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Newspaper Records

Notre Dame Bay Region

Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser

1881 January - June

Place of publication: Twillingate
Dates of publication: June 24, 1880-Jan. 31, 1953.
Suspended publication: Jan. 16-Feb. 15, 1947.
Frequency: Weekly.
Title varies: Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser, June 24, 1880-Aug. 10. 1912.
Twillingate Sun, Oct. 19, 1912-Jan. 31, 1953.
Editor and proprietor:
Jabez P. Thompson, June 24, 1880-1895.
George Roberts, 1895 (56)-1910.
William B. Temple, 1910-1921.
Stewart Roberts, 1921-Jan. 9, 1947.
Ernest G. Clarke, Feb. 22, 1947-Jan. 31, 1953.
MUN 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889, 1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Microfilm
PANL [1928-1930, 1934-1935, 1938,1953] Microfilm
PRL 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889,1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Original and microfilm.
Description: The Twillingate Sun printed local and foreign news, legislative proceedings, serial fiction and advertisements. It claimed to be politically independent in 1886, but supported the Whiteway and the Liberals, especially in the fall election of 1894. In 1929, it supported Squires and in 1948 was neutral on Confederation. The Sun ceased publication due to financial reasons in 1953.

The records were transcribed by GEORGE WHITE, JACK MONTGOMERY and RON ST. CROIX, formatted by GEORGE WHITE starting in April 2002. While we have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there may be typographical errors.

Jan. 6, 1881MarriedAt Grand Vache Cove, White Bay, Dec. 6th., by the Rev T.W. TEMPLE, Samuel RANDELL of Grand Vache, to Roseanna, daughter of Mr. William CASSELL of Harbor Deep.
Jan. 6, 1881MarriedWilliam RANDELL of Grand Vache, to Susan, daughter of Mr. Joseph CASSELL of Harbor Deep.
Jan. 6, 1881MarriedAdam RANDELL of Grand Vache, to Sarah Jane, widow of the late Samuel CANNING of Englee.
Jan. 6, 1881MarriedOn the 23rd. of Dec. 1880, in the Methodist Church, Twillingate, by the Rev. T.W. ATKINSON, Mr. Henry CHAPPEL of Kettle Cove to Miss Phoebe MOORS of Friday's Bay.
Jan. 6, 1881MarriedOn the 24th. of Dec. by the same, Mr. John MINTY, eldest son of Mr. George MINTY, Durrel's Arm, to Miss Kate STUCKLESS, daughter of the late Mr. Samuel STUCKLESS, Durrel's Arm.
Jan. 6, 1881MarriedOn the 24th. of Dec. by the same, Mr. William BULGEN to Mrs. Louisa PECKFORD, both of Farmer's Arm.
Jan. 6, 1881MarriedOn the 24th. of Dec. by the same, Mr. Robert RIDOUT to Miss Eliza ROBERTS, both of Bluff Head Cove.
Jan. 6, 1881MarriedOn the 24th. of Dec. by the same, Mr. William POND, Farmer's Arm to Miss Lydia ROBERTS of Bluff Head Cove.
Jan. 6, 1881MarriedOn the 29th. of Dec. by the same, Mr. Wm. Thos. ROBERTS, Teacher of the Week Day School, North Side, to Miss Selina MOORS, both of Twillingate.
Jan. 6, 1881MarriedAt Little Bay, Dec. 13th., by the Rev. Mr. WHITTIER, Mr. George W.B. MILLER of Nova Scotia to Miss Annie M. COLBOURNE, eldest daughter of Josiah COLBOURNE, Esq., J.P., of this town.
Jan. 6, 1881BirthOn Tuesday evening, 28th. Dec., at the Methodist Parsonage, Twillingate, the wife of the Rev. Thomas W. ATKINSON of a son.
Jan. 6, 1881SealsWe are informed that good work was done a few days since with seal nets at Whale Gulch and Western Head.
Jan. 6, 1881Shipping NewsThe schooners Muscliff, Rise and Go, and Fawn, arrived from St. John's the past week.
Jan. 6, 1881Shipping NewsThe steamer Hercules, Capt. CROSS, arrived from St. John's on Monday evening last, having called at Fogo, where a quantity of freight was landed. She remained here a few hours, and then proceeded to the mining region. The steamer left the former place on Friday evening with a full cargo of freight and met with heavy weather on her way.
Jan. 6, 1881FogoA correspondent writing from Fogo says: "The Cyprus arrived here safely on Friday, Dec. 10th., at 12 o'clock and was ready for sea again on the next day at 3:15 pm., she having been discharged in 3 hours and loaded in about 5 1/2 hours, with 1200 quintals of fish and four tons cod oil. This was an average of about 225 quintals per hour, and will compare very favorably with the work done on E. DUDER's wharf, Twillingate, to which you made reference in a previous issue of your paper." It will be seen by the above, that Twillingate is not without a parallel with regard to promptness in receiving and dispatching vessels with cargo.
Jan. 6, 1881PersonalWe note the departure per last Plover, of W. LETHBRIDGE, Esq., who proposes spending the winter in England. He has taken with him, one of his sons, with the intention of leaving him at a boarding school, in company with his brother, who has been a student in a college there for some time....
Jan. 6, 1881ShootingAbout noon today, a dispatch was received by inspector CARTY, stating that a serious shooting affair had occurred at Harbor Main. It appears that while a man named McDONALD was in the act of taking his dinner, some miscreant fired a shot through the window of his dining room, wounding him severely in the right arm - St. John's Evening Telegram, Dec. 20.
Jan. 6, 1881Schooner LostWe regret to learn that no news has yet been received respecting the schooner Typhus, which sailed from Blanc Sablon, Labrador, last August, bound to Jersey with a cargo of dry codfish. The Typhus was owned by Messrs. SIMON Brothers of the latter place, and one of the partners was on board. This vessel had over twenty men including passengers and crew, and was commanded by Capt. SIMON, brother of the owners. No hopes are entertained of her safety. - Ibid 21
Jan. 6, 1881Schooner LostJust before going to press, we were informed of the loss of the schooner Royal Arch, belonging to ALWARD Brothers of this City. It seems that while making for Bay Bulls, early yesterday morning, the schooner was driven on Green Island and became a total wreck. No lives were lost. The Royal Arch was bound from Prince Edward Island to this port, with a cargo of potatoes, turnips, beef and poultry. - Ibid.
Jan. 6, 1881Lost at seaWe were glad to receive a communication, by the last English mail, from Capt. W. COATH of the Little Willie, dated Gibraltar, Nov. 24th., and to learn that the good ship arrived there safely on the 22 nd. Nov., after a quick passage of fourteen days from Twillingate. The Captain states that for several days, very severe weather was experienced. On the fourth night after leaving here, the wind was blowing with great violence, and while part of aloft, shortening sail, sad to relate one of them named Richard HARNLEY, fell from the topsail yard and found a watery grave. Every exertion was made to rescue the unfortunate man, but all attempts proved fruitless, in consequence of the storm that was raging at the time.

Jan. 13, 1881Lost at seaWe learn from our Fortune Bay correspondent that a sad accident occurred at Beloram a few days ago. A schooner belonging to Mr. FARREL of Bay de Nord, was on her in the Bay, a strong breeze of wind blowing at the time, when a man named Patrick COLLINS of Lamaline, was lost overboard from the mainboom, and Collins, going out to clear them, was jerked off by the roughness of the sea. All possible efforts were made to save him, but they proved fruitless. - St. John's Advocate.
Jan. 13, 1881AppointedHis Excellency, the Governor in Council has been pleased to appoint Samuel BAIRD, Esq., to be Stipendiary Magistrate at Greenspond, in the place of the late John T. OAKLEY, Esq. (Secretary's Office, 17th Dec., 1880.)
Jan. 13, 1881AppointedHis Excellency, the Governor in Council has been pleased to appoint Mr. Andrew J. PEARCE, to be Sub Collector at Twillingate in place of Mr. Joseph J. PEARCE, resigned.
Jan. 13, 1881AppointedHis Excellency, the Governor in Council has also been pleased to appoint Mr. Andrew J. PEARCE, to be Surveyor of Shipping at Twillingate in place of Mr. Joseph PEARCE, resigned. Secretary's Office, 7th Dec., 1880. - Royal Gazette.
Jan. 13, 1881PersonalWe are glad to note that Mr. A.J. PEARCE has been appointed to the office of Sub Collector for this port, in the place of his father J.J. PEARCE, Esq., J.P., who has filled the position with general satisfaction for some years past, and who has lately had to resign in consequence of failing health.
Jan. 13, 1881BirthAt Morton's Harbor on the 9th. Inst., the wife of Mr. Joseph OSMOND of a son.
Jan. 13, 1881BirthAt Herring Neck, on Nov. 30th., the wife of Mr. Samuel BATE of a son.
Jan. 13, 1881BirthAt Herring Neck, on Dec. 19th., the wife of Mr. Levi BLANDFORD of a son.
Jan. 13, 1881BirthAt Herring Neck, on Dec. 26th., the wife of Mr. S. RUSSELL of a daughter.
Jan. 13, 1881MarriedOn Dec. 24th., at St. Mary's Church, Herring Neck, by the Rev. J. HEWITT, Mr. Wm. STUCKY, son of Thomas STUCKY, Esq., to Cassandra, daughter of Wm. RICHARD, Esq., both of Herring Neck.
Jan. 13, 1881MarriedIn St. Andrew's Church, Fogo, by the Rev. C. MEEK, on Jan. 4th., Mr. Richard NIPPARD to Miss Harriet COLE, both of Hare Bay.
Jan. 13, 1881MarriedAlso on Jan. 5th., Mr. William BENNETT to Miss Jane LUDLOW, both of Fogo.
Jan. 13, 1881MarriedOn Saturday, 25th. Ult., at the Methodist Church, Bonavista, by the Rev. J. EMBREE, Mr. George WHITE to Rebecca, fourth daughter of Mr. Joseph FISHER, both of Bonavista.
Jan. 13, 1881MarriedOn New Year's Day, by the same, at the residence of Mr. Robert ABBOTT, father of the bridegroom, Mr. Andrew ABBOTT to Ellen, second daughter of Mr. George KEEL of Bayly's Cove, Bonavista.
Jan. 13, 1881MarriedOn the same day, at the Episcopal Church, by the Rev. A.E.C. BAYLY, Mr. Sampson TEMPLEMAN to Miss Emily DAW.
Jan. 13, 1881MarriedOn Christmas Day at Saint Andrew's Church, Brooklyn, Bonavista Bay, by the Rev. Theodore NURSE, Mr. John HOLLOWAY to Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. John CHEFEY.
Jan. 13, 1881SuicideA sad case of suicide happened at Brigus, Conception Bay, on the 1st. Inst., the following particulars of which have been kindly furnished by a friend from St. John's, who was spending a few days there at the time: - "A dreadful affair happened at Brigus on New Year's Day - the suicide by strangulation of Mrs. Christopher NORMAN. Mrs. NORMAN, who was the widow of the late Christopher NORMAN, watchmaker, Brigus, has for several years, carried on a drapery trade in that town, in which business she has been tolerably successful. Last summer, however, she was prostrated with typhoid fever, which rendered her totally unfit to give her personal attention, as was her wont, to her business. The consequence was that her trade fell off considerably, and as the close of the year approached, and the usual incoming of bills, she fell into a state of despondency because of her inability to meet them. She expressed herself as hopelessly ruined to several of her friends, and would sometimes wring her hands in utter despair. To show that she had premeditated suicide, on Friday last she wrote to a friend of hers in Bay Roberts, asking him if he would take her son, a little boy of thirteen years, and on the evening of that day, she made the lad a new pair of black cloth pants, while he had an abundant supply of good clothing. On New Year's Day, she sent her daughter per force to Church, and after her departure she told the servant girl that she wanted to go into the shop to write some letters. She then entered the shop by a side door in the hall, but shortly after, returned, and passing into the kitchen, where her little son was, went into the backyard through a gateway, and coming out in the street, re-entered the shop by the street door, locking the door behind her, and also locking the private door entering the shop from the hall. Meanwhile, the servant maid had made up beds upstairs, and coming down, went towards the shop to remonstrate with her mistress for remaining so long there in the cold, but on approaching the private door, she found it locked, and thinking that her mistress did not wish to be disturbed, she again went upstairs to finish her work. In due time, Miss NORMAN returned from Church, when the servant maid complained to her that her mother had been in the shop in the cold during all the time of her absence. Miss...[copy ends here]. She was interred yesterday."
Jan. 13, 1881Schooner LostThe Kangaroo, MOORS, Master, which left here a few weeks since for St. John's, with a cargo of fish for Messrs. W. WATERMAN & Co., grounded on Harbor Rock, near Greenspond, on the night of the 25th ult., and became a wreck. The night was very dark, and a heavy sea was running at the time. With assistance from men in that vicinity, the craft was got off and taken to Greenspond, having received considerable injury, and the cargo becoming a total loss. The cargo was insured in London, but as the limit of their (W. WATERMAN & Co.'s) Club only extends to the 21st. Dec., no insurance was put on the schooner. We understand that repairs to the Kangaroo will cost about £30. The above is the only accident that happened in connection with the Club the past season, among such a large number of craft, so that there is no claim upon it.
Jan. 13, 1881PersonalThe appointment of Samuel BAIRD, Esq., of this town, to the position of Stipendiary Magistrate for Greenspond, will be seen in another column. Mr. BAIRD left here by the last Plover for Greenspond, for the purpose of entering upon the duties of his office. He has been a respected resident of this town for many years past, and, so far as we can learn, was always willing to aid in the advancement of any good undertaking, calculated to improve the well being of the community. He manifested a lively interest for the welfare of the respective societies with which he was identified, and by his removal from them, they will be deprived of an efficient worker, and in his departure he carries with him their best wishes for his future welfare. We trust that Mr. BAIRD may enjoy many years of happiness in his new sphere of duty.
Jan. 13, 1881Schooner LostA correspondent writing from Fogo, under date of the 7th. Inst., says: "A sad gloom has been cast over this place in the now, almost certain loss of the schooner Maggie, E. DUDER Esq., owner, over six weeks from St. John's, having on board provisions, £150 cash, and a quantity of ship building material said to be uninsured. The loss of the provisions, it is to be feared, will entail considerable distress upon poor families the ensuing winter. The crew, consisting of six men, together with Dr. OAK, a passenger, were all, with one exception, married persons, thus leaving widows with eighteen fatherless young children, to suffer and mourn their irreparable bereavement. The above will be eleven untimely deaths by drowning from our midst, since June last, and a loss of ten members from St. Andrew's Lodge, S.U., Fogo."
Jan. 13, 1881DeathThis evening, the painful duty devolves upon us, of recording the death of Rev. W.J. FITZPATRICK, the much esteemed President of St. Bonaventure College. The Reverend gentleman, who had been patiently suffering for some considerable time, had a very severe attack on Monday last, but on Tuesday, he rallied a little and his recovery was not altogether despaired of. Last evening, however, unmistakable symptoms of approaching dissolution manifested themselves; about 9 o'clock he peacefully passed away. It is hardly necessary to say that his death is universally regretted. - Evening Telegram, Jan. 5.
Jan. 13, 1881DeathAt Back Harbor on the 31st ultimo, Susan, beloved wife of Mr. Philip WELLS, aged 52 years.
Jan. 13, 1881DeathAt Herring Neck on the 12th. And 18th. Ult., of diphtheria, Elizabeth and Mary Ann, aged 8 and 4 years, children of George and Elija CUTLER.
Jan. 13, 1881DeathAt same place, on the 12th ult., of diphtheria, David, youngest son of John and Elija RICHMOND, aged 14 months.
Jan. 13, 1881DeathAt same place, on the 12th ult., Elizabeth, beloved wife of Mr. William LODER, aged 38 years, a native of Bay of Islands.
Jan. 13, 1881DeathSuddenly, at the same place, on the 15th ult., William, eldest son of James and Emiline BARNES.
Jan. 13, 1881DeathAt the same place, on the 22nd ult., Earnest Willie, only son of Simon and Susan SQUIRE, aged 2 months.
Jan. 13, 1881DeathAt Fogo on Jan. 2nd., Mr. William BOURNE, aged 61 years. A native of Greenspond, but for 25 years past, a resident of Fogo, and a faithful servant as store keeper to E. DUDER Esq. He leaves a wife and three small children to deplore the loss of a kind and affectionate husband and father.
Jan. 13, 1881DeathAt Indian Islands on Dec. 28th., Mr. Samuel PENNY, aged 70 years.
Jan. 13, 1881DeathAt same place, Dec. 25th., Harriet, wife of Mr. George POWELL, leaving 7 children. [Note: I believe this to be an error. I have some knowledge of the family names of Indian Islands, and to the best of my knowledge, POWELL is not an Island Name. Could it be a Fogo or Herring Neck name? G. White]
Jan. 13, 1881DeathAt Bonavista, on the 31st. ult., Miss Margaret CAMPBELL, in the 55th year of her age.
Jan. 13, 1881Congregational MinistersRev. Thomas HALL took his departure from our shore today on the ALLAN steamer Caspian. He goes to Kingston, Ontario, where we understand, a larger and more congenial field of labor awaits him. When he arrived here, about thirteen years ago, the Congregational cause was languishing, but through his energy, and self denial, a favorable change speedily ensued, and now he has the satisfaction of knowing that the Church, in which he labored so long and faithfully, is in a prosperous state in all its departments, with several flourishing mission stations in the outports. The prayers and good wishes of his congregation in this city will go with him to the scene of his future labors. The Rev. Mr. BEATON has been appointed by the Colonial Missionary Society of London to succeed Mr. HALL. He will in all probability, arrive here by the next ALLAN steamer from Britain. Mr. BEATON, who is a native of Scotland, brings with him the reputation of being an eloquent preacher.

Jan. 20, 1881Frost BittenAbout three weeks since, two men left the Gray Islands in a small boat in search of birds. They were overtaken in a storm and were out two days, when they reached Cashmen's Cove. [Note: this is likely Coachman's Cove. G. White] They were badly frost bitten and it was thought that one would hardly survive from the exposure.
Jan. 20, 1881Ship BuildingWe understand that three new craft are being built in Exploit's Harbor this winter, by Messrs. WINSOR, Josiah MANUEL and James SCEVIOUR, respectively.
Jan. 20, 1881Seal BayWe learn that the gale of the 30th ult., was very severe in Seal Bay, which was, as our correspondent informs us, frequently one sheet of flying spray, though no serious damage was done. One craft in N.W. Arm dragged her anchors some distance, but brought up before any injury was sustained. Three men who were on board at the time, could do nothing but drive with her.
Jan. 20, 1881PersonalJ.B. TOBIN Esq., left for St. John's per Plover, on Friday morning last. T. HODGE, Esq., also went passenger by her to Fogo.
Jan. 20, 1881Seals Picked UpFrom Fortune Harbor, we learn that about the 20th ult., some men belonging to that place were out shooting birds, and one man came across a lot of old seal pelts from which he loaded his boat and returned to land. Only the wind increased, another boat load might have been taken, as they were very plentiful at the time. Our correspondent says it is quite evident that the seals were not killed this season, neither were they long floating on the water. They had been hauled on board of some vessel as could be seen from the lace holes in the skins. The sealing steamer Wolf was lost in that vicinity a few years since, and it is supposed that the heavy seas which prevailed the last month, caused the hull of the vessel to be broken up, and allowed the pelts to come to the surface. We understand that they are as sound as when killed, though the pelts of some were apparently disfigured by sharks.
Jan. 20, 1881Bett's CoveA correspondent writing from Nipper's Harbor under date of the 10th. Inst., says that on Friday last, Captain DEAN of the Hiram Perry, successfully towed the Brig. Morna from Little Bay to Bett's Cove, loaded with wood to supply the Bett's Cove mine during the coming winter, and we understand that he intends going up again on the same service. The scarcity of fuel was occasioned by the steamer that was coming to Bett's Cove getting disabled, and having to go back to Scotland. Our correspondent also informs us that a few seals have been shot on that shore, but none of any consequence. He also understands that Captain BLANDFORD is likely to come North again this winter, if possible.
Jan. 20, 1881SwanOur Little Bay correspondent writing under the date of the 11th inst., says that quite a curiosity is to be seen there. Three or four days ago, a man on Pelly's Island shot a swan, which is now in Dr. STAFFORD's surgery. Only two birds were there at the time, and the other escaped uninjured. The one knocked down, measures over eight feet, with wings spread. Our correspondent thinks that no one ought to object to the railway, now that swans are paying us a passing visit!
Jan. 20, 1881Shipping NewsThe schooner Bessie on her way from the Mining District to St. John's, called here last evening. She took a quantity of fish on board for J.B. TOBIN, Esq., and left again this morning.
Jan. 20, 1881MarriedJan. 15th. by Rev. R. TEMPLE, Mr. William GUY of Wild Cove, Twillingate, to Bathsheba, daughter of Mr. William WEIR of Farmer's Arm.
Jan. 20, 1881MarriedJan. 18th. by the same, Mr. Levi ELLIOTT of Crow Head, to Eliza, daughter of the late Mr. Adam RANDELL of this harbor.
Jan. 20, 1881MarriedDec. 29th., at the Church of St. Nicholas, Leading Tickles, by the Rev. H.C.H. JOHNSON, Mr. William LANNING of Exploits, B.I., to Charlotte, daughter of Mr. Robert ALCOCK, of Leading Tickles.
Jan. 20, 1881DeathJan. 18th. Frederick John, infant son of William VERGE of Jenkin's Cove, Twillingate.
Jan. 20, 1881DeathOn Christmas Day, Elizabeth, wife of Rev. George M. JOHNSON, Rector of Barmingham Parva, England.
Jan. 20, 1881Mining IntelligenceWe understand that at Salt Water Pond, Pilley's Island, several deposits of copper have been discovered the past season. The copper, we learn, is discovered in calciferous rock, to be found only in this place, but it forms a large portion of the peninsula of Port au Port, St. George's Bay. Two prospecting shafts are now being sunk on the island, and may the result of the enterprise, on the part of the speculators, be successful enough to warrant them in undertaking more extensive operations another season. Copper is known to exist in Seal Bay in large quantities. Already a shaft has been sunk at Berchy Cove, on the South side of the bay. The prospecting on the North side, it is to be hoped, will be resumed in the spring, as copper of a superior quality is known to exist there. The new Government road commenced in South West Arm, will be of some use after all. Considerable quantities of copper have been discovered on the South side, four miles from the sea, and as this copper is on Mr. GUZMAN's claim, he will no doubt, utilize the road for the shipment of his ore. We are informed that a party of miners, under the able supervision of Mr. MUIR, has been engaged the past three months in developing this find. The Bett's Cove mine is now principally worked by Tribute. The three most successful Tributors are miners FERGUSON, GILFOY, and PAUL, who are realizing, on an average, £150 per month each. A few months ago, they reached the maximum, when they shared for one month, £300 each. These miners are engaged in the dangerous parts of the mine, so that great risk may sometimes attend them in their hazardous attempts to procure the hidden treasure. We learn that in the limestone formation of Duck Island, Badger Bay, antimony and lead have been discovered. Nothing has yet been done to develop those valuable minerals. The find of rubisite, or as miners call it, "horse flesh copper", at Lady Pond, between Hall's Bay and Little Bay waters, is being worked vigorously. This ore is the richest yet discovered in the colony. We learn that it assayed 69 percent. [Note: Could be 59?]

Feb. 3, 1881ThanksR.D. HODGE Esq., begs to thank those men who so readily volunteered their assistance on Saturday last, to remove the store on the premises. [ Some of the following column is missing but it seems to refer to the moving of this store. GW.]… Government land where it has stood for the last thirty or forty years, over wharves which took some nine or ten days to build for the purpose, and it now stands in close proximity to the other stores of a more recent structure. It must be always pleasing to patriotic minds to notice improvements, either of a public nature, or the result of private enterprise, and here we have an instance which embraces both; for while Messrs. WATERMAN's premises are made more compact and commodious, the Government property near the coastal wharf in course of erection, is infinitely improved, both in appearance and convenience. Over 300 men from all parts of the Island, testified their good will by lending a helping hand on the occasion, and their united assistance proved how much may be accomplished by a "long pull, a strong pull, and a pull all together." We congratulate R.D. HODGE, Esq., on the success of his undertaking, and trust that it will be remunerative to him in his business. After the work was over, refreshment in the shape of coffee, tea, biscuit, &c., was provided on the premises of Mr. James HODDER, foreman of the undertaking.
Feb. 3, 1881Break and EnterThe store of Mr. A. LINDSAY, Bonavista, was forcibly entered on the 23rd. Dec., and about six barrels of flour were stolen therefrom.
Feb. 3, 1881New Government WharfWe understand that on Wednesday there was a meeting at the Government Wharf of the Commissioners, - F. BERTEAU, Esq., JP., J.W. OWEN, Esq., JP., and R.D. HODGE, Esq., - to take into consideration the advisability of filling up the intermediate spaces in the wharves already built, so as to make the wharf more suitable for the steamer to lay by in rough weather, and also to be more secure from the pressure by drift ice in the spring of the year. It was unanimously decided to commence this work, and also to build a slip at the Government Wharf for the accommodation of parties landing in small boats.
Feb. 3, 1881Herring NeckThe annual election of officers of Herring Neck Lodge, No. 16, S.U.F, took place in their Hall on Thursday evening, 20th. January. A satisfactory financial statement having been given, and the general routine of business disposed of, the following brethren were installed as officers for the ensuing year: Bro. D. BLANDFORD, Worthy Master. Bro. H. MILES, Chief Officer. Bro. F. MILES, Second Officer. Rev. Bro. J. HEWITT, Chaplain. Bro. J. PHILPOTT, Quarter Master. Bro. G. FLORANCE, Second Officer. Bro. W.J. HALWELL, [ Note: This is likely misspelled and probably should be HOLWELL, gw.] Purser. Bro. G.H. PEARCE, Secretary. Relief Committee: Bros. John SQUIRES, Wm. MILES, Wm. ROSE, Thos. DALLY, Wm. CLARKE, and Solomon REDDICK.
Feb. 3, 1881BirthAt Bett's Cove on 18th. Jan, 1881, the wife of Sergeant FENNECY of a son.
Feb. 3, 1881DeathAt Little Bay Island, Dec. 25th., Wm. James ROBERTS, eldest son of the late Robert and Ann ROBERTS, natives of Twillingate.

Feb. 10, 1881The Revival in Twillingate I need not say anything about the great revival of religion for the information of the people of Twillingate. It is probable that in every home in the place, it has been the topic of conversation. There are persons, however, outside of Twillingate, who will be glad to hear what is being done. We have held special services since the first of January. Our congregations have been good. The Holy Spirit rested on us in many of our meetings very powerfully. The people attending increased so much that we had to leave the School Houses for the Church. During the month of January, several sought and found peace. But on the first of February, the Holy Spirit seemed to be searching every heart. Hard unconverted men stood outside and sat inside, as if they were about to be called before the Judge of all the earth. I must say that I never saw anywhere, those not professors and interested, so thoughtful and orderly. Men have been so powerfully impressed that they have been obliged to get down by the wayside to pray, and others to leave their work and get someone to pray for them; others not able to eat or sleep. Many have left their homes hours before the time of service, and have gone out of service two or three times, and have had to return to seek the Savior. The Benediction has been pronounced two or three times and the lights extinguished at one and two o'clock in the morning, before we could get the people to leave. We have reason to believe that about two hundred souls have been converted, and over that number convinced of sin. To hear and see from fifteen to thirty souls crying for mercy, and the older Christians rejoicing over them, is certainly a sight worth going to see, and hundreds have heard and been led to say, "We never saw it in this fashion." Our Prayer is that they may be kept faithful, and that many others may be brought to a knowledge of the truth. Thos. W. ATKINSON. ps. - The young men go from house to house during the day, holding meetings for prayer. Extra sitting room has been provided around the Communion Rail and in the aisles in the gallery. T.W.A.
Feb. 10, 1881Lost PurseLost on Saturday last, between St. Peter's Parsonage and Mr. LETHBRIDGE's, a purse containing a note and about ten shillings in silver. Whoever has found the same, and will leave it at the Parsonage, or at the office of this paper, will be suitably rewarded. - Adv.
Feb. 10, 1881Herring NeckWe are informed that four new craft are being built at Herring Neck this winter, by Messrs. Esau BLANDFORD, Joseph BLANDFORD, John REDDICK, and Thomas BATT. Two more are also building in the Bay for the same place by Messrs. Henry MILES and Moses BURTON. Our correspondent informs us at the same time, that the fearful disease diphtheria, is still prevalent at Herring Neck. On the 4th. inst., four children were laying dead at Clarke's Cove.
Feb. 10, 1881SealsA heavy sea has been running for some time past and it has been impossible for nets to be set. The last few days, the sea has abated, and persons owning nets have been able to keep them out, and the sign of seals has been pretty fair. Yesterday morning, nine or ten old ones were captured in Mr. RIDOUT's nets, Crow Head, and several in Mr. Simon YOUNG's, which were set in Twillingate Bight. A jar seal was also caught. Some eight or ten days since, an old harp was captured at Western Head Tickle, containing a young seal.
Feb. 10, 1881Speeding ChargeA young man named William PRIDE, aged 19, a resident of David Button's Cove, (near Sea View Cottage), was summoned to the Police Court on Tuesday last, on the complaint of Mr. Thomas PEYTON, Local Constable, for furiously driving and exciting his dogs while drawing a slide. One of them attacked Mr. PEYTON, and tore his overcoat, notwithstanding, he having stepped five or six feet out of the road when he saw them coming. The youth, we believe, admitted that he made the dogs travel swifter than he should have done. His Worship, after due consideration, and no doubt taking into account the circumstances of the youth, (being very poor), let him off by paying one dollar or seven days imprisonment. The owner of the dog, John PRIDE, was also summoned before the Court for keeping such a furious animal, and satisfied His Worship that he was not aware of the ferocious propensity of his "faithful friend," and, as soon as he was made acquainted with the fact, he immediately terminated his existence. His Worship then dismissed the case, at the same time, giving PRIDE to understand that, had it been proven to him that he had knowingly kept a bad dog, he should have been under the necessity of inflicting the full penalty of the law on him. It is to be hoped that this will be a warning to other drivers of the canine tribe, or some day, sooner than later, they may find themselves before Magistrate BERTEAU, on charge for furious driving or for cruelty to animals; for should they come under the notice of either of the Constables or Sergeant WELLS, they are most likely to be brought before the Court, when His Worship will be likely to inflict such a fine as the dangerous practice of fast driving on the public thoroughfares may warrant.
Feb. 10, 1881BirthOn the 9th. Inst., the wife of R.P. RICE, Esq., M.H.A., of a daughter.
Feb. 10, 1881BirthOn the 9th. Inst., at Bluff Head Cove, the wife of Mr. Thomas ANSTEY, of a son.
Feb. 10, 1881BirthOn the 2nd., inst., at Selling's Cove, the wife of Mr. Uriah MANUEL of a daughter.
Feb. 10, 1881DeathAt Herring Neck, Jan. 5th., Mary, beloved wife of Mr. Simon WHITE, aged 52 years.
Feb. 10, 1881DeathAt Herring Neck, Jan. 9th., of diphtheria, Jacob, grandson of James and Mary CASTLE, aged 7 years; and on the 12th. And 14th. Jan. of the same disease, George and William, sons of James and Mary CASTLE, aged 12 and 7 years.
Feb. 10, 1881How The Afghans FightA correspondent of the Pioneer, contributes to that paper some "reminiscences of the war in Afghanistan." Referring to the fighting qualities of the Afghan soldiery, he says: - "An Afghan never thinks of asking for quarter, but fights with the ferocity of a tiger and clings to life until his eyes glaze and his hands refused to pull a pistol trigger, or use a knife in a dying effort to maim or kill his enemy. The stern realities of war were more pronounced on the battlefields in Afghanistan than they have ever been in India, if we except the retributive days of the Munity. To spare a wounded man for a minute, was probably to cause the death of the next soldier, who unsuspiciously walked past him. One thing our men certainly learned in Afghanistan was to keep their wits about them when pursuing an enemy, or passing over a hard won field. There might be danger lurking in each seemingly inanimate form studding the ground, and unless care and caution were exercised, the wounded Afghan would steep his soul in bliss by killing a Kaffir just when life was at its last ebb. This stubborn love of fighting in extremis, is promoted doubtless by fanaticism, and we saw so much of it that our men at close quarters, always drove their bayonets well home, so that there should be no mistake as to the deadliness of the wound. The physical courage which distinguished the untrained mops, who fought so resolutely against us, was worthy of all admiration; the tenacity with which men, badly armed and lacking skilled leaders, clung to their positions was remarkable, to say nothing of the sullen doggedness they often showed when retiring. But when the tide of the fight set in fully against them, and they saw further resistance would involve them more deeply, there was so sudden a change always apparent, that one could scarcely believe, the fugitives hurrying over the hills, were the same who had resisted so desperately but a few minutes before. They acted wisely. They knew their powers in scaling steep hills, or making their escape by fleetness of foot, and the host generally dissolved with a rapidity which no one but an eye witness can appreciate. If cavalry overtook them, they turned like wolves and fought with desperation, selling their lives as dearly as men ever sold them; but there was no rally in the true sense of the word, and but faint attempts at aiding each other."

Feb. 24, 1881SealsFrom Herring Neck we learn that on Saturday last, there was a pretty good sign of seals, and, if the weather continued fine, fair work would have been done. Our correspondent informs us that on that day, one man secured six and another two. Very little has been done this vicinity of late.
Feb. 24, 1881AccidentA very serious accident occurred on Monday morning to a young married man of this harbor, named John WHITE, whose gun burst while he was in the act of firing at a bird, and destroyed the greater part of his right hand. The injury was so great that Dr. STIRLING who was called in, was of the opinion that it was useless to attempt to save the hand, and recommended amputation, as the surest means of avoiding greater evils. The patient willingly consented, and Dr. Stirling performed, as usual, a most successful operation, after administering chloroform. From the moment of placing the tourniquet to completion of severance of the wounded member, was scarcely more than two minutes. In a very short time longer, the ligations were made and all was over. The patient is since rapidly recovering under the skilful hands of Dr. STIRLING.
Feb. 24, 1881Death at Herring NeckWe are sorry to have to chronicle the loss of two men named James JONES and Eli ATKINSON, belonging to Herring Neck, which sad event happened on Thursday, the 17th. Inst. The morning being fine, several boats left that place in search of seals, and about noon, a sudden storm of wind and snow set in. As soon as it commenced, they all ran for land and reached home safely after experiencing great difficulty and danger, with the exception of the above mentioned, who, it is thought, must have run for Twillingate. The following day, their boat was found bottom up, with only one gun tied fast to it., having drifted into Merrit's Harbor during the night. Search has been made for the bodies, but up to the 19th. they could not be found. It is thought that the boat upset while running for the land, as it was impossible for a small boat to stand very long in the wind and sea then prevalent. James JONES was about 60 years of age, and leaves a wife and large family to deplore their loss. The young man was about 24 years and son of Mr. Thomas ATKINSON of Herring Neck. We tender our sympathy to the sorrowing relatives in the painful dispensation of Providence they have thus sustained.
Feb. 24, 1881Narrow EscapeOur correspondent from Herring Neck says that "two young men named Eli POLLARD and Peter BLANDFORD went from this to Twillingate on Saturday, 12th. Inst. On returning, they found that the ice had driven in along the shore, wind having been North, and for want of judgement or experience, instead of going into Merrit's Harbor, where they might have landed without any difficulty, they rowed down on the weather edge of the ice, which was a mile in width, trying to reach land. After being three or four hours endeavoring to get the boat near the shore, and one of them falling in the water two or three times, they succeeded in getting near enough to jump on the rocks, and as there was such a heavy sea on, they were very near being drowned or dashed in pieces with the ice. They were washed over each other, two or three times, before they could hold on to the rocks. The instant they were out of the boat it was broken in pieces. Had it not been for some men who happened to see them from the hills, and went to their rescue, they would have died, as they were quite exhausted when assistance was rendered, and one of them, badly frost bitten. We understand they had about £5 worth of goods in the boat for different persons of this place, which was all lost."
Feb. 24, 1881BirthAt Twillingate, Feb. 16th., the wife of Mr. W. PILL of a daughter.
Feb. 24, 1881DeathAt Herring Neck, Feb. 11th., of diphtheria, Elizabeth, eldest daughter of James and Martha GILLOTT, aged 9 years.
Feb. 24, 1881DeathAt the same place on the 13th., Matthew Mark, eldest son of Samuel and Emelia ELLIOTT, aged 15 years.
Feb. 24, 1881PartyOn Wednesday evening last, a large party, which had been postponed from Tuesday on account of the weather, assembled in St. Peter's School Room to celebrate the Coming of Age of Mr. J.H. GLASS, the Lay Reader. The party comprised the members of Mr. G's Bible class, and the Sunday School boys, who were absent from Twillingate at the time of the Sunday School Feast in the summer, the Church Wardens, and others connected with the Church and Sunday School, ..... no doubt from the appearance of the tables every attention had been bestowed to make this section of the program, not the least pleasing.... Viands of a most delicious kind were placed before the guests.... The tables were presided over by Mrs. TEMPLE, Miss S. STERLING, Miss J. STIRLING, and Miss TAYLOR, whose happy countenances and affability.... could scarcely fail to make the luxuries before the company even more acceptable...... some 30 pictures were exhibited through a Magic Lantern, thanks to the kindness of Mr. GILLINGHAM. J.W. OWEN, Esq., JP., added much to the amusement of the evening by a recitation called the "Frenchman and the Rats."....and also by singing a couple of songs, with a stump speech. Songs and readings were also given by Mrs. TEMPLE, Miss J. STERLING, Rev. R. TEMPLE, Mr. Ernest BERTEAU, and Mr. LOCKYER. At the close of the Magic Lantern..... was accorded Mr. GILLINGHAM for his kindness, after which Mr. OWEN...... tendered Mr. GLASS many thanks..... every success in life, which was supplemented by three times three from which, ..... Mr. GLASS then in a few suitable words, returned thanks.... The following lines upon the event were sent to Mr. GLASS, accompanied by a bank note from a friend:- Receive dear sir these poetry lines, concocted as I can; to hope you now feel all the signs that you are quite a man....[continuing through seven more verses.]

March 17, 1881SealsSeveral steamers were to be seen off in the ice on Saturday last, evidently taking seals.
March 17, 1881PersonalThe Rev. H.C.H. JOHNSON of Exploits, paid a short visit to Twillingate last week. The Rev. gentleman preached in St. Peter's Church on Sunday morning and gave a very earnest….. Josiah MANUEL, Esq., of Exploits and M. OSMOND, Esq., of Moreton's Harbor, were also here this week.
March 17, 1881LostWe are indebted to our Cape Shore correspondent for the following under date of the 14th ult.:- A Young man named Eli SNOW, aged 21, of Nipper's Harbor, left his home on Wednesday, 2nd. Ult., for the purpose of hunting in the country. Not returning after a prolonged absence, apprehensions were entertained regarding his safety, and search was made for his whereabouts, but without avail. It is supposed he lost his way whilst a thick fog was passing over that part of the country. Great credit is due to the inhabitants of Nipper's Harbor for searching so diligently for the poor fellow, and risking their own lives in such stormy weather.
March 17, 1881New Boats[The following is also thought to be from the Cape Shore Correspondent, although the beginning of the column is missing. Gw.] ..... understand that James BOWERS of that place is building three pleasure boats, 26 foot keel, and two other schooners are building in that harbor.
March 17, 1881Old Perlican NewsAn esteemed correspondent writing from Old Perlican, Feb. 7th., says: - considerable loss was occasioned in this neighborhood last week by the high tides and heavy seas. Mr. James AVERY, of Grate's Cove, had a large boat, which was hauled up on the beach, washed off and beaten to pieces; his flakes, stage and store containing a good deal of fishing gear and a quantity of coal, were overturned, and the property lost. Some other persons lost boats and skiffs at the same time. In this place, the sea ran very high, but fortunately, the boats were all in places of safety. The only loss sustained was that of a stage belonging to Mr. Joseph TIZZARD. - St. John's North Star.
March 17, 1881BirthAt Herring Neck on the 9th. Inst., the wife of Mr. T. CONNORS of a daughter.
March 17, 1881Temp. Concert FogoOn Thursday Jan 27th., the Sons of Temperance of the Rising Sun Division of this place, had a thorough good concert in the School House, their place of meeting pro-tem. It was a grand turn out… those admitted were the members of the Society and their wives, and a few others who took part... About one hundred persons sat down to tea, (as a lady said to me yesterday, "they go in for teas here!").... there was enough and to spare, for out of the fragments which remained, we gave another tea on the following night to the Sabbath School children, and some of them were rather big children too; and of the fragments which yet remained, we fed the poor...... T. C. DUDER, Esq., W.P, presided over the meeting, and Mrs. T.C. DUDER at the organ. J.G. LUCAS, Esq., and the writer tried to interest the happy gathering with lively speeches. Mr. LUCAS gave a bright speech..... While we have to regret that some of the members have died and others have grown weary in well doing, we are glad to say we are progressing..... Signed: A. HILL

March 24, 1881SealsLarge numbers of sealers from the surrounding settlements were here the past week. On Monday it was computed that from 1200 to 1500 men were on the ice hauling seals. One sealer, a few days since, had alike to receive an injury from the bite of an old Hood. Thinking it was dead, when reaching the spot, he was about to apply the knife when the seal seized him by the arm, greatly tearing his sleeves, and had it not been for assistance speedily afforded, the results would likely have been serious.
March 24, 1881DeathOn Saturday night last, 19th. Inst., after a lingering and painful illness, borne with Christian resignation to the Divine Will, Joseph J. PEARCE, Esq., JP., aged 71 years, for upwards of 30 years, Sub Collector of H.M. Customs in this port.

April 14, 1881PersonalWe are indebted to J.B. TOBIN, Esq., who was in London on the 22nd. March, for late numbers of Times, Standard, and other English papers, received per last mail.
April 14, 1881AccidentA painful accident occurred to one of Mr. George HODDER's children this morning. While the girl was going out of doors with a pan of boiling water, the little one accidentally ran into her, causing the pan to capsize, its contents going partly over the child, and causing a good deal of injury.
April 14, 1881Sealing IntelligenceThe schooner Emeline, LOCK master, which sailed from the Horse Islands, supplied by Messrs. WATERMAN & Co., arrived as far as Burnt Island Tickle on Tuesday, but is prevented from getting in the harbor in consequence of the ice. She has 750 young seals and 340 old. The harp seals are reported to have been numerous in White Bay. The Panther, Narwhal and Resolute, and two or three other steamers, were there loaded. About Partridge Point, good work has been done with seals this spring, from 60 to 70 a boat having been secured. At Fortune Harbor and Western Head, we learn that large numbers were hauled ashore the early part of the week. The Emeline reports that about the 20th March, the Wild Wave, Elias DALLY Master, had six or seven hundred. This craft belongs to Herring Neck and sailed from White Bay the present spring. From St. John's we learn that the steamer Leopard, arrived there from the Gulf on the 22nd. ult., with 15,000 young harp seals and the Tiger was also on her way with 8000. We learn that great quantities of seals were in the Gulf this season.

April 28, 1881Memorial NoticeMiss Lydia King LUCAS. Of Fogo, another daughter of Mr. J. G. LUCAS, has just passed away to heaven. Her death was not unexpected, but for some time it has been looked for, and on Tuesday evening, March 29th, it was quite evident to all that she was dying. Relatives and friends were called to see her for the last time on earth, and to bestow their last kiss just before her spirit was wafted away to glory. ........ She was born in the year 1848 and in the year 1863 was born of God. ........ Since that time she had been a member of Society in the Methodist Church, .... For some years she was employed by the Board of education in teaching school in this place ........ From what we have learned she was much beloved by her scholars, and in fact by all who know her. ........ I believe this will make the seventh child Mr. LUCAS has safely landed in Glory, seven who have died in the Lord and are safe forever. On Sunday evening, April 3rd, a sermon was preached by the writer in the Methodist Church, Fogo, to improve the death of the departed, from numbers 23rd and 10th, "Let me die the death of righteous and let my last end be like his."
April 28, 1881Steamer ArrivalThe steamer "Hercules" arrived from St. John's this morning en route for the mines, with a number of passengers and a full cargo of freight. It is to be regretted that no mail was forwarded by her for Twillingate. The last one that could be dispatched by overland route (according to the winter arrangements) left here a fortnight ago, and as we understand that the "Plover" will not commence her regular trips until about the 9th of May, a month or more will possibly elapse before a mail will leave here for the South. We believe that the "Hercules" would have brought and taken a return mail for a trifling amount, and considering the great convenience it would have been to the public just now, it is to be lamented that the opportunity was not availed of. Is Twillingate to be entirely overlooked? In may respects it is to be feared that such is the case.
April 28, 1881Return of CitizensWe are pleased to note the arrival per "Hercules" of J.B. TOBIN and W. LETHBRIDGE, Esqrs. These gentleman have been on a visit to the Old Country the past winter, have returned in excellent health, apparently enjoying the tour.
April 28, 1881Custom CollectorJ.C. DUDER, Esq., sub-collector of H.M. Customs for Bett's Cove, who has been spending the winter here availed of the first opportunity afforded and left this morning per "Hercules" for that port, so as to be in readiness to discharge the duties of his office so soon as navigation commences.
April 28, 1881SealingOn Monday last, there were several arrivals of schooners and boats from Hooping Harbor and other places on French Shore with large cargoes of seals and report an immense catch of young harps all along that shore. The schooner "Lark" and "Extanuate", each well loaded with prime white coats, arrived, the former to the firm of the late E. DUDER, Esq., and the latter to Messrs. W. WATERMAN & Co. The two crews having joined together so as to be more effectual; (making ten men) were successful in getting 2,600 seals, but however, remarkable this may appear, in comparison to any ordinary haul, it is exceeded by Mr. CARROL's crew of eight men, who have 2,800 and this again is out-stripped by a man named RANDLE, and his son, who landed the unprecedented number of 600. Mr. CROCKER in the "Vicherson" has 5,500 beside purchasing two or three cargoes. The "Wild Wave" arrived on Monday from the ice to Messers. W. WATERMAN & Co., with 1,300 old and young harps.
April 28, 1881Ship DepartureThe "Vivid" from Mr. TOBIN's and (the) "Fawn" from W. WATERMAN & Co, sailed for White Bay on Monday on a trading venture.
April 28, 1881SealingThe "Emeline's" crew with 1100 old and young harps make £21 per man which is some difference to a crew in a steamer with 40,000 only making £18.
April 28, 1881Ship Arrival The schooner "Vivid" arrived at Purcell's Harbor from St. John's on Monday, being prevented from coming here in consequence of ice, which cleared away on the following day and enabled her to get into port.
April 28, 1881DiedCOLLINS. - At Herring Neck, on Sunday 24th April, Mr. Henry COLLINS aged 82 years.
April 28, 1881DiedPHILPOTT.- At Herring Neck, on 27th April, Mr. Alfred PHILPOTT, aged 39 years.
April 28, 1881DiedSAINT.- On the 15th inst., James, fourth son of James SAINT. Esq., M.H.A., for Bonavista Bay, aged 8 years.
April 28, 1881DiedWARREN.- On the 10th inst., at Musgrave Terace, St. John's, Louisa Jane, the beloved wife of Hon. J.H. WARREN.
April 28, 1881AdvertisementFOR SALE. The new well-built fore-and-aft schooner, "MALLARD", about 55 tons, well found and finished; can be inspected in Robert's Arm, Green Bay, until 10th of May, after that date in Twillingate. Also, a fine House or Store Frame, (cut for latter purpose) 20 X 30, nearly 100 pieces. Price; £15 10s. For terms for schooner apply to the undersigned in Robert's Arm until 10th May, afterwards in Twillingate. Francis WARR. May 5.

May 5, 1881
Ship ArrivalIt is understood that the steamer "Plover" is to leave St. John's for the North on Monday next, and may be looked for here, about Tuesday night or Wednesday morning.
May 5, 1881MiningA large quantity of No. 1 copper ore is now on the loading ground at Little Bay, ready for shipment. Mining operations at Roberts Arm are being carried on, to a limited extent, successfully.
May 5, 1881Ship AccidentThe schooner "Vivid" sailed for St. John's last Friday morning. Part of canvas being hoisted while weighing anchor, she suddenly ran down on schr. "Lucy", breaking off her boom. and slightly damaging bulwarks.
May 5, 1881Ship ArrivalThe steamer "Hercules" on her way from the mining districts, touched in here on Tuesday evening to land a couple of passengers. Upwards of 120 miners took passage by her. Mr. GILL and lady from Tilt Cove, were also on board. It is expected that the steamer will be here again about Saturday evening next.
May 5, 1881The RailwayThe following are the gentlemen who compose the Joint Committee of the Legislative Council and House of Assembly to confer with the American Syndicate in reference to the details of the proposed railway contract:- From the House of Assembly - Hons.. Attorney General, SHEA, RORKE, Messrs. KENT, LITTLE and MACKAY. From the Legislative Council - Hons. Messrs. HARVEY, TESSIER and AYRE.
May 5, 1881Death InquiryThe St.John's Evening Telegram of the 11th ult. has the following:-- Yesterday Judge CONROY held a Magistorial enquiry into the cause of death of Jacob HODNOTT, seaman on board the sealing steamer "Falcon". It appears from the evidence taken that on Wednesday, the 6th inst., while the crew were at dinner in the forecastle, a gun fell, muzzle downwards through an air-hole and was discharged, lodging the contents in the body of the deceased. As he had his knife in right hand and held a plate containing pudding in his left, the charge passed through the right hand, through the pewter plate, through the inner part of the left thigh and lodged in the outside, making a gash six inches long. The man to his right had the bowl which he held in his hand smashed by the shot, and the man to his left was struck on the temple. The accident it seems was caused in this way: One of the men laid down his gun, which was capped but not cocked, on the windlass as he was going into the forecastle to dinner, and the vessel striking a pan of ice, the gun fell off and went down the air-hole, the "hammer" probably coming in contact with the windlass chain. The wounded man received the greatest care from Capt. KNEE, but lived only twenty-three hours. HODNETT was twenty-four years of age, unmarried and was a great favorite with captain and crew. He and the owner of the gun were friends and "chums," and were both sober and industrious. As soon as the accident occurred Capt. KNEE made every effort to reach port in order to procure medical aid.
May 5, 1881Death Died. WHELLER. - At Loo Bay on the 20th April, of consumption, Mr. Elezor W. WELLER, aged 49 years. [Transcriber's Note: The two different name spellings are as they appear in the article.]

May 12, 1881
The Railway(The following is from an article concerning the proposed railway) Telegram dated the 30th. April from F.W. ALLIN, Secretary Syndicate Company to A.L. BLACKMAN, approving contract: all which is respectfully submitted. W.V. WHITEWAY, Chairman. P.G. TESSIER, John RORKE, A. SHEA, A.W. HARVEY, C.R. AYRE, J.I. LITTLE, A.M. McKAY, Robt. J. KENT. Committee Room, April 20th, 1881.
May 12, 1881MailsThe mails per "Plover" will close at 8 o'clock to-morrow morning.
May 12, 1881FisherySmall quantities of herring have been taken in nets this week. A few days ago three or four large size codfish were caught in nets with herring at Friday's Bay.
May 12, 1881Ship ArrivalThe coastal steamer "Plover" made her first appearance here for the season, on Wednesday morning, in charge of Mr. MANUEL, the senior officer of the ship, Capt. BLANDFORD, not having arrived from the Ice on second trip, in time to take command. Mr. MANUEL is well acquainted with the dangerous creeks along the coast, and is in every way competent to take charge of a ten or fifteen knotter, which we hope in time, to see him commanding.
May 12, 1881Ship ArrivalThe schooner "Lucy", belonging to Messrs. OWEN & EARL which left Fogo a short time since for the French Shore on a trading trip, put in here on Tuesday, one of the crew having had one of his hands fractured by the explosion of a gun. We learn that the injury is not very serious.
May 12, 1881Ship DepartureThe schrs "Emeline" and "Fawn" left for St.John's with cargoes of seals for Messrs. W. WATERMAN & Co., the past week. Two or three others also left for same place.
May 12, 1881Disabled ShipThe following extracts are taken from the St. John's Chronicle of the 28th ult.:-- Early this morning the steamer "Brooklyn City", Capt. WEISS, arrived at this port with the disabled steamship "Palmyra", Capt. WOOLFENDEN, in tow. It appears that the "Palmyra" was on a voyage from Liverpool to New York when the accident, viz, the breaking of the shaft of her propeller, befell her and left her in an unmanageable condition. Fortunately, however, she was not long in this dilemma before the "Brooklyn City" hove in sight and rendered her the assistance which this morning, resulted in her arrival at this port. The "Palmyra" has about 700 passengers on board, and is 1,331 tons burthen. The "Brooklyn City" is 1,122 tons and bound from New York to Bristol, cattle laden.

May 19, 1881
House of AssemblyFrom the Public Ledger. Wednesday, 23 March. House met pursuant to adjournment at half-past three o'clock. Hon. Mr. RORKE presented a petition from James HOWELL, of Carbonear, praying for compensation for loss of his property by fire in that town in October last, which he requested should be read. The Hon. gentleman observed that he could testify as to the truth of the statements contained therein. The petitioner had suffered very severely. His clothes, tools and other property to the value of £100 were completely lost, leaving him dreadfully, impoverished, and taking away his entire means of support. He recommended the petitioner to the sympathy of the House and the petition to their consideration.
May 19, 1881House of AssemblyThursday March 24. The House opened at 3.30 pm. Petitions: M. PENNEY presented several petitions from the inhabitants of Bay de Verde, upon the subject of roads. Mr. NORMAN presented a petition from Charles DAWE and others of Brigus and Burnt Head, and from Samuel BUTLER and others of Bareneed, on the subjects of roads.
May 19, 1881House of AssemblyMonday, March 28th. Petitions: Mr. McLOUGHLAN presented a petition from Anastatia DOWNEY, late keeper of the Poor Asylum, praying for a retiring allowance in connection with her long services as superintendent of the Poor Asylum of St. John's.
May 19, 1881FisheryCod-Fish - On Tuesday last there was a fair sign of fish at Herring Neck, thirty or forty having been jigged in one instance. This, we understand, is the first sign of fish worth mentioning there has been in this direction up to the present.
May 19, 1881Ship ArrivalThe "Plover", returning to St. John's, arrived here early on Friday morning, having on board a number of passengers from the North.
May 19, 1881The ClergyPersonal. The Rev. W. TEMPLE, who has been discharging his ministerial duties in White Bay since voluntarily accepting that Mission, arrived here last week. Notwithstanding the arduous work and exposure to which the faithful performance of his high and sacred office subjected him, we are glad to know that he has enjoyed fine health during the winter and that the Spiritual blessings enjoyed through his ministry, have been greatly appreciated by the scattered families of that isolated part.
May 19, 1881The RailwayThe following are the names of the Representatives who voted for and against the Newfoundland Railway Bill:-- FOR: Hons. Attorney General, Receiver General, John RORKE, Chairman B. Works, Financial Secretary, Messrs. MACKAY, COLLING, SKELTON, SAINT, PENNEY, NORMAN, RICE, LITTLE, KENT, SCOTT, NOWLAN, O'MARA, McLOUGHLAN, PARSONS, WATSON, (chairman). AGAINST: Hons. J.S. WINTER, Speaker, Surveyor General, Messrs. DWYER, CARTER, GREEN, GOODRIDGE, and TESSIER.
May 19, 1881FisheryBank Fishery. -- The "Ten Brothers", POWER, master, arrived from the Banks to Messrs. Alan GOODRIDGE & Sons this morning with about 30 qtls. of fish. The Captain reports fish very plenty where he was, having secured the quantity of fish named the day before leaving, and is convinced that, were it not for being obliged to run, owing to a breeze of wind having sprung up, he would have had no difficulty in loading. He had to leave all his trawls after him. St. John's Chronicle.

May 26, 1881
Ship ArrivalThe schr. "Maggie Briggs" arrived here on Monday last with a supply of new goods, to the firm of Robert SCOTT, Esq. Several craft have also returned from St. John's the past week.
May 26, 1881The FisheryThe prospects in several localities of late have been good. A friend who arrived from the Northside of the bay a day or two since, informs us that on Friday and Saturday boats along the Cape Shore, (from Shoe Cove to Bett's Cove) had from half to one quintal each. It is apparent from this that the fish is "striking in" from the North. In some of the harbours nearby indications have also been encouraging. About Bonavista and King's cove we learn that a good deal was being done when "Plover" passed along.
May 26, 1881AdvertisementWe beg to call attention to the advertisement of Mr. John SKINNER, of the Terra Nova Marble Works, St. John's. He has now in stock a supply of first class monuments, grave stones, &c., and is prepared to execute orders from any or every part with the utmost dispatch. Mr. S.'s designs are of the latest English and American, while the artistic skill displayed in their execution cannot fail to please, the charges at the same time being very moderate.
May 26, 1881ReligionMissionary Meeting at Fogo. We understand that the annual Missionary Meeting in connection with the Methodist Church of Canada, was held on the evening of Friday, the 13th inst., commencing at half-past seven. The meeting having been opened with praise and prayer, the Chairman, T.C. DUDER, Esq., J.P., gave a suitable address. A report was read by the minister of the circuit, Rev. A. HILL, after which the Rev. T.W. ATKINSON, of Twillingate, and J.G. LUCAS, Esq., Sub-Collector, addressed the audience in a pleasing style, and the occasion throughout was one of interest. On the following Monday evening the Missionary Meeting was held at Indian Islands. The chair was taken by J.G. LUCAS, Esq., who having addressed the meeting, was followed by the Revds. Messrs, ATKINSON and HILL.
May 26, 1881Ship ArrivalThe coastal steamer "Plover," with mails and passengers, called here on Tuesday night, and after remaining the usual time proceeded to the ports of call further North. We were proud to see Capt. S. BLANDFORD again in command, and must congratulate him on the success which attended him in the prosecution of the sealing enterprise the past spring. May good fortune characterise his voyage along our dangerous coast the ensuing season.
May 26, 1881Return of PoliticianR.P. RICE, Esq., J.P., M.H.A., for this district, arrived from the Metropolis last week, after an absence of four or five months. We believe the interests of the district entrusted to him as one of our three Representatives, were closely watched by the local member, during the session of the Legislature, and no doubt when the allocations for the various portions of the district are appropriated, improvements will be apparent in different directions. We welcome the return of our Hon. member.
May 26, 1881Visiting MerchantR. SCOTT, Esq., one of the principal mercantile gentlemen of Fogo, was here a short time the early part of the week. Mr. SCOTT has a shrewd business tact, and after years of assiduous toil and close attention to business, has gained an elevation in mercantile status worthy of commendation. The branch of his trade here conducted by the Agent, Mr. J.G. LUCAS, jr., is somewhat extensive. Mr. S. was on a visit to the Old Country during the past winter. We were glad to see him looking so well after his return, and wish him every success in his future business speculations.
May 26, 1881Visiting ClergyThe Rev. S. FLYNN, of Fortune Harbour, is just spending a short time at the residence of J.B. TOBIN, Esq. The pastoral labours of the new Rev. gentleman have been confined chiefly to Little Bay the last few months, where, we understand, he has won the appreciation of his flock.
May 26, 1881The FisheryBank Fishing. -- Messrs. C. MARCH & Sons' schooner "Betsey," Capt. McGINNS, arrived from the Banks yesterday with equal to 275 quintals dry codfish and fifteen quintals halibut. The Betsey experienced rough weather, but sustained no damage whatever. A supply of clam bait is ready for her, and she will return to the fishing grounds as soon as possible. The schooner "Snow Bird", Capt. HICKEY, arrived at Placentia yesterday with about 200 quintals. It will be remembered that a report was in circulation here a few days since to the effect that this vessel had been run down while fishing on the banks and all hands lost. The reprehensible practice of circulating such unfounded reports cannot be too strongly condemned. A telegram was received by Messrs. R. PROWSE & Sons this forenoon stating that their banking schooner "Samie S. McKown" arrived at Fermeuse on Friday last with 300 quintals. A recent arrival at St.Mary's reports the "J.W. Roberts" with a good catch. -- Evening Telegram.
May 26, 1881Ship CollisionThe "S.S. Hercules", when leaving for Bett's Cove yesterday afternoon, collided with the schr. "Guerilla" from Twillingate, tacking in the harbour at the time. She was struck on the port quarter, which driving her stern to leeward, brought her in collision with the jib-boom of the barque "Eva", lying at anchor in the harbour, tearing her mainsail and carrying away her mainboom. The Hercules on clearing from the Guerilla ran into the Eva, striking her in the port quarter, and breaking in her bulwarks. There was no injury done to the Hercules, and she proceeded on her journey.
May 26, 1881PassengersPer "Plover" for the northward - Old Perlican - J. Bay. Trinity - Mr. BREINNER. Fogo - Miss SMITH and Miss HEAGAN. Twillingate - Messrs. WILLIAMS, L. BOYLE, P. BOYLE and MURPHY. Little Bay - Master CAIN; 150 in steerage.
May 26, 1881DiedTAYLOR. - At Salmon Cove, Port-de-Grave. On the 8th inst., Mrs. James TAYLOR, aged 97 years, after a long and painful illness borne with Christian resignation.

June 2, 1881
Methodist ChurchBonavista District. Programme of the Public Services of the Bonavista District to be held in the Methodist Church, Twillingate. …… The following will be the Ministers homes while in Twillingate: -- BRAMFITT, Rev. R. at Mr. A. LINFIELD. BULLEN, Rev., Geo. at R.D. HODGE, Esq. EMBREE, Rev. J. at The Parsonage. EDYVEAN, Rev. H.W. at Messrs. J. & E. WHELLOR. HEAL. Rev. J.B. at Mr. Thos. LINFIELD. HILL, Rev. Jabez at Mr. A. ROBERTS. HILL Rev. Anthony at Mr. A. LINFIELD. JENNINGS, Rev. Wm. at R.P. RICE, Esq., M.H.A. LISTER, Rev. at Mr. J. COOPER. NURSE, Rev. J. at The Parsonage. PARKINS, Rev. J. at Mr. SAMWAYS. PETER, Rev. J. at Mr. COOPER. VATER, Rev. Geo. at Mr. A. ROBERTS. HEMLAW, Mr. at Mr. C. MOXHA. The District Meeting will open (D.V.) on Friday morning, June 10th, at ten o'clock.
June 2, 1881Ship ArrivalH.M.S. "Phantom", one of the war ships that will be engaged in the protection of the fisheries the present summer, may be expected here from St. John's in a day or two.
June 2, 1881Ship ArrivalThe steamer "Hercules", Capt. CROSS, arrived here from St. John's on Tuesday evening. We were pleased to see amongst the passengers the Rev. Mr. HIGGINSON and lady, who were en route for Tilt Cove, the scene of that gentleman's ministerial labours. As this is Mrs. HIGGINSON's first visit to Twillingate, we must extend to her our warmest welcome, and sincerely trust that she will enjoy years of happiness in this "Newfoundland of ours." We would also note en passant, that N. GILL, Esq., Mrs. GILL, and Miss KILLIGREWS were on board the "Hercules", likewise bound to Tilt Cove. Also Mr. GREEN, partner of the firm of CURTIS & GREEN, of the saw mill works, Hall's Bay, who was on his way to that place.
June 2, 1881Ship ArrivalThe "Alpha," Captain LEONARD, of Swansea, arrived here on Saturday last via St. John's, with a cargo of salt to the firm of the late E. DUDER, Esq. She left the Capital on the 24th ult., and the following morning experienced a snow fall, some five or six inches having fallen upon the deck. The winds were very light and variable nearly all the distance, some ice was encountered. The "Alpha" is about 500 tons; barque rigged, well founded, and is in every respect adapted to encounter the dangers of the sea. Being built specially for the copper trade she is constructed of the most substantial material that could possibly be secured. The Captain expects to be in port five of six weeks, and after leaving here will proceed to Bett's Cove, whence he will sail for an English market with a load of copper ore. We are glad to welcome the Captain to our shores for the first time, and hope that he may enjoy pleasant weather during his short sojourn in our port.
June 2, 1881Ship ArrivalThe schooner "Sonata", ELLIS, master, on her way from St. John's to Straits of Belle Isle, put in here last night. She left St. John's eight days since and encountered adverse, squally winds nearly all the time. Yesterday the ice was met with, 40 miles E.S.E. of the Grey Islands, and the captain was compelled to bear up for this port, leaving the ice thirteen miles off Twillingate. He leaves again to-day and hopes, by taking the inside run, to reach his destination in a few days. Several other craft also left St. John's about the same time for the Straits, for the fishery.
June 2, 1881Ship DepartureWe are indebted to J.C. DUDER, Esq., Sub-Collector, Bett's Cove for the following information: "May 23 - The steamer "Ranzani" sailed for Liverpool to-day with 1800 tons of copper ore. The day following she put back to this port, having struck an iceberg off Fogo sustaining damage to her bows, which is being repaired.
June 2, 1881Ship NewsPort of Bett's Cove. Arrived:- May 16, - Str. "Ranzani", RICHARDS, 912 tons register from Newcastle. Coal. May 17, - Str. "Roxburg Castle", TURPIN. 1240 tons register from New York. Ballast. May 20, - Str. "Rowland", TYRER, 918 tons register, from St. John's. Cleared:- May 23 - Str. "Ranzani", for Liverpool, 1800 tons copper. May 25 - Str. "Rowland" for Swansea, 1800 tons copper ore. She loaded at Bett's Cove.
June 2, 1881BirthsLEWIS. -- At Herring Neck, May 24th, the wife of Mr. Roberts LEWIS of a daughter.
June 2, 1881BirthsMANUEL.-- At Locke's Harbour, May 10th, the wife of Mr. Valentine MANUEL, of a daughter.
June 2, 1881BirthsHILL. -- At Black's Island, on the 26th ult., the wife of Mr. William HILL of a son.
June 2, 1881MarriageSIMMS - PARSONS. -- On ascension Day at St. Nicholas's Church, Leading Tickles, by Rev H.C.H. JOHNSON, Archibald, son of the late Mr. G. SIMMS to Livinia, daughter of the late Mr. Jacob PARSONS.
June 2, 1881MarriageBUTLER - QUIRK. At Fortune Harbour on the 22nd ult., by the Rev. S. FLYNN, Mr. Thos. BUTLER, to Margaret, second daughter of Mr. Thos. QUIRK.
June 2, 1881DeathLEWIS.-- At Herring Neck, May 30th, of diphtheria, Victoria Helena, daughter of Robert and Catherine LEWIS, aged two years and three months.
June 2, 1881DeathALCOCK.-- On Ascension Day at Leading Tickle, after a long and painful illness, Rachel, the beloved wife of Robert ALCOCK, jr. "Peace shall follow battle."
June 2, 1881AdvertisementFor Sale. One fine Harmonium. Apply to P. SAMWAYS. June 2.
June 2, 1881AdvertisementFor Sale. At Little Bay Island, on or before the 13th October, a dwelling-House, situate near the end of the harbour, opposite the Government wharf. Full particulars may be had at the Sun Office, Twillingate, or from the owner, Little Bay Island. Address, W. GARLAND, Little Bay Island, Notre Dame Bay, or A.B.C.D. same place. June 2.

June 9, 1881
DonationWe ought to have stated a fortnight ago that Thos. C. DUDER, Esq., J.P., of Fogo, has given £5, through the Superintendent of the circuit, Rev. T.W. ATKINSON to the new Methodist Church, Back Harbour Road.
June 9, 1881The FisheryFishery Information. -- During the past eight or ten days the results of the fishery operations around this neighbourhood have not been altogether cheering. Some who use traps have been somewhat successful, but the hook and line men have done comparatively nothing. It is said that fish have been plentiful on the grounds but they could not be caught with bait. We learn that Mr. KEEFE of Little Harbour has about one hundred qtls. on shore, having been taken with trap. We learn that very little was being done by the fishermen about Bonavista and Greenspond when the "Plover" called there coming North. Salmon are scarce in this vicinity. A few have been secured lately, mostly of a large size. Caplin made their appearance at Little Harbour a few days since.
June 9, 1881Accidental DeathWe are sorry to hear of the melancholy death of George, son of Mr. Mathew DALTON of Exploits, Burnt Island. It appears that the deceased was returning from St. John's, and, when off Baccalieu Island, whilst lying becalmed, he came up out of the cabin, and the main-boom swinging round, unperceived by him, he was knocked overboard, and although a boat was lowered, before he could be reached, he had sank to rise no more. We extend to the bereaved family our heartfelt sympathy.
June 9, 1881Arrival of ShipPersonal. We notice the arrival, per "Plover", from the capital of J.W. NURSE, Esq., and the Rev. T.W. TEMPLE, both of whom we are happy to see looking well. Also, T. HODGE, Esq., of Fogo, came per Plover on Tuesday evening. Our local representative R.P. RICE, Esq., who left per last Plover for Fogo, for the purpose of visiting his constituents in that part of the district, returned a few days since. It well is to find that Mr. RICE is desirous to make himself personally acquainted with the requirements of the various sections of the district.
June 9, 1881Appointment of J.P.We are glad to observe that Mark OSMOND, Esq., of Morton's Harbour, has lately been appointed a Justice of the Peace for the Northern District, and have much pleasure in congratulating him on his appointment to that honorary position.
June 9, 1881The FisheryThe schooner "Oleander", LEARY, master, arrived at Carbonear from the Banks on the 28th ult., with equal to 600 quintals fish. Rough weather was experienced, the sea having swept the decks, carrying away part of her bulwarks.
June 9, 1881House FireFire at Brigus. -- On the 25th., about half-past 5 o'clock, the people of Brigus were startled by an alarm of fire, and shortly after flames were observed issuing from a dwelling house occupied by Miss NOWLAN. The fire rapidly extended to the whole building and in less that two hours from the time the alarm was given nothing but a heap of cinders remained to mark the place where the house stood. During the conflagration several buildings near by, were in imminent danger, but the efforts of the people were successful and the fire was confined to the house in which it originated. We understand there was no insurance on the property.
June 9, 1881Fishing NewsBy late advices from Trinity Bay we are pleased to learn that fishing prospects there are brightening and the people are actively engaged in prosecuting their "time honoured occupation." One day last week all the boats at Scilly Cove secured full fares, and during the past few days good work has been done all along the South side of the bay.
June 9, 1881The FisheryWe have to thank an esteem friend for the following extract from a letter received yesterday from Placentia:-- "The fishery has been fairly commenced here. Some of the Red Island and Fox Harbour boats secured good fares last week; on the whole there are better prospects than last spring. The schooner "Nimbus", belonging to Messrs. W. & A. BRADSHAW of this place, arrived here on Saturday last with three hundred and fourteen tubs, equal to about four hundred quintals of dry fish. She was only eight days on the Banks and used sixty-five barrels of iced herring. The master reports fish plenty and large. It livered well yielding the full of nine butts, besides a quantity they threw overboard for want of casks. The Nimbus took her fish about 200 miles off Cape St. Mary's. Herring are not very plenty here at present. St. John's Evening Telegram.
June 9, 1881MarriedWATKINS. WHELLOR. On the 15th inst., by the Rev. T.W. ATKINSON, Mr. Jacob WATKINS, to Miss Esther WHELLOR, both of Twillingate.
June 9, 1881WantedWanted to purchase, A small waterside premises, with a few feet of frontage ground. Apply to the Sun Office. Twillingate, April 7.

June 16, 1881
Ship ArrivalH.M.S. "Druid", came into port on Saturday evening and left again early Monday morning.
June 16, 1881Delivery of GoodsNew Goods.- The "Zingra" arrived from Liverpool on Monday last to J.B. TOBIN, Esq., with a cargo of goods, &c.
June 16, 1881The ClergyWe are requested to state that the Rev. Geo. VATER, will occupy the pulpit of the Methodist Church, South-side, on Sunday next, morning and evening. Also, that Mr. HEMLAW will preach at Little harbour at 11 o'clock and in the Temperance Hall at half-past 6 p.m.
June 16, 1881Forest FireFire in Hall's Bay.- For some days past a fire has been raging in the vicinity of Hall Bay, destroying much of the valuable forests in that part. When the steamer left Little Bay Mines on Tuesday, the fire was advancing with great rapidity towards that place, and great consternation was manifested by the inhabitants, fearing that the destructive element would soon reach them, the fire then being not more than twenty miles from the settlement. We regret to hear that a new house and premises belonging to Mr. John CURTIS have been completely destroyed. The saw-mill works have escaped damage. It is said that the fire originated at Indian Brook, being caused by sparks which flew among the bushes from the funnel of a dwelling there.
June 16, 1881Ship ArrivalThe steamer "Hercules" arrived from St. John's on Saturday night, having on board a number of passengers and a large quantity [*] for the respective ports in the bay. She remained until Monday, and having landed the freight for Twillingate, left for the Mining settlements, calling at Exploits, where a quantity of freight was landed for J. MANUEL, Esq. The steamer called here again on Wednesday morning, en route for the Capital. [* Transcriber's Note: The article does not indicate what the "large quantity" was.]
June 16, 1881Ship PassengersPersonal.- Amongst the passengers on board the "Hercules" from St. John's, we are pleased to see J. MANUEL, Esq. of Exploits. J.W. McCURDY, Esq., of Bett's Cove, was on board the steamer on her return to St. John's.
June 16, 1881Schooner AccidentA Schooner Dismasted in Conception Bay.- The schooner "Douro", Captain BISHOP, was towed into port this morning with loss of spars and in a leaky condition. The Douro sailed from Cupids at 9 a.m. on Wednesday last, with supplies for the fishery and about fifty persons - men, women and children - bound to Bateaux, Labrador. The weather being fine and the wind fair , no apprehension of accident was entertained by any one; and as the schooner glided down the bay under "wing-and-wing-canvass" everything seemed to auger a speedy and successful voyage. "But pleasure are like poppies spread; We seize the flower, its bloom is shed." At noon, when near the mouth of the bay, and about mid-way between Cape St. Francis and Island Cove, the foremast, without giving any warning whatever, snapped a few feet below the crosstrees and crashed down upon the deck, immediately followed by the main top mast. The broken spars, as they come into contact with the deck, shook the Douro from bulwarks to keelson, and caused her to leak badly. In this helpless condition the schooner drifted about the bay until the evening, when the "Royal Arch", Capt. GOSSE, of Spaniard's Bay, went to her assistance and towed her in Bay-de-Verd. Yesterday the steam-tug "Cabot" was dispatched to bring the vessel to this place for repairs, and as already stated, she arrived here early this morning. The crew of the Duoro have reason to be thankful that no personal injury was sustained by any one during the accident.
June 16, 1881BirthWELLS. - On the 1st inst., the wife of Sergeant WELLS of a son.

June 23, 1881
DiphtheriaWe regret to learn that diphtheria is still prevalent at Herring Neck, and that some cases have proved fatal of late. We extend our sympathy to Mr. Robert LEWIS for the bereavement he has again been called to sustain.
June 23, 1881Bonavista NewsWe are indebted to an esteemed Bonavista correspondent, for the following items:- The barque "Glen Afton" and schr. "Hind", both from Liverpool, the former at this port, the latter at King's Cove are discharging salt and general Merchandise for James RYAN, Esq. I believe the Glen AFTON when discharged, proceeds to Bett's Cove for copper ore. Early on the morning of the 10th inst., the magisterial residence here was entered by a maniac, who should not have been at large, and a great deal of valuable furniture, pictures and bric-a-brac demolished and rendered valueless. Complaint it is said, had been made to the Magistrate by the friends of the unfortunate madman as to his ...olent demonstrations, desiring his incarceration; this it seems was refused. The sequel illustrates which party was right.
June 23, 1881Ship PassengersPersonal.- We are pleased to note the arrival, per "Plover", of the Rev. Theodore NURSE, son of our townsman J. NURSE, Esq.; also Samuel BAIRD Esq., Stipendary Magistrate of Greenspond, an old friend and familiar acquaintance to many in this district. Also Mr. J.H. TAVERNER, who has been on the visit to the Metropolis. The Rev. George VATER leaves for Bonavista by this Plover, to attend to pastoral duties, until the return of the minister of the circuit from Conference.
June 23, 1881MarriageMr. J.G. LUCAS, jr., left for St. John's by last Plover, and having there had the matrimonial ceremony performed, returned with his wife by same steamer on Wednesday morning, probably elated with the thought of having advanced to such a blissful state, as some would say.
June 23, 1881The FisheryTwo or three craft belonging to Catalina are in port awaiting a time North. Since leaving, they have been fishing along the shore and have secured from 40 to 60 qlts. respectively.
June 23, 1881DrowningA fatal accident occurred near Cape St. Mary's on Thursday last. While the crew of a small schooner belonging to Burin were engaged in "overhauling their trawls" one of the boats capsized and the occupants were thrown into the water. A strong wind prevailed at the time, in consequence of which assistance could not readily reach them; meanwhile one of the crew, a young man named John HOLLETT, after a hard struggle for life, disappeared and the crested waves rolled over him. The deceased was twenty years of age and unmarried. St. John's Evening Telegram.
June 23, 1881Fire AlarmAbout half-past 12 o'clock to day, while the wind was at its height and clouds of dust were making the shopkeepers mad and the non-shopkeepers rub their eyes, the lieges in general were startled by an alarm of fire from No. 2 Ward. The firemen turned out with their usual promptitude and, closely followed by a detachment of the Constabulary, hastened to the threatened locality. Their services, however, were not required, the fire - caused by a spark falling on the roof of a house occupied by a family named McGUIRE - having been extinguished by persons residing in the neighbourhood. Some of the shingles were slightly damaged; that's all. Ibid.
June 23, 1881MiningWilliam HOLDEN, Esq., J.P., of Conception Harbour, was in town the past week. Mr. HOLDEN, a friend informs us, speaks very flatteringly of the mineral wealth of that region. Our informant further tells us that Mr. H. on Monday last received a cable-gram from England, stating that a party of mining prospectors were on the following Tuesday to leave by the Allan Steamer for Newfoundland. The object of their visit is in connection with working the gold, silver and copper deposits which are said to exist in large quantities at Conception Harbour. We are informed, moreover, that Mr. H. has also copper deposits at Salmon Cove and Gastors. Harbour Grace Standard.
June 23, 1881Ship PassengersPer steamer "Plover" from St. John's for the North - Old Perlican - Mrs. MORREY and Mrs. AVERY. Trinity - Mr. BREMNER. Catalina - Master ELLIS and Miss FASELY. Bonavista - Mrs. MILLS King's Cove - Mr. F. WINTON. Greenspond - Mr. CROSMAN. Fogo - Messrs. EARL, ROUSE, DEADY, FURYS and Mr. and Mrs. SCOTT and Mrs. ELLIS. Twillingate - Mr. and Mrs. LUCAS, Mrs. PAYNE, Mr. BERTEAU, Miss CANTWELL, Rev. Mr. NURSE, Mr. BEARD, Mr. TAVERNER and Miss TAVERNER, Little Bay - Mr. O'NEIL. Betts Cove - Mr. BRIDGES. Tilt Cove - Mr. PARSONS and Mr. WELSHMAN; 20 in steerage.
June 23, 1881BirthOSMOND. - At Tizzard's Harbour on Wednesday, the 15th inst., the wife of Mr. Joseph OSMOND of a son.
June 23, 1881MarriedLUCAS - TORRAVILLE. - At St. Thomas's Church, St. John's, on Wednesday last, by the Rev. A.C.F. WOOD, John G., second son of J.G. LUCAS, Esq., to Harriet, third daughter of Mr. Chas. TORRAVILLE both of Fogo.
June 23, 1881MarriedFRENCH - NEWMAN. - At St. Peter's Church, Twillingate, June 10th, by the Rev. R. TEMPLE, Mr. Joshua FRENCH of Harbour Grace, to Lavenia, youngest daughter of Mr. Samuel NEWMAN of Twillingate.
June 23, 1881MarriedWHEELER - LUCAS - On the evening of June 2nd, at the residence of J.G. LUCAS, Esq., Custom House Officer, Fogo, by the Rev. A. HILL, Mr. J.B. WHEELER, Methodist school teacher of Musgrave Harbour, to Sarah Rebecca LUCAS of Fogo.
June 23, 1881MarriedJONES - WATERMAN. - At St. Andrew's Church, Fogo, on the 15th., by the Rev. C. MEEK, Mr. James JONES to Jane, second daughter of Mr. John WATERMAN, both of Fogo.
June 23, 1881DiedLEWIS. - At Herring Neck, on the 7th June, Alice Maud, aged 2 weeks. Also on the 8th. Agnes Mary, aged 7 years, of diphtheria, daughter's of Robert and Catherine LEWIS.
June 23, 1881DiedYOUNG - On Saturday, June 18th, Elizabeth, the beloved wife of Mr. Philip YOUNG, age 36 years.

June 30, 1881
NewspaperThe "Sun" for one Dollar and Fifty Cents. - Any person sending another name with their own will receive the Sun this year for One Dollar and Fifty Cents; each paper being separately addressed to the respective parties.
June 30, 1881The FisheryA little has been done by our fishermen in this part the past week. In the neighbourhood of St. John's the prospects appear to be sheering. From the Telegram of the 22nd, we get the following: - "Fish continues plentiful everywhere in the neighbourhood of St. John's. A passenger per "Nova Scotia" reports that an immense fleet of fishing boats are on all the "grounds" along the Southern coast. Caplin are very abundant in Conception Bay this week. The quality of the fish being caught is also excellent."
June 30, 1881Ship ArrivalThe schooner "Lucy Pender," SNOW, master, arrived from the French Shore a few days since. she was away some ten or twelve days and secured during that time over one hundred quintals. Reports from that quarter are very encouraging. One of Mr. Simon Young's' craft is said to have 400 quintals.
June 30, 1881The ClergyThe Newfoundland Methodist Conference opened in the Church St. John's on Wednesday, the 22nd. We learn from a late copy of the Telegram that the Rev. C. LADNER has been elected President, and the Rev. George BOYD, Secretary.
June 30, 1881Departure of shipsOn Friday last, seventeen sail of craft left Exploits harbour for the Labrador. They all belong to that port, and we understand that they are as fine a lot of craft as can be commanded by any other port in the colony.
June 30, 1881Arrival of schoonersLast Friday evening two new schooners, named the "Jabez" and "Harmony" owned by Josiah MANUEL, Esq., J.P., of Exploits, and built there the past winter, came into our harbour. They are each upwards of 30 tons, prettily modelled and strongly built. One of them left on the following evening for Labrador, the other has returned to Exploits, and will we presume, be engaged in a trading speculation during the summer.
June 30, 1881The FisheryA number of our sailing craft left for Labrador the past week, and with few exceptions all have now taken their departure for the prosecution of the fisheries upon that coast. We wish them a safe and speedy return, and hope that success may crown their efforts. It is a pity that the season is so far advanced before many of the craft get away. By waiting here in the hope of accruing a few qtls of shore fish, the probabilities are that they will be too late for the first "striking in" of the fish upon the Labrador coast - a loss which might seriously prevent them from making up a good voyage afterwards, many instances of which have been known in the past.
June 30, 1881Ship ArrivalThe Revenue cruiser, "Rose", Capt. STEVENSON, bound for the Labrador coat, put into port yesterday forenoon, having on board the Collector of Customs for that coast, Mr. BERTEAU, son of our worthy Stipendiary magistrate, F. BERTEAU, Esq. The Rose leaves in the morning. We are indebted to the captain for late copies of St. John's papers.
June 30, 1881ShipwreckWe are sorry to hear that a craft belonging Mr. William RICHARDS of Herring Neck, when beating out of the harbour last evening, bound for Labrador, mis-stayed and went ashore near Rages Rock, becoming a total wreck.
June 30, 1881Ship NewsWe understand that the "Plover", after returning to St. John's the last trip, had to proceed to Sydney to go on dock. If this is the case she need not be expected here until about the end of next week. The steamer "Hercules" was engaged to convey an excursion party from St. John's to Harbour Grace yesterday. We learn that she will be here the last of the week.
June 30, 1881Visit of PoliticianOur local representative, R.P. RICE, Esq., left here a short time since to visit his constituents on the other side of the Bay. The following is from a Bett's Cove correspondent writing under date of the 21st inst., says:-- "We have had the pleasure of the company of our esteemed member, R. P. RICE. Esq.., of Twillingate to-day. At 4 p.m. he left this port, proceeding further North. We understand Mr. RICE intends visiting the whole of this great District he has the honour to represent in the Assembly. His constituents everywhere seem cheered by his presence amongst them, as it is seldom they are visited by any of their representatives in these Northern parts."
June 30, 1881Boat AccidentThis morning, while some Belle Isle men were proceeding to the fishing ground, they observed a punt, bottom up drifting toward the shore. It is supposed that the boat, in attempting to cross the "Ledge" last night, was upset and the crew drowned. -- St. John's Telegram, June 23.
June 30, 1881Shipping NewsWe note the following shipping news in connection with the firm of Messrs. W. WATERMAN & Co.: The "Success", "Branksea", "Messenger", arrived a few days since with cargoes of salt, and provisions. The English schooner "Robert" Capt. HUXTABLE, arrived from Cadiz via St. John's with cargo of salt, making a fair run. She has since left for Sydney. The English schooner "Heroine", Capt. WILKINS, arrived from Poole, Dorset, with general cargo making the run in 33 days. Having landed part of cargo, she proceeded to Fogo on Saturday last. The "Constance," Capt. PEARCE, arrived from Cadiz on Tuesday with a cargo of salt, being thirty-six days from that port. The captain reports having met a prevalence of calm weather and light winds. The schooner "Faith" is shortly expected from Pool, Dorset, also a vessel from Cadiz with salt cargo. The fine schooner "Flamingo", 72 tons, recently launched by the SCEVIOURS of Exploits arrived, and was cleared for the Labrador. Much credit is due to the builder and proprietors for the superior model and workmanship of the craft, which we believe will compare favourably with many built in the lower Provinces.
June 30, 1881Shipping NewsPort of Betts Cove. ENTERED: June 8 - Str. Rayner, PUTT, Newcastle, 814 tons register, 600 tons coal. June 10 - Str. Rossend Castle, ADAMS, Philadelphia, 1,124 tons register, ballast. June 16 - Barque Albert Young, DAVIS, Fogo, 306 tons register, ballast. Str. Behara, PATRIE, Marseilles, 1,934 tons register, ballast. June 18 - Str. Regulus, OWENS, North Shields, 913 tons register, ballast. CLEARED: June 1 - str. Roxburg Castle, TURPIN, for Liverpool, 1,240 tons register, 2/500 tons copper ore. June 14 - str. Rayner, PUTT, for Swansea, 814 tons register, 1,500 tons copper ore. June 20 - str. Rossend Castle, ADAMS, for Liverpool, 1,124 tons register, 2,200 tons copper ore. Port of Tilt Cove. ENTERED: June 3 - Skitty Bell, MENDUS, St.John's, ballast. June 5 - Hondiklip, BIDDLE. St. John's, 224 tons register, general cargo. CLEARED: June 7 - Skitty Bell, MENDUS, for Swansea, 171 tons register, 280 tons copper ore. June 16 - Hondiklip, BIDDLE, for Swansea, 224 tons register, 412 tons copper ore.
June 30, 1881BirthHODGE. - On the 26th inst., the wife of R.D. HODGE, Esq., of a son.
June 30, 1881DiedPOND.- On Sunday last, after a long illness, Lydia, beloved daughter of the late Mr. T. POND, of Farmer's Arm, Twillingate, aged 17 years.

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