NL GenWeb Newspaper Records

Notre Dame Bay Region

Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser

July 1882 - December 1882

Place of publication: Twillingate
Dates of publication: June 24, 1880-Jan. 31, 1953.
Suspended publication: Jan. 16-Feb. 15, 1947.
Frequency: Weekly.

Title varies:

Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser, June 24, 1880-Aug. 10. 1912.
Twillingate Sun, Oct. 19, 1912-Jan. 31, 1953.

Editor and proprietor:

Jabez P. Thompson, June 24, 1880-1895.
George Roberts, 1895 (56)-1910.
William B. Temple, 1910-1921.
Stewart Roberts, 1921-Jan. 9, 1947.
Ernest G. Clarke, Feb. 22, 1947-Jan. 31, 1953.

The Twillingate Sun printed local and foreign news, legislative proceedings, serial fiction and advertisements. It claimed to be politically independent in 1886, but supported the Whiteway and the Liberals, especially in the fall election of 1894. In 1929, it supported Squires and in 1948 was neutral on Confederation. The Sun ceased publication due to financial reasons in 1953.


MUN 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889, 1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Microfilm
PANL [1928-1930, 1934-1935, 1938, 1953] Microfilm
PRL 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889, 1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Original and microfilm.

The records were transcribed by BEVERLY WARFORD, formatted by GEORGE WHITE starting in May 2002. While we have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors.

July 4, 1882 Near DrowningWe are informed that a very narrow escape from drowning occurred at Leading Tickles on Friday last. Mr. Robert ALCOCK, went off about a mile in a small boat to attend to his nets, taking with him his son, a lad of fourteen years. There was a considerable swell heaving in at the time, which made it difficult for him to master the object of his venturous attempt. He managed to get one net on board without mishap, but in attempting to sever the second, boat capsized, precipating its occupants into the boisterous waters. While in this predicament, an eye witness says that the boat turned over on the waves four or five times, but Mr. Alcock afterwards succeeded in getting his son and himself into the boat, which was three feet under water, when happily, a crew from the Nil Desperandum which was anchored off the harbor at the time, and another from the shore, quickly went to their aid and rescued them from watery graves. Being able to swim, Mr. ALCOCK endeavored to keep himself and the boy afloat on the furious waves, while the boat repeatedly turned over. The boy, we learn, was well nigh exhausted when taken on shore. The father, although not possessing the buoyancy of more youthful days, nobly combated the fierce elements, and we are glad to learn that both are now nothing the worse for the unpleasant dip.
July 4, 1882AppreciationWe are greatly indebted to an esteemed friend at Little Bay for late telegraphic information contained in the preceding column, which was received yesterday per schooner Maggie, Capt. MCLEAN, who arrived here from that place. We also have to thank the Rev. Father FLYNN, who has been a guest of J.B. TOBIN, Esq, J.P., for a little while, for likewise furnishing us with another copy which, we presume, he received per same schooner.
July 4, 1882FisheryThe Schooner Nil Desperandum, Capt. Wm LANNING of Exploits, arrived here last evening from Leading Tickles, having left the Cape Shore a few days since. The reports of the fishery appear to be something better than formerly. Mr. LANNING informs us that between one and six o'clock on Wednesday last, boats at Nippers Harbor and Round Harbor caught from two to three qtls., each. Traps have fared well in many parts. On Monday, the 26th ult., Mr. SQUAREY's crew at Cape John, secured some 60 qtls. The prospect on that shore is somewhat encouraging at present.
July 4, 1882ReligiousThe Rev. J. PINCOCK, of Morton's Harbor, preached in the South-side Methodist church on Sunday morning last and in the North-side church in the evening, at the usual hours. On each occasion his discourses were impressive and edifying and appeared to be much appreciated by the congregations. He also preached at Little Harbor on the afternoon.
July 4, 1882Ship NewsPort of Twillingate - Entered - June 30 - Lapwing, William SMITH, Cadiz, salt- 50 days- E. DUDER; July 3 - Maglona, David RICHARDS, Cadiz, salt, 50 days - W. Waterman & Co.; July 4 - Vistula, ANDREW, Liverpool, general cargo - Jas. BYRNE
July 4, 1882Shipping NewsThe English schooner Vistula, Capt. ANDREW, arrived from Liverpool last evening with a cargo of goods &c., for James BYRNE, Esq., at the Arm. This, we presume, is the first direct importation to that part of Twillingate. We must congratulate our enterprising friend on his business "pluck" and wish him every success in his undertakings.
July 4, 1882Smart RunAt five o'clock on Monday morning the 26 ult, Mr. Wm. LANNING left Exploits for Shoe Cove in a small boat belonging to H.M. HERBERT, Esq., Nipper's Harbor, making the run in five hours. He remained there a short time and then proceeded to Tilt Cove, when he was accompanied by Mr. ADAMS to Round Harbor.
July 4, 1882SchoonerThe N.B. Jones, belonging to Mr. Thomas EVERY arrived last evening from the Cape Shore, having touched into several intermediate harbors on the way, and left this morning for St. John's. The fishery accounts by her are also encouraging.

July 7, 1882ArrivalsSchooners Mary Jane and Runneymead arrived from St. John's yesterday with provisions to Messrs. Waterman & Co. The schooner Maggie, came from Fogo last evening with provisions, &c., for R. SCOTT, Esq.
July 7, 1882LabradorLatest intelligence from Labrador - we learn from the Telegram that the S.S. Leopard, Capt FIELD, arrived at St. John's from Labrador early on Tuesday last. She reached Maunock's Island on the 19th, having been forced to remain at Curnew about twenty-four hours and at Peak's Harbor for a similar period, partly in consequence of ice, Capt. FIELD says he left Mannock's Island on the 23rd June. On the previous day a brigantine, supposed to be the Sneezer, passed that harbor, bound to Offer Turnavick. Large numbers of vessels were observed from Belle Isle to Wolf Island, all making their way North; but none had arrived at Ragged Islands. There was no ice to interfere with their movements, and they were likely to reach their destinations in time, as the fish had not yet struck in. The Captain reports fine weather during the few days he remained on the coasts. Harbor Grace Standard.
July 7, 1882Fishing OperationsThe hook-and-line fishing off St. John's yesterday was very good, and off Quidi Vidi remarkably so, one trap yesterday (in the latter place) being reported for over fifty quintals. The fishing on the in-grounds this morning was poor, but off Cape Spear good work was done, some boats reporting for three cwt. and over. The fish is plentiful on the grounds as shown by the take of the trap-nets, but it will not seize the baited hook. During the caplin season the cod frequent the shore in pursuit of that fish, yet it is inshore that the fishery is most unsuccessful, the highest catch being taken on the headlands. Along the South shore of Conception Bay the fishery which is hereby pursued with hook-and-line only is a conspicuous failure. Some fishermen not having a quintal apiece. Owing to the shallow nature of the ground here, neither cod traps nor seines are used by the people, though it is difficult to see why they may not be successfully operated on the edges of Kelly's Island and Bene Isle. There is yet time enough, however, to bring up the lee way, even during the caplin school, and the fishery on squids may be bounteous enough to make amends for the present scarcity. - Evening Mercury, June 30.
July 7, 1882SchoonerWhile Mr. CROCKER's schooner the Industry was proceeding to sea yesterday, it was discovered that she had sprung a leak. The water had reached up to the cabin floor before the discovery was made, and produced fears for the schooner safety, but she was got safely back to the wharf. She was laden with 140 hogsheads salt, 40 of which were damaged, and 12 bags bread, which are now being discharged preparatory to putting the vessel on the slip for repairs. During his spring voyage on the French Shore, Mr. CROCKER collected 3,100 seals. He could have secured twice that number, but was embarrassed in his movements by ice. - Ibid
July 7, 1882Mysterious DisappearanceMuch anxiety is now felt respecting Mr. FUNNEL, gun-maker, of this town. Just a fortnight ago today, he left his son's residence in Duckworth Street, St. John's, at 9 in the morning, in order to make some purchases at the shop of Mr. O'Mara, druggist, prior to starting for the Cove to take passage in the Glover for this place. Strange to say, he has not since been heard of. His friends are now very much concerned respecting his mysterious disappearance. - H.G. Standard.
July 7, 1882SteamerThe steamer, Plover, with mails and passengers, arrived early on Wednesday night, not having left St. John's before Tuesday.
July 7, 1882Streak of Good LuckOn Wednesday morning whilst Charles ANDREWS of Crow Head was proceeding along near the shore he was struck by what seemed to him to be an unusual white rock. Prompted however by curiosity he went nearer and then supposed the object to be a shark, but on closer scrutiny it turned out to be a fine square-flipper seal which lay dead on the water. So large was it that he was obliged to summons aid and by the united efforts of six men the monster was landed and on being "pelted" weighed 3 cwt. 3 qrs, 10 lb. The skin was a splendid specimen and the value of the "haul" may be calculated by those used to such commodities.
July 7, 1882MiningWe are reliably informed that the valuable mining property at Ming's Bight has changed proprietorship. The title to the property has been in dispute for some time but the executive Council have decided in favor of Mr. Smith MCKAY. That gentleman is expected at Ming's Bight early next week to take possession.
July 7, 1882FisheryThe last few days no improvement has taken place in the cod fishery around the neighborhood. Some hook and line men have not a quintal under salt up to this date. At Western Head (near Morton's Harbor) traps have done well. The Plover reports that very little was doing in the various places coming along. Salmon have been more plentiful than usual. On Tuesday Mr. Reuben BLACKMORE secured between seventy and eighty in his nets.
July 7, 1882PersonalThe Rev. Theodore NURSE of Brooklyn, Bonavista Bay (son of J. NURSE, Esq., Back Harbor) arrived by last Plover and proposes spending a short time with his friends before proceeding to St. John's to attain an advancement to higher ecclesiastical grades.
July 7, 1882School ReportThe Rev. W. PILOT, B.D., Superintendent Church of England Day-schools, will please accept our thanks for a copy of Report of the schools under his jurisdiction for 1881.
July 7, 1882Shipping NewsThe coastal steamer Curlew, Captain FRANCIS, arrived here from the Westward between 9 and 10 o'clock this morning. She had favorable weather this time, and the trip was consequently a very pleasant one. Our correspondents at the different ports of call have sent on their favors as usual and we are pleased to know the political situation continues to brighten up more and more every day. The cause of the patriotic New party is receiving the support of all good and true men, and there seems little or no doubt that a "famous victory" will be achived by "the people" in November next. The fishery prospects on the whole, have not improved to any really appreciable extent. At Ferryland and Trepassey some good fares were taken in traps on Monday and Tuesday; but not much has yet been done by hook and line men, anywhere, so far as we can learn. We understand the Curlew brought a large quantity of freight from St. George's and Fortune bay, consisting of pressed hay, herrings and canned salmon. The hay is said to be a very superior quality. While steaming along near Cape English, yesterday morning, Captain FRANCIS observed the wrecked steamer Asdrabat. She was in the very position reported by the Plover a few days ago, and temptation to try and tow her off proved irresistible. Accordingly a cable was made fast to the Asdrabat; but its strength not equal to the emergency, a break occurred and the Captain had to abandon his efforts. Whether the Plover will be more successful it is difficult to conjecture. A Channel correspondent says: - "Captain FRANCIS is a general favorite here, and these of our own people who are in the habit of travelling by the Curlew speak of him in terms of the highest praise." - Evening Telegram.
July 7, 1882Desertion Desertion from ship and supposed theft - On Sunday night last John CAMPBELL, boat-swain of barquentine Voyager of Brixham, deserted said ship as she lay in Twillingate Harbor. At the time of his desertion a valuable ship's jolly boat, painted white topsides, copperpaint bottom, black gun-wall, pin green inside with varnished bottom, and with the name Lizzie, cut in rudder and yoke, and also rigged with mainsail and jib, was taken from the premises of Messrs. Waterman & Co. The Captain describes him as follows: He is a Scotchman about 5 feet 4 inches high, of dark complexion, black hair tinged with grey, slight moustache and whisker sand color, not very stout, is round shouldered and has a peculiar gait. When he left ship was clothed in monkey jacket, black wide-awake hat, badly shod and altogether a conspiciuous figure. Any person who shall give such information as shall lead to the discovery of either the boat or man will be suitably rewarded by sending such to the Sun Office, Twillingate.

July 14, 1882FireNews from Channel per "Curlew" - On the morning of the 9th, about daylight, the house of Mr. G. CARTER, was burned to the ground, by which accident two poor creatures met their deaths. The house was occupied by two families named BUFFET and MUSSEAU. On BUFFET awaking at the usual hour to go fishing, he heard the roar of fire downstairs. He immediately sprang out of bed, wrapped a blanket around himself, jumped from the window, and falling on the rocks hurt his thigh. He then looked around for something by which the others may make their escape without injury, and found an old ladder which he placed to the window, but on ascending it, according as he went the steps broke. After getting his wife and three children safe, the former told him that, during the time he was getting the ladder, she had gone to MUSSEAU's room and roused them, and they had even got up, lifted the window, and came out of the room but they returned again to their beds saying: " If we die, we shall die together" and so they perished. What induced them to return to their bed and not make an effort to escape is a mystery. They could not have had their presence of mind. The cause of the fire is unknown. The remains were gathered after the fire and were ghastly to behold. CARTER is the heaviest loser, his salmon nets &c. being in the house at the time. - Evening Mercury.
July 14, 1882SteamerThe steamer Polino, Capt. DELISLE, arrived to Messrs. Harvey & Co. at half-past 3 o'clock this morning, with freight and passengers from Montreal and Sydney. Capt. DELISLE says he left Montreal at daylight on Friday morning, and experienced strong head winds and foggy weather on the way to Sydney, which port he reached 7 p.m. on Monday. Having landed some freight there, he proceeded to Cow Bay for bunker coal, after obtaining the necessary supply, shaped his course for our shores. Light and variable winds were in order the remainder of the voyage, and from Cape Spear no less than fifteen icebergs were observed peeping out of the fog. On Wednesday morning, when off St. Pierre, a brigantine was sighted steering East, and at noon, of Cape St. Mary's the Polino passed a large steamer bound South. Nothing was seen in the neighborhood of Cape Race save a solitary schooner pursuing the uneven tenor of her way to the Northeast. Capt. DELISLE also brings some information respecting the steamer Coban, which got aground near the Northern Head of Cow Bay on the 17th ultimo. A company from Quebec, with the steamer Conquer, were using steam-pumps and other appliances for the purpose of floating the vessel, and the Dominion Wrecking Company was at hand, ready to offer their services if required. As the Coban does not appear to have sustained much damage, it is quite possible the Company will get her off during next high tide. She is a fine British-built ship and only three months old, and was chartered for the season by the Block House Mining Company. - St. John's Evening Telegram, July 6th.
July 14, 1882PassengersThe steamer Hercules, Capt. CROSS called here on Monday evening on her way to Labrador, to perform the mail service on that coast during the summer months. The weather being stormy her detention was caused until the following morning. After leaving St. John's, the Hercules called at Harbor Grace and various other ports coming along, having passengers from Metropolis for the respective places. Among the passengers when she arrived here, were the Rev. J. PARKINS of Exploits, and the Rev. J. LISTER of Little Bay Islands, who had been at St. John's attending Conference. Also Mr. S. MCKAY for Ming's Bight, Master H. HAYWARD for Tilt Cove, and Messrs. GRIEVE, ROGERSON, FITZGERALD and PARSONS for Labrador.
July 14, 1882FisheryA schooner from Catalina, COURAGE, master, put into port on Sunday last, homeward bound, having secured 400 quintals of fish, which were trapped at Hooping Harbor (French Shore). Fish was scarce on that part of the shore; scarcely anything was being done with hook and line.
July 14, 1882SchoonerThe Mary Parker, Capt. CARTER, left for St. John's on Saturday last. Mrs. TEMPLE and children took passage by her purposing to embark by the first Allan steamship for England, on a visit to her native land after an absence of several years. We wish the good lady a safe and speedy trip across the Atlantic, and a very enjoyable time on the shore of Old England.
July 14, 1882Church NewsEcclesiastical - On Sunday morning last the pulpit of St. Peter's Church was ably filled by the Rev. Theodore R. NURSE, who gave an intellectual treat in the shape of an earnest and practical discourse on a subject seldom touched. In the evening the Rev. Wm. TEMPLE preached from Romans viii, 18, treating the subject in a lucid and masterly style. On Sunday next we understand that Mr. TEMPLE will preach at St. Peter's in the morning and Mr. NURSE will occupy the pulpit at the evening service.
July 14, 1882SchoonersThe schooner Vivid, belonging to Messrs. HOLDER & LINFIELD, returned from St. John's on Saturday last. The Rev. T.W. ATKINSON, who was attending Conference, availed of the opportunity and came by her. Mr. LINFIELD who went in the Vivid returned same time. She leaves to-morrow for the French Shore. The Mark Parker, which left for St. John's on Saturday last arrived back this morning.
July 14, 1882MarriedOAKLEY, LUTHER - At St. Peter's Church, on the 8th inst., by the Rev. R. TEMPLE, R.D., Mr. James OAKLEY to Miss Elizabeth Ann (Bessie) LUTHER, both of Twillingate.
July 14, 1882DiedROWSELL - At. ST. John's on Tuesday, 27th inst., after a long illness, William Henry, third son of Benjamin and Esther ROWSELL, aged 17 years. Deceased was a native of Leading Tickle, Green Bay.
July 14, 1882Ship NewsPort of Twillingate - Entered - July 3 - Little Willie, ROCKWIRGE, Cadiz, salt - E.DUDER; July 9 - Two friends, GRANT, Cadiz, via St. John's salt - E. DUDER; July 12 - Olive Branch, HOMOE, Figuria, salt - OWEN & EARLE

July 18, 1882Fishing NewsMr. Edwin VINCENT from Swain's Island, Bonavista Bay, arrived here in a small craft on Friday last bound to the French Shore, We learn that from 30 to 60 qtls. per boat have been secured on that part of the shore, which is not more than half what was caught up to a corresponding period last year. The catch for seines is from 130 to 160 qtls. James TAYLOR arrived at Swain's Island the early part of last week with 400 qtls., taken with trap in the vicinity of Hare Bay, near Fogo. Mr. VINCENT left for his destination yesterday morning.
July 18, 1882SchoonersThe Young Builder, Capt. Andrew ROBERTS, arrived from St. John's on Sunday evening. We have been favored with a copy of the Evening Telegram of Friday last brought by Mr. ROBERTS, from which that day's telegram and interesting local items have been transferred to our columns. One of an earlier date was also received by the Mary Parker, which left again for St. John's this morning with a cargo of oil.
July 18, 1882DeserterThe pleasure yacht Shamrock belonging to Messrs. Waterman & Co, was dispatched on Thursday last in search of the jolly boat that was taken from their premises a day or two before by seaman CAMPBELL, who deserted the Voyager, a few days previous. On the arrival of the Shamrock at Fogo the crew gleaned that a white whale boat with a sailor in charge was at Hare Bay. They wisely surmising she was the jolly boat instead, at once dispatched a crew for said place, when the following account was given by a man who had the boat in charge. The sailor put in here, jumped ashore, leaving the boat adrift, on being remonstrated with by the fishermen near by, he told them they might have the boat as she was not good to him and his vessel was to sail that day. He was afterwards seen at Fogo, but as it was impossible to communicate with Twillingate, no one had authority to detain him, although suspicion was aroused.
July 18, 1882ArrestWe learn from the St. John's Times that Arthur JANES, who was mentioned in a previous issue as having stolen property from Mr. WHELLOR, Ladle Cove, was arrested by Sergeant LACEY of the Mounted Constabulary, on Freshwater Road, St. John's, on Monday, the 26th ultimo.
July 18, 1882Fishery A Telegram received from Trinity yesterday by Messrs. Grieve & Co. informs them that the following had arrived from the Northward with the fares named: - Solomon BUTLER 450 qtls; Benjamin DAY 400 qtls., Eli VIVIAN 300 qtls.; Wm JONES 130 qtls; Thomas HAITER, Robert FOWLOW and James MOOLY were reported as on their way home, the two former with three hundred quintals each, and the latter with between 300 and 400. These men were on their way to Labrador, but finding prospects favorable at Fogo Island, they went to work there and secured the above mentioned fares. After landing their fish they will proceed to the coast of Labrador where, we sincerely hope, fortune may still continue to smile on their honest efforts. - Evening Telegram.
July 18, 1882Lost The schooner Martha Ancell which arrived here last night from Cow Bay, brought in two American fisherman, who got astray from their vessel, the schooner Falcon, while fishing on Green Bank. On Thursday morning last, they were out looking after their trawls, when a dense fog settled over the water and made it impossible for them to find their way back to the schooner. All day they rowed about with the expectation of being picked up, but night came on and still no hope of rescue cheered them. But their suffering had only just commenced. For four days and three nights they were compelled to endure cold and hunger in an open dory without any covering beyond their ordinary coating. Fortunately, however, they were observed by Capt. DAVIS, about half-past 7 o'clock on Sunday evening, twelve miles off Cape Pine, and taken together with their dory and lines, on board the Martha Ancell. The two poor fellows were completely exhausted having passed through a severe gale the night before, during which they kept the boat's head to the wind by means of a drag. They are now being cared for by the American Consul, T.N. MOLLOY, Esq. - Ibid, July 11th.
July 18, 1882DiedPRESTON - This morning after a lingering illness, Mr. Joseph John PRESTON, aged 42 years.

July 21, 1882SteamerThe coastal steamer Plover with mails and passengers, arrived on Thursday morning. She goes to Battle Harbor this trip, and is expected here on her return to St. John's on Monday night or Tuesday morning. Messrs. NURSE, BRAYLEY, TAVENER, COOPER, DAVIS and OAKLEY came passengers by the steamer.
July 21, 1882Accident at SeaA fortnight since the Maggie Briggs left St. John's for Fogo. When a short distance outside the Narrows, one of the seamen, James JEWER, in attempting to hook the boom guy, lost his balance and was precipated into the water. There was a slight breeze at the time but with the aid of a buoy that was thrown him in a instant, Jewer succeeded in keeping himself afloat until the craft was hove up to windward of him when a boat was lowered, and with his own bravery and good management on board the vessel, he was rescued from a watery grave. The man had been at least 25 minutes in the water, and when taken on board was quite exhausted, and it was a considerable time before he entirely recovered from the mishap.
July 21, 1882SchoonerThe schooner Maggie Briggs owned by R. SCOTT, Esq., Fogo, left that port for St. John's, on Monday morning the 10th inst., at half-past ten o'clock, and returned on the following Friday morning at 7 o'clock, making the trip in four days and less than twenty one hours. The Maggie Briggs took a cargo to St. John's, discharged, loaded for Fogo, and did the work in the short time mentioned.
July 21, 1882SchoonerThe English schr. Little Willie, which arrived at this port on the 3rd inst. reports: On the 15th June, eight days after leaving Cadiz, while in lat. 35, 31 N long. 32 W. passed a Nun buoy, made of iron, painted black, marked N.1 in three places, in white.
July 21, 1882PersonalR.K. BRAYLEY, Esq., of Montreal, arrived here by last steamer. He represents the drug and medicine establishment of W. BRAYLEY of that city.
July 21, 1882SteamerA steamer was observed from the Light House, on Sunday last passing South. It is thought to have been the pleasure yacht Lizzie belonging to W. P. Munn, Esq., Harbor Grace, returning from Labrador.
July 21, 1882SchoonerThe schooner Maggie belonging to R. SCOTT, Esq., Fogo, came here on Thursday with a quantity of goods, &c., for his Twillingate trade, having landed part of cargo at Change Islands same day for the branch business there. Mr. SCOTT also came same time.
July 21, 1882Loss of life in Burin DistrictMelancholy intelligence of the loss of three valuable lives by drowning in the neighborhood of Burin has been communicated to us. Wm. FOOT, aged 21 years, while engaged in trap fishing operations, fell over board and was drowned. The second case is of a lad named CLARKE, 19 years old, who with others was on his way to sea to set a lobster net. The punt in which they were seated had in tow another boat, which contained the necessary gear. This second boat was leaky and was filling with water, and the crew of the tow-boat requested the youth CLARKE to step aboard the leaky craft and bail her out. He had no sooner done so then she parted her painter and sank immediately, carrying the ill-fated youth with her. The third unhappy casuality occurred off Cape St. Mary's when Josiah BRUSHETT, aged about 27 years, while at the helm of his craft, was seized with a fit and fell overboard and was drowned. The last named, it appears, was subject to this afflication, and was in consequence kept on shore by his father, but this spring he insisted on going out to fish. All three were unmarried. Their bodies were not recovered. Evening Mercury.
July 21, 1882News from Flower's CoveOn Sunday last Mr. SQUIRE's schooner, J.L. Vogler arrived to Messrs.PATERSON & FOSTER from the above place, with 1800 gallons seal and cod oil, and about 800 seal skins. The Vogler left Flower's Cove on the evening of Monday week past. The propects of the fishery in that neighborhood at that time were encouraging; good work has been done with the traps and trawls. A day or two before the Vogler left Flower's Cove, the schr. Bay State, owned by C.W. Ross & Co., had secured 100 qtls; this was the result of three days fishing chiefly with hook-and-line. Had it not been for the broken weather prevailing there for some time previous, the fishermen of that locality would have "made a voyage" equal to that of last year, as a member of Halifax traders were at Flower's Cove at the time Vogler left. They were offering 3s (cash) for young seals, and 2s. 3d. per gallon (imperial measure) for seal oil. It is thought that the fishery will be good on both sides of the Straits. The Vogler on her way hither called in at Quirpon, leaving again on Wednesday week last. As she entered the harbor, about 30 sail craft could be seen crossing the Straits of Belle Isle; and at Quirpon and Fortune, there were supposed to be no fewer than 200 or 300 crafts "waiting for a time" to Labrador. These crafts had been detained by the ice while crossing White and Green Bays, and were then delayed by head winds. From Quirpon to Conche, there was very little doing with fish; this was attributed to the ice remaining so late on the coast. H.G. Standard, July 14.
July 21, 1882Public noticeComplaints having been made to me, that Seamen deserting their vessels, are at times harbored, I therefore caution the public, and refer them to the section of the Merchant Shipping Act of 1875 - Every person who by any means whatever persuades or attempts to persuade any seaman or apprentice to neglect or refuse to join or to proceed to sea in, or to desert from, his ship; or otherwise to absent himself from his duty, shall for each such offence, in respect of each such seaman or apprentice, incur a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds, sterling; and every person who wilfully harbors or secrets any seaman or apprentice, who has deserted from his ship, or who has wilfully neglected or refused to join, or who has deserted from his ship, knowing or having reason to believe such seaman or apprentice to have so done, shall for every such seaman or apprentice, so harbored or secreted, incur a penality not exceeding Twenty Pounds, sterling. I further caution any person or persons from retaining or keeping possession of boats or any other stolen property or they will be prosecuted according to law. F. BERTEAU, Stipendiary Magistrate, Court House, Twillingate, July 20, 1882.
July 21, 1882Fishery ProspectsThe Hon. James FOX received a telegram from Placentia last evening informing him that the Cape fishery was progressing favorably and prospects generally were very encouraging. Some fine trips had already arrived, and winds and weather were all that could be desired. Advices have also been received from St. Mary's and St. Peter's River, stating that good work was being done not only by the trapmen, but by all engaged at these and neighboring places. - Telegram of Saturday last.
July 21, 1882Fire near Kind's BridgeShortly before three o'clock this morning the slumbering city was aroused by an alarm of fire from No. 6 Ward, and hundreds of people, many of whom are not in the habit of getting up before daylight, hurriedly, donned their garments and started out to ascertain "the extent and nature of the conflagration" - as the Inspector would say. It seems that a house near the King's Bridge - formerly used by Mr. FURLONG as a bakery, but for some time past unoccupied - was discovered to be on fire, the flames having already made considerable progress. Very little could be done under the circumstances in the way of opposing the destructive element and, consequently, the building was completely consumed. We have not yet heard how the fire originated. - Ibid, July 11.
July 21, 1882MarriedJACKSON, TAYLOR - On the 17th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, Carbonear, by the President of the Conference; assisted by the Rev. George BOYD, Rev. J.A. JACKSON, Methodist Minister, to Louisa LOCKHART, youngest daughter of Capt. William TAYLOR.
July 21, 1882MarriedSMITH, WOODS - On the 29th June, at St. Paul's, East Molesey, England, by the Rev. J. Thornton WILKINSON, M.A., Vicar of St. Ann's, New Bermondsey, assisted by the Rev. Morris FULLER, M.A, VIcar of the parish, the Rev. Charles Ernest SMITH, Rector, of Heart's Content, Newfoundland to Flora WOODS, eldest daughter of George WOODS, Esq, Sussex House, East Molesey, Surrey.

July 28, 1882DepartureOn Saturday evening last the Rev. T.W. ATKINSON was waited on by Messrs. T. LINFIELD and S. ROBERTS who presented him with an address and presentation, on behalf of members of the Methodist church, both of which were tendered as a slight expression of appreciation for the zeal and earnestness which characterized his labors during the three years of ministerial adjourn amongst them.........Mr. ATKINSON and family left here per steamer Plover on Tuesday last for Western Bay, which is to be the scene of his ministerial labors for the next term. He is accompanied with the best wishes of the people and we trust that much success may crown his future efforts for the promotion of the Redeemer's cause in that section of this colony.
July 28, 1882PassengersThe following took passage in the Plover on Tuesday last for St. John's and intermediate place: - Messrs. S. BAIRD, J.P., and BRAYLEY; Rev. T.R. NURSE and sister; Rev. T.W. ATKINSON, Mrs. ATKINSON, two children and servant; Mr. and Mrs. DALTON; Mrs. LINFIELD and Miss BLANDFORD.
July 28, 1882Schooner AccidentThe schooner Anna A. Teel, hence to Harbor Grace, arrived at that port on Tuesday morning last, but not without a serious accident resulting in the loss of the steward a man anmed Thomas TONKINS. In his report of the melancholy occurrence, Capt. JOYCE says: - "The Anna A. Teel left St. John's on Monday evening at 7 o'clock, and was going along under all sail, with a moderate breeze, when a squall suddenly struck the vessel, off Loggy Cove, near Sugar Loaf, throwing her on her beam-ends. She remained in this position for about five minutes, during which time the crew had managed to get over on the weather side. The schooner fortunately came round to the wind, and the breeze, catching the sails underneath, as the means of uprighting her once more. My first thought, after being relieved from the perilous situation in which I so unexpectedly found myself, was for the safety of my crew, and, on looking round to see if all had escaped, I discovered that the steward, Thomas TONKINS, was missing. The vessel was immediately wore round, and we lay off and on for sometime, but could see nothing except the boat, which went over at the time of the accident. The main boom got unshipped from off the saddle, and everything moveable on the deck was lost. Had there been the least sea at the time, the vessel with all hands, would certainly have gone down as her main-hatch combing were under water." - Evening Telegram July 20.
July 28, 1882AppreciationWe are indebted to W. LETHBRIDGE, Esq., J.P., for copies of late local papers received per Mary Parker on Monday, extracts from which will be found elsewhere; also to Dr. SCOTT, who came passenger by the Nora Scotian for numbers of Boston and Halifax papers so late as the 17th inst. From the latter interesting particulars of the war in Egypt are given in another part of the paper.
July 28, 1882LarcenyJohn BURT of Virgin Arm, Friday's Bay, having been arrested by the police last week on suspicion, for the larceny of two quintals of dry codfish, the property of one William FLYNN, was brought up before his Worship F. BERTEAU, on Tuesday last on remand. At first, the prisoner denied the charge made against him, but after several witnesses had been examined he pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to one month imprisonment, with hard labor.
July 28, 1882FireA dwelling house and all its contents belonging to Mr. John MOORS of Blackhead, Conception Bay, was destroyed by fire on the 18th inst. The origin of the fire is unknown. An appeal is made by Rev. James DOVE, through the St. John's press on behalf of the sufferers.
July 28, 1882SteamerA large number of excursionists, composed of the United Temperance Amusement Club, and others, left St. John's for Harbor Grace in the steamer Leopard on the 20 th inst.
July 28, 1882Band of HopeThe members of this Juvenile Temperance Society assembled on Bare-berry Hill (Back Harbor) on Tuesday afternoon and spent a few hours in exhilarating amusements which they heartily enjoyed, under the direction of the officers of the Band. This institution was formed on last Ascension Day, in relation with a Branch of the Church of England Temperance Society, both of which number about 125. During that short time the originators have been much encouraged, and we trust that the Rev. Mr. TEMPLE and all who evince an interest in this laudable undertaking for the benefit of the young, may be well sustained by this endeavoring to instill temperance principles in the minds of the youth.
July 28, 1882New DoctorWe are pleased to note the arrival in town of Dr. SCOTT of New Brunswick. We understand that it is the intention of the Doctor to establish himself in his profession here should sufficient inducement warrant him in remaining. Dr. SCOTT has been successful as a medical practitioner in the neighboring province. He brings with him first-class credentials, and will be likely to prove skillful in his profession.
July 28, 1882Business NoticeWe would call attention to the card of Mr. Andrew LINFIELD, contractor, builder, &c., to be found in a preceding column. His friends in numerous sections of the Bay who contemplate building houses can be supplied with doors, sashes and all such requisites at short notice. Articles in the furniture line are also manufactured by him.
July 28, 1882LarcencyA large sum on money amounting to £84, was stolen from a paymaster of the railway company named Mr. Albert PAYNE by John ROBERTS, a shoemaker, who plied his trade amongst the laborers on the line of rail. The crime was committed at Holyrood on Monday last, while PAYNE was asleep, and the offender was in a day or two after, arrested by Sergt. KENRUEY, who is stationed at Holyrood, and was this morning brought on to St. John's. - Evening Mercury July 19.
July 28, 1882Wonders Never Cease!The London Globe of Wednesday says: - "During the bombardment yesterday, a telephone was attached at Malta to the Alexandria cable, and though it was impossible to communicate verbally, the bombardment was plainly audible at the Malta end of the cable." Malta is some 800 miles from Alexandria. What would the world have thought in 1805 had the roar of the guns at Trafalgar been heard at Malta? The inventive genius of the age only seem to be in its infancy. - Halifax Herald, July 17.
July 28, 1882World NewsRussia has lost two of her greatest generals within a few weeks - KUAFFMAN and SKOBELOFF - and the world has lost two brilliant men.
July 28, 1882MarriedGRIMES, POPE - On the 6th May, at the Parsonage, Little Bay Island, by the Rev.J. LISTER, Mr. John GRIMES, to Miss Susannah POPE both of Little Bay Island.

Aug 4, 1882Coastal SteamerThe coastal steamer Plover, Capt. BLANDFORD, made her appearance here on Thursday morning at 1 o'clock with mails and passengers. The Plover goes North as far as Battle Harbor, where she will meet the steamer Hercules, and may be looked for here on her way to St. John's about Monday night or Tuesday morning. Annexed is a list of passengers: - From St. John's for Bay-de-Verde- Mr. CHRISTAN and Miss CHURCHILL, For Trinity - Mr. J. WHITE, Mrs. WHITE, Mr. & Mrs. RENNIE, Mr. D. RYAN and wife, Mrs. PROWSE and child. For Bonavista - Rev. Mr. PRATT wife and family, Miss RENDELL. For Greenspond - Rev. Mr. HAWE and wife, Mr. D. LENNAN and L. TULAN. For Fogo - Mr. DUDER and wife, Miss HADDON, Miss SEYMOUR and Master DUDER. For Twilliiingate - Mr. E. MARTIN, for Exploits - Mr . CUNNINGHAM, for Seal Bay - Mr. GREENE, for Little Bay Island - Miss ANDERSON, For TIlt Cove - Mr. & Mrs. GILL, for Lance-a-Loup - Mr. HUDSON. For Battle Harbor - Messrs. BOLT, KIELLY, RENDELL, H. BROWN and Mrs. KEAGE. From Bonavista to Twillingate - Rev. Mr. EMBREE, wife and family.
Aug 4, 1882Herring NeckAt 2 o'clock on Saturday morning last, Widow Ann JONES of the above named place was awakened from her slumber by a noise on her stage near the house, but at first thinking it was her son she paid little attention to it, afterwards her suspicions being aroused she arose and went outside to ascertain the cause, when she saw two persons who were in the act of stealing fish, &c. On being remonstrated with, they made an attack on her person striking her on the head with a stick and otherwise inflicted injuries of a cowardly nature. The matter is being investigated by the Police, and we hope that ere long the offenders will be brought before the authorities, where they will receive the severe punishment which their dastardly conduct merits.
Aug 4, 1882British Society's ExcursionThe Conception Bay British Society and their friends, numbering in all about four hundred persons, arrived here on the S.S. Comodore shortly after 10 o'clock this morning. They are visiting us for a purely "pleasurable purpose" and , therefore, they are as welcome as the flowers of May. True, we have nothing special to offer them just now in the shape of amusement, beyond a ride on the rail; nevertheless, they will find something to occupy their time and attention until tomorrow morning, when "home again" will be the only remaining item on their programme. The Commodore left Harbor Grace at 4:30. The weather was fine, the water smooth and the passage down the Bay "intensely exhilarating" - as our friend of the Times would say. Then the good ship got out into the Atlantic, and just a wee bit of a "tumble" began to disturb the happy excursionists and make some of them feel as if breakfast was quite unnecessary. But they didn't regard that as a circumstance, and the Commodore "bobbed up" the Shore serenely enough until off Torbay, when a very unfortunate accident occurred, the particulars of which may be briefly related as follows: - Several boats were fishing along the shore some distance from the steamer, but Captain Barry, who was on the bridge at the time, did not observe "another little skiff" anchored right in his track, and the Commodore ran that other little skiff down and damaged it almost beyond the power of human ingenuity to repair, knocked two of its occupants into the water and compelled the other (there were only three) to ____ to the wreck. Of course, the ship's engines were immediately reversed, a boat was launched and the much alarmed, but otherwise uninjured men were picked up and brought on board, where they were most hospitably treated by all hands - ladies and gentlemen. Captain BURRY himself took up a collection for "the shipwrecked mariners" and when he got through, was pleased to find the sum of £16 16s 10d in his hat, which he gracefully presented to Messrs. Richard STAMP, Thomas MARTIN and James MARTIN.
Aug 4, 1882Fishery NewsWe learn of two or three good catches during the past few days, in the vicinity of Crow Head, one man having taken 6 quintals and another 7 or 8. About the Arms, a little better work is reported with hook and line. By the arrival of the schr. Emeline from Nipper's Harbor, we glean that the fishery on the Cape Shore has been poor, in fact at one time, it was found difficult to supply the table for daily consumption. The salmon catch on the shore has been poor, the highest being from two to three tierces, and that only being in a very few instances.
Aug 4, 1882Coastal WharfWe are pleased to know that a good colored light is to be fixed on the head of the public wharf which will be of the greatest advantage, both to the working of the steamer and the convenience of parties having to transact business in connection with her, during the fall months, when of necessity she will very often arrive here after dark. We also notice that the long rails, &c., bounding the road leading to the wharf have been painted, which adds greatly to the appearance thereof.
Aug 4, 1882Salmon FisheryThe catch up Exploits River has been much larger than for the preceding two years. All have done well. Mr. Robert PORTER who has stations at Thwart Island and its neighborhood has been exceedingly fortunate. He has over twelve tierces as the result of this season operations. They were all secured in a little over six weeks.
Aug 4, 1882SchoonerThe schooner Hunter, Capt. Joseph YOUNG, arrived here on Tuesday morning last from White Bay, with the fine catch of 300 qtls. fish, which was procured at White Bay and Ming's Bight. The Captain reports very little had been done with hook and line about White Bay and the French Shore.
Aug 4, 1882ReligionThe pulpit of the North side Wesleyan Church was occupied on last Sabbath evening by W. WATERMAN, Esq. who preached from 3rd John and 16th ver. Treating the congregation to an earnest and pleasing discourse.
Aug 4, 1882Local NewsWe are pleased to learn that Dr. SCOTT, whose card appears in the preceding column, has received sufficient inducements to warrant him to take up his residence permanently amongst us.
Aug 4, 1882Fogo NewsA friend at Fogo, kindly furnishes us with the following interesting items: - On Saturday last , 29th ult. Capt. UNGOOD of the barquentine Elcho, was summoned before Mr. FITZGERALD, Stipendiary Magistrate of Fogo, on a charge of starving and ill-treating the mate and crew of said vessel. It appears that the whole of the crew became dissatisfied at not receiving the necessary quantity, nor quality of food authorized by the Imperial Goverment for ships supplies. The cook after complaining some time to the Captain of the scarcity of provisions was finally met in the face by a severe blow, from the clenched fist of his pugilistic master, which knocked him (for the time) as "dead as a door nail." The crew threatened to report such conduct, but were not allowed a boat in which to go on shore. They then hailed a harbor boat passing by, went on shore and lodged their complaint before the Magistrate. Capt. UNGOOOD was fined £5 for breach of an Imperial act, relative to seamen, and £1 for expenses for assault and battery, and lodged in jail until the money was forthcoming. The captain behaving in court in rather an ungentlemanly way, and only discontinued such conduct after being threatened with being sent down for contempt of court. He was evidently suffering slight from a temporary attack of the D.T's a consequence of much disipation.
Aug 4, 1882Fogo NewsLast week, Capt. John DWYER, master of the schooner Juno, met with an accident on board his vessel and narrowly escaped from having a severe fracture of the leg. The leg is much brusied and lacerated, but with judicious treatment he will soon recover.
Aug 4, 1882Fogo NewsIt is reported here today that boats at the Funk Islands have jigged 20 qtls of fish in two days.
Aug 4, 1882PersonalWe extend a hearty welcome to the Rev. J. EMBREE, Chairman of Bonavista District, and family who arrived by last steamer. Mr. EMBREE takes charge of the circuit for the coming three years, and we wish him much success in his ministeral labors, and hope that his work may result in great good to the members of his flock over whom he will preside.
Aug 4, 1882PersonalWe are pleased to note the arrival in town of W. WATERMAN, Esq., (of the firm W. Waterman & Co.) and son. They took passage from England on a steamer bound to Bett's Cove, where they arrived on Monday 24th ult., after a fine passsage of ten days. They then proceeded to Nipper's Harbor and came here per schr. Emeline on Saturday evening last. We understand that Mr. WATERMAN intends remaining here during the summer months. Mr. WATERMAN, Jr. left for Fogo on Monday last where he intends remaining for a few days.
Aug 4, 1882PersonalMr. James J. MILLEY, of St. John's arrived in town on Saturday evening last, after a tour of three months on Exploits River. Mr. M. left the following Tuesday for the north side of the Bay. He intends returning to St. John's by next steamer.
Aug 4, 1882Geological SurveyMr. James P. HOWLEY of the Geological Survey and Mr. Chas. HARVEY, Civil Enginer, are at present engaged in "blocking off" the land, lying between Exploits River and Hall's Bay. We believe the intention is to give the Railway Company each alternate block of eight square miles lying between these two points, in lieu of the land along that part of the road now completed, which being occupied land, is not available. Mr. HOWLEY, who is acting in the interests of the Government, is working from Exploits RIver towards Hall's Bay, and Mr HARVEY, who represents the Railway Company, is proceeding from the bottom of Hall's Bay to meet Mr. HOWLEY. The land is considered the finest for agricultural purposes, of any on the Island. We shall refer to this matter at greater length in a subsequent issue.
Aug 4, 1882CorrespondenceTo the editior of the Twillingate Sun - Sir - I was pleased to read your editorial remarks in a recent issue, on ship building. Your advocacy for the payment of bounty on small craft built in the colony would fully meet the appropriation of all planters and fishermen. Being of that class myself, I consider that our interest have been poorly attended to. Anything is thought well enough for us, and it is very little our law makers care about us, so long as their now "nests are feathered". What about the Fishery Award money? What benefits have we as fishermen derived from it? I suppose it is kept as a reserve or sinking fund? Why cannot some inducements in the shape of bounty be given to the fishermen from it? But instead of that the trifling amount that used to be given has been curtailed of late years. I refer specially to the bounty for shipbuilidng. Bounty used to be given on small size craft built - now it is restricted to those of 30 tons and upwards, so that many of us who would require them under that size, and may not be able to raise the funds for a larger one have to do without any subsidy, while in proportion we contribute to the revenue on the material used in their building the same as those who finish larger ones. You will hear from me again on this subject. Your, &c., Terra Nova.
Aug 4, 1882Temperance OrganizationsWe hope the different Temperance organizations in Green Bay have not overlooked the fact that, by virtue of the Local Option Bill recently passed the Legislature, they have it in their power by a two-third vote of any town, village or settlement, to banish from their midst, these places where strong drinks are sold, and which are such a barrier to the welfare of both young and old wherever they are found. We have not heard of any steps being taken to bring about such a desirable end in our own town, but we hope that ere long the friends of the good old cause will come boldly to the front, in the banishment from their midst of that, which is the cause indirectly of so much temptation and trouble, even in this remote part of the Island. We would advise that a public meeting should be called at an early date, so as to give all who have the Temperance cause at heart, an opportunity of expressing their opinions on the subject, which may result eventually in the desired effect.

Sept 1, 1882SchoonersThe schr. Ellie, Moses LEDREW, master, of British Harbor, Trinity Bay, put into port today on her way home from the French Shore, having about 150 qtls. of fish for five men. Another small craft called the Dove, Matthias FRENCH master, belonging to Scilly Cove, Trinity Bay, also put in same time with 100 qtls (second trip). They left Packet yesterday morning. The weather there of late has been very stormy with heavy sea running. Both fish and bait were very slack before leaving . Because of the scarcity of the latter, fishermen were prevented from frequenting the fishing grounds for some time past.
Sept 1, 1882PersonalWe have much pleasure in inserting Dr. SCOTT's communication, contradicting the erroneous rumors that are afloat. During the short time he was resided among us we believe that he has made many warm personal friends, as well as proved himself an experienced and successful practioner, and trust that as Doctor SCOTT intends to reside permanently in this community, his success may eventually exceed his most sanguine expectations. - Sun of Friday last.
Sept 1, 1882Army Worm at Fortune BayA correspondent from that place to the St. John's Evening Telegram under date of the 22nd ult. Says: - I believe what is called the "army worm" made its appearance here about a fortnight ago, after a rain-storm accompanied by thunder and lightning. None were observed before. Since then thousands and tens of thousands have found their way to the grass-fields, and have destroyed one-half at least of the hay-crop. Many persons have suffered so much that they expect it will be necessary for them to kill some of their cattle, in order to save the remainder during the winter, as they will not have hay enough to feed them. Twenty years ago the "army worm" visited this neighborhood and made great havoc.
Sept 1, 1882Whale FisheryWe understand that Messrs. Walter Grieve & Co., are in receipt of a telegram from Dundee stating that the whaling steamer Polino has arrived there from Davis Straits well fished, and that she reports the S.S. Wolf with sixty tons. The average catch of the fleet, it seems, is estimated by the Captain of the Polino at something like sixty tons. - Ibid, 26.
Sept 1, 1882Fatal AccidentYesterday afternoon a deplorable boat accident occurrred off Quidi Vidi harbour, resulting in the death by drowning of a boy thirteen years of age, name Thomas Carlton, a son of Staff Commander G. ROBINSON, R.N. It appears that four boys - three of them sons of MR. ROBINSON, and the fourth a son of the Rev. A.C.F. WOOD - had gone outside the Narrows in a boat, intending to go for a sail as far as Quidi Vidi. The day was beautifully fine, and the wind off shore, so that danger was undreamed of. When near Quidi Vidi, they found there was a considerable swell, and the boat shipped a sea, the ballast rolled out, and she capized. Three of the boys clung to the boat as she floated bottom up, but the fourth was unable to do so. One of his brothers then bravely tried to save him by swimming with him ashore, but found on trial that he could not do so. The poor boy then became exhaused and sank to rise no more. His brother regained his hold on the boat, and the three were soon after rescued by the crew of a fishing boat. It is needless to say that the deepest sympathy is felt for the afflicted family and that sad event has cast a gloom over the wide circle of Captain ROBINSON's relatives and friends. The youth whose life was thus cut short was a most promising, amiable boy, and had just returned from England where he had been at school. It appears the boys were half an hour in the water before help arrived. The fishermen whose boat rescued them is named DUNN. The body of the drowned boy has not yet been recovered. Mercury, August 19th.
Sept 1, 1882Death in Lock-upA poor fellow named John MURPHY, a laborer on Messers. Baine, Johnstone & Co.'s wharf, was found dead last night at ten o'clock, in a cell of the lock-up, by the night official in charge. He had been taken to the station for safe-keeping, the man being in a state of helpless intoxication, by Constable MCBAY, who was assisted by three or four citizens in the duty. He was lifted by three policemen from the large outside apartment into a cell, and left there for a little time, at the end of which the attending constable brought a wooden rest, and placed it under the man's head; the latter being then stretched on the floor of the cell, asleep and snoring quite loudly. There were two other prisonsers with him. He was visited four or five times from the hour he was brought in - six p.m. - till the time of his decease - ten p.m., by Constable DALTON, who when first taking him in charge, loosened the hapless man's cravat and did other necessary services. Poor MURPHY's sister came to the lock-up about ten o'clock, to inquire about her brother, and DALTON entering the cell and laying his hand on the prostrate man's forehead, found it cold and moist. There was no more heavy breathing - the poor fellow's spirit had departed. One of the occupants of the same cell, on being questioned, said that they heard nothing to indicate that the man was near his last end, but that about a quarter of an hour before the attending Constable entered for the last time, the departed man had ceased breathing heavily. Dr. SHEN was sent for, but too late - all hope was over. - St. John's Mercury.
Sept 1, 1882AdvertisementFor Sale Cheap at Point Limington Saw Mills 250,000 feet refuse and No. 3, pine lumber, also pailings and clapboards and all other lumber suitable for building purposes. All of which will be sold cheap for cash. Parties about to build can save money by ordering or sending direct to the mill in good time. Apply to J.W. PHILLIPS, Point Limington, West Arm, New Bay.
Sept 1, 1882AdvertisementCash freights - Owners of Large Schooners wishing to get lumber freights for St. John's and other Southern Ports, can obtain same by making satisfactory arrangements in good time. Apply to J.W. PHILLIPS, Point Limington Saw Mills, West Arm, New Bay.
Sept 1, 1882AdvertisementWanted 40,000 Saw Logs. Will make contracts with parties for forty thousand pine and spruce saw logs. To be delivered in booms at Salt Water, Point Limington Saw Mills, New Bay on or before the first of June next, 1883 for which I will pay cash on delivery, and also make cash advances on the same. WIll take all logs that can be delivered this season. Apply to J.W. PHILLIPS, Point Limington, Notre Dame Bay.
Sept 1, 1882BirthAt King's Cove, on the 24th ult., the wife of Mr. J.G. HART, of a son.
Sept 1, 1882Fatal AccidentAn accident resulting in the death of a poor fellow named James CONNORS, occurred off the wharf of Messrs. Edward Smith & Co. about 4 o'clock this afternoon. It seems that while three men belonging to the schr. Three Brothers were engaged putting out a kedge anchor, their boat capsized and all hands were thrown into the water. Two of them were rescued, but the third almost immediately sunk. His body had not been recovered up to the time of going to press. The deceased was about 40 years of age, and had only joined the vessel a few days since. He leaves a wife and two young children. - Ibid, Aug 21st.
Sept 1, 1882Mineral ProspectingNever at any period have we known so general a desire amongst our people for mineral exploration as at the present time. No matter in what direction of the metropolis you may turn, one will be sure to meet some venturous or lucky explorer supplied with some highly interesting, and in not a few instances, valuable specimens of copper or other of the metropolis tan or extern districts of the colony. - St. John's Advocate.
Sept 1, 1882Capture of a SealA short time since, while Mr. Thomas CODY of Riverhead was at work in his coppershop, a lad ran in and told him there was a seal up in the bottom. Mr. CODY quickly procured a gun, and hastened to the spot indicated by the lad. After a second shot the seal was laid low. When landed it was found to be one of the square flipper species, and weighted 150 lbs. The owner brought the "pelt" to town, and we believe, contained twenty shillings for it. - Harbor Grace Standard.
Sept 1, 1882Death Suddenly at Spaniard's Bay, Conception Bay, on the 22nd ult. Mr. W. H. EARLE, School Teacher, &c., aged 63 years.
Sept 1, 1882DeathAt St. John's, on the 16th ult, Louisa youngest child of Smith MCKAY, Esq.
Sept 1, 1882DeathAt Montreal, on the 29th July, Charles, fourth son of the late Judge SIMMS, of Nfld.
Sept 1, 1882Ship NewsPort of Twillingate entered - Aug 29 - Village Belle, BRADDON, Bristol, general cargo, 22 days - Owen & Earle
Sept 1, 1882Loss of CraftA small schr. named the Eagle, belonging to Mr. Samuel HENDER, Wild Cove, was lost at the Grey Islands, early last week. She had between 50 and 60 brls of fish at the time. The crew arrived on Tuesday, being brought here by a fishing craft going South.
Sept 1, 1882FisheryTwo small craft returned from Labrador on Wednesday evening, one belonging to Mr. G. GILLETT, of the Arm, and the other to Mr. WHITE, Ragged Point. Both have done fairly well.
Sept 1, 1882PersonalR.P. RICE, Esq., J.P., returned from St. John's by last Plover. As we said last week, Mr. Rice intends offering again as one of the local candidates at the ensuring elections. It is said that there will be others residing in the Bay, as well as a trio from St. John's.
Sept 1, 1882MailThe mails per steamer Plover will close on Monday evening at 6 o'clock.
Sept 1, 1882SteamerThe coastal steamer Plover arrived here early on Thursday morning We learn that there has been very little improvement in the fishery at the ports of call coming. Subjoined is the list of passengers: - For Trinity - Miss HAYNES, Mr. SCHROSTER, Catalina - Miss GALBRIEL; King's Cove - Rev. T. NURSE, Miss NURSE, Miss BURDEN, Miss EVELETT. Fogo - Mr. ROLLS and Mrs. MILLER. Twillingate - Mr. RICE, Mrs. GILLINGHAM, Mrs. CHURCHILL, Exploits - Mr. PHILLIPS, Mr. BALFOUR, Little Bay Islands - Miss LAMB, Little Bay - MIss REDDEM, Mrs. GILFOY and children. Ben's Cove - Miss FURNEAUX, Tilt Cove - Mr. WEBBER. From Twillingate to Exploits - Mr. MANUEL, Dr. SCOTT, For TIlt Cove - Mrs. WRETT and two children.
Sept 1, 1882PoliticalA trinity Bay correspondent writes: - The political field is somewhat moving. Messrs. WHITEWAY, WATSON and Robert BOND are the men spoken of, and have every chance of success. He also informs us that Mr. R. PENNY of Heart's Content and Mr. Levi MARCH of St. John's are thinking of offering for that district; but it is thought that their chance are few. A correspondent thinks that Mr. N. BADCOCK ( a resident) is the man for Carbonear, but up to the time his letter was dated things were not settled. Messrs. ROGERSON and KNIGHT are candidates for Bay-de-Verd district, and it is said that there will be a sharp contest.
Sept 1, 1882Dog AttackA little boy about six years old, under the guardianship of Mr. Henry ______ on his way to school yesterday morning, was knocked down and severely bitten by a dog. It happened opposite the residence of Dr. STIRLING, and the Misses STIRLINGS, seeing his dangerous predicament, speedily ran to his rescue. He was taken to their house where he received proper treatment from the skillful hands of the doctor. Had it not been for the timely assistance rendered, the attack on the little fellow, by the ferocious animal, might have been fatal. The dog was shot soon afterwards.
Sept 1, 1882Trinity Bay NewsWe are indebted to a Trinity Bay correspondent for the following items: The fishery on this shore has improved very much this past fortnight. In fact things look very well for a good winter; also, on some parts of the North Side of the Bay the fishery has been good, but in Trinity proper things are very bad. The railway surveyors are doing good work in the Random section. I hear also that Mr. MUNN of Harbor Grace is going to develop the slate quarries on a larger scale than formerly.

Sept 8, 1882SchoonersThe schooner Minnie Tobin, Capt. Johathan BURT, belonging to J.B. TOBIN, Esq, J.P., arrived on Thursday morning from Annatuck Islands, (twelve miles from Cape Mugford) with about 600 qtls fish. She brings cheering news for many of our Twillingate houses, differing very agreeably from the reports received by each return of the Plover. Capt. BURT says that nearly all the Twillingate vessels were at Cape MUGFORD and in that neighborhood, and so far as he could judge were doing fairly well; he thinks our people will do quite as well as last year. The schooner Porcupine , Capts. James YOUNG, arrived from Labrador today with over 600 qtls. fish. Two or three others have also returned with good trips.
Sept 8, 1882SteamerThe coastal steamer Plover arrived back from Battle Harbor on Monday night en route for St. John's. The following is a list of passengers: From Chimney Tickle - Mr. CARSON, Battle Harbor - Mr. PIKE, Mrs. Blake, St. Anthony - Captain MCVICARS, Bett's Cove - Mrs. KEEFE and family, Mr. MCCRAY and Master LIND. Nippers Harbor - Mrs. GILLMAN, Little Bay - Mr. PHILLIPS, Mr. FAIR, Mr. MCKAY and two sons, Capt. PILL, 30 in steerage, From Bett's Cove to Harbor Grace - Mr. SQUARRY. From Twillingate to St. John's - Masters OSMOND and RIDOUT, For Trinity - Dr. MCGREGOR. From Little Bay for Twillingate - Dr. STAFFORD, Mr. BLANDFORD, J.P., Mr. BENSON, Miss RIDOUT and several others.
Sept 8, 1882SchoonerThe schooner Nil Desperandum, Capt. Wm. LANNING arrived here with a cargo of dry fish for Mr. HERBERT, Nipper's Harbor on Thursday morning. Early in July, during an interval in a trading trip, she went to Shoe Cove in search of green fish, and returned in a month with 108 qtls. for five men, which they secured with trap.
Sept 8, 1882School NewsSchool treat at Tizzard's Harbor - An enjoyable afternoon was spent by the Methodist Sunday School children of Tizzard's Harbor on Tuesday last, the day selected for the holding of their annual festival, at which we had the pleasure of being present. The preparations for the event were well made by the parents and friends of the scholars. More than an ample supply of eatables was provided in a creditable manner for the children and visitors. Enjoyment reigned supreme during the evening, in which young and old alike shared. It was continued until daylight disappeared from the sky, when the happy gathering dispersed for their homes. The circuit minister, Rev. J. PINCOCK, under whose judicious management arrangements were devised, was present, as well as Mrs. PINCOCK, and a few other visitors from Morton's Harbor, also the Rev. J. EMBREE, C.B.D., and Mr. C.D.D. MAYNE of Twillingate.
Sept 8, 1882SteamerThe steamer Hiram Perry belonging to Mining Co., came here from Little Bay on Wednesday evening and returned the following morning, having several passengers both ways.
Sept 8, 1882PersonalW. WATERMAN, Esq., and son took passage in the steamer Hiram Perry on Thursday morning, for Little Bay. Mr. WATERMAN Sr. intends to leave there for England in a steamer about to sail with a cargo of copper. We wish him a speedy and pleasant voyage across the Atlantic.

Sept 16, 1882Notes from Trinity BayMr. Editor - We are on the eve of a sharp contest, the candidates are nearlly fixed, WHITEWAY, WATSON and BOND are the Government crowd. Stephen R. MARCH is coming but as the Methodist candidate, though BOND claims that privilege, but they seem to say that BOND has not a good Methodist "ring" about him. Who are the "they"? Why Mr. MARCH's friends of course. I would not presume to tell their number, not because they are too many but like the stubborn boy I would say , " I don't know.". Well I am glad there is to be a contest, because we shall see how matters stand. People maintain that the Government has not a shadow of a chance, other people say that there is every chance. We shall see. We get the visits of those Kilkenny cats from St. John's, The Mercury and the Telegram, and can't they scratch each other. But they are paid for it, and when a man is paid for doing a thing he ought to do it. But I must not drift too far from Trinity Bay. So I will go to Random where the fishery has been very poor. I am told that the Government has a pretty good hold there - though Trinity is not so sound. But there, what is the use of surmising when so many wise differ. The fishery at Scilly Cove and New Perlican is pretty fair. Old Perlican and Hant's Harbor are poor. Heart's Content is improving; up the Bay is very poorly fished. There will be hard times next winter as many of the Northern craft will come home with poor trips on North and South sides of the Bay. We hear that the Railway will be commenced at the head of the Bay this fall. I supposed when the train runs we shall not have the grumbles we have about the mails. Any way the mailing arrangements on the North Side of the Bay is bad, very bad; on the South Side it is not much better I am told, and then as to Roads, Bah: not worth talking about. More and better next time from Jack-in-the- box.
Sept 16, 1882SteamerThe steamer Leopard arrived here on Tuesday last with Judge and suite on circuit, whose names are mentioned in another part of the paper. Besides those however, we note the arrival by same steamer from the Capital, of R. SCOTT, Esq. of Fogo, whom we were glad to see with us for a few days. Miss LETHBRIDGE, daughter of W. LETHBRIDGE, Esq., J.P. who has been in England for several years also arrived same time.
Sept 16, 1882PersonalWe welcome the arrival per Plover from St. John's of J.W. OWEN, Esq., who was on a visit to England and who arrived in St. John's by the last Allan steamer.
Sept 16, 1882School NewsThe Rev. W. PILOT, B.D., Superintendent of Church of England schools has been lately visiting the schools in this locality, and left for Fogo per Leopard.
Sept 16, 1882Methodist ChurchThe Rev. F.R. DUFFILL (Methodist) who was appointed as second minister for Twillingate, came by last steamer. He arrived from England several weeks since and was supplying St. John's in the absence of the superintendent minister, Rev. W.W. PERCIVAL, who was one of the delegates to the General Conference held at Hamilton, Ontario. During Mr. DUFFILL's short stay in the Metropolis, we learn that he made many warm friends, his ministry proving most acceptable to the Methodist congregations of that city. We welcome him here, and trust that his labors in the Master's service my be rewarded with spiritual prosperity.
Sept 16, 1882PersonalThe Rev. Mr. RIDER after spending a month in Twillingate, took passage by last Plover for his appointed circuit, St. Anthony. His efforts here were none the less appreciated by the Methodist congregations. May success attend his ministerial work on that desolate part of the coast.
Sept 16, 1882Arrivals from LabradorIt is pleasing to be able to chronicle the arrivals of many of our craft from Labrador within the past week. In most instances they have come back with good fares, and it is a cause for much thankfulness to a kind Providence, that so many of our people have thus been prospered and permitted to return somewhat enriched with the treasures of the deep. The following are some of the arrivals: - Fawn, Albert SPENCER (540), Kangeroo; J. MOORS (590); Somerset, J. STUCKLESS (500); Rovers Bride, J. RIDOUT (500); Jewel, A. KNIGHT, (500); Village Belle, S. RIDOUT (fair); Betsy Purchase, J. PURCHASE (500); Guerilla, John ANSTEY (550); Queen of the North, W. WATERMAN (600); Wild Rover, J. ROBERTS (550); Sullian, Josiah CLARKE (450); Turtle, Thos. HICKS (400); L.P. Pond, Josiah POND (300)
Sept 16, 1882Loss of SchoonerThe schooner Minnie, J. TUFFIN, master, belonging to Joseph STRONG, Esq., Little Bay Island, was lost on Shoe Cove Point, while beating out of that harbor on the 7th inst. We understand that the Minnie left Little Bay Island for White Bay on a fishing trip, with the intention of touching into intermediate harbors in quest of fish, and in leaving the above named place, she became a total wreck by mistaying and drifting on the Point going out the Harbor. The Minnie was a fine schooner, 58 tons, and was classed as No. 1 in Twillingate Mutual Insurance Club in which she was insured.
Sept 16, 1882Railway ProgressRailway operations are now completed as far as Holyrood, Conception Bay and Thursday, for the first time, the Railway was to connect with the Lady Glover at that juncture, instead of going to Portugal Cove, as has been the regular route between St. John's and Harbor Grace, and other towns in that Bay, since the first means of travel were introduced. By taking the rail in St. John's, we understand that travelers can get through ticket to Harbor Grace or Carbonear for 2 dollars, besides the probability or arriving at their destination somewhat earlier. It affords us pleasure to note this advancement in the traveling facilities of the colony, and hope that the time is not very far distant when similar advantages will be enjoyed in other parts of the province.
Sept 16, 1882DepartureThe schooner Torpedo owned by M. OSMOND, Esq., J.P., Morton's Harbor, left there on the 7th inst. For White Bay, on a second trading venture to that shore for this season. The supintendent Methodist minister of Twillingate circuit, Rev. J. EMBREE, took passage by her, intending, so far as practicable to visit the Methodist portion of the population in the scattered coves and hamlets of that extensive bay.
Sept 16, 1882Death at LabradorWe are sorry to announce, the death of a promising young man, Mark LINFIELD, youngest son of Mr. George LINFIELD of this place, which sad event happened on board the schooner Loyalty in Hopedale, Labrador, on the 30th July. He left home apparently in robust health on the 4th of the same month, about two weeks after he was taken ill, which led to inflamation. The craft being down the coast at the time, the master deemed it expedient to run back to Hopedale, or near by, where a missionary, who has been in the habit of treating for sickness was then residing, but as he had no medicines that would answer the complaint of the sufferer, death speedily ensued. Here we might allude to the great necessity there is for a medical practitioner to be sent on the Labrador coast during the fishing season, a subject that was before spoken of, and one that we shall again give attention to in future publications. The remains of the above deceased were preserved in salt and conveyed home to the sorrowing relatives in the Loyalty which arrived here last night.
Sept 16, 1882Arrival of Coastal SteamerThe coastal steamer Plover, Capt. S. BLANDFORD with mails and passengers, came at two o'clock on Thursday, the stormy weather preventing her arrival sooner. So far this season the Plover has been very punctual, under the command of her able and experienced captain. Passengers - For old Perlican - Mr. J. WILCOX, Mr. WELSHER, Miss MORRIS. For Trinity - Messrs. P. LONG, R. ASH and BREMMER. For King's Cove - Mr. J. HANTLEY. For Greenspond - Rev. Mr. TRATT, Dr. SKELTOON, Mr. J. LASH and Mrs. LASH. For Catalina - Rev. J. NETTEN and son, Miss CRAGG. For Bonavista - Mr. ASH, Mr. J. FISHER, Miss KEOUGH. For Fogo - Mrs. HILL and child. For Twillingate - Rev. Mr. DUFFIL, Mr. THOMPSON, Mr. BYRN. For Exploits - Messrs. FAIR, HORWOOD and MILLEY. For Little Bay - Mr. Wm. ROSS. For Bett's Cove - Mrs. SHALLOW. For Salmon River - Rev. Mr. ROGERS and Miss CURREY. From King's Cove to Twillingate - Mrs. NURSE and Miss NURSE. From Twillingate to Little Bay Island - Mr. James STRONG. For Little Bay - Messrs. BENSON, THORPE, Miss RIDOUT and others.
Sept 16, 1882Notes from Kings CoveWe have to thank an esteemed correspondent from King's Cove, under date of the 12th inst., for the following interesting items; also for that day's foreign dispatch as received there by telegraph after the mail, left St. John's: - The first cargo of codfish shipped from Bonavista left yesterday in the schooner Flying Fish. The heavy shipments will be later on. I am glad to say that hook-and-line men have secured an average voyage at Bonavista; here the fishery is very poor on the whole; the punts get from 1/2 to 1 qtl., per day, now. A small craft arrived at Plate Cove on Saturday from Labrador, bringing some very good accounts from some of the crafts belonging to Messrs. James RYAN & Co., viz, the Lady Bird, 700 qtls., Princes 550, and Reaper, 400 - she also reports good news from down the shore, there is plenty of fish and that very many of the Twillingate and Green Bay craft are down.
Sept 16, 1882ByTelegraphVia. King's Cove - The Sultan summoned the Grand Council yesterday; deliberate relations between Turkey and Egypt. Lord DUFFERIN complained that the Highlanders suffered terribly from heat on Saturday's march; 200 fell out of ranks, and two died of sunstroke. HAYNES, LIMERICK, was hanged 8 o'clock on Monday morning. A battle has been fought between French and Arabs, at Tunis; French lost 30, Arabs 150. There has been a terrific storm at Florida.
Sept 16, 1882BirthTUCK - At Morton's Harbor, on the 31st August, the wife of Mr. James TUCK of a daughter.
Sept 16, 1882DeathLACEY - At Exploits on the 16th inst., Mr. Richard LACEY, aged 54 years.
Sept 16, 1882DeathLINFIELD - On board the schooner Loyalty at Hopedale, Labrador on the 30th July Mark, youngest son of Mr. George LINFIELD of Twillingate, aged 25 years.
Sept 16, 1882DeathEVANS - On Tuesday evening last, Mr. Edward EVANS of Northern Arm, Exploits River, aged ? 65. The deceased was sick for the past twelve months, and was brought to Twillingate for medical aid a few hours before expiring.
Sept 16, 1882$20 Reward!The above reward will be paid to any one who will give such information as may lead to the conviction of the person or persons, who stole a quantity of lumber and pailings from my milling premises at Point Limington. The Police in Notre Dame Bay are hereby instructed to take the stolen property wherever found, and the public are also cautioned in purchasing lumber from suspicious boat-men, with my mill mark on same. J.W. PHILLIPs, Point Limington Saw Mill.

Sept 22, 1882Two Brothers DrownedA melancholy accident occurred near French Beach early on Thursday morning. Three men belonging to that place, named respectively David COMPTON, Elijah COMPTON and Eli COOPER, left there soon after midnight to go squid jigging. In passing through Spiller's Tickle, under sail, they ran close by a rock. Before getting clear, the steering oar cracked off, the boat was upset by a sea breaking over it, and the occupants were cast beneath the furious waves. With much difficulty, Eli COOPER managed to hold fast to the boat, and got ashore to the side of a cliff where he was found in the morning; but sad to relate that other two, David and Elijah COMPTON , had to succumb to the watery element. David leaves a wife and one child. Elijah was an unmarried man about 18. The bodies of the unfortunate men were recovered about noon yesterday.
Sept 22, 1882MiningGood copper prospects continue at Tilt Cove. It is cheering to learn that mining enterprise is on the advance at Tilt Cove. A private correspondent writing under date of the 16th inst. Says " our new find of copper promises to be an enormous deposit." Four vessels we learn were hourly expected there for cargoes. This is truly encouraging, and it is sincerely to be hoped that the enterprise under the efficient management of L.N. GILL, Esq., may meet with all the success which ________ spirit and perseverance in the development of latent mineral resources would justly entitle the projectors.
Sept 22, 1882AccidentA sad accident at Bett's Cove. A correspondent from Bett's Cove under date of the 13th. Inst., says: "Last night whilst a young man named Cornelius GLYN was endeavoring to find a small craft laying at one of the Company's wharves, in the intense darkness, fell over and was drowned. By the efforts of Sergeant FENNESSY and others, the body was found in about twenty-five minutes afterwards. It was immediately taken out of the water, but life was found to be quite extinct. The young man, I am informed, is a native of St. John's.
Sept 22, 1882Arrival of H.M.S. FirebrandHer Majesty's ship Firebrand engaged in the protection of the fisheries on our coast, called here on her way South on Wednesday night, and left the following morning. Inspector CARTY of the Newfoundland Constabulary, was on board, and paid this town a short visit. If elections came oftener, we might be favored with more frequent visits from public officers, &c.
Sept 22, 1882FuneralThe funeral of the late Mr. Mark LINFIELD took place on Monday afternoon last, and was largely attended. The ceremony was performed by Rev. F.R. ? DUFHILL, in the South-side Methodist Church. He gave an earnest and practical address on the solemn occasion, from the words, "With Christ which is far better" drawing some valuable and instructive lessons from the subject which could hardly fail to impress the hearers.
Sept 22, 1882A Whale Hit by "Plover"The coastal steamer Plover when going North last trip, bounced into something just beyond Seal Bay, which caused a tremendous shock. It was quickly over and the steamer was again making her usual progress towards the next ports of call. It was afterwards discovered that the Plover had ran into a whale which must have been killed as pieces of it were found six feet from the stem-plate.
Sept 22, 1882Return of PloverThe steamer Plover on her way to St. John's called here between 12 and 1 o'clock on Wednesday, having on board a large number of passengers. Among those for Twillingate were: - Rev. Father FLYNN, Rev. Mr. MCKAY, Mr. RABBITS, Miss RABBITS. From Twillingate to St. John's, Mrs. WINSOR, Miss Kate STIRLING, Miss Georgina STIRLING and Mr. A.A. THOMPSON
Sept 22, 1882New HearseA new hearse that has lately been introduced here, was used for the first time on Monday last, when the remains of the late Mr. Mark LINFIELD were conveyed to their long resting place. It is the property of the Orange, and we think the two other Societies, and is quite respectable looking conveyance for the intending purpose for which it was procured.
Sept 22, 1882PersonalThe pastor for the Congregational Church, Rev. Mr. MCKAY arrived here by last steamer from the North. He came to St. John's from Scotland in the early part of the season and was engaged for a few months on the Canadian mission on Labrador coast, which has been established there in connection with the Congregational church. In welcoming Mr. MCKAY among us, we also express the hope that his work may be abundantly blessed to the good of all who may attend his ministry.
Sept 22, 1882FisherySuccessful season's operations - The following crafts have returned from the fishery at Change Islands - Guiding Star, Joseph ELLIOTT (400); ? Lash, Samuel SAUNDERS (60); Wild Rover, John CHAFFY (120) This was the second trip for the last two ________. They did well first, so that in addition ot Shore fish secured before leaving in crafts, good voyage will be made. The Guiding Star crew had 500 qtls. on shore before going North, which make 900 for nine men. Although in the early part of the season, the prospect in that vicinity appeared gloomy, we are glad to find that it did not turn so bad as was anticipated. We understand that the average catch there will be 50 qtls. per man. Here are some of the lucky ones, besides Guiding Star mentioned above: - Wild Rover's crew - 100 qtls per man; Steadfast, Thomas GINN - 100 qtls. per man. Thos. Wm TAYLOR, 70 qtls per man. The catch for Thos. ELLIOTT and son was 350 qtls. shorefish; total with boy and one shareman 450. The following were Shoremen: - John PARSONS, 600 qtls. for six men. Henry SEAMILE & Son - 400 for 6 men. James HAVENS & Bros. (three) 230; Abraham BOWEN - 240 for 5 men.
Sept 22, 1882Nfld. Sunday School Ass.We have been requested to publish the following minutes of meetings held in connection with the Newfoundland Sunday School Association………. Moved by Mr. G. W. MEWS, that the Rev. L.G. MACNEIL be the Newfoundland member of the Executive Committee of that Association, which was carried unanimously. The following officers were then elected: - Mr. H.J. B. WOODS, President; Mr. R. BARNES, Mr. A. ROBERTSON, Vice-President; Mr. I. MACNEIL, VIce-president, Carbonear, Mr. John BEMISTER, Mr. T.M. CAIRUS, Vice-president, Harbour Grace; Mr. ALLEN, Vice-president, Greenspond; Rev. Geo. BOND, Vice-President, Trinity; Rev. J. EMBREE, Vice-president, Twillingate, Mr. GARLAND, Vice-president, Channel; Mr. BISHOP, vice-president, Burin, Rev. J. NURSE, Vice-president, Grand Bank. Mr. G.H. ARCHIBALD, Corresponding Secretary; Mr. S.R. MARCH, Recording Secretary; Mr. J.E. PETERS, Treasurer. Resolved - That the above named officers together with the Ministers and Sunday School Superintendents in St. John's, be the Executive Committee of the Association........
Sept 22, 1882Heroism RewardedWe have great pleasure in noting a fresh instance of the humane and courageous conduct, for which Newfoundland seamen are proverbial, and which have received fitting recognition. The schooner Kestrel, Capt. JOYCE, belonging to Messrs. John Munn & Co., Harbor Grace, when on a voyage from Labrador to Naples in October last fell in with the wreck of the brigantine Busy Bee, of Nova Scotia. There was a very high sea at the time, and the boarding of the wreck was a work fraught with difficultly and imminent peril. But Capt. JOYCE and his crew were equal to the occasion, and three gallant fellows promptly voluntered to dare all in the noble effort to save life. They succeeded in getting off four of the hands on board the Busy Bee, when night closed in, it was decided to allow the remainder of the crew to remain on board till morning and to lie by the wreck meanwhile. At daylight the same men went off again to finish their good work, and experienced quite as much difficulty and danger as on the night before. The sea was still equally rough. Complete success, however, now crowned their labors, as they brought on board the Kestrel, the five men and one women who had been on board the Busy Bee during the night. It is gratifying to know that their heroric act has been acknowledged by the Government of Canda, with the present of a silver watch to each of the men engaged in the rescue, viz - To Capt. JOYCE, Joseph BRAZILS, Thomas BEMISTER and John BUTT. His Honor the Administrator, has received the watches for presentation. - Newfoundlander
Sept 22, 1882AccidentThe Mercury chronicles an accident of a very melancholy character, which occurred in the neighborhood of Rash_____, Placentia Bay, on Tuesday week last. While two men named James CHEESMAN and Charles FOOTE, were on their way out to a fishing ledge to overhaul their trawls, their skiff was struck by a violent squall and was almost immediately turned bottom up. Although assistance was at no great distance from the capsized boat, it came unhappily too late. The skiff went down and carried the two poor fellows with it to a bottomless grave. The even has caused much distress in the neighborhood. - H.G. Standard.

Sept 29, 1882Schooner Lost We are indebted to J.C. DUDER, Esq., Sub-collection of H.M. Customs, Betts Cove, for forwarding per schr. ? Branksea, which arrived here last evening from Nipper's Harbor, particulars of the loss of the schooner C.W. Lloyd of St. John's. Capt. VINICOMBE, with 365 qtls. of fish on board, which occurred two miles east of the Horse Islands on the 26th inst. The C.W. Lloyd, sprang a leak and although two pumps were vigorously worked, she sank in an hour and a half. Her crews of seven were all saved in boats. They arrived at Bett's Cove on the following day and left for St. John's in the steamer Hercules on Thursday, she having called on her way from Labrador. The schooner W.C. Lloyd was 32 tons register and formerly belonged to Lunenburg, N.S.
Sept 29, 1882Fishery ExhibitionWe would call the attention of our fishermen in the advertisements that appear in our columns from the local committee for the international Fishery Exhibition. The committee, we are glad to observe, is using every means to make our representation on the occasion, corresponding to the rank we hold as a fish producing country. There can be no doubt that we will have an opportunity at this Exhibition, of obtaining information that must prove of the highest value to us; both as regards the method adopted in other countries in the prosecution of the codfishery, and the means of utilizing the other rich fishery resources of our Island Home. The prizes offered for the specified models and specimens are sufficient to induce our fishermen to turn to good account, the long weary hours of the coming winter; but as the Exhibition is especially designed for the fisherman's good, it is to be hoped that outside of this money inducement, they will lead all the assistance in their power to the advancement of the committee's work.
Sept 29, 1882PoliticalWe understand that Smith MCKAY, Esq., of St. John's who arrived here by last Plover intends offering as one of the candidates for this district, at the ensuing election. It is Mr. MCKAY's intention, we learn, to offer as an independent candidate, and will contest the district in support of the Party of Progress. R.P. RICE, Esq., J.P., who has been the local representative for the past four years will again be a contestant for electoral honors. As indicated in a former number, the Editor of this paper also intends offering as a Candidate at the ensuing elections. A review of public affairs, with an impartial expression of opinion thereon, will be given in future editions. We have been informed that J.H. BOONE, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, intends offering hiimself as the Government Candidate for the District of White and Bonne Bays. Mr. BOONE is a native of Twillingate and son of the Rev. Mr. BOONE, for many years Rural-dean of Notre Dame and White Bays. As a lawyer he stands in the first rank, having in a few years built up a most lucrative practice, which after all is the best criterion of success. As a speaker, Mr. Boone is effective and exceedingly witty, in fact he is regarded as one of the best advocates of the Newfoundland ____.
Sept 29, 1882Coastal SteamerThe coastal steamer Plover came here at 1 o'clock on Thursday morning. The following were passengers by her: For Trinity - Mr. H. CARTER. For King's Cove - Miss COLEY, For Greenspond- Mrs. DOWDEN, For Fogo - E.P. & W.E. EARLE, For Twilingate - Rev. Mr. DUNN and Mr. GREEN, For Little Bay - Messrs. M.H. SMYTH, M. KEAN and Miss Annie HOWLEY. For Betts Cove - Mr. T. CONWAY and daughter, For Battle Harbor - Miss ELLWARD, Mr. DUNCAN. From Fogo for Twillingate - Mrs. GRAY and two children, Mrs. COOK. From Twillingate for Little Bay - J. B. BLANDFORD, J.P., Misses BLANDFORD (2), Mr. RABBITS, Miss RABBITS, Miss SMALL, Master RABBITS.
Sept 29, 1882DepartureThe Rev. R. TEMPLE, R.D. left here in the Mission yacht Snowdrop, on Wednesday morning for White Bay on a visitation tour to the Church people in the many scattered harbors and coves of that extensive part of the coast. The Rev. gentleman's indefatigable labors in these parts, during the years he ministered to the spiritual needs of his flock in that direction, will doubtless ensure for him a most warm and kindly greeting from the old friends of the bay. The clergyman for White Bay, Rev. Wm. TEMPLE, brother of Rural Dean, arrived in the Snowdrop on Saturday evening last, and will remain during his absence. He will preach in St. Peter's Church on Sunday next.
Sept 29, 1882PersonalThe Rev. Mr. DUNN, the Methodist minister for Herring Neck, arrived here per last Plover. He is one of the number that lately arrived from England to join the Newfoundland Conference. We welcome him this part of the connection, and hope that he may be successful in his new field of labor.
Sept 29, 1882BirthTEMPLE - On Monday, Sept 26th, the wife of Rev. T.W. TEMPLE of a son.
Sept 29, 1882DiedSTUCKLESS - On Friday last, Sandy, only son of Mr. Joseph STUCKLESS, aged 3 years.
Sept 29, 1882DiedMUNN - On the 15th inst., at Harbor Grace, on board the steam-yatch Lizzie, of apoplexy, W.P. MUNN, Esq, of the firm of Messrs. John Munn & Co., and only son the late John Munn, Esq., aged 37 years.
Sept 29, 1882AdvertisementFor Sale! At Sulian's Cove, Little Bay Islands, a waterside premises consisting of Store & Shop with dwelling house in one building and wharf with deep water frontage attached; also lands for building stores and flakes. The above is a desirable place for trading or general business, will be sold CHEAP and possession given about the last of October. Apply to C. PIPPY, Little Bay Islands.
Sept 29, 1882AdvertisementBeatty Organs , 27 stops, 10 sets, reeds, $90. The famous Beethoven organ contains 27 stops, 10 set reeds. Price only $90. Order now. Remit by bank draft, post office, money order, or registered letter. Boxed and shipped without a moment's delay. Factory running day and night. Organs built on old plan; 30, 40, 50 dollars, 7 to 11 stops, Catalogue free. Address or call upon Daniel F. BEATTY, Washinignton, New Jersey.
Sept 29, 1882CardThaddeus SCOTT, M.D. (Harvard University, 1880, U.S.) Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons New Brunswick - Twillingate, Notre Dame Bay - Office and residence at Mr. Titus MANUEL's nearly opposite the Temperance Hall. Office hours - from 8:30 to 9:30 am; from 1 to 2:30 pm. and from 7 to 8 o'clock in the evening. N.B. - Ledger will be open for yearly patients.

Oct 6, 1882AdvertisementFor Sale - a clinker-built boat. In good condition. Apply to R.D. HODGE, Twillingate
Oct 6, 1882SchoonerThe schooner Happy Home, of Fresh Water, Conception Bay put in here for medical aid last evening, having on board Richard MOORES, of Carbonear, who was shot in the forearm by the accidental discharge of a shot gun on Monday last at Dead Island, Labrador inflicting an extensive wound, carrying away all the principal muscles from the under and outer side of the left forearm between the wrist and elbow, exposing the ulnar, and slightly fracturing the radial bones. Considering the extent of the wound the patient was doing moderately well, and as the wind was favourable. Dr. SCOTT was rendering such assistance as was immediately necessary, and after consulting the Poor Commissioner, Josiah COLBOURNE, Esq., J.P., who also rendered such assistance as lay in his power, advised that the schooner forced at once to her destination, when constant medical attendance might save the arm or in the event of its progressing unfavourably, amputation would be imperative. The schooner had on board about 200 qtls. of fish with the usual quantity of oil - and about 70 persons young and old returning from the fisheries. When we consider the discomforts, so strikingly manifested on board of vessels going and returning from the fisheries, from over crowding and in the event of accidents or sickness, the suffering and loss of life which may at any time _______ it appears strange that the salutary statuating enactment passed last session and not more rigorously enforced.
Oct 6, 1882SteamerThe steamer Leopard called here on Tuesday morning on her way to White Bay, where she was going for the purpose of establishing polling booths previous to the elections.
Oct 6, 1882From the French ShoreThe schrs. Pride of North, Mr. S. SPENCE, and J.L. Vogler, Mr. Wm. SQUIRES, arrived to Messrs. PATERSON & FOSTER from Flowers Cove (French Shore) on Tuesday morning last. These two craft were during the past season engaged in a trading voyage on that part of the Newfoundland coast. They have been fairly successful; the first having secured 1000 qtls. fish and 2500 gallons cod oil; the other 800 qtls. fish and 200 gallons oil. We learn that the fishery on that part of the Island has not been good. From Cape Norman up to Ferole, the average catch is about 30 qtls. a boat; and from the former place round to Conche, about 20 qtls. - H.G. Standard
Oct 6, 1882MarriedTRATT, HEAL - At the residence of the Methodist Minister, Musgrave Harbor, by the Rev. Solomon MATTHEWS assisted by the Rev. James. G. HEAL, brother of the bride, the Rev. William ?B. TRATT, to Naomi Annie, eldest daughter of James B. HEAL, Esq., of Southern Hants, England. [Note - no date provided]
Oct 6, 1882DiedSTUCKLESS - On Friday Sept. 20th., Arthur Alexander, eldest son of Mr. Joseph Stuckless, aged 2 years and 10 months.

Oct 14, 1882Wreck of the LilyThe fore-and-aft schooner Lily, John MURCELL, master, arrived in port on Wednesday morning from Herring Neck, having on board between three and four hundred qtls. fish, the property of J.B. TOBIN, Esq., J.P. When first she dropped anchor near the premises of the owner there appeared to be no danger of disaster, but in the afternoon, the wind blew very strong from the N.E. With a heavy sea running and notwithstanding the precautions that were made for the craft's safety, she afterwards drifted upon Pearce's rock, further up the harbor and became a total wreck. Some of our fishermen on first seeing the danger, immediately went to the rescue of the craft, and with great difficulty succeeded in saving the canvas and other gear. A good deal of the cargo was spoiled. The Lily was owned by Mr. TOBIN, and classed No. 2 in the Twillingate Mutal Insurance Club.
Oct 14, 1882Political MeetingA political meeting in the interest of the New Party was held in the Town Hall last evening. After a few remarks from the Chairman, Mr. R.C. RUSSELL, the meeting was addressed by Messrs. F. BOWDEN and R. WINTON, the latter being one of the New Party Candidates for this district. As one would suppose they spoke in derogatory terms of certain actions of the Government of which they themselves, not very long ago appeared to be stanch supporters. The speakers pursued a train of thought on certain subjects, which have been turned upside down a good many times, through the columns of their organ, the Evening Telegram, and which consequently fell "flat" on the ears of the audience which was not overcrowded. The general feeling of the meeting seemed to favor Local Representatives.
Oct 14, 1882SteamerThe coastal steamer Plover, Capt. S. BLANDFORD, arrived here on Thursday night. The following were passengers by her: Old Perlican - Mr. E. MARCH, Trinity - M. WILLIAMS, Catalina - Mr. McCORMACK, Mr. ANGELL, Mr. MURPHY, Mr, MIFFLIN, Twillingate - Mrs. ? E---YRE and 3 children, Mr. A. BURT, Exploits - Mr. J.W. PHILLIPS. Little Bay - Miss ? REEDING, Mr. and Mrs. WALSH, Messrs. G. NUTTALL, F. FLORAN, F. MOREY, J. FAHEY and CODY.
Oct 14, 1882BirthOn the 10th inst., the wife of A.J. PEARCE, Esq., Sub-Collector, of a son

Oct 21, 1882DiedCANTWELL - At. St. John's on Oct. 3rd, after a long and painful illness, Thomas J., youngest son of John and Margaret CANTWELL, of Tizzards Harbor, aged 30 years.
Oct 21, 1882AdvertisementFor Sale - A waterside premises - in Mooring Cove, Leading Tickles, containing about 2 1/2 acres, one of which has been under cultivation. The above is a most desirable place for business. A diagram may be seen at Mr. Thomas PEYTON's. Accommodating terms will be given. For further particulars apply to R. HAMILTON, Fortune Harbor, or at the Sun Office.
Oct 21, 1882AdvertisementNow is your time - Splendid Investment - A bazaar will be held at Little Bay, Xmas week, to aid in completing the R.C. Church and also the dwelling house of the Priest, of that place. Small contributions will be thankfully received, and larger ones in proportion, by the following: Mrs. W. PHORAN, Mrs. Jas. WALSH, Rev. S.O. FLYNN, P.P.

Oct 28, 1882Sewing Machines!!It is rumored that all the ladies of Leading Tickles, Exploits and vicinities are to be presented with one of Mr. BOWDEN's best Singer Sewing Machines, in fact it is thought that the influx of these machines will be so large that it will not be necessary for our merchants to import any ready made clothing; and that the clatter of these machines will be equal to that of the railway. We would in a friendly way give these woman a gentle hint, and that is, get your Sewing Machine's before your husband gives his vote, for if you don't you will Never! Never! Never! get it afterwards. It will be equal to Tomy's pigs, you will never hear their squeal.
Oct 28, 1882Land and TimberWe understand that the Government have issued a proclamation in the Northern Districts, in which it is announced that no grants of land have been made or will be made to the Railway Company, that will take away from the people any timber or other lands that may be necessary, for their ordinary employment - all such lands being reserved by the Railway Law. It is further stated that the surveyors are now engaged in blocking off the lands that are to be reserved for the people's use. The author of ____ announcement will set the whole matter at rest. - Mercury. A copy of the Proclamation referred to above may be seen at this office.
Oct 28, 1882Arrival of the HerculesThe steamer Hercules, which has been sent down by a clique of St. John's merchants for the benefit of the New Party, arrived here on Wednesday, having on board Mr. MCNEILY and PARTY, who have been down, trying to dose the men of Fogo and vicinities with their nicely connected yarns. But they have come back "wiser and sadder men". It was too thin; their "sweeties" do not suit the taste of those fishermen, they are solid men, they want solid food! Last evening the Party tried to administer a dose to the good people of Jenkin's Cove, but it would not go down.
Oct 28, 1882Mr. McKay at BurgeoMr. MCKAY's reception at Burgeo was a brilliant ovation. The enthusiasm was unbounded. The demonstrations, continued till the last ounce of powder in the place was expended. Everywhere he is welcomed and carries all before him. - Mercury.
Oct 28, 1882Church NewsIt will be remembered by many readers that last winter in connection with the North Side Church Choir social gathering, an address was presented to the Organist and a promise _______that when procurable (navigation being then closed) a suitable souvenir would follow. Accordingly on Tuesday the 17th inst., at the conclusion of the Evening Service, Miss ROBERTS was made the recipient of three handsome articles to the value of about £6 ; viz. - a Ladies' cabinet, a crimson velvet covered writing companion, and a splendidly bound volume entitled " The Land and the Book" and having a suitable inscription on the fly leaf. The collectors for the Organ Fund are glad to report that the whole amount required has been raised and although only a little over a year since the Church was opened, the Musical Instrument now stands clear of debt, and that without being much burden on the congregation. The following further subscriptins are thankfully acknowledged : Wm WATERMAN, Jr (£ 0,10,9); Robert WINTON, St. John's (£ 0, 10, 0); F.W. BOWDEN, St. John's (£ 0, 10, 0);Horace HERBERT, N. Hbr. (£ 0, 10, 0 ); Simon RIDOUT, W. Head (£ 0, 5, 0); Gilbert RIDOUT, N. Hbr. (£ 0, 5, 0); Owen BURGE, D.Tickles ( £ 0, 5, 0); Thos. KNIGHT, M. Hbr. (£ 0, 5, 0); James BREEN, G. Islds (£ 0, 3, 0); C.B. OAKLEY, T.N.C. (£ 0, 2, 6); Jonathan BURT, L.Hbr. (£ 0, 2, 6); James STRIDE, W.H. (£ 0, 2, 6); John LOCK, H. Islds (£ 0, 2, 6); James WARREN, G. Islds (£ 0, 2, 6); Solomon BAKER, G. Islds (£ 0, 2, 6); John BROWN, G. Islds. ( £ 0, 2, 6); Joseph MOORS, G. Islds (£ 0, 2, 6); Daniel RIDOUT, W.H. (£ 0, 2, 6); John BRETT, M.Hbr (£ 0, 2, 6); John BRETT, M. Hbr. (£ 0, 2, 6); Samuel BRETT, M. Hbr. (£ 0, 2, 6); Mrs. A. MOORS, L. Hbr. (£ 0, 2, 6)
Oct 28, 1882AdvertisementFor sale - At Little Bay Island a number of large spars suitable for masts for vessels. Apply to Joseph STRONG, Little Bay Island.
Oct 28, 1882NoticeI have recently acquired a patent for making Cod Traps. If any persons wish to adopt the improved style, by having old ones altered or new ones made, they will please send me the trap or twine before navigation closes. Joseph ELLIOTT, Change Islands.
Oct 28, 1882AdvertisementChicago singer - The subscriber will have on hand for a few days a small supply of the celebrated Chicago "Singer" sewing machine which will be open for inspection and sale at Mr. Titus MANUEL's. F.W. BOWDEN - Sewing Machines repaired.
Oct 28, 1882DeathOn Monday last after a lingering illness Emma, wife of Mr. Frederic OAKLEY, aged 23 years. "Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord."
Oct 28, 1882DeathSuddenly, on Tuesday last. Mr. Edward WHITE, an old respected citizen, aged 74 years.
Oct 28, 1882DeathOn the 20th inst., after a long and painful illness, Mr. John VERGE, aged ?50 years.

Nov 2, 1882Ship NewsThe fore-and-aft schooner, Vivid, Mr. Lewis YOUNG, master arrived here from St. John's via Greenspond on Monday last. The Vivid left Greenspond on Tuesday morning and arrived here in the afternoon, making the run in something like 12 hours. She has on board a cargo of provisions for the French Shore, and left here for that place on Tuesday last for her owners, Messrs. HODDER and LINFIELD. The schooner Branksen, Mr. Wm. HARBIN, master, arrived here from St. John's, on Wednesday last, with a cargo of provision for Messres. W. Waterman & Co. The Schr. Mary Parker, Mr. Geo. CARTER, master, arrived to W. LUSHBRIDGE, Esq., with a cargo of provisions from St. John's.
Nov 2, 1882Singular AccidentWe were recently shown a doll's eye, of an irregular ovoid shape and pointed extremities, which had been removed by Dr. SCOTT, from the ear of a child belonging to Mr. LAWRENCE of Fortune Harbor. The patient while playing with a doll, had removed the eye and thrust it deeply into her ear, where it remained for over two weeks, resisting the various means used to extract it, causing great pain and inflammation. The patient was aethenged and its removal affected while unconscious.
Nov 2, 1882Nomination DayEarly on Monday morning last crowds of people were pouring in from adjoining places, for the purpose of hearing the respective Candidates, Mr. McKay, who addressed the crowd effectively at some length was followed by Messrs. RIDEOUT, THOMPSON in the interest of the Progressive Party. The New Party Candidates then held forth. The feeling was undoubtly in the favor of the Progressive Party. The following are the names of the Candidates nominated with their Proposer and Seconder. Mr. Wm GREEN of Tilton Harbor, who previously entertained the thought of offering, having honorably retired from the field: - Progressive Party - Smith MCKAY, Esq, - Proposed by R. D. HODGE, Esq., Seconded by Mr. Benjamin ROSITER. R.P. RIce, Esq. - Proposed by Mr. Wm. YOUNG; Seconded by Mr. Reuben BLACKMORE, J.P. THOMPSON, Esq. - Proposed by Mr. Matthias HAYWARD; seconded by Mr. Henry LOVERIDGE. New Party: Robert WINTON, Esq. - Proposed by Mr. Titus MANUEL, Seconded by Mr. Jas. PHILIP, A.J.W. MCNEILY, Esq - Proposed by Mr. Geo. HODDER, Seconded by Mr. Hanniel STOWE, Horace HERBERT, Esq. - Proposed by Mr. W.B. HUGHES, Seconded by Mr. John REDDICK.
Nov 2, 1882MarriageAt Tizzard's Harbor, on the 30th Oct by the Rev. J. PINCOCK, Mr. Levi GATES to Miss Lydia Lock.
Nov 2, 1882MarriageAt Morton's Harbor, by the same; on the 1st. inst., Mr. Joseph DEER, to Miss Fanny FACEY
Nov 2, 1882DiedAt Tizzard's Harbor on the 28th ult., ?Adolphia Smith, youngest daughter of Mr. Robert BOYD, aged 18 months.

Nov 10, 1882FishingDuring the past week or ten days, some of our fishermen have done good work fishing. Several boats have averaged from 1 to 1 1/2 qtls. per day. The weather being exceedingly fine is very much in their favor.
Nov 10, 1882School InspectionThe Rev. G.S. MILLINGAN, L.L.D., Superintendent of Methodist Day Schools, is at present in town. Yesterday he inspected the North Side School ( Mr. W.T. ROBERTS, Principal) and we learn was highly pleased with the progress the pupils have made since he last visited them.
Nov 10, 1882Steamer NotesThe coastal steamer Plover, arrived here with mails and passengers on Wednesday night. The steamer Hercules which has been engaged by the New Party, to canvass this District, left here for St. John's on Wednesday night. The steam-tug Favorite, which has been on Government service in this bay, left for St. John's on Thursday night.
Nov 10, 1882The Rev. Thomas Henebury P.P. TrepasseyWith deep regret we chronicle today the decease of the estimable Parish Priest of Trepassy, which sad event took place quite unexpectedly yesterday at noon. We understand that the Rev. Gentleman walked through the settlement apparently in his usual health, on the previous evening. It is considered that the deceased succumbed to an attack of apoplexy. Father HENEBURY, a native of County Kilkenny, Ireland, arrived in this country about the year 1858 and for some years discharged the duty of his sacred ministry in the Parish of St. Mary's. He succeeded the late Father O'Neil of Trepassy as Pastor of that thriving Parish. During the past years he was mainly intrumental in establishing a Temperance Association, by whom was erected a very spacious and handsome hall, and it was only in Auguest last that a Convent of the Presentation, appointed to this foundation, finding on their arrival a singularly well built and ______residence. From all we learn it is no exaggeration to any, that no clergy man in the Island had greater influence over his flock, by whom he was loved as a father and esteemed as a guide in all affairs ________ and spiritual. St. John's Newfoundlander.
Nov 10, 1882Sir William's VictoryThe overwhelming majority by which Sir William WHITEWAY's Government has been sustained, clearly shows the universal approbation with which his progressive policy has been looked upon throughout the country……..The following districts have returned Government candidates, no reliabale information having been received from the others up to the time the Plover left St. John's - St. John's East - Messrs. KENT, DEARIN and PARSONS, St. John's West - Messrs. SCOTT, WHITE and CALLANAN; Ferryland - Mr. GREEN and one for New Party, Mr. GOODRIDGE; Placentia and St. Mary's - Mr. DONNELLY and two for New Party Messrs. BRADSHOW and SCLATER; Burgeo and LaPoil - Mr. McKAY, Fortune - Mr. FRAZER, Bay St. George - Mr. CARTY; Bonne Bay - Mr. BONNE; Brigus - Mr. BARTLETT; Harbor Grace - Messrs. SHEA and DAW; Carbonear - Mr. PENNEY; Trinity - Messrs. WHITEWAY, BOYD and BOND; Bonavista - Messrs. WINTON and SKELTON, and Mr. W. GRIEVE, New Party; Twillingate and Fogo - Messrs. McKAY, RICE and THOMPSON.
Nov 10, 1882Address of ThanksTo the free and independent electors of the District of Twillingate and Fogo: Gentlemen, - We thank you most heartily for the confidence you have reposed in us by electing us as your Representatives for the House of Assembly, as supporters of the Progressive Party which has so recently been returned to power by an overwhelming majority. Our best thanks are hereby accorded for the kind reception which we received during our canvass to the various settlements. Not having a steamer at our disposal, we apoligize to the friends in the portions of this extensive district for not visiting them before the elections took place. We are glad to know, however, that you approved of the Progressive measures which we appealed to you to support and voted accordingly. Whenever practicable one or the other of us shall pay your settlement a visit. In the meantime you may rest assured that we have an interest in your welfare, as well as in every position of the district, and shall do our best for its general advancement. Thanking you for the honor you have conferred upon us. We remain, yours faithfully, Smith MCKAY, R.P. RICE, J.P. THOMPSON
Nov 10, 1882BirthAt Tizzards Harbor, on the 7th inst., the wife of Mrs. Edward CANTWELL, of a son.
Nov 10, 1882MarriageOn Oct 2nd. In the North Side Methodist Church, by the Rev. F.R. DUFHILL, Mr. Fred ROBERTS of Wild Cove to Miss Hannah BROWN of Bluff Head.
Nov 10, 1882MarriageOn Oct 28th at the same place, by the same Mr. Geo. PITMAN, of Back Harbor to Miss Ellen RIDEOUT, South Side.
Nov 10, 1882MarriageOn Oct 23rd, at Purcell's Harbor, by the same, Mr. Wm. PHILPOT to Miss Harriett ANSTY.
Nov 10, 1882MarriageOn the 5th Inst., at Little Harbor, by the same, Mr. Josiah WOLFREY of Burnt Bay, to Mrs. Eliza ?LECS (widow) Little Harbor.
Nov 10, 1882MarriageAt the Chapel School, Indian Arm, on the 31st ultimo, by the Rev. Theodore R. NURSE, Mr. Edward HUMBY, Jr, to Ann, daughter of Mr. Richard QUINTIN.
Nov 10, 1882MarriageAt St. Andrews Church, Brooklyn, Bonavista Bay, on the 3rd inst., by the Rev. Theodore R. NURSE, Mr. Levi HOBBS, to Amelia, daughter of Mr. Robert MARSHFIELD.
Nov 10, 1882MarriageAt the same place, by the same, on the 3rd inst., Mr. Barnabas ELLIOT, to Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. Reuben WICKS.

Nov 17, 1882CorrespondenceLittle Bay, Nov 10, 1882 - To the inhabitants of Twilingate, Herring Neck and Vicinities - Dear Friends, - I have been given to understand that sundry reports have got afloat to the effect that I had given up on my intention of going to Twillingate. I beg to state that such reports are without foundation. My present delay is simply owing to the non-arrival as yet of the new, Little Bay Doctor. A late telegram has been received to the effect that the Doctor will leave England 21st this month, so that I may be expected about 6th December. Trusting that the above will prove a sufficient apology. Believe me, Your very old servant, F. STAFFORD, M.D., C.M.
Nov 17, 1882AppreciationWe are indebted to J.B. TOBIN, Esq., J.P., for late copies of St. John's papers, received per schr. Royal Arch, which arrived on Thursday evening. Late telegraphic information and extracts of interest therefrom will be found in to-day's paper.
Nov 17, 1882ErratumWe re-publish in to-day's paper the declaration of the Polls for this district, a slight mistake being made last week in the placing of the Candidates names.
Nov 17, 1882SteamerThe coastal steamer Plover called on Monday morning en route for St. John's, having on board a large number of passengers from the North. Messrs. Smith MCKAY, J. NURSE, A.J. WILLIAMS and others left by her for the Capital.
Nov 17, 1882EntertainmentAn entertainment was given in the Temperance Hall on the 7th inst. by a number of children under the management of Mr. J.H. TAVERNER. The programme consisted of singing, recitations and dialogues, all of which were well rendered reflecting credit on Mr. TAVERNER for the training of the performers.
Nov 17, 1882FuneralsThe funerals of the late Mr. Samuel CLARKE, Batterick's Island, and the Late Mr. John ELLIOTT of Crow Head, took place on Saturday last and were attended by a large number of people. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. J. EMBREE (Chairman of the District) who preached a suitable and impressive sermon from 1st Cor. c. xv; v.26. Mr. CLARKE was apparently hale and hearty all the time. On Monday, the 6th inst. he was seized with an attack of paralysis; it is said, which affected his speech, and entirely _______ his whole frame. He survived until the following Wednesday morning; when he calmly passed away. The deceased was always proverbial for his exemplary disposition. His sudden demise was much felt by his relatives and friends. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved families.
Nov 17, 1882Good News for FishermenThe best merchantable codfish now commands the unprecedented price of twenty eight shillings per quintal. Labrador fish sells at twenty shillings. This high price will more than compensate for the short catch in many localities. Most articles of food are at very reasonable prices, so that our "toilers of the sea" will we trust, find themselves comfortably provided for during the coming winter. Wages earned in railway work will also aid many hundreds in increasing their domestic comforts. Many of those who returned from Labrador with poor fares, are now finding employment at a dollar a day on the railway; and before the season closes, will be able to earn enough to keep the wolf from the door. - Mercury.
Nov 17, 1882PollsThe Telegram notices the arrival of the Hercules and adds "her news was anticipated by Telegraph." Yes, indeed, but it was not anticipated by the Evening Telegram. Rather than print the frightful array of figurers announcing the state of the polls in Twillingate and Fogo the editor declares he would "lay his head on this block" and if he did so, it would be a case of timber to timber. He goes further regarding Trinity, and vows he would cheerfully submit to be torn asunder by wild horses rather than disclose in his columns the results of that contest. Better to list oblivion's pall over the whole transaction which have been perfectly heart rending. - Ibid.
Nov 17, 1882FireA dwelling, occupied by Mr. William BAYLEY, at Cat Cove, Bonaventure, Trinity Bay, was burnt to the ground on Thursday night last.
Nov 17, 1882BirthOn Thursday last, the wife of Mr. Edwin COLBOURNE, of a daughter.
Nov 17, 1882MarriageAt St. Peter's Church, on the 15th inst., by Rev. R. TEMPLE, R.D., Mr. Eli SPENCER to Miss Mary RIDOUT, both of Back Harbor, Twillingate.
Nov 17, 1882MarriageAt Little Bay, on the 17th September, by the Rev. J. LISTER, Mr. Alexander CAMPBELL, to Mrs. Selina Jane REID, both of Little Bay.
Nov 17, 1882MarriageAt Little Bay Island, on 23rd ult., by the same, Mr. George ROBERTS to Miss Mary Jane PENNY, both of Little Bay Island.
Nov 17, 1882MarriageAt Sunday Cove Island, on the 28th ult., by the same. Mr. Henry HULOT, to Mrs. Emma Martha STUCKLESS, both of Sunday Cove Island.
Nov 17, 1882MarriageAt. Roberts Arm, on the 29th ult., by the same, Mr. Richard BUTTON to Miss Margaret LEWIS, both of Roberts Arm.
Nov 17, 1882MarriageAt Dark Tickes, on the 31 ult., by the same, Mr. Robert Henry FUDGE to Miss Amelia ? STIVEY, both of Dark Tickles.
Nov 17, 1882MarriageAt Dark Tickles, on the 3rd inst., by the same, Mr. Simon Peter PURCHASE, to Miss Louisa BURGE, both of same place.
Nov 17, 1882DeathAt Batterick's Island, Twillingate, on the 8th inst., of paralysis, Mr. Samuel CLARKE
Nov 17, 1882DeathOn the 9th inst., Mr. John ELLIOTT, aged 23 years.
Nov 17, 1882DeathAt Ward's Harbor, on the 7th inst., after a lingering illness, Mrs. Jane PADDOCK, aged 82 years.

Nov 25, 1882DeathAt Twillingate on the 23rd inst., after a lingering illness, Mr. James ASKELL, aged 37 years. "Safe in the arms of Jesus, Safe on his gentle breast, There by his love o'er shaded, Sweetly my soul shall rest."
Nov 25, 1882DeathAt Back Harbor on Monday last, after a short illness, Mr. James WARR, aged 27 years.
Nov 25, 1882DeathAt Little Harbor, on Thursday last, Mr. Ambrose GUY, aged 74 years.
Nov 25, 1882DeathAt Harbor Grace, on the 14th inst., Mabel McKenzie, only daughter of William R. and Mary J. STIRLING, aged 2 years.
Nov 25, 1882Loss of the Flying MistThe schooner Flying Mist, Jonathan MANUEL, master, belonging to Josiah MANUEL, Esq., Exploits, was lost on Edwards Rock, Penguin Islands, on the night of Wednesday the 15th inst. She left St. John's for Exploits with a cargo of provisions, &c., on the previous Tuesday morning. On Wednesday night it was very dark and in reaching towards land, they did not discern the Penguin Islands, and went inside of them, bringing up on the rock where the disaster occurred. The crew left the craft in a sinking condition and landed at Doting Cove in a small boat. They reached Fogo on Saturday night and arrived here the next morning, where they were provided for until an opportunity offered for them to proceed to their homes. The crew arrived at Fogo on Saturday night, and made their state known to the Magistrate of that place, but he declined to render them any asssistance and they immediately left for Twillingate. The above schooner, has since been towed into Greenspond by the schooner Westville, Capt. R. BRAGG. The people of that place managed to get the remaining articles out of the wrecked vessel, a large portion being taken out by the people of the Strait shore, previous to the Westville falling in with her.
Nov 25, 1882Arrival of the PloverThe coastal steamer Plover, Captain BLANDFORD, arrived here on Thursday last; the weather being very rough she remained in port until Friday morning when she left for more Northern ports of call. The following are the list of passengers: Bay-de-Verd - Messrs. AVERY, O'NEIL, MARCH. Trinity - Rev. Mr. KIRBY, Mr. WILLIAMS. Catalina - Messrs. J. SAINT, Merchant, WALSH. Fogo - Mr. HAMILTON. Twillingate - Messrs. G. PEARCE, J. NURSE, Sergeant WELLS and Mrs. TUCKER. Little Bay Islands - Messrs. A.C. HYNES, Jas. STRONG, Mr. CURTIS and Miss WHITTEN, Little Bay - Messrs. BENSON, J. THORNE. Round Harbor - Mrs. DUNPHREY. Tilt Cove - Mr. MCKENGER. Fogo to Twilingate - Rev. F.R. DUFFILL.
Nov 25, 1882Fatal AccidentWe observe by our contemporary the Patriot that "late on Saturday evening a _______ accident occurred on the Railway, by which three men lost their lives and four or five others are said to be fatally injured. We have not heard the particulars, but we understand that one of the flat cars loaded with laborers came in collision with a cow lying across the track and was thrown off the rail."
Nov 25, 1882Election ReturnsThe following are the electon returns for the various districts: - White and Bonne Bays - 1 member - John BONNE 642 votes, Ellis WATSON 162; St. George's Bay - 1 member - M. CARTY 422; T. WALSH 139; Ferryland - 2 member - D.J. GREENE and A. Frederick GOODRIDGE (return not contested); St. John's East - 3 members - KENT 1094; DEARIN 1060; PARSONS 1012; O'Mara 89; CALLAHAN 823; St. John's West - 3 members - SCOTT 1206, WHITE 1061, CALLANAN 946, DOOLEY 653; Harbor Maine - 2 members - LITTLE 945; McDONALD 870, FURY 300; Harbor Grace - 2 members - DAWE 1749, SHEA 1683, ALCOCK 165, EMERSON 127; Carbonear - 1 member - PENNY 470, Hogan 94, GILES 40; Brigus - 1 member - BARTLETT 624, GOODFELLOW 250, NORMAN 150, BARNES 8; Trinity Bay - __ members - WHTEWAY 1176, BOYD 849, BOND 812, MARCH 744, WATSON 733, MORRIS 507, PENNEY 311; Burgeo - 1 member - MACKAY 473, MURRAY 346; Fortune Bay - 1 member - Majority for FRASER over BOWRING, 164 votes; Burin - 2 members - WINTER 450, PETERS 441, FORSEY 435, McGHEE 415; Placentia - 3 members - DONNELLY 876, BRADSHAW 672, TOBIN 609, DWYER 593, MCGRATH 369, SELATER 186; Bonavista - 3 members - GRIEVE 739, SKELTON 704, WINTON 695, NOONAN 619, SAINT 553, WOODS 445; Bay-de-Verde - 1 member - Mr. GARLAND was returned by a majority of 3 votes over Mr. ROGERSON; Twillingate and Fogo - 3 members - MCKAY 1357, RICE 1190, THOMPSON 1108, HERBERT 680, MCNELLY 591, WINSTON 510.
Nov 25, 1882AdvertisementFor Sale by Public Auction On the last day of November (If not previously disposed of by private sale). The fast-sailing boat "Ariel" suitable for fishing or trading; and is well equipped with sails, (new) chain and anchor _______________________ hatches and good rigging. For particulars apply to Alex. WILLIAMS, Twillingate.

Dec 1, 1882AdvertisementFor sale a whale boat and 2 sails. Apply P.O. Nipper's Harbor
Dec 1, 1882AdvertisementFor sale at Nipper's Harbor, a few spars suitable for masts for vessels. Apply to H.M. HERBERT, Nipper's Harbor
Dec 1, 1882Return of PloverThe coastal steamer Plover returned here on Wednesday morning going South, having on board a large number of passengers for St. John's. On her last trip the Plover proceeded to White Bay with supplies of provisions for destitute persons on that part of the coast.
Dec 1, 1882Sealing NewsWe understand that a blue hood seal was killed by John RENDELL at Little Harbor, Fogo, on the 20th ult. Several have been captured in nets about this neighborhood.
Dec 1, 1882WeatherUp to date the weather has been tolerably mild. On Wednesday night we were visited with a slight fall of snow, and the following day the surrounding hills were covered with a _______ of whiteness, which has since disappeared before the genial rays of the sun.
Dec 1, 1882SchoonerThe Young Builder, Capt. Andrew ROBERTS arrived from St. John's on Monday evening with a cargo of provisions, &c., for J.B. TOBIN, Esq., J.P.
Dec 1, 1882SchoonerThe schooner Branksen left for St. John's on Friday morning with a cargo of fish for Messrs. W. Waterman & Co. Other craft are loading for same destination.
Dec 1, 1882SchoonerThe Mary Parker, belonging to R. DUDER, Esq., left for St. John's on Tuesday morning with a full cargo.
Dec 1, 1882Church at Little Bay IslandWhen at Little Bay Island a short time since, we were pleased to observe that the Methodist friends had taken the initatory steps for building of a new church. The old one of late years, has become too "strait" and its dilapidated condition, renders it necessary to "arise and build". The minister of the circuit, who is a faithful and zealous pastor, has kindly furnished the subjoined ______, and it is to be hoped that during this erection of the building his appeal will be liberally resonded to: - The ceremony (for the laying of the foundation of a New Church) was duly performed by your correspondent in the presence of the congregation at Little Bay Island on the 12th of Oct - The minutes of the Conference, The Wesleyan, The Twillingate Sun and a written statement of circuit matters were lodged in a cavity made in the foundation. A collection was taken up at the close when £6 were given towards the funds. Considering the noble amount already promised and partly paid, viz £170, we considered this very good indeed. The interesting proceeding closed with the doxology and benediction. The Church is to be 10 feet by 40, so that the whole of the inhabitants will be able to find room. The old church is far too small, as well as too dilapidated for future use, and we are anxiously looking forward to the time when the other will be opened for Divine service. The failure of the fishery has prevented many of our people from contributing at they intended, therefore we beg to appeal to our Christian friends of Twillingate and vicinity,who of their abudance, I have no doubt, will cheerfully help us a little. You Sir, I presume would kindly receive any sum sent for this object, which shall be duly acknowledged by yours very truly, Joseph LISTER, Methodist Minister.
Dec 1, 1882Methodist newsWe have much pleasure in giving publicity to the following paragraph on the Ordination of the Rev. R.B. HEMLAW, who was transferred from the Newfoundland Methodist Conference to the Canadian in July last, with a view of engaging in ministerial work in the North West. Previous to leaving Newfoundland, Mr. HEMLAW was stationed at Musgrave Town, Bonavista Bay, where his labors proved acceptable to the Methodist people. He is now stationed at Nicola Valley, British Columbia, and we trust that much success may attend his ministerial operations in the far-off land. ORDINATION - Rev.. R.B. HEMLAW who recently arrived from Newfoundland was ordained on Thursday evening in the Methodist church by Revs. COVERDALE, WATSON and POLLARD, assisted by Rev. Mr. GAMBLE of the First Presbyterian church. Instructions for performing this ordination ceremony were received by telegraph from the president the Toronto Conference a few days ago. The Rev. Gentleman left early yesterday morning for his field of labor. Nicola and ?Okanagan. - British Colonist, Sept 13.
Dec 1, 1882MarriageAt South West Arm, New Bay, on the 12th Sept., by the Rev. J. PARKINS, Arthur HUTCHCROFT, of South West Arm, to Jane, the eldest daughter of Mr. Isaac STUCKLESS, of the same place.
Dec 1, 1882MarriageAt the Methodist Parsonage, Exploits, on the 17th Oct., by the same, Eli OSBORNE, of Burnt Bay to Emma, the daughter of Mr. Simon HODNOT, of Exploits.
Dec 1, 1882MarriageAt the same place, on the 21st Oct, by the same, Edward POOLE of Sop's Arm, to Lucy daughter of Mr. John WAY , of the same place.
Dec 1, 1882MarriageAt the same place, on the 3rd Nov., by the same, James BALL of Northern Arm, to Dorcas, daughter of Mr. Henry STRIDE, of Exploits.
Dec 1, 1882MarriageAt the same place, on the 3rd Nov., by the same, Richard LANGDON, of Northern Arm to Elizabeth Ann, daughter of Mr. John BALL, of Exploits.
Dec 1, 1882MarriageAt the Methodist Church, Exploits, on the 4th of Nov, by the same, William JONES, of Exploits to Elizabeth Emma, daughter of Mr. George BROWN of Kite Cove.
Dec 1, 1882MarriageAt the same place, on the 10th Nov., by the same, George JURE, of Killick Island, to Miss Patience CLARK, of Black Island.
Dec 1, 1882MarriageAt the Methodist Church, Exploits, on the 15th of November, by the same, Percival MANUEL, of Exploits to Luciana, daughter of the late Mr. Edward EVANS of Northern Arm.
Dec 1, 1882MarriageAt the Methodist Church, Exploits on the 21st November, by the same, Joshua ROGERS, of Exploits to Sophia, daughter of Mr. James HUTCHINGS of the same place.
Dec 1, 1882MarriageAt Wild Bight on the 11th ult., by the Rev. J. LISTER, Mr. Edward PADDICK, to Miss Lucy E. ROBERTS, both of Wild Bight.
Dec 1, 1882MarriageAt Dark Tickles, on the 15th ult., by the same Mr. Samuel FUDGE of Dark Tickles, to Miss Charlotte VINCENT of Triton.
Dec 1, 1882MarriageAt Little Bay Islands on the 24th ult., by the same Mr. Alfred WISEMAN of Little Bay Islands to Miss Rebecca JONES of Exploits
Dec 1, 1882MarriageOn the 17th ult., at Saint Andrew's Church, Brooklyn, B.B., by the Rev. Theodore R. NURSE, Mr. Joseph SIMMONDS, to Ellen, daughter of Mr. Simon BAKER.
Dec 1, 1882Ship NewsPort of Twillingate - Entered - Nov 28 - Balcary Lass, COWIE, Liverpool, salt, 48 days - W. Waterman & Co. Cleared - Torbay Lass, PROWSE, Bristol, fish & oil - Owen & Earle.

Dec 8, 1882LINDBERG's EnterpriseWe observe with satifaction that our enterprising townsman, Mr. John LINDBERG is extending his lines of industry into new fields. He has lately acquired the property on the South side of Duckworth St., just East of Cochrane St., where he is about to establish a depot for the sale of non-intoxicants. In connection with the refreshments department there will also be facilities for enjoyable recreation, such as skittles, &c. But this is not all. The proprietor has also in view, attractions long known in American cities which will cater to the better tastes of the multitude. These will consist in embellishing the principal apartment with trees and flowers in pots giving it the pleasing appearance of a garden, while the harmonies of a piano forte and violin will satisfy the popular demand for music. In fact it is thought there will be a quartette of instruments should circumstances warrant. The garden will be provided with a separate table, so that each sitting will be independent of the others. The building on March Hill, now used as a bowling alley, Mr. LINDBERG intends to convert into a skating rink. There are hundreds who do not care to make skating the business of a whole evening; but who would like to make a run into such a convenient pace; and adjusting one's _______ among the light-hearted, gay throng for an hour or so. To such MR. LINDBERG's rink will prove a real accommodation.
Dec 8, 1882AdvertisementOne dose relieves! One bottle cures!! Lung healer for Consumption, coughs/colds and all diseases of the chest and lungs. Prepared by Edwin PILL, Associate of the Pharmaceutical Society, England, at his Laboratory, Little Bay Islands, Nfld. Agents at Twillingate, Exploits, Little Bay, Little Bay Islands and other Harbors in the Bay.
Dec 8, 1882DisasterLoss of a Newfoundland Brigantine - The ship Governor Goodwin, brought to port yesterday the crew of the brig Highflyer, which was lost at sea. The manner of her loss was described by her master as follows: - The Highflyer was a vessel of 166 tons with Joshua PIKE in command, and with a crew of eight men all told. She sailed from Harbor Grace, Newfoundland, Sept. 30th, with a cargo of codfish for Naples. On the 3rd of Oct. in a heavy sea and under a strong breeze she sprang a leak, began to labor badly and her spare spars and water casks were swept overboard. The pumps were kept working all the time and the wind moderated on the evening of Oct. 4th. Nothing of note occurred till Oct. 9th, when the wind rose again and the sea washed the brigantine's decks. At half-past ten p.m. the rudder was unshipped and the vessel began to fill anew with water. With such hands as could be spared from the pumps, the master began throwing the cargo overboard. On the 10th, the Highflyer spoke with the barque Plymouth of Windsor, N.S. and wished to be reported; the gale had subsided considerably. A steering apparatus was rigged, but would not work. On the 20th the ship Jabez Howes, of San Francisco was spoken with but the master of the Highflyer would not abandon his vessel until he had tried a new rudder which he had contrived. At last the pumps would not do their work and it was decided to abandon the ship. On the morning of the 22nd, a sail was seen, but when they asked to be taken off, the vessel would not stop. It was a topsail schooner and to the best of Captain PIKE's knowledge was a Frenchman. On the same day the crew of the Highflyer were taken off by the Governor Goodwin of Boston, Captain Wm LESTER, bound to New York. Nothing was saved from the wreck but the papers, log-book and chronometer. - New York Herald, November 14.
Dec 8, 1882SteamerWe understand that the steamer Merlin was sold in the Merchants Exchange on Thursday last for £500. James PITTS, Esq. Being the purchaser. Very many years ago, the good old ship was engaged in carrying the mails from here to Halifax, and in command of that good old salt - the late Captain George A. CORBIN. - Times.
Dec 8, 1882MarriageAt the South-side Methodist Church, by Rev. F.R. DUFFILL, on Thursday last, Mr. Henry Geo. YOUNG, to Miss Selina RICE, both of Twillingate.
Dec 8, 1882MarriageAt Saint Andrew's Church, Brooklyn, B.B. on the 28th ultimo by the Rev. Theodore R. NURSE, Mr. George RUSSELL, to Emeline, daughter of Mr. James PHILPOT.
Dec 8, 1882MarriageOn the 22nd. inst., in the Oxatory, at the Palace, St. John's, by the Very Rev. Wm. FORRISTAL, Administrator, Patrick J. SCOTT, Barrister-at-Law, M.H.A., St. John's, West, to Eleanor Margaret, daughter of the late Cornelius LITTLE, Esq., of Charlottetown, P.E. Island.

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