heart-rending misery. During a long period, at their Lordship’s discretion, she would with her children, two of whom were infants, be simply destitute of means. As regards RIGBY, Mr. GREENE had only two discharges of his and from these his character appeared to have been that of an honest trustworthy man.
February 23, 1889Supreme Court (Part 2)When Mr GREENE had concluded, Mr. Justice PINSENT, D.C.L. pronounced sentence of the Court as follows: Thomas STARK and James RIGBY, you have, after a patient and impartial investigation, been convicted of the crime of Manslaughter for causing the death of one Charles HOOKEY. You were respectively Master and Mate of the schooner “Clare” of Plymouth, upon a voyage from Bristol to St. John’s, Newfoundland, and the deceased Charles HOOKEY, was a seaman on board that ship upon that voyage. During its prosecution you are shown to have inflicted upon the man HOOKEY a series of ferocious assaults in almost every form of unbridled cruelty and passion. You are also shown to have subjected him to sufferings and privations by ordering him to be kept on bread and water alone, and by culpable disregard and neglect of the commonest provision for his bodily comfort. It is needless to repeat here the harrowing particulars which have so recently been disclosed by the evidence of the (besides yourselves) three surviving members of the ship’s crew. You were originally committed by the Magistrate upon a charge of willful murder, but during this term the Grand Jury, taking a merciful view of your case, reduced the charge to manslaughter, and your trial having recently taken place, a petty jury, without hesitation, found you guilty of that charge, the only rational course which, under the circumstances, was open to them.
February 23, 1889Supreme Court (Part 3)You are fortunate in the fact that in the result you have been acquitted of the intention and design to take the life of Charles HOOKEY, and that you have been found only to have been guilty of conduct thoughtlessly cruel and culpably negligent, resulting in HOOKEY’s death, but not by you consciously inflicted upon him with the likelihood that death would ensue. In reading the distressing particulars of this case, feelings of indignation and horror are excited to an extent greater than would be aroused in many cases in which life might be taken upon a sudden impulse of passions or under a strong sense of personal injury. Here you were responsible custodians of the life and security of the deceased man, in a position in which he was for the time being, under your absolute dominion and control. We have to repeat, what we stated to the Juries, that no inability on the part of the seaman for the discharge of his duties, let it arise from what cause it may, will justify the use toward him of barbarous violence and savage and capricious cruelty. Of the two prisoners you (RIGBY) appear to have acted with the greater heartlessness and moreover from you better opportunities, you were aware more fully than the Captain, of the feeble condition to which HOOKEY had been reduced. On the other hand you (STARK) were the first to set the example of violence, and you neither restrained yourself nor did you exercise your authority as you might have done to curb the passions of others. You have been ably defended. You have suffered nothing from want of any means of defense which would have been afforded you in any part of Her Majesty’s Dominions.
February 23, 1889Supreme Court (Part 4)While on the other hand you will have learned, that the remark made by one of you to one of the witnesses, that you could not be got into trouble in St. John’s about this affair “because it was not all English law over here” is entirely ill founded, as is I trust and believe the implications conveyed in another observation of you, RIGBY, to HOOKEY, “If we were bound to New York or any other part of the United States, we would soon fix you.” In measuring your punishment we are not unmindful of the provoking fact to which we may be justified in giving some consideration at this stage of the case, the deceased HOOKER, who engaged himself as an able seaman, failed in all the qualifications necessary to his assumed place, and proved almost worthless in the prosecution of a long and stormy voyage across the Atlantic, at an inclement season of the year, on board a small vessel with a very small crew. We are disposed to temper justice with much mercy, but we are bound to inflict such a punishment as will mark the heinousness of your crime, such as you will acutely feel, and such as we hope will be the means of deterring others from the commission of similar outrages. While it is true, that in England, a sentence of imprisonment could not in cases of manslaughter exceed two years with hard labor, it is also true that that offense is there punishable with penal servitude for life, or not less than five years.
February 23, 1889Supreme Court (Part 5)In this colony while we adopt in a general way the code of English Criminal Law, it is modified in some respects and particularly in the matter of penal servitude, which we have no adequate means of carrying out, and our local law provides that “where by the law of England offenses are or shall be punishable with penal servitude, the Supreme Court of this Colony may in its discretion sentence offenders convicted before such Court of the like offenses, to imprisonment with or without hard labor and with or without any other punishment to which such offences may be by law liable, for any term not exceeding the longest term of penal servitude provided for the like offense by the law of England.” In the exercise of the most merciful discretion which we can justify to ourselves in your case, we sentence you from this date five years imprisonment with hard labor in Her Majesty’s Gaol in St.John’s. With regard to the appeal made by Mr. GREENE in mitigation of punishment we can only express our deep regret that others should suffer through your grave and terrible misconduct. We have no reason to doubt the general good character you are said to bear, particularly you, Captain STARK, who have produced through your counsel, some high testimonials and we can only trust that your future conduct and demeanor, while serving your sentences, may be such as, possibly within the period to which you have been sentenced, to commend you to the clemency of the CROWN. The prisoners were then removed and the Court rose.
February 23, 1889NoticeIn re estate of the late SIMON JACOBS. As administratrix of the late JONATHAN JACOBS, I hereby notify intending purchasers that I have a substantial claim on the said property, so that they may govern themselves accordingly. MARY JANE HAYWARD

March 16, 1889Local Option - Harbor GraceFrom a dispatch which will be found in our telegraphic column, we learn that the election which took place in that district on the 27th. Ult., to decide whether licensed public houses should or should not be permitted through out the district, resulted in a grand victory for the Temperance cause, there having been 1416 votes given in favor of Local Option and 194 against it...........
March 16, 1889DrowningA gloom was cast over the community on Tuesday, by reason of a very painful and fatal occurrence, which took place on the forenoon of that day. The ice being gone off, Mr Luke BROMLEY of Farmer's Arm, with his son, started in a boat for Burnt Island, going there to see as to the safety of another boat, which was hauled up on the beach, as there had been quite a sea running, and fears were apprehended lest it might be washed away or sustain injury thereby. But, sad to relate, when they were nearing Burnt Island shore, a sea broke, first half filling the boat, and next capsizing it, casting the unfortunate occupants into the water. While under water, the son had the presence of mind to take a firm grasp of the seaweed on the bottom, and when the sea ran out, he was enabled to walk ashore, after battling with the waves in the water for a considerable time. His father however, was not so fortunate, and met with an untimely death. Just as the young man got ashore, another sea came, which washed his father upon a point of rock, so that he could see him quite plainly, but could render no assistance owing to his exhausted condition. He was near enough to call out to him, but the father made no reply, and the supposition is, that life was extinct. The sea had soon dashed him from that position, and when discovered later in the day, it was found that he was a good deal bruised, and in all probability, was dead shortly after being in the water. The deceased was buried on Thursday afternoon, the funeral being largely attended by relatives and friends, who have our sympathy in this unexpected, and painful bereavement. A suitable and impressive discourse was preached on the occasion, by Rev. R.W. FREEMAN from 2nd. Samuel, chapter 20 and part of 3rd. verse.
March 16, 1889Winter Amusements - FogoThe times have been rather lively in Fogo this winter, from the events duly chronicled in your paper from time to time, commencing with the Church of England Sunday School children's tea, alms giving to the poor widows and others distressed, in the shape of cake and tea........ warm and serviceable clothing, ..... given by Rev. S. SADDINGTON and other kind friends. Next came off the RC Christmas Tree Bazaar....... performed by troops of juveniles from Tilton Harbor, brought up for the occasion after being taught and practised therein by Rev. R.M. WALKER, PP and Mr. SARGENT, teacher of the said place.... proceeds of same - $180.... Next on the list of convivalities came the annual turn out of the Society of United Fishermen..... followed... by a very excellent tea, provided by R.C. School committee.... to which a few outside friends were invited by Rev. Chairman of the School Board..... very good dancing and other amusements..... the worthy magistrate, James FITZGERALD, Esq., gracing with his presence.... a considerable number of the respectable of Fogo being guests.... Lastly, a very select concert of choice songs... held at the "Meek Memorial" school room on Thursday night, 28th ult., conducted by the well known ability of H.J. EARLE, Esq., assisted by Rev. C. SADDINGTON, the Misses KIRBY and ROSS, together with Messrs. HODGE, CROUCHER, MALCOLM, LACEY, and STEPHENSON, including three juvenile male chorus singers, - W. & H.T. EARLE, and Willy ROLLS - made complete by Mr. WEBB, an able bass,..... immense success... each piece as per the following programme: Song, "Our Jack's come Home Today" - Mr. HODGE. Recitation, "Rather Knotty Points" - Mr. CROUCHER. Songs, "We'll Watch" - Mr. EARLE. "Pulling Hard Against the Steam" - Sergeant LACEY. Reading, "Boy Fuz's Address" (Pickwic) - Mr. EARLE. Duet, "The Moon is Beaming" - Miss KERBY and Mr. STEPHENSON. Solo, "Twickenham Ferry" - Miss ROSS. Reading, "The Matron's Story" - Rev. C. SADDINGTON. Song, "Dream Faces" - Rev. C. SADDINGTON. Recitation, "The Indian's Grave" Dr. MALCOLM. Songs, "Oh! Fair Dove" - Miss ROSS. "Never Trouble" - Mr. EARLE. Reading, "The Obituary Poet" - Mr. CROUCHER. Songs, "Whip Poor Will" - Miss KIRBY. "Better Late Than Never" - Mr. HODGE. Reading, "The Dutchman's Snake." - Mr. EARLE. Duet, "Rueben and Rachel" - Miss KIRBY and Mr. STEPHENSON. National Anthem. We feel proud of the aforesaid entertainments....
March 16, 1889QuarantineThe following order has been adopted by His Excellency, the Governor in Council, and is published for general information and guidance: - "In view of the prevalence of Small Pox in Dundee (Scotland), and in parts of Spain, and Portugal, it is ordered that all vessels arriving in any port in this Colony, from the said port of Dundee, or from any port in Spain or Portugal, shall be placed under Quarantine, and that the provisions of Cap. 68, of the Consolidated Statutes, entitled 'Of Quarantine', and of the Proclamation of his Excellency, Sir F.B.T. CARTER, Administrator of the Government, of the 27th. July, 1885, shall be enforced, with regard to such vessels." Secretary's Office, 11th. Feb. 1889.
March 16, 1889Small PoxNine cases of Small Pox are now reported in the Harbor Grace Hospital. The Government are taking every precaution to prevent its spreading, notwithstanding, owing to the thoughtlessness and unjustifiable conduct of the crew of the vessel that brought it there, it is feared that results will be very serious. [From another "By telegraph" column, on the same page:] "There are nine cases of Small Pox in Harbor Grace hospital at present, and more are feared. Three or four cases were brought from Island Cove, caught there by a poor man who, it is supposed, got some clothes belonging to one NOEL, of the South Side of Harbor Grace, who had it. He died, and no one ever suspected he had the Small Pox until after the men who had laid him out, had gone to the ice in the Mastiff and the Terra Nova.
March 16, 1889Little BayThe last week has been full of amusements, in fact, it is a long time since Little Bay had such an exciting week! Monday, Feb. 11th. there was a capital Entertainment in the Church of England school house. It was a great success in every way. Wednesday, the Little Bay Band Concert was given. Rev. S. O'FLYNN was in the chair. The new Town Hall was crowded and about $130. was taken..... The pianist - Miss O'FLYNN rendered her part most excellently. is due Mr. J. WHYTE, the leader of the band..... Thursday, the Masonic Ball was held in the same building.... dancing was well sustained till late in the morning. Friday, the Methodist Missionary Meeting came off. .... The chair was taken by Mr. G. L. THOMPSON. An Esquimaux from the Moravian Mission took part in his native tongue, both singing and speaking. Mr. HUBLEY and Mr. GARLAND also spoke... The choir had the addition of Mr. J. WHYTE's coronet...The collection... being $100 this year for Little Bay alone. The Salvation Army has been astir also, by having obtained two drums. One exceedingly large, made of dog skin. These musical instruments have been constructed, greatly to the praise and honor of the Army, by one of their own zealous soldiers. Since the Army has shown so much skill, Little Bay may soon hope to have two bands to enliven the place. We trust the manufacture of these instruments will increase, for all who have heard them have been enraptured thereby. The officers have received the privilege of making officials, and two young men have been elected Sergeants. This is doubtless a wise and necessary step, and we trust now, more peace and quietness will be observed at the meetings. The Entertainment of the 14th. was repeated in the Town Hall, Feb. 21st. Great success!
March 16, 1889Visits of InspectionHis Excellency the Governor, (says the St. John's Times), accompanied by the Hon. Mr. Justice PINSENT, CCL, visited the Penitentiary and Hospital on Friday last. After a minute inspection, his Excellency was pleased to express himself as well satisfied with the management of both institutions. Before leaving the Penitentiary, his Excellency the Governor and Justice PINSENT, made the following entry in the visitor's book, which must have been very pleasing to our old friend - the worthy Governor of the Penitentiary: -"We have visited the Penitentiary this day and have found everything to our entire satisfaction, and reflecting much credit upon the Governor's management. T. O'BRIEN, Governor, Robert J. PINSENT, Judge S.C., St. John's, Feb. 8th., 1889.
March 16, 1889DeathWe regret to learn from St. John's, of the death of the Hon. Dr. CROWDEY, which took place on Thursday last.
March 16, 1889Lofodon FisheryFrom our St. John's exchanges, we learn that the Hon. Receiver General received a telegram from the British Consul at Christiania, to the effect that the total catch of Lofodon fishery, up to the 10th of February, was one million.
March 16, 1889Seaside LibraryMr. CROUCHER, Fogo, is prepared to take orders for Pocket Edition of Seaside Library, delivered free by mail at 18 cts for 20ct. Volumes and 9 cts. For 10 ct. volumes. Cash, in all cases, to accompany the order. Numbers of books only required.
March 16, 1889Seal FisheryThe following schooners, supplied by J.B. TOBIN, Esq., sailed for the seal fishery during the week: Sunbeam, MURSELL master, 14 men, sailed on the 12th inst. Patience, NEWMAN master, 16 men, sailed on the 14th. Olivette, YOUNG master, 14 men, sailed on the 14th. Several steamers could be seen off in the ice today, bound North.
March 16, 1889Crow Head Sunday SchoolThe report of the Crow Head Church Sunday School gathering, given in last paper, was partly incorrect. The entertainment consisted chiefly of the exhibition of views by a magic lantern, which was kindly lent for the purpose, by the Rev. R. TEMPLE, RD, and not of recitations, &c., as we had been led to understand.
March 16, 1889DeathTwo old, and respected residents of Shoe Cove, namely Messrs Jacob and James TOMS, have died there within the last few months, the former being father of Mr. William TOMS. They were hospitable and good hearted individuals, and always ready to extend a welcome to visitors visiting the Cove. We beg to tender our sympathy to the bereaved families.
March 16, 1889LOA AnniversaryThe LOA Anniversary was held at Moreton's Harbor on the 7th. Inst. The Rural Dean, Rev. R. TEMPLE, of Twillingate, preached to the society in the Church…..
March 16, 1889Missionary MeetingWe learn that a very interesting Missionary Meeting was held at Moreton's Harbor on Thursday evening, the chair being taken by M. OSMOND, Esq., JP, who gave a fine Missionary address….. The speakers were Revs. R.W. FREEMAN, W. HARRIS, J. HEYFIELD, and Mr. Samuel SMALL. ..... Miss Jessie OSMOND presided at the organ with her accustomed ability.
March 16, 1889Shooting AccidentA melancholy, gunning accident is reported to us from Shoe Cove, which occurred on the 30th. January. It appears that early on the morning of that day, three men, namely, Robert GRAY, Henry ANDREWS, and Thomas SAUNDERS, left their homes in Shoe Cove, and went over to LaScie, taking a boat for the purpose of going in search of ducks. They were down to the North West Rocks, and seeing birds there, they got out of the boat. While Robert GRAY was in the act of passing the guns to the others, one of them fell on the side of the boat and went off, the loading going into poor GRAY's left leg. The blood flowed freely, and not being bandaged, by the time they got home, a distance of nine miles, he had almost bled to death. The Tilt Cove Doctor was immediately sent for, and on arriving he amputated the leg, but it was too late to save life; the loss of blood before he could be in attendance, being so great. He died, we are told, ten hours after the accident occurred, almost his last utterance being, "I am going with my Saviour in Heaven." The deceased leaves a wife and two small children to lament his death, as well as other relations there, to whom we tender our sympathy.
March 16, 1889MailThe mail, coming North, left Gambo this morning.
March 16, 1889Change IslandsAt Change Islands, a very interesting entertainment was given in the Methodist schoolhouse……. Collection on behalf of lumber for new desks and seats amounted to $6…… Great credit is due Miss RUMSEY and Mr. S. ROBERTS for training the young friends. Mrs WATERMAN ably presided at the organ. Programme: Song, Sankey # 7. Address, - Chairman. Recitation, "Words of Welcome" - Jacob LEDREW. Dialogue, "Smoke Friend" - 4 boys. Recitations: "Last Glass" - Mark TAYLOR, "Nathan's Case" - Frank PORTER, "Papa's Letter" Rosie GINN. Dialogue, "Little Boy's Rights", - 4 boys. Recitation: "Where do you Live?" Andrew PORTER. Song, "Oh We're all Weaving" - Recitations, "Johnny's Opinion of Grandmother" - Leonard TAYLOR, "Be in Time" - Bertha LEDREW. Song, "Band of Hope". Recitations, "Boys Complaints" - Simon LEDREW, "What a Little Child can Do" - Eliza. BRINSON. Reading, "Some Embarrassed People" - Archibald ELLIOTT. Recitations, "John Jenkin's Sermon" - Philip LEDREW, "Lazy Daisy" - Ronald MOORE. Dialogue, "True Courage". Recitation, "Square Drink" - Ellen LEDREW. Reading, "Being a Boy" - James LEDREW. Recitation, "Dare to say No" - Sophia GINN. Song, "Right Hands Up". Recitations, "Boys Lament" - Edwin WHITE, "First Steps" - Elizabeth TAYLOR. Song, Misses JAMES and RAMSEY. Recitations, "Boys a Nuisance" - Andrew BOUND, "Buy your Own Cherries" - Fred PARSONS. Song, Sankey 343. Recitation, "Kiss for Mamma" - Sarah TAYLOR. Dialogue, "Who are the Saints?" - 3 girls. Recitations, "Little Boy's Speech" - Stanley ELLIOTT, "Lost Tommy" - Jessie LEDREW. Song, "Band of Hope" . Recitations, "Closing Address" - Dorman PORTER, "Where did You Come From?" - Janet LEDREW. Reading, - Miss RAMSEY. Mr. S. ROBERTS. Dialogue, "Art Critic". Song, Sankey, 68.
March 16, 1889MarriedAt St. John's, August the 4th., by the Ven. Archdeacon FORRISTAL, Albert Le C., Solicitor, son of Francis BERTEAU, Esq., Stipendiary Magistrate, to Eva E. Boone, daughter of the late Lewis W. EMERSON, Esq.
March 16, 1889DeathAt St. John's on the 10th inst., Daisy, daughter of T.C. DUDER, Esq.
March 16, 1889To The Editor (Part 1)Dear Mr. Editor: …….. There is not much here at present "to disturb the even tranquillity of our way," ……. On the evening of the 13th. Of Dec. last, under the auspices of the Bayly's Cove Sabbath School, we were favoured with an excellent entertainment...... The chief performers were the scholars of the day school in the Cove, so that the teacher, Mr. Gideon POWELL, was responsible......... while the musical department was under the control of our talented organist, Miss Mary Jane GROVES. The audience was not as large as anticipated, owing to the arrival of three new S.A. Officers only a day or two prior to the meeting, and as their custom is to attract large numbers of people at first, they thus interfered with our meeting, and largely mitigated against its success. But, "such is life!"..... The chairman, Mr. FRAZER, was a good one, - as good as could be obtained in the place - therefore, we had a good chairman's address.... The speeches of Rev. John E. PETERS, Mr. FRAZER's Colleague, and Messrs John ROPER and James BROWN were spicy and seasonable.... The reciters, Mr. Percival WAY, and Miss Annie POWELL, and Jennie BROWN and others.....
March 16, 1889To The Editor (Part 2)The dialogues..... "The Guintown Woman's Association" by Messrs Andrew ABBOTT and Percival WAY, and Misses Maggie TEMPLEMAN, Annie POWELL, Jennie BROWN, Jane CARROLL, May HOUSE, and Sarah Jane HICKS, manifested astonishing quitative ability..... Mr ABBOTT, the loin - pecked husband, acted his part most naturally... Mrs. James GROVE's Solo, "The Handwriting on the Wall," was sung with great pathos and good effect. This lady possesses a great talent for singing, and always enlists rapt attention. Miss Maggie TEMPLETON charmed all present by her rendition of .... "Our Home With Jesus." Miss HICK's rendering of that popular song "The Beautiful Land of Rest" was well received. This young lady has a rich melodious voice, and sings in an extremely pleasing manner. ..... The singing..... reflects much credit on Miss GROVES...... She kindly lent her organ.... The proceeds amounting to $87.48, went towards the funds of the Sunday School... It is gratifying to us in the extreme to inform you and your readers.... a series of very successful Missionary Meetings..... The Methodist Church..... in the months of Dec. 1888..... preached at Bonavista by the Rev. James LUMSDEN, of Trinity, ...
March 16, 1889To The Editor (Part 3)Rev. John E. PETERS preached the Missionary sermons at Trinity and Catalina...... Rev. George C. FRAZER preached the Missionary sermons at Bird Island Cove..... Doubtless, many of your readers know, by repute or otherwise, what kind of preacher he is..... That he is the most popular and eloquent preacher that has ever resided amongst us is unquestionable! Mr. Gideon POWELL, at the solicitation of the Rev. Mr. FRAZER, preached the Missionary sermons at Newman's Cove, seven miles distant from Bonavista,....... Owing to the successive failures of the fisheries, the people are very much reduced - almost in some instances to absolute starvation - nevertheless, they do not murmur against Providence, but patiently, "Thank God and take courage." The first Missionary Meeting of the series was held at Trinity, and was addressed by the Revds. John E. PETERS and James HEAL, which was followed by the one at Bonavista. Here we had a goodly number of speakers: Revds. Messrs. FRAZER, LUMSDEN, HEAL and PETERS, Dr. FORBES and Mr. Gideon POWELL. Mr. James BROWN presided..... On the three succeeding days, the Missionary meetings were held at Bird Island Cove, Little and Big Catalina respectively, and addressed by the deputation: Revds. Messrs. FRAZER, LUMSDEN, PETERS, and HEAL.......
March 16, 1889To The Editor (Part 4)Again, on the evening of the 7th inst., in the Central School, the Mutual Improvement Methodist Bible Class was re-opened by a lecture, delivered by our Superintendent, Rev. Mr. FRAZER, entitled 'Moses.' ....... Dr. FORBES held the reins of government, and put things through with the utmost regularity and satisfaction..... At the close of the meeting, a vote of thanks, proposed by Mr. Gideon POWELL and seconded by Mr. James BROWN, was given the Rev. Lecturer.... Members remained behind and proceeded to elect officers for the ensuing term: President, Rev. G.C. FRAZER, re-elected. Vice President Dr. FORBES, re-elected. Secretary, Miss Jenny SAINT, elected. Treasurer, Mr. Thomas HOUSE, elected. Then a decision about our monthly lectures was come to, as follows: Feb. 4. Two essays were to be written and read, instead of lecture, by Messrs Albert VINCENT and Gideon POWELL........ March 4. A lecture is to be delivered by the Rev. James HEAL of Catalina.... April 1, Rev. John E. PETERS has consented to lecture........ We shall send you an account of them in due time. (D.V.) Yours very truly, Magister, Bonavista, Feb. 7.

March 23, 1889Legislative CouncilTuesday, Feb. 19. Hon. A.W. HARVEY gave notice to ask the Hon. Colonial Secretary, to lay upon the table of the House, copies of all papers in possession of the Government, bearing on the removal of a Newfoundland lobster factory from White Bay, during last summer, at the instance of the French.
March 23, 1889House of AssemblyTuesday, Feb. 19. Mr. MURPHY to ask the Premier, to lay upon the table, a copy of all correspondence received and sent by the Government, bearing on the removal of a lobster factory by a French Warship, at Hauling Point, French Shore. Hon the Premier: "In reply, I can only say that any correspondence that has taken place on this subject, has been between the Governor and H.M. Government and is not in possession of the Government, and we are not in a position to lay it before the House." Mr. MURPHY gave notice to move an address to His Excellency the Governor, on the subject of all correspondence received and sent by the Government, relative to the removal of a Lobster Factory, by a French Warship at Hauling Point, French Shore, viz correspondence between the Government of this Colony and the Imperial Government, correspondence between the Government and the owners of the said factory.
March 23, 1889Seal FarmingSat. March 23, 1889. The Sealing season is rapidly slipping by, and so far, very few seals have been captured by landsmen, and there is but a glimmering of hope of their getting many this Spring, unless we were to get a stiff breeze of North or North East wind within the next week or so. The bulk of seals seem to have been in the Bay, and not more than twenty or twenty five miles off, as the steamers reported with seals, were in sight of this place, nearly all the time they were getting them. But this Spring, there has been a prevalence of East and South East wind, keeping the ice slack along shore, and sometimes clearing it off, so that miles could be travelled in boat. Had the ice been firm so it could have been traversed, no doubt many seals would have been brought ashore, which would have been a great help to some who are now running short of supplies, after the long winter. But it is not too late yet, and we must only hope that a beneficent Providence will thus favor us with the treasure of the sea. A good many schooners are prosecuting the seal fishery from here, this spring, taking a large number of men by which a great benefit is conferred on the place. Some of them are already favorably reported, and we trust that the whole will be fortunate in securing at least 'saving' trips. As we have said, the seals seem to be in the Bay, but seeing that the steamers are in their track, the craft have a poor chance of doing much. In former years, it was not the same, and well it would be for the country, if the fishery were prosecuted on the old fashioned plan. Truly, as our correspondent remarks, it is going to destruction owing to its present mode of prosecution. And while it may be possible to propagate cod fish by artificial means, (although it is doubtful whether the waters along our coast will ever be replenished in this way), it will be useless to attempt artificial seal raising.
March 23, 1889Two Men Missing (Part 1)On Monday last, the ice was off from our shore, and the day being fine, many of the fishermen took advantage of it, by going out in boat in search of seals. Most of the boats were several miles off, and among the number was one manned by Reuben ELLIOTT and James BARNES, of Ragged Point. Towards evening, the wind veered and brought the slob ice to land, leaving boats on the outside of it, and it was with great difficulty, that some of them succeeded in getting back. Indeed, a number only managed, with the utmost perseverance, to get on Burnt Island, and sixteen or eighteen men had to pass the night there in a little tilt, which is provided for such an emergency, and did not reach their homes until eight o'clock the next morning. But, sad to relate, the men referred to, were not so fortunate as that, and up to the present, no tidings of their whereabouts have reached us. When last seen by those who got safely ashore, they appeared to have great trouble in pushing through the slob, and it is feared that they had to succumb to the rude blast of death in that pitiable position, and but a short distance from the shore.
March 23, 1889Two Men Missing (Part 2)A sealing schooner lay East of them, about four or five miles, and there may be a faint hope, when seeing it was impossible for them to get in, that they would try and reach the craft, although it is thought very improbable, as a snowstorm came on that night, and the unfortunate men, in a weak and exhausted condition, would scarcely be able to hold out to get such a distance, unless the ice were good for them to travel. It is to be hoped, however, that news of their safety will yet be received. Both men were married. BARNES, we understand, having nine or ten children, and ELLIOTT three or four, and in very poor circumstances. It is said that the morning BARNES left, he took with him the last of the provisions that were in the house, and certainly, a family left in such an impoverished condition, claims the sympathy and help of a charitable public. It is often a wonder to many, why men run such risks in the prosecution of the fisheries, but when we find cases such as this, where children are in want, and no food to give them, it is no wonder that men should endanger their lives in searching after the treasures of the sea, in order to keep their children from starving, which hundreds of our hard toiling fishermen have to do.
March 23, 1889Fortune Harbor Letter Part 1)Mr. Editor. - I notice by a late number of your paper, that you intend entering the political field once more, and I say "Bully for you!" Like the warrior of old, although defeated, not conquered, and I firmly believe, although you lost the game at last election, you were still the popular man. Come, Mr. Editor, you must be up and doing, as I think you will have a strong opposition. The trio from St. John's will put in an appearance in due course. No doubt, they will not resign their appointments without a struggle. There is one disadvantage to them the coming election; there will be no necessity for a religious cry, or the Church being in danger. This time, Confederation is likely to be the platform the battle will be fought on..... In my opinion sir, Confederation will come sooner or later..... All Governments are pretty much alike. The Country is taxed beyond its bearing at present, so much so that hundreds have had to fly from it to avoid starvation, although every public office in the country is chock full of officials. Between their large salaries and pensions, the revenue of the colony is swallowed up, and the poor fisherman and mechanic, have to seek in a strange country, what was denied them in their own.... Some persons argue that one reason why we should avoid Confederation is that the Canadians are very anxious to connect us with the Dominion of Canada.....
March 23, 1889Fortune Harbor Letter Part 2)For myself,... I would be very sorry indeed to connect with Canada, if I could really see how our condition could be improved, and one great reason I shall advance in favor of Confederation, is our lack of men capable of governing this country,.... men who would protect and foster the resources of it, men who love the country...... Had we such men, or could we produce them, I would much rather remain as we are, than connect with the Dominion, but they are not to be found..... Our fisheries, some of them, are a thing of the past, and the rest are fast becoming so...... can well remember when our waters were teeming with mackerel, which were destroyed in countless numbers as food for hogs and dogs and compost pits, until they were utterly exterminated ......... Codtraps have pretty nigh done the same with the codfish. The small mesh codtraps have destroyed countless thousands of quintals of small, immature fish. Now, Mr. Editor, we shall take a look at the seal fishery.... after the 12th [of March], the crews of steamers are not prevented from killing and otherwise destroying any number of seals... which they annually do. It is a certain fact that nearly double the quantity is destroyed, more than is afterward secured..... the past spring, one crew killed 12,000, of which number they did not get one! Three years since, another captain told me his crew killed 20,000, none of which number he afterward secured, and I have been told, about eight years since, that one crew killed over 60,000, and did not secure a full cargo....
March 23, 1889Fortune Harbor Letter Part 3)The Government do nothing..... to protect or foster our fisheries. ..... One of England's great statesmen, in speaking of Newfoundland some 150 years since, described her fisheries as "a countless source of wealth, richer even than the mines of Peru." One can fancy that man was gifted with a spirit of prophecy, for his words are true to the letter, but, I make bold to say that fifty years hence, a dish of fresh codfish will be found to be almost as great a luxury in many parts of Newfoundland, as a dish of singing bird tongues on which the Roman Epicures feasted! As for the seal fishery, the second generation from now will know nothing whatever about it!..... This valuable fishery, which was conducted with average success, by 500 persons, before the advent of the steamers, is now monopolised by five owners, and the captains and crews receive very little. There was no such thing as killing and panning seals, or at least very little, before the introduction of steamers........ our deer and lobsters are the next to go to the wall..... I cannot see any future for this country under the present existing state of things. The only hope we have for it is through Mr. Robert BOND or Mr. James MURRAY, the fisherman's friend.... Such men we should expect to raise the Country out of the deplorable condition she is in at present..... Yours truly yours, Richard M. HAMILTON.
March 23, 1889Tilt Cove Letter (Part 1)Mr. Editor: Just a few lines to let you know we are not asleep in this quarter. Under the energetic management of our new Manager, Mr. TOMS, the mine is turning out over 4000 tons of copper ore monthly, a large proportion of which, is being regularly smelted into regulus, which gives lots of employment. The process of refining is not yet decided on. I understand the idea now, is to ship regulus for the present, until things are better underway. In fact, it is a doubtful question if refining pays in this country, as the cost of coke and coal bottoms come high. Owing to the very serious complications, caused by the old administration, things have been very much behind hand in all departments. The officers have been kept pretty well tied to their respective posts, and we have not yet much chance of enjoyment in the shape of entertainment, etc. About a month ago, the officers gave a concert in aid of widow AUSTEN of Snook's Arm. The affair was a success, sum realised being $28.
March 23, 1889Tilt Cove Letter (Part 2)On Saturday last, an entertainment was given in the Church of England school room, by the children, under the superintendence of Miss GOULD, the teacher..... Especially well rendered was a part of a dialogue "Boys will be Boys" by Willie COLBOURNE. Also another entitled "Kitty's Funeral" by Hilda CUNNINGHAM. The funeral sermon over the poor kitten, preached by the little girl of six years, caused loud applause..... Too much credit cannot be given to Miss GOULD for the trouble and care she has taken in training the children, as Mr. TOMS, who kindly presided for the evening remarked, "she must have the patience of Job, or more, as we were never told Job was a schoolteacher."..... financial success, $26 being raised!..... Although we are living in a mining settlement, with the fumes of sulphur thick around us, the sealing excitement is on, as bad as if our existence depended on it, and the question with every second man you meet is, "Was tenk of boy, were be the young ones?" You may talk of your copper lodes, but there is nothing that makes your blood tingle, like the cry, "The young ones are on the rocks!" I am yours, a resident.
March 23, 1889Little Bay EntertainmentA concert was held in the Church of England school room at Little Bay, on Monday night, Feb. 11th. The performers were all children attending the school, with the exception of Miss HERBERT, who kindly presided at the organ. Below is the programme: Opening speech by Fred HERBERT, chairman. Instrumental Duet by Miss HERBERT and Fred HERBERT. Recitation, "The School Boy's Alphabet" by Doyle WELLS. Song "School" by Fred HERBERT. Reading by Ada HUBLEY. Recitation by Florence DIEM. Song "I'd choose to be a Daisy" by Ada DIEM and Ada HUBLEY. Dialogue "Honesty is the Best Policy" by James LIND, George WELLS, Doyle WELLS, Frank LIND, Ernest DIEM and Fred HERBERT. Reading by Florence DIEM. Recitation "Annabel's First Party" by Mary BLANDFORD. Song and Chorus - "Kafoozleum". Dialogue "What I'd Rather Be" by Frank LIND and Mabel PARSONS. Speeches by the little folks. Song, "Tabby Skins" by Florence DIEM. Reading by Frank LIND. Recitation "Two Little Feet" by Susie ROLFE. Song "Two Little Dogs" by Mabel PARSONS. Dialogue "The Interrupted Recitation" by Ada HUBLEY and Fred HUBERT. Reading by Doyle WELLS. Song and Chorus "Co-Ca-Che-Lunk". Dialogue "What's the Reason?" by Ernest DIEM and Susie ROLFE. Recitation "The Old Maid" by Florence DIEM. Reading by Fred HERBERT. Song and Chorus "A boy's Best Friend is his Mother". Dialogue "A Joyful Surprise" by Ada DIEM, Fred HERBERT, Edith WELLS, Frank LIND, and Ernest DIEM. Closing Address by Fred HERBERT. "God Save the Queen".
March 23, 1889SealsA few seals have been caught the last two or three days, by some who have ventured off in boats. Twenty one craft have been supplied by the Mercantile firms here for the seal fishery this Spring, representing 963 tons, and taking 366 men. It is to be hoped that success will follow them, and thus encourage the speculators in embarking in the enterprise. The mail couriers from Exploits convey the pleasing intelligence that a few young seals had been brought in there on Monday, by men who were off in boats, but they had to go a long distance for them, and also, that some of the craft are reported as having been fortunate in striking the seals. It was thought the British Queen, Samuel FOX, and the Lucy, Phillip FREEMAN, are among the lucky ones, and that one schooner, supposed to be the Flamingo, James SCEVIOUR, is reported loaded.
March 23, 1889Boat Picked UpA dispatch from Trinity, informs us that a boat was recently picked up off Cuckhold's Cove, painted light blue, and having oars, gaff and sail onboard. She is well built, being copper fastened. It is supposed she drifted from Fogo Islands.
March 23, 1889MailOn Tuesday morning, the mail from the Bay was received at our Post Office, and on the afternoon, of the same day, the Southern mail. A return one for the South, was closed Thursday night and left early next morning.
March 23, 1889Wolf makes 2nd TripThe steamer Wolf, Capt. A. KEAN, arrived at St. John's on Wednesday last, with 27,000 seals. She reports the following: Ranger, 21,000, Falcon, 21,000, Walrus, 12,000, Iceland, 16,000, Kite, 10,000, Hector, 9,000 and a load panned. Captain Kean is the first arrival this spring, and we congratulate him on the success that has attended his first time taking charge of a steamer in the prosecution of the seal fishery. We are indebted to our respected representative, Mr. McKAY, for the information that Mr. MAIDMEN and the other Twillingate folks who were in the Wolf, are quite well after their voyage, which, no doubt, their friends will be pleased to hear. They will be leaving for the second trip on Tuesday.
March 23, 1889Sealing VesselsThe following are vessels cleared for the seal Fishery to Date. Supplied by E. DUDER are: The Sisters, Wm. RICHARDS, 43 tons, 19 men. The Niobe, Elias WARREN, 32 tons, 17 men. The Mary, James YOUNG, 52 tons, 19 men. The Porcupine, Thos ASHBOURN, 60 tons, 21 men. The Advance, Joseph TAYLOR, 41 tons, 16 men. Supplied by W. WATERMAN & Co. are: The Emeline, Chas. BRETT, 44 tons, 17 men. The Welcome Home, John HELLIER, 55 tons, 18 men. The Outstrip, A. KNIGHT, 46 tons, 17 men. The Muscliff, Mathew ELLIOTT, 55 tons, 20 men. The Pretorious, Thos. WHELLOR, 34 tons, 18 men. The Flamingo, James SCEVIOUR, 71 tons, 18 men. The British Queen, Samuel FOX, 46 tons, 17 men. The Lily Dale, William SNOW, 48 tons, 18 men. The Volunteer, Elias DALLY, 42 tons, 17 men. Supplied by OWEN & EARLE are: The Lady Blandford, E. BLANDFORD, 43 tons, 17 men. The Blooming Queen, John PRIDE, 52 tons, 20 men. The Lucy, Phillip FREEMAN, 51 tons, 17 men. The Regent, William POND, 36 tons, 16 men. Supplied by J.B. TOBIN are: The Sunbeam, William MURCELL, 36 tons, 14 men. The Patience, Stephen NEWMAN, 43 tons, 16 men. The Olivette, Samuel YOUNG, 33 tons, 14 men. Total 963 tons, 366 men.
March 23, 1889Moravian MissionAmong our exchanges per SS. Conscript, we find the Moravian Quarterly for January, which contains an interesting report of the 119 voyage of the Society's vessel, (the 28th of the present barque, The Harmony), to Northern Labrador. The vessel was 41 days sailing from London to Hopedale, and after spending 53 days in Labrador, reached London all well, having been absent about 18 weeks. Six Mission Stations were visited, scattered along 250 miles of the rocky coast. Pleasant accounts are given of the Eskimos though they are still wanting in enterprise and forecast. Amid great discouragement, the Moravian Missionaries are laboring for the good of the Eskimos, and find much to assure them that their labors are not in vain. - Evening Telegram.
March 23, 1889Change Transatlantic RoutesThe French Transatlantic Company, will adopt a Southerly track for steamers, and support the movement to prevent liners transversing Newfoundland fishing ground.

March 30, 1889Notice Re Simon JACOBSIn re estate of the late Simon JACOBS. As Administratrix of the late Jonathan JACOBS, I hereby notify intending purchasers that I have a substantial claim on the said property, so that they may govern themselves accordingly. Mary Jane HAYWARD. Administratrix of the late Jonathan JACOBS. Phoebe PIKE. Twillingate, Feb. 20th 1889.
March 30, 1889Stop My PaperAfter you get angry and make up your mind to stop your paper, just poke your finger in water and then pull it out and look for the hole. Then you know how sadly you are missed. A man who thinks a paper cannot survive without his support, ought to go off and stay away a while. When he comes back he will find that half his friends did not know he was gone, the other half did not care a cent, and the world at large did not keep any account of his movements. You will find things you cannot endorse in every paper. Even the Bible is rather plain and hits some hard licks. If you were to get mad and burn your Bible, the hundreds of presses would still go on printing them, and if you were to stop your paper, and call the Editor all sorts of ugly names, the paper would still be published, and what is more, you'd sneak around and borrow a copy of it every week from your neighbor. It would be much better to keep your vest pulled down, and your subscription paid up in advance!
March 30, 1889Death of a NunToday at noon, the Venerable Mother Magdalene, one of the founders of the Presentation Order in this country, passed away calmly to her everlasting home. This amiable and Saintly woman spent 66 years in religion. We understand she died in her 95th year. It was in the year 1833, she and some other religious, arrived in Newfoundland. She had already been 10 years a Nun in the Presentation Convent, in Galway, her native place. No words of ours can describe the good she has accomplished in the training and education of the females of this Island. In this Diocese of St. John's there are now ten Convents of the Presentation Order, not to speak of Harbor Grace. - Daily Colonist, March 2.
March 30, 1889Sealing NewsThe steamer Ranger, Captain BARBER, arrived at St. John's with 34,000 seals, and the Walrus arrived at Greenspond with 12,000. The Falcon, Kite and the other steamers are reported with good trips.
March 30, 1889Sealers Safe!We are glad to know that the two men, Messrs BARNES and ELLIOTT, who were reported in last paper as supposed to have been lost while out in boat on 18th. Inst., are safe, having been taken on board of the sealing steamer Falcon the same evening. The following is the telegram of their whereabouts, that was received by the telegraph operator, Mr. A.W. SCOTT, yesterday morning, from Captain BARBER of the Ranger: "St. John's, March 29. The supposed lost men, BARNES and ELLIOTT, on board Falcon, safe. Josiah BARBER." This certainly must have been joyful news for the distressed families.
March 30, 1889Seaside LibraryMr. CROUCHER, Fogo, is prepared to take orders for Pocket Edition of Seaside Library, delivered free by mail at 18 cts. For 20 ct. volumes, 9 cts. For 10 ct. volumes. Cash in all cases to accompany the order. Numbers of books only required.
March 30, 1889Snow StormAbout the severest snowstorm for the season was experienced on Tuesday last, with the wind North East, blowing almost a gale that night. Large snow banks were created in many places as a consequence.
March 30, 1889Liquor License (Part 1)The Stipendary Magistrate was waited upon yesterday by the Rev. Jesse HEYFIELD, and a deputation, to present a requisition for a poll, to be taken to decide the question of Local Option for Tizzard's Harbor and other adjacent settlements, and also to protest against a retail license, which had been granted by him, to Mr. Thomas EVERY, of this town, who intends opening a Public House at Tizzard's Harbor, for the purpose of selling intoxicating liquors. A six months license, however, had been granted to him, and the Magistrate intimated that it could not be cancelled, except by order of the Government. That he should have determined on such course, is greatly to be regretted, for any man to go into a community, where public sentiment is so strongly adverse to a traffic, such as Mr. EVERY intends to deal in, is an outrage on the feelings of the people. The whole transaction appeared to be managed, in so secret and quiet a manner, that the people of the community were entirely ignorant of Mr. EVERY's intention, and had not the slightest conception of his attempting to secure a license, until after it had been granted to him, and since they have found out that it is really the case, both they and the inhabitants of the adjoining settlements, are greatly incensed over the fact of his possessing the liberty to engage in such a nefarious traffic, in that peaceable and orderly community.
March 30, 1889Liquor License (Part 2) When it became known that the license was granted, steps were immediately taken to prevent, if possible, the evil from being established in their midst, by preparing a protest against it, which was signed by electorates of both Tizzards Harbor and Moreton's Harbor, and which, as we have said, was presented to the Magistrate yesterday, but without the desired result. The carrying on of a business of that kind, is greatly to be deplored in any locality, and especially in one, where the people are so much noted for their sobriety, as is the case in Tizzard's Harbor, and the neighboring settlements. But we do not imagine, that it is so much for the sake of what will be sold in the immediate locality, where the business is to be carried on, as with a view of evading the Local Option Law, which is in operation here. But Tizzard's Harbor is a highway of travel, and as it is connected during the summer, by a ferry, crossing twice a day. A large number of persons pass through the settlement, and it is to be deplored that this snare should be put in their way, by one from our community, while at the same time, if allowed by the Government to exist, will be a means of enticing many of our young men in the way of vice and ruin! Our Magistrate may have acted legally enough in granting the license, but if he could have realised that the public sentiment would be so strongly opposed to such, we think that it would have been sufficient ground to influence him in refusing to grant the license, which from a moral standpoint, is a great pity was not done in this instance.

April 6, 1889Patriotism Vs RumDear Mr. Editor: The members of the Patriotic Club of Twillingate, most cordially agree with, and endorse the views and sentiments expressed in your issue of the 30th., in reference to the license to sell intoxicating liquors, lately granted by our Stipendary Magistrate, to Mr Thomas J. EVERY of this town. In thus prominently expressing your views, you have worthily fulfilled one of the noblest duties of an enlightened press, namely, that of giving timely warning to the public, when their social and moral welfare is threatened by the wiles of the old serpent. As a Patriotic Society.... and we do not intend to submit to having liquor forced upon our people, for purely selfish motives, without a struggle. That struggle now commences..... We in Twillingate, thank God for Local Option, and are fully determined that our friends in Tizzard's Harbor... shall also be protected.... In the meantime, we know who are opposed to us, and that knowledge alone is one half the battle. ..... matter of surprise to us how our Magistrate could have been so short-sighted as to issue a license... If Mr. EVERY or his friends could produce any strong reasons to the Magistrate for granting the license, if he could point out the benefits and blessings and advantages that would follow from the introduction of the liquor traffic and salon, or if he could have pointed out the evil that has resulted from the Local Option Act, then indeed..... wherever the cursed traffic prevails, it is accompanied by misery, degradation, want and suffering, .... That the Magistrate had an abstract right to grant the license, we fully admit, but.... For our part we have no hesitation in saying..... that the Magistrate should have totally refused a license, under such exceptional and suspicious surroundings, and told Mr. EVERY, that he might appeal to the Hon. Executive Council if he thought proper for redress.... With sincere thanks for your strong manly support of the Temperance cause, ..... Patriotic Club, April 2, 1889. [Note this article has been edited for brevity. GW]
April 6, 1889Sons of Temperance At the regular meeting of North Star Division, Sons of Temperance, held in the Hall on the 4th, inst., the following Resolutions were unanimously adopted: Resolved: That this Division rejoices in the Temperance sentiment, and approval of the Local Option measure so grandly displayed by the inhabitants of Harbor Grace.... and that through the efforts of Temperance workers, we are free in this town from legal liquor selling, we are now called upon to raise our voice against.... viz, the attempt to distil and sell intoxicating liquors in the peaceful and law abiding settlement of Tizzard's Harbor, only three miles distant, and connected by ferry twice daily, with this place, thereby placing great temptation in the way of our people, and we most emphatically disapprove of the granting of a license to Mr. Thomas J. EVERY, under such circumstances, and for such a nefarious purpose. We also sympathise with our neighbors in this evil, which is being enforced upon their community, and we promise them our aid in every effort to banish the demon from their midst.
April 6, 1889Society of United FishermenAt a regular meeting of St. Peter's Lodge, S.U.F., held on the 1st inst., the following Resolution was unanimously adopted: That this Lodge, (No. 12) S.U.F., having regard to the Fourth Point of Fellowship, in the Order, (which is Temperance), desires to express its great regret, that the licensing of the sale of intoxicating liquor, is once more adopted in this neighborhood, to the danger of the younger portion of the public.
April 6, 1889Loyal Orange AssociationResolution passed by Lodge No. 5, and Crosby Lodge No. 30, L.O.A.: Whereas Temperance is one of the fundamental principals of the Loyal Orange Association, therefore, resolved that in the opinion of the united Lodges above named, the late action of our Stipendary Magistrate, in granting a Spirit License to Mr. Thomas J. EVERY, was both unwise and injudicious, apparently ignoring the strong Temperance principals, held by the great majority of our people, and as we believe, tending to evade the Local Options Act, by which we, in Twillingate, are at present protected. We believe that such a license was totally uncalled for in such a locality as Tizzard's Harbor, and ..... and we hereby promise to use our utmost lawful efforts, in opposing the same, to the fullest extent in our power.
April 6, 1889Crystal Stream Band of HopeTo the editor of the Twillingate Sun: Dear Sir: The following resolution was adopted by the Members of the Crystal Stream Band of Hope of Twillingate, and we respectfully ask you give it insertion in your valuable journal, and thus give our parents and friends an assurance that, as young as we are, we are not one whit less anxious for the spread of Temperance Principals, than our older, and much beloved members, The Sons of Temperance. Resolved: That the members of this Band of Hope are all agreed, that a great mistake was made by the Magistrate of Twillingate, by granting a license for the sale of intoxicating liquor to Mr. EVERY. And we earnestly hope and pray, that strong and earnest efforts will be made by our neighbors and friends, to have the same cancelled and made void. And when we, The Crystal Stream Members, with all our associates, take charge of the ruling affairs of Twillingate, may we have the joy to know, that the demon which has caused so much sin, is excluded from our midst. Yours respectfully, Crystal Stream Band of Hope. List of officers for the ensuing quarter are as follows: Freddie MOORS, President. Minnie BARNES, Vice President. Harriet ROBERTS, Secretary. Lydia NEWMAN, Treasurer. Arthur YOUNG, Guide. Fanny RIDEOUT, Conductress. Roland NEWMAN, Sentinel.
April 6, 1889Small Pox in Harbor GraceOur latest advises from Harbor Grace District are of a very alarming nature. In consequence of the supineness of those in authority, the dreaded Small Pox, brought there by the brig William, has been allowed to spread, until the Health Officers find themselves unable to grapple with it. What the result will be, Heaven only knows! In Island Cove, where the disease seems to have taken a firm footing, destitution prevails to an extent hitherto unknown, even under the worst circumstances. With very few exceptions, the people are without the common necessities of life, and shut off, as they now must be, from all communication with the neighboring settlements. There seems to be no channel open to them, through which assistance can flow, except through Government. Let us hope that the representatives of the people will do their duty in this trying emergency, and take care, that the wants of the plague stricken district are amply supplied. Up to yesterday morning, there were nineteen cases, all belonging to Lower Island Cove, in hospital at Harbor Grace, at least, so our informant states, and he is in a position to know whereof he affirms. The percentage of deaths has been larger than usual, owing, it is said, to the "poor, half starved, condition of the victims." Six persons have already succumbed. Of three, one expired on Thursday, and two on Sunday last. Several of those still suffering, are not expected to survive. The disease is of that virulent type, known as "Confluent Small Pox", and pretty certain to attack all who in any way, come in contact with it. As will be observed from Rev. Mr. SANDERSON's letter, which we publish today, two other large settlements, Bryant's Cove and the Southside of Harbor Grace, are also threatened with an outbreak. A woman belonging to the former place, it seems, was present at the house of poor JANES during his illness, and while he lay dead. Since then, she has mixed freely with her family and friends. Therefore, it is only reasonable to suppose that the natural result will follow. - Evening Telegram, March 19.
April 6, 1889Fire in White BayThe Rev. S.J. ANDREWS, of White Bay, who is so well known by many here, makes an appeal, through our columns today, on behalf of suffers from a fire, which occurred there on the 24th of February, a bitterly cold Sunday, and destroyed the house and nearly everything, belonging to Mr. Luke GALE and his two sons, both of whom are married. No doubt, it is in the power of some of our people, to give contributions of clothing &c., to the poor unfortunates, who, we learn from the respected Clergyman, are entirely destitute, and being in a place where it is impossible for their neighbors to render much assistance to them. We trust that pity will be taken upon them, by some poor readers, and an effort made to relieve the suffering ones, in the sad misfortune thus overtaken them. "To The Charitably Disposed: Help is urgently needed by Luke, Job, and Robert GALE, of River Head, White Bay, who had their house and almost all it contained, destroyed by fire, on the 24th of February. Donations received and thankfully acknowledged by the Rev. R. TEMPLE, RD, Twillingate, or by the Rev. J.A. ANDREWS of White Bay.[Although the Rev. ANDREWS' name is spelled differently here, this is exactly as it appears in the original paper. GW]
April 6, 1889Little BayThe men obtained but few seals, about these parts, except at Little Bay Islands. Two or three men did well, getting about 50 each. But for the steamers, the people here would have done remarkably well. A good many seals have been shot in the Bay, this winter. March 18th, in the Town Hall, an excellent concert was given in Irish. The building was crowded and everybody was delighted with the performance. Over $100. was realised. A large bell was cast at the smelting works, for the Roman Catholic Church. It was erected on a very high and massive pole, and was successfully used for calling the worshipers. Last week, the school master was ringing, and something aloft gave way. It fell, and broke in some twenty pieces at his feet. It was a narrow escape! The children of the Loading Wharf, by themselves, got up, and gave a capital entertainment, Master FOOTE being in the chair. It was so well done, and so many persons unable to get in, that it will be repeated in the Town Hall, next month. The present Church of England Clergyman here, The Rev. Mr. PITTMAN, is an indefatigable worker. He is an excellent traveller. He, for the sake of reaching his scattered people, spares himself no pain or fatigue. He has the love and respect of all!
April 6, 1889A Sad Event at Little BayOn Tuesday, the 26th, a company of men went out from Little Bay, to get seal carcasses from off the ice. It was a very stormy day, and owing to fatigue and lack of food, one poor man, Samuel ANSTEY, died on the ice. His son was with him, and only just managed to get to a house. One or two men almost met a similar fate. ANSTEY leaves a wife and a large family. He was buried Friday at Sandy Cove Island, at which place he was brought in.
April 6, 1889Tilt CoveA good many hands have been discharged at Tilt Cove.
April 6, 1889Missionary MeetingThe Missionary Meeting on the Little Bay Mission, in connection with the Methodist Church, raised about $170. this year, being an increase of $34.
April 6, 1889Billiard and Reading RoomOn Saturday evening, the Terra Nova Billiard and Reading Room Club, Little Bay, was opened, by the President, Mr. E.R. BURGESS. Mr. B. who is an eloquent speaker, took "Talking" for the subject of his inaugural address. He was listened to with great attention. Mr. A. WHYTE was the next speaker. He said that he was gratified to find so many of the employees together, and complemented the Club upon having such comfortable apartments. The following Programme was then carried out: Song, Mr. ROLLINGS. Debate, "Sailing Vessels vs Steamers" (This debate was conducted in a spirited manner. Messrs. HOUSON, JEANS, and Sgt. WELLS in favor of Sailing Vessels, Mr. FORAN for Steamers. Upon a vote being taken, it was decided that Steamers are an injury to the country, in the prosecution of the seal fishery.) Cornet duet, Mr WHITE and Mr. SPINNEY. Song, Mr. E.F. BERTEAU. In connection with this Club, it may be stated that the members have a circulating library of 61 volumes. They have also sent to England for a Billiard table, which is expected to arrive in June.
April 6, 1889MailThe mail from the South arrived Tuesday morning, and the couriers started with a return one, early yesterday morning. Another mail was dispatched from St. John's on Wednesday last. The mail coming North, left Shoal Harbor this morning. One more is to leave on the 17th, inst., which will be the last by overland route for the season.
April 6, 1889Seal Fishery ArrivalsThe following are the arrivals at St. John's and Harbor Grace from the seal fishery, since last reports given in our columns: Terra Nova, 25,000. Neptune, 30,000. Esquimaux, 29,000. Vanguard, 25,000. Panther and Falcon, loaded. Polynia, 20,000.
April 6, 1889Loss of the MuscliffThe schooner Welcome Home, from the firm of Messrs WATERMAN & Co., arrived this morning from the ice, bringing the crew of the schooner Muscliff, of the same firm, which was lost in the direction of Cape John, on Sunday night last. She had no seals at the time, and the Welcome Home only brought back about 40 or 50.
April 6, 1889Steamer SealersThe Emeline, Charles BRETT Master, of Morton's Harbor, from the firm of Messrs WATERMAN & Co., was in Burnt Island Tickle on Tuesday morning, and reported as having five hundred seals. She "struck" the seals on a Saturday evening, and took a few on board that night, but being observers of the Sabbath, the crew refrained from killing and taking seals on that sacred day, which by Divine command, we are expected to honor and respect. We are sorry that the same could not be said of the steamers that were there at the same time. Their crews entirely disregarded the Sabbath, and killed and took, every seal around the craft, so that before Monday, they were all captured by the crew of the steamers. When such utter contempt is had for the Sabbath, is it any wonder that the Seal Fishery should be declining, and that destitution should be such a common occurrence in our land? And, are not our Legislators to be blamed to a great extent, in not enacting laws against serious grievances, which have been so frequently pointed out?
April 6, 1889Sons of Temperance The usual weekly meeting of North Star Division, Sons of Temperance, was held on Thursday the 4th, when the following officers for the ensuing quarter, were duly installed by the D.G.W.P., Bro. Geo. ROBERTS. Bro. C.D. MAYNE, W.P., Elected. Bro. C. WHITE, W.A., Elected. Bro. G.W. BARRETT, R.S., Elected. Bro. Edgar NEWMAN, A.R.S., Elected. Bro. Geo ROBERTS, F.S., Re elected. Bro. John LUNNEN, Treas., Elected. Bro. Andrew ROBERTS, Chap., Elected. Bro. Isaac MOORES, Con., Elected. Bro. John BARRETT, A. Con., Elected. Bro. S. BLACKMORE, I.S., Elected. Bro. J.W. ROBERTS, O.S. Elected. Geo. W. BARRETT, R.S.
April 6, 1889Missionary MeetingsThe following are a few notes of the Missionary Meetings held on the Herring Neck Circuit: At Herring Neck on March 11th, the chair was taken by Mr. T. WOODFORD. Addresses were given by Rev. W. HARRIS and Rev. REX, Messrs GREENHAM and TUFFIN. Mrs. REX presided at the organ, and the meeting was successful. On March 12 at Merrit's Harbor, Mr. Wm. POWELL presided. Addresses given by same as at Herring Neck, together with Messrs J. CARD, and C. FARTHING. The collection here is again over previous years, as no meetings have been held here for a long time. On March 16, at Dog Bay, Rev. Wm. REX and Mr. T. WOODFORD held a meeting and received $1.70 for the missions. On March 18th, at Beaver Cove, the same, with Messrs T. ELLIOTT and J. QUINTAN of Birchy Bay, to a full house, spoke on Missions, the collection amounting to $4.43. We expect an advance on last year. The Change Islands Meeting is cancelled until navigation opens.
April 6, 1889Special to the Sun from TrinityBankers, building in this neighborhood, are rapidly approaching completion. Coasters are leaving for St. John's. Catalina schooners have left en route for the Banks. Political matters are eagerly and intelligently discussed here. The general opinion is that Sir William WHITEWAY, will have a larger majority in this district, the next election, than ever before.
April 6, 1889Bazaar NoticeThe ladies of St. Andrew's Church, Twillingate, intend holding a Bazaar next Fall, for the purpose of raising money to seat, paint, and otherwise finish the interior of the Church. Contributions in Money, or useful and fancy articles, will be thankfully received by the following ladies: Mrs. T. ASHBOURNE, Mrs. HITCHCOCK, Mrs. Jas. JENKINS, Mrs. G. BLANDFORD, Miss LETHBRIDGE, Mrs. Jas. SLADE.
April 6, 1889Trading VentureThree craft left here during the week for the North, on a trading venture. The Minnot Light, from the firm of E. DUDER, Esq., left on Wednesday, and the Brisk and Phoenix for J.B. Tobin, Esq., left yesterday.
April 6, 1889MarriedAt Dog Bay, on March 16th, by the Rev. REX, Mr. Jesse HODDER to Miss Mary Ann NIPPARD.
April 6, 1889DeathAt Little Bay, March 27, Jane Elizabeth, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth LIND, aged 13 months.

April 13, 1889Methodist School ReportA copy of the above report for last year was received last mail, for which we are indebted to the Superintendent, Dr. MILLIGAN. It contains valuable information of educational work in this Colony, under Methodist Boards, and shows that the efforts put forth in this department, are being crowned with success, and that year by year, a higher standard is being attained in some parts of the Colony, while in many other sections, the benefits of education are being extended.... During the year, more than 7000 pupils were in attendance, at the different schools. The number of Teachers employed was 125, which was an increase of 11 over the previous year. Of those, 53 were males and 72 females...... In 1877, the attendance at the schools was 4381, while last year it was 7132..... Still, it is to be lamented that so many young men are to be met with, who cannot even write their own names, and scarcely know one letter from another. ..... The vague idea that existed in many minds that education was not so essential for fishermen, is fast dying out.... Dr. MILLIGAN, in his report, advocates the establishment of superior schools in the most important towns, and trusts that Twillingate will follow the example that has been set by other places in that respect....
April 13, 1889Miss. Meeting Nipper's HbrThe annual Methodist Missionary Meeting, took place last night in the Methodist Church. It opened with Hymn # 707. Then followed a prayer by Rev. S. JENNINGS, who …… W.J. EATON, Esq., JP. Being unanimously elected Chairman, spoke with great fervor… Next followed a report of last years mission work by Rev. S. JENNINGS, showing.... Then the Supt. of Sunday Schools, Mr. George STARKES, was called to the platform amid rapturous applause. He spoke of Missionary boxes.... related many funny stories, which caused much mirth for the younger ones. On Mr. STARKES resuming his seat, the Chairman invited Mr. Robert BATSTONE to say a few words... Mr. BATSTONE came forward and congratulated Mr. Chairman... he gave way for Mr. SHAVE who addressed the audience on the subject of "The labors of the First Methodist Minister of Twillingate" (Mr. MARSHALL). He related in plain words, the hardships and taunts, the subject of his discourse had to endure, for their Lord and Master... The Chairman now thought it time to bring the meeting to a close, and the Rev. S. JENNINGS was called upon for that purpose.... The collection was now taken up, which amounted to $25.65. The meeting now closed...signed Nipperonian.
April 13, 1889DeathWe regret to learn from St. John's of the death of the Hon. C.R. AYRE, which took place there a few days ago. For the past two or three months, he has been suffering from a severe attack of illness, and for sometime previous to his death, all hope of his recovery was despaired of. Mr. AYRE was a distinguished citizen, and being an active worker in all that was good and noble, he will be greatly missed, while his liberality for the maintenance of the Church and charitable objectives was almost unbounded. By his removal, the Methodist cause in that city will loose one of its most tried and valued friends. In the Politics of the country, he took a lively interest, having for a time, occupied a seat in the lower branch of the Legislature, as a representative for the District of Burin, and after his retirement, from that position, he was appointed to the Legislative Council, of which he was a member up to the time of his death.
April 13, 1889Bird Island CoveDear Sir: I may say in the beginning, that times are not so bad down here. We are trying to enjoy ourselves, like other folks, by having social gatherings…. I am glad to say that we had a very enjoyable evening on the 4th of February. Our School House was packed to overflowing.... best public meeting ever held in Bird Island Cove!... Mr. PARSONS, our Day Teacher, deserves great credit for training the children to recite so well.... what helped to fill up the enjoyment of the meeting was the Orange Band of 14 pieces. We are very much obliged to the Bandsmen who kindly consented to play for us for free.... Speeches were given by several of the brethren, and also by Rev. John PETERS of Bonavista... I am enclosing the programme in full: Chairman's speech. Recitations "The Rabbit Pie" Heber BAKER, "The Gentle Little Mary" Abina HILL, "They Didn't Think" Miriam WAY. The band. Recitation "If I Were You" William GOUGH. Reading, Samuel PARSONS. Speech, Benjamin BAKER. Dialogue, "Wanted, a Coachman" Frederick WAY, Hurbert BAKER, Job HILL, Heber BAKER, and Emily CREW. The Band. Recitations, "The Dying Child" Maria Jane WAY, "Dirty Jem" James HILL. "A cigar a Day" William James ABBOTT. "The Boy" Hezikiah WAY. Solo, # 121, Sankey, James GOUGH and Emily CREW. Speech, George OLDFORD. Recitations, "The Dirty Boy and What Became of Him" Samuel CREW. "Mother Drinks" Elizabeth SANGER. The Band. Recitations, "The Temperance Goat" Clarence HUBLEY. "Temperance Nursery Rhymes" Robert BAKER. Dialogue, "Don't Leave out the Girls" Abina HILL and Mary Ann PORTER. Recitation, "The Fox and Crow" Robert ABBOTT. Speech, Samuel TRASK. The Band. Recitations, "The Little Tee Totaler" James HILL. "The Captain's Daughter" Annie CREW. "The Gambler's Wife" Sarah COLE. "The Christmas Song" Alice TILLY. Recitation, "Jesus Died" Lenorah RANDELL. Speech, Samuel PARSONS. Recitations, "The Last Dream" Tryphena CREW. "My Christmas Card" Alice CREW. The Band. Recitations "I meant to" Mary Ann PORTER. "All the Way" Lenorah RANDELL, "The Love of God" Florence HICKS.
April 13, 1889St. John's BussesBusses are running half hourly, every day, from each end of the city of St. John's.
April 13, 1889Small Pox - Harbor GraceA dispatch received from St. John's last week informs us that Small Pox is dying out in Harbor Grace, with the exception of a dozen cases in the Hospital, and several deaths lately.
April 13, 1889Shipping NewsThe Jewel has been prepared for a trip to St. John's, and is likely to leave in a day or two, should the time be favorable. There have been two or three arrivals from the ice this week. The Sisters, Wm. RICHARDS of Herring Neck, 500. Lily Dale, Wm. SNOW. The little steamer Matilda, with her enterprising owner, R. SCOTT, Esq., came here from Fogo on Wednesday evening, and returned the next morning. The Matilda will be going to St. John's in a few days. We are glad to be informed by the Chairman of the Board of Works, that the steamer Neptune, will be leaving St. John's on Monday next, for the Northern Ports of Call, with mails, passengers and freight, of which due intimation was given the public here yesterday, by posters.
April 13, 1889MailThe mail arrived from the Bay, this morning. We learn that from 10 to 12 seals a man were taken at Exploits this Spring. The overland mail from the South left Gambo on Wednesday morning, and is expected here this evening. The last mail by overland route for this season, was to leave St. John's on Wednesday next, but as the Neptune will be leaving on Monday with mails, there will not likely be another overland one.
April 13, 1889New Justice of the PeaceWe are pleased to note that Mr. Justin DOWELL of Change Islands, has lately been appointed a Justice of the Peace for the Northern District.
April 13, 1889SealsThe steamer Iceland, arrived at Harbor Grace on Wednesday evening last, with 16,000 seals. She reports the Aurora with 3000 and the Wolf with 200. The Hector arrived there the same day with 12,500.
April 13, 1889Attacked by a BullA sad event took place at St. John's recently, as reported in our telegraphic column. A man was in the act of leading a bull along Military Road, when the animal became infuriated, attacked the man, and left him in a dying condition. St. John's - April 5 - A terrible scene was witnessed here yesterday. A man named HALLIDAY, was leading a Holstein bull down Military Road, when the animal became suddenly infuriated and rushed up on HALLIDAY, knocking him down, and butting his head with its horns while he lay on the ground, and then tossed him in the air several times. Its horn penetrated the unfortunate man's nose, and out through his right eye, breaking the nasal bone and destroying sight of eye. The man is dying. Two others, who rushed to his rescue, were seriously injured. The animal was eventually killed by the Police.
April 13, 1889C.E.T.SAt the fortnightly meeting of this Society, (Twillingate Branch), the following Resolution was unanimously passed: "That the C.E.T.S. (Twillingate Branch), fully endorses the protests of other Societies in this place, made last week, in reference to the granting a license for the sale of liquor in Tizzard's Harbor." Twillingate, April 11.
April 13, 1889Spring in TwillingateThere is every appearance at present, of a forward Spring, both on sea and land. The ice seems to be moving off the coast, and the snow is quickly disappearing from the surrounding hills and fields. The Winter, on the whole, was comparatively mild, so that there is very little frost in the ground, and it is likely to be prepared for the crops, earlier than usual. It is to be hoped that the Spring like weather experienced the past few weeks, will prove the harbinger of still finer to follow for a few weeks to come.
April 13, 1889Shipping NewsSpecial to the Sun , St. John's, April 6, The first direct steamer from England with passengers and goods, only arrived last week. The Conscript arrived at 8 o'clock this morning, also the Sidonian from New York to Harvey & Co. with freight.
April 13, 1889DeathMr. WADDELL, acting Superintendent, Telegraph Company, died at Heart's Content, Thursday morning, aged 58. Funeral took place here last evening. He was well known and will be greatly missed. - St. John's.
April 13, 1889House of AssemblyThe Municipal Bill Amendment was thrown out at 9:30 this morning, after an all night wrangle. Messrs McGRATH, CALLAHAN, PARSONS, MORRIS, MURPHY and O'MARA voting for it, and the Hons. A.F. GOODRICH, PENNY, Messrs. KNIGHT, CARTY, VEITCH, GODDEN and ROLLS against the Bill.
April 13, 1889AdvertisementDon't give up, my poor sick friend! While there's life there's hope, 'tis said. Sicker persons often mend. Time to give up when you're dead! Purer, richer blood you need. Strength and tone your system give. This advice, be wise and heed - Take the G.M.D. and live! Those letters stand for "Golden Medicinal Discovery" (Dr. PIERCE'S), the great building up, purifying, and disease expelling remedy of the age. Don't hawk, hawk, blow, spit, and disgust everybody with your offensive breath, but use Dr. SAGE's Catarrah Remedy, and end it!

April 20, 1889DeathThe Methodist Schoolroom on the South Side was crowded last Tuesday night, when the Rev. R.W. FREEMAN, according to previous announcements, delivered a sermon bearing on the departure of two illustrious Brothers in the Methodist Church, The Rev. Thomas FOX, who has laboured with great success for many years, and the Hon. C.R. AYRE, who has been filling prominent offices, in the Methodist Church, as Layman, for many years and a liberal supporter of the Cause, especially of the Missionary Society, as it is seen on the report. Great was the influence felt in the service. - Com.
April 20, 1889Missionary MeetingsDear Mr. Editor: I suppose it is not too late to send you word about our Missionary Meetings…. Feb. 19th we held our annual Missionary Meeting at Seldom Come By. It was a success in every way. The chair was occupied by Mr. Henry PENNY, the pioneer Wayman of Methodism in that vicinity. What a vast change in the spiritual condition of that small community since he settled there, 40 years, or so ago, when he was the only Methodist in the place. ..... In 1876, our Missionary could not count 30 adherents... now, we can find 150 or more.... Clear, effective addresses were given by the brethren. Among the speakers were Mr. Levi PERRY of Seldom Come BY, and Mr. A. SIMMONDS of Fogo..... I am now at Indian Islands. Missionary Meeting took place here last night..... Our Lay Speakers were Mr. John HOLMES, Cann Island, Chairman, Messrs Phillip PERRY, William PERRY, Nicholas PENNY and Levi PERRY, Seldom Come By. Brother BULLEN of Fogo, kindly spoke at both places. He related the state of things at Seldom Come By to our no less loyal, Indian Island people. "The forwardness of their mind" would not allow that to exist. With commendable zeal, they vied with their brethren near the Light House, in giving, and this time in giving more. Last year, for the first time in their history, these friends were behind seventy - two cents, and before we went to the meeting, one of the brethren, with characteristic loyalty, said, if he had known the amount of the deficit, or that there was one, he would have made it up! To be short, the issue was, our Indian Island folk redeemed their old position.... Off to Rocky Bay tomorrow to continue the Work. Will probably report the result anon. A.C.S. Indian Islands, April 10.
April 20, 1889Meeting New Bay (Part 1)Dear Sir: Can you spare a little space in your excellent paper for a few remarks and programme of a school meeting held here on the 29th of March. The weather was not favorable, and some of our men were tired and blind from traversing the ice, so that they could not get to the meeting, but despite these drawbacks, a goodly number came forward, and we had a first class meeting. Mr. Adolphus YATES took the chair.... He acted his part nobly, with credit to himself and profit to the audience. He spoke of how, when he was a boy, he did not like school, but through the untiring efforts of his aged Grandmother, he was forced to go, and today he said, "I am indebted to her for the store of education I posses," and urged upon parents to cross the will of their children to send them to school. Mr. James MOORS was another speaker who praised the children..... Mr. Peter MOORS then gave a few remarks.... He spoke strongly against the use of tobacco, arguing that many children were shoeless and without other necessary clothing..... while their fathers were smoking away six, seven, and in some cases, twelve dollars worth of tobacco every year... Programme: Opened by singing the Soldier's Song, No 5 and Prayer. Singing S.S and Solos No 35. Recitations, "Song of the Angels. P. MOORS, "Boy's Determination" Ezra MOORS. Dialogue "It is Good Enough" two Boys.
April 20, 1889Meeting New Bay (Part 2)Recitation, "Rabbits in the Wood" John BUDGELL, "Boot Black" Amy MANUEL, "Triumphs of the English Language" Amos WALL. Singing S. S. and solos, No. 395. Recitation, "What have I" Clemintina YATES. Speech, "A Call For Help" F.B. MOORS. Recitation "Why did You Not Come Before?" Clara MANUEL. Singing, Joseph and Louisa COX and Bertha YATES. Recitations, "Child's Fear" Jemima MOORS, "Lochiel's Warning" two boys. "Little Girls" Winnie MOORS, "Jack's Prayer" Timothy MOORS, "My Little Sister" H.S. MOORS. Singing, S.S. and solos, No 214. Recitations, "Burning Ship" Philip MOORS, "Suppose" Hannah MANUEL, "Tom Jenkins" Esau MOORS, "New Moon" Simeon MARTIN. Solo, Hannah MANUEL. Dialogue, "Steer Clear of Danger" two boys. Recitations, "Bit of Blue" Isabella CLARKE, "My Mother's Song" E.F. MOORS. Singing, "Work for The Night is Coming". Dialogue, 11 boys and girls. Recitations, "Persevere" Beniah MANUEL. "The Orphan" Charles FOX. Solo, Nehimiah MOORS. Recitations, "How it Happened" Arthur Yates, "Living Waters", Amelia MANUEL, "Papa and Mama" Clementine YATES, "Mother and Son" Flora SPENCER, "Safely Home" Phoebe BARNES. Singing, Soldier's Song No. 263. Dialogue, "Two Seamen" 2 boys. Recitations, "True Courage" Joseph BOONE, "Work and Play" Amelia HOSCOCK, "The Old Man in the Model Church" F.B. MOORES. Duet, Adolphus YATES and Joseph COX. Recitations, "Mary and Joe" Lily YATES, "New Year" Belia COX, "Jesus Wept" Tamar STRIDE, "My Saviour's Call" Martin CLARK, "The Bonfire of Craig Gown" Nehimiah MOORS, "Nobody knows but Father" Rose BUDGELL. Duet, Louisa and Joseph COX. Singing, "God Save the Queen"
April 20, 1889DeathAt Fortune Harbor, Mr. Michael FOLEY, in the 67th year of his age, much and deservedly regretted by his family and a large circle of friends. The deceased was a native of Tilton Harbor, but for more than twenty years resided here. (Fortune Harbor).
April 20, 1889DeathAt Little Bay, on April 15th, suddenly, of heart disease, Miss Bridget LEARY, aged 30 years, the faithful and respected housekeeper of the Parish Priest. [The following article in another column, GW] The corpse of Miss Bridget LEARY, who died suddenly at Little Bay on Monday last, was being conveyed to St. John's per Neptune. She was the Rev. Father FLYNN's house keeper, and is said to have been a faithful and devoted servant.
April 20, 1889MailThe last overland mail arrived on Saturday evening last, coming through in eleven days, the shortest time for the season.
April 20, 1889Small PoxWe regret to learn that two new cases of Small Pox have lately made their appearance in Harbor Grace district; one at Bryant's Cove, several miles from the town, and the other at Bear's Cove, nearly a mile therefrom, in an opposite direction. [And the following is from the "By Telegraph" column. GW] Small Pox again appeared at Harbor Grace. Two fresh cases have broken out - a girl belonging to Bryant's Cove, named HEARN, and another girl named HERALD, of Bear's Cove. Both are in the Hospital.
April 20, 1889Broken BellFrom our Correspondent: "It is quite a tribute to the energy of the Roman Catholics of Little Bay, to know that the bell "St. Patrick" which on the 22nd ult., fell and was broken into 20 pieces, was on the 23rd, recast, refurnished, and replaced, and rang again the morning of Sunday, the 24th. It is going to ring on now!"
April 20, 1889PassengersThe sealing steamer Neptune, Captain BLANDFORD, with mails and passengers for Northern Ports, called here on Wednesday evening. She went as far as Tilt Cove, and was here this morning, going South. She had a good many passengers, among whom was the Rev. Father FLYNN of Little Bay, Mr. R. HAMILTON of Fortune Harbor, and Messrs. S. DUDER and R. FRENCH were also passengers for St. John's. Messrs. FINDLATER and E. BERTEAU were passengers from Little Bay.
April 20, 1889Shipping NewsThe steamer Mastiff arrived at Harbor Grace on Tuesday morning with 700 seals, crew all well. The steamer Nimrod, arrived here [St. John's], this morning with 8000 young, and 1000 old seals. The Conscript sailed for Halifax on Tuesday and the Volunteer for the Westward yesterday.
April 20, 1889Death (Part 1)From The St. John's Times, March 27: A well known face, that of the Rev. A.C.J. WARREN, S.P.G. Missionary at Upper Island Cove, has disappeared from our midst, smitten down in the prime of manhood and usefullness by the most baneful of all pestilence, the Small Pox. Born on the South Side of this city, he received his early education at the Church of England Academy, under the Rev. G.P. HARRIS, M.A. and subsequently, with a view of entering the medical profession, became an articled pupil to Doctors CROWDY & SIMMS. His fellow students here, were Mr. Hugh CARTER and Mr. Edward BOONE. Acting under the influence and advice of his sincere friend, the Rev. C. MEDLEY, then incumbent of St. Mary's, he abandoned the prospect of the Medical profession for that of the Theological College, then under the charge of the Rev. W. PILOT, B.D. Here he remained four years, and on June 18th, 1871, was admitted to the Diaconate, and was selected by the Coadjutor Bishop, Dr. KELLY, to accompany him on his visitation voyage, undertaken that same year. He served for brief periods, the Missions of New Harbor and Channel, and in 1873, was appointed to the Mission of St. George's Bay, where the memory of his bright smile and tender heart lingers in the affection of a wide circle of his friends. In 1875, he removed to Upper Island Cove in Conception Bay, a Mission that which no one in the Diocese is more beset with general poverty, and its necessary con-consistants distress and sickness. Here he became at once the friend and adviser, Doctor and Parson of, "My poor people" as he invariably called them, often sharing with them the last crust his house contained.
April 20, 1889Death (Part 2)For fourteen years, "more bent to raise the wretched than to rise", he was content to watch and weep, and pray and feel for all, still the end came. It was hoped that the fearful disease, which he had contracted from attending the bedside of his poor parishioner, JANES, was only of the mild form, but far otherwise it proved. The worst symptoms of the virulent form were developed and he succumbed on Saturday, at 2:30 pm., at the age of 43. "Pray for me and my poor people" were the last words he wrote to his Bishop, as he lay quarantined, and almost alone in his humble Parsonage, awaiting his lamented end. Those words are a short symbol of that devotion and interest which always existed between Parson and people. About five years ago, he lost his little all. On a wild November night, while absent from home, his house caught on fire. His wife discovered the calamity only just in time to escape from the burning building with her three children, snatched from their beds in their night clothes. The eldest child died shortly afterwards from a chill, caught on this awful night. He faced his difficulty manfully, and continued at his post, feeling it his greatest pleasure to secure the good of "my poor people", until the call came "Friend, go up higher." In the dead of the same night, amid the howling wind, dim lanterened, and sobs of the few who attended his funeral, he was committed by his dear friend and brother Priest, the Rev. J.M. NOEL, assisted by his Curate, Rev. F. SMART, to his last resting place in the Cemetery, overlooking the barren hills and bleak shores he loved so well, and among a people, in whose hearts, will long linger the recollection of the Good Sheppard, who in imitation of his Master, laid down his life for his sheep. "For ah! He was a good sheppard," said the man who dug his grave.
April 20, 1889What a Girl Should LearnWhat a girl should learn, as set forth by the Springfield Union: To sew, To cook, To mend, To be gentle, To value time, To dress neatly, To keep a secret, To be self reliant, To avoid idleness, To mind the baby, To darn stockings, To respect old age, To make good bread, To keep a house tidy, To control her temper, To be above gossiping, To make a home happy, To take care of the sick, To humor a cross man, To marry a man for his worth, To be a helpmate to a husband, To take plenty of active exercise, To read some books beside novels, To see a mouse without screaming, To be light hearted and fleet footed, To wear shoes that don't cramp the feet, To be a womanly woman under all circumstances.
April 20, 1889AdvertisementSHORT AND LONG COURTSHIPS: Daisy Dandelion, Essex, Ct., is perplexed over the question of short and long courtships, and wants our advice. Well, Daisy, it is hard to make a rule to fit every case, but in general, we will say, that long courtships are not advisable. Many a woman, pale, haggard, wan and wasted from long continued uterine ailments, are forced to banish all thoughts of marriage. Such unfortunate suffers should know that Dr. PIERCE's Favourite Prescription is a positive cure for the most complicated and obstinate cases of leucorrhea, excessive flowing, painful menstruation, unnatural suppressions, prolapsus, or falling of the womb, weak back, "female weakness," anteversion, retroversion, "bearing down sensations," chronic congestion, inflammation and ulceration of the womb, inflammation, pain and tenderness in ovaries, accompanied with "internal heat." For all derangements of the liver, stomach and bowels, take Dr. PIERCE's Pellets.

April 27, 1889Manhood SuffrageWhen referring to the new franchise measure last week, we were incorrect in stating that the Act was based on an educational status which, from information since obtained, we find is not so. The only change made in the Bill which was printed in our columns, two weeks since, was the altering of the age which qualified young men for voting, namely, from 21 to 25 years, and why, for the sake of three or four years, the latter should have been decided upon, is very difficult to conceive. Manhood Suffrage, pure and simple, is bound to be a law of the land before many years elapse, and it would have been just as well to have settled the matter at once. As it is, every householder, and all single men from 25 years old and upwards, now have the privilege of voting.
April 27, 1889Liquor LicenseSeeing the strong public sentiment against the introduction of the liquor traffic at Tizzard's Harbor, we understand that Mr. EVERY has wisely decided to relinquish the license which he obtained, for carrying on the business there, and that he will now continue his operations to distil on his own premises, which will be no infringement of the Local Option, or other Temperance Acts. In this particular as well as in any other, the Law is very defective ..... However, we are glad to know that Mr. EVERY has abandoned his intention of introducing his business into the settlement referred to, and hope it will not be long before he is led to see the heinousness of the traffic in which he is now engaged, and wisely resolve to quit it altogether...... While speaking on the Temperance question, we might just refer to the practice that has been in vogue here since the Local Option Act has been in force, of procuring intoxicating liquors for medicinal purposes, on a certificate from a Doctor, and we fear that often, on the plea of sickness, the Doctors have had more applicants for certificates than they should have. We.....
April 27, 1889Missionary MeetingMethodist Parsonage, Twillingate, April 26, 1889. Dear Mr. Editor: Last Wednesday, 14th. Inst., the South Side Children's Missionary Meeting was held in the Methodist Church, which was crowded with an attentive and enthusiastic audience. Mr. John MINTY, Supt. of the South Side Sabbath School, ably presided. ..... The musical part of the service was considered very fine, Miss Jessie HUDDER rendering excellent service as Organist..... very largely due to the earnest and devoted services of Mr. John DAVIS, teacher of the Arm school, in training the Choir and children..... Yours faithfully, R.W. FREEMAN. Programme: Singing, Methodist Book # 927. Recitation, "Welcome" Willie EARLE. Singing, # 371, S.S.B. Children. Recitation, "The Little Black" Beatrice MINTY. Recitation, "Little Things" Norman ROBERTS. Speech, Mr. Geo. ROBERTS. Recitation, "Begging Piece for Missionary Meetings" James EARLE. Dialogue, "Church Critics". Recitation, "Waiting by the River" Jane MINTY. Recitation, Pressie ROBERTS. Dialogue, "Fruits of the Spirit". Recitation, "Missionary Incident" Lilia MOORS. Recitation, "Little Child" Phoebe VERGE, "My Missionary Box" Dulcie MOORS, "Take up the Collection Fred MOORS. Recitation, "A Drop in the Bucket" Ada ROBERTS,. Speech, Mr. SCOTT. Reading, Miss Emma MINTY. Benediction.
April 27, 1889Steamers & The Seal FisheryDear Sir: We deem it our duty as true patriots…. To offer a few remarks on the above named subject, …. In exposing the evils and abuses which have been carried on, year after year, by the crews of steamers, while prosecuting what is technically called the Seal Fishery, but in reality is the Seal Butchery.... take this spring's programme which has been carried out to the letter by the steam sealing fleet. The 10th of March is the Law appointed day for the said fleet to leave port for the ice fields; the 10th happening to fall on a Sunday this year, in which case they were all at liberty to sail on the 9th, which they did accordingly. On the 12th, they were nearly all amongst the young harps, which were then from one to ten days old. Then commenced the wholesale slaughter, (one of the most injurious in its effects), of the immature seals, thus depriving the landsmen of all hopes of enjoying a share in the seal harvest.... To gratify the greed of one steamer, thousands of shoremen must suffer. We do not object to the killing of the young seals when full grown or in their prime, but it is the butchering of them when they are little better than cats, and not more than half the value they would have realised, seven or eight days later, but we are sorry to say, they continued killing and panning for three or four days, when the massacre ceased, and the steamers were glutted, and bore away for home. Now, Mr. Editor, let us go back to the Charnel House, or slaughtering field, (if we may so term them), and we have no doubt you will see sights that will make your flesh creep.... The first thing that will attract our attention and wonder, is the large number of old mother seals slaughtered, and their young, which were too small to be of any value, wallowing in their blood, and eventually perishing for want of sustenance. Secondly, you will see thousands of young seals, some dead, some dying from stabs with the point of the gaff, some cut down the middle with knives, then stabbed and left to die a lingering and agonising death, sometimes for hours, and even days, before death ends their suffering! (To be continued).
April 27, 1889Sealing ReportsThe steamer Wolf, Capt. KEAN, arrived at St. John's the early part of the week with equal to 10,000 young seals. The British Queen, Samuel FOX, arrived from the ice this morning, with about 150 seals, and bringing the wrecked crew of the Welcome Home, which was lost near Quirpoon.
April 27, 1889Burial of Samuel LACEYWe omitted last week to refer to the interment of the remains of the late Mr. Samuel LACEY, which took place on Friday afternoon in the Church of England Cemetery. He died in the early part of the winter, up the Bay, and his request, before departing, was that he might be brought here for burial. He was at the advanced age of 88 years, and was the only survivor of the number of men, that were driven off, while out sealing in April, 1824, when some lives were lost and much hardship and privation endured by the survivors, who had been eleven days on the ice without food, and afterwards, brought to land on the same ice.
April 27, 1889Shipping NewsBy telegram from St. John's, April 26: The steamer Neptune arrived from the North on Tuesday. The Allen steamer, Nova Scotian arrived from England on Wednesday evening, bringing a cargo of goods. Several of our buyers came by her. She sails for Baltimore tomorrow. The steamer William, from Prince Edward Island to Messrs. J & W PITTS, with a cargo of cattle and produce, arrived last evening. The Conscript arrived from last Halifax trip last night and goes Northward next week. The Volunteer arrived this morning from the Westward. Weather very fine.
April 27, 1889AdvertisementIf your face is marked with blotches, and eruptions mar your skin, You may bet your bottom dollar, there is something wrong within! 'Tis the blood; To purify it, there is nothing half as good, as the G.M.D. is, - try it! To be clearly understood. I will explain that G.M.D. means "Golden Medical Discovery" (Dr. PIERCE's), the popular remedy for debility, lung troubles, and weak, impoverished blood, which, like scrofuls, shows its presence in the system in blotches, eruption, and pimples. Perfection is attained in Dr. SAGE's Catarrh Remedy.

May 4, 1889Shoal TickleIt was hoped that when the initiatory steps were taken for the improvement of Shoal Tickle, the work would be found in a far more advanced state, than it is at present. A large sum has been expended in putting the wharves there, much larger we imagine, than would be paid for any private enterprise of the kind, and there the work remains. So far as it has gone, it is no improvement in enabling boats to pass through at low tide, but rather the contrary. It may not have been convenient, the past three years, for pushing the project to a speedy completion, but now that we are on the eve of a general election, we dare say that ways and means will be forthcoming, for carrying on the work. The most important part now, to be performed, is that of deepening the tickle.....
May 4, 1889Missionary MeetingThe children of the Sunday Schools of the North Side and Crow Head, held their annual Missionary Meeting in the North Side Church on Friday evening, the 26th ult. A lengthy programme… was rendered….. Church was filled….. Appropriate addresses were given by the Rev. R.W. FREEMAN and Messrs. MINTY, ROBERTS, SCOTT and WHITE. ..... Miss PRESTON, one of our Church and SS organists, presided at the organ. Much is due to her for her labor of love in this essential part of the work of Christ..... Programme: Hymn # 25 Church Book. Prayer, Rev. R.W. FREEMAN. Opening address, Arthur YOUNG. Recitation, "On Missions" Stephen LOVERIDGE. "Your, Your" Harris WHITEHORN. Dialogue "On Missions" Minnie BARNES and Lydia NEWMAN. Address, Mr. J. MINTY. Recitations, Joseph FIFIELD, "Work for Children" Susan VATCHER. Dialogue, "Second Coming of Christ". Address, Mr. WHITE. Recitations, "Martha's Dream" Laura GAVIN, "Cup of Cold Water" Jesse ELLIOTT, "Only Now and Then" Arthur LOVERIDGE. Address, Rev. R.W. FREEMAN. Recitation, "Begging Piece" Edith MUDFORD. Collection. Address, Mr. G. ROBERTS. Recitation, "Blessing of Song" Belle LINDFIELD. Dialogue, Emily ELLIOTT. Recitation, Minnie ROBERTS. Address, Mr. W.J. SCOTT. Dialogue "The Missionary" J. YOUNG and Annie RIDEOUT. Recitation, "Why didn't You Come Before?" Minnie STUCKLESS. Recitation, "Heaven" Amelia MANUEL. Recitation, "School Bellman" A. YOUNG. ... Benediction.
May 4, 1889Entertainment Herring NeckOn Easter Monday evening an entertainment was given under the auspices of the Herring Neck Young Men's Mutual Improvement Club, and several ladies and gentlemen. … addresses from Revs. CHAMBERLAIN and REX. … Programme: Instrument Solo, Miss CHAMBERLAIN. Reading, Mr. COLBOURNE. Song, Mrs. CHAMBERLAIN. Reading, Mr. Geo. HOLWELL. Song, Miss REDDICK. Dialogue, Messrs HOLWELL and Sidney BLANDFORD. Song, Mr. Herbert GABRIEL. Reading, Mr. Isaac MILES. Address, Mr. REX. Song, Miss CARTER. Recitation, Mr. Sidney BLANDFORD. Song, Miss Margaret CHAMBERLAIN. Dialogue, Messrs. J. MILES, A. CARDY, and A. BURTON. Recitation, Miss Lea MILES. Reading, Mr. Herbert GABRIEL. Song, Mr. Sidney BLANDFORD. Reading, Mr. David BLANDFORD. Trio, Messrs. LOCKYER, S. BLANDFORD, and H. GABRIEL. Dialogue, Messrs. J. TORRAVILLE & C. HOLWELL. Recitation, Mr. Thos. TULK. Reading, Mr. HOLWELL. Reading, Mr. LOCKYER. A vote of thanks to the ladies was proposed in a neat little speech by Mr. Isaac MILES, Vice President of the Club, and seconded by Mr. Sidney BLANDFORD, Secretary..... Votes of Thanks to the Chairman, Rev. Mr. CHAMBERLAIN .... and also to the Rev. Mr. REX... were proposed by Mr. LOCKYEAR and seconded by Mr. H. GABRIEL, Librarian of the Club.... Mrs. LOCKYER and Miss CHAMBERLAIN presided at the organ.....
May 4, 1889Small PoxThe Small Pox epidemic in Harbor Grace and neighborhood, it is hoped is now over. There have been no fresh cases for some time, and the quarantine has been raised on all houses in Island Cove.
May 4, 1889DeathThe sad death of Rev. A.C.J. WARREN was referred to from the pulpits of all the Churches. A fund is being raised for the benefit of Mrs. WARREN.
May 4, 1889Steamers ReturnThe following steamers belonging to Messrs. J. MUNN & Co., have arrived from the icefields: Greenland, Capt. THOMEY with 11,500 young Harps, Vanguard, Capt. R. GOSSE, 20,000 old and young, and Iceland, Capt. WINSOR, 16,000.
May 4, 1889Banking FleetHarbor Grace will send out a fleet of eleven Bankers this season. Carbonear sends out the following: Snowbird: Hon. John RORKE, Barbaroni, B.T.H. GOULD, Esq., Argonaut, W.H. Raymond, and Dart, Messrs. DUFF and BALMER, Orion and Dodd, Messrs. PENNY Bros., Pet and Mary Young, Messrs. TUCKER and CAMERON, Myrtle, Hon. M. MONROE. In accordance with the new Act, each member of the crew deposits fifty cents, which will go towards establishing a fund to aid the wives of men lost on the Banks.
May 4, 1889Endowment for OrphanageThe Hon. C.R. AYRE, whose lamented death took place on the 14th inst, has left a good record behind. He was respected by all classes and creeds, and gave generously in the spirit of broad Catholicity, to all denominations. Almost his last act was the endowment of an orphanage, connected with the Methodist body.
May 4, 1889Shipping NewsThe Schooner Harvest Home, Capt. GEARY, will start for Little Bay and Tilt Cove on the 23rd. Inst. [This and the preceding five items are in a column titled "Items from Southern Correspondent" GW.]
May 4, 1889LecturesTwo brilliant lectures have recently been delivered in St. Paul's Hall, Harbor Grace. Rev. G.J. BOND, B.A., lectured on Monday, April 1st, on "Mind your Helm and Keep her Full!" The proceeds devoted to Methodist Sabbath School. On Monday, the 8th. Inst., Rev. J. ROUSE, B.A., lectured on "Oxford Notes" in behalf of the WARREN Fund. $40. were realised.
May 4, 1889Shipping NewsThe brigantine Shamrock, Capt. WESTCOTT, belonging to Hon. J. RORKE, arrived on Thursday last from Cadiz, with a cargo of salt, after a passage of 22 days. - Carbonear, April 15, 1889.
May 4, 1889Jottings from Bonavista (Part 1)We are enjoying Summer weather here, and have been for the past week or two. Indeed the winter, and all that has passed of Spring, have been exceedingly fine. There has been a little stir on our Mercantile premises of late, in the shape of fish making. Apart from this, business generally speaking, is dull. The much talked of breakwater, is still unfinished. The grant of $3000. being insufficient to complete the work. Another $1000. is needed to extend the undertaking to the first island, and to protect the works already built, from destruction. No blame can be ... Quite a number of large boats of substantial build and improved model, have been constructed here the past Winter. Our fishermen, finding that the punt fishing is not to be relied on in future, have shown their wisdom in thus providing means to pursue the finny tribe to their deep water resorts. We were not favoured with an opportunity of greasing our ropes the past season. In fact, the "Northern jam" did not come near enough to allow our people a tramp upon it, nor to make "tail ropes" a requisite. [This is a reference to sealing from land. GW.] Numbers of our young men have been to the ice in Northern steamers, the greater number being with our "second to no man" representative, Capt. A. KEAN, who has proved himself [eqyus?] to repute in the "swiling" line, the past Spring.
May 4, 1889Jottings from Bonavista (Part 2)A few others were in the Neptune, and all were more or less successful. Fresh Herring, the principal luxury of an outharbor Spring, where the "flipper" is denied, as in our case this Spring, have been quite plentiful in our local markets the last few weeks. Capt. DRAKE, of Catalina, arrived from the Metropolis on the 13th inst., with a general cargo to our Merchants, and is loading again with fish for the Capital. Some of our enterprising planters, who as a rule, are always ready to "catch the first Cod that wags its tail," have embarked for St. John's, in their new boats, for summer supplies. Others will follow suit soon. Several cargoes of lumber from the Bay, have been landed here the past few days, and have met a ready sale. Firewood is now offered for sale at a reasonable figure. A new schooner, to be called the Bonavista, will shortly be launched at Hant's Harbor, Trinity Bay. She has been built for the enterprising firm of BAINE JOHNSON & Co., and is to take the place of the Thrasher as coaster for the Bonavista trade, and will be commanded by Capt. Thomas BURGE of this town. Agriculturists are astir betimes this season. Already preparations are being made for the reception of the seeds... A few cod have been taken in nets in the vicinity of Cape John. They are said to be good fish and of the right kind.
May 4, 1889Jottings from Bonavista (Part 3)Quite a remarkable metamorphosis has taken place in the interior of several of our business places, as well as residences, of not a few of our upper ten, during the past Winter and Spring. These changes which beautifully harmonise with nature, just now have been effected by the artistic skill of Mr. O'GRADY, a first class painter, grainer, guilder, &c, from Prince Edwards Island. This professional gentleman came here from King's Cove about a year ago, where he was employed by the Rev. Father VEITCH, in beautifying the inside of the magnificent Chapel of that place, as well as other Churches in the same Parish. He also embellished the Orange Hall at Keels. After finishing the Chapel here, last Spring, he proceeded to Catalina, and gave the finishing touch to the splendid edifice of that settlement. We understand that Mr. O'GRADY intends visiting Twillingate, sometime during May, and will stay the Summer, should the business outlook in his line, warrant such a procedure. We bespeak for Mr. O'GRADY a good share of public patronage, when his work is seen, and prices known. Nowhere in the country have we seen his graining, flowering and guilding excelled. Caulking, hammering, and chopping, consequent on getting ready of boats for the summer's voyage, have commenced in earnest. The beach portion of the place, is quite a scene of activity, and has been for the past week. - Bonavista, April 27, 1889.
May 4, 1889FisheryWe learn by the Volunteer that a few fish have been taken at King's Cove lately.
May 4, 1889Sealing.The Blooming Queen, John PRIDE master, Back Harbor, arrived on Thursday with about 500 seals. The Eagle, Capt. JACKMAN, arrived at St. John's from the icefields on Sunday last, with 5500 seals, this being her first trip.
May 4, 1889TelegraphyThe telegraph line has been disconnected the last few days, shutting off all communication between this and St. John's.
May 4, 1889SchoonersTwo fine schooners were launched in Morton's Harbour the past week. Two or three well built vessels have also been launched at Exploits of late.
May 4, 1889Shipping NewsThe Jewel returned from St. John's last Saturday night, making the trip in less than a fortnight. She brought a considerable quantity of freight for Messrs. FRENCH & BAIRD.
May 4, 1889PassengersThe Costal Steamer Volunteer, Capt. DELANEY, is performing the Northern work this trip, and arrived on Wednesday evening, bringing quite a large mail. She had a good many passengers and a considerable quantity of freight for various ports on leaving St. John's. After the usual detention, she left for the other Ports North, and proceeds as far as Griquet, and is expected back tomorrow or early next day. Capt. DELANEY has the reputation of being an energetic and enterprising Commander, which he thoroughly sustains in charge of this new ship, while the Officers appear to be most attentive and obliging. Passengers: Baie De Verde - Mrs HAYDEN and Miss MOORE. Catalina - Master DRAKE, and Mr. CORNICK. Greenspond - Mr. and Mrs. HADDON, Mrs TREADWELL. Seldom Come By - Mr. DUDER and wife, Master DUDER, Miss DUDER, two servants and Mr. GRIBBLE. Fogo - Mr. CROUCHER. Twillingate - Miss Susan PEYTON. Ten more in Saloon for ports North.
May 4, 1889Train DerailmentThe Grand Trunk train jumped off the track near Hamilton, Ontario, and struck an oil tank. A fire was caused by the collision which burned eighteen passengers. Thirty one in all were killed and fourty injured, mostly Michilan Militia men, bound to New York Centennial Celebrations. - Halifax, April 29. Details of the Grand Trunk tragedy, Hamilton, are horrible. Seven cars were burnt, fifteen in the smoking car were charred beyond recognition. - Halifax April 30.
May 4, 1889Advertisement"Afternoon Tea." Said Mrs. G. to Mrs. D. (Twas o'er a cup of fine Bobca): "Our pretty hostess yonder, Has gained in looks surprisingly. She seems as well as well can be! What is the cause I wonder?" Said Mrs. D. to Mrs G., "She's changed indeed! But then you see, She put aside objection, And tried that famous remedy, Which did so much for you and me, - PIERCE's Favourite Prescription." For biliousness, sick headache, indigestion, and constipation, there is no remedy equal to Dr. PIERCE's Little Pellets!
May 4, 1889AdvertisementAdvise To Mothers. Are you disturbed at night, and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth? If so, send at once, and get a bottle of Mrs. WINSLOW's Soothing Syrup for Children Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately! Depend upon it mothers, there is no mistake about it! It cures dysentery, and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, reduces inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. Mrs. WINSLOW's Soothing Syrup For Children Teething, is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physicians in the United States, and is for sale by all Druggists throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle.

May 11, 1889Death - CONDON & DICKSTwo well known and highly respected citizens of St. John's, passed away during last night. Viz, Daniel CONDON and George DICKS. Mr. CONDON had been ailing for sometime, and though very little hope of his recovery was entertained by his Physician, his friends did not give up hope till the last hour arrived this morning. Mr. CONDON was still a young man, being only fourty eight years old. He was a native of Aquafort, Southern Shore, but came to St. John's when quite a lad. He entered the employ of the late Mitchell KEARNEY, the well known shipbuilders of the City. The most difficult tasks in ship repairing, raising of ships, &c., were done under the supervision of Mr. CONDON, and nothing seemed to daunt him from attacking the most difficult jobs in which he always came out successful. He invested in vessels, to a large extent, and one time, owned the brigantine, Prince Lee Boo, the steamers Plover, and Hercules. He some time ago, sold out his interest in the two former, but he retained a share in the latter up to the time he died. The deceased was a good citizen and a kind parent, and leaves a widow, two sons and four daughters to mourn their loss. Daily Colonist, April 25.
May 11, 1889Shipping NewsThe steamer Volunteer, bound for the South, came into port on Sunday evening and several passengers from here left by her, and quite a number from other places North.
May 11, 1889Lodge MeetingThere will be a meeting of the Royal Scarlet Order, Edward 7, Chap. No. 3, on Tuesday next, the 11th inst., when all members are requested to attend the same. - By order of the W.M.
May 11, 1889Death - BARNESThe Mary Parker arrived from St. John's on Wednesday morning, with freight for the firm of E. DUDER. We learn that the mate of the Mary Parker, whose name was Arthur Barnes, met an untimely death by drowning. As the vessel was leaving St. John's Narrows, he fell overboard. We have not heard any farther particulars.
May 11, 1889Speaker - House of AssemblyThe Daily Colonist of the 24th ult., says: - The speaker has resumed his position in the House, and looks comparatively well, after his recent throat attack. In connection with the Hon. Gentleman, it is stated that he will shortly take his position as Chief Clerk of the Court House, and will consequently, retire from active Politics. It is said that Mr. Donald M. BROWNING, who had some intention of standing for the West End, will now instead, contest Baie De Verde District next Fall.
May 11, 1889Seal FightAn interesting spectacle was witnessed, says the Sydney Herald, by a large number on shore last week. Two seals were seen off in the harbor, engaged in mortal combat. The fight was a long and bitter one, lasting nearly two hours, and the sea was lashed into foam by the combatants. Some parties from the shore, attempted to shoot them, and fired several shots, which put an end to the battle.
May 11, 1889AdvertisementDainty little globules, Fine and white and sweet, Easy to be swallowed, In their work, complete. No discomfort waking - Inner gripes or aching. What are they? Why PIERCE's Pleasant Purgative Pellets, - The perfection of laxatives. Contain not an atom of mineral poison, are especially appreciated by those whose taste revolts from the coarse, violent pills, which tear their way through the system like steam cars, actually doing harm instead of good. Of Druggists. Dr. PIERCE's Favourite Prescription cures "female weakness" and kindred ailments.
May 11, 1889MarriedOn the 20th ult., at Christ's Church, Tilt Cove, by the Rev. A. PITTMAN, Mr. George H, son of John FURNEAUX, Esq., late Collector of Customs, Rose Blanche, to Mary Jane, (Janie), fourth daughter of Josiah COLBOURNE, Esq., J.P., Twillingate.
May 11, 1889Death - CANTWELLAt Tizzard's Harbor, on the 26th ult., Mr. John CANTWELL, aged 86 years.
May 11, 1889Death - CONDONAt St. John's on the 25th ult., after a short illness, Daniel CONDON, shipwright, aged 48 years. Deceased was a native of Aquaforte.

May 18, 1889Shipping NewsThe Ocean Traveller returned from St. John's on Tuesday morning and left the same day for Nipper's Harbor.
May 18, 1889Fish ReportsA few fish were caught in the Arm the early part of the week and a few at Crow Head, but on the whole, there has not been much sign so far.
May 18, 1889DiphtheriaDiphtheria is said to be still very prevalent in St. John's, and of a most epidemic type. Many children are being fatally affected, and disease is not confined to the young, as persons of more advanced years have also been visited with the disease.
May 18, 1889PassengersW. WATERMAN Esq., accompanied by his wife, arrived here per conscript. We welcome them to our shores and trust that their visit will be an enjoyable one. W. LETHBRIDGE, Esq., J.P., who has been in England the past winter, also returned same steamer.
May 18, 1889EntertainmentWe learn that a highly interesting Service of Song, illustrated by a superior Magic Lantern, and supplemented by Sacred Anthems, is in the course of preparation, and will be rendered in connection with the visit to Twillingate of Rev. W.T.D. DUNN, of Wesleyville. It is only necessary to say that the twelve selections of songs, &c., are to be performed by a select choir, under the able leadership of Mr. DAVIS, whose reputation as a leader is already established in our town. Particulars will be given later on.
May 18, 1889The ConscriptThe Coastal Steamer Conscript, Capt. WALSH, with mails and passengers, arrived between one and two o'clock on Wednesday morning. This was the Conscript's first visit for the season, and we were proud to welcome the Captain and Officers once more, after an interval of a few months. The ship did her work well, while engaged in the mail service the past winter, between St. John's and Halifax, and has made a first rate commencement of this season's work, by making a quick run as far as this, as was ever made by her pre-decessor, when we consider the additional Ports of call that have been made to the Northern Service. We trust that success will follow her to the end.
May 18, 1889Herring Neck Band of HopeA public Band of Hope Meeting was held in the Methodist Schoolroom, Herring Neck, on Tuesday evening last, 14th inst…… Programme: Sankey's Hymn # 199. Prayer. Recitation, "Jack's Hard Lump" by D. MILES. Solo, "The Crowning Day" L. BUTT. Recitations, "A Public House" J. MURCELL, "The Teetotal Story" M. MILES. Sankey #179. Recitations, "Poor Joe" Lucy WARREN, "The Little Shoes" L. ALLEN. Sankey # 292. Recitations, "Out of the Tavern" L. FELTHAN, "Teetotal Car" Lucy WARREN. Singing, "Little Mary" L. and L. ALLEN. Recitations, "Flowers" E. CASTLE, ditto, E. KING, "The Drunkard's House over the Way" B. TAYLOR. Singing, "Be Kind to Thy Father" M. MURCELL and L. WARREN. Reading, "A Bargain With the Tramp" L. HICKMAN. Recitations, "An Apple on the Tree" E. WARREN, "Thomas Brown" D. MILES, "An Old Topic" L. ALLEN. Sankey # 303. Address, Rev. W. REX. Chorus, "Dare to do Right". Benediction.
May 18, 1889House of AssemblyAfter a long debate, a division was taken in the House of Assembly at three o' clock this morning, on the Railway resolutions which were carried by twenty - six to six. For the resolution: Hons. THORBURN, WINTER, DONNELLY, GOODRIDGE, PENNY and Messrs. Mc KAY, KNIGHT, GODDEN, CARTY, VEITCH, LeMESSIEUR, MARCH, KEAN, ROLLS, SCOTT, MORRIS, O'MARA, CALLAHAN, SHEA, MORRIS, McGRATH, EMERSON, MORINE, and McNEILY. Against them: Messrs. WATSON, GRIEVE, PETERS, DAWE, BOND, AND MURPHY.
May 18, 1889MarriedOn the 13th inst., at the Methodist Parsonage, Moreton's Harbor, by the Rev. Jesse HEYFIELD, Miss Charlotte BARNES of Moreton's Harbor to Mr. David LOCKE of Tizzard's Harbor.
May 18, 1889DeathAt Burt Bay, [Possibly a misprint and maybe should be "Burnt Bay".] on the 2nd May, Mr. James WOOLFREY aged 50 years. Asleep in Jesus. "Hear what the voice from Heaven proclaims for all the pious dead, Sweet is the Saviour of their names, and soft their dying bed."
May 18, 1889Insurance FraudIt is not infrequent that instances come under observation of fraudulence connected with the loss of shipping, whereby underwriters are swindled out of the value for which vessels have been insured, but one of a more bare faced character has seldom if ever, been brought to our notice, than that of the "Queen" which became a wreck at Kettle Cove last Fall. It will be remembered that this schooner went ashore in that locality, on returning to St. John's, from White Bay, with fish, herring, &c. The vessel and cargo were surveyed, condemned, and sold, the former being bought for $160 or $170 by Messrs. FRENCH & BAIRD. She was taken to Tizzard's Harbor for the winter and not long since, repairs were effected on her. When being overhauled, it was found that very little damage indeed, had been sustained, and that the vessel's bottom was in a comparatively good condition. But it was discovered that underneath the cabin floor, was a two inch augur hole, which evidently, had been put there for the purpose of letting in the water, but which was plugged up, when lately found by the carpenters who repaired the schooner, Messrs. Thomas YOUNG and Mark BRETT, who are our authority for the statement we have made regarding the dishonest and most condemnable mode of scuttling vessels and defrauding insurance schemes. There is great blame somewhere for such reprehensible conduct, which is too frequently practised throughout the Colony, and no terms can be too strong in which to denounce this kind of fraud.
May 18, 1889Homes for MinistersBonavista District Meeting. Homes for Ministers expected to attend. Minister: Rev. Hy. ABRAHAM, Home: Mr. THOMPSON. Rev. Geo. BULLEN, R.D. HODGE, Esq., J.P. Rev. F.R. DUFFILL, Parsonage. Rev. W.T.D. DUNN, Mr. W.J. SCOTT. Rev. Geo. FRAZER, Mr. Andrew LINDFIELD. Rev. H.C. HATCHER, Mr. Alfred LINDFIELD. Rev. J.B. HEAL, Mr. G.G. WILLIAMS. Rev. Jesse HEYFIELD, Mr. C.D. MAYNE. Rev. H. HOOPER, R.D. HODGE, Esq., J.P. Rev. S. JENNINGS, Mr. Reuben BLACKMORE. Rev. James LUMSDEN, Mr. J.N. PERCY. Rev. A. McAUSLAND, Mr. John DAVIS. Rev. James NURSE, Parsonage. Rev. John E. PETERS, Mr. Andrew ROBERTS. Rev. Wm. REX, Mr. C.D. MAYNE. Rev. A.C. SHINNER, Mr. J.N. PERCY. Rev. A.C. STONEY, Mr. Geo. GILLETT. Rev. W.R. TRATT, Mr. Thomas LINFIELD.
May 18, 1889Crow Head Day SchoolOn Thursday evening last, a very interesting entertainment was given in Crow Head Schoolhouse in connection with the day school of that place. … efforts of the teacher, Miss M. ROBERTS, are not without salutary results… pupils have made considerable advancement under Miss ROBERTS' tuition..... Programme: Singing, "Saviour Like a Sheppard". Prayer, Rev. W. HARRIS. Address, Chairman. Opening Address, Frederick ELLIOTT. Recitation, Jessie ELLIOTT. Singing, "Marching along", Children. Recitations, "Little Nan", Susan VATCHER, "The Young Orators". Solo, "Little Mary". Recitations, "A Boy of the Olden Time", Frederick ROBERTS, "Little Chatterbox", Louisa CHIPMAN. Dialogue, "The Choice". Singing, "Rise to Seek the Light", children. Recitations, "Keep Nothing From Mother", Emily ELLIOTT, "Be Polite", Mary ELLIOTT, "W", Edith MUGFORD. Singing, "Lead me to Jesus". Recitations, "The New Bonnett", Janet HAMILTON, "Going on Learning", William PRIDE. Singing, "When the Mists Have Rolled Away". Address, Rev. Mr. STONEY. Recitation, "Only Now and Then", Susan MAY. Dialogue, "Art Critic". Recitation, "Where do you Live?" Samuel ELLIOTT. Singing, "The Ship in a Storm", children. Recitations, Miss Lucy ROBERTS, "Now I Lay me Down to Sleep", Lilla ELLIOTT. Solo, "My Mother's Prayer", Miss M. ROBERTS. Recitation, "The Squirrel's Lesson", Robert PRIOR. Reading, "The Wife's Gentle Reproof", Miss H. PRESTON. Recitation, "At School", Bessie MILLEY, "I Can't and I'll Try", Martin HAMILTON. Singing, "I Would if I Could". Recitation, "Our Boys", Samuel SHARP. Address, Rev. Mr. HARRIS. Recitation, "Boys May Whistle", Samuel ELLIOTT. Singing, "Love one Another", Children. Collection. Doxology...
May 18, 1889The Panning of SealsTo all who are interested in the preservation and protection of the seal fishery in the districts of Twillingate, Fogo, and St. Barbe. Certain Lodges of the Order of United Fishermen address this appeal to you, our Brethren… The past Spring has shown us clearly how completely it is possible for our interests to be set at naught and our chances ruined by the intrusion of a fleet of steamers.... and especially by their system of panning seals. ..... We do not wish, in any selfish manner, to prevent Southern men from reaping a portion of the great Spring harvest. But we protest against the unfairness.... We hold it to be a crime for any sealing Captain to slaughter, pan, and leave, thousands of seals, because they are not enough to satisfy him, and so to press on for more..... and, above all, we reprobate seal killing on the LORD'S DAY, whatever the consequence of the loss may be. We remind you... that a General Election is at hand.... that Sunday killing of seals and seal panning be utterly abolished in this Colony for ever..... Yours in good fellowship, Lodges No. 12 and 16, S.U.F.
May 18, 1889The Seal Fishery (Part 1)By the Patriotic Club: Dear Sir: In former letters we drew attention to the loss sustained by our shoremen, and we pointed out the great evil caused by the wholesale destruction of the young seals…. Captain DAWE is reported to have stated in the House during the last session, that it would be just as well for steamers to remain in port, if the privilege of panning was prohibited... We can hardly think the gallant Captain was serious in making such an assertion, and we think he must have been taking what is vulgarly called a "rise" out of the other members, who perhaps knew no better. ... He is reported as saying ".... When a steamer strikes the seals, if the Captain is compelled to take the seals that are killed, immediately on board, the cargo is ruined, for the seals still retaining their natural heat, will, after eight or ten days in the hold, be reduced to a mass of blubber and oil." It is truly amazing how Captain DAWE could have made such a ridiculous statement..... Every person taking seals in the month of March knows well, how long it will take them to cool off. We have often been "sculping" or "flaying" seals, and by the time we have got a "tow" sculped or scalped, they have frozen. We admit it is not always cold enough to freeze seals so quickly, but any number can and have been, repeatedly taken on board the same day they were killed, without being transformed into "blubber or oil". ...
May 18, 1889The Seal Fishery (Part 2)the following extract from Captain KANE's diary of this very year, 1889: "March 12, Panned 10, 030. took all aboard by 10 pm. March 13, Panned 10,000, took all on board by 10 pm. March 14, Panning and hauling on board. March 15, Panned 10,000. Stowing seals away. March 16, Panned 5000. Stowed 4700. March 17, Being the Sabbath, no work doing, except taking up pans of seals. March 18, Panned and took on board 3000 seals. March 19, Total number stowed 27,000." Here it is acknowledged that 36,000 were panned and only 27,000 stowed on board. What becomes of the 9000? besides those that were killed and panned on Thursday, 14th, by "a good evening's work." Butchery, Inhumanity, and Greed! This is only one report which as we have stated, is taken from Captain KEAN's diary..... They kill, pan and haul aboard, and yet they leave over one fourth of all that has been slaughtered or butchered. There may, or there may not be, some few of them picked up by shoremen, but Capt. KEAN and the other Captains do not care one straw whether they are or not, so long as they have got their steamer filled up. Let us go back to the 17th of March and note the entry for that day, Sunday. - "Being the Sabbath, no work doing, except taking up pans of seals." If the foul fiend ever had a jolly good hearty laugh, we think he must then have broken out in a loud roar of laughter, when Capt. KEAN wrote these few lines, "except taking up pans of seals." - Oh Abraham! Abraham! For Shame, We must stop! (To be Continued).

May 25, 1889The Seal Fishery Continued….. All was done in seven days, and now sir, what can be said of Capt. DAWE's assertion that it requires seven or eight days "cooling down," before they can be put on board? Here was a voyage completed, from the day of leaving port till the return loaded, only occupying ten days altogether! It may not be very polite to say so, but we call it nothing but a bare faced, deliberate falsehood, and the man who uttered it is totally unfit to fill the position of a representative in the House of Assembly. It is a saddening thing, to see a man like Capt. DAWE, so swayed by self-interest, stand up in that House, and make statements, which he must have known were absolutely untrue..... We had an intention of referring more pointedly to the desecration of the Sabbath, as practised on the icefields, but our time and space will not now allow..... We have pointed out first the cruelty practised by many in the killing of the immature seals. Second, the unfair act of panning. Third, the loss to the men in not waiting till the seals grow... Fourth, the desecration of the Day of Rest, the one day in seven which all should keep sacred. ... And now, we propose as a remedy... 1st. That no steamer should be allowed to leave port until the 17th day of March. 2nd, That panning of seals should not be allowed under any pretence. 3rd., That a Law be passed strictly enforcing the observation of the Sabbath Day, as a day of rest by all the crew, and 4th., That no seals should be taken on board after the 20th day of April. No second trips to be allowed to any steamers, and we would strongly recommend to the crews that they should insist on having half the voyage, as in sailing vessels. ... Thanking you sincerely, Mr. Editor.... The Patriotic Club of Twillingate.
May 25, 1889Letter from Fortune HarborMr. Editor: Probably rumours have reached nearly every locality in the district, of the indiscriminate slaughter of seals the past month, so much so indeed, that at present they are as scarce as they would be in mid summer, in consequence of total destruction of both old and immature. Some of the panned seals were found at Ward's Harbor, and some were taken from a pan by people from here, and I heard that another pan of 300 seals was found by a vessel from Twillingate...... The general opinion is... if next Spring proves as favorable for the steamers as the present, we may fairly bid adieu to the seal fishery.... I now appeal to the people of the whole district..... We are on the eve of a general election... I cannot find a more appropriate term to apply to actions of steamer's crews, than "legalised robbery," but, the present Spring capped the climax by killing and panning seals within a stone's throw of some of our schooners, the religious scruples of whose masters and crews, prevented them from violating the Sabbath. If that is not robbery, it resembles it very much!..... I remain, yours truly, Richard M. HAMILTON.
May 25, 1889Queen's BirthdayYesterday being the 24th of May, quite a display of bunting was visible in various parts of the town, in honor of the Queen's Birthday. Her Majesty has now attained her 70th year, and in a short time longer, will have completed the 52nd year of her reign.
May 25, 1889FisherySalmon have been very scarce up to now, only a few having been caught around here so far. There has been a poor sign of Codfish in our neighbourhood up to the present. On Thursday morning, a few were jigged by Crow Head men, but in many other places, scarcely any were to be caught at all. It is reported to us that squids have been caught within a short distance from here. It seems most remarkable that this bait fish should be on the grounds so early in the season, nevertheless, it is true! Already Caplin are said to have made their appearance in our waters, some having been caught in traps that were set for Codfish. This seems early in the season for them to come to our shore, but doubtless, the early removal of ice from our waters, and advanced condition of the weather, have operated in their favor, and brought them along sooner than other seasons. It is to be regretted, however, that their appearance is marked by such an absence of Codfish in the water surrounding our shores.
May 25, 1889Shipping NewsThe Mary Parker returned from St. John's on Thursday morning, making the round trip within a week. The Jewel also arrived from St. John's on Tuesday morning. The steamer Swallow, owned by Messrs OWEN & EARLE, came from Change Islands yesterday. This is the first trip that this little steamer has made here since being the property of its present owners. No doubt this mode of rapid intercourse between the different branch establishments, must prove a great convenience to the trade, and we must congratulate this old and well known firm on their new departure in thus keeping pace with the times.
May 25, 1889AdvertisementFor sale, the Three Brothers, a small craft about 15 tons, with all her gear. She is well built and will be sold cheap. For particulars apply to John GUAGE, Durrell's Arm.
May 25, 1889AdvertisementA sale of work will take place in the Fall, for the purpose of defraying the cost of renovating and furnishing the Methodist Parsonage. Contributions of money, plain or fancy articles, will be thankfully received by the following ladies who form the Committee: Mrs. Andrew LINDFIELD, Mrs. W.J. SCOTT, Miss Mary ROBERTS, Miss HUDDER, Miss Louisa LINFIELD, Miss L. LINFIELD, Mrs. R.W. FREEMAN, President.
May 25, 1889DeathAt St. John's on the 18th. Inst., on his way home from British Columbia, William LINFIELD, aged 24 years. The remains of the deceased were brought to Twillingate and were interred yesterday in the South Side graveyard. The Funeral Sermon will be preached tomorrow evening in the South Side Church, by the Rev. R.W. FREEMAN, the Service to commence at 6:20.
May 25, 1889DeathAt St. John's on the 6th. Inst., William GILL, Esq., aged 82 years.
May 25, 1889DeathAt St. John's on the 9th. Inst., Edith Mary, beloved daughter of Robert and Bella MARE, aged 5 years.
May 25, 1889DeathAt Loon Bay, on the 10th inst., Mr. John RICE, aged 79 years, a resident of Little Harbor.
May 25, 1889Dorcas Society (Part 1)The ladies of the Dorcas Society of Twillingate, in submitting their account for the past year, desire to thank those who have so kindly assisted them in many ways by means of liberal donations, voluntary labor, and careful investigation, into the condition and requirements of the most needy, which they feel has been attended with a marked share of success. To all who have felt and manifested a deep sympathy in this good work, none deserves their thanks more than the Government, who, when appealed to, responded nobly and promptly. To the editor of the Twillingate Sun for his kindness on all occasions in publishing their report, and aiding them in many ways, they would beg to convey their sincere thanks. R. STERLING, Secretary. Clothing distributed by Twillingate Dorcas Society for 1889: Mrs. Wm. TIZZARD, 13 articles, $3.60, Mrs. Wm. KING, 6 articles, $2.10, Mrs. Reuben JENKINS, 7 articles, $2.45, Mrs. James BARNES, 8 articles, $3.05, Mrs John ROGERS, 5 articles, $1.27, Mrs. E. SEELEY, 3 articles, $1.20, Mrs. John REED, 5 articles, $1.50, Mrs. Josiah BOURDEN, 7articles, $1.95, Mrs. LEWIS, (Widow), 3 articles, $.95, Mrs G. HILLIARD, 6 articles, $1.90, Mrs. J. HYNES, 6 articles, $1.60, Mrs. Wm VINAM, 6 articles, $1.95, Mrs. Frederick HILLIARD, 4 articles, $1.10, Mary BAGGS, 4 articles, $1.00, Mary TULK, 2 articles, $.65, Mrs. PRIDO (Widow), 1 article, $.90, Mrs. MAY, (Widow), 1 article, $.80, Mrs GLEESON, 8 articles, $3.05, Susan TIZZARD, 2 articles, $.75, Mrs JENKINS, (Widow), 1 article, $.90,
May 25, 1889Dorcas Society (Part 2)Priscilla ANDREWS, 3 articles, $1.25, Mrs. DOWLING, (Widow), 2 articles, $1.30, Mrs. J. TROKE, 6 articles, $2.10, Mrs. J. VINAM, 3 articles, $1.55, Mrs. W. MOYLE, 5 articles, $1.25, Mrs. E. PECKHAM, 3 articles, $1.00, Mrs. Robert DALLEY, 4 articles, $1.65, Mrs. Reuben SPENCER, 8 articles, $2.55, Mrs. BARNES, (Widow) 1 article, $.60, Mrs. SHEPPARD, (Widow), 2 articles, $1.05, Mrs. HILLIARD, (Widow), 1 article, $.55, Mrs. PRICE, (Widow), 1 article, $.65, Mrs. SIMMS, (Widow), 1 article, $.95, Mrs. J. FROUD, 3 articles, $1.15, Jeffry TIZZARD, 1 article, $.55, Mrs. J. BARNES, 3 articles, $1.30, Rebecca BARNES, (Orphan), 3 articles, $1.25, Mrs BURT, (Widow), 2 articles, $.65, Rebecca SMITH, 2 articles, $.70, Anna MITCHELL, (Orphan), 2 articles, $.70, Henry GREENHAM Sr., 3 articles, $1.80, Mrs FLYNN, (Widow), 1 article, $1.10, Mrs Wm STOCKLEY, 3 articles, $1.75, Mrs. Wm. BURTON, 6 articles, $2.65, Mrs Joseph CHINN, 6 articles, $2.65, Mrs Dinah WEIR, (Widow), 2 articles, $.75, Mrs Robert SAMPSON, 5 articles, $1.40, Mrs VATCHER, (Widow), 5 articles, $1.85, Mrs Jos. FROUD, 7 articles, $1.50, Mrs. Robert HAYDEN, 7 articles, $2.27, Mrs. Jos. STOCKLEY, 8 articles, $2.45, Mrs. SAUNDERS, 2 articles, $1.20, Mrs. Thomas GOSS, 3 articles, $1.80, Mrs. BOURDON, (Widow), 2 articles, $.75, Mrs. J. HANN, 5 articles, $1.25, Mrs [Fred?] JENKINS, 7 articles, $2.15,
May 25, 1889Dorcas Society (Part 3)Henry GREENHAM, 4 articles, $1.35, Thomas Burg[e?], 1 article, $.72, Mrs. WELLS, (Widow), 2 articles, $1.10, Mrs. COLBOURNE (Saumel) [this is exactly as written, maybe Samuel?], 1 article, $1.05, George WALKER, 2 articles, $1.05, Mrs. Charles GILLARD, 6 articles, $2.35, Mrs. James SHARP, 3 articles, $1.40, George LAMBERT, 6 articles, $2. 80, Mrs Samuel HARNEY, 7 articles, $2.55, Mrs. SCOTT, (Widow), 4 articles, $2.04, Mrs. Wm. YOUNG, 9 articles, $3.75, Mrs. C. WYATT, (Widow), 2 articles, $1.30, Robert BRIDGER Jr. (in reserve), 2 articles, $1.30, Mrs. HULL, (Widow), 1 article, $1.16, Mrs. G. BURT, 5 articles, $2.27, James BROMLEY, 5 articles, $1.95, Mrs. SPENCER Jr., (Widow), 2 articles, $1.55, Mrs. SPENCER Sr., (Widow), 2 articles, $.90, Mrs JEANES, (Widow), 2 articles, $1.00, Robert BRIDGER Sr., 2 articles, $.60, Edward WITFIELD, 2 articles, $.70, Mrs FROUD, (Widow), 3 articles, $1.20, Mrs SERGEANT, 2 articles, $.70, Mrs. T. BLAKE, 10 articles, $2.65, John STUCKLESS, 1 article, $.50, John OXFORD, 3 articles, $1.35, Mrs. HAYDEN, (Widow), 2 articles, $.95, S. WARR, (horse hire, F. Bay), 2 articles, $1.00. Total $123.07. Goods on Hand $12.45. Balance on hand, $7.68. Grand Total $143.20. Eighty four persons received clothing during the winter.
May 25, 1889Dorcas Society (Part 4)Donations received by the Twillingate Dorcas Society for 1889. Balance on Hand, April7, 1888, $.28. A Friend, $1. Rev. J.C. GEDDES, $2. Judge P. LITTLE, $4. A.O. HAYWARD, $1. G. EMERSON, $1. Donald BROWNING, $1. W.H. HORWOOD, $1. George J. ADAMS, $1. Net proceeds of Concert, $19.82. Total, $32.10. J.B. TOBIN, $10. R.D. HODGE, $4. J. BYRNE, $4. C. MAYNE, $4. Collected by Miss MAYNE, $5. Rev. J.C. GEDDES, $4. A.G. SMITH, St. John's, $2. Wm. BAIRD, $2. Thomas FORD, $2. Richard NEWMAN, $2. Wm. WATERMAN, Jr., $2. A. GREY, $1.50. W.J. SCOTT, $1.50. Rev. R.W. FREEMAN, $1. Rev. W. HARRIS, $1. John DAVIS, $1. A. FINDLATER, $1. J.N. PERCY, $1. Andrew LINFIELD, $1. G. BLANDFORD, $1. W. HITCHCOCK, $1. C.J. LETHBRIDGE, $1. George ROBERTS, $1. William BLACKLER, $1. H.H. HAWKINS, $1. James HODDER $.60, John HODDER, $.60, J. AITKEN, $.50, Wm. HUGHES, $.50, Fred'k LINFIELD, $.50, Mrs. J. NURSE, $.50, H.J. PRESTON, $.40, Wm. WELLS, $.50, A.C. HYNES, $.20, A Friend $.20, Government Grant, $50.00. Total $143.20

June 1, 1889 The Newfoundland Dispute In the House of Commons to-night Sir JAS. FERGUSON, under foreign secretary, replying to a question on behalf of the Government, said, Her Majesty's Government will support British subjects in the lobster fishery on the French Shore of Newfoundland, provided they do not interfere with French treaty rights. The position of British and French fishery rights in Newfoundland is not free from difficulties. Hitherto, it has been generally prevented from becoming acute by prudence of the Government and the officers concerned, and he hoped a like success would attend their procedings in the future.
June 1, 1889 Coastal Steamer & Sunday Work (Part 1) In the past, there has been a great deal of dissatisfaction as to the movements of the coastal steamer on the Northern route, as a result of not always leaving St. John's on the regular day for sailing. This can hardly be otherwise, when the time for starting is dependent on the arrival of the English mail, an instance of which we have already had this season, when the last trip, the Conscript was detained a day and a half awaiting its arrival, and then left without it; and this may not infrequently happen throughout the season, and especially in the Fall, when it is reasonable to expect that the Allan steamers, will sometimes make longer passages than usual, if encountering rough weather. When the sailing of our Northern steamer is therefore contingent on such a circumstance, it will prove very unsatisfactory indeed to local business. It was announced some time ago that Monday was the day that was fixed for sailing this year, and that seemed to give general satisfaction; but subsequently, in deference to the wishes of a few individuals, the Government changed their minds on this matter, and ignoring the wishes of a great majority, decided on Thursday as the day for the Conscript to leave for the North.
June 1, 1889 Coastal Steamer & Sunday Work (Part 2) It is entirely a matter of indifference to us, whether the day for sailing be Monday or Thursday, but there is one feature connected with it which we do, and shall most strongly protest against, and that is the Sunday traffic in our ports, which the arrival of the steamer on the Sacred Day creates. This has been brought before the Government repeatedly by petition and otherwise, and knowing the views of the great majority of our people on this subject, surely they ought to have taken such a serious complaint into consideration, and yielded to the expressed wishes of the people, either by changing the day for sailing, or enforcing the observance of the Lord's Day, in whatever port the steamer may first arrive on that day. It is well known that there are many persons who would like to stamp out the Sabbath and every other Christian institution that is in existence, and we fear that even the Governments of our land have not been exempt from such individuals, but happily they are greatly in the minority, and it is a good thing that it is so. Considering that this mail steamer is subsidized out of the public funds, we think it is only right that the voice of the people should be taken into account, and not be treated with contempt by a perpetuance of such an obnoxious intrusion on the Sabbath, as was the case last Sunday, when the Conscript arrived, while the various denominations were engaged in religious devotions in their respective churches.
June 1, 1889 Coastal Steamer & Sunday Work (Part 3) The arrival of of the mail steamer at such a time, (or in fact, any other part of the day,) the discharging of freight and other labor which is caused by it, is indeed an outrage on the observance of the Lord's Day in these quiet, Sabbath observing communities, and a disgrace to the authorities and all who so regulate the movements of the steamer. To a very great extent, this could nearly all be avoided by leaving on Monday, as was the case in the early years of the Plover, when the greatest satisfaction was afforded. If leaving on that day, the steamer would reach her terminus, and be returning to St. John's by the end of the week, and thus, little or no unnecessary Sunday work would have to be performed. Besides, this would give the Captain, officers and crew, one Sunday in St. John's. But by leaving on Thursday, they have no Sunday throughout the season. It looks at first sight, as if this day was fixed on, so that the two Sundays might be taken advantage of in performing the service, but we are not inclined to put such an uncharitable construction on it, as we believe the owners would be willing for the ship to leave, on any day that the Government may decide. So far as we can learn, the change has been made at the desire of two or three persons, who could like to receive their English correspondence so many days earlier, but if the Government are to be swayed by the opinions of a few in a matter of the kind, against the expressed wishes of the vast majority, it is time for a change to be made somewhere.
June 1, 1889 Death The painful information contained in the following paragraph is likely to be read with regret by many of our readers who may have been acquainted with Mrs. EMBREE. Three years having been spent on this circuit and a similar term at Fogo, the gentle and kindly disposition of the deceased, endeared her to many of the people among whom the Rev. J. EMBREE labored with much acceptance, and no doubt the announcement of her death will evoke deep feelings of sorrow from many hearts. She was a sincere and devoted Christian, a faithful and loving wife and mother; and while she may be much missed in the various spheres of Christian work in which she took an active part, while health continued, she will be missed most of all in the bosom of her family, the severence of which link must be a severe trial to the Rev. Mr. EMBREE and family, to whom we tender our sympathy in this painful dispensation of Providence: The sad news of the death of Mrs. EMBREE, wife of the Rev. Mr. EMBREE, pastor of the Methodist church, Albert, and sister of W. B. McKENZIE, of Moncton, was received Tuesday morning. The deceased lady had been in poor health for some time; and with the hope that a change of climate would be beneficial, Mr. EMBREE obtained a transfer from Newfoundland to the New Brunswick conference last year; but the change did not prove as helpful as her friends had hoped - Moncton Transcript, 7th.
June 1, 1889 Death Last week our obituary column contained the death of a young man, WILLIAM LINFIELD, aged 24 years, son of Mr. JOSIAH LINFIELD, who died at St. John's, on the 18th May, on his way from British Columbia. This young man left home about eighteen months ago for that territory, and had been engaged in the fisheries on the Pacific coast, but not being of a very robust constitution, the exposures that must necessarily be endured in the pursuit of such an avocation, mitigated against his health and the disease, consumption, the germs of which may have been previously slumbering within, became perceptible, and when realizing that he could no longer perform his daily duties, he resolved to come home, but sad to relate, before reaching the parental dwelling, he expired, having died at St. John's shortly after landing there from the steamer. His father went to meet him, but before arriving at St. John's his son had passed peacefully to rest in the hope of the Gospel. Although among comparative strangers, everything possible was done for him that could be, and much kindness was manifested on the part of those who took an interest in the welfare of deceased. His body was brought here for interment, and the funeral took place last Friday afternoon, attended by a large number of people. On Sunday evening a funeral sermon was preached in the South Side Church by the Rev. R. W. FREEMAN, when the edifice was filled to its utmost capacity. The text for the occasion was based on Romans 8th c, and 17th v, when a solemn, impressive and edifying discourse was delivered, eleciting rapt attention from the large audience. Mr. LINFIELD and family have our sympathy in this severe trial.
June 1, 1889 A Kind Act Dear Mr. Editor - I assure you it is a very pleasing thing to know that even to-day, there is sympathy in the world. We have had ample proof of it in the case of our late Brother, WILLIAM LINFIELD. Those that attended the funeral service last Sabbath evening on the South Side, to pay the last tribute of respect to one that was much loved by those that knew him best, must have been affected by the remarks made by Rev. R. W. FREEMAN, while speaking of the kindness exhibited by the kind friends of St. John's, and I may say, more especially our old friend, "Mr. HENRY NORMAN," who we understand suspended his business altogether, during the few days our brother was permitted, by kind Providence, to live. We are informed that he not only visited him two or three times a day, but sat by him for hours at a time. From good authority we learn that HENRY NORMAN, with the help of his wife, rendered valuable assistance to our departed brother, which reflects much credit upon him. We believe that Mr. NORMAN does not want any thanks for what he did, neither was it done with any hope of receiving benefit in the future. I believe he did it out of respect to humanity. He did it because he felt it was his duty as well as his privilege to administer to the sick. Such acts of kindness can never be erased from the memory of those that appreciate such kindness, and we are convinced that it is our bounden duty, to render assistance to our fellowman. We are our brother's keeper. No man liveth to himself, and we shall have to give an account at the judgment day, "how we have dealt with our fellowman." Therefore, let us not lose sight of the words which were quoted by our Saviour, while going about doing good. This is my commandment, "that ye love one another as I have loved you." It must have been a consolation to the sorrowing friends, to know that one they much loved, was under the care of kind friends during his sickness. We cannot forget kind words as well as kind actions, they seem to draw our affections out more after each other. Kind words can never die, cherished and blest, God knows how deep they lie, Stored in the breast. Yours truly, SYMPATHIZER.
June 1, 1889 Little Bay The great fall in the price of copper, has created much uneasiness at the mining settlements; however at this place, all departments are being worked vigorously. At Little Bay North, things are not very promising, and it is rather doubtful if that mine will continue to be worked this summer. The new find of copper which was worked here last summer, but was closed during the winter, has not yet commenced to be developed. Much of the old refuse ore is being picked over and washed; thus employment has been given to several hands. Various local gentlemen, it is reported, think of entering the arena of politics; among the names mentioned are Messrs. BURGESS, RALDIN and TAVENER. A man, JOHN SNOW, fell dead in Little Bay on Saturday morning. He rowed from Harry's Harbor, the day before, and a few minutes before he died was speaking cheerfully to the man in whose house he was staying. A boy by the name of FURY fell off the wharf, into the water, and was killed by the fall. Mr. QUINBY has gone to England as buyer for the company. Messrs. BENSON and CURTIS have each launched a fine vessel this Spring. The former is preparing for the fishery, the latter has gone to St. John's. A fine lot of codfish were caught in Salt Pond, near Little Bay, about the 20th., and obtained a ready sale. They were very large fish and had resided in the pond all the winter. The building which will contain the Post Office, the Savings' Bank and other offices, is almost completed. It will be a great improvement to the place. Mr. JAMES WHYTE is overseeing Pelley's Island mine for the present. The MIRANDA is expected there this week with a general cargo. A large steamer with coal will be here this week. Not a fish or salmon caught near here yet. Two men, brothers, by the name of CROWLAND, were badly hurt in the mine yesterday, one having his leg broke the other being badly bruised. May 23, 1889.
June 1, 1889 Local & General (Part 1) The schooner Bonny returned from St. John's on Wednesday morning, and left for there again yesterday. Rev. W.T.D. DUNN left Greenspond, daylight this morning and will probably arrive here to-day in steam launch. For Service of Song - See Hand Bills Monday, a treat may be expected. A man named ELI RICE lately living in Vergin Arm, Friday's Bay, who had been sick for a week, was being brought from there to Little Harbour on Thursday, and died in the boat on the way down. He was a married man and about 30 years of age. The coastal steamer Conscript with mails and passengers arrived here before noon on Sunday, and after landing freight and receiving mail for Northern ports, proceeded on her route, going as far as Griquet, and returned en route from St. John's Thursday. The REV. THEO. R. NURSE, who we are pleased to say has somewhat improved in health, took passage by her.
June 1, 1889 Local & General (Part 2) Two splendid new craft have come into our harbour the past week, one for the firm of E. DUDER , Esq., built in Burnt Bay, by Mr. JOHN ROBERTS of Wild Cove, and the other built in Fortune Harbour by Mr. JOHN DALTON of Kite Cove, for the firm of Messrs. W. WATERMAN & CO. Each vessel is about eighty tons, and is built with due regard to strength and durability and sea qualities, and would do credit to any country, and bear the inspection of any Lloyd's surveyor to which it would be possible for them to be subject. The English mail, which arrived in St. John's after the Conscript left, was despatched for the North by the steamer Miranda, which passed here Thursday morning, bound to Pelly's Island. The Fleta left here to take the mail from the Miranda, and to convey it to some of the principal ports in the district, and is likely to be back with the mail for here, to-day. The Miranda passed close to our harbor, and we cannot see why she could not have been instructed to land the mail here going along, and then it could have been despatched from this, to other ports in the district; or we fail to understand, why it was not given to the schooner Bonny, which left St. John's Monday evening, and arrived here Wednesday morning; when the mail would have come three or four days sooner, and would have been brought for much less, than it will cost by the plan that was adopted.
June 1, 1889 Fishery Notes Very few salmon have been taken this week. On Saturday last a couple of beautiful large ones were caught by the Messrs. FREEMANS of Back Harbor; one of them weighed thirty-two pounds and the other twenty-nine. Fish has been rather scarce the past week in the waters around our shores. On Thursday morning a little was done in some directions a few boats from the Arm securing nearly half a quintal each. From King's Cove, Bonavista Bay, we learn that up to 24th ult., the fishery prospect was very poor, considering that the weather appeared to be so favorable for fish "striking in," and up to date mentioned, little or nothing had been done by the fishermen. In other localities in that direction a similar poor prospect prevailed. The steamer Miranda at present, employed in running between Boston and Kingston, Jamaica, will come off the route the last of June, from which time she will ply between New York, Halifax, St. John's and Pilley's Island - Daily Colonist.
June 1, 1889 Explosion Placentia - An explosion of dynamite occurred yesterday evening on the railway construction, near the Government wharf. EDWARD BAKER, of Salmon Cove, a miner, placed several plugs of dynamite in a tin kettle over a fire, for the purpose of thawing them. The Dynamite exploded, frightfully injuring Baker's Abdomen, legs and arms. DOCTOR McKENDRICK, assisted by DOCTOR GREAR, of the cableship Minia, amputed Baker's right hand and sent him on to the hospital, St. John's, by rail to-day. His recover is considered doubtful. The explosion was due to carelessness and indiscrimate handling of dynamite - Evening Telegram
June 1, 1889 Death At Beachy Cove, on the 24th ult., EMMA, relict of the late, WILLIAM OSMOND, aged 85 years. The deceased leaves 13 children, 65 grandchildren, 100 great grandchildren.

June 8, 1889 Public Notice The following memorial having been presented to me, I deem it prudent in the interest of all concerned to give it publicity: F. BERTEAU, Stipendiary Magistrate, Twillingate, We, the undersigned, taking into consideration the fearful epidemic now raging in St. John's, think that it behoves us to take every precaution to prevent its outbreak in this locality. First: We recommend that all fish manures, and caplin spread on ground, be well covered with earth, or other soil, within twenty four hours after being first deposited. Second: That all Cess Pools, and accumulations deposited around Houses, Stores, and all other Buildings, be removed, thoroughly cleaned, limed, tarred, or thoroughly covered with Salt, which may be had free, from the different Merchants' establishments. Thirdly: That measures be taken to prevent this disease being brought to this place in Schooners, or Mail Steamer. That the two Policemen be stationed at the Coastal Wharf to prevent persons visiting and leaving the steamer. Passengers booked for this port excepted. F. STAFFORD, M.D., Medical Health Officer, WM. LETHBRIDGE, JOHN W. OWEN, J. B. TOBIN, R. D. HODGE. I hereby give notice that any person or persons, infringing against the laws, relating to the above, shall be prosecuted accordingly. F. BERTEAU, Stipendary Magistrate. Police Office, Twillingate, June 7, 1889.
June 8, 1889 CAPTAIN WALSH Captain Walsh at Little Bay. CAPTAIN WALSH has greatly displeased all his friends, the officials of the mines, and the merchants, by not taking the trouble to bring the Conscript into the wharf. There is plenty of water and a good wharf, and any skilful fisherman can put her in safely. CAPTAIN WALSH has felt the rocks near the wharf but this has been his own fault. None of his predecessors treated the public as he has done. Great is the inconvenience to the many passengers, and much trouble is given in getting the freight off. The last time the steamer was here, the water was perfectly smooth, and it was daylight, therefore, no excuse. We forgive our good friend the Capitain, on condition he does not treat us so again. A Merchant & Traveller, Liittle Bay, June 1, 1889.
June 8, 1889 Mining Prospect at Mortons Harbor (1) A new 'find' of antimony. We are glad to learn that a new "find" has been made at Morton's Harbor Antimony Mine, about forty yards from the water side. The surface has only as yet been cleared away for about one hundred feet, and shows a vein of antimony three feet wide, with indications of widening. A shaft has been sunk upwards of half a mile inland, in the bottom of which is a vein seven inches wide, that has been gradually widening as the shaft was deepened, so that when the same distance from the water level is reached, it is probable that the veing will be as wide as the outcrop near the water side. It has every appearance of being one continuous vein, as indications have been found in a straight line several places between the shaft and the outside, and gives every promise of being one of the most valuable mines that has yet been discovered in the colony. For shipping, a better place could hardly be found, the water being deep close to the water side.
June 8, 1889 Mining Prospect at Mortons Harbor (2) A wharf of twenty feet is all that would be wanted, and a vessel could lie along side, in all kinds of weather, while the harbor is one of the finest around, and steamers of very large tonnage could visit it in perfect safety. Last week, Capt WHYTE, the energetic Manager of Little Bay Mine, visited Morton's Harbor for the purpose of examining the mine, and we understand that he thinks very favorably of it, indeed, and the probability is, that before many months pass, mining operations will be carried on there, which from the close proximity of the mineral deposits to the water's edge, could be done with less than half the expense that would otherwise be required. Near the water, the mineral is just to the surface, as we have said, the vein running right up through the ground; and to show that such is the case, we might mention, that by merely clearing away a little earth, and with a small hand pick, a quantity of some four or five cwt. was excavated in a few minutes, which proves how near it is to the surface, and that no shaft would require to be sunk beforehand.
June 8, 1889 Mining Prospect at Mortons Harbor (3) Among the mineral ore thus excavated, which we had the pleasure of seeing during the week, were some large pieces, one of which weighed one hundred and forty pounds, and appeared to contain a solid mass of antimony, as well as the smaller pieces which we saw. Antimony is a very valuable mineral, and it will be a great thing for Morton's Harbor and elsewhere if operations should be carried on in a short time. The property is held by Messrs. J. TEMPLETON, GEO. HODDER, W. LETHBRIDGE, and A. O. HAYWARD, St. John's, and we congratulate them on the success that has attended the mineral craze which has actuated them, and trust that it will result in much good to the public, as no doubt it will, when operations commence.
June 8, 1889 Steamer The Conscript went on dock after returning to St. John's last time, and it was thought she would not be ready to come North until to-day or Monday.
June 8, 1889 Broken Cable During the week there has been a defect in the cable crossing Main Tickle, and a battery has been taken on the other side of it, where for a few days messages have been received and despatched.
June 8, 1889 Dam Bursting One of the most terrible castrophies that we have had to chronicle for a long time is reported in the telegraph news to-day, as having recently occurred at Johnstown, Pennyslvania, by the bursting of a dam, when nearly the whole town was devasted, and from ten to fourteen thousand lives lost. The loss of property is immense. Halifax, June 2. A dammed basin above Johnstown, Pennyslvania, two miles wide, five long, and one hundred feet deep, burst; loss of life exceeds 12,000, property, five million dollars. Churches, factories, warehouses and whole streets and villages are swept away. There have been great rains throughout the Northern States; many rivers are flooded and bad landslides and washouts are numerous.
June 8, 1889 Rev. W.T.D. DUNN The Rev. W.T.D. DUNN, arrived here on Saturday evening last, from Greenspond in steam launch Dart, which was bound to the straits of Belle Isle. Mr. DUNN was a former minister of this circuit and we are pleased to welcome him back for a short time. On Sunday evening he preached in the North Side Methodist Church, when he delivered an excellent discourse on the "Manliness of Christianity" the text being; "The Man Christ Jesus".
June 8, 1889 Marriage On Wednesday evening last, a good many spectators were present in St. Peter's Church, to witness the performance of the Marriage Ceremony, when Mr. S. R. HUDDER was united in the bonds of holy matrimony to Miss LAURA COLBOURNE, daughter of our respected Postmaster, JOSIAH COLBOURNE, ESQ., J.P. Mr. HUDDER has been living in the United States for some years and has had a successful business career, and will be leaving shortly with his bride for his adopted home. Miss COLBOURNE was a young lady who has the respect and esteem of all who knew her. We wish the newly married pair many years of happiness and prosperity.
June 8, 1889 Temperance Meeting A Service of Song entitled "Which Side Wins," bearing on Temperance, was given in the Town Hall on Thursday evening, and was quite an attractive service. It was illustrated by the Rev. W.T.D. DUNN, by means of a superior magic lantern, when about thirty photographic views were exhibited, which were of a very fine kind. The musical part of the performance was conducted by Mr. JOHN DAVIS, with Miss HUDDER as organist, and was given in the first rate style. The service throughout, we learn, was a real treat, and appeared to be much enjoyed by those present.
June 8, 1889 Marriage On June 5th, at St. Peter's Church, by Rev. R. TEMPLE R. D., Mr. SAMUEL R. HUDDER, to LAURA, daughter of JOSIAH COLBOURNE, ESQ., Postmaster; both of Twillingate.

June 15, 1889 PARNELL's Trial (Part 1) Supreme Court Evidence of Dr. HARVEY in PARNELL'S Trial. Friday, June 7th, 3 P.M. Dr. HARVEY (sworn) Examined by Attorney General, - I am a Physician, I know the accused. I was called to visit him on the night of the 30th November, about 11.30. I met Dr. RENDALL and ran to PARNELL'S house. RENDALL followed. I went up stairs to the bed-room. Mrs. PARNELL and her brother were there. The accused was in bed. The brother was asked to leave the room. I asked what was the matter, and his wife said he had taken poison. I asked the accused what he had taken, and he said strychnine. He had taken nothing else except some brandy. I asked Dr. RENDALL to get some Chloroform. Accused was lying on his back, his face livid, breathing quick and pulse quick. Those are symptoms of poisoning. I prepared an emetic. It had no effect at the time. He then had a severe attach of muscular spasm. Dr. RENDALL returned then and I administered choloform by inhalation. A little after I asked Dr. RENDALL to get a stomach pump.
June 15, 1889 PARNELL's Trial (Part 2) The emetics acted before RENDALL returned. I put a portion of the vomit in a small bottle. The vomit was of a yellowish hue with oily substances floating on it. Shortly after I asked RENDALL to inject morphine. He had another severe spasmodic attach which was evidence of strychnine poisoning. I remained till 1.30, also RENDELL. Shortly after we left we were summoned again. We went immediately and found he had another attack. I again administered chloroform and continued with him till about 5 o'clock. We had a conversation about the strychnine. I asked him where he got it. He said he had it for some time to give to his dealers to kill fur. He said he had taken enough to kill him. He had it in a solid form in a small bottle and had taken it with water. He said he put the small bottle away and that it would never be found. RENDELL asked him upon whose order he got the strychnine. He said, "it was before that time," meaning I presume, before the passing of the "Poisons Act." This talk took place on my first visit. We spoke about other matters.
June 15, 1889 PARNELL's Trial (Part 3) I regard this other conversation as a privileged communication to me, on the ground that it was made to me as a professional man, by a man who thought he was dying. I object to state what took place on that account. (Their Lordships ruled that the witness was bound to disclose what took place. Mr. McNEILY, Q.C., objected to the reception of this conversation). The accused was excited while talking, but spoke rationally. He said to me as I was giving him the second injection: You had better let me die; there is no use in saving me. I said, 'Nonsense.' He then said: 'you will never see SILLARS again.' I then asked Mrs. PARNELL if SILLARS stayed in the house. She replied, 'No, he lives on the Freshwater road.' I asked Mrs. PARNELL if SILLARS had gone home. The prisoner replied, 'He has gone to his long home before this.' This was all that ocurred then. Shortly after he vomited I asked him what induced him to take poison. He said, 'SILLARS had driven him to it.' He said SILLARS had robbed him of every cent he had and was driving him on the street to starve; that he was constantly watching him and had told lies to his creditors.
June 15, 1889 PARNELL's Trial (Part 4) On my second visit I spoke further with the accused. He was conscious part of the time, and referred to SILLARS as before. His remarks were voluntary. Accused stated he had put £4,000 in the business and that he had been robbed of it, and also of two houses on Barnes' road. I afterwards attended both post mortem examinations. (Witness here corroberated the testimony of Dr. McKENZIE as regards the wounds on the body, &c). Cross Examined by Mr. I. R. McNEELY. - I am PARNELL'S family doctor. He has five or six young children. I don't know the young man who came for me. I understood it was one of the children who was sick, when I was called to go to PARNELL'S. When I arrived, Mrs. PARNELL told me she had given accused mustard and oil. On the second occasion I visited him, accused asked me for something to carry him off. I understood that to mean he wanted something to kill him.
June 15, 1889 PARNELL's Trial (Part 5) He said there was no use in his living, he would be a disgrace to his family, and if he died his family would get his life insurance; if he lived, he had no money and no prospects of any kind. I should say he was then in a desperate state of mind. (Here entries from Dr. CROWDY'S report, with regard to PARNELL'S condition while in prison, was read). Possibly the wound on the head of deceased might have been caused by a violent fall against a sharp angle of wood or iron. Accused said that SILLARS had driven CAIRNS out of the country, and that he was trying to drive him away also. I knew SILLARS to be eccentric. This concluded the case for the Crown, Mr. McNEILY, Q.C., stated that the defence did not intend to call any witnesses. The course they intended to pursue was simply to address the Jury, and have the prisoner make a statement. Court then adjourned.
June 15, 1889 Fogo Mails A Man and Boy, and an old punt for the Fogo Mails. Dear Mr. Editor, - A short time ago a mail was sent by the S. S. Portia to Pilleys Island and for which tenders were asked by the P.M.G., St. John's, for the delivery of said mails by steam launch at Little Bay, Tilt Cove, Twillingate and Fogo. Having been specially asked, I tendered for the above but got no further reply. I suppose the launch Mr. LETHBRIDGE has control over must have been under me. So far, so good. What I have to complain of is that the mail was delayed by Mr. LETHBRIDGE from Saturday till Monday at 1 p.m., when it was delivered at the office here, being sent from Twillingate to Fogo in a punt, in charge of one man and a boy. Now I think it was excessively mean to treat Fogo in this manner, when a steamer was being paid for, as well as annoying, to have important letters delayed to suit Mr. LETHBRIDGE'S convenience. It is to be hoped he will have the honesty to refrain from taking a payment, which as far as I can see, he is not entitled to, besides taking advantage of others, who considered the tenders asked for, a bona fide transaction. Yours very truly, ROBERT SCOTT.
June 15, 1889 Main Tickle Cable The Main Tickle cable, which was broken last week, was repaired by Mr. SAUNDERS, who came from St. John's for the purpose, assisted by Mr. A. SIMMONS of Fogo. The line is now in good working condition.
June 15, 1889 Mary Parker The Mary Parker arrived this morning, and we are indebted to Capt. CARTER for late St. John's papers.
June 15, 1889 Cruiser Rose The Revenue cruiser Rose, Capt. STEPHENSON, arrived last evening, bound to Labrador with Mr. BERTONA, collector of customs for that coast.
June 15, 1889 Vessel Robert The first English vessel for this season with salt, was the Robert, which arrived to Messrs. WATERMAN & Co., on Sunday morning last.
June 15, 1889 Conscript Among the passengers per Conscript was Miss J. STIRLING, whom were are pleased to welcome back, after being on a visit to Chicago, and other ports of the States, for about eighteen months.
June 15, 1889 Fish Scarce The Ocean Traveller arrived to Messrs. WATERMAN & Co. on Thursday from White Bay, and reports fish very scarce all along the coast. When at the Horse Islands a few days, there was scarcely a fish under salt. Fish are still very scarce in this locality and all along the shore, from whatever quarter we have heard. At Fogo, the best traps have not more than ten or fifteen quintals. Well up Exploits Bay a little was done this week, some boats getting one and two quintals a day, but bait was scarce.
June 15, 1889 Marriage On Saturday morning last, in Gower Street Church, St. John's, Rev. GEO BOYD united in wedlock, Capt. JAMES JOLIFFE, of barquintine Viola (firm of Messrs. A. GOODRIDGE & Sons) and LIZZIE D. SCOTT, sister of Mr. W. J. SCOTT of this place. The bride, we are informed, was recipient of some nice presents, that of the Hon. A. F. GOODRIDGE being six sovereigns, to be spent at the bride's option. About mid-day they embarked in Viola for Glasgow, and after discharging cargo, they will proceed to England where the vessel is to be reclassed, and the two months which this work will occupy, will be spent by the newly wedded couple in travelling, in Scotland and England, the bride having relatives in both places. We are told that as the vessel left St. John's, some of the vessels dipped their bunting which had been donned in honor of the occasion, and more than one pair of old shoes, as well as a considerble quantity of rice, was pitched after the new addition to the crew.
June 15, 1889 Diphtheria Items from a Southern Corespondent. Diphtheria is still raging in St. John's. Dr. TAIT is now convalescent. Many of the inhabitants are staying with their families at Topsail and adjoining towns.
June 15, 1889 Smallpox There are at present four cases of smallpox in Harbour Grace hospital.
June 15, 1889 Methodist Conference The Methodist Conference will meet this year at Carbonear on the 26th of June. Forty four ministers are expected to be present.
June 15, 1889 Brigantine Kestrel The brigantine Kestrel, capt. J. TAYLOR of Carbonear, belonging to Messrs. MUNN & Co., made the quick run of 20 days to Hamburg. The same vessel recently came across from England in 15 and went home in 12 days.
June 15, 1889 Labrador All the vessels have sailed for Labrador a month earlier than usual. June 4, 1889.
June 15, 1889 Nova Scotian St. John's, June 10th, The Nova Scotian arrived on Thursday morning from England and sailed same night for Halifax.
June 15, 1889 Parnell's Trial Parnell's trial for the murder of ARCHIBALD SILLARS, commenced on Tuesday and was finished on Saturday. Witnesses for both sides were sworn and examined. Dr. HARVEY gave his evidence, showing a great deal of information in the case, after which the prisoner made a confession, but not without breaking down, crying several times. Mr. McNEILY, Q.C., addressed the jury; Chief Justice CARTER presented the charge. The jury retired at six o'clock Saturday evening and returned into Court at a quarter after nine with the verdict: "Guilty of murder without recommendation to mercy." Sentence has not been pronounced yet.
June 15, 1889 Diphtheria Diphtheria is increasing. The past week there has been an average of from three to four cases daily.
June 15, 1889 Fishing Prospects fair for a catch of fish here.
June 15, 1889 Methodist Conference "Homes" for the ministers of the Newfoundland Conference of the Methodist Church to be held at Carbonear commencing June 26, 1889. John GOODISON. Supt. Circuit. Name: Revd. Geo BOYD, Home: Hon. A. PENNY. Revd. J. PARKINS, Capt. Orestus FOOTE. Revd. G. M. BOND, B.A., Mrs. Robt MADDOCK. Revd. J. E. MANNING, Mr. J. A. ROBINSON. Revd. James DOVE, Mr. Robt SIMPSON. Revd. G. S. MILLIGAN, Hon. John RORKE. Revd. Henry LEWIS, Hon. A. PENNEY. Revd. George PAINE, Messrs. BEMISTER Bros. Revd. Saml SNOWDEN, Mr. Walter TUCKER. Revd. John PRATT, Miss Cecily PENNEY. Revd. James PINCOCK, J. L. McNEIL, Esq. J.P. Revd. Wm. RANDALL, Mr. J. A. ROBINSON. Revd. A. HILL, Hon. John RORKE. Revd. Edgar TAYLOR, Mr. Fred TAYLOR. Revd. S. MATTHEWS, J. L. McNEIL Esq. J.P. Revd. Henry SCOTT, Dr. BOYLE. Revd. James WILSON, Capt. Edgar PENNEY. Revd. G. C. FRAZER, Revd. J. S. PEACH. Revd. J. E. HEAL, Mr. Robert SIMPSON. Revd. J. E. DUFFIL, Hon. John RORKE. Revd. W. T. D. DUNN, Mr. Andrew BLACK. Revd. Geo BULLEN, Capt. J. H. PENNEY. Revd. R. W. FREEMAN, Revd. J. S. PEACH. Revd. Jesse HEYFIELD, Parsonage. Revd. Henry HATCHER, Capt. Edgar PENNEY. Revd. T. W. ATKINSON, Mr. George TUFFIN. Revd. G. F. WILLEY, Dr. BOYLE. Revd. Wm. SWANN, Mr. Andrew BLACK. Revd. W. H. BROWNING, Mr. James RORKE. Revd. Chas LENCH, Mr. James RORKE. Revd. Levi CURTIS, Miss NICHOLL. Revd. J. T. NEWMAN, Mr. Geo TUFFIN. Revd. J. C. SIDNEY, Mrs. Robt MADDOCK. Revd. Jas LUMSDEN, Mr. Robert FORWARD. Revd. Wm. REX, Miss Cicily PENNEY. Revd. H. HOOPER, Mr. John FOOTE. Revd. Hy ABRAHAM, Hon A. PENNEY. Revd. Saml JENNINGS, Capt. Robt JOYCE. Revd. James NURSE, Mr. Joseph UDALL. Revd. W. R. TRATT, Mr. John FOOTE. Revd. G. P. STONEY, Miss NICHOLL. Revd. J.H. JAMES, Captain James PIKE. Revd. G. W. DUTCHER, Parsonage. Revd. Jabez HILL, Capt J. H. PENNEY.

June 22, 1889 Supreme Court (Part 1) Fifth days' Proceedings Mr. McNEILY, Q.C. Addresses the Jury (From the Evening Telegram). Saturday, June 8th, 10:30 a.m. The case for the defence was commenced this morning by calling the following witnesses to character:- CHAS. BOWRING. - I know the prisoner at the Bar. He was in the employment of Bowring Bros. 23 years. He always bore a good character. ROBERT RENDELL. - I knew the prisoner about three years. As far as I know, in my character as trustee of the estate, he did as he was told all through. GOVERNOR McCOWAN, sworn. - I am governor of the Penitentiary. The prisoner has been under my charge since December 8th. I never heard anything aginst him before or since he has been under my charge. Mr. McNEILY, Q.C., proposed that, as the prisoner was not in a state of health, to permit him to make his statement orally, he had put it in writing and would read it to the Jury. The prisoner, accordingly, commenced to read it from the dock. While it was being read a most painful and intense silence prevailed in the Court, but his voice was too broken and inaudible to be heard.
June 22, 1889 Supreme Court (Part 2) He was brought near the Jury, but could scarcely have been heard even by them. During its perusal he broke down and sobbed convulsively. Mr. KENT then asked, as the prisoner appeared to be unable to continue, that somebody might be permitted to read it for him. The court stated it was an indulgence as it was and they had no power to order otherwise. The prisoner's voice was broken with sobs and tears as he went on, and hardly rose above a murmur as he concluded. Straining, eager faces looked out from every part of the Courtroom; some remained as if carved in stone, others stirred restlessly. When he finished, a sigh of relief rose from all present. Mr. McNEILY then adressed the Jury. He said: He approached this case with the profoundest impression of the duty imposed upon him. The Jury had great responsibilities imposed upon them, but they were not so great as his, standing between them and the prisoner. He would implore them, not as jury but as men, to regard not the advocate but to regard the important duties they were called upon to discharge in this case.
June 22, 1889 Supreme Court (Part 3) The Crown had a solemn duty to perform: it had to vindicate the majesty of the law, but its duties were limited. It was not bound to distort certain facts, it was not for the Crown to argue against reason and logic. It should conduct its prosecutions with all leniency: it should not ask any jury to strain the consequences resulting from the evidence. The deceased was a merchant of considerable position, and he, like many others who obtained high position here, was a Scotchman. Whether it is due to the genius of the nation or not, they always made their mark, and it is quite in the order of things, that a number of Scotchmen should be upon the Grand Jury which brought in this Bill. There is a strong feeling of clannishness in Scotchmen. It was the intention of the Crown to have a jury, not of the people, but by men whose wealth, and whose assumed superior position, would place them in sympathy with the deceased. But it was found the Crown had no power to do that. He did not impugn the action of the Crown, but he felt he would be recreant to his duty to the prisoner if he did not call his attention to this fact.
June 22, 1889 Supreme Court (Part 4) Although no human eye had seen this deed, there were certain circumstantial facts which pointed to the prisoner along: this was the contention of the Crown. The Attorney General stated that circumstantial evidence was in some cases the best, yet that statement is capable of great modification. There may be many terrible facts woven around a prisoner over which he has no control. Circumstantial evidence has woven around men, inextricable webs which were not in accordance with the logic of facts. It is no part of the case of the prisoner, that the death of SILLARS was not due to the prisoner, but it is part of his case that circumstances of aggravation made him commit this deed. It would appear from the Crown, that not satisfied with first causing his death, he had followed up these acts with acts of further violence. The evidence will show that the aggravation which the Crown complains of is not apparent in this case. They could readily understand that, in a moment of frenzy, after the first death-dealing blow, the prisoner, in this hand-to-hand and life-to-life contest, was not aware of what he was doing.
June 22, 1889 Supreme Court (Part 5) The evidence shows much for their consideration in his favor. There are mis-statements with regard to the aggravation in this case. The Attorney General has stated that he attempted to climb the stairs, and that the blow he there received was the immediate cause of his death. The medical testimony goes to show that the internal hemorrhage was the cause of the death. The shoulder wound was not sufficient to cause death. We may assume that the first wound, passing through the left breast, was really the one that caused death. When they would compare the statement with common sense and reason, they would have no difficulty in believing, that wound was the cause of death. The fact remains, that after receiving this wound, he did have some strength, and did have a violent struggle, and that the other wounds were received in the life-to-life struggle afterwards. If they had regard to the statement of the prisoner, they would easily see, no ferocity had been displayed in this contest. There may be theories in connection with the bottle found in deceased's pocket, but we have no theory.
June 22, 1889 Supreme Court (Part 6) We cannot account for it no more than that a portion of his false teeth were found in his pocket. These are circumstances so much outside the scope of the case, that they need not give them any consideration. There is no attempt on the part of Crown to say that the cup and bottle contained strychnine. It was the duty of the Crown to show that the stains on the garments were blood stains. We are not going to deny that there was blood about the place, but we deny the competency of the witnesses who say they were blood stains. The fact that the prisoner had in his possession so many revolvers and cartridges show he must have had some particular fad, some particular amusement. He frequently carried a revolver about him, especially at night. This does away with the assertion that there was any premeditation in this case. Assuming the worst, it was for them to consider that there was not that provocation, and that self-defence which the prisoner asserts. There are many inconsistencies in the evidence for the Crown; but he would not, in a matter of such grave importance, go into them. They would come to the conclusion, from the evidence, that the deceased was a passionate man, and they might assume that he would at some time break out into actual violence.
June 22, 1889 Supreme Court (Part 7) It is only reasonable to assume that his relations with PARNELL were anything but satisfactory. Notwithstanding all SILLARS' nagging and petty persecutions, the prisoner bore them without murmuring and with humility. PARNELL must have been subjected from day to day, and night to night, to SILLARS' persecutions. If PARNELL was the man the Crown tried to prove, would he always have put up with SILLARS, having all the time this revolver about him? There is an old maxim, that no one becomes suddenly very base. Did they think PARNELL, a good husband and father, would suddenly throw off the mask and break out a murderer? Could they not imagine that slight acts might, under these continues persecutions, cause the pent up volcano of his wrath to burst? There had been an accumulation of misfortunes heaped upon this unfortunate man. He had sickness in his family; his wife had just been confined. His family had just been visited with the terrible scourge now rife in our city. Were they surprised that he committed this fatal act? PARNELL had been for nights awake, attending his sick child. From early morn till late at night he was engaged in attending to his business.
June 22, 1889 Supreme Court (Part 8) He had a salary of £16 per month, while CRAM, his immediate subordinate, had £15, and for this paltry sum, he had to take care of the business. On the night of the crime he went to sleep and did not come down to the shop till nine. (Part of the prisoner's statement read and commented upon). He then went on to say that the importance of this case was impressed upon him and he was sure it was impressed upon them. He would pray them, regarding the solemnities at stake in this case, to overlook any weakness. He did not believe the Attorney General would distort any of the facts of this case. He did not believe the Crown would press harshly upon the prisoner. He felt terribly the solemnity of his position. Feeling this responsibility he could not help feeling the insufficiency of his work; he felt the sense of his weakness. He appealed to them as men, instinct with all the feelings of human beings, and he implored them, for God's sake, not having regard to the mere sentiments which surrounded this occurrence, but bearing the prisoner's position and family in mind, to look upon him with all possible leniency. The Court then adjourned till 3 o'clock.
June 22, 1889 The 'Conscript' Strikes a Rock A very serious accident was near befalling the Conscript on entering Morton' s Harbor on Sunday morning. When a short distance from the mouth of the harbor, it became densely foggy, all of a sudden, making it impossible to see any distance ahead of the ship, and before her real position could be ascertained it was found that she was close to the land of Wild Cove Head. She had been steaming slowly, and for this reason, was not quick in coming around, and did not get in the right course without striking a rock, causing quite a dent in the steamer's bow a short distance under water. This contact of the ship with the rocks occured during breakfast time and caused a heavy shock, which broke a lot of dishes, and made a big consternation among the passengers, which we regret to say resulted seriously to one of them, the subject being Mr. JOSEPH, father of Dr. JOSEPH, the respected medical practitioner of Little Bay mine. He happened to be standing in the stairway just after the Conscript struck, and in the skuffle, it appears that he received a slight push and fell into the lower part of the stairway, his arm and shoulder striking the sharp part of the iron steps, and causing a bone to be broken. Under the circumstances, the detention in port was very opportune, as it gave Mr. JOSEPH time to receive medical attention, which was bestowed upon him by Dr. STAFFORD, and when the ship left at night, the broken arm was doing very well. Mr. JOSEPH, with his wife and son, left Sicily on a tour, and arrived at St. John's by the Allan steamer Peruvian, being met there by his son, the doctor, who accompanied him North, to spend a few days in Little Bay before the Conscript returned. They had travelled over two thousand miles since leaving home, without meeting with an accident and we are sorry that his visit to this part of the colony, should have been marred by the misfortune to which we have referred.
June 22, 1889 Diphtheria By late arrivals from St. John's, we learn that there were forty nine new cases of diphtheria in that city last week
June 22, 1889 Shipping The Bonny arrived from St. John's on Monday and the Flamingo on Thursday. The former has since returned thither. The patience also arrived on Wednesday.
June 22, 1889 Cable Broken Telegraph communication is again interrupted, a break having taken place yesterday in the wire between Gambo and Beaver Cove, which is likely to be repaired in a short time.
June 22, 1889 Rev. Mr. ANDREWS The Rev. Mr. ANDREWS from White Bay mission has been spending a few days here of late. He preached in St. Peter's Church last Sunday evening to a large congregation, when, we understand, an excellent discourse was presented to the audience.
June 22, 1889 Rev. Mr. ABRAHAM A reply to an address presented to the Rev. Mr. ABRAHAM and Mrs. ABRAHAM on leaving Little Bay, will be found in the next column. He has concluded his three years' ministry there; during which time he appears to have earned the esteem of the Little Bay friends, as is evident from the presentation of this address, and also of a purse constaining a liberal sum of money to Mrs. ABRAHAM.
June 22, 1889 Passengers The coastal steamer Conscript arrived from the North en route for St. John's on Sunday morning, and remained in port until after midnight. The detention was at the special request of the Bonavista District, who, expecting that the steamer would arrive on Sunday, and the ministers intending to take pasage by her, made that request to the Government or owners, which we are happy to say was acceded to. On arriving as far as this, the Conscript had a large numer of passengers on board, among them being Messrs. R. B HOLDEN, J. LAMB, ROLLINS and MILLEY, Mrs. EATON, Mrs. BLACKLER, Rev. Mr. ABRAHAM, Mrs. ABRAHAM and child, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. HEYFIELD, Revs. HATCHER and JENNINGS, Mr. JOSEPH, Mrs. JOSEPH and son. The following joined them here: Revs. J. NURSE, G. BULLEN, R. W. FREEMAN, J. B. HEAL, F. R. DUFFIL, G. FRAZER, W. T. D. DUNN, H. HOOPER, McAUSLAND, Mr. OWEN, Mr. and Mrs. HUDDER, Mrs. R. NEWMAN, Mr. S. PEACH, and from Herring Neck-Rev. Mr. REX and Mrs. HOOPER.
June 22, 1889 The Fishery In and around this locality fish has been rather scarce all the week, neither have caplin been plentiful except in two or three places. About Cottel's Island and other parts of New Bay more fish is reported, and it is said that good work has been done there of late. Some of our fishermen who have gone there during the week, when the weather would permit, secured a couple of quintals a day. There was no bait there and they had to come here for it, which entailed a good deal of time. It is to be hoped that a similar 'spurt' of fishing will be enjoyed, in many parts of the bay. Several craft that have been to the French Shore and other parts the past few weeks, returned the last day or two, having met with very poor success.
June 22, 1889 Last Day of Parnell's Trial (Part 1) Supplement to 'Sun' Attorney General's Closing Address and chief Justice's Charge, Saturday June 8th. The Court resumed at 3 o'clock. The Attorney General then addessed the Jury as follows: "It is not necessary for me to say anything more than has been said by my learned friend. We all have responsibilities and duties to perform in this case, and I may say that my learned friend is deserving of the highest praise for the able manner in which he has dealt with it. It only remains for me to review the evidence from the stand point of the Crown, - to put the case before you impartially, not to press anything unduly, and not to strain anything against the unfortunate prisoner at the bar. I shall put no argument before you beyond what the facts of the case will warrant. I will not say that the touching appeal made to you by my learned friend was made to awaken sympathy; but it could not fail to do so. But gentlemen, you are sworn to do your duty, no matter how strong your feelings of sympathy may be, without fear, favor or affection. This case has taken a long time in its investigation; it would not have been so long if we could fhave foreseen the statements, and admissions which have been made.
June 22, 1889 Last Day of Parnell's Trial (Part 2) A large amount of testimony went to show the negative fact, if I may so call it, that no hand but that of the prisoner at the bar could have committed the crime. The case has now been narrowed down to one simple question. It is beyond question that the revolver which inflicted the wounds, was on the person of the accused, and fired by his hand. What preceded the firing, and for what purpose or motive the crime was committed, it will be for you to determine. Whether the killing falls under the category classed as murder, or wheather it was done by accident, will be for you to say from the evidence you have had before you." [The Attorney General here showed, by model, where SILLARS was last seen alive, the position of the two men at the time, &c., &c]. "From the position of the wounds on the body, deceased must have been facing the accused at the time of the firing; but it is not the duty of the Crown to prove to you exactly where the shots were fired. With regard to the other marks upon the deceased's body, it appears to me that he had been treated in a ferocious manner. He was followed upstairs when trying to escape, and these wounds inflicted either by the revolver, or after he had fallen, by contact with something hard, such as a man's boot. They were evidently inflicted after the firing, when his antagonist did not know the other wounds were fatal, in order to hasten death.
June 22, 1889 Last Day of Parnell's Trial (Part 3) After the statement which has been made by the prisoner, I do not see that the blood-stains on the clothes has any material bearing on the case. There is only one blood mark which you will have to consider, on the boot." [Attorney General here reviewed the evidence relating to the chamber of the revolver, and how it had been fired.] "We have now to consider the only real and substantial issue and the causes that led up to it; whether it was the result of the pre-conceived intention or bad feeling, or whether it was unexpected, as accused has stated. It would be hardly possible for the prisoner to commit such a deed without some bad feeling of hatred; but gentlemen, you are called upon to find the motive for the crime. The two men were of totally different characters, - one was hasty and irritable at times, but no one was ever seriously affected by his peculairities, and there is no evidence that he ever committed a single act of violence, - the other was apparently quiet and easy going; but it was better for him if he had been more like deceased: blunt, and blurted out what he had to say. There appears gentlemen, to have been preparations for the taking of both lives. All these facts and conclusions which the Crown puts to you are deducible from the evidence.
June 22, 1889 Last Day of Parnell's Trial (Part 4) Now, I must ask you to compare the statement of the prisoner with that of Dr. HARVEY. To which will you accord most credit? To the Doctor, he said nothing about a scuffle or sudden quarrel, or that the revolver was fired by accident. This satement was made when the accused believed that he was on the point of death, and did not care for consequences. You must receive the statement which has been read to you with caution; but it conveys on the face of it, clear and unqualified truth, you will be justified in acting on it, and giving the prisoner the benefit of it. If this statement had been made under different circumstances, and at another time, it might have carried with it a greater semblance of truth and honesty. On this statement, the learned Counsel for the defence has set up an altogether new theory: that the first shot was fired in self defence; but Mr. PARNELL himself denies this. He says that the shot was fired by accident. I do not think it necessary to comment further on this case; and I will close by repeating what I have already said; that if it be possible for you to accept this statement and believe it, you will give the prisoner the benefit of it. I now leave the issue in your hands, gentlement, feeling assured that you will render a verdict according to the evidence.
June 22, 1889 Chief Justice'sCharge (Part 1) The Chief Justice then charged the Jury. He said that they had reached the fifth day of this serious case. It was for the Jury to say whether the prisoner was guilty or not, of the charge sought to be brought home to him. If they found him guilty, they would have no alternative but to return a verdict accordingly. Up to last afternoon, the evidence had been circumstantial, and had to be connected piece by piece, in order to bring home the charge, but last afternoon, owing to Dr. HARVEY'S evidence, there was a change, and the direct evidence then adduced, was followed up to-day by the statement or conditional admission of the prisoner himself. He would not trouble reading the evidence as it must be fresh in their minds. It must be clear that SILLARS and the prisoner were the last two in that basement that night. The others had either gone out or gone to bed. The doors and windows were securely fastened and there was no chance of the entrance of anybody. If the case ended there, they would have a case of circumstantial evidence. But there was the important disclosures made, voluntarily to Dr. HARVEY by the accused, in which he stated that he had given SILLARS a dose and that he had gone to his long home.
June 22, 1889 Chief Justice'sCharge (Part 2) He spoke of the continual nagging of the latter, and the conversation showed evidence of ill feeling between them. It is strange that he should not then have mentioned any fracas, if there had been one as he says in his statement. As regards the statement, it must not be taken as evidence, and it was for the jury to consider how far that statement was consistent with fair inferences, to be drawn from the evidence. If the statement was received with as much credibility as attached to an oath, there would be mockery of justice. He would not indulge in theories. No human eye saw what was transacted in the basement, but it is alleged that a struggle took place in the office. If a struggle took place there, there would have been blood stains found, but there were not, and the office was not disarranged. There was no scratch or mark on the prisoner to show that a struggle had taken place; and the evidence went to show that SILLARS was not possessed of a violent temper. He was hasty but he soon cooled down. No matter what the consequences might be, if the evidence satisfied the minds of the jury, that guilt had been brought home to the prisoner, they should do their duty. They represented the country and the country expected them to do it. They must not allow any sympathies to influence their decision.
June 22, 1889 Chief Justice'sCharge (Part 3) His Lordship here explained the difference between murder and manslaughter, and generally expounded the law as regards homicide. There was no evidence of the business troubles of the accused, and the only evidence for the defence was evidence to character. He would not refer further to the statement of the accused. They had heard the remarks of counsel upon it, and it would be a waste of time to go over it again. Upon the question of provocation, as to which there is no evidence except the statement, the provocation must be such as to rouse a man to a condition bordering on insanity, and not a man of hasty temper, but a man of well balanced mind. If they thought the prisoner was not guilty of murder, and that there was evidence of the lesser offence, they would so find. All the facts were fresh in their memories and he would not detain them further. The jury then retired. When the jury had retired, Mr. McNEILY, Q.C., rose and took the following exceptions to the charge of his Lordship, the Chief Justice: 1st - That there ought to have been three issues submitted to the jury: (a) - Guilty or not guilty; (b) - If the accused was not guilty of the greater crime, whether he was guilty of manslaughter; (c) - Whether the killing was not done in self-defence; 2nd - That the jury were misdirected as to the importance to be attached to the statement of the prisoner; 3rd - That the evidence was not, as regards the prisoner, fairly put by his Lordship.
June 22, 1889 Chief Justice'sCharge (Part 4) A great many of those who had seats in the Court-room during the afternoon, remained to hear the verdict, and when it became known outside that the jury had retired, the small knot of persons which had been about the door all the week, swelled into a big crowd. The jury returned into Court at five minutes to nine o'clock, having been out three hours and twenty minutes. All eyes were turned towards them as they filed into the jury box, and many read the verdict in their grave faces and eyes averted from the prisoner. One could see that they believed themselves, to have a most painful duty to perform, but a determination not to shirk it. The stillest silence fell about the room when the acting Clerk put the usual questions to the jury, and was not broken for some time except by the "loudly whispered" "Guilty". The prisoner received the verdict without even changing countenance. His face wore the same look and expression that have been on it since the commencement of the trial. When the jury had been discharged he was asked if he had anything to say upon him, and Mr. KENT, Q.C., on his behalf asked for a postponement of the sentence till Monday. After retiring to consult, their Lordships granted the postponement. Mr. KENT was asked to mention the case on Monday. The Court then adjourned.
June 22, 1889 Monday, June 10th When the court met to-day Mr. KENT, Q.C., asked for a postponement of the sentence till the argument on the points raised by Mr. McNEILY, Q.C., had been disposed of. The motion was granted. The argument will be heard to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock.
June 22, 1889 Sentenced to Death (Part 1) The court met this morning at 10.30. Mr. McNEILY, Q.C., stated that he would not press the points raised by him. He also stated that there was little doubt but that the prisoner, PARNELL was insane. Their Lordships retired for a time, while waiting for the prisoner to be brought up for sentence. The courtroom was thronged as soon as it became known that the prisoner would be brought up. He came in, leaning on the arm of the wardens of the penitentiary. He certainly left the impression upon most minds that he was insane. His eyes had a wild look and apparently he did not know where he was. A chair was provided for him in the dock. When he sat down he put his hand in that of the warden and insisted on keeping it there, as if he was afraid of something. It seemed to relieve him somewhat. When asked if he had anything to say why sentenace should not be pronounced upon him he said nothing, not appearing to comprehend what was asked him. Mr. McNEILY, Q.C., informed the Court that the prisoner did not understand what was being said, and the Chief Justice then pronounced the sentence.
June 22, 1889 Sentenced to Death (Part 2) This either, the prisoner did not appear to understand. Occasionally during the sentence he spoke to the warden beside him as if asking for an explanation, and once spoke to Governor McCOWEN who was sitting in front of him. Occasionally too, he stared wildly about the Court room and was, happily for himself, unconscious of the terrible sentenace being pronounced upon him. When the Judge had passed the sentence the prisoner was led away. The Chief Justice wore black kid gloves while passing the sentence. The following is the sentence: - WILLIAM PARNELL, - After a prolonged and patient investigation by the Jury you have been found guilty of the heinous crime of the wilful homicide of ARCHIBALD SILLARS, late a respected merchant and worthy citizen of St. John's. You had the advocacy of able counsel and all reasonable facility afforded by the Crown in your defence. I feel constrained to say that the Jury arrived at the only proper conclusion warranted by the evidence.
June 22, 1889 Sentenced to Death (Part 3) I shall not recapitulate the circumstances so recently developed before the Court, which brought you to this most lamentable condition, nor shall I add anything to harrow your feelings. You are known to be most respectably connected in this Colony, and so far as I believe, have hitherto borne an irreproachable character. To that effect we had the testimoney of trustworthy witnesses. Throughout my lifetime, I have never had a more painful duty to perform, than is now imposed upon me. Brief as the time may be, you will have longer to prepared for Eternity, than was given your unfortunate victim. The sentence of the Court is, that you, WILLIAM PARNELL, be taken from hence to the place from whence you came. from thence to the lawful place of execution, there to be hanged by the neck until you be dead, and afterwards, that your body be buried within the precincts of the prison from which you are taken. And may The Lord Have Mercy on Your Soul.
June 22, 1889 PARNELL'S Statement (Part 1) My friends and counsel have told me, that I should prepare a simple and truthful statement of my connection with the death of ARCHIBALD SILLARS, and this I now do, of my own accord. To understand my position, it will be necessary that I should give a short story of my life, and my connection with the deceased, because unless the true relations between us, at the time of SILLAR'S death, are clearly understood, my own conduct might be unjustly judged, and I might be considered a murderer, when I was only acting in my own defence, upon a sudden quarrel which I did not provoke. How this quarrel came about I shall have to show, and I shall give shortly the history of my life. I was born in the year 1847. My father had been for many years a trusted and respected employee of the firm of Bowring Bros. At the age of fourteen I entered the employ of Bowring Bros. and remained in that employ for twenty years. In 1880, I married and remained after marriage with Bowring Bros. for over three years. I had then two children with a prospect of a third. During my service at Bowrings I had saved some money, as I had always lived economically, and indeed sparingly; had never entered upon expenses like young men generally, and finding myself with a family getting round me, with a limited salary, and no prospect of getting any considerable advancement, I cast about for some opening in business, where I would have a better chance of providing for my family.
June 22, 1889 PARNELL'S Statement (Part 2) It was in the summer of 1883, while in Bowring's employ, and at Topsail recovering from an accident to my ankle, that I met the deceased ARCHIBALD SILLARS. I had previously been speaking at Topsail with Mr. A. MARSHALL, who was then staying there, and who was a friend of both of us, of my desire to go into some business, and my possessing a little capital. At Topsail, Mr. SILLARS was there, and I met him, and after I had spoken to Mr. MARSHALL, he, SILLARS, told me that his health was not good, and he was thinking of retiring from the business of SILLARS & CAIRNS, and he thought that arrangements might be made between us. I told him what I was prepared to put in the business: there were bank shares of my wife, money of my mother's, and bank and Boot & Shoe Company shares of my own, and there was house property in Barnes' Lane, all of which I was willing to put in. The whole was assumed to be worth £4,000, and represented all that I could scrape together. The house and property, which was afterwards assigned to Mr. SILLARS at his request, without valuation upon it, was valued by T. W. SPRY in a note to SILLARS at £2,200, but I could never get SILLARS to allow a valuation upon it, in the books, until 1887, when it was taken in at £1,000 as I think, but cannot be certain.
June 22, 1889 PARNELL'S Statement (Part 3) The books will show. We finally, after many meetings and negotiations, arranged for a transfer of the business, and I took it over. I very soon found that the valuation of stock, for which I had to pay, was extravagant. The debts due to the concern, remained the property of SILLARS, and were from time to time, realized by him on the premises. SILLARS, after the transfer, was constantly about the premises, and interfering with clerks and servants, and the details of the business; but as there was still a large balance due by me to him on the valuation, I did not resent his interference, wishing to keep upon peaceable terms with him. This interference of his continued, as I believe, greatly to my loss, because he would frequently rush out from the shop to outport customers and passers who owed him money, and in this way many persons, who would have been customers of mine, were driven away from the shop. Shortly after I went into the business, I have reason to know that he told persons that I only had the business for two years, and would not be in charge of it any longer; this he told to Mrs. CAIRN. Looking at all his conduct in reference to myself and the business, I know now that having got from me all my means, he was determined to ruin me, and get back the business again on his own terms, leaving myself and my family beggars. He was a man who lived two very different sorts of lives to all appearance.
June 22, 1889 PARNELL'S Statement (Part 4) To one set of people who was not in his power, he seemed a blunt man, open and honest. At first I regarded him as such and never dreamed he would do anything to compass my ruin, but I had not been long in connection with him until I found that he had sly and underhand ways. He commenced by, pretending that he was acting liberally with me, as he acted he said with others. He told me amongst other things, that he had invested £1,000 for young CAIRNS, the son of his former partner, and that he was paying for his schooling in England. This I found to be entirely false. In pretending to assist me in the business, he was not only injuring me, but he was also adopting a system of espionage. Before the concern got into difficulties, in the end of 1886, he made himself acquainted with everything going on in the establishment, even to the details of my housekeeping. In 1886 he actually interferred at the Commercial Bank to stop my credit, with the design of bringing me into difficulties. He was a principal creditor and became a Trustee with Mr. A. J. HARVEY and Mr. ROBERT RENDELL. These two did not interfere actively, but SILLARS took the whole management. To outsiders he pretended that he had great sympathy with me, and was doing all in his power to help the estate through its difficulties, to carry out some probable compromise with creditors, and to leave me the balance of the business.
June 22, 1889 PARNELL'S Statement (Part 5) Under the insolvency proceedings, I was allowed a salary of £16 a month, while Mr. CARM was allowed £15 a month. Sickness came upon me; my wife had been recently confined; one of my children took diphtheria, and I had to attend it myself. Every two hours I had to brush its throat, and when he (SILLARS) knew I was anxious to get away for that purpose, he would deliberately try to detain me, although he must have known that it might be a matter of life and death to my poor little darling child. When this child recovered, another took it, and after sleepless nights I had to do the same thing for the other one. Notwithstanding he knew all my troubles, he was constantly grumbling to me about my expenses. He used to say that my wife ought to be able to do the work of the household, that the children were too great an expense, and that they were always eating and stuffing. I have seen him once, when my eldest child came down the shop, and when he thought I was not looking, he pushed the little fellow violently away. The little fellow's eyes filled with tears and he went away, and I said nothing. I bore all these troubles without resentment. I knew that he had power over me, and I submitted humbly, hoping that things would turn out all right in the long run, when I had paid 12s. 6d. in the pound, which I thought the creditors would accept, I would be clear of him. Although I felt very bitterly the humiliation of my position, I never said a cross word to him. For the sake of my wife and little ones I bore it all.
June 22, 1889 PARNELL'S Statement (Part 6) I told from time to time, my persecution to my legal advisor, Mr. ROBERT McNEILY, and Mr. ALEXANDER McNEILY, and following their advice, which I knew was wise, I put up with all these troubles and annoyances which, small as they may seem, were very bitter to me, I had sunk my whole savings, which had gone into his pocket, and I saw what was a reasonable prospect of getting out of his clutches, and having something from the wreck, if I only submitted to him, and bore my load of trouble and persecution. For many years I had been in the habit of using a revolver, and I have had them of different sorts. I used to carry one when living in Barnes' Lane for dogs, and kept up the habit of doing so, and was fond of shooting at a mark, and had attained considerable skill in that respect, though, until the terrible night of the 30th Nov, I never used one upon man or beast. I had the habit of putting a pistol in my pocket at night and never went out at night without one. I had several revolvers, but the one which I usually carried, was one I had bought at Bowring's about the month of August, before going to Ferryland. I had trouble with some bank fishermen there, who were a very rough and dangerous lot. The Colt pistol produced, which I have had for years, was a poor weapon and clumsy to carry. A smaller one, that I had, was a mere toy, and so I bought this one. I had it as usual with me on the night in question. I had fallen asleep that evening after ten, and it was nearly 9 o'clock when I went down to the shop.
June 22, 1889 PARNELL'S Statement (Part 7) I had been awake for several nights attending to my sick child. Intending to go out after the shop was closed I put this pistol in my pocket as was my custom. When I went down to the office after the shop was closed and when the cash was put away SILLARS taunted me with having been asleep when I should have been attending to business. I spoke about being awake with the children and he grumbled out that people who couldn't afford it, had no right to marry and have children. He then began to complain of the busines saying that the expenses of my wife and children were too high, and that at the end of the year there would be very little over the expenses, I said I thought that creditors would get the same dividend as last year, and I said I thought it strange I could not make an arrangement for a compromise like others, on reasonable terms. He said the creditors would not allow it. I said I believed they would, and I would ask them at next meeting. He said he was the chief creditor, and he would not agree to it. I got angry then and told him that he should be the last to object, considering all the old truck he had pawned off on me at treble its value. An angry contest took place during which he said that he would let me know his power and would close up the place at the end of the year. I asked him what was I to do with my wife and family. He said to clear out and starve and be damned; he told me that I was like all Newfoundlanders, a poor lot, and if I had any pluck I would have cleared out long ago. Much more he said in a bitter and jeering way, and went on to abuse my wife, saying she was a useless slouch, fit for nothing but dressing herself. I asked him why he kept her up till two or three o'clock in the morning, while I was in Ferryland, and she was just four weeks over her confinement.
June 22, 1889 PARNELL'S Statement (Part 8) He laughed again in a sneering way, and said that was his business. I then spoke the first word of abuse I ever employed to him. I said he was a damned heartless old reprobate, that he was a scoundrel and a hyprocrite who had robbed and swindled me. He was standing on the Western side of the office and I was on the other side. He flew into a violent temper and foamed at the mouth and seized the coal shovel, he rushed towards me holding it over me and swearing and threatening. I told him if he touched me I would kill him. I took out the pistol not intending then to use it, but only meaning to intimidate him and prevent assault. I told him if he touched me I would kill him. The revolver was one of those selfcocking ones, and as he rushed towards me with the shovel in his hand the mere action of my muscles pressed the trigger and I must have shot him in the breast. The whole scene is in some confusion in my brain for I was unwell at the time and had been suffering, not only from business troubles, but I had a violent headache, with a terrible sense of oppression on the brain, which made me feel as if I could only be relieved by the bursting of my head. I knew that after I got him he rushed forward; having dropped the shovel, he grasped at the revolver, and there was a strugggle between us which was continued, I don't know how long; but I know that we both clinched and got outside. Other barrels of the the revolver must have been discharged. During that struggle I must have been in a mad frenzy.
June 22, 1889 PARNELL'S Statement (Part 9) I only remember it now as a struggle of life and life between us, and first sensible remembrance, when I recovered from my temporary madness, was that he was dead on the floor before me. Then only I thought of the horror of my situation, and in the agony of my feelings, recognizing only the fact that I had killed a human being, I thought of some poison that I had in the desk for dealers furring. I took out the bottle, which was a long one, nothing like that produced for which I cannot account. I put the strychnine in a cup, which was under the desk, and put some water in it, and I went upstairs intending to die. Passing the stove in the show room in which there was a bright fire, I threw the bottle into it. The wound in the hand, may be accounted for by the explosion of the revolver, in the close struggle between us, when he rushed upon me after the first shot. I took no steps whatever to hide myself, or conceal my connection with the death of ARCHIBALD SILLARS. So far as my poor scattered senses help me in my memory of the terrible scene, this is a true statement of the circumstances. I make this statement in the presence of God, before whom I stand, and I make it with all the solemnity of a dying declaration. I know that I am standing on the brink of the grave, from which the verdict of this jury only can deliver me. With all this responsibility upon me, I say before God and this Court, that whatever of justification of my acts is in this statement is true, and I leave the rest to my kind, wise counsel. May God direct you gentlement to do me justice.

June 29, 1889 Boot & Shoe Factory We are told that the total number of boot and shoes sold last year by the Boot & Shoe Factory, St. John’s was 150,000 pairs, which number it is thought will be exceeded this year.
June 29, 1889 Diphtheria We regret to learn that diphtheria is still very prevalent in St. John’s though it is said to be of a somewhat milder type than formerly. It appears, however, to be more generally visiting adults, and some elderly persons have been severely attacked by the malady.
June 29, 1889 Methodist Conference The annual Methodist Conference met at Carbonear on Wednesday last. A special dispatch from there informs us that the Rev. Thomas S. JAMES has been elected President; Rev. William SWAN, Secretary; Rev. James NURSE, Journal Secretary; Revs. John W. VICKERS and Jabez HILL assistant secretaries.
June 29, 1889 Passengers The coastal steamer Conscript arrived at three o’clock on Sunday morning. She went as far as Griquet and returned going to St. John’s on Wednesday afternoon, making the trip North of this forty-eight hours than the previous time. The following were passengers:- For St. John’s- Dr. HOWLEY, Messers, BYNON, BOWEN, RICE, LANGMEAD, MAYNORD and Mrs. MALCOM. From here:- Rev. Mr. ANDREWS, Rev. Mr. HODGKINSON and son, Mr. CADWELL. The following landed here:- Mr. and Mrs. FURNEAU, Constable BURT, Messrs. BURKE, JACKMAN, and BURT. For Fogo:- Mrs. BURT, Mrs. ROLFE, and Miss LISCOMBE.
June 29, 1889 The Fishery A little has been done with fish in this neighborhood the past week. Some boats at Crow Head on Thursday got nearly a quintal, and at the Arm there has been a better sign than formerly. Caplin have been scarce in places where fish were to be caught and the delay in procuring it has lessened the quantity of fish taken. About New Bay and Leading Tickles the fishing up to date has been fair. On the Cape Shore the prospects are not very bright. From North West Arm and other parts of Green Bay similar reports reach us. Caplin landed here about the 20th inst. but rather scarce. Salmon have also been scarce. Around the Cape there was a better prospect of fish at one or two place when the Conscript came along. A report from Ming Bight says: On Monday the 24th Inst., there was a good sign of fish. Boats caught two and three quintal each in the afternoon. Caplin landed at Coachman’s Cove on Monday for the fist time this season. French bankers are interfering with our fishermen by hauling caplin in their traps. Captains of French bankers say that traps prevent caplin from landing. Seven or eight French vessels are now in Ming’s Bight waiting for a supply of bait, which will take, we are informed, nothing less than sixteen hundred barrels each.
June 29, 1889 Mail Communication We are pleased to learn that a mail courier has been appointed for North West Arm, and other places in Green Bay. This agreement will connect with the coastal steamer at Nippers Harbor, so that soon after the arrival of the Conscript there, letters and papers will be dispatched for these places. This will give them regular communication which is a great improvement, and will prove of much benefit. We are sorry that the person employed should be so poorly paid, for any one acquainted with the round he has to make must know that the amount is in sufficient. We are glad, however, that this service has been established, and hope that reasonable compensation will also be given to the one who, at times, will doubtless have to endure considerable hardship in reaching the various settlements. A correspondent writing on the subject says: We North West Armers, hail with delight the appointment of a man to bring us our letters and papers, and cannot but feel thankful to our members for remembering us and our neighbors in Jackson’s Cove and Three Arms, &c. We are very sorry the bringer of that mail is so poorly paid. We think that instead of getting the sum of two dollars, he ought to get at least three dollars, and then be poorly paid. We sincerely hope that the persons who were the means of launching so praise worthy a matter will make another move to satisfy the bringer of the mail whoever he may be.
June 29, 1889 Hon. M. Monroe Presentation.- On Tuesday, the employees of the hon. M. MONROE presented him with a full-length portrait of himself, painted by Mr. HATCH, in his best style- in oil colours. The occasion on which it was presented was Mr. MONROE’s birthday, and the painting was accompanied with a beautifully ornamented card, bearing the names of all the employees, requesting his acceptance of the gift, with the best wishes of the donors for may happy returns of the day. The presentation was an agreeable surprise to Mr. MONROE, who knew nothing of what was coming, and who must have been highly gratified by such a spontaneous expression of good will and kindly feeling from those in his employment. Such manifestations of friendly relations and kindly understanding between employer and employed are very pleasant and always to be welcomed. They speak volumes for both parties. - Mercury
June 29, 1889 Death At Little Bay, on the 17th instant, of bronchitis and pneumonia, Alfred, infant son of Sergeant WELLS, aged one year; he was born on the 17th of June 1888 and died on the 17th of June this year.
June 29, 1889 Death On Tuesday, June 4th, at Smithtown, Kings County. N.B., after much suffering, Catherine, relict of the late Rev. T. BOONE, of Plymouth, Eng. Aged 74 years.
June 29, 1889 Ship News Entered. June 24 - Lord Devon, PARTRIDGE, St. John’s, salt - E.DUDER. June 26 - Arthur, HARGRAVE, Cadiz, salt - OWEN & EARLE
June 29, 1889 Bankers During the past few days several of our banking fleet have returned to port from the Banks, namely, the Frolic, BARNES, master, 180 qtls.; Emma Moody, MOODY, master, 230 qtls.; Mary, FOWLOW, master, 400 qtls.; the Arctic, WHITE, master, with a small fare; Elizabeth, GOSSE, master, 100 qtls. Beside those the Twillingate bankers Iris and Gaspereau, commanded respectively by WHITE and CHURCHILL, have returned here from the Banks, the first named vessel with 150 and the other with about 80 quintals. - Trinity Record. June 15
June 29, 1889 Schooner Lost Loss of a Trinity Schooner.- The schooner Coral, JOHN GOVER, master, left here on Thursday, the 6th inst., for Labrador. Very foggy weather prevailed, and about one o’clock on Saturday morning, when about 9 miles off Bird Island Cove, she ran into an iceberg, sinking in ten minutes, so that the crew, comprising seven persons, had only time to escape in their boats and saved nothing. Shortly afterwards they fell in with a Harbor Grace schooner, commanded by Capt. Richard HAYDEN, who took the shipwrecked crew on board his vessel and brought them into Bird Island Cove. There was an expensive outfit on board the Coral, all of which was lost. The vessel was insured in the Trinity Mutual Insurance Club. Mr. GOVER desires to publicly thank Capt. HAYDEN for his kindness to himself and crew.
June 29, 1889 Twillingate to Bonavista (1) A few remarks on our trip to Twillingate and back may perhaps interest your reader; at any rate it will help to fill up, and prove a little light reading amongst the heavy parliamentary debates which still occupy your columns. We left this place about 3 a.m. on the 11th inst. King’s Cove was first port of call, celebrated for its riot over the public wharf in the Spring, but more especially and honorably for its Roman Catholic Chapel which, being on a commanding site and of beautiful architecture, readily attracts the eye and elicits admiration from all travellers. In the old grave yard close by, the old Parish Priest, after many years of toil in Trinity and Bonavista Bays, was laid to rest. A handsome stone slab raised a few feet above the ground on a wall of the same kind of stone marks the spot, but we were sorry to see that it was falling into a state of disrepair, and that the fence around the ground was down in several places. Surely the good people of King’s Cove have more respect for the good old man than to let his grave become a ruin for lack of attention. Salvage was touched at en route and the steamer “lay to,” under the shadow of its high perpendicular cliff; which those who see will not forget readily from its peculiar appearance.
June 29, 1889 Twillingate to Bonavista (2) Away then for Greenspond, past islands to right and left, Little Denier with its fine light house, and the beautiful bold and rocky scenery thereabouts. We past Puffin Island, with is old stone light house, to an anchorage in Greenspond harbor, and then ashore to inspect the sights, &c. The name itself is suggestive, Green, because green trees and grass are abut the scarcest things there, and pond because fresh water is perhaps the next scarcest. Following this incongruity comes our Methodist property with its Church, without a spire and its Central Hall with one. The latter building is the result of Rev. F. R. DUFFILL’S foresight and energy, and is spacious, handsome and easy of access, being right on the public road on a site purchased from Mr. F. WHITE, at a nominal price. Other public buildings worthy of note are the Episcopal Church and hall, and the Orange Lodge, a peculiar low building which prompts every passenger to ask “what building is that?” Off again for Fogo, passing Cabot Island, with its light house, the Wadhams with a light house too and a very large fleet of fishing boats on the ground, trying to obtain the where-it-all to square the merchant’s account and provide food for the winter.
June 29, 1889 Twillingate to Bonavista (3) Arrived at Fogo we lay alongside the wharf of Messrs. HODGE to land freight, and there our steamer took the liberty of reclining in the soft, muddy bottom when the tide fell, compelling us to await the rising which was six hours away; some of us went on shore for a few hours social intercourse at a friend’s, before we turned in for the night. The narrow entrance to the harbor where the “Somerside” came to grief a few years ago, was of course the object of remark for all strangers, and on shore perhaps the most striking building is the schoolhouse, erected to the memory of Rev. Mr. MEEK, which is quite ornate in design and construction. Fogo boasts a Post-master who keeps the steamer or rather the mail for two hours, i.e. he will not deliver the Northern mail to the steamer until two hours after he receives the Southern, and vice versa; for that reason he is not popular with the travelling public. Herring Neck was soon reached; this is a beautiful spot, islands and arms of the sea producing a most fascinating loveliness. Here we received intelligence that we would be quarantined at Twillingate, only passengers for the port being allowed to land. This spread dismay amongst those who were not bound there, as a public wharf to land us, gave all a chance to go ashore and have a walk on terra firma. However we reached Twillingate in good time and those who had travelled a little and “knew a thing or two” simply walked ashore without any questioning, while those who asked permission had to stay on board for a little while longer.
June 29, 1889 Twillingate to Bonavista (4) Here were landed the ministers who had come from the various southern ports for their District Meeting. You have already [can’t read] their doings at District by special correspondent. All were pleased with their stay at the Notre Dame Bay M.....[text too faint to read] is much in Twillingate to be admired, its public wharf, and fine streets, its bridge and canal, its court-house (whose cells by the way we found empty, swept and clean, and withal comfortable enough for any occupant – long may Twillingate gaol want a prisoner) and fine drives around Back Harbor, Wild Cove, and the Light-house on one side, and the Arm with its coves and settlements on the other, are all objects which we sure on fuller acquaintance would prove more interesting; but then we had only a limited time to take-stock of all these things and yet they impressed themselves upon our memories. The dwelling houses, business premises and Churches are also deserving of remark. Twillingate is dear to us Methodists, for resting in the South Side cemetery are the remains of Rev. Wm. MARSHALL, our pioneer minister in those parts, who, after a life of faithful service, lay himself down to die far away from his old home and friends, yet “safe in the arms of Jesus,” and by and bye when the great archangel’s trump shall sound, he and his spiritual children all round the bay who are asleep in Jesus, and who will yet sleep in Him ere that day arrives, will be raised in glory, and after the pomp and majesty of the judgement day, go home to be ‘forever with the Lord.”
June 29, 1889 Twillingate to Bonavista (5) Sunday was a high day in Twillingate. Sermons at 7 a.m., 11 a.m., and 6:30 p.m., in both our churches, and also Sunday School meetings in each at 3 p.m. The Conscript arrived at 11 a.m., but at the request of the District she was allowed to remain until midnight; accordingly at a few minutes past twelve we steamed away with pleasant recollections of our visit to your town. Our homeward trip is remarkable, because we made the run from Fogo to Greenspond in five hours, and forty minutes being quickest trip on record, running twelve knots by the log. Shortly after we left King’s Cove we were mustered in the saloon to spend an hour or two in singing. We had good singing, good hymns, good tunes; we fancy those on board will not soon forget it. We were therefore very sorry when we arrived at Bonavista and had to go ashore, the only time in our lives when we were sorry our sea voyage was over. We cannot close without paying a tribute to the Conscript; her speed, her comfort and handsome accommodation make her a pleasant boat to travel by, whilst her officers, particularly those of the saloon, whom passengers are more qualified to judge, do all in their power to make their patrons comfortable, thus getting for their ship, their employees and themselves a good name amongst the travelling public. What do the agents think of putting a piano, or, - if that be too large to fit in the saloon nicely - a cabinet organ, in the saloon of the Conscript and Volunteer? Such a gift would have been highly appreciated on the Conscript last trip. J.C.P. Bonavista, June 19

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Fogo / Twillingate District