NL GenWebNewspaper RecordsNotre Dame Bay RegionTwillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser1886 |
Place of publication: Twillingate
Dates of publication: June 24, 1880-Jan. 31, 1953. Suspended publication: Jan. 16-Feb. 15, 1947. Frequency: Weekly. Title varies: Twillingate Sun and Northern Weekly Advertiser, June 24, 1880-Aug. 10. 1912. Twillingate Sun, Oct. 19, 1912-Jan. 31, 1953. |
Editor and proprietor:
Jabez P. Thompson, June 24, 1880-1895. George Roberts, 1895 (56)-1910. William B. Temple, 1910-1921. Stewart Roberts, 1921-Jan. 9, 1947. Ernest G. Clarke, Feb. 22, 1947-Jan. 31, 1953. |
MUN 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889, 1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Microfilm PANL [1928-1930, 1934-1935, 1938,1953] Microfilm PRL 1880-1883, 1886-[1887]-[1889,1891-1896,1899, 1903-1905, 1908-1944]-1953 Original and microfilm. |
Description: The Twillingate Sun printed local and foreign news, legislative proceedings, serial fiction and advertisements. It claimed to be politically independent in 1886, but supported the Whiteway and the Liberals, especially in the fall election of 1894. In 1929, it supported Squires and in 1948 was neutral on Confederation. The Sun ceased publication due to financial reasons in 1953. |
The records were transcribed by MARILYN PILKINGTON. While we have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there may be errors. |
Jan 9, 1886 | Appointment | We have been favored per Hercules with the following cable from England, which was received by His Excellency Sir Ambrose SHEA, on New Year's Day: -- Congratulations on your appointment, which we feel to be in best interests of trade and general welfare of colony. Walter GRIEVE, Son & Co.; BAINE & JOHNSTON; C.T. BOWRING & Co.; JOB, Brothers & Co.; MARE, HOLWOOD & Co.; Charles T. BENNETT; Stephen RENDELL; Robert GRIEVE. |
Jan 9, 1886 | News | We learn that the St. John's Rope Walk was totally destroyed by fire a few days since, by which unfortunate event many will be thrown out of employment. |
Jan 9, 1886 | Operation | We understand that a very critical surgical operation was performed by Dr. STAFFORD on Saturday, the 2nd inst. Wm. CLARKE, son of Mr. Richard CLARKE, Farmer's Arm, had been suffering from an abscess or a gathering of matter within outer layer of skull. The symptoms were of a very severe character, and there being no other chance of saving his life, the Doctor decided on perforating or boring the skull, which critical operation was done on the date above mentioned. The patient has been doing well ever since, and we are glad to learn that there are now good hopes of his ultimate recovery. |
Jan 9, 1886 | Schooner | The steamer Hercules: Capt. CROSS left St. John's noon on Monday and arrived early Friday morning. The weather was thick and foggy which prevented her from getting here sooner, having been detained a considerable time in ports waiting for the fog to clear away. She proceeds as far as Tilt Cove, calling at some intermediate ports, and intends coming into port on her return, which will be about Sunday evening or Monday, should the weather prove favorable. |
Jan 9, 1886 | Schooner | The schooner Sunrise, belonging to J.B. TOBIN, Esq., left here for St. John's on New Year's Day with a cargo of fish. |
Jan 9, 1886 | Church Services | The customary Watch Night Services were held in the South and North Side Methodist Churches on New Year's Eve. They were solemn and impressive and largely attended. The service in North Side Church was conducted by Rev. J.W. VICKERS, who preached a very appropriate sermon from the words, "We spend our years as a tale that is told." |
Jan 9, 1886 | Accident | We learn that Mrs. Dinah JEANS of Back Harbor, met with a serious accident on Tuesday night. While walking downstairs at Mr. Joseph BLACKMORE's house, she slipped, dislocating the right foot and fracturing the ankle bone. Dr. STAFFORD's assistance was summoned, who, with his usual promptitude and skilfulness, administered the necessary applications to the wounded parts. |
Jan 9, 1886 | Church Services | On New Year's Day the usual divine services were conducted in the English Churches of this community. The one in St. Peter's was well performed by the new Curate, Rev. Mr. PITMAN, who has lately been appointed to assist the Rev. R. TEMPLE, R.D., who previously had to attend to all the Church duties of his extensive parish. He discoursed on the occasion from the parable of the barren fig tree, taking for his text the words written in the 18th chapter of St. Luke and 8th verse, "Let it alone another year also," from which text Mr. PITMAN preached a very suitable and acceptable sermon. |
Jan 9, 1886 | Marriage | On 31st Dec., at the Methodist Parsonage, by the Rev. G. BULLEN, Mr. Nathaniel JENKINS of Jenkins Cove, to Miss Jane GILLARD of Gillard's Cove. |
Jan 9, 1886 | Marriage | On the 3rd inst., at the North Side Methodist Church, by the same, Mr. Edwin BAGGS of Bluff Head Cove, to Miss Pricilla ELLIOTT of Sleepy Cove. |
Jan 9, 1886 | Marriage | On the 6th inst., at the South Side Methodist Church, by the same, Mr. Robert LINFIELD to Miss Martha PARSONS, both of Jenkins Cove. |
Jan 9, 1886 | Death | At Plymouth, England, on New Year's Day, Georgina, wife of Capt. Alfred SEARLE, and youngest daughter of Mr. John LESTER, St. John's, Nfld. |
Jan 9, 1886 | Shipping News | Port of Twillingate: Entered Dec 22, Golden Fleece, SALT, St. John's, provisions, etc., -- W. WATERMAN & Co. Cleared Dec 19, Nerissa, JENKINS, Lisbon, 2280 qtls., Labrador fish, 920 Shore fish -- OWEN & EARLE; Dec 23, Janets & Margaret, BRUFORD, Lisbon, 320 |
Jan 9, 1886 | Bazaar | It is intended to hold a Bazaar, at Twillingate, early in October, 1886, for the purpose of procuring funds to reshingle, paint, and re-seat St. Peter's Church. Contributions in money, and useful or fancy articles for the above, will be received by the following ladies: Mrs. TEMPLE, Mrs. HITCHCOCK, Mrs. STAFFORD, Mrs. R. NEWMAN, Mrs. Jas PEYTON, Mrs. FINDLATER, Miss LETHBRIDGE, Miss R. STIRLING, Miss BORTEAU, Miss COOK, Miss TAYLOR, Miss COLBORNE, Miss TUCKER, Miss STUCKLESS, and Miss G. STIRLING |
Jan 16, 1886 | Starving | A number of men from Friday's Bay came here yesterday and interviewed the Magistrate and some of our leading merchants with the hope of procuring relief. They represent their families as being in a starving condition, and unless something be speedily done of their behalf, they can not possibly live many days. We hope that the charity of our leading men will be extended towards them, and that means will be devised at once to relieve their penury. |
Jan 16, 1886 | Gun Accidents | Another worthy correspondent has our thanks for the following particulars of gun accidents that have taken place within the past few weeks: - About the first of Dec., a man from Musgrave Harbor named Manasseh TUCK, while out gunning, met with a serious accident, by falling on the ice and accidentally discharging a loaded gun, which he carried on his shoulder, the shot entering and lacerating both legs considerably, producing ugly wounds. He was brought in a skiff to Seldom-come-by, where his wounds were dressed, and then returned home, where he is doing well. On Thursday, Dec. 24th., Mr. Nathaniel LEDREW of Change Islands, while out in a punt gunning, and drawing a loaded gun towards him, by the muzzle, accidentally struck the hammer against the side of the punt, discharging it through the middle of his hand, carrying away half the metacarpel bone of the middle finger, and nearly all of the muscles and skin on the back of the hand. It is thought that the hand will probably be saved. On Wednesday, Dec. 30th., while out at Gabby's Island, duck killing, John HEAL of Lock's Cove, near Fogo, accidentally burst his gun, blowing away part of the thumb of his left hand. He was brought to Fogo where his thumb was removed. The wounds are healing rapidly and he is expected to be seen soon at his post of duck and fish killing -- minus the thumb. |
Jan 16, 1886 | Politics | A correspondent from Fogo, under date of the 5th inst., says that James ROLLS, Esq., M.H.A., will go by this Plover to St. John's to attend his first Session in the House of Assembly as representative for the district of Fogo, in the interests of the Amalgamated Party. |
Jan 16, 1886 | Church News | Two members of the Church of England at Seldom-come-by, commenced a fortnight ago to build a Church. It is already sheeted in. The principal dimensions are: Nave -- length, 40 feet, breadth, 24 feet; Chancel -- length, 12 feet, breadth, 12 feet. The workers deserve all praise for the very rapid progress which is being made. The design for this building is by Mr. SOUTHCOTT. |
Jan 16, 1886 | Destructive Fire (Part 1) | This morning, soon after 2 o'clock, a fire broke out in the Rope-Walk at Monday Pond, owned by the Colonial Cordage Company, and in a few hours nothing remained but a blackened mass of ruins. The whole of the extensive works, where the manufacturers of ropes, twines, cordage, etc., were carried on, are destroyed. The detached sheds alone are saved. How the fire originated is at present unknown. The watchman, who was in charge during the night, declared that he made his rounds as usual, and that two hours before the fire broke out, he passed through that part of the building where it first showed itself, and that then, there was no trace of fire. There is, however, no reason for supposing that the cause of the fire was other than accidental. In the portion of the building where it originated, there was no material to cause fire by spontaneous combustion or otherwise. The place had been closed at the usual hour -- six o'clock in the evening -- and no one was about the premises excepting the Watchman on duty. The loss is very heavy -- probably between 30,000 pounds and 40,000 pounds -- only a part of which is covered by insurance. A large quantity of manufactured goods was on the premises, as well as a heavy stock of materials for use during the winter. |
Jan 16, 1886 | Destructive Fire (Part 2) | The destruction of this splendid establishment, which, in regard to the machinery, and all modern improvements and appliances, was unsurpassed on this side of the Atlantic, must be regarded as a public calamity. Nearly 300 persons are thus thrown out of employment, with a long winter before them -- many of them entirely dependent on the daily wages they earned there. The value of such an establishment to the city of St. John's will be now fully realised when we have to feel and mourn its loss. Under the able and energetic management of Mr. James MONRO, the various process of manufactures were now brought to perfection, and the excellence of the goods turned out was admitted on all hands. All difficulties connected with the initiation of such an enterprise had been surmounted, and a prosperous career apparently was opening before the establishment. The whole business of country was feeling the benefit, in the supply of everything required by the fisheries on the spot, and at the shortest notice, while the articles were in quality superior to them imported. The dimensions of the calamity are widespread and will be felt for some time to come. Such an establishment, once destroyed, will require a lengthened period for restoration. |
Jan 16, 1886 | Marriage | On Jan. 5th, at St. Peter's Church, by Rev. R. TEMPLE, Mr. Alfred NEWMAN, to Mary Jane, daughter of Mr. Absalom PURCHASE of Back Harbour. |
Jan 16, 1886 | Death | Yesterday morning, after a tedious illness, Andrew, youngest son of Mr. Samuel NEWMAN, aged 19 years. For over four years the deceased was employed in this office, and was always a steady, attentive and industrious lad. He passed away calmly, declaring in his last moments he was going to be with Jesus. Sympathy is hereby extended to the bereaved family. |
Jan 28, 1886 | Shipping News | The steamer Hercules arrived here on Wednesday morning, bringing the mails for the Northern parts and taking the same route as Plover, that is now employed on the Western service. It is a convenience to the public that she should have been employed for the purpose by the Government, and should navigation remain open, we see no reason why she should not make another trip. |
Jan 28, 1886 | Painful Mishap | A painful mishap befell a man named James HALFPENNY, on Thursday afternoon, while engaged discharging coals from the brig Confederate. The horse which he was working bit off his thumb. It will have to be amputed at the joint. |
Jan 28, 1886 | Local and General | Mr. GLADSTONE entered upon his seventy-sixth birthday on 29th December last. |
Jan 28, 1886 | Local and General | We learn that R.P. RICE, Esq., leaves for Greenspond by this steamer to assume the office of Magistrate for that locality. |
Jan 28, 1886 | Death | A late member of the St. John's Evening Telegram says that a telegram was received in town announcing the demise in England of Mrs. Walter H. GRIEVE. |
Jan 28, 1886 | Congratulations | The same journal learns that Sir Ambrose SHEA received by the S.S. Persian a letter of congratulation on his appointment as Governor of this colony, from His Lordship Bishop JONES. |
Jan 28, 1886 | Local and General | We are glad to learn that the Rev. George NOBLE, who recently left this Colony for South Africa, is doing well in his new home. His health is now considerably improved and he is stationed at Estcourt, Natal, a thousand miles from Cape Town. |
January 28, 1886 | Engagement | An exchange says it is announced [that] Miss Mary GLADSTONE, daughter of the Hon. Mr. GLADSTONE, is to be married to Rev. Harry DREW, a curate of the Church of England at Hawarden. |
January 28, 1886 | Appointment | His Excellency the Administrator has been pleased to appoint William J. EASON, Esq., Nipper's Harbor, Leander GILL, Esq., Tilt Cove, and Joseph STREAR, Esq., Little Bay, to be Justices of the Peace for the Northern Districts of the Island of Newfoundland. |
January 28, 1886 | Death | At Farmer's Arm, on the 9th inst., Jane, relict of the late Mr. John GILLOTT, in the 90th year of her age. |
January 30, 1886 | Thanks | Mr. T.W. NEVILL, of Glasgow, Scotland, will please accept our thanks for a late copy of the Glasgow Herald received last mail, which journal he has kindly offered to send to our address regularly. Interesting extracts therefrom will be found in today's paper. Mr. N. is a son of our efficient Inspector of Light-houses and public buildings, J.T. NEVILL, Esq., St. John's. |
January 30, 1886 | Relief for Friday's Bay | A meeting was convened by the Stipendary Magistrate on Saturday, the 16th inst., for the purpose of considering the appeals for relief that had been made from persons belonging to Friday's Bay and vicinity, and if possible to devise means to alleviate the wants of the unfortunate applicants. The idea of advancing amounts on account of the road grants that may be voted at the next Session of Legislature could not for a moment be entertained by the meeting, and after some deliberation it was agreed that voluntary subscriptions be made by those present towards relieving the persons who are in actual distress. Handsome amounts were subscribed by the Mercantile gentlemen, which with the donations from others in attendance, will be judiciously expended by a committee chosen for the purpose. |
January 30, 1886 | North Side Methodist | North Side Methodist Church - The first Tea Meeting of the season... took place... The following is a list of the Ladies who presided at the various tables Mrs. R.D. HODGE, and Miss TAYLOR, Mrs Doctor SCOTT and Miss SCOTT, Mrs W.J. SCOTT and Miss COOK, Messrs PERCY and ANDERSON's tray, Misses F. SCOTT and ANDERSON, Mrs. BAIRD, Misses L. and A. ROBERTS (Wild Cove), Mrs Josiah and Mrs James ROBERTS, (Wild Cove), Mrs PHILLIS, Messrs MAYNE and HILLYARD's tray, Misses L. and A. HARBIN, Mr. A. PEARCE's tray, Miss LUNNEN. ..... Miss G. STERLING ... at the organ, accomanied with much taste. The various parts were sustained as follows: Soprano: Mrs. OAKLEY, Miss TUCKER, Misses ROBERTS and PRESTON (Long Point), Misses SHAVE, S. MINTY, and BAGIN. Alto: Mrs. TEMPLEMAN, Miss ANDERSON. Tenor: Messrs. PERCY and BLANDFORD. Bass: Messrs. TEMPLETON, DAVIS, HUGHES, ANDERSON, and NOTT. Two consecutive readings were given by the Rev. J.W. Vickers.... We suppose this was the first service of song ever given in Twillingate... |
January 30, 1886 | Herring Prices | Latest advice from the Western Coast say that some twenty American and Nova Scotial vessels have arrived in Fortune Bay for frozen herring. The low price of two and sixpence per barrel is all that herring catchers at Bay of Islands and other parts of Fortune Bay at present receive. |
January 30, 1886 | British Losses | The Board of Trade, return of British wrecks during November, gives 56 sailing vessels, and 14 steamships, with 202 lives, as the number lost. |
January 30, 1886 | Shipping News | The Laura Emma, from Twillingate, N.F., arrived at Leghorn, Jan 2nd,. with bulwarks and stanchions disabled, and some of the sails lost. |
January 30, 1886 | St. John's Storm | The St. John's Telegram of the 11th inst., says that the "wind blew a hurricane here yesterday and blew down trees, tore slates off roofs and shutters from windows, and wrecked two or three of the electric street lamps." |
January 30, 1886 | Mrs FOX | Owing to the glitter which made on Saturday night, the walking on Sunday was very dangerous, and as Mrs. FOX, Sr., of Back Harbor was returning from morning service in St. Peter's Church, she fell down, sustaining slight injuries. |
January 30, 1886 | Shooting Death | A special correspondent from the Western coast, to the Evening Mercury, under date of the 30th ult., furnishes particulars of a terrible gun accident which happened at Garia (near Rose Blanche) on the 23rd Dec., resulting in the death of a young man named William SMITH. The facts as given to that journal are as follows: Joseph SMITH, with his two sons, John and William, left home about ten o'clock, in the morning, and proceeded down the Bay in a boat. The father was bound to the Telegraph Office, and, after rowing about a mile, landed William on a small Island, leaving him there for the purpose of killing harbor seals. On the same morning Thomas FRANCIS and Thomas WHITTLE left home and rowed to the same island. FRANCIS remained in the boat but landed WHITTLE, who walked across the island with his gun, looking for birds or seals. On coming to a certain place, he fancied he heard a certain noise coming from the bushes, and getting frightened, he called out to FRANCIS to row in, there was something on the island. While FRANCIS was rowing in he heard a gun fired. WHITTLE met him in the landwash; he seemed much frightened, and fell down on the ground, saying to FRANCIS that, after calling him, he saw something with fur on it in bushes; fearing it would run after him, he fired at it. A dog came out of the woods and he saw it was Smith's dog. He then thought he must have fired at a man not knowing what it was. FRANCIS immediately went to the spot and found William SMITH, dead, with twelve shot in his head, one in his body. About 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Joseph SMITH and his son returned for William, and were horrified at finding him dead. The poor fellow was but 22 years of age, and was a great help to his father and family. A Magisterial Enquiry has been instituted. |
January 30, 1886 | Death | A funeral sermon was preached in St. Peter's Church on Sunday evening last by the curate, Rev. A. PITMAN, taking for his text, Isaiah, 57 chapter, 1 and 2 verses. Reference was made to the death of Mr. Samuel NEWMAN's son, Andrew, whose remains had been consigned to the mother earth the previous Tuesday. The discourse, we learn, was earnest and practical and calculated to leave genuine impressions up on the minds of devout bearers. |
January 30, 1886 | GOODE Brothers | Another Newfoundlander at the Front: We learn that Athelstane [?] GOODE, a Channel boy, has won the "St. Leger", £10 per annum for 8 1/2 years, with other prospects at the Grammar School, Doncaster. The contest was close. He had to run against boys of 15 years when he was only 10 1/2 years old. Lately his brother gained a "Foundation Scholarship", Folies College, Edinburgh, so now the brothers GOODE vie with each other to show who has done the better part. Their "Pater" is now in charge of one of the best parishes in England, the seat of the Marquis TOWNSEND and Lord LAYCHAIN. Bravo! Newfoundland. Friends here will be glad to hear this good news. |
January 30, 1886 | Death | At Little Bay, on 4th inst., after a lingering illness, borne with Christian resignation to the Divine will, Ellen, aged 36 years, beloved wife of John CONWAY, and second daughter of the late John CAHILL. |
February 6, 1886 | Correction | In the account of the North Side Methodist Tea Meeting, which apepared last week, we regret the name of Mrs. Aaron VATCHER and Mrs. B. ROBERTS (Wild Cove) were inadvertently omitted from among the tray-holders. |
February 6, 1886 | Religious Persecution | A special telegraph despatch informs us that while members of the Salvation Army were holding a religious service on the Parade Ground, St. John's, on Sunday last, they were attacked by a mob throwing rods and stones, which compelled them to retreat and seek shelter in a house nearby. One would imagine that the times of religious persecution would be unknown in a country like ours in this enlightened age, and that every one would be allowed to worship God according to the dictates of conscience. |
February 6, 1886 | Accident | We learn that Charles PELLY, Jr., son of Charles PELLY, Sandy Cove, met with an accident which was near being very serious on the evening of Wednesday, the 27th ult. While using a draw knife in cutting a piece of board, he rested part of it against his knee, which slipped, causing the knife to draw an inch above the knee joint, cutting through to a depth of three inches. The valuable skill of Dr. STAFFORD was soon brought into requisition, who after some difficulty secured the bleeding vessels, since which he has been doing very favourably. |
February 6, 1886 | Arm Methodist School | We learn that the Arm Methodist Day School is being largely attended this winter, upwards of one hundred pupils being present at times. Many of this number, we learn, are adults - young men who are desirous of improving their intellectual endowments; and it is greatly to be commended that there is such a disposition on their parts to raise themselves to a more elevated degree, educationally. The Teacher, Mr. J. DAVIS, manifests a deep interest in training the scholars, as the proficiency to which they have attained in the past fully indicates. |
February 6, 1886 | Marriage | Jan 31st., at the Methodist Parsonage, by Rev. Geo. BULLEN, Mr. Thomas GIDGE, to Miss Emma JENKINS, both of Durrell's Arm. |
February 6, 1886 | Marriage | At Bonavista, the 20th inst., by the Rev. A.E.O. BAYLEY, M.D., William TURNER, of St. John's, to Tryphena M., youngest daughter of the late Stephen JEANS, Catalina. |
February 13, 1886 | Missionary Meeting | We notice that the annual missionary meeting on behalf of the Home and Foreign Mission Fund of the Church of England was held in the British Hall at Harbor Grace on the [blank] inst. The report says that the meeting was an interesting one, and the attendance large. The chair was taken by the Rev. J.M. NOEL, who introduced the members of the deputation -- Rural Dean HARVEY, Rev. T.R. NURSE of Spaniard's Bay, and the Rev. C.E. SMITH of Heart's Content, all of whom gave stirring addresses on the subject of missions. A correspondent to the Harbor Grace Standard says that the Rev. Mr. NURSE, touched more particularly on the subject of Home Missions, and gave a graphic and somewhat humorous account of some of the trials of a missionary in opening up new work in Bonavista Bay. In conclusion, he pleaded for more interest and more money to provide for the many destitute parts of this Colony the administrations of religion. |
February 13, 1886 | Accident | We are sorry to learn that the Rev. J. HOWITT, of Herring Neck, was found in a precarious condition on the ice one day last week. When about half a mile from land, he fell through the ice and had some difficulty in getting out, as it broke away in under him. It was snowing at the time, which rendered the position more perilous. After some difficulty, he managed to scramble on a bearable part of the ice, remaining there until the weather cleared and he was seen from the shore and soon afterwards rescued, being in a somewhat exhausted condition. The Rev. Gentleman is an indefatigable worker, and in his zeal for the performance of his parochial duties, it may be that he ventured to travel over ice at a time that he would not have risked under other circumstances. |
February 20, 1886 | Fogo Pettifoggery (Part 1) | To the Editor of the Twillingate Sun: Dear Sir. -- On January the 9th, at Little Seldom-Come-By, a disturbance arose between Jacob JOHNSTONE and Reuben SMALL, neighbors of the same place, about a few pickets. JOHNSTONE had engaged to purchase 200 pickets from Small at the rate of 3s per hundred, payment to be made in barter. JOHNSTONE gave SMALL in molasses, flour, etc., etc., what he though equivalent to 6s, the value of the pickets. When SMALL returned home, he weighed the flour, measured the molasses, etc., etc., and discovered according to market prices that he had been defrauded of part payment. JOHNSTONE argued that SMALL had received payment in full and absolutely refused to pay anything more. SMALL then counted out pickets for value received and positively declined to give up the remainder. JOHNSTONE, being a stout man, and of extraordinary muscular ability, at once fell upon SMALL, who is a very small man, and powerless in the hands of his antagonist, was about to make small pieces of him, when SMALL's wife, a plucky specimen of her sex, coming to her husband's assistance, pugilistic like, gave JOHNSTONE a box in the ear. JOHNSTONE then brutally attacked Mrs. SMALL, beating and kicking her unmercifully, cutting open a lip, blackening an eye, and inflicting wounds and bruises of a serious nature, about her head and body. |
February 20, 1886 | Fogo Pettifoggery (Part 2) | JOHNSTONE entertained the idea, that as Mrs. SMALL first broke the peace (between themselves) by striking him, that he could take the law in his own hands and deal out to her just what punishment he thought the offence merited. Stephen JOHNSTONE hearing the fracas, ran to his brother's assistance and although he did not strike her, handled her so roughly so as to cause her to lose her equilibrium and she fell. This ended the row. SMALL and his wife came to Fogo next day seeking redress from the Stipendary Magistrate, who only heard their complaint with contempt, and advised them to go home again and try and settle the affair quietly between themselves (Pettifogg Justice). This they failed to accomplish and a few days later they returned to Fogo to force their suit, and were told by the Magistrate that unless they could get him the money to pay the costs he could not do anything for them. They, being in a starving condition, were unable to procure means. The husband, Reuben SMALL, went around the harbor begging money to enable him to prosecute but did not get sufficient. It is a downright shame, Mr. Editor, that the grievances of the poor are often thus ignored (especially here), while those of the middle classes and "upper ten" get a ready hearing. I believe it was not until after a note of remonstrance from one of our much esteemed Justices of the Peace, advising to at once investigate the above case and have the offenders lawfully punished, that our intelligent Stipendiary Magistrate decided to hear the case. Then summonses were issued and served. |
February 20, 1886 | Fogo Pettifoggery (Part 3) | The two JOHNSTONES came to Fogo a few days after and were at once arrested, and arraigned before His Worship and T.C. DUDER, Esq., J.P., charged with assault and battery. They both pleaded guilty. Stephen JOHNSTONE was sentenced to ten days' imprisonment or $3. Jacob JOHNSTONE to twenty-eight days or $15. The former paid his fine, but the latter had not the wherewithall, so was lodged in jail. Next day his fine was paid, and after being bound to keep the peace for six months, for threatening language used to Mrs. SMALL. On forfeit of $50, prisoner was released. Both went home poorer but I hope wiser men. To ill-use a female in such a brutal manner is a criminal offence, and should have been punished by imprisonment alone without the alternative of a fine. This is not the only time those JOHNSTONES have been guilty of such disgraceful conduct and rowdyism, and I sincerely trust that their late experience will teach them wisdom. The motive of this report, Mr. Editor, is to show to the public the tardy and lethargic indifference of our law administrators, in the performance of their important duties. I may again have occasion to write about other mal-administrations which I trust you will honor with a place in your valuable paper. I remain, dear Mr. Editor, yours, Xiphias. |
February 20, 1886 | Death | On the 13th inst., Ann, relict of the late Mr. Andrew LYTE, aged 81 years. |
February 20, 1886 | Death | At Herring Neck, on the 12th inst., Sophia, the beloved wife of Mr. Levi BLANDFORD, and youngest daughter of the late Capt. John LEDREW, of St. John's. The deceased was born in Cupids, Conception Bay, on the 20th of May, 1855, and with her parents removed to St. John's, when she was fourteen years of age, where she continued to reside until her marriage in 1881. Shortly after reaching St. John's, she was constrained by the Holy Spirit to yield her heart to the Saviour, and from that period until her death, lived a consistent Christian life. During the first two years of her married life, she might be seen in company with her husband (who is an earnest Christian worker), wending her way to the sanctuary, whenever its doors were open for Divine service. During the past two and a half years, and especially during the past six months, she was called to suffer extreme pain and weakness of body, all of which was endured with exemplary patience and resignation. As death drew near she often spoke of the "Land of pure delight/Where saints immortal reign". Two hours before she died, she was talking and smiling; among other things she said, "I feel merry tonight, but I shall be merrier tomorrow evening in heaven, singing the praises of my Redeemer." Her remains were interred in the cemetery, adjoining the Methodist Church; in the presence of a large concourse of spectators, on the afternoon of Sabbath last. Prior to the burial a large congregation filling it to its utmost capacity assembled in the Church, with an almost equally large number who could not gain admission, where an earnest and suitable sermon was preached by the Rev. R. BRAMFITT, from the words: "And there shall be no night there", (Rev. 22, 5). An affectionate husband, with a large circle of friends, mourn their loss. |
February 20, 1886 | Advertisement | D. F. BERTEAU, Notary Public and Commissioner of Writs of Attachments and Affidavits, will execute Protests and other Ship's Papers, wills, Mortgages, Leases, Bills of Sale, Indentures, Adjustment of Accounts and other documents on most reasonable terms. Office - Back Harbor, Twillingate. |
February 20, 1886 | St. John's News | By Telegraph. "Sir William George DEVEAUX, Governor of Newfoundland, will leave England first boat in April". "The hon. Edward SHEA has been appointed President of the Legislative Council and Governor of the Savings Bank". "Mr. Charles BOWRING has been appointed a member of the Legislative Council". "Mr. A.J.W. McNEILY was elected Speaker of the House of Assembly, Joseph BOYD, Sergeant - at - Arms". The "Evening Mercury" has been chosen as the official organ of the government. It is rumored that W.J.S. DONNELLY is to be appointed Receiver General; R.J. KENT, Solicitor General; and P. SCOTT, Chairman of Committees. |
February 20, 1886 | Retirement | It will be seen from our telegraphic despatches that the Government have appointed the Hon. Edward SHEA President of the Legislative Council and Governor of the Savings Bank. This of course will necessitate the Legislature providing a retiring allowance for the Hon. E. MORRIS, who has filled the duties of these offices with great efficiency for many years past. |
February 20, 1886 | Death | Mrs. LYTE, one of the oldest inhabitants of Twillingate, died on Saturday last, after a lingering illness. The deceased was relict of late Mr. Andrew LYTE, who formerly carried on business here, and was for many years in prosperous circumstances. Since her husband's death her condition was greatly reduced and sad to relate was at times the subject of almost abject poverty. We learn that Mrs. LYTE's husband's family are very respectable. It may be interesting to some of our readers to know that his brother was a Clergyman of the Church of England and that he composed that beautiful hymn, "Abide with me," etc., and was like wise the Author of other valuable hymns. |
February 20, 1886 | Codtraps | One of the oldest and most respectable fish merchants - a gentleman intimately acquainted with, and deeply interested in the great staple industry of the country - writes us as follows in reference to the "disastrous use" of codtraps in the industry. He says: "Are we anxious to preserve our trade relations with fish consumers in Europe? If so, we must do away with cod-trap fishing. Miserable small fish is ruining our markets! The French - caught article, large, white and clean, is taken at a higher price, realizing five or six shillings per quintal more than Labrador. How can we get back to our old, well-known Labrador cure? I say, prohibit the use of traps by act of parliament. Owners of traps can convert them back to codseines. The bait supply, now endangered by trap-fishing, will return to the spawning ground, and our fishermen will get better fish and a higher price for their labor, as foreign customers will give a better price for better fish, and consume more of it. Let us pay for the quality, not quantity, and we will soon have improved times. |
February 20, 1886 | Shipbuilding | The returns of native ship building show increase of tonnage over last year. |
February 20, 1886 | Lighthouses | The light house service received an addition of a harbor light at Gaultois; and there is also a light in course of construction on Ireland Island, Lapoile |
February 20, 1886 | Storms | In June last a gale of extreme severity was experienced on this coast, causing great loss of fishing craft; and this followed in October by a gale at Labrador with far more disastrous consequences, in the sacrifice of many lives and a large amount of property. On receipt of intelligence, the Government despatched a steamer with food and clothing to the suffering who were soon after conveyed to their homes. I am gratified to add that the Government efforts were seconded by liberal contributions from local, and public, and friends abroad. |
February 20, 1886 | Elections | The general elections last fall were conducted peaceful and with good order, creditable to the character of the people. |
February 27, 1886 | Disgraceful Scene (Part 1) | About three weeks ago a detachment of the Salvation Army arrived here, and we understand, rented a large building, on Springdale Street, for the purpose of holding their meetings in it, but since renting it, the owner of the building thought fit to change his mind and would not carry out his agreement, refusing to allow them the use of it. Finding it impossible to procure a place suited to their requirements, they decided to hold an open air meeting yesterday in a field near the Parade Ground. They commenced proceedings about two o'clock, in the afternoon, and had hardly got under way when they were surrounded by fully five hundred persons, consisting of men, women and children, a large number of whom, to their shame be it said, interrupted the meeting in every possible manner. The Salvationists consisted of one man and three girls, who, no doubt, came here under the impression that this was a civilized community and that they would receive the protection and courtesy, which their positions as strangers in a strange land demanded. But they were sadly mistaken, as subsequent events proved. |
February 27, 1886 | Disgraceful Scene (Part 2) | The mob of savages, they can be called, nothing better, threw mud on the poor creatures, applied to them the lowest and coarsest language, and even went so far as to lay violent hands on one of them. Girls and women seemed to take a prominent part in the programme. The language used by them was of the vilest character and ought to bring a blush of shame to the cheek of those who most degraded. One young woman whose name we have ascertained, but for various reasons at present refrain from publishing, so far forgot her womanly position, as to spit in the face one of the members of the Army, at the same time calling her a name that would not look well in print. For a long time the valiant little Army bore all the insults and abuse, but things got so bad, that at last it was forced to beat a retreat, and followed by the howling, hooting mob, took refuge in a house at the head of Carter's Hill, the inmates kindly admitting it. The crowd then pelted the house with mud. A messenger was dispatched to Fort Townshead [sic] for police protection, and soon after a detachment of six men under Sergeant COLLINS, arrived at the scene and dispersed the mob. The ill-used Salvationists then left their friendly shelter, and protected by a squad of policemen, marched to their lodgings without further molestation |
February 27, 1886 | Inquiry | An inquiry was held yesterday before Judge PROWSE and Major FAWCETT, Inspectors of Police, respecting the attack on the Salvation Army. The general statement which has appeared in the papers about the disgraceful attack made by the mob on the poor defenceless women was proved to be substantially true. There was a good deal of contradictory evidence respecting the charge made against Bridget COADY, daughter of Sergeant COADY, of the Police, of having assaulted Lena KIMMERLY, of the Salvation Army. It was also proved that the former account of the attack on her was exaggerated. Miss KIMMERLY, calling herself Captain KIMMERLY, swore that the girl only struck her in the chest and on the bonnet. She did not slap her in the face so that another woman made a grab at her papers - the "War Cry" - and she (Captain KIMMERLY) said "God bless you." Bridget COADY was fined five dollars or ten days' imprisonment. The magistrate commented in very severe terms on the brutality and cowardice of the attack on the Salvation Army. |
February 27, 1886 | Death | Passed away peacefully, on the 13th inst., after a lingering illness, Ann, relict of the late Thomas M. LYTE, aged 81 years, 67 of which she spent in this town. The deceased was a native of Fogo. |
February 27, 1886 | Death | At Exploits, Burnt Island, on the 10th Feb, Mrs. Jane FOOTE, aged 85 years and 8 months. |
March 6, 1886 | Grand Lodge, Fogo | Returns to Grand Lodge, S.U.F., from Fogo, St. Andrew's Lodge, No. 10. Members. - Paid up, 120; 6 months in arrears, 32; Total, 152; R. 16; W. 48; B. 94. Financial. - Income, £85 7s 3d; Sickness and deaths, £28 13s 6d; Working expenses, £13 17s 3d; Funds in hand, £109 9s 2d; Value of Lodge Hall, £525. Officers for 1888 [?] Rev. C. WOOD, W.M.; H.J. EARLE, Chaplain; Martin STONE, Secretary; Wm. WATERMAN, Chief Officer; Thos. A. TORRAVILLE, 2nd Do; Geo. TORRAVILLE, Q. Master; Philip COATES, Look Out; Horatio LAYMAN, Purser; Jno. D. HODDEN, Auditor; J.P. CROUCHER, Auditor. |
March 6, 1886 | Little Bay Mines Court News (1) | Before J.B. BLANDFORD, Esq.; Dec 31. John C. MALLOWNEY, having been arrested by Sergeant WELLS on suspicion for having feloniously broken and entered the shop and store of the Nfld. C.C. Mining Co. situate at the Loading Wharf, on the night of the 11th or early on the morning of 12th Dec. last, was committed for trial in the Supreme Court. Michael CLEARY was brought up under a warrant for having broken a large water pitcher on the head of Little Dan COURTNEY (Hotel Keeper), causing a large scalp wound. Mr. McCARTHY, Druggist, being at hand at the time, acted the part of the "Good Samaritan" and bound up his wound. Cleary was sentenced to two months with hard labour. His Worship expressed a regret that the Law would not allow him to visit the prisoner with a longer term of imprisonment for such a cowardly act. On the 24th Dec., R.D. WALSH, Postmaster, having been sentenced on the complaint of Jacob P. DIEM, for having committed an assault and battery on him, when on business at the Post Office, was convicted and fined the sum of $2.00 and costs. On the 11th January, 4 sailors were arrested by the Police under a warrant on the complaint of Capt. A. HALTINE of the barque Arina for refusing to do duty; three of them were sentenced to 7 days each; the other was sentenced to 28 days together with forfeiture of two days' wages. On the 18th January, John RYAN, John EAGEN and Thomas BUGAN, having been summoned by Sergt. WELLS under the "Nuisance Act" for congregating at a certain corner, known as "Lamb's corner," his worship fined them $1 and costs, each with a caution that if they were brought before him on a similar charge he would visit them $4.00 instead of one. It is to be hoped now that the "Lamb and the lion will lie down together." |
March 6, 1886 | Little Bay Mines Court News (2) | Feb. 11, James COADY was brought up before his worship charged by the Police with being drunk and disorderly on the streets last night or rather in the small hours of the morning. He was let off, being his first offence, with $2.00 and costs. Edward COONEY, John FRY, Patrick KEOUGH, Michael CAHIAL and Hugh KENNEDY, having been summoned by the Police for being drunk and disorderly on the streets on the night of the 10th, the 4 former for drunk and disorderly were fined $2.00 and costs or 7 days in gaol. They paid their fines and looked as pleasant as birds. The latter - KENNEDY for drunk only - and taking into consideration that he had lost £9 while on the 'Spree', his Worship bid him go in peace and do so no more. The next case was that of Anthony MANSFIELD, having been brought up under a summons on the Complaint of Wm. BONAR, for an assault and battery committed on him on the night of the 10th inst. The complainant wore a pair of black eyes, said to have been caused by the Defendant with a bottle, but as there was no proof to satisfy his Worship that a bottle had been used, he gave the Defendant the "benefit of the doubt," and fined him the sum of $10.00 to keep the peace for the space of Twelve Months. His Worship in summing up this case took occasion to refer to the disgraceful conduct of swearing and drinking. He said he believed that the Hottentots could not be charged with such disgraceful conduct, it was a disgrace to civilization and the 19th Century, and that in future he would inflict a fine of 25 cents for every oath, so proved to have been sworn. We hope that his Bro. Magistrates will follow his example. |
March 6, 1886 | Fire | A telegraph despatch informs us that the Church of England Parsonage, Heart's Content, was destroyed by fire on the 25th ult. |
March 6, 1886 | Insurance Rates | We learn that at a meeting of the "Terra Nova" Insurance Club, held on Monday the 1st of March, the rate of premium for the past year was fixed at 2 1/2 per cent, which under the circumstances is very satisfactory. The rate of 1883 was one per cent and 1884 1 1/2 per cent. |
March 13, 1886 | Death | At Merrit's Harbor, on the 10th inst., Edward POWELL, son of Mr. Francis POWELL, aged 22 years. |
March 13, 1886 | Notice of the Game Laws (Part 1) | No person shall hunt, kill, wound, take, purchase, sell, barter, give away, receive, or have in his possession any Staringan, Grouse or Partridge, within the limits of this Colony and its dependencies, from the Twelfth day of January until the First day of September in any year. No person shall hunt, kill, wound, take, purchase, sell, barter, receive, or give away any Black Game, Red Grouse, or Moor Foul (sic), or other Birds which may have been imported into this Colony or its Dependencies, for the purpose of propagating the species or the progeny of such Black Game, Red Grouse, Moor Foul or other Birds, within the said period of Ten years from the importation of the said Black Game, Red Grouse, Moor Foul or other Birds, imported, for the purpose aforesaid or their progeny, shall be deemed contrary to this Act. No person shall hunt, kill, wound, take, purchase, sell, barter, receive, or give away, any Snipe, Black Bird or any other willd or Migratory Bird, (except Geese and Sea Fowl) within this Colony and its Dependencies, from the Twelfth day of January, until the first day of September in any Year. No Eggs of any kind of Birds in this act mentioned, (except the eggs of wild Geese) shall be taken, sold, purchased, or destroyed at any time. |
March 13, 1886 | Notice of the Game Laws (Part 2) | No person shall hunt, take, kill, wound, or destroy any Deer within this Colony or its Dependencies, by Slips, Pitfalls, Trap, or otherwise than by shooting, nor between the First day of March until the Fifteenth day of July in any year. No person shall hunt, take, kill, wound or destroy any Moose or Elk, which may have been imported into this Colony or its Dependencies for the purpose of propagating the species on their progeny for the period of ten years from the passing of this Act in 1879. No person shall hunt, take, kill, wound, sell, barter, receive, purchase, or give away any willd Rabbit or Hare within this Colony and its Dependencies, from the first of March until the first day of September in any year. No person shall take, kill, wound, or destroy any Otters or Beavers within this Colony, between the first day of April, and the First day of October in any year. Nothing in this Act shall apply to any poor settler who shall kill any Birds or Animals mentioned in this Act, other than such as are imported for the purpose of propagating the species, or their progeny, for his own immediate consumption or that of his family. Any person violating the said Act will be persecuted according to Law. F. BERTEAU, Stipendiary Magistrate. |
March 20, 1886 | Steamer Collision | On the night of the 12 inst., the steamers Vanguard and Arctic collided, the former striking the Arctic in bow, breaking eighteen stanchions, and causing considerable damage. The Vanguard's jiboom and bowsprit were entirely carried away by the collision. |
March 20, 1886 | Sealing News (Part 1) | The crew of the sealing steamer Hector left their ship Thursday morning to go panning seals, and landed here last evening, having been on the ice all night. They were too far away from their steamer to travel to her in the evening and had to seek refuge here for the night. During the week, great risk has been run by some of our sealers, who have displayed much bravery in trying to find the white coats. A number of men left Wild Cove half-past ten Tuesday night, and did not get back until ten o'clock Wednesday night, having been walking all the time. They reached the seals and brought back a "tow", being in a rather fatigued condition when getting home. It is doubtful if many on any other part of the coast would be found to attempt such a task, which is worthy of mention in the Sun. The sealing prospects the past week have been very good. Some of our sealers started very early Monday morning, and after travelling over the ice in different directions for several hours, "struck" the young harp seals about fifteen miles off Long Point. The distance being so great and the time not proving favorable, little was done until yesterday, when nearly all returned to land, with their "tow". The seals were within ten miles of land and are reported to be plentiful. We are indebted to an esteemed Fogo correspondent for the subjoined interesting sealing intelligence under date of Tuesday last: - The following steamers are jammed to the W.N.W. and N.W. of Fogo Head: Ranger, Falcon, Iceland, Mastiff, Eagle, Artic, Terra Nova, Esquimaux, Resolute, Vanguard, and Hector. |
March 20, 1886 | Sealing News (Part 2) | The young Harps lay about 15 or 20 miles N.N.W. of Fogo. Ranger is nearest to the seals and the men of Greenspond steamers are panning seals today. I saw them from the look-out today, busily at work. The first four named steamers will easily get clear when we get a S.W. wind. The other seven steamers lay between Fogo Head and Baccilieu Tickle and will require a S.E. wind to clear them; in fact, I have seen springs that they would not get clear without a sea and it may prove the same now. Four of them are from three to four miles off North End, Change Islands. Whilst on Lane's look-out this morning, in about two hours, I must have heard nearly one hundred guns fired; by that I presume our people on the Offer Islands must be doing some good work with old seals. Two fore and afters are tied up to Eastern Islands; should the wind continue N.W. the seals will run close to these Islands." It is thought that the Greenland, Wolf, Aurora and Walrus are in Bonavista Bay, and that the Neptune is S.E. of the Barrack's taking hoods. Another Fogo date says that Wednesday the young harps were in thousands three miles from the Store house Island, but the ice was bad and unfit to coast on. Since then there have been Easterly winds, and it is expected that good work is being done there. Seals are thought to be in large quantities in the bay, and it is to be hoped good work will be done by our landsmen. |
March 20, 1886 | Death | Yesterday morning, in the 80th year of her age, Eleanor, relict of the late John PEYTON, Esq., Stipendiary Magistrate of Twillingate. |
March 20, 1886 | Death | At Brigus, Conception Bay, February 4th, after a brief illness, William James, youngest son of Charles and Drusilla NEWBURY, aged 14 months. |
March 20, 1886 | Death | At Merrit's Harbor, on March 16th, Stephen, son of Mr. Edward POWELL, aged 15 years. |
March 20, 1886 | Serious Accident, Friday's Bay | On Sunday, March 7th, we learn a serious accident, though happily attended by no fatal consequences, occurred in Friday's Bay. Henry CHAPPLE, his wife and two children, accompanied by Samuel MOORES, were crossing the Bay with catamaran and dogs. Henry CHAPPLE left them to return for the purpose of attending service. Just before rounding a Point, he looked back and seeing nothing of them, thought something must have happened. He found the slide and dogs in the water and also the others; the younger child was only six weeks old, and would have perished had it not been for his timely help. He succeeded after some difficulty in getting them ashore. |
March 20, 1886 | Slaughter of Game (Part 1) | "Newfoundland Fishermen Starving‚ Newfoundland for English, Scotch and American Bush Rangers. Dear Mr. Editor, In my last, I gave your readers the name of one Sir Alexander who took away from Hall's Bay, in this Newfoundland of ours, in the summer and fall of '84, forty sets of deer's horns, valued at $800, besides furs, etc. I shall now give the names of a few more sportsmen (save the mark) who have ""stalked"" not a few of our choicest deer, if not in true Highland fashion, at least in true American style, as will be seen later on. In the summer or fall of 1884, Colonel DASHWOOD brought out of Indian Brook, Hall's Bay, twelve sets of choice antlers valued at £60, and a very large bundle of hides (over thirty); also a box of furs, which was carefully locked, so that his ""eyes should behold them and not another."" No, not even ""Poor Settler"" - that which was done in the Bush shall now ""be made manifest under the Sun."" Capt. DRUMMOND, Capt. FANE, Mr. LAWSON, Mr. STIRLING, Mr. CLIFT, one McCORMACK and a Mr. FARLOW, these gentlemen have all done good work (in their turn) in the Deer line; and last but not least, three of our American cousins - ""Bush Rangers,"" who appear on the scene under the appellation of ""sportsmen,"" and attack the ""poor settlers"" on left flank, and enter the Bush from the Straits of Belle Isle. " |
March 20, 1886 | Slaughter of Game (Part 2) | Where was Capt. KENNEDY in H.M.S. Druid at this time; for aught I know he may have been lying quietly at Bermuda. But to turn to my story again, what do we see on the hunting ground after the sweets from these three Bush Ranger's Caribou's clean away? Why, Mr. Editor, no less than four hundred of our choice caribou, slaughtered in true American fashion, and there (on the slaughter field) to remain and rot. The antlers alone (400) at say 50s per set - very low price - amount to the enormous sum of £1000. The carcasses to average 500 lbs each @ 6d per lb. (the price of venison in Little Bay at present, I have some venison with from 5 to 7 inches of fat), amounts to £4680. 400 hides @ say 10s per hide, £200. Total £5880. Now, Mr. Editor, £5880 is the work of three Bush Rangers, only for one season. Oh my Country! I am constrained to cry out in the bitterness of my anguish, in the words of the poet, 'Man's inhumanity to man makes countless numbers mourn.' ..... A poor settler, Little Bay, March 1, 1886. |
March 20, 1886 | Entertainment in New Bay | ... It would be trespassing too much, Mr. Editor, on the columns of your valuable paper, to name all who gave recitations particularly, therefore I shall just name a few of the most prominent, such as "The Young Recruit," by a very little boy, Philip MOORS; so well did he act his part that he was termed the great gun of the meeting; then followed "Timothy Hubble," by F.E. MOORS; "Open the door for the children," by Annie MANUEL; "What the sparrow chirps," by Mary CLARKE; "The boy's resolve," by Amos WALL; "Watchman, what of the night?" by Julia MOORS; and "The Social Pudding," by F.B. MOORS. This lad took every part naturally, and performed cleverly, creating great laughter and applause. I was informed that several speakers were asked to address the meeting, but only one came forward, Mr. George HOUSE, formerly of Twillingate, who has been residing here for the last fifteen years. He spoke particularly of the improvements made in New Bay since he came here; of the blessing of education, urging upon the people the necessity of giving their children all the learning possible to fit them to fill any station in life; and to make them more efficient laborers in the vineyard of God. |
March 28, 1886 | Help Needed for Mr. PARDY | Plea for Help, South West Arm. The unfortunate man PARDY, of South West Arm, New Bay, who had his house and all its effects destroyed by fire a short time since, is here soliciting assistance, and it is to be hoped that a "deaf ear" will not be turned by the generous public, to the applicant, who should be entitled to some degree of commiseration. |
March 28, 1886 | Sealing News | This week has been a blank with sealers, so far as our landsmen are concerned. The change of wind on Monday morning started the ice from the land, and it has not been fit to travel on since. It is believed that seals are not far away, and if the ice should jam to the shore again, the probability is that our people would be fortunate in securing some. Seals are reported to be plentiful in other parts of the bay, numbers having been taken about Stagg Island the early part of the week. The schooner Emeline, belonging to Messrs. WATERMAN & Co., which is prosecuting the fishery from the Shore, is reported to have 1,000 seals. The Leopard and River Queen are reported loaded at the Gulf. The Newfoundland is in the ice of Cape Bollard. |
March 28, 1886 | Birth | On the 23rd inst., the wife of Sergeant PATTEN, of a daughter. |
March 28, 1886 | Marriage | On the 14th January, at Portugal Cove, by Rev. W.E. SMITH, Miss Isabella A. ELMSLEY, daughter of George ELMSLEY, Esq., to F. Mackay THOMPSON, son of W.H. THOMPSON, Esq., Harbor Grace. |
March 28, 1886 | Marriage | On the 2nd inst., at Cowanville, Province of Quebec, by the Rev. Thomas HARRIS, Methodist Minister, E.E. LAWRENCE, Esq., merchant, to Emma Jean, youngest daughter of Hon. J. J. ROGERSON, of St. John's. |
March 28, 1886 | Death | On Sunday night last, after several weeks' illness, Martha, beloved wife of Mr. Charles MOXHAM, aged 57 years. Her end was peace. |
March 28, 1886 | Death | At St. John's on Sunday last, Mr. Robert LEWIS, formerly of Herring Neck. |
April 3, 1886 | Missionary Meeting | The Missionary Meeting, which was postponed on account of the seal hauling, will be held (D.V.) on Monday next, April 5th, at the place and time before announced. There will be only one meeting, as the season is advanced. |
April 3, 1886 | Seals on the Gull Island | Mr. Thomas BOYDE, owner of the L.P. Snow, reports that the few men on the Gull Island have 350 old and young (chiefly old harps) and is of opinion that the bulk of the young seals drove to the Eastward and not a large number came to this Bay. |
April 3, 1886 | Lost Schooner | The L.P. Snow, which schooner left Round Harbor for the Ice on the 9th ult., was lost off here on Sunday last. This schr. left with every prospect of success, and arriving at Gull Island on the 12th, found the young seals had only driven by there on the previous day. The ice, however, proved too heavy, and the attempt to get into the whelping ice was unsuccessful; and the heavy gale of the 14th coming on, drove this schooner out the Bay where she received considerable damage and was very much strained, so that two pumps would not keep her free, and the crew, after making every effort to save the vessel, had to abandon her on Sunday morning with about 100 seals. |
April 3, 1886 | Child's Hip Reset | Some time ago a little boy named Arthur ASHBURN, aged 12 years, son of Mr. Thomas ASHBURN, was suffering from a cripple leg. The cause at first appeared to be unknown, but on examination by Dr. STAFFORD, he discovered that the hip was out of the cup, and that the little fellow would have to undergo the painful operation of having it set, which was afterwards successfully performed by the doctor. The boy bore the operation bravely, and we are pleased to learn that he has since recovered and is as nimble as ever he was. |
April 3, 1886 | Arrest of Rioters, St. John's | Another arrest of the rioters was made this afternoon. A large mob gathered, demanding the release of the prisoners. Foot and mounted police dispersed the mob. The Courthouse is under guard. The cavalry is parading the streets. |
April 3, 1886 | Sealing News | The steamer Polynia passed Cape Ray today, loaded with seals. The Hercules is expected from Bay-de-Verde tonight and will start for Greenspond tomorrow morning to convey the crew of the Resolute to their homes. |
April 3, 1886 | Birth | At Mortons Harbor on Thursday, the 18th ult., the wife of Mr. Joseph Baine OSMOND of a son. |
April 10, 1886 | Fogo Sealing News | "A respected correspondent from Fogo, under date of March 30th, furnishes us with the following sealing information: - As with your people at Twillingate, there has been considerable excitement the past fortnight looking out for seals, Friday and Saturday, the 19th and 20th inst., being the most successful days for Fogo harbor, including Seldom-come-by, Island Head, and Hare Bay men. From four to eight seals per man were secured by about three hundred men. Most of the harbor men, including those from Joe Batts Arm and Barr'd Island, being at the Fogo Islands where they have done better, especially from Storehouse Island and Eastward, averaging thirteen to thirty per man (young) with a few old only. Unhappily the seals were a long distance off - ten and twelve miles, so that the least off wind, or even a calm, prevented their being reached. Seven steamers have been in sight the whole time, slaughtering and panning, of which it is not likely a quarter will be got, six flags on bulks being discerned only yesterday (March 29th), drifting seaward from Gapby's Island, and the steamers gone off jammed in the ice. One of the Dundee fleet, said to be the Resolute, JACKMAN, sank very suddenly on Saturday evening, off Eastern end Fogo Island, supposed to have grounded on shoal ""Old Ireland,"" crew barely escaping with their lives.""" |
April 10, 1886 | Election of Officers | The following officers were duly installed in "North Star" Division on Thursday, the 1st inst., by the D.G.W.P., Bro. Geo. ROBERTS, P.W.P. Bro. Wm. BAIRD, Sr., was conducted by D.G.C. (Bro. Andrew ROBERTS) to P.W.P. chair: Bro. W.J. SCOTT, W.P.; Bro. John LUNNEN, W.A.; Bro. Wm. BAIRD, Jr., R.S.; Bro. Daw PEARCE, A.R.S.; Bro. Chas. MAYNE, F.S.; Bro. John HILLYARD, Treas.; Bro. George ROBERTS, Chap.; Bro. Stanley NEWMAN, Con.; Bro. Arthur W. SCOTT, A.C.; Bro. Frederick LINFIELD, I.S.; Bro. Wm. HODDER, O.S. Visiting Committee.--Bros. Samuel PAYNE, Wm. BAIRD, Sr., and Andrew ROBERTS. Finance Committee.--Bros. Geo. ROBERTS, Fred. LINFIELD. Investigating Committee.--John LUNNEN, Chas. MAYNE, Arthur W. SCOTT. Good of Order Committee.--Bros. Charles MAYNE, John HILLYARD, Arthur Wm. SCOTT, Daw PEARCE, Wm. BARID, Jr. Trustees. - Bros. James WYLDS, and Isaac MOORS, re-elected. |
April 10, 1886 | Narrow Escape | The following message was received at 2.30 this afternoon, from J. ROSSITER, master watch of the steamer Aurora: - Steamer Aurora abandoned eleven o'clock last night, crushed by ice. Nine men of us travelled North, all night. Thought the ship would clear iceberg; but seeing no chance of doing so, we walked ashore. All hands on the ice but us nine. No provisions. Should send Hercules at once; consider the men to be at Baccalieu now." A half an hour later the following was received from the operator at Catalina: "Aurora just come in; flags flying; all hands safe, nine landed here." As soon as the first message was received, the S.S. Hercules was taken to the wharf of M. MONROE, and loaded with provisions to be dispatched to the scene of the disaster; but happily, the later message allayed all fears and her assistance was not required. |
April 10, 1886 | Death | On the 25th ult., Sarah Ann Elizabeth, infant daughter of William and Elizabeth Ann RIDOUT, Davis Cove, aged 7 weeks. |
April 10, 1886 | Death | On the 19th ult., Cicely, daughter of John and Hannah KEEFE, Little Harbor, aged 2 years and 6 months. |
April 10, 1886 | Death | Saturday morning, March 21st, on board the steamer Hector, off Change Islands, Silas LEGREW, of Bauline, Conception Bay, aged 22 years. His remains were brought ashore, and interred in the Methodist cemetery on the following day, the burial service being conducted by the Rev. Robt. BRAMFITT. |
April 10, 1886 | Death | At Little Harbor, on Saturday last, after a lingering illness, Andrew, son of Mr. Solomon WAR, aged 21 years. |
April 10, 1886 | Death at Sea | A dory with two living and two dead fishermen landed at Louisburg, being out seven days without food and water. James MacDONALD died the second day. Angus MacDONALD devoured the flesh and drank the blood of James. Angus became insane and died. The two survivors are terribly weak and ill. |
April 10, 1886 | Cruelty to Seals (Part 1) | New Bay, March 29th, 1886. To the Editor of the Twillingate Sun. Dear Sir, - While reading your editorial of the 27th inst., some of the cruelties practiced upon the innocent seal, flashed vividly across my mind. When residing, a few years since, in another part of the Island, where a great number of the men go seal-hunting every spring in steamers, I heard one of them say after returning from a voyage which had, I believe, been fairly successful, that while in White Bay killing and panning their load of seals, he played a trick on an old mother harp, which was most barbarous and cruel. Having watched the mother seal submerge through the hole kept open for the purpose of visiting her young, he waited to see her pop her head again above the surface; no sooner had she done so that he with his knife cut her throat; the poor animal with one loud piercing shriek threw herself out of the hole to drop lifelessly on the ice, there to remain and rot in the sun. I heard another man say, who was in the same steamer, that he could stand and count as many as thirty dead seals scattered around, some pelted, some half pelted, and some round, all doomed to lie and decay on the ice, or be buried beneath its raftering piles. Many similar acts of cruelty might be adduced but I will only mention another here: once a boat was passing an ice-floe, when the men heard a sound which they thought to be the cry of a young harp. Search was made and so one was discovered in a crevice of the ice. |
April 10, 1886 | Cruelty to Seals (Part 2) | The poor little infant seal had a leather belt fastened tightly around its middle, which caused the little creature great pain. The truth was clear some one had been cruel enough to bind the seal and then left it to die a lingering death. Oh, the inhumanity of man toward the seal! We are led to ask, will not Almighty God, that taketh care of His creatures, the smallest, the weakest, not a sparrow falleth to the ground, without His notice, avenge the wrong of the perpetrators of such enormous cruelties? I believe, Mr. Editor, that the time is not far distant, when not a seal will visit our coast, unless treated with more kindness. At one time the Penguin were plentiful on some parts of our Island; where are they today? Why those that escaped the outrageous cruelties inflicted upon them by savage and avaricious men, have taken their final exit. Who can tell but this may be the case with the seal? An all wise Providence has hitherto sent them for the sustenance of His people; they abuse His gift, they ignore His Goodness, what can they expect but that He will turn these instinctive creatures in another course and thus deprive this Newfoundland of ours of one of her great sources of wealth. It is time that our Government were awake to this; it is time that they make laws to protect the innocent seal from the barbarity of man; and prevent the burning, the killing and panning of so many, when there is little or no chance of ever getting them. Hoping, Mr. Editor, you will pardon me for trespassing so much on the columns of your valuable paper. |
April 17, 1886 | Sealing News | Since the ice has been off from the land the past two or three weeks, very few (if any) seals have been caught. The number of seals taken by our landsmen have been few, comparatively, the quantity being exaggerated; leading persons at a distance to believe that the catch was much larger than it really was. We are indebted to R.D. HODGE, Esq., J.P., for the following information contained in a private telegram received from Greenspond yesterday: - "Joseph OSMOND thirteen hundred seals; towed into Pinchard's Island yesterday (Thursday) smashed." The Steamer Iceland, belonging to Messrs. MUNN & Co., Harbor Grace, has returned from the seal fishery with 3,500 young, and 5,000 old seals. On Monday last two men landed at Shoe Cove from the Horse Islands and reported the remarkable catch of 250 seals per man on those Islands, which is about 5,600 for 23 men. Such a success as this is seldom heard of now in those days of steamers. The Emeline arrived at Catalina on Wednesday with 1500 seals, having sailed from Round Harbor 12th March. One of the crew was unfortunately lost during the voyage. |
April 17, 1886 | Schooner Lost | The Success was lost near the Wadhams a few days since, having sustained a severe strain from the ice near the Funk's; this schooner had 500 seals. The crew were landed here on Thursday by the S.S. Hercules. |
April 17, 1886 | Shipping News | The steamer Hercules put in sight on Thursday afternoon, being more than a week left St. John's. She was detained in Greenspond by ice. The harbor being filled with it; the steamer had to remain off Wild Cove. She only remained a short time and returned South fearing to venture in the bay, in case of getting caught in the ice. The mails were landed here and despatched the next morning. The crew of the A.J.O. of Morton's Harbor (which schooner was reported last week as having been towed into Pinchard's Island) arrived here per Hercules. This schooner sailed from the above place and met good success in securing seals, but unfortunately when off Pinchard's Island she was crushed by a large pan of ice and became a total wreck. She is reported with 1300 at the time, which were all saved. |
April 24, 1886 | Married | Marriage March 9th, at Chicago, Ill., U.S.A., Kate STUART, fifth daughter of Wm. STIRLING, Esq., M.D., of Twillingate, Nfld., to Paul Adolphe PUTZKI, Artist of Altwasser in Schlesien, Germany. |
April 24, 1886 | Death | At Pikes Arm, Herring Neck, on April 16th, Mr. William DALLY, aged 23 years, leaving a wife and child and aged mother to mourn their loss. |
April 24, 1886 | Public Notice | All Swine or Pigs found at large, or straying in or about any of the Streets, Squares, Lanes or Passages aforesaid, at any time during the year, the owners thereof shall be prosecuted according to law. Also, all Pigs Styes, foul-privies, or Cess Pools bordering, or near the Roads, Lanes, or Passages, are to be removed, or its owners thereof shall be prosecuted. Any Goats without a good substantial yoke, the lower bar of which shall be three feet, and the upper bar not less than eighteen inches in length, found wandering at large, or straying in or about any of the Streets, Squares, Lanes or Passages, the owners thereof shall be prosecuted according to law. Every Dog found at large without its owner, or other person in charge thereof, is required to have fastened to its neck a Clog or a piece of wood not less than seven pounds weight, and not less than eighteen inches in length, with the name of the owner stamped or marked thereon, or to be effectually muzzled, and every Dog so found at large without the owner, or other person in charge thereof and not clogged and muzzled as aforesaid may be immediately shot or destroyed by any person. |
May 1, 1896 | Mail Steamer | The mail steamer was to have left St. John's on Tuesday, but as heavy North-east winds have prevailed all the week, she has been thereby prevented from getting here. It is to be hoped that an early change will take place, so that navigation will be resumed. |
May 1, 1896 | Marriage | April 22nd., at the Methodist Parsonage by Geo. BULLON, Mr. Joseph ANSTEY of Hearts Cove, to Miss Elizabeth HELLIER of Platters Head. |
May 1, 1896 | Estate For Sale | For Sale By Public Auction, on the 22nd May, 1886, on the premises of OWEN & EARLE, The fishing premises and gardens of the late Thomas BARNES, situated at Ragged Point, South Island, of Twillingate. For further particulars apply to John W. OWEN, Trustee of the Estate. Twillingate, 30 April, 1886. |
May 1, 1896 | Seals Lost (Part 1) | Messrs. Job Brothers & Co. received the following from Captain E. WHITE of the S.S. Hector, on the 31st of March, dated 2 miles off Change Island, 22nd of March, 1886: - "Crew left ship Thursday morning (18th March) 6 o'clock returned Saturday evening late, panned 5000 seals twelve miles off Twillingate. Surrounded by about 2000 men from the land who forcibly took them all, preventing the crew from panning a load. Nothing done now until we get free. Is there no redress for such a piece of robbery and intimidation? Editorial on Loss of Seals. It was our intention last week to have commented on the above telegram but being pressed for time, it appeared in the columns of the Sun without having done so. To outsiders, such conduct on the part of our fishermen as that attributed to them by the author of the above despatch would appear most reprehensible, and we are sorry to know that our people are so falsely and malignly accused as we find they therein have been. The telegram says that 5000 seals were panned by the crew of the steamer Hector and that they were surrounded by 2000 men who forcibly prevented the crew from panning and loading. This we contend is one of the greatest misrepresentations that could possibly appear in print. |
May 1, 1896 | Seals Lost (Part 2) | We have been in conversation with men who were foremost in their approach to the seals on the day referred to, and we have been assured unmistakably that not more than a score of men had reached the Hector's crew when they decided to leave and travel to land, and that no such attempt whatever as that spoken of was made on the part of any of our men to intimidate the steamer's crew. It can be truthfully asserted that on the day that Capt. WHITE says the seals were killed and panned, there were not one thousand seals brought ashore here, and that from the 1st of March to the present the total number of seals brought to Twillingate by landsmen does not exceed five thousand, which is sufficient to prove that if there were 5000 seals killed, there could not have been 2000 men there, neither was it the case. There were not 1000 of our men altogether on the ice that day; some of them struck the seals in another direction and many returned without either one. But if landsmen had been inclined to prevent the steamer's crew from killing and panning seals, it is certain that it was not in their power to prevent them from loading, for even supposing a cargo had been killed, there was not the slightest prospect of ever getting them on board ship. |
May 1, 1896 | Seals Lost (Part 3) | The steamer was jammed twelve or fifteen miles from where the seals lay so that they could not be taken after being killed. The crew left the steamer early in the morning and it was about four in the afternoon before the seals were reached. They remained on the ice all night, and the next day, being too fatigued and weary to travel back to their steamer, they started for this place, arriving in a most pitiful, hungry and exhausted condition, a number of the poor unfortunate creatures having barely strength to reach places of shelter; and the probability is that had they not come here, some of them would have never lived to reach the steamer. They were soon received into people's houses, however, well fed, and made warm and comfortable for the night. We have no doubt Capt. WHITE believed the above statement which he sent to St. John's to be correct, but he was not present and only obtained his knowledge of affairs from some of his crew who evidently greatly misrepresented facts. Capt. WHITE wants to know if there is no redress for such a piece of robbery and intimidation. But we would ask on whose part? It certainly was not by our people. A kind Providence sent the seals along, and they were as free for landsmen as for Capt. WHITE's or any other steamer's crew. |
May 1, 1896 | Seals Lost (Part 4) | But is there no redress for destroying the common wealth of the country by killing and burning seals which was done by these men when they were on the ice? What right have steamer crews to travel twelve or fifteen miles from their ships to kill and pan seals when there was no probability of getting them on board? This spring the seals were nearer Twillingate than to the steamers that were jammed, and it would be just as reasonable for our Merchants here to have sent men on the ice to kill and pan seals, with the intention of sending their craft to get them, as for the Captains of the steamers, for there was just as much likelihood of the one getting them as the other. Where are all the seals that were killed and bulked this spring? Where are the Hector's 5,000? We are positive they were not brought to Twillingate, and nearly all the men from the neighboring localities were sealing from here. Yet late intelligence informs us that the steamer arrived at St. John's with 1200. This is the way in which thousands of seals are lost every year and still there is no redress for such wanton destruction of wealth. Sportsmen can have laws made to protect Game, which affords them recreation when it suits their convenience, but here is one of our stable industries that is annually declining owing principally to the unwarrantable modes in its prosecution, without any attempt being made to legislate for its protection. But we shall have more to say on this phase of the subject in another paper. |
May 8, 1896 | Death | We learn by a telegraphic despatch that Philip HUTCHINGS, Esq., died at Exeter, England, on the 24th April, and P.L. TESSIER, died at St. John's on the 27th ult. |
May 8, 1896 | Sealing News | The steamer NEPTUNE, Captain BLANDFORD, arrived at St. John's last week with 2,000 seals; the Nimrod, 1,500, and the Panther clean. |
May 8, 1896 | Death | We are sorry to learn that the wife of the Rev. Mr. WILSON (the Methodist minister who is stationed at Red Bay, Labrador) died in the month of March last. Mrs. WILSON was an English lady, and was living at Red Bay nearly two years. |
May 8, 1896 | Passengers | The steamer Plover, Capt. MANUEL, made her first appearance in our harbor for this season on Thursday morning last. She left St. John's on Tuesday week and was detained in intermediate ports in consequence of ice. The following passengers came here: Messrs. W.J. SCOTT, LIUSTROM, RYALL. |
May 8, 1896 | Fire at St. John's | A fire occurred at Barter's Hill two o'clock on Thursday morning. The workshop was destroyed and also the interior of ten tenements |
May 8, 1896 | Destitution | The Leopard brings news of great destitution at Forteau and Lance-au-Loop, Straits of Belle Isle. |
May 8, 1896 | Sealing Reports | The following sealing steamers have arrived: - Ranger, 2,000; Hector, 1200; Arctic, 1200; Aurora, 800; Wolf, 500; Polynia, 200; Leopard, 300. The Siberian sailed last night. |
May 15, 1896 | Change Island Missionary Meeting | The annual meeting in connection with this branch of the Herring Neck circuit was held in the church on Wednesday last. A writer informs us that the chair was taken by Mr. Solomon ROBERTS, who by his stirring words thoroughly aroused the sympathies of his audience. Rev. R. BRAMFITT read the report which was a most encouraging one. The people of this place last year, nobly contributed seventy dollars in aid of the mission fund. Interesting addresses were delivered by Mr. John PORTER, Rev. J.W. VICKERS, and the Superintendent of the Circuit, who read extracts from letters written by his brother, a missionary in China. Mrs. J.C. WATERMAN presided at the organ with her accustomed ability. |
May 15, 1896 | Shipping News | The steamer St. Pierre, which arrived at Halifax from St. Pierre, Miq., a few days ago, reports that a brig had recently reached the latter port from France and announced having passed a dismasted vessel with crew on board, twenty-five miles South of the Island. The steamer had a fine run to Halifax, passing fifty-five miles South of Scatterie. Among her passengers were the Governor and Chief Justice of St. Pierre, who are on their way to France for the purpose of being consulted with respect to the fishery affairs on the coast of Newfoundland. By the arrival of the S.S. Pertia, last evening, we have intelligence from the Magdalen Islands to the 3rd inst. The mail steamer Beaver succeeded in reaching the Islands and landing the mails, after which she returned to Pictou. The captain of that ship reports the Straits full of heavy ice, compelling him to go around the West end of P.E. Island. Supplies were plentiful on the islands. No shipwrecks have occurred since last Autumn and the people are jubilant over their success in the seal fishery. Fifteen thousand large seals have been captured from the shore, and vessels are arriving with catches of from five to sixteen hundred. The Beaver was the first arrival this spring and the news brought from the outside world has been eagerly looked for by the inhabitants. The steamer returns to the islands with mails immediately, calling at Georgetown. The schooner Delphia, belonging to M. OSMOND, Esq., Moreton's Harbor, arrived here on Thursday from Pinchard's Islands, bringing the seals that the A.J.O. had when she was lost. The Eagle has arrived with 1,200 seals, and the Terra Nova 5,200 old seals. |
May 15, 1896 | Schooners Launched | Two fine new craft were launched at Moreton's Harbor last week, one from Mr. OSMOND's premises, and the other from the premises of Mr. Thomas FRENCH. |
May 15, 1896 | Fire | The roof of the dwelling house occupied by Dr. SCOTT caught fire this morning, and had it not been for the timely assistance rendered, it is probable that the whole building would have been destroyed. |
May 15, 1896 | Reward Offered | A reward will be given to anyone who can give information at this office as to the parties that took from the bank at South West Arm last fall, ninety five pieces of House framing, unknown to the owner. |
May 15, 1896 | Shipping News | The steamer Hover returned here going South on Thursday night. The following were passengers from the North side of the Bay: Rev. Mr. CLIFT, Messrs. QUINBY, REDDEN, McLEAN, ROLAND and BOYLE. Messrs. Wm. WELLS and J. STREET took passage here. The Isabel which left here early in March to prosecute the seal fishery returned last week with 200 seals. The craft was driven Southward in the ice and made for the port of St. John's to await a time home. We are sorry to know that the master, Mr. Thomas LACEY, of Back Harbor, has been ill for the greater part of the time, and is now suffering from an attack of rheumatic fever. |
May 15, 1896 | Mr. Bond Commended | Mr. BOND has received letters from Revs. S. WHITE, HAYNES, and a large number of his constituents commending him for his public conduct. |
May 15, 1896 | Drunk Arrested | A man, under the influence of liquor, threw his son over a gallery, breaking a leg and injuring his hip. The father has been arrested. |
May 15, 1896 | Birth | At St. John's, on the 20th ult., the wife of Mr. J.D. FULLERTON, of a daughter. |
May 15, 1896 | Death | On Sunday afternoon last, after a short illness, Mr. Frederick GUY, aged 56 years, deservedly respected by a large circle of friends. He died the death of the righteous. |
May 15, 1896 | Death | Peacefully, at St. John's, on Friday morning last, after a protracted illness, borne with calm resignation by the Divine will, James Ashton Lock SCOTT, elder brother of Mr. W.J. SCOTT of this place. |
May 15, 1896 | Death | At Herring Neck, on the 12th inst., Mr. Eliah WARREN. |
May 15, 1896 | Death | At St. John's, on the 19th ult., Mr. William CAMPBELL, aged 62 years. |
May 15, 1896 | Memorial to Frederick GUY (Part 1) | Brother GUY is dead. We can scarcely realize the fact. Only a short week ago he was moving about in the duties of life, and today we say his body has already lain in the grave three days; truly, "In the midst of life we are in death." Let us be sober and watch. But raising our thoughts from death and the grave, we are constrained to break forth in the joyous strain: Brother GUY liveth, yes, and shall forever live, at the right hand of the Father in heaven, to be engaged in praising His name and rejoicing in the fullness of infinite love. Free from a world of grief and sin/With God eternally shut in." It was our privilege to know and to be closely associated with our brother as we strove to cheer each other in the good way, and we remember how humility, coupled with strong faith, was his striking characteristic, and it was a source of great comfort to all, that when he was laid suddenly on his death bed he could say, "I am not afraid to die," and so he passed triumphantly home. A consistent member of three societies, his brethren and friends, to the number of eight or nine hundred, paid their last tribute of respect by attending the funeral on Wednesday afternoon last. |
May 15, 1896 | Memorial to Frederick GUY (Part 2) | The service was conducted and an impressive sermon preached in the North Side Methodist Church, by his pastor, Rev. G. BULLEN, from the text - "Thy brother shall live again." Weep not for a brother deceased, Our loss is his infinite gain; A soul out of prison released, And free from its bodily chain: With songs let us follow his flight, And mount with his spirit above, Escaped to the mansions of light, And lodged in the Eden of love. Our brother the heaven has gained, Out-flying the tempest and wind; His rest he hath sooner obtained, And left his companions behind, Still tossed on a sea of distress, Hard toiling to make the blest shore, Where all is assurance and peace, And sorrow and sin are no more. There all the ship's company meet, Who sailed with the Saviour beneath, With shouting each other they greet, And triumph o'er trouble and death; The voyage of life's at an end, The mortal affliction is past; The age that in heaven they spend, For ever and ever shall last. |
May 15, 1896 | Fire at Old Perlican | A fire occurred at Old Perlican on Saturday night last, involving the destruction of Mr. Joseph BOYD's dwelling house and three stores, with a large quantity of goods, traps, nets, etc. Nothing was saved but the parlor furniture. Mr. BOYD loses heavily by the disaster, as the property was not half covered by insurance. The fire originated in the net loft. |
May 15, 1896 | The banking schooner A.K. Walters, Capt. NICKERSON, arrived this forenoon to Messrs. MARCH and Sons, and gives a gloomy account of the opening of the Banking voyage from this port. The A.K. Walters lost two of her men on Friday last week. They had been overhauling their trawls in a rather rough sea, and failing to appear on board, a search was made and their dory discovered bottom up. One of the young men is named GAUL and belongs to Topsail Road; the other's name is HOPKINS, a native of Perlican. The A.K. Walters remained fishing for a week afterwards and was obliged to come into port earlier than usual owing to another of her crew having fallen sick. She got over 100 quintals. | |
May 22, 1886 | Shipping News | The schooner Mary Young, William KENT, master, arrived yesterday from the Banks and reported for four hundred and fifty (450) quintals of codfish. Her voyage is being cured at VINICOMD's (sic) room, near Chain Rock. The schooner Augusta, belonging to F.W. FINLAY, Esq., and commanded by Capt. DUNPHY, arrived at Placentia, from the Banks, on Saturday last, with equal to 250 quintals dry fish. All this fine fare was taken on the first baiting. |
May 22, 1886 | More Fogo Pettifoggery | Dear Mr. Editor, - I have again to ask you to give publicity to the sort of justice dispensed here. A few days ago a poor man had a dispute with one of the Magistrate's near relatives, a Mr. Clarence FITZGERALD, about said Clar FITZGERALD trying to take away some of the poor man's land. During the discussion, this Clarence FITZGERALD came on the other man's room and violently assaulted and struck his neighbour to the effusion of blood, and other disfigurement. The person then made application to the Magistrate for a summons, but got no satisfaction. Next day he went back and demanded that a summons be issued against Clarence FITZGERALD. This was peremptorily refused him by the Magistrate on the ground that the two cases were one, viz., the land dispute and the assault. Now, Mr. Editor, this was certainly a good dodge to try and screen his nephew, but it won't do. The case of assault and battery being all one side is a case in itself, and every man is entitled to protection, no matter whether it is the magistrate's own sons or his other relatives. It is sincerely to be hoped that an investigation will soon be made into these many complaints, that have been so publicly made this past winter. Perhaps the Magistrate intends trying to settle this grand matter the same as he settled some other grand disputes in this place already, say with the party he wishes to favor, and without giving the other party any chance to establish or contest their claim. Thanking you, Mr. Editor, for your kindness in ventilating our grievances, yours, etc. |
May 22, 1886 | Religious Books | Mr. SEALEY, Colporteur for the Methodist Society is here, and has a fine stock of religious books which are sold as cheaply as can be procured from stores in the city. |
May 22, 1886 | Seals | Two craft arrived here the past week to Messrs. W. WATERMAN & Co., from the Horse Islands, bringing full loads of seals which the landsmen were fortunate in catching there this spring. |
May 22, 1886 | Lumber Surveyor Appointed | We learn from the Royal Gazette of the 11th inst. that His Excellency the Governor in Council has been pleased to appoint Mr. Andrew LINFIELD to be a Surveyor of Lumber for Twillingate. |
May 22, 1886 | New Jigger Invented | Just before going to press we received a specimen of a reflecting jigger which has recently been invented together with a communication in reference to the same, which we shall be glad to give attention to next week. The specimen referred to can be seen at this office. |
May 22, 1886 | Steamer | The steamer Plover arrived early on Thursday morning. This time her trip terminated at Tilt Cove. She will leave St. John's for the North again next week so as to bring her up to the regular time for leaving. We hope that the suggestion thrown out last week will be acted on by the Government, and that three trips instead of two will be made in June month, which would greatly facilitate business arrangements for the summer season. |
May 22, 1886 | Serious Stabbing Affray | A stabbing affray growing out of a fistic encounter amongst three or four drunken sailors on board the barque Constance, occurred at half-past ten on Saturday night. It appears that two of them, named Benjamin ROUSE and Henry TALBOT, both Englishmen, were having it out on deck, when one of their mates, Raphael FARAGO, a Marseilles Frenchman, interfered, endeavoring to put a stop to the quarrel, whereupon RUESE turned upon him and drawing his knife, thrust it into the back part of FARAGO's body above the hoop. Fortunately the injury is confined to the limb - the upper part, close below its junction with the trunk. No vital part, so far as we know, is touched, and the man's condition this morning is reported as not being dangerous. The case is, therefore, regarded as one of the action of the Magistrate, but murderous acts like this should be taken out of the jurisdiction of the palsne (?) judges and be dealt with by one of the judges of the Supreme Court and a jury. Immediately after the occurrence, medical assistance was summoned for FARAGO and he was subsequently sent to hospital. ROUSE was arrested yesterday morning. |
May 29, 1886 | Death | At Exploits, on the 17th May, Mr. Andrew PEARCE, aged 51 years. |
May 29, 1886 | Shipping News | Port of Twillingate: May 25 - Racer from Poole, via Fogo, general cargo for Fogo and Twillingate and Fogo - W. WATERMAN & Co.; May 27 - Edith Gleanor, St. John's, salt - Owen & Earle. |
May 29, 1886 | Government Notice | Sealed tenders will be received at this Office, until Monday, 24th inst., at noon for supplying 4,000 gallons cold drawn seal oil, the produce of young seals of this spring's catch. The whole quantity to be delivered in the Light House Store, on the Queen's Wharf, in shipping order, and in iron-bound Oak Packages (not pork barrels) not exceeding 25 gallons each. Packages of 20 gallons and upwards, to be gauged. The packages and oil to be subject to the approval of the Inspector of Light Houses. Sealed samples (in bottles furnished by the Dement) to accompany each tender. Also, 350 gallons for Cape Race. (By order,) W.R. STIRLING, Pro Secretary, Board of Works Office, 17th May, 1886. |
May 29, 1886 | Government Notice | Sealed tenders will be received at this office until Monday, 24th inst., 12 o'clock, noon, for the hire of a vessel, of not less than fifty-five tons, to convey Oil and Stores to the Northern and Western Lighthouses. Particulars can be obtained from the Inspector of Light Houses, each day between the hours of 11 and 12. The Board will not be bound to accept the lowest or any tender. (By order,) W.R. STIRLING, Pro Secretary, Board of Works Office, 1st May, 1886. |
May 29, 1886 | Accident | On Tuesday last an accident happened to Edward INGS of Durrills Arm, by the bursting of a gun, which we learn fractured his nose and disfigured his face. The injury not so bad as was first apprehended, and with careful attendance, may not result seriously. |
May 29, 1886 | Shipping News | The Mary Parker returned from St. John's last Saturday morning. She left here on the previous Monday, and had full cargo each way. The Evangeline, Capt. Andrew ROBERTS, arrived here from St. John's on Thursday, with a full cargo of freight for here and Little Bay. A quantity of Government seed potatoes was received by this schooner, for distribution among the poor people who are short of seed. We understand that they are on account of the road grant, and that able bodied persons receiving them will be expected to give an equivalent in labor on the roads next fall. |
May 29, 1886 | The Rope Walk | The erection of the Rope Walk, St. John's, has commenced, the first brick having been laid on the 31st ult. The Messrs. MONROE are deserving of much praise for the enterprising spirit thus manifested. It is to be hoped that the Cordage Co. will meet with success in the future and that the works now about to be erected will continue for many years to come. |
May 29, 1886 | Appointments | His Excellency the Governor in Council has been pleased to appoint the following Commissioners of Roads in the District of Fogo: - Dr. Hay FINDLATER, Messrs. Robt. SCOTT, Henry J. EARLE, James FITZGERALD, John W. HODGE, Thomas C. DUDER, and Dr. Thomas MALCOLM, to be a Board of Road Commissioners for Fogo; Messrs. Philip NEWELL, Jacob ROWE, Henry PENNY, William PENNEY, and Mark HODNOT, to be a Board of Road Commissioners for Seldom-Come-By; Messrs. William GREEN, John BURKE, Jr., Patrick DWYER, James BROTHERS, and Pierce FOLEY, to be a Board of Road Commissioners for Tilton Harbor; Messrs. Justinian DOWELL, Thomas TORRAVILLE, Thomas W. TAYLOR, John PELLY, Solomon ROBERTS, James C. WATERMAN, and Henry SCAMMEL to be a Board of Road Commissioners for Change Islands; Messrs. James FOSTER, to be a Board of Road Commissioners for Barr'd Islands; Messrs. Philip COURNEW, Charles BRETT, John FREKE, Jr., William MERCER, and Philip PEARCE to be a Board of Road Commissioners for Joe Batt's Arm; Messrs. Henry ROBBINS, William GIBBONS, John SMITH, William FOLY, and George NORMAN, to be a Board of Road Commissioners for Cat Harbour; Messrs John B. WHELLER, John R. WHITEWAY, Samson HICKS, Robert BURT, Solomon MUTCH, Joseph ABBOTT, and James HICKS, Jr., to be a Board of Road Commissioners for Musgrave Harbor, Doting Cove, and Ragged Harbor; Messrs. Robert WELLON, Sr., Thomas WELLON, William WEST, Joseph GOODYEAR, and Benjamin TUCK, to be a Board of Road Commissioners for Ladle Cove and Apsey Cove; Messrs. Thomas DUDER, J.P. Robert SCOTT, John W. HODGE, Henry J. EARLE, and Martin STONE, to be a Board of Commissioners of Public Works for Fogo Harbor. Secretary's Office, May 3, 1886. His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Mr. Slingshy WESTBURY BATHELL, to be his Private Secretary and Acting Aide-de-Camp. His Excellency the Governor, in Council, has been pleased to appoint Revd. Richard WALSH, to be a member of the Road Board for Fortune Harbor, District of Twillingate. Secretary's Office, 27th April, 1886. |
May 29, 1886 | The Patent Reflecting Jigger | Dear Sir, - I have much pleasure in forwarding for your inspection one of the Patent Reflecting Jiggers. This is the small size, being an ounce short of a pound. One and a third pound are manufactured, but except for strong tide fishing do not receive such general acceptance as the smaller one. Patent rights are granted here and applied for in England, Canada and the United States. Tests so far have yielded wonderful results in their fish killing capabilities, but time has not yet admitted of their being so thoroughly tested as to determine how many ordinary jiggers they represent in catching power. The flash of the mirrors tows the fish, whilst their natural voracity impels them to dart at their reflections in the glass when they get close enough to see themselves in it, and thus get caught. They are composed of lead, antimony and tin, the same as type metal but in different proportions. The tail is made large to give it a good shoot. For later fishing, phosphorescent glass will be substituted for the mirrors, or mirror on one side and phosphorescent glass on the other; these will be used by night. The night glasses I think will be very valuable owing to the well-known power of attraction to fish any light possesses. The price per gross is £12; per dozen, 24s, for the small; £14 and 27s 6d respectively for the large size. Orders sent through C.F. Bennett & Co., or any of the large houses will be attended to. With kind regards, I remain very sincerely yours, John W. HAYWARD. |
May 29, 1886 | Harbor Grace | By advices from Harbor Grace we hear that much distress prevails there in consequence of the reluctance of business men to supply this season for the Labrador fishery. We hope that the "meal and molasses" era is not about to dawn upon the colony again. In 1867, 8 depots for the free distribution of these two articles of food were established by Government all over the country. |
June 5, 1886 | Death | At Indian Islands (Fogo District) 16th inst., Sarah Ann PERRY (aged 31 years), the beloved wife of Mr. Philip PERRY. She passed peacefully away after a severe illness of about three weeks. For twelve years she walked with God, and was indeed a living epistle known and read of all men. She leaves behind, besides her sorrowing husband, three little children, but their loss is her gain, for she is now "Free from a world of grief and sin/With God eternally shut in." The funeral sermon was preached on Wednesday 19th inst. by Mr. CHEESMAN, the text being "Thou shalt be missed, because the seat will be empty." I Isaiah 20 18. |
June 19, 1886 | Fire at New Bay | A New Bay correspondent writing under date of the 10th June, informs us of a terrible fire that was raging at the head of the bay, which originated somewhere between the West and South West Arms. On Monday the wind blew strongly from the West and the fire spread rapidly out into South West Arm like a mighty sea of flames, sweeping dwelling houses, store houses, garden fences and everything before it. Several houses we are informed, were destroyed, belonging respectively to Mr. Isaac STUCKLESS, Mrs. ROUSELL, Mr. FORD, Mrs. William SHEROON, and A. HUTCHCROFT. Mr. Phillip's shop caught three times, but fortunately was extinguished each time. When our letter was dated, the fire was still raging, and it was feared that some of the houses on the South side of the Arm were also destroyed. The fire is reported to have been caused by a man coming out from a camp who was lighting his pipe and with the match lit some birch rind. It is lamentable that the country's wealth should be thus wantingly destroyed by such thoughtless and lawless individuals and no attempt made on the part of the authorities to severely punish them, and endeavor to stop an evil that is year after year causing so much ruin and destitution, and bringing distress and misery to numbers of our people who have settled in those lonely quiet nooks, striving to eke out an existence. |
June 19, 1886 | Bonavista Notes | Little or no fish has been secured to date by our hook and line men. A few traps have from ten to twenty quintals, but the majority have nothing. A good deal of small fish have been reported seen on the "ground", but will not hook nor can any be secured by four inch scale traps. Salmon have been very plentiful this Spring and can be had for a small sum. The arrival of the Lady Glover a few days since, with the Acting Receiver General, created quite a stir in this extensive settlement. With a few exceptions most people here appear to be disinterested in politics. Mr. A.B. MORINE opposed Mr. NOONAN; both were nominated at the Court House on Monday last. A protest was entered against MORINE's qualifications by Wm. HUNT of this place; on what grounds we have been unable to ascertain. It is rumoured today that the Returning officer has received a reprimanding from headquarters for accepting MORINE's nomination. Such an intrigue deserves the strongest condemnation. It is to be hoped fair play will be given to both, and that the man chosen will be the people's choice. |
June 19, 1886 | Birth | Mrs. John FISHER of Bayly's Cove, Bonavista, gave birth to three daughters on Friday morning last. All are represented as being strong and healthy babies. Mother and babies are doing well. |
June 19, 1886 | Shipping News | The steam launch Tibbie, belonging to R. SCOTT, Esq., came here from Fogo yesterday afternoon. The fishery reports in that direction are not at all encouraging. Several craft bound North were in port on Sunday last; two of them hailed from Bonavista, and were in charge of Messrs. LITTLE and CUFF, owned by Mr. LINDSAY of that place. A King's Cove correspondent under date of the 8th inst., says that Messrs. James RYAN & Co.'s two Bankers, the Evangeline and Reaper, arrived from first trip, the former on Monday with 200 qtls, the latter today with 250 qtls. These two vessels are the pioneer Bankers from King's Cove, and if fairly successful will be followed by others next year. |
June 19, 1886 | Cricket | "A lovely Cricket match was played yesterday between North and South Sides cricketers, which, we are told, resulted in an easy victory for the South Side players, by thirty-four runs. Annexed are the scores: - North Side, A. FINDLATER 1st Inning 6, 2nd Inning, 0. G. LOYDE, 1st Inning, 0, 2nd Inning, 3. N. PERCY (not out) 1st Inning, 6 1/2 * 9, 2nd Inning, 2. W. WATERMAN 1st Inning, 3 2nd Inning, 13. W. TOBIN (Capt) 1st Inning, 0 2nd Inning, 11. J. OAKLEY 1st Inning, 0 2nd Inning, 7. G. HODDER 1st Inning, 0 2nd Inning, 5. R. ROBERTS 1st Inning, 0 2nd Inning, 0. E. PEYTON 1st Inning, 3, 2nd Inning, 0. W. SCOTT 1st Inning 0, 2nd Inning 12. Extras 1st Inning 5, 2nd Inning, 5. Total 1st Inning 26, Total 2nd Inning, 58. South Side: J. HODDER 1st Inning 3, 2nd Inning 4. Capt JONES, 1st Inning 4, 2nd Inning 12. Jno HODDER 1st Inning 9, 2nd Inning 0. W.H. LETHBRIDGE (Capt), 1st Inning 3, 2nd Inning 0. J. ANDERSON 1st Inning 0, 2nd Inning 0. J.S. OWEN (not out) 1st Inning 14, 2nd Inning 10. E. HODDER 1st Inning 4, 2nd Inning 5. W. ASHBURNE 1st Inning 4, 2nd Inning 2. G. BLANDFORD 1st Inning 0, 2nd Inning 0. W. HITCHCOCK 1st Inning 4, (not out), 2nd Inning 0. Extras 1st Inning 16, Extras 2nd Inning 24. Total 1st Inning 61, Total 2nd Inning 57. " |
June 19, 1886 | Birth | At the Methodist Parsonage, on June 7th, the wife of Rev. Geor BULLEN (superintendent of circuit) of a daughter. |
June 19, 1886 | Marriage | On the 9th inst., by the Rev. J.W. VICKERS, Robert WILLS of Twillingate, to Emily Jane ANSTEY of the same place. |
June 19, 1886 | Marriage | At Three Arms, Green Bay, on June 5th, by Rev. J.E. MANNING, Mr. Job STRONG of Harry's Harbor to Mrs. Ruth APPLETON of Indian Burying Place. |
June 19, 1886 | Death | At Back Harbor, on the 10th inst., Maud Elizabeth, aged 2 years, youngest daughter of A.A. and Priscilla PEARCE. "Safe in the arms of Jesus." |
June 19, 1886 | Death | At Purcell's Harbor, on Sunday, the 13th inst., after a lingering illness, Mr. Paul MOORES, aged 28 years. - Long he suffered weary pain, But he'll suffer ne'er again; Pain and sorrow both have flown, Christ has come and claimed His own. |
June 19, 1886 | Death | At Little Bay Islands, on Saturday, 5th inst., at 4 o'clock a.m. after a long and painful illness, borne with Christian resignation, to the Divine will, Mr. Stephen HYNES, aged 23 years. |
June 26, 1886 | Shipping News | Her Majesty's war ship, Emerald, came into port on Sunday last and remained until the following morning. This is the first season this ship has been engaged protecting the fisheries on the coast. A Post Office Notice intimates that after the 1st of July, the coastal steamer Plover will leave St. John's for the North on Thursday instead of Tuesday as formerly, which will cause less detention of English matter in St. John's Post Office. The coastal steamer Plover arrived here on Thursday morning, having on board a goodly number of passengers. R.P. RICE, Esq., Stipendiary Magistrate of Greenspond, was among the passengers for Twillingate. Port of Twillingate. Entered. June 19 - Clementine, BALL, Cadiz, salt - E. DUDER. |
June 26, 1886 | Death | On Friday, the 11th inst., at Bonavista, Fanny Pitts, infant daughter of A. and Emma VINCENT, aged 9 months. "Forbid them not for such is the kingdom of heaven". |
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