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Newspaper Records

Notre Dame Bay Region

Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser


Place of publication: Twillingate
Dates of publication: June 24, 1880-Jan. 31, 1953.
Suspended publication: Jan. 16-Feb. 15, 1947.
Frequency: Weekly.
Title varies: Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser, June 24, 1880-Aug. 10. 1912.
Twillingate Sun, Oct. 19, 1912-Jan. 31, 1953.
Editor and proprietor:
Jabez P. Thompson, June 24, 1880-1895.
George Roberts, 1895 (56)-1910.
William B. Temple, 1910-1921.
Stewart Roberts, 1921-Jan. 9, 1947.
Ernest G. Clarke, Feb. 22, 1947-Jan. 31, 1953.
MUN 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889, 1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Microfilm
PANL [1928-1930, 1934-1935, 1938,1953] Microfilm
PRL 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889,1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Original and microfilm.
Description: The Twillingate Sun printed local and foreign news, legislative proceedings, serial fiction and advertisements. It claimed to be politically independent in 1886, but supported the Whiteway and the Liberals, especially in the fall election of 1894. In 1929, it supported Squires and in 1948 was neutral on Confederation. The Sun ceased publication due to financial reasons in 1953.

The records  were transcribed by MARILYN PILKINGTON. While we have endeavored to be as correct as possible, there may be typographical errors.
July 3, 1886 Loss of Schooners The schooner, L.P. Ford, belonging to Messrs. OWEN & EARLE, and in charge of Mr. George POND, which left here a short time ago for Labrador, was lost on Plumpy Point, French Shore, on the 9th of June. It was very foggy at the time, and being calm, the vessel drove ashore with the tide and became a total wreck very quickly. The greater part of the outfit and gear were saved. The crew returned home on Monday last. This is the second craft from here that has been lost going to the Labrador the present season, the British Queen, Mr. Elias DALLY, Master, from the firm of Messrs. WATERMAN & Co., having been lost about three weeks ago near the Horse Islands, saving everything excepting the salt. He has since left here in another craft, and we hope he will be more fortunate this time and return in the course of a few weeks with a full fare.
July 3, 1886 Shipping News The Revenue cruiser, Rose, Captain STEVENSON, bound North, put into port on Wednesday evening, having on board Mr. BERTEAU, the collector of duties for the Labrador coast. The schooner Evangeline, Capt. Andrew ROBERTS, called here on Wednesday morning en route for St. John's, having a cargo of lumber from the Point Limington (sic) Saw Mill Works, New Bay. The Mary Parker, belonging to E. DUDER, Esq., returned from St. John's on Saturday evening last, and will be leaving for there the early part of next week. This schooner is doing remarkably good work again this season. Not long since she made the trip in a little more than four days, having a cargo each way. A fine steam launch has been built in the Bay the past winter for the firm of E. DUDER, Esq. She is forty seven feet long and eleven wide and will be very useful to this Bay. The launch was taken to St. John's a short time since, and is being fitted up with engine and boiler at the Victoria Boiler Works.
July 3, 1886 Rose Blanche Notes Our Rose Blanche correspondent sends us the following, under date of June 14th: - Fishery continues fairly good, bait rather scarce, weather favorable for curing fish. Mr. SORSOLEIL's dwelling house was burnt to the ground on the morning of the 11th. The family barely escaped with their lives, furniture, clothes, books, etc., being destroyed. Other buildings were in great danger for some time; however, with the assistance of a number of persons, further damage to the premises was prevented. Origin of fire unknown.
July 3, 1886 Accident, Camp Islands, Labrador The following is an extract from a communication to the St. John's Evening Mercury on the 10th ult., from the Rev. W.S. RAFTER, who is known to many Church people here, and who has been at Battle Harbor, Labrador, the past winter: "On May 10th a very sad accident took place at Camp Islands. Absolam and Thomas HUSSEY and their servant Abraham MOORES were out in a boat, and in taking a large seal into the boat she capsized. Thoms and Absalom were instantly drowned. Abraham MOORES saved himself by getting on the bottom of the boat. This happened in shoal water about 30 feet from the land on a calm day. They searched for the bodies, but it was not until the 13th, when Rev. W.S. RAFTER arrived, that the body of Absolam was found. The other poor fellow's body was never got. Thomas leaves a widow, and Absalom a widow and child.
July 3, 1886 Rev. Mr. FORSEY "Many of our readers will peruse with interest the subjoined extract referring to the Rev. George FORSEY. Mr. FORSEY is a native of dear old Terra Nova, and was for many years a Methodist Minister in this Country. He is a step-brother of the Rev. Fred SMITH, late of this Diocese, but now Church of England Missionary to Chefoo, China. Mr. FORSEY married a daughter of the hon. John RORKE, of Carbonear, and sister of Mrs. GOODISON, wife of the respected Methodist Minister at Heart's Content; - ""It is announced that the Rev. Mr. FORSEY formerly the esteemed pastor of the Sherbrooke Street Methodist Church, in the city of Montreal, has withdrawn from that body and will shortly enter the Church, and receive valid ordination at the hands of the Bishop of Montreal."""

July 10, 1886 Local & General News The schooner Hibernia, engaged by Messrs. Joseph STUCKLESS, Bros., left yesterday morning for the Labrador, being the last of the fleet from this port. The Mary Parker left for St. John’s on Monday morning last. Mr. George LUSCOMB, who had been paying a visit to his friends here, took passage by her. The steamer Ireland, belonging to Messrs. MUNN & Co., Harbor Grace, arrived at Sydney from Grady on the 22nd ult., and reported that fish was very scarce on the Labrador coast up to that date. During the week ending June 12, 13 steamers arrived at Liverpool, from the United States and Canada, bringing live stock and fresh meat to the amount of 2613 cattle and 10,013 quarters of beef, which, in comparison with the arrivals of previous week, show an increase in the imports of both cattle and fresh meat.
July 10, 1886 The Methodist Conference The Methodist Conference was held in Harbor Grace this year for the first time. It was opened on Wednesday, the 23rd ult., and continued in session for several days. The Rev. George BOYD was chosen president for the ensuing year, and Rev. F.G. WILEY, secretary. A condensed report of the first four days proceedings will be found on the first page of today’s paper.
July 10, 1886 Mining at Pilley's Island We learn that mining operations are likely to be vigorously prosecuted at Pelly’s Island by Captain ANDREWS, who represents a company of capitalists. A limited number of men are now employed and in the course of little time others will be taken on. American schooner laden with provisions arrived there a short time since.
July 10, 1886 Jottings from King's Cove An esteemed correspondent from King’s Cove, under date of the 1st inst., gives us the following news items: -- Am sorry not to be able to give a better account of the fishery in the neighbourhood than when I last wrote you; it is miserably bad and though we hope day after day for an improvement, we are so far without it, and “so far” means a great deal. Caplin are, and have been for the past week or ten days, for casting. Traps have taken from 20 to 60 quintals, but the bulk of same is nothing but tomcods; hook-and-line men from 3 to 6 quintals.
July 10, 1886 Shipping News The English schooner Ann Clark from Liverpool, the Minnie from St. John’s, and the Olive Branch from Liverpool arrived to the firms of Messrs. James RYAN & Co. lately; the Ann Clarke with general cargo, the Minnie and Olive Branch with salt. The Evangeline, one of Messrs. James RYAN & Co.’s bankers, was reported at Topsail yesterday, 30th ult., with 350 qtls. She was to get fresh bait and start again for the Banks today.
July 10, 1886 Marriage James H. ROCHFORT, Esq., Stipendiary Magistrate of Ferryland, arrives here by this Plover to take a better half in the shape of a wife. Miss Rose LEVISCOUTE is the bride, expectant, daughter of P.J. LEVISCOUTE, Esq., M.D.
July 10, 1886 Passengers Passengers per Plover for the North on leaving St. John’s: -- Trinity – Misses MARSHALL (2). Catalina – Rev. G.P. STORY, Miss ELLIS, Mrs. CRAGG and Miss CRAGG. Bonavista – Rev. R.W. FREEMAN. Greenspond – Mr. T. PARSONS. Fogo – Rev. J. EMBREE, Mr. and Mrs. MUTCH and child. Herring Neck – Rev. R. BRANFITT. Twillingate – Mrs. W. TEMPLE. Exploits – Rev. W. SWANN. Little Bay – Mrs. THORBURN, Rev. H. ABRAHAM, Mr. BENATON. Little Bay Island–Rev. J. PINCOCK. Couch–Rev. T. LYNCH. Coachman’s Cove – Rev. T. BARTLETT. St. Anthony – Rev. A. HOLMES. From Catalina to Twillingate – Rev. J.W. VICKERS.
July 10, 1886 Birth At Fogo, on the 27th of June, the wife of Mr. John T. CROUCHER, of a daughter.
July 10, 1886 Birth On the 2nd instant, the wife of Mr. George ROBERTS, of a son.
July 10, 1886 Shipping News Port of Twillingate. Entered: July 5 – Lord Devon, PARTRIDGE, Cadiz, via St. John’s, salt – E. DUDER Cleared: July 9 – Trevellas, RADCLIFFE, Bristol, seal oil, skins, etc., – OWEN and EARLE.
July 10, 1886 Station List Part 1) We have been favoured with a list of stations of the Methodist ministers in Newfoundland for the ensuing year. They are as follows: -- St. John’s District 1. St. John’s East –Geo. VATER, J. PARKINS. 2. St. John’s West – Geo. BOYD, President; George C. FRAZER, George S. MILLIGAN, L.L.D., Superintendent of Methodist Day Schools by permission of Conference; Thomas FOX, supernumerary. 3. Topsail – Mark FENWICK. 4. Pouch Cove – Jesse HAYFIELD. 5. Sound Island – T.B.G. HOWE. 6. Flat Island – One to be sent. 7. Burin – James NURSE. 8. St. Pierre – One to be sent. 9. Fortune – F.G. WILLEY, Secretary of Conference. 10. Fortune Bay – One to be sent. 11. Grand Bank – Thomas H. JAMES. 12. Burgeo – One to be sent. 13. Petites – Henry SCOTT. 14. Channel – W.H. ELYREIN (?). 15. St. George’s Bay – One to be sent. 16. Bonne Bay and Bay of Islands – T.R. DARBY. 17. French Shore – An Agent. 18. Flower’s Cove – One to be sent. 19. St. Anthony – Albert HOLMES. 20. Red Bay – T.W. WILSON. 21. Hamilton Inlet, Labrador - M.J. STEVENS. District Superintendent, Geo. BOYD, Financial Secretary, Joseph PARKINS. II – Carbonear District. 22. Carbonear – William KENDALL; Charles LENCH; John S. PEACH, Supernumerary. 23. Harbor Grace – Thomas W. ATKINSON. 24. Bay Roberts – Samuel SNOWDON. 25. Port-de-Grave – William R. TRATT. 26. Cupids – John PRATT. 27. Brigus – James DOVE. 28. Freshwater – G.P. STORY. 29. Black Head – Henry LEWIS. 30. Western Bay – Solomon MATTHEWS. 31. Lower Island Cove – John REAY. 32. Old Perlican – Jabez HILL. 33. Hant’s Harbour – Edgar TAYLOR. 34. Heart’s Content – John GOODISON. 35. Green’s Harbour – Anthony HILL. 36. Random North – James WILSON. 37. Random South – One to be sent. 38. Britannia Cove – W.H. BROWNING. District Superintendent, James DOVE. Financial Secretary, John GOODISON.
July 10, 1886 Station List Part 2) III–Bonavista District. 39. Bonavista – R.W. Freeman; J.T. NEWMAN. 40. Catalina – J.B. HEAL. 42. Trinity – George PAINE.42. Musgrave Town – Samuel JENNINGS. 43. Glover Town – G.J. SIDEY. 44. Greenspond – William JENNINGS. 45. Wesleyville – James LUMSDEN. 46. Musgrave Harbour – F.R. DUFFITT. 47. Seldom-Come-Bye and Indian Islands – William REX. 48. Fogo – J. EMBREE. 49. Herring neck and Change Islands – R. BRANFITT. 50. Twillingate – George Bullen; J.W. VICKERS. 51. Moreton’s Harbour – Harry C. HATCHER. 52. Exploits – William SWAN. 53. Little Bay Islands – James PINCOCK. 54. Little Bay – Henry ABRAHAM. 55. Nipper’s Harbour – John T. MANNING. 56. White Bay – W.J.H. BARTLETT. District Superintendent, J. EMBREE. Financial Secretary, Wm. SWANN. George J. BEND, B.A., and Joseph LISTER have permission from Conference to retire for a year. Students allowed to attend Sackville College are W.T.D. DUNN, Levi CURTIS, and Herbert HOOPER.

July 17, 1886 Local & General News Squids made their appearance in Friday’s Bay the past week. Sickness has been prevalent among young children for a few weeks. A good many deaths have taken place. The coastal steamer Plover, Capt. MANUEL, arrived early last night, having on board a large number of passengers. She may be looked for on her return tomorrow morning. Mr. CROCKER’s craft arrived here from the French Shore on Monday evening. He left Griquet a fortnight before and up to that date very little had been done with the fish. The Petunia, a beautiful new craft, belonging to Messrs. OWEN & EARLE, left for St. John’s on Monday night last. This schooner, built by Mr. Francis WARR, Roberts Arm, the past winter, is a good model and being well found in every respect, very suitable for the trade of this colony.
July 17, 1886 Double Drowning On the evening of Tuesday, the 6th inst., Mr. Reuben MANUEL of Exploits, and his son Sidney, aged 12 years, left the harbor for the fishing ground, and have not since been heard of. It is supposed that on returning home, the boat was capsized by a squall of wind, and its unfortunate occupants buried beneath the waves. An object about a mile off, was seen by a man from Gull Island Cove, but thinking that it was a fishing boat on the “grounds” he paid no attention to it, until after the missing ones were reported, when it occurred to him, that it was the boat referred to, capsized and the father on its bottom, rising up and down with the lops, who might easily have been rescued had it appeared to him, to be a drowning man. It blew hard the same night, and it is thought that it was impossible for a man to survive the night in such a predicament. No tidings have been received of the boat since she was seen drifting on the evening of the sad occurrence. Mr. MANUEL buried his wife about three weeks before, and leaves two daughters behind him – one about fourteen, and the other six years of age.
July 17, 1886 Attempted Suicide The Evening Mercury of July 9th says “Last evening a man named James CARROL, living on Gower Street, attempted suicide by cutting his throat and stomach with a razor. Dr. McKENZIE attended and had him removed to the hospital, where he now lies in a dangerous condition. CARROL is quite a young man and has been drinking hard lately.
July 17, 1886 Fishery Report The banking schooner “Mercury”, Captain William WILLIAMS, arrived at Bay Bulls yesterday, with 500 qtls. of fish.
July 17, 1886 Burgulary Three shops on Water Street were entered during the last two nights and money and goods taken. The police are on the track of the burglars.
July 17, 1886 Death At Twillingate, on the 13th inst. after a lingering illness, Margaret, wife of Mr. John CANTWELL, of Tizzard’s Harbour, aged 69 years .– R.I.P.
July 17, 1886 Death On the 11th inst., Solomon, eldest child of Abraham and Selina ELLIOTT, aged 6 years.
July 17, 1886 Death At Herring Neck, on the 8th inst., after a tedious illness, Mary Jane, beloved wife of Mr. Josiah CUTLER, and second daughter of Mr. Henry ANTHONY of Seldom-Come-By, aged 39 years.

July 24, 1886 Kelly's Island We learn that between thirty or forty men are now at work at Kelly’s Island, and it is expected that others will be taken on in September.
July 24, 1886 Clementine The splendid English vessel Clementine that has been in port for a few weeks waiting for cargo was towed to Herring Neck on Thursday by the steamer Fleeta, where she will be loaded with fish for a foreign market, from the firm of E. DUDER, Esq.
July 24, 1886 Lost His Boat A New Bay writer informs us that Mr. Martin ANDREWS, on his way to Little Bay a short time since, lost his boat. It is supposed one of the under planks came off, as she sank almost immediately. He just had time to jump in his small boat and save himself. We understand that ANDREWS had on board nearly all his household effects, so that the loss sustained must have been a severe one to him.
July 24, 1886 Newly Married The steamer Plover called here on Sunday afternoon for mails and passengers on her way South. Mrs. PUTZKI, daughter of Wm. STIRLING, Esq., M.D., of this town, who was married at Chicago, Ill., within the last few months (whose husband is Artist of Altwasser in Schlesien, Germany) and who has been here on a visit to her friends, took passage by the Plover for St. John’s en route for the city of Chicago. The SUN unites with her many friends and acquaintances in wishing this fair daughter of dear old Terra Nova, a safe and pleasant journey to the land of her adoption, and trusts that length of years and prosperity may be the portion of the newly married couple.
July 24, 1886 Notes from the Bay Little Bay is in a healthy state. A steamer from England arrived today (Saturday) with coke and general provisions. Pilly’s Island has been the resort of men from all parts of the bay seeking for work. They seem to have the required number for present purposes, so, many have been refused employment. Those who are engaged there at work have a very hard time of it. No accommodation, and it is commonly reported that the prices there for goods are high and for labor the wages low. Tilt Cove is still in a fluctuating state. The men have been sent away for a few weeks; possibly the work will soon proceed when the report of the inspector has been handed in. He visited it in Hercules a few days ago.
July 24, 1886 Marriage Rev. Mr. CLIFT and bride arrived here this boat.
July 24, 1886 Death The remains of the late Mrs. John CANTWELL of Tizzard’s Harbor, who died here on the 13th inst., were conveyed to St. John’s in the last Plover for interment.
July 24, 1886 Sewing Machines We beg to call attention to the Sewing Machine advertisement of Mr. M.F. SMYTH, agent for the world renewed Singer Company. The Machines are excellent and any person requiring such a needful article in the household would do well to order from Mr. SMYTH.
July 24, 1886 Fishing Report A Cape Shore correspondent informs us that the fishery up and down the shore has been very poor. At North-West Arm we learn that the average is about 4 quintals a man. DWYER’s craft arrived home there with fifty quintals. The reports from other parts of the Shore are something similar. About New Bay advices up to the 17th inst. say that the fishery continues bad. Boats averaged about seven quintals for a man and a boy; traps average fifteen quintals. Squids put in an appearance on the 13th inst., but up to that date nothing was being done. Mr. James PEARCE lost his trap a short time ago in a storm. In other localities between here and New Bay we learn that there was not much doing up to latest accounts. The teacher of Exploits Methodist Day School, Mr. BRADLEY, touched in on his way from the Strait Shore to Exploits, having been enjoying a holiday trip. By him we learn that the fishing at the Wadhams of late has been very fair, and that about the Cape (Freels) and other localities in that direction, the fishermen have done pretty good. About Musgrave Harbor some traps have one hundred and fifty quintals and boats from fifteen to twenty quintals. There is a good while yet, and if a little can be picked up for a few weeks to come, they are likely to make out an average catch on that shore.
July 24, 1886 Drowning "A Little Bay date of Saturday night last informs us of a sad case of drowning which occurred there that evening. Our correspondent says that “two boys named William SMALL and ----- QUIGLEY, whilst bathing in the small lake behind the cottage in the Bight, got into deep water. One only could swim. The swimmer (William SMALL) tried to help the other, and unfortunately, within call, within sight of houses, both were drowned. The eldest boy was 13 years of age, the other a little less. The doctor and many helpers did their utmost for a long time, but they had been too long in the water for the most skilful treatment to be effectual. The boy SMALL is a son of Mr. Simon SMALL, a native of Tizzard’s Harbor, but who has been residing at Little Bay for a few years."
July 24, 1886 Drowning From Leading Tickles we learn that a girl, about nine years of age, daughter of the late Mr. Wm. ALCOCK, fell over the stage head, and as there were no persons near at the time, the poor little girl was discovered some time afterwards floating on the water in a lifeless condition.
July 24, 1886 Cricket The steamer Hiram Perry arrived here on Monday evening from Little Bay, bringing a Cricketing excursion, and left on return Wednesday forenoon.
July 24, 1886 King's Cove News The following interesting paragraphs are from a worthy correspondent of King’s Cove, Bonavista Bay, under date of July 15: -- On Friday, 9th inst., the schooner Native Lass, belonging to Messrs. James RYAN & Co., arrived at King’s Cove from Emily Harbor, Labrador. She left that place on the 1st inst., and reports first sign of fish there on the morning of leaving. Some fifty were jigged from a punt. The ice only just cleared off, so that the cod traps had not been fished. At Cape Charles some traps had as much as 200 quintals; others no fish. At St. Juliens, French Shore, spoke to fishermen there, and they report no fish. On the 12th inst., schr. Reaper, belonging to the above named firm, arrived from the Banks, with 400 quintals; this on one baiting of caplin. Her reports are – fish fairly plentiful, and plenty of squids to be jigged on the Banks. This vessel has now landed over 600 quintals to date under adverse circumstances, being detained last trip nearly a fortnight for want of bait. No fish to be caught or trapped here, any quantity of Squids to be jigged. Reaper took 48 brls. of squids today, and will leave tomorrow for the fishing Banks.
July 24, 1886 Cricket Cricketana: Twillingate – 1st Inning. J.R. ANDERSON, run out. 0. Winfield SCOTT, B DUNN, 1. W.J. SCOTT, C DUNPHY, B DUNN, 0. J.S. OWEN, B DUNN, 1. R. RYALL, run out, 0. W.J. TOBIN, C THOMPSON, B KENNEDY 1. W.H. LETHBRIDGE, not out 2. A. TARRANT, C DUNN, B DUNN 1. A. FINDLATER, run out 1. Jas. HODDER, Jr., C DUNPHY, B DUNN 0. W.E .WATERMAN, C KEEFE, B KENNEDY 1. Byes 4. Total 12.

July 31, 1886 Shipping News The schooner Water Lily, belonging to W. WATERMAN & Co., left for St. John’s on Wednesday last. The schooner Evangeline, Capt. ROBERTS, left for St. John’s on Saturday morning with a cargo of lumber from Mr. PHILLIP’s mill, New Bay. The English schooner Edith Eleanor has been in port some weeks past waiting for cargoes of new fish. Owing to the scarceness of Shore fish it will be much later than previous years, before a vessel leaves those parts for foreign markets.
July 31, 1886 Death We regret to have to announce the sudden death of Mr. James BATSTONE, late of Jackson’s Cove. The deceased took the Wesleyan service on Sunday the 18th, and died the following night, very much regretted by a large number of friends, many of whom can testify to the good he has done in that neighbourhood.
July 31, 1886 Herring Herring are said to jump out of the water when frightened. A recent writer claims to have seen whole shoals of them, when pursued by larger fish, piled up above the surface of the sea to a height of from three to six feet. He once saw a pile of fish in the sea reaching to the top of the mast of a fishing boat, or about fifteen feet above the surface. If a portion of this mass had fallen into the boat, it would have sunk.
July 31, 1886 Death On the 24th inst., Elias, second child of Abraham and Selina ELLIOT, aged 4 years.
July 31, 1886 Death On Sunday night, 18th, Mr. James BATSTONE, of Jackson’s Cove, aged 65 years.
July 31, 1886 Death At Triton, on the 22nd inst., Mr. George NEWMAN, aged 68 years.
July 31, 1886 Shipping News Port of Twillingate. Entered. July 27–Sower, DIXON, New York, provisions–E. DUDER. July 28 – Little Willie, RAY, Cadiz, via St. John’s, salt – E. DUDER. July 29 – Konigsberg, INNIS, Cadiz, salt – W. WATERMAN & Co. Cleared. July 16 – Lord Devon, PARTRIDGE, Sydney, ballast – Captain.

August 7, 1886 Local and General News The schooners Evangeline and Water Lily arrived from St. John’s this morning. The schooner Petunia, belong to Messrs. OWEN & EARLE, left for St. John’s yesterday morning. The schooner Hunter, Levi YOUNG, master, arrived here on Sunday last, from the French Shore with 100 brls. fish. The steam launch Fleeta, belonging to E. DUDER, Esq., left for St. John’s on Saturday last. Mrs. DUDER, Mrs. CARTER, and Mr. LETHBRIDGE, Jr., went passengers by her. She returned last night. We understand that the Rev. Mr. WOOD has been invited to address the children at the Church of England Sunday School Treat, which will take place here on Wednesday, August 18th, weather permitting. There will be no Visitor’s Tea provided, but the public will have free admission to the grounds.
August 7, 1886 Labrador News The Harbor Grace Standard of Saturday last says: “The schooner ‘Kate” arrived at Sydney from Labrador on Thursday last. A telegraphic despatch, from the former place, conveys a few late facts in respect to the fishery on the coast. News from the Labrador has thus been received up to the 15th inst. At Venison Tickle at that time boats had 10 qtls, traps 40; at Tub Harbor, boats 15 qtls, traps 30; at Francis Harbor Bight, boats 10 qtls, traps 40; at Fishing Ship Harbour, boats 25, traps 70; at Spear Harbour, boats 25, traps 60.
August 7, 1886 Appointments "His Excellency the Governor, in Council, has been pleased to appoint Mr. Samuel MITCHEM (of Green’s Harbor), to be a member of New Harbor Church of England Board of Education, in the place of Mr. Charles CROCKER; Mr. Robert FOOTE (Little Bay) to be a Surveyor of Lumber; Messrs. William HODDER (Twillingate), Charles GARD (Fogo) to be Inspectors of Pickled Fish; Messrs. John CAROLL, William FITZGERALD, and Jeremiah FORD, to be a Board of Road Commissioners for District of St. Barbe (from Cape John to Partridge Point); Messrs. John CASEY, Conche, Henry GILLARD, George CRAMPTON, George RED, Rev. W.M. TARRAHAN, Englee, to be a Board of Road Commissioners for District of St. Barbe, from Orange Point, exclusive to Conch, including Groai’s Islands. His Excellency has also been pleased to appoint Mr. Edward DOYLE (Trinity) to be a Notary Public for the Northern District of the Islands. His Excellency the Governor, in Council, has been pleased to appoint Maurice FENELON, Esq., and William J.S. DONNELLY, Esq., to be members of the Executive Council of Newfoundland, and Maurice FENELON, Esq., to be Colonial Secretary; William J.S. DONNELLY, Esq., M.H.A., to be Receiver General; and Alfred PENNEY, Esq., M.H.A., to be Surveyor General. His Excellency, in Council, has also been pleased to appoint Maurice FENELON, Esq., to be a Member (provisionally) of the Legislative Council; and James L. NOONAN, Esq., to be Assistant Collector, H.M. Customs."

August 14, 1886 Death At Davis Cove, Back Harbor, on the 4th inst., Mary, relict of the late Mr. Thomas RIDOUT, aged 75 years.
August 14, 1886 Death On the 7th inst., Stanley, son of David and Ruth YOUNG, South Side, aged 7 days.
August 14, 1886 Death On the 9th inst., Emily Ann, daughter of Solomon and Mary WARR, Little Harbor, aged 20 years.
August 14, 1886 Death Drowned at Leading Tickles on the 9th July last, by falling over the wharf, Bertha Mary, aged 5 years and eight months, youngest daughter of the late William ALCOCK.
August 14, 1886 Advertisement FOR SALE At Little Bay Island, a Lobster Factory, with all the Machinery and Tin-Smith’s Tools suitable for making tins and canning Lobster. Also, 100 New Lobster Traps and Lobster-Boat. For further particulars apply to Joseph STRONG, Little Bay Island.
August 14, 1886 Pelly's Island Mining Operations at Pelly’s Island, Little Bay, August 4. The American vessel, J. Kennedy, Capt. Thos. WARR, which arrived here from the United States a short time ago, brought a general cargo, consisting chiefly of material for building and machinery for mining purposes. A few American gentlemen having purchased Pelly’s Island, who going by the names of The Standard Pyrites Company, have commenced operations under the management of one of the firm, an enterprising capitalist from the States, by the name of F. ANDREWS. When I was at Pelly’s Island the other day, there were about thirty men employed building tramways, erecting houses, and preparing for mining. A pond, not very deep, lies inside the marsh of the fine harbor. In this pond the tide flows over a reef at high water. Across this reef the Company have raised a breakwater or dam to prevent the sea flowing in, where they intend with their steam engine and pump to get the water out of the pond. At the bottom of this shallow pond, (I was informed), are tons of the Pyrites ore, which they intend to export to the United States. Then mining shafts will be sunk and more men employed. They have sign also of splendid copper there. Pelly’s Island is about fifteen or sixteen miles from Little Bay and very near Roberts Arm. We may certainly hope that this new mine may prove to be far better than the most sanguine expectation of this enterprising company, which will certainly be a great benefit to the colony – this Newfoundland of ours.
August 14, 1886 Shipping News The schooner Peninsula, J. WHITE, master, of Bluff Head, arrived yesterday from the French Shore with about 20 qtls per man. The schooner Water Lily, belonging to Messrs. W. WATERMAN & Co., left on Thursday morning for White Bay on a trading venture. H.H. Ship Emerald on her way from the North came into port on Wednesday evening and left the next morning for St. John’s.
August 14, 1886 Labrador News From private letters received per mail we learn that a few of our craft have been favourably reported. The Fawn, Albert SPENCER, was heard from on the 28th of July, when he was said to have between 200 and 300 qtls. He was fishing at Mannock’s Island. Two vessels from Purcells Harbor, unknown, were reported well fished. Later and more cheering accounts than that conveyed by the steamer have been received. The schooner Minnie F, Mark MUGFORD, master, arrived to Messrs. W. WATERMAN & Co. on Thursday night with 200 qtls fish, from Ship Head. We have been favoured with the following information by her arrival: Reports schr. Minnie, Samuel PARSONS, master, 500 quintals, Hunter, George PARSON, 300 qtls, Victoria, Owen BERGE, 200 qtls, Nymph, Joseph HACKETT, 200 qtls, Guiding Star, Joseph ELLIOTT, 450 qtls, Nimble, John RIDOUT, 100 qtls. They were doing well with the fish at Quirpoon. The Minnie also reports several batteaux at Grois Island and it is thought were doing a little with fish.
August 14, 1886 Death Sudden death of James Henry BATSTONE of Jackson’s Cove. The deceased, the week before he died, had been visiting his friends in Nipper’s Harbor and had returned in perfect health. On Sunday he spent the day, as has been his custom for over 20 years, in not only attending, but in helping to conduct the services in the Methodist Church in that village. He seemed, however, on this Sunday, July 26th, particularly to enjoy the sacred service. He had scarcely returned two hours when his wife, hearing him breathe heavily, lighted the lamp and in a few seconds, without a word, or sigh, he passed away. Crowds of people on Wednesday flocked from the neighbouring harbors to attend the funeral. It was the largest known in this part of the Bay and was a strong proof of the great and good influence that this devoted Christian man has asserted for over 40 years along these wild rocky shores. He was 55 years of age and leaves a widow and a family in deep sorrow.

August 21, 1886 Death At Herring Neck, on the 3rd inst., Amelia, wife of Mr. John REDDICK, aged 60 years.
August 21, 1886 Death On the 15th inst., Philip, son of Samuel and (?) CLARK, Back Harbor, aged 8 months.
August 21, 1886 Death On the 13th inst., Mrs. Elizabeth NEWBURY of Shoe Cove Bight, aged 74 years.
August 21, 1886 Advertisement Wanted, a Teacher: A young single man with grade, for the Arm School, under Church of England Board. Salary £45, and Fees. Apply to the Chairman. Aug. 21. Twillingate.
August 21, 1886 Advertisement For Sale, The Dwelling House and Premises Occupied by the Subscriber, situate on Back Harbor Road. For particulars apply to Joshua FRENCH, Twillingate. Aug. 21.

August 28, 1886 Birth At Change Islands on the 15th inst, the wife of Mr. R.C. EARLE, of a son.
August 28, 1886 Death At Twillingate on the 27th inst., Oscar John, son of Mr. Franz HACKER, Little Bay Mines, aged 4 months.
August 28, 1886 Death On the 21st inst., Mary, wife of Solomon WARR of Little Harbor, aged 45 years.
August 28, 1886 Local News The coastal steamer Plover arrived early this morning with mails and passengers. Several craft have returned from Labrador the past week, nearly all with good trips. According to the Proclamation in the Royal Gazette, The Supreme Court on Circuit will be opened at Little Bay on the 18th September, here on the 21st, and at Fogo on the 24th. Judge LITTLE will preside.
August 28, 1886 A Visit from Dr. MILLIGAN The Rev. G.S. MILLIGAN, M.A., Superintendent of Methodist day schools, arrived from Morton’s Harbor on Monday. The Doctor left St. John’s in the Hercules when she went to Labrador, and has been as far North as Gross Water Bay, visiting and inspecting the Schools under his supervision in the intermediate localities, between there and this place. While here he examined the Schools and was, we learn, very much gratified with the proficiency of the scholars. He left for Fogo in the Tibby on Tuesday night.
August 28, 1886 Arrivals from Labrador We are glad to note the arrival from Labrador of the schooner Six Brothers, James YOUNG, master, with about 800 qtls. of fish. The Loyalty, Joseph YOUNG, also arrived, not being so fortunate, having less than 200 qtls. The Erebus, C. VATCHER, is back with between 300 and 400; the Minnie Tobin, Jonathan BURT, of Purcells Harbor, little over 100; the Robert, James BLACKLER, Back Harbor, from 400 to 500, and the Bessie, Absolem PURCHASE, about 400. Some craft are reported fairly fished, others very poorly.
August 28, 1886 Whales Seen Mr. ROBERTS, the Light-house keeper at Long Point, informed us last week that a great many whales have been seen from that position in the past few weeks. For three or four years whales have been seen in large numbers from Long Point, but never have they been known to be so plentiful as this season. Whales could be captured without going such a long distance from our shores as is usual, and it is a wonder that an enterprising spirit is not manifested on the part of capitalists, with a view of prosecuting the industry near home, which would be far less expensive than having to fit out for so long a voyage. Mr. ROBERTS is of opinion that whales could easily have been captured this year with the necessary equipment.
August 28, 1886 Manufacture of Paint We have lately seen specimens of paints, manufactured by Mr. T. EVERY, which appear to be a very good kind. The earthly ingredient which it contains, was discovered by him some time ago, and seems to combine excellently with the other mixtures used in its manufacture. The paint made by Mr. EVERY has been tested, and proves itself so far, to be all that is recommended for the exterior of vessels or of dwelling houses. The residence occupied by himself was painted with his own manufactured article, in the first part of the summer, and it seems to endure the weather first rate. It cannot be recommended for indoor work, as the raw material requires a refining process, that the inventor has not the means of procuring at present, but we hope that the invention may prove successful, and that he will be warranted in making the outlay necessary to procure all the outfit required. However, we are told that the article now made, is excellent for the bottoms of schooners and all out-door works, and can be put in the market cheaper than any other. Testimonials of its worth could be given by different persons who have used it. The subjoined, from Dr. SCOTT is given here by request: Twillingate, August 26th, 1886. This is to certify that I have used paints procured from Thomas J. AVERY of this place, one kind on the bottom of my boat in place of Copper-paint, and find it to wear better than any in use by me formerly; the other kind I used for top sides and find it to mix and wear well. Thaddeus SCOTT, M.D.
August 28, 1886 Passengers List of passengers last trip going North: Trinity – Mr. KENT; Bonavista – Rev. Mr. NEWMAN; Kings Cove – Rev. Mr. SHEARS, Rev. Mr. KIRBY, Miss KIRBY, Miss STIRLING; Greenspond – Mr. CARPEA (?), Mr. BOILE and family there and back; Fogo – Mrs. DUDER, Mr. FITZGERALD, Master SCOTT; Twillingate – Messrs. J.E. DUDER, J. HILLYARD, J. DAVIS, Miss LINDFIELD; Little Bay Islands – Hon. C.Y. AYRE, Mrs. PINCOCK; Little Bay – Miss WHELAN; Red Bay – Mr. MARCH; Salmon River – Messrs. J.H. MARTIN, Job CLOW; Battle Harbor – Mr. CLARKE.

September 4, 1886 Death At Englee, French Shore, August 16th, in peace, Susanna J., beloved wife of Mr. Andrew DAILEY, and daughter of Mr. Charles HOPKINS, in the 23rd year of her age.
September 4, 1886 Death At Heart’s Content, on the 17th inst., Emily, wife of William DICKENSON, aged 45 years.
September 4, 1886 Shipping News Port of Twillingate: Entered, Aug. 21 – Robert, BLACKLER, Cadiz, salt – W. WATERMAN & Co. Rosa Meek, TUNE, Cadiz, via St. John’s – M. DUDER. Cleared Aug. 23 – Rosa Meek, TUNE, Sydney, ballast – E. DUDER. Aug. 30 – Clementine, BULL, Lisbon, 3000 qtls. fish – E.. DUDER. Sept. 2 – Edith Eleanor, JANES, Fogo, 1186 qtls fish – O. & E.
September 4, 1886 Local & General News A severe gale is reported from Labrador, some distance down North Shore on Sunday, August 15th. Thirty traps were destroyed. The Plover had a large number of passengers going South this time. Mr. LLOYD and family took passage her for St. John’s. The English vessel Clementine, sailed on Tuesday morning with a cargo of fish for a foreign market. This is the first cargo from here for the season, being a month later than last year, owing to the shortness of the catch. Two wrecked crews were being conveyed to their homes by the Plover yesterday. One was the crew of a craft of which HUDSON was master, belonging to Adams Cove, Conception Bay, and the other from the head of same bay, CORBETT, master. The former was lost off Straw-Berry Island and is reported to have had between 500 and 600 qtls of fish at the time, and the latter off Packs Harbor and had 300 or 400.
September 4, 1886 Labrador Arrivals The following are among the arrival from Labrador since last paper: Loyalty, Geo. GUY, about 300 qtls, Guerilla, John ANSTY, Purcell’s Harbor, 950 qtls, Lady Glover, James and John PARDY, (?) Harbor, between 400 and 500 qtls, Water Lilly, John CARD, Merritt’s Harbor, 400. The British Queen, Geo. and Chas. KING, St. John’s, arrived in Durrell’s Arm on Wednesday morning last with between 400 and 500 qtls.
September 4, 1886 Passengers Passengers per Plover going North on Saturday last: Bay de Verde – Mrs. OLSEN. Old Perlican – Master LEWIS. Trinity – Rev. Mr. JOHNSON, Miss JOHNSON, Miss ASH, Mrs. GARA, Mrs. FOOTE, Miss FOOTE. Catalina – Rev. Mr. CALLALAN, Mrs. SNELGROVE, Mrs. NETTEA. Bonavista – Mrs. PIERCE. Greenspond – Rev. Mr. LUMSDEN. Fogo – Rev. Mr. DUTFIL (?), Mr. EARLE. Herring Neck – Mrs. SULLIVAN. Twillingate – Miss MAYNE, Miss BRADFORD, Mrs. THURSTON, Mr. CANTWELL. Leading Tickles – Mr. PHILLIPS. Little Bay – Mr. And Mrs. THOMPSON, Mrs. WHITE, Mrs. CALLAHAN, Mr. BUTT. Salmon River – Capt. JOY. Battle Harbor – Rev. Mr. RAFTER and wife, Mr. WITHYCOMBE, and Mrs. HUSSEY. From Twillingate to Little Bay – Mrs. HACKER, Misses DUDER, PEARCE, McKAY, BERTEAU, and SHEPPARD.
September 4, 1886 Appointments His Excellency the Governor, has been pleased to appoint (?) Commander Edward J. SANDERSON, (H.M.S. Mallard) as a Justice of the Peace for the Island of Newfoundland and its Dependencies, (?) engaged in the protection of the fisheries. Also, Messrs. John BURSER, [BURSEY?] Benjamin GILLINGHAM and Nathaniel GILLINGHAM to be Board of Road Commissioners for Gander Bay; and Mr. Charles WHITE (Noggin Cove) to be a member of the Rocky Bay Road Board. Secretary’s Office, August 24th, 1883.

September 11, 1886 Directors - Fisherman's and Sailor's Home ..... The election of a Board of Directors for the ensuring year was then proceeded with, with the following result: -- President – Hon. A.W. HARVEY; Vice-President – Hons. J.J. ROGERSON and C.R. AYRE. Committee – Hon. C. BOWRING, J. MURRAY, Esq., Hon. J. SYME, G. SHEA, Esq., Captain ROBINSON, R.N., Hon. R. THORBURN, G.T. RENDELL, Esq., G.A. HUTCHINGS, Esq., A. MARCH, Esq., J.P. FURLONG, Esq. Secretary and Treasurer – J.W. WEST. Before the close of the meeting, it was decided that the incoming Committee be instructed to erect a suitable memorial in the Home in recognition of the late Robert ALEXANDER’s very liberal bequest, which has been to such a large extent the means of its present satisfactory position. – Evening Telegram
September 11, 1886 Three Strange-Looking Fish. We learn, under date from Placentia of the 2nd inst., that three strange looking fish recently made their appearance in that harbor, much to the surprise of some of the inhabitants, who never set eyes upon the like of them before. Armed with harpoon and rifle, Mr. John BURKE, aided by a neighbour, cleverly succeeded in bagging one of the monsters. It is described as being twenty feet in length and five feet in diameter, in color nearly all black, with one large stripe on each side. Its body was covered with a coat of fat, resembling whale fat, two-and-a-half inches thick. The strangest (as well as the most formidable) thing about the creature was its very large teeth, which fitted so closely when the jaws were shut, that scarcely any water could penetrate them. It was impossible, owing to its size, to preserve the fish, but Mr. BURKE has preserved part of the head and jaw-bones
September 11, 1886 Mining In Union Mine, Tilt Cove (alone), from 1869 to 1879 $1,572,154, was the value of ore exported from the above mine. Little Bay and Betts Cove even exceeded this amount, by nearly double.
September 11, 1886 Shipping News The English schooner Konibsberg sailed on Monday last for a foreign market with a cargo of fish for Messrs. W. WATERMAN & Co. The Branksea left the same day for St. John’s and the Water Lily for White Bay. The Evangeline, Capt. Andrew ROBERTS, arrived from St. John’s on Saturday with a full freight. She left on Monday for Nippers Harbor and Little Bay and will return to New Bay for a load of lumber.
September 11, 1886 Unfortunate Fire Mr. Francis CURTIS, Little Bay, has recently had the misfortune of having his house destroyed by fire. The fire is supposed to have originated in sparks from the mill getting underneath the house. Mrs. CURTIS was sitting in the room with her child when flames burst through the flooring and everything was speedily enveloped in fire and smoke. The efforts to put out the conflagration were unavailing. Nothing was saved, with the exception of some money and a watch, which Mr. CURTIS secured after some difficulty. We understand the house had not very long been completed and furnished.

September 18, 1886 Married On August 10th, at Southampton, England, the Rev. G.J. AYRE, son of the Mon. C.R. AYRE, St. John’s, N.F., to Margaret M.B., daughter of James A. BURGESS, Esq., Cranbury Avenue, Southampton.
September 18, 1886 Married On August 16th, at the Wesleyan Church, Brixton Hill, London, S.W., by the Rev. W. S. TOMLINSON, the Rev. F.R. DUFILL, Newfoundland, fourth son of the Rev. Joshua DUFILL, Wath-on-Dearne, to Emily, second daughter of Geo. TOMLINSON, Esq., Lower Northwood, London, S.E.
September 18, 1886 Death At St. John’s on Sunday night last, after a lingering illness, with meek submission to God’s will, Sarah, relict of the late Mr. Lionel CHANCY, aged 78 years.
September 18, 1886 Death On the 16th inst., Ellen, youngest child of Robert and Ellen MOSS, aged 6 months.
September 18, 1886 Death On the 13th inst., Adolphus, son of George and Elizabeth HILLIER of Platter’s Head Cove, aged 11 months.
September 18, 1886 Propelled by Electricity In the telegraphic despatches today, it will be seen that an attempt is being made in England, to substitute electricity for steam power. A boat called the Volta, propelled by electricity, made her trial trip on Wednesday last. She took three hours and fifty minutes crossing from Dover to Calais, a distance of about twenty miles. This is slow work, but it is probably that ere long the invention will be brought to greater perfection and that ships will be propelled with rapidity, by the wondrous agency of electricity.
September 18, 1886 Death The late Mr. Samuel MORLEY, whose death was announced in a telegraphic despatch last week, deserves a passing notice. Like the late well known Earl of Shaftesbury, he was a leader in all benevolent and philanthropic movements. He was the principal partner in the famous firm of J. and R. MORLEY, Hosiery manufacturers, London. It is said he gave away annually a third of his ample fortune to charitable purposes. For many yeas he represented Bristol, as a Liberal member in the House of Commons. Mr. Morley has, with characteristic modesty, refused offers of being promoted to a Baronetcy, thus proving that “Kind hearts are more than coronets/And simple faith than Norman blood..”
September 18, 1886 Local and General A man named Charles FIELD had three of his fingers blown off while killing curlews at Bolster Rock, Labrador. The schooner Branksea returned from St. John’s this morning with a cargo of provisions etc. for Messrs. W. WATERMAN & Co. We learn that the steamer Leopard, with Judge and Suite, was at Little Bay yesterday morning, and if so, may be looked for here this evening or Monday next. The St. John’s Evening Telegram of the 8th inst. says that Sir Hugh HOYLES and Mr. Courtney KENNY, M.P., were passengers by the Carthaginian and have taken apartments in the Atlantic Hotel. The coastal steamer Plover on her way to St. John’s made her usual call here on Thursday evening. She reports no improvement whatever in the cod-fishery on the Labrador since last time, and the herring fishery too, up to latest dates, was a complete failure. Herring on parts of the French Shore are reported plentiful, but very little fish was being caught. A storm of wind and rain set in very suddenly on Wednesday evening, but did not continue long. During the time, two boys, one a son of Mr. Rueben BLACKMORE, were out sailing in a boat, when it was capsized by a sudden squall. They, however, succeeded in getting on the bottom of the boat as it was turning over and fortunately escaped drowning.
September 18, 1886 Wrecks on Labrador By the arrival of the Plover, we learn that four craft were lately lost on the Labrador. The Prosperity, John KENNEDY master, was lost at Hall’s Island; the Trial, Thos. WILCOX, master, was lost at Snaggy Bay, the Volunteer, L. HOWELL, master, was lost near about same place, and the Victor, BAZIN, master, is the name of the fourth. The first three belonged to Conception Bay and the last to Little Bay, owned by Mr. J. BENSON. Each of the craft, we understand, had from two to three hundred quintals of fish when lost. All the crew were saved with the exception of one man named William WICKS of Brigus. As the craft was sinking he got up into the rigging and before he had time to get clear she tipped over and he was carried under the water therewith and was drowned. The weather was fine at the time, but it was thought that a plank fell out of the craft which caused her to sink rapidly. The unfortunate man leaves a widow and three children.The crews of the foregoing wrecked craft were being conveyed to their homes in the Plover, on Thursday last.
September 18, 1886 Labrador Arrivals The Fawn, Albert SPENCER, master, returned from Labrador last Saturday with some 500 qtls. fish. The Isabel, Thos. LACEY, Back Harbor, and the Abib, George MINTY, Farmer’s Arm, arrived yesterday, the former with about twenty quintals a man and the latter about 45. These are pretty well the last of the Labrador fleet from here. Two or three that were back early left again for French Shore, and are not likely to get home before the last of the month or even later.
September 18, 1886 Board of Road Commissioners (Part 1) "His Excellency the Governor, in Council, has been pleased to appoint Messrs. Simeon AVERY, Jacob TOMS, George TOMS, Wm. NEWBURY, George MORGAN, John FROSTER, to be a Board of Road Commissioners from Shoe Cove to Beaver Cove, inclusive; C.S. ROWLAND, Leander GILL, Charles COMBS, James M. JACKMAN, Abel ADAMS, John MacKAY, to be a Board of Road Commissioners from Beaver Cove to Snook’s Arm, inclusive; Thomas STOODLEY, Jonathan ADAMS, Thos. BOWERS to be a Board of Road Commissioners from Snook’s Arm to Button Hole Cove, inclusive; Robert BATSTONE, James BOWERS, W.J. EATON, J.P., William CUNNINGHAM, David STARKS, to be a Board of Road Commissioners from Button Hole Cove to Nippers Harbor, inclusive; James HIGGINS, Frederick MARTIN, Ambrose MILLS, Edward FLEMING, Amos GOUDIE, to be a Board of Road Commissioners from Nippers Harbor to Middle Arm, inclusive; Henry KNIGHT, John Robert BATSTONE, John MANUEL, Jeremiah UPWARD, to be a Board of Road Commissioners from Jacksons Cove to Western Arm, inclusive; Solomon STRONG, John BATSTONE, James NORRIS, to be a Board of Road Commissioners for Three Arms; Rev. S. FLYNN, Rev. T. CLIFT, Jonathan BENSON, Jas. WHITE, Jr., John DELEANY, C. O’BRIEN, R.D. WALSH, Robert YOUNG, to be a Board of Road Commissioners for Little Bay Mines, Wild Bight, Little Ward’s Harbor and Halls Bay Head; James STRONG, William STRONG, Wm. ANSTEY, Richard MURCELL, Thomas JONES, Andrew C. HYNES, to be a Board of Road Commissioners for Little Bay Island; Samuel SHORT, Jasper ROWSELL, James PARSONS, John WELLMAN, Eli PADDICK, George PADDICK, to be a Board of Road Commissioners from Ward’s Harbor to Robert’s Arm, including Sandy Cove Island; John CURTIS, Frederick THISTLE, Jacob TAYLOR, to be a Board of Road Commissioners for Hall’s Bay; Caleb PURCHASE, William INSTREGE (?), Joseph WINSER, Owen BARGE (?), to be a Board of Road Commissioners for Nimrod, Dark Tickle, and Traytown; "
September 18, 1886 Board of Road Commissioners (Part 2) Thomas ROWSELL, Benjamin ROWSELL, George MARSH, Noah CHIPPETT, John HACKETT, John WARD, Uriah MARTIN, Thomas M. SILK, to be a Board of Road Commissioners for Leading Tickles; Adolphus YATES, Jacob MANUELS, David SPENCE, Edward BOONE, John MOORE, to be a Board of Road Commissioners for New Bay; Rev. J. WALSH, Samuel GILLESPIE, Michael BRYAN, Michael BYRNE, Matthias GLAVEEN, Ed GILLESPIE, Patrick BYRNE, to be a Board of Road Commissioners for Fortune Harbour and Waldron Cove. Thos. BUTT, Josiah MANUEL, Thos. WINSER, Matthew DALTON, Andrew MANUEL, George SEVIER, Simon MANUEL, to be a Board of Road Commissioners for Exploits Burnt Island. Thomas E. HARRIS, William DOREY, James PRIMER, William HAMILTON, to be a Board of Road Commissioners for Black Island; John DALTON, Frederick JURE, John MANUEL, George BROWN, Solomon MANUEL, TO BE A Board of Road Commissioners for Kite Cove, including Scissor’s Cove, Kane’s Point, Elliott Point, and Mumper’s Island. Luke MANUEL, William EVANS, Thos. ANTLE, to be a Board of Road Commissioners for Northern Arm and Phillip’s Head; Captain James WINSER, Alfred BEATON, to be a Board of Road Commissioners for Dominion Point, Indian Point, Norris Arm, Sunday Point, Peter’s Arm, Wigwam Point, and Killick Island; Josiah WOOFREYS, John WOOFREYS, to be a Board of Road Commissioners for Burnt Bay; Joseph ROBERTS, Frederick SLADE, to be a Board of Road Commissioners for Loon Bay; Mark OSMOND, Samuel SMALL, Thomas KNIGHT, Thomas FRENCH, Simeon RIDOUT (Western Head), Chas. BRETT, Silas JONES, Edwin TAYLOR, Emmanuel SMALL, William TAYLOR, to be a Board of Road Commissioners for Moreton’s Harbor and Western Head; Robert BOYD, Joseph OSMOND, John FORWARD, William WHEELOR, John LOCKE, to be a Board of Road Commissioners for Tizzard’s Harbor; Thomas PEYTON, Francis ROBERTS, Elias ROBERTS, Dorman HODGE, Matthias HAYWARD, Thomas ASHBORNE, John SPENCER, Jas. MINTY, George GILLOTT, Wm. LETHBRIDGE, John ROBERTS, John ANSTY (Purcell’s Harbor), J.W. OWEN, and John PURCHASE, to be a Board of Road Commissioners for Twillingate Islands; William J. RICHARDS, Esau BLANDORD, John SQUIRES, John CARD, William HOWELL, John PHIIPOT, James D. LOCKYER, to be a Board of Road Commissioners for Herring Neck and Merritt’s Harbor. Secretary’s Office, 6th September, 1886.
September 18, 1886 The Labrador Hoax A great many fabrications have been circulated in foreign newspapers the past summer, regarding destitution that was said to exist on the Labrador coast, which must have been invented by some imaginary writer, for the sake of causing excitement, or for the pecuniary benefit that the originator of such reports may have derived, by furnishing the press with them. By whom these accounts were circulated seems to be a mystery, and it is to be regretted that inventors of such untruthful and misleading statements cannot be known and severely punished. In reference to the subject a late London paper says the “big gooseberry of the dull holiday season has been the Labrador hoax.” The writer goes on to say, “the shortened summer, the vast blockade of Arctic ice, the horrible invasion of the polar bears, the stampede of whites, Indians, and Eskimos, the starvation and the cannibalism, are all the invention of some smart person who wanted to give the world a shock. He certainly succeeded, though whether he is not deserving of the compliment of a return shock from something in the nature of a whip, can scarcely be open to debate. To cry “wolf” is a dangerous game where starving peoples are in question. A public once or twice deceived, might chance to turn incredulous ears to very real cries of hunger. We trust the truth in this case will not, after all, turn out to be anything like the fiction; but the fact that neither our Admiral on the Newfoundland station, nor the Governor of that Province, nor its Attorney General now here, has any knowledge of the rumoured calamity, makes it almost certain that it never had any real existence.
September 18, 1886 Banker Mayor Jones The banker Mayor Jones, Capt. McGINNIS, arrived here on Monday night, direct from the Banks, with 650 quintals of fish. The vessel had been three weeks out and found both cod and squid bait plentiful, the former particularly so, since the gale of this day three weeks ago. During that storm, a French fishing barque drifted across the Mayor Jones’ position, and dragged away four of her trawls. A limited quantity of new lines and hooks were made from spare gear aboard the schooner, but it only supplied the place of half the quantity lost and, at this disadvantage, the large far mentioned was taken. The M.J. now counts a voyage of twenty-two hundred (2,200) quintals and, after landing her present catch at Old Perlican, will proceed again to the Banks.
September 18, 1886 Passengers Passengers per Plover from St. John’s for the North last trip: -- Bay de Verde – Mrs. FREEMAN. Trinity – Rev. A. HOYGATE, Rev. S. JENNINGS, Miss BEMISTER, Mr. PITTMAN. Bonavista – Mr. C. STEER. Greenspond – Rev. W. JENNINGS and wife, Mrs. S. JENNINGS. Fogo – Mrs. DUFILL, Miss NUGENT. Little Bay Island – Messrs. STRONG, TILLEY, LAMB, MARCHIN, McNICHOLL, CURTIS, Miss STOWE and Miss GILES. Little Bay – Messrs. QUIMBY (2), D. FLYNN, J. ANDREWS. Nipper’s Harbor – Miss MORTIMORE. Tilt Cove – Mr. KELLIGREW. Coachman’s Cove – Mr. BOYD. Couch – Miss Groves. Passengers for St. John’s on Thursday last: -- Salmon River – Mr. J.R. ARTIN. Battle Harbor – Rev. Father LYNCH, Messrs. SMITH, PALMTIER. Cape Charles – Mr. GRIBBLE. Coachman’s Cove – Mrs. O’MARA and two children. Tilt Cove – Mr. KELLIGREWS. Little Bay – Mrs. MORRISON, Mrs. BENSON, Miss HOWSON, Messrs. MARCHIN, McNICHOLL, LEWIS, CURTIS. Little Bay Island – Miss JONES. Leading Tickles – Mr. CHAFF, Mrs. MOORE. Twillingate – Mr. LETHBRIDGE. Eighty in steerage.

September 25, 1886 Local and General News A pane of glass in the shop window of Mr. J.W. WELLS was broken on Thursday night, and a bottle of confectionaries taken. Young lads of late, have been indulging in actions to the annoyance and injury to private individuals, and it is to be hoped that a sharp look-out will be kept by the authorities. The English schooner Julia sailed from Fogo yesterday, with a cargo of Shore Fish loaded by Messrs. W. WATERMAN & Co. for the Mediterranean. Several of our harbor schooners have left lately for the herring fishery, which gives some encouragement this season, and we trust they will be successful. We are pleased to acknowledge for the Wesleyan friends, a handsome clock for the North Side Church, presented to them by Messrs. SCOTT, LESTER Bros. of St. John’s, which combines the qualities of being very useful, as well as ornamental. Mr. J.W. PHILLIPS of the Point Leamington saw mill, has very kindly sent the Wesleyan friends some palings for their new cemetery, for which they desire to thank him, and also to Captain A. ROBERTS for bringing them from the Mill without any charge. The Rev. James SHARRATT, having resigned the pastorate of the Congregational Church in this place, will, in all probability, preach farewell sermons tomorrow. In the morning at 11, and in the evening at 6:30.
September 25, 1886 Death by Drowning A melancholy case of drowning occurred at St. Peters River (Exploits Bay) on Friday, 17th inst. Mr. HOWLEY, the Geological Surveyor, with a party, had been engaged in that bay for the last few weeks, surveying and marking off Crown lands, with a view of their being occupied at some future day, as agricultural settlements. They had just finished chaining across the river and all the party, with the exception of two Chainmen who were behind, had proceeded further on. When the chaining had been completed and the other side reached, one of the two, William EMERSON, about 17 years of age, decided that he would have a bath before leaving the river. The water in which he intended doing so, was not more than knee deep. His comrade, Mr. Thos. HAND (?) had only gone a short distance to fetch the unfortunate gentleman’s clothes, and to his great dismay when he turned round, he could only see his head above water. All attempts to rescue him were unavailing. On examination it appears that a few feet from the direction in which they had crossed with the chain, there had been deep excursion made underneath the surface of the water, where milling works were formerly erected by GIBBONS and FOOTE. The depth of water there was some fifteen or sixteen feet, into which the deceased must have slipped, and was drawn under by the current, and being unable to swim, was powerless to resist the mighty influence by which he was overtaken. It seemed as if no struggle for life had been made by him, and he was not heard to make the least sound, but seemed as though the “sting of death” had been completely removed. The body was brought here the early part of the week, and has since been forwarded to St. John’s in one of Mr. TOBIN’s craft, which left on Thursday. William is the youngest son of the late L.W. EMERSON, Esq., whose demise occurred three years ago, while away from his family in the discharge of the duties of his office. We learn that he was a most promising youth, and no doubt his sudden removal in the morning of life, under such painful circumstances, will prove a severe trial to his sorrowful widowed mother and friends, who have our heartfelt sympathy.
September 25, 1886 Death At Moreton’s Harbor on the 21st inst., the wife of Rev. H.C. HATCHER of a son.
September 25, 1886 Death On the 17th inst, John, son of Josiah and Mary Ann ROBERTS of Wild Cove, aged 6 and a half years.
September 25, 1886 Supreme Court on Northern Circuit (Part 1) The S.S. Leopard with Mr. Justice LITTLE and the following members of the Bar, viz,. Messrs. HAYWARD, Q.C., Crown Officer, EMERSON, CARTER, LeMessurier, HORWOOD and MILLEY, left St. John’s for St. Anthony on Saturday, 11th September, and arrived there on Monday, 13th. The Court opened the same day in the Methodist School Room, there being no other building suitable for that purpose. The following morning the ship proceeded to Conche, the capital of that part of our coast. One case, CASEY versus EMBERLEY was tried and judgment was given for the plaintiff for the amount claimed $82.50. Mr. MILLY for plaintiff. Little Bay was reached on the 15th, and the court was continuously occupied from that time to the 19th to the profit and advantage of the Bar. One MULLOWNEY was indicted for the Larceny of Goods from a store, the property of the Consolidated Copper Mining Company. The jury acquitted the prisoner. Mr. EMERSON approved and defended him. The following civil matters were before the Court. BOYD vs. STYLES – Mr. MILLEY upon his own affidavit that there were no adverse claims and no appearance or plea, moved that the order granted last Term for substituted service, and for the sale of certain goods attached, be made absolute. The order was granted and the plaintiff proved his case. Judgment was then given for the plaintiff for $60.19. BENSON vs. BENNETT – Action of Assumpsit for $44. Judgment for plaintiff, $31.75. Mr. CARTER for Plaintiff, Mr. Emerson for defendant.
September 25, 1886 Supreme Court on Northern Circuit (Part 2) BURGESS vs. HUESTIS (?) – Assumpsit for Goods sold and delivered and accounts stated. The defendant and plaintiff entered into a written agreement, under which the defendant was to act as the plaintiff’s agent, for the sale of goods, which the plaintiff had purchased in St. John’s, and intended for sale in Little Bay, during the winter and spring of 1884. The defendant for his services, was to receive a commission of fifty-one per cent, upon the profit. The defendant’s counsel pleaded the “General Issue” and, at the close of the plaintiff’s case, asked for a non-suit, on the grounds that the plaintiff did not carry out the terms of the contract entered into between the parties. Also that the plaintiff had taken the wrong form of action, having sued the defendant as an ordinary debtor, whereas he (the defendant) was an agent, and should have been sued for not accounting. Motion overruled. Judgment of $80 for the plaintiff. Mr. HAYWARD, Q.C., for him and Mr. MILLEY for the defendant. In the matter of the Estate of Phoebe KNIGHT, late of Nipper’s Harbor, widow, deceased. Mr. LeMESSURIER asked that the administration to the above estate be granted to Wm. J. EATON of Nipper’s Harbor, Merchant. Administration of the estate was granted to Geo. J. ADAMS, clerk of the Court. BURGESS v. HUESTIS (?)–Action of assumpsits for $260, Judgment for the plaintiff of $80. Newfoundland Consolidated Copper Mining Company vs. BOYDEN – Action of Ejectment, Judgement for the plaintiff company. Mr. EMERSON for the Company. HYNES vs. OXFORD – Assumpsit, Judgement for the plaintiff of $60.38. Mr. LeMESSURIER for plaintiff. In the matter of the alleged Insolvency of George BURTON. It was ordered that BURTON be declared Insolvent, and that David SCLATER, Esq., of St. John’s, be continued as the Trustee of the said Estate. ANDREWS vs. TILLEY – Trespass. Judgment reserved until report of the Surveyor of the land be received from St. John’s. Mr. EMERSON for plaintiff, Mr. LeMESSEURIER for defendant. In the Insolvency of Simon ROUTLEDGE and Richard LeBUFF – Upon the action of George STUART it was ordered that the above parties be declared insolvent. Mr. EMERSON appeared for Trustee and Mr. MILLY for LeBUFF.
September 25, 1886 Supreme Court on Northern Circuit (Part 3) Supreme Court at Twillingate. The Court arrived at Twillingate on Sunday evening last. And on Monday morning the new Court-house was for the first time, opened for the transaction of the Supreme Court business. In re estate of Henry MILES estate of Herring Neck, planter, deceased. – On motion of Mr. LeMESSURIER, administration cum testamento annecxo was granted to Francis MILES and the widow of the testator, Henry MILES. EARLY vs. ANDORK – An action for the recovery of $300. due on the sale of a schooner called the “Codseeker.” Judgement for the plaintiff for the full amount claimed. The Court opened at 11 o’clock on Tuesday. The grand Jury were called, and sworn as follows: -- Andrew GRAY, Samuel ANSTY, George GILLET, John WHEELER, Matthias HAYWARD, Robert T. GILLINGHAM, Robert DALLY, Andrew LINFIELD, Simon YOUNG, James GILLET, John W. OWEN, John PHILLIPS, Charles MURCELL, Sr., Allan FINDLATER, Philip WELLS, Thos. LINFIELD, Wm. J. SCOTT, Reuben BLACKMORE, Elias PEYTON, Henry HARBIN, J.B. TOBIN, Thomas ASHBURN. Two indictments were laid before the Grand Jury: One against Stephen FARTHING, for stabbing one OKE, and one against Thomas JONES for the larceny of a sum of money. In the former case the grand Jury found a “true Bill” against the prisoner, and in the latter case “no Bill”.
September 25, 1886 Supreme Court on Northern Circuit (Part 4) The prisoner on his arraignment pleaded “guilty of stabbing without intent.” This being equivalent to a plea of “not guilty”, the prisoner was remanded, and not being able to procure the advice or assistance of counsel, Mr. MILLEY was assigned by the Judge to act in the prisoner’s behalf. The Crown case was that the prisoner, while upon the Labrador in the prosecution of the fishery, he feloniously and maliciously stabbed OKE, in the side. OKE and he, it seems, quarrelled, and the latter drew his knife, and plunged it into the side of the former. It was with great difficulty that the flow of blood was stopped. The injured man was in a very precarious condition for several weeks, his life being despaired of. At the next sitting of the Court, the prisoner’s counsel pleaded “guilty” to a common assault, and then proceeded to address the Court upon the prisoner’s good character, industrious habits and good standing in the community in which he resided. The wound, he said, was purely accidental, the prisoner not intending to inflict any wound upon OKE, although he and the prisoner had quarrelled. There was no malice on the part of the accused and no intention to injure. He dwelt upon the fact that the prisoner was the principal support of a widowed mother, and that his detention in jail, for any lengthened time, would have the effect of throwing her upon the charity of her friends, or subject her to the ignominy of seeking for parish relief. In support of his statements, Mr. MILLEY called Mr. Eli BLANDFORD, with whom the prisoner has prosecuted the Labrador Fishery for the past four years; and upon his oath, Mr. BLANDFORD fully substantiated in every respect, the statement made by the prisoner’s Counsel. The following morning the prisoner was sentenced to three months imprisonment.
September 25, 1886 Supreme Court on Northern Circuit (Part 5) In re the Estate of John GLEESON of South Island, Fisherman, deceased. On motion of Mr. HAYWARD, Q.C., the above estate was declared insolvent and John W. OWEN, Esq., was appointed Trustee. Samuel CARLEY vs. William WHEY. – This was an action combining ejectment, trespass, and assault and battery. The last count (assault and battery) was struck out. The plaintiff’s case was, that the land in question was the property of his deceased father, but that for some years preceding the year 1881 the land was occupied by the defendant’s father. During that year, he (the defendant’s father) left the land in question and gave the plaintiff permission to settle there. Last winter, the defendant came upon the land, and turned out the plaintiff and assaulted him. The defence for the whole of the land claimed “not guilty” and res judicata. After the close of the plaintiff’s evidence, the defendant’s counsel asked for a non suit which the Court did not allow. The defendant proved possession of the property for thirty-one years, having first acquired a title by purchase from the plaintiff’s mother. The conveyance was lost, but evidence of its contents was given. The trespass, it was shown, had been adjudicated upon by the Stipendiary Magistrate, and the defendant was fined in the sum of $20., with costs. The judgment of the Court was given in favour of the defendant. Wm. WATERMAN & Co. vs. John PARSONS. - Assumpsit. Judgment for the plaintiff for $34.34. Mr. LeMESSEURIER for plaintiff.
September 25, 1886 Supreme Court on Northern Circuit (Part 6) Richard WREY vs. Stephen NEWMAN. Trespass on land. The defendant’s counsel, Mr. HORWOOD, read affidavit of the defendant, setting forth that Andrew ROBERTS, now absent in St. John’s, was a necessary witness for the defence, and that it was unsafe for the defendant to proceed to trial without his evidence, and moved for the postponement of the case until next term. Plaintiff’s counsel, Mr. CARTER, opposed the motion on affidavit of the plaintiff. The Court granted a postponement and declined to allow plaintiff costs thereon. Mr. CARTER for plaintiff. Mr. HORWOOD for defendant. WREY vs. BOYD. -- This was an action taken by Richard WREY against James BOYD for $100 damages for an alleged trespass to land. The trespass consisted in BOYD taking from the side of the public well, adjoining WREY’s property, three or four wheelbarrows of clay and stones. The land on which the well was dug, was given by WREY to Mr. PEYTON, for the purpose of a public well. The defendant justified the taking of the clay by showing that permission had been granted him by Mr. PEYTON, and that in the taking of the clay he did not encroach upon the plaintiff’s land, but merely approached the well in the ordinary way, and as the clay was lying close alongside the well, he took it without going upon any of the adjoining land. The defendant’s counsel, Mr. HORWOOD, contended that WREY, having given the land to the public for a well, the clay and gravel excavated by the Government in the construction of the well, being originally part of the soil dedicated, was the property of the public and did not belong to WREY, and also that WREY, having given land for a well, necessarily gave to the public a means of ingress and egress to that land. The plaintiff showed that the clay had remained there untouched for some time, after the well had been completed, and that he never intended to part with his right to the clay that had been dug up. After hearing the evidence of both parties and the arguments of counsel, the Court gave a judgment for the defendant for five cents, without costs. Mr. CARTER for plaintiff, Mr. HORWOOD for defendant. In re Insolvent Estate of Thomas Bar, Esq., Mr. MILLEY moved that the accounts filed in this Estate by the Trustee, Mr. OWEN be referred to Mr. ADAMS, the Clerk of the Court, for examination. Order granted. There being no other business the Court rose and left for Fogo on Friday morning.

October 2, 1886 Lobster Act, 1878 Order in Council made under Lobster Act, 1878. Upon representation from the inhabitants of Rock Harbor, Bonne Bay, setting forth the evil which will result to them from an unrestricted taking, in that Harbor, of Lobsters, upon the supply of which they are dependent at certain seasons for bait for the Codfishery, and upon report of the Magistrate at Bonne Bay, verifying the said representation: It is ordered that from and after the 30th September next, and For a period of Three Years there from, no Lobsters shall be taken in the said Rock Harbor, except for the purposes of bait, under a penalty not exceeding One Hundred Dollars. But nothing in this order contained, shall prevent any person in the said Harbor, from catching or taking Lobsters for food for himself and family. And all Customs Officials, Magistrates, and Constables are hereby required to be aiding and assisting in the effectual carrying out of this Order, and enforcing the prohibition regulation and restriction herein contained. Secretary’s Office, August 9th, 1886. M. FENELON, Colonial Secretary.
October 2, 1886 The Bank Fishery The Bank Fishery this year proves to be the most successful industry connected with the fisheries. Pretty well all the craft prosecuting it have landed good fares. We are pleased to observe from one of our exchanges that Messrs. B. SNELGROVE & Son of Catalina have been so fortunate in the prosecution of this enterprise, their four bankers having landed nearly eight thousand quintals of fish this season, and we congratulate them on such a measure of success.
October 2, 1886 Terrible Marine Disaster (Part 1) Two Schooners in Collision Off Sugar Loaf. -- One goes down in Five Minutes. -- Three Men and a Woman Drowned. -- Full Particulars of the Accident: A heart-rending scene was that which transpired on board the schooner Somerset of Twillingate, Captain RIDEOUT, this morning. On her deck stood a throng of hardy, bronzed fishermen, wringing their hands with grief, uttering piteous exclamations, and bemoaning the hard fate of which they were suddenly made the victims. Inured to scenes which ordinarily blunt the feelings, with natures cast in a rough mould, yet now bowed by a common grief, they exhibited the simplicity and tenderness of children, and as they stood there telling the story of the dark disaster of death and deprivation from which they had just emerged, their strong frames shook with emotion, they lamented wildly and with tears trickling down their features, the sudden deaths of cousins and brothers, and the calamity by which in a few minutes, their little craft with all its contents of their summer’s earnings – the sole support of wives and children at home – was engulfed in the sea. The following are the particulars of another of those direful tales, which the ruthless sea, or man’s want of foresight, is at too frequent intervals, the means of horrifying communities. The schooner Mary Ann, Samuel STOCKWOOD, master, left Burnt Point at 10 p.m. last night for this port. Burnt Point is one of the numerous little settlements in the Bay-de-Verde district, and is situated near Northern Bay, Conception Bay. It is a pleasant village, embowered in lofty woods, and inhabited by an industrious, thrifty people, much of whose comfort is extracted from the soil in a no less degree than from the ocean. The Mary Ann had on board sixteen men and one woman, including the master, belonging to Burnt Point, and seven men belonging to Gull Island.
October 2, 1886 Terrible Marine Disaster (Part 2) All, with the exception of the skipper (STOCKWOOD), were bringing their season’s catch of fish, which amounted to over two hundred and twenty quintals, to market, as was customary with them every Fall, Samuel STOCKWOOD having performed this service of freighting their fish to St. John’s for four years past, and afforded them every satisfaction. All went well with the little craft across the mouth of Conception Bay; a moderate breeze rippled the deep and the waning moon cast a pathway of light upon its heaving bosom. At four o’clock this morning, the little vessel was passing under the shadow of Sugar Loaf, near Logy Bay. It was then nearly dawning; the moon had set, but though objects could not be sighted with the same distinctness that they were a few hours previously, yet everything was clearly visible within short distances of the craft’s deck. At this point, it was that the fatal collision occurred. The Mary Ann had seven or eight men on deck, the rest were below asleep, or resting, and a few were for’ard keeping a look-out. She exhibited no lights, neither did the colliding vessel, the Somerset. It would appear that the latter approached closely to the Mary Ann before being observed; but when, at last, those for’ard on the Mary Ann, shouted to their helmsman Charles TUCKER, to luff. He did so, and the fore-and-after came upon the wind, which blew from the North - West. It appears from the statements of the Mary Ann’s crew, that there could have been no look-out on board the Somerset, for had the Mary Ann’s change of tack been perceived by the Somerset’s men, it was the duty of her helmsman to have put his helm up, and allowed his craft to fall off before the wind, thus avoiding collision.
October 2, 1886 Terrible Marine Disaster (Part 3) Some of the Conception Bay men say that they shouted to the Somerset to have her put her helm hard up, and that this was done at first, but immediately afterwards, her helm was put hard down, resulting in her luffing up in the wind also, and in her bows striking the Mary Ann on the port quarter. So heavy and sharp was the impact, both vessels being deeply laden, that the quarter of the fore-and-after was almost cut off. The bow of the Mary Ann swung against the side of the Somerset and for the remaining five minutes that she held afloat, was kept in that position by her anchor catching in the Somerset’s rigging or rail. The crew of the doomed craft shouted to those asleep in the cabin and forecastle, telling them to run for their lives. All below scrambled on deck and boarded the Somerset, except three men and a woman who were in the cabin of the Mary Ann, and these were prevented from hastily making their exit by the mainmast, which broke off at the moment of the collision, and fell across the companion-way, and which, with its sail, blocked up the entrances. One of those on deck did stretch down his han, and grasp that of Mrs. FAHEY in an effort to bring her up, but before he could effect her safety, he found the schooner settling in the water and had to run to save his own life. A few of those who escaped from the cabin had almost to swim out of it, so rapidly and deeply did the water pour into it.
October 2, 1886 Terrible Marine Disaster (Part 4) Within five minutes of the first moment of the accident, the ill-fated Mary Ann sank before the eyes of the terror-stricken people on board the Somerset. The master of the latter, at once reversed the course of his craft, and conveyed the survivors to this port. The Mary Ann was sailing under mainsail and jib at the time, and the Somerset under foresail and jib. The following are the names of the lost, all of whom belong to Burnt Point: -- Charles MILLEY, 64 years of age, married; Samuel STOCKWOOD, married; Jasper WICKS, married; Thomas TUCKER, married; Charles TUCKER, married; Andrew MILLEY, widower, with one child living; John DAVIS, married. The following belong to Gull Island: -- John OLIVER, married; Bartlett OLIVER, single; Patrick HOGAN, married; Mark DELANEY, married; John DOYLE, married; James DOYLE, married; Peter DOYLE, married; Michael PERCY, married; William OLIVER, married; Thomas FAHEY, married; Gregory LEMON, married; James LEMON, married; and Leander STOCKWOOD, single. At ten o’clock this morning the poor fellows landed here to see the representatives of their district and obtain relief. It is hardly necessary to say that this should be afforded without delay, and that, being suddenly deprived of the means of support, the Government should see that these stricken fishermen are forthwith given employment, which will be not only the means of tiding them safely over the present misfortune, but also afford them and their families sustainment during the trying and inclement season near at hand.
October 2, 1886 Appointments His Excellency in Council has been pleased to appoint the following Educational Boards for the following Districts: Random South (Methodist) Rev. Arthur MacCAUSELAND, Messrs. Matthias MARTIN, Nehemiah FROST, Northern Bight; Isaac ADEY, Lee Bight, George KING, Simon KING, St. Jones, S.W. Arm; Eli MARTIN, Little Heart’s Ease; Random North (Methodist): Rev. James WILSON, Messrs. Caleb TUCK, Shoal Harbor; Frederick PELLY, George’s Brook; James PELLY, Broad Cove; Thomas WALTON, White Rock; Gideon SMITH, Elliot’s Cove, James SOMMERS, Lower Shoal Harbor; Britannia Cove (Methodist): Rev. Wm. H. BOWERING, Pierce CURRIE, Britannia Cove; Hezikiah BLUNDELL, Hickman’s Harbor; Norman MARCH, Lady Cove; Wm. GULLIFORD, Jr., Foster’s Point; Nath MILLS (Eng), thoroughfare; Wm. James KING, Deer Harbor; Moreton’s Harbor (Methodist): Rev. Henry C. HATCHER, Messrs. Mark OSMOND, Thomas FRENCH, Samuel SMALL, Elijah HENNINGS, Moreton’s Harbor; Exploits (Methodist): Rev. William SWANN, Messrs. Josiah MANUEL, Exploits, Simon MANUEL, Lower Harbor, Exploits, Wm. LACEY, Sergeant’s Cove, Exploits; Matthew WALTON, Jr., Exploits; Northern Bay (Roman Catholic): Rev. M. HANLEY, Messrs. Richard HAYDEN, T. FORD, Timothy DOYLE, T. COLBERT, Sr.; Fogo (Roman Catholic): Rev. R.M. WALKER, Messrs. W.B. FITZGERALD, Thos. DEADY, James KEOUGH, John DWYER; Fortune Harbor (Roman Catholic): Rev. Richard WALSH, Messrs. Richard HAMILTON, Samuel GILLESPIE, Richard QUIRK, Matthew GLAVINE; Little Bay (Roman Catholic); Rev. S. O’FLYNN, Messrs. William FOLEY, William GRANT, Joseph DELOUGHERY, Charles O.B. REDDIN; and the Rev. George CRANE to be a Member of the Church of England Board of Education, Trinity Bay West, in the place of Mr. James REID (Heart’s Delight), resigned. His Excellency, in Council, has also been pleased to appoint Messrs. Robert FACEY, William BATSOP, Jacob PENNY, Sprague FREEMAN, James MOODY, Henry George BARNES, Martin MILLER to be a Road Board for Salmon Cove and English Harbour; Messrs. Philip WISEMAN and Joseph STRONG, J.P., to be members of the Board of Road Commissioners for Little Bay Island; Messrs. William VINCENT, Treytown, and Joseph FUDGE, Dark Tickle, to be members of Board of Road Commissioners for Nimrod, Dark Tickle, and Treytown; Mr. William ANSTEY, to be a member of Board of Road Commissioners for Black Island; Mr. John GILL to be a member of Board of Road Commissioners for Dominion Point, Indian Point, Etc.; Mr. Robert BOONE, to be a member of Board of Road Commissioners for Burnt Bay. Secretary’s Office, 13th September, 1886.
October 2, 1886 Local & General News H.M.S. Emerald put into port Thursday night. She came from Hall’s Bay and left for St. John’s the following morning. The Robert Fiddes, belonging to R. SCOTT, Esq., Forgo, put into port on Thursday, coming from Coachman’s Cove. The herring fishery on parts of the French shore was reported good, and when the weather would admit of their going on the grounds, a little fish would be caught. The Six Brothers is reported doing fairly with herring. By the arrival from St. John’s of the schooner Evangeline, Capt. ROBERTS, on Thursday night, we have been favoured with late copies of the Evening Telegram. From this journal we learn of a very serious accident which occurred of the Sugar Loaf near St. John’s Narrows, on the night of Sept. 23rd, by the colliding of two craft, one of them being the Somerset, owned by Messrs. W. WATERMAN & Co., and the Mary Ann, belonging to Burnt Point, Conception Bay. Particulars of this painful catastrophe will be found in another column. Captain SNELGROVE’s four bankers – the Hydrangea, Sir John Glover, Medeanna, and Acme, of Catalina – account for nearly eight thousand (8,000) quintals as the result of their season’s work. The Hydrangea has twenty-six hundred quintals, but the others, being smaller craft, have lesser quantities each. All, with the exception of one schooner now on the grounds, have discontinued operations for the season. The enterprising owner of these vessels, arrived here in one of his schooners this morning. We beg to congratulate him upon the success of his investments in the Grand Bank fishery. The latest advices from Griffin’s Harbor (near Domino), where the few schooner - owners from this city conduct the fishery, state that the catch since the traps were taken up, has exceeded expectations. In the neighbourhood also of that harbor, the fishing is equally fine, all the boats doing well. Captain Joseph POWER and crew of the schooner C.W. Wright, have secured a splendid catch of close on a thousand (1000) quintals. It is stated that herrings have advanced in Boston to six dollars a barrel. It looks as if our West Coast friends were in for a streak of luck by an active demand and a good price this fall and winter for what is their leading staple.
October 2, 1886 Drowning In the Southerly gale last night, the schooner Little Gem, flour laden, bound from St. John’s to King’s Cove, was capsized in a squall of wind in Blackhead Bay. The crew are safe; but a female passenger named HANDCOCK, who was on a visit to her relatives after fourteen years absence, was drowned in the cabin. This wreck drifted well out to sea, and several attempts were made to secure it, but the weather was too rough.
October 2, 1886 Failure of American Fisheries The Halifax Herald states that information from Newfoundland, confirms the reports of the utter failure of the Labrador and shore fisheries. The Labrador catch is one-third of the average, and not enough to cover the cost of transport and the supplies advanced to the fishermen. Sixty-five thousand people who are dependent on the Labrador fisheries, are in actual destitution. It is asserted that the Newfoundland shore fishermen are almost as destitute, and according to a reliable estimate, 100,00 persons will be partially or wholly dependent on Government support during the coming winter. The herring fishery was less than one-seventh of last year’s catch.

October 9, 1886 Marriage On the 1st inst., by the Rev. G. BULLEN, Mr. Samuel COOPER to Miss Lucy Ann STUCKLESS, both of New Bay.
October 9, 1886 Marriage Last evening by the same, Mr. Joseph EINGS (sic) to Miss Dorcas RICE, both of Friday’s Bay.
October 9, 1886 Death At Moreton’s Harbor, on the 2nd inst, after a brief illness, George K., second son of M. OSMOND, Esq., J.P., aged 20 years.
October 9, 1886 Shipping News Port of Twillingate: Entered Oct. 4 – Rosa Meek, TUNE, Sydney, Coals – E. DUDER. Oct. 5 – Lord Devon, PARTRIDGE, St. John’s, ballast – E. DUDER. Cleared Oct. 6 – Ensign, PERIE, Lisbon, 3100 qtls shore fish – J.B. TOBIN.
October 9, 1886 Death The announcement of the death of Brother James ROONEY, P.G.W.P., will be received with sorrow by all Sons of Temperance wherever his name is known, and the members of Union Division, will feel that they have been bereaved of a brave veteran who has been long and loyally identified with the Order. Brother ROONEY entered Victoria Division, No. 3, in 1853, but in 1855 became a member of Union Division, No. 8 – a small band of workers which has lifted the banner – carried it forward for thirty years – and, please God, will do so until the struggle with the liquor traffic results in victory. He was a man of cultivated intellect, and brought consecrated courage and energy into the Division, labouring with undying zeal for the removal of the drink curse. He was raised to the grand Division in 1858 and, after having filled several positions of trust, was honoured with the office of Grand Worthy Patriarch, and elected a Representative to the National Division. Being a Brother of ripe experience, few members exerted an equal influence in shaping business, and preventing hasty and inconsiderate legislation; and no one enjoyed more thoroughly the respect and confidence of his brethren, while the younger members honoured him as a fatherly counsellor and friend. For many years he was seldom absent from the weekly meeting, and probably never, when his absence could be reasonably avoided. In addition to his responsible position as manager of the Gas Company’s Works, he filled for a long time the important offices of Secretary to the Board of Trustees of the Temperance Hall, Chapel Steward of George Street, Methodist Church, and was one of the Publishing Committee of this paper. Indeed his activity and cheerfulness were such, as to give us no apprehension, but that he would be spared many years to aid with help, and guide with counsel. But the seeds of a fatal disease had taken root in his system, and friends began to see the finger of death tracing furrows on his brow. Business and all other interests had to be laid aside. A visit to England but temporarily recruited his health, and after many months of painful suffering, patiently endured, he quietly went home to rest on Sunday morning last. He was generous, unostentatious, and retiring. He was to us a brother, friend, and co-worker, and in tendering our sincere sympathy to his sorrowing widow and children, we would remind them: “He is not dead – The stars go down To rise upon some fairer shore, And bright in heaven’s jewelled crown They shine for evermore.”
October 9, 1886 Local News The Evangeline arrived this morning from New Bay, with a cargo of lumber, en route for St. John’s. The English schooner Ensign sailed for a foreign market yesterday morning, with a cargo of fish for J.B. TOBIN, Esq. The Rev. Jas. SHARRATT has resigned the pastorship of the Congregational Church here, and left for St. John’s in the English schooner Rosa Meek yesterday morning.
October 9, 1886 Death We are sorry to have to record the death at Moretons Harbour on Saturday last, of George K. OSMOND, at the early age of 26, son of M. OSMOND, Esq. He was a young man that was much beliked by the whole community. He left home about three weeks before on a trading venture to White Bay, and was taken ill shortly after leaving, and the schooner returned with him. His funeral took place on Tuesday and was one of the largest ever known there. Being a member of Loyal Orange Association, the brethren of the “Arctic” Lodge of which [the] deceased was one of its founders, paid their last respects by attending in processional order, being borne by Companions of the Royal Scarlet Chapter, to which he also belonged. An appropriate sermon was preached on the occasion, by Rev. H. HATCHER. His death is not without hope of a glorious resurrection at the last day, which is a source of consolation for the bereaved, with whom we sympathise in this season of sorrow.
October 9, 1886 Somerset and The Mary Ann In another column will be found a letter from Capt. RIDOUT of the schooner Somerset, in which he corrects two or three misrepresentations contained in the report of the collision of that schooner with the Mary Ann, which was given by the St. John’s Evening Telegram and copied in our paper last week. It appears from the statement of Capt. RIDOUT, that the command given by the Mary Ann was promptly obeyed, and if the right order had first been received, the sad accident would not have occurred. It does not seem that blame can be attached to the master of the Somerset, when the facts of the case are known as stated in his letter. The Mary Ann saw the other craft coming. She was within sight of the Somerset, whose crew were all busily engaged reefing, and did not know of the approach of the craft. On the other hand the Mary Ann, knowing the Somerset was nearing, must have realized danger, and instead of altering her course in the slightest degree to avoid it, which could easily have been done, did not deviate one iota, and met with the fatal results which followed.

October 16, 1886 Local and General News A widow named HICKS was knocked over Mr. MITCHARD’s stage into a boat on Thursday, by the falling of a window leaf (?) while passing fish into the boat. She sustained some damage in the head. The coastal steamer Plover, Capt. MANUEL, arrived here early on Sunday morning, having left St. John’s on Friday instead of Thursday, the usual day for starting. Her trip extends to Battle Harbour for the last time this season.
October 16, 1886 Larceny The cases of larceny were tried before the Stipendiary Magistrate this past week. Two lads were accused and found guilty of stealing fish. One of the miscreants has to serve one month in goal and the other fourteen days. These unlawful acts are perpetrated by young thoughtless fellows, and it is a good thing to know that the authorities are alive and doing their duty by bringing the perpetrators to justice. At Back Harbour, last week, we hear that clothes which were left out at night, were stolen
October 16, 1886 Drowning A Musgrave correspondent informs us of a sad accident which lately occurred in that neighbourhood under date of Oct. 3rd. He says: On Sunday night as Mr. MUTCHE’s craft was returning from Fogo, she struck on a rock near Island Harbour and became a total wreck. A man named LISGRESLEY, one of Mr. MUTCHE’s witnesses, was drowned. His body was found and brought to Ladle Cove, where it was interred on Wednesday. He leaves a wife and two children unprovided.
October 16, 1886 Letter of Condolence At a regular session of the Royal Scarlet Order “Edward 7,” No. 3, held on Thursday night, it was unanimously carried that the following letter of condolence be sent to the family of the late Companion G.K. OSMOND, who was a worthy member of the Royal Scarlet Chapter. The resolution was proposed by Comp. G.B. NOTT and seconded by Comp. George GARD: -- Whereas it has pleased God in His all - wise providence to remove from our midst, by the hand of death, your son, George Kenneth OSMOND, who was an esteemed and worthy Companion of our Illustrious Order, we are all hereby reminded of the necessity of having our work well done when the Master calls. It is unanimously resolved by the Companions of Royal Scarlet Order, Edward 7th, Chapter No. 3, Twillingate, that we extend to you and your family, our sincere and heartfelt condolence in your sad affliction and bereavement, although we humbly bow to Him who is the Author of our being, and who has in His unerring wisdom, transferred his labours from terrestrial to celestial fields, making our loss his eternal gain.
October 16, 1886 Fishing News The East herring fishing may now be said to be closed for the season, although some boats may continue fishing for a few days longer at the more successful stations. The gross catch from Shetland to Borwick is estimated at 640,0000 short of last year’s fishing. Tweed Fish: -- In the report submitted at the meeting of the Tweed Commissioners yesterday, it is stated that during the year, 5974 dead or dying fish had been removed from the river and buried, making a total of 47,502 for the seven years. The Donder Whaler Triune: -- On Tuesday a letter was received from Captain SOUTAR of the whaler Triune, reporting that he had succeeded in catching 213 hood seals and 2 walruses but no whales had been captured up to May 22.
October 16, 1886 Court Charges It would almost appear from the proceedings of the Police Court at Twillingate recently, as if some of our townsmen were exerting themselves to occupy a portion of our commodious Court House. Between the 5th and 12th inst., no less than three offenders were brought before the Stipendiary Magistrate, charged with committing Larceny, and were justly led to realise that “The way of transgressors is hard.” The first case was a man named LOVERAGE, who was caught in the act of taking a quantity of fish from the store of Mr. Andrew LOVERAGE of Old House Cove. On being arrested by Constable BURT, he divulged the proceedings of a plot, which his satanic Majesty had put into the hearts of two or three of his servants to carry out very cleverly, but, as is often the case, he outwitted himself, and left his devotees to shift for themselves. When brought before His Worship, LOVERAGE confessed his own guilt, on the plea of pending starvation; and also implicated a companion named BROMLEY, who was more successful in his iniquitous work, having managed to transfer about a quarter of a quintal of fish from Mr. Reuben BLACKMORE’s premises to the Riverhead depot of Mr. J. HODDER, and with the proceeds, provided for the wants of the inner man. It seems that an arrangement had been made between the two lads to steal some fish from their respective masters, in order to have a kind of fête at HODDER’s shop; but the probability is that the supply was rather short, having only BROMLEY’s share of the plunder to fall back on. Gradually the veil lifted. BROMLEY was also arrested, and frankly admitted to the prominent part he took in the affair, and joined with LOVERAGE in accusing HODDER of inducting them, indirectly, to the commission of these acts, stating that he (H.) knew perfectly well that the fish he received from them was stolen property. Their evidence proved that he was accessory to the offence and, of course, he was considered equally as guilty as the others. HODDER was accordingly apprehended and reaped the reward of his contrivance, by being sentenced to fourteen days’ imprisonment with hard labour. BROMLEY received the same. LOVERAGE, having been before His worship on a previous occasion, got one month. This community has for many years been noted for the law - abiding principles of its inhabitants, and it should be deeply regretted that anything should transpire, having the least tendency to deprive it of its good name. It is earnestly hoped that no acts of like nature will again take place, and that the punishment of these offenders will serve as examples to any who may be tempted to the commission of similar offences, particularly, to any of advanced years who may attempt to lead astray those of less experience.
October 16, 1886 Work Needed We learn that a public meeting was lately held at Fogo, presided over by the hon. member for the district, Mr. ROLLS, to memorialize the Government on the subject of providing for the distress that was already the lot of some of the fishermen’s families. The failure of the fishery has been even more general at Fogo Islands and Change Islands than in the most places. Besides, there is very little produce raised there, and the inhabitants are more dependent upon the resources of the sea than elsewhere. We have no doubt the energetic representative for the district will use his utmost exertions with the Government, to have the people provided for. It will also be seen from our Bonavista correspondent, that an enthusiastic public meeting has been held there for the same object. The distress there is likely to be extensive unless relief be forthcoming. Like this community they do not want pauper relief and as reference has been made to public works that have been initiated there for a long time past, but not completed, it is to be hoped that the Government will respond to the representations forwarded from that important community, and give employment by finishing the necessary works in question.
October 16, 1886 From Musgrave Harbour To the Editor of the Twillingate Sun: Dear Sirs: – As a word from this apparently isolated quarter seldom reaches your columns, I dare say an item would be of interest to at least some of your readers. The rolling year has borne another season almost away. The voyage of this year is pretty well to a close, the craft being all home from Labrador poorly fished, ranging from fifty to one hundred quintals, the highest. The shoremen have done but fairly, with one or two exceptions. If fish were a good price, the most of the people would have been able to procure pretty well enough for the winter, but as it is, it will only supply them with provisions, etc., for the present. One thing in their favour is that the produce promises fair, which some are existing on already. The Rev. F.R. DUFFILL arrived with his bride on Tuesday. As the steamer could not land on passing, because of the sea which was making at the time, they were obliged to go to Fogo, from whence Mr. DUDER’s craft conveyed them. When it was known that they were on board, the bunting began to be displayed, and the firearms were in course of preparation, to give them a hearty welcome to our shores. A good many of the men were on the fishing grounds at the time, not knowing of the arrival of the craft with the happy couple; but the display of flags looked remarkably fine and the salute with its deafening noise, on their stepping ashore, assured them of a real Newfoundland Outharbour welcome. Mr. DUFFILL preached on Sunday morning at Ladle Cove and at night here to a crowded congregation, taking for his text, 16th verse, 3rd chap., St. John, “For God so loved the world,” etc., which faithfully dealt with and appreciated (sic) by the audience.
October 16, 1886 Arrival of Shipwrecked Crew at Peterhead The barque Perseverance, of Peterhead, Capt. MURRAY, arrived on Thursday from Cumberland Gulf, after a 14 month voyage. Captain MURRAY reports very bad weather and bad luck. They lost one whale and missed three, attributable to bad harpooners. They caught one fish, yielding 20 tons of oil and one ton of whalebone, and also 400 seals and 12 walruses. They bring home two whale heads from Kickerton for Noble, Aberdeen. They bring home the crew of the American whaling vessel Lizzie R. Simmonds, of New London, which was wrecked last fall. This vessel left America for Cumberland Gulf in 1882, and fishing operations were carried on successfully until last year, when the ice, in the middle of which the vessel was lying, broke and drifted away, carrying the vessel along with it. Finding their habitation dangerous, the crew went on shore at Brolbland, and built a canvas house. A week afterwards they saw the vessel floating past them again, in an opposite direction, and during the whole of the winter she lay near Margaret’s Island. They crew frequently visited her, and in the spring pumped some seven feet of water from her hold, and cleared her bottom of ice; but she sprang a leak immediately after and had to be finally abandoned. The crew then went to Flow Edge and prosecuted the fishing till summer, when they came down to Cumberland Gulf, and found the Perseverance about to leave. Captain ROCHE has remained at the fishing station to look after the stores, there being three years’ oil there, it having been arranged that, should he not return to America this year, a rescue vessel would be despatched.

October 23, 1886 The Plover and Sunday Work The Coastal steamer and Sunday Traffic at Twillingate. To the Editor of the Twillingate Sun. Dear Sir: -- In common with many of your readers, I have felt interested in your article relating to the coastal steamer Plover, and trust that your timely remarks thereon will receive the attention they merit. There is however, one matter which, since the alteration in time of steamer’s sailing, has brought itself more prominently before the public, and that is – the Sunday traffic. Should the steamer be delayed, we are likely to have her here frequently on the Sabbath. To say nothing of the violation of a most sacred command, we, with the other various ports of call, are thus likely to be subjected to a great deal of unpleasantness and inconvenience. For instance, the Plover might arrive during the hours of Divine service; and members of the various churches who had to take passage in her would have to leave the service, disturbing both Minister and congregation. Then others will be required to look after the freight landed, and what can conscientious men do in such a case? Our worthy and much respected Postmaster will also have certain duties to perform, and though he may not deliver the mail, yet he will have to do that which must go sorely against his conscience, viz., labour on the day of rest. But there is another side to the question: the injury done to the steamer’s Captain and crew, who are sufficiently hard worked without the additional Sunday labour. I doubt whether since the new arrangement, these zealous public servants have had a single Sabbath to themselves. The public reaps no benefit whatsoever from the Sunday traffic, and surely it is not so selfish to require these men to labour to their own injury. It is understood that should the steamer arrive in St. John’s on Sunday, she will lie up and no freight will be discharged. Why should not the same rule apply in the Outports, and whatever port the Plover reaches on Saturday night, there let her remain until midnight on Sunday? Two or three might possibly be found to find fault with the innovation, but their voices would be effectually silenced, if the general public were in favour of it. The steamer owners could offer no objection to such an arrangement for the public interest, and I am sure the Captain and crew would only too gladly welcome the day of rest. This is a matter which requires the immediate and serious attention of our “men of light and leading,” and I hope that now it has been ventilated, a strong petition will be drawn up to memorialize Government on the subject.
October 23, 1886 Sunday Traffic at Little Bay Island To the Editor of the Twillingate Sun. Dear Sir: -- Through the column of your paper, I want to bring before the public a matter relating to the Plover discharging freight, mails, etc., on the Sabbath, which I think deserves the attention of every honest man in Notre Dame Bay. Now, Mr. Editor, I cannot see any reason (worth naming) why the Plover cannot lay up in the harbour she is nearest to on Saturday night and stay until after twelve Sunday night. I understand that only one day is required to load her in St. John’s, and even taking into consideration the length of the Labrador trips, there is time to make the round trip without meddling with the Sabbath. The Labrador trips too, will soon be over. To the owners of the Plover it may seem a trivial thing, that she should come into a harbour on the Sabbath and discharge freight, causing an uproar, and making the Sabbath more like a working day than the day God intend it to be when he said, “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it Holy,” but to those who have to be connected with the traffic, and who regard the sanctity of the day, it is anything but pleasant. It is an act of injustice to the crew of the steamer. They are deprived of the Sabbath; and although the employer may say that no one is “compelled” to go in her, yet circumstances sometimes drive a man to do wrong, when he is not backed by a strict sense of duty. More than that, I believe it is breaking God’s law. It is dishonest for men to disregard the Sabbath. Under present circumstances the matter rests with the owners, but if parties doing business in this bay were determined not to patronize the steamer, and use their influence against her running on Sundays, requesting the owners to prohibit it, I doubt not they would carry their point. Now, Mr. Editor, I do not think our Legislature is clear on this point. It should be the duty of members of that body to see that the contract is given to a company that will regard the Sabbath and the feelings of the public. The fact is, we want men to represent our country, who are governed by a sense of their duty to God and men, and not by a selfish desire to accumulate wealth.
October 23, 1886 Local and General News We learn that twenty-nine boats have gone into Hall’s Bay deer hunting. So far a few have been killed. The schooner Evangeline, Capt. A. ROBERTS, arrived from St. John’s Thursday night, having made the run in twenty-two and a half hours. The steam launch Tibbie, belonging to R. SCOTT, Esq., came in here from Fogo yesterday, with a load of coals, and returns today laden with fish. The coastal steamer Plover did not leave for the North until yesterday morning, as the English mail was behind time arriving in St. John’s. She is likely to be here early tomorrow morning. Mr. F.W. STORER, the superintendent of the Citizens Insurance Company of Canada, left yesterday in Mr. DUDER’s steam yacht, to visit Change Island and Fogo, previous to his return to St. John’s. The steamer Anchoria from Liverpool, bound to New York, with shaft broken, was picked up on 11th inst, by the steam tug Favourite and taken into St. John’s. She was twenty days out and had on board a large number of passengers. The Sweepstake, Samuel YOUNG, arrived from St. John’s on Thursday morning with provisions, etc., for J.B. TOBIN, Esq. The Fawn, Albert SPENCER, came from same place last night to Messrs. W. WATERMAN & Co., having landed her freight at Change Islands. The Superintendent of Crow Head Methodist School desires to thank the different friends, especially Mr. T. KNIGHT, Esq., M.H.A., for donation of 30 s, though whose kindness he has been enabled to place a seat and substantial Cabinet Organ in the School, thereby supplying a felt want. The schooner Naobe, Henry GILLARD, Englee, French Shore, arrived here on Tuesday evening last. We learn that the people of that place are in very destitute circumstances. Out of 34 families, only two are able to provide for themselves. The remainder will be dependent upon Government for relief. It is to be hoped that this distress will speedily be alleviated. The assistant keeper of Gull Island light, Mr. Robert MOORS, having resigned his charge, Mr. Andrew ROBERTS, Jr., has been appointed to succeed him. The steam launch Fleeta left here on Saturday last, to convey him and his family to the Island, and returned Monday.
October 23, 1886 Two Men Drowned We regret to learn of a sad and fatal accident which occurred at Shoe Cove last week. Henry SAUNDERS and Elias NEWBURY went out to haul their herring net, and they seem to have overloaded their boat, for she sank with the two men, and as no help was near, they were drowned. Both were young married men. Elias NEWBURY leaves a wife and child to mourn their loss. The bodies so far as we have heard, have not been recovered.
October 23, 1886 Large Codfish. The largest codfish ever taken in these parts, or perhaps in any other part of the Newfoundland coast, was caught on Tuesday last by an old fisherman, Mr. James ROGERS, of Durrell’s Arm. This fish, we learn, weighed one quintal, and what makes it the more remarkable, is that it was caught by well nigh the oldest inhabitant of the place, Mr. ROGERS being over eighty years of age. The perseverance of this industrious “toiler of the sea” at his advanced age, is worthy of example by young fishermen now-a-days. He must have come from the good old English stock to be so smart and active at his time of life.
October 23, 1886 Death Child Burned with Boiling Jam: -- At two years and five months old, the daughter of Mr. James McKERRACHER, boot salesman, lately died from burns which she received the previous evening. Mrs. McKERRACHER had a pan of boiling jam on the fire, and the deceased, who was standing on the fender, slipped, and falling forward, pulled the pan of jam over on herself. She was severely burned about the head, face, and arms, and though Dr. ROOTMAN, Castle Street, was in immediate attendance, the poor child never rallied.
October 23, 1886 News from Labrador The missionary schooner Gleaner, Captain LINKLATER, arrived here from Hebron, Labrador, this morning. On her way up she called at Oknak, Nain, Zoar, and Hopedale. All these places have done fairly well with trout, but scarcely anything with codfish. At Hebron, the natives secured about 1300 barrels of trout during the summer, and last winter deer were so plentiful that they killed enough to last them all next winter; they have it dried and stowed away, so that there is not the least fear of starvation among them. The only other vessel at Hebron this summer was the mission ship Harmony. Before the Gleaner sailed there had been two or three snow storms, and the hills were white when she came away. She left Hopedale on Friday last, and on Monday morning, when off Belle Isle, a heavy snow was encountered which caused her to lay to for some time. She has a quantity of trout, salmon, and codfish on board.
October 23, 1886 Marriage On the 17th inst., by the Rev. G. BUELLEN, Mr. George STUCKLESS of Twillingate, to Mrs. Emma MARTIN of Harbour Grace.
October 23, 1886 Marriage On the 18th inst., by the same, Mr. William Thomas SKINNER of Heart’s Cove to Miss Anastasia CHURCHILL of Farmer’s Arm.
October 23, 1886 Marriage On the 21st inst., by the Rev. J.W. VICKERS, Mr. Archibald ROUSELL to Miss Harriet ANNAM, both of Leading Tickles.
October 23, 1886 Death At Twillingate, on the 17th inst., Prudence, daughter of the late Daniel and Isabella LACEY, of Herring Neck, aged 18 years.
October 23, 1886 Shipping News Port of Twillingate. Cleared Oct. 18 – Sovereign, FLEET, Lisbon, 3000 qtls. Codfish – E. DUDER. Oct. 20 – Robert, BLACKLER, 2700 qtls. Labrador codfish – W. WATERMAN & Co. Oct. 22 – Lord Doyon, PARTRIDGE, Portugal, 3000 qtls. Codfish – E. DUDER
October 23, 1886 French Fishery The London Daily News reports the French fishery season off Newfoundland a disastrous failure.
October 23, 1886 Extraordinary Scene in a Church At Manchester City Police Court lately, Miss Fanny VAUDERY. A lady of independent means, was summoned for violent and indecent conduct in the Church of Saint John The Evangelist, Cheetham. The summons was taken out by the Church Wardens. It was stated that on Sunday morning, the 12th inst., the defendant went to the Church at the beginning of the service, and walked up the aisle in a very noisy manner, rustling her dress in a way that attracted universal attention. She made a great noise with her umbrella, and from time to time during the service, she rapped the front of the pew very loudly with her book. She also coughed in a peculiar manner. When The Curate was beginning to read the first lesson she, looking towards the Clergyman, deliberately put her thumb to her nose, and extended her fingers, doing what the prosecuting Solicitor said he believed was familiarly called "pulling bacon"! She then turned round to the gentleman who was sitting behind her and again did the same thing, directing the action at him. She was spoken to by one of the Wardens, and after that remained quiet. It was stated that the summons would not have been issued, if it had been possible to induce the defendant to give up this kind of thing, but she had been guilty of this kind of conduct again and again!

October 30, 1886 Death At St. John’s, on the 19th inst., Lewis E., only son of the late John H. BOONE, Esq., aged 3 years.
October 30, 1886 Shipping News Port of Little Bay. Entered Oct. 2 – s.s. Bayswater, STOKES, 1039 tons, Montreal, general cargo. Oct. 4 – Welcome Home, LUNDINS, 99 tons, Glace Bay, coal. Oct. 7 – Bonnie Kate, MONROE, 56 tons, Baddeck, Cattle, Oats, etc., trading. Oct. 22 – s.s. Carn Marth, HURRELL, 1174 Registered tons, Cardiff, general cargo. Cleared Oct. 10 – Welcome Home, LUNDINS, Fogo, ballast. Oct. 12 – Lothais, DESMOND, Sydney, ballast. Oct. 12 – Bonnie Kate, MONROE, trading coastways. Oct. 19 – s.s. Bayswater, STOKES, Swansea, 2100 tons copper ore. Loading s.s. Car Marth, HURRELL, England, copper ore.
October 30, 1886 Albert DERRICK's Grave The officers and men of H.M.S. Emerald, have once more exemplified the pathetic fact that the British Tar never forgets a dead comrade. For Mr. John SKINNER, Proprietor of the Terra Nova Marble Works has just completed and placed in position for them, at the grave of Albert DERRICK, in the beautiful Church of England Cemetery, a neat white marble memorial in the form of a headstone with ledger copings and the end piece to match. The top part of the memorial bears the following inscription: -- His Record is on High. Underneath this is engraven a shattered cannon on carriage, on each side of which are steering or helm wheels. Around the top of the stone is a roped heading representing a ship’s cable, supported by cornice leaves. Underneath the broken cannon the following inscription cut deep into the marble appears: Sacred to the Memory of Albert DERRICK, aged twenty-two years, able seaman, who was killed on board H.M.S. “Emerald” at St. John’s, by an accidental explosion while in the execution of his duty, August 28th, 1886. “In the midst of life we are in death.” Erected by the officers and ship’s company of H.M.S. “Emerald”. The footstone is similar in design having on it as an emblem, an anchor and a broken cable. The work is neatly executed, and reflects credit on both designer and engraver. The grave is situated but a few yards from the little mortuary chapel, and is in one of the most picturesque parts of the cemetery.
October 30, 1886 Birth On the 4th inst., at the Methodist Parsonage, Herring Neck, the wife of Rev. R. BRAMFITT of a daughter.
October 30, 1886 Birth On the 25th inst., the wife of Mr. Joseph HARBIN of a daughter.
October 30, 1886 Birth On the 27th inst., the wife of Mr. Stephen HARBIN of a daughter.
October 30, 1886 Local and General News The steamer Carn Marth is now loading at Little Bay with copper ore for Britain. The steamer Hercules was observed from Long Point on Thursday morning bound South, having completed the Labrador mail service. During the past week several of our friends from various parts of the bay have been in town transacting their usual fall’s business. We are glad to see them here and trust that they may have favourable weather and arrive in safety to their respective homes. Major FAWCETT, Inspector of the Newfoundland Constabulary, was one of the passengers per Plover, taking the round trip, and visiting the different communities under his jurisdiction. The shipping intelligence of Little Bay for the past few weeks, will be found in another column, for which we have to thank the worthy Sub-Collector for that port.
October 30, 1886 Drowning Accident at Harry’s Harbour We have just learnt the sad intelligence of another of those fatal accidents which occur with more or less frequency during the Fall season. It appears that on Thursday last, the 21st inst., the two sons of Mr. William BOWDICH, an old resident of Harry’s Harbour, Green Bay, had gone to King's Cove some two miles distant. On returning, a squall capsized the boat and both were drowned. Some men saw the accident a little distance off, but were unable to render assistance. The elder of the two was twenty-two years of age, and both were most promising young men. Their parents relied on them to a large extent for aid, and now their sorrow and loss is exceedingly great. Though search was made for the bodies they had not been recovered up to Monday last. It was feared after the gale on Sunday, there would be little likelihood of their recovery. Mr. BOWDITCH, who is a native of England, was some years ago a resident of Twillingate.
October 30, 1886 Schooner Dove Ashore The schooner Mary Parker, Capt. CARTER, arrived last evening from St. John’s, having had to put into Greenspond, where she was forced to remain a few days owing to adverse winds. By her, we have received intelligence of a misfortune, which befell the schooner Dove, belonging to Mr. Edward DERBER, of French Shore, while entering the harbour of Greenspond a few evenings since. She ran on a rock about half-past seven, and remained there until next morning, when she was got off all right, the cargo, consisting of provisions, etc., having been landed by the people of Greenspond. It was said that about £100 worth had been stolen, by men belonging to Simon GUY’s craft of Musgrave Harbour. Believing the articles to be concealed in the said craft, a search warrant was obtained, and about £90 worth of provisions and goods were discovered by the authorities. The captain and eleven men were imprisoned to await trial.
October 30, 1886 Passengers The coastal steamer Plover, Capt. MANUEL, arrived here on Monday morning, having been detained owing to bad weather. She went as far as Griquet and returned on her way to St. John’s Thursday night. Passengers from St. John’s: For Old Perlican – Mrs. MILLIGAN. Trinity – Miss KIRBY. Catalina – Rev. Mr. FREEMAN; Mr. J. RYAN. King’s Cove – Miss BARDON. Greenspond – Rev. Mr. WEARY, Miss WEARY and maid, Capt. PUMPHREY, Mrs. PUMPHREY. Fogo – Rev. Mr. REX, Mr. N. WHELAN. Twillingate – Miss SCOTT; Miss STRUGGLING. Leading Tickles – Mr. PHILLIPS. Little Bay Island – Mrs. KNIGHT. Little Bay – Rev. Mr. ABRAHAM, Mr. BOYLE; round trip, Major FAWCETT. The following were on board Thursday evening on her return to St. John’s. Mr. GILL, Mrs. WEBSTER and family, Mr. MOORES, Mr. PHILLIPS, Mr. MUTCHE, General DUCKWOOD and Major FAWCETT. From Twillingate – Rev. Mr. PITMAN, Messrs. BAIRD, FRENCH, Miss Eleanor PEYTON, Mrs. John CURTIS and family, Mr. SHEA and child, and Mr. George BOYD. From Little Bay to Twillingate – Miss Betsy PEARCE, Mr. George ALLAN.
October 30, 1886 Liquor Newfoundland imported nearly two millions of gallons of liquors in the last eleven years – so say correct statistics obtained last year. Those liquors would cost the consumers at least 500,000 dollars each year or 5,500,000 dollars in the eleven years. Now, though the times are terribly hard this year, the liquor business thrives and has even raised its prices. If so, we must as a people, have wasted in drink, at least another 500,000 dollars this year, just enough to buy three barrels of flour for every family in the island! When will our people rise in their might and remove this waste and burden to society? – Temperance Journal.
October 30, 1886 Ordination On Monday, 18th inst. (Feast of St. Luke the Evangelist) the Lord Bishop of Newfoundland had an Ordination in the Cathedral Church of St. John the Baptist, at 11 a.m., the Clergy and Choir marching from the Vestry down the South Choir Aisle into the Chancel, singing “the Church is one foundation", as a processional Morning Prayer was said by Rev. R.T. HEYGATE. The Rev. E. DAVIS, M.A., Principal of the Theological College, preached the Ordination Sermon, setting forth the duties appertaining to the office of a Deacon. The Candidates, Messrs. FIELD and BRADSHAW, were presented to his Lordship by the Rev. A.C.F. WOOD, M.A., Rector of St. Thomas’s. The Rev. A. HEYGATE, M.A., acted as Bishop’s Chaplain.
October 30, 1886 North American Fisheries The rapid development of the French codfishery of the island of St. Pierre, Newfoundland, causes a pressing demand for an early settlement of the Newfoundland – French shore and bait question. An important meeting of French home and Colonial shipowners, has been held under the auspices of the Governor of the island and commander of the Newfoundland Squadron, to consider this subject. The Commander, in opening the proceedings, explained the situation, and gave a mass of facts showing the importance of the question. The subsequent discussion was marked by the good feeling manifested towards England. A committee was afterwards appointed to co-operate with the Commander, in submitting propositions to the French Government, with the view of facing eventual difficulties, and at the same time, of further developing the French fisheries.

November 6, 1886 Marriage On Oct. 21st, at St. Peter’s Church, by Rev. R. TEMPLE, Mr. George RIDOUT of Back Harbour to Emma Maria, youngest daughter of Mr. Samuel ROBERTS, Wild Cove, Twillingate.
November 6, 1886 Marriage On Oct. 23rd, at Moreton’s Harbour, by the same, Mr. Thomas TAYLOR, Jr., to Miss Rebecca Jane CANNING
November 6, 1886 Marriage On Nov. 3rd, at St. Andrew’s Church, by the same, Mr. John FLING to Ann, eldest daughter of Mr. Samuel MAIDMENT, Durrell’s Arm.
November 6, 1886 Marriage On Nov. 4th, at Cottle’s Island, by the same, Mr. Stephen COOPER, Jr., to Elizabeth Jane, daughter of Mr. Joseph FUDGE of Western Head.
November 6, 1886 Marriage On the 20th ult., at St. Thomas’s Church, St. John’s, by the Rev. Henry DUNFIELD, Robert S. BREMNER, Esq., eldest son of the late Alexander BREMNER, Esq., of Trinity, merchant, to May, eldest daughter of the late Archibald EMERSON, Esq., Barrister-at-law.
November 6, 1886 Marriage On Oct. 20th, at St. Thomas’s Church, by the Rev. A.C.F. WOOD, Rector, Mr. Archibald BLANDFORD to Sarah M., third daughter of the late Mr. John S. LOCKYER, J.P. Greenspond.
November 6, 1886 Shipping News Port of Twillingate. Entered Nov. 1 – May, COLLINS, Sydney, 268 tons coal – W. WATERMAN & Co. Cleared Oct. 29 – Rose of Torridge, DEAR, Leghorn, 2300 qtls. fish and quantity salmon – W. WATERMAN & Co. Nov. 1– Mayflower, CROSS, St. John’s, 3414 qtls. fish – E. DUDER. Nov. 4–Pearl, LOWER, Oporto, 2600 qtls. fish – W. WATERMAN & Co.
November 6, 1886 Local and General News The schr. Evangeline, Capt. ROBERTS, called in here on Wednesday evening last, en route for St. John’s with a cargo of lumber, from Point Lemington saw mill. Mr. James YOUNG of N.W. Arm, one of the leading inhabitants of that place, and who was highly respected in the neighbourhood, died on Saturday last, the 30th October. The deceased, who leaves a wife and large family to mourn his loss, married a daughter of the late Mr. William WELLS of Three Arms, formerly of this place.
November 6, 1886 Drowning - Peter WARD On Saturday, the 23rd of October last, a young man named Peter WARD, servant to Mr. Owen BERGE of Dark Tickle, left that place in boat to visit his friends in Leading Tickles. Nothing has been seen or heard of him since that time. His cap, paddles, and bucket were picked up on Monday last, so that it is evident the unfortunate young man met his death by drowning.
November 6, 1886 Death On Thursday, September 30th, a baby three months old, died in the steerage on board the s.s. Anchoria. Its parents were Jews, and after sunset, according to the Jewish custom, its body was committed to the deep. On the 8th inst., a birth occurred in the saloon, and the same day, another child died. At seven o’clock in the evening while the moon was shining bright, the coffin containing the remains of the little passenger, enshrouded in the British ensign, was solemnly borne aft, officers and passengers stood around with heads uncovered. A clergyman recited the burial service, and the coffin was gently lowered over the ship’s dark side, and was soon buried beneath the waves. Those who witnessed it say the scene was most impressive and one long to be remembered.
November 6, 1886 Parcel Post The convenience of this agency will be apparent, when people come to know its value. A poor man, in the district of Burgeo and LaPoile, received a parcel of winter clothing in 11 days, from time of despatch, from London. Another parcel was received at Heart’s Content, in 10 days after despatch, from London, and a third was delivered at Greenspond, the eleventh day after despatch, from Liverpool. There is no trouble in forwarding parcels. The blank form upon which to declare contents and value, will be furnished at the Post offices, authorized to transact Parcel Post business.

November 13, 1886 Little Bay A road is now being constructed to Hall’s Bay, towards which a sum of fifteen hundred dollars or more has been allocated by the Government this Fall. The opening of this road will enable intending settlers to provide comfortable homesteads along the line, and induce them to give attention to the cultivation of the soil, which some are already doing. So quickly as the road is opened, applications are made for the land, evidencing a desire on their part to cultivate the fertile forests between Little Bay and Hall’s Bay; and this being so, the expenditure in making the road, will well repay the Government in the course of a few years. Mining operations are “booming” under the present judicious Manager. Two or three large steamers and vessels have arrived there during the past few weeks with general cargoes for the Company and have taken away copper ore. The smelting works are being extended, and arrangements going on for refining the ore, so as to ship it to market in its purity, by which means a good deal for freight will be saved and more employment given in the country. In order to convert the ore to this perfection, three practical operatives, in addition to those previously there, arrived from New York by last steamer. A large number of people find employment from the mining enterprise in Little Bay, as may be imagined from the fact that the past month’s wages alone for miners, labourers, etc. (not including officers) was something over £4000, and paid in cash or cash orders, which is so every month, and must be very satisfactory to employees. There has been a large influx of people from other places, where the fishery has been a failure the past season. They have removed to Little Bay with their families, hoping to get employment. But it is impossible for the Mining Company to employ all who go there, consequently many will be badly off the winter. It is to be hoped that deserving, needy cases will be looked into by the Government, and provision made for their sustenance.
November 13, 1886 What happened to two of our Pilots A “strange, eventful experience” was that which befell two pilots named GALLISHAW this morning. At the present moment they are on board an American schooner, the John Ingram, bound to Boston. The misadventure is something out of the usual run of accidents that happen to these staunch and seamanlike guides to vessels seeking this port, and is summoned up thusly: -- The two men in question were on board the schooner named, piloting her through the Narrows, and were in tow of the tug Favourite. Their boat, in which was a youth named LEWIS, was held to the schooner by a painter, and was following in the schooner’s wake. Coming to sea immediately after them, was the banking schooner Lavinia, which swayed to and fro in the tremendous sea thrown up by the North Easter. Both crafts were passing through the Narrows at the time. Fearing that the Lavinia, which was running free, and approaching dangerously close, with her mainsail jibing wildly, might bear down and crush their boat, the pilots lengthened the painter. In doing so, the rope slipped from the grasp of the man who was doing the work, and the boat with the boy in it drafted off into the “yeast of waters”. To rescue the lad, Capt. PARSONS had to slip his hawser at a point short of the usual distance, but as the schooner had seaway before her, there was no danger in doing this. He picked up the lad, who was white with fright, and the boat, and then steamed after the schooner to take off the pilots. He brought the tug’s prow close up to the latter’s side, a task of some difficulty in so heavy a sea, and wrenched some of the iron sheathing on the boat’s bow while doing so, but he gave the two pilots a chance to leap aboard. The latter “refused to leap,” however, and this is how it happened that they are now on board the John Ingraw, bound to Boston.
November 13, 1886 Mrs PILOT's Letter Dear Mrs. PILOT, -- The shareholders of the Masonic Hall Joint Stock Company (Limited) are desirous of giving expression to their high appreciation of the valuable service rendered by you, as secretary of the committee of ladies who devoted so much time and means, resulting in the realization of a very handsome sum from the Masonic Bazaar held in June last. We are convinced that we only express an opinion universally entertained, when we say that your energy and zeal in many works, having for their object either charity or some public utility, have won for you the esteem of the community. We beg your acceptance of the accompanying souvenir in token of our thanks and regard. Yours faithfully, W.V. WHITEWAY, President, Moses MONROE, Vice-President, Charles S. PINSENT, Treasurer, Edward ROTHWELL, Director, William CANNING, Director, E. HANDCOCK, Secretary, Ordnance House, St. John’s, Nfld., Oct. 27. Dear Sirs, – I beg you to accept my grateful acknowledgements for the unexpected and pleasing address which you have presented to me, and for the kind and valuable present accompanying it. The duties of Secretary to the Ladies’ Masonic Bazaar Committee, which I cordially undertook, were made comparatively easy by the kindness, zeal, and assiduity manifested by the ladies, and by the courtesy and attention shown by the gentlemen on the executive committee, and I shall always remember with pleasure my association with this good work. I am, yours faithfully, Agnes E.W. PILOT
November 13, 1886 Herring It is stated on good authority, that the yield of the herring grounds on Labrador, extending from Red Bay to Domino – an area of a hundred and twenty miles – is ordinarily from 70,000 to 100,000 barrels. This season’s yield will be only 5,200 barrels. The fishermen on that stretch of coast, could have taken the largest quantity mentioned, from the middle of July to the last of August, but were left unfurnished with either barrels or salt. Suppliers based their action on the calculation that the herrings would strike in again in September, but this was one of those calculations which are proven to be merely human, and which show the necessity of equipping crews henceforth with all the material for saving at any time, a voyage of herring. On the North East coast (White Bay and vicinity) five-eights of the operative population are without nets or other means of catching this fish, and had they possessed these requisites, in place of the ten thousand barrels taken there since September, they would have doubled that quantity. Two vessels have, however, been laden at St. Anthony with cargoes, and have cleared for Montreal – one being despatched by Messrs. P. ROGERSON & Son, the other by Messrs. J. & R. MADDOCK.
November 13, 1886 Unknown Skeleton Found The skeleton of a man was unearthed this morning on the Parade Ground Road, a little west of the rink, by the navvies employed in laying down the water-pipes. The skull, rib, and leg bones were the only parts left, and were coffinless. Spectators who witnessed the discovery say that portions of the bones crumbled to dust beneath the touch, so that the body must have lain there a great number of years; placed there when the spot was probably a part of the wilderness. The bones are the last, perchance, of some poor soldier interred hurriedly by his comrades. It may be at “Dead of night, The sods with their bayonets turning, By the struggling moonbeam’s misty light, And the lantern dimly burning.” The relics were carefully placed in a box, a small one sufficing for the purpose, for burial. But the question is: To whom does he belong? Alas, the poor fellow, far removed from the atmosphere of the obium theologicum, cares little for that question now. Telegram, Oct 28.
November 13, 1886 Local and General News (Part 1) Mr. HOWLEY and his surveying staff returned to St. John’s per last Plover, having been engaged in surveying and marking off Crown lands in Exploits Bay the past few months. The Lord Bishop of Newfoundland visited Catalina, the last time the Plover was coming North, for the purpose we understand, of holding Communion in that and other of the adjoining settlements. We learn that while crews were searching for the bodies of the brothers BOWDITCH, drowned a short time since at Harry’s Harbour, a house belonging to Mr. John SNOW took fire and went down in ashes. The owner lost everything. The Halifax Herald of the 20th instant says: – The little difficulty on the French shore, Newfoundland, caused by the French taking possession of some Newfoundland fishing gear, has been amicably settled. Mr. HUTCHINGS, a Lecturer of the National Division of the Sons of Temperance, visited our town the past week. He gave three lectures, and established two branches of the Band of Hope. He left per Plover for Greenspond on Wednesday night. The prisoners, who were taken to St. John’s last steamer on charge of having plundered part of the cargo of the schooner Dove, which was wrecked at Greenspond, are now awaiting trial. Mr. DOWER, the master of the unfortunate schooner, and three others, who have been summonsed as witnesses, went to St. John’s by this Plover. On Sunday last, the congregation attending North Side Methodist Church were favoured with the services of T. HUTCHINGS, Esq., a Lecturer of the National Division of the S. of T. of N. America, who preached an excellent Sermon from 2 Timothy 1c 12v: “For I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day.”
November 13, 1886 Local and General News (Part 2) The crew of the schooner Alma, WHITEWAY, master, wrecked off Grand Vache Cove on Oct. 25th in a sudden squall, were being conveyed to their homes by the Plover on Thursday. The Alma was on a trading venture from St. John’s, and had two hundred barrels of herring, with other produce, at the time of the disaster. The cargo was uninsured. Mr. Henry EBSARY, one of the Bible Society’s travelling agents in Newfoundland, called at our office this morning and asked us to put on record the fact that he has “travelled by dory, during the past few months, one hundred and forty miles along our Western coast, and received uniform kindness at the hands of the people everywhere.” One day a short time since, four or five of Mr. HOWLEY’s surveying party narrowly escaped being poisoned, by partaking of canned beef. Shortly after eating it for dinner, they were taken seriously ill, and but for the timely administration of medics by Mr. HOWLEY, who fortunately did not eat any of the canned beef that day, fatal consequences would in all probability have been the result. It is thought that the poisonous substances must have been caused by the acids used in soldering.
November 13, 1886 Schooner lost The schooner Mary Brown, NEWELL, master, was lost at Baccalieu on the night of the gale of the 23rd ult., and, sad to relate, three men and one woman perished. The vessel struck on a place called White’s Rock, and in a few minutes went to pieces. The names of the unfortunate ones are HARRIS, MASH, BERNAN, and Miss CHIEVERS, Roman Catholic Teacher of Plate Cove. The craft was bound from St. John’s to Indian Arm.
November 13, 1886 Passengers "The coastal steamer Plover on her last trip North, proceeded as far as Griguet. Subjoined is the list of passengers from St. John’s: -- Trinity – Miss BRENNER, Mr. E. WATSON, Mr. T. STABB. Catalina – Lord Bishop of Newfoundland, Mrs. SNELGROVE, Mr. A. LINDSAY. King’s Cove – Mr. PENNY, Greenspond – Miss CHAMBERS, Mr. POND. Herring Neck – Mr. STREET, Miss MILES. Twillingate – Mr. HUTCHINGS. Leading Tickles – Mr. PHILLIPS. Little Bay – Rev. S. O’Flynn, Miss FLYNN, Mrs. LAMB, Messrs. WALLACE, RODDICK, McGIBB, and families, Mr. AUSTIN, Mr. D. COURTNEY. Tilt Cove – Miss SLATTERY. St. Anthony – Mr. MOORE. Griguet – Mr. A. ALCOCK. Round trip – Mr. BRADSHAW. Returning to St. John’s, the Plover has the following passengers when leaving this port: -- From White Bay – Rev. Mr. ANDREWS. Conche – Messrs. FLYNN, CARROLL, J. DOWER, Thos. DOWER, John CASEY, Miss HICKEY. Tilt Cove – Mrs. AVERY. Nipper’s Harbour – Mr. and Mrs. NEWHOOK, Mr. GARLAND. Little Bay – Mr. REDDEN. Little Bay Island – Mr. WALSH. Exploits – Messrs. WINSOR, MANUEL, J.P. HOWLEY, and HANN. Twillingate – Mr. HUTCHINGS, Mr. TOBIN, Mr. and Miss OSMOND."
November 13, 1886 Telegraph News By Telegraph. St. John’s, Nov. 11. The steamer Carthagenian arrived yesterday from England. A large vessel, called the Casper, has been burnt to the water’s edge at St. Pierre. She was nine hundred tons and laden with seal. The result of the election of Saturday is as follows: FLANNERY, 600; PARSONS, 686; MURPHY, 944. FLANNERY was a Government candidate and backed by Mercury.
November 13, 1886 One for Poor WIGGINS Private letters from Newfoundland, state that WIGGINS’ storm was up to time on the South coast of that Island. At the time appointed, the storm arose and the wind blew quite furiously enough to satisfy the inhabitants of that part that the prediction was verified, since old houses and fences blew over, and some vessels went ashore. Perhaps this may encourage our prophet to prophesy some more big storms.
November 13, 1886 Birth On the 3rd inst., the wife of Mr. Alfred NEWMAN, of a son.
November 13, 1886 Marriage On Nov. 5th, at St. Peter’s Church by the Rev. R. TEMPLE, Mr. Thomas ROBERTS, Wild Cove, to Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. Joseph GUY.
November 13, 1886 Marriage On the 1st inst., at Friday’s Bay, by the Rev. G. BULLEN, Thomas GUDGE of Friday’s Bay, to Hannah CHAPPLE of Kettle Cove.
November 13, 1886 Marriage On the 6th inst., by the same, Thomas YATES of New Bay, to Ellen JENKINS of Durrell’s Arm.
November 13, 1886 Marriage At Topsail, on the 15th ult., by the Rev. M. FENWICK, Frederick A. GEAR to Martha GILL, fourth daughter of John HADDON, Esq.
November 13, 1886 Marriage At the residence of the Bride’s father, on the 30th ult., by the Rev. A. FALCONER, Neilson McDONALD, Esq., Proprietor of the Hotel Glover, to Susie, only daughter of S. MOORES, Esq., Water Street.
November 13, 1886 Shipping News Port of Twillingate. Cleared Nov. 11 – May, COLLINS, St. John’s, 500 brls. Herring, 90 tons coals – W. WATERMAN & Co.
November 13, 1886 New Advertisements Consolidated Stock. Receiver General’s Office. St. John’s, 26th Oct., 1886. I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, that under the provisions of an act passed in the last Session of the Legislature, entitled “An Act to make provisions for the Liquidation of certain existing Liabilities of the Colony, and for other purposes,” I am authorized to raise by Loan the sum of One Hundred and Two Thousand Dollars upon Debentures, chargeable upon and repayable out of the Public Funds of the Colony after the expiration of Twenty-five Years, when it shall be optional with the Government to pay off the same on giving Twelve Months previous notice of such intention. Tenders for the above amount will be received at my office until noon on Tuesday, the 7th day of December next. The Tenders must express how many dollars will be given for every One Hundred Dollars Stock, which Stock will bear interest at the rate of four per cent, per annum, payable half-yearly. Wm. J.S. DONNELLY, Receiver General.
November 13, 1886 New Advertisements Receiver General’s Office. St. John’s, Oct. 26th, 1886. I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that under the Session of the Legislature, entitled “An Act for the promotion of Agriculture,” I am authorized to raise by Loan the Sum of Sixty Thousand Dollars upon Debentures, chargeable upon and repayable out of the Public Funds of the Colony, at the expiration of Twenty-five Years from the issuing thereof. Tenders for the above amount will be received at my Office, until noon. on Tuesday, the 7th day of December next. The Tenders must express how many dollars will be given for every One Hundred Dollars Stock, which Stock will bear interest at the rate of four per cent, per annum, payable half-yearly. Wm. J.S. DONNELLY, Receiver General.

Nov 20, 1886SteamerThe steam launch Tibbie came here from Fogo, Monday night and left the next morning with a load of herring.
Nov 20, 1886SchoonerThe English schooner May sailed for St. John's on Monday morning, with 800 barrels of herring for Messrs. W. WATERMAN & Co.
Nov 20, 1886SchoonersThe schooners, Mary Parker, Welcome, Home and Sunrise left for St. John's on Tuesday with cargoes of fish.
Nov 20, 1886CensusIn referring to the population of Little Bay last week an error was made. According to census returns of 1884 the population is put down at 1,538, and not 1,900 as was printed in last paper.
Nov 20, 1886Shoal TickleNearly all the craft that went to the bay for timber for the Shoal Tickle have returned and there is to be a meeting of the committee on Tuesday next, when all persons who are actually in want are requested to attend.
Nov 20, 1886SteamerThe steamer Hercules arrived from St. John's on Sunday evening last. She remained in port until after Sunday, and left for Tilt Cove after discharging a small quantity of freight. The following came here by her: Rev. Mr. PITTMAN, two Miss STIRLINGS, Miss RENDELL, Messrs. Wm. BAIRD, Thos. FRENCH and PHILLIPS. Mr. GILL was passenger for Tilt Cove.
Nov 20, 1886RC Church Heart's ContentOur fourth page today contains a sermon delivered by the REV. S. O'FLYNN, the respected Roman Catholic clergyman of Little Bay, on the occasion of dedicating a new church at Heart's Content on the 25th Oct. last.
Nov 20, 1886DeathOn the 19th inst. Joel, son of George and Lucy WHITEHORN, aged four years and ten months.
Nov 20, 1886AdvertisementFor sale - Room & Premises - At Tizzard's Harbor, belonging to the late Mr. Eugene FORWARD. The above comprises dwelling-house, store, and other out-houses, stage, flake, gardens and a lot of cultivated land. For particulars apply to Willis FORWARD, Little Bay Mines or at the Twillingate Sun office.
Nov 20, 1886AdvertisementTo let - All or part of premises, at Back Harbor, suitable for a lobster factory. Apply to J. M. NURSE.
Nov 20, 1886Herring Neck CanalIt is gratifying to know that a work of great importance to the fishermen and trade of Herring Neck and various other localities has been completed the past few months, under the efficient supervision of Mr. Samuel PEACH. We refer to the deepening of the Canal. This is a work which was commenced several years ago, when Messrs. MCNEILY, RICE and CARTER represented the district, and on which a large amount of money was expended without corresponding results. Nevertheless, so much as was accomplished, proved highly advantageous, and was gladly availed by all whose business called them to traffic in that locality. This canal has been made across an isthmus or neck of land which divided the main waters from Pike's Arm, leading to Change Islands. It is a locality that is much frequented by fishermen for bait, &c., and before the canal was made, their traffic had to be taken from their boats, the latter hauled across the Neck and then loaded again before proceeding out the Arm, or else take a round of some miles in rough water which exposed them to considerable danger, besides involving much loss of time. Ever since the first opening of the channel, however, we are glad to know that these difficulties have largely been removed, and now that the work has been completed, it will be a still greater benefit, which cannot but be greatly appreciated by the public of Herring Neck and all other interested localities. At high tide, we understand there are about seven feet of water in the canal, and when the tide is low any ordinary size boat will float through. The way in which the work was executed reflects credit on the engineering skill of Mr. PEACH and to the Representatives and Government for providing the means.
Nov 20, 1886Fogo CanalWhile at Fogo a short time since, we were pleased to observe that the work of deepening the canal there had been commenced and was being vigorously pushed forward. In order that it might be undertaken with advantage, it was successfully dammed each side of the street, for a distance of some one hundred and sixty or seventy feet, and about twenty five men were employed blasting, excavating and clearing away the debris, under the foremanship of Mr. James HIGGONS, of St. John's, who appeared to know the "right" way to work his crew. They had only been at work a few days and considerable progress was made. It is intended to deepen the canal twenty-six or twenty-eight inches more than it was previously, after being cleared out, and this depth had already been reached in different parts, and we daresay by this time the work is in a fairway for completion. Then it is thought that it will be sufficiently deep to enable small schooners to pass through at high-water, ........ The work is proceeding under the oversight of the Chairman of public works for that district, T.C. DUDER, Esq., J.P. and is likely to be carried to a very successful issue.
Nov 20, 1886A Light for Nippers Harbor IslandTo the Editor - Sir, - Upon a recent occasion, I was a passenger on board the steamer Plover for Nipper's Harbor. The night was intensely dark, and upon approaching our port at 3:30 a.m., although straining one's sight to utmost, nothing could be discovered but one dark unbroken coast line. However, the masterly skill and sterling seaman-like qualities of the bold and intrepid Capt.MANUEL, and his vigilant crew were equal to the emergency. Most cautiously proceeding in the direction of the off lying islands, he shaped his course till a light, placed for the express purpose of serving as a beacon to the steamer, in a window of his house, which occupies a commanding position by Mr. William CUNNINGHAM, exhibited itself and made our ingress an easy matter. Now, sir, my contention is, that in a harbor where a large mercantile business is flourishing, which is a steamer's port of call, and which is so difficult to access at night, should not be left without a Light-house longer than is absolutely necessary. May I entertain the hope that the powerful advocacy of the Sun will not be wanting in raising a demand, which will meet with more than merely directing the attention of the authorities to the matter, but to the absolute necessity of erecting a Light-house at Nipper's Harbor Island. I am, sir, yours faithfully, GDS. CHAMBERLAIN, Exploits, The Parsonage, November 9th, 1886

Nov 27, 1886MarriageOn the 19th inst., by the Rev. R. TEMPLE, RD, Mr. Joseph BOYD, to Miss Susie DAVID, both of Twillingate.
Nov 27, 1886DeathOn the 23 inst., Harry, only child of Frederick and Fanny OAKLEY aged 11 months.
Nov 27, 1886Accident at FogoTwillingate, Nov. 26, 1886 - My Dear Sir, - The greatest gloom seemed to pervade our whole community on last Saturday, when tidings reached us from Fogo, concerning the recent accident that occurred to "S.S. Hercules" there. From good advice, I learn that Captain CROSS took usual steamer's run in leaving Fogo, and that the only accountable reason, given for accident, is that some of the wreck of the "S.S. Sunnyside" must have been thrown up from the bottom, the "Hercules" thereby coming in contact with it. Some may lay it to a careless act on the Captain's part, but I know Mr. Editor, you will agree with me when I say, that I have the greatest amount of respect for Captain CROSS's ability, as a seaman in every particular. Everyone seems to regret his bad stroke of luck as he has been, ever most gracious, to those who have had any connection with him. You could also depend on having greatest care taken of any freight you might order by "Hercules" as well as most courteous attention shown yourself, if you happened to be a passenger by her. Thanking you for your space, I am, yours, etc. Consolatrix Afflictorum
Nov 27, 1886Local NewsSeveral cases of measles are said to be prevalent in various parts of the community.
Nov 27, 1886MagistrateThe Stipendiary Magistrate for Greenspond, R.P. RICE, Esq., came here per Plover and left by return steamer.
Nov 27, 1886Shoal TickleA meeting of the committee for deepening Shoal Tickle was held at the Court House on Tuesday, and about fifty men are now employed preparing timber for the wharves.
Nov 27, 1886DeathWe regret to learn of the death at Little Bay, of the wife of Mr. Ernest BERTEAU, son of our respected Magistrate, F. BERTEAU, Esq., which sad event occurred yesterday morning. Sympathy is hereby tendered to the bereaved in this sore affliction.
Nov 27, 1886EntertainmentA sacred entertainment, consisting of recitations and singing, under the direction of Miss ANDERSON, was given in Little Harbor Church Thursday evening, Rev. J.W. VICKERS was Chairman. The school children took part and acquitted themselves creditably.
Nov 27, 1886SteamerThe steamer Plover arrived here on Monday morning from St. John's, after visiting intermediate ports of call. She proceeded as far as Conche. Passengers: For Old Perlican - Mrs. MOREY, Mr. G. CHRISTIAN, Trinity - Mr. RYAN, Catalina - Mr. MCCORMAK, Greenspond - Messrs. D. BLANDFORD, F. WHITE and EDGAR. Fogo - Rev. Father WALKER, Miss BOGGAN, Miss GREEN. Exploits - Mr. FOOTE, Little Bay - Mr. LANGSTEAD. Returning South this morning the passengers for St. John's were as follows: Nippers Harbor - Mr. CUNNINGHAM, Little Bay - Messrs. B. BOYLE, J.H. TAVERNER, J. LAMB, J.W. PHILLIPS, Capt. DUFF, Little Bay Island - Messrs. STEWART, ANDREWS and SEAVEY, Leading Tickles - Mr. DAWSON, Mrs. DAWSON, Miss ELMS and Mr. PHILLIPS, MCCANN and McNEIL. Exploits - Mr. FOOTE and Jabez MANUEL. For Twillingate - Messrs. ROFF, TARRANT, WELLS and COLLINS.
Nov 27, 1886SteamerThe steamer Eagle , Captain A. JACKMAN, arrived here from Davis' Straits this morning. She left this port in June last bound on a seal and whale fishing expedition but has been unfortunate, not having secured a fish. A number of whales were seen but the weather was too boisterous to accrue any. During the month of October seven boats were lost and heavy gales were experienced all the way up. On the 16th of October 20 men belong to the Peter ______ whaling brig Catherine were taken on board. Their vessel had been lost ten days before, and they had been in open boats till that time. Fifteen of the Eagle's crew are sick. Thomas JACKMAN, chief officer, is suffering from a severe attack of neuralgia. - Mercury Nov 17.
Nov 27, 1886AccidentThe steamer Hercules met a serious misfortune on leaving Fogo harbor, early on Wednesday morning the 17th inst. When going out of the Western Tickle she struck on what was supposed to be the wreckage of the steamer Sunnyside, lost there about two years ago. At first it was thought that part of the steering gear had given out, and the captain continued his course, not thinking that anything serious had occurred, but after a little while it was discovered, that water was quickly making in the hold. The steamer proceeded as far as Dean's Rock, some three miles from Fogo and had to return in a very dangerous condition. The steam pumps would not work, and before arriving back in the harbor one of the fires was out, and the water had reached the cabin floor. The Hercules was put in the beach near Messrs. WATERMAN's premises, where she now lies. It is not known yet whether she will be a total wreck, if so it is very much to be regretted as her loss to the Northern trade will create a void that will be sorely felt by the public.

Dec 4, 1886Schooner The English schooner Welcome Home , chartered by Messrs. W. WATERMAN & Co, came from Fogo on Thursday to finish loading with fish.
Dec 4, 1886SchoonerThe schooner Sweepstake arrived from St. John's yesterday morning , having left there on Saturday. The Evangeline also arrived from Wild Bight, near Little Bay.
Dec 4, 1886DeathThe remains of the late Mrs. E. BERTEAU were conveyed from Little Bay in the steamer Hiram Perry on Thursday, and will be interred in the Church of England cemetery.
Dec 4, 1886MarriageOn the 11th inst., at St. Nicholas Church, Leading Tickles by the Rev. G.S. CHAMBERLAIN, Robert PIDDLE to Harriet NOSEWORTHY.
Dec 4, 1886MarriageOn the 13th inst., at the same place, by the same, Isaac BUDGELL, to Rosanna NOSEWORTY.
Dec 4, 1886MarriageOn the 17th inst., at the same place, by the same, Walter ALCOCK, to Ruth HACKETT.
Dec 4, 1886MarriageOn the 8th inst., in the Methodist Church, Change Islands, by the Rev. R. BRAMFITT, Mr. Wm. George BUSSEY, of Change Islands, to Miss Abigail CRUMMIE, of Musgrave Harbor.
Dec 4, 1886MarriageOn the following evening, by the same, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Jacob STREET, of Burin, Placentia Bay, to Selina, third daughter of Mr. Esau BLANDFORD, Herring Neck.
Dec 4, 1886MarriageOn the 9th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. M. HARVEY, Annie Walker, eldest daughter of Jas. BRYDEN, Esq., to Charles Edward ARCHIBALD, managing partner of Newfoundland Furniture & Molding Company
Dec 4, 1886MarriageOn the 10th inst., at 7 Scotland Row, by the Rev. Moses HARVEY, F.R.G.S., Annie Bessie, only daughter of Jas. BAIRD, Esq., to Henry Davis, fourth son of Sir F. B. T. CARTER, K.C.M.C., Chief Justice.
Dec 4, 1886DeathOn the 28th November, Sarah, beloved wife of Mr. David WHEELER, aged 23 years.
Dec 4, 1886DeathOn the 7th inst., at the Methodist Parsonage, Burin, James Roy GOODFELLOW, aged 10 months, son of Rev. J. and Elizabeth J. NURSE.
Dec 4, 1886DeathOn the 14th inst., after a long illness, at the residence of her brother-in-law, Sir Ambrose SHEA, Emily Caroline, wife of Dr. Charles NEILSON, of Baltimore, and second daughter of the late Mr. Joseph BEUCHETTE, Surveyor General of Canada.
Dec 4, 1886DeathAt Black Island, the wife of Mr. Richard NEWMAN, in the 33 year of her age, leaving a husband and 3 children and many friends to mourn her loss.

Dec 11, 1886TheftWe learn that Mr. ROLL's office, Barr'd Island, was broken into on the 2nd December, and money to the value of over £80 taken from the desk, the robbers took cash box and all contents.
Dec 11, 1886SchoonerThe schr. Branksea, belonging to W. WATERMAN & Co., left for St. John's on Tuesday morning last. Messrs. W. J. SCOTT, and J. P. THOMPSON went passengers by her.
Dec 11, 1886DeathThe death of Mrs. Stanley B. CARTER is announced, and has awakened many regrets. Since returning from England last, she has resided with her aunt, Mrs. Charles DUDER - Telegram.
Dec 11, 1886SchoonersThe schr. Welcome Home, belonging to W. WATERMAN & CO, arrived here from St. John's on Monday last. The Sunrise, belonging to J.B. TOBIN, Esq., and Mallard, belonging to OWEN & EARLE also arrived here on Wednesday.
Dec 11, 1886Schooner DisasterThe schr. Louise, Horatio HOWELL, master, was lost a New Harbor Point , near Greenspond, not long since, (says the Record of the 2nd inst.) The Louisa was owned by Messrs. G & A PEACH , Carbonear and was bound in Bonavista Bay for a load of wood.
Dec 11, 1886Schooner ArrivalThe English schooner, Annie Stuart put in here on Tuesday last, from Sydney, en route for Little Bay laden with coals. She experienced very thick weather, making a trip of nearly thirty days.
Dec 11, 1886Foreign NewsMethuselah could not have been prouder of his last child than a pair at St. Joseph, Mo. The mother is 65 years old, the father 71, the boy 1 week.
Dec 11, 1886LocalA great slaughter of geese is reported from Beaver Lake in the North-West. Two men named FRAZER have killed 1,000 and are having them cured as dry meat for winter use. Many other persons have killed from 50 to 100 each, and a local merchant named John BROWN is reported to have killed 200 in four days.
Dec 11, 1886Fire Alarm A little panic at the Salvation Army Barrack- About 7 o'clock last evening an alarm of fire was sounded from No. 2 Ward, and promptly the firemen turned out, as usual, in such cases. Fortunately, however, their services were not required. The cause of the alarm was due to an accident at the Salvation Army Barracks, on Springdale Street. During the evening's proceedings there one of the oil-lamps suspended at the end of the Barrack fell to the floor, and the oil took fire. However, a man in the audience named WAUGH, with great presence of mind, threw his coat over the lamp and extinguished the flames almost immediately. A slight panic ensued and a few persons were more or less injured, but none seriously. All the windows were broken out, but not many availed of this means of exit. In fact, so well did all present preserve their coolness under the trying ordeal that not more than one-third of the audience left the building at all. We have already called the attention of our Magistrates to the limited means of exit from this public hall, but without avail. Let us hope however, that this accident may have a wholesome effect and lead to such alterations in the Barracks as the safety of those who attend there night after night would seem to demand. - Telegram Nov 22.
Dec 11, 1886A Steamer in DistressThe S.S. Barromore, belonging to Messrs. BARROWMORE & Co., of Liverpool, and commanded by Captain Charles HONEYMAN, put in here yesterday morning for the purpose of getting assistance to extinguish a fire which had broken out on board. It seems that the Barrowmore sailed from Baltimore on Tuesday last, with a cargo consisting of cattle, grain and cotton. Nothing unusual occurred up to Friday at noon, when it was discovered that the cotton, from some cause or other, had taken fire. At this time the position of the ship was about 310 miles South or S.S.E. of Cape Race. At first Captain HONEYMAN and his officers hoped to subdue the fire without deviating from their course, but finding this impossible, they decided to steer for St. John's, the nearest and most desirable port under the circumstances. As soon as possible, after the ship had anchored, two schooners were hauled alongside, into which some of the steamer's cargo was removed. This admitted of effective work being done in extinguishing the fire, and between four and five o'clock last evening the officer in charge of operations in the hold reported, "Fire all out!" To-day the cargo is being replaced, and it is believed the ship will be ready to resume her voyage to-morrow. We understand that not much damage had been done. The Barrowmore is a fine ship of 3,700 tons gross. Messrs. BOWRING Brothers are the Company's agents here.
Dec 11, 1886BirthAt Little Bay Mines, on the 20th Nov., the wife of E.F. BERTEAU, of a daughter.
Dec 11, 1886BirthOn the 4th inst., the wife of Mr. Elias ANSTEY, of a son.
Dec 11, 1886BirthAt Herring Neck, on the 20th October, the wife of Mr. Thos. STUCKY of a son.
Dec 11, 1886BirthAt the same place, on the 25th November, the wife of Mr. William STUCKY of a daughter.
Dec 11, 1886BirthAt Fortune Harbor, on the 5th Nov., the wife of Mr. LIVRE of a son.
Dec 11, 1886BirthSame place, 12th Nov., the wife of Mr. Michael HINES of a daughter.
Dec 11, 1886BirthSame place, 15th Nov., the wife of Mr. Thomas LANNING of a daughter.
Dec 11, 1886BirthOn the 23rd November, the wife of William GUY, Wild Cove, of a son.
Dec 11, 1886MarriedOn the 3rd inst., at the Methodist Parsonage, by the Rev. G. BULLEN, Stephen GUY of Twillingate to Letitia WHELLOR of Tizzard's Harbor.
Dec 11, 1886DeathAt St. John's on Nov. 28th, Harriet E.A. CARTER, eldest daughter of the last Edwin DUDER, Esq., aged 29 years.
Dec 11, 1886DeathAt Little Bay, on the 26th November, Minnie, the beloved wife of Mr. Ernest BERTEAU, aged 25 years.
Dec 11, 1886DeathAt Exploits, on the 30th Nov., Archibald MANUEL, aged 27 years, oldest son of Josiah MANUEL, Esq., J.P.
Dec 11, 1886DeathOn the 6th inst., Bathsheba, the beloved wife of William GUY, of Wild Cove, aged 24 years.
Dec 11, 1886DeathOn the 8th inst., Edith, daughter of Archibald and Harriet ROBERTS of Bluff Head Cove, aged 5 years.
Dec 11, 1886Ship NewsPort of Twillingate - Cleared - Dec 7 - Welcome Home, LUNDIUS, Lisbon, 3200 qtls codfish - W. WATERMAN & Co.
Dec 11, 1886The Price of FishThe price of fish, as we intimated on Wednesday, has again advanced to 19s, 17s, and 10s per quintal here for the three qualities respectively. We also hear from an honorable member now in town that our enterprising friends Messrs. MUNN & Co of Harbor Grace, have given 19s, 17s and 12s to him for the three qualities, the latter quality being a compound of half Madeira and half West India.

Dec 18, 1886Address to Mr. PeachFrom the Evening Mercury of Dec. 1st. we copy the following address presented to Mr. PEACH, Superintendent of the Canal at Herring Neck, on his departure for St. John's: Herring Neck, Nov 22, 1886 - Mr. Samuel PEACH, Dear Sir - We the undersigned representative inhabitants of Herring Neck, having heard that you are about to leave this place, would take this opportunity to inform you that the Public Works carried on here during the past summer under your control and management, have given great public satisfaction, more particularly the deepening of the canal across the Charles Cove Neck, which considering the difficulties to contend with, you have completed in a very economical and satisfactory manner, and it is thereby made a great public convenience. James D LOCKYER, John RADDECK, Wm. J. HOLWELL, Esau BLANDFORD, Thomas DALLEY, William RICHMOND, Rev. John HEWITT, Robert MANDY, William RICHARDS, David BLANDFORD, Rev. Robert BRAMFITT, John PHILPOTT.
Dec 18, 1886ReplyTo the representative inhabitants of Herring Neck - Gentlemen - It gives me the greatest pleasure to reply to the very kind and flattering address, with which you have presented me. I am aware that the work which has been performed, under my supervision, will prove of the greatest value and convenience to you of Herring Neck, and surrounding localities. It is gratifying to me to be able to prove to your representatives (my employers) that the work entrusted to my care, has been faithfully performed as your address to me from so many representative men, fully proves. Thanking you all for the uniform kindness which I have received during my stay amongst you, I remain, gentlemen. Yours very respectfully. S.F. PEACH.
Dec 18, 1886Supreme CourtsOn Monday morning Messrs. Arthur W. KNIGHT and Frank J. MORRIS were sworn in as Attorneys of the Supreme Courts, before the Hon. Justice PINSENT, D.C.L. and J.I. LITTLE. Judge PINSENT congratulated the young aspirants to the "wool-sack" upon, passing such a very creditable examination. We wish our young countrymen a long and prosperous career in the profession they have chosen. - Times Dec. 1.
Dec 18, 1886DeathThe remains of the late David BAIRD, Esq., were borne to their last resting place in the Riverhead cemetery this afternoon. The Masonic Fraternity a large concourse of citizens attending. While the cortege was solemnly wending its way towards the grave yard the bell of St. Andrew's Church tolled; as a token of respect to the memory of the deceased, all the business establishments on Water Street closed up. - Evening Mercury Dec 7.
Dec 18, 1886Passengers on PloverThe following were passengers from St. John's the last time the Plover went North: - For Bay de Verde Miss MARCH, Mr. AVERY, Trinity - Rev. H. JOHNSON, Catalina - Mrs. SIMMONS, Messrs. STONE, WILSHER and HAGERTY. Kings Cove - Miss BARDEN, Mrs. BARDEN, Fogo - Mr. R. CONDON, Capt. CROSS. Twillingate - Mr. J.B. TOBIN, Mr. J.M. MARTIN, Mr. OSMOND, Exploits - Messrs. Thos. A. WINSOR, J. MANUEl, ANDREWS. Little Bay Island - Messrs. Joseph STRONG, James STRONG, R. MURSELL and Miss MARTIN, Little Bay - Miss BENSON, Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. LAMB, Nippers Harbor - Mr. GARLAND, Mr. CUNNINGHAM. St Anthony - Mr. MOORES, Griquet - Mr. BOFIELD
Dec 18, 1886Steamer The steamer Hercules, says the St. John's Evening Telegram of the 9th inst., is afloat again, and will likely be brought on here this or next week, after being temporarily repaired. The job of emptying the hold of water was a most difficult one and were it not for the ingenious method adopted by Condon, supplemented by the diver's all-important services and the powerful pumping apparatus, the boat might have lain there for ever so far as the ordinary plans of getting her to the surface would have availed. Once that the workmen could work on the fractured hull from the inside - the task of keeping her afloat was assured. We congratulate those concerned in her purchase, on the success of their enterprise.
Dec 18, 1886WreckNorth Sydney, Dec 4. A tug boat has just arrived at Cow Bay with the crew and captain's wife of the barquentine Racer of Greenock. The vessel is a total wreck.
Dec 18, 1886WreckCow Bay Dec 4 - The crew of the barquentine, Racer, wrecked on Flink Island, suffered greatly from exposure to the elements before being taken off. They were on the wreck for nearly twenty-four hours after striking and during half of that time the sea washed over her in torrents. They were taken off by the tug L Boyer and saved nothing but the clothes they stood in. Captain MCGIBBON had his wife on board with him. The captain reports sailing from Bahin October 25th for Sydney to load coal. She experienced heavy gales on the voyage up, but sustained no damage. The Racer which is a total loss, was a vessel 251 tons register, and hailed from Greenock, being owned by Walter GRIEVE & Co., of that place. - Telegram.
Dec 18, 1886Fogo CanalWe learn that the canal work at Fogo has been given up for this season. It is not quite completed and about six hundred dollars more will be required to make a thorough job of it, which amount it is hoped will be at the disposal of the Committee next year. Considerable improvement has been made, and the amount provided for the object has been judiciously expended. At present there are eight feet of water all through at high tide which will enable large boats with full loads to float through. This will prove a great convenience to all who may require to avail themselves of the passage which this useful public improvement provides, and will be a great saving of time, especially to the fishermen who have to frequent the parts which the canal leads into. For many years the question of deepening this canal has been in agitation, and now we are glad to know that it has been brought to this degree of completeness. We trust it will not stop here, as so small a sum, comparatively, is necessary to put the finishing touch on. It is a public work which , when once properly done, will remain almost for ever; and considering the advantage which not only Fogo but many of the neighboring settlements will reap by the improvement, we have no doubt the energetic representative for the district, Mr. ROLLS, will do his utmost to secure the requisite amount for completing the canal next year.
Dec 18, 1886ShippingThe Mallard belonging to OWEN & EARLE left for St. John's on Monday.
Dec 18, 1886SchoonerThe English schooner Annie Stuart left for Little Bay Tuesday morning.
Dec 18, 1886SchoonerThe Patience belonging to J.B. TOBIN, Esq., arrived here from St. John's on Tuesday last.
Dec 18, 1886Telegraph LineThe telegraph line between this station and Gambo has been disconnected since yesterday.
Dec 18, 1886First ClockThe first watch made in England is in the possession of the Rev. Franshawe BINGIAM of Bristol. Queen Elizabeth was in habit of giving it a rap on the table, when she wanted to know what o'clock it was.
Dec 18, 1886WeddingThe wedding ring on her toe - The well known armless artist Fraulein HAUSMANN was married the other day at Nuremburg to her impresario, Herr HAUSCHILD. The bride signed the marriage contract with her feet and the wedding ring, was placed on the fourth toe of her right foot.

Dec 25, 1886MarriageIn the North Side Methodist Church, on Thursday evening last, by the Rev. G. BULLEN, assisted by Rev. J.W. VICKERS, Mr. J.N. PARDY, to Emma Louisa, daughter of the late Capt. Henry ANDERSON, of St. John's.
Dec 25, 1886MarriageOn the 20th, inst., by Rev. G. BULLEN, Phillip ?POND of Farmer's Arm to Elizabeth Ann SKINNER of Heart's Cove.
Dec 25, 1886DeathOn the 20th, inst., at Bluff Head Cove, Susie, daughter of Archibald and Harriet ROBERTS, aged 18 months.
Dec 25, 1886Caution!The Public are hereby cautioned from taking the following, on orders of the Chairman of the Board of Works, stolen on the night of the 2nd inst., at Fogo, as payment has been stopped by Mr. ROLLS, viz: - special board order, No. 44, signed Abraham ANTONY, favor Eli CULL and ? brothers....$40.00; special order, No. 18 signed Thos. C. DUDER, Favor John CULL .... $16.20; special order, No. 25 signed Thos. C. DUDER, favor Henry CULL .... $16.20; special order, No.26, signed Thos. C. DUDER, favor Adam RANDLE ...$12.00; special order. No. 13, dated Nov 11, signed Abraham ANTHONY, favor Christopher COBB .....$4.00; special order, No. 32, Nov 12, signed Abraham ANTHONY, favor William CULL ....$4.00; main line order, No 19, Oct 19, signed Abraham ANTHONY, favor Henry CUll ....$6.00 (By order) W.R. STIRLING, Board Works Office Dec 16, 1886.
Dec 25, 1886New Bay CorrespondentA New Bay correspondent writing under date of 2nd inst., among other general remarks, says: - "During the season no lives have been lost either at home or away, for which we thank a kind providence."
Dec 25, 1886Fishing at New BayHerring have been very plentiful here this fall and are so up to date.
Dec 25, 1886Lobster Factory at New BayMessrs. HARVEY & Co. are getting a lobster factory built here on Mr. A. RICHARD's premises; we hope it may do good.
Dec 25, 1886AccidentMr. Robert FAGON while away with others cutting sticks to build the house well nigh lost his life by the falling of a tree. He was under a hill when his comrade above was cutting a tree and without making any alarm let the tree fall towards FAGON which struck him on the head, causing him to fall over the cliff. He was taken up more dead than alive, his leg, arm and head being bruised a great deal. It is now nearly a month since and he is not able to walk or get out yet, but is recovering slowly.
Dec 25, 1886Road Grants at New BayWe have got about $230 road grant this fall, all worked out on Fortune Harbor road and S.E. Arm Neck. Our local roads have been entirely neglected, though in several places they are in bad - very bad condition, but our Government is pinned to a few men's coat tails to be led as they like. I hope the time is not far distant when we shall have a better system of things. There are but three families in S.E. Arm, and yet 100 dollars is expended on the road for them and the other roads all through the harbor neglected altogether. There is a Mr. YATES in the cove; he must have a road, of course he must, and so must the general public.
Dec 25, 1886New Bay NewsI think our people will tide through the winter without much complaint. Through Government help and other ways most have got supplies.
Dec 25, 1886NoticeAn "Almanac and Year Book of Newfoundland under official Sanction" will be published early in January, 1887, and may then be had at all bookstores. Orders for Outports or for Advertisement space to be addressed to the correspondence editor. F.C. BERTEAU, Treasury Office.
Dec 25, 1886To the Editor Twillingate, Dec. 24, 1886: Dear Sir, If I understand rightly, the latest case brought before the Stipendiary Magistrate of Twillingate, has been The Crown vs. HACKETT, Stewart of the SS Plover for violation of Section 2 of the License Act, which it appears, proved another verification of the Proverb: "Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished." It is quite bad enough for a person to be empowered by Law to sell, that through the influence of which, every command in the decalogue has been violated, but, when it is done in direct opposition the Law, it is a practice which every right thinking individual, who has the welfare of the community at heart, should assist in putting down. Hoping that ere long, this iniquitous traffic will be a thing of the past, I remain, yours truly, Probition.
Dec 25, 1886ShippingThe Bianca, Thos. EARLE, master, arrived from St. John's on Saturday evening last, with cargo for Messrs. WATERMAN & Co, making a good run for this time of the year.
Dec 25, 1886Coastal SteamerThe coastal steamer, Plover reached here Monday evening with mails and passengers, and having on board a large quantity of freight for the respective ports of call. She proceeded as far as Tilt Cove and called on return Wednesday night. The passengers from here for St. John's were Messrs. W.B. TOBIN, WREY and Miss RADFORD.
Dec 25, 1886Salvation ArmyA deputation from the Salvation Army arrived here per Plover, and purpose, we understand, making this their quarters for the winter, Greenspond, Bonavista, Catalina and Trinity are also being made stations to by the Army.
Dec 25, 1886SteamerThe sealing steamer Nimrod from St. John's called here on Thursday en route for Griquet, having touched at Herring Neck for the purpose of landing Mr. J.D. LOCKYER, who has just returned from St. John's with his bride. The Nimrod is owned by Messrs. Job Bros. & Co, and will prosecute the seal fishery from Griquet the coming spring under the command of Capt. CREEKER. Sailing from that part of the coast the chances of success may be greater than from the more Southern part, and it is to be hoped that Mr. CROCKER's maiden effort as a sealing captain will be attended with good results.
Dec 25, 1886MarriageA large assemblage congregated in the North Side Methodist Church at half-past seven o'clock on Thursday evening to witness the solemn marriage ceremony, when Mr. J. N. PERCY and Miss Emma ANDERSON were united in holy wedlock. The Revs. Geo. BALLEN and J.W. VICKERS officiated. The wedding party, consisting of bride and bridegroom. Misses G. STIRLING and Helen SCOTT, Messrs. W.C. WATERMAN and W.J. SCOTT, with the officiating ministers and a few guests were afterwards entertained at the residence of Mr. SCOTT, which he kindly offered for the occasion. The Sun joins in congratulations to the newly wedded couple, and in wishing them many years of happiness.

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Fogo / Twillingate District