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Newspaper Records

Notre Dame Bay Region

Twillingate Sun - 1880 (Complete)

Place of publication: Twillingate
Dates of publication: June 24, 1880-Jan. 31, 1953.
Suspended publication: Jan. 16-Feb. 15, 1947.
Frequency: Weekly.
Title varies: Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser, June 24, 1880-Aug. 10. 1912.
Twillingate Sun, Oct. 19, 1912-Jan. 31, 1953.
Editor and proprietor:
Jabez P. Thompson, June 24, 1880-1895.
George Roberts, 1895 (56)-1910.
William B. Temple, 1910-1921.
Stewart Roberts, 1921-Jan. 9, 1947.
Ernest G. Clarke, Feb. 22, 1947-Jan. 31, 1953.
MUN 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889, 1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Microfilm
PANL [1928-1930, 1934-1935, 1938,1953] Microfilm
PRL 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889,1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Original and microfilm.
Description: The Twillingate Sun printed local and foreign news, legislative proceedings, serial fiction and advertisements. It claimed to be politically independent in 1886, but supported the Whiteway and the Liberals, especially in the fall election of 1894. In 1929, it supported Squires and in 1948 was neutral on Confederation. The Sun ceased publication due to financial reasons in 1953.

The records were transcribed by GEORGE WHITE in February 2002. While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible there may be typographical errors.

June 24, 1880AccidentWe regret to learn, through our Bonavista correspondent, that a very serious accident occurred there during a severe storm of the 15th. It appears that, while two men, Named respectively, James SURYERS and William TREMBLETT, were making for the shore in boat, she capsized, when the unfortunate men were instantly plunged into the water and were drowned.
June 24, 1880The WeatherWe have been experiencing very cold weather of the last week or two. On the 15th. And 16th., the wind was blowing very strong to the S.E. and was accompanied with heavy snowshowers. In the early part of the day, upwards of fourty crafts, bound North, sought shelter in our port, and during the night, serious apprehensions for their safety were entertained by many, fearing that they would be driven from their anchorage. During the night, the crews of several of the schooners abandoned them, thinking they would have become a wreck, but, fortunately however, we have to report but one disaster, as a result of the violent storm. That was one held in possession by Mr. BUTCHER, of this place, which went ashore and became a total wreck. The weather still continues cold and disagreeable, and is much calculated to retard the growth of vegetation.
June 24, 1880PassengersThe following is the list of passengers per steamer Plover from St. John's for the North - Old Perlican: Mrs. MOREY. Trinity: Miss GRAHAM, Mrs. GENT. Catalina: Mrs. CONNERS, Mrs. SNELGROVE, and Mr. BRE [the remainder of the name is gone. Gw.] Bonavista: Rev. Mr. CAROLAN. King's Cove: Miss CURBY. Greenspond: Mr.TRED [the remainder of the name is gone. Gw] and son. Fogo: Messrs. DUDER, FITZGERALD [missing] & ANTHONY. Twillingate: Messers. C.[missing] and OWEN, and the Rev. T. NURS[ missing], Morton's Harbor. Exploits: Rev. JOHNSON. Little Bay Island: Messrs. STUART and Capt. CLAREY. Little Bay: [missing] LISCOMB. Seal Bay: Capt. PILL and Mr. BROWNING. Betts Cove: Mr. J. [missing]. Tilt Cove: Mr. and Mrs. E. WHITE and [missing], Mr. HOWLETT. Little Bay: Mr. GUZIL[missing] and Dr. STAFFORD.
June 24, 1880Church ServicesOn Sunday last, services were conducted in the Wesleyan chapel by W. WATERMAN, Esq., the pastor, Rev. W. ATKINSON, being absent, attending conference at Carbonear.
June 24, 1880SchoonerA fine fore - and - aft schooner called The Alexander, was launched from the premises of Jabez SAINT, Esq., Bonavista, on the 7th inst. She is 43 tons burthen, very substantially built, and well adapted for the prosecution of the fisheries in which she is to be engaged during the ensuing season.
June 24, 1880ChapelWe understand that a new Chapel is to be erected on the Back Harbor Road, on land kindly granted for the purpose, by W. WATERMAN, Esq., for the convenience of the members of the Wesleyan body on this side of the Harbor.
June 24, 1880SubscribtionsWe shall be pleased to receive the names of all intended subscribers to the TWILLINGATE SUN in this town before our next issue. In the respective places they will be received by the following persons - St. John's: Mr. A.A. PARSONS. Harbor Grace: Mr. E.B. THOMPSON. Carbonear: Mr. J. FOOTE. Heart's Content: Mr. A.A. THOMPSON. Trinity: Mr. Benjamin MILLER. Catalina: Mr. John SOPER. Bonavista: Mr. R.B. HEMLEW. Greenspond: Mr. CAHILL.
June 24, 1880FisheryThe fishery, in this neighbourhood, has not been very good up to the present. In fact, scarcely anything was done until within the last week or two, when the run of fish is small. Some days the indication is fine, but the weather, on the whole, has been so unpropitious that it is almost impossible for boats to remain on the grounds any length of time. About Herring Neck and Moreton'd Harbor, they have been doing a little of late. Capt. BLANDFORD of the Plover, informs us that about the different localities from Baie De Verde to King's Cove, the people were catching a good deal of fish, but from the latter place to Fogo, very little was being done. Caplin have made their appearance in our waters during the past week, but not in very large schools. It is to be hoped that their presence may have the effect of coying the codfish along our shores, and that before very long we may be in a position to report more favorably in connection therewith.
June 24, 1880SchoonerThe schooner Bessie,belonging to M. MUNROE Esq., St. John's, arrived here on Tuesday morning, between 2 and 3 o'clock, and after landing a quantity of freight for Mr. E. COLBOURNE, left for Little Bay about 9. The steamer Hurcules may be expected here tomorrow.
June 24, 1880BirthOn June 6th., at Harbor Grace, the wife of W.P. MUNN, Esq., of a son.
June 24, 1880Shipping NewsPort of Twillingate. Entered: May 21st., - Constance, PEARCE, Cadiz, 30 days, W. WATERMAN & Co. May 24th., Mary Elizabeth, WILLIAMS, Liverpool, J.B. TOBIN. May 26th., Heroine, WILKINGS, Poole, 21 days, W. WATERMAN & Co. June 22th., Lizzy Edith, HARRIS, Bristol, 23 days, OWEN & EARLE. June 12th., Faith, TREN, Cadiz, 30 days, WATERMAN.
June 24, 1880Bonavista NoteA heavy storm of wind and rain came set on Tuesday and continued on Wednesday, when several boats were driven ashore, and, I'm sorry to say, that two men, viz, James SURVERS and William TREMBLETT were upset, while entering the beach in a punt, and were drowned. Some stages were blown down and large quantities of fish were destroyed. One man lost 20 quintals. The fishermen report plenty of fish yesterday, and today. Generally, the fishermen have done better here with fish than in most places, in the North especially. It is reported that on Thursday, a man was drowned belonging to Greenspond.
July 1, 1880SchoonerThe schooner Porcupine,belonging to [missing] YOUNGS, arrived here last evening from Pool's Island, Bonavista Bay, with [missing} of fish.
July 1, 1880PersonalThe Rev. J. NURSE proceeded to Morton's Harbor on Saturday last. [missing] for some time since for the purpose of attending district meeting and Conference, the former to be held at Bonavista, and the latter at Carbonear. We are sorry to learn that indisposition prevented him from participating in the Conferential gatherings, and hope to be informed of his recovery.
July 1, 1880CricketWe are requested to announce that a meeting of the Twillingate Cricket Club will be held in Mr. OAKLEY's boot store, on Saturday evening at 8 o'clock. A full attendance is requested and any persons wishing to join will have an opportunity of so doing.
July 1, 1880PassengersThe steamer Plover, called here on Saturday morning last, en route for St. John's. The following is the list of passengers: Rev. Mr. WHITTIER, Messrs. GILL, McCALM, DOOLING, PARNEL, Dr. MOODY, Mrs. BENSON.
July 1, 1880SchoonerIt was rumoured that a schooner, belonging to Carbonear, bound to Labrador, put in to Bett's Cove last week, having on board several cases of typhoid fever.
July 1, 1880SchoonerThe yacht Lizzy S., of Harbor Grace, on her way to Labrador, called here yesterday, having on board Father McGINNIS, bound to that destination in the discharge of his ministerial functions.
July 1, 1880Narrow ShavesThe following, which has been kindly supplied to us by J.W. OWEN, Esq., of Newfoundland, who is at present residing in Clifton, will be read with interest at the present election times. Mr. OWEN is a direct descendent of the Mr. OWEN referred to in the extract: "The majority of one, on the division on the great question of Parlimentary Reform being Dunley OWEN, Esq., brings to recollection a no less celebrated majority of one, on one of the questions in the House of Commons, soon after the glorious Revolution of 1688, as to the succession of the House of Hanover to the throne, after the death of Queen Anne. On that occasion, Sir Arthur OWEN, who was M.P. for Pembrokshire, rode to town from Wales, in great haste, and arrived at the House of Commons just in time to vote. His vote gave a majority of one, in favour of the Hanoverian succession. So sensible was George the First of his obligation to Arthur OWEN, that, when he succeded to the Crown, he offered to make him an Earl, an honor which Sir Arthur respectfully declined."
July 1, 1880SchoonersThe following is a list of schooners, with the name of the masters, cleared by Messrs. WATERMAN & Co., for Labrador: Juno, M. BRETT, 57tons. Success, C. NEWMAN, 72 tons. Volunteer, S. WELLS, 42 tons. Digby, J. HARBIN, 49 tons. Phoebe, F. VERGE, 25 tons. Pioneer, J. NORMORE, 29 tons. Albert, W. STARKS, 28 tons. Sylph, J. BROWN, 28 tons. B. Queen, J. DALLY, 46 tons. Kangaroo, J. MOORES, 40 tons. Wild Wave, E. DALLY, 36 tons. S. Stream, S. HANN, 58 tons. W. Home, C. BRETT, 55 tons. Jewel, T. KNIGHT, 52 tons. Pearl, E. SMALL, 46 tons. Busy, J. SEVIOUR, 46 tons. Phanthom, J. BYRNE, 36 tons. First Trial, M. BUTLER, 48 tons. Branch, J. WOOLFREY, 51 tons. Britannia, T. SPENCER, 24 tons. Nymph, J. HACKETT, 20 tons. Emma, M. ROWSELL, 38 tons. Primrose, J. WINDSOR, 39 tons. Rosetta, A. WINDSOR, 35 tons. Niagara, O. BURGE, 27 tons. Emiline, G. BROWN, 44 tons. Rover's Bride, J. RIDEOUT, 45 tons. Betsey, A. PURCHASE, 45 tons. Muscliffe, M. ELLIOTT, 55 tons. Fawn, A. Spencer, 41 tons. Bellerophon, J. HODDER, 44 tons. Star of the Sea, J. DWYER, 45 tons. Rise and Go, S. WARR, 52 tons. Star of the West, P. & T. WILLS, 25 tons. Kate, R. RIDEOUT, 24 tons. Hunter, A. YOUNGS, 34 tons. Dash, J. Hackett, 30 tons. Lilly Dale, W. MARTIN, 48 tons. Ocean Traveller, H. HILLS, 58 tons. Bianca, T. EARLE, 50 tons. Pretorious, W. WHELLOR, 45 tons. Joy, J. PURCHASE, 21 tons. Experiment, J. PARSONS, 38 tons. Village Belle, J. LOCK, 21 tons. Ocean Traveller, J. BURTON, 22 tons. L.P. Snow, G. SNOW, 45 tons. The foregoing list represents a first rate line of schooners, many of them being nearly new, and all well founded in every particular, and therefore fitted to contend with the rough billows of the Labrador coast. Messrs. Waterman & Co., have formed a Mutual Insurance Club, including all their masters, and by which insurance is effected to an amount of over 15, 000 pounds. Should there be no losses, a large amount of money will be saved by premiums, etc.
July 1, 1880BirthAt Woodstock, New Brunswick, May 28th., the wife of H. Paxton BAIRD, Esq., druggist, of a daughter.
July 1, 1880DeathThis morning, Dorman, son of Mr. James LINDFIELD, aged 17 months.
July 1, 1880DeathOn June 28th., Elias Herbert, son of Mr. Thos. EARLE, aged 5 years.
July 1, 1880High School ExamsThe result of last week's Midsummer examination of the High School is very creditable, in most respects, to both Master and pupils. Considering the difficulty of keeping up a regular attendance all through the severe winter and wet spring, there has been great dilligence and attention, especially in some subjects. The elementary Latin was well done, for, out of 129 marks, the total number given, there were gained by: Laura COLBOURNE - 90, Martha BLACKLER - 71, Lewis RICE - 54. Of the various English subjects: Geography, (Full Marks 90), Martha BLACKLER - 87, Laura COLBOURNE - 85, Alfred MANUEL - 73, Georgina STERLING - 65, Philip ANSTEY - 65. Grammar, (full marks 100), Laura COLBOURNE - 90, Martha BLACKLER - 89, Alfred MANUEL - 62, Jacob STRATTON - 59. History, (full marks 150), Laura COLBOURN - 135, Martha BLACKLER - 110, Georgina STERLING - 106, Henry PEYTON - 103. Scripture, (full marks 103), Martha BLACKLER - 101, Laura COLBOURNE - 81, Jacob STRATTON - 66, Georgina STERLING 48. Arithmetic (Junior, full marks 70), Georgina STERLING - 53, Lily COLBOURNE - 49, John HUDSON - 48, Arthur Manuel - 30. Arithmetic (Senior), under the Chairman's own supervision; not so carefully done. A paper in Dictation, as a test of spelling, was given by the Chairman himself. He was much pleased at the result of the Junior form, most of the little ones spelling easy words fairly well, especially Clarence LETHBRIDGE. Signed Robert TEMPLE, R.D., Chairman.
July 1, 1880SchoonersOn Monday last, the Lay Reader visited the various vessels in our harbor that were bound for the Labrador. They were : Messenger of Port de Grave, Branch of Burnt Bay, True Blue, No Name, and Brothers, of Bonavista, Angler, True Blue, Bismark and Lily of Catalina, Sisters of New Bay, Niobe and Ellen of Bay Roberts, Emily of Indian Islands, Native, and Mary Jane of Poole's Island, Mary Ann of Greenspond, Kate of Carbonear, Fleet Eagle of Musgrave Town. Of the combined crews, 114 were members of the Church of England, 73 Wesleyans, and 25 Roman Catholic, to all of whom were distributed a number of books, tracts, etc. In two of the smallest vessels were packed together no less than 80 souls!
July 1, 1880DonationA very handsome Altar cloth has been presented to St. Andrew's Church, by Mrs. Edwin DUDER, and a silver plated Alms dish to each of the two Churches of this town by J.W. OWEN, Esq.
July 1, 1880SchoonerThat splendid schooner Branksea, recently built in Hall's Bay, has just been fitted out, and left for Fogo on Monday, where she will embark William WATERMAN, Esq., and lady, who intend taking a tour on her to several parts of the bay. On her return, she will be employed, with two or three other schooners in coasting. The Branksea is on an improved model and specially adapted for the work in which she is to be engaged, or for the prosecution of the Banks fishery.
July 1, 1880FisheryMessrs. W. ROWSELL & Sons of Leading Tickles, were successful in hauling 60 quintals of codfish, and were expecting to make up about 200 quintals, before the "spurt" was over.
July 1, 1880Church RepairsWithin the past two or three weeks, a new rostrumn has been put in the Methodist Church of this town…….. The work which was undertaken by Mr. Andrew LINDFIELD, is creditably performed. We understand that he was the accepted contractor for the finishing of the building, some two years since, but in consequence of the depressed circumstances of the people, resulting from a succession of bad voyages, the work was rather protracted, and it was not until within the past twelve months, that the woodwork has been completed......
July 8, 1880Sons of TemperanceThat good old society, known in Twillingate as the "North Star" Division Sons of Temperance, met on Thursday evening last for the purpose of installing their officers for the ensuing quarter. After the usual routine of business had been transacted, the Deputy Grand Worthy Patriarch proceeded to install officers as follows: Brothers R.C. RUSSELL, W.P., W.T. ROBERTS, W.A., George ROBERTS, R.S., Charles MURSEL Jr. Ast. R.S., Frederick LINDFIELD, F.S., Thomas WELLS, Treasurer, W.J. SCOTT, Chaplin, Herbert RICE, Conductor, Mamuel PAYNE, Ast. do., Titus MANUEL, I.S, and James LACEY, O.S.
July 8, 1880Tilt Cove MineThis, perhaps the most valuable property in the Island, has for some time past, been in litigation, the suit terminating in a judgement in favor of Mr. BENNETT for about 19,000 pounds. The Court also deemed it advisable to sell the mine. In pursuance of that decree, the mine was sold on Thursday last, when the property was knocked down to Smith McKAY, Esq., for 52,000 pounds. The necessary documents had to be executed within a prescribed time and when that gentleman was called upon, he, for obvious reasons, withdrew his bid. It was again put up for sale and purchased by C.F. BENNETT, Esq., for 45,000 pounds. The judgement of 19,000 pounds and costs having to be paid by Mr. McKAY out of his share of the purchase money, which was considerably below the estimate, it is said that Mr. McKAY is financially ruined.
July 8, 1880Church RepairsOf the tenders sent in for painting the interior of the roof of St. Peter's Church, that by Mr. Abraham A. PEARCE, Junr., was accepted, it being the lowest.
July 8, 1880FishingDr. McKENZIE, of Bett's Cove, recently caught a salmon weighing 12 lbs. It is said that the gentleman has ordered a new rod from the Capital. We wish him much success with his new "fit out."
July 8, 1880LostThe steamship W.F. Harris, from London to Quebec in ballast, was lost at Chance Cove Head on Thursday last. Crew saved.
July 8, 1880FisheryThe steamer Falcon, arrived from the Bank fishery to Messrs. BOWRING Bros., on the 24th ult. With 300 Quintals fish, and left again on the 28th.
July 8, 1880PassengersThe following is the list of passengers from St. John's to the Northward - Bay de Verde: Dr. McKENDRICK. Trinity: Rev. Mr. BOND, Rev. Mr. DUNFIELD, wife and servant, Mrs. And Miss WHITHERS and Miss BROWN. Catalina: Mr. CONNERS, Mrs JOY, Mr. CORMACK, Miss CORMACK, Miss WHITE and Rev. Mr. PARKINS. Bonavista: Mr. CAMPBELL. King's Cove: Mr. W.D. HALLEY. Greenspond: Revds. Messrs. CAMERON, WILLIAMS, and J. AYRE. Twillingate: Revds. Messrs. ATKINSON and EVDYVEAN and Mr. TEMPLE. Exploits: Major VALLANCE, Miss WINSER and Mr. P. McCORMACK. Seal Bay: Messrs. MACKIN and PILL. Little Bay Island: Rev. Mr. JENNINGS. Little Bay: Rev. WHITTIER, Mrs. HENDERSON and Messrs. HOWLEY and WHITE. Bett's Cove: Rev. Mr. PETERS. Tilt Cove: Messrs. GILL and FENELON, 20 in steerage. From intermediate places - Mr. PEARCE from Catalina to Twillingate. Rev. Mr. NURSE from King's Cove to Twillingate. Rev. Mr. BAYLY from Bonavista to Greenspond. Mrs. CURBY from Kings Cove to Greenspond. Mr. McDOUGAL from Fogo to Seal Cove. Messrs. J. AYRE and McPHERSON from Fogo to Tilt Cove. Mrs JENNINGS from Twillingate to Little Bay Islands, and Miss Agnes MOORS from Twillingate to Little Bay.
July 8, 1880General AssemblyMembers returned to serve in the general Assembly of Newfoundland for the District of Bonavista, Francis WINTON Esq.
July 8, 1880AppointedHis Excellency, the Governor has been pleased to appoint Samuel BAIRD, Esq., to be a Justice of the Peace for the Island of Newfoundland, and Henry BENNING Esq., to be a Notary Public for the Southern District. His Excellency in Council has also been pleased to appoint Mr. Andrew TAVERNER to be a Surveyor of Lumber.
July 8, 1880BirthAt English Harbour, Trinity, on the 4th inst., the wife of Mr. Arthur GARDNER of a daughter
July 8, 1880MarriedOn the 29th. At Sunnyside, St. John's, by Rev. M. HARVEY, Mr. N. OHAM to Jessie, third daughter of the late James CALLAHAN, Esq.
July 8, 1880MarriedOn Wednesday last by the Rev. W.J. FITZPATRICK, John R. KEARNEY, Esq., of H.M. Customs, to Mary Frances, daughter of James CALLAHAN, Esq.
July 8, 1880DeathAt Little Bay, of bronchitis, Mr. Hugh P. KENNEDY, Printer, aged 29 years.
July 8, 1880AdvertisementTwillingate High School. (Sanctioned by the Governor in Council.) Visitor & Lecturer: The Rev. R. TEMPLE, R.D., Master: Mr. J.H. GLASS, S.B.C. Note: the next term will commence on Monday, August 9th. Particulars and Prospectus may be obtained on application to the Master.
July 8, 1880Shipping NewsDuring the past week our Harbor has worn a very Naval aspect. On Saturday last, H.M.S. Contest came in, to hear tidings, if possible, as to the whereabouts of H.M.S. Druid, but being unsuccessfull, they left us on Sunday at 10 am. On Tuesday about 6 pm., the Druid arrived from Gander Bay in expectation of the mail, which came in on Wednesday morning. Their next destination will be Hall's Bay, and thence slowly up the coast to Battle Harbor on Labrador. Captain KENNEDY has shewn great kindness to the numerous visitors who have visited the Druid during her stay. She left this morning at 9 am. We understand that orders have been received to destroy all saw mills, as they are injurious to the salmon fishery.
July 8, 1880SchoonersThe schooner Challenge, Captain DINGLE, from Bristol to Messrs. OWEN & EARLE, arrived here on Friday past, in a disabled condition. The Captain states that on Wednesday, the 30th. June, it was densely foggy, and at 11 pm., while near Little Fogo Island, bearing W. by N., about 30 miles, the Challenge struck an iceberg, whereby considerable damage was sustained. Her jib - boom was carried away, unshipped bow sprit, and lost night heads, pall and windlass bits and box, spritsail yard, figure head and fore companion. It was fortunate that the ship was going at a slow rate at the time, otherwise much greater damage would in all probability have resulted.
July 8, 1880PersonalWe are pleased to welcome amongst us again, after a short absence, the Revs. ATKINSON and EDYVEAN, ….. We are also pleased to notice, amongst the list of passengers per Plover, the name of T.W. TEMPLE, Esq., who has just returned from the Theological College. Mr. TEMPLE is well known in Twillingate and the mere mention of his name is sufficent to insure him a hearty welcome. We are also glad to notice the arrival of the Rev. Mr. NURSE, from Brooklyn, Bonavista Bay.
July 15, 1880AdvertisementCentral Hair Dressing Rooms, (Opposite Messrs. SELLARS & CAIRNS, and rear of Mr CLANCY's Book Store), 296 Water Street, St. John's. Hair dressing and shaving with neatness and despatch. Motto: Civility and Punctuality. E.W. PIKE, Proprietor.
July 15, 1880AppointedWe are pleased to learn that Mr. Josiah WATERMAN, of Fogo, has been appointed Assistant Keeper of the lighthouse at the Wadhams.
July 15, 1880BirthAt St. John's, on the 26th ult., the wife of Mr. Mark CHAPLIN of a son.
July 15, 1880DeathOn Friday, July 9th., Mr. John WELLS, aged 82 years.
July 15, 1880Shipping NewsPort of Twillingate. Entered: July 3rd., Challenge, DINGLE, Bristol, 21 days, General cargo, OWEN & EARLE. July 10, Constance, PEARCE, Sydney, coal, W. WATERMAN & Co. July 16, Tweed, CAMERON, Cadiz, salt, OWEN & EARLE.
July 15, 1880FisheryThe schooner Village Belle, arrived to Messrs. W. WATERMAN & Co., on Saturday evening last from Horse Island, French Shore. The average catch of fish in that locality up to the 9th. Inst., was ten quintals per man. Signs of fish were good; bait scarce. Very little was done with the fish in White Bay up to that date. News was received last evening from Fogo to the effect that very little has been done in Fogo harbour within the past few days. At Tilton Harbor, they have been doing well of late. In this neighbourhood, there has been plenty of bait during the past week, but fish has been rather shy. The first dry fish in the market for the season, was landed at Messrs. W. WATERMAN & Co., on Monday last.
July 15, 1880PassengersThe steamer Plover, called here on Friday morning last, en route for St. John's. The following passengers joined her here: Rev. Theodore NURSE, and Miss NURSE, Messrs. LETHBRIDGE, HART, PETERSON, and wife.
July 15, 1880PersonalM. FENELON, Esq., Inspector of Roman Catholic schools, was in town during the past week. He left for Fogo on Tuesday last.
July 15, 1880PersonalAlex A. McNEILY, Esq., Q.C., one of the representatives for this District, purposes visiting his constituencies shortly, and may be expected here about the 24th inst.
July 15, 1880To the EditorSir: Since my last visit to Twillingate, I am pleased to note several very great improvements. Thanks to the exertions of the representative of one of our mercantile houses, you are blessed with a public clock; and now, I hear, you are to be have a fine public wharf, and a public cow. This cow will be a great boon to those poor people who are unable to purchase milk, but, I think due notice ought to be given as to which end of the town cow would commence dispensing her benifits each morning. I also hear that money has been granted for a public wharf at Tickle Point, to replace one which the public have been using on a certain gentleman's premises for the past seventeen years. I consider this but a tardy justice at the best, for, if the gentleman in question had applied before, doubtless the government would have rebuilt his premises entirely!
July 15, 1880Church NewsWe are glad to be able to present the Station Sheet of the Methodist Conference, recently held in the town of Carbonear. St. John's District - St. John's: Revs. J. SHENTON, Chas. LADPER, James WILSON, Thos FOX, Supernumary, G.S. [MILIGAN ?], M.A., Superintendent of Methodist Day Schools. Pouch Cove: Rev. William KENDALL. Burin: Rev. Solomon MATTHEWS. Grand Bank: Rev. T. HARRIS, President of the Conference. Fortune: Rev. Robert W. FREEMAN. Burgeo: Rev. Charles MYERS. Petites: Rev. James PINCOCK. Channel: Rev. Jesse HEYFIELD. St. Pierre: One wanted. Flat Island and Sound Island: Rev. S. SNOWDEN. Flower Cove: One to be sent. St. Anthony: Rev. William R. TRATT. Bonne Bay and Bay of Islands: Rev. W. B. SECCOMBE. Labrador: John B. BOWELL. [Signed Thomas HARRIS, Chairman, Charles LADNER, Financial Secretary]. Carbonear District - Carbonear: Revs. George BOYD, Joseph A. JACKSON, J.S. PEACH, Supernumary. Harbor Grace: Rev. John GODDISON. Brigus: Revs. Joseph PASCOE, William E. SHENSTONE, Supernumary. Cupids: Rev. John REAY. Bay Roberts: Rev. F.G. WILLEY. Port de Grave: Rev. Edgar TAYLOR. Blackhead: Rev. James DOVE. Western Bay: Rev. John PRATT. Island Cove: Rev. T.H. JAMES. Old Perlican: Rev. William SWANN. Hant's Harbor: Rev. George P. STORY. Trinity: Rev. George J. BOND, B.A. Heart's Content: Rev. George PAINE. Random North: Rev. Henry LEWIS. Random South: Rev. Thomas L. ELAND. Green's Harbor: Rev. H.C. HATCHER. [Signed James DOVE, Chairman. John GOODISON, Financial Secretary]. Bonavista District - Bonavista: Rev. Jeremiah EMBREE. Catalina: Rev. Jabez HILL. Greenspond: Revs. J. LISTER, Geo. VATER. Twillingate: Rev. T.W. ATKINSON. Exploits: Rev. Joseph PARKINS. Musgrave Harbor: Rev. J.B. HEAL. Fogo: Rev. Anthony HILL. Herring Neck: Rev. W.H. EDYVEAN. Morton's Harbor: Rev. James NURSE. Little Bay Islands: William JENNINGS. Bett;s Cove and Tilt Cove: Revs. George BULLEN, John PETERS. [Signed T.W. ATKINSON, Financial Secretary, Jeremiah EMBREE, Chairman].
July 22, 1880Schooner DamagedThe schooner Oscolo, bound for the fishing banks, returned to port yesterday, with loss of jibboom, bowsprit and head gear, having been in collision with an iceberg. - Chronicle, July 8.
July 22, 1880AppointedHis Excellency, the Governor in Council has been pleased to appoint The Very Rev. Diomedes FALCONIO, O.S.F., to be a member of the Roman Catholic Board of Education for Harbor Grace; Mr. Richard Hennegar TAYLOR, to be a member of the Church of England Board for Bay Roberts; and Rev. J. HEWITT to be a member of the Church of England Board for Twillingate. - St. John's Gazette.
July 22, 1880AppointedFrom: Chancery of the Order of St. Michael and St. George, Downing Street, 28th. May, 1880. Sir: I am commanded to inform you that the Queen has been pleased, on the recommendation of the Earl of Kimberley, to give directions for the appointment of Mr. William V. WHITEWAY to be a Knight Commander of the Order of St. Michael and St. George. I have, &c., (Signed,) C. COX, Chancellor. The Office Administrating the Government of Newfoundland. - Ibid.
July 22, 1880Court NewsBefore Magistrate BERTEAU. Thursday, June 22, - Joseph W. PHILLIPS vrs. John BRUNNICK, assault; fine eight dollars and costs. Queen vrs. STUCKLESS, for pig at large. Judgement by default; fine two dollars and costs.
July 22, 1880BirthAt Barr'd Island, on the 21st. June, the wife of James ROLLS, Esq., of a daughter.
July 22, 1880MarriedAt the Church of St. John the Evangelist, Barr'd Island, on the 8th. July, Mr. James BLACKLER, of Brigus, Conception Bay, to Fanny, second daughter of Mr. Robert FREEMAN of Fogo.
July 22, 1880MarriedAt Greenspond, on the 10th inst., by the Rev. J. LESTER, assisted by the Rev. George VATER, the Rev. H.W. LEWIS, Methodist Minister, to Annie, second daughter of Mr. F. WHITE of Greenspond.
July 22, 1880MarriedOn the 7th. Inst., at the Gower St. Methodist Church, St. John's, by Rev. J. SHENTON, assisted by Rev. C. LADNER, Rev. G.B. STORY, Methodist Minister, to Miss Elizabeth, only daughter of John STEER, Esq.
July 22, 1880DeathAt Indian Islands on the 13th. Inst., Mr. George COLLINS, aged 67 years.
July 22, 1880News from Trinity19th. Inst. - James PENNY of English Harbor, fell from a stage head across the thole of his fishing boat, and drove it through his jaw. [Note: this is what is usually referred to as a "thole pin", a wooden pin driven into a hole drilled in the gunwale of a boat. It is about the diameter of a broom handle, and protrudes about eight inches above the top of the gunwale.The rope ring or "whitt" which is slipped over the oar, is then passed over the "thole pin" joining the oar to the gunwale of the boat. gw.] He survived only a few days after the accident.
July 22, 1880FisheriesSince our last number, very little has been done, in this vicinity, by our fishermen. In the early part of the week, caplin appeared to be plentiful. At Fogo the fish is also very scarce and no bait to be had. We are indebted to Mr. DUDER, Esq., for the information that on Monday last, one of his dealers, at Tilton Harbor, succeeded in hauling eighty quintals. They have been doing fairly there with hook and line, this past week. At Herring Neck and Morton's Harbor, it has not been so good. We are informed that six craft, supplied by Messrs. J. & W. STEWART, have returned from the Straits with twenty two hundred quintals of fish. Four of them are the Messrs. BARBOURs of Pinchard's Island.
July 22, 1880School InspectionThe Rev. G.S. MILLIGAN, M.A., has been inspecting the Methodist schools of this town since his arrival. Our thanks are due to M. FENELON, Esq., Superintendent of Roman Catholic Schools, for a report of school inspections for 1879.
July 22, 1880Loss of a SchoonerThe schooner Bismark, belonging to E. DUDER Esq., was lost at the Wadhams on the night of Sunday last. She left Fogo on the previous Wednesday for St. John's, discharged a full cargo, and was returning when the accident occurred. She was only left Fogo three days and ten hours, so that, had she arrived safely, the trip would have been the quickest on record. The craft and goods were covered by insurance. The Bismark was a very fast sailer, having on one occasion, travelled 33 miles in 3 hours. Her loss to the trade, at this season of the year especially, will be considerable.
July 22, 1880Church NewsThe Rev. G.S. MILLIGAN, M.A., will preach in the Methodist Church on Sunday evening next.
July 22, 1880PersonalWe are glad to notice the arrival of W. LETHBRIDGE, Esq., J.P., who has been paying a visit to the Metropolis. We also welcome among us, F. BERTEAU, Esq., Stipendary Magistrate for the District with his lady and family…. We are also pleased to note the arrival of the Rev. G.S. MILLIGAN, M.A., Superintendent of Methodist day schools. We observe that R.P. RICE, Esq., one of the representatives for this district, took passage in the PLOVER yesterday, for the purpose of visiting part of his constituency.
July 22, 1880PassengersThe following is the list of passengers from St. John's: Old Perlican - Mrs BENSON, Mrs AVERY, Mrs. BRYDEN and 2 children, Miss MARCH, Miss MEWS. Trinity - Messrs. W. KENNEDY, J. MATTERSON, and CLIFT. Catalina - Rev. J. HILL and Mrs. HILL, Mr. M.J. SUMMERS. Bonavista - Messrs. PARSONS, RUTHLEDGE, Mrs. GOSSE, Miss GOSSE. King's Cove - Mr. FENELON. Greenspond - Rev. BRAMFITT, Messrs. TREADWELL, GODDEN and Mrs GODDEN. Fogo - Rev. J. BROWN, Mr. J. ROUSE. Twillingate - Rev. G.S. MILLIGAN, M.A., Mr. and Mrs BERTEAU and family, Mr. LETHBRIDGE and son. Exploits - Miss DWYER. Little Bay - Messrs. ADRIAN, GEAR, SILLARS, and McVICAR. Bett's Cove - Messrs. PARKER, MITCHELL, CRANE and Rev. Mr. BULLEN. Tilt Cove - Mr.and Mrs. E. WHITE. Battle Harbor - Rev. W. SHEARS, Lieut. COCHRANE, Messrs. GRIEVE, STABB, ROGERSON, and RENDELL. Red Bay - Rev. J. BOWELL and Mr. W.D. BARTLETT. From intermediate places: Miss KAVANAH from Old Perlican toTrinity. Rev. Mr. HILL and Mrs. HILL from Trinity to Fogo. Rev. Mr. PARKINS, wife, and three children from Catalina to Exploits. Rev. Mr. HOW and Mr. HARRINGTON from Bonavista to Greenspond. Mr. PITTMAN from Trinity to Tilt Cove. Mr. ERICKSON from Bonavista to Twillingate. Mr. COOPER and Mr. J.P. THOMPSON from Fogo to Twillingate. Mr. MUSGRAVE from Fogo to Little Bay. Mr. RICE from Twillingate to Exploits.
July 29, 1880Round HarborWe understand that up to the 26th inst., the average catch at Round Harbor was 10 quintals per man. There appeared to be some fish on the grounds and it was thought that when the herring would be obtained, good catches would be taken.
July 29, 1880SquidsA large school of squids was supposed to have been seen off New Bay Head on Saturday evening last.
July 29, 1880SteamerThe steamer, Hiram Perry Jr., Capt. DEAN, from Bett's Cove to St. John's, put in here on Tuesday last, short of water, the supply having been accidently wasted the previous night.
July 29, 1880ShipwreckA telegram received here last evening states that the barque Saguenay, 570 tons of Saint John, NB., had run ashore in St. Mary's Bay at six o'clock yesterday morning, and will, in all probability become a total wreck. St. John's Evening Telegram, July 21.
July 29, 1880ThanksJohn DUDER, Esq., Sub - collector, HM Customs, Bett's Cove, will please accept our thanks for late telegraphic dispatches received per Plover, which will be found in another column.
July 29, 1880Town ImprovementsWe are very pleased to notice the various steps taken by our local authorities towards the improvement of our town, and the convenience to pedestrains, especially of the weaker sex, who can now promenade through the streets without any fear of any four footed obstructions, and with the happy thought that, however long their trains, there is now no fear of spoilation by dust or dirt. We should like to suggest that, not only should pigs be kept in, but also be kept back, for the effluvia arising from those styes which border on the public road, are very unpleasant to the olfactory nerves. Is this within the power of any of the town authorities? If so, we should certainly like to see some measures adopted for the removal of such abominable nuisances.
July 29, 1880Marine NotesThe schooners Branhsea and Somerset, arrived from St. John's on Tuesday evening. The schooners Young Builder, and Vivid, arrived from St. John's on Friday last. The Schooner Annie Laura, owned by Mr. E. COLBOURNE, sailed on Tuesday evening last for the French Shore. She is gone trading for a few weeks. The English schooner, Little Willie, arrived from St. John's this morning. She is chartered to E. DUDER, Esq., and intends loading here with dry fish for market.
July 29, 1880PassengersThe following passengers were on board the steamer Plover for St. John's: Messrs. STABB, PARKER, McCHAUD, ELWOOD, GILL, WEBSTER, Mrs. FOOTE, Capt. MANNRID and three children, Mr. DHORETY and son, Messrs. GEAR, DUGGAN, DWYER, KATER, CUNNINGHAM, BURGES, ADRIN, MILLER, MITCHELL, McDOUGALL, MacKIM, Capt. CLEARY and son, LAMB, AYRE, DHORITY, Mrs HOSKINS, and 29 in steerage. The following landed here: Messrs. CURTIS, BLANDFORD, TAILOR, Mrs. PIKE, Mrs ROBERTS and child.
July 29, 1880BirthOn the 20th inst., at St. John's, the wife of Mr. P.D. KNIGHT of a daughter.
July 29, 1880MarriedOn the 10th July, at St. Nicholas Church Leading Tickles, by the Rev. H.C.H. JOHNSON, Mr. Valentine MANUEL of Twillingate, to Miss Elizabeth NOSEWORTHY.
July 29, 1880MarriedAt the same time and place, by the same. Mr. William PARSONS to Miss Mary Jane PILLEY.
July 29, 1880DeathAt St. John's, on Wednesday 21st. Inst., after a long illness, George William, eldest son of Capt. Mark FORWARD of Carbonear, aged 34 years. His end was peace.
July 29, 1880Fire BoatsTo the Editor of the Twillingate Sun, From Little Bay Island, July 26, 1880: Dear, Dear Sir: During the last five weeks, no less that three "fire boats" in this vicinity have been dropping their sparks among the various settlements of this part of the Bay; and in some places, where dropped, they have been doing the work assigned to them. I am informed by trusty persons, that there was quite a "blaze" at Mell Island, Hall's Bay, and nearly all the male inhabitants were suffering from its effects. One man from that island got into a boat, (for what purpose I do not know, but, seemingly to quench the flame that was suffering inside). He left the island, and I suppose drifted (as he was unable to row), to a place called Wolf Cove, and while drifting there, or more likely, after striking the rocks, the boat filled with water, and, had it not been for the timely assistance afforded, the occupant would certainly have been drowned. When discovered, it was found that he was quite insensible, and life was almost extinct. By the aid of skilfull attendance however, he was again restored. I trust this will teach him a lesson that he will remember, and not only remember, but also refrain from meddling with it in the future. Perhaps some of your readers may not be able to clearly comprehend the above without a little explanation. The "fire boats" are those engaged in liquor traffic, and I ask; what greater blaze can be kindled than that created by strong drink? I hope the time is not too far distant, Mr. Editor, when the persons now employed in selling such a deadly and soul destroying mixture will find a more honourable and industrious way of getting a livelihood. Yours very truly, G.W.
July 29, 1880School ExaminationsLast week the Methodist day schools of this town were inspected by the Rev. G.S. MILLIGAN, M.A., Superintendent. Having been in attendance, we were pleased to observe the creditable manner in which the scholars acquitted themselves during the examinations. On Wednesday the North Side School, conducted by Mr. T.W. ROBERTS, was inspected.... The Superintendent was well pleased with the proficiency they had made since his last visit..... Mr. ROBERTS has taken much pains in endeavoring to work the school up to its present standard...... The Superintendents time was occupied the following day, by inspecting the school on the South Side, under the management of Mr. J.H. TAVERNER..... Mr. TAVERNER seems to have a good deal of tact for teaching which can scarcely fail to have its desired effect in so important a work........ We think a great mistake is made when the children are kept from school five or six months of the year..... While the opportunities are afforded, why not allow them to remain at school until they are at least 12 or 14 years of age, and thus qualify them intellectually for the stern realities of life with which they shall one day have to contend?.....
July 29, 1880Church ReportRural Dean's Annual Voyage to White Bay: July 9th, 1880: Our starting was a very commonplace affair. A pleasant sail out of the harbor, saying goodby, one by one, to the points of interest as we passed them by. And then, a space of rather wearysome waiting in the calm outside, while we drifted down almost to Gull Island, before the evening's breeze from the sea reached us. Then, however, we ran along steadily and quietly in the direction of Cape John, without any incident naming, unless the plunge of a porpoise under our taffrail, may be counted such; which made me think, for the moment, that Mr. GLASS, who sat beside me as I was steering, had taken a voluntary dip in the salt water. A very moderate night..... July 10th. found us approaching cape John... Mother Burke was passed about 7 am., wind then, S.S.W. The wind increased off the Cape, and we reefed the mainsail, under the heavy showers of rain. On reaching Partridge Point, the wind died off, and friend Samuel ANSTEY gave me the benefit of his muscular arms in towing around the Bill. No sooner was this accomplished, about 5 pm., than we took a nice breeze down White Bay, and headed for the North Shore. Wind again died off, nearly calm, and about 10 pm., it became foggy with various puffs of light air from different quarters. For a little while we lowered all sail, it being calm, and dozed, while the Snowdrop seemed also to be taking her night's repose. But soon, we had a fresh Easterly breeze, under which we run in as far as we dared in the fog, and then hove to for light, knowing the land was not far off. July 11: Very thick fog at dawning; could neither see nor hear anything of land. Caught sight of a headland at 7 am., and soon afterward recognized a certain rock, by which I found that we were as near Little Cat Arm as we were to Grand Vache, with current and wind in our favor for the former. By sailing, and afterwards towing, we reached Little Cat Arm about 11 am., just as the good folks of Twillingate were wending their way to church..... .. inviting the crew of a fishing boat from Nipper's Harbor (old friends of mine), to share a short service with us on board the Snowdrop. July 12: Sailed again at daylight..... and after a whole day's voyage, anchored in Western Cove, the central point of the Mission, containing the Church and Parsonage. July 13th.: Mr. GLASS and I parted in order to visit the different coves and settlements and prepare the people for next Sunday. During the following days, therefore, in spite of winds and rain, Mr. GLASS penetrated, in punt, every inhabited cove on the South Shore of the Bay..... returning to Western Cove by Saturday afternoon. I myself, in the Snowdrop, visited the upper part of the Bay and the North side, as far as winds and weather permitted.... and reaching the Church by 11 pm. on Saturday, by the help of two kind fellows,...., who towed us down amidst vivid flashes of lightning. July 18th.:..... We found a large congregation gathered together from all parts of the Bay..... a very hearty service. ..... At Holy Communion there were 20... out of a congregation of 100. In the afternoon, there were 12 christenings, and a public meeting of the males..... July 19th.: Sailed again early for the North side of the Bay in order to visit places passed by, on our way up, and thus sucessfully anchored in Jackson's Arm, Coney Arm, Devil's Cove, (uninhabited, but where we met with some Twillingate friends), and Grand Vache. July 23rd.: Left Grand Vache early in the morning, in hopes of getting to Harbor Deep, but with the uncertainty whether we ought not, if the wind were fair for Twillingate, to make the best of our way home...... we had a fine Westerly breeze which brought us to Partridge Point by noon, and we were thus prevented from getting to Harbor Deep at all...... It took us until 8 pm. to reach Cape John..... Kept a light fair wind all night and gradually brightened the light. Mr. ROBERTS must feel himself a happy man to have so many weary eyes watching his flashes, knowing that each flash is speaking for him to the deck watch, longing for daylight, and saying to them "Here is Twillingate, this is the direction in which lies your home". And so, just as we reached Long Point, a better light than even Mr. ROBERTS shows, rose in grandeur out of the Eastern sea, and the lighthouse keeper, not in envy, but in thankfullness that his work for that night was ended, put out his lamps, and we saw them no more. The bells were ringing for work just as we reached our anchorage, sleepy, glad to be at home again.... Robert TEMPLE, R.D.
July 29, 1880Labrador NewsThe coastal mail steamer Plover, arrived here on Tuesday last from Battle Harbor en route for St. Johns. We are indebted to W. LETHBRIDGE, Esq., J.P., for the following report of the fishery on the coast….. From Cape Norman to St. John's Island, fish is in abundance. Stationary settlers had all their salt used and had to stop taking fish in consequence, as it could not be purchased on either side for any money..... The Hercules was unable to proceed further North than Jigger's Tickle, owing to ice,..... She reports that a number of craft had gone North before the ice came in, and from all appearances, must be jammed there, doing nothing. Amongst them was a number of Green Bay crafts...... Richard PILLEY, 200 quintals. John MOORE, New Bay Head, 150 quintals. John BERRY, Greenspond, 300 quintals. James WINSER, same place, 350 quintals. Oban, same place, clean. BYRNE's craft, Fortune Harbor, 200 quintals. William CLOUTER, Catalina, 300 quintals. John WARREN, Herring Neck, 400 quintals. Reuben, J. HART, 400 quintals, Bessie, Port de Grave, 400 quintals. George WINSER, loaded. CASHIN, Gooseberry Island, 200 quintals. TUNER, Cothells' Island, 200 quintals. John WHITE, Greenspond, 350 quintals. Esau BLANDFORD, Herring Neck, 350 quintals. BUTLER, Holy Rood, reported with 1000 quintals. Two FLYNNs, same place, loaded. DWYER at Cape North, reported with 1000 quintals.
Aug. 5, 1880UniversityIn another column will be found an account of the yearly entertainment of Halifax Mount St. Vincent Academy, taken from the Halifax Acadian Recorder of the 12th. Ult., the receipt of which, with other papers, we beg to acknowledge per Bessie. Among other Newfoundlanders, we are pleased to notice the name of Miss Lizzie TOBIN figuring conspicuously as one of the successful competitors of that institution. It will be seen that prizes were awarded for her proficiency in three of four branches. Miss TOBIN, who is a native of this town, is a daughter of one of our leading merchants, J.B. TOBIN, Esq., and we are happy to congratulate him on the satisfactory manner in which she is completing her studies. As a native of Twillingate, we should feel proud that this young lady has been able to compete with so many others from different cities and towns, whose advantages of receiving an early education training may have been far superior, owing to the very defective school system which formerly existed here. We wish the young lady every success in her future studies.
Aug. 5, 1880PersonalWe are pleased to notice the arrival in town of R.E. BRAYLEY, Esq., of Montreal, who is representing the drug and medicine house of J.W. BRAYLEY, Esq., of that city.
Aug. 5, 1880Remarkable Escape.On Tuesday last, at the firm of Messrs. W. WATERMAN & Co., a very serious accident occurred to one of the assistants, by a fall through the trap hatch in the shop, a height of nine feet. It appears that the young man was engaged in getting a box up through the hatch, when the ladder slipped, and he fell, his chin taking the edge of the hatch, and afterwards, falling on the side of his head and face to the bottom of the store, where he lay insensible for some time. But, when discovered, we are glad to say that the wound inflicted was not of a serious nature, and he is now doing well.
Aug. 5, 1880BirthOn the 21st., at the Parsonage, Catalina, the wife of the Rev. J.G. CRAGG of a daughter.
Aug. 5, 1880DeathOn Saturday last, the 31st ult., Capt. Samuel STUCKLESS, aged 67 years. The deceased was a respected resident of this town, and for upwards of 20 years, commanded a schooner in the employ of E. DUDER, Esq. He is deservedly regretted by a large circle of friends, (St. John's papers, please copy.)
Aug. 5, 1880DeathOn July 22nd., at Battrick's Island, Twillingate, Hannah CLARKE at the advanced age of 84 years.
Aug. 5, 1880DeathDurrell's Arm, at her residence, on the 1st. August, Mrs. Pricilla WATERMAN, aged 84 years.
Aug. 5, 1880DeathOn the 20th. July, Edward George, son of Mr. James NEWMAN, aged one year and six months.
Aug. 5, 1880DeathAt Harbour Grace on Sunday, the 25th inst., after a protracted illness, Jane, the beloved wife of J. BEMISTER, Esq., Sheriff, Northern District, aged 62 years.
Aug. 12, 1880Insured Vessels List of Vessels Insured in the Twillingate Mutual Insurance Club for 1880
Aug. 12, 1880Successful TripMessrs. W. WARERMAN & Co's., schooner Branksea, returned yesterday from her trip around Green Bay in which she has been engaged for the last 17 days, collecting Fish, oil, salmon, etc. The weather and winds being favourable for the work, the crew were successful in completing it in a short time, and bringing back 1050 quintals of fish, and also a deck load of cod oil, etc..... W. WATERMAN, Esq., was aboard the whole trip and expressed himself highly pleased with the different places and the kind reception given by the people. Services were conducted by him in the several localities. The Branksea reports the following arrivals from the Straits: Nimble, 280 quintals. Fortunate, 240 quintals. Experiment, 350 quintals. Niagara, 250 quintals. Nymph, loaded. LOCK'S schooner 162. Reported Joseph HAGGETT, nearly loaded, also several others. The Straits fish is of a splendid quality and all very large run, and in good condition.
Aug. 12, 1880Fishing DisturbanceFrom a private letter received by a friend from Shoe Cove, we learn that a serious disturbance has lately taken place between the resident fishermen of that place and those of Cape John, who resort to their fishing grounds, and use gear, different from what they are accustomed to prosecute the fishery with. The Magistrate from Little Bay proceeded to Shoe Cove in order, if possible, to settle the dispute, and we hope soon to learn that a satisfactory settlement has been arrived at.
Aug. 12, 1880Fishing DisturbanceBy a private Communication received by a friend from Bett's Cove, we learn that a disturbance has recently taken place between the fishermen of Cape John and the Shoe Cove settlers, the latter, it appears, having taken the law into their own hands, and took possession of fishing gear to which they had no claim. The Magistrate at Bett's Cove, having been appraised of the circumstance, sent a constable with a warrant to arrest the ringleaders, but he was surrounded by a number of men and severly threatened, so that he had to return without discharging his duty. The Magistrate applied to the Commander of HMS Flamingo, which went in to Tilt Cove at the time, and they immediately proceeded to the spot, had all the parties brought on board, and soon settled the dispute, the Shoe Cove men having been compelled to give up all the property which they had taken.
Aug. 12, 1880MarriedIn Gower St. Methodist Church, St. John's, on the 23rd ult., by the Rev. J. SHENTON, Mr. Frederick W. AYRE to Miss Mary Julia PITTS, daughter of William PITTS, Esq.
Aug. 12, 1880Shipping NewsThe Constance, Capt. PEARCE, cleared by Messrs. WATERMAN & Co., left for a foreign port with a cargo of dry fish on Tuesday last.
Aug. 12, 1880Shipping NewsThe Little Willie, Capt. HOLMES, also sailed today for a foreign market. This is the third cargo of dry fish cleared from this port by the firm of E. DUDER, Esq., the present season.
Aug. 12, 1880Port of Twillingate. Cleared: Aug. 16 - Constance, PEARCE, Lisbon, salt, W. WATERMAN & Co. Aug. 19th - Little Willie, HOLMES, Lisbon, fish, E. DUDER.
Aug. 12, 1880Port of FogoEntered: July 8th - Annie Stuart, GALT, Figuiera, salt, OWEN & EARLE. Juy 15th. - Juno, ABBOTT, Cadiz, salt, W. WATERMAN & Co. Aug. 2 - Lucy, PATEY, Cadiz via St. John's, salt, R. SCOTT. Aug. 7th. - Victor, PIGOT, New York, provisions, E. DUDER. St. Brelade, ALEXANDRE, Montreal, provisions, W. WATERMAN & Co. Zenobia, QUICK, St. John's, salt and provisions, E. DUDER. Goondaze, BEATE, St. John's, salt and provisions, J. ROLLS & Sons, Barr'd Islands. Cleared: August, Faith, TREW, Poole, seal oil and skins, W. WATERMAN & Co. Aug. 11 - Victor, PIGOT, St. John's, oil, E.DUDER. Aug. 13th - Rosa Meek, SPARK, Malta, fish, ditto.
Aug. 12, 1880Cann IslandsThe steam tug Cabot arrived from St. John's on Friday morning last, having on board J.T. NEVILLE, Esq., inspector of lighthouses, who is paying his annual visit to the various stations along the coast. He left early on Saturday morning for Cann Islands.
Aug. 12, 1880Tizzard's HarborUp to the present several crafts have returned from the Straits with good trips. The schooner Pretorious, arrived at Tizzard's Harbour on Tuesday morning with 400 quintals.
Aug. 12, 1880Shipping NewsThe English schooner Grace, Capt. BALL, with a cargo of salt from Cadiz, 30 days out, arrived to J.B. TOBIN, Esq., last evening.
Aug. 12, 1880Shipping NewsThe arrival in port on Tuesday last, of HMS Flamingo, made things appear a little more lively than usual. She is engaged in protecting the fisheries on the coast during the season. The Flamingo left for Seldom Come By this morning, and expects to be back to St. John's about the 25th.
Aug. 12, 1880CattleThe schooner Annie Jane, with a cargo of cattle from Baddeck, C.B., arrived on Friday last. After disposing of part of the cargo here, she proceeded to Little Bay.
Aug. 12, 1880PassengersThe steamer Plover arrived here from Battle Harbor early on Monday morning, and after remaining her usual time, proceeded on for St. John's, touching at the respective ports of call on her way. Capt. BLANDFORD has been very successful in bringing the good ship safely through the many dangerous rocks and shoals along the coast. The quick run to Labrador the last trip, is worthy of mention. Passengers per steamer Plover, for St. John's: Messrs. BOYD, STEWART, FLETCHER, McKENZIE, ROGERSON, FRASER, DUDER, DOWER, CAIN, and Rev. Peire VARE, Miss Hndson, [ note: this is exactly as written. gw], Miss WELSH, Mrs. MONTREY, Mrs. SEARS. Twillingate: Messrs. PILGRIM and GREEN. Fogo: Rev. G.S. MILLIGAN, M.A., and Mrs.DEAU. Bonavista: Mr. R.F. BRALEY, and 23 in steerage.
Aug. 12, 1880CricketWe understand that a cricket match will be played on or about Tuesday next, on Back Harbor green, between eleven of the North side and an equal number of the South Side. If it can……. In good game of cricket.
Aug. 12, 1880Herring NeckThe English schooner Malea, Capt. GRIFFIA, sailed from Herring Neck on the 7th. with a cargo of dry fish for a foreign market. The Lady Agnes, Capt. BLOWY, also sailed on the 10th., both vessels being cleared by the firm of E. DUDER, Esq. These we believe, are the first cargoes of fish of this years produce, that have been exported from the colony this year, and it is pleasing to know that, while we may be behind in many other respects, we rank foremost in having the privilege of sending the first cured fish into foreign markets.
Aug. 12, 1880PersonalThe Pastor of the Congregational Church, the Rev. Mr. WILSON, left per steamer Plover on Monday last, for St. John's. We understand that of late, he has been suffering from indisposition, and hope, that after spending a little time in the Metropolis, he may be permitted to return to his congregation with renewed physical vigor.
Aug. 19, 1880DeathA poor young lad named Alfred WHITTEN, aged 18 or 19, came to his death by drowning at Riverhead, near the Long Bridge, early on Wednesday morning. It appears that WHITTEN was serving his time as a blacksmith with Mr. John POPE, and had been assisting a foreman of Mr. POPE's to put up a tent for the races at Quidividi the evening before. WHITTEN drank a small quantity of porter or beer of some kind after this, and, not being used to liquor, it is supposed his head was affected to such an extent as to produce temporary insanity, during which his death occured as related. We understand that once before, under somewhat similar circumstances, the deceased had attempted to drom himself. (St. John's Evening Telegram.)
Aug. 19, 1880Labrador NewsThe coastal steamer Plover, arrived from the Northward on the 23rd inst., and reports the following Labrador News, viz: Nearly all the floating craft from Cape Harrington, South, have done well. Most of the Green Bay Craft are gone below Cape Harrington, with from 100 to 400 quintals, and in all probability, will do well. A good deal was being done on the upper part of the coast when the steamer left, and the prospect continued good. We understand that upwards of 20 Southern craft belonging to E. DUDER, Esq., are reported loaded. From the particulars reported to date, we think we may venture to assert that the summer's catch will at least be a fair average one, and should the fall fishery be at all up to the mark, we have no hesitation in saying that the voyage will be much above an average one. The following schooners have returned with full loads: Harriet Anne, F. AUSBY. Pearl, SMALL. B. Queen, J. DALLY. Sea Slipper, M. BURTON.
Aug. 19, 1880FisheryThere has been little doing in this locality, or the adjacent ones, during the past 8 or 10 days. There appears to be fish on the grounds but there is no bait…… .
Aug. 19, 1880FisheryWe have to thank a friend for the following account of arrivals from the Straits and French Shore at Little Bay Island and Ward's Harbor, up to the 21st. Inst. - Albion CAMPBELL's craft, 27 quintals per man. Frederick LOCKE's craft, 30 quintals per man. William SHORT's craft, 50 quintals per man. Thomas TUFFIN's craft, 500 quintals. Philip WISEMAN's craft, 500 quintals. NORMORE's boat reported with 170 quintals. PADDICK's boat reported with 350 quintals.
Aug. 19, 1880Shipping NewsThe steamer Hiram Perry on her way from St. John's to the mining districts, called in here on Tuesday morning last. The Grace, Capt. BALL, left for St. John's yesterday.
Aug. 19, 1880PassengersThe schooner Summerset, arrived from St. John's on Monday night. Messrs. T.W. ROBERTS, Wm. MOSS, and W. WILLIAM came passengers by her.
Aug. 19, 1880PassengersW. WATERMAN and R. D. HODGE, Esqrs., left for St. John's in the steamer Plover on Monday last. Among the passengers from the North: Alfred PENNY, Esq., M.H.A. for the Baie De Verde district.
Aug. 26, 1880First SunThe first copy of the TWILLINGATE SUN, published and edited by J.P. THOMPSON, of Twillingate, Newfoundland, has been received. The paper is devoted to the commercial, literary and social interests of its immediate vicinity, and from its appearance, appears to be good exponent of public opinion, and will doubtless furnish the community with much information, that hitherto could only be gleaned from the irregular mails that arrived from St. John's. - Colchester Sun, N.S.
Aug. 26, 1880PassengersPer Plover, for St. John's: Mr. RENDELL from Salmon River, Mr. ippy from Chattau. [note; this is exactly as written. The fact that the first letter of the name is not capatilized, leads me to believe the typesetter likely missed a letter. Gw.] Mr. & Mrs PENNY and family from Red Bay. Master WATSON (2) from Lance au Loup, Mr. CORNSTICK and Mr H.H. DONALDSON from Battle Harbour. Dr. McKENZIE and Miss McKENZIE, Mr. DECKER, and Mrs. PUTNER from Bett's Cove. Mrs. NERDINE, Mrs. RADDIL and Mrs. McKENZIE from Little Bay. Rev. Mr. JOHNSON, Mr. G. CARTER from Exploits. From Twillingate: - Messrs. W. WATERMAN, R.D. HODGE, Mrs. FRENCH and child. For Twillingate: - Mr. PEYTON, Miss OSMOND, from Little Bay Island. Mrs. COLBOURNE from Little Bay. Mrs PEYTON from Exploits, Mr. CROWDY from Exploits for Fogo, 30 in steerage.
Aug. 26, 1880DeathDuring the past week, on Sunday last, death claimed another from amongst us; this time it has visited the home of our esteemed Sherrif. Mrs. BEMISTER was a daughter of Mr. William H. TAYLOR of Carbonear. She was born A.D. 1818. In early life, she was the subject of deep religious feelings, and professed conversion to God at the early age of twelve years. Ever since that time, she has been connected with the Methodist Church, and in it, filled some of its most important offices, such as: Class Leader, Sick Visitor, and Sabbath School Teacher. Shortly after her marriage to him, who now mourns her loss, she removed to New Perlican, Trinity Bay. Here her love for the Sabbath Schools was unabated, and she organized and kept in operation for many years, a Sabbath School in connection with the Church of England in that place. Many were greatly benefited by her labours there, and many who are now heads of families, remember with joy, her pious teaching and Godly admonitions. And, so appreciated were her services, that the late lamented Bishop FIELD, publicly thanked her for the Lambs of the Flock. Mrs. BEMISTER was famous for her largeheartedness. Her doors were never closed against those who sought charity. Many hundreds in Trinity Bay knew well, that in her they had a friend who would share the last morsel of food in her possession. An How God has graciously blessed his handmaid, and her household, because of the goodness of her, and hers, to the poor! "Blessed is the man that considered the poor, the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble." Her husband having removed to St. John's, she was no sooner there than she identified herself with almost every movement that could promote the welfare of mankind. And hence, the Dorcas Society, the Missionary Society, and other kindred Societies, whether connected with her own section of the Church, or not, received a large share of her time and assistance. But it was not long before she was laid aside by severe illness. All that medical skill could do for her was done, but it was of no avail. And now, she who had been so active, so mindfull of the wants of others, so useful in the Church of Christ, and such a blessing to the poor, was to be laid aside, a confirmed invalid, scarcely able to help herself. But she was willing to suffer as well as to do God's will. For thirteen years was she a prisoner of the Lord. But on Sunday last, the prisoner was released - the exile was taken home - the Father called his child, and without a groan, sigh, or even a moan, she calmly and peacefully breathed her spirit into the hands of God.
Aug. 26, 1880BirthAt Mill Island, Hall's Bay, Mrs. John CURTIS of a son.
Aug. 26, 1880AdvertisementBack Harbor School. Wanted immediately, a female teacher for the above school, with at least a 3rd. Grade certificate. Salary offered £30 for the first year. Apply to the Chairman of the Church of England Board, Twillingate.
Sept. 2, 1880New ChurchDuring the past week, a quantity of lumber has been landed at Back Harbor Hill, for the purpose of commencing the erection of a new Methodist Church, which, we understand, will take place shortly.
Sept. 2, 1880Shipping NewsThe Heroine arrived here on Saturday last from London via Fogo, to Messrs. W. WATERMAN & Co., bringing a shipment of goods to that firm, as may be seen by reference to our advertising columns.
Sept. 2, 1880Court NewsBefore Magistrate BERTEAU. August 28, - John BUTT, of Sunday Cove Island, for selling liquor without licence, fined thirty dollars and costs.
Sept. 2, 1880Labrador NewsSince our last issue the following arrivals from the Labrador have been noted: George BROWN's schooner to Back Harbor, 9 hands, 60 quintals per man. Thomas WILLS, same place, fair catch. James DALLY of the Arm, 600 quintals. Those schooners belong to the employ of Messrs. WATERMAN and Co., and bring encouraging accounts. On Tuesday, two Bonavista crafts put into this place on their way home, the Brothers, 200 quintals, POWELL's craft also, loaded.
Sept. 2, 1880FisherySince our last number, very little has been done, in this vicinity, by our fishermen. For two or three days, one could not be obtained for home consumption. In the neighbouring localities it has been much the same.
Sept. 2, 1880Shipping NewsOn Saturday last, the schooner J.C. Crossley arrived to the firm of E. DUDER, Esq., from New York, and on Saturday, the Elizabeth Ellen, arrived from St. John's to the same firm.
Sept. 2, 1880MiningWe understand that mining operations are anticipated on a large scale in Ming's Bight, Confusion Bay, where, we are informed, A. GUZMAN, Esq., has been making investigations.
Sept. 2, 1880PersonalWe are pleased to chronicle the return, per Plover, of our respected townsman, R.D. HODGE Esq. E. DUDER Esq., a gentleman well known and highly respected, both as a man of business, and for his great benevolence, also arrived per Plover on Tuesday. We are sorry to learn that his stay will not be of long duration.
Sept. 2, 1880Shipping NewsThe steamer Hiram Perry Jr. came into port on Tuesday, and owing to defects of her boiler, was unable to proceed on her way. Capt. GUZMAN, who was on board, returned to Little Bay per Plover. The Hiram Perry Jr. is awaiting repairs.
Sept. 9,1880Bett's Cove MineThis, although one of the most valuable mining centers in the Island, has for some past, been little worked, on account, it is said, of a misunderstanding between the shareholders and manager as to the working of the mine. To allow such valuable property to continue in this way for any length of time, does not seem to be judicious. Nor is such likely to be the case, as an American company is at present negotating with the owners for the purchase of the property, for which they have offered one million dollars. Professor Stewart, a gentleman of vast experience in the working and conducting of mining operations in the United States, has been here acting in the interests of the former. He visited the various mining regions of Notre Dame Bay, and his experience might be taken as a criterion in matters appertaining to mines and minerals. He declared that he had never seen anything in the course of his experience of over 20 years, to equal the quantity or quality of the copper ore that he met with on his visit to that place. With these large and valuable tracts of mineral land at the Northward, and with this industry thriving, may we not expect a bright and prosperous era for the future of this colony? Aye, as bright and prosperous as "Locomotive" could picture the future Newfoundland with what he deems to be absolutely necessary - a railway! On the 13th inst., a large iron steamer called the Flavian, bound from Liverpool to Baltimore with pig iron, salt and coal, ran ashore at Green Island, near Brigus South, in a dense fog. Yours truly, Scriptor.
Sept. 9,1880Herring NeckThe following schooners have arrived at Herring Neck from Labrador: Dart, WOODFORD, 500 quintals. Flora, PHILPOTT, 700. Mary Ann, REDDICK, 450. Lady Blandford, BLANDFORD, 500. British Queen, D. REDDICK, 600.
Sept. 9,1880TradingThe schooner Smiling Water, engaged in trading for Messrs. HODDER & LINDFIELD, left for the French Shore on Tuesday morning past. This is the second trip within the past two or three weeks.
Sept. 9,1880Court NewsAccording to Proclamation, the fall term of the Northern Circuit Court will be commenced here on Monday next. We understand that his Honor Judge PINSENT will preside.
Sept. 9,1880Mining AccidentA serious accident occurred at Little Bay Mines on Thursday last. A man named John APPETON fell down one of the shafts, a distance of about one hundred and sixty feet, and was instantly killed.
Sept. 9,1880PassengersThe schooner Branksea, came in to harbor on Sunday evening last from St. John's, having on board A.A. PEARCE, Esq., Clerk of the Peace, and Mrs. PEARCE, the Rev. H.C. JOHNSON and J. LeMESSIEURER, Esq.
Sept. 9,1880PersonalWe are pleased to note the arrival of J. DUDER, Esq., J.P., Sub Collector of HM Customs at Bett's Cove. We have also great pleasure in noting the arrival of our esteemed fellow townsman, J.B. BLANDFORD, Esq., stipendary Magistrate at Little Bay.
Sept. 9,1880MinesWe understand that the mines at Bett's, South West Arm, Little Bay, &c., have been disposed of to an American mining company. We have not yet learned for what amount.
Sept. 9,1880New ChurchWe learn that the corner stone of a Methodist Church, about to be created on Cochrane Street, St. John's, was to be laid by Mrs. SHENTON on Tuesday morning last.
Sept. 9,1880Fishing French ShoreThe schooner Annie Laura belonging to Mr. J. COLBOURNE, arrived from the French Shore last evening, having left Englee on Tuesday evening. She reports that a little was being done there with fish, some boats having taken two quintals a day.
Sept. 9,1880FogoWe have to thank J.G. LUCAS, Esq., Sub Collector of HM Customs at Fogo, for the shipping intelligence of that port.
Sept. 9,1880Hall's BayA traveller at Indian Brook, Hall's Bay, informs us that a hotel has been started there during the past summer, and is open at all hours to receive and entertain those who might be passing up and down that little river, at reasonable prices. A very good drink is there furnished, and those who have tasted its properties state, that it is as fine a beverage as can be desired, to satisy the thirst, and it has never been known to take the senses from anyone. If sick with fever it is a restorative. If cleansing is needed, then by freely using the liquid you may have nearly every external thing made clean. It is suituated about one and a half miles below the fall, in a nook, hidden from view by lofty trees of fifty years growth or more. These trees afford a shelter from the burning rays of the summers sun, and a person getting beneath the shades thereof, cannot help thinking how good it is to have a shelter where he may repose while passing through the wilderness, and a fountain, that is always open, at which he may drink, and by drinking, satisfy his requirements. It is said that this hotel is only open during six months of the year, or a little more, which would be from May to November. Travellers on this little river should not forget to call at the hotel, and we feel assured that their trouble will not be in vain.
Sept. 9,1880PassengersPer steamer Plover, from St. John's, for the Northward: Miss AVERY, Mr. J. WATSON, Baie de Verde. Miss WHITE, Mr. ROBIN, Trinity. Miss MURPHY, Catalina. Miss LARKIN and Miss SULLIVAN, Bonavista, Rev. Mr. PILOT, King's Cove. Mr. And Mrs. OLDFORD, Fogo. Miss BOWRING, Mr. HODGE, Mr. MARTIN, Miss MARTIN, Mr. E. DUDER, Mrs. RAY, Mrs. NEIL, Miss CALEMON, Twillingate. Capt. WHITE, Mr. REDDEN and McKENZIE, Seal Bay. Rev. Father SHEARS, Bett's Cove. Miss WELSH, Little Bay. Miss EDWARD and Mrs. Capt. HOSKINS, Tilt Cove. Mr. MORE, Mr. SIMMS, Battle Harbor. 80 in steerage. Per Plover for St. John's: Capt. JOY from Salmon River. Mr. JAMES from Forteau. Mr. R. HEATH and J. CROW from Lance au Loup. Miss KELLIGREW and Mrs. WHITE from Tilt Cove. Capt. WHITE and MARDAM from Little Bay. Mrs BUMELTON and son, Mr. R. BYRNE from Exploits. Miss STRICKLAN and Miss PENNY for Fogo. 25 in steerage. For Twillingate: Mr. DUDER and son, Mr. BLANDFORD and servant, Miss BURSEY and Miss FOOLKS, Capt. STEVENS, Mr. ERICKSON, AYRE, GUY, and Mrs. ROSS.
Sept. 9,1880List of DonorsIt affords us great pleasure to publish the following list of contributors to the St. Boniface Misson College Building Fund: Incumbent, Miss TEMPLE, Mrs. TEMPLE, Miss A. ANSTEY, Miss A. JACOBS, Mr. Ph. AUSTY, A.B.C., N.G., Churri., Faith, Mr. T. MANUEL, Charity, Blank, X.Y.Z., Mr. J. HODDER, Hope, Youth, A Friend, Poverty, A.G., Miss E. BLANDFORD, One Interested in Missions, A Friend, A Poole Man, Miss Laura COLBOURNE, A Friend, A Mission Worker, Miss Lily COLBOURNE, A Friend, Master A. COLBOURNE, whose united contributions amounted to 4 £, 6 shillings, sterling.
Sept. 9,1880Shipping NewsPort of Fogo, Entered: Aug. 20, Heroine, WILKINS, Poole, Gen. Cargo, W. WATERMAN & Co. Aug. 24, Francis, BELANGER, Montreal, provisions, OWEN & EARLE. Cleared: Aug. 18, W. Bretade, Carraquette, ballast. Aug. 25, Goonlage, BEALE, Ancona, fish, James ROLLS and Sons, Barr'd Island. Aug. 26, Heroine, WILKINS, ballast, to Labrador to load fish. Lucy, PATEO, Lisbon, Fish, R. SCOTT. Aug. 28, Zebonia, QUICK, Messina, fish, E. DUDER.
Sept. 9,1880MarriedAt St. Andrew's Church, Fogo, Aug. 26th., by the Rev. C. MEEK, Mr. J.T. CROUCHER to Miss Eliza M. PIKE, of Daloston, London, England.
Sept. 9,1880MarriedAt St. Mary's Church Herring Neck, on the 2nd inst., by the Rev. J. HEWITT, Mr. Simon SQUIRE to Susannah, eldest daughter of Henry MILES, Esq., Merchant, both of the same place.
Sept. 9,1880MarriedOn the 26th. Ult., at St. Paul's Church, Halifax, by the Rev. Dr. HILL, George James STEER, Esq., St. John's, Newfoundland, to Eva M., eldest daughter of J.P. FRECKER, Esq., of Halifax.
Sept. 9,1880DeathAt Moreton's Harbor on Tuesday, Aug. 31st., Betsy M., daughter of Mr. Charles BRETT, aged 10 years.
Sept. 9,1880DeathAt King's Cove, on the 14th. Ult., after a lingering illness, John S. LOCKYER, J.P., aged 51 years. Deceased was deservedly regretted by all, and leaves a wife and a large family to mourn their loss. His remains were followed to their last resting place by persons of all classes.
Sept. 9,1880DeathAt St. John's on the 25th. Inst., Mr. Samuel G. CARNELL, aged 61 years, a native of Riviere de Loup, Lower Canada.
Sept. 16, 1880Labrador NewsThe following schooners have arrived from Labrador the past week to Messrs. WATERMAN & Co. Wild Wave, Success, Muscliff, Juno, Volunteer, and Welcome Home. The fares range from 500 to 750 quintals each. The Silver Stream and SCEVIOUR's schooner are reported with good trips. To the firm of E. DUDER, Esq.: Queen of the North, WATERMAN, 700 quintals. Suliean, CLARKE, 500. Cyprus, ROBERTS, 700. Abyssinia, YATES, 523. Ransom, SKINNER, 630. Lady Glover, PARDY, 600. Porcupine, YOUNG, 730. Guerilla, ANSTEY, 700. Brothers, DOREY, 700. Lily of the Wave, CARD, 350. Loyalty, GUY, 500. Wild Rover, ROBERTS, 560, Mary Jane, KEEFE, 250. Brave, JONES, 350. To Messrs. OWEN & EARLE: A.D.O., MITCHARD, 550. L.P. Pond, Geo. POND, 550.
Sept. 16, 1880VisitWe understand that Mr. McNEILY, Q.C., M.H.A. for this district, who has been unavoidably prevented from visiting his constituents during the past summer, will arrive by the next Plover. From the various requirements of this large and important district, it is expected that some and many benefits will accrue from the visit of the Hon. Speaker.
Sept. 16, 1880Schooner AccidentOne of Messrs. WATERMAN & Co.'s schooners, Rise and go, Simon WARR Master, while on her way home, lost her foremast, which broke off about ten feet from the cross tree. She had a good load and was safely towed into Gricket for repairs.
Sept. 16, 1880Morton's HarborThe Presto, belonging to Mark OSMOND, Esq., Morton's Harbor, arrived there on Tuesday night last from the French Shore. She left Seal Cove, a day or two earlier, and reports that at that time, very little fish was being caught and bait scarce.
Sept. 16, 1880PersonalWe are pleased to note the arrival of H.J. EARLE, Esq., of Fogo, per Plover, also of Dr. OAKES, from the same place.
Sept. 16, 1880Supreme CourtThe steamer Leopard, engaged to convey the Judge and suite, for the purpose of attending the Supreme Court on Circuit, arrived here on Sunday night last. The following are on Circuit: His Lordship, Mr. Justice PINSENT, John BEMISTER, Esq., Sherrif of the Northern District, Isaac R. McNEILY, Esq., Acting Clerk of the Court, Hon. J.S. WINTER, Q.C., Thomas P. WALSH, Esq., and Geo. H. EMERSON, Jr., Esq., Barrister at Law, and Mr. BURKE. The Leopard left for Fogo this afternoon.
Sept. 16, 1880Death at TrinityMr. William PITTMAN, one of our business men, and Chairman of the Road Board, died at Trinity on the 23rd., ult., leaving a wife and ten children, and a large number of relatives and friends to lament their loss. He will be much missed here, as he used to do a good deal to assist the poorer people, especially in the winter season.
Sept. 16, 1880Fire at St. John'sAbout half past six o'clock this morning, a fire occurred in the house of Mr. John FARRELL, between King's Road and Nunnery Hill. The fire brigade were promptly on the spot, and, asisted by the detachments from the English and French ships of war, in port, and a large number of citizens, succeded in a short time in getting the flames under control and extinguishing the fire before it had time to communicate with the adjoining tenements. There were three children in the house when the fire was discovered, two of whom were saved; the other, about five years of age, was unfortunately burned to death. It appears that the fire originated, by one of the children setting fire to a quantity of loose shavings, during Mrs. FARREL's absence from the house. - St. John's Evening Telegram, Sept. 7.
Sept. 16, 1880Road BoardHis Excellency the Governor in Council, has been pleased to appoint Mr. George CHRISTIAN, Junior, to be a member of the Road Board, Trinity, in place of Mr. William PITTMAN, deceased; and Mr. James ANDERSON, of Otter's Pond, to be a member of the Road Board, La Poile, in place of Mr. John COX, deceased. - St. John's Gazette.
Sept. 16, 1880Shipping NewsThe schooner British Queen, has been cleared from the firm of Messrs. WATERMAN & Co., for St. John's, with a cargo of cod oil, also, the Branshea, for same place with a cargo of shore fish.
Sept. 16, 1880PassengersPer Plover, from St. John's for the Northward: Mr. And Mrs. MARCH for Old Perlican. Mrs. BURNEL for Trinity. Mrs. KNIGHT for Catalina. Mr. MURPHY, King's Cove. Mr. LUCAS, Fogo. Mr. NEWMAN and wife for Twillingate. Mrs. BURN, Exploits. Mr. BROWNING and wife for Seal Bay. Messrs. MCMILLAN, ARCHER, and LANGMEADE for Little Bay. Mr. A.C. POSTER for Little Bay. Capt. PASCO for Tilt Cove. Capt. JOY for Salmon River. Mr. SQUIRES for St. Anthony, and 20 in steerage. Intermediate: Miss A. NURSE from King's Cove to Twillingate. Mrs. OAKLEY from Trinity to Twillingate. Miss GOULD from Greenspond to Twillingate. Rev. Mr. PILOT from Bonavista to Exploits. Mrs. PILOT from Fogo to Exploits. Mr. STONE from Catalina to Battle Harbor. Dr. OAKES from Fogo. Mrs. DUDER from Fogo to Twillingate.
Sept. 16, 1880Collision at SeaBetween ten and eleven O'clock last night, the officers and crew of the steamer Anglia, arrived at this port, having lost their ship by collision, on the afternoon of Monday last. It appears that the Anglia, Capt. R.T. GARIRE, left Boston on the 2nd., inst., with general cargo and 338 head of cattle, for London. The weather continued foggy from the commencement of the voyage. Nothing, however, of unusual importance, occured until about three o'clock on the afternoon of the 6th., when the barque Trongate of Glasgow, Capt. DUNN, bound from Antwerp to New York with a cargo of pig iron, ran into the Anglia, striking her amidships on the port side, carrying away her rigging and bulwarks and smashing in some of the iron plates below the waterline. The accident occured in less time than it takes to relate it. Almost immediately the ships seperated, the Trongate passing on and disappearing in the fog, the Anglia already settling down in the water, a helpless wreck. As soon as the first shock was over, the carpenter sounded the pumps and reported eight feet of water in the hole. The cattle was then turned overboard to lighten the ship, and the boats got out with the most expedition as possible - the necessary orders of Capt. CARIRE [ as written] and his officers, being given with as much coolness as under ordinary circumstances, and the manner in which said orders were executed spoke volumes for the bravery and discipline of the crew. When the boats were ready, all hands were ordered into them, and one after the other, they pushed off from the doomed ship, the gig in charge of the Captain, being the last to leave, and in this respect the conduct of the latter bore a marked contrast to that recently displayed by the cowardly commander of the ill fated ship, Jedda under somewhat similar circumstances. Shortly after leaving, a noise was heard, indicating that the ship had gone down. The men were taken on board the Trongate, which hove to a short distance from the Anglia, to ascertain the result of the collision. Some of the cattle were observed swimming about until night closed down. One steer made its way alongside the barque and was taken onboard, and dressed for the table. The Trongate bore up for St. John's the same evening, arriving off the narrows about 8 pm. yesterday. - St. John's Evening Telegram, Sept. 10.
Sept. 16, 1880Court NewsBefore Magistrate BERTEAU. August 25, - John BUTT, of Sunday Cove Island, Twillingate, licensed to sell ales, wines and spiritous liquors. Aug. 30, - James WELSH of Cull's Island, Leading Tickles, Twillingate, licensed to sell ales, wines and spiritous liquors. Sept. 9th. - R.S. RICE vs. Benjamin SMITH, for debt and costs. Case settled out of court. Richard WREY, Northern Hotel, North Island, Twillingate, licensed to sell ales, wines and spiritous liquors. Hezikiah STUCKLESS, admitted on bale for assault and battery on police, with intent to commit felony on confiscated property.
Sept. 16, 1880MarriedAt St. Andrew's Church, Fogo, on the 14th inst., by the Rev. C. MEEK, Aaron ELLIOTT to Angelina, daughter of Mr. John WAGG, both of Fogo.
Sept. 16, 1880MarriedAt the Methodist Church, Tizzard's Harbor, on the 11th. Inst., by the Rev. J. NURSE, Mr. Joseph OSMOND to Miss Selena FORWARD, daughter of Mr. Frederick FORWARD, both of Tizzard's Harbor.
Sept. 16, 1880MarriedOn Sept. 5th., at the residence of the bride's father, Carbonear, by the Rev. G. BOYD, Mr. William M. SAMWAYS, of St. John's to Georgina E., daughter of Capt. Mark FORWARD.
Sept. 16, 1880MarriedOn the 5th. Inst., at the R.C. Cathedral, St. John's, by the Rev. W. FORRISTAL, Mr. W. SINNOTT of Placentia, to Miss Margaret BYRNE of Green Bay.
Sept. 16, 1880DeathAt Seal Cove, Bonavista Bay, on the 12th. Ultimo, Mr. John PRINCE, aged 68 years.
Sept. 16, 1880DeathAt Barr'd Islands, of Diptheria, on the 8th. Inst., Mary, beloved wife of Mr. James PRINCE, aged 60 years.
Sept. 16, 1880DeathAt Fogo, on Sunday the 12th., inst., after a lingering illness, Mr. John DOWNER, aged 54 years.
Sept. 16, 1880DeathAt St. John's, on the 6th. Inst., after a brief illness, Lizzie Ellen, daughter of Patrick HOGAN, Esq., aged 20 years.
Sept. 16, 1880Morton's Harbor…… Towards the close of the meeting, Mr. Mark OSMOND was invited to the platform to distribute the prizes, which, at the meeting held last year, he kindly and generously promised to provide. They consisted of twenty two interesting books, a first and second prize for each class, and were presented to the following scholars: Girls, first class - 1st., Elizabeth A. SMALL and Mary SMALL (equal). 2nd. Barbara SMALL. Girls second class - 1st., Olivia SMALL. 2nd. Lily BARTLETT. Girls 3rd. Class - 1st., Janet HARWOOD. 2nd., Alice J. OSMOND. Girls 4th. class - 1st., Lily Brett. 2nd. Mary A. JENNINGS. Girls 5th. class - 1st. Laura HARWOOD. 2nd., Sarah E. BRETT. Girls 6th. class - 1st., Lorahanna SMALL. 2nd., Alberta BRETT. Boys 1st. class - 1st., Ralph BRETT. 2nd., Robert J. BARTLETT. Boys 2nd class - 1st., Tobias OSMOND. 2nd., Basil BRETT. Boys 3rd. class - 1st., Walter G. BRETT. 2nd., Samuel BENNETT. Boys 4th. class - 1st., Elijah W. BENNETT. 2nd., Joseph W. SMALL. Boys 5th. class - 1st., Augustus BRETT. 2nd. Joseph W. PENNY.
Sept. 16, 1880Shipping NewsThe English schooners, Merry Heart, and Tweed, arrived in port from Fogo on Saturday last, the former to the firm of E. DUDER and the latter to the firm of OWEN & EARLE.
Sept. 16, 1880Supreme CourtTuesday, Sept. 14, 1880: The Grand Jury was called and answered to their names. There was only one absentee who was fined. George MINTY, Esq., was chosen foreman. His Lordship charged the Grand Jury to the effect following: …… The Police calender showed a remarkable absence from crime and disturbance. There had been very few charges of ...... any kind. There were one or two instances of misconduct toward the Police Constables..... He was glad to find that the new Police Magistrate was putting in force the laws relating to swine and dogs wandering at large....... mentioning an Act..... to meet the requirements of this District for the abolition of any restriction upon the mesh of salmon nets used in the sea fishery. He referred to..... the flagrant abuses in violation of the Coastal Fisheries Acts,.... which now has become so extensive and constant, that the salmon fishery, once so productive, had, in nearly all the rivers on the Northern coast, been well nigh destroyed. This arose in some instances from barring with nets, in others from mill dams and the logs and refuse of mills..... The indictment for larceny, which was now ready to be sent before them, charged the prisoner, Noah Webster McNALL, with stealing two cheques for 35 £ and 15 £ and some smaller sums, and the charge was that he had taken those monies out of two letters entrusted to him to post at Little Bay.... in the case of McNALL the Jury bought in a true bill.
Sept. 16, 1880Supreme CourtThe Queen vs. N.D. McNALL: - Tried before the Court and a Petty Jury. Mr. WINTER, Q.C. prosecuted. The prisoner defended himself. The prisoner was tried for breaking open two letters, placed in his charge by the Clerk of one RICHARDS, who had sent them to be posted for St. John's, addressed to GOODFELLOW & Co., and James BAIRD, containing cheques for £53, 7s, 6d, and £15, and smaller sums amounting to £9. The prisoner did not post them, but broke them open and abstracted the contents and got the cheques cashed, attempting to justify himself upon the ground that he had, at one time, been a partner of RICHARDS, and that their accounts were unsettled. RICHARDS and GUY, who saw the letters delivered to the prisoner, and COADY, receiver of at least one of the cheques, and J.B. BLANDFORD, Esq., J.P, the committing Magistrate, were examined. The Judge charged the Jury who retired and shortly brought a verdict, Guilty. Later in the day, his Lordship sentenced the prisoner to six months imprisonment with hard labor from the date of commitment, knowing that he dealt thus leniently with the prisoner, on account of the delapidated and unwholesome condition of Twillingate jail.
Sept. 16, 1880Supreme CourtMcVICARS vs, FORD: This was an action to recover amount of six hundred and sixty four dollars and fifty cents. Mr. G.H. EMERSON Jr., appeared for the plaintiff and stated that the defendant, who was known by several aliases, had contracted the account on the representation that he owned the craft which he had undertaken to hire, on the pretence to the owner, that the plaintiff was his partner. After the supplies were given, he prosecuted the fishery negligently, and put in the first part of his voyage to another, and the rest, plaintiff had to seize. There were many other circumstances of an extraordinary kind alleged against the defendent. The defendent in custody on a capias, appeared in person, and denied that he represented he was purchaser, and asserted that plaintiff undertook to be responsible for the hire &c. He did not deny the account. He put in part of his voyage to another, to get provisions. The parties to the action, and the owner of the hired craft were examined. The court directed the plaintiff's claim to be amended and reduced, as the servant's wages, as well as their accounts, appeared to be charged, and the fish seized, not yet credited. (This was accounted for upon the ground that it had not yet been made.) His Lordship then gave judgement to the plaintiff for three hundred and eighty nine dollars and fifty cents, commenting shortly upon the evidence and upon the fradulent conduct of the defendent, and requesting Crown Officers to consider the propriety of indicting him for perjury.
Sept. 16, 1880Supreme CourtThursday 16th. Court opened at 10 o'clock. In the Insolvency of William FORD, Mr. WALSH for the petitioner, Mr. G.H. EMERSON for creditors. The debtor applied to be declared insolvent and was now examined. There were also examined Mr. OAKE, (the owner of the craft, petitioner hired), and PAYNE, (a servant in the fishery), and the evidence of the Supplier, (McVICAR), taken on the late trial in which he was plaintiff and petitioner, defendant, was read. Mr. WALSH applied for the usual order to declare petitioner insolvent. Mr. EMERSON did not resist the declaration, but he applied for punishment of the petitioner..... Judgement was then delivered by Judge PINSENT to the effect following: The Petitioner here applies to be declared insolvent, and it is only too clear that he is so. The next question to be considered was the manner in which he had contracted his liabilities. It appears from the evidence of McVICARS, that the petitioner induced him to give him supplies in the spring, upon the representation that he had purchased the craft which he had only hired from OAKE. He then came home early from the Labrador, passed by his supplier's place of business, and took his fish two or three miles further on, and sold it to another person. This, he professes, he was obliged to do, to obtain certain supplies, but he made no application, either before or after, to his first supplier for them. With regard to the hire of the vessel, not one penny of which OAKE the owner had received. Petitioner represented that his name was FOGARTY and that he and Mr. McVICAR were in partnership with another man of the name of THORPE, and in the name of FOGARTY, he undertook to sign the agreement for hire, on behalf of himself and his alleged partners. Then he hired servants for the fishery, under the same pretence, and in the same name. He effected those gross frauds under the various aliases of FORD, FORDON, and FOGARTY, and in the course of this investigation, and on the late trial on the action at the suit of his supplier, he had manifestly perjured himself in the most foulest and most barefaced manner. The prisoner appeared to be labouring under a kind of mania for perjury and aliases, and the Judge, in his long experience, had never, take it all together, witnessed a more flagrant case..... punishment he was about to inflict... was that the petitioner be declared insolvent, and be imprisoned in Twillingate Gaol for six months.
Sept. 16, 1880Supreme CourtSTRONG vs. McNEIL: - The plaintiff sought to recover $56. Mr. WINTER, Q.C., for plaintiff. Mr. WALSH for the defendant. The parties to the action were examined and the questions that arose upon their conflicting testimonies were, whether defendant was solely liable for the accounts of a mess, consisting of four men at Little Bay Mine, or whether the mess - master was, or whether it was a joint liability of the mess or an individual liability of each man for his own share, or of only two of them. The evidence as it stood would bear either of those views. The Court suggested it was a case for settlement, and that it would be very hard to expect the present defendant, whose money had been attached, to pay for the whole mess. The parties and their Consul consulted, and by consent, judgement was entered for $29.60 without costs.
Sept. 16, 1880Supreme CourtWATERMAN & Co., vs. VENGARP: - (Sept. 15, 1880.) This was an action for $132.08. The defendant who appeared, urged the hardship of his being expected to pay this season, so much as had been attached. The Court repeated it could not help him, and judgement was entered for the sum sought to be recovered.
Sept. 16, 1880Supreme CourtIn the Insolvency of William FORD: - Mr. WALSH moved on petition for declaration of Insolvency. A rule was granted, returnable tomorrow, (Thursday), at 10 o'clock, in the mean time to be posted at Court House and the Post Office.
Sept. 16, 1880Supreme CourtThe Grand Jury brought in the following: To the Hon. Judge PINSENT, presiding Judge of the Supreme Court on Circuit at Twillingate. The Grand Jury, having made an inspection of the Court House and Gaol, beg to present that they find the building in a most unsatisfactory state, and altogether inadequate to the requirements of this important district, and would urge the necessity of a new Court House and Gaol being erected, so as to meet the the growing necessities of the district...... signed for self and fellow jurors, George MINTY, foreman. His Lordship said he highly approved of the presentment, and would forward it to the proper authorities.....
Sept. 16, 1880Supreme CourtIn the Insolvency of BURT: - Mr. WINTER, Q.C., moved that part of certain money attached and paid into court, be paid out to satisfy the claim of a third party to a part of the fine, and which claim had been referred for settlement to a referee who had reported. Mr. EMERSON, for the trustee, asked for time to enquire, and the further consideration of the matter was adjourned to Fogo.
Sept. 23, 1880BirthOn Friday morning last, the wife of William Lethbridge, Esq., J.P., of a daughter.
Sept. 23, 1880Bett's Cove By private advices from Bett's Cove, we learn that the barque Iota, Captain JOHNSON, arrived there from Swansea on the 14th inst., in ballast, where she intends loading with copper ore. The steamer Beyera is expected shortly to load at Little Bay.
Sept. 23, 1880PersonalJ.B. TOBIN, Esq., of this town, left per Plover on Monday last for the Metropolis.
Sept. 23, 1880Shipping NewsThe schooner Minnie, MOORS Master, belonging to Mr. STRONG, came into port on Saturday last, enroute to St. John's, with a load of lumber from Hall's Bay. The Somerset,Capt. STUCKLESS, and the Young Builder, Capt. A. ROBERTS, arrived on Sunday morning from St. John's. The Young Builder left this morning for the French Shore.
Sept. 23, 1880Schooner ArrivalsWe are glad to note the further arrivals from Labrador to Messrs. WATERMAN & Co., viz.: Fawn, SPENCER master, 600 quintals. Rise and Go, WARR, (which had put into Griquet for repair), 600 quintals. Bianca, EARLE, 500. Kangaroo, MOORS, (for whom considerable apprehension had been felt), 600. Three or four schooners, in connection with the above firm, are reported at Mechlenburg with good trips. They will make their fish at that place, and load the schooner Heroine, which will sail for a foreign port. The schooner Jesamine, MAIDMENT master, belonging to Mr. J. BYRNE at the Arm, also has arrived since our last, with 600 quintals. Also the schooner Ranger, Elias WARREN master, to the firm of E. DUDER, Esq., arrived at Herring Neck with 600 quintals.
Sept. 23, 1880DeathIt is with feelings of great regret that we have to announce the death, "in a strange land", of one engaged in the commercial transactions of our colony. Capt. CAMERON of the schooner Tweed, whose arrival to the firm of Messrs. OWEN & EARLE was announced a short tme since, died on Friday morning past, after a very short illness, from the effects of heart disease. His body was interred in the Congregational cemetary of this town on Saturday afternoon....
Sept. 23, 1880Leading TicklesInformation has reached us that the shore fishery at Leading Tickles is encouraging, and, as an instance, we learn that a boat secured two and a half quintals one day. We believe that the result of the summer's work in that vicinity, has been very satisfactory, and it will be still more cheering if the fall's work compares favourably with that of the summer. BUTLER's schooner has arrived from Labrador. Trip not reported.
Sept. 23, 1880Building FundThe following is the extended list of subscribers to the St. Boniface Missionary College Building Fund: - Mr. COOPER, Miss M. BLACKLER, Wm. JEYNES, Mr. G. BLANDFORD, Mr., Mrs., and Misses E. & R. ROSSITER, G.H.H., Mrs. SPENCER, Mrs. NEWMAN, Mr. W. TORRAVILLE, Mrs. Guy, J. LeM., Mrs. and Miss LUTHER, Mrs. T. PEYTON, Miss Lucy JEYNES, Mrs. A. A. PEARCE, jr., Mrs. PURCHASE. The above contributions with those previously recorded, amount to £6, 15s, stg.
Sept. 23, 1880DeathBy private information from St. John's, we learn that on the 13th. Inst., a young man named ROBERTS, fell from the scaffold of a house, at Freshwater Road, where he had been working, and was instantly killed.
Sept. 30, 1880PersonalWe understand that Dr. STABB and son, and Messrs. STEWART and SLATER, of St. John's, arrived at Greenspond by the last Plover, on a shooting excursion, having taken with them three fine companions of the canine species, which, no doubt, will prove to be of much value to them during their gaming expedition. Cape Freel's hunting ground, we believe, is to be the scene of their prosecutions. We wish them every success in their adventure, and if the Plover, on her return, should not be able to afford sufficient freightage, it is possible that other means of conveyance will be forthcoming to conver the surplus of their hard earnings to the Metropolis.
Sept. 30, 1880PersonalWe note the arrival here of Rev. W. PILOT, B.D., now on his offical tour inspecting the schools of the Church of England in this district. The Rev. gentleman is also Grand Master for the Society of United Fishermen. It is regretted that owing to the hall having been previously engaged, it was not possible for the order to meet him this time, with due honor. We are also glad to chronicle the return, per Plover, of J.B. TOBIN, Esq., whose departure for the Metropolis was recently mentioned. We are sorry to learn of the indisposition of Mr. J.H. GLASS, teacher of the High School, in consequence of which, the duties of that institution have to be suspended for a few days. Mr. F.W. BOWDEN, editior of The Public Ledger, came passenger from the Metropolis yesterday in the coastal steamer, Plover. Mr. BOWDEN is, we understand, the Delegate from the R.G. Lodge, L.O.A., of Newfoundland, and is on a visitation tour to all the private Lodges within the jurisdiction of the Provincal Grand Lodge.
Sept. 30, 1880DeathWe are informed that Captain Philip PURCHARD, of the schooner Bella Donna, of Jersey, and one of the crew named NODDING, aged 23 years, left the ship on Tuesday, Sept. 11th. in a small boat, and was picked up on the following Thursday by the Crocus, J. WELLS. When discovered, it was found that NODDING was a corpse. It is thought that his death was caused by exposure in the open boat. His remains were taken to Dead Island, where they were interred by Rev. Mr. PETERS.
Sept. 30, 1880Heavy SeaIn consequence of the heavy sea which set in on this shore on Sunday last, several small crafts were driven ashore at Bonavista; and at King's Cove, a part of the wharf and premises of Mrs. MURPHY, have been destroyed by sea.
Sept. 30, 1880BirthOn Monday last, 27th. Inst., the wife of J.G. HART, Esq., of a son.
Sept. 30, 1880BirthAt St. John's on Sunday morning, 19th inst., the wife of J.L. DUCHEMIN, Esq., of a daughter.
Sept. 30, 1880AdventureOn Friday afternoon last, our attention was arrested by a circumstance of rather a novel nature. A gentleman who had been spending a short time in town, and weary, perhaps, with the monotony of land life, decided to make a venture on the water, taking with him the indispensable presence of a lady friend. The voyage, for a time after starting, was successful. We are not aware whether or not the Harbor Rock posses any mineral attraction, but we observed that when nearing the same, and in the act of turning from it, by some mishap or other, the boat was quickly drawn up on the shore, and, as there was a considerable sea at the time, the occupants seemed to be in imminent danger. Assistance was soon to their rescue, however, and in a short time the land was once more the recipent of the adventurers.
Sept. 30, 1880AccidentIt is painful to note that on yesterday morning, Mrs. RICE, mother of R.P. RICE, Esq., M.H.A.., met with a serious accident by falling through a cellar hatch in the house of her daughter, Mrs. G. CHANCEY, Freshwater Road. The result of the fall which was about six feet in height, presented itself in the form of a large wound in the head from which blood flowed freely. She is now under the care of Doctors SHEA and HOWLEY, and will, we trust, be allright again in a short time. St. John's Morning Chronicle, Sept. 18.
Sept. 30, 1880AppointedHis Excellency the Governor in Council, has been pleased to appoint Mr. Samuel MOORES, of Twillingate, to be a Surveyor of Lumber.- St. John's Gazette.
Sept. 30, 1880Shipping News"The schooner Somerset, bound to St. John's with a load of lumber from the Bay, called here on Tuesday evening last."
Sept. 30, 1880Mining Prospects"From Sept 30, 1880: "We are informed that an experienced miner has recently come from America, and is now at Cann Islands, where he expects to remain for several months in search of copper. He has already had several blasts and, we are told there is every prospect of a large amount of ore at that place. The persons who have the claim are very hopefull as to what they expect to realize. He is to visit Indian Islands for the same purpose. Yours, etc., Fogo."
Sept. 30, 1880DeathLast week, Rev. A. Hill was unexpectedly called to pay a visit to this place to inter a young man by the name of John GILL, who was, a day or two before, brought home dead, from the Labrador. He is said to have died of consumption. Yours, etc., Fogo.
Sept. 30, 1880Supreme Court on CircuitFogo, Sept. 17, 1880. Court opened here 11 o'clock, the Hon. Mr Justice PINSENT presiding. Sixteen Grand Jurors were in attendance, and, Thomas D. HODGE having been chosen Foreman, His Lordship briefly addresses them….. two Bills of Indictment to be sent to them, the most important being that against one, Samuel OXFORD for an attempt to commit rape, the other against one, Alfred TORRAVILLE, for larceny...... the Grand Jury were directed to retire, and they shortly returned having found true Bills in both cases. The prisoners were immediately arranged, and having been asked if they were guilty or not guilty of the offences charged against them, Samuel OXFORD pleaded "not guilty", and Alfred TORRAVILLE pleaded "guilty". Alfred TORRAVILLE was then sentenced to one months imprisonment in Greenspond Gaol with hard labor, His Lordship having warned the prisoner against the perpetration of any crime in future, and also informed him that his youth and previous good character, and the fact that he confessed his guilt and appeared penitent, had induced him to make the sentence such a light one. Court then adjourned until Monday at 11 o'clock.
Sept. 30, 1880The Queen vs. S OXFORDFogo, Monday, Sept. 18, 1880. Court opened pursuant to the adjournment at 11 o'clock, nineteen Petty Jurors being present, the case of: The Queen vs. Samuel OXFORD was called and a jury being empannelled, Mr. WINTER, Q.C., opens the case for the Crown, explaining...... The following witnesses were sworn and examined: Mary HALLETT, June HALLETT, Fanny HINES, William YOUNGS, Thomas E. WELLS and Hugh WALKINS. The prisoner, who was not defended by Counsel, declined to cross examine any of the witnesses. The Crown case being closed, the prisoner is directed by His Lordship to address the Jury, giving them any explanations he may think fit. Having addressed the Jury, he called for his Defence, John WARREN. The Court recalls the witnesses WALKINS, WARREN, YOUNGS and the proseceutrix and examines them upon some doubtfull points. Mr. WINTER, Q.C., summed up.... the Jury, who in about an hour, came into court with a special verdict which could not be received. The Jury were again charged, and after a short time, brought in a verdict of "guilty". Afterwards, the prisoner was sentenced to eight months imprisonment in Bonavista Gaol with hard labor.
Sept. 30, 1880GARLAND vs, SCOTTThis was an action for assault and battery, and wrongfull dismissal and wages due. Trial before the Judge and a Petty Jury. Mr. EMERSON for the plaintiff; Mr. WINTER, Q.C., for the defendant. The defendant paid into Court, $10.63 cents upon the count for wages, and $4 upon the count for assault and battery, and subsequently $26, the value of some seal pelts, the property of the plaintiff. Mr. EMERSON opens and states the plaintiff's case shortly. Plaintiff was originally hired by the defendant as a shopman at a salary of £40 per annum, and board and lodging. From time to time he was guilty of carelessness in entering goods sold. Defendant admitted his negligence and a new agreement was subsequently entered into between the parties, by which the plaintiff was to receive £20 per annum with board and lodging. The plaintiff appeared to have been still careless, and finially the defendant dismissed him, he had subsequently requested him in writing to return to his service, which plaintiff failed to do. His Lordship charged the Jury first upon the claim for damages for the assault..... they did for the plaintiff $40., inclusive of the $4 paid into Court. Second, the Jury were directed to consider the damages for wrongful dismissal. Verdict for the plaintiff, $160.00.
Sept. 30, 1880Letter to the EditorFogo, Sept. 24th., 1880, Dear Sir: The Supreme Court was opened here last week and closed last Monday night, Sept. 20th. First of all, we would congratulate His Lordship Judge PINSENT for the most agreeable and impartial manner in which …. In the Court House on Monday was gathered a large company of people, - Merchants, Magistrate, Ministers, and very many others to hear the trial which occupied the whole day, between Joseph GARLAND and Robert SCOTT, Merchant of this place. The Magistrate had his say during the past year, the Ministers their say during the past Sabbath, and now it's the Lawyer's turn to say. (Lawyers who are accustomed to say so little, ought to have an opportunity to speak sometimes.) Well, what did they say? A Lawyer himself could hardly tell you what they said! When the Law was first given, it was amidst thunder and lightnings, - Mount Sinai was on a blaze! And yesterday, when the law was given in the court house, it was amid many thunder claps, and many flashes of light from the eye, and fire from the tongue.... and the crowd assembled, soon began to be a little boisterous, when the Judge reminded them that the Court house was not the place for such demonstrations. After that, perfect order was maintained until the end of the sitting. What caused all this excitement? It was the trial which came off between Robert SCOTT. and Joseph GARLAND. Now, much might be said about the case, and the verdict given by the Jury, but that we may not appear to be partial in judging, we will say no more. The Methodist Board of Education met in Fogo a few weeks since.... There were present at the meeting Rev. A. HILL, Rev. W.H. EDYVEAN of Herring Neck, A. PIKE, Esq., J.P., Robert SCOTT, Esq., and T.C. DUDER, Esq. J. WATERMAN and William PERRY were not present. Rev. A. HILL was elected Chairman of the board. We are glad that Miss M. DUDER, of the Wesylean Academy, St. John's, has come to Fogo to take charge of our Methodist Day School...... The Rev. G.S. MILLIGAN, M.A., paid us a visit a few weeks ago...... and being here on Saturday, we fully expected to see him on Sunday and to hear his voice from the Pulpit, but.... on Saturday evening, he availed himself of a chance to Musgrave Harbor, and went off, like a bird to wing. By this, I have no doubt, he is back with his mate. Miss S. CROSS, our School Teacher at Change Islands, we are expecting back from Trinity by the next steamer, ...... We are expecting to have teachers during the winter months, at Seldom Come by and Indian Islands.
Sept. 30, 1880J.W. PHILLIPSJ.W. PHILLIPS of the Point Limington Saw Mills, Exploits, Burnt Isand, has been in town the past few days, awaiting the return of the staemer to proceed to St. John's. We learn that the operations of this mill have been very successful, over two million feet of good saleable lumber having been turned out over the past year. In addition to the large quantities that have been shipped from the premises, and which have found a ready market in different places, the proprietor has a considerable quantity still on hand, and is prepared to supply a superior kind of lumber at a very moderate price.
Sept. 30, 1880HOWGATE ExpeditionThe steamer GULNARE returned to this port [St. John's], last night, having failed to accomplish the object of her mission. On the 5th. Of August, only a few days after leaving, she encountered a severe gale, during which she lost her deck cargo and davits, and sustained some damage to her hull. No field ice was met with, but a large number of icebergs were seen, and the weather through out proved very unfavourable. The Gulnare reached Disco and landed the Doctor and the Secretary, but was unable to proceed farther North. - The St. John's Evening Telegram, Sept. 25.
Oct. 7, 1880BirthOn Saturday last, Oct. 2nd., the wife of Rev. R. TEMPLE, R.D., of a son.
Oct. 7, 1880DeathAt Moreton's Harbor on Tuesday morning last, Mr. John JENNINGS, aged 94 years.
Oct. 7, 1880Shipping NewsPort of Twillingate, Cleared: Oct. 6, - Isabella Helen, STEPHENS, 3000 quintals fish, E. DUDER.
Oct. 7, 1880Shipping NewsThe schooners Pioneer and Princess, belonging to Mark OSMOND, Esq., Morton's Harbor, left that place for St. John's with cargoes of dry fish during the past week. The former sailed on Monday morning, and the latter on Wednesday.
Oct. 7, 1880Schooner LostWe learn that a craft, belonging to Mrs. BRIEN of Tilton Harbor, was lost at Flower Island, near Barr'd Island Cove, on the 18th. Ult. She was bound to St. John's with a load of dry fish, which was a total loss. Crew saved.
Oct. 7, 1880Sons of TemperanceAt the regular meeting of the North Star Division, No. 15, Sons of Temperance held on Thursday last, the following officers were duly elected for the ensuing quarter: - Bro, J. LUNNEN, W.P. Bro. W.T. ROBERTS, W.A. Bro. J. PERCY, R.S. Bro. T. WILLS, F.S. Bro. S. BAIRD, Treasurer. Bro. E. ROBERTS, Chaplin. Bro. MURCELL, A.R.S. Bro. T. LINFIELD, Conductor. Bro. H. MILTON, A.C. Bro. J. HODDER, I.S. Bro. C. NEWMAN, O.S. R.C. RUSSEL, being the retiring W.P.
Oct. 7, 1880Shipping NewsThe schooner Vivid, which left here for St. John's on Saturday morning last, with a cargo of oil, arrived this afternoon, having made the trip in less than a week.
Oct. 7, 1880Court NewsBefore Magistrate BERTEAU, Sept. 29, - Richard QUIRK for breach of Licence Act 1875, was fined $20. and costs. Sept. 30, - J. MATTHEWS, assault on Police, was fined $10. and costs. Oct. 4, - Richard WREY, for breech of Licence Act 1875, was fined $4. and costs. D. KELLY, drunkness and indecency, was fined $2. and costs. James THISTLE, drunk, was fined $1. and costs. Alexander WILLIAMS for assault, was bound to keep the Peace and costs.
Oct. 7, 1880Quaker LadyThere is a story told of a pious Quaker Lady who dreamed she had died and approached Heaven. Meeting an Angel, she asked him if her name was written in the Book of Life. He disappeared, but replied on returning that he could not find it. "Oh," said she in agony, "It must be there! I have an assurance that it is there! Do look once more." The Angel was moved to tears by her entreaties, and again left her to renew his search. After a long absence he came back, his face radiant with joy, and exclaimed, "We have found it! It was so clouded with tobacco smoke, that we could hardly see it!" The good woman, upon waking, immediately threw her pipe away, and never indulged in smoking again.
Oct. 14, 1880Shipping NewsThe steamer Plover, called here on her usual trip about 1 o'clock am. Thursday. No doubt, knowing how unpleasant it is to be called out of bed shortly after midnight to attend to shipping duties, Capt. BLANDFORD wisely arranged that the signal should not be fired until it was time for the people to get up, so, at 5 1/2 o'clock, we were aroused by the loud boom of the steamer's gun. We are glad to know that the steamer made a good run, and also that she reports the steamer Hercules as having arrived in St. John's about 24 hrs after the mail boat.....
Oct. 14, 1880Shipping NewsThe Foederis Arca, DEROY, master, arrived on Friday last, having left Montreal 12 days prior. She brought a full cargo of new provisions, including many of those good things which cheer the heart during our long winter, and was consigned to that enterprising firm, Messrs. WATERMAN & Co.
Oct. 14, 1880Shipping NewsOn Wednesday the schooner Constance, PEARCE, Master, which left this port about two months since with a load of dry fish for foreign markets, arrived from Lisbon, with salt to Messrs. WATERMAN & Co., making, we understand, a very fair run.
Oct. 14, 1880Shipping NewsWe are glad to note the safe arrival, after a fine voyage, of the schooner Little Willie, KOTH Master, to the firm of E. DUDER, Esq. We understand that after leaving this port, about six weeks since, she made the run across in the short and exceptional space of 12 days, and was also very successful in the return trip, having arrived in St. John's from Figueira in 17 days. ......
Oct. 14, 1880Shipping NewsThe Lizzy Edith, HARRIS, which was cleared by Messrs OWEN & EARLE a few weeks since for a foreign market, also arrived on Monday night last, making the run from Bristol in 33 days.
Oct. 14, 1880AccidentsWe are surprised to hear of the many accidents that have occurred in the Capital during the last few weeks, by Capt. MUGFORD. He reports that the fish was very scarse down the shore, and the little caught, was poor and thin with a very slender yield of oil. Herring are somewhat plenty in the Straits, but so small that no one thought it worthwhile to save them. Capt. PENNY of Conception Bay made five or six hauls at Red Bay, but they were so very inferior to the ordinary size, that he threw them away as worthless. The same state of things prevailed farther North.
Oct. 14, 1880Shipping NewsThe Tiger left Red Bay on Friday. A tremendous sea was heaving right home to the land. When passing Cape Quirpoon, the steamer several times almost rolled over. Capt. JOY is of the opinion that there must have been a terrific storm on the Atlantic, as the gale that did as much damage at Bonavista was not at all felt on the Labrador Coast. The only indication of the storm there, was the heavy ground swell heaving towards the land. We also learn by the Tiger, that there are two large sailing vessels and one steamer, ashore at Anticosti. Capt. JOY had not learned their names. The steamer is probably the same one recently reported as stranded, by telegram from Quebec. - St. John's Register.
Oct. 14, 1880Suspicious Event.We would call the attention of the Police told by a man from Flat Rocks, North Shore, yesterday: - A man and his son left Carbonear in a boat, for some part of the North Shore, said to be about Broad Cove. When passing Flat Rocks, the man was seen beating the boy, and the boy was heard to say "Father, don't murder me!" When the father arrived, enquiries were made of him concerning the whereabouts of his son, but the only account he could give, was that he rolled him up in a sail, and put him under the cuddy, and he must have got over unknown to him! - Carbonear Herald.
Oct. 14, 1880Valuable FindWe understand that a young man belonging to Harbor Grace, while in the neighborhood of Lady Lake, discovered a valuable specimen of silver and tin, and, we have every reason to believe, from the statement of the finder, that a valuable mineral deposit is in the vinicity. The specimen has been shown to Professor HOLLOWAY of St. John's, and he gave it as his opinion that it contained a very large percentage of silver. - Ibid.
Oct. 14, 1880CandidateIt is understood that Mr. F. GOODRIDGE, of the firm A. GOODRIDGE & Sons, will be a candidate for the representation of the district of Ferryland at the election to be held there in November. Mr. GOODRIDGE will make a very excellent member…… - St. John's North Star.
Oct. 14, 1880CattleWe learn that quite a lot of cattle are expected to arrive by Western steamer from Codroy in a few days. In reference to the facts, the Newfoundlander says "Last year's lot of oxen from Codroy were of most superior description and, we believe, realized excellent prices. We are informed that the coming arrivals are quite as good, if not better still, and will reflect high credit on the Codroy valley, some of the richest land of the country. As these make the first adventure of the settlers of that soil, we hope they will find prices that may offer encouragement for further and frequent supplies." - Ibid.
Oct. 14, 1880Light BulbMr. Thomas A. EDISON contributes an article to the October number of the North American Review, in which he states that he has succeeded in making the electric light entirely practical for all Illuminating purposes. He shows the advantage of electricity over gas and explains how his system is to be introduced. He comments upon the unfavourable opinions that have been passed upon his work, and says that similar judgements were pronounced upon telegraphy, steam navigation, and other great discoveries. - Colchester Sun.
Oct. 14, 1880DeathAt Mosquito, Conception Bay on Friday morning, October 1st., Mr. James SIMMONS, aged 78 years.
Oct. 14, 1880BirthAt St. John's on the 2nd. Inst., the wife of A.J.W. McNEILY, Esq., Q.C., of a son.
Oct. 14, 1880BirthAt St. John's on the 2nd. Inst., the wife of M. FENELON, Esq., I.R.C.S., of a son.
Oct. 14, 1880BirthAt Harbor Grace, on the 30th ult., The wife of Mr. W.R. STIRLING, of a daughter.
Oct. 14, 1880Shipping NewsPort of Bett's Cove -Entered: Sept. 1, Str. Balcarrs, BENEKE, St. John's, ballast. Sept. 14th. Iota, JOHNSON, Swansea, ballast. Sept. 27th., Str. Behera, PATTIE, Swansea, Coal. Cleared: Sept. 3, Str. BENONA, RICHARDSON, Liverpool, 1700 tons copper ore. Sept. 14th., Str. Balcarres, BENCKT, Liverpool, 1700 tons copper ore. Port of Tilt Cove - Cleared: Sept. 14th., Lynwood, JONES, Swansea, 342 tons copper ore.
Oct. 14, 1880Shipping NewsWe are informed that the Iota, is loading with copper ore at Bett's Cove and will take about 900 tons. The Steamer Behera is also loading at Little Bay and will take about 1800 tons.
Oct. 14, 1880Panama CanalM. LESSEPS has announced that operations on the Panama Canal will begin under the auspices of the financial establishments of Europe and America.
Oct. 14, 1880Fire at St. John'sWhat might have been a very destructive fire, took place last evening on the lower premises of Messrs. HARVEY & Co. About 7 o'clock, while Mr. BOGGAN, one of the officers, was engaged in paying the labourers, a young lad informed him that a small store on the West side of the wharf was on fire. On going to that part of the premises indicated, he was astonished to find the interior of the oil shed filled with flames and smoke. An alarm was immediately sounded and shortly afterwards the firemen appeared upon the scene. Aided by the police and a large number of citizens, the brigade succeeded in getting the fire under control before the adjoining buildings were damaged. The shed and its contents were almost entirely destroyed before the fire was extinguished. Had there been a strong breeze at the time, in all probability, a terrible conflagration would have been the result. We understand that the property destroyed was fully covered by insurance. - The St. John's Evening Telegram, Oct. 6.
Oct. 14, 1880DeathAbout 11 o'clock last night, a young man named Patrick BRENNAN, belonging to Petty Harbor, while endeavouring to get from a boat to Messrs. BOWRING Bros. Wharf, fell into the water and was drowned. The body was recovered this morning and conveyed to the morgue. - Ibid, Oct. 7.
Oct. 14, 1880Supreme CourtThe Leopard with Supreme Court on Northern Circuit, arrived here [St. John's], on Saturday evening last. We are glad to hear that our legal friends were well remunerated by fees, &c., for having "succoured the oppressed" and for undergoing the usual hardships of a sea voyage to render assistance to their friends of the North. What self sacrificing men the lawyers are! - St. John's Morning Chronicle, Oct. 5.
Oct. 14, 1880Accident[St. John's].On Sunday evening last, a young girl by the name of DYER, was sadly injured on the Cove Road. It appears that she and another girl, were coming toward town in a carriage, when the horse took fright and ran away. Upon the animal taking flight, the girl got frightened and jumped from the wagon, before she could be prevented from doing so by her companion, who, by using discretion in staying in the vehicle, was totally uninjured. When picked up, she was taken to the country house of A. RANKIN, Esq., and there administered to. A large wound was perceptible in the head, from which the blood flowed freely, and other cuts about her body showed that the fall she received was no trivial one. She now lies in a very precarious position. - Ibid.
Oct. 21, 1880Public MeetingWe are glad to notice the presence among us of our esteemed representative, Alex J.W. McNEILY, Esq., Q.C., M.H.A., and the public must be pleased to find that he has stirred up some of the district works, as it will be seen by an advertisement in today's issue that operations at the Coastal Wharf will be commenced on Monday next. We understand Mr. McNEILY intends holding a public meeting at the Temperance Hall tomorrow evening for the purpose of addressing his constituents on District Matters. Mr. RICE, M.H.A. for this District, will likewise address the Electors of Twillingate on the same occasion.
Oct. 21, 1880Vessel Lost SW ArmDuring the gale of Thursday last, a vessel called the Morna, on her way from Bett's Cove to S.W. Arm to load copper, having dragged her anchor, was driven ashore and bumped heavily upon the rocks for some three hours. When the gale abated, she was fast aground, fore and aft, near a place called Hawk's Brook, about a mile and a half above Colchester, where, as we understand, she lies at present with a great deal of water in her. The prospects of saving her do not appear encouraging. The Morna is a brigantine built in 1873 in P.E.I., of 242 tons register, and owned by James DUNCAN of Swansea....
Oct. 21, 1880Loyal Orange Assoc.….. Last evening the P.G. Lodge again met…. Was addressed by past P.G. Master McNEILY, Companions BAIRD, HUGHES, BOWDEN, MANUEL, and T. LINDFIELD. The session then closed….. After which a Royal Scarlet Chapter was duly inaugurated by the acting P.G. Master.... and the following Officers were installed: Comp. Sir S.W. BAIRD, W.C. in Command. Comp. Sir Titus W. MANUEL, E.C. in Command. Comp. Sir Titus LINDFIELD, Scribe. Comp. Sir Josiah COLBOURNE, Treasurer. Comp. Sir Wm. B. HUGHES, Chaplin. Comp. Sir John G. LUCAS, H. Kt. at Arms. Comp. Sir R. BLACKMORE, Inner Herald. Comp. Sir John LUNNEN, Outer Herald....
Oct. 21, 1880AdvertisementXmas Tree or sale of work &c., in the Methodist sabbath School room, South Side, Twillingate. On Dec. 24th. And 25th. doors will open at 2 o'clock pm., and on Dec. 26th. And 27th. the doors will be open at 10 o'clock am. Ladies Committee: Mrs. ATKINSON, President. Mrs. J. MINTY, Secretary. Mrs. HUDDER, Treasurer. Mrs. RUSSEL, Mrs. HICKS, Miss LUNNEN, Miss PHILPS, Mrs. JACOBS, Miss HAWKINS, Miss LINDFIELD. The above members of the committee will thankfully receive articles or cash. The proceeds to be devoted toward the purchase of a new organ, &c., for the Sabbath School. Signed T.W. ATKINSON, Minister.
Oct. 21, 1880AdvertisementA Bazzar or sale of work will be held (D.V.) at Greenspond on the 30th. November, and two following days, to aid in the liquidating the debt on the Methodist Parsonage, lately built there. Contributors respectfully solicited. The following ladies form the committee: Mrs. LISTER, Pres. Mrs. G. ALLEN, Treas. Mrs. B. BURRY, Sec. Mrs. J. BURRY, Mrs. W. PITMAN, Mrs. R. BISHOP, Mrs. C. WHITMARSH, Mrs. J. SPRACKLIN, Mrs. J. OSMOND, Mrs. R. GRUNTER, Miss LONG, Miss STAGGY. [note that the same ad in the following week's paper spells this name as STAGG]
Oct. 21, 1880Wreck of a CraftThe Josy, which left Horse Islands on Saturday evening last, was towed in here by Mr. EARLE's schooner on Tuesday night, in a disabled condition. After leaving there, the wind blew very strong from N.N.W., with a great sea running. When near Cape John, a squall of wind struck her, breaking off the mainmast. Having put into Little Bay for repairs, they again started off for Twillingate, and when off Fortune Harbor, she was once more disabled, but, fortunately, the above schooner was near to render assistance and safely towed her into port.
Oct. 21, 1880DeathBy a recent arrival from Horse Islands, to Messrs. WATERMAN & Co., we regret to learn of a sad accident which happened there recently. It appears that a child named BURTON had been left in the house alone, while the parents were attending to outside duties. The child went playing with matches which ignited, catching fire to its clothes and subsequently caused its death.
Oct. 28, 1880Shipping NewsA craft belonging to Spaniard's Bay, commanded by Robert GOSSE, bound homeward, put in here on Saturday last, in consequence of adverse winds and heavy weather. She left Horse Islands a few days previous and reports that it has been extremely stormy there of late, so nothing could be done either with catching or curing fish.
Oct. 28, 1880ContributionThe St. John's Times informs us that Gilbert BROWNING Esq., of that city, has contributed one hundred dollars toward the Cathedral Completion Fund.
Oct. 28, 1880MarriedAt Brooklyn, Bonavista Bay, on the 18th inst., by Rev. Theodore NURSE, Mr. John SIMMONS to Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. George PENNY.
Oct. 28, 1880MarriedAt the Methodist Church, Morton's Harbor, on Saturday evening last, By the Rev. J. NURSE, Mr. Mark TAYLOR to Emily, daughter of Mr. John HORWOOD, both of that place.
Oct. 28, 1880PersonalWe notice the arrival per Plover of the Rev. T.W. TEMPLE, and we wish to congratulate him upon his admission to the Diaconate, and hope that the time may not be far distant before he is admitted to the full order of the Church. We also wish him every success in the work of his future mission. We would also congratulate the Rev. H. JOHNSON of Exploits, upon his admission to the Priesthood of the Church of England. The Rev. J. NURSE, of Morton's Harbor, took passage by the Plover on Wednesday night last for the purpose of attending the Missionary Meeting at Exploits.
Oct. 28, 1880DeathLast week, several craft bound South, were compelled to make for this port in consequence of head winds and boisterous weather. On board one of the crafts, BRANSFIELD's, we understand, belonging to Carbonear, a young man had been ill for some time, and while here, died.
Oct. 28, 1880Schooner LostOur Greenspond correspondent informs us that a schooner, belonging to Mr. George ALLEN of Greenspond, was lost near that locality on the night of the 14th., and, sad to relate, one of her crew named Charles NOBLE, who was determined to remain onboard after the others had left, met with a watery grave. The craft was insured, but no insurance had been effected on the cargo.
Oct. 28, 1880MarriageIn a copy of the Pictou Observer of 1831, we (Halifax Chronicle) find the following marriage: - At Ship Harbor on Sunday by the Rev. Mr. SPROTT, Mr. Michael EDISON senr., aged 104 years, to Miss Sophie Theresa Belinda LAWRENCE, aged 41 years and 6 months, after a courtship of 16 years.
Oct. 28, 1880Fire at CarbonearThe St. John's Evening Telegram of Saturday says: - A telegram was received here today stating that at three o'clock this morning, a fire occurred in the provision store of Messrs. J. & R. MADDOCK, Carbonear, resulting in the destruction of the building and nearly all it contained. The goods, we understand, were covered to the amount of £1500; £1000 in the Queen Insurance Co., and £500 in the Northern. The origin of the fire is not yet known.
Oct. 28, 1880Railway SurveyThe party of surveyors operating at this end of the proposed line, are now about 24 miles from town. All the sections have presented far fewer difficulties than was expected; but this, the longest section, has proved to be as easy as any the engineers have ever had experience of. It is thought that the survey will be finished either at the end of this week, or at the beginning of next. - Ibid.
Oct. 28, 1880Court NewsBefore Magistrate BERTEAU. Oct. 23rd. Thomas ROAD refused to do his duty, orders his discharge; he paid costs. 28th. Wm. Samuel CURE, drunk and fighting on the public roads, fined one dollar and costs. J.T. DEEP, drunk and fighting, fined one dollar and costs.
Nov. 18, 1880Daring RobberyA sailor named Wm. Samuel CURE, belonging to the brig Constance, was arrested by Constable LACEY on Tuesday morning, charged with stealing six dollars from the pocket of a man named WARD.
Nov. 18, 1880Shipping NewsThe Archer, belonging to Mr. Charles MURCELL, arrived from the French Shore on Friday last…… The steamer Plover called here … on Friday past. The steamer Hercules arrived from St. John's on Friday evening enroute to the mining districts. She put in again on her return last evening, having on board A. GUZMAN, Esq., manager of the mines, who is on his way to the Metropolis. The Young Builder, Capt. Andrew ROBERTS, arrived here from the French Shore on Saturday last to J.B. TOBIN, Esq. She left a few weeks since, and was successful in collecting about 1500 quintals of fish, and a quantity of oil, salmon, &c. The Young Builder sailed again for St. John's on Tuesday morning.
Nov. 18, 1880BirthOn Sunday last, Nov. 14th., the wife of Mr. A.A. PEARCE jr., of a daughter.
Nov. 18, 1880MarriedIn the Methodist Church, Twillingate, Oct. 28th. By the Rev. T.W. ATKINSON, pastor of the Church, Mr. John DALLY, of Herring Neck, to Miss Elizabeth HALLETT of Little Harbour.
Nov. 18, 1880MarriedOn November the 11th. at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. T.W. ATKINSON, Mr. William G. WOOLFREY of Burnt Bay, to Miss Selina LINFIELD of Twillingate.
Nov. 18, 1880MarriedIn the Methodist Church, Twillingate, on the 13th. Nov., Mr. Levi SPENCER to Miss Rosanna SNELGROVE, both of Twillingate.
Nov. 18, 1880MarriedIn the Methodist Church Twillingate, on the evening of the 13th. Nov., Mr. Joseph STUCKLESS of Twillingate to Miss Dorcas PENNY of Seldom Come By.
Nov. 18, 1880MarriedOn the 8th. Inst., at the George St. Methodist Church, St. John's, by the Rev. J. SHENTON, Mr. W. GARLAND of Little Bay Islands to Miss Isabella S. ANDREWS, youngest daughter of the late Capt. William ANDREWS of St. John's.
Nov. 18, 1880Nipper's HarborThe schooner, Ocean Traveller, Henry HILL Master, belonging to the firm of Messrs. W. WATERMAN & Co., left Nipper's Harbour for St. John's on the 6th. Nov. with 1000 quintals shore fish, having loaded there in fourteen hours.
Nov. 18, 1880Fortune HarborBy advices from Fortune Harbor, we learn that the last of the Labrador fleet arrived home last week, having remained on the coast to make their fish, and their detention was greatly prolonged there in consequence of the disagreeable condition of the weather. The craft belonging to Fortune Harbor, have been successful in procuring pretty good catches the past season, and we understand that the requirements of the people the coming winter will be fairly met.
Nov. 18, 1880PersonalThe friends of the Rev. Mr. GUNN at Little Bay, where he laboured with much acceptance during his soujourn amongst them, will be pleased to learn that he has recently accepted a call to a church in Windsor, NS., which will probably be his future field for usefullness in the honored sphere in which he is engaged. The Rev. Stephen FLYNN of Fortune Harbor, was in town last week..... T.C. DUDER and T. HODGE, Esqrs., also left for Fogo at the same time. F. BERTEAU, Esq., J.P., left last evening, by the steamer Hercules, for St. John's.
Nov. 18, 1880Methodist ChurchWe are glad to note that our Methodist friends have made an energetic commencement for the building of a Church on Back Harbor Hill…. The Rev. T.W. Atkinson has furnished us with the names of the following gentlemen who have generously promised subscriptions, besides others who have not been called on: Hon C.R. AYRE, St. John's, £25. John STEER £10. Josiah MANUEL £5.
Nov. 18, 1880Head LinerThe largest catch per man among our Labrador craft in this direction, was made by the crew of the Phantom, Jas. BYRNE, Master, Fortune Harbor, they having shared 68 1/2 quintals each. In two or three instances, crafts that made a couple of trips to the Straits may have been equal, but this, we believe, is the largest of any one trip.
Nov. 18, 1880Shipping NewsThe schooner Bessie, owned by M. MONROE Esq., on her way to the mining settlements, called here yesterday morning, for the purpose of landing a quantity of freight. Mr. T. LINFIELD, who was on visit to the Metropolis, came passenger by her.
Nov. 18, 1880Labrador FisheryWe are sorry to learn that a considerable quantity of fish, originally of fine quality, remains uncured on the Labrador, the continuous rains and fog preventing the possibility of shipping it in condition to bring home….. St. John's Chronicle, Nov. 6.
Nov. 25, 1880PloverThe coastal steamer Plover, arrived here this afternoon having been detained a little…. because of adverse winds and heavy seas….. We think the Plover performs her work well under the command of Capt. BLANDFORD. It is true that when the sea is running high, she may be pronounced by some as being a great "roller", although on such occasions, we have known the Captain to quaintly remark she is a "pretty little duck", and perhaps he's about right.... If the Captain had the same control over the elements of nature as he has over his good ship, so that he could always command a smooth time, it is not at all probable that anyone would be disposed to find fault for her rolling!
Nov. 25, 1880Misuse of PropertyWe understand that a valuable boat, the property of Rev. T.W. TEMPLE of this town, was taken from her mooring at Path End, without the consent of the owner, and after being used for the purpose required, was carelessly made on to the wharf, and on Wednesday morning last, was found at the bottom of the harbor with a great hole battered in her side. It is really time that notice was taken of this annoying practice of using other people's property, for no one is certain at any time that they will find their boat when they want it or where they left it.
Nov. 25, 1880PersonalWe are pleased to note the arrival , per Plover, of the Rev. Theodore NURSE of Brooklyn, Bonavista Bay, son of our respected townsman, J. NURSE, Esq. We hope the Rev. Gentleman will enjoy his visit…..
Nov. 25, 1880Vessel DamagedA craft held in possession by Mr. LIGHT, drifted on a rock while anchored at Hart's Cove, during the late gale, and received considerable damage, breaking away a large portion of her keel.
Nov. 25, 1880DeathMr. J.H. McGILBEY, one of the passengers per Plover for Fogo, died suddenly on Wednesday evening. He took dinner 2 o'clock and was in the saloon about 4, when he retired to his state room. When called to tea by his wife, who was also on board, it was found thast he was a corpse.
Nov. 25, 1880PurchaseWe are informed that the steamships Iceland and Greenland, belonging to The Montreal sealing company, have been purchased by Messrs. MUNN & Co., of Harbor Grace, for $40, 000….
Nov. 25, 1880Shipping NewsThe steamer Hercules, ….. arrived… Mr. E.C. COLBOURNE came passenger by her…..
Nov. 25, 1880Prisoner EscapesAbout a quarter to eight o'clock last night, Police Inspector CARTY received a telegram from Brigus stating that the Eskimo charged with the murder of his son at Nain, Labrador, and who escaped at Scrammy, from custody, on board the SS.Panther, had arrived at Harbor Main from HANNON, and that while being conveyed by the said HANNON from Harbor Main to Brigus, to be handed over to the police authorities there, he made his escape at Gasters, Salmon Cove. On receipt of this information the Inspector immediately sent despatches to the police at Holyrood, Brigus, Bay Roberts and Harbor Grace, instructing them to leave nothing undone that would be likely to lead up to his apprehension. At eight o'clock, some of the horse police were sent from St. John's in search of the fugitive, followed shortly after by a detachment on foot. Up to the time of our going to press, his recapture had not ben effected.- Ibid 12.
Nov. 25, 1880Suicide AttemptAbout half past five o'clock last evening, a man named Thomas CULLION, while under the influence of intoxicating drink, attempted to cut his throat with a razor. He was immediately taken into custody by the police. - Ibid 23.
Nov. 25, 1880BirthOn Thursday last, Nov. 18th. The wife of Mr. Henry NEWMAN of a son.
Nov. 25, 1880BirthAt Wild Cove on Friday last, the wife of Mr. Silas BURT of a daughter.
Nov. 25, 1880MarriedAt St. Peter's Church by the Rev. R. TEMPLE, R.D., on Nov. 11th, Mr James JEYNES to Miss Martha MURRAY, both of Back Harbor.
Nov. 25, 1880MarriedAt St. Peter's Church by the Rev. R. TEMPLE, R.D., on Nov. 16, Mr. John Roberts, jr., of Wild Cove to Miss Charlotte BOYD of Tizzard's Harbor.
Nov. 25, 1880MarriedAt St. Peter's Church by the Rev. R. TEMPLE, R.D., on Nov. 17th., Mr. Joseph SIMMS of Crow Head, to Miss Lucy ann JEYNES of Back Harbor.
Nov. 25, 1880MarriedAt St. Peter's Church by the Rev. R. TEMPLE, R.D., on Nov. 23rd., Mr. George ROUSELL of Leading Tickles to Miss Emily Ann NEWMAN of Front Harbor, Twillingate.
Nov. 25, 1880MarriedOn Thursday, Nov. 25th., by the Rev. T.W. ATKINSON, Mr. Archibald BULGON to Miss Susan BURT, both of Twillingate.
Nov. 25, 1880MarriedIn the Methodist Parsonage on Wednesday, Nov. 24th, 1880, by Rev. T.W. ATKINSON, Mr. Elias ROBERTS to Miss Susan HOUSE, both of Twillingate.
Nov. 25, 1880DeathOn Sunday, Nov. 12st., of diphtheria, Alfred, son of Abel and Elizabeth BURTON, Carter's Head, aged 2 years.
Dec. 2, 1880WeatherThe weather, which has hitherto been somewhat propitious, is now coming upon us in full force. The past two or three days have been considered as cold as many during the whole of last winter. Very good skating has been procured and freely indulged in on the various ponds.
Dec. 2, 1880Smart WorkOn Saturday last, over 1600 quintals of fish were taken from the stores of E. DUDER, Esq., and shipped onboard the schooners Vivid and Victor, which were loading for St. John's. This must be considered good work for these short days, and we think that it evidences a display of smartness on the part of those engaged, worthy of commendation, and which perhaps, would not be outrivaled in any other community.
Dec. 2, 1880Shipping NewsThe schooner Constance was cleared last week for St. John's, with a load of fish by the firm of Messrs W. WATERMAN & Co.
Dec. 2, 1880Accident-Little Bay MineWe are indebted to a friend at Little Bay for the following: "A sad accident occurred here on Friday 19th. November. A young man named William WILLIAM of New Harbor, Trinity Bay, employed on brace at the mouth of shafts, while reaching for a tub that had come up, accidently lost his balance and fell down the shaft, 330 feet. When picked up at the bottom, it was found that he was dead, which was caused through concussion of the brain. The young man is, I understand, the chief support of his widowed mother."
Dec. 2, 1880Shipping NewsThe schooner Vivid, arrived from St. John's on Friday evening. On Saturday discharged 140 hhds. [hogs heads] of salt and general cargo, and loaded with oil, and about 1400 quintals, and was ready to leave again same evening. The Vivid has made twelve trips to St. John's this season, besides a trading and collecting trip. Last year she went to St. John's fourteen times.
Dec. 2, 1880Shipping NewsThe Coastal steamer Plover, arrived here on Sunday morning en route to St. John's….. John NURSE, Esq., Took passage by her for the Metropolis.
Dec. 2, 1880The Esquimo MurdererWe remarked on Friday that the Esquimo charged with murder at Nain has just been captured. He would have been brought here from Harbor Grace yesterday if the steamer had crossed, but the weather was too rough, and he will probably be sent over today instead. The story of the later years of this man's career, as far as it is yet told, exhibits a singularly vicious nature. Of course, we only give the narrative of his deeds as we learn it, and without any prejudgment upon allegations which have yet to be tested by the law. He was born at Nain, Labrador. His name is Ephriam, and his age is thirty six. Nothing more is said of him until the time of his marriage in 1865 to a woman named Ruth. Ten months after their marriage, she fell from a height into the sea and was drowned. In 1868, he married a widow with three sons, his second wife being by twenty four years his senior. His violence to her sons was such that it drove them all from the house, and his treatment of the mother was exceedingly cruel. He is also charged with savage conduct toward his parents. On one occasion, when they and one of his stepsons named Paul, were working together, a dispute arose and, as they left the place, he fired a gun at them and the ball barely missed killing his father. His temper was at all times fierce, and he frequently uttered threats against the members of his wife's family. In September last, Ephriam and his step son, Philip, travelled from their fishing place up into a creek. Soon after they began to move, Philip was shot through the neck and died on the spot. Ehphiam's first story was that Philip stumbled and fell, and in the fall the gun got discharged, and Philip's wife Nancy, who is said to have been Ephriam's paramor, confirmed the statement. She afterwards however, told Philip's brother Paul, that this statement was untrue, and that she was afraid of Ephriam to tell the truth, which was that Ephriam himself had committed the murderous act. She added that he had threatened her own life and that of her child, if she did not confirm his version of the cause of Philip's death. The Moravian Missionaries, on hearing of the case, sent some of their body with a company of Esquimos to the place where Philip's body lay. Meeting Ephriam on the way, they apprehended him. On examination, he adhered to his first assertion that the cause of death was accidental, and persisted in this, even when confronted with Nancy, who now made a contrary statement. She said that as soon as Ephriam came back, after Philip's death, he told her that he had shot him. Ephriam still denied.
Dec. 2, 1880Murderer part 2The Missionaries and their party then made him go with them to the scene of blood. As they went, he uttered threats that something worse would yet happen. Soon after, and before reaching their destination, Ephriam voluntarily confessed to the party that he was guilty of the crime. He said he had gone out hunting with Philip, that they were disputing about Nancy, that Philip said something which Ephriam thought disparaging of her, and that a struggle ensued, that Philip seized his gun, and Ephriam also laid hold of it and threw Philip down. He then shot him from behind in the nape of the neck. When the Missionaries arrived at the place, they found Ephriam's gun hidden in the bushes, and near it, Philip's body, wrapped in a reindeer skin, partially buried and covered with turf and wood. The place where the ball had gone through, was distinctly seen. They here and then made a grave and interred the body. The Missionaries lost no time in ridding the locality of Ephriam and sending him on here to be dealth with as the law shall adjudge. - St. John's Evening Telegram, Nov. 23.
Dec. 2, 1880Shipping News The schooners Ocean Traveller and Muscliff arrived from St. John's this afternoon.
Dec. 2, 1880Narrow EscapeWhilst a man named LACEY was landing from schooner Emline, lying at WATERMAN & Co's wharf, he narrowly escaped drowning by falling in the water, having mistaken his footing. Help was at hand and the only result was a wet jacket and a change of clothing.
Dec. 2, 1880MarriedOn Friday evening, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. T.W. ATKINSON, Methodist Minister, Frauz HACKER, Esq., Civil Engineer, Bett's Cove, to Miss Sarah DUDER, daughter of John C. DUDER, Esq., Collector of Customs, Bett's Cove.
Dec. 2, 1880MarriedOn Nov. 8th., in the Weslyan Church, Change Islands, by the Rev. Wm. H. EDYVEAN, Mr. Wm. John LeDREW to miss Elizabeth WELLS, both of Change Islands.
Dec. 2, 1880MarriedOn Nov. 8th., in the Weslyan Church, Change Islands, by the Rev. Wm. H. EDYVEAN, Mr. Benjamin TAYLOR to Miss Rebecea COVADUCK, both of the same place.
Dec. 2, 1880MarriedOn Nov. 10th., in the Methodist Church, Change Islands, by the Rev. Wm. H. EDYVEAN, Mr. Thomas William MOORS to Miss Susannah PILLY, both of Change Islands.
Dec. 2, 1880Letter to the EditorFrom Bonavista, Nov. 22nd., 1880. Dear Sir: We are pleased to be able to say that at no time for several years past has the prospect of the Temperance cause seemed so bright…. Two very pleasing….. Public Temperance meetings…. The first was held on the 4th. inst., .... officers were installed..... Mr. R.B. HEMLAW, who I understand is L.D., was the installing officer. Rev. Jabez HILL of Catalina acted as G.W.I.M. and Miss Jessie STRATHIE as G.W.I.D.M. ... Mr. HEMLAW delivered a stirring speech...... in denouncing the grog seller.... The next speaker was W.C.T., Mr. I. SNELGROVE, who by virtue of his office, occupied the chair...... He himself was a total abstainer from his childhood and had been identified with Temperance societies for many years....... Mr. ROWSELL followed with a reading which was creditably rendered. We were told that Mr. R. intended to give his "maiden" speech. In fact we were told, while in the hall, that he had it cut, but suppose it was not sufficently dried for exhibition on the night in question.... Mr. VINCENT was the next name on the programme.... informed after.... that he occupied a few minutes less than half an hour.. He spoke of the effects of "drinking gin".... Mr. J. BROWN then gave a reading, after which Rev. Jabez HILL of Catalina, gave what was termed, the speech of the evening. It was so good, Mr. Editor, that a mere outline would be an injustice..... On Thursday evening last, the friends of Temperance having learned that two gentlemen, identified with the Temperance cause at St. John's, were in town... request them to give address..... which they consented to do.... Mr. SNELGROVE filled the chair, and gave a most original and patriotic speech.... introduced F.W. BOWDEN, Esq., Editor of The Public Ledger, who gave a good.... We hope Mr. B. will publish it in his paper... The next speaker was H.Y. MOTT, Esq., who gave a fine address... of wit, humor, and sound reasoning.....prevented any from saying that what Mr. M. said was dry!.... Rev. Mr. EMBREE was next introduced....spoke of ..... injuries caused by strong drink.... We are informed that over 20 persons have joined.... But for one reason, Mr. Editor, which we do not care to mention in this letter, we think we would join too! Yours &c., Neo Periculo.
Dec. 2, 1880White BayWhite Bay was not always, the unsought no man's land it is now. There are traces in various parts of fishing rooms, in which large business was carried on in former days. During the American Wars, some of these settlements were destroyed, and after the French Treaties were made, the Bay was left unoccupied by English Merchants. But a few salmon catchers and furriers made it their home, after a while, and there are those yet living who may have been acquainted with the three first families who occupied the triangular points, (as it were), of the Upper Bay; the GALES at Riverhead, The PITTMANS at Sop's Island, and the JACOBS at Wiseman's Cove. After a while, others settled down; two brothers named OSMOND occupied Seal Cove, RICE went to Hanling Point, RANDALLS to Grand Vache, and so on, and at the Census in 1857, the late Bishop FIELD was surprised that there were about 200 church people in the Bay, and these, utterly without Religious Instruction, fast sinking into heathenish ignorance. The Good Bishop, himself, undertook to look after those lost sheep of the Church of England, and in 1859, paid a visit to White Bay in the Hawk. The printed journal of his voyage is very interesting. The Bishop promised them a Clergyman as soon as possible, but was unable to send them one until 1864. The good Bishop little thought, when he made the promise, that a young man was then studying in England, who would be sent out to him by the S.P.G. in 1861, and become eventually, the man he sought. But so it came to pass by God's Providence! It was the Bishop's hope, that a mine, then lately opened at Little Bay, near Partridge Point, would be a success, and assist the White Bay Mission. But it was relinquished very soon, and the mission had to be helped from various sources. Until 1873, there was no fixed salary for the Missionary, he lived roughly as he could. But a kind English Lady provided means to build a Church and Parsonage, and another English Lady even ventured to share the Missionary's work and home. Now, therefore, the mission is more settled and more like others. But the one Church is in the centre of a circle, whose radius is not far from twenty miles, and in order to worship in the Church, it is necessary for all, but a few families to row, in boats, various distances, from three to twenty miles. Although there are now about 700 inhabitants, there is not a road in White Bay, there is scarce any school grant, no relief for the poor, so there are many difficulties in the way of the Missionary. But time, which smoothes most obstacles, will doubtless alter these, and it is to be hoped that the Rev. T.W. TEMPLE will have as great satisfaction in doing his work of building upon the foundation laid for him by his Brother, as that Brother had in laying the foundation itself. May his work be true and may it be blessed.
Dec. 9, 1880MarriedIn the Methodist Church on Saturday, Dec. 4th., by the Rev. T.W. ATKINSON, Mr. George GUY to Miss Rosanna PENNY, both of Twillingate.
Dec. 9, 1880DeathOn Monday, Dec. 9th., Mr. Elias BARNES, aged 70 years, a native of England.
Dec. 9, 1880Shipping NewsThe sreamer Hercules called here about noon on Tuesday last, en route for the mining districts, having aboard a full cargo of freight and a number of passengers for the different places. The frequent trips of this steamer under the command of Capt. CROSS, who appears to be a favourite among those who take passage by her, is a great convenience to the public. We understand the Hercules will make another run North, this season.
Dec. 9, 1880Libel CaseOur St. John's correspondent informs us that the libel case of Hon. A. SHEA vs. The Evening Telegram, was to have been heard before Court and Special Jury on Monday last. Messrs. WINTER & CARTER and McNEILY & McNEILY for Mr. SHEA, and Mr. J.H. BOONE and Mr. KENT, Q.C., for the Telegram. He also states that in the case of Edmund and Stephen VATER, and LUSH and LANE, for scuttling the schooner Somerset, the two former have been proven guilty.
Dec. 9, 1880PersonalWe note the arrival from St. John's per Plover, of the Rev. S. FLYNN of Fortune Harbor, who is a guest for a few days, at the residence of J.B. TOBIN, Esq. We wish the Rev. gentleman a safe return to his parish. F. BERTEAU, Esq., Stipendary Magistrate, and J. NURSE, Esq., arrived from the Metropolis by the steamer Hercules on Tuesday evening. Capt. PILL, manager of the Seal Bay Mine, was in town the past week, and left again by the Plover on Wednesday.
Dec. 9, 1880Marine NotesThe schooner Minnie, Moores Master, belonging to Mr. Joseph STRONG, Little Bay Islands, put in here on Sunday last, on her way from St. John's, having been 14 or 15 days out. She left there previous to the late gales, and was driven to sea twice. The first time she was 120 miles off Cape Brace, and having succeeded in making the land, the craft was again compelled to go a long distance off, where they fell in with a foreign going ship and replinished their supply of water, which was becoming exhausted. We are glad of the Minnie's safe arrival to her destination.
Dec. 9, 1880Marine NotesThe schooners Maggie and Success, the former of Fogo and the latter of Fortune Harbor, with a general cargo for J.B. TOBIN Esq., of this town, which left St. John's previous to the recent storms, have not yet been heard from.
Dec. 9, 1880Marine NotesThe barque Zebra, from St. John's with a cargo of coal for Bett's Cove, has been in port the past few days waiting for a favourable time to proceed thither.
Dec. 9, 1880Marine NotesThe English schooner Stirling was cleared for Portugal with a cargo of fish on Tuesday last, by the firm of Messrs. OWEN & EARLE.
Dec. 9, 1880Marine NotesThe following schooners have left for St. John's from the firm of Messrs. WATERMAN & Co., with fish and oil, since our last issue: Ocean Traveller, HILL Master; Muscliff, ELLIOTT Master; Fawn, SPENCER Master. The Branshea, HARBIN Master; also left Nipper's Harbor with a cargo of fish for St. John's. - The Biancia left here for Nipper's Harbor to load for same place.
Dec. 9, 1880Marine NotesThe Cyprus, GUY Master, arrived from St. John's on Tuesday last.
Dec. 9, 1880Suicide at Old PerlicanLate news from the Northward reports a case of suicide at old Perlican, by an insane woman named Mary ROWE, wife of Richard ROWE, fisherman. She had shown the signs of mental abberration until the 13th. Ult., then nothing alarming. On the 23rd., she uttered some violent language, and though remonstrated with by her husband, she continued to do so a good deal, for about two days, and then, apparently, became quite calm. In a day or two however, she again became disturbed, and attempted to escape from the house, This was prevented, but she tried again, and succeeded, while her husband, weary with watching, had fallen asleep. After a short time, she returned home and struck herself in the head with a stone and then with a glass bottle. Hand cuffs were put on but were soon taken off, as she appeared very quiet. Her husband, thinking all was right, left the house, no one but the servant girl being with his wife, the latter was in bed. When he returned, however, he found his wife dead; she had cut her throat with his razor, which, though he had hidden it away, she contrived to find. The poor woman was 67 years of age. - St. John's Nfldr. Dec. 3.
Dec. 9, 1880Cathedral CompletionThe following extracts are taken from a private letter, received last mail from St. John's:"We have suspended operations on the Cathedral building for the winter, but numbers of men are employed cutting stone in readiness for the opening of the spring. We have about 800 tons of stone on the ground, paid for, and I suppose our good friends will give us a "haul" in February, when probably over 2000 tons of local stone will be deposited on the Cathedral grounds. We have about £2000 in hand, and the first instalments are coming in, which will, I trust, swell the amount to about £4000. This will more than carry us through next year, when the second instalments will, I hope, be paid in, which will carry us through the following one, and in this way, we may hope to see the grand pile finished. If every Church man in the Island would only do a little, how soon would the work be finished!" .... "My daughter, only 12 years old, is very enthusiastic about the good work, and wrote to some of my friends in England, concerning it. They sent her a large assortment of fancy articles for sale, and on Thursday forthnight, she had a sale of the little things in our drawing room. She invited members of the ladies belonging to the three parishes. All came, and in less than two hours, all were disposed of. She found that her feeble efforts had furnished £10, 15s, 6d to the building fund. Dear child; she was charmed! Why could not others do likewise?
Dec. 9, 1880The Labrador MissionThe following is a report written by Rev. John PETERS, Bett's Cove: For many years a Minister of the Newfoundland Methodist Conference has been appointed to labor on the Southern part of the coast of Labrador. In fact, Red Bay has become one of our Mission Stations, and Bro. BOWELL has been labouring there, and in the neighbourhood, for nearly three years with much success...... Accordingly, the lot fell upon the writer.... All went well until we reached Jigger Tickle. Here although it was the 18th of July, we met an immense body of ice which rendered all effort to get further North, futile... There we were for three days, during most of which time, the thermometer was only two degrees above the freezing point..... Finially we succeeded in reaching Cape Harrigan, the farthest extent of the steamer's route. We expected to find several vessels here, but were disappointed. Nothing now remained for us to do, but to return as far as the Turnavick Islands. Before doing so, however, we spent a pleasant evening in what is known as the Hopedale Mission. This is an Esquimaux settlement, in which the Moravians long since established themselves. As the steamer was to harbor for the night, some fifty or more of the natives came on board about 9 o'clock, and amused the company by singing till near midnight. They have been well trained in this art. The pieces sung were chiefly from SANKEY's collection, all of which were beautifully rendered in their own tongue. At Turnavick we were warmly welcomed by Abraham BARTLETT, Esq., and family, of Brigus, who did their best to make our few days stay with them all that could be desired. On the Sabbath, a store which had been fitted up for the religious services, was kindly placed at our disposal. In this building about 120 [the copy ends here]
Dec. 9, 1880Marine NotesBy the arrival of the Plover, we learn that the schooner Nautlis, belonging to Messrs. P. ROGERSON & Son, St. John's, on her way from that port to the mining districts with a cargo of coal, grounded on a rock at Broad Cove, near Greenspond, a few evenings since. Having been considered in a sinking state, she was abandoned by the crew. The schooner was afterwards boarded by four men belonging to Greenspond, who were fortunate in getting her off and taking her safely into that port.
Dec. 9, 1880Fire at Bett's CoveA break house in connection with the mining works at Bett's Cove, was destroyed by fire on Monday night last.
Dec. 16, 1880FirewoodThe schooner Annie Laura returned from the Bay on Monday last, with a cargo of firewood. It was so late in the season before the fish could be cured and shipped, and the fall promised to be so mild, that the severe weather set in before many of our people were prepared to leave for the Bay to procure their winter's fuel.
Dec. 16, 1880GameWild sea game has been plentiful outside the Harbor within the last few weeks, and some have been successful knocking down fair numbers. Several seals have been shot in the vicinity of our Harbor during the past eight or ten days…..
Dec. 16, 1880PersonalThe Rev. Theodore NURSE left for Brooklyn, Bonavista Bay per Plover, on Monday last, to resume his Ministerial duties on that mission, where he has laboured with general acceptance in the past. Messrs. S. BAIRD, J.P., R.C.RUSSELL and Geo. HODDER also left for the Metropolis the same time. We note the arrival per steamer Hercules, of the Rev. Mr. WHYTE, who arrived at St. John's from Scotland a short time ago, for the purpose of taking the Pastorage of the Congregational Church of this town, in the place of the Rev. Mr. WILSON, whose declining health, we understand, necessitated a visit to his native land, and would not allow him to return. We welcome the Rev. Mr. WHYTE..... W.J. OWEN, Esq., also arrived from St. John's last evening.
Dec. 16, 1880Missing SchoonersWe regret to learn that up to the time the Hercules left St. John's on Tuesday, no intelligence could be ascertained respecting the missing schooners Maggie and Success, mentioned last week.
Dec. 16, 1880MarriedOn Wednesday, Dec. 8th., by the Rev. T.W. ATKINSON, Methodist Minister, Mr. John VERGE of Twillingate, to Miss Mary RICE of Herring Neck.
Dec. 16, 1880DeathAt Springfield, Ontario, on the 11th ult., of typhoid fever, Robert B. CANDOW, aged 38 years and 4 months, youngest son of David CANDOW, Esq., Stipendary Magistrate. Bonavista. The deceased was much respected in the community in which he lived. His end was peace.
Dec. 23, 1880Night SchoolWe understand Mr. J.H. TAVERNER intends opening a night school at the Arm, for the purpose of imparting instructions to the young men of schooner owners and others who may be desirous of obtaining knowledge of the Chart….. Terms will be given on application to Mr. TAVERNER, and all who wish to attend must give in their names by the first week in January next.
Dec. 23, 1880DeathA Young man named William BARNES of Herring Neck, left his home on the afternoon of Wednesday the 15th. Inst., for the purpose of attending to some rabbit slips, which were set a short distance in the woods. Not returning after a prolonged absence, apprehensions were entertained regarding his safety, and a search was made for his whereabouts, and on Thursday the young man was found. It appears that he had been subject to the fits, and must have expired while overtaken by the same.
Dec. 23, 1880ContributionWe are glad to learn through the Rev. T.W. ATKINSON, that Mark OSMOND, Esq., of Moreton's Harbor, has consented to contribute £5 toward the building fund of the new Methodist Church of this town.
Dec. 23, 1880BirthOn Friday last, the wife of Mr. Solomon ROBERTS of Change Islands, of a son.
Dec. 23, 1880MarriedOn Dec. 18th., by Rev. T.W. ATKINSON, Mr. Robert J. MOORS, Back Harbor, to Miss Louisa WHITE of the same place.
Dec. 23, 1880MarriedAt Bile Cove, Exploits on Dec. 16th., by Rev. H.C.H. JOHNSON, Mr. Thomas WAY, eldest son of the late Capt. WAY of St. John's, to Miss Maria MOORE of same place.
Dec. 23, 1880MarriedAt Marret's Harbor on the 19th. Dec., by the Rev. W.H. EDYVYEAN, Mr. Thomas BURT of Pursell's Harbor, to Miss Elizabeth CARD of Marret's Harbor.

Name in RecordDescription of ErrorMy Name
TREMBLETT Accident report for June 24, 1880. The men drowned were William Tremblett and James Swyers. Curtis Abbott
SWYERS Accident report for June 24, 1880. The men drowned were William Tremblett and James Swyers. Curtis Abbott

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