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Newspaper Records

Notre Dame Bay Region

Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser

January 1884 - June 1884

Place of publication: Twillingate
Dates of publication: June 24, 1880-Jan. 31, 1953.
Suspended publication: Jan. 16-Feb. 15, 1947.
Frequency: Weekly.
Title varies: Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser, June 24, 1880-Aug. 10. 1912.
Twillingate Sun, Oct. 19, 1912-Jan. 31, 1953.
Editor and proprietor:
Jabez P. Thompson, June 24, 1880-1895.
George Roberts, 1895 (56)-1910.
William B. Temple, 1910-1921.
Stewart Roberts, 1921-Jan. 9, 1947.
Ernest G. Clarke, Feb. 22, 1947-Jan. 31, 1953.
MUN 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889, 1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Microfilm
PANL [1928-1930, 1934-1935, 1938,1953] Microfilm
PRL 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889,1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Original and microfilm.
Description: The Twillingate Sun printed local and foreign news, legislative proceedings, serial fiction and advertisements. It claimed to be politically independent in 1886, but supported the Whiteway and the Liberals, especially in the fall election of 1894. In 1929, it supported Squires and in 1948 was neutral on Confederation. The Sun ceased publication due to financial reasons in 1953.

Transcribed by CARL HOSKINS & BEVERLY WARFORD, formatted by GEORGE WHITE starting May 2002. While we have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there may be errors.

Jan 4, 1884Schooner LostCaptain SYMMONDS and crew of the schooner Lady Elgin, which vessel was lost at South West Arm, arrived here by the steamer Plover last night. We obtained from her Captain the following particulars in reference to her loss. The Lady Elgin took onboard a cargo of pine lumber from Point Leamington Saw Mill, and was ready for sea on the first of December, bound to Harbor Grace. The Arm being frozen to a mile from the point, the crew had to cut a channel, in consequence of which, the schooner made scarcely any head way. For three days the work of cutting the ice had to be carried on, and the ice sunk, in order to clear the channel. Tuesday, Dec 4,1884, commenced with a strong breeze from the W.N.W., thick snow showers and keen frost. All possible sail was made, and the work of ice cutting commenced. At noon, the wind increased to a gale, and at one o'clock, while the vessel was surging ahead, she received a heavy blow on the port bow. The pumps were immediately sounded and ten inches of water was found to be in her hold. After the pumps were tried, the operation of cutting ice was proceeded with. It was noticed that the vessel appeared to be settling down, and on going onboard, it was found that the water was over the forecastle floor. The Captain summoned the crew at once, and the work of throwing the deck load on the ice was commenced, but all to no purpose, as the vessel filled rapidly, and in a very short time, the deck covering board on the port side was underwater. The Captain and crew put forth every energy to save the schooner, but did not succeed. The next day a survey of the waterlogged vessel was called by the Captain. She was condemned and ordered to be sold for the benefit of the under writers. Mr. PHILLIPS bought the hull and ground mast for the sum of $35. The rest of her rigging, sails, &c., were put on board the schooner Annie Jeal, and sent to Harbor Grace, there to be put at the disposal of the Insurance Club, in which she was insured. She was owned by Messrs. Ross & Co. of Harbour Grace. Mercury, Dec. 14.
Jan 4, 1884S.S. Princess Louise Lost(Part 1.)The Dominion Government steamer, Newfield, while towing the S.S. Princess Louise, on the night of the 2nd. inst., near Digby, N.S., parted the hawser, and the new vessel went ashore near Point Prim Lighthouse, striking against a bluff rock. Capt. BROWNE of the Newfield, was onboard the new ship with nine others; only two of them were saved. Captain BROWNE and seven other men drowning. The men saved were: James DANE and James SOY. DANE was second stewart of the Newfield, and was sent on board the ship to look after Captain BROWNE. When the hawser parted, Captain BROWNE saw Point Prim Light, and knowing they must go ashore, steered her for the light, which, if he had succeeded in doing, would have saved the crew, even if the vessel would be lost, but with the wind and tide against them, he failed. Captain BROWNE was formerly a Lieutenant in the Royal Navy and very popular in Halifax, where he leaves a family. A reporter of the St. John's Telegraph had an interview with Richard SOY, one of the survivors.[Note that this is not the name given to SOY, earlier in this article. GW]
Jan 4, 1884S.S. Princess Louise Lost(Part 2.)Coming to the time when the hawser parted, he says: "As we saw the lights of the steamer receding from us, I think that all hands gave themselves up for lost. Somehow, I felt that I was not to be drowned, but I almost gave up hope, like the others. After the hawser parted, we made every effort we could to attract the attention of the steamer. All the lights we had onboard were brought into requisition, and shown at all the points of vantage on the ship, but to do no purpose, for those on the steamer, either did not notice them, or were unable to help us. Which it was we could not say. Captain BROWNE, when he saw that it was useless to attempt to attract the steamer's attention,, and that the distance between the two vessels was being constantly widened, and that we were drifting towards a lee shore, gave the order to hoist the jib, and accordingly, the men got it out and prepared to bend it. It was Captain BROWN's idea, that could the jib be got up, we might be able to make Digby Gut. It was impossible to get it up all the way, and the wind proved too strong for the jib to be of any service."
Jan 4, 1884S.S. Princess Louise Lost(Part 3.)"We could make no headway at all. The next order given was to let go the anchor. The starboard anchor was unshackled to allow the tow hawser to come onboard, so that we had only the port anchor. Preparations were made to let it go, but before the chain could be chocked, it had all payed out and both chain and anchor were lost. The men had, up to this time, faint hope that the anchor might drag, long enough to allow the gale to abate, or we might be able to make the gut. But when both had failed, they prepared for the end. There was no confusion on board. Captain BROWNE gave his orders calmly, and both officers and men worked bending the jib and getting ready the sail. The storm continued with unabated violence, and every soul on board felt that he was drawing near to the shore, and perhaps to death. A faint ray of hope spread through the ship when it was suggested that a main stay sail be hoisted, which would perhaps keep the vessel from going ashore, or enabling them at least to make some sheltered cove. All hands went to work with a will, but before the experiment could be successfully tried, a sudden thump warned those onboard that she had struck. I was at the wheel at the time, and looking, saw that she struck stern foremost. After she struck the first time she recoiled, but in a few minutes, another breaker hurled her against the rocks a second time."
Jan 4, 1884S.S. Princess Louise Lost(Part 4.)"The crew rushed for the weather rigging. I remained at the wheel for a few minutes, but as the sea was making a clean breach over her every few minutes, I got into the rigging with the others. We had not been there a great while, when she struck again, this time side on. Another gleam of hope passed through the ship's company. Should she list towards the shore, there was a chance of escape. But this was not to be, for after she had been on the rocks for a short time, she listed over to the sea, and the men had to jump out of the rigging, as the rail was almost under water. As she listed, a heavy sea boarded her, smashing the hatches and breaking away portions of the deck. It was very dark at the time, and all I can say about what happened just then, is that I was carried by the sea into the hold of the vessel. According to my best judgement I was in the hold about two hours when I concluded to make the escape. I crawled along toward the stern, and smashing out a glass window, I climbed up on the rail. DANE followed me, and when we were both safe on the rail, I made a life line fast to him and lowered him down on a flat rock, by means of which he got ashore. I then lowered myself down and reached the shore alright. Both were very much exhausted as DANE was not able to get along as well as I was. I left him in the woods, while I started to hunt up a house. About 8 o'clock, I reached this house and told the people. They started out at once and found DANE and took him to John ADAM's house."
Jan 4, 1884Ship Disasters of the West CoastThe steamer Curlew, whose arrival from the Westward we announced in our issue of last evening, brought the crews of the lost schooners, Rattler and Garabaldi, and three of the crew of the German barque, Helois, timber laden, from Carraquette to a port in Europe, but now at Bay St. George. It appears that the stress of the weather drove the Helois into the Bay mentioned, where she got stranded. Her commander, Captain STEINORT and his crew, as he states in his declaration, (in possession of the German Consul, R. PROWSE, Esq.), left the ship, but the first named placed onboard a watchman belonging to Sandy Point and a policeman, to take care of the vessel. These two, summoned a crew and got the ship afloat. When STEINFORT discovered this, he and his crew returned to the Helois, but the Sandy Point men refused to yield possession unless their claim as salvors, was recognised. This the Captain would not acknowledge and the court will very likely be invoked to settle the dispute. The resident representative of the Government there, has taken cognisance of the proceedings, and recognises the present status quo. Another wreck, that of the barque Moorland, has occurred at Bay of Islands. This vessel was laden with timber by Mr. CARTER, of that place, but struck a rock while going out to sea. She was floated off and sold - Mr. CARTER, Messrs. DRYER and GREENE being the purchasers, the latter, we believe, of the hull only, which they bought for £150. - Ibid.
Jan 4, 18841883 Domestic AffairsThe past year was considered an exceptionally prosperous and important one in the history of Terra Nova. The cod fishery was the most abundant for years, though perhaps not proportionately remunerative for all concerned, due to a fluctuation in fish market prices. In particular, those engaged in trading along the coast, where contact with the centre of trade is lost, are for months ignorant of any changes that take place. Some learn to their sorrow that their trade will not return a profit for the effort expended. And, while the abundance of fish this past year may account for the fall in prices, the fluctuation in the fishmarket is more the rule than the exception. The season was remarkably favourable for fish curing, which tended in no small degree to make the voyage the success it was. Agriculture, a minor industry, is gradually forming into a more significant resource. Crops have yielded a fair return, although the drought has affected the hay crop in some regions. Mining has progressed steadily without any marked impetus, yet prospects for the future promise fair. A Dry Dock has been started at St. John’s, and when completed will immensely enhance the importance of the port to Atlantic shipping. Such activity will increase trade, which in turn will increase revenue, and enhance the situation for the country as a whole. Railway work , although disappointing, has progressed, and the line between St. John’s and Harbour Grace is near finished. An International Fisheries Exhibition, at which Newfoundland was represented, was opened at London on May 10th, having for its object the consideration of the fisheries of the world. Joseph HATTON Esq., of London, and Rev. M. HARVEY, of St. John’s, wrote a book entitled “Newfoundland”. This work did valuable service abroad, in removing erroneous ideas that prevailed, and diffusing correct and useful information regarding our “Island Home”. As a history of our country, it stands unique. Two acts of murder had occurred recently and were noted only because such crimes were absent in the recent past. And, although prohibition had been in place for twelve months, no noticeable decrease in consumption of intoxicating liquors had occurred.
Jan 4, 1884The Harbor Grace AffrayThe following telegrams, taken from the Evening Mercury tell of the confrontation that occurred in Harbour Grace between members of the Orange Society and a group of Roman Catholics: “…a dastardly affray at Harbour Grace, which occurred there on the 26th December last, and which is the blackest that has ever stained the annals of our country. On the day mentioned the Orange Society of that town walked out in procession to attend Divine Service at the Methodist Church, where an eloquent sermon was preached by the Rev. Mr. BOYD. After leaving the Church they proceeded to Bear’s Cove, and having countermarched, they wended their way to the upper end of the town. On arriving at Ship’s Head the Society was met by a mob of Roman Catholics, belonging principally to River Head, who were armed with guns, hatchets and pickets. The Orange body were unarmed. Head Constable Doyle having had intimation a few minutes previous, that the crowd had gathered, immediately proceeded to the spot, and headed the procession, which had just reached where the mob had gathered. Head Constable Doyle while endeavouring to frustrate the design of the mob, and prevent a breach of the peace, received a severe blow from one of the mob and had to be removed. A number in front of the crowd would not allow the procession to continue their march, while others in the rear fired seven or eight guns into the ranks of the Orangemen, instantly killing William JEANS of Carbonear, and wounding twelve or fourteen others, three of whom have since died. It is not our purpose at present to comment on this cowardly and brutal murder, which was so deliberately plotted.”
Jan 4, 1884The Evening MercuryHarbour Grace, Dec. 28th, 1883. The Orange Society left British Hall in this town at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, and proceeded down Water Street, West, to the Wesleyan church, to attend divine service. The service ended and they came out at 12:30, proceeding in procession to Bear’s Cove, then up Harvey Street fifty yards, and turning into Water Street. There they were met by a mob bearing guns, hatchets, and pickets, carrying a flag, but saying nothing. Head Constable Doyle interfered, to prevent an affray, but received a blow from one of the mob which stunned him, and he was removed. The Society stopped when the mob came up, but seven guns were immediately fired, killing William JANES, and wounding William CLEARY, and Philip VATCHER of Carbonear, Wm. BROWN, Solomon MARTIN, Thos. NICHOLAS, Thomas LUFFMAN, James BRAY, Reuben COURAGE, Robert LILLY, William ANTHONY, William BEST, John WEBBER, Henry NOSEWORTHY and William FRENCH of this place. Several others are slightly wounded. The Society at once dispersed. DORMIDY and CALLAHAN, members of the mob, were also shot, and it is said, by persons of their own party, in consequence of the confusion. The same man who shot JANES is said to have shot CALLAHAN, the shot spreading. CALLAHAN and FRENCH died yesterday morning. DORMIDY is not dead, but he and five others are seriously, if not fatally injured. Up to this time James QUIRK, Nicholas SHANAHAN, John McCARTHY, Jeremiah SULLIVAN, and DUGGAN have been arrested. Michael COADY surrendered himself. Some others have yet to be arrested. HARPER, who is charged with shooting JANES, firing a stone, and shooting and wounding MARTIN, has not yet been caught. The town is quiet and likely to remain so. Information against five others are being taken, and investigations will be proceeded with at once. Funerals will take place tomorrow, guarded by police, and walking without banners of any kind.
Jan 4, 1884Harbour Grace, Noon, Dec. 29."Eight more persons charged with participation in the affray of Wednesday have been arrested. Their names are: Patrick HARPER, Thomas MORRISEY Junior, Richard FLEMMING, William RUSSELL, John WALSH, Thomas MORRISEY, and John FLEMMING. They were apprehended this morning. Judge BENNETT, the honorary Justice of the Peace, and mounted and foot policemen, escorted the corpse of CALLAHAN to his burial this morning. The procession was not interfered with in any way, but moved unmolested to its destination. FRENCH will be interred this evening, and the particulars will be telegraphed to you." Harbor Grace. Noon, Dec. 29., To Sir W. V. WHITEWAY: "We secured eight additional prisoners last night."[Transcriber's note: a reference to the eight noted above.] "We now have all we want but one. Inspector CARTY and the policemen under him, have behaved splendidly all through." Signed Judge BENNETT.
Jan 4, 1884Carbonear, 2 pm. Dec. 29."Those Carbonear people who were wounded in the Harbor Grace Tragedy, will probably recover from their wounds. The feeling here is still intense. I will wire you again after the funeral of FRENCH."
Jan 4, 1884Harbor Grace, 4pm. Dec. 29."Patrick WALSH has been arrested. He makes fourteen now in custody. Only one more - named BRADBURY - is to be arrested. FRENCH's funeral has just passed along Water St. attended by seven hundred people. The town is quiet."
Jan 4, 1884Harbour Grace, 11a.m. Dec. 31."Thomas and Nicholas BRADBURY were arrested yesterday. These make seventeen now in custody. The Orange body were unarmed when attacked on Wednesday, as they did not anticipate an assault. When within forty yards of Palmeter Lane, in the upper part of the town, where they intended to turn down, they were met by a crowd displaying a green flag. The crowd called to the Society to turn down another lane. Constable DOYLE interceded, advising the Society to go back. Neither would retreat, and an onward movement of the Society caused guns to be fired, wounding and killing many of those in front, and shooting in the back some who were running away. Sympathisers with the Society are accused of having arms and shooting CALLAHAN, and Head Constable DOYLE is also charged with the same crime, but there is strong proof of his innocence. Two more men are dying. One man has forty-four shot in his body. The policemen are much fatigued with constant duty. The men who were arrested offered no resistance. Great excitement still prevails, one section of the people mistrusting the other. People at River Head are afraid to come down without an escort. Peace sermons were preached in all the churches yesterday. Bishop McDONALD pledged his word that his congregation would keep the peace. Constable COUGHLAN arrested a man named WILLIAMS at Courages Beach at two o’clock this morning. He had a large sealing gun with a charge of nine fingers of powder, and a bottle of powder and shot. No information have been laid against Orangemen. Investigations commence today. FRENCH’s funeral was the largest ever seen in Harbour Grace. No regalia was worn. The police formed an escort. The Cavalry went to Carbonear, anticipating a riot at Jayne’s funeral. They are doing good work. Business is entirely suspended here. Public houses are closed by order of the Magistrates. Six of the infantry left for Carbonear this morning.
Jan 4, 1884Harbor Grace, 2:30pm. Dec. 31."Seven crown witnesses were called today at the investigations, and the following prisoners were identified as present at the riot on Wednesday last: Michael CODY, Nicholas SHANAHAN, Thomas DUGGAN, John McCARTHY, Jermiah SULLIVAN, John WALSH, Patrick WALSH (known as Coppel Quirk), Patrick HARPER, Thos. BRADBURY, Rich. FLEMMING, John FLEMMING, James QUIRK, Thomas MORRISEY, William RUSSELL, and -– BRADBURY. They were remanded until Wednesday, when counsel for the defence will be present. One prisoner was discharged. The Judge advised the prisoners not to say anything at present. Identification proof was strong in some cases and slight in others. Other witnesses and prisoners will be forthcoming. The town is quiet. Riverhead people desire prosecution against some of the Society’s followers."
Jan 4, 1884Harbor Grace, 3:30pm. Dec. 31."Frederick Williams, a sympathiser with the Society, arrested last night, has been bound over to keep the peace, his gun and ammunition confiscated. The people of Carbonear have returned to their houses today, and go about the streets unmolested."
Jan 4, 1884Carbonear, 10:30 am. Dec. 31."The Lady Glover was not allowed to land mails and passengers on Saturday while JAYNE’s funeral was in progress. The funeral was the largest ever seen here. Over five hundred walked in procession in full regalia. About two thousand were on the street. All places of business have been closed since Wednesday last, but were opened again this morning. Many people left their homes for safety, but have returned. The Cavalry and a detachment of infantry are here, and there is every appearance of peace.
Jan 4, 1884Poor Relief to WidowsFortune Harbour, 20th Dec., 1883. To the Editor of the Twillingate Sun. Dear Sir: In the interest of the widows and orphans, would you be kind enough to publish the following? Is there no other possible channel, through which poor relief to widows and orphans can come to us, except through Mr. RICHARD of New Bay, causing us thereby to have to travel a distance of five miles, and then take whatever he is pleased to give us at a very exorbitant figure? The provisions, in nearly all cases, are of the worst description. For my own part, I am only too sorry that I am necessitated, through the loss of my husband, to seek poor relief, but unless starvation compels me to do so, I am determined to have nothing more to do with Mr. RICHARDS or his relief. I understand that the way in which these matters are managed in other places, is that the claimants receive their poor orders quarterly, then of course, they can make use of them t the best advantage, but this is not the case with us. We know nothing about poor orders; I never saw one! I remain, Very truly yours, A Widow.
Jan 4, 1884Little Bay Police Court12 Dec 1883. Before J.B. BLANDFORD Esq., Sgt. WELLS charged Henry CASTELLE with violating Section 25 of the License Act. He was convicted and fined $50.00 and costs. 13 Dec 1883 John FOLY was charged with the same infraction noted above. He was fined $10.00 and costs.
Jan 4, 1884Shipping NewsPort of Twillingate, Departures, Dec 20th, Cleared, Belle of Devon, QUILLER; Lisbon, 3000 quintals of fish – Owen & Earle. Dec 24th, Cleared, Annie Lloyd, ROBERTS; Lisbon, 4652 quintals of fish, -- W. Waterman & Co.
Jan 4, 1884FireLeading Tickles, Fire, 21st Dec. A shop belonging to Mr. Geo. PEARCE, Leading Tickles, was destroyed by fire on the night of Dec. 21st. The origin of the fire is at present unknown.
Jan 4, 1884Schooner Driven AshoreA Large quantity of drift ice filled our harbor on Wednesday last and a good deal was visible on the outside. On Wednesday night, a very heavy groundswell prevailed. The wind veering to the S.W. on Thursday morning, carried the ice out of the harbor with such force that many of the vessels, anchored in the harbor, were dragged from their moorings. The schooner Iris, owned by John Roberts, Wild Cove, parted one of her chains and went ashore, but was afterward got off without sustaining much injury.
Jan 4, 1884North Star Division ElectionsThe following members of the North Star Division, No. 15, S. of T., were installed on the 3rd. inst by Bro. W.T. ROBERTS, D.B.W.P. : Bro. Andrew ROBERTS, elected W.P. Bro. William J. SCOTT, elected W.A. Bro. John LUNNEN, re-elected R.S. Bro. Edward ROBERTS, elected A.R.S. Bro. Chas MAYNE, re-elected F.S. Bro. W.T. ROBERTS, re-elected Treas. Bro. Reuben BLACKMORE, elected Chaplin. Bro. Henry CLARKE, elected Conductor. Bro. John W. ROBERTS, elected A.O. Bro. Samuel PAYNE, re-elected I.S. Bro. William LINFIELD, elected O.S. Finance Committee: Bros. Fred. LINFIELD, George ROBERTS. Investigating Committee: Bros. Samuel PAYNE, sr., Philip RIDOUT, Samuel MOORES. Sick Committee: Bros. Reuben BLACKMORE, J.W. ROBERTS, Henry CLARKE. Managing Committee: Bros. Titus LINFIELD, Chas. MAYNE, W.J. SCOTT. John LUNNEN, Recording Scribe.
Jan 4, 1884BirthBirth, 24th Dec. A daughter to the wife of Mr. A.J. PEARCE, Sub-collector.
Jan 4, 1884MarriageAt Twillingate 1st Jan. Mr. Thomas YOUNG, to Agnes, youngest daughter of Mr. John MOORS, both of Twillingate, by Rev. Chas. McKAY.
Jan 4, 1884Marriage31st Dec. Mr. Samuel PARSONS to Rachel, daughter of Mr. John LINFIELD of Jenkin’s Cove, Twillingate, at St. Andrew’s, by Rev. R. TEMPLE.
Jan 4, 1884Marriage21st Dec. Mr. Philip YOUNG to Esther, widow of the late Elias SPENCER of Back Harbour, Twillingate, at St. Peter’s Church, by Rev. R. TEMPLE.

January 11, 1884Newfoundland Claims LabradorNewfoundland claims the proprietorship of a large portion of Labrador. Years ago Quebec owned the entire frozen region. Afterwards in 1763, Labrador was annexed to Newfoundland. Ten years later Canada came into possession again. In 1809 the prize was restored to Newfoundland, and in that colony he has been ever since. The Newfoundlanders have a court of civil and criminal jurisdiction there, and they levy custom duties. Nobody is likely to envy Newfoundland her possession. Still, the fisheries are rich. In one year the fishermen of Newfoundland have captured on the Labrador coast 400,000 quintals of codfish, 60,000 barrels of herring, and 300 or 400 tierces of salmon.
January 11, 1884Post Office NoticeThe first trip of the overland mail will not bring any mail matter North of Fresh Water Bay. Weather permitting, the steamer Plover, will leave with mails for the North on or before the 15th inst. J. COLBOURNE, Post Master.
January 11, 1884Wanted – A TeacherA Teacher, for the South Side School, belonging to the Colonial and Continental Society, and temporarily supplied by the Church of England Board of Education. SALARY £30 and fees. Apply to the Chairman of the said Board, Twillingate.
January 11, 1884Loss of LifeSix hundred and eighty persons are thought to have perished through the foundering of fishing vessels off the coast of New England, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland in a gale last November.
January 11, 1884Silver Haired Fox TakenAdam BULGIN of the Arm, lately shot a very fine silver-haired fox on Burnt Island; said to be worth £14. This fellow had been on the island all the summer and has been living on sheep and rabbits.
January 11, 1884PassengersThe coastal steamer Plover, Captain BLANDFORD, arrived on her return to St. John’s on Monday last. The following passengers left here by her: Mr. & Mrs. LETHBRIDGE, and two sons, Mr. BYRNE, Mr. A. BERTEAU, Mr. BURKE.
January 11, 1884Man Crushed by TrainYesterday, near Harbour Grace Junction, a man named John WALSH, of Beacon Cove, attempted to jump from a moving construction train, but was caught between two cars and crushed to death. - Mercury, Dec. 24.
January 11, 1884Crew and Cargo LostChannel, Dec. 20 - A boat owned and commanded by Nelson LEMINGTON was totally lost at Isle-aux-Morte last Sunday night, and all on board were drowned. The boat had a cargo of produce from Codroy. The weather has been very stormy lately. Nothing doing with fish.
January 11, 1884The Seal FisheryThe following extract from a private letter has been kindly handed us by a friend: Cape John Shore – “On the 2nd inst. we had an immense number of seals about this shore – old harps and bedlamers – as many as fifteen were taken on one day. Scarcely in any of the resident’s remembrance have there been so many seen; and we attribute it to there being a great quantity of ice Northward.” Some 50 or 60 seals have been secured in sealing nets, about this [Twillingate] neighborhood the past week. In consequence of the prevalence of ice in the vicinity, the nets have been taken out of the water for the season.
January 11, 1884Attempted Train Wreck (Part 1)On Monday last three men – two named GUSHE, and one CASSIDY – belonging to Brigus, paid their fare from Salmon Cove to Davenport Station. [Avondale?] Before the train started to return they demanded a free ride back, but were refused by the Conductor, and went away muttering in theatening tones. The train left Davenport [Avondale?] Station upon time, and when near Salmon Cove a stone weighing about sixty pounds was seen upon the track, but in time to stop the train before damage was done. Upon arrival of the train here, the authorities were notified of the attempted crime, and Sergeant SULLIVAN was sent to arrest the suspected men. Two, he secured yesterday at Salmon Cove, and the third was arrested today at Brigus. Important evidence has been obtained, and there is good reason to hope that at last, an example will be made of those human fiends who so deliberately plan the loss of life and property to satisfy their wanton malice. - Mercury, Dec. 20.
January 11, 1884Attempted Train Wreck (Part 2)The three men accused of attempting to wreck the railway train on Monday evening last, were up to day before His Worship, Judge CONROY, for examination. A number of witnesses were brought to town last night by Inspector CARTY and Head Constable SULLIVAN. The stone which was found upon the track could not have rolled there, for on inspection of the locality, it was seen that it had been taken from a small pit close by. About six hundred yards from this, towards Salmon Cove, there was another obstruction in the shape of a piece of iron driven down between the rails. It was taken up by one of the witnesses, who was examined today, before the train came along that evening. As the train passed him, he held up the piece of iron indicating that he had taken it from the rails, but the train was going so fast at the time, in order to catch the suspects, that the Conductor, though he saw him, did not pay any attention to the witnesses movements. The three men were overtaken as they were making their way, pretty smartly down towards Salmon Cove, when the train was stopped. The Conductor then went down after them and succeeded in ascertaining their names. The examinations will probably be concluded today. Ibid 22.
January 11, 1884Frozen To Death[On 20th Dec., Richard TUCKER, left his home to go hunting and failed to return. He was found by Sam ETRELL of Bonavista, who reported it to a Magistrate and then accompanied a police officer who recovered the body. It appeared he fell into a ditch and being tired and hungry, was unable to extricate himself, and he froze to death. He was seventy-two years of age, active, and used to going into the woods alone]. (Mercury).
January 11, 1884Police Court[A young lad of eleven years who delivered papers for "Our Country", took advantage of his presence in the shop of Mr. Nathaniel THOMAS, Water St., and stole £3. He admitted his guilt when brought before the Magistrate by Constable COUGHLAN. £2, 3 shillings were found on his person, and he said he threw the cash box the money was in, over the wharf.]
January 11, 1884Labrador Fishery[A report indicates that the residents of the coast of Labrador are in a very poor state, and suffering greatly due to the failure of the fishery this year. As a result an application for aid was recently made to the Dominion government, and another effort made to secure a portion of the $150,000.00 voted as a bonus for fishermen. Unfortunately these efforts failed, and their plight was then referred to the government of Quebec. The Hon. Mr. BLANCHARD, Provincial Secretary, took the matter in hand and two schooner loads of provisions were sent. Hopefully this will be sufficient to tide the residents over until spring.]
January 11, 1884Little Bay Police Court[Sgt. WELLS charged Henry CASTELLE, for a second time in a month, with a breach of the License Act. He was to appear before J.B. BLANDFORD, Esq., but sent a doctor’s certificate attesting to his inability to attend. The case was adjourned.]
January 11, 1884MarriedOn Jan 8th, at St. Peter’s Church, by Rev. R. TEMPLE, R.D., Mr. Robert RYALL of St. John’s, to Elizabeth A., eldest daughter of Mr. Frederick SLADE.
January 11, 1884DeathAt Little Harbour, on th 6th inst., after long illness, Mr. Ephraim POOL, aged 35 years.
January 11, 1884AdvertisementMr. Samuel SHORT, of Ward’s Harbour wrote: Dear Mr. Pill. The effects produced by your Lung Healer are truly wonderful. A few months ago,my daughter who is 16 years old, was induced to try a bottle of your medicine for a cough, attended with great weakness and pains in the chest, from which she had been suffering during the whole of her life. After taking one bottle all bad symptoms disappeared and she now enjoys perfect health. (See Adv.)
January 11, 1884Attacked by DogA little boy, son of Mr. John PARDY of Little Harbor, was badly bitten by a dog, on Sat. the 29th. ult. The little fellow, it seems, was walking along the road near his father's house, when the savage brute sprang upon him, seizing him by the forehead, almost completely skinning it. Fortunately, some people were quickly on the spot, and rescued the child from the ravenous animal, else it is feared, the consequence might have been even worse. Dr. STAFFORD found it necessary to put seventeen stitches in the tear. We understand the little fellow is progressing favourably. The dog was afterwards shot.

January 21, 1884Capt. Jackman Honoured[The whaling captains of Dundee met recently on the occasion of Capt Arthur JACKMAN’s arrival there to take command of the Dundee Seal and Whale Fishing Company’s steamer Resolute. Capt. JACKMAN, one of the best known captains in Newfoundland, will take the Resolute to the Nfld. seal fishery in the spring. Many pleasantries were exchanged among those in attendance.]
January 21, 1884Harbour Grace AffrayIt has been reported that messages by telegraph from Harbour Grace having reference to the riot there, have been suppressed, either by the Telegraph Company or the Government. Now we are not in Russia or Germany where a free expression of opinion is not permitted. In this country, and in all countries under British rule, the individual, and not the state is the judge as to what shall be published and what shall not. The individual is responsible for wrong-doing and rightly so. If it be true that the Government or the Telegraph Company control the lines and will only allow such messages as they wish to pass, it is a scandal and disgrace. - Constitution Dec 29.
January 21, 1884MarriagesBy Rev A. HILL, Dec 5th, at the residence of the bride, Mr. Adolphus YATES, to Elizabeth MOORS, both of New Bay Head
January 21, 1884MarriagesBy Rev. A. HILL, at Florence Bight, on Dec. 9th, Mr. Thomas BUDGET to Lucretia COLE, both of Florence Bight.
January 21, 1884MarriagesBy Rev. A. HILL, Nov 14th, at Kite Cove, Mr. Samuel MANUEL to Jemima PURCHASE, both of Kite Cove.
January 21, 1884DiedFell asleep on the 13th inst., Frederick George, son of the late Thomas GUY, aged 7 years.
January 21, 1884NoticeCopies of the book “Newfoundland” may be had on application to Mr. W. T. ROBERTS. Price $1.50.
January 21, 1884S.U.F. Meeting"The annual meeting of St. Peter’s Lodge S.U.F. was convened on the 9th inst., when the following officers were duly installed by Past Master, Bro. Rev. R. TEMPLE, via: Bro. John PURCHASE, W.M., elected. Bro. Noah WHELLOR, Chief Officer, elected. Bro. Reuben Blackmore, 2nd Officer, elected. Bro. John Lunnen, Secretary, re-elected. Bro. John White, Purser, re-elected. Bro. Rev. R. TEMPLE, Chaplain, re-elected. Bro. Elias ANSTEY, L.O., elected. Bro. Arch. YOUNG, Q.M., elected. Finance Committee: Bros. W. HITCHCOCK, Titus LINFIELD, D.C. WEBBER. Sick Committee: Bros. James NEWMAN, Joseph HARBIN, Philip YOUNG, ____ JENKINS, John CHURCHILL, Eli SPENCER, James PURCHASE, John ANDREWS, James HAMLIN. Managing Committee: Bros. Titus LINFIELD, Titus MANUEL, Henry SHAVE. [Detailed financial report provided]. Auditors: Titus LINFIELD, James LOCKYER, A. FINDLATOR. Signed: John LUNNEN, Secretary, and John WHITE, Purser."
January 21, 1884The Plover Delayed, In consequence of the Plover being signalled from Long Point lighthouse on Friday last, and the hope being entertained that she would succeed in reaching some point of land in the vicinity, where the mails might be landed, we delayed The Sun, in order to have the latest news obtainable to lay before our readers. On Saturday morning however, she was not to be seen probably due to the wind veering N W on Friday [18th January] causing her to retreat, for fear that she would be jammed in the Bay. It was anticipated that the mails would have been landed near Fogo. The Plover also had on board considerable freight for Twillingate, and probably the crews of the schrs. Branksea and Kangaroo which left here for St. John’s last month. [The delay of the arrival of the Plover, and her whereabouts, was highlighted as another case supporting the need for telegraphy at that place.]
January 21, 1884A New EnterpriseMessrs. BOWRING Brothers have favored us with a prospectus of "The New York Newfoundland and Halifax Steamship Company Limited", of which Messrs C.T. BOWRING & Co., Liverpool, are Managers. As its name indicates, the object of the company is to establish a line of steamships between New York, Halifax, and St. John's, to carry both freight and passengers. Regular sailings from St. John's every ten days, are contemplated, and to perform the work expected, two boats of about 1400 tons each will be needed. Negotiations for their construction have already been commenced. They will each cost about £23,000 sterling. The Capital stock of the Company will be £50,000. Half will be reserved by the managers, and the remainder will be sold in New York, Halifax, and St. John's. There cannot be the slightest doubt of the success of such a line. [.....] Mercury.
January 21, 1884The Cod TrapThe following letters received by Mr. Joseph ELLIOTT, Change Islands, testify to the success that has attended the cod trap invented by him, and for which he has a patent. This is another instance of native ingenuity. Joe Batts Arm, Nov 5, 83. Mr. ELLIOTT: Dear Sir. –I received your letter on Saturday the second of the present month, and have pleasure in replying thereto. The amount of fish caught by me was 600 quintals; Mr. Richard BRETT, 500 quintals; Mr. Ambrose COFFIN, 500 quintals; Mr. John FREKE, 700 quintals; Mr. Joseph COFFIN, 400 quintals; about Mr. W. LEWIS, I can say nothing. The time spent in securing these fares was about two months. It is my opinion your patent trap is the best in use. I found your work very correct. Yours respectfully, George COFFIN. Change Islands, Dec. 15th, 1883. Mr. Joseph ELLIOTT: Dear Sir:--- For the past two years I have used your patent trap, and I make bold in asserting that it is superior to the other traps. Yours truly, John CHAFFY.

January 25, 1884Harbour Grace Affray Part 1News of the Harbour Grace tragedy reached England via New York and the Colonial Secretary, Lord DERBY cabled offering the assistance of troops if required. - (Mercury). [A report in the Evening Mercury for 2 January noted that nothing of importance had occurred of late and the Carbonear wounded were improving. William CLEARY was said to have walked to his meals yesterday. The Carbonear Orange band had gone to Spaniard’s Bay where the Orangemen walked in procession and this morning they left for Bay Roberts where over 700 joined in the procession. No incidents occurred and the authorities were lauded for their efforts. Five arrests were reported to have been made in Harbour Grace the day before. A report from Bay Roberts bearing the date of 2 January, noted that there was a rumour that armed men from up the bay were about to descend and rescue the prisoners. This resulted in hundreds of armed Orangemen from Port-de-Grave, Bareneed, Spaniard’s Bay and Bay Roberts gathering at Riverhead of Bay Roberts to resist any such attempt. The rumoured men did not appear and nothing occurred, but it was feared that the slightest provocation could set things off again. Sgt. WINSLOW and Cst. DOYLE were examined on the 3 January. Seven shots were fired, but it was undetermined who fired the first one. The five newly arrested people were identified as: Pierce WADE, Jeremiah LEE, Robert DONNELLY, Richard McKAY, and Patrick SMOKUM. The mail man was accosted by armed men when passing between Brigus and Bay Roberts. They came out of the bushes and allowed him to pass when satisfied with who he was. John BRAY, a man of seventy and an Orange sympathiser, was beaten about the head the day of the affray and he died in Harbour Grace on the 3 January. Another unidentified man from Caplin Cove was also reported to have died. His hand was blown off when firing a feu de joie in honor of the passing Orange procession.]
January 25, 1884Harbour Grace Affray Part 2[The British Society walked in Harbour Grace on New Year’s day without incident. The evidence of four police officers has now been taken. At the time of the affray on St. Stephen’s Day, great confusion existed and the officers were prevented from seeing all that transpired. When the Riverhead party refused to turn back, Head Constable DOYLE went to the Orange procession and advised it to halt, which it did. Some in the front rank of the Society afterwards called out to the others not to be afraid of the Riverhead party, but to come on. A few steps brought the opposing parties close up to each other, and several guns were fired almost simultaneously. Sgt. WINSLOW saw persons following the procession kneel after the firing commenced and take aim at the Riverhead party. A man – said to have been CALLAHAN – fell. Head Constable DOYLE had no arms from first to last of the affray, and therefore did not do any shooting. From the commencement to the close of the firing was not more than one minute. Each party retreated quickly. Head Constable DOYLE received a contused wound on the crown of his head after the affray was over and while inspecting the dead bodies. The investigation is not regularly commenced yet as there is much preliminary work to be done.Yet another report from Harbour Grace on the 3 January indicated that twenty-one persons were now in custody]. They were brought up today and five recently arrested were identified by witnesses. The Inspector advised that it was not advisable to go on with the investigations today, the death of John BRAY making it necessary to take depositions as to the cause of his death. The prisoners were again remanded until the Crown be ready to proceed. WALSH was identified as the man who struck BRAY with a picket. BRAY was struck while running with an Orange flag which he picked up. Evidence has not yet been taken in the presence of prisoners. A post mortem examination has been held on the body of John BRAY. The doctor’s evidence showed that he had been badly beaten about the head. He died from fracture of the brain which caused bleeding at the nose. A man named WALSH – a member of the Riverhead party – was wounded in the head by shot. NICHOLAS and DORMIDY are very low. The precarious state of the wounded men renders the investigation slow.
January 25, 1884Harbour Grace Affray Part 3[On the 4 January it was reported that] the Carbonear Band played yesterday for an Orange procession in Bay Roberts and they went to Heart’s Content today. [Peace was prevalent and the wounded were much better, with CLEARY reported to be walking about the house. Another report from Harbour Grace indicated that nothing had been done in the investigations to date, as the Crown was not ready to proceed. A few police were to leave for St. John’s, but that order had been countermanded]. Judge BENNETT and Inspector CARTY left to take depositions of three wounded men, NICHOLAS, DORMIDY & BRAY Jr. They are not expected to live. [On the 5 January a Harbour Grace report indicated that three persons, COADY, WADE & SHANAHAN were examined that day and their evidence was much alike. They said that before the Orange procession came up, a delegation of five from the Riverhead party asked Head Constable DOYLE to make the procession turn down a lane or there would be dirty work if both parties met. Members of procession ran over to a fence and took pickets our and said “we go on”. They accuse DOYLE of encouraging the Society to come on, and state that he called on them to fire. They also say that DOYLE fired himself; and that the first shots came from Orange sympathisers. A crowd went out and met procession to try and persuade it from going to Riverhead as they wanted peace. Orange sympathisers having guns have been identified. Judge BENNETT cautioned prisoners before making statement on oath, not to say anything criminal against themselves, but to refer only to what they saw others doing. The evidence of Crown witnesses deferred for the moment in consequence of state of the wounded. The prisoners swear that CALLAHAN was shot in the early part of the affray. He was holding a flag. The prisoners were brought up this evening and remanded for three days. Judge BENNETT told those that were present that they were in honour bound not to reveal anything that transpired at preliminary enquiry as it would tend to defeat the ends of justice in the case of other arrests forthcoming. Investigations before prisoners will take place on Tuesday, when what transpired may be made public. The prisoners evidence is strong against Head Constable DOYLE.]
January 25, 1884Harbour Grace Affray Part 4Harbor Grace, Jan 7: Eleven witnesses belonging to the Riverhead party, were examined this morning, and eight more this evening. Examinations were strictly private. Tomorrow, examinations will commence before prisoners. Head Constable DOYLE was made prisoner this evening. The frost is intense here. Harbor Grace, Jan. 8: A detachment of mounted police under command of Head Constable SULLIVAN, visited Courage's Beach early this morning, and arrested six of the Orange Party: Joseph BRAY, Edward ASH, Edward BUTT, James COURAGE, Ambrose WILLIAMS and Charles FRENCH. All of the above are charged with having fired guns at the Riverhead party. Much credit is due to the police for the promptness with which they acted. There is little business doing today, except the work of identifying the prisoners recently arrested. Harbor Grace, Jan. 9: The evidence of Head Constable DOYLE was taken in the presence of the prisoners last evening. He saw the procession in the morning, but not again until after one o'clock, when it was coming up Harvey street above Courage's Beach. While standing in Water street, he was informed by a man that Riverhead men were not going to let the Orange procession pass up there. DOYLE said, "We have often heard that before, in reference to the British Society, and nothing came of it." DOYLE was informed a second time, by three men, that Riverhead men were down, and had torn down PARSON's flag. DOYLE then went towards Courage's Beach, getting into a sleigh. On the way, he met Constables WINSLOW, McKAY and FAHEY, going up to Courage's Beach. When DOYLE got sight of the Pipe Track Road, he saw a crowd with a flag of a dark color, one hundred yards West of said street. The procession was then coming along said street, East of Pipe Track Road, about three hundred and fifty yards distance from, and East of the Riverhead party. DOYLE came up the Pipe Track Road from Water Street, and went over to the Riverhead party. He recognized James QUIRK and Nicholas SHANNAHAN in front of a crowd of one hundred to a hundred and fifty men. He told the crowd that serious consequences would follow if they and the Orange Procession met. It would be a terrible thing, and they would be sorry.
January 25, 1884Harbour Grace Affray Part 5SHANNAHAN said, “well, turn the Orange procession back”. DOYLE went back and met the procession twenty-five yards West of Pipe Track road. He raised his right hand and called out “Halt”. The Society halted. He requested it to turn back and go down Pipe Track road, for the Riverhead men were determined not to let them pass. It would, he said, be a terrible thing if they met. A man in the front replied “We won’t go down the lane further West”. (Witness was here reminded not to say anything to criminate himself). This lane was about where the Riverhead men were standing. His back was turned towards the crowd. The prisoner QUIRK, picket in hand, and a man with a gun, came forward and got amongst the procession. The Society called out "go back". DOYLE, fearing processionists would strike the two men, caught them and pushed them back. When getting them back, he saw the crowd and procession quite close to each other. He saw two or three of the crowd with guns. Shots were fired close to DOYLE. He saw two men fall. He did not know from which direction shots came. He did not see guns presented. He did not know who fired shots. One man that fell wore regalia, the other was a Riverhead man. The two men were nine yards distance from each other. Both parties then retreated. There were about seven shots fired all together. After both parties retired he went to examine the bodies. Some Riverhead party came back and got excited when they saw men dead. He received a blow on the head which knocked him down senseless. When he recovered all had left. The two dead men were still lying on the road. The procession was not armed. He noticed two or three sympathisers with the society come up with guns whilst society halted. He never saw CALLAHAN in the crowd. He did not see sympathisers fire those guns. Some of the Riverhead party had pickets. The constables at present were trying to prevent an affray. He had no arms whatever, neither sword nor revolver. He was doing his best to prevent parties meeting and was quite cool. He felt quite safe amongst Riverhead men. He had no idea that they would strike him. He knew that the procession had walked twice in that direction before, but was not sure where they turned down. He could not identify only two prisoners present. From the time he came there until firing ceased not more than ten minutes elapsed. The firing lasted about two or three minutes. The procession numbered between three and four hundred. He passed two men, beyond Courage’s Beach, with guns going in the direction of Pipe Track road.
January 25, 1884Harbour Grace Affray Part 6Mr. SCOTT said he no question to put to the witness. Sergeant George WINSLOW sworn. He had received orders from DOYLE to accompany procession. He kept sight procession for a time, whilst it was moving West along Harvey Street. He then turned down Water Street, where he met a man who told him that the Riverhead party was coming down to meet procession. The procession was not armed. It had a long staff, banners and flags. The two leading men had swords. The band was in the centre of procession but not playing, tunes as were objectionable. When he arrived West of Stephenson's, he saw the Riverhead party moving East on Harvey Street, until it came opposite railway engine house. It had an old green flag. Head Constable DOYLE went up before him, and the two constables remained with him (WINSLOW). There was great noise and confusion at this time. The two parties were close to each other. The Riverhead party suddenly ran back, one hundred and sixteen paces West of engine house. The procession moved after it. He went up where Head Constable DOYLE was speaking to Riverhead party. When going up he drew his sword. After DOYLE spoke to Riverhead party, he went to the Orange party. The two parties were then eight or ten yards distant. Both seemed determined. He saw DOYLE turn back three of the Riverhead party, who had come towards the processionists. He saw no guns at first with any party. The Riverhead party had pickets. After DOYLE turned back three men, three guns were fired. Shortly after, two more. These five guns came from the Riverhead party. Then there were two guns fired from Orange party on the left flank. At second gun that was fired from Orange side, he saw a man kneel and take aim. One of the Riverhead party fell. He afterwards saw this man apparently dead. He also saw another man of the Riverhead party, attempt to fire but missed. He made after him with sword. The man dropped his gun and ran back. The gun now produced was the same. He could not identify any of the accused as being present. Did not know the man on the Orange side who fired. When firing ceased both parties retreated. He saw five men apparently dead, three of whom he thought belonged to the Riverhead party. The dead and wounded were removed by friends. Seven guns fired altogether. DOYLE had no weapon. He heard no pistol shots before guns were fired. He expected there would be a collision, but did not suspect that parties had guns. DOYLE told him in the morning to have a party accompany the procession along the street to preserve peace.
January 25, 1884Harbour Grace Affray Part 7Hugh William HAWKINS sworn. Was Marshall of Orange Society on 26th December last. The Society was not armed on previous occasions, nor was it armed on this occasion. Two men in front carried imitation swords. He was not aware of an intended interference on Saint Stephen’s Day. Made no preparation for opposition. As procession moved West, powder guns were fired by sympathisers, which is always the case when procession takes place. Was quarter of a mile East of Pipe Track Road when I saw a crowd West of said road. Sergeant DOYLE came from Water Street and walked along six yards in front of procession on Harvey Street. DOYLE walked on 'till he met the crowd. The procession proceeded until it got up to them. This was near Pipe Track Road. DOYLE laid hands on two marshalls and told the Society to halt. Procession did so. DOYLE stood in front talking to four men of the Riverhead party. These four men, whom I knew, were a little East of crowd. (Witness here pointed out one of the accused as SHANNAHAN, whose name is Jack Walsh). Witness then went on to say he saw another man whom he knew as Coppel QUIRK; another named DUGGAN; and a fourth named COADY. The man called SHANNAHAN whose name is WALSH had a gun, as also had DUGGAN and COADY. Another named HARPER had a gun. He was standing more in the crowd; all whom I could see in front had sticks. When the procession first came up I only saw those with guns that I mentioned. I don’t know what passed between DOYLE and the four men. Those four men were excited. QUIRK had no gun. Our men did not make any reply. No blows were struck with pickets on either side at this time. When procession came up to crowd, a man with Orange flag, moved on North side of street. Whilst DOYLE was speaking to four men, I looked ahead, and saw two guns pointed towards procession. Thought guns were pointed at me. Could not see the men who held the guns as they were hidden in crowd. I said to my partner, "Stoop your head". Partner did not hear me. When I rose my head, saw partner falling. After I stooped my head, guns were fired.
January 25, 1884Harbour Grace Affray Part 8Did not see where the guns came from. Don’t know whether they were fired from crowd or not. My head was stooped about half a minute. My partner was wounded. He was taken away by two men. I should think the guns I saw, pointed towards me and partner, were about ten yards distant. Can’t say positively, whether those two guns were first that were fired, but think they were. The reports came quickly together. Did not notice what other guns were fired. When partner was taken away I ran towards Eastward. Don’t know what took place after that. Before affray, did not notice crowd shifting their ground. All I remember DOYLE saying was telling procession to stop. After halting did not go further West. About a minute and a half elapsed between halting and firing first shots. No threats were made from Orange Society towards opposite party. Did not know what crowd wanted procession to do. DOYLE had no weapon of any kind. Before guns were fired there was pistol fired. In answer to the Court the witness said the two shots fired came from the Westward of crowd of men. Not aware that parties at side of procession had guns. My partner was at my right side when he fell. Saw Solomon MARTIN fall. Saw smoke from gun held by HARPER North side of crowd. HARPER’S gun was pointed towards Society, and when he fired, MARTIN fell. I was going to the Eastward when I saw him fall beside me. The procession was broken up when he fell. He was one of procession. That was all I saw wounded. Did not hear other shots after HARPER fired. The distance between MARTIN and HARPER when latter fired was about width of street. Saw no flag with Riverhead party. Did not see any guns in possession of Riverhead party, except these already identified. BROWN was the name of my partner. He fell just opposite the engine house on Harvey Street.
January 25, 1884Harbour Grace Affray Part 9[On Jan 11 the proceedings recommenced at Harbour Grace before Justice BENNETT]. A portion of the morning was occupied in hearing evidence to prove an alibi for prisoner Richard GLAVINE of Riverhead party, recently arrested. Several witnesses proved that GLAVINE was so badly beaten on Christmas Eve that he was not on Harvey Street on St. Stephen’s Day. The judge observed that he was satisfied from character of evidence that GLAVINE was not present at affray, therefore he would order him to be discharged. Edward PIPPY, witness against prisoners sworn. On the twenty-sixth of December Riverhead party come up the lane which passes by my house. As they came up the lane they hove off their jackets and threw them into DONNELLY’S yard. I recognised COADY, WALSH and HARPER among the crowd. After taking off their coats, they came further up the lane, and commenced taking pickets our of my fence, every man had a picket. My father said "Don’t tear the fence down". COADY replied “Go out of that or I’ll beat your brains out”. I told father to come in. Crowd then went up on Harvey Street and stuck up a flag and give three cheers. Some time after, some of the crowd ran down through PARSON’S garden and took his gun. I did not see them take it but saw them come away with a gun. BADBURY took gun. They came down again to me. COADY asked me if I had guns, for he said “We were afraid all of us will be shot if this takes place.” I said "No fear of that". They went away and came back again asking for guns. COADY said “I have come here to die today, or turn the society down the lane.” I said well go and try it if you can. COADY said “We are bound to do it.” He then went back again to crowd on Harvey street. The society had then reached about BRENNAN’S. I saw BRADBURY with a gun which he took from PARSONS. FLEMING and others also had guns. As the society approached I saw two stones thrown at it from crowd. I then heard gun fire from Riverhead party. I saw William FRENCH fall. FRENCH was not a processionist. I was about thirty yards from him when he fell. Then I saw another man fall close after him. There was a second gun fired almost immediately after first one, from about the same place.
January 25, 1884Harbour Grace Affray Part 10When the second man fell the procession was nearly broken up. The next I saw was man from Riverhead party fall. His name was CALLAHAN. When CALLAHAN fell I looked and saw a gun was fired from same people in which he fell. At this time no gun was fried from Orange side. When he fell Riverhead party retreated. I think there was about seven guns fired altogether, close after each other. The Orange party moved back also. After I went up where the affray had taken place I saw JAYNES, FRENCH and CALLAHAN lying apparently dead. FRENCH was stone dead. There was no weapon beside either. The constables, during the affray were trying to make peace. Before the guns were fired I did not hear a pistol shot. None of the police fired pistols. I am sure they did not. In my first conversation with the men when they came down the lane, COADY said “Murder we will have today.” FRENCH was shot in the breast, JAYNES through the forehead. I did not notice whether CALLAHAN had jacket or hat on when he fell. He was taken away by his friends.
January 25, 1884Harbour Grace Affray Part 11[A second report on the same date (11 Jan) detailed the testimony of] Alfred FRENCH, witness against Riverhead party, sworn. Was not in procession but a spectator. When the two parties met saw Wade RUSSELL and COADY with guns in front of Riverhead party. The first thing I noticed was WADE with gun. Could not say whether he fired as there was too much smoke after shot was fired. I saw COADY fire towards Frank MARTIN when he ran and fell over JAYNES who was shot dead. I don’t know how many shots were fired altogether. The only men that I saw shot were JAYNES and FRENCH. I saw CALLAHAN fall by gun which was fired by his own party . Can’t say who shot him. He was pretty well in Riverhead crowd when he fell. The fellows that were behind sang out those in front “stop until they get their shot.” These in front knelt down. I then saw gun go off and CALLAHAN fall back to the Westward. They all had pickets. Those who had no pickets had guns. I stayed till affray was over. When Riverhead party killed one of their own side they turned. After all rally of guns were fired they turned Westward. RUSSELL fired after rally and had last shot. When Society turned eastward, I think. RUSSELL fired last shot. The first shot that were fired came from Riverhead party. Did not notice anybody fall when first shots were fired.
January 25, 1884Harbour Grace Affray Part 12[The next day, 12 January, Archibald FRENCH, Courage’s Beach, witness against Riverhead party, was sworn]. I was on Harvey Street on St. Stephen’s Day. I went up within twenty yards of Riverhead party. The first thing I noticed was WALSH with a gun in front of the crowd. Saw QUIRK with a picket, SHANNAHAN, COADY, Patrick WALSH and pretty well all were there, had pickets or guns. Saw Sergeant DOYLE come up the Pipe Track Road to Harvey Street. The procession was then sixty yards East Pipe Track Road. DOYLE went up to Riverhead party and told them to go back. They refused. COADY said ”they would turn the Orangemen, or would die.” DOYLE went down to Orangemen and told them to turn down Pipe Track Road. They said, “No, they would go down Pippy’s Lane.” They followed him on, until they put their breasts to muzzles of guns held by Riverhead party. A couple of minutes after, I heard a gun fire from the Riverhead party. The crowd then began to scatter. Then two or three guns went off together from Riverhead party. JAYNES fell on the road with the shot. Saw John WALSH point gun and fire and William BROWN fall. WALSH was six yards from me when he fell. BROWN was fifteen yards East of me when he fell. The same discharge struck LUFFMAN, they were both standing together. After BROWN fell, I saw Constable FAHEY catch hold of a man belonging to Riverhead party and say “I am as good a fenian as them that’s behind me.” Just after that I saw Sergeant DOYLE get a smack of a picket.
January 25, 1884Harbour Grace Affray Part 13Saw man who struck him. DOYLE did not carry weapons of any kind. I was close to DOYLE who could not have fired a pistol without my hearing it. Am sure I never saw a pistol with him. James SEYMOUR, Courage’s Beach, sworn. Was present at affray on St. Stephen’s day. Was not in procession, not present at start of affray. I was walking alongside of procession was forty couple ahead of me when procession stopped. I ran ahead. The first thing I saw was a stone thrown at Society. I saw John WALSH with gun to shoulder pointed at Society. Cannot say what he did. Seeing him point gun I ran away. Could not say I heard any report from his gun. Before that time I heard reports from guns of Riverhead party fired at Society. I heard report of great many. Don’t know anyone else in crowd. I was a gun shot and a half from Walsh when I saw him point gun. That is the nearest I was to Riverhead party after guns fired. I tuned East with Society. It is only fair to observe that FAHEY, when giving his evidence before prisoners denies having said he was a fenian. Head Constable SULLIVAN with eight police will leave four o’clock this evening for St. John’s by Lady Glover.
January 25, 1884AdvertisementUnited Societies Hearse: The public are hereby notified that the Hearse may be hired at any time on application to Messrs. Reuben BLACKMORE or John LUNNEN. The terms are, that the Person taking the Hearse shall pay three shillings, in advance; be responsible for the safe return of the same, and to provide Horse and Harness. (By Order) W.J. SCOTT.
January 25, 1884Telegraphy[An editorial of sorts deals with the fact that two men have been assigned to look into the feasibility of extending the telegraph system to the Twillingate-Fogo area. Argument is raised as to why it should be forthcoming and comparison made between the business interests of the area and newer mining areas.]
January 25, 1884Lord Bishop of Newfoundland [An item notes that the Right Rev. Dr. JONES, Lord Bishop of Newfoundland, arrived at St. John's from England on the 11th inst.]
January 25, 1884Seal FisheryFive seals were killed by some men of the Arm on Wednesday last.
January 25, 1884Herring FisheryBay of Islands, Jan 7. The Bay is frozen over. First herring were netted here on Saturday. One barrel to two secured per net this morning. Prospects good for herring fishery. Weather fine and frosty.
January 25, 1884Mail boat detouredThe mail per steamer Plover reached here on Monday evening last. The Plover left St. John’s on the previous Monday. Every effort was put forth by Capt. BLANDFORD to reach this port, but was compelled to retreat, and the mails were subsequently landed at Seldom-Come-Bye.
January 25, 1884BirthJanuary 9th, at Kings Cove, Bonavista Bay, the wife of J.G. HART, Esq., of a son.
January 25, 1884BirthJanuary 5th, at Change Islands, the wife of F.C. EARLE, Esq., of a son.
January 25, 1884BirthDecember 29th, at Fogo, the wife of Mr. Clarence FITZGERALD, of a son.
January 25, 1884BirthJanuary 2nd, at Lauriston House, Eating, England, the wife of the Revd. J.J. CURLING, of a son.
January 25, 1884DeathOn Monday evening last [most likely the 21st January as the paper is dated Friday the 25th January] after a short illness, Susannah, widow of the late Alexander STUCKLESS, aged 56 years.
January 25, 1884Advertisement“NEWFOUNDLAND” Some copies of this valuable and interesting Book are for sale by Mr. W. T. ROBERTS. Price $2.50
January 25, 1884AdvertisementNotice: For sale at Friday's Bay: GILLARD"S Room. For farther particulars apply at the office of this paper.

Feb. 1, 1884 S.U.F. FOGO The following are the names of the officers of St. Andrew’s Lodge, S.U.F., Fogo for the current year: Bro. Edwin, EDGE, Worthy Master. Bro. Rev. C. MEEK, Chaplain. Bro. Martin STONE, Secretary. Bro. A.W. HODNOTT, Purser. Bro. Wm. ELLIOTT, 1st Officer. Bro. James JONES, 2nd Officer. Bro. Geo. TORRAVILE, Quarter Master. Bro. John PIPPY, Lookout. Sick Committee - 6 members; Investigation Committee - 3 members; Financial Trustees - 3 members. No. of paying members 97; No. in arrears 24: Total 121.
Feb. 1, 1884 Saving a Vessel (Part 1) Capt. Alfred DEAN, writing from Seldom-Come-By, under date of Jan 9th, gives us the following particulars of the hardships and risk to which he and his crew were exposed, whilst endeavouring to save their vessel, which had been carried out of Ming’s Bight on the 3rd Jan: “I went to Ming’s mines in November last for the winter. Moored my schooner there, unbent her sails and took off her rigging. The night of the 3rd of Jan. the ice in the harbour broke up in large sheets, one of them taking the schooner out with it. About eight o’clock in the evening I was informed that she was gone, and nine men and myself went in search of her, but not seeing anything of her we landed about two miles from our own home where we remained all night. Next morning we saw her, six miles from the land in the ice. I asked the men if any of them would volunteer to go with me. Three brave fellows consented, James QUIRK, Wm. GORMAN and Martin BRINE. I got the loan of a barrel of flour as there was no bread to be had. The only thing I could procure to put water in was a two gallon jar, which spilt with the frost before we reached the craft. We started in a small boat and before we reached the ice that the schooner was in, we had as much as we could do to keep the boat afloat, nearly filling her three times.
Feb. 1, 1884 Saving a Vessel (Part 2) We were all drenched to the skin, we had no clothing but what we had on, and that was very light. About a quarter hour after boarding her, we were struck by a terrific squall, which threw the vessel on her side, giving us great difficult to reeve the gear and bend the sails, the latter being stowed away in the hold for the winter. We also found it difficult to get up her anchors, as there were thirty fathoms of chain out on each. However, we got the foresail bent and reefed before sunset. I then ran her for a large skirt of ice which was about five miles distant. I got her in the ice, which smoothened the water a little, but we had a hard job all that night and next day to keep her from cutting through. The men were thinly clad and drenched to the skin. They worked well and bravely. We had to take the snow and put it in the hold to melt for our tea. On the 6th Jan. we were jammed, and the old seals were on the ice in thousands, as far as I could see from the mast-head. We were then about eight miles E. by S. of Cape John. We got clear of the ice the same day. Next day we arrived safely at Tilton Harbour. When we got in, we had two fires of coal, no water, no bread, no bed or bedding, but roughing it out on the bare floor, which is hard times at this season of the year.
Feb. 1, 1884 Married On the 5th Jan., in the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, St. John’s, by the Rev. W. PILOT, B.D., A.B. MORINE, Esq., Editor of the Mercury, to Miss Alice M. MASON, of Halifax, N.S.
Feb. 1, 1884 Died At Herring Neck, on the 14th ult., Stephen, son of Mr. Wm. ROSE, aged 22 years.
Feb. 8, 1884 Shipping News (Following dispatches from St. John’s and dated 15 Jan) The Plover left for north 11 o’clock yesterday. The Sarmatian arrived St. John’s yesterday. Buyers and many others left by her.
Feb. 8, 1884 Harbor Grace News The excitement of Harbour Grace has somewhat abated.Solicitor General came Saturday and returned yesterday.
Feb. 8, 1884 St. John's News (Following from St. John’s, dated, Wednesday 19 Jan). There was a grand skating party carnival at the Parade Rink on Thursday evening. St. John’s harbour frozen over on Thursday night. No news of Plover since leaving King’s Cove Tuesday. (Following from St. John’s dated 22 Jan). Sarmatian arrived at Moville yesterday. Plover not yet heard of. (Following from St. John’s dated26 Jan) The Plover returned yesterday. Got within 8 miles of Twillingate; 3 days jammed; landed mails and passengers at Seldom-come-by. Captain reports large number of seals off Cape Bonavista. Plover leaves for Halifax on Monday.
Feb. 8, 1884 Little Bay Good work is at present being done here for the Temperance cause. Not long since the Rev. S.O. FLYNN started a Temperance Society, and I believe he has already upwards of 50 persons enrolled as Total Abstainers. May every success attend his efforts in the noble cause of endeavouring to save his fellow creatures from the many evils of intemperance. The Rev. Mr. FITZPATRICK, (Presbyterian) has also taken the leadership of a Band of Hope; and I think the good people of Twillingate and the readers of the Sun generally will view this as a step in the right direction. Mr. FITZPATRICK is a Total Abstainer. One pleasing illustration of this was his action at the Masonic Hall, which was held here by the Fraternity on New Year’s eve. On the topic of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales being proposed, he drunk his health in the pure cold water. This incident seemed to encourage the other cold water drinkers, who were glad to know that he was well as John BAPTIST is among the water drinkers. I am also glad to notice that Sergeant WELLS, late of your town, whilst efficiently performing his onerous duties, is doing not a little to diminish the drinking evils. Some cases of selling liquors without a licence has been detected by him, and the transgressors dealt with according to law. These cases will prove a great check and will have a wholesome effect on the community. I remain, Dear Sir, an Old Orthodox.
Feb. 8, 1884 Little Bay from R.D. WALSH Sgt. WELLS charged Henry CASTELL with violation of the 2nd section of the licence act. This being the second offence the defendant was fined 75 dols. and costs.
Feb. 8, 1884 Death of Sgt. Fennessey. "A correspondent writing from Bott’s Cove under date of Jan 30th, gives us the sad news of the death of Sgt. Fennessey. Yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock Sgt. Thomas Fennessey left his home on his usual rounds through the mines. Not being back at his usual hour his wife became anxious and called the watchman to go and look for him. About 10:30 at night his body was dis-covered under the tramway buried in snow. His tracks show that he had left the tramway track and was walking down by the side when nearing the bottom and while crossing the gulch near the lower end of the tramway, he was struck by a snow slide which carried him over a small precipice about 6 feet; his body was found head downward and quite dead. He must have been under about 5 hours. There was not much snow on him, it was the position in which he fell which caused his death, being head downward, he was helpless to struggle out. The place where he was killed was only about 10 yards from a house were a family were living and not a sound was heard by them. The Sgt. was an able and efficient officer and respected by all. His death has cast a fearful gloom in our midst. He leaves a wife and two young children. His body will be temporarily buried until steamer runs, when it will be taken home."
Feb. 8, 1884 Twillingate Birth At the Methodist Parsonage, on the 27th Jan, the wife of Rev. J. EMBREE, of a son.

Feb. 23, 1884 Newfoundland Arrives The Newfoundland arrived last evening, bringing English and American mails.
Feb. 23, 1884 Americans Purchase The Bear The Americans have purchased the steamer Bear to go search for the Greely Party.
Feb. 23, 1884 Death Robert ALEXANDER, Esq., died at Liverpool on Jan. 27th. Among other bequests the Will provides £2000 for the poor at Bonavista, the interest to be distributed by the clergymen of all denominations: £1000 to the Cathedral fund; £500 to the Church of England Orphanage; £1000 to the Sailors Home; and £10,000 to Miss ALEXANDER.
Feb. 23, 1884 Passengers The Newfoundland sailed last evening, Biship Jones left by her en route to Bermuda.
Feb. 23, 1884 Death The funeral of Mr. BARNES, Segt.-at- Arms, of the House of Assemble took place yesterday. Members of the House attended.
Feb. 23, 1884 Marriage Married, On the 21st inst., at St. Mary’s Church, Herring Neck, by the Rev. J. HEWITT, Mr. John MUGFORD of that place, to Miss Mary WATKINS of Indigo Cove.

March 8, 1884 Moreton’s Harbour (Part 1) We understand that a petition has been forwarded from the inhabitants of Moreton’s Harbour, Tizzard’s Harbour, and other parts of New World Island, for presentation to the Legislature, praying that Moreton’s Harbour may be included in the new contract, as a port of call by the coastal steamer engaged in the conveyance of mails and passengers to the Northward. Moreton’s Harbour is a central locality, and it would prove a great convenience to the public of that, and the neighbouring settlements, if favoured with a regular call from the coastal steamer. In making this request to the Legislature, petitioners are not asking anything unreasonable, or what they are not entitled to receive, but are merely soliciting their rights, which should be extended to them. The advantage of direct steam communication with the locality in question, as well as with many others of equal importance in various parts of this district, has long enough been denied, and it is about time that they were brought into connection with the Metropolis, by regular visits from the coastal steamer.
March 8, 1884 Moreton’s Harbour (Part 2) Of late years trade has increased so greatly, as to render it necessary in the interests of mercantile relations with distant parts, to establish more speedy and direct means of communication between St. John’s and the principal northern settlements, and we hope that the time is not far distant, when they also will participate in like privileges to those already enjoyed by other ports in respect to regular steam communication. Moreton’s Harbour is not the only port in this Bay that is deserving of a call from our local steamer. There are Herring Neck, Fortune Harbour, Ward’s Harbour and other localities, that we would like to see included in the list, and if they were thus favoured, we believe that in a few years business would increase so largely, as to repay the colony for the additional expenditure that might be incurred by extending to them the benefits of steam communication. It is to be hoped that when the subject of the petition referred to comes before the Legislature, it will receive the support of honourable members, and that the Government will not be tardy in complying, as far as practicable, with the prayer therein set forth.
March 8, 1884 The Advocate’s Foul Attack(Part 1) It is entirely adverse to our inclination to have to write on subjects that might give offence to any of our readers, but on looking over the St. John’s Advocate, of the 26th January, we observe that a writer in that journal stigmatizes a Society that is largely and influentially represented in this colony as a “body of men who go forth, breathing blood and slaughter in their fellow men,” and in the interest of so large a body, we feel bound to say a word in their defence. What motives could have actuated the writer to make so foul an accusation against a society, the principles of which he must be ignorant of, is impossible to conceive. At such a critical juncture, when the religious sentiment throughout the colony was aroused by reason of the painful event which so recently transpired at Harbour Grace, the course of publishing the article to which we refer, containing such a stigma upon the Orange body, was very injudicious, and we think under present circumstances would have been far more wise on the part of the writer if he had displayed common sense and not employed his pen in denouncing a society so populous wherever in operation.
March 8, 1884 The Advocate’s Foul Attack(Part 2) It is well known that the Orange Association is a purely Protestant institution, and when it is made the target of uncalled for attacks, not only are those immediately identified with the Order incensed, but the Protestant feeling generally is likely to be inflamed. Thence the wisdom on the part of our co-religionists of suppressing the bitterness which seems to prevail in many minds towards the Orange body, and thereby maintain that harmony and good-will which should exist between the different religious denominations. The Advocate writer informs us that “there is only one society that is obnoxious and insulting and aggressive in its nature,” by which he means the Orange Society. How far this is true every reader of history knows. This Society, perhaps may be obnoxious to such individuals as the writer in the Advocate, but being somewhat acquainted with the principles of the Order, we strongly contend that the Orange Society is neither an insulting or aggressive body,
March 8, 1884 The Advocate’s Foul Attack(Part 3) and if they were allowed to exercise the liberty of walking in procession through the public streets without being molested - a right which the British constitution extends to all Societies - we would hear very little of is aggressive nature spoken of by the writer in the Advocate. The principles of Orangeism are based largely upon the Bible, which every Orangeman is supposed to take as his guide, and which inculcates into the minds of all Protestants a very different spirit from that of “breathing blood and slaughter to their fellow men” - a spirit which is altogether antagonistic to the great cardinal virtues, which the Protestant Church makes known to the world. We are sorry that occasion has been given to introduce the subject, which we could not refrain from doing on behalf of the many against whom the insulting remarks in question have been made, and we assure the Advocate writer, that there is room in this world for Roman Catholics, Orangemen, and every one else, and there will be room also in the next; and if the religious convictions of each are not interfered with, - which is contrary to the spirit of Orangeism, - Peace and Goodwill are sure to prevail.
March 8, 1884 S. of T. Soiree (Part 1) It is an everyday confirming fact that all things terrestrial, irrespective of their nature, have a termination and the Anniversaries of our flourishing Societies just ended, verifies this truism. For the past five or six weeks the preparations and anticipations of those approaching events have received no small share of attention, and being of local importance, have been viewed with a warm interest. This perhaps in some, may seem uncalled for, and not demanded by any worthy objects, or evoked by a sense of the intrinsic worth of those institutions immediately interested, but simply a barren custom and observance. But there is invariably a cause for every public token of rejoicing and commemoration, and public festivities are not often at random and void of meaning, at least we will attempt to show, in a degree, that they are not in the present instance. It is a very well known fact that the majority of our people, especially the members of the different Societies, are for the large part of the summer season, absent from their homes prosecuting their lawful avocations, and are thus denied the privileges of convivial gatherings and other seasons of enjoyment.
March 8, 1884 S. of T. Soiree (Part 2) The writer, however, is more favourable, and they have very wisely chosen this season of the year for their gathering together for pleasure, and mutual benefit and support. And what more suitable time would be selected than when our hardy toilers of the sea, who have been for several months prosecuting their hazardous enterprise, exposed to numerous hardships and imminent dangers, have finished their voyage and returned safely to the bosom of their homes and families. And although all members of those Societies cannot claim participation in the fisherman’s calling, they are nevertheless, fully alive to their genuine worth, and jubilant over their successes, and sorry at their reverses. And again when the untold privileges and elevating influences of these Societies, and the laudable object of them all, vis, - the benefit of their fellow men - is understood, is it not ample cause for the warm and universal feeling, that is so potently manifested in their welfare and advancement. The celebrations this year were carried out under very favourable circumstances, and attended with gratifying results. The weather was salubrious on each occasion, and there was no occurrence to mar, in the slightest degree, the peace and harmony of the Societies, or the community.
March 8, 1884 S. of T. Soiree (Part 3) According to the dates of their Anniversaries the North Star Divison, Sons of Temperance, comes last, but notwithstanding the fact that two had almost immediately preceded it, the gusto with which those affairs are greeted, was quite up to the mark on this occasion. On Shrove Tuesday, Feb. 26th, this time - honoured institution, celebrated their Anniversary in the customary manner. At about 1 p.m., they attended Divine Service in the Northside Methodist Chapel. The Service being conducted by the Rev. F.R. DUFFILL, who took for his text the twenty-third verse of the twelfth chapter of Deuteronomy - “For the blood is the life.” The theory that the different qualities of the blood are hereditary, was ably advanced and admirably dilated on by the Speaker, and in conclusion he urged on his hearers the necessity of kindness and perseverance, to win the inebriate, and those, who may have this hereditary disadvantage to contend with. After Service the Society made a circuit of the harbour and returned to the Hall, where a sumptuous fare and large number of friends awaited them. In a short time, all was activity around the tables - a part of the programme which seemed to be thoroughly enjoyed.
March 8, 1884 S. of T. Soiree (Part 4) The building was artistically decorated, and upon entering the hall the eye was met with the appropriate motto, “Welcome,” which stood out in bold relief of its surroundings. In the evening the Hall was filled with a large and appreciative audience. The programme was pretty well diversified, but we think a little more of the humorous is required to suit the popular taste, and those who bring performance before the public would do well to bear this in mind. The dialogues were well rendered, and the amateur performers displayed much proficiency. The Drama, “Charity never faileth,” was very touching, and the characters of the drunkard and his wife were excellently personified by Master John and Miss Emma HODDER. Three of the clergymen of town, who purposed addressing the meeting, were unavoidably absent, as they were incapacitated by a bad cold, which is very prevalent in this community just now. However, there was considerable speechifying from the worthy Patriarch, (Mr. A. ROBERTS), Mr. H. STOWE, and Rev. F.R. DUFFILL. The addresses were practical and to the point, the latter gentleman, in his usual happy style, treated the audience to an occasional humorous hit, which appeared to be heartily appreciated. The Beethoven organ was used on the occasion: Mrs. W.J. SCOTT and Mrs.OAKLEY presiding. The singing of the National Anthem brought proceedings to a close.
March 8, 1884 Death Sir E.M. ARCHIBALD, late Attorney General of Newfoundland, died at Brighton, England. He received a pension from the colony of £16,00. R. ALEXANDER, Esq., left Lady CARTER £500 ; another £500 to the Centennial School Society; & £50 each to Mr. SYME’S children.
March 8, 1884 Eagle Arrives The Eagle arrived at Catalina yesterday morning. She will prosecute the seal fishery from that port.
March 8, 1884 Resolute Arrives at St. John's Resolute arrived yesterday. 30 days from Dundee. She experienced heavy weather; lost bulwarks and sustained other damages.
March 8, 1884 St. John's News Mr. BOND moved the Address in reply to the Opening Speech; Mr. WHITE seconded. In the Council, the Hon. Mr. PITTS moved; and Hon Capt. CLEARY seconded. The Newfoundland arrived last night. Mr. LITTLE’S seat in the house is vacated; he is appointed Acting Judge. (St. John’s, Feb 20) M. MUNROE, - Syme and Jas. McLAUGHLIN, Esqrs., have been appointed members of the Leg. Council. Hon. J.S. WINTER has been very ill for a week and not able to take his seat in the House. (St. John’s, Feb 23) John FREEMAN elected Sergt-at-Arms of the House. Petitions have been signed to prevent the sale of spirits for the first ten days of March, while sealers are preparing for the ice. It is rumoured that R. KENT, Esq. has been appointed to the Executive, and J.H. BONNE, Esq. speaker of the House of Assembly.
March 8, 1884 Death We learn that Mr. Isreal SMALL of Fogo, died suddenly on the morning of the 25th Feb. last. It appears that Mr. Small had just got up and proceeded down stairs, when he suddenly fell to the floor and expired. Heart disease is said to have caused his death. He leaves a wife and three children to mourn their loss.
March 8, 1884 Ordination An Ordination service was held in the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist yesterday morning, when the Rev. N. LeMOINE and the Rev. Theodore R. NURSE were advanced to the priesthood. The Right Rev. Llewellyn JONES, Lord Bishop of Newfoundland, performed the ceremony. His Lordship was assisted by the Revds. E. BOTWOOD, R.D., A. HEYGATE, J.F. PHELPS, W. PILOT, A.C.F. WOOD, and H. DUNFIELD. The Ordination Sermon was preached by the J.F. PHELPS. The Rev. N. LeMOINE is stationed at Harbour Grace, and the Rev. T.R. NURSE at Spaniard’s Bay. - Mercury

March 15, 1884 Missionary Meetings (Part 1) My Dear Sir, - In a recent issue of your paper you made brief reference to the Missionary meetings held under Methodist auspicies in this town and hinted that further particulars would shortly be forthcoming from some source or other. Nothing has since appeared, so acting on the adage, “better late than never,” I will furnish you with particulars of several meetings I have been privileged to attend during the last few weeks. Fogo and Seldom-come-by, in the fall. Of the mid-winter meetings, the first was held at Tizzard’s Harbour, whither I drove one bleak afternoon, more than a month since. After refreshment and a chat we repaired to the church which was comfortably filled. The meeting was addressed by the Revs. Jas. PINCOCK, Anthony HILL, and F. DUFFILL, and by Messrs. Samuel SMALL and J. PARSONS of Moreton’s Harbour. The speakers allowed themselves considerable scope, reviewing missionary operations in every land. The collection was a good criterion of the success of the meeting, more than doubling last years. The journey to Moreton’s Harbour at the close was not accomplished without difficulty, as it snowed freely and the ground was treacherous. However “all’s well that ends well”, as we thought when we sat at the supper table.
March 15, 1884 Missionary Meetings (Part 2) The next day was beautifully fine and the prospect for the evening was good. At 7 o’clock we took our seats on the platform and found the church crowded to its utmost capacity. The meeting was an animated one. Brother PINCOCK presented with dignity. Bro. HILL convulsed the meeting with his narration of missionary experiences in this country. He sped onwards like a meteor and now and then flashed like one. Moreton’s Harbour did so admirably in its Mission subscription last year that it was thought unlikely that the amount then raised would be exceeded. “According to your faith be it unto you.” The collection was a little less. During the following week the meetings were held in the Twillingate circuit. The Revds. Messrs. PINCOCK and DUNN came from neighbouring circuit. On the Wednesday afternoon we drove off to Little Harbour. The tiny church, which is really not sufficiently commodious at any time, on that occasion, proved too small by half, and sardines could hardly be packed any closer than those sweltering through. Brethern PINCOCK and DUNN gave excellent addresses, and a native of Purcell’s Harbour, Mr. Johnathan BURT gave a racy speech, lasting half an hour. Scores shook with suppressed laughter during its delivery.
March 15, 1884 Missionary Meetings (Part 3) The speaker’s grosteque humour was irresistible. Father DOWLAND made a few sensible remarks which did us good. The collection almost reached thirty dollars. A small box was found in the plate containing an amount bequeathed by a dying child. On Thursday the meeting was announced for the “big church”. Down came the snow, the wind at its heels. The Weather was unfavourable but probably 600 persons were present and the meeting was in every sense a success. Thos. DUDER, Esq., of Fogo having arrived, we were commissioned to ask him to occupy the chair. He gracefully acquiesced. A very interesting feature of this meeting was the address of the Rev. J. EMBREE principally based on his recent visit to Labrador. Though seriously indisposed he warmed with his theme and described in very graphic style his experiences amongst the sturdy souls, who have settled along the inhospitable shores of the North. The collection amounted to a little less than forty dollars.
March 15, 1884 Missionary Meetings (Part 4) On Friday night the New Church was filled and scores had, by some means or other, climbed into the unfinished gallery where they stood motionlessly throughout the delivery of the speeches. The Chairman, by reason of physical indisposition, didn’t turn up, so we must needs extemporise one. We had a good time; the interest being sustained. The number of speakers being so small those on the platform felt that the onus lay upon them. Brethren PINCOCK and DUNN did us excellent service, both being in good form (as they say when speaking of the Knights of the Willow). Last year the collection amounted to thirteen dollars, this year the plates held upwards of forty. The intense interest manifested at these meetings is very cheering. The watchmen on the walls of Zion can see the East reddening, and they announce the morning. I am, yours very truly, F.D.
March 15, 1884 R. SCOTT Visits R. SCOTT, Esq., of Fogo, was in town on a flying visit during the week.
March 15, 1884 Rev. R. TEMPLE, R.D. on Tour We understand that the Rev. R. TEMPLE, R.D., purposes making a tour the coming week to some of the distant settlements, on business connected with the Church.
March 15, 1884 Moreton’s Hr. Tea A Tea and Entertainment will be given by some members of the Methodist Congregation at Moreton’s Harbour, on Wednesday next, the 19th. inst.
March 15, 1884 Sealing in White Bay We are indebted to an esteemed friend for the sub - joined interesting extract of a private letter received from White Bay: - “The people on ths side of the bay have done very well with their sealing nets: the OSMONDS at Seal Cove have got 70 seals; John RICE & Co., 45; and from Seal Cove to the head of the Bay, over 300 have been secured. The Messrs. GALE, have all done well with nets. I have not heard from the North shore as yet, there has been none of any account killed with the gun. The edge of the ice is from Whitehorn Hill to Man Point and about 1 mile off Wild Cove head.”
March 15, 1884 Sailors Honoured "We learn from the Gazette of the 5th ult, that Silver Medals and Diplomas have been received from the Portugese Government by His Honour the Administrator, and have been presented to Francis BRIDDON, George BUTT, and John COOKE, Newfoundland seamen late of the brig Orielton, in recognition of their services in rescuing the ship-wrecked crew of the Steamer IV. R. Ricketts, off Figueria, on the 28th April, 1882. In giving place to the foregoing pleasing announcement, we trust that the brave fellows will be spared for very many years to wear their well earned decoration."
March 15, 1884 Obituary On Thursday last, Mr. George ANSTEY was suddenly called from earth away. Altho the deceased had not of late been enjoying his accustomed good health, yet there was nothing to arouse any serious apprehensions on the part of his friends, and on Wednesday night he retired in apparently good health. At an early hour next morning he awakened one of his brothers and asked for a drink; the latter immediately went to procure it, and on his return found that he was unable to take it. The King of Terrors had laid his icy hand upon him, and in the space of a few minutes, he peacefully, calmly, passed away to where beyond these voices there is peace. The deceased was in his 28th year, of a pleasing and quiet disposition, and his sudden death in the prime of life, has evoked much sorrow and regret from a large circle of friends and acquaintances. We tender our deepest sympathy to the widowed mother and sorrowing friends.
March 15, 1884 Houghton Evening Star At the regular monthly meeting of Evening Star L.O.L., No. 351, held here on the 12th inst., the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Resolved: That we deeply deplore the slaughter of our brethren in Newfoundland in so bloodthirsty, cruel and treacherous a manner, and while we mourn with our bretheren in their bereavement, we give them praise for more than human endurance in allowing the miscreants who attacked them to live to be tried by a jury; but as in the doing our brethren showed their love of law and order, we hope that justice will readily overtake the instruments of the cruel deed, if not those who instigated it. The resolution is signed on behalf of the lodge by Bros. W.H. TAYLOR, W.M., Wm. OTTERSON, D.M., and John PIET, Recording Secretary.
March 15, 1884 Birth At Musgrave Harbour, January 29th, the wife of Mr. R.C. RUSSELL, of a daughter.
March 15, 1884 Birth At Fortune Harbour, on Feb. 19th, the wife of Mr. Mathias GLAVEEN, of a daughter.
March 15, 1884 Birth At the same place, on Feb. 17th, the wife of Capt. John Davis, of a daughter.
March 15, 1884 Deaths Suddenly, on Thursday morning last, Mr. George ANSTEY, aged 28 years. Funeral will take place from his late residence at 2:30 p.m. tomorrow (Sunday).
March 15, 1884 Deaths Passed away peacefully, on the night of the 10th inst., after a lingering illness, borne with christian resignation to the Divine Will, Elizabeth, relict of the late John MOSS, aged 76 years, 65 of which she spent in the town. The deceased was a native of Fogo and leaves several children to mourn the loss of an affectionate mother.[Lengthy verse here]
March 15, 1884 Deaths Fell asleep, March 1st, at Herring Neck, after a brief illness, John, beloved son of Dharles and Maria MARCELL, aged 37 years. [It is not certain that the surname is Marcell, as the penultimate letter was indecipherable]. [Lengthy verse here.]
March 15, 1884 Deaths At Fortune Harbour on the 19th ult., Sarah KNIGHT, in the 17th year of her age. The deceased was a native of Hall’s Bay, and is much and deservedly retretted by all who knew her.
March 15, 1884 Deaths At North Parade, Otley, England, on Dec 30th, Henry,eldest son of Mr. Samuel SMITH, and brother-in-law to Rev. T.W. ATKINSON, Western Bay.
March 15, 1884 Deaths At Brigus, on the 11 inst., Capt. Robert WILCOX, aged 30 years.

March 24, 1884 Mackerel (Part 1) Mackerel, of the various branches of the fisheries, always receives the most attention. Our chart will be found of interest as showing at a glance, the great fluctuations in the catch and quality. The very small amount shown at the commencement, is of historic interest when we recall those years as being unsafe to fish off our shores during a foreign war. The Massachusetts catch, the past season, amounted to 168,811 barrels against 258,382 barrels in 1882; a large decrease of 89,571 barrels. The Southern fleet numbering 129 sail, as usual of late years. They started early, sailing March 12, landing the first catch in New York, March 31. The early catch was followed with fair success, mostly being landed fresh, accounts for the small amount of cured fish reported as taken South. The fish were found to be abundant and of mixed sizes. As the season advanced, the fleet worked off the New England shores, fewer fish constantly being seen. The fishermen being of the opinion that a large body of mackerel were off this coast, but did not show themselves, were not willing to leave the favored grounds of the past few years.
March 24, 1884 Mackerel (Part 2) About 50 sail went to North Bay in July, returning with poor reports and few fish. Later in the season, the catch not improving, and more favourable reports having been received from North Bay, quite a fleet once more went there, returning with fine fares of fish, of a fair quality and size. The total number of United States vessels fishing in North Bay during the season being 63, with a catch of 28,666 barrels. The catch off the New England shores amounted to 185,019 barrels; the Southern catch, 13,000; total catch of salted mackerel by the New England fleet 226,685, a decrease of 152,178 barrels from that of the previous year. The schooner Edward E. Webster, Captain Soloman Jacob, as for several years, is once more “high line” with the following fine record.
March 24, 1884 Mackerel (Part 3) Sailed from Gloucester March 15, hauled up November 20, during which time, with a crew of 17 men, caught 2,160 barrels of mackerel that were salted, and 400,000 mackerel were sold fresh, realizing gross $27,440,000 or net $25,700,000, the crew sharing $709,75 each. [These figures are exactly as written!] During the season three trips were made to North Bay and 1,100 barrels of the catch taken there. Captain Jacobs adds to his report, “It is my opinion the body of large mackerel will be in North Bay in 1884, and the small fish off this shore.” The catch of the Prince Edward Island fishermen is estimated as ten per cent over that of the previous year, with a slight improvement in quality. The Nova Scotia catch also shows an increase. Of the Provincial catch, 75,226 barrels came to this market against 37,616 in 1882. - (The foregoing extract is taken from the Annual Report of the Boston fish bureau for 1884.) (Note: An item later in this issue of the Sun, identifies Capt. Soloman Jacobs as a native of Twillingate, who left that place some 13 years since.)
March 24, 1884 Appointments His Honor the Administrator of the Government in Council, has been pleased to appoint James McLAUGHLIN, Esq., and John SYME, Esq., to be Members (provincially) of the Legislative Council of this Colony. His Honor, in Council, has also been pleased to appoint the Hon. John SYME, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the General Protestant Academy, in place of the late Gilbert BROWNING, Esquire. - Gazette.
March 24, 1884 Schools (Part 1) In the dearth of local matter which there usually is about this time, the Chairman of the Church of England Board of Education persuades himself, that some readers of this paper may find an interest, in having before them, an account of an examination, which he held last week, principally for his own information. On march 12th, 13th, and 14th, he examined five schools, two at Herring Neck, three at Twillingate, a sixth being at present closed for want of a Teacher. The total number of children on the Registers was 228; the largest being Salt Harbour (83), the smallest, the infant school in Front Harbor (13). There were present at the time of his visits, 160 altogether; the oldest being 17 years, the youngest 4. One teacher had been in charge of the same school fourteen years; one two years and a half; the others, less at present than a year. There were 40 children writing on slate, and 120 in copy books; 76 could do sums in one or other of the Simple Rules of Arithmetic; 30 in the Compound Rules. Only twenty-three could go beyond this. 51 were learning Grammar, and the same number Geography. 97 read in the New Testament, of whom the greater part acquitted themselves fairly, the simultaneous reading at Green Cove school was specially good.
March 24, 1884 Schools (Part 2) The Salt Harbour school is most backward in spelling. The number of copy books shown was 155; which were classed in three divisions, 38 fair and good; 36 untidy or indifferent; 61 unsatisfactory or quite beginners. The Twillingate schools appeared to know their Church Catechism most perfectly, so far as to the words. In Dictation, 75 attempted a short lesson, out of whom only 9 were faultless; 11 had one mistake, 12 had two; 11 had 3, etc., etc. Only one school (Green Cove) had attempted much in the way of singing. It would be well if it were made a practice in every school; giving such _____ additional interest to the children, and enlivening their work. The examiner was much pleased with the order of the schools; but he cannot help regretting that comparatively so few children attend, and that those who do, are taken away so much, and at so young an age. What progress can be made, even under the best teachers, unless children attend school regularly and for a considerable time. The fees are so absurdedly small, that those are no hinderance; and what is the present assistance that a child can give his parents, to be compared with the future benefit to them (and himself) when educated and grown up. It is miserably false economy to keep a girl (for instance) at home nursing, or a boy wood cuting, etc., when an opportunity is afforded them of obtaining an almost free education.
March 24, 1884 Justice "(A letter to the editor bearing the date, Twillingate, March 22, 1884, notes) Dear Sir: I observe by a late number of the Evening Telegram that a poor widow woman was recently fined SIXTY DOLLARS by His Honor Judge PROWSE, “for selling Bavarian Beer and spirits without a license.” Perhaps this will tally with “Green Bay Justice!” Yours truly, TENEZ P.S. - If a fine like this above can be imposed for the illicit sale of liquor in a community where licenses are granted, I think the same can be lawfully done in a community where the Government - much less a J.P. - can’t grant a license. T."
March 24, 1884 Moreton’s Harbour Tea "A Tea was held on Wednesday past at Moreton’s Harbour, that was attended by a party from Twillingat who walked on snowshoes across the ice. Upon arrival they were hosted by M. OSMOND, Esq. At 4:30 there was a strong muster at the Methodist school-room, a setting that was too small for the evening meeting that was held in the church. The resident minister, J. PINOCK was absent, but his place was taken by Rev. F.R. DUFFILL of Twillingate. The following programme was undertaken: Chorus: “Once Again We Meet.” Prayer: Rev. F.R. DUFFILL. Solo: “Give Me The Drink”, Mr. John BENNETT. Recitation: “Wanted a Minister’s Wife”, Jane FRENCH. Reading: Mr. Samuel BENNETT. Chorus: “Little Mary”. Recitation: “Childe Harold’s Farewell” Lucy JENKINS. Reading: “Mr. Fisher’s Bereavement”, Geo. OSMOND. Solo: “My Mother’s Prayer”, Barbara SMALL.. Recitation: Mr. W. JENNINGS. Chorus: “Yes, I’ve A Home In Heaven”. Reading: “Bessie theBeautiful”, Miss ROBERTS. Solo: “Pass Under The Rod”, Miss C. OSMOND. Dialogue: “Cooking”, Lavinia BRETT & Robert BARTLETT. Chorus: “Sound the Alarm” Recitation: “Mary, Queen of Scots” Rev. F.R. DUFFILL. Solo: “What Is Home Without A Mother?” Charles MAYNE. Recitation: “Beautiful Snow”, Miss R. OSMOND. Quartette: “Whiter than Snow”, Miss C. OSMOND, Miss ROBERTS, Mrs. PINOCK, & Mr. BENNETT. Reading: Mr. PARSONS. Solo: “We’re Going Home”, Amelia MILLS. Recitation: “Shadow On The Blind”, Olivia SMALL. Reading: W.J. SCOTT. Chorus: “Love At Home"
March 24, 1884 Sealing Up to the present very little has been done in the vicinity with seals. Our fishermen have been constantly on the lookout since the season arrived, travelling some days a long distance from land, but little success has crowned their efforts. Some three or four hundred bedlamers have been captured. There has been no sign of steamers off the coast as yet.
March 24, 1884 Bonavista Notes (Part 1) "The weather has been extremely cold with us this winter. Thermometer ranging from 10 to 23 degrees below zero for three or four days in succession. Up to date we have had an average number of public entertainments, etc., which as usual have been well attended and highly appreciated. The first was a public Temperance meeting, which was held under the auspices of the Good Templers, who are in a flourishing condition, and propose holding a series of meeting open to the public monthly. They have lately purchased a fine organ, valued at $120, for the use of this organization. Through their efforts combined with that of Bird Island Cove Lodge, the Local Option Bill was carried at the latter place on Feb. 9th, by a sweeping majority, only one voting against and 107 for. A very successful Band of Hope meeting was held a few weeks ago. On Thursday, 31st ult., the ladies of the Methodist Church, who were ably assisted by Dr. FORBES, gave a very enjoyable tea at the Central School, for the purpose of raising means to pay off the balance of debt on the church furnace. "
March 24, 1884 Bonavista Notes (Part 2) Never we believe were tickets for any entertainment at Bonavista, sooner disposed off. Scores sought admission at the door for which they would have paid double but could not be admitted as the building was thronged. It is needless to say that the tea was all that one could desire. The entertainment which followed and which consisted of songs, solos, recitations, dialogues and addresses, was rendered in excellent style, and elicited much laughter and applause. The net proceeds amounted to over $70. The above meeting was followed by a literary and musical concert at the Fisherman’s Hall, and which was quite a success. The amount of receipts which, I understand, is for the purpose of purchasing a library for the Church of England Sabbath School, amounted to $40. On Sunday last a gathering of the two Methodist Sunday schools assembled in the church, when a very profitable meeting was held. It was presided over by Mr. Jas. BROWN (Rev. Mr. BULLEN who was expected to take the chair at the meeting being unwell), and addressed by Messrs. POWELL, READER, LINDSAY and VINCENT. Another public Temperance meeting takes place on Thursday next and the children are practising for another Band of Hope meeting. The Methodists are talking of getting up an entertainment to raise money to buy an organ for Sunday School.
March 24, 1884 Married "On Saturday, 19th February, at Christ Church, Bonavista, by Rev. A.E.C. BAYLY, Mr. John S. ROWSELL, accountant at the firm of Bain, Johnston & Co., Bonavista, to Lydia C., fifth daughter of Mr. James SKIFFINGTON, all of the same place."
March 24, 1884 Deaths At Wild Cove, Twillingate, on the 16th inst., after a long illness, Mr. John GUY, aged 59 years.
March 24, 1884 Deaths On the 23rd inst., Martha, relict of the late Charles PAYNE, aged 58 years.
March 24, 1884 Deaths At Comfort Cove, Green Bay, on the 9th inst., Mr. John CULL, aged 76 years.
March 24, 1884 Deaths At Western Gulch, on the 17th inst., Mr. Henry RIDEOUT, aged 73 years.
March 24, 1884 St. John's News (Part 1) "By Telegraph (via Bett’s Cove) Special to the Sun, St. John’s, March 1st. The Magistrates have decided not to accede to the request of petition asking to close the Public Houses for the first 10 days of March. Six sailing vessels leave Harbor Grace for the Seal fishery and two from here (St. John‘s). The Newfoundland arrived today. The harbour is blocked with ice. There was a heavy snow storm at Halifax yesterday. No business of importance has been transacted in the House the past week. The 2nd reading of Bill to prevent Sunday trains has been postponed until the Company are notified. A slight disturbance took place at Harbor Grace on March 4, Saturday night, occasioned by payment of railway labourers and the final closing of the liquor stores. Several policemen were despatched by the Lady Glover to take extra precaution against further outbreaks. A strong breeze N.W. wind yesterday; several vessels drifted out of the narrows in the ice. The Hercules succeeded in towing them back. The Newfoundland left this morning. The Harbor Grace sealing fleet has left for the ice. The Bay is clear. March 6: A railway car got off the track last evening whilst returning to town, Mrs. BUTLER of Port-de-Grave was badly injured. No other damage sustained. "
March 24, 1884 St. John's News (Part 2) The Nimrod and Leepard sailed for Channel yesterday to clear for the Gulf seal fishery. The Neptune left for Catalina. The title “His Excellency” has been conferred on Sir F.B.T. CARTER while holding the personal commission of the Queen for the administration of the Government. March 8. The Receiver General laid statement of affairs of the Colony before the House on Thursday. The revenue of the past year is One Hundred and Fifty-three dols. and Seventy-seven cents. Balance in favor of the Colony One Hundered and Fifty-two Thousand Five Hundred and Twenty-six dollars. No alteration proposed in tariff for the coming year, except duty on Canadian fruits, raisins, currants, etc. for which a resolution has been submitted. Another Dundee steamer, the Polynia, added to the fleet, arrived few days ago. Six Dundee steamers were to leave St. John’s on Monday. March 11: A despatch from Harbor Breton last evening says that a man named MARTIN and his wife were found killed or murdered on their premises at great Jarvis on Sunday. It is supposed that MARTIN killed his wife and afterwards committed suicide. Thomas Nicolas, one of the Orangemen wounded in the Harbor Grace affray, died yesterday. The steamers left yesterday. The ice prevented them from making rapid progress and they can be seen from the Block House. It is coming very stormy this morning. A bill passed the House yesterday naming White Bay district “St. Barbe”.

April 9, 1884 Missionary Meeting Bett's Cove (1) "The Annual Methodist Foreign Missionary Meeting was held at this place March 12th, 1884. John C. DUDER, Esq., in the Chair, a gentleman who is always to the front in every good cause that occurs in our midst. This meeting as usual was largely attended by the fair sex, though our numbers are but small compared with former years. I am happy to say the cause was well represented by no less than three Wesleyan Ministers, namely, the Revds. Messrs. LISTER, ABRAHAM, and VICKERS, who represented the results and still further need of Mission work in a vivid and most explicit manner. The Revd. Mr. LISTER opened the meeting by prayer. We then all sang that beautiful hymn on page 1st of the Methodist Hymn book. Rev. H. ABRAHAM then introduced our esteemed and venerable friend J.C. DUDER, Esq., as Chairman, who addressed the meeting with remarkable impressiveness, dilating at some length on Missionary enterprise stating that all other was totally eclipsed, by this grand enterprise originated of God “himself“, in fact the address was full of mission zeal and pointed fact, showing why all should do their best to help so good a cause, pointing out the widow and her two mites in a most sympathetic manner, also of Christ’s approval of her gift. He also dwelt at some length on the Divine command: “Go into the world and preach the Gospel to every creature,” showing how the work was indeed still going on from the Apostles to the present day, against any and every opposition. "
April 9, 1884 Missionary Meeting Bett's Cove (2) "The Rev. H. ABRAHAM then read Missionary report, after which the Choir sang that good old hymn, “From Greenland’s Icy Mountains.” The Rev. Mr. VICKERS, next addressed the meeting, who dwelt on mission matter with such eloquence that the whole audience were kept in the most wrapt attention. One especial matter he adduced was the need there was for more missionary enterprise, giving the numbers of the multitudes there were who yet were without the gospel, although much had already been done, and here and there introducing a few very feeling anecdotes, particularly the trials and success of a few single individuals at the cost of both health and life itself. The Choir again sang a hymn. Rev. J. LISTER next addressed the mmeting, a gentleman who is well known for his ability to deal with such matter. His remarks were so full of humour at times as to cause all faces present to light up with a smile, at others he related anecdotes with such thrilling truth in them, that one could scarcely withold a tear at such devoted zeal displayed by some missionarys even to the death, many of which had been a noble martrydom."
April 9, 1884 Missionary Meeting Bett's Cove (3) Mr. HOWSON was then called upon who make a few remarks which was the effect that he wished to remind his hearers what this meeting had been called for, reminding them also that they could not after listening to what had previously been spoken but see the need of help in so good a cause, that as he was about to pass the plate, he hoped for this time at least to feel more pleasure in receiving than giving., although there was an adage to the effect that it was more blessed to give than to receive, and stating that if missionaries were to be sent, the Societies must have funds to carry on the good work. The Choir then sang another hymn. The Rev. H. ABRAHAM then spoke a few words concerning present mission tour extending from Little Bay Islands to Shoe Cove, especial mention was made of the noble gift to the cause of the few residents at Hall’s Bay, in fact receipts generally showing in excess of last year. Choir then sang a hymn whilst the collection was taken up, receipts showing in excess of last year, although many are left this place who were with us then. This clearly shows that Bett’s Cove people still hold their prestige for giving to all good works. The whole was enlivened by some good music and singing. Mrs. DUDER kindly presiding at the organ, assisted by Mr. Simpson and others as Choir, who did their work well. I may state that this has been the best Missionary Meeting ever held in this place both for excellence of addresses and liberality of donations, truly this is a noble work of which any one may feel justly proud to engage in. (One who was there).
April 9, 1884 St. Johns News "By Telegrapgh from Bett’s Cove, Special to the Sun, St. John’s, March 12 GOODRIDGE received the censure of House on Monday; he charged the Government with subsidizing papers and putting the money in their own pockets. The Bill to prevent Railway trains running on Sundays was rejected: 11 for, 19 against. Affairs at Harbor Grace are still very unsatisfactory. WEBBER of Bear’s Cove was fired at on Tuesday; the supposed would-be assassin has been arrested."
April 9, 1884 Death The funeral of Thomas NICHOLAS took place at Harbor Grace on Thursday, March 15th. The British and Orange Societies walked in full regalia. The Wesleyan and Presbyterian Ministers, Sheriff and Magistrates, preceded the corpse. The Revds. Messrs. NOEL, LEMOINE, and SANDERSON assisted in the Burial Service; and the Rev. Mr. NOEL preached a very practical and impressive sermon. There were between 1800 - 1900 in the procession. All Protestant places of business were closed at Harbor Grace and Carbonear during the afternoon.
April 9, 1884 St John's News "An item bearing the date March 19th at St. John’s, notes that an accident occurred on STABB’s premises yesterday to a man named Pat COTTER, working mear a pile of lumber, when some boards fell breaking both his legs. The St. Patrick’s Dinner was a great success. Upwards of 200 were present. Sir W.V. WHITEWAY, Hon. J.S. WINTER, and A.J.W. McNEILY, Q.C., were among the guests. A quantity of electro plated ware was stolen from Sir A. SHEA’s premises on Saturday night. The robbers are not known. St. John’s, March 20th. An earthquake shock was experienced at Conception Bay on Tuesday afternoon, causing considerable excitement. A heavy shock was heard simultaneously at Brigus, Harbour Grace Junction, Bay Roberts, Harbor Grace, Rantim, Placentia Bay and Trinity. A rumbling noise followed after a space of 30 seconds. Some houses were shaken at Heart’s Content. At Clarke’s Beach the earth trembled, and people ran, to each other’s houses. No damage reported. The annual meeting of the Bible Society was held in the Athenaeum last evening. The meeting was largely attended, and addressed by the Revds. Messrs. BOTWOOD, WOOD, PERCIVAL, BOND, McNEIL, BENTON, and four others. A despatch from Channel says that the Kite was seen off Cape Anguille taking seals on St. Patrick’s Day. Two steamers supposed to be the Neptune and Arctic, reported as being off Cape Bonavista yesterday taking seals. Large quantities seen panned, with flags. Upwards 500 have been taken by landsmen. BOYD introduced a Bill to destroy dogs by Local Option and encourage sheep raising; the Bill passed 2nd reading. The Revenue bill passed yesterday."
April 9, 1884 Shiping A steamer and small schooner have been in sight from this harbor since yesterday. Her Majesty’s war ships Mallard and Fastome will be engaged in the fishery protection during the coming summer, and are expected to arrive at St. John’s shortly.
April 9, 1884 Seals Seals - Yesterday, we learn, some 20 or 30 young seals were captured by boat crews in this vicinity, some “pelts” were picked up and a great many carcasses were seen on the drifting ice.
April 9, 1884 New Owners Our Country says it is reported that Messrs. JOB Bros. & Co. have purchased the premises at Blanc Sablon and Isle au Bois, in the Straight of Belle Isle from Messrs. P. SIMON & Co., of Jersey. It is also stated that Capt. Samuel BLANDFORD has resigned command of the Plover to run this speculation, which, we hope may be successful.
April 9, 1884 Advertisement Mr. Samuel SHORT of Wards Harbor, writes: Dear Mr. Pill. The effects produced by your Lung Healer are truly wonderful. A few months ago my daughter who is 16 years old, was induced to try a bottle of your medicine for a cough atended with great weakness and pains in the chest from which she had been suffereing during the whole of her life. After taking the bottle all bad symptoms disappeared and she now enjoys perfect health.
April 9, 1884 Sealing Five of our sailing vessels - the William, Capt. W. SHEPPARD, the Sisters, Capt. S. HAWKINS, the Consort, Capt. J. PARSONS, the Matilda, Capt. N. HANRAHAN, and the Confederate, Capt. T. GREENE, took their departure for the seal fishery since last we went to press. The steamers Vanguard, Capt. J. KENNEDY, the Mastif, Capt. R. GOSSE, and the Iceland, Capt. A. SMITH, left for Catalina yesterday evening, whence they take their clearance. May a bountiful Providence crown the efforts of each and every of them at the coming fishery with the most abundant success. (H.G. Standard).
April 9, 1884 Birth On March 26th, the wife of Mr. Joseph STUCKLESS, of a daughter.
April 9, 1884 Marriage On the 21st March, at St. Mary’s Church, Herring Neck, by the Rev. J. HEWITT, Mr. Frederick SEALEY, late of St. John’s, to Emily, daughter of Mr. Thomas DALLY, Herring Neck.
April 9, 1884 Marriage On the 20th March, at the School-room, Green’s Harbor, by the same, Mr. Samuel BATT of Herring Neck, to Mrs. Louisa HICKS of Change Islands.
April 9, 1884 Sons of Temperance Meeting At the quarterly meeting of North Star Division, Sons of Temperance, held on Thursday last, the 3rd. inst., the following officers elect, were duly installed for the ensuing quarter: - Bros. W.J. SCOTT, W.P.; F. GUY, W.A.; John LUNNEN, R.S.; Joseph FIFIELD, A.R.S.; Chas. MAYNE, P.S.; Philip RIDOUT, Treas.; Geo. ROBERTS, Chaplin; Alfred LACEY, Com.; Winfield SCOTT, A.C.; Alfred MANUEL, I.S.; Edward ROBERTS, O.S.; Andrew ROBERTS was inducted at the Chair of the P.W.P. Receipts for the quarter amounted to 65 dollars.
April 9, 1884 New Steamship Company On the 26th ult. was registered the New York Newfoundland and Halifax Steamship Company, Limited, with a capital of £100,000 in £10 shares. The signatories to the articles of association were Messrs. W.B. BOWRING, J. BOWRING, W.G. BOND; F.H. ANMONAR, S.H. MASSEY, and H. TOWILL, of Liverpool, and J. BOWERING Jr., of St. John’s, Newfoundland. Messrs. C.T. BOWERING and Co. of Liverpool are to sit as managers. (Mercury).

April 22, 1884 Remarkable Phenomenon (1) At 1:15 p.m. on Tuesday last, many of our citizens were startled by hearing a heavy report issuing from the heavens, apparently in a S.W. direction. The report sounded as loud as that occasioned by a heavy discharge of cannon, and was followed by a succession of rumbles or angy and prolonged detonations, which lasted four minutes or nearly so. The noise was heard even more distinctly at Heart’s Content, where we learn, it had the effect of drawing many persons in alarm from their houses. At Trinity, Spaniard’s Bay, Bay Roberts, Brigus, Clarke’s Beach, Holyrood, Black River, Placentia Bay, St. John’s, and other places the report was also heard with more or less distinctness. A despatch from Brigus in Wednesday’s Mercury says that “a woodman crossing a pond nine miles west of that place felt the ice tremble, and his horse took fright. At Clarke’s Beach the earth trembled, and people ran to each others’ house. Patrick DOOLEY and Aubrey SPRACKLIN were boiling their kettle at the foot of the hill near Grand Pond, and report themselves badly scared at the time. They beat a hasty retreat, fearing the hill would fall on them. They say it was shaken from base to top.” Many theories were, of course, advanced to account for the apparently mysterious occurrence, some people suggesting one thing, some another.
April 22, 1884 Remarkable Phenomenon (2) "The opinion, however, which obtained the most weight was that it was a gaseous meteor which had exploded as it reached our atmosphere. A friend has kindly furnished us with the following: The body from which the sound came which created much interest, was probably either a meteorlite or bolide; a heavy igneous fireball composed of stony or metallic matter; or a body of far less density, that is a bolide. From the character of the report, which was of a compressed nature, the body inclined to the denser form, since we can easily know the difference between a rifle shot and a common gun-shot. Thinking over the matter, from whence it came, and consulting FARRAR on astronomy, the probability is that it came from hundreds of miles beyond our atmosphere, that its velocity was not less than 20 or 40 miles per second, and that entering our atmosphere it shortly after exploded, causing the report heard with such distinctness. HERSCHELL, speaking of bolides, says that they are often thousands of feet in diameter. He speaks of one in August, 1783, which was computed to be 4000 feet in diamter; and he remarks that it was observed from the North Sea to Rome. It is therefore not at all unlikely that at least the one here in question might have been heard with great power from the extreme north of Labrador."
April 22, 1884 Telegraphy "From late advices from St. John’s we learn that the Government have decided on extending the privileges of telegraphy to this part of the district, and which will probably be undertaken during the present year. This is a move in the right direction, and manifests a desire on the part of the Government to maintain that progressive policy which has always been its aim to foster. The benefits of telegraphy cannot be too highly estimated and we have no doubt but that the desire on the part of the Government to extend them to this part of the district will be duly appreciated by all interested. For some years just the question has been in agitation, and we are pleased to find the time has arrived when definite steps are to be initiated to accomplish such a desireable object. The tedious and meagre means of communication which were in operation years ago, are not at all adequate to the requirements of the present advanced age Telegraphy is found to be indispensable in a business point of view in these days of keen competition, and it is only right and proper that all who speculate largely and expend their capital in carrying on the business of the colony should be on an equal footing with others in this respect. Of late years Twillingate has risen greatly in importance, but the fact of its not being favored with telegraphy at an earlier day might be attributed in a great measure to its geographical situation, which was considered to be an almost insuperable barrier in the way of carrying out the project. It is found since, however, that the obstacles are not insurmountable, and that the financial aspect of the work seems to be the only hindrance to the accomplishment of this much to be desired undertaking. "
April 22, 1884 Little Bay News "Before J.B. BLANDFORD, Esq. - April 8 - Michael McLAIN was charged and convicted of violation of the 2nd section of the Licence Act. Fined $50.00 and costs. John WALSH , for assaulting Constable MEANY. Fined $4.00 and costs. Alex MORTELLE for fighting on the street. Fined $2.00. Thos. NOSEWORTHY, for similar offence. Fined $1.50. "
April 22, 1884 Heat Wave The heat yesterday was exceptionally high for this season of the year, the thermometer stood at 88 degrees in the sun.
April 22, 1884 Prohibition A late number of the Gazette contains a Proclamation prohibiting the selling of Intoxicating Liquors at Bird Island Cove, Trinity Bay, and Fogo, in the district of Notre Dame Bay.
April 22, 1884 Sealer Breaks Free We learn that the Resolute, Capt. JACKMAN, which has been jammed in the ice in this Bay for some time past, got her freedom yesterday and steamed away South.
April 22, 1884 Horses Fall Through Ice This morning two horses venturing out on the harbor ice (which by the way is very treacherous just now) fell through, and had to be rescued from their not very comfortable situation by the strenuous efforts of some men who happened to be near by.
April 22, 1884 Tragedy at Rose Blanche A correspondent writing from Rose Blanche to the Evening Mercury, under date, March 10th, gives the following particulars of a sad accident which recently occurred in that vicinity: - “On Friday, the 7th inst., Cornelius and Jacob BUTT, (aged respectively 21 and 15), left to go shooting in a boat. Returning about noon they hastened homeward. Upon entering the porch, Jacob was in front of his brother, who carried on his shoulder a loaded gun, muzzle forward. But, unfortunately, as the latter was in the act of passing through the aperture, the hammer of the gun came in contact with the beam above and caused an immediate explosion. The charge passed through poor Jacob’s left shoulder. Death was instantaneous. What followed, as the terrified family rushed to the pitiful scene, can be better imagined than described. The afflicted family have lost an affectionate son. And one who, though young, yet did his best in assisting his parents to secure the necessaries of life; and had just returned from doing so when he met his untimely death.
April 22, 1884 Search for Lost Explorers "The following despatch relative to Lieutenant GREELEY and his party has been received by T.N. MOLLOY, Esq., the American Consul for this colony: - Washington, D.C., March 18, 1884 The Secretaries of War and of the Navy Departments instruct all masters of vessels or whalers frequenting the waters of Greenland to keep on the watch for traces of Lieutenant Greeley and party, in view of the possibility that they may come to Littleton Island, or further South in boats, or along the shore, or on fixed or floating ice, and give assurance that all expenses will be paid, which may be incurred in thus rescuing the party or any member of it; and the Government will also suitable recognize the services of those who are so enterprising or so fortunate as to accomplish the desired object - Gazette. "
April 22, 1884 St. John's News "By Telegraph (via Bett’s Cove) Special to the Sun Marine News, St. John’s March 29: The Aurora arrived with 28,000 seals. She reports the Hector and Neptune nearly loaded, the Falcon took the ice when the Aurora left. The Newfoundland arrived this morning. A fire broke out in a house occupied by Edward DOYLE; he lost to the extent of 800 pounds. The Presbyterians propose building an Academy on the site of the old St. Andrew’s Kirk in conjunction with the Masonic Hall. It will cost between 30 and 40 thousand dols. Another Presbyterian church contemplated. April 2, Reports from King’s Cove yesterday says that the landsmen from Cat Harbor and Flat Islands have been hauling White Coats for several days; 600 said to be hauled ashore about the Islands. Six steamers reported taking seals; Ranger, Falcon, Walrus, and Greenland supposed to be among the number. It has been exceedingly foggy for several days. Heavy thunder and lightning last night. Schr. Hydranga belonging to SNELGROVE of Catalina is reported loaded with seals. The Newfoundland left yesterday. HOBB’S took passage in her. Apriil 3. - The Hercules arrived last eveing with 2000 prime young harps; they were taken off Cape Bonavista. The Neptune, Blandford, arrived this morning - 41,000 prime harps; reports Hector loaded; Falcon 10,000; Ranger 5,000. The Aurora sailed for the 2nd trip today. Government News: DAWE took his seat in the Oppostiion side of the House yesterday; no public question under consideration; the grievance appears to be more of a private than public character. "
April 22, 1884 Death On Good Friday, Mr. George WELLS, a native of Norton, Sub Hamdon, Somerset, aged 29 years.
April 22, 1884 Death At Little Harbor, on the 17th inst., Mr. Joseph HALLET, aged 29 years. The deceased leaves a wife and two children to mourn their loss.
April 22, 1884 Death At Jenkins Cove, on the 19th inst., after a long and painful illness, Mr. Thomas PARSONS, aged 56 years.
April 22, 1884 Death At Leading Tickles, on the 28th ult., Isabella, the beloved wife of Mr. Benjamin BILLINGS, aged 38 years
April 22, 1884 Fishing Rooms For Sale For Sale - Two Fishing Rooms, with considerable land attached. The room of the late James GILLARD, at Boyd’s Cove, Friday’s Bay; and the room of the late Geor. BARNES at Byrne Cove, Friday’s Bay. For futher particulars apply at the office of this paper.
April 22, 1884 Tragedy at Great Jervois (Part 1) "Terrible Tragedy at Great Jervois - A Wife Strangled - A Husband Suicides. We have learned from the Mercury that the mail by the steamer Plover brought the particulars of a terrible crime at Great Jervois, and from among several memorandums of depositions, it quotes enough to show what really happened. The tragedy occurred on the 9th untimo, and the victims were buried on the 12th. Thomas WARE sworn, deposed as follows: - I live at Great Jervois. I am a servant of Mr. John LAKE, of Fortune; so also was the deceased John MARTIN, who was Mr. LAKE’S agent here. I was sawing with the deceased all last Saturday. We left off about sunset. I saw nothing unusual about him. After he locked the stair door, he went to his house, close by. I went to my house, and did not leave it again until about five o’clock next evening. About that hour, Margaret LONG and Elizabeth ROSE come to my house, and said that MARTIN’S house doors were open and they could hear no one inside, and that the keys of the shop were in the shop door. I and John LONG then went to MARTIN’S house. The doors were open. Getting no answer to our knocks, we went upstairs. "
April 22, 1884 Tragedy at Great Jervois (Part 2) The bed-room door was open. Mrs. MARTIN was on the bed, dead, and covered, except her face. Her little boy was on the pillow by her head, awake. As soon as we went into the room, the little boy said, looking up, “Mummy is dead, papa killed her.” I took up the child and went to my home with it, not knowing whether MARTIN might not be upon our track. I went back to the room again and tried to open the door but could not, as it was buttoned inside. I peeped through this window, and could see the hand and arm of John MARTIN lying on the floor. I noticed some blood under the house just where MARTIN was lying. I and John LONG then went to give information to Mr. CAMP, the sub-collector at Pushthrough. Today I was told by the Magistrate (Philip HUBERT, esq.), to break open the door of the shop. When we first saw Mrs. MARTIN in the bed, we did not stop to see how she had come by her death, for we were too much frightened. The windows of the shop are always kept barred inside. Mrs. MARTIN was, I think, sent for by MARTIN to come from Codroy to be married. She is about twenty-three years of age. I think she was a widow before he married her. The little boy was by her first husband. MARTIN had foolish ways about him. He often said that people were troubling the house all night long.
April 22, 1884 Tragedy at Great Jervois (Part 3) About the first of February he remained in the house a whole week. I went at last to see him. He was lying on a trunk. I asked him what was the matter. He said “trouble, I am gone, body and soul.” His wife was a quiet, inoffensive woman. She lived in my house about twelve days before they were married. He always carried the keys about him. I think there was money in the house, but perhaps he had sent it by steamer to his merchant. He often said that he had been robbed but I don’t believe it. John MARTIN first came here from Fortune about May last. William LORENZEN, sworn, deposed as follows: - I was with Mr. HUBERT when he directed the forcing open of the door of the building in which the body of John MARTIN was lying. A musket was found lying on the floor close to the door, and behind the door was the body of John MARTIN, dressed, his skull broken, one side of his face blown away, and pieces of flesh, brains, etc., strewn about the floor and on the ceiling overhead. The deceased, no doubt shot himself while standing; probably put the muzzle of the musket under his chin. There is a large pool of blood where the body lay. A box of gun caps was on the counter, a half out keg of gunpowder near, and a bag of shot opposite, cut open with a knife beside it. A purse containing two small keys was found in his pocket.
April 22, 1884 Tragedy at Great Jervois (Part 4) The windows were all secure inside and did not appear to have been disturbed. There is only one entrace and the button had to be broken before the door could be opened. I went with the Magistrate to the dwelling house, where Sophia MARTIN was lying dead. The outside door was tied with a piece of rope, while the other doors were open. Upstairs we found the woman, dead in the bed, with a white pocket handkerchief tightly tied around her neck and throat. She had evidently been strangled. I untied the handkerchief from her throat, and there was a deep mark around where it had been tied. There are no wounds on the body. Some spots of bloody saliva were on the pillow alongside her head. There were several pieces of woman’s made clothing between the trunk and the bed. A lamp and a tin dipper with water stood close by the bed. William McDONALD, sworn, deposed as follows: I was in John MARTIN’S house about a fortnight ago. I was getting my account fixed. He took down the ledger from a cupboard which had been locked, and saying some one had altered the date, got up in a passion and paced the room. I reminded him that as he kept the cupboard locked no one could touch his book. He said his accounts were now all wrong, and he was “going to load every bloody gun he had.” He had crazy ways about him. .
May 13, 1884SealsThe following report of sealing news from Fogo and vicinity has been furnished us by a friend: - "Not much done at Fogo; some persons got one 'tow.' Average at Seldom-come-by about 10 seals per man. Strait Shore, from White Point to Doating Cove, average from 49 to 80 per man; best man 89 seals. Tilton Harbor average 35 seals for men and boys, best man 65 seals. Cape Cove, average about 60 seals, best man 75 seals. Tilton Harbor and Cape Cove, they report for between 4,000 and 5,000 seals."
May 13, 1884SteamerThe steamer Hercules, Capt. CROSS, made her welcome appearance off the harbor about 1 o'clock on Saturday last, and in the space of a couple of hours forced her way in through the drift ice into port. The Hercules brought mails, passengers, and freight for this place. About midnight she left again for St. John's. The following is a list of her passengers. From St. John's - Mr. LETHBRIDGE, Mrs. LETHBRIDGE, Miss WEYMOUTH, Mr. MURCELL, Master COOPER. For St. John's - Rev. C. MCKAY, MR. OWEN, MR. MOORES, Mr. WELLS, Mr. FERRES, Mr. HARBIN (2), Mr. BURTON, Mr. NEWMAN, Mr. YOUNG.
May 13, 1884Shooting DeathA sad case of accidental shooting took place at Bishop's Cove on yesterday afternoon when a young man named Jethro BARRETT (of Israel) accidentally shot his sister dead. We understand that as he took the gun down from the "rack" in the kitchen it suddenly went off, and the charge, entered his sister's face, causing death in a very few minutes thereafter. Much sympathy is felt for the unfortunate brother and family of the deceased. - H.G. Standard
May 13, 1884ObitWe are sorry to have to record the demise of Lewis TESSIER, Esq., of the firm of Messrs. P & L TESIER, Newfoundland Merchants, which took place on Wednesday, the 30th ult., at his residence, West-end. Yesterday afternoon, the mortal remains of Mr. TESSIER were laid in their last resting place at the neatly kept cemetery of the Church of England, overlooking the placid waters of Quidi Vidi Lake. A large number of citizens paid a last tribute of respect to the memory of the deceased by following the remains to the silent tomb. The funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr. John T. CARNELL - Times.
May 13, 1884A Cowardly ActWe regret to note that on the evening of the 12th inst., one of the crew of the ill-fated S.S. Tiger was inhumanly treated by a policeman, and is now in hospital suffering from a fractured skull. Such brutal treatment at the hands of a "peace-preserver" is very much to be deplored; and if he has committed himself, we, in common with all law-abiding and loyal subjects of our beloved Queen, demand that he should be taught a wholesome lesson, and deprived of wearing her Majesty's uniform. - Ibid
May 13, 1884The Queen vs Abraham and Isaac BUSSY (Part 1)Yesterday we published the decision of the magistrate in the case of the prisoners Bussey charged with "assaulting the police in discharge of their duty," and to-day we take the opportunity of making a few comments upon the evidence in the case as well as upon the decision. The facts in the case are simple and plain. The shipwrecked crew of the steamer Tiger lost at the ice in the Gulf, had been brought into port by the steamer Leopard on the morning of the day of the disturbance. These men belonged not to St. John's, but to Port-de-Grave in Conception Bay, or vicinity. They were anxious to get to their homes without delay, and having been advised that the Messrs. GRIEVE, to whom their vessel belonged, were making arrangements to have them sent home by railway, they were requested to be at hand near the office on Water Street whilst arrangements for their departure were being concluded. The number of these men present, near, and about Messrs. GRIEVE's office, is not stated by any credible witness to the proceedings to be more than from twenty to twenty-five, at any time, and they were so separated between the store door in the cove, and the office, as to cause no obstruction to passers-by or create the slightest inconveniences to anybody. In fact, it is clearly in evidence by the most credible of the witnesses that there were but two men present when the police created the disturbance and provoked the breach of the peace for which they, and not the prisoners BUSSEY, should be to-day, undergoing punishment.
May 13, 1884The Queen vs Abraham and Isaac BUSSY (Part 2)The evidence of Samuel DAWE is: "When I first went there I don't know that there was any one else there but one man, belonging to the town, named Alfred JOHNSON." There were but two men there, then, when Constable FAHEY came along, and ordered DAWE to move away, at the same time placing his hand on DAWE's shoulder. DAWE then stated, as he had a perfect right to do, the reason for his being there, when FAHEY again requested him to "move on," gave him a chuck or two, and tripped him with his foot so violently as to throw him off the sidewalk into the snow. JOHNSON, the person who was talking with DAWE was also assaulted at the same time by FAHEY, and was cut by him upon the lip. An altercation at once pursued, between FAHEY and JOHNSON which ended in the arrest of the later by FAHEY assisted by McGRATH, who now appeared upon the scene, and then the attempted rescue took place by their fellow sealers who had gathered about in the meantime. Now the first questions that naturally arise are as to whether these men had any right or business to be present on the sidewalk near Messrs. GRIEVE's office, and whether, being so present, they were causing any special or undue obstruction. That they had a right to be there, is plain from the fact that it is the common custom of our sealers and fishermen in the spring and fall of the year to congregate near the business establishments of their employers, for the purpose either of being shipped or paid off. This has been the rule here from time immemorial; and these crowds have sometime; reached the number of one hundred and one hundred and fifty men instead of the few present in the neighborhood of Messrs. GRIEVE's office. The men were there on business; there was no other place where that business could be concluded, with so little inconvenience in all the parties as just there, and this, policeman FAHEY knew because he was advised of it.
May 13, 1884The Queen vs Abraham and Isaac BUSSY (Part 3)Further, all the evidence goes to prove that the men were causing no offence or annoyance to anybody, nor were they in any way obstructing the thoroughfare. Mr. NESBITT, book-keeper to Messrs. Grieve & Co., said that he "told the policeman that Mr. THORBURN had instructed the masters of watch to keep the crew together until they got a reply from the railway company as to whether they would supply a special train to take them home." To this explanation witness further disposed that policeman FAHEY replied that he "did not give a d_____ what they were waiting for, who told them" &c. Had they been corner loafers belonging to the town, or rowdies such as accustomed deliberately to offend and annoy passers-by, Constable FAHEY would have been probably quite compassionate to them, have cracked jokes with them instead of heads and limbs; but these were not Constable FAHEY's friends; they were Conception Bay men, and Constable FAHEY knew it. He was just fresh from Harbor Grace where he had been engaged in the affray, in which these men's neighbours and relatives probably had been wantonly murdered; his assistant, Constable MCGRATH, is alleged to have also been present at that murderous affray, and had been brought from Harbor Grace and placed upon the police establishment as a reward for his meritorious presence upon that occasion. And so this row, having been created to suit the convenience of Constables FAHEY and MCGRATH, there was nothing left to be done but to make it as severe upon these unfortunate ship-wrecked Port-de-Grave men as possible. And so MCGRATH and FAHEY drew their weapons upon the unarmed men, whom by their brutal violence they had provoked to retaliation, and laid about them reckless of whether they destroyed the men's lives or not. To our minds the case should have been reversed, and Constable FAHEY and MCGRATH should have been placed on trial for the "unjustifiable violence" which they used and by which the whole disturbance was occasioned. But these men of course are rather permitted to go free and unpunished, whilst the victims of their provocation and brutality are still further punished by fine and imprisonment.
May 13, 1884Court NewsThe spring term of the supreme court, we observe by a proclamation from His Excellency the Administrator of the Government, published in Tuesday's Royal Gazette, opens at St. John's on Wednesday week next, May 7. The proclamation states: "whereas under and by virtue of the provisions of the Title III, Chapter 9, section 9, of the Consolidated Statues, the Governor may, at any time, by Proclamation direct a term or session of the Supreme Court to beholden: And where as it has been made to appear to me, the administrator of the Government, that matters of special urgency and importance require that a Term or Session of the said Court should be held at the time and for the period hereinafter stated. Now, therefore I, the Administrator, do hereby direct and appoint that a Term of Session of our Supreme Court shall be opened and holden at St. John's, on our Island, on Wednesday the seventh day of May next ensuing, and to continue until Tuesday the twentieth day of the month.
May 13, 1884Arrivals of the Seal FisheryAurora, FAIRWEATHER, W. Stephen & Co., … 26,535; Neptune, BLANDFORD, Job Bros & Co …. 41,983; Hercules, CROSS, C.F. Bennet & Co …. 1,988; Ranger, BARBER, J & W Stewart …. 24,500; Falcon, KNEE, Bowring Bros ….. 21,443; Hector, WHITE, Job. Bros & Co ….. 18,818; Leopard, DAWE, W. Grieve & Co .... 8,000; Narwhal, KENT, Dundee S & W.F C ..... 2,600; Greenland, WINSOR, J. Munn & Co ..... 16,000; Bgt. Matilda, HANRAHAN, J. Munn & Co ..... 80; Mastiff, GOOSE, J. Munn & Co ..... 3,000; Nimrod, JOY, Job Bros & Co ..... 7,500; Walrus, BARBER, J & W Stewart ..... 2,100; Kite, JACKMAN, Bowring Bros ..... 6,700; Eagle, DELSNEY, Bowring Bros ..... 1,899; Esquimaux, POWER, Dundee S W F Co ..... 1,900; Panther, BARTLEET, Baine, Johnston & Co ..... 5,000; Arctic, DAWE, W. Stephenson & Co ..... 100; Aurora, Fairweather, W. Stevenson & Co (2nd trip) .....1,500; Ranger, BARBER, J & W Stewart (2nd trip) ...... 800; Nepture, BLANDFORD, Job Bros & Co ..... 1,200; Atlanta, WILCOX, John Munn & Co ..... 58; Vangward, KENNEDY, John Munn & Co ..... 1,050; Falcon, KNEE, Bowring Bros (2nd trip) ..... 800
May 13, 1884DeathOn yesterday morning, after a lingering illness, much and deservedly regretted by a large circle of relatives and friends, Mr. William Thomas ROBERTS, aged 29 years. Funeral will take place from his late residence at 2 p.m. on Thursday next.
May 13, 1884DeathMay 2nd, at Battrick's Island, Twillingate, Mr. Geo. BROWN, aged 47 years.
May 13, 1884DeathOn Easter Sunday, at Loo Bay, Mr. Thomas SLADE, aged 24 years.
May 13, 1884DeathApril 25th, at Byrne Cove, Friday's Bay, Mr. John BURT, aged 25 years.
May 13, 1884DeathApril 29th , at Little Harbor, Emily, wife of Mr. John RICE, aged 32 years.
May 13, 1884DeathApril 21st, at Purcell's Harbor, of brain fever, Samuel Frederick, youngest son of Mr. Silas BURT, aged 1 year and 9 months - Calm on the bosom of thy God, Young spirit rest thee now! E'en while with us they footsteps trod, His seal was on they brow. Dust, to its narrow house beneath, Soul, to its place on high! They that have seen they look in death, No more may fear to die. Lone are the paths, and the bowers, Whence they meek smile is gone; But oh! a brighter home than ours, In heaven is now thine own.
May 13, 1884DeathAt the parsonage, Fogo, on May 3rd, Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. George POWELL, age 19 years.
May 13, 1884DeathOn April 10th, at St. Pierre, Miquelon, William Stirling, only son of Rev. T.W. TEMPLE, aged 2 years.
May 13, 1884DeathOn the 30th ult., Lewis TESSIER, Esq., of the firm of Messrs. P. & L. TESSIER, merchant of St. John's, in his 64th year.
May 13, 1884DeathAt 271 Union Street, Brooklyn, on the 23rd March, William TOBIN, in the 66th year of his age, a native of St. John's, Newfoundland
May 13, 1884Gulf seal fisheryThe feeling of uncertainty which for some time prevailed here respecting the result of the Gulf seal fishery was considerably allayed, last night, by the reception of the first definite sealing information, this season, from that direction. According to a telegram from Channel to Messrs. Walter Grieve & Co., the steamer Leopard, Captain DAWE, passed that place last evening bound here, with full load of prime hood seals. The same message states that the Leopard has on board the crew of the S.S. Tiger, which vessel had recently been lost "up there" somewhere. No particulars of the disaster have yet been received, nor are we likely to get any until the arrival of the Leopard, which ship will be due here to-morrow. Captain Henry DAWE is not fairly entitled to a prominent place amongst our most successful seal killers, and we hope his enterprising employers, Messrs. Walter Grieve & Co., will see the way clear to give him a first rate ship next spring. It certainly looks as if he deserves a larger and more powerful vessel than the Leopard. - Telegram.
May 13, 1884BirthOn Sunday, May 11th, at the Parsonage, the wife of Rev. R. TEMPLE, R.D., of a daughter.
May 13, 1884BirthOn the 1st March, at 58 Disraeli Road, Putney, London, England, the wife of the Bishop of Newfoundland and Bermuda, of a son.
May 13, 1884Disturbance at Carbonear (Part 1)Whilst in Harbor Grace, matters seem to have quieted down wonderfully since March set in, we are sorry to find that in Carbonear on Sunday and Monday last a good deal of excitement prevailed. As there is danger of exaggerated accounts reaching the public ears, we think it best to give the particulars so far as we have been able to father them from reliable sources, although, as usual, there is conflict of evidence on some points. The main features of the occurrence are these: On Sunday afternoon last some young fellows, seeing some Roman Catholic youth or young men playing "rounders" in a meadow near St. Patricks' School-house situated on the West side of Carbonear, interfered with them and drove them away. On Sudnay evening, as the people were coming out of the Episcopal Church, a _____ of stones were fired at them by a party stationed below Rorke's shop, whose numbers are estimated variously. Several, we understand were struck, one man Mr. Reuben SQUIP, being knocked down by one of the missiles, and injured very seriously but we do not think with risk to life. A rush was made for pickets, but no encounter happily took place, the assailants having retired. A good deal of bad feelings was stirred up by those occurrences.
May 13, 1884Disturbance at Carbonear (Part 2)The next morning the police entered a store situated on or near the public wharf, and arrested a young man named BRENNAN who was charged with having drawn out a revolver in a threatening way to some parties who, it is alleged, had annoyed him by throwing snowballs at him. Later on, the police made another arrest, this time of a young man called James HAYDEN. He is charged with having fired a revolver from the shop of Mr. P. HOGAN, into which it appears he had just taken refuge, a rush it is said having been made at him by some young men, we know not for what cause. As these cases will come before the Courts, we do not wish to express any opinion as to the innocence of guilt or the degree of guilt of the accused. The occurrences just referred to caused great excitement and large numbers of the Protestant portion of the population turned out, making, as they say, a demonstration against the attempted affair. Happily no encounter of a party nature took place, nor was any deed of violence committed that we have heard of. A number of police were sent from this town to the scene of disturbance, and the next day six more arrived here in the Lady Glover on their way to Carbonear. On Wednesday after the leading towns people of Carbonear held a public meeting, and came to the very wise decision to use their endeavours to conserve the peace, and we trust their efforts will be attended with the same beneficial results that have followed the exertions of our citizens here, and we believe in Bay Roberts, as well. H.G. Standard.

May 24, 1884Fisherman Lost Overboard.The schooner ? Schuyter Colfae arrived in Gloucester from Georges on the 5th with her flag at half-mast for the lost of one of her crew, Mr. Joseph ELLIOTT, who was washed overboard and drowned, in the gale of the previous Thursday week. He was a young man, unmarried, and belonged to Grand Manan, N.B. The schooner Isaac A. Champman, engaged in the haddock fishery, reports on the same day, while on Northern edge of Georges, one of the crew named Benjamin NEVALL, while reefing the mainsail, was thrown overboard by the vessel giving a sudden lurch, and although a dory was launched as quickly as possible all efforts to save him proved fruitless. He was a native of Cape Sable.
May 24, 1884NoticeWanted immediately a carpenter, or other competent person, to take down and replace at a lower elevation, the main roof and side wings of St. Andrew's Church, South Side of Twillingate. The work is to be done at once. Particulars may be had from the church wardens (Messrs. John CHURCHILL and John POND) or the Rev. R. TEMPLE, R.D., Chairman of Committee
May 24, 1884For SaleTwo fishing rooms, with considerable land attached. The room of the late James GILLARD at Boyd's Cove, Friday's Bay; and the room of the late Geo. BARNES at Byrne Cove, Friday's Bay. For further particulars apply at the office of this paper.
May 24, 1884Supreme CourtThe special term of the Supreme Court was opened at St. John's on the 7th inst. After the usual preliminaries had been disposed of, Mr. Justice PINSENT, D.C.L., in charging the Grand Jury, delivered a very eloquent address, which for the special benefit of our Northern readers, we present in supplement form. The address is very clear and well worthy perusal. After the address had been delivered, the Grand Jury retired, and being engaged for a couple of days examining witnesses, returned to Court on Saturday morning, with a true bill against eighteen of the Riverhead party, whose names are given in another column, for the wilful murder of W. JEANES, Thomas NICHOLAS, Wm. FRENCH, John BRAY and Patrick CALLAHAN. According to the findings of the Grand Jury the prisoners are charged with five distinct offences and the crown have decided to try each case separately. The trial of the prisoners commenced on the following Monday. The Attorney General, Sir W.V. WHITEWAY, K.C.M.G., and Hon J.S. WINTER, Q.C., Solicitor General, are the Crown prosecutors; and R.J. KENT, Q.C., J.H. BOONE, G.H. EMERSON, and P SCOTT, Esqs., for the Defence.
May 24, 1884TradeMuch hindrance to trade has been occasioned by the formidable belt of ice that has blocked this port for some time past. While however, there is every indication of an extensive field of ice to the Northward, it is gratifying to know that the present "jam" does not extend any considerable distance to the South. The unfortunate situation in this Bay is no doubt largely due to the tide bringing the ice in on the land, and there being no strong off shore winds to counteract it. The time has now arrived for the prosecution of the fishery, and unless our coast is shortly cleared of this obstruction to navigation, we fear the season will be a backward one. However, we hope the desired change is close at hand, and that ere long, free course will be given to our fishermen and traders to prosecute their respective avocations.
May 24, 1884Supreme Court (Part 1)Monday, May 12 - The Queen vs. Michael COADY, Patrick HARPER, John WALSH, Richard MACKEY, Jas. QUIRK, Nicholas SHANNAHAN, Wm. RUSSELL, Thomas DUGGAN, Thos. BRADBURY, Jeremiah LEE, Robert DONNELLY, PK SMALCOMB, Pierce WADE, Thomas MORRISEY, Patrick WALSH (son of James), John MCCARTHY, John FLEMING, N. BRADBURY and Richard FLEMING - Charged with the wilful murder of Wm. JEANS - The Court opened at 10 o'clock a.m. -day. Present the Hon. Sir F.B.T. CARTER, K.C.M.G., Chief Justice, and Hon. R.J. PINSENT, D.C.L., and the Hon. J.J. LITTLE assistant Judges. There were four panels of Petty Jurors in attendance. According to the finding of the Grand Jury the nineteen of the Riverhead prisoners are charged with five distinct offences, and the Crown have elected to try each case separately. The prisoners were accordingly arranged this morning for the wilful murder of William JAYNES [transcribers note - spelling taken from article] and they pleaded "not guilty." The Attorney General ordered Jeremiah SULLIVAN, one of the Riverhead prisoners, to stand aside, as the Crown did not proceed against him. The following are the parties who have been elected as the jury: - William MURRAY, Daniel CAHILL, David WHELAN, Charles HODMAN, John BATES, Thomas CARROLL, John WALSH (farmer), David BARRY, William O'GRADY, Owen KEAN, James RYAN; and Martin CHRISTOPHER. The remaining Petty Jurors were discharged until Monday next. The jury having been sworn the Hon. Attorney General made the following address to them: -
May 24, 1884Supreme Court (Part 2)The prisoners at the bar - Michael COADY, Patk. HARPER, John WALSH, Richard MACKEY, James QUIRK, Nicholas SHANNAHAN, William RUSSELL, Thomas DUGGAN, Thomas BRADBURY, Nicholas BRADBURY, Jeremiah LEE, Robert DONELLY, Patrick SMALLCOMBE, Pierce WADE, Thomas MORRISSEY, John MCCARTHY, Patrick WALSH (son of James), John FLEMING and Richard FLEMING, stand charged with the crime of the wilful murder of William JEANS. To that charge they have severally pleaded "not guilty." The circumstances of this case as they will be revealed to you constitute such as illustration of fanaticism and human depravity as is happily unprecedented in this country, and it must be your as well as my earnest hope that we shall never again witness similar occurrence. St. Stephen's Day the 26th of December, 1883 - will be indeed a black letter day in the annuals of our country, a dark page in the history of our Island, a day which we and our children will look back upon with shame and horror. Before I enter upon a history of the transactions of that day, which culminated in the death of five unfortunate men and the serious wounding and maltreatment of several others, permit me to remind you of the very solemn, serious and responsible duty which devolves upon me, upon you, and upon every one concerned in this trial.
May 24, 1884Supreme Court (Part 3)The prosecution is in the name of Her Majesty the Queen, whose name is used as the representative of the people. It is the people, as a community of which each of us is a member, who are prosecuting certain members of that community for a breach of those laws which are made for our common government and protection and unless those laws are maintained and obeyed, it is impossible for society to exist. It is therefore, your province to guard alike with jealous care, the rights of the people as a community, as a whole upon the one hand, and those of each individual upon the other. For every injury sustained, a man may appear to a judicial tribunal for redress, and as the law provides a remedy for every wrong, so it does not allow any man or self-constitutional body of men, arbitrarily to assume the right to punish for real or supposed grievance. Were such the case, physical strength would be the sovereign power, and anarchy and confusion would prevail. To you is committed the all important responsibility of deciding as to the guilt or innocence of the prisoners at the bar, and you have taken a solemn oath that in arriving at a decision you will do so according to the evidence which shall be adduced before you, and upon that evidence alone.
May 24, 1884Supreme Court (Part 4)This case has been the subject of comment by the press, and of conversation in public and private circles. A number and variety of statements have been made, and it is but natural to suppose that everyone has some opinion respecting it, or, if he has an opinion, that his mind has been somewhat, it may be unconsciously influenced by what he has heard or read. I must ask, you make an effort and divert your minds of everything you have heretofore so heard or read upon this matter, in order that you may calmly and dispassionately approach the consideration of it, and so dispose of the issues which will be submitted to you upon the evidence you shall hear. There are, unfortunately, in every community evil disposed persons, actuated it my be, by personal dislike, religious bigotry, or political animosity, who are always ready to avail of an opportunity to secretly sow the seeds of discord, and are generally those who have nothing to lose, and are regardless of consequences. It would be idle for me to endeavour to conceal from myself the fact, painful though it is to admit it, that in the course of this trial there will be evidence of such seed having been sown, of the existence of an element of religious strife. The canker worm is there. We are grieved to find it, we are bound to do our utmost to exterminate it. We boast that we live in an enlightened age; we are proud of our educational institutions; we claim that civil religious liberty is the birthright of every British subject, and we hold ourselves forth to the world as a nation of Christians, subdivided it is true into various bodies, each having its own peculiar creed and form of worship but all professing to worship that one Great Head whose preaching was, forbearance, peace, concord, purity, brotherly love, charity. How irreconcilable are all these professions and our vaunted high state of civilisation with the fact that we live in a community of professing Christians among whom infatuated bigotry nourishes and fosters a strife resulting in bloodshed and murder.
May 24, 1884Supreme Court (Part 5)If men cannot be restrained by Christian principles and by moral persuasion, then it behoves those who are charged with the administration of the law, to use its strong arm to coerce obedience, and if they omit to discharge fearlessly and firmly that duty, then the law becomes a dead letter, and the country a wreck and ruin. I cannot, I feel, too strongly impress these matters upon your consideration. If riot, tumult, bloodshed and homicide are allowed to take place and be committed without severe punishment, let me ask, have you weighted the consequences? The industries, the trade the commerce of our country would be paralysed, and our very existence imperilled. Already recent events have had prejudicial effects in Harbor Grace and Carbonear. You are aware that ordinary insurance will not cover the loss resulting from the destruction of property in a riot. Capital will not continue to be invested in a country where there is such insecurity. Well disposed, peace loving and law abiding people will flee from a country where men may arbitrarily shoot down their fellow men with impunity. Unless you and every influential man exert his influence, and determinedly resolve to uphold the majesty of the law, we shall quickly drift into a state horrible to contemplate. I deem it my duty to make these observations, not that I desire them unduly to affect your minds regarding the prisoners at the bar, unless the evidence shall bring home to them the crime with which they are charged, which, if I am instructed aright, it will do, and if it does, then I say there should be no shrinking on your part from discharging your duty, as I trust there will be none on my part to the extent of my humble ability in prosecuting this case fairly and impartially for your consideration and verdict.
May 24, 1884Supreme Court (Part 6)I will now endeavour to detail the facts which, although few, are attested to by a large number of witnesses. It appears that on the 26th of December last, a Society in Harbor Grace called the Orange Society had proposed to walk in procession, as they had done on previous years. And here let me observe, for the purpose of clearing away any misconception or misapprehension, that Society had a perfectly legal right to walk in procession - as perfect and as legal a right as any other Society in this Island, - for example, as the British, Benevolent Irish, St. Andrew's, Total Abstinence and Star of the Sea Societies, or any other body, and provided they did so peacefully and without interfering with others, no person had any right to interfere with or molest them. With the policy of the law which permits those Societies to walk, we have nothing to do; that is a subject for the Legislature. Here we administer the law as we find it, and under the law as it now stands; the Society had a perfect right to walk. The Orange Society had assembled at their Hall and marched to the Methodist Church; where they attended Divine Service. Afterwards they had proceeded to Bear's Cove, whence, on returning, they had gone as far along Harvey Street as to about a cross road leading from Harvey Street to Water Street called the Pipe Track Road.
May 24, 1884Supreme Court (Part 7)The proceedings of the Society seem to have been of an orderly character. A little to the Westward of the Pipe Track Road is another cross road called Pippy's Lane, leading from Harvey Street to Water Street. About this locality in Harvey Street is the scene of the tragedy which brings us together to-day. On the morning of the same day - the 26th December - there was an early stir among certain persons in and about the Riverhead of Harbor Grace. Flags were hoisted at the bridge and an assemblage of persons took place there, among whom were identified the prisoners HARPER, DUGGAN, RUSSELL, QUIRK, COADY, MACKEY, SHANNAHAN and MCCARTY. Many of them had guns and remarks are alleged to have been made indicating that the object they had in view was to obstruct the Orange procession, and to use those guns for that purpose. One man is stated to have used words to the effect that "there would be blood shed that day if cold lead could do it." Particulars of these remarks will be detailed by the witnesses, and of course they can only be evidence if connected with subsequent acts of the same parties. The persons there assembled walked to Pippy's or Donnelly's Lane, a distance of about two miles, where a number of them throwing off their coats and jackets into Donnelly's garden, tore down a fence and armed themselves with pickets. Some of them went to Pippy's store and also to the house of one Thomas PARSONS to procure guns. Among those who went to Pippy's store, was the prisoner Coady, who used expressions of which the following are specimens, "Murder we will have," "We have come to die or turn the Orangemen back," "We will turn the Orangemen or die, We are bound to kill or be killed," "We will die or have blood." Finally, congregating in Harvey Street, near the head of Pippy's Lane, they awaited the approach of the Orange procession.
May 24, 1884Supreme Court (Part 8)If all this be true, then coupling these facts with what ensued is strong evidence of a deep seated, malicious intent, a preconceived plot of deliberate murder. When this mob or crowd was so waiting, one of them said that the Orangemen should not go down Pippy's Lane without shedding blood. The mob was there waiting a considerable time. At length, the Orange procession, numbering about 400 to 500 men, with a band of music, flags and regalia, marched along Harvey Street Westward towards the place where the crowd had assembled. When the head of the procession was from 300 to 400 yards distant from the crowd. Head Constable DOYLE is described as coming upon the scene, followed shortly after, by Sergeant WINSLOW and Constable MCKAY and FAHEY. Upon arrival, DOYLE is said to have approached the Riverhead crowd, numbering 100 to 150 men, and to have remonstrated with them. The prisoners QUIRK, SHANNAHAN, CODY, John WALSH (who had a gun) and others were in front. Upon DOYLE remonstrating SHANNAHAN said, "Well, turn them back." Coady said "Go back or mark what will follow." The prisoner FLEMING was there, having a gun capped. DOYLE turned from the crowd toward the procession, and COADY and SHANNAHAN turned back to the Riverhead crowd, and armed themselves each with a gun.
May 24, 1884Supreme Court (Part 9)DOYLE went towards the procession which had continued to come on; and, putting his hand on the shoulder of the foremost man, called out to them to "halt." They halted: DOYLE requested them to turn down the Pipe Track Road. Someone among the Orangemen said, "We want to go down Pippy's Lane," "or the next lane." The two bodies of men had now come in close proximity, and prisoners QUIRK and FLEMING went forward until they got among the Orangemen who called out "Go back, go back." DOYLE, fearing as he says that these men would be struck by the Orangeman, told them to go back, and put his hands upon them to push them back. Some stones were then thrown by the Riverhead men, and cries of "Come on, Come on" were heard, it appears, from both parties. This parley, altercation, or war of words seems to have been of short duration, remarkably short, for almost immediately five shots were fired from the Riverhead party - first three guns, then shortly after another gun, and after a pause a fifth gun. As Sergeant WINSLOW describes "there was no much space between them, it was what he calls " an irregular volley." Some witnesses say that when these shots were fired the men forming the front of the Riverhead party knelt or lowered themselves, and that the shots were fired over their heads.
May 24, 1884Supreme Court (Part 10)Afterwards, and it would seem quickly, two shots were fired by parties on the South side of the Orange procession. Some of the witnesses allege that other shots were fired. The particulars of this firing will be best gathered from the witnesses. Three men - JEANS, FRENCH and CALLAHAN - were killed upon the spot, and a great number of others were wounded. Evidence will be produced identifying the prisoner John WALSH as having fired, and wounded two men named BROWN and LUFFMAN, and the prisoner HARPER as having shot and killed JEANS, and then fired a second shot with another gun, wounding Solomon MARTIN, also that the prisoner LEE shot Thomas NICHOLAS, who has since died of the wounds then received. But I shall not enter into a detailed account of what occurred. It will be better related by the witnesses who will be produced for examination. I cannot assume to do more than to give you a general outline. Did I attempt anything further it would necessitate a close reference to the depositions of each witness. This would be superfluous, as each will be examined before you.
May 24, 1884Supreme Court (Part 11)The whole of this affray occupied but a few minutes. Sergeant WINSLOW took possession of a gun which was dropped by one of the Riverhead men, and which he had attempted to fire immediately after the first shots. It missed fire: The Sergeant made towards the man, who dropped the gun and ran away. Some of the Riverhead men attempted to strike Constable MCKAY, and upon Head Constable DOYLE interfering and saying "Don't injure the constables, they have done you no harm." Doyle was struck a heavy blow from behind which felled himself senseless to the ground. The affray would seem to have been ending when a most cruel and brutal attack was made by the prisoner John WALSH with a picket upon a poor unfortunate old man, John BRAY, who was going off the ground with a flag. WALSH left the Riverhead crowd and ran after BRAY, struck him senseless and so injured him that he never recovered his senses, and died shortly after from the effects of the wound Walsh had given him. I have endeavoured to give you a concise account of some of the incidents of this painful and revolting transaction. The full history you will obtain from the witnesses.
May 24, 1884Supreme Court (Part 12)The result was that three men, FRENCH, JEANS and CALLAHN, were killed upon the spot. John BRAY died shortly after, as I have just described, and Thomas NICHOLAS died a short time ago from gun-shot wounds then received. Beside these, a large number were wounded more or less seriously. To make the deed of blood more effectual, large shot or slugs were used, weighing upwards of thirty grains each, and some of the bodies were frightfully mangled. We are now concerned in the enquiry as to the cause of the death of William JEANS, and if it can be shown that he was killed by one of the shots fired by the Riverhead party, then the responsibility for his death rests with that party. And here I tell you, subject to the direction of the Court, that if the prisoners were in that party or mob of 100 to 150 men, armed with weapons, as I have described, assembled with a common intent at all hazards, to obstruct the men in that Orange procession and to drive them back, and if any one in that party used one of these weapons, and therewith inflicted a fatal wound upon anyone of those whom they purposed so to obstruct, then the homicide of that man is murder by each and every man in that party so assembled with that common intent.
May 24, 1884Notice to Schooner OwnersI have been instructed by the Government to survey all schooners engaged in the prosecution of the Labrador and French Shore Fisheries, according to the provisions of Act 45 Victoria, Cap. 10. Notice should be given at the Custom House when vessels are prepared for such survey; and no vessel will be cleared until the Rules and Regulations of the Act are complied with. For the benefit of Vessel-holders, I here append Sec. 1 and V. of the said Act: - Sec 1 - Sailing vessels carrying females engaged as Servants in the fishery, or as passengers, between Newfoundland and Labrador, shall be provided with such separate cabin or apartments as will afford, at least, fifty cubic feet for each of such females and the owners of such vessels shall provide for each female sufficient accommodation for sanitary purpose. Sac. V - For all violations of the Rules and Regulations as to be made, there shall be imposed a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars for each offence, and such fines and penalties to be recovered in a summary manner before a Stipendiary Magistrate; and for the purpose of this Act, every Stipendiary Magistrate in this Colony shall have jurisdiction over this colony and its Dependencies. A.J. PEARCE, Sub Collector, Custom House, Twillingate, May 5th, 1884.
May 24, 1884FuneralThe funeral of the late Mr. W.T. ROBERTS took place on Thursday, the 15th inst., and was one of the largest ever witnessed in this community. The deceased was D.G.W.P. of the North Star Division, Sons of Temperance, and a companion of the Royal Scarlet Chapter, L.O.A., and Teacher of the Methodist Northside Sunday and week-day schools. His remains were accompanied to their place of rest by the members of the before-cited institutions, in the following order: Children of the Sabbath and Day Schools; Loyal Orange Association; and the North Star Division immediately preceding the corpse; besides a large number of citizens. Revs. Messrs. EMBREE and DUFFILL took part in the burial service and the latter preached a suitable and impressive sermon, in which he made fitting reference to the many admirable qualities of the deceased, especially his kindly disposition which had won for him such universal esteem. At the conclusion of the burial service of the Loyal Orange Association at the grave, the hymn, "Shall we gather at the River," was pathetically sung by the school children, as the last earthly token of respect they could pay their departed Teacher, whose memory will long be cherished in their heart of hearts. The bereaved wife and relatives have our deepest sympathy in this, their hour of affliction.
May 24, 1884The Blooming QueenThe schooner Blooming Queen, WARREN, master, arrived from the ice-fields the past week, with 200 seals. The Queen sailed from Herring Neck early in March and has since been buffeting the stormy elements in quest of seals. On the 30th ult. the Queen experienced a heavy gale of wind and sea, which made it very rough among the ice, and caused considerable damage to her keel and stem. At one time the crew thought it would be necessary to leave the vessel in order to save their lives; but they did not abandon her, however, and succeeded in bringing her safely into port. Mr. WARREN has been some 40 years prosecuting the seal fishery, but he avers that he has never _________ such ill treatment at the hands of Old Neptune as he has the present spring.
May 24, 1884Missionary MeetingA report of the Juvenile Missionary Meetings, recently held in connection with the Methodist Church in this town, has been received, and is unavoidably crowded out of this, but will appear in the next issue.
May 24, 1884Queen's birthdayTo-day being the birthday of her Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria, there is quite a profuse display of bunting from the shipping in port and the mercantile houses and other places, in honor of the occasion. Our noble Queen is now in the 65th year of her age, and 46th of her reign.
May 24, 1884SteamerOn Saturday last the steamer Hercules, Capt. CROSS, arrived at Fogo from St. John's. On Sunday being unable to reach this port, she put into Herring Neck, where she was compelled to remain until Thursday morning, when a breeze of S.W. wind loosening the ice, she succeeded in reaching the Arm. Not being able to get into the harbor, the freight had to be landed at that place, which was very inconvenient for the owners of it.
May 24, 1884A Fearful RecordSince the August gales, seven months ago, nineteen vessels of the fishing fleet have left port and gone down, eighteen of them with all their crews, which, together with those lost overboard and in dories makes the startling total of two hundred and fifty-four men, leaving, as near as can be ascertained thus far, sixty-five widows and one hundred and thirty-four fatherless children. Four of the widows and twenty children are in the Provinces. This record heretofore is unparalleled in the history of the business of this port. - Cape Ann Advertiser

May 31, 1884SchoonerThe new schooner Garnet, John TUCK, master, left Dildo on Friday last bound for Herring Neck. There being little wind at the time the vessel was dragged in with the tide on a rock, causing considerable damage to her forefoot and shortly heeling over, filled with water. The Garnet had on board some 21 persons, including 13 children. These persons had to be landed in a destitute condition, without food and very little clothing, some of the children being barefooted. Fortunately soon after the accident the sealing schooner Lucy Phillip, FREEMAN, master, arrived at Dildo, whether he had gone to endeavour to reach this port via Dildo Run. The shipwrecked persons were immediately taken on board the Lucy and the cabin placed at the disposal of the women and children. The combined efforts of the two crews were successful in getting off the wrecked vessel and freeing her. Fortunately we said the schooner Lucy arrived, for if she had not, those unfortunate people in their destitute condition would have been exposed to the severe snow storm of Saturday night and Sunday last, which it is hardly probable they could have survived.
May 31, 1884New steamerSays the North Sydney Advocate of the 12th ultimo: - "The Black Diamond Steamship Line (whose stock is principally held in Montreal, St. John's, Newfoundland and Liverpool, B.G.) are building a large new steamer, the Bonavista which with the Coban, will run regularly next season between St. John's, Newfoundland and Montreal, touching at Sydney, Strait of Canso, Pictou and Charlottetown. The Coban, which sailed last year between the same points, touching only at Sydney, succeeded so admirably, both as to the passenger and freight traffic, that the company have concluded to extend their operations. Pictou will thus have one boat a week each way, which should have a favourable effect upon the trade of the port, and should induce Pictou farmers to compete with those of Antigonish for a share of profitable Newfoundland trade. The Bonavista will be commanded by Capt. D. HENDERSON of Pictou.
May 31, 1884Imprudence costing 124 lives Halifax, N.S. , April 25 - Capt. SCOTT of the Royal Navy, who held an official investigation into the loss of the steamer Daniel Steinman, at Sambro, to-day made public his statement. After briefly detailing the circumstances of the wrecks Capt. SCOTT says: - The master appears to have navigated the ship with all due care up to the time of making the light, and by going aloft himself in an endeavour to make it he showed that he was cautious. It will be seen in the evidence, given, however, that the master had taken no observations that day, and was, therefore, uncertain of his position, and that by his own statement the night was dark, foggy and rainy, and the soundings were irregular. It was highly imprudent under all these circumstances to attempt to enter the port of Halifax. It was clearly his duty to have hauled off shore until able to verify his position and obtain a pilot. To this circumstance alone can be attributed the lost of that fine ship and lives of 124 persons.
May 31, 1884MailMany are at a loss to know why it is that the mails were not forwarded from Fogo when it was found impossible for the Plover to reach here owing to ice; and when we consider that there has not been more than one mail from St. John's in ten weeks, it is not to be wondered that the public sentiment should be aroused when the mails were within a few miles of the place, and taken back to St. John's, extending the time another couple of weeks before being received, whereas had they been left at Fogo they could have reached here the following day and the mails for the North side of the bay dispatched soon afterwards. If its transit from Fogo had entailed additional expense we do not imagine that the Government would have objected, and it is certainly too bad to think that an effort was not made to have them forwarded. Our mail arrangements the past winter we are informed, were more tedious and irregular than for some years before. To-day mail arrived from the North which was more than a month on the rounds from the Cape Shore, and which is the first that has been received for upwards of six weeks. Truly, there is ample room for improvement in our overland mail communication, which appears to be little better than a farce at present, and we would urge upon the authorities the necessity of inaugurating a service adequate to the requirements of this progressive age.
May 31, 1884WeatherThe weather so far has been, on the whole, very unsettled and backward for this season of the year. Sunday last a heavy snow-storm prevailed, the snow falling in places to the height of 10 feet.
May 31, 1884Coastal steamerWe learn that the coastal steamer Plover, Capt. MANUEL, arrived at Fogo on Thursday last. Not being able to proceed farther North in consequence of the ice, she returned to St. John's next day.
May 31, 1884Accident at New BayWe have been appraised of a sad accident which lately occurred at New Bay. From what we have been able to gather it seems that some men were engaged "running" logs down the river, when the dam burst and sad to relate, two men were drowned. The names of the unfortunate men are STUCKLESS and WISEMAN.
May 31, 1884Fish During the past four days some unusually large fish for the season have been caught at Outer Cove and neighbouring places. At Portugal Cove, too the prospect is said to be rather favorable. - Telegram, May 15.
May 31, 1884Unusual sealsTwo remarkable freaks of nature could have been seen on board the S.S. Falcon this morning. One was a Siamese twin seal, having two heads, four eyes, eight flippers, two tails; and being eighteen inches in length. It was taken from one of the Ranger's pans, having been killed by one of the latter's crew. Another seal had two flippers on its back, but possessed no tail. Both have been preserved. - Mercury.
May 31, 1884AppointmentsHis Excellency the Administrator of the Government in Council, has been pleased to appoint Messrs. Simeon VATCHER and John P. POWEL (of Carbonear) to be Surveyors of Lumber. Messrs. Simon EVERY, George TOMS, William NEWBURY, George MORGAN, Jacob TOMS and John FOSTER, to be members of the Road Board for Shoe Cove, District of Twillingate and Fogo. Mr. Wm. HOLWELL, to be a member of the Road Board for Herring Neck; and Mr. John GIBSON , in the place of Richard GIBSON (Named in Error) to be a member of the Road Board for District extending from Apsey Cove to Gander Bay.
May 31, 1884Local newsWe learn from Burin that nearly all the boats engaged in supplying the French bankers with bait had returned, some having done fairly, but many hardly paying expenses. A young man named George HAMILTON, of Burin Bay, was drowned recently at St. Pierre. The Grand Bank and Fortune schooners who were unsuccessful in the bait business with the French - will not average more than 120 dollars, many having done nothing. The schooner Rosana Hickman, of Grand Bank, arrived there from the Banks on the 12th inst., wth 250 quintals fish after a three week trip; reports the fish fairly plentiful on the southern side of the Grand Bank. Most of the schooners from Grand Bank had gone to the Gulf codfishery. No lobster factories working at Grand Bank this season. Accounts from George's Bay report herring were in, but not many yet taken. There is a good sign of codfish about there, some of the fishermen had twenty quintals each landed. They don't try much for cod until after the herring voyage. At Bay of Islands the condition is one of general competence. Navigation open since the 22nd ult. All hands busy either getting their fish ready for market, preparing for the summer fishery, or planting their grounds. A good deal of attention is given to farming here since the failure of the herring fishery a few years ago, so that another such failure will not find the people without some resource. Lumbering is also actively progressing.
May 31, 1884FireThis morning at 10:45 a fire broke out quite suddenly in the zinc-covered shed occupied by the Newfoundland Glass Etching Company, Temperance Street, near Water Street, and in the rear of Messrs. HARVEY's bakery. The place was occupied at the time by workmen, but the flames spread with such rapidity, the interior being all wood work and filled with material used by painters - that, despite the efforts of the employees and other assistants, it was impossible to gain control of it and the conflagration raged till the whole inside of the building was consumed - a portion of the stock only being saved. The firemen arrived there as speedily as possible and through their exertions the building was saved - the walls and roof suffering but little damage, so that the business carried on there will be underway next week. There was no insurance on the place or stock. That business in question is one which reflects high credit upon the manager, Mr. George N. UDLE, son of Mr. John UDLE, painter, of this city. It is a patented improvement on the sandblast process of depicting figured work - flowers, scrolls, stars, &c., in colors on glass, which work can be excented at one-third less cost by this mode than by the first mentioned process. The decorative arts in household adornment - so enthusiastically and widely cultivated of recent years - includes none which present "things of beauty" to the eye so brilliantly as this one of etching of painting on crystal glass; and its effect as seen in vestibule doors for instance, with the light of a chandelier streaming through, is strikingly artistic and refined. We have little time or space at our disposal just now to enlarge on this subject, let it, therefore, be sufficient to say that this pleasing art is the business which this morning received so sudden a check. As the manager is, however a young man of energy, he may be trusted to have things set to rights again; and as the patents of this invention a native of "our Island Home" he will, no doubt, receive the encouragement and patronage of our public in his efforts to create a home-taste and demand for the ornamental glass work which is his "stock in trade." - Telegram, May 15.

Jun 7, 1884Local newsIt is understood His Excellency Sir John GLOVER will leave England for Newfoundland about the 17th inst.
Jun 7, 1884VisitHis Lordship Bishop JONES, arrived at St. John's from Halifax, by the steamer Adrandhua, on Sunday last, June 1st.
Jun 7, 1884Cod fisheryIt is said that the codfishery along the North side of Conception Bay has commenced, and that good catches have been secured.
Jun 7, 1884Accident A man named HAMILTON, belonging to Riverhead, Harbor Grace, was coming out of the locomotive at the above place a few days since, when near the engine house, and before the locomotive was stopped, he jumped off and in so doing fell, when three wheels passing over one of his legs broke it short off. HAMILTON, we understand, was married but a few days previous to the unfortunate accident.
Jun 7, 1884Supreme CourtAs stated in a previous paper, the trial of eighteen of the Riverhead party, before Petty Jury, for the wilful murder of Wm JEANS , commenced on Monday the 13th of May. The case for the Crown was opened by the Attorney General, Sir W.V. WHITEWAY, K.C.M.G. His address which was published in our columns, contained true and unvarnished statements as a correspondent remarks. He characterised the deed as an act of fanaticism and human depravity, happily unprecedented in the history of this country, and clearly pointed out the frightful effects of such lawless acts and the degradation which must result to society if such acts are allowed to go unpunished. Upwards to thirty witnesses from the Crown were examined, the last being the examination of Head Constable DOYLE on the 23rd ult. This finished the Crown case against the prisoners. Mr. BOONE, Counsel for the Defence, then addressed the Jury at considerable length. The examination of witnesses for the Riverhead Party has since occupied the time of the Court. As the evidence all through is somewhat similar to that given by the witnesses at the preliminary examination, which appeared in our columns, we do not deem it necessary to publish them again believing that they are still fresh in the minds of our readers. A brief review of the trials, however will be furnished in due time.
Jun 7, 1884AdvertisementNOTICE! NOTICE! NOTICE! To-morrow afternoon (weather permitting) from three to four o'clock, an open-air service will be conducted on Mr. HODGE's wharf (kindly lent for the occasion). Addresses will be delivered by Rev. DUNN & DUFFILL. Come and welcome, "This man receiveth sinners."
Jun 7, 1884Band of Hope ProceedingsThe Anniversary address to the Band of Hope in connection with the Twillingate Branch of the Church of England Temperance Society was delivered by the President, Rev. R. TEMPLE, on Sunday afternoon last, at St. Peter's Church, in presence of a large gathering of the Band, as well as many parents and well wishers of the children's movement ........ The Rev. Mr. TEMPLE presided at the organ. The order was excellent throughout, the following is the programme: Song - Anniversary Hymn; Recitation - "Wasp and bee" - Agnes COOK; Recitation - "My mother" - Fanny RIDOUT; Recitation "Little things" - George BARRET; Dialogue "House with picture over the door"; Song - "Give me a draught from the crystal spring."; Recitation "I'm so Tired" - Louisa Peyton; Recitation "Mother's little maid" - Fanny WARR; Recitation "Little Things" - Maud NEWMAN; Dialogue "Lizzie's Choice"; Song "God brews the bright cold water."; Recitation "Be Industrious" - Sarah MANUEL; Recitation "The Appeal" - Annie RIDOUT; Dialogue "P.O. Saving's Bank"; Song - "Hurrah for sparkling water."; Recitation "What says the clock - Annie LACEY; Recitation - "Drunkard's last scene" - Fanny LUNNEN; Dialogue - "Trial of the Bottle" - band of Hope Scholars; Song "How can he leave them"; Recitation "Never find another" - Susie WARR; Recitation "Drunkard's wife" - Mary NEWMAN; Dialogue "Picture of Life"; Song "Try again" ; Recitation - "Found dead" - Jane YOUNG; Recitation - "Poor Mary's Story" - Lucy HOUSE; Recitation - "Marry no man if he drinks" - M.J. TIZZARD; Dialogue "Advice to Mothers"; Song "Hark, Hark, my country"; Recitation - "Gentle reproof" - Mary COOK; Recitation - "Say well and do well" - Lucy SHARP; Dialogue "Betty Busy & Molly Muddle"; Song "Who'll join our ranks"; King Alcohol and the Fairies of the Blue Ribbon (three scenes); Song - "God Bless our youthful band."
Jun 7, 1884Coastal steamerThe coastal steamer Plover, under the command of Capt. MANUEL, arrived here with mails and passengers yesterday afternoon. After a couple of hours delay she left en route to Tilt Cove, if not prevented by ice, and is expected here on her return about Monday next.
Jun 7, 1884Church newsThe Treasurer of the Cathedral Completion Fund desires to acknowledge with thanks the sum of fifteen pounds, ten shillings and sixpence, being proportion awarded to said fund by Captain S. BLANDFORD, from amount collected for church purposes, from the sealing crew of the S.S. Neptune. - Telegram.
Jun 7, 1884Fish newsThe Harbor Grace Standard of May 31st ult., says: - During the past week the streets of this town have begun to assume a very animated aspect, consequent upon the commencement of operations for the approaching fishery. Our inner harbor, also is crowded with craft of various sizes, many of them undergoing needed repairs and others taking on board the customary supplies for the coming "voyage." The outfit for the present season will not, we understand, be as large as that of last and of preceding years. The extremely low price of fish in the foreign markets, together with the miserable result of the seal fishery, has had a depressing effect, and supplies are consequently not being issued to the extent they otherwise would. It is to be devoutly hoped, however, that the rather gloomy anticipation now being indulged with respect to the result of this year's codfishery may not be realised.
Jun 7, 1884MarriedOn the 30th ult., at Morton's Harbor, by the Rev. J. PINCOCK, Mr. Jonas STUCKLESS, of Barr'd Islands, to Julia, daughter of Mr. Mark TAYLOR, Moreton's Harbor.
Jun 7, 1884DiedOn the 1st inst., Purcell's Harbor, after a long illness, Mr. James ANSTEY, aged 85 years.

Jun 14, 1884Father ROE's Letter (Part 1)A slander taken to task - His untruthful statements challenged and reputed - To the editor of the Sentinel - Dear Sir - I beg to enclose a copy of a very truthful (?) letter from the pen of Father John ROE, which appeared in the Boston Republic a few months ago. You will no doubt think it is rather late to bring forward this letter; but, Mr. Editor, the fact of the matter is, there is not in this country a paper Protestant enough to produce it, and although application has been made to one or two professed independent papers, yet so far they cannot be prevailed upon to publish this letter or anything else that tends to give the Catholics what they deserve. Hence the Protestants of this country (and particularly of Conception Bay) are attacked through the Catholic press in a most libellous and savage manner, and are branded before the world as being a bloodthirsty lot, while the "good and brave" Catholics are held up as examples of the most Christian piety and forbearance. The Protestants, on the other hand, have to endure all this, and have not a chance to refute any of the slanderous and inflammatory reports which appear in the Catholic press from time to time. They are very few indeed in this country who have ever seen or perhaps even heard of Father ROE's letter; and as your paper has a large circulation in this, out of the way part of Her Majesty's dominions, I, as a native, cannot allow such barefaced and malicious accusations against my countrymen to go longer unchallenged. I therefore request you to produce Father ROE's letter in its entirety, and I will afterwards take up the principal points and show how very little regard, Father ROE had for the truth when he penned the following letter:
Jun 14, 1884Father ROE's Letter (Part 2)Father ROE's letter to the "Boston Republic" - Having received your message desiring a full and clear statement of the Orange riots at Harbor Grace, I feel great pleasure in complying with your request. Like every other disturbance of the public peace, this lamentable riot had its causes proximate and remote. The remote cause is clearly known from the history of Orangemen itself. Wherever that society has succeeded in obtaining a foothold, strife and bloodshed have followed in its train. Accordingly I shall not dwell upon this point. The proximate cause I shall endeavour to set down clearly, succinctly and dispassionately. Living here in the midst of these sad scenes, I have reason to know a great deal about local affairs. The town of Harbor Grace is the second in importance in the colony, and contains a population of some seven or eight thousand souls. Of these, more than one half belong to the Catholic Church, and, accordingly to numbers, next came the Protestant, Episcopal, Wesleyan and the Scotch Kirk.
Jun 14, 1884Father ROE's Letter (Part 3)Three miles North of Harbor Grace lies Carbonear, a town not of such importance as Harbor Grace. In that locality the Catholics when compared with all the Protestant sects, are slightly in the minority. Immediately at the North and South of these two towns Protestantism prevails; but thirty miles South of Harbor Grace, the district of Harbor Main is exclusively Catholic, with a population of between five and six thousand. I may also add that the Capital, St. John's, and the South are mostly Catholic. The people are nearly all fishermen living along the seacoast. Nobody has ever had the temerity to settle in the interior where the wild deer still holds undisputed sway. The Catholics here are of Irish descent. In the town of Harbor Grace the business is mostly in the hands of the Protestants, and, although our people form the best part of the community, there is scarcely a Catholic filling any important office. As politics and everything else in this country turn upon religion, I shall now point out the localities in Harbor Grace where the different religions predominate: Bear's Cove, the Eastern portion, is Protestant; Water Street, the business portion, Catholic; Courage's Beach, West of Water Street, is Protestant; Water Street, the business portion, Catholic; Courage's Beach, west of Water Street, is Protestant; River Head, West of Courage's Beach, is Catholic, and the South side, which is thinly populated, is Protestant. Now for the facts. During the last few years the Protestants have been very aggressive, and counting, I suppose, on the usual forbearance of the Catholics, this fall they redoubled their acts of violence. They smashed the windows of the School House on the South side of Harbor Grace, and broke in those of the school house at Island Cove, a Protestant settlement about five miles from here. It is not thought that any respectable Protestant had anything to do with these cowardly acts, but it is difficult to see how the evil doers always manage to escape detection. You will please understand that in this country we have the separate school system, each denomination having its own schools, maintained by its proportionate share of government grants.
Jun 14, 1884Father ROE's Letter (Part 4)The above facts will give you an idea of the temper of certain classes here. On Christmas eve the Protestants of Courage's Beach and some others, inspired not a little by large portions of whiskey, congregated on the South side of Water Street. Their appearance drew a number of Catholics, to the other side, and immediately both parties began to indulge in party shouts. Things were fast assuming a serious aspect, when Judge BENNETT put in an appearance with a force of police, read the Riot Act and dispersed the gathering. Christmas day passed off quietly in Harbor Grace, but when the Priest from this place went to Spaniard's Bay, a settlement five or six miles distant, for the purpose of saying mass there, he was astonished to find that the previous night a part of the Churchyard fence had been destroyed, the school house windows smashed in, the same treatment bestowed on the windows of a house belonging to Mr. CLEARY, a prominent Catholic resident, and several wooden crosses that stood over the graves broken. The priest counselled the people to go to the Protestant person and ask him to induce his people to abstain from such senseless conduct in future. During the same night similar scenes occurred at Riverhead, Harbor Grace. The Redemptonist Fathers had given a mission in the Cathedral here three weeks before Christmas, and the River Head people in going and coming from the services were obliged to pass through Courage's Beach, where they were invariably insulted by gangs of Orange rowdies who congregated there. All these things went to fill up the measure of the partisan wrath that has since broken out in warfare. St. Stephen's Day came, and the Orangemen assembled from all the outlying districts to show Harbor Grace their strength. The leaders in the movement did not walk in the ranks of the processionists, but they cheered on those who did, and recruited their numbers wherever they could find volunteers or draft additions to the ranks.
Jun 14, 1884Father ROE's Letter (Part 5)The Society assembled in the Orange Hall, donned its regalia, and marched to the Wesleyan Church, were they attended the services and listened to a sermon. They flaunted a magnificent banner representing King William, which banner is said to have cost £70. King James' Bible was carried by the vanguard, who bore it suspended from his neck in such a manner that it remained open. On either side their bookbearer was flanked by Orangemen with drawn swords. Following the vanguard came the band, which was in advance of the main body. After leaving the Wesleyan Church the Orangemen proceeded down Bear's Cove. They returned through Bear's Cove, where one man in the act of firing a salute had his hand blown off by the bursting of his gun. He died next day. From that they proceeded without further accident to Court House Hill, where they numbered about 480, having received fresh contingents. They then turned into Harvey Street, in the direction of Riverhead. From the Court House to Riverhead is about three miles. In the meantime the River Head men to the number of sixty or seventy at most, carrying a green flag, proceeded down the same road upon which the Orangemen to the number of 500 were advancing. The River Head men waited at the boundary of their own land, determined to prevent the Orangemen from entering what they considered their own part of the town. Before actual hostilities commenced, an incident occurred which is worthy of note. Near to where the River Head men were standing, an Orangemen erected his flag upon the housetop, and taking a double barrel gun and resting the same upon the fence, challenged any man to take down the flag. One of the men stepped out from the body and advancing towards the fellow, actually - himself having no arms - took the gun from the owner and handed down the Orange lily. Meanwhile the Orangemen were advancing, their great numbers making them look formidable. At their head was Sergeant DOYLE - a North of Ireland Protestant with an Orange heart - and two or three police. What brought them there nobody knows. The issue of the trial hinges upon what I am about to relate, therefore, I will reiterate the affair as I have heard it form several eye witnesses.
Jun 14, 1884Father ROE's Letter (Part 6)Sergeant DOYLE was asked and entreated by some peace loving Catholics for God's sake to turn down the next lane and return by Water Street, as the River Head men were determined to keep their place or die. Sergeant DOYLE despises their council and ordered the Orangemen to come on. Before they came to close quarters the last messenger came from the River Head Party, telling DOYLE in a few short words that they had come there to their own boundary in open daylight to defend their property, and that they meant to hold their ground or die; and did not intend to attack the Orangemen, but in case the latter advance the River Head men would defend themselves and no Orangemen would enter the River Head except over their dead bodies. DOYLE did not head this warning, but advanced close to the Catholics, followed by the Orangemen. He suddenly drew a pistol and fired into Patrick CALLAHAN's face, who unarmed, was holding the green flag. The bullet cut away the right side of CALLAHAN's nose, entered his right eye and passed through his brain. The poor fellow reeled and fell on his face mortally wounded. DOYLE having done this, immediately ran home. DOYLE must have thought that by striking down the standard a panic would immediately ensue and the overwhelming mob of Orangemen would do the rest. But there was no panic, and the flag that poor CALLAHAN had held was supported by another willing hand. He completely mistook the mettle and temper of the men. Whilst DOYLE was firing, several Orangemen were on their knees taking air. It is said that DOYLE cried out "Fire!" "Fire!" and although a volley was fired amongst the Catholics, none of them were killed. When the Catholics saw the cowardly act of DOYLE they grew savage, and those of them who had guns fired simultaneously with the Orangemen. Three of the Orangemen received mortal wounds, and sixteen others were more or less injured. One of the Catholics received a serious wound in the side, and four or five others had their clothes pierced by bullets. It is surprising that some of them were not killed. In the commencement of the battle, the numbers were in the ratio of 500 Orangemen to 70 Catholics. After the first round and some short, sharp work with wattles, the Orangemen threw away their regalia and fled for their lives, leaving the River Head men, masters of the field.
Jun 14, 1884Father ROE's Letter (Part 7)The inquisitive people soon began to notice that nearly all the Orangemen were shot in the back. The great Orange flag which had cost £70, and had as a motto, " The cause is a good one, and will stand," was captured and immediately tied up under the green flag and marched up to River Head, where it was torn into ribbons and used for various purposes. Neither the flag nor the cause could stand that. Orange badges, sashes and emblems were strewn upon the ground in promiscuous profusion near the scene of action. The news of the Orange disaster fell like a thunderbolt upon the town, everyone seeking the particulars, and in half an hour the population was arrayed in two hostile camps, and party feeling ran fearfully high. The Catholic clergy when they received the shocking news, immediately hastened to minister to the wounded men. They were obliged to pass the Orange mobs, who insulted and threaten them. Two furious fellows yelled, "If we had our guns we'd blow your b_______y brains out. Some isolated Catholics, who fell in the hands of these roughs, were badly beaten. In strong contrast to this, the Catholics behaved with civility and courtesy to Protestant clergy and laymen, who passed through their ranks unmolested. The Orangemen threatened to bring in all the Protestants from the surrounding harbors to overwhelm the Catholics, but a retort that in that case, 4,000 Irishmen would be summoned from Harbor Main, had a sobering effect upon these braggarts. Carbonear, to which several of the wounded and one dead man belonged, was in an awful state. The Orangemen broke into a schoolhouse in that neighborhood. Crowds of special constables patrolled the Streets of Harbor Grace and Carbonear for several days, but things are quieter now. About 20 arrests were made in River Head on 26th ult. We expect that DOYLE and the Orangemen who had guns will soon be arrested.
Jun 14, 1884Father ROE's Letter (Part 8)A word or two in conclusion upon the conduct of the officials connected with the sad affair. People think Judge BENNETT ought to have prevented a collision, for the following reasons: 1. He was in possession of all that transpired up till Christmas night, and on that night he was obliged to read the Riot Act to separate combatants. 2. On St. Stephen's morning Mr. CLEARY, of Spaniard's Bay, brought him the stone that had been flung into his (Mr. CLEARY's) window the previous night, and also told him what had occurred at River Head. One word from him and the Orangemen would not dared to have walked. What was done to preserve the peace? Nothing. Our people may be wrong in their surmises, but as our Magistrates are Protestants they are considered by the people to be more than in sympathy with Orangemen. Sergt. DOYLE could have prevented bloodshed by keeping the Orangemen within their own boundaries, as the River Head men were disposed to act only on the defensive. But instead of preserving peace he himself was the first to shed blood. Some of the leading journals here (they deserve to be called misleading) behaved scandalously in the affair, e.g. the Mercury, the Government organ in St. John's, which when the first wild report reached that place, came out with a brutal leader, charging the Catholics with downright murder. The same leader was in type when something like the truth was wired to St. John's. What did the Mercury do? It merely suppressed what was unpleasant in the telegrams, so as not to contradict its flaming leader. The whining position it has since taken is below contempt. "Ex uno disce amnes." The present position is this: There are some twenty of the Riverhead men taken. The Orangemen are swearing black and blue, so much so that some were apprehended who were not present at the fight (or rather the Orange races) and clearly prove an alibi. Messrs. MCNEILY and WINTER are the lawyers for the Orange party, and Messes. KENT, BOONE, SCOTT and EMERSON for the Catholics. John ROE, C.C. Harbor Grace, Jan 10th, 1884.
Jun 14, 1884Father ROE's Letter (Part 9)No doubt any stranger not acquainted with the facts, upon reading the above letter, will very naturally conclude that the Newfoundland Orangemen are a bad set, and deserve all they get and very probably their sympathies would of course go with the brave 21, as Mr. WICKHAM calls them, who were so ruthlessly pounced upon by that Orange mob. Poor innocents! But, Mr. Editor, I shall show conclusively and endeavour to convince your numerous readers that Father ROE's description of the whole affair is most abominably false, and if any deserve the appellation of cowards and "bloodthirsty savages" it is the very men of his flock whom he holds up for public sympathy. Father ROE denounces Orangeism in strong terms, but I emphatically deny that Orangeism in this country is the cause of bloodshed and murder. On the contrary (and Father Roe knows it quite well, if he would but acknowledge it) wherever the Pope's emissaries and satellites succeed in gaining a foothold, the very thing that he attributes to Orangeism is the germ and outcome of Romanism. Father ROE at the very outset begins his letter with a misstatement. He promises to give a dispassionate statement of the whole affair, but what do we find? Just the opposite, for his letter is anything but impartial, and his passion must have been worked up to a fearful pitch when he could so deliberately pen such statements. Father ROE informs us that more than one-half of the population of Harbor Grace belongs to the Catholic Church. This he knew was not correct, and only intended to deceive. According to the census of 1874 the population was sixty five hundred and odd and of these but twenty eight hundred and seventy were Catholics, and at the present moment the Protestants have an increase of fifteen hundred more than the Catholics. Carbonear is also mentioned, and this veritable divine states that the Catholics are slightly in the minority, while in reality the Protestants are two to one in that locality. So much for the veracity of that statement. Let us now examine some of Father ROE's facts. He tells us that the Protestants have been aggressive, and that this fall they redoubled their acts of violence. It is all very well for ROE to enumerate all the misdeeds of the Protestants (and he is undoubtedly a capital hand at manufacturing to suit his own ends), but he takes good care not to tell us why it is the evil doers always manage to escape detection. It would never occur to your readers the possibility of any of Father ROE's sheep being guilty of such naughty actions.
Jun 14, 1884Father ROE's Letter (Part 10)And yet it is so; for many of the depredations are committed by these harmless creatures, and then the blame is at once attached to Protestants or Orangemen. As a proof of this assertion I need only mention one case which happened but a few years ago. The windows of the Catholic School House, opposite the Cathedral, were broken, and the building otherwise inured, as a natural consequence it was said no one could be guilty of such conduct but Protestants. The Bishops was determined to find out the perpetrators, and one night caught some of the innocent lambs of his own flock endeavouring to demolish the building. I think this is sufficient to show who are the most forbearing people in this island and who are the most aggressive, and why it is the guilty parties always escape detection. Father ROE alludes to numerous scenes which had taken place, but it is remarkable that no one ever heard of them before; and the statement that people were insulted by the Orange rowdies when going and coming from the mission services of the Redeptorist Fathers, is, I believe, a base fabrication. But you must remember that in order to make their cause appear good, Father ROE, and all the other writers, do not scruple in the least to concoct stories of the most inflammatory nature, and of the most sensational description, so as to draw the attention and enlist the sympathies of the outside world. We now come to the eventful St. Stephen's Day. Father ROE makes wilful misstatement when he says that the Orangemen assembled from all the outlying district to show Harbor Grace their strength. They did nothing of the kind; for, with the exception of a few friends from Carbonear, all the members belonged to Harbor Grace. If all the outlying brethren had assembled, probably some of the "noble 21" would have been rusticating in a much hotter place than on the banks of Quidi Vidi.
Jun 14, 1884Father ROE's Letter (Part 11)Before proceeding, you must please remember that the Orangemen did not turn out for the first time this year. About 3 years ago they agreed to have an annual procession and attend service at one of the Protestant churches, and this practice has been continued annually every since without molestation until this year. One would suppose from Father ROE's letter that the Orangemen turned out for the first time last St. Stephens Day, and with only one purpose - that of attacking the Riverhead men. But such a thought was never harbored by them, for they considered themselves as free in walking through the public thoroughfares of the town as any other society. But, Mr. Editor, the confidence reposed in our Roman Catholic fellow citizens was altogether misplaced, and when they imagined the time had arrived for an attack, they at once displayed the cloven foot with a vengeance. Even the simplest remark Father ROE takes good care to repeat most minutely; but, like all the rest of his letter, very incorrectly. For instance, instead of 60 or 70 River Head men, there were at least 150, whilst the Orangemen only number 400. Another outrageous untruth of Father ROE is his story of taking away the Orangemen’s gun and flag. Such an incident as that described by Father ROE never happened. The truth is, PARSONS (The Orangemen's name) had a red and white flag (not an Orange one either) flying from a pole in front of his house (not on the house top, as Father ROE very erroneously puts it), and was standing in his doorway waiting for the society to come up, so as to fire his customary salute. He neither rested his gun on the fence nor challenged any man. But when the River Head party came down and saw the flag flying, some of them at once entered the man's garden, pulling down his flag, and took away his gun, without the least provocation whatever. PARSONS' description of them at the time is that they were nothing better than a lot of savage demons, foaming and frothing, raving and swearing for the Orangeman's blood.
Jun 14, 1884Father ROE's Letter (Part 12)Again, mention is made of Sergeant DOYLE and police as heading the Orange procession, and the innocent Father asks, "What brought them there?" "Nobody knows." Now, Mr. Editor, here is another misleading statement. Sergeant DOYLE did not head the procession neither had he anything whatever to do with it; and the Orangemen were nearly up to their customary turning point before DOYLE and the police reached there; and Father ROE knows right well why they were there, if he was only honest enough to admit it. They were there as a matter of duty, word having been sent to them that the River Head men were waiting to attack the Orangemen. And this is what brought them there. But they were powerless between the two parties. If Sergeant DOYLE had not been there, who would have been sworn against as CALLAHAN's murder? Who? It is not necessary for me to say more on this point, as you have already published DOYLE's statement, which is far more truthful than the letter now under consideration. How very plausible Father ROE's story is as to the reasons which prompted the River Head men to leave their homes that morning. They came to their own boundary to defend their property. Please note that not one of them has a stick or a stump near this particular spot. But that they were determined that no Orangemen should go beyond a certain distance is correct; and not only the River Head men but many others from different parts of the town were also there for that purpose. This lame excuse must be taken for what its worth; for did the Orangemen in other years ever interfere with any one, or attempt to destroy property or even insult the most harmless creature? No, Mr. Editor.
Jun 14, 1884Father ROE's Letter (Part 13)The most deliberate mis-statements are made relative to Sergeant DOYLE. The story of his firing a pistol and killing CALLAHAN and the manner in which the bullet cuts away CALLAHAN's nose and face, is without a parallel for untruthfulness. The testimony of Doctors ALLAN and MARTIN very clearly and positively shows this. Again, the priest says that DOYLE having done this (shot CALLAHN) immediately ran home. It appears that the farther we go into this letter the blacker and more misleading Father ROE becomes. Every one is well aware that DOYLE had no weapon - even FAHYE, the policeman, has sworn to this, and consequently did not kill CALLAHAN, neither did he run home; for shortly after his arrival at the affray, and while in the discharge of his duty, one of the River Head men struck him a most unmerciful blow on the head with a stick or picket, which felled the sergeant insensible to the ground. After recovering a little he had to be led home by a policeman. Again, Father ROE wonders that some of the Catholics were not killed. It is a wonder! But what were the Orangemen to kill them with? I venture to say that had the Society been armed like the River Head men there would have been a different tale to tell. You must understand that the River Head men had been making preparations for this attack weeks before. Of all this the Orangemen were quite ignorant. You must also note that the River Head men were at the "Pipe-rack Road" several hours before the Society came up, arranging themselves in the best possible way, and that when the Society appeared in the distance they were marching two deep; not as an army to battle. After the firing, the Orangemen did not throw away their regalia and run for their lives; neither was the ground strewed with Orange badges, sashes and emblems. The Orange Flag alluded to by Father ROE as being captured and carried to River Head is the most monstrous of any of the falsehoods in this letter. The flag was not captured neither was it in any way injured; and at poor Nichola's funeral the self same flag was displayed. Notwithstanding Father ROE's sneering allusions to the motto it would be well for him to remember, "That the cause is a good one and will stand" throughout the long ages of eternity; while his rotten cause, and all those who so earnestly advocate it, will be sunk into oblivion only to become a thing of the past.
Jun 14, 1884Father ROE's Letter (Part 14)I have only time to touch very briefly upon this letter; but sufficient, I think, has been said to show that Father ROE"s letter is not only misleading, but a most untruthful one. Father ROE is very careful blame Judge BENNETT and other officials for not preventing the sad affair. Mr. Editor, the Bishop and Catholic clergy were just as much in possession of all that transpired as was Judge BENNETT, and probably they knew more of what was going on at Riverhead, and it is the opinion of a great many that much more blame rests on their shoulders than on those of anyone else, for they had a much better chance of preventing a collision than had Judge BENNETT. But this is only another of Father ROE's excuses to try and get his own people out of the scrape. A letter from one J.J. WICKHAM to the True Witness, is sufficient to convince any right thinking men who were the first originators of this murderous attack on the Orangemen. This letter shall receive attention shortly. Father ROE winds up by saying that the Orangemen are swearing black and blue. This the Rev. Father knows is not true. The Orangemen only swore to facts, while the River Head men have gone to any length at swearing, and think nothing of perjuring themselves over and over again. These poor unenlightened and misguided men, are more to be pitied than condemned for they are not taught any better; and with such teachers as Father ROE one can well understand why they are such experts at telling untruths and swearing to things that never happened at all. Father ROE has no doubt made his mark as a sensational and untruthful writer, and he has shown that he teaches his people “not to do as I do, but do as I tell you.” The whole thing may be summed up in this question. If a man cannot write the truth, how can he be expected to preach and teach it? Father ROE has evidently never yet solved the great problem, “What is truth?” Apologising for the length of this letter, I am, Newfoundlander, Harbor Grace, April 30th.
Jun 14, 1884Harbor Grace AffrayWe observe that a Harbor Grace correspondent to the St. John's Times, styling himself "A member of Rising Sun Lodge, L.O.A." properly remarks "I have no hesitation in saying that through the experience of more than half a hundred years, I never read a more uncalled for, cowardly, and splenetic attack than that made upon Messrs. WHITEWAY, WINTER and Co., in the Telegram a newspaper of the 29th ult., charging them with complicity in the shooting affray which occurred at this place on the 26th of December last. It is not our disposition to give attention to the numerous malicious articles which appear in newspapers from time to time, but when we find infamous imputations made upon the characters of public men, such as that referred to by the Times correspondent, we feel constrained to write in denunciation of such base and unwarrantable attacks upon individuals for political purposes. To charge Messrs. WHITEWAY, WINTER & Co., with complicity in the unfortunate shooting affray at Harbor Grace, is a species of political intrigue on the part of the Telegram writers, too contemptible to be commented upon. It is evident that the aim of the writer is to make it appear to the Protestant community of Newfoundland especially, that their political leaders are lacking in loyalty to our Queen and country. It might have answered fifteen or twenty years ago for such papers as the Telegram to have printed such malicious productions in order to mislead an uneducated class of people, but in this advanced age when they can read and think for themselves, it is not so easy to deceive them. It is difficult to perceive how blame is to be attached to a Government because of a religious disturbance that may happen to take place in any settlement in the colony. No opinion, whatever, was given at the time in the columns of our contemporary as to the cause of the unfortunate disturbance at Harbor Grace, but soon afterwards, instead of coming out boldly and stating the plain facts that it was a Roman Catholics against Protestants, the Telegram changes leaders of the Government with complicity in shooting affray. Space will not permit us to go further into this subject at present, but we leave our readers to judge for themselves of the character of journalism that would resort to such a means with the view of prejudicing public minds in order to subserve political ends.
Jun 14, 1884Fresh fishThe first fish reported in this neighborhood this season, were caught of Bluff Head Cove this morning, several having been "jigged" by boats there.
Jun 14, 1884Fish newsWe learn from the St. John's Newfoundlander that up to the 26th ult., one hundred banking schooners had arrived at St. Pierre, all well fished.
Jun 14, 1884Coastal steamerThe coastal steamer Plover, Capt. MANUEL, arrived here on Sunday evening last en route to St. John's. She had on board a large number of passengers for St. John's and intermediate places.
Jun 14, 1884A new record!The S.S. Oregon, of the Guion line, has made the voyage across the Atlantic from Queenstown to New York in six days, ten hours and thirty minutes, being the fastest trip on record.
Jun 14, 1884Men missingWe learn that during a heavy gale of wind, which was experienced at Cat's Cove, Canada Bay, on the 5th March inst., that two young men, named respectively, Jacob VERGE and Thomas COMPTON, were driven off on the ice and nothing has since been heard of them.
Jun 14, 1884News from the French ShoreSeveral craft, the first of the season, have arrived from the French Shore during the past day or two. They report very little ice about that coast at present and some 15 or 20 French vessels have arrived some time since. The people living on that shore are, in many instances, in a very destitute condition.
Jun 14, 1884Fish newsThe St. John's Telegram of June 2nd, says to-day the market is abundantly supplied with salmon of all sizes, the number taken this morning being greater than at any time during the season. One man belonging to Outer Cove, named POWER , got fifty for his own hand. In fact, all who had nets out did unusually well.
Jun 14, 1884Society of United FishermenAt the last monthly meeting of the Society of United Fishermen, it was decided to have a Special Sermon preached to fishermen on the eve of their departure to the fishery. Accordingly, on to-morrow (Sunday) Bro. Rev. J. HEWITT, of Herring Neck (at the request of S.U.F) will preach a sermon to fishermen at the evening service of St. Peter's Church.
Jun 14, 1884Local newsBy reference to our advertising columns it will be seen that Mr. Charles MURCELL is offering to the public a large stock of goods at very low prices. The latest novelties for the season will be found at his establishment. Mr. M. has been in England the past winter, and knowing the requirements of the trade he brought exactly what would suit which he is now offering to customers at extremely low prices.
Jun 14, 1884The Orange Obligation (Part 1)Believing as we do that there is nothing of an aggressive character in the obligation of an Orangeman or anything requiring him to oppose or be at variance with any of the law-abiding and loyal subjects of our most gracious and beloved Sovereign the Queen, and being fully convinced that, tout au contraire, he is bound and sworn to live in peace and charity with all men and to unite, if need be, in protecting alike both his Roman Catholic fellow citizens and those of his own fraternity, we think it our duty as an exponent of truth and justice to publish the subjoined evidence given under oath in the Supreme Court, in order to correct as far as words can do so, the unfortunate and unjust misapprehension which exists among many Roman Catholics on the subject:
Jun 14, 1884The Orange Obligation (Part 2)Israel SMITH (sworn) examined by the Attorney General - I live at Bishop's Cove in Conception Bay. I am a Planter. I was in Harbor Grace on St. Stephen's Day on the 26th of December last. I had a horse and slide with me. David BARRETT was with me on the catamaran. (Witness here states certain things he saw that day, in Harbor Grace.) After cross examination by Mr. SCOTT, in which, among other things, witness said - "I am a member of the Orange Association. I hold a position in the Lodge. I am Master of the Lodge at Bishop's Cove, and I am not ashamed of it. I am sworn as a member of the Lodge. As Master, I administer the oath to members". The witness, re-examined by the Attorney General, said: "I have been Master of a Lodge for seven or eight years. I have been a member in all, thirteen or fourteen years. As Master, I administer the oath to persons who become members of the Lodge. Something in the nature of our oath is: 'Our God, Our Country and Our Queen.' We are sworn to serve God, and to serve the Queen faithfully and loyally. We are not opposed to any man."
Jun 14, 1884The Orange Obligation (Part 3)"We are bound by our obligation to be in love and charity with all men as far as lies in our power; to be good Christians, loyal to our Queen, and to abide by the laws of the land. I am now on my oath, and I remember I am. There is nothing in the obligation, to prevent me from telling the truth, and whole truth in a Court of Justice; not a word of the kind. It is my duty to tell the whole truth here, and I am not obligated otherwise. The Orange obligation does not bind me to do otherwise than tell the truth and bide by the laws of the land. We are a mutual benefit society, at least, we are in our lodge, to aid and assist each other in distress. We are obliged to aid members of our society in need and to help all men to the extent of our ability and to bestow charity on all men. We are not opposed to any man. We are not very particular about anyone seeing or hearing the rules and obligation of the society. I have seen them in print and published".
Jun 14, 1884The Orange Obligation (Part 4)In answer to Mr. KENT, Q.C, by leave of the Court - "According to our rules we cannot admit anyone as a member of the society but Protestants, that is the only difference; still we have no ill-feeling against any other class". Witness then answered some questions put by the Court as to where certain parties live in Harbor Grace, and as to his having often walked in procession with the society before, in Harbor Grace and also elsewhere. The above witness SMITH was not in the procession at Harbour Grace on the day of the shooting. In publishing the few lines which precede the above evidence we have been careful not to enter into any discussion on the question now before the Supreme Court in which respected tribunal we doubt not, justice will be done. - Times.
Jun 14, 1884AdvertisementNOTICE - D.V. on Sabbath afternoon, between 3 and 4 o'clock, a special evangelistic service will be held on Waterman & Co's wharf (kindly lent by Dorman HODGE, Esq.) Addresses will be delivered by Revs. EMBREE, VICKERS, ABRAHAM and DUFFILL "Yet there is room"
Jun 14, 1884AdvertisementLove, Purity and Fidelity! A welcome to all and especially to outport friends. A public Termperance meeting under the auspices of North Star Division, Sons of Temperance, will be held in the Hall on Thursday next 19th inst. Addresses may be expected from Revds. EMBREE, ABRAHAM, DUFFILL, DUNN, VICKERS and HOOPER. There will be a selection of pieces sung and Mrs. W.J. SCOTT will preside at the organ. Doors open at 7 1/4 and the W.P. will take the chair on 1/4 to 8.
Jun 14, 1884Little Bay Police CourtBefore J.B. BLANDFORD, Esq. April 15 - Mrs. STEWART, for refusing Sgt. WELLS and Constable MEANEY a light to search her house for liquor; fined $1 and cost. John THOMPSON, a lodger in same house who was drunk at the time, assaulting Sgt. WELLS and tore his cape and otherwise obstructing him while carrying out the provisions of the 25th section of the License Act; fined $21.25 including costs. Jeremiah SQUIRES for unlawfully interfering with the police while discharging their duty; fined $6.25. April 18 - James WALSH of Shoal Arm, Little Bay, on the complaint of Segt. WELLS, for having committed a breach of the 2nd section of the License Act of '75, on Sunday the 9th of March, fined $28.50 including costs. Mr. WALSH admitted that he gave two young men a bottle of rum as one of them complained of being sick and also gave them a half glass of strong rum. Mr. WALSH has appealed to a higher tribunal, where no doubt he will be rewarded for his benevolent work of selling liquor without a license and on a Sunday too.
Jun 14, 1884DeathAt St. John's on Sunday evening, May 25th, Emma Maria, beloved wife of Capt. Thomas DAVIS, and the daughter of the J.L.L. CHANCEY, Esq., aged 56 years.
Jun 14, 1884Body DiscoveredTilt Cove, May 8th, 1884 - The Editor Twillingate Sun - Dear Sir, Would you kindly insert the following notice in your paper, it may probably meet the eye of friends of the deceased, and lead to the identification of the body. Yours truly, L.N. GILL - Found on the ice of Beaver Cove yesterday, the body of a young man, aged between 18 and 20 years, sharp features, sandy complexion, light brown hair, slight appearance of moustache, was clad in seal skin boots, brown moleskin pants, woollen inside pants, one plain, one checked and one fancy flannel shirt, tweed (grey) jacket, fancy double knit cuffs, one pair hose and two pair sox (one pair Fancy knit and one pair swanskin), cap of black imitation lamb skin. In pocket were found part box gun caps and knife (white bone handle) and attached to brace button one small box key. Friends can identify clothes on application to the writer at Tilt Cove. The body was buried in the graveyard at Tilt Cove to-day. It is supposed that the above remains must have drifted up from French Shore.
Jun 14, 1884DeathDemise of a Worthy Old Gentleman - in our last issue we omitted to notice the dissolution of Alan GOODRIDGE, Esq., merchant, the worthy founder of a worthy firm, which occurred at his residence, Monks-town-road, on Tuesday last, at the good old age of 76 years. The late Mr. GOODRIDGE was a true type of an honorable, upright man, and was much respected by all who had business or other transactions with him. His remains were interred in the Church of England Cemetery on the afternoon of Thursday, attended by the mercantile body and other citizens. - Times

Jun 21, 1884A Brutal and Cowardly Attack(Pt. 1)A correspondent in the St. John’s Advocate of Saturday last under this title says: “The late attack of the Twillingate Orangemen on a few of the shipwrecked crew of the Brig Confederate, is the most disgraceful thing in the annals of human cowardice. In the present temper of the public mind it is better to put off for another time, comment on this vile, contemptible and craven outrage. The best and worthiest thing that can be said of it is, that it is full worthy of Orangemen, of Orange Institutions and of the promoters of Orangeism in Newfoundland.” Readers of the above paragraph would naturally conclude that an affray had lately taken place here unparalleled in the history of our country, for which Orangemen of Twillingate and the Orange Association generally, are slanderously attacked. The writer endeavours to mislead the public outside, by making unwarrantable statements in order to make the complaint of those he refers to, of the worst kind. Perhaps, however, the writer is not so much to blame, as he may have been informed of the “Orange Heroism” as he styles it, and thus, impulsively, gave the public the benefit of his impetuosity. But as we do not suppose that all our readers will consider the statements referred to “infallible,” we shall endeavour to state the simple facts pertaining to the whole matter.
Jun 21, 1884A Brutal and Cowardly Attack(Pt. 2)When the Confederate’s men were landing here, the ice was off from the shore, and as it was necessary for them to reach the land in boats, the Crow Head men (principally Orangemen) seeing them, were promptly to their assistance. After making application to the Commissioner of Poor, it was members of the Orange Association who took them into their houses, and some of them at no little inconvenience to their families. While it is said that five or six of the Confederate’s crew were interfered with, on their way from Durrell’s Arm to the coastal wharf on the Sunday evening the “Plover” arrived, yet not in the highly coloured manner described by the writer in the Advocate, neither should a “band of Orange heroes,” as the writer calls them, be accused for the assault, when those who composed the “band” had no connection with the Loyal Orange Association; the principles of which do not tolerate or countenance in the slightest degree, the perpetration of such lawless crimes, as that attributed to it by the Advocate writer. Since the affair occurred, we have made enquiries to learn the facts of the case, which appear to be in the way; that when the Confederate’s men were nearly opposite the Southside Methodist church, some of them commenced shouting, while the congregation were at worship, when a few thoughtless lads, that are to be found in almost every community (even in Roman Catholic settlements) ran after them, having no sticks or weapons of any kind whatever; and from the fact that the men immediately walked nearly two miles to take the steamer, is an evidence that they could not have been very badly beaten.
Jun 21, 1884A Brutal and Cowardly Attack(Pt. 3)Two of the number that went on board the “Plover” had their arms tied up, who were not with these that were coming from the Arm. One of these stayed at Mr. VATCHER’s just beyond the Bridge, and the other on the North-side, both of whom had a sore hand or arm previously. We do not say this in order to the least extent to justify the parties, whoever they may be, in interfering with the men, but simply to give the public elsewhere to understand that the “brutal attack” to which the Advocate writer alludes was merely an ordinary assault, and not of so heinous a nature as is generally made known, in distant parts of the colony where persons have not an opportunity of knowing differently. The question has been asked us why it is that writers in the Advocate and other papers, controlled by Roman Catholics, are loud in their denunciation of the Orange Association, in consequence of disturbances which may happen to occur at any moment, because of religious differences, which existed long before the Orange Institution was introduced into our country.
Jun 21, 1884A Brutal and Cowardly Attack(Pt. 4)Did the papers of this colony, published by Protestants, attack the Roman Catholic Church because some of its members aimed firearms at Protestants in Carbonear the past winter? Or have they on other occasions been attacked whenever an assault has taken place between the two denominations? It is well known that such has not been the case, and why then we ask, should the Orange Association, which is a purely a Protestant institution, be made the target for attack by the Catholic press, instead of aiming direct at the religion itself? The Twillingate Sun is not the organ of the Orange Association and is not literally sustained by members thereof, nevertheless, in the interests of Protestantism, we are bound to repudiate any such attacks made upon Institutions, upholding its principles and to defend the Protestant Faith whenever its pillars may be uncharitably attacked. A great deal has already been printed in Roman Catholic papers of which no notice whatever has been taken, but if writers continue to attack Protestant Associations, they must expect that other papers are to be found that will vindicate those principles which accord freedom of religious conviction to every one.
Jun 21, 1884Fishery notesVery little has been done with fish in this neighbourhood as yet. We learn that the prospects at Cat Cove are very encouraging. During the early part of this week boats averaged between 4 and 5 qtls. Mr. Joseph ELLIOTT of Change Islands, returned from Cape Cove a few days ago, with some 120 qtls. At Herring Neck the best trap has secured 15 qtls
Jun 21, 1884Lord Bishop visitsThe St. John's Times informs us that the Lord Bishop of Newfoundland will visit the Northern portion of his diocese during the summer, the Church ship Lavrock being now fitted up for the purpose.
Jun 21, 1884Court newsThe Mercury of Monday last says that J. COSTIGAN, a fisherman, was up yesterday for selling the intoxicating draught, and this being the second offence, and he pleading guilty, he was fined fifty dollars with an alternative of one month in prison.
Jun 21, 1884Report on Public SchoolsOur thanks are due to the Rev. Dr. MILLIGAN, Superintendent of the Methodist Day Schools, for a copy of the Report on Public Schools under Methodist Boards for 1883. In another paper we shall furnish our readers with extracts from this valuable report.
Jun 21, 1884DeathAnother despatch from Channel to same paper dated Monday last says "James WALTERS, a young man of Hiscock's Point was crushed to death on Friday last by a boat that was hauled up falling over upon him. He was the chief support of a widowed mother and a large family.
Jun 21, 1884Farewell The Rev. F.R. DUFFILL preached his farewell sermon in the North side Methodist Church on Tuesday evening last, from the words, "Be ye steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the works of the Lord." Cor. 15.54. The discourse was an able and touching one, and was listened to with deep interest by the congregation.
Jun 21, 1884VesselsThe last day or two a great many vessels of the Southern fleet bound for the French Shore and Labrador, have put into port. Some of them have left homes a week or two since, and others, the early part of the present week. The ice and the winds have been against them, but the prospects at present are looking favorable.
Jun 21, 1884SchoonerA special telegram to the St. John's Evening Mercury from Heart's Content, dated Jun 11, says "Jillard's Lissie", Captain LEGGE, the only banking schooner out of this place, arrived here last evening (first trip and first baiting) with the equivalent of 300 qtls. of dry codfish. Capt LEGGE reports fish very abundant on the shoal where he fished.
Jun 21, 1884Supreme CourtMessrs. Edward SHEA, Jr. and William HORWARD were admitted to-day to practice as Attorneys and Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland……..
Jun 21, 1884Generous BequestsIn the will of the late Lewis TESSIER, Esq., merchant, two handsome bequests were made - the one of five hundred pounds ($2000) to the Lord Bishop of Newfoundland towards the completion of the Cathedral; and two hundred and fifty pounds ($1000) to the Rev. Edward BOTWOOD, Rector of St. Mary's Parish, for parochial purposes. - Telegram.
Jun 21, 1884DonationThe treasurer of the Cathedral Completion Fund desires to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of £90 - the generous gift of the Rev. Wm. JONES, M.A., Kendal, England. This is the Rev. Gentleman's second donation towards the laudable undertaking; and we trust that the good example set will induce others to go and do likewise. Ibid
Jun 21, 1884SteamerThe steamer Hercules, Captain CROSS, arrived here Monday morning last. Following is the list of passengers North by her: Mr. J.B. TOBIN, Mrs. TOBIN, Misses TOBIN (2), Mr. Alex LEROSE, Miss LEROSE, Mr. AVERY, Miss AVERY, Janet, Sarah and George AVERY and twenty-three in steerage.
Jun 21, 1884Craft missingAn alarming report reached here yesterday to the effect that a boat belonging to James SHANO of Lower Island Cove is missing. This craft, with thirteen hands on board, left the above place bound for Trinity Bay, just two weeks ago today and there is grave reason to fear that she was capsized in Baccalieu Tickle, and that all her crew have found a watery grave. The owner of the boat, together with four of his sons and several family connections (one of them being a brother of Mrs. Benjamin MARTIN of this town) formed part of the crews. H.G. Standard.
Jun 21, 1884DeathIt is our painful duty to have to record the death of Bro. W.T. ROBERTS, D.G.W.P. of the North Star Division, Twillingate, who died at that place on the 13th day of May. Our personal acquaintance with Bro. ROBERTS has extended over several years, but it was not until we were brought in closer relationship with him, in fulfilling the duties of the office of Grand Scribe, that we saw his efficiency as the Executive officer of the G.W.P. for North Star Divion. Always prompt in acknowledging the receipt of official communications - exceptionally so - and in laying the claims of the Subordinate Division which he represented before the Supreme body, we feel that both North Star and the Grand Division have lost a good and faithful officer, whose equal is not easily to be found within our ranks. - Temperance Journal, June 13.
Jun 21, 1884DeathAt Bonavista, April 23rd, Mr. Joseph MIFFLEN, at the ripe age of 83 years. The deceased gentleman was, throughout the greater part of his life, busily engaged in the trade of the country, and belonged to one of the oldest and most respected families in the Bay. His integrity and benevolence of disposition gained for him general respect; and all who knew him will mourn his loss.
Jun 21, 1884DeathMr. Christopher REA of 4 Cheltenhamplace, Plymouth, an old and well-known inhabitant of the town, died yesterday morning after a protracted and painful illness. For more than thirty years Mr. REA occupied the responsible position of Tide Surveyor at Plymouth, the duties of which he discharged with great fidelity. Falling health compelled him but even after his well-earned retirement his health was never fully restored. For some time prior to his death a painful illness confined him to his bed, and there was little or no hope of his recovery.
Jun 21, 1884Temperance SocietyLicense Act Stringently Enforced – We are pleased to observe from time to time that the License Act is being stringently enforced in Carbonear, for which the authorities deserve the highest commendation. A Correspondent from that town to the St. John’s Telegram of Saturday last says: - "Sir, - The illicit sale of intoxicating liquors here has just received another severe blow by the conviction of one Mr. C. for the sale of a jar of rum, this being his second offence since the beginning of the current year. The vigilant committee of the Temperance Society have recently had suspicion in this direction, and on the night of the 9th inst., two of its members noticed a person come out of C’s with a suspicious looking parcel. Following him in the direction of a boat lying at the public wharf, they took a jar from him which they found to contain a quantity of rum. The man was summoned before the Court on the following day; the evidence adduced was so clear that Mr. C. deemed it advisable to offer no defence. In delivering judgement His Worship, ?I.L. MCNEIL, Esq., read the act bearing on the case and condemned, in the severest and most decisive language, the conduct of the defendant who had persisted in 'the filthy and abominable shebeen business' to the eternal determent of both body and soul of the devotees of the accursed thing. He thanked the Temperance Committee on behalf of the Crown for their very laudable efforts in enforcing the law, and aiding to drive this ruinous evil from the town. Sentence – fine $50 and costs, or one month with hard labor.
Jun 21, 1884The Queen vs. HOLLETT (Part 1)Sentence delivered by Mr. Justice PINSENT. The prisoner HOLLETT was to-day brought up for sentence of the Court. Upon being asked, “If he had anything to say why sentence of the Court should not be passed upon him?” his Counsel, Mr. MCNEDY, Q.C., spoke at some length on his behalf. After which Mr. Justice PINSENT, D.C.L., delivered the following address and sentence: In the last Autumn Term of this Court, a Grand Jury found a Bill of Indictment against you for the wilful murder of one George MAYO, at Burin, on the 29th day of September. It appears that the families of MAYO and HOLLETT are related and that they are the principal inhabitants of Pardy’s Island, Burin. That on the morning of the day in question, your father, James HOLLETT, by drunken abusiveness and threats, provoked a row and disturbance in which the parties concerned became violently engaged, and in which your father was being seriously assaulted; then you interfered and, making use of your knife, gave George MAYO a blow in the breast which shortly deprived him of life.
Jun 21, 1884The Queen vs. HOLLETT (Part 2)The circumstances were such, particularly when unexplained, as to justify the Grand Jury in placing you upon your trial for murder; or they might have been reconciled with the less heinous crime of manslaughter. Such further light has been thrown upon the case since the finding of the Bill and your arraignment, when you pleaded “Not guilty” to the charge of murder, and such explanations on your behalf have been offered in mitigation of your conduct, that the Crown, pursuing a merciful, and at the same time just and prudent course, consented, at your late trial, to accept your confession of the crime of “Manslaughter.” And thus, upon your own confession, a Jury lately found you guilty of this minor offence. You pursued a prudent and well-advised course in confessing to that extent to the charge of homicide. You made no difficulty at any time in regard to your apprehension, and indeed after that you voluntarily admitted to the magistrate, that in defence of your father, who was being set upon and beaten, you committed the act which deprived George MAYO of his life.
Jun 21, 1884The Queen vs. HOLLETT (Part 3)These circumstances are to be taken very much in mitigation of your offence and its punishment; and we have had regard to the considerations, put with so much force and feeling on your behalf by your learned Counsel. It is a matter of deep regret that you, being a man of good character, and whose conduct has been exemplary, as a prisoner, are suffering in a great measure the consequences of your father’s folly and misconduct; but there remains the fact that with great rashness and recklessness in a transport of passion, to which the infirmity of human nature too readily yielded, you made use of a weapon, resort to which in a personal contest is abhorrent to the instincts and habits of British people. Your punishment must therefore be severe and exemplary, and the sentence of the Court is, that you be imprisoned with the hard labor in Her Majesty’s Gaol, at St. John’s for the period of two and a half years from the 30th of September last, the date of your arrest. – Telegram, June 16.
Jun 21, 1884SteamerThe coastal steamer Plover, Capt. MANUEL, with mails, passengers and freight, arrived here on Thursday morning. The subjoined is a list of passengers: - Bay-de-Verde - Mrs. MOORES, Catalina - Miss GABRIEL, Bonavista - Rev. T. CLIFT, Fogo - Mr. ROUSE, Mrs. KEAGH, Mr. HADDON, Twillingate - Mr. WILLIAMS, Rev. C. MCKAY, Mrs. SALTER, Sergt. PATTEN, Miss NURSE, Mrs. BOYD, Mr. NORTFIELD, Mr. ROBERSTON, Mr. FOLEY, Exploits - Mr. RICE, Little Bay - Mr. LAMB, Mr. TAVERNER, Mr. MALCOLM, Nipper's Harbor - Mr. TLLEY, Mr. WEBBER, Tilt Cove - Mr. STONE, BURRIDGE, Mr. ROWLAND.
Jun 21, 1884ReligionTo the Editor of the Protestant Pillar: - Sir, - as a subscriber to the Pillar, I have been asked by several whether it is the organ of the Orange Association, or in any way connected with that body. This appears to be a doubtful question in the minds of many, the fact of it being called “Protestant” seeming to imply that it so. Will you kindly say through your columns whether such is the case or not. - signed ?? Timor Omis Abestc – It has come to a strange pass if Protestantism is to lose the prestige of its age and be harnessed with a secular society of comparatively recent origin. Without any disrespect to the Orange Society, we never tolerate the placing of it on the same level of Protestantism. It is one of the Porches of the great Temple of Christianity, and less its members see that it is kept and filed. To our mind the Protestant Church is the Church of Christ. All other religious organisations may, and do, contain believers, but true Protestantism, as a visible religious system, is Christ’s Church on earth. Those who are believers outside of it are like Naaman in the house of Rimmon. Our paper is not controlled, or in any way influenced by any secret society, it is simply one of the Protestant Pillars supporting old times evangelism, as it was taught in the Protestant Church of England, and manifesting its foundation as the Word of God on which rests the revised and Scriptural Prayer book. – E.B.

Jun 28, 1884The TrialFrom latest dates received from St. John's, it appears that the trial of the Riverhead party for the murder of JANES is drawing to a close. The case for the defence finished on the 17th inst, "all their swearing powers" as a writer observes, "having been used up." The prosecution made an application to be allowed to produce what is known as a rebutter testimony, that is, evidence to contradict the "swearing" of the other side, which was granted by the Court, and occupied over two days. "But" as a writer remarks, "it is doubtful whether it will have much effect with the jury. People generally express themselves certain as to the result - either an absolute acquittal, or an agreement to disagree." In the event of such finding, the prisoners, it is said, will be remanded until the Fall Term, when they are to stand their trial for one of the other murders; if they are then let off on that charge, they will be again arraigned the following term, and so on until they have been cleared of the five murders for which they have been indicted. So that however leniently disposed towards them, St. John's petty juries may be, they will at least have to undergo some two or three year's imprisonment. When the rebutter testimony was concluded, Messrs. BOONE and KENT spent four days addressing the Jury for the defence. The Attorney General ( Sir W.V. WHITEWAY) then followed on behalf of the Crown. The first part of his address was published in the St. John's Evening Telegram of Monday last, and is reprinted in our columns to-day, for which, we are indebted to a friend, who received a copy of that evening's paper, per Mary Parker, which arrived here on Wednesday morning. It is thought that when the Attorney General has concluded, Chief Justice CARTER will address the jury after which they will retire to "agree" or "disagree": as to the verdict to be brought into Court. Comments on the Attorney Generals' and other addresses will be reserved for the present.
Jun 28, 1884CirculationThe large increase in our circulation during the past twelve months renders the Twillingate Sun more valuable than ever as an advertising medium for the Northward. Business firms of the Metropolis and elsewhere will find that this paper, which is read by thousands, is the finest medium in the colony for making known to their Northern friends that they mean "business".
Jun 28, 1884SteamerThe coastal steamer Plover, Capt. MANUEL arrived here en route to St. John's on Saturday night last.
Jun 28, 1884Coasting SchoonersThe coasting schrs. Branksea, Bellosophen, Patience and Mary Parker, arrived from St. John's the past week, with general cargoes for the different firms of town.
Jun 28, 1884Fishing fleetThe majority of our fishing fleet have now left for the summer's voyage, only some four vessels remaining, which will shortly follow. May they each and all be crowned with much success.
Jun 28, 1884FishThere has been a very good sign of fish in this neighborhood the past week, but the presence of the ice, necessitating the frequent taking up of the traps, has been a great hindrance to our fishermen. Reports from Herring Neck are encouraging.
Jun 28, 1884AccidentWhat had near been a sad accident occurred out on the White Ground, near Ragged Point, on Thursday last. It appears that Messrs. Archibald YOUNG and Joseph ANSTEY were out in a small boat for the purpose of setting a cod trap, when a pan of ice drifting close by foundered, immediately upsetting their boat. Fortunately there was another punt close by, in which one of the men jumped, whilst the other was not so fortunate, but succeeded in getting on the bottom of the capsized boat. The boat had on board two or three anchors and some trap gear, all of which were saved. If the other boat had not been near, the consequences might have been serious.
Jun 28, 1884DrowningOn Wednesday last, while the schooner Starlight, belonging to Mr. HAMPDON, of Cupids, was beating into Catalina, a young man named JEFFREYS, of Port de Grave, got accidentally knocked overboard and drowned. The deceased was 32 years of age; and, strange to say, his father was also accidentally drowned when exactly the same age, his grandfather sharing a similar untimely fate when somewhat older. Poor JEFFREYS' body was recovered on Thursday morning, the day after the accident. - Monday's Telegram.
Jun 28, 1884BirthOn June 26th, the wife of J.P. THOMPSON, M.H.A., editor this paper, of a son.
Jun 28, 1884Ship newsPort of Twillingate - Entered - June 16 - Grace, BALL, Cadiz, via St. John's, salt - E. Duder; June 19 - Juan, COVE, Cadiz, salt - J.B. TOBIN; June 20 - Clara, WOOD, Cadiz, salt - E. Duder; June 21 - Ocean Pet, NOEL, Bristol, general cargo - Owen & Earle; June 26 - Vestual, ?MANN, Liverpool, general cargo - J.B. Tobin. Cleared - June 20 - Grace, BALL, Sydney, Ballast - E. Duder; June 23 - Ocean Pet, NOEL, Fogo, part cargo - Owen & Earle.
Jun 28, 1884The License ActAn Act to amend the License Act, 1875 (Passed 22nd April, 1884) Be it Enacted by the Administrator of the Government, the Legislative Council and Assembly, in Legislative Session convened, as follows: - 1. Every person found drunk in any highway or other public place, whether a building or not, or on any Licensed premises, shall be liable on conviction before a Stipendiary Magistrate or Justice, to a penalty not exceeding one dollar; and on a second conviction, as aforesaid, within a period of Twelve Months, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding four dollars, and in default of payment thereof, to imprisonment not exceeding three days, and on a third or subsequent conviction with such period of twelve months, be liable, on conviction as aforesaid, to a penalty not exceeding ten dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding six days. 11. Any Constable who may discover or be aware of the sale of intoxicating liquor by an unlicensed person, shall forthwith seize and remove such liquor found upon the premises of such person, and shall immediately after such seizure and removal, proceed in manner provided by law for the conviction of the person selling such liquor, and in case where there shall be a conviction for the sale of intoxicating liquor an unlicensed person, the justice before whom such conviction shall be had may order all intoxicating liquor found upon the premises of such unlicensed persons to be, and the same shall thereupon be confiscated. 111. In any case where a Constable seizing such liquor shall have, without delay, proceeded for conviction as aforesaid, but the person proceeded against shall not be convicted, and the Justice before whom such proceedings shall be had shall certify that there was a probable cause of seizure, if any action or other suit prosecution shall be brought to trial against such Constable on account of such seizure and a verdict or judgement shall be given against the defendant, the plaintiff, besides the things seized or the value thereof shall not be entitled to more than five cents damages, not to any costs of suits, nor shall the defendant in such prosecution be fined more than one dollar. lV. All fines and forfeitures incurred under this Act shall be paid over to the Receiver General for the use of the Colony.
Jun 28, 1884Supreme Court (Part 1)The Attorney General’s Address to the Jury – Monday morning, June 22. This morning the Attorney General addressed the Jury on the part of the prosecution, and in the course of his speech remarked: - May it please your Lordships, - Gentlemen of the Jury – This very long and protracted proceeding we may suppose at this stage to be drawing near a period, and in view of the great time occupied by it, I feel it incumbent upon me to make my observations as brief and concise as possible. And I may say that the attention and appreciation which you have shows of its magnitude and importance will render my course comparatively more easy than under other circumstances. If I do occupy more time than usual, I trust I shall have that indulgence which I feel assured you will give me. I feel my position very different from that of my learned friends on the other side. The duties which devolve upon me is a widely different character from theirs. The position which I occupy, and my duties to the community, entail upon me the necessity of leaving nothing undone to uphold the law and to bring the guilty to justice, and to prove that this is a country in which crime will not go unpunished. Whilst I say that this is a serious, sacred and solemn obligation on me, yet it is my duty to use the care and caution in pressing upon you anything which would lead you to find one guilty who may be really and truly innocent. It is, therefore, I say, that my position is different from my learned friends. It has been said by a Counsel of great eminence, but with whom I cannot concur, that an advocate is clothed with a solemn duty, to know but one man in this world and that is his client: that he must separate even all those feelings of a patriot and sacrifice them for his client’s protection. Although I do not concur in such an opinion, still, I must say that my learned friends, the Counsel for the defence, have acted up to it; they have done everything to sustain their clients’ interest.
Jun 28, 1884Supreme Court (Part 2)You have had before you a great mass of evidence, most of which is conflicting. The evidence for the Crown on the one hand, and the evidence for the defence on the other, is so diametrically opposed to one another that you can scarcely fix one point upon which they agree. There is, however, a great deal of the evidence, which, from its irrelevancy to the issues, may be put aside from you consideration. My learned friends, Messrs. KENT and BOONE, have made able and eloquent speeches, and I feel that as a member of the bar, I can congratulate them. These speeches occupied four days; they set up different positions of defence; and they have attempted to sustain these positions by ingenuous twisting of the evidence. They have constructed what I may term a plausible defence; but when we divest the actual fabric of its strict surroundings you will have very little doubt, and such light will be thrown upon it, as will give you little difficulty in arriving at a just conclusion. Before I enter upon the evidence I desire to detain you for a short space with a few general observations upon what has fallen from the lips of the Counsel. They have referred to the Crown officers, and I presume that in their references I myself am included. We have been attacked and charged with legal stratagem in order to close the mouths of nineteen men, the prisoners at the bar. But, you must remember those who have appeared before you were present at the affray. In my reference to the Doctor’s testimony I made use of no language that would be insulting, but I merely brought in question his ability to judge of the effect of shot.
Jun 28, 1884Supreme Court (Part 3)Again the learned Council, after making speeches, in which the evidence was criticised by every conceivable scrutiny, they designate the Crown witnesses, as a whole, a faction. They are alleged to have been schooled; and Doctor Allan is charged with equivocation. The Counsel have gone as far as to say that the witnesses have gone into the box to deny what they were told to do. It is needless for me to say that these statements are untrue and unfounded. One would imagine that it is a pleasant duty for a Crown officer to get up a prosecution, but I can assure you that it is an unpleasant and odious one. It is a pleasure if at the end you can feel that the prisoners at the bar have been justly and honestly acquitted of the charge against them. But let us consider the main question of the case. The question is a very simple one, and the issues also are simple. Are the parties who have been designated as the Riverhead party, guilty of killing William JEANS; and how far and how many of the prisoners at the bar are guilty of that killing? The Crown case is that JEANS, CALLAHAN, NICHOLAS and BRAY were killed, and that the killing was murder of the most outrageous and revolting nature. No one can but arrive at the conclusion that there was murder and that of a most atrocious character. The Crown case is further that the killing arose out of hatred and enmity towards the Orange Society. It is also that the prisoners at the bar were severally concerned and actuated by the same common purpose. This being the case they are all equally guilty, no matter which of them fired the fatal shot. It will be for you to say if the charge has been sustained or not. The defence is, absolute innocence throughout, from the starting from their houses at Riverhead till their return; that not a single act of aggression on their part was committed; that neither they, nor did any of them, fire a shot at all.
Jun 28, 1884Supreme Court (Part 4)This is the only defence that has been endeavored to be sustained for the prisoners that would render them not amenable to any punishment. I shall refer to the statements of Mr. BOONE, in which he attached a certain amount of criminality to the parties. He has said that if they had killed JEANS, it arose out of great alarm, panic and terror, or that it was in self-defence. That was the second ground of defence that they had stated. Let us now divest all the defence of the verbiage of the comment and of the surroundings with which it has been presented before your consideration. Let us take it as a bare statement. They say that a crowd, a few in number, assembled at the bridge with no particular object, but to spend an innocent holiday. Not one of them could say why, if not for purposes of pastime, they went there. The last time that they assembled was three years before, and it is a similar fact that it was on that day the Orange Society marched out. They formed in this innocent procession, and with their flag sauntered peacefully, quietly and without ostentation to the scene. One, but one only, has said that they had a drum. It is strange that these men, some of them occupying high positions, were sauntering about whiling away the time is this manner, using no violent language but walking quietly up to Harvey Street by way of Pippy’s Lane, and for nothing in particular. That after waiting a little at the head of Pippy’s Lane they proceeded down to Brennan’s, where they gave another cheer, and were then returning home quietly, when the affair of Parson's gun occurred, filling all with terror and spreading consternation through the whole neighborhood; and, after disposing of the affair of PARSONS’ gun, they remained on the ground – fearful least some men who were on Nicholas’ Hill with guns, had murderous intentions.
Jun 28, 1884Supreme Court (Part 5)They also took the precaution to send some parties to make sure there were no guns at Pippy’s. That just as the Orange Society came up the pipetrack, and they saw the society take pickets, and others join the procession, and still in the face of all those unmistakable signs, they yet remained where they were and did nothing, save to send out their emissaries of peace towards the procession. The theory of the defence is, that at some time, the Orange procession conceived the murderous intentions of killing the Riverhead men, and that this theory is sustained by the conduct of PARSONS with his gun, the leaving off from the procession of processionists, and the refusal on the part of the processionists to listen to the proposals of peace offered. That, further, in the confusion and madness of the whole occasion, that JEANS, FRENCH, BRAY and NICHOLAS were killed, almost a dozen others wounded. They having shot each other, the Orangemen ran away and left the Riverhead party unarmed masters of the field. That under the madness of this confusion, some member of the procession so far forgot himself, as to beat old Mr. BRAY in the way described, and ended this programme by rushing to the magistrate with the cooked up perjured story, in which they lay the blame at the foot of those very men they themselves attacked. That through the instrumentality of this perjury, nineteen innocent men have been indicted, and that the wrong men are being tried for this foul and wanton murder, and that it is the Orangemen who ought to be tried. Such is the unfarnished story of this fatal affray as told by the defence. I say, gentlemen of the Jury, that were I now to sit down and not say another word, when you would retire to your room and weigh well the case, you would come to the conclusion that this story carried refutation in itself. Now, gentlemen of the Jury, before entering into the particulars of the evidence. I may say that the evidence on one side or the other is one perjured mass, on the man points. It is a terrible statement for me to have to make and for you to have to contemplate. Now which of these two parties is to be believed?
Jun 28, 1884Supreme Court (Part 6)Who is telling the truth? And this is really the test of the case, and the way to arrive at the solution is by asking the question on which side is the strongest motive for swearing falsely? Which evidence has the appearance of truth on the face of it? The Crown witnesses can accomplish no end save to gratify a passion of revenge; on the other side the Riverhead men are swearing to save their own lives and the lives of their friends, for it may be at any time they may be charged with complicity in this affair. Here we have forty or fifty witnesses on both sides swearing diametrically to each other. Hard to believe that forty or fifty men would swear falsely; but if these men were present and took part in the commission of a horrible crime, then indeed you have a full explanation of their conduct. As to the alleged contradiction in the evidence of the Crown, I would ask you to take these discrepancies into your consideration; and I would ask you, if twelve men viewed a given scene occurring, would you not in details differ in your individual descriptions, but in the fundamentals you would most certainly correspond? Their evidence has also been compared with their depositions and the contradictions have been spoken a good deal about; but I may tell you that the Courts of Justice do not place much importance on such discrepancies when they are not on essential points; and when you have taken into consideration the amount of work which the magistrate had to do at that time in Harbor Grace, these discrepancies will be accounted for. I think it is more remarkable just out of such an immense array of witnesses, there were not more discrepancies than those which were pointed out by my learned friends; and this fact must carry conviction to our mind that it is an extraordinary thing, that after passing through the cross examination of five counsels, that these men do not create more discrepancies.
Jun 28, 1884Supreme Court (Part 7)Compare with this the witnesses for the defence, they had made no depositions or statements to be confronted with; they had time to make their story. They had time to read and review the testimony of the evidence of the Crown witnesses, and yet in many points discrepancy may be established. I should say, gentlemen of the jury, that looking at the evidence of both sides, it is easy to see upon which side the probability of truth lies. A great deal has been said about Sergeant WINSLOW’s evidence in its totality. Before considering each separate point, let me put the case of the Crown briefly before you. That these men met for the purpose of resisting the Orange procession, and while all may not be privy to this preconcerted arrangement, is it not necessary for the Crown to establish that they were. That as we regard the procuring of guns, it makes no difference where these guns came from; it is sufficient that they were loaded and were there before the procession came up, and that they were fired. Now, we must judge of men’s motives by their acts and therefore all the evidence outside of the affray is merely put in to throw light on the case, and enable us the more easily to get at an elucidation of the truth. We will now see how the evidence of the defence agrees with their theory. Here the Attorney General read the evidence of Thomas WALSH (the first witness for the defence) also William ANTHONY (a witness for the crown). If Anthony’s evidence is correct, and it has not been shaken by cross-examination, then you have a preconcerted design on the part of the prisoners at the bar. Then you have Peddle’s testimony, who states that Micahel COADY had a powder horn, and if he had it for any other reason than that alleged by the Crown, would it not have been easy for him to show it. Let us now take the evidence of the defence on the first part. Does it appear ridiculous to you, that a lot of men such as Tom WALSH and the others, whose names are familiar to you, men of sound understanding, should walk down to Brennan’s with a flag and cheer there and then come home again, like a lot of little children.
Jun 28, 1884Supreme Court (Part 8)We can understand societies walking but this is absurd beyond expression. They say that they did this two years ago, and does it not seem strange, when taken with the fact that on that occasion, the Orange Society walked? There has not been one respectable and disinterested independent man here, to prove that this was a usual and common practice. If such were the case would there not have been some such person here to prove it before you? (Here he referred to the evidence of Thomas WALSH). It is a most extraordinary thing if that man who, as he says saw Callahan fall, did not see the flag which was at the time held by CALLAHAN, as alleged by the other witnesses. Does it not seem strange that if that man, as he says, saw two guns fired from the South side of the Orange Procession, and received a wound in the head, when he retired, and went down Pippy’s Lane where he heard a volley, did not go and make a complaint before the magistrate. For if he had been standing there innocently, as he stated, and if he had been killed by the shots, one of the most heinous murders that can be conceived of would have been perpetrated. And what reason does he give for not complaining to the Magistrate?
Jun 28, 1884Supreme Court (Part 9)Why, because he was afraid he would be arrested. Does it not seem to you to be beyond all credence? Can you conceive that Thomas WALSH would have gone to a member of the Legislature whose duty and object should be to uphold the law and to preserve peace; can it be conceived that this man went to Mr. Scott a member of this bar and related that he had received the wound in the manner here described, that Mr. SCOTT should, as he says, have told him no to go to the Magistrate. Then he says further – “I would have let them pass if the others had done so.” This is the secret of the whole affair. What more evidence of a preconcerted plan do you require? Then he stands there in the box and, instead of sharing the responsibility as a man, he cowardly shifts the crime on the prisoners at the bar. At the usual hour for adjourning, the Attorney General stated that if the Court would grant him this afternoon to prepare his address he could, by reducing the evidence, be in a position to lay it before the jury in a much less time than he could otherwise do. The jury readily assented to the request, and the Court adjourned till to-morrow at 11 o’clock. The Attorney General will probably conclude his address to-morrow afternoon. – Evening Telegram.

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