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Newspaper Records

Notre Dame Bay Region

Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser
1881 July - December

Place of publication: Twillingate
Dates of publication: June 24, 1880-Jan. 31, 1953.
Suspended publication: Jan. 16-Feb. 15, 1947.
Frequency: Weekly.
Title varies: Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser, June 24, 1880-Aug. 10. 1912.
Twillingate Sun, Oct. 19, 1912-Jan. 31, 1953.
Editor and proprietor:
Jabez P. Thompson, June 24, 1880-1895.
George Roberts, 1895 (56)-1910.
William B. Temple, 1910-1921.
Stewart Roberts, 1921-Jan. 9, 1947.
Ernest G. Clarke, Feb. 22, 1947-Jan. 31, 1953.
MUN 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889, 1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Microfilm
PANL [1928-1930, 1934-1935, 1938,1953] Microfilm
PRL 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889,1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Original and microfilm.
Description: The Twillingate Sun printed local and foreign news, legislative proceedings, serial fiction and advertisements. It claimed to be politically independent in 1886, but supported the Whiteway and the Liberals, especially in the fall election of 1894. In 1929, it supported Squires and in 1948 was neutral on Confederation. The Sun ceased publication due to financial reasons in 1953.

The records were transcribed by GEORGE WHITE, JACK MONTGOMERY and RON ST. CROIX, formatted by GEORGE WHITE starting in April 2002. While we have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors.

July 7, 1881Educational MeetingAt 7.30 a public educational meeting was held in George's Street Church, when the President was ably supported by Revs. G. BOYD (Sec. of Conference), J. PARKINS, G.P. STORY, and Dr. STEWART, (the latter gentleman kindly supplying the place of Rev. G. S. MILLIGAN, M.A., who was indisposed). The meeting was a great success in respect of the addresses, and also of the financial results. Probably your readers will be looking for the final draft of the "station sheet". I therefore append it, though it is somewhat out of the natural order of proceedings. St. John's District: 1. St. John's - Revd's. W.W. PERCIVALl, T.H. JAMES, J.A. JACKSON, G.S. MILLIGAN, M.A. Superintendent, Methodist Day schools, T. FOX, T. HARRIS and J. PASCOE, Supernumeraries. 2. Pouch Cove - Rev. R. BRAMFITT. 3. Burin - Rev. W. KENDALL. 4. Grand Bank - Rev. J. NURSE. 5. Fortune - Rev. R.W. FREEMAN. 6. Burgeo - One to be sent. 7. Petites - Rev. J.P. POWELL. 8. Channel - Rev. J. HEYFIELD. 9. Flat Islands - Rev. S. SNOWDEN. 10. St. Anthony - Rev. W.R. TRATT. 11. Bonne Bay - Rev. W.B. SECCOMB. 12. Labrador - Rev. H.T. HATCHER. G.S. MILLIGAN, M.A. Chairman of District. W.W. PERCIVAL, Financial Sec. II Carbonear District: 13. Carbonear - Revs. G. BOYD & G. VATER. 14. Harbour Grace - Rev. J. GOODISON. 15. Brigus - Rev. C. LADNER, President of Conference. 16. Cupids - Rev. J. REAY. 17. Bay Roberts - Rev. E. TAYLOR. 18. Port de Grave - Rev. F.G. WILLEY. 19. Blackhead - Rev. J. DOVE. 20. Western Bay - Rev. J. PRATT. 21. Island Cove - Rev. W. JENNINGS. 22. Old Perlican - Rev. W. SWANN. 23. Hants Harbour - Rev. G.P. STORY. 24. Hearts Content - Rev. G. PAYNE. 25. Trinity - Rev. G.J. BOND, B.A. 26. Random North - Rev. H. LEWIS. 27. Random South - One to be sent. C. LADNER, President and Chairman of the District. John GOODISON, Financial Sec.
July 7, 1881The FisheryAround this neighbourhood, the fishermen have done poorly the past week. Sometimes bait has been very scarce. We understand that about Comfort Cove, some distance beyond Morton's Harbour, a little was being done of late. At the latter place the prospects are poor. Information was received per "Plover" to the effect that in the vicinity of Bonavista and other places South, the fishery has been good of late. The schooner "Bellerophon," arrived from the French Shore on the 3rd inst. to Messrs. WATERMAN & Co. with 150 qtls. The reports from that quarter for so early a date are encouraging. This is the second arrival from that shore after a brief absence, both being fairly successful. May we have the pleasure of reporting the return of many others well fished in the course of a little time.
July 7, 1881Visiting ClergyWe understand that the Rev. David BEATON, of the Congregational Church at St. John's, will visit Twillingate per "Plover" in a fortnight. He will preach in the chapel on two consecutive Sundays, and also address Evangelistic Meetings during the week.
July 7, 1881Ship ArrivalThe coastal steamer "Plover" with mails and passengers arrived here early on Wednesday morning.
July 7, 1881Body FoundIt will be remembered that some time in February, the loss of two men belonging to Herring Neck was reported in our columns, having been overtaken by a snow-storm while out gunning. The boat was afterwards picked up, but no sign of the bodies was seen until Wednesday last, when that of James JONES was discovered floating on the surface of the water near Merrits harbour, being we learn, a good deal mutilated, caused no doubt by the ice.
July 7, 1881Arrival of ClergyPersonal. We are pleased to note the arrival, from St. John's, per "Plover" of the Revd's. Messrs. T.W. ATKINSON, James NURSE, W.H. EDYVEAN, and J. PINCOCK, who have been in attendance at Conference in that city, the sessions having terminated on Friday last. We trust that renewed zeal may animate them in entering upon their sacred ministerial duties for another year, and that much Spiritual prosperity may attend them in their respective fields of Holy toil, and not only them, but likewise every Minister of the Conference. It is also pleasing to chronicle the arrival of the Rev. Father FLYNN, of Fortune Harbour, who while here, will administer to the Spiritual wants of his parishioners.
July 7, 1881Ship ArrivalThe "Young Builder", Capt. A. ROBERTS, with a cargo of lumber from the saw mill of Messrs. CURTIS & GREEN, Hall's Bay, left for St. John's on Monday morning, having arrived here from the latter place on Friday evening. While there, new masts were put in the Young Builder.
July 7, 1881Deaths from MeaslesWe understand that measles have been prevalent at Bonavista for some time past. We are sorry to have to record the death, from the effects of a cold after the measles, of two of Mr. Alfred VINCENT's children. We are informed that they were very promising, especially the eldest, who though so young, used to creditably acquit himself at juvenile entertainment's held there. We tender our sympathy to the bereaved parents.
July 7, 1881DiedNEWMAN.- On Sunday the 3rd inst., the only sound of Henry and Edith NEWMAN, aged 8 months. "Suffer the little children to come unto Me."
July 7, 1881DiedVINCENT.- At Bonavista, on Friday, June 24, Alfred John, aged 3 years and 8 months, also on Thursday, June 30, Eugene Todhunter, aged 7 years and 7 months, children of Alfred and Emma VINCENT..
July 7, 1881Public NoticeAll Swine or Pigs, found at large, wandering or straying in or about any of the roads, streets, lanes or passages, the owners thereof shall be prosecuted according to Law, and fined two dollars for each swine or pig so found at large. All goats, found at large, wandering or straying in or about the roads, streets, lanes or passages without a good substantial yoke, of which the lower bar shall be three feet, and the upper bar not less than eighteen Inches in length, the owner thereof shall be prosecuted according to law, an fined two dollars for each goat so found at large. Every dog, so found at large with its owner or other person in charge thereof, is required to have fastened to its neck a clog of piece of wood, of not less than eighteen inches in length, with the name of the owner stamped or marked thereon, or to be effectually muzzled; and every dog so found at large, without the owner or person in charge thereof, and not clogged or muzzled as aforesaid, may be immediately shot, or otherwise destroyed by any person. No person shall have in his possession any Pointer, Setter, Spaniel or Terrier Dog, without obtaining a written license from the Stipendiary Magistrate, under a penalty according to Law. If any dog shall kill, main, or injure any lamb, sheep, horse, or goat, or cattle of any description, the owner thereof shall be liable to prosecution according to Law, and the dog forthwith destroyed; or if any dog shall bite or otherwise injure any person, such person so injured may proceed before any Justice and recover damages for the injury and such Justice may order the destruction of the dog. All Stallions, found at large, or astray on the roads, streets, or lanes, the owners thereof shall be prosecuted according to Law. F. BERTEAU, Stipendiary Magistrate. Court-House Twillingate. June 2, 1881

July 14, 1881
The FisheryFishery News. During the past week very little has been done in the vicinity of Twillingate, but at Herring Neck small quantities of fish have been caught daily. There has been a little done at Black Island. Reports from White Bay, French Shore and Horse Islands are very encouraging, and we are pleased to note the following: - The "Rosetta" belonging to the firm of Messrs. J. & W. STEWART arrived on Sunday last with over 300 qtls. having been 2 weeks on the ground. After landing the trip, she will proceed to Labrador. On Monday evening the "Kangaroo", Jacob MOORS, master, arrived to Messrs. WATERMAN & Co., with 260 brls. fish. She reports the schooner "Wild Wave", Elias DALLY, master, as nearly loaded and expecting to be home in a few days, also the "Fawn", Albert SPENCER, master, on her way home with 300 qtls. both belonging to same firm. The fishery news form the Southward is very encouraging, and we hope by the return of the "Hercules" to give our readers some information concerning operations to the Northward.
July 14, 1881Smelter FireBy an arrival from Bett's Cove, we learn that on Saturday the smelting works, forge, pattern shop, &c., belonging to the mines were entirely destroyed by fire, the damage being estimated at about £3,000. We understand the only things saved were the books, but we have not learned whether the property was insured.
July 14, 1881Return of ClergyIt affords us much pleasure to note the arrival per steamer "Hercules" from the capital, of the Rev. R. TEMPLE, R.D., who has been attending the Synod during the past few days, and who, no doubt feels encouraged and strengthened by that intercourse with his co-workers, which is always calculated to revive the energies and stimulate each other for future endeavours. We wish him a happy and prosperous year.
July 14, 1881Departure of ClergyWe understand the Rev. James NURSE of Morton and Tizzard harbours preached his farewell sermon at the latter place on Sunday last. The discourse was earnest and practical, and many of the hearers were moved to tears during the delivery. The Rev. gentleman leaves with his wife in a few days for his new sphere of labour at Grand Bank, where they will be followed by the best wishes of the people, and we hope will be continually blessed in their labour of Love, by the All - wise Ruler of the Universe.
July 14, 1881Arrival of ShipThe "Little Willie", Capt. KOUTH, arrived here on Friday last from Figuera, via. St. John's with a cargo of salt to E. Duder, Esq., making the run to the latter place in 29 days. The Captain reports very variable weather. We welcome him once more, and hope he will be attended with that success which it will be remembered, marked his work last year.
July 14, 1881Arrival of ShipThe steamer "Hercules", after a prolonged absence, once more made her appearance on Saturday morning last. She was en route for Little Harbour of Labrador coast and had on board several passengers who were taking the opportunity of having a little pleasure, and viewing the rocky coast of Labrador. We congratulate them on the splendid weather with which we have been favoured during the past few days.
July 14, 1881Loss of SchoonerLoss of the "A.O.D." - The following is the Captain's statement of the accident which resulted in the loss of the above schooner about the 14th inst., - "Left Twillingate at 11 o'clock a.m., and at 3 o'clock next morning neared St. Anthony under foresail, jib and reefed mainsail. The high South - East wind which prevailed all night, veered to the North - East, with fog. Tried to make harbour, but the schooner misstayed three times. When we bore up and ran for Goose Cove, she misstayed again and drifted on Irish Point. Let go anchors but could not save her, and she capsized and sunk. The crew were rescued by a skiff sent off by Henry PYNN to whom great credit is due for the timely assistance rendered." We understand the A.O.D., has been replaced by the "Mallard", a fine schooner recently built by Mr. F. WARR. She left for the Labrador yesterday evening.
July 14, 1881ScienceLieut. VERY, of United States Navy, arrived here per "Hercules". We understand that he is engaged in taking magnetic observations, with respect to the variation of the compass, up to the present time. He goes on the Labrador to observe at other points. This work is done every ten years. The variation of the compass throughout the whole of the United States has been observed in the same way, and the Government is extending their operations.
July 14, 1881Search for shipThe united States Government have sent a vessel, the "Alliance" to search the coasts of Greenland and Spitzabergen for tidings of the missing "Jeanette".
July 14, 1881Search for shipWe learn that the steamer "Proteus", Capt. PIKE, one of our sealing steamers, owned by Messrs. J.W. STEWART, of St. John's, has been sent to Smith's Sound with supplies for the missing "Jeanette."
July 14, 1881BirthPEARCE.- At Exploits on Monday the 4th inst., the wife of T.L. PEARCE of a son.
July 14, 1881DiedLOYTE.- At Harts Cove on Thursday, July 7th, 1881, Louisa, the beloved wife of Mr. John LOYTE, aged 24 years. Her end was peace.
July 14, 1881DiedROBERTS.- At Wards Harbour, June 15, of diphtheria, Caroline Jane, daughter of John and Mary Roberts, aged 4 years.
July 14, 1881Died HEATH.- At Wards Harbour, June 26th, of diphtheria, Fanny, daughter of George and Emma Heath, aged 3 years and 6 months. "Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right."
July 14, 1881Notice to MarinersNotice is hereby given that the Harbour Light on Rocky Point, at the entrance of Harbour Briton, Fortune Bay, has been burned down. Steps will be taken to replace it as soon as possible. Due notice will be given when the new Light is ready. By order, John STUART, Secretary Board Works. Board of Works Office, St. John's, 13th June, 1881.

July 21, 1881
Accidental DeathA correspondent lately reported the accidental death of a man at the Lobster factory at Garnish. The poor fellow's name (not given before) was Charles SHINNEAU; he was one of the hands employed by the Chebucto Lobster Packing Company. In some unexplained way he fell into the boiling cauldron in which the lobsters were being prepared, and may be said to have been literally boiled to death. There was no one near to help him, and some minutes elapsed before he could get himself out; when he at last succeeded in doing this it was too late. He lived about four hours afterwards and died in the greatest torture. He was a Frenchman, had married only a few years ago and settled down as a farmer in Mortier Bay. - St. John's Nfld., July 12.
July 21, 1881MarriedHEYFIELD - KNIGHT - At St. John's on the 12th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. Chas. LADNER, President of the Conference, assisted by the Rev. Geo. S. MILLIGAN, M.A., Rev. Jessie HEYFIELD, Methodist Minister, of Channel, to Selina, second daughter of Thomas KNIGHT, Esq., of that city.
July 21, 1881DiedAYRE.- At St. John's on the 2nd. inst., of diphtheria, Robert Rogerson, aged 3 years and 7 months, son of John B. and Sarah B. AYRE.
July 21, 1881DiedPEARCE.- On Saturday last, July 16th at Back Harbour, Twillingate, Mr. Abraham A. PEARCE Sr. a native of Fogo, aged 74 years and 8 months, for many years Clerk of the Court, of this Town, his remains were carried to its last resting place in the Church of England Cemetery Wednesday by large numbers of friends and relations.
July 21, 1881RobberyHerring Neck, July 20, 1881. To the Editor of the Twillingate Sun. Dear Sir,- Please to insert the following: Robbery on last night. Some person or persons did enter the shop of Mr. Thomas CONNOR and took there from £13 cash, shop goods to the amount of about £15, and provisions to the amount of £3, making a total of £31 or more. Now Mr. Editor. we want to know where our protection is. I think that the Government ought to take this matter in hand, and see whether the guilty parties cannot be found and punished according as law would permit. We sincerely sympathise with Mr. CONNORS as they left no tea, sugar or provisions for his breakfast. I remain, yours truly R.L.
July 21, 1881Ship NewsThe "Heroine", WILKINS, master, sailed from Fogo for Poole, Dorset recently, with a cargo of oil and skins.
July 21, 1881Ship ArrivalThe schr. "Branksea," HARBIN, master, arrived from St. John's recently having left this port just a week previous with a load of lumber. Several passengers arrived by her.
July 21, 1881Ship ArrivalThe "Mary Parker," CARTER, master, arrived to D. DUDER about the same time, making a quick run.
July 21, 1881AdvertisementWe beg to call the attention of the trade to the advertisement of Mr. J.D. MARTIN in another column. Boots and shoes of every description are manufactured at the establishment, and the proprietor is prepared at present to offer superior inducements to wholesale purchasers.
July 21, 1881Fishery NewsLast issue our reports of operations on the French Shore and at Horse Islands were encouraging, and by recent arrivals we learn that good work continues to be done. Mr. Charles EDGECOMB's craft arrived from Pacquet yesterday morning with a full load, and Thomas YOUNG's craft arrived about the same time from Belvey Bay, also loaded. They report the following:- The schooner "Digby" on the ground a week, 120 brls. BOWER's craft, Nipper's Harbour, loaded. By and arrival from Horse Islands we learn that the fisheries there have been good, the average supposed to be about 30 qtls. per man.
July 21, 1881Ship ArrivalThe steamer "Plover" arrived yesterday at half-past 4 o'clock a.m. en route for Labrador, having on board an unusual large number of passengers. We understand that three happy couples embarked from St. John's and we take the opportunity of wishing them all, a long and happy career. The steamer will probably call on her return about Tuesday morning next. Mails close at 5 o'clock Monday.
July 21, 1881Ship ArrivalThe steamer "Hercules" called here last evening en route for Little Bay and may be looked for Saturday night or Sunday morning.
July 21, 1881DiedWe chronicle to-day the demise of an old and highly respected resident of this town, A.A. PEARCE, Esq., Clerk of the Peace, at the ripe age of 75 years, most of which he passed in this place. We naturally pause and think as one and another passes away, but more particularly when one who by a uniform and kindly demeanour has endeared himself.........[rest missing].
July 21, 1881Heavy Storm"Destructive Gale In The Straits of Belle Isle." Intelligence of a very unwelcome and discouraging nature has been received from the Straits. On the 1st. instant a heavy gale from the Eastward swept along Labrador coast destroying much valuable property and disastrously affecting the prospects of many of our fishermen there. At Lance-a-Loup nearly all the fishing boats drifted from their moorings; some were dashed to pieces and others considerably damaged. The large craft, however, fortunately escaped injury. At Isle-au-Bois the storm raged with terrible fury. Here the brigantines "Aurora" and "Guide", belonging to Messrs. PENNY of Carbonear, and a fore-and-aft schooner, owned by Mr. SNELGROVE of Catalina, were driven ashore and totally wrecked, together with fully two-thirds of the small craft belonging to the place. At Green Island, also nearly all the boats were destroyed. No losses are reported from Forteau, and it is to be hoped that very little damage was done there. In a few days we shall no doubt be in a position to furnish our readers with further particulars. As regards the fishery in the Straits, not much had been done up to the 2nd. - Ibid.

July 28, 1881
Job OfferingWanted Immediately. By the Church of England Board of Education, Twillingate, a principal School-Master. Must be either First or Second grade; and a good reader. Salary offered £60 per annum and half fees. Apply to the Rev the Chairman, at Twillingate with References. June 28.
July 28, 1881Visiting ClergyThe Rev. D. BEATON, Congregational minister of St. John's, arrived here by last "Plover". We understand it is his intention to spend a time with the Rev. Mr. WHYTE during which Evangelistic services will be conducted by him. We extend to him a hearty welcome and hope his visit may result in much good to those who may hear him. The Rev. Mr. WINDSOR, formerly of Herring Neck, but now labouring in Burin, also arrived here on a visit and left by the return "Plover." We wish him a safe return to his sphere of labour.
July 28, 1881Visiting BusinessmanWe have much pleasure in noting the arrival per brigantine "Faith" from Poole, Dorset, England of W. WATERMAN, Esq., of the firm of WATERMAN & Co. We welcome him once more to our rocky shores, and hope his stay may be long and pleasant, and that he may eventually return to enjoy the pleasures of home and family in England.
July 28, 1881Steamer NotesThe str. "Hercules" arrived here en route for St. John's on Sunday and took several passengers amongst whom were Messrs. PERCY, BRAYLEY and MARTIN. The str. "Plover" arrived here on the same route, Tuesday morning and having embarked several passengers, amongst whom were the Rev. James NURSE and WINDSOR, proceeded on her way at 5 o'clock, a.m.
July 28, 1881Ship ArrivalThe brigantine "Faith", Capt. STENSCOMB. arrived on Friday last, 39 days from Poole, England, with a cargo of salt to W. WATERMAN & Co. The Captain reports very stormy weather.
July 28, 1881ReligiousOur several pulpits were occupied by visitors on Sunday last. The Rev. Mr. NURSE filling the Wesleyan and Temperance Hall. The Rev. Mr. WINDSOR the St. Peter's Church of England, and the Rev. D. BEATON the Congregational.
July 28, 1881WeddingYesterday afternoon the schooner "Daisy", arrived to the firm of E. DUDER, Esq., having on board A. DUDER, Esq., and bride who are on a short visit here. The schooner was gaily decked with bunting and looked very pretty as she glided in under full sail, the premises of E. DUDER were also decked with flags and several guns were fired on the arrival of the schooner. We congratulate the happy couple and wish them a pleasant honeymoon.
July 28, 1881MarriedFINDLATOR - HUMPHRIES. - At St. Mary's Church, St. John's on the 14th inst., by the Rev. E. BOTWOOD, Mr. Allan FINDLATOR to Miss Elizabeth HUMPHRIES, both of Fogo.
July 28, 1881Shipping IntelligencePort of Bett's Cove. Entered: July 11 - str. "Rowland", TYRER, for Liverpool, 1,800 tons of copper ore. July 18 - Barque "San Jose", GRONOW, for Swansea, 650 tons of copper ore. July 20 - Barque "Alpha", LEONARD, for Swanaea, 584 tons copper ore. July 21 - str. "Ranzani", RICHARDS, for Swanaea, 1,850 tons copper ore.
July 28, 1881AdvertisementLegal Card. Frs. BERTEAU, Notary Public, And Commissioner of Writs of Attachments and Affidavits, will execute Protests, and other ship's papers, Wills, Mortgages, Leases, Bills of Sale, Indentures, Adjustment of Accounts, and other documents on most reasonable terms. Office: Back Harbour, Twillingate. June 16.

Aug 4, 1881
AgricultureBenjamin SNELGROVE Esq., of Catalina has commenced extensive agricultural operations on the Catalina road. The land is some of the finest we have seen, the soil being admirably adapted for agriculture, and the best kelp manure can be easily obtained within a short distance. We wish him every success in his new enterprise.
Aug 4, 1881Visiting ClergyThe Rev. Walter SMITH of Trinity took passage per "Plover" for Tilt Cove with the intention of visiting White Bay for the purpose of administering the Holy Communion and performing other ministerial duties in connection with the church. The Rev. gentleman labored for some years in this Bay and we have no doubt he shall receive cordial greetings from many of his old friends.
Aug 4, 1881TravelMr. John SAINT of Bonavista informs the traveling public that he is prepared to convey passengers by wagon upon the arrival of the steamer from the North during day-light, from that place to Catalina at moderate fares, by which means the latter place could be reached an hour before the steamer. A drive from Bonavista to Catalina is quite a luxury. The road is in excellent condition and the scenery is simply magnificent. Persons traveling South by the "Plover" would have the monotony and tediousness of the sea voyage broken and would feel much refreshed by landing at Bonavista and giving Mr. SAINT the pleasure of driving them past those large ponds and wooded hills which adorn the Catalina Road and then taking the steamer again at Catalina.
Aug 4, 1881Steamer ArrivalThe coastal steamer "Plover", Capt. BLANDFORD, arrived here on Tuesday night with mails and passengers. The following is the list:-- Bay de Verd - Miss CHURCHILL and Mr. CHRISTIAN. Trinity - Rev. Mr. FOSTER and Miss MacPHERSON. Bonavista - Rev. Mr. CAROLAN and Mr. CURTIS. Fogo - Rev. Father BROWN, Mr. EAGAN and Miss DUDER. Twillingate - Mr. McNEILY, Mrs. DANNEL, WILLIAMS and HUGHES. Little Bay Island - Rev. Mr. MILLIGAN and Miss LAMB. Little Bay - Mrs. F.WINTON and Misses WINTON (2), Mr. J.S. McKAY. Bett's Cove - Mr. RYAN. From indeterminate places - Rev. Walter R. SMITH and Mr. PITTMAN from Trinity to Tilt Cove. Mr. TAVERNER from Trinity to Twillingate. Mr. J. MILLEY from Bonavista to Twillingate. Rev. Mr. PILOT from King's Cove to Bett's Cove. Mr. WOODS and three ladies from Trinity to Catalina. Mrs. SNELGROVE from Bay de Verd to Catalina. Rev. Mr. HATCHER and family from Trinity to Red Bay. Mrs. BAIRD from Greenspond to Twillingate. Mrs. LUCAS from Fogo to Twillingate. Mrs. RENDELL from Fogo to Little Bay. Misses HACKETT, DUNAHUE and Mr. PORTER from Fogo to Little Bay. Mrs. R. TEMPLE from Twillingate to Tilt Cove.
Aug 4, 1881Murder TrialInspector CARTY left here three weeks ago in the steamer "Kite" for Labrador, his mission being to proceed to Nain to look up the witnesses in the case of the Esquimaux charged with murder and bring them on to St. John's to be heard at the trial of the prisoner. After the Kite left, there seemed some reason to fear lest she might be impeded by ice from reaching as far as Nain, and that much inconvenience, with additional cost in connection with this trial, might arise. It is so far satisfactory to find that the Inspector did not meet the apprehended diffuculty. A telegram was received from him yesterday from Tilt Cove, reporting himself on his return with the witnesses, and they are all, no doubt, on their way here in the "Plover." - Nfldr of Tuesday: The parties above referred to arrived here on Wednesday evening by the Plover. One of the Nain Missionaries, it is said, also came on by the same opportunity. A feeling of satisfaction is experienced at the Moravian settlements at the fact that they are subject to jurisdiction, the effect of which will be to create greater security and establish more perfect order in that region. By proclamation in Tuesday's Gazette, a term of the Supreme Court is appointed to be holden on the 10th August next, and continued until the 13th of same month for trial of this case. -- St. John's North Star.
Aug 4, 1881DiedBAKER.- At Herring Neck, July 23rd, Ellen, wife of Mr. Robert BAKER, aged 74 years.
Aug 4, 1881Visiting PoliticianOne of our representatives, A.J.W. McNEILY, Esq., is at present visiting the different harbors of his constituency and will be in town in about a week or ten days.
Aug 4, 1881The RailwayThe following telegram concerning the Railway was received at Bonavista on Monday last, for which we are indebted to the Rev. Father BROWN, who came passenger per "Plover" to Fogo: -- St. John's, August 1st. - Mr. WHITEWAY telegraphs Colonial Secretary that everything has been arranged, and that the chief engineer leaves Liverpool to-morrow for St. John's. One thousand tons of rails were bought last Friday. Mr. BLACKMAN leaves Liverpool for St. John's on the 16th. when operations will be commenced.
Aug 4, 1881New ChurchThe corner stone of the new Episcopal Church at Hearts Content was laid, at noon on the 27th. day of July, with Masonic ceremonies by A.M. McKAY, Esq., M.H.A., R.W.P.G.M. of that ancient order, assisted by a number of brethren from St. John's and several clergymen of that Church. The building when finished will, it is said, be capable of seating between 1,000 and 1100 persons. It is of the Gothic style of architecture and we understand was planned by one of the Telegraph staff, W. DICKINSON, Esq.; Mr. J.H. MOORE, also of Hearts Content being the builder. This day commemorates not only the laying of this corner stone which is an event in itself, but also the 15th. anniversary of the successfully laying of the first Atlantic cable at Hearts Content, the accomplishing of which is considered one of the greatest triumphs of the age.
Aug 4, 1881The FisheryThe First Shipment of Fish. - The schooner "Little Willie", KOUTH, master, sailed to-day from the firm of E. DUDER, Esq., with a full cargo of this seasons fish for a foreign market. This, we presume, is the first cargo of this year's produce that has been sent from the Island, and credit is due the energetic agent, W. LETHBRIDGE for his promptitude in this respect.
Aug 4, 1881The FisheryWe are indebted to a correspondent from Nipper's Harbor, for the following arrivals from the French Shore to Messrs. W. WATERMAN & Co.: --"Ransom", John BOWERS, master, 70 qtls. fish, 16 tierces salmon; "Beta," Thos. BATSTON, master, 200 qtls fish; "Syelph," James BOWERS, master, 330 qtls fish. "Albert" reported with 38 qtls per man. "Passover," Samuel RIDEOUT, master from Tilt Cove with 100 qtls. The fishery prospect on the French Shore is a little more encouraging than heretofore. At Shoe Cove last week some boats loaded twice per day.
Aug 4, 1881MiningSome valuable specimens of ore have been recently discovered at Cann and Indian Islands. Mr. W.T. SALTER who is largely interested, visited those places in company with two experienced mineralogists who pronounced them to be of the highest character both as regards the quality and quantity of the find. We congratulate Mr. SALTER upon these discoveries and wish that they might prove all that he would desire them to be.
Aug 4, 1881Donation We are pleased to report that the Treasurer, (R.D. HODGE Esq.,) received last week from and old and tried friend, the sum of £25, towards the new Methodist Church.

August 11, 1881Rum Running"History of Twenty Rum Sellers". A writer in the American Messenger says: "During a period of twenty-five years, from 1830 to 1855, the writer remembers twenty individuals who were at one time or another engaged in the business of selling liquot at or near a little village in South Carolina. Of that number, fifteen failed in business, either while selling or afterwards. Five have died from the excessive use of ardent spirits, and six others were addicted to occasional excesses and have also passed away. Ten of their sons fell early victims to the appetite and fill drunkard's graves, while nine others have at different times, been addicted to drunken sprees and are in the utmost danger of falling before the same dreadful habit. Ten of their daughters are or have been married to drunkards. Three of their sons are idiots or imbeciles, and there are other indications which to a close observer call to mind the denunciation of Holy Writ, "Woe to him that giveth his neighbour drink, and maketh him drunken also."
August 11, 1881The FisheryAround this neighbourhood the fishing for the past ten or twelve days has not been good. Some days boats may succeed in procuring from half a qtl. to one and a half or two per day; but at other times the catch is much smaller. The scarcity of bait has had something to do with the quantity of fish secured. At times there appears to be a good sign, but often for the want of a supply of bait, operations have been inactive. From the Cape Shore, we learn that good work has been done there of late, some boats securing from two to three qtls. per day. About Exploits and Moreton's Harbor little has been done. The steamer "Plover" returned from the Labrador on Monday last en route for St. John's. Reports from the lower part of the coast are very unfavourable, a large number of craft having failed in securing anything like a fair catch, while those that remained farther up the shore have secured good voyages. The large amount of ice on the lower part of the coast might have prevented the fish from striking there as early as was expected and it is to be hoped that those craft may yet secure good catches. The schooner "Annie Laura", GUY, master, arrived from the Straits on Sunday last with about 350 qtls. fish to Josiah COLBOURNE Esq.
August 11, 1881Lost & FoundThe lady who lost a Colarette last evening may obtain the same by calling at the Sun office.
August 11, 1881Fortune Harbor NewsThe following is from a Fortune Harbor correspondent, writing under date of 23 ult. It was received sometime since, but is has been unavoidably held over until the present issue: -- "The fishery about here has been miserably bad. Nearly all our men who could obtain berths are gone to Labrador or the French Shore. Capt. John DAVIS in the "Voilet", arrived home yesterday with a full cargo, having used all his salt. The Rev. Father FLYNN arrived here about the 14th. by way of Black Island and left again on the 20th. for Little Bay. We expect his Reverence will return to this place about the 25th. August. We can congratulate him on his healthy and hearty appearance, notwithstanding the knocking about the he has had in boat, and also travelling through forests without a vestige of a road. However, he seems to enjoy the hardships, or at least he never complains. One thing of which we feel pretty certain, it that in a few years he will break down if he continues to labor as he has done since he took charge of this parish. On one point all who have had the pleasure of his acquaintance, since he came to Notre Dame Bay, agree, viz: that he is the right man in the right place."
August 11, 1881AccidentA lad while in the act of crossing one of the high cliffs near Sleepy Cove, Long Point, stumbled and losing his footing, fell over and was taken up insensible. We are happy to learn that the injuries he sustained are not of a serious nature and that he is progressing favorably.
August 11, 1881Schooner ArrivalThe schooner "Emeline," LOCKE, master, arrived here on Tuesday from the Horse Islands, having been absent some time on a trading voyage. The accounts from that part are similar to those previously reported, and it is to be hoped that the fishing may continue to prove successful along the shore.

August 18, 1881Steamer ArrivalThe coastal steamer "Plover" arrived here early on Wednesday morning, bringing mails and having a number of passengers on board for this and various other parts of call. Mrs. TOBIN, Miss CHANCEY, Mr. J. OAKLEY and Mr. MORRIS came passengers by her.
August 18, 1881Insured Vessels Click here!
August 18, 1881The Fishery"First Arrival From The Labrador". - The "Sweepstakes," Capt. Jonathan BURT, arrived to J.B. TOBIN, Esq., on Monday morning last from Partridge Harbor, with a full load of fish. She does not bring any news of the Twillingate schooners as the majority of them went further down the shore, but as fish was reported striking in on the lower part of the coast he thinks that most of the crafts will secure fair trips.
August 18, 1881Court CaseA case of William GIBBS vs. Capt. M.J. KENT of the English schooner "Consulo," was tried before the Stipendiary Magistrate on Friday last. The vessel arrived into port on the 11th, and it appears that previously, some provocation was exhibited on the part of the mate, whereupon the Captain threatened to shoot him. The case was adjourned until Tuesday, when decision was arrived at (by) the magistrate; the captain having had to defray all expenses, and the mate receiving his dismissal, according to request.
August 18, 1881SchoolsThe Rev. W. PILOT, B.D., superintendent of the Church of England day schools, paid Twillingate a visit last week. He preached in St. Peter's Church on Sunday morning, delivering an eloquent and impressive discourse; in the afternoon he addressed a gathering of Sunday School children and friends, and at 6.30 he conducted service in St. Andrew's Church. One of the teachers on Twillingate North Island, acting under the Church of England Board, have hitherto had "Grades", and at the present moment no graded teachers have commenced work since the vacation. But there is a temporary school, kept in the mornings by the Clergyman, numbering some 58 children, which was examined by Rev. W. PILOT, the inspector, during his late visit. The Herring Neck schools were also examined by him on Monday as he passed Southward.
August 18, 1881SchoolsThe Rev. G.S. MILLIGAN, M.A., superintendent of the Methodist day schools, has been in town the past few days. He has inspected three schools namely, North side, Durels Arm and Little Harbor. We understand that a pleasing demonstration of advancement was apparent in the respective schools. The status already attained by many of the schools under his jurisdiction is to be attributed largely to the indefatigable interest evinced by Mr. MILLIGAN for the spread of education among the people, and we trust, that he may long be spared to discharge the onerous duties which such an important office necessarily involves.
August 18, 1881Schooner ArrivalThe schooner "Alice" arrived from St. John's on Tuesday morning. She was recently purchased there by Mr. E. COLBOURN, is of small dimensions and will be employed principally we understand, for trading purposes, for which she appears to (be) adapted.
August 18, 1881Mining AccidentWe are indebted to a Little Bay Island correspondent for the following particulars of a serious occurrence which took place at Little Bay Mine's recently:-- "I am sorry through your columns to have to relate a sad accident that occurred to a man belonging to Little Bay Island on the 13th inst., at Little Bay Mines. It is customary before cars go off the incline to give notice to the man in the brake-house so that he may attend to that part of the work assigned to him. But in this case, the brake-man had gone to get his dinner, though he had only been a few minutes from his house. It seems, the poor fellow that was killed, did not know but that the man was at his post, and started the car. At first it glided down slowly, but it quickened its pace as it neared the bottom of the incline. The other car came up with the same speed that the other was going down. The man, it seems, saw his mistake, and knowing, that if the car was to pass the top of the incline without being stopped, it would do a considerable amount of damage, as the car neared the top, he made a spring over the line, by which the car was drawn, to stop it, if possible. But tripping over the wire, he was knocked down and the car passed over him. The car in passing, broke his leg at the ankle, also crunching it to pieces above the knee. And a piece of iron belonging to the car, made a hole in the poor fellows body. His head was badly cut, and other parts of his body were injured. He was immediately taken to his home and the doctor sent for. As soon as he entered he was stripped of his clothing, when it was found that nothing could be done to save his life. One hour after the accident, he breathed his last. He was a married man, and leaves several children and a heart-stricken wife to mourn their loss. How much sorrow is often caused through neglect and absent from duty."
August 18, 1881New Methodist ChurchWe are glad to be able to state that the Rev. W.W. PERCIVAL, the newly appointed superintendent of the St. John's Circuit, and the Rev. J. EMBREE, the Chairman of the Bonavista District, have promised to be present at the opening of the new Methodist Church, Back Harbor Road, Twillingate. Particulars will be given in a future issue.
August 18, 1881ReligionWe learn that the Rev. George OSBORN, D.D., has been elected President of the British Wesleyan Conference and the Rev. Robert Newton YOUNG, Secretary.
August 18, 1881FisheryThe "Busy", H. NEWMAN, master, arrived to Messrs. WATERMAN & Co., on Saturday evening last from the French Shore with 200 qtls.
August 18, 1881Ship AccidentThe steamer "European," Capt SIMPSON, from Liverpool to New York, put in here between 10 and 11 o'clock this forenoon for the purpose of repairing damages, sustained by collision with the barque "Racer" of Christiansand, Capt. AANE..SEN. It appears that at half-past 1 on the afternoon of Tuesday last, when near the Flemish Cap, and during a dense fog the steamer ran into the Racer, striking her about midships and cutting her nearly in two. The crew of the barque immediately jumped on board the European, and the Captain, who rushed to the cabin to save his log-book, &c., was subsequently taken off by a boat from the steamer. The Racer - 747 tons - sailed from Mirimachi on the 3rd inst., with a cargo of deals, and was only a few days out when the collision took place. The officers and crew, on landing, were carefully looked after by the German Consul, B. PROWSE, Esq. - St. John's Telegram, Aug. 12.
August 18, 1881WhalingThe American whaling brig "Abbott Lawrence," Capt. J. MOSHER, of New Bedford, put in here this morning leaking badly. She left Hudson's Bay on the 29th. ultimo, have secured only 30 barrels of oil and 800 lbs. bone. Captain MOSHER reports the brig "Isabella" with 200 barrels, the "Abbey Bradford" with 420 barrels and the barque "George and Henry," Captain SHERMAN, clean. Captain MURPHY, of the Abbey Bradford died on consumption on the 5th. April last. On the 1st. August, two of the Hudson Bay Company's four ships were signaled bound in. Whales, it seems, were plentiful in the Bay, but it was found impossible to capture them in consequence of an unusual quantity of ice. After repairing damages the Abbott Lawrence will proceed to New Bedford. -- Ibid, 13th.
August 18, 1881BirthGRAY, -- At Twillingate North Side on the 10th inst., Mrs. GRAY of a daughter.
August 18, 1881MarriedNOONAN. WINSOR.-- At All Saint's Church, Exploits Burnt Island on Wednesday, August 17th. by the Rural Dean of Notre Dame Bay, John NOONAN, Esq., of the Customs, St. John's, to Annie A. second daughter of Thomas A. WINSOR Esq. of Exploits.
August 18, 1881MarriedMcCOLM. NEWMAN.-- Last evening by the Rev. T.W. ATKINSON, Mr. Robert McCOLM of Hall's Bay, to Miss Jane NEWMAN of Twillingate.

August 25, 1881AdvertisementKnight's Home, 173 Water Street. The Subscriber, having succeeded the late Proprietor of the above Establishment, has Improved in every particular, the internal arrangement of the House. He assures Visitors to St. John's or Permanent Boarders that, by judicious management and careful provision for their comfort they will find this an agreeable, as well as the most Central Hotel in the City. Hot and cold baths for the accommodation of visitors can be obtained Jas. MELLIS, Proprietor. August 4.
August 25, 1881DiedHERBERT. -- At Nipper's Harbor on the 11th August, Charles Montague, beloved son of Horace and Sarah HERBERT, aged three and a half years.
August 25, 1881DiedREDDICK. -- At Herring Neck on the 11th inst., James, son of Mr. John REDDICK, aged 29 years, leaving a wife and three children to mourn their loss.
August 25, 1881Church PicnicThe annual Picnic in connection with the Methodist Sunday Schools will be held, weather permitting, on Wednesday or Thursday next. We also understand that the Church of England schools will hold theirs on the following week.
August 25, 1881Survey ShipH.M. Surveying ship "Gulnare" has been around our Island for some time past, making a survey of different portions of the Bay. On Sunday last she was in port and remained here until the following Wednesday morning.
August 25, 1881The FisheryThe schooner "Paragon", owned by M. OSMOND, Esq., J.P., of Morton's Harbor came here on Thursday last with a cargo of dry fish, having been previously engaged in a trading venture. The Paragon was built on the premises of the owner the past winter, is well found with the best material, and is in every respect a most suitable craft for the general trade of the country. The "Presto" also owned by the same, also arrived at Morton's Harbor on Friday from the French Shore, where she had been similarly engaged the last few weeks. The Presto was as far as Quirpon and reports that the fishery thereabouts has been good; but there had been such a continuance of wet disagreeable weather that fish curing operations were entirely retarded.
August 25, 1881The Railway"Railway Work Commenced".-- The following telegram which was received at Bett's Cove on the 16th inst., concerning the Railway, has been kindly sent us by a friend. St. John's, August 16th. The Railway was formerly opened today by Chief engineer, Mr. BOLLAND. Shortly before noon the first sod was turned. Proceedings, as far as I can learn, were undemonstrative and free from gust. Several squads of men were put to work grading the road to Freshwater Valley. Mr. BLACKMAN, on his arrival, by next boat, proceeds immediately to New York to organize a complete staff and survey the whole route immediately. The date for the completion of the whole line, decided by the Syndicate is two years from this date. Ming's Bight gold has a wonderful effect on New York.
August 25, 1881The FisheryA correspondent writing from Fortune Harbor says that the fishery has improved there of late, and bait has been plentiful. He also states that Mr. Matthew GLAVEEN in the schooner "Sacheon" has arrived from the Straits well fished. Reports fish plentiful when leaving and bait scarce.
August 25, 1881PersonalTo R.D., Betts Cove: your favor received with thanks. Shall also be glad to send Sun to Tilt Cove as requested.
August 25, 1881PersonalWe are pleased to note the arrival per last "Plover" from St. John's of J.W. OWEN, Esq., who was on a visit to the old country.

September 1, 1881DiedMURCELL. -- On Tuesday evening last, after a lingering illness, borne with Christian resignation to the Divine will, Elias, son of Mr. Charles MURCELL, aged 27 years. The funeral of the deceased will take place on Saturday afternoon.
September 1, 1881Bazaar NoticeIt is intended to hold a BAZAAR, or SALE OF WORK in November, for the purpose of raising funds to repair the windows and increase the sittings in St. Stephen's Church, Greenspond. The following persons who form the Committee will gladly receive any help towards this object: -- Mrs. Geo. BLAKE, Mrs. D. BLANDFORD, Miss E.A. BLANDFORD, Mrs. S. SHAW, Miss EDGAR, Mrs. Wm. POND.
September 1, 1881New Church Opening"New Methodist Church Twillingate". The new Methodist Church, North-side, Twillingate, will be opened (D.V.) on Sunday, Sept, 4th, 1881 when sermons will be delivered in the morning at 11 by the Rev. W.W. PERCIVAL., Financial Secretary, St. John's District. In the afternoon at half-past two W. W. WATERMAN, Esq., of Pool, England and in the evening at half-past 6 by Rev.. James PINCOCK, of Morton's Harbor. Sermons will also be preached in the Methodist Church, South-side, in the morning at 11 o'clock by the Rev. Jas. PINCOCK, and in the evening at half-past six, Rev. W.W. PERCIVAL. Collections will be taken up. Sept 1.
September 1, 1881PoliticsA communication from Alex J.W. McNEILY, Esq., Speaker of the House of Assembly, on the subject of the Railway, unavoidably remains over for next week.
September 1, 1881Man SavedA man fell in the water off Mr. WREY's wharf last night, and had it not been that Constable Lacey happened to be near to render assistance, the result of his "dip" might have proved serious.
September 1, 1881Mill AccidentWe learn that an accident of a melancholy kind occurred at Mr. PHILLIP'S mill, Exploits, Burnt Island, one day last week. While one of the men was at his post of duty he was accidentally caught in a wheel going with great rapidity close by, and was immediately drawn through certain parts causing instant death, one of his legs and other portions of him, being fractured to atoms. the poor fellow, we learn, belonged to Nova Scotia.
September 1, 1881The WeatherA Bonavista correspondent says that the weather has been disagreeable there for a long time. Four English vessels and several schooners are waiting for fish. He also informs us that a little was done with catching fish there last week. The average catch for the season is fair; but a good deal of fish has been spoiled in consequence of bad weather. All the boats have returned from Straits and French Shore loaded and some have left for the second trip.
September 1, 1881Fish ExportThe English schooner "Goonlaze", Capt. BEAL sailed for a foreign market last week with a cargo of fish from the firm of E. DUDER, Esq. The "Faith" also sailed for Lisbon on Tuesday evening, from the firm of Messrs. W. WATERMAN & Co., with 2,500 qtls.. of fish.
September 1, 1881Steamer ArrivalThe coastal steamer "Plover", Capt. S. BLANDFORD, with mails, passengers and freight, called here on Wednesday forenoon. Appended is the list of passengers from St. John's:-- For Bay-de-Verd - Mrs. O'REILY. For Trinity - Mr. J.M. GREEN, Master VEITCH and Miss GILLAN. For Catalina - Mrs. CONNORS, Rev., A. WOOD, Miss HANLAN, Mr. BOGAN. King's Cove - Miss ENERETT and Miss KELLY. Greenspond - J. BRIEN, Dr. SKELTON, Mr. FENELON, Mr. SKIFFINGTON, Mrs. OSMOND, J.L. TAYLOR, Master BRIEN, Mr. SYME. Fogo - Mr. MUTCH, Mrs. BRETT, T. REES. Twillingate - Rev. Mr. PERCIVAL, Mr. SCOTT, Mrs. JACOBS. Little Bay - Miss DAVIS, Mr. J. LEMESSURIER, Capt. CLEARY. Seal Bay - Mr. MACKIM. Bett's Cove - Mr. SHEPPARD, Miss SHEPPARD. Tilt Cove - Rev. Mr. MYERS. Red Bay - Mr. PENNY. Battle Harbor - Mr. WILLIAMS, Mr. MITCHELL, Mr. M.A. HUDSON; 20 in steerage. From Twillingate: - For Little Bay Island - Mrs. STRONG, Miss RICE and Miss LINFIELD, Mr. and Mrs. McCOLM, Mr. R. WATSON, Miss HINDER. Little Bay - Mr. MORRIS. Tilt Cove - Mrs. and Miss ROTH.
September 1, 1881LectureFrom an announcement in another column, it will be seen that the Rev. W.W. PERCIVAL will lecture in the Temperance Hall to-morrow (Friday) evening; to commence at eight o'clock. The subject will be; "Hoe Your Own Row." The lecture was delivered before a large audience in the St. John's Athenaeum hall lately. In referring to it, the Evening Telegram of Friday last says:-- The first of a series of lectures under the auspices of the Young Men's Christian Association was delivered in the Athenaeum Hall last evening by the Rev. W.W. PERCIVAL. Notwithstanding the unfavorable state of the weather, a large and highly respectable audience greeted the reverenced gentleman on this, the occasion of his first appearance before the St. John's public in the role of a lecturer. The subject - "Hoe Your Own Row" - was handled in a very interesting manner, and for the space of one solid hour sublime truths, clothed in the most appropriate and expressive language, flowed like a rippling stream from the talented gentlemen's lips.
September 1, 1881Ship DepartureThe "Mary Parker", Capt. CARTER, left for St. John's last Saturday with a cargo of fish and oil. The following took passage by her: - Messrs. R. LEWIS and James J. MILLEY, Misses Sarah SALTER, Hannah SALTER, Mary ROBERTS and Jane ROBERTS.

September 8, 1881BirthGUY. - On the 31st inst., the wife of Mr. Thomas GUY, of a son.
September 8, 1881DiedMURCELL.- On Tuesday, August 30th, 1881, after a lingering illness, Elias MURCELL aged 27 years. Brother MURCELL was a much beloved member of the L.O.A., No. 30, Twillingate, his last request was that the Orange Society should accompany him to his grave. On Saturday, Sept. 3rd., the Brethren assembled in their Lodge-room and marched thence to the residence of the deceased. At 3 o'clock p.m. the Brethren formed in procession and accompanied the remains to the Church. After the service was read, the remains were carried to the Cemetery and buried with Orange honors. Brother MURCELL died of consumption. He was an earnest worker in the cause and ever ready to assist in every good work. He was carried to his resting place by members of the Royal Arch degree, of which he was a member. His end was peace. "How sweet will it be in that beautiful land? When free from all sorrow and pain! With songs on our lips and with harps in our hands, We'll meet our Brother again." -- Com.

September 15, 1881Whale CaughtA whale about 22 feet long, was caught in a net by Mr. KEEFE, Wild Cove, near Little Harbor, one day last week.
September 15, 1881Sheep KilledDestruction of Sheep By Dogs. - Four valuable sheep, belonging to Mr. CLARK, Back Harbor, were destroyed by dogs, on Monday night last. The law having reference to such veracious animals found at large should be strictly enforced.
September 15, 1881Ship DepartureThe English schooner "Zeal", sailed for a foreign market on Tuesday last with a cargo of fish from the firm of E. DUDER, Esq.
September 15, 1881Ship ArrivalThe "Annie Harris," Capt. JORDAN, arrived from Cadiz this morning to the firm of Messrs. OWEN & EARLE. She anchored a short distance outside the premises of the consignees, and having afterwards left the position to go nearer the wharf, she grounded on the Harbor Rock where she remains as we to go press.
September 15, 1881The RailwayThe following telegram from St. John's via Trinity was received last mail: "St. John's, Sept. 12th. 1881. Please publish with my authority, that to prevent disappointment and expense, no Green Bay men should come here seeking Railway employment. The agent tells me they will not be employed 'till the line gets to the Bay. All recommendations worthless. Alex. J. McNeily"
September 15, 1881Ship ArrivalsArrivals From Labrador.- The "Five Brothers", YOUNG, master, and the "Erebus," VATCHER, master, arrived from Labrador on Monday morning, the former with 440 and the latter with about 400 qtls. The Five Brothers was as far north as Ra…a, some 250 miles below Hopedale. The weather there was very cold, the hills having been covered with snow long before leaving. She reports many of the craft poorly fished.
September 15, 1881Ship ArrivalThe steamer "Hercules" arrived here from St. John's on Friday evening last on her way to the mining settlements. Among her passengers we noticed the Hon. E. WHITE and John STEER Esq. The Hercules touched into port, returning to the Metropolis on Monday night, when W. STIRLING, Esq., M.D. came passenger by her from Little Bay.
September 15, 1881ReligiousPersonal. - The Rev. J. EMBREE, Chairman of the Bonavista District, came by last "Plover" intending to visit Herring Neck and Change Islands, and to arrange matters in connection with the District. The Rev. T. W. ATKINSON, took passage by same steamer on Tuesday night purposing to visit the Horse Islands and other parts of White Bay, where members of his congregation have been residing for a long time without enjoying religious privileges.
September 15, 1881Ship DepartureThe coastal steamer "Plover" arrived here on Tuesday night, with mails and passenger. Remaining her usual time, she left for Labrador, touching at the various ports of call en route. The following are the names of the passengers from St. John's: -- Old Perlican - Mr. MARCH. Trinity - Mr. ROBINSON. Bonavista - Dr. SKELTON. Greenspond - Mr. NORTHFIELD. Fogo - Miss ROUSE, Mrs. FINILY and child, Miss J. RIELY. Twillingate - Miss E.R. MARTIN. Tilt Cove - Miss FOX and Mr. J. LINBERG. Salmon River - Mr. P.H. SWEET. Lance au Loup - Mr. WYATT; 20 in steerage. From Bonavista - Rev. J. EMBREE.
September 15, 1881Ship ArrivalThe steamer "Leopard", having on board the Judge and suite arrived here on Sunday evening. The following are on circuit this year: His Lordship Mr. Justice HAYWARD, Sheriff BEMISTER, Mr. L.W. EMERSON, Clerk of the Court, and Messrs. WALSH and EMERSON, Barristers-at-Law.
September 15, 1881Arrival of PremierSir William WHITEWAY, Premier, arrived at St. John's from England, per "Hibernia" on the morning of Wednesday, the 7th. inst. A large number of citizens greeted him on his arrival and in the evening a torch-light procession was formed, and headed by a band they proceeded to Sir William's residence and presented him with the follow ......................

September 22, 1881LostLost Berry Picking. -- An old woman aged eighty years, and her grand daughter five years old, at Chance Cove, Placentia Bay, went over the hills, on the 13th ult., picking berries, and have been absent from their home ever since. Parties have gone out searching for them, but failed in finding any trace of them except a child's foot-print four miles from where they started. It is thought they must have lost themselves in the woods and have perished. -- St. John's Patriot, Sept. 5.
September 22, 1881DeathTake Notice. -- On the 13th December last Miss Fanny COLEMAN, aged 44 years, a native of this town, died at the New Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh, Scotland. As no clue to her relatives can be obtained by a party in town who has made careful inquiry, if this should meet the eye of any relative we shall be glad to furnish the name of the gentleman, and he or she may hear of something to their advantage from him. We will be obliged if the other newspapers in the colony will copy this paragraph. -- St. John's Times.
September 22, 1881The CourtsCourt News. -- Before Magistrate BERTEAU. Tuesday, Sept. 20. - R. WREY having been summoned by Sergeant Wells for breach of License Act, sections 21 and 25, was fined 10 dollars and costs. Wednesday, Sept. 21. - T. HUNT of Catalina, drunk and disorderly, fined one dollar and costs, being the first offence.
September 22, 1881Marble QuarryingMarble. -- Lately we have been put in receipt of specimens of marble, from the marble quarry which is now being worked at Burn Bay. It appears to be of a fine quality, and some who profess to be acquainted with the like, pronounce it to be equal to any that can be produced in Europe or America. The quarry is being worked by four or five men, under the superintendency of Capt. McCLENAN, to whom is due the credit of bringing it to its present prosperous condition. Already we understand, considerable quantities have been excavated, and one shipment made. It is intended, we learn, to continue operations through the winter when several work-men will be employed in the quarry. The energy and perseverance which foreign speculators display in developing our resources and bringing the hidden treasures to light, which for centuries have been dormantly concealed, must be commended, and we trust that those interested in this undertaking may be amply rewarded for the outlay necessarily attendant upon a speculation of the kind.
September 22, 1881Schooner re-floatedThe English schooner "Annie Harris", which arrived from Cadiz to Messrs. OWEN & EARLE on Thursday last, and which grounded on the shoal near Harbor Rock, floated off soon afterwards without sustaining the least damage. The water was low at the time the vessel was going in, and being deeply laden she just caught on the shoalest part.
September 22, 1881ReligiousThe New Methodist Hymn Book may be obtained at the Methodist Parsonage, Twillingate; from 1s and ea. upwards. -- Adv.
September 22, 1881FisheryWe were wrongly informed last week as to the quantity of fish brought back by the schr. "Ebreus", VATCHER, master. Instead of 400 qtls. as reported it should have been about 250.
September 22, 1881FisheryDuring the past week several of the Labrador fleet have returned, bringing small catches. A few have done well but the greater bulk have fared badly. The weather there of late has been very disagreeable, and at times considerably retarded the fishery operations.
September 22, 1881The WeatherA continuance of unpropitious weather has been experienced here for some time past, which has completely prevented the curing of fish. It has been rather cold with wind North - East, and early this morning light snow - showers were experienced.
September 22, 1881MeaslesWe understand that measles are prevalent at Little Bay Mines. A short time since there were upwards of one hundred cases, which through the medical skill of Dr. STAFFORD, have resulted favorably.
September 22, 1881Ship ArrivalThe coastal steamer "Plover", en route from St. John's, called here on Monday evening, having on board a large number of passengers from the North. The following is the list: -- Mr. WHYTER and family from Salmon River. Mr. JOYCE from the Straits. Lieut. VERY...., Messrs. SMITH and WILLIAMS from Battle Harbor. Capt. WHITE and Mr. STEER from Tilt Cove. Messrs. MALCOMB and LOWEL from Bett's Cove. Messrs. O'NEAL, McKAY, McBAIN, MONROE and Miss DUNN from Little Bay. Mrs. PIPPY from Little Bay Island. Messrs. CRANE, WINSOR and CAMPBELL from Exploits. Rev. J. EMBREE, Mrs. PAYNE and Mrs. DURRELL from Twillingate; 80 in steerage. For Twillingate from the North. - Rev. T.W. ATKINSON, Miss STERLING, Mrs. SPENCER and Mr. WALSHMAN.

September 29, 1881AdvertisementInformation Wanted. If any of the next of kin to James STARKIE, who died in Newfoundland about 45 years ago, are living they will hear something to their advantage on communicating with the undersigned. A.O. HAYWARD. St. John's, Sept.
September 29, 1881Local and GeneralMr. J.T. CROUCHER, of Fogo, will receive subscriptions for this paper in that direction, and all amounts paid him will be duly acknowledged. The Mails per "Plover" will close at 5 o'clock on Saturday evening.
September 29, 1881Ship DepartureThe coastal steamer "Plover" came here early on Wednesday morning, and after remaining two hours, left for the other ports of call North, proceeding as far as Battle Harbor, this being her last trip to Labrador for the season.
September 29, 1881The FisheryAll the Morton's Harbor craft have returned from the Labrador, the greater part of them having been fairly successful. We are glad to learn that all the vessels owned and fitted out for the Labrador fishery by M. OSMOND, Esq., have been fortunate in securing respectable catches of the "finny tribe", the average catch per man being over 50 qtls., which must be looked upon as good for so many craft, considering the short catch for the season.
September 29, 1881LetterThe following news items are from a private letter from Bonavista, dated Sept. 26th: -- "The Judge and suit have been here since Saturday. Court opened to day. Grand Jury addressed by his Lordship. They were congratulated on the absence of crime, &c., and dismissed. Only one or two cases to come before the Court this year and these of a trivial nature." "Six or seven of the smaller craft have returned from the French Shore with full fares. This is the second trip with them. On the whole we are inclined to think that the voyage is rather above an average in this place. Our Labrador fleet is reported as having little or nothing. On Sabbath afternoon a young man named George ABBOTT, who was a member of the I.O.G.T. Order, was buried with Good Templar honors. The brethren accompanied the remains to the Methodist Church, where a very effective sermon was preached by the Rev. G. BULLIN and from thence to the grave."
September 29, 1881ReligiousPersonal. -- The Rev. William TEMPLE, arrived here in the mission yacht "Snowdrop", on Tuesday last, from White Bay where for the past twelve months he has been zealously working in the holy office to which (he) has been called. We are glad to see him looking so well after encountering the hardships peculiar to the performance of the important duties connected with his mission. We are also pleased to see with us, J.G. LUCAS, Esq., Sub-collector of H.M. Customs, of Fogo, who came here by "Plover" on Wednesday morning.
September 29, 1881ShippingA cargo of provisions, &c., arrived from St. John's to Messrs. HOLDER & LINFIELD on Monday last. The "Restem", Capt. FRENCH, came from same place on the previous day, to J.B. TOBIN, Esq., with general cargo. The "Mary Parker", Capt. CARTER, also returned on Tuesday, making rather a long passage from St. John's, having been wind bound in Catalina for some days.
September 29, 1881ReligiousThe Rev. J. PINCOCK, of Morton's Harbor, occupied the pulpits of the Methodist Churches on Sunday last, preaching on the North-side in the morning, and on the South-side in the evening. His discourses were earnest and practical, and were listened to by large and attentive congregations. He also preached at Little Harbor in the afternoon. The Rev. Mr. ATKINSON conducted the services at Morton's Harbor.
September 29, 1881ReligiousA Munificient Collection. -- On Sunday last the sum of £257 was taken up in the Roman Catholic Churches towards the support of the orphans of St. Michael's, Belvidere. This speaks volumes for the whole generosity of our Roman Catholic citizens who are very foremost in works of charity. -- St. John's Times.

October 6, 1881Ship ArrivalThe schooner "Young Builder", ROBERTS, master arrived from St. John's to J.B. TOBIN Esq., on Tuesday mooring with a cargo of provisions, having left St. John's early Monday thus making a very quick run.
October 6, 1881AppointmentThe St. John's Evening Telegram of the 26th. Sept. says:-- "We learn from the London Times of the 12th. that Lieut. Malcolm DRUMMOND, Grenadier Guards, has been appointed Aide-de-Camp to Lieut-General Sir H.F.B. MAXSE, Governor of Newfoundland".
October 6, 1881The WeatherFor the past three weeks the weather has been most unsettled and unsatisfactory as far as fish-curing and craft movements are concerned, and at the present time we are realizing a cold damp atmosphere which is very detrimental to the general interests of the people. On the 22 nd. ult., we had the first appearance of wintry weather, in the shape of a heavy shower of snow, and this morning the early risers were greeted by a white mantle all over the ground which, however, quickly disappeared as the sun rose. Several craft from White Bay and French Shore were detained over a week waiting for a favorable time to get home, but we hope that e're this, they have arrived safely to their destinations.
October 6, 1881ShootingSerious Shooting Affair at Bay of Islands. -- Advices from Humber Arm, Bay of Islands, state that much excitement prevails there in consequence of a fatal shooting affair which occurred yesterday. It seems that owing to some cause or other, at present unknown here, a mis-understanding arose between the Captain of the schooner "Speculator" and one of his crew, during which the Captain became excited and drawing a revolver, shot the seaman in the right side. The bullet entered just below the ribs, passed through the body and lodged close to the skin on the left side, where it can be easily felt by rubbing the hand over the part indicated. Immediately after the shooting, information was conveyed to the nearest Constable, who forthwith proceeded on board of the schooner for the purpose of arresting the Captain. The latter, however, escaped to the woods, where he is still hiding. We understand the wounded man will be sent to St. George's Bay on the S.S. Curlew, so that surgical treatment may be obtained for him with as little delay as possible. -- St.John's Telegram, Sept. 30th.
October 6, 1881The CourtsIn the Police Court, Harbor Grace, on Friday last William WILLS, a lad of about 12 years, was charged by Head Constable DOYLE with having assaulted a boy named James WEBBER, aged 12 years, and with having stabbed him with a pocket-knife. In this case, it appears that the two lads were "sky-larking" in front of Messrs. John MUNN & Co.'s premises, throwing mud at each other. WEBBER, who is the bigger boy, chased WILLS into the shop and kicked him. The two lads then struck each other several blows, and WILLS, who had a knife in his hand, (with which he had been a short time previously cutting chips), stabbed WEBBER twice. The first stab cut his coat, the second entered the chest on the right side, inflicting a serious wound. The evidence of Dr. W.M. ALLAN was taken. He stated that the boy was doing well this morning (Friday), but that he could not at all be certain of the result for a few days. Further hearing remanded till Friday next. -- Ibid, Sept. 27.
October 6, 1881Missing CrewmanDriven to Sea in A Dory. -- A Renews correspondent, writing under date of Sunday last, acquaints us with the following painful incident: -- :On Wednesday night, 21st. instant, a young man belonging to the schooner "Rio Grande" (RYAN, master) left the vessel in a dory, evidently with the intention of coming ashore. It happened, however, that he had but one oar and as a strong breeze was blowing out the harbor at the time, it is more then probable that the poor fellow was driven to sea. Cries for help were uttered by the missing man and subsequently reported by those who heard them; but it does not appear that any effort whatever was made to render assistance. Nothing has been seen or heard of him since, although search parties have been out on several occasions. -- Ibid, Sept. 29.
October 6, 1881Ship ArrivalThe steamer "Plover" on her return trip to St. John's called here about 3 o'clock a.m. on Monday last, and after a short delay proceeded on her way. The following came passengers by her to this place, Misses K. STIRLING, A. PEYTON, L. RICE and others, the names which we could not ascertain.
October 6, 1881Business TripThe Editor of this paper left for business in Bonavista and Catalina by last steamer and will probably return next trip of the mailship.
October 6, 1881Shipping NewsWe notice the following in connection with the firm of W. WATERMAN & Co., The schooner "Anna Maria" was cleared yesterday for Montreal with a cargo of cod-oil. The schooners "Nymph" and "Busy" arrived from St. John's with a cargo of provisions &c. The "Branksea" arrived recently from the collecting tour in Green Bay, having secured a good load. She leaves today for White Bay on similar work. The "Juno" arrived here en route from Horse Islands to St. John's with a load of dry fish. The "Success" arrived from Fogo and will leave to-day for Nippers Harbor to load fish for St. John's. The "Runnymead", ANTLE, master will leave the same place with a similar cargo in a few days. The English schooner "Queen of the West", CLARK, master arrived to E. DUDER on Sunday morning from St. John's, she has since left for Herring Neck where she will load with dry fish. The schooner "Emeline", (DEEK ?), master arrived from French Shore yesterday bringing a load of fish oil &c.

October 13, 1881WeddingClerical Wedding. -- It was well known in Twillingate, and perhaps elsewhere, that the Rev. T.W. TEMPLE S.P.G. Missionary in White Bay, was waiting for the arrival of this "Plover" to unite in the bonds of Holy Matrimony with Miss Susan P. STIRLING, fourth daughter of our valued Physician, of that name. It ws, however, considered that to delay the actual Marriage Ceremony until the arrival of the steamer would throw matters into confusion, or cause too great detention in harbour, over and above the usual two hours; and therefore the Wedding was wisely arranged for Tuesday evening at 8 p.m.; and the breakfast left for Wednesday morning, as soon as the Plover should arrive. Accordingly punctual to the hour named, the wedding party arrived at St. Peter's Church and found a large congregation gathered to witness the ceremony, which was performed by the Rev. R. TEMPLE, R.D., only brother of the bridegroom, and enlivened by the assistance of the Church Choir, who sang one Hymn as the Bride entered, and a second before the last Exhortation; as well as chanting the Psalm Beati onmes. The Bride, who was given away by her father, was attended as bride-maids by her three sisters the Misses Kate, Janet, and Georgina STIRLING, and Miss Carrie M. TEMPLE, the little niece of the Bridegroom, who was himself supported as groomsmen by Rev. H. JOHNSON of Exploits, and E.C. WALLACE Esq., of Little Bay. The Bride's dress was puce cashmere and velvet, with wreath of orange blossoms and veil. The Bridesmaids wore ecru cashmere with mob caps and each carried a bouquet. After an hour or two spent at Dr. STIRLING's house, the Bride and Bridegroom retired to the Parsonage for the night in expectation of hearing the Plover's gun early on Wednesday. She arrived about 7 a.m.; and by the kindness of Captain BLANDFORD, as well as the ready sanction of the owners, Messrs. BOWRING, delayed until nearly 11 o'clock before leaving; so as to allow the Wedding Breakfast to be held as intended. The Rev. and Mrs. T.W. TEMPLE had also by the courtesy of Messrs. BOWRING, the happiness of being escorted in the Plover to their home in Western Cove, White Bay, a (distance of seventy miles beyond the usual terminus of Tilt Cove,) by almost the whole wedding party, the new Public Wharf, now nearly finished, being used for the first time for embarkation of passengers, on this happy occasion. If the display of bunting seen in harbour betokens good will, the newly married couple carry with them abundant good wishes from all. Beati sint.
October 13, 1881Visit of GovernorHis Excellency, Governor Sir Henry Fitzhardinge Berkeley MAXSE, arrived at St. John's per "Nova Scotian" on Thursday, the 6th. inst., accompanied by his aid-de-camp, Lieut. Malcom DRUMOND. His Excellency on landing was saluted by a guard of honor and received a cordial greeting from a large number of citizens who were on the wharf to receive him.
October 13, 1881Ship ArrivalThe coastal steamer "Plover" arrived here about 7 o'clock on Wednesday morning, bringing local and foreign mails.
October 13, 1881Cann IslandsWithin the past eight or ten days a number of men have been employed in mining on Cann Island. Several blasts have been made and indications of copper ore are apparent. We understand that a gold "find", has also been discovered there recently.
October 13, 1881Ship ArrivalThe schooner "Wild Rover," arrived from the Bay, to-day with a cargo of timber for the new coastal wharf, which is now nearing completion, and which will prove quite an acquisition to that part of the harbor.
October 13, 1881Visiting ClergyThe Rev. Theodore NURSE, son of our respected townsman J. NURSE, Esq., arrived here per last "Plover". Mr. NURSE has been performing the ministerial duties of his holy calling, in Brooklyn, Bonavista Bay, for some time past, where his labors have been received with much acceptance. We hope that he may enjoy this visit to his native town, and return to his Mission, with renewed zeal to pursue the sacred duties of his office. J.W. OWEN, Esq., returned from St. John's by the same steamer.
October 13, 1881Ship ArrivalThe steamer "Hercules" came here from St. John's to-day. After landing a quantity of freight she left for the mining district.
October 13, 1881Accident on ShipSerious Accident on Board the S.S. "Juliet". -- The steamer Juliet, bound from Liverpool to New York, put in here this morning for the purpose of landing a female passenger who met with a serious accident during the voyage. It seems that while the ship was rolling heavily the woman fell and sustained thereby a fracture of the skull which necessitated prompt surgical treatment. As soon as Dr. HARVEY went on board, he ordered her removal to the Hospital, where she is now receiving every attention from the kind-hearted officials of that excellent institution. -- St. John's Telegram.
October 13, 1881Loss of SchoonerLoss of The Schooner Llewellyn. -- On Friday, Sept 30, writes our Randon correspondent - the schr. Llewellyn, left St. John's for home. She had her usual crew and some passengers. All went on well 'till they reached the North side of Trinity Bay when, unfortunately, they ran on the Shag Rock, near Ireland's Eye, and in less than ten minutes the schooner was completely under water. The passengers and crew - nine altogether - escaped with their lives and nothing more. The night was very dark and a stiff breeze blowing. The schooner was hired by William COOPER & Sons, of North West Arm, Random, who lost their winter's fit-out, which they had just bought. Perhaps the saddest part of the affair is in connection with the Rev. James LUMSDEN, Methodist Minister, who had only arrived from England by the last home boat, and was on his way to the Random Mission. He lost everything he had, and barely escaped without either a hat or a boot. He is now left nearly destitute of clothing. To him the loss is considerable, not only with regard to clothing; for he had a splendid collection of books, many of them being present from friends when leaving home. He had also a number of other presents. Few, upon the commencement of their missionary career in Newfoundland have met with such a disheartening incident. The unfortunate affair has elicited the unmistakable sympathy of the people. Mrs. TOOPE and others in Ireland's Eye treated the shipwrecked men with great consideration, and did their utmost to assist them in reaching their homes. The schooner was insured, but the poor man who owned her has lost heavily, as he had a large quantity of fishing gear on board at the time. --- Ibid
October 13, 1881BirthsNURSE. - At Twillingate, on Thursday evening, Sept. 29th, the wife of the Rev. James NURSE, Methodist Minister, of a daughter.
October 13, 1881BirthsCAHILL. - At Cupids, Sept. 13th, the wife of Mr. J.A. CAHILL, Methodist School Teacher, of a daughter.
October 13, 1881BirthsVINCENT. - At Bonavista, on the 8th inst., the wife of Mr. Alfred VINCENT, teacher of the Methodist Central day school, of a daughter.

October 21, 1881
SaleFor Sale. 2 prime pine mast pieces, 63 and 61 feet long. 1 spruce ditto. 56 feet long. Apply at the Post Office, Exploits. Oct 21.
October 21, 1881Ship ArrivalThe Steamer "Hercules" called here on Monday night, last en route for St. John's. The Captain expected to be here again about Monday evening or Tuesday night.
October 21, 1881Ship ArrivalH.M. ship "Fantome" came into port on Saturday evening last, and left again on Wednesday morning. She has been engaged in protecting the fisheries on our coast the past season, and had lately left the Labrador coast.
October 21, 1881Ship ArrivalThe Revenue cruiser "Rose" from Labrador on her way to St. John's called her on Friday last, having on board the collector of H.M. Customs for that coast, Mr. BERTEAU, son of our worthy Magistrate, F. BERTEAU, Esq.
October 21, 1881Ship ArrivalThe coastal steamer "Plover" on her return to St. John's came here on Friday.
October 21, 1881Ship DepartureThe schr. "Flamingo," left for St. John's on Tuesday last, with a cargo of fish for Messrs. WATERMAN & Co.
October 21, 1881AdvertisementMr. M.F. SMYTHE, Water Street, St. John's, has on hand a large stock of excellent Sewing Machines. Any person requiring a genuine article in that line, cheap, may obtain it by sending their orders to that Sewing Machine Depot.
October 21, 1881AdvertisementBooks &c., -- Mr. G.N. GREEN, who arrived here by last "Plover" begs to intimate that he has a large assortment of books, pictures, and fancy goods, which he will dispose of until Tuesday next, at very low prices. Inspection invited at the store opposite the Sun office. As his stay is limited to a few days, an early call is necessary. -- Adv.
October 21, 1881Civil DisturbanceOn Saturday night while a number of the "Fantome's" men were on shore, they appeared to be conducting themselves somewhat disorderly, and having been spoken to by Sergeant WELLS, some insult, we understand was given, whereupon the Sergeant attempted to arrest a couple, and resistance having been made by them, a struggle ensued, when the prisoners received a good deal of injury. The matter was heard before the magistrate on Monday last, but no decision was arrived at regarding the justice or injustice of the course adopted by the officer.
October 21, 1881DiedAt North-West Arm, on the 15th of September, after a short illness, Mrs. Sarah MILLS, aged 78 years. She died happy. The deceased was grandmother of 71 children.

October 28, 1881
Ship ArrivalThe coastal steamer "Plover" under the able command of Capt. BLANDFORD, came here shortly after ten on Tuesday night.
October 28, 1881SheepTwo fine sheep, the property of Mr. FREEMAN, Back Harbor, were destroyed by dogs on Tuesday night.
October 28, 1881IllnessWe learn that diphtheria has been prevalent at Ward's Harbor of late and that a good many cases have proved fatal. We are sorry that Mr. Samuel SHORT has lost three children from this disease.
October 28, 1881Beef SuppliesA supply of fresh beef is to be disposed of in large and small quantities, on the premises of Mr. J. HODDER near the coastal wharf. We understand that Mr. HODDER intends keeping a supply for sale in the future, and will be prepared to supply customers regularly.
October 28, 1881Ship ArrivalThe schooner "Ripple," SPRACKLIN, master, belonging to Brigus, Conception Bay, on her way from Labrador was towed in here on Tuesday night with foremast gone. There was not much wind at the time, but a heavy pitch-swell caused it to give way.
October 28, 1881Death by DrowningA little boy between three and four years old, was drowned at Little Bay Island one day last week. The parents went on board the schooner, lying off in the harbor leaving the little one on shore. He being anxious to follow them, afterwards attempted to do so by getting into a boat for the purpose of going where they were. It appears that he fell over the side of the boat, as the body was soon after found near the premises where it belonged. The child was the only son of Mr. OXFORD of that place.
October 28, 1881ReligiousPersonal. -- On Sunday evening the Rev. Theodore NURSE of Brooklyn, Bonavista Bay, conducted Divine Service in St. Peter's Church, the Rev. R. TEMPLE, R.D. being at St. Andrew's where the former gentleman had o…….ed in the morning. In the evening the Church Service was rendered in a very pleasing style, and an earnest and practical discourse was delivered before a large and attentive congregation from the words of St. Luke, xii. 20. The Rev. Mr. NURSE returned to his mission by this steamer and we wish him continued and increased success, in his ....... calling.
October 28, 1881MarriagesTAYLOR - WISEMAN. - On Monday, Oct. 24th, in the Methodist Church, South-side, Twillingate, by the Rev. T.W. ATKINSON, Mr. Jacob TAYLOR, to Miss Mary WISEMAN, both of Little Bay Islands.
October 28, 1881MarriagesWALKINS - BROWN. - On Oct. 17th, by the Rev. Geo. WHYTE, Mr. William WALKINS of Twillingate to Miss Elizabeth BROWN, of Bluff - Head Cove.
October 28, 1881MarriagesBLANDFORD - LEDREW. - On the 21st. at the residence of Mr. BENNETT, Military Road, St. John's, by the Rev. J.A. JACKSON, Mr. Levi BLANDFORD, of Herring Neck, to Miss Siphia LeDREW of St. John's.
October 28, 1881MarriagesNOWLAN - PARDY. - At Bonavista, Oct. 9th, by the Rev. Geo. BULLEN, Mr. Robert NOWLAN of Musgrave Harbor, to Selina, daughter of Mr. George PARDY of Bonavista.
October 28, 1881MarriagesLITTLE - WELLS. On the 19th, by the same, Mr. James LITTLE, to Mary, daughter of Mr. Thomas WELLS, both of Bonavista.
October 28, 1881MarriagesPAUL - BUNDLE. - On the 22nd, by the same, Mr. Thomas PAUL to Mary Ann, youngest daughter of Mr. Wm. BUNDLE, all of Bonavista.
October 28, 1881MarriagesABBOTT - BAKER. - At Newman's Cove on the 22nd. by the same. Joseph, youngest son of Mr. Joseph ABBOTT of Newman's Cove, to Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. BAKER, of same place.
October 28, 1881MarriagesBAKER - ABBOTT. - On the 24th. at the same place, by the same, Mr. Wm. BAKER to Charlotte, daughter of Mr. J. ABBOTT all of Newman's Cove.
October 28, 1881MarriagesABBOTT. DUNN - On the 22nd, by the same, Mr.. Richard ABBOTT, to Ellen, only daughter of the late Mr. John DUNN, all of Bayly's Cove, Bonavista.
October 28, 1881MarriagesABBOTT - ABBOTT - On the 21st, by the same. Mr. Hugh ABBOTT to Margaret, daughter of Mr. James ABBOTT both of Bayly's Cove, Bonavista.
October 28, 1881DiedASHMAN.- At 18, British Square, St. John's, on the 17th. inst., after a brief illness, Mary, beloved wife of Mr. Thomas ASHMAN, aged 71 years. Deeply regretted by a large circle of friends.
October 28, 1881DiedSCOTT.- At St. John's on the 22nd inst., of heart disease, Mr. Adam SCOTT, aged 58 years, 30 of which he spent in this country. The deceased was a native of Canonbie, Dumfrieshire.

November 11, 1881
SalmonFresh Salmon. -- A few fresh salmon, large size, were in market the past week which sold at 6d. per lb.
November 11, 1881Steamer ArrivalThe steamer "Plover" made a special trip to this port last week arriving on Friday with at cargo of flour to Messrs. W. WATERMAN & Co., the vessel consigned to them with the same having made St. John's her terminus.
November 11, 1881Note of ThanksThe Rev. Henry JOHNSON begs hereby to thank Messrs. NURSE, G. PEARCE, Philip WELLS, and others for so kindly rendering assistance to his Mission Boat, which drove from her anchorage in Back Harbour during the gale of Sunday the 16th. ult. Had it not been for their timely aid the boat would have been materially damaged.
November 11, 1881BusinessFor the past few weeks numbers of residents from various parts of the Bay have been here transacting business. With others we were glad to see our old friends Mr. William ROUSELL, Sr., of Leading Tickles and Mr. James PARSONS, of Lushes Bight. We hope that one and all may have a safe return to their respective homes.
November 11, 1881Loss of SchoonerWe have to thank an esteemed Tilt Cove correspondent for the following item concerning the loss of a schooner belonging to Little Bay Islands, which occurred at Shoe Cove during a gale on the 28th ult.:-- "At Shoe Cove this morning, in the dawning, a schooner about 30 tons register, commanded by one George GRIMMS of Little Bay Islands, dragged her two anchors and went ashore. The master and crew seeing little or no chance of saving their lives by holding on to the vessel managed to board the "Nil Desperandum," belonging to H. HERBERT, Esq. of Nipper's Harbor that was lying near them. When first Mr. GRIMMS' vessel struck the rocks she broke off at the main hatch and after a few thumps was broken in small pieces. She was loaded with timber."
November 11, 1881Narrow EscapeNarrow Escape from Drowning.-- On Tuesday evening three individuals belonging to the Arm, left Capt. WREY's wharf in (a) boat for the South-side. Having previously indulged a little too freely in beverages of an intoxicating tendency, the trio could not refrain from displaying "tactics" and when a few yards from the land, the boat tipped over, plunging its occupants into the water. Had it not been for timely assistance afforded, the result of their "dip" would have been most serious.
November 11, 1881Return of SchoonerThe schooner "Vivid", owned by Messrs. HODDER & LINFIELD, returned from the French Shore on Tuesday last, where she has been employed in a trading venture the past season. This is the second time the Vivid has come back with a full cargo of this year's produce. She arrived late in September with 1,600 qtls. of fish, 60 tierce of salmon, and 7 tons oil. This time her cargo consists of 1,600 qtls. fish and a quantity of oil, both trips being remarkably good. Three or four other craft have also arrived from the French Shore within the past few weeks with cargoes of fish, &c., to the same firm.The Vivid formerly belonged to the firm of E. DUDER, Esq.; is well and substantially built, and is a fast sailor as is well known from the quick trips made while running for her former owner. She was purchased last spring by Messrs. HODDER & LINFIELD, and it is pleasing to know that the speculation has thus far proved so successful. We trust that the enterprising firm may have continued success in the future. She left for St.John's on Wednesday morning last, Mr. T. LINFIELD, one of the partners of the firm, taking passage by her.
November 11, 1881BonfiresSaturday last being the 5th of November, various displays of bon-fires were to be seen in the night on the surrounding hills, which for a day or two before the juveniles seem to take a good deal of trouble to prepare.
November 11, 1881Ship DeparturesThe schooners "Branksea," "Mary Parker," and "Vivid" left for St. John's on Wednesday last with cargoes of fish &c. The "Young Builder", Capt. A. ROBERTS left for same place on the previous Monday with a full cargo for J.B. TOBIN, Esq.
November 11, 1881Loss of Life & PropertyAn appalling loss happened near Cann Island on the 26th. Ult. The subjoined particulars of which we take from the St. John's Telegram of the 5th. inst.: -- Mr. Benjamin SQUIRES, master of the schr. "Brothers," furnishes us with the following statement respecting the loss of the "Ellen" and all on board, near Cann Islands, on the morning of the 25th. ultimo: The Ellen was a schooner of 30 tons. She belonged to Bay Roberts and was under the command of my brother Edmund SQUIRES. He was bound from the French Shore to St. John's in company with me when the disaster occurred. We left the same harbor together on the morning of the 24th. October, and got along well enough until 11 o'clock that night. We were then about three miles from Cat Harbor. Here the sea came very rough and the wind increased to a gale. Indeed so unfavorable did the weather appear that we decided to make a harbor, and accordingly bore away and made the Wadham light at half-past 12. lt then gathered in thick and we ran for Seldom Come By. But having made too far Southward of the latter harbor, we were obliged to wear round and stand out to sea again. I could see the Ellen's light all the time. We had to crowd on as much canvas as possible to keep off the lee shore. About twenty minutes to four, when nearly clear of the leeward point, the light shown by my brother suddenly disappeared, and I fancied I saw the mainmast of his craft go overboard. Yesterday I received a letter from a person living near the scene of the wreck. From what he ways I am led to believe that when almost clear of the Eastern Point of Cann Island, and just at the time I lost sight of the light, a sudden squall carried away the schooner's mainmast, and, drifting in on the Brandies, she went to pieces. On Sunday last three bodies were recovered - a young woman aged 19, a boy of 15, and one of the crew - and sent to their sorrowing friends, who received them last evening. My brother had his daughter, sister and sister's son with him at the time. No one escaped to tell the terrible tale.
November 11, 1881BirthFURLONG. - At Tilt Cove, October 21st. The wife of Mr. Andrew FURLONG of a daughter.
November 11, 1881BirthSLATTERY. - At same place, October 25th, the wife of Mr. Michael SLATTERY of a daughter.
November 11, 1881MarriagesYOUNG - GILLETT. - On October 28th, by the Rev. T.W. ATKINSON, Mr. Abraham YOUNG to Miss Emily Brewster GILLETT, both of Twillingate.
November 11, 1881MarriagesBOURDEN - GILLARD. - On Nov 3rd by the same Mr. John Bourden to Miss Elizabeth GILLARD, both of Twillingate.
November 11, 1881MarriagesMORGAN - SLADE. - Same date by the same, Mr. James MORGAN to Miss Susanna SLADE, both of Twillingate.
November 11, 1881MarriagesRICE - WARR. - On Nov. 5th., in the Little Harbor Methodist Church, by the same, Mr. Wm. RICE to Miss Harriett WARR both of Little Harbor.
November 11, 1881MarriagesVIVIAN - BURTON. - On Nov. 5th, by the same, Thomas VIVIAN to Miss Selina BURTON, both of Twillingate.
November 11, 1881MarriagesMcVICARS - CRANE. - At Little Bay Mines on 27 th. Oct., by the Rev. W. Scott WHITTIER, to Mr. Philip McVICAR, Mining Captain, Of Loch Lomond, C.B., Miss Eliza CRANE, youngest daughter of James CRANE, Esq., of Upper Island Cove, Conception Bay.
November 11, 1881MarriagesGILLINGHAM - COLES. - In St. Andrew's Church, Fogo, Oct. 3rd., by the Rev. C. MEEK, Mr. Robert GILLINGHAM, of Gander Bay, to Miss Miriam COLES, of Hare Bay.
November 11, 1881MarriagesMERCER - COFFIN. - By the same, in the Church of St. John the Evangelist, Barr'd Islands, Oct. 10th, Mr. George MERCER, to Miss Caroline COFFIN, both of Joe - Batt's Arm.
November 11, 1881MarriagesSIMMS - GILLETT. - By the same, in St. Andrew's Church, Fogo, Oct. 24th., Mr. Wm. SIMMS, to Miss Emily GILLETT, both of Fogo.
November 11, 1881MarriagesBROWN - MERCER. - By the same, in the Church of St. John the Evangelist, Barr'd Islands, Oct. 24th., Mr. Ambrose BROWN to Miss Martha MERCER, both of Joe Batt's Arm.
November 11, 1881MarriagesSNOW - FRANCIS. - By the same, Oct. 28th., Mr. Azariah SNOW, of Hare Bay to Miss Fanny FRANCIS, of Gander Bay.
November 11, 1881MarriagesARNOTT - CULL. - By the same, Nov 7th. William Henry ARNOTT, of Wild Cove, Seldom-come-by, to Miss Harriet CULL of Indian Islands.
November 11, 1881MarriagesWHEELER - HILL. - At the Chapel School, Seal Cove, Bonavista Bay, on "All Saint's Day" by the Rev. Theodore NURSE, Mr. Henry WHEELER, to Caroline, daughter of Mr. James HILL, of Bonavista.
November 11, 1881MarriagesJENKINS - SAMPSON. - On the 9th. ult., at Musgrave Town, Bonavista Bay, by Rev. B. HEMLAW, Mr. Eli JENKINS, of Western Bay, to Sarah, daughter of the late Mr. John SAMPSON of Salvage.
November 11, 1881DiedSTUCKLESS. - On the 5th. inst., after a protracted illness, with Christian fortitude to the Divine will, Mary Jane, daughter of the late Mr. Alexander STUCKLESS, aged 17 years. Funeral took place yesterday. The children of the Sunday School with which she was connected walking in procession before the corpse. A suitable address was given in the Church by Rev. T.W. ATKINSON.
November 11, 1881DiedLUDLOW. - At Tilt Cove, on the 21st. Inst., Lucy Ann the beloved wife of Abel LUDLOW, aged 24 years. The deceased was formerly a resident of Twillingate.
November 11, 1881DiedPOWELL. - At Fogo, on Monday, the 7th. inst., after a lingering illness, John, only son of Mr. George POWELL, aged 27 years.

November 25, 1881
Death on board SchoonerThe steamer "Hercules" which left St. John's for the North on Friday evening last, put in here about 6 p.m. on Sunday, Captain CROSS not wishing to proceed further as one of the passengers, John RENDELL, Esq., M.H.A. for Trinity Bay, was ill and appeared to be in a dangerous state, and who, sad to relate, died on the following evening notwithstanding all that could be done for his recovery. Mr. RENDELL was a son of the Hon. Stephen RENDELL of St. John's and was on his way to Round Harbor where he had been engaged in a mercantile business for some time. The remains of the deceased were conveyed to St. John's in the schooner "Bess..." which left here on Tuesday morning. We tender our sympathy to the sorrowing relatives.
November 25, 1881Ship ArrivalThe English schooner "Rippl…. Wave", Capt. GULLY, arrived here from Bristol on Sunday night, to Messrs. OWEN & EARLE, with general cargo, making the run in 35 days.
November 25, 1881Return of BusinessmanPersonal. -- Mr. T. LINFIELD, (of the firm of HODDER & LINFIELD), who had been on a visit to the Metropolis for a short time, returned per "Plover" on Thursday morning. We are glad to see him looking so well after his trip.
November 25, 1881Escape from DrowningProvidential Escape From Drowning.-- Monday night of the 12th. inst., was one of intense darkness; in fact seldom is it that we realize such a dark mantle as overspread our Harbor at that time, and remembering that, unlike most places, we are without a single artificial ray to guide the pedestrian in his wanderings around our shores and wharves, coupled with the fact that, about this season our harbor is generally full of strangers, from all parts of the Bay, transacting their business e're the winter closes, it is a matter of the greatest wonder that so few accidents of a serious nature occur. About nine o'clock on the night mentioned, Messrs. Michael BYRNE and his son James proceeded to the wharf of Messrs. WATERMAN & Co., in order to board their schooner of which the latter is master, and who at once laid hold of the mainstay and swung himself so as to drop on deck, where he landed safely. But not so with his father who, in the act of boarding in the same manner, was precipitated into the water by the schooner giving a sudden r…… Fortunately, however, he went clear (of) any obstruction that might have inflicted injuries of a serious nature, and not having forgot the art of swimming, acquired in his younger days, he at once struck out for the shore where he landed safely, after a complete ducking. At about 11 o'clock the same night Mr. Thomas BOYDE and daughter, Little Bay, left the shop of Messrs. WATERMAN & Co., (where they had been transacting business during the day), in order to go to lodgings for the night, but wishing to give some instructions to men on board a craft at the wharf, they both walked down, the father being on the outside. In the act of turning a corner, he told his daughter to take his hand, so that she should not (go) astray, and scarcely had the words been spoken when he walked right over the wharf, leaving her terror stricken. She, however, was equal to the occasion, and, being called back to consciousness by the splash in the water, she at once gave a good pair of lungs fair play, and her cries, with those of her parent, quickly summoned ....... from the schooners lying close by and from the establishment which they had just left, and assistance being quickly at hand, the struggling man was rescued from a watery grave. It was a most miraculous thing that he escaped, for in the fall he just brushed a projecting half-way platform used for passing fish from small boats upon the wharf, which if he had struck might have inflicted injuries of a fatal character. However, all's well that ends well; after a quick change of clothing and a good rubdown, and a little fainting, ...... brought the tragic event to a termination.

December 2, 1881
SealingFirst Sign Of Seals.-- A young harp seal was captured in a net at Wild Gulch, (near Morton's Harbor) on Wednesday morning. We understand that one or two others were caught about the same place. This, we believe, is the first appearance of seals in that direction for the season. It is to be hoped that we may be able to report the capture of many in various parts, the next few months.
December 2, 1881Ship ArrivalThe coastal steamer "Plover", on her way to St. John's, made her usual call here about 3 a.m., Sunday. Going North last trip. She touched at Morton's Harbor to land quantities of freight for Messrs. M. OSMOND, S. SMALL and T. FRENCH. A great boon would be conferred on this and other places in the Bay, springing into importance, by regular visits of the coastal steamer, say monthly, or perhaps, for a time, less frequently. The increasing business relations of such communities with St. John's require direct communication therewith, while the legitimate rights of the people will claim it. We trust that the time is not far distant when these ports may be so favored.
December 2, 1881WeatherAmong the probable weather events for next year, contained on advance sheets of Vennor's Almanac, it is stated that in Newfoundland the winter of 1882 is likely to be very severe and stormy.
December 2, 1881DeathDrowned. -- A correspondent from Little Bay kindly furnishes the following: "A man named Michael RIELLY, of Kilbride, (near St. John's) was drowned on Wednesday morning. It appears that he and two others were crossing Little Bay about two a.m., on that day, and when within two hundred yards from the shore the boat accidentally capsized."
December 2, 1881IllnessesThere have been several cases of measles in this community of late; not however, of a very bad type. Through skilful medical treatment and proper care and attention on the part of those interested, all have convalesced, or are in a fair way for doing so, and we are not aware that in any one instance a case has proved fatal. Diphtheria still prevails at Herring Neck, and some cases of measles are also reported there. We are sorry to know that Mr. T. CONNOR, teacher of the Church of England day school, has lost his only son from the effects of both. We tender our sympathy to the family in their bereavement.
December 2, 1881AccidentsHenry BROWN, a servant to Mr. Reuben BLACKMORE, while in the Bay a few days since, with others of the boat's crew, after fire-wood, met with an accident by inflicting a large wound in his right arm. He rested his axe down a short distance from where his turn was, and when starting, the hauling rope gave way, and he fell backwards, his elbow striking the sharp implement, thereby sustaining the injury. He returned in Mr. BLACKMORE's craft yesterday, which brought a full load of wood-fuel. A young man named William POOLE, of Little Harbor, while cutting timbers for a boat near Rocky Pond, Friday's Bay, on Wednesday last, accidentally cut his foot across the instep, which had a like to prove serious. He was taken to his home yesterday morning.
December 2, 1881Ship ArrivalThe steamer "Hercules," going to St. John's put into port yesterday morning, having been as far as Battle Harbor. She experienced very severe weather on the Labrador coast.
December 2, 1881Ship ArrivalThe schooner "Mary M.," Capt. I. BARTLETT, Jr., put into port on Wednesday morning, having had her foresail torn to pieces while crossing the Straits in a heavy gale a few days ago. She is owned by Messrs. N. STABB & Sons, St. John's, and left there early in October for Esquimaux Bay, Labrador, with a cargo of supplies for the establishment of a salmon and fur post in that quarter. One of the members of the above firm, and a projector of the enterprise, T. STABB, Esq., is on board; also his son and Mr. LILLY, who is enjoying a holiday trip to the Northern regions. The Mary M. started for St. John's on the 16th. ult., and encountered very boisterous weather nearly all the time. She will probably be delayed here until Monday, as a new sail or two will be required.
December 2, 1881Ship ArrivalThe "Young Builder," Capt. Andrew ROBERTS, arrived from St. John's on Sunday morning last, having been engaged in trading and collecting in White Bay the past season for J.B. TOBIN, Esq. She brought back two full cargoes of fish, &c., and considering the very unfavorable weather nearly all the season, has done good work. Several other craft, which left St. John's when the Young Builder did, have not yet arrived.
December 2, 1881Newfoundlander's AbroadAt the recent examinations, Queen's College, Kingston, Mr. N. Stewart FRASER Matriculated with honors, being equal with W. CLYDE as winners of the first scholarship. Mr. FRASER enjoyed the careful training of the late Mr. SCOTT for some years previous to leaving for Kingston, to which doubtless he is indebted for his after success. -- St. John's Nfldr.
December 2, 1881Ship GroundingA brigantine named the "H.R. Jones," a week out from Halifax for Bett's Cove, with provisions, ran ashore at Bay Bulls on Wednesday night last. When information reached here, Inspector CARTY sent a party of police to the spot to render service if needed. The people of the place however joined those on board in their efforts, and they succeeded, after some hours, in getting the vessel off the rocks without very much damage. She comes here for repairs. -- Ibid.
December 2, 1881BirthLINFIELD. - On November 28th., the wife of Mr. Frederick LINFIELD, of a daughter.
December 2, 1881MarriagesBAGGS - ELLIOTT - On Nov. 23rd., by Rev. T.W. ATKINSON, Mr. Richard BAGGS, of Bluff Head Cove, to Miss Martha ELLIOTT of Crow Head.
December 2, 1881MarriagesPRIMMER - BULYAN - On Nov 24th., by the same, Mr. Richard PRIMMER to Miss Agnes BULYAN, both of Twillingate.
December 2, 1881MarriagesWHELLOR - DAVEY. - On Nov. 25th. by the same, Mr. Jonathan WHELLOR, to Miss Lucy Ann DAVEY, both of Twillingate.
December 2, 1881MarriagesNOSEWORTHY - WARD. - On Nov. 21st., at St. Nicholas Church, Leading Tickle, by Rev. Henry JOHNSON, Mr. Simon WARD, Jr., to Miss Fanny NOSEWORTHY.
December 2, 1881MarriagesPECKFORD - ELLIOTT. - 24th Oct., Mr. Jonas PECKFORD to Miss Arabella ELLIOTT. At the Church of St. James the Apostle, Change Islands, by Rev. John Hewitt.
December 2, 1881MarriagesCOVEDUCK - PECKFORD. - On the same day Mr. Joseph COVEDUCK to Miss Ethelinda PECKFORD. At the Church of St. James the Apostle, Change Islands, by Rev. John Hewitt.
December 2, 1881MarriagesBOUND - COOPER.- 25th. Oct. Mr. George BOUND to Miss Mary Jane COOPER. At the Church of St. James the Apostle, Change Islands, by Rev. John Hewitt.
December 2, 1881MarriagesPARSONS - BRINTON. - 26th. Oct. Mr. Robert PARSONS to Miss Mary Jane BRINTON. At the Church of St. James the Apostle, Change Islands, by Rev. John Hewitt.
December 2, 1881MarriagesOAKE - SMART. - On the same day, Mr. John Thomas OAKE, to Miss Charlotte SMART. At the Church of St. James the Apostle, Change Islands, by Rev. John Hewitt.
December 2, 1881MarriagesOAKE - HINDS. - 2nd. Oct. Mr. Josiah OAKE to Miss Mary Ann HINDS. At the Church of St. James the Apostle, Change Islands, by Rev. John Hewitt.
December 2, 1881MarriagesPORTER - ELLIOTT. - On the same day, Mr. Aaron PORTER to Miss Lucy Ann ELLIOTT. At the Church of St. James the Apostle, Change Islands, by Rev. John Hewitt.
December 2, 1881MarriagesATKINS - SEALEY. - 2nd. Nov., Mr. Thomas ATKINS to Miss Lydia SEALEY. At St. Mary's Church, Herring Neck, by the same.
December 2, 1881MarriagesBLANDFORD - PARDY. - 3rd. Nov., Mr. Daniel BLANDFORD to Miss Dorcas PARDY. At St. Mary's Church, Herring Neck, by the same.
December 2, 1881MarriagesRICE - WAY. - 4th. Nov., Mr. James RICE to Miss Mary Ann WAY. At St. Mary's Church, Herring Neck, by the same.
December 2, 1881MarriagesWOODFORD - PHILPOTT. - 7th Nov. Mr. Timothy WOODFORD to Miss Lucy PHILPOTT. At St. Mary's Church, Herring Neck, by the same.
December 2, 1881MarriagesWHALEN - COLLINS. - 14th. Nov., Mr. John Charles WHALAN to Emily COLLINS. At St. Mary's Church, Herring Neck, by the same.
December 2, 1881MarriagesCASSELL - GRIMES. - 15th. Nov., Mr. Joseph CASSELL to Elizabeth GRIMES. At St. Mary's Church, Herring Neck, by the same.
December 2, 1881DeathsCONNOR. - At Herring Neck, on November 28th, of diphtheria and measles, Lewis Willington CONNOR, dearly beloved and only son of Thomas and Mary Ann CONNOR, aged four years.
December 2, 1881DeathsWEBSTER. - At Tilt Cove, 7th. Nov., Julia, second daughter of Capt. H. WEBSTER, aged 17 years and 6 months.
December 2, 1881DeathsNOWLAN. - At Brigus on Wednesday, 9th. of November, after a brief illness, Ann NOWLAN, the much beloved wife of Patrick NOWLAN, Esq., M.H.A.
December 2, 1881AdvertisementCabinet Organs, Celebrated in England and America as the best instruments of their class. -Also- New England Cabinet Organs. Solid black walnut cases, as cheap and in every respect superior to English Harmoniums. Illustrated Catalogues and prices may be obtained on application to J.P. Thompson, Sub-Agent, Sun Office, Twillingate. A stock always on hand at No. 7 Water Street East, St. John's. J.B. Woods, Agent for Newfoundland.

December 10, 1881
CorrectionIn correcting proof sheet(s) last week, the word "Young" in the item about the seals, was substituted for, by one of our armatures, for that of "bedlamer." During the past week several bedlammer-harp seals have been captured in this neighborhood.
December 10, 1881Ship Arrival The coastal steamer "Plover," Captain S. BLANDFORD, with mails, passengers, freight for the Northward, called here just before noon. The following embarked at the Metropolis: -- For old Perlican - Mrs. MIFFLIN Miss LEWIS, Miss MORRIS, Dr. SOMERVILLE and Mr. LEWIS. Trinity - Rev. Theo. NURSE, Mr. J. WILLIAMS. Catalina - Messrs. I. SNELGROVE, McCORMACK, A. TILLY, R. TILLY, and Miss MURPHY. King's Cove - Mr. COFFIN. Fogo - Mr. FITZGERALD. Twillingate - Messrs. NURSE, WILLIAMS, and Miss ROBERTS. Exploits - Messrs. J. MANUEL, and Thos. A. WINSOR, N. MARTIN. Little Bay Islands - Mr. A.C. HYNES. Little Bay Mines - Mr. GREEN. 30 in steerage.
December 10, 1881FireCrow Head school house, the property of the Church of England Board of Education of this district, had a narrow escape from destruction on Monday last. The gale of Friday had probably shaken the stove pipes, which were somewhat worn, and at the dinner hour the roof was found to be on fire, an alarm having been raised, the men soon reached the building with ladders, buckets, hatchets, &c; and their promptitude saved the building. Much credit is due to the Crow Head people, not only for their alertness and ready aid, but for the manner in which on the next day, they repaired all damages to the roof, and cleaned the building, so as to enable the usual Tuesday evening service to be held. A crowded congregation proved the estimation in which these fishermen hold their school house, living as they do at so considerable a distance from the Church.
December 10, 1881Missing SchoonerIt is sad to learn that so far no account has been received of the schooner "Daisy," belonging to Fogo, which left St. John's for that port about three weeks since. She reached as far as Cat Harbor Island on the evening of Friday, the 2nd. inst., where she was anchored, in company with the "Five Brothers," Capt. Samuel YOUNGS, of this place, who got here on the following Tuesday evening. When the gale increased, the Daisy was seen dragging her anchors, and it is thought that she must have driven off to sea. It is to be hoped that intelligence of her safety may soon reach us.
December 10, 1881Ship NewsThe subjoined extract is from a private letter received per "Hercules," on Wednesday last: "The English Mail Boat, now five days overdue, has not yet arrived. Steamers and vessels coming West have experienced extremely heavy weather, and many wrecks and much loss of life has been the result. We have two large steamers now in port, arrived this morning short of coal, one a large German boat with a great many passengers; the other a freight boat, the "Somerset" of Bristol bound to New York."
December 10, 1881ShipwreckThe brigantine "H.B. Jones", bound to Bett's Cove with a cargo of provisions, went ashore at Cape Cove (near Fogo) on the 2nd. inst., and became a total wreck. We learn that the greater part of the cargo has been saved. This is the second mishap which occurred on the voyage from Halifax to Bett's Cove. She ran ashore at Bay Bulls two or three weeks ago and was towed to St. John's for repairs whence she last sailed.
December 10, 1881Ship NewsMovements of Our Sailing Craft. -- The schooners "Five Brothers", and "Violet" arrived from St. John's on Tuesday. The "Mary Parker" also came in on Wednesday morning, making the trip in seven days, having left here for St. John's on the previous Wednesday morning. The "Branksea" which left St. John's on Monday last, arrived here on Wednesday. She left there previous to the late heavy gales, and being overtaken therein, before getting sufficiently far North to make a safe port of refuge, was compelled to go back to St. John's; as was the case with other craft which put out for the North about the same time. The "Minnie", owned by James STRONG, Esq., of Little Bay Islands, on her way from St. John's to that port, with a cargo of supplies, &c., for the owner, put into our harbor on Tuesday night. A craft commanded by Mr. John MOORS of New Bay Head, also put in the same time. She had on board a quantity of flour, saved from the wreck of the brigantine lost near Fogo, and intends conveying it to the mines whither the schooner was bound.
December 10, 1881Ship ArrivalThe steamer "Hercules," going North, with a full freight, and a goodly number of passengers, called here on Wednesday evening. Among her passengers we were glad to notice Joseph STRONG, Esq., of Little Bay Island, who had been to the Metropolis transacting business.
December 10, 1881DeathMr. Thos. FAREWELL, whose farm adjoins this village, died on Thursday last, aged 67 years, and was buried on Sunday in the new Cemetery. He had been sick for some months and was one of the most respected farmers in the neighborhood, though not a resident in this place for more than about ten years. He came here from the vicinity of Florence. Rev. Mr. RUSSEL preached a funeral sermon in the C. E. Church and a large concourse of friends followed the remains to the grave. -- Canada Paper.
December 10, 1881Departure of GovernorHis Excellency Governor MAXSE and family left here by the "Nova Scotian" yesterday for Great Britain. Delicate health renders it necessary that His Excellency should seek a more genial climate than ours for a time. -- St. John's Advertiser.
December 10, 1881The RailwayThe locomotive is on the track, but a few days will be required to put it in working order. Then will be heard the screech of the whistle and the conductor's cry - "All aboard for Topsail." The engine looks a little rusty but when it has been polished up a bit it will present rather an imposing appearance. - Ibid.
December 10, 1881BirthWHITEWAY. - At St. John's on the 23rd. ult., the wife of Sir W.V. WHITEWAY, H.M. Attorney General, of a son.
December 10, 1881MarriagesROBERTS - GUY. - On Dec. 23rd., by Rev. T.W. ATKINSON, Mr. George ROBERTS, of Wild Cove, Twillingate, to Miss Lydia GUY of the same place.
December 10, 1881MarriagesROGERS - BURT. - On Dec. 6th., by the same, Mr. John ROGERS to Miss Isabella BURT, both of Twillingate.
December 10, 1881MarriagesPOWELL - ELLIOTT. - On Nov. 30th., by Rev. R. TEMPLE, R.D., Mr. Esau ELLIOTT, of Crow Head, to Miss Fanny POWELL of Merritt's Harbor.
December 10, 1881MarriagesMILLS - TORREVILLE. - On Dec 14th., by the same, Mr. Joseph TORREVILLE, of the Horse Island, to Miss Rachel MILLS of St. John's.
December 10, 1881MarriagesOLDFORD - MATTHEWS. - On the 25th., ult., by Rev. R.B. HEMLAW, in the Methodist Church, Musgrave Town, Hezekiah, son of John OLDFORD, Esq., to Lizzie, daughter of Mr. William MATTHEWS, all of Musgrave Town.
December 10, 1881MarriagesNAPPER - RATES. - Same date by the same, Mr. John RATES, of Musgrave Town, to Miss Elizabeth NAPPER, of Sandy Cove.

Dec. 16, 1881SteamerThe Steamer Plover came here on Tuesday night going South. By her we received the pleasing news of the English Mail Boat's safety, she having arrived at St. John's on Friday last, and experienced very boisterous weather crossing the Atlantic, being ten or twelve days over the usual time which these boats take coming.
Dec. 16, 1881L.B.I. NewsWe are thankful to a Little Bay Island correspondent for the following interesting paragraphs under date of the 13th inst. A man was accidentally drowned while crossing the Tickle at Little Bay last week. It is said, he and his comrades had been drinking. The measles have become prevalent in Little Bay Islands. Only one case has proved fatal to the present date. All our St. John's fleet of crafts have arrived but one, namely WELLMAN'S. Friends here have become anxious about them. Mr. Joseph STRONG'S store and shop were accidentally burned down on the 6th inst. Both buildings were insured.
Dec. 16, 1881A New PaperWe have before us the first numbers of the Morning Advertiser, a new venture lately undertaken in St. John's. It is to appear triweekly, the publisher and proprietor being Mr. W.J. CROCKER, who was formerly in the St. John's Times office, and of late years has, occupied that capacity in the office of the Morning Chronicle. The paper is well got up and, contains much valuable Local and Foreign intelligence. We wish the enterprise every success.
Dec. 16, 1881Coal SupplyPrivate advice from Betts Cove say that the supply of coal there is becoming short. The mining Company received a cablegram to the effect that a steamer which was bound to that port had to put back and it was feared that she would not make another attempt to reach Betts Cove this season.
Dec. 16, 1881St. John's InventorWe understand that Mr. EARLE, jeweler, of this city has received information to the effect that the American patent for the Boat-lowering Raising and Life Saving Apparatus, recently invented by him, was officially allowed on the 22nd ultimo. We wish Mr. EARLE every success in the introduction of this very necessary appliance. Ship owners and master mariners in the colony and United States take a deep interest in the invention, and consider it fully equal to what it is represented to be.---St. John's Telegram
Dec. 16, 1881Novices Now Nuns"On Thursday last, his Lordship Dr. POWER conferred the white veil on two young novices in the presentation Convent, Riverhead. The young ladies received in religion the names of Sister Mary Joseph and Sister Mary Christine. After the reception, the good nuns hospitably entertained the friends of the Religious at a sumptuous dejeuner.---Nfldr."
Dec. 16, 1881Untimely Death"The untimely death of Mr. John RENDELL, M.H.A., at Twillingate, on last Friday week, has been the occasion of an almost universal regret in our community. Away from home and friends and from the care which loving hands could give, his illness and death have a sadness which has touched every heart. His generous and amiable disposition had made for him friends of all who knew him, and they will join in heartfelt sympathy with those to whom the bereavement comes home most closely.--- St. John's Gazette."
Dec. 16, 1881Lodge NewsCROSBY LODGE - OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR: Bro. T. MANUEL, W.M., re-elected. BRO. W.T. ROBERTS, D.M., elected. Bro. Josiah COLBOURNE, Treasurer, re-elected. Bro. John LUNNEN, Secretary. Bro. John PURCHASE, Chaplain. Bro. Noah WHEELER, O.S. Tyler, elected. Bro. Chas. NEWMAN, S.I. Tyler. Bro. Thos. WARR, D.C. Investigating Committee--- Bros. William HODDER, Thomas SPENCER, James ROSE, Thomas MITCHARD, and Fred GAY. Auditing Committee--- Bros. W.T. ROBERTS and George NOTT. Trustees--- Bros., Rueben BLACKMORE and William HUGHE John LUNNEN, Secretary.
Dec, 16, 1881Ships LeavingThe schooners Branksea, Mary Parker, and Kangeroo, left here yesterday for St. John's with cargoes of fish.
Dec. 16, 1881Another Sad Loss"News of a very distressing character reaches us from Trinity Bay, the loss of a craft with all her crew save one hand. The following particulars have been furnished to us by a Carbonear correspondent: ""The schooner ""Hope,"" belonging to Mr. Joseph BOYD, of Old Perlican, with a crew of seven men in all, and named respectively--Henry STRONG, master, with his brothers James and Menvale STRONG, Samuel STRONG, son of James, James CHEERLY, Elias CHEERLY and John COLLINS, all of Old Perlican, left home on Wednesday, the 23rd November, with a load of provisions, &c., for Random Sound, where, after landing her freight, she left the following Friday for a Cove further up the Bay for the purpose of procuring a load of firewood. Whilst beating up the shore she was suddenly struck by a squall of wind and thrown on her beam ends, when she immediately filled with water, just at nightfall. The boat being securely lashed on deck could not be made available. The crew had then to cling to the weather rigging, expecting to be rescued next morning. At about noon next day a boat came off from the shore to the scene of the disaster, but unfortunately found only one living being on the wreck, all hands except Samuel STRONG having succumbed during the night owing to the severity of the weather, and all washed away as they perished, except the body of John COLLINS, which was found tied to the rigging with his cravat. The deceased were all men of family.""--- Harbor Grace Standard"
Dec. 16, 1881BirthYOUNG --- On Dec 6th, the wife of Mr. William YOUNG, a daughter.
Dec. 16, 1881MarriagesPRICE, GRENHAM.---On December 8th, by the Rev. R. Temple R.D., Mr. John PRICE of Back Harbor, to Miss Mary Jane GLENHAM of Bluff Head.
Dec. 16, 1881MarriagesFUDGE, NEWMAN---On the 21st Oct., by the Rev. Joseph LISTER, Mr. James FUDGE to Miss Eliza NEWMAN, both of Triton.
Dec. 16, 1881MarriagesANTHONY, FARR--- On the 29th Oct., by the same, Mr. Jesse ANTHONY to Miss Ellen FARR, both of Roberts' Arm.
Dec. 16, 1881MarriagesHEATH, CROUCHER---On the 8th ult., by the same, Mr. John HEATH to Miss Elizabeth CROUCHER, both of Ward's Harbor.
Dec. 16, 1881MarriagesSLADE, BROOKS---On the 20th ult., in the Methodist Church, Lushes Bight, by the same, Mr. Edward SLADE to Miss Maria Ann BROOKS, both of Lushe's Bight.
Dec. 16, 1881MarriagesWISEMAN, PARSONS--- On the 1st inst., in the Methodist parsonage, Little Bay Island, Mr. Frederick WISEMAN to Miss Elizabeth PARSONS, daughter of Mr. James PARSONS of Lushes Bight.
Dec. 16, 1881Marriages McVICAR, DAWES--- At St. Andrew's Manse, St. John's, on St. Andrew's Day, by the Rev. L.G.MacNEIL, M.A., Mr. D.W. McVICAR of Little Bay Mines, to Miss Martha E. DAWES, of Nova Scotia.
Dec. 16, 1881DeathsSTRATHIE--- At Harbour Grace on the 27th ult., Lizzie McDonald STRATHIE, aged 20 years.
Dec. 16, 1881DeathsHALLAHAN--- At St. John's on the 29th ult., after a short but painful illness, Mr. James HALLAHAN, Printer, in the 50th year of his age. (The subject of the foregoing obituary notice, was for many years employed in the Morning Chronicle office, and was much esteemed by his fellow craftsmen.)

Dec. 23, 1881Shipping NewsThe coastal steamer, Plover, Capt. BLANDFORD, came here on Thursday evening. She left St. John's on Tuesday morning, having delayed a day later in order to bring the English mails, which arrived there the previous evening. Subjoined is the passenger list: For Bay de Verde--- Messrs. RYAN, MURPHY, and Rev. Mr. BATTOCK. Trinity---- Mr. KEEFE. Catalina--- Dr. and Mrs. FORBES, Messrs. J. RYAN, LINDSAY, SNELGROVE, and HAMPTON. Fogo--- Messrs. T. C. DUDER, J. ROLLS, DEADY, and ELLWARD. Twillingate--- Messrs. T. HODGE, BYRNE, and KENT. New Bay--- Mr. and Mrs. PHILLIPS. Little Bay--- Messrs. WALLACE, BENNET, RODLER, HUGHES, and BENSON. Nippers Harbor--- Mr. EATON. Betts Cove--- Rev. Father SHEEAN. From Twillingate for Little Bay---- Mr. G. BLANDFORD, Miss MARTIN and Miss COLBOURNE.
Dec. 23, 1881Schooners MissingWe regret to learn that no account of the schnr. Daisy, has yet been received. The Mary, belonging to Mr. BUTLER of Exploits, is also missing. It is now more than four weeks since both these craft left St. John's, the former for Fogo and latter for Exploits.
Dec. 23, 1881Copper OreIndications of this valuable deposit have been apparent in various localities on Twillingate islands. A short time since a "find" was made near Wild Cove, on land held by parties here, who have a legitimate right to search. The specimens shown us appear to be of an excellent sort for a surface "find", and have been pronounced valuable by some capable of giving an opinion on minerals. We understand that indications of copper can be traced a long distance. All that is wanted are capital and enterprise to bring to light the hidden treasures.
Dec. 23, 1881Shipping NewsThe Phantom, James BYRNE (of Fortune Harbor) master, arrived here from St. John's on Monday evening, having general cargo for Messrs. WATERMAN & Co. She will proceed to Nippers Harbour with freight. Mr. Richard HAMILTON was passenger by her, and left here on the Plover on Thursday evening for Fortune Harbor.
Dec. 23, 1881Shipping NewsThe Emeline, got here the same date to the above firm, also the Mallard to Messrs. OWEN and EARLE.
Dec. 23, 1881Shipping NewsThe brigantine Faith, Captain STENCHOMBE, arrived here from Lisbon via St. John's on the 21 inst. She left Lisbon 7th of October, and experienced fine weather for seven days, after which nothing but a continuation of Westerly and North Westerly gales. Passed a large barque dismasted, water logged and abandoned, 29 degrees, West Longtitude and about 48 degrees North Latidude. Put in to St. John's short of provisions after 50 days passage. Left St. John's in company with the schooner Kate bound for this port. Experienced fine weather as far as Bonavista, and was there caught with a sudden gale from the North West with heavy snow and was blown off, 47 degrees West. The ship was completely covered with ice and could not make sail or move rudder, being frozen up. Experienced three more gales before arriving at Twillingate, with hard frost and snow. Made Long Point light on the 19th., and after two days busting about, finially got in to Twillingate on the 21st. When the ships were caught in a gale off Bonavista, the Kate made back for St. John's, where she lay for ten days waiting for a time to proceed, and after several attempts, she arrived here on the 22nd., having on board a pilot belonging to Fortune Harbor, named CARROL.
Dec. 23, 1881Temporary GovernorIn consequence of the departure from this Colony, on leave of absence, of His Excellency, Sir Henry FITZ-HARDINGE BERKELEY MAXSES, K.C.M.G., the Administration of the Government was this day assumed by his Honor, Sir Frederick B.T. CARTER, K.C.M.G., under his commission authorizing him to administer the Government in the absence of the Governor--- Gazetter Extraordinary, St. John's Dec. 7.
Dec. 23, 1881BirthsOSMOND----At Moreton's Harbor, on the 9th inst., the wife of Mark OSMOND, Esq., J.P. of a son.
Dec. 23, 1881MarriagePINSENT, BLUNDEN---- By the Rev. A. HILL on Nov. 29th, Mr. Tobias PINSENT of Ladel Cove, to Miss Mary Ann BLUNDEN of Indian Islands.
Dec. 23, 1881MarriageHOLMES, ANTHONY---- By same, Dec. 4th, Mr. Moses HOLMES to Miss Elizabeth ANTHONY, both of Seldom-Come-By.
Dec. 23, 1881MarriagePEDDLE, PERRY---- On Dec. 10th, at the Methodist Church, Musgrave Town by the Rev. R.D. HEMLAW, Mr. John PEDDLE of Musgrave Town, to Lavinia, third daughter of Capt. John PERRY of Bloomfield.
Dec. 23, 1881MarriageMOORS, PIKE---- At New Bay, on the 5th ult., by the Rev. J. PARKINS, Mr. John MOORS, to Miss Mary Ann PIKE, teacher of day school.
Dec. 23, 1881DeathATKINSON--- On November 11th, at Monk Ing, Dacre, in the Pateley Bridge Circuit, after long and very painful affliction, born with great Christian fortitude, Abigail, for forty years the faithful and much-loved wife of Mr. John ATKINSON, Twillingate; for forty-five years a consistent member of the Wesleyan Methodist Church. "To live was Christ, to die was gain." Aged 65 years.
Dec. 23, 1881DeathFIFIELD---- Early on Wednesday morning last, after a tedious illness, Mr. John FIFIELD, aged 71 years. The deceased was an old and respected inhabitant of this place, and leaves a large circle of relatives and friends to lament his departure. Funeral will take place Saturday afternoon at about 3 o'clock when friends are respectfully invited to attend.
Dec. 23, 1881DeathPEARCE---- On Saturday morning last, aged 8 months, Joseph James, son of A.J. PEARCE, Esq., Sub-collector, of H.M. Customs, for this port.
Dec. 23, 1881DeathTHOMPSON---- At Heart's Content, on the 4th inst., of bronchitis, Morley William, son of Mr. A.A. THOMPSON, of the Anglo American Telegraph Staff, aged 4 years.
Dec. 23, 1881DeathREADER---- At Musgrave Town, Dec. 11th, at the residence of her son, after a short illness, peacefully and in much assurance, Mary, relict of the late Mr. Robert READER of Musgrave Town, aged 72 years. "perfect love casteth out fear."
Dec. 23, 1881Catching a SealA somewhat amusing and singular combat, took place in this vicinity on Tuesday evening last, between a hairy inhabitant of the Northern regions and a young man, a native of this community, resulting in a victory for the latter. On that evening, a seal got entangled in a net belonging to Mr. Reuben BLACKMORE of this town. The net, being set some distance out, in a place called “Old House Cove”, Mr. Thomas YOUNG, with another, got a boat, and proceeded to the spot, where the hairy monster was grappling with the antagonistic net. The seal, seeing that danger was approaching, made a desperate effort to free itself, which it succeeded in doing in so far as the net was concerned. But, while in the act of making a final plunge into the water, its unfortunate tail came in too close a contact with YOUNG’s teeth. The tail of the seal, rising as it were to bid farewell for the present, conveyed the thought that now or never is the time, and, quick as lightning, the tail of the seal was firmly between the teeth of YOUNG, who beckoned to his comrade to pull for the shore! The seal, being of large size, (what is called a Spotted Hood), and finding itself thus entrapped, began to plunge most desperately, which made it compulsory for the champion to exert all his energy if he would succeed. Both animals seemed intent upon victory, and we must admire the courage of the victor. After a hard pull, the shore was reached, where several enemies of the poor seal had already gathered, on the beach, for the purpose of lynching him. Weapons of various kinds were showered upon the unsheltered head of the poor animal, and the men, thinking it was quite dead, removed it to the store of the owner for the night. On proceeding there, the next morning, they found that the seal was not to be outdone in that sort of way, but that he had entirely survived the previous evening’s encounter with its formidable foes, and was having high life downstairs! By this time however, we dare say its coat is safely housed in some mercantile store. In congratulating Mr. YOUNG, on his being possessed of such a strong set of teeth, we would, at the same time, extend to him our sympathy for having lost a front tooth in the conflict. We dare say however, that Mr. BLACKMORE, who is the more interested party in the affair, will amply reward him for the loss thus sustained. We understand that Mr. YOUNG is noted for his bravery and skill on previous occasions, having killed a large bear with a pork barrel stave; captured an otter with his hand, and now capturing a seal with his teeth, and, before undertaking such attempts in future, he should see that all damages sustained, such as loss of teeth, etc., shall be rectified.

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